Vocabulary keep in touch • keep up with • do a search • crash • download apps • go on • go viral 1. o !ou !ou o"te o"tenn
"or !our #obile$ %%%%%%% %%%%%%%% %
2. &is 'ou 'ouu ube be video video didn didntt *. &e didn didntt
. %%%%%%%% . %%%%%%%%
4. +e care"ul care"ul o" o" viruses. viruses. he! he! can can #ake !our co#put co#puter er ,. o !ou !ou wan wantt #e to
online "or !ou$ %%%%%%% %%%%%%%% %
-. id id an!t an!thi hing ng spec specia iall
!esterda!$ %%%%%%%%
7. like ike to
current events. %%%%%%%%
1. 'ou ca can
2. 0o#e 0o#eon onee can can *. hen hen so# so#et ethi hing ng 4. 3eop 3eople le can can
. %%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% . a %%%%%%%% . it doesnt %%%%%%%% . %%%%%%%% .
developed • designed so"tware • go online • power • wireless technolog! solve a proble# • device • search engine • access the .nternet
o !ou spend a lot o" ti#e on the co#puter$ ell did !ou know that two6thirds o" people in the world have no wa! to 1. %%%%%%%% $ his is because their regions dont have sophisticated 2. %%%%%%%% . 0o how is it possible to *. %%%%%%%% like this$ 5oogle the co#pan! that is "a#ous "or its 4. %%%%%%%% is working on a solution. 5oogle engineers ,. %%%%%%%% the idea o" using huge plastic balloons with special antennas that work on radio "reuencies. hen an!one with a co#puter s#artphone or other -. %%%%%%%% such as a tablet can 7. %%%%%%%% . he balloons get their 8. %%%%%%%% "ro# the sun and "l! twice as high as #ost aeroplanes. 5oogle engineers . %%%%%%%% to control the balloons #ove#ents.
wait • cost • think • pla! • die • talk • not answer • stud! 1. his is the cheapest tablet in the shop. t %%%%%%%% less than <1==. %%%%%%%% o" bu!ing it. 2. Right now #illions o" people %%%%%%%% a ga#e online. *. >! phone batter! %%%%%%%% while %%%%%%%% to #! "riend. 4. h! %%%%%%%% !ou ever %%%%%%%% !our phone in the evenings$ ,. >! sister %%%%%%%% co#puter graphics last !ear. -. ?t 1=.== last night %%%%%%%% "or the bus.
1. how #an! ga#es @ that co#pan! @ develop @ last !ear @ $ ................................................................................................................. 2. @ work a lot @ in the co#puter lab @ these da!s @ . ................................................................................................................. *. she @ rarel! @ turn o"" @ her phone @ when @ she @ go to bed @ . ................................................................................................................. 4. +r!ans @ #otorbike @ break down @ while @ he @ drive @ to #! house @ . ................................................................................................................. ,. !ou @ download an app @ when @ !our phone @ break down @ $ .................................................................................................................
1. o !ou plan to call hi# tonight$ (are) ................................................................................................................. 2. 0he ca#e up with the idea in the #iddle o" her sleep. (sleeping) ................................................................................................................. *. hat was !our opinion o" the robot teacher$ (think) ................................................................................................................. 4. s this 0a#s laptop$ (belong) .................................................................................................................