Dr.G.Sayiram Assistant Professor Mechanical Department Galgotias University Question Bank-Unit-
_____________________________________________________________________ 1. Defi Define ne arc we weld ldin ing g pro proce cess sses es an and d en enli list st co comm mmon on arc we weld ldin ing g process. 2. Ex Expl plai ain n th thee pr prin inci cipl plee of sh shie ield lded ed me meta tall arc we weld ldin ing g process with suitable schematic schematic diagram. 3. How is weld metal metal protected protected in SMA SMA process! process! ". hat is role of welding welding paramete parameters rs on de#elopment de#elopment of sound sound weld $oint b% SMA! &. hat is the the role of coating coating on on SMA SMA electrode! electrode! '. r rite ite common constit constituent uentss used in coating of electrode electrode along along with their role! (. hat is coating coating factor! factor! How does it affect affect the welding welding!! ). Expla Explain in the factors factors affecting affecting the selectio selection n of t%pe of welding welding current for SMA SMA . *. h hiich t% t%pe pe of po pow wer so sou urc rces es is com ommo monl nl% % us used ed wit ith h SMA process and wh%! 1+.. 1+
hat h at are are com commo mon n mode modess of me meta tall tran transfe sferr in SM SMA A!
How does metal transfer affect the ,ualit% of the weld $oint in SMA! SMA!
Dr.G.Sayiram., Dr .G.Sayiram., Assistatnt Professor, Mechanica Mechanicall Department, Galgoas University,Queson Ban, Unit!"
1 e g a P
11. hat are factor determining the welding current and -/ in SMA! 12.
Schematicall% show different t%pes of weld beads
along with their application in specific welding condition. 13.
Explain the principle of SA process and its application.
hat is the role of flux in SA!
hat are common t%pes of fluxes for SA! rite
limitations and ad#antages of each t%pe of the SA flux. 1'.
rite factors affecting the selection of welding power
sources and polarit% in SA process with $ustification! 1(.
hat is role of welding parameters on de#elopment of
sound weld $oint b% SA! 1).
rite ad#antages0 limitations and application of SA process.
1*. Explain the principle of A process and write its applications. 2+.
h% does A offer cleanest weld among other
common arc welding processes! 21.
rite role of important components of A process.
1 e g a P
Dr.G.Sayiram., Assistatnt Professor, Mechanical Department, Galgoas University,Queson Ban, Unit!"
Describe factors affecting the selection of power sources
and polarit% in A process with $ustification! 23.
hat are shielded gases used in A process! rite
factors affecting the effecti#eness of protection of the weld pool in A process. 2".
hat is role of welding parameters namel% welding
current0 arc #oltage and welding speed on de#elopment of sound weld $oint b% A! 2&.
rite ad#antages0 and limitations of A process.
Explain the factors determining the current carr%ing
capacit% of electrode in A process! 2(.
Explain principle of pulse A process and mention
its suitable application! 2).
Describe different t%pes of electrodes used in A process.
Explain the effect of electrode tip angle on shape and
power densit% distribution for A process. 3+.
Describe the principle of initiating the A arc!
How does pulse A process help in de#eloping sound
weld $oints of thin sheet! 32.
How different parameters of pulse A process are decided!
hat is ad#antage of hot wire A process! Explain the
principle of A process. 3".
How plasma arc welding is different from A process!
Explain the principle of A process using suitable
schematic diagram. 3'.
hat are the factors determine penetration capabilit%
and energ% densit% of A process! 3(. Distinguish the transferred and non4transferred plasma arc welding!
Dr.G.Sayiram., Assistatnt Professor, Mechanical Department, Galgoas University,Queson Ban, Unit!"
1 e g a P
How the net heat generated for pulse A can be obtained!
h% does MA process offer lesser clean weld than A!
hat are important components of MA process
and write their role! "1.
How do the shielding gases affect the metal transfer in MA!
"2. Describe effect of welding parameters on melting rate in MA! "3. hat are modes of metal transfer commonl% obser#ed in MA!
1 e g a P
Dr.G.Sayiram., Assistatnt Professor, Mechanical Department, Galgoas University,Queson Ban, Unit!"
hat is transition current! Explain the effect of #arious
factors affecting the transition current! "&.
Explain the principle of pulse MA and it
ad#antages o#er con#entional MA process! "'. h% bra5ing and soldering are called solid4li,uid phase process! "(.
hat are common situations where bra5ing and soldering
processes are preferred o#er fusion welding processes! "). hat are $oint designs commonl% used for bra5ing and soldering! "*.
ompare the bra5ing and soldering processes in respect
of #arious technical points! &+. rite application and limitations of bra5ing and soldering processes. &1.
hat is role of fluxes in bra5ing and soldering!
hat is importance of clearance in bra5ing and soldering!
hat is importance of ha#ing clean fa%ing surfaces for
bra5ing and soldering!
1 e g a P
Dr.G.Sayiram., Assistatnt Professor, Mechanical Department, Galgoas University,Queson Ban, Unit!"