Section 3, Article III, 1987 Constitution Vivares vs St. Theresa’s College GR !""", 9 Se#t. !1$
%acts& 'alu(, Su(ara, a)ong others, *ho *ere gra+uating high school stu+ents o St. Theresa’s College, too- +igital #ictures o the)selves eing covere+ onl/ in their un+erga un+ergar)e r)ents, nts, +rin-ing +rin-ing har+ har+ li0uor, li0uor, an+ s)o-ing s)o-ing cigaret cigarettes. tes. The #hotos #hotos *ere *ere sho*n to scu+ero, a co)#uter teacher at STC’s 2S +e#art)ent. She re#orte+ the )at )atter ter an+ the the i+en +entie+ ie+ stu+en u+entts *ere ere then then arre+ ro) ro) 4oini ining the their co))ence)ent e5ercises. 6etitioners 6etitioners le+ eore the RTC a 6etition or the Issuance o a rit rit o 2aeas 'ata. The RTC +is)isse+ the #etition or haeas +ata. 2ence, this certiorari.
Issue& as there an actual or threatene+ violation o the right to #rivac/ in the lie, liert/, or securit/ o the )inors that *ill entitle the) to the *rit o haeas +ata # to *hat e5tent is the right #rotecte+ in %aceoo- an+ other social net*or-ing sites 'i+ STC STC violate the right to #rivac/ o the )inors
Ruling& Ruling& :o. The *rit o habeas data is a re)e+/ availale to an/ #erson *hose right to #rivac/ in lie, liert/ or securit/ is violate+ or threatene+ / an unla*ul act or o)ission o a #ulic o;cial or e)#lo/ee, or o a #rivate in+ivi+ual or entit/ engage+ in the gathering, collecting or storing o +ata or inor)ation regar+ing the #erson, a)il/, ho)e an+ corres#on+ence o the aggrieve+ #art/. sing %aceoo-’s #rivac/ tools, users can choose as to *hen an+ to *hat e5tent to +isclose acts aout the)selves < an+ to #ut others in the #osition o recei eceiv ving such con+ on+en enc ces. es. The utili tili( (ati ation o thes these e #riva ivac/ tool tools s is the )ani )anie est stat atio ion, n, in c/e c/err *orl *orl+, +, o the the user user’s ’s invo invoca cati tion on o his his or her her righ rightt to inor)ational #rivac/. In the case at ar, the #etitioners’ chil+ren’s %aceoo- accounts, allege+l/, *ere un+er =>nl/ %rien+s.? 2o*ever, the Court sai+ that setting the #rivac/ to =%rien+s? is no assurance since a user’s o*n %aceoo- rien+ can share sai+ content or tag his or her o*n %aceoo- rien+ thereto, resulting to a greater nu)er o users *ho can vie* the content. In a++ition, res#on+ent STC got the inor)ation ro) #ersons #ersons *ho ha+ legiti)ate legiti)ate access to the sai+ #osts. #osts. Clearl/, Clearl/, STC STC +i+ not violate violate #etiti #etition oners ers’’ +aught +aughters ers’’ right right to #riva #rivac/ c/.. 2ence, 2ence, the #etiti #etition on or haeas haeas +ata +ata is +enie+.