Soufi A/Hafid Secondary School.Kais
K. Benleulmi
Unit 06 : No Man is an Island
Time Allotted : 6 hours
Rubric: Discovering the language Lesson contents: Lexical: !ocabular" relevant to disasters# Re$orting verbs#
%rammatical: - Re$orted s$eech &ith the $resent $er'ect and $ast sim$le # (honological (honological : -
(rnunciation o' the 'inal )ed *ilent letters #
Aims : - To elicit in'ormation 'rom a re$ort # - To $ractise + rec"cle the language 'orms use'ul in a re$ort # - To trans'er in'ormation 'rom a $ie chart into a &ritten re$ort ## - To &or, out vocabular" items in suitable contexts # Time
T tas,s and lessons ste$s Lesson .ne : *te$ .ne : &hink it o!er
4 Brain storming 5 Aim 0 &o introduce the topic and some !oca"ulary items related to disasters .
- ,hat does the picture represent - ,hat does the map represent - ,hat is there on this map - ,hen (as the photo taken ,hy - &hey flashed ne(s on & (hene!er there (as something s omething ne(.
Flood. A map of Algeria. A sign of an earthquake. On o!em"er #$ th% $#. &o use theme in their reports.
- ,hat do people in other places do Ho( &hey donate. -
&hey help . &hey gi!e money % "lood % food food % clothes ' &hey are (orried . &hey think that these disasters might happen again/they might "e the !ictims ne)t time . *ps do .
- ,hat a"out people affected in these kinds of disasters ,hy .
*te $ t&o 0 6isco!ering the *te$ language . Before you read . Act #0 Aim 0 to make the learners kno( the sym"ols and their significance. *icture page #7$ .
Learners- tas,s
- & asks *ps to read the (ords in the green column to master the pronunciation of of the final ed -. - & asks the first question 0 - ,hat does the first sym"ol represent . - 1es % it is a 2ed 3rescent . - ,hat does the second sym"ol represent - 1es % it is a 2ed 3ross .
&hey may use their nati!e language . Others may say a crescent . +t is a cross . *ps may gi!e different ans(ers . *ps listen and take notes
Soufi A/Hafid Secondary School.Kais
K. Benleulmi
&hey help people in cases of natural disasters . Some *ps say 0 yes % others say 0 no % they are !olunteers . - +n (hat situations in people8s li!es do ,hene!er people need help in cases of natural they operate . disasters . - ,hich of the duties "elo( do they for *ps listen and choose . fulfill . Fund raising . #. Fund Fund rais raisin ing g 3ollecting food aids 7. 3olle 3ollect ctin ing g foo food d aid aidss . 9. *re!en *re!entin ting g man man made made disast disasters ers Helping (ith medical care . *ro!iding assistance in :. 3lea 3leani ning ng aff affec ecte ted d areas areas . emergency situations . ;. Help Helpin ing g (ith (ith med medic ical al care care . <. *ro! *ro!id idin ing g assi assist stan ance ce in emergency situation .
- ,hat is their task in common - 6o people (orking in these charities get paid .
Lesson T&o : As you read Act 7 0 Aim 0 to gi!e the learners a reason for a careful reading .
2ead the report and ans(er the follo(ing questions . #. ,hat ,hat is the report report a"out a"out . 7. +n (hich (hich paragr paragrap aph h does does the author speak a"out the findings / results % and in (hich one does he gi!e the interpretation 9. ,hy does does the the repor reporter ter use interestingly in the second paragraph . :. 6oes 6oes the the repo report rt confir confirm m the the older generations (orry a"out society or not ,hy . 3lass discussion 0 &s reading 0 3ollecti!e correction on BB . #. &h &hee repor reportt is a"ou a"outt yout youth h charity. 7. the author author (rites (rites a"out a"out the findings or the results in the 7nd= and his interpretation interpretation in rd the 9 = . 9. Becaus Becausee of of the une)pe une)pecte cted d results % the author used the (ord to sho( his surprise surprise . :. o % it doe doesn sn8t 8t .Be .Beca caus usee according to the data 7$#$ gathered % people 4 young 5 are more charita"le than their parents thought.
*p read the act . &hen read the report . *ps try to ans(er on their e)-copy "ooks .
>i!e their o(n ans(ers
3ollecti!e correction on BB .
,riting phase *ps (rite do(n on their copy "ooks
Soufi A/Hafid Secondary School.Kais
K. Benleulmi
Soufi A/Hafid Secondary School.Kais
After you read Aim 0 to get learners elicit the rule through comparison and discussion
Lesson Three : (racti (ra ctice ce : Aim: to practise the reported speech.
Acti!ity one page #77 .
K. Benleulmi
2ead the follo(ing e)amples and compare /# Ha!e you e!er e)perienced an emergency situation . # 1outh 7$#$ asked the teenagers if they had e!er e)perienced an emergency situation . 1# 6id you contri"ute anything to help . 2# youth 7$#$ reporter asked them (hether they had contri"uted anything to help them during during emergency situation . - ,hat a"out the tenses . - ,hat a"out the question mark - &hen as a rule 0 (hat do (e ha!e . - ,hen (e report a question % changes must happen . /# ,e introduce the reporting !er". # ,e omit the in!erted commas . 1# ,e change the tense of !er"s if the introductory introductory !er" is not in the present . 2# ,e omit question mark . 3# ,e change the (ord order . 6# ,hen (e report yes/no questions % the reporting !er" is follo(ed "y "y if or (hether (hether .
&he #st and the 9rd sentences are direct speech sentences . &he 7nd and the :th are indirect speech stces . &here are differences "et(een tenses in the direct questions and the reported ones . ,e use asked in the indirect speech sentences. +t is called a reporting !er" like0 said% told% informed% announced' ,e use first the present perfect then it is turned into past perfect. ,e used in the 9rd e)ample the simple past% then turned into into past perfect. &he question make is omitted in the indirect speech stces.
o(% let8s practise this rule0 2ead the inter!ie( in the "o)% then ask @ ** read the instruction% read the and ans(er questions0 as in the e)ample then do the dialogue "elo(0 ?g0 *0 #77. acti!ity. @ ** ask (hene!er they @ &. e)plains the e)ample. need help. @ &. turns round% checks and helps. @ ** are asked to gi!e 3ollecti!e correction on BB. their ans(ers. 4ou: ,hat did the inter!ie( ask Bill >ates 4our 4our $artner: $artn er: He asked him (here he had gro(n up. 4ou: And (hat did he ans(er 4our 4our $artner: $artn er: He said that he had gro(n up in Seattle% ,ashington. 4ou: ,hat did the inter!ie(er ask him 4our 4our $artner: $artn er: He asked him (here he had disco!ered his interest in Soft(are.
Soufi A/Hafid Secondary School.Kais
K. Benleulmi
4our 4our $artner: He ans(ered that he had disco!ered his interest in Soft(are at the *ri!ate akeside school. 4ou: ,hat did the inter!ie(er ask him 2emark0 4our 4our $artner: He asked him (hen had "egun computer programming pr ogramming . For you the same question are repeated. 4ou: And (hat did he ans(er 4our 4our $artner: He ans(ered that he had ,e focus only on0 your "egun computer programming pr ogramming at the age partner% report. of #9. 4our 4our $artner: He asked him (hen he had entered Har!ard Cni!ersity. 4our 4our $artner: He said that he had entered Har!ard Cni!ersity in #DE9. 4our 4our $artner $artne r : He asked him (hether he had de!eloped the first computer there. 4our 4our $artner: He ans(ered that he de!eloped it there. 4our 4our $artner: He asked him ho( long he had "een head of icrosoft. 4our 4our $artner: He said that he had "een head of icrosoft for more than 7$ years. 4our 4our $artner: He asked him (hy he had set up Bill >ates Foundation. 4our 4our $artner: He ans(ered that he had "een al(ays thoughtful thoughtf ul a"out others. &hat8s (hy he had done it. 4our 4our $artner: He asked him ho( much money he had donated that year. 4our 4our $artner: He said that he donated 9.7 million G. 4our 4our $artner: He asked him (hich charities he had supported so far. 4our 4our $artner: He ans(ered that he had supported organiations (orking in the field of Health and earning. 4our 4our $artner: He asked him if his (ife had helped him. 4our 4our $artner: He said that she helped him Activit" t&o:
@&urn the quotes into reported speech using the !er"s gi!en to you. @&. e)plains the instruction. &. turns round% checks and helps. &. reminds them of the rule of the introductory. @,hat happens if the introductory !er" is in the simple present or present perfect
**. **. read the instruction instructio n 2ead the e)ercise 6o the task
**. **. the tense of the !er" do not change (hen reporting.
Soufi A/Hafid Secondary School.Kais
K. Benleulmi 3ollecti!e correction on BB.
a0 #- Al"ert ?instein dou"ts (hether present day Americans ha!e "ecome any happier since their grand parents settled in the country. 7- Al"ert ?instein dou"ted (hether present day Americans had "ecome any happier since their grand parents had settled in the country. "0 #- Iohn 6onne (rites that no man is an island. 7- Iohn 6onne (rote that no man is an island. c0 #- Bertrand 2ussel says that three passions had go!erned go! erned his life longing for lo!e% the search for kno(ledge and an un"eara"le pity for the sufferings of mankind. 7- Beitrand 2ussel says that three passions had go!erned go! erned his life0 the longing for lo!e% the search for kno(ledge and an un"eara"le pity for the sufferings of mankind.
Lesson 'our: 5rite it &right Aim: &o transfer a !isual form into a (ritten report.
&. asks ** to use information in the pie chart and the lay out to (rite a report a"out0 @,hy Americans elected Bill >ates an of the year 7$$;. Cse !er"s from the yello( "o) to (rite sentences using the gi!en percentages.
&. use these sentences to (rite your report starting as follo(s0 ,hy (as Bill >ates elected the an of the year.
**. **. listen to the teacher - 2ead the instruction again. - Study the pie chart. 9$J of our informants "elie!ed that "ecause "eca use he sponsored !accination campaigns. 7;J regarded him as a self made man . 7$J thought that "ecause he donated money to impro!e learning opportunities. #;J reckoned that he had made the *3 a!aila"le for e!eryone. #$J stated that he (rote Business the speed of thought (hich had helped to sol!e "usiness pro"lems.
Soufi A/Hafid Secondary School.Kais
K. Benleulmi +ntroduction 0 Bill >ates (as elected an of the year 7$$;. (e ha!e carried out a pu"lic Opinions sur!ey to find out a"out the reasons (hy he (as so elected. Here are our findings0 ' 9$J of our informants.
Lesson 'ive: *a" it loud and clear: Aim: to learn a"out silent letters in contrast (ith other sounds.
@o"ser!e these e)amples 0 knife% kno(% honest% (ring% (hite% knock% column% listen% often% #Say them loudly. 73ontrast them (ith other sounds.
**. o"ser!e the e)amples. 2ead them loudly
Key% look% (orried% flo(er% ' a0 ,hat are the differences
**. **. 4K5in knife is not pronounced% "ut 4K5 in key is pronounced. 4,5 in (ring is not pronounced% and 4,5 4 ,5 is pronounced in (orried. (or ried. Silent letters
@&hese kinds of letters are called'. isten to your teacher reading the poem -honest% ser!ing and the dialogue and cross out the letters -taug -ta ug ht% kne( k ne( (hich are not pronounced. -(hat (hy (hen -(here (ho st # 0 the poem some ** read @your (hat nd 7 0 the dialogue. one autumn. 3olumn condemned. *risoners. Solemnly marched Singing hymns @your (hat knights knocked. Kna!e knuckles. Knotted kne(. ,hen. Knelt knees. Knife. Knitted knikers. @&. asks pupils to read again slo(ly. @3lass discussion. @3orrection on BB.
Some pupils read the poem again.
Soufi A/Hafid Secondary School.Kais
K. Benleulmi
Activit" : p0 #7:
Find the spelling form of the transcri"ed (ords in the "o) 0 &. gi!es an e)ample0 ho( do (e transcri"e the (ord 0 kno(.
-Kno( is the spelling (ord -/n / is the transcri"ed form @(hat a"out the letter 4K5 @3orrection on BB. *$elling isten report Famine 6octor cup"oard
-+t is not pronounced. -it is a silent letter. ** do the task
*$elling ,riting ,ednesday Star!e 3ut cute
@3an you gi!e other e)amples
Lesson six: 5or,ing &ith &ords: ,ork out reporting !er"s in suita"le conte)ts. Activit" one:
#-2emark0 it is a class (ork 4group5 4not a home(ork5 @& "rings at least ; dictionaries from the li"rary to "e used "y pps in checking the meaning of (ords 0 &. 3heck the meaning of the !er"s in your dictionary. &hen report each of the quotes using some of them0 &.turns round checks and helps.
a0 A thief speaking to a police officer + ha!e stolen her "ag. L the thief admitted that he had stolen her "ag . "0 A mother speaking to a doctor. d octor. *lease% doctor sa!e my sonM Lthe mother prayed / "egged/ the doctor to sa!e her son. 30 A school girl speaking to her teacher0 sorry% + am late. Lshe apologied for "eing late. d0 a mother speaking to her child0 3ome here. Lshe ordered him to go there. e0 A "oy friend speaking to another "oy friend0 et8s go out for a (alk. LHe suggested to go out for a (alk.
** thinks of other e)amples.
**. must (ork in groups. &hey make their groups of ; pupils at least. - ?ach group looks for a num"er of (ords. -admit0 / / allo( to enter% let in. agree that 4s.th5 is true. -"eg0 ask for 4money% food'5 ask seriously and (ith feeling. -request0 act of politely asking for sth. -2eport0/ / gi!e an account of 4sth5 heard% done' -refuse0 not gi!e accept or do 4sth5. -pray0 speak to >od hope !ery strongly. - promise0 make a (ritten or a spoken statement to do sth. -persuade0 cause 4s."5 to do some thing "y
Soufi A/Hafid Secondary School.Kais
K. Benleulmi discussion reasoning ' f0 A girl friend speaking to an other girl to con!ince. friend0 +f + (ere you% + (ould consult a - order0 command ask doctor for 4s."5 to supply sth. Lshe ad!ised her girl friend to consult a - apologie0 say that one doctor. is sorry. g0 &he !ase is "roken. +t8s your fault. -threaten0 gi!e Lshe "lamed him / her for "reaking the (arning. / /. !ase. h0 1ou8re right. &he flo(ers are really "eautiful. L eila agreed that the flo(ers (ere really "eautiful. @3lass discussion. @3orrection on BB.
Activit" t&o:
>o through the rest of the reporting !er"s in act one. &hen get students to use the remaining !er"s.
-"lame0 consider 4s."/ sth5 to "e responsi"le for 4sth5. -agree0 ha!e the same opinion as some"ody. - suggest0 / / "ring an idea into the mind. - insist0 demand strongly. -deny0 -ad!ise0 **. **. use the remaining !er"s in full sentences.