Introduction – DC LINK Modelling , Converter Modeling and State Space Analysis , Philosophy and tools – HDC HDC syste! si!ulation, "nline and "##line si!ulators Dyna!ic interactions $et%een DC and AC syste!s&
5.1 Introduction:
#or si!ula si!ulatio tions ns purpose purposess concen concentra trated ted on dyna! dyna!ic ic $ehavi $ehavior or o' the %hole %hole syste! under varia$le load conditions conditions si!ulation si!ulation is 'ocused on generator generator !odel and DC lin( side
5. DC LIN! Mod"##in$:
DC lin( is !odeled $y relation)
'ig *&+ DC Lin( Modelling 5.% Con&"rt"r Mod"#
he generator is controlled $y !eans o' AC-DC converter& here'ore DC lin( is related %ith !achine via converter& he he conv conver erte terr is a volt voltag agee sour source ce conv conver erte terr .SC .SC// %or( %or(in ing g as a rect recti' i'ie ierr in generation !ode %here po%er 'lo%s to the DC lin(& "pposite to !otoring !ode in generation generation !ode, !odel o' the SC is necessary necessary $ecause DC side varia$les varia$les and AC side side vari varia$ a$le less are cont contro roll lled ed&& 0eca 0ecaus usee o' 'act 'act that that syste syste! ! incl includ udes es !ech !echan anic ical al co!ponents %hich ti!e constants are signi'icantly $igger than converter s%itching ti!es, the average SC !odel is used %ithout distur$ing the 'inal result& he generator %indings are star connected& 1enerator is connected to SC& #or the star type connection the generator voltages are calculated using 'ollo%ing e2uations
'ig *&3 Converter Modelling
5.' Si(u#)tion o* HVDC +,+t"(+
Si!ulation o' the syste! %as used to predict the per'or!ance o' the syste! Si!ulation %as re2uired 'or Planning Design and "peration o' the po%er syste! Si!ulation %as carried out 'or $oth Steady state and ransient conditions AC syste!s studies %as done $y
AC net%or( analy4er 'or load 'lo% and sta$ility studies
Digital progra!!es such as 5MP ransient net%or( Analy4er 'or the study o' har!onic voltages and
electro!agnetic transients& 5.5 N""d *or HVDC +i(u#)tion
+& o !a(e detailed studies 'or the design and i!ple!entation o' HDC trans!ission pro6ect& 3& o understand AC7DC syste! interactions& 8& o opti!i4e the controller per'or!ance& 9& o reduce short circuit ratio& 5. HVDC +i(u#)tion ("tod+
HDC si!ulation %as done $y +& HDC si!ulator7li!ited representation o' AC syste!s 3& Analog co!puters 8& Hy$rid co!puters 9& Digital co!puter progra!s7large scale AC syste! si!ulation *& Physical !odel DC si!ulators :& DC7NA ;& Dyna!ic si!ulators& 5./ Ad&)nt)$"+ o* Si(u#)tion
+& Large non7linear !odels can $e si!ulated 'or analytical purposes& 3& Accurate prediction o' syste! per'or!ance under various operating conditions& 8& Mini!u! cost and less ti!e re2uired 'or si!ulation o' the syste!& 9& Si!ple enough to 'it the type o' studies %ithout sacri'icing accuracy& *& #le
+& Net%or( reduction 3& Syste! !odel 8& Si!pli'ied e2uip!ent 9& 52uivalent circuit i& hevenin=s e2uivalent at the convertor $us& ii& Pu representation& 5.2 Dr)34)c+ o* +i(u#)tion
+& It needs co!plete (no%ledge o' the syste! and the so't%are to design the syste! and e
%ere as 'ollo%s
+& 5asy !aintenance 3& Accuracy 8& #le
eal ti!e si!ulation ;& 5asy !onitoring and control
5.11 9i#o+o, )nd Too#+ U+"d in S,+t"( Si(u#)tion Too#+ "(#o,"d *or t" +i(u#)tion o* d,n)(ic +,+t"(
here %ere a various nu!$er o' tools used 'or the si!ulation o' dyna!ic syste!&hey %ere) +& Physical si!ulator 3& Analog co!puter 8& Hy$rid co!puter 9& Parity si!ulator *& Digital co!puter 9,+ic)# +i(u#)tion
doesn=t o'
It %as used to 6usti'y the
validity o' !athe!atical !odel&
More costly
less 'le
Scaling do%n causes !odelling errors&
?idely used
hey %ere invalua$le tools 'or the
control and protection studies Di$it)# co(ut"r+
+& #aster
3& Cheaper 8& Attractive tool 9& >e2uires (no%ledge o' !athe!atical !odel An)#o$ )nd H,4rid co(ut"r @sed in past Not popular
>e2uires !athe!atical (no%ledge Id"ntit, o* indi&idu)# co(on"nt+ 3)+ #o+t
Change in ti!e scaling Pro$le! o' o''set voltage current 9)rit, +i(u#)tion It 3)+ roo+"d to +i(u#)t" o3"r "#"ctronic +,+t"(+. co()ct 5.1 SIMULATION OF HVDC SYSTEM
Studies needed 'or the design o' HDC syste! +& DC po%er trans'er under nor!al and a$nor!al conditions& 3& >eactive po%er re2uire!ents& 8& #unda!ental 're2uency over voltages& 9& Post 'ault DC po%er recovery& *& Sta$ility i!prove!ents& :& Su$ synchronous torsional interactions& ;& Insulation coordination& B& DC ter!inal arresters& & AC and DC 'ilter design& +& Controller re2uire!ents under nor!al and a$nor!al conditions&
M"tod+ o* +tud,
+& AC-DC load 'lo% progra!& 3& AC-DC transient sta$ility progra!&
A++u(tion+ in tr)n+i"nt +t)4i#it, ro$r)(
+& AC and DC %ere assu!ed to $e in steady state& 3& #unda!ental 're2uency pheno!enon %as considered& 8& oltage and current !agnitude %as varying slo%ly at the 're2uencies deter!ined $y electro!echanical oscillations o' the generator rotor&
9& AC syste! %as considered to $e in $alanced condition& *& Special purpose progra!s %ere used 'or study o' o Su$ synchronous resonance o Dyna!ic sta$ility
o Da!ping o' su$ synchronous oscillations o Controller design A++u(tion+ in DC +t)4i#it, +tudi"+
+& Converter %as !odelled as a controlla$le oltage source in series %ith co!!utation resistance& 3& alve voltage drop %as included& 8& S%itching or co!!utation pheno!ena in the converter %as ignored& 9& It %as not possi$le to si!ulate the e''ects li(e co!!utation 'ailure& *& Dyna!ic si!ulation !ust consider the s%itching action o' the individual values& *
5.1% HVDC +i(u#)tor
It %as si!ilar to ransient Net%or( Analy4er .NA/& It %as used to deter!ine over voltages in AC syste!s due to .i/ S%itching surges .ii/ Load re6ection Si!ilarly $et%een HDC si!ulator and NA depends on .i/ A ratings .ii/ AC net%or( representations
Converter representations
5.1' F")tur"+ o* HVDC +i(u#)tor
A Short note on Harmonics and Filters in HVDC systems It has scaled !odels o' : and +3
pulse converters& alve %as !odelled $y a single thyristor& DC line-ca$le %as represented $y E
sections& DC si!ulator %ere in the range
o' o oltage) 3 to + o Current) &3 to + A o #re2uency) * or : H4& Sophisticated converter controls %ere used to sho% the per'or!ance under
AC 'aults and co!!utation 'ailures& Models o' synchronous !achines torsional oscillations %ere provided& here %as a provision 'or the scaled !odel o' static co!pensators such as
hyristor controlled reactor .C>/ and thyristor s%itched capacitor .SC/& Surge arrester and DC $rea(er !odels %ere also included& Data ac2uisition and processing syste! %as used& 5vents se2uencer %as used to coordinate $rea(ers 'or transient studies& Auto!ated setting up o' the si!ulation %as used to speed up the studies& #le
7"8uir"("nt+ o* $ood +i(u#)tor
+& Accurate representation o' trans'or!er !odel %ith saturation, hysteresis, and re!nant 'lu< and lea(age reactances !ust $e considered& 3& here should $e provision 'or co!pensating losses& Li(it)tion+ o* HVDC +i(u#)tor
+& Stray capacitances and inductances %ere not !odelled&
3& here %as no assess!ent 'or the control syste! $ehaviour and te!porary over voltages o' 're2uencies $elo% +H4& 8& Li!ited availa$ility o' ade2uate !odels& 9& Accurate representation o' da!ping e''ects o' losses in 'ilter coils and trans'or!ers %ere needed& *& here %as no provision to evaluate higher 're2uency transients, lightning over voltages, current and energy stresses in surge arrestor&5MP %as used 'or this purpose& A#ic)tion+ o* DC +i(u#)tor
+& It is used 'or the develop!ent o' conceptse2uip!ent 'or controlprotection o' HDC syste!s) FControl o' po%er, current and e
oscillation& FDa!ping FAnalysis o' AC and DC har!onics&
8& It is used 'or con'ir!ing co!puter !odels used in sta$ility progra!s& 9& It is used as operator training and as an educational tool& *& Insulation coordination& :& esting o' opti!i4ation o' controllers& ;& 5valuation o' surge arrestor ratings& B& It is used 'or the develop!ent ne% concepts and devices such as o' DC $rea(ers, 'orced co!!utation& 9)rit, Si(u#)tor
he principle o' parity si!ulation %as 'irst 'or!ulated $y G&1&Kassa(ian at MI
in @SA& his principle has $een used in electronic !odels o' synchronous !achines& Parity si!ulator is a synthetic $read $oard& It is used to si!ulate the physical ter!inal characteristics o' each net%or( ele!ent& #or the si!ulation o' inductor,a voltage to current converter %as e!ployed
together %ith a local 'eed$ac( loop to esta$lish input current&It has only one ter!inal pair& er!inal e2uivalents %ere used 'or trans'or!ers, thyristors and so on& 5ach e2uivalent is electrically 'loating %ith respect to others&
A parity si!ulator consists o' an interconnection o' ter!inal
e2uivalents to represent the syste! $eing studied& his interconnection has the sa!e topology as the net%or( under study&
+& #leeduced cost *& It uses hy$rid structures& :& Change in ti!e scaling& ;& No change in the topology o' the syste!& B& Identity o' individual co!ponents %as not changed& & No !athe!atical e2uations 'or the entire syste!& Dr)34)c+
+& Pro$le! o' o''set voltages and currents& 3& Pro$le! o' interconnection and 5MC& A#ic)tion+
+& his si!ulator has $een used 'or studies in HDC and static var syste!s& 3& In +B+, #1H, a research and develop!ent institute in the 'ield o' electric po%er trans!ission in Mannhei!, #ederal >epu$lic o' 1er!any co!!issioned their
DC si!ulator %ith the $ridge ratings o' 3*!?,3&* and +!A&he 're2uency
$and%idth o' this si!ulator is around *(H4 8& Si!ulation o' thyristor controlled nonlinear reactor %as reported $y Padigarvar!a& 5.15 Di$it)# d,n)(ic +i(u#)tion
Hingorani and his co7%or(ers %ere the 'irst to develop the dyna!ic si!ulation o' HDC syste!s& N""d *or di$it)# d,n)(ic +i(u#)tion
+& #or the e''icient !odelling and si!ulation o' the converter circuit& 3& o incorporate sophisticated control& 8& o develop digital si!ulation as a tool 'or variety o' studies& 9& As a supple!ent to the studies per'or!ed on a physical si!ulator& Ad&)nt)$"+
+& 5asy transporta$ility and !aintenance& 3& >educed cost o' si!ulation& 8& 5asy availa$ility o' !icro co!puters 'or DC si!ulation& 9& #le
+& Increased si!ulation ti!e& Co!puter ti!e->eal ti!e + to + 3& I!prove!ents in hard%are, co!puter architecture and nu!erical !ethods to reduce the si!ulation ti!e& 8& >e2uires s(ill and e
B& Nu!erical pro$le!s %hich !ay not $e predicta$le& & Dou$ts on 'inal results& +& edious !athe!atical !ethods such as FIntegration FDou$le precision arith!etic %as used& ++& Lac( o' interactive capa$ility& +3& Need 'or si!pli'ying the preparation o' data and chec(ing the errors& A#ic)tion+
It %as used 'or +& #ault Analysis& 3& Har!onic analysis& 8& Design o' controllers& 9& Modi'ication o' inverter pole controls at Nelson >iver DC lin( to overco!e the pro$le! o' core7saturation insta$ility& 7"c"nt tr"nd+ in di$it)# +i(u#)tion
+& Develop!ent o' !odular approach& 3& @se o' 5MP to si!ulate AC transients& 8& @se o' sophisticated control !odels& 9&
Develop!ent o' interactive capa$ility&
SIMULATION Co(on"nt+ o* HVDC +,+t"(
+& rans'or!ers 3& >eactors 8& Capacitors 9& Surge arrester *& rans!ission lines Mod"##in$ o* Con&"rt"r ;rid$" )nd it+ contro##"r
Converter 0ridge and its controller %as the !a6or e2uip!ent in DC syste!s& alve %inding can $e !odelled as a voltage source in series %ith lea(age i!pedance o' the trans'or!er& Converter is decoupled 'ro! the AC syste!& he e''ect o' the converter on the AC syste! %as to in6ect current sources at the converter $us& rans'or!er !agneti4ing i!pedance is a part o' the AC syste!& DC current 'lo%s through series connected converter $ridges, s!oothing reactors and DC line& his is a !odular approach& AC and DC syste!s %ere decoupled using dependent current and voltage sources& he variation o' the topology o' the converter circuit due to turning on and o'' o' valves co!plicates the analysis& alve %as represented as a controlla$le s%itch in parallel %ith the snu$$er circuit& he s%itch %as closed %hen the valve %as turned on and it %as open %hen the valve %as turned o''& he dyna!ics o' turn on and turn o'' process %as neglected High 're2uency pheno!ena and snu$$er circuit %ere neglected
An easiest %ay 'or the !odelling o' a s%itch %as to replace it $y a varia$le resistance or i!pedance his !odel %as used in 5MP at 0onneville po%er ad!inistration and 5MDC progra! at university o' !anitola Ad&)nt)$"+
.i/ opology o' the converter re!ains invariant .ii/ Para!eters %ere ti!e dependent Dr)34)c+
.i/ Nu!erical insta$ility pro$le!s .ii/ >e2uires very s!all step si4es 'or integration M"tod+ o* +u4routin"+
arious sets o' e2uations corresponding to the di''erent co!$ination o'
conducting valves %ere stored and selectively used Nu!$er o' possi$le co!$inations o' conducting valves %as large Si!pli'ication is possi$le $y identi'ying the pattern or si!ilarity in the
di''erent sets o' e2uations, there $y the a!ount o' storage re2uired %as reduced r)-T"or"tic An)#,+i+ 0etter Approach It %as used 'or the 'or!ulation o' converter e2uations #inding the $est %ay 'or the 'or!ulation o' e2uations %as di''icult 0y speci'ying DC current an e
$e si!pli'ied It %as possi$le to represent a converter $ridge $y a voltage source in series %ith
an i!pedance It %as possi$le to consider the 'or%ard voltage drop o' a value and the
variations in the trans'or!er lea(age i!pedance he turn o'' o' a value occurs at the instant %hen the current through the valve
goes to 4ero he loss o' 'or%ard $loc(ing capacity due to inade2uate co!!utation !argin
can also $e si!ulated %ithout di''iculty Contro##"r (od"# he instant o' turn7on o' a valve %as controlled $y the gate pulses applied to
the individual thyristor in a valve In steady state, the 'iring signals %ere generated at a ti!e interval o' -P
seconds& – Period o' AC voltage and P7 pulse nu!$er& he instant o' 'iring %as deter!ined $y the 'iring controller he input to the 'iring controller %as o$tained 'ro! the current controller
or e
dependent current li!it .DCL/
A HDC controller %as represented $y a $loc( diagra! he various $loc(s %ere descri$ed $y alge$raic e2uations and trans'er 'unctions
%ith li!iters Dr)34)c+
+& Lac( o' ade2uate detailer on the controllers 3& More co!ple<
5.1/ D,n)(ic int"r)ction+ 4"t3""n DC )nd AC +,+t"(
AC-DC Syste! interactions are concerned %ith -
oltage sta$ility
"ver voltages
>ecovery 'ro! distur$ances
oltage sta$ility conditions deter!ines the type o' voltage control and the type o' reactive po%er supply&
he level o' e!porary "vervoltage in'luences station design including thyristor valve and surge arrester ratings&
he larger the ratio o' shunt capacitor Mvar to ac syste! short circuit MA, the lo%er is the resonance 're2uency&
An AC S,+t"( C)n ;" D"*in"d A+ =>")? Fro( T3o A+"ct+@ •
AC syste! i!pedance !ay $e high relative to dc po%er at the point o' connection&
AC syste! !echanical inertia !ay $e inade2uate relative to the dc po%er in'eed&
Sort Circuit 7)tio SC7B
SC> is an indicator used to characteri4e the strength o' the po%er syste!& SC> S-Pd
?here S= is AC syste! three phase short circuit level in MA at the Converter er!inal AC 0us %ith +& pu AC er!inal oltage, and Pd is the rated DC po%er in M?&he !ini!u! value o' S= at %hich the rated po%er Pd is trans!itted is used %hen eatio .5SC>/ Shunt capacitors including ac 'ilters connected at the ac ter!inal o' a DC lin( can signi'icantly increase the e''ective AC syste! i!pedance& 5SC> .S7Jc/-Pd ?here Jc is the value o' three phase 'unda!ental Mvar in per unit o' Pd at per unit AC oltage o' Shunt Capacitors connected to the Converter AC 0us 0ar&
In)d"8u)t" )nd "ro M"c)nic)# In"rti)
ur$ine – generators in an ac syste! represent a large rotating !ass& heir inertia ensures that an ac syste! does not collapse due to syste! 'ault& I' all the po%er is $rought into a syste! $y DC and there is no local generator, then that syste! %ill have no !echanical inertia&o avoid 're2uency reduction $y !ore than * due to a syste! 'ault, the e''ective DC Inertia Constant, Hdc should $e greater than 3s&
H)r(onic Tr)n+*"r
A DC Convertor appears su$stantially a source o' har!onic current& It act as a constant current source on ac side and constant voltage source on dc side& he e''ective i!pedance in %hich this har!onic current 'lo%s is that o' the co!plete syste!&?ea( syste! !ay cause Core saturation Insta$ility in the Convertor rans'or!er and Co!ple!entary >esonances&0ac(7to7$ac( sche!es are pro$a$ly !ost at ris( than long DC rans!ission lines and Ca$le Syste!s
T"(or)r, O&"r&o#t)$"+ Larger distur$ances result in te!porary overvoltages and i' resonance conditions in the ac net%or( are close to one o' the lo%er order har!onics, the overvoltage can $e a!pli'ied& his is o'ten the case %ith %ea( syste!& e!porary overvoltages in'luence
the design o' arresters connected to ac and dc side&Shunt capacitors and AC 'ilters in DC station decrease the SC> on the $us $ar and in'luencing "& " can $e reduced $y using Metal o
Due to %ea( ac syste! connected to inverter , Co!!utation 'ailure !ay occur on inverter side&>ecovery a'ter 'aults is usually easier %ith a high SC> than a very Lo% SC> syste!&Post 'ault syste! s%ings and voltage insta$ility at the inverter $us o' certain %ea( syste! !ay cause su$se2uent co!!utation 'ailures& In these cases, slo% rate o' dc recovery is desira$le and !ust $e opti!i4ed
Speeds up !odel develop!ent and test preparation %ith a rapid co!pilation process, an o''line si!ulation !ode, an easy7to7use load 'lo% analy4er and an I-" !anage!ent server& •
Incredi$le ease o' use %ith a top one7line diagra! editor, convenient data
'or!s, and results data$ase& •
I!proves syste! understanding and 'ine tuning %ith 2uic( online para!eter
!odi'ication %hile si!ulation is running in real ti!e&
Produces pro'essional reports and conducts !ore re'ined studies %ith leading7edge, real7ti!e signal analysis, data processing and visuali4ation so't%are Si(u#)tion too#+ )r" c#)++i*i"d )+ O**-#in" 7")#ti("
"''7line si!ulation tools have easy installation and access to generic co!puter syste!s& hey are readily incorporated %ith the %or(ing environ!ent and 'riendly %ith user=s operating syste! as %ell& PSCAD, PSS-5, PSAPAC, 5@>"SA1 5MDC are so!e o' the eeal ti!e si!ulators are e''icient to provide results in synchronis! %ith a real ti!e cloc(& hey have a$ility to integrate %ith physical devices !anage data eDS , HP5>SIM , and >7LA0 , N5"MAC& Need o' si!ulation technology has increased %ith the rise o' co!ple>AN and Gava& "ther applications o' MALA0 are signal processing co!!unications, control syste!s, test !easure!ents, co!putational 'inance $iology, video i!age processing& he !odeling, analy4ing designing o' #ACS controllers can $e easily done $y Matla$ so't%are& MALA0 is %idely e!ployed in industries, technical research institutions& he current version o' MALA0 is > 3+3 $&
3& SIMULIN! ) an interactive tool 'or !odelling, si!ulating, analy4ing and designing dyna!ic syste!s& SIM@LINK o''ers a set o' tools that can $e used to $uild syste!s 'ro! the li$rary o' $uilt7in $loc(s& It is also allo%s creation o' custo! $loc(s that can incorporate C-C, #">AN, GAA or MALA0 code& It integrated %ith the rest o' MALA0 environ!ent& MALA0 per'or!ance can $e eE7 ) he 5C5 group o' Cornell @niversity, Ithaca, Ne% or( developed the Matpo%er in +& Matpo%er is a pac(age 'or solving po%er 'lo% opti!al po%er 'lo% pro$le!s & It can $e easily used, understand and !odi'y $y researchers educatorsIt is designed 'or (eeping the code si!ple to understand !odi'y to give the $est per'or!ance possi$le& Matpo%er is a 'ree an open source pac(age o' MALA0 'iles, runs on MALA0& Matpo%er uses all the standard AC DC !odels 'or opti!al po%er 'lo% analysis& he current sta$le version o' MAP"?5> is 9&+& Sti6n Cole and >onnie 0el!ans discussed a$out the easily availa$le open source Matla$ $ased so't%are called MatDyn 'or the si!ulation o' po%er syste!s& Another Matla$ $ased so't%are pac(ages e!ployed 'or the si!ulation o' po%er syste! have $een originated $y others& '. 9SAT: PSA is developed $y Pro'& # Milano, in 33& he PSA is used 'or analysis control o' electric po%er syste! & Its !ain 'eatures include load #lo% analysis, Sta$ility Analysis, #ACS controller !odels& he current sta$le version o' the PSA is 3&+:& 5. NETOMAC: Net%or( orsion Machine Control .N5"MAC/ is developed $y Sie!ens & It is a large integrated po%er syste!s so't%are si!ulation syste! used 'or si!ulating analy4ing electric po%er syste!s & It supports si!ulation o' electrical net%or( in the ti!e do!ain as %ell as 're2uency do!ain& It 'inds %ide application in designing analy4ing the $ehavior o' control syste! po%er net%or(s& D& Povh et al. discussed the $ene'it o' N5"MAC 'or large po%er syste! syste! interconnection& It provides 'ollo%ing 'eatures) .i/ Steady state load 'lo% short circuit calculations& .ii/ Analysis o' 're2uency range 5igenvalue& .iii/ "pti!i4ation para!eter identi'ication& .iv/ >eal ti!e testing si!ulation& P& Lehn et al. descri$es the e''icient 'eatures as %ell as li!itations o' $oth 5MP N5"MAC progra!s 'or si!ulation o' HDC& Co!parative study o' the 'eatures o' N5"MAC 5MP against transient !odels is also discussed& . ETA9) his progra! is used 'or designing analysis o' po%er syste! and s!art grid& 5AP has $etter, strong proven analysis algorith! %hich adds 'le
e!ployed 'or interactive si!ulation o' po%er syste! also per'or!s nu!erical co!putations %ith great speed& he latest version o' 5AP is ;& 'ull ;&+ de!os & ;& EMT9-7V) It is the latest advanced version o' 5MP& It is a pro'essional tool 'or si!ulating analy4ing the transients in electrical po%er net%or(s& It 'inds applications in po%er syste! design tool, synchronous !achine control, po%er electronics, s%itchgear protection, transient sta$ility analysis, !ulti7ter!inal HDC syste! si!ulation o' #ACS controller & "!ar Saad descri$es a$out the i!portant role o' si!ulation tool 5MP> 'or the si!ulation analysis o' electro!agnetic transients .5M/ in po%er syste!s& he latest version o' 5MP7> 3&9& #ollo%ing are the 'eatures o' 5MP7>) .i/ Provides superior !odeling, 'leesearch Centre& 5MDC is e!ployed 'or the operation, design !odeling o' po%er syste!s and po%er electronics& 5MDC represents solves electric circuit $y di''erential e2uations .'or $oth electro!echanical electro!agnetic syste!/& #eatures o' 5MDC are) .i/ Contingency analysis o' AC net%or( can $e studied& .ii/ Analysis o' har!onics su$7synchronous resonance& .iii/ >elay circuit $rea(er co7ordination .iv/ Design c7ordination o' #ACS devices, HDC varia$le speed drives and !any !ore 'eatures& 2. 9SCAD) It is a per'ect, po%er'ul, 'ast easy to use po%er syste! si!ulation tool used 'or si!ulation, design, analysis, opti!i4ation veri'ication o' po%er syste! po%er electronics& It %as 'irst planned in +BB& PSCAD 'inds applications in electrical !achines, #ACS devices, trans!ission lines ca$les& PSCAD %ith 5MDC o''ers uni2ue tools !odels 'or co!plete accurate analysis o' electrical syste! & 1@I PSCAD is used %ith 5MDC to enhance its 'eatures& PSCAD uses 'le 'or the si!ulation !odeling o' a s%itching transient overvoltage study in po%er syste!s& Q9 .9&*/ is the current version o' the PSCAD si!ulation so't%are & +& 7TDS: he >DS is a 'ully digital electro!agnetic transient po%er syste! si!ulator %hich provides si!ulation o' po%er syste! %ith 'ast response, relia$ility accuracy& >DS so't%are supports po%er syste!, control syste! protection auto!ation co!ponent !odel 'or si!ulation& It has 'ollo%ing 'eatures)
.i/ S!art grid applications& .ii/ Distri$uted generation o' %ind plants, solar plants 'uel cells& .iii/ >eal ti!e response 'or closed loop testing& .iv/ Si!ulation o' HDC #ACS devices& .v/ Po%er'ul processing hard%are& .vi/ Advanced user inter'ace& .vii/Advance uni2ue po%er control syste! co!ponent li$raries& >& Ku''el et al & discusses the details regarding design, eE7: his is a %idely used po%er syste! #ACS si!ulation so't%are used 'or analysis, design si!ulation o' trans!ission and distri$ution syste!s & It is %idely e!ployed 'or utilities, industries, engineering colleges, technical research institutes in India A$road&It is 'ollo%ed $y 'ollo%ing 'eatures) .i/ 1@I .ii/ Po%er 'lo% analysis .iii/ Short circuit calculations .iv/ ransient Dyna!ic sta$ility study .v/ Load 'orecasting 5cono!ic dispatch .vi/ >elay co7ordination .vii/Har!onic Analysis etc& 1%. 9SIM: It is one o' the $est tools used especially 'or po%er electronics& he #ACS controller circuit can $e designed %ith 'ast si!ulation& It can inter'ace to MALA0-SIM@LINK to access co!plete !athe!atical po%er o' Matla$ & Sa!eer Khader et al & present the co!parative study o' PSIM Matla$-Si!ulin( so't%are tools 'or po%er electronics and electric drives courses& Si!ulation o' po%er electronic circuits !achine is done through PSIM %hile si!ulation results are analy4ed %ith the help o' Matla$-Si!ulin( so't%are& 1'. 9S9ICE: It is an analog digital si!ulation so't%are progra! 'or Microso't ?indo%s& It is a !odi'ied PC version o' SPIC5& It 'inds %ide application in analog digital syste!s& It has analog digital li$raries %hich contain co!ponents such as NAND, N">, gates, #lip7#lops, operational a!pli'ier etc& It is a circuit analy4er e!ployed 'or the analysis o' non7linear DC transient, #ourier series, linear AC noise analysis& he latest version availa$le is PSPIC5 v&+& ao Rhao et al & thro% light on the si!ulation o' po%er electronic electric drive syste!s& 15. CAS9OC: CASP"C si!ulator is used 'or !odeling and si!ulation o' po%er syste!, po%er electronics, electric drives, !ultilevel !odel #ACS controllers & It also 'inds application in Mechatronics& oday, in the !ar(et CASP"C is the only si!ulator %hich supports circuit ani!ation contains a #ree4e 1o 0ac(T 'unction& "& Apeldoorn sho%s the applications o' di''erent si!ulation tools such as PSPIC5 :&3, CASP"C, Si!plorer 8&3, Matla$-Si!ulin(, SIMS5N etc& in di''erent 'ields o' engineering 'ro! econo!ical point o' vie%& @se o' these si!ulation tools 'or si!ulation o' po%er electronic devices is also discussed& 1. SIMSEN) It is digital si!ulation so't%are used 'or the analysis o' po%er syste!, ad6usta$le speed drives hydraulic syste! & In +3 Si!sen %as developed& he
latest version availa$le is Si!sen 3&8& he !ain 'eatures o' Si!sen are) .i/ 1raphical input output, Independent o' net%or( si4e& .ii/ Calculation o' load 'lo% %ith SI per unit outputs& .iii/ Calculation o' sta$le initial conditions& .iv/ Analysis o' har!onics, transient sta$ility, 'ault su$ synchronous resonance& .v/ Si!ulation o' po%er syste! %ith !odular structure under transient steady state conditions& .vi/ It ena$les to study the dyna!ic $ehavior o' po%er electronics converter .such as SI, CSI, cycloconverter etc&/, electrical !achines co!ponents o' po%er syste!s& .vii/ It 'inds applications in #ACS HDC& 1/. SA;E7 ) Si!ulation so't%are SA05> is used 'or !odeling, si!ulating analy4ing physical syste!s & It has %ide range applications in analog-po%er electronics, po%er syste!, #ACS Mechatronics& Main 'eatures are : .i/ 5asy to use& .ii/ Provides 'leo$ust design !ethods& .iv/ eri'y the $ehavior o' physical syste!s .i&e&5lectrical, !echanical, hydraulic etc&/ .v/ "''ers a graphical ID5 .integrated develop!ent environ!ent/ 'or generating virtual prototypes o' po%er syste! net%or(s