Monico G. Roldan G.R. G.R. No. No. L-1 L-113 1325 25
Lim Lim Ponzo & Co. Dece Decemb mber er 7, 1917 1917
!C"#$ Plaintif Roldan executed executed a case against the Deendant Lim Ponzo Ponzo &Co., to recover recover damages damages in the sum o P3,7! or the alleged ailure o the deendant com"an# to live u" to its contract or the trans"orta trans"ortation tion o $,$%% "acages "acages o sugar sugar to Roldan's Roldan's hacienda in (loilo. )ut o the $,$%% "acages o sugar, onl# *,!$$ +ere saved in a more or less damaged condition. evertheless, at the trial, ater the "laintif ofered his "ieces o evidence, evidence, the trial court -udge dismissed dismissed the case due to the alleged ailure o the "laintif to com"l# +ith the "rovisions laid do+n under rticle 3// o the Code o Commerce thus, 0ars the "laintif "laintif on maing maing his claim against against the res"onde res"ondents. nts. rt. 3// "rovides that1 rticle 3//1 3//1 2ithin 2ithin the t+ent#our t+ent#our hours hours ollo+ing ollo+ing the recei"t o the merchandise, a claim ma# 0e made against the carrie carrierr on accou account nt o damage damages s or avera average ge ound ound therei therein n on o"eni o"ening ng the "aca "acages ges,, "rovi "rovided ded that that the indication o the damage damage or average giving giving rise the claim cannot 0e ascertained rom the exterior o said "acages, in +hich case said claim +ould onl# 0e admitted on the recei"t o the "acages. ter ter the "eriod "eriods s mentio mentione ne have have ela"se ela"sed, d, or ater ater the tran trans" s"or orta tati tion on char charge ges s have have 0een 0een "aid "aid,, no clai claim m +hatso +hatsoeve everr shall shall 0e admitt admitted ed agains againstt the carrie carrierr +ith +ith regard regard to the condition condition in +hich the goods trans"orted trans"orted +ere delivered. %##'$ 2hether or not the trial court -udge erred on dismissing the case case on the ground ground that that the "laintif "laintif ailed ailed to com"l# com"l# on the sti"ulations under rticle 3// o the Code o Commerce. ('LD ('LD$$ ). ). rticle rticle 3// o the Code o Commerce Commerce is limited on cases o claims or damaged goods actuall# turned over 0# the carrier and received 0# the consignee, +hether those damages 0e a""arent rom the examination o the "acages in +hich the goods are delivered, or o such a character that the nature and extent o the dame is not a""arent until the "acages are o"ened and the contents are examined. Clearl#, it has no a""lication on the case at
hand 0ecause 0ecause the lost goods to 0e delivered delivered are, actuall#, not damaged, 0ut the same +ere not delivered at all. )n the other hand, +ith regard to the saved *,!$$ "acages, the "rovision o rticle 3// o the code +ill a""l# onl# i the deendant delivered the goods to the "laintif. 4o+ever, it a""eared that the saved goods +ere recovered due to the "laintif's efort o doing so5 hence, re6uisite that the carrier should deliver the goods to the consignee is missing.
M!R%"%M' !G'NC%'# & #'R)%C'#, %NC. * C! and N%+N %N#R!NC' #+C%'" + C!N"+N, L"D. G.R. No. 773 /0l 12, 199 !C"#$ ranscontinental 8ertilizer Com"an# o London chartered rom 4ongong (sland 9hi""ing Com"an# o 4ongong the motor vessel named :4ongong (sland: or the shi"ment o !73.3; < =gross> 0agged urea rom ovorossis, )dessa, ?99R to the Phili""ines. ) the total shi"ment, ;,%!!.!% < +as or the account o tlas 8ertilizer Com"an# as consignee, 3,%!!.!% to 0e discharged in
?nion (nsurance. he Court o ""eals modiBed the decision Bnding the charterer ranscontinental 8ertilizer Co., Ltd. re"resented 0# its agent
agent shall 0e lia0le or the act or omission o the "rinci"al onl# i the latter is undisclosed. he charterer did not re"resent itsel as a carrier and indeed assumed res"onsi0ilit# a0ilit# onl# or the unloading o the cargo, i.e, ater the goods +ere alread# outside the custod# o the vessel. (n su"ervising the unloading o the cargo and issuing Dail# )"erations Re"ort and 9tatement o 8acts indicating and descri0ing the da#toda# discharge o the cargo,
commence u"on the actual deliver# to, and recei"t 0# the carrier or its authorized agent, until its Bnal discharge at the "ort o