The scope of this document is to select suitable materials for the construction of platform topside equipment, riser, production and the gas lift pipelines and risers; and, chemical injectio…Full description
ball valve
Ball Valve HandbookFull description
Ball Valve Handbook
ball valve
Full description
material selectionFull description
Marerial SelectionFull description
Material Selection
Marerial SelectionDescription complète
Full description
This document explains the guidlies for selection of surge relief valves
Difference Between Floating & trunnion Ball Valve
Piping Material SelectionFull description
Material Selection Guide for Process EngineersFull description
Lng plant material selectionFull description
Typical Ball Valve Material Selection Typical Typical ball valve material selection is shown in following table: Material Type Body Ball Carbon Steel
Notes: 1. ,iping class shall be -se as a reference to select ball valve material 2. /ll material material that that will will be -se in in so-r or or corros corrosive ive applicatio application n shall follo follo 3. The -sage of 316 SS -ple an its families shall ta4e into acco-nt a +. Seat insert material shall be selecte as per valve man-fact-rer reco . etal seate ball valves &ball valve with metal seat ring only witho-t 6. 'ast an forge material are interchangeable. . Seat insert material shall be selecte as per valve man-fact-rer reco 7 See more at: http:88www.instreng.com8ty http:88www.instreng.com8typical7ball7valve7material7select pical7ball7valve7material7select
Side entry ball valve Sie entry Sie entry bal balll valve valves s are are val valves ves tha thatt asse assembl mble e its its bal balll from from the si sie e part. part. Et -s Us-ally sie entry entry ball valves are are mae from from forge metal. %ach piece of boy ar als lso o ea easy sy to asse sem mbl ble e an th the e tr trim im co com mpo pone nent nt ar are e als also o ea eas sy to ali lign gn.. /no /noth ther er a test. Sie entry ball ball valves are are the most -se ball valve types an sho-l sho-l be th
Top entry ball valve Top entry ball valves are Top are valves that assemble assemble its ball from top top sie part. Et F-s valves valve s are are mae fro from m casting casting meta metal. l. Since Since it mae fro from m casting casting it will will nee nee so so that reH-ire a minimal isassembly for in7line maintenances of its internal parts. &Iigh Entegrity ,ress-re ,rotection System* valves etc. Top entry ball valve avantages: Top avantages: The avantages avantages of the top entry ball valves valves is i inc in cll-i ing ng s-c -ch h as as sm smal alll 5-i 5-i res resis ista tanc nce es sim imp ple str tr-ct ct-re esm sma all vo voll-m me eli lig ght wei eig g
Welded body ball valve =ele boy ball valves are are valves that assemble assemble in completely wele so tha tha valves -s-ally -se at -nergro -nergro-n -n or b-rie application where maintenance is
Sie entry ball valve
- See more at:
ith its relate press-re press-re an temperat-re ratings. The above above ball valve w the limitation state in the N/'% " 01 stanars. chlori chlorie e conten contentt of the servic service e 5-i 5-i since since these these materia materials ls is having having a st menation base on service temperat-re press-re an 5-i compatib eat insert* insert* is recommen recommene e for for irty irty 5-i 5-i applicat application ion s-ch s-ch as as m-ltipha m-ltiphas s menation base on service temperat-re press-re an 5-i compatib ion89sthash.n-;<,.p-f
-ally -all y as asse semb mble le in tw two o pi piec eces es or th thrree pi piec eces es bo boy y. %a %ach ch pa part rt of th the e bo boy y is as ass s forge an then assemble together. together. This constr-ction will minimiGe a efect vantage of the sie entry type is its fast elivery time from almost all venors efa-lt choice to specify a ball valve type at ata sheet.
li4e a glo li4e globe be va valve lve tha thatt has bo boy y an bon bonnet net e ecep ceptt the tri trim m par partt -ti -tiliG liGe e a bal balll t e aiti aitiona onall NB% tes testt to ma4 ma4e e s-re s-re that that the there re is is no efe efect ct fro from m the the casti casting ng pro proc c . Ther Therefo efore re it its s very very co commo mmon n to to -se -se top ent entry ry bal balll valv valves es at hig high h pre press ss-r -re e appl applic ic
ts constr-ction constr-ction that allow minimal threa connection so so that it will also minimiG htreliable sealingconvenience for operation an maintenanceopen an close
t the therre ar are no no le lea4 pat aths hs thr hro o-g -gh h bo bolt co conn nnec ecti tio on etc etc.. Et Ets s not not po poss ssib ible le to o ma maii not epecte s-ch as gas transmission s-bsea application etc.
So-r K 'orrosive #pen Brains Bec4 Brains Sea =ater >irewater
aterial selection is for information an inicative only. only. ict limitation to -se -ner s-ch conitions. ility. well 5-i cr-e oil etc or any application that the seat insert material cant ility.
emble by a bolt8st- F-st li4e Foining a two piece of 5anges. hat ca-sing from a casting valves. Sie entry ball valves are rather than a casting pro-ct that still nees some aitional
pe. Et comprises a one single boy. Us-ally top entry ball ess. The top entry ball valves -s-ally -se at an application ation that reH-ire in7freH-ent maintenances s-ch as IE,,S
possible lea4 path. Top entry ball valve avantages also -ic4lyas well as start an close 5eibly.
ntenance for the valve in the Jel. This wele boy ball
=ele =el e boy ball valve
e -se anymore -e to very abrasives or high temperat-re services.