Transfer and Business Taxation
3. Excise taxes – imposed on products that are harmful to health, goods that are nonessential and products that deplete natural resources. It is imposed in addition to VAT.
CHAPTER 7 – BUSINESS TAXES Business – trade or commercial activity regularly engaged in as a means of livelihood or with a viewpoint of obtaining profit.
Transaction subject to business tax
It is a commercial activity – sale of goods and services related to trade, profession or business in the Philippines are generally subject to business taxes except when the law provides they are exempt.
Initial registration – application must be with the RDO where principal place of business is located before the start of the business. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Service is rendered by a NRF person – shall be considered as being rendered in the course of business w/o regard to the “rule of regularity” Some Non-business transactions a) Sale of share of stock through stock exchange – subject to ½ of 1% of OPT based on selling price or gross value in money. b) Overseas dispatch, communication from the Philippines subject to 10% OPT. c) Horse race winning subject to 10% OPT, jai – alai is subject to 30% OPT.
Annual registration Fee: PHP 500.00 for every separate or distinct establishment. Branch – a fixed establishment in a locality which conducts sales operation of the business as an extension of the principal office.
Subject to income tax NOT BUSINESS TAX.
Warehouse – premises where the inventories of goods for sale is kept and from which such goods are withdrawn for delivery.
TIN application form Sketch of business site Exemption certificate Photocopy of the following Mayor’s permit and municipal license DTI certificate or SEC certificate Articles of partnership or incorporation Marriage contracts for individuals Unit or agency charter for govt. agencies
Annual registration – it shall renew its registered annually before the end of January
Casual Sale – an occasional sale of goods or services by a person who is not engaged in business or sale of assets that are not used in business. -
Noncompliance will render the business illegal.
Impositions on onerous transfer of property, service or rights in the ordinary course of business.
Facility – may include but not limited to sales outlets, places of production, warehouse or storage places.
Classification of business taxes: 1. Valued – added tax (VAT) – 12% additional tax on the sales price of goods and / or services by VAT – registered seller. 2. Other percentage taxes (OPT) – taxes imposed to Non – VAT registered businesses. (most common – 3% based on gross sale or receipts)
Exempt from registration fee: 1. Individuals earning purely compensation income 2. Overseas workers 3. Self – employed individuals; gross sales or receipts do not exceed PHP 100,000 per year. 1
4. Cooperatives
Allowed to collect No output vat output vat from allowed, business tax customers and a charged as operating current liability to BIR expense Allowed to claim input No input vat allowed, vat on purchases from it is charged as part VRS. It is a current of cost of purchases. asset / and advance payment of VAT Cancellation of vat registration
Threshold Amounts: National internal revenue code
Amount in Pesos (2005)
Section 109 (P) P 1,500,000.00 Section 109 (P) 2,500,000.00 Section 109 10,000.00 (Q) Section 109 (V) 1,500,000.00
Adjusted threshold amounts (Jan. 01, 2012) P 1,919,500.00 3,199,200.00 12,800.00
Non – vat person collecting vat shall pay the following:
1. OPT applicable to his transactions 2. Vat due on transaction w/o benefit of input tax 3. 50% surcharge
VAT OR NON-VAT REGISTRATION Mandatory VAT registration 1. Expected annual gross sale or receipts exceed P 1,919,500.00 2. If a taxpayer has realized gross receipts of more than P 1,919,500.00 a year
***for the purpose of the threshold of P 1,919,500.00 the husband and the wife shall be considered separate taxpayers
1. Vat transactions a) Allowed with input vat b) Not allowed with input vat 2. Zero-vat rated transactions 3. Vat – exempt rated transactions a) Exempt from OPT b) Subject to OPT 4. Transactions with the government units
Persons that do not exceed P 1,919,500.00 per year has the option to register under VAT system.
Subject to three (3) conditions: a. Taxpayer’s dominant business is covered by the VAT law and thus registered as VAT taxpayer. b. He has other business transactions which are exempt from VAT but has opted to register the same as well to be covered by the VAT system c. Optional VAT reg. shall be irrevocable for a period of 3 years from the date of registration.
Vat taxable transactions allowed w/ input vat The ff. transactions are included under this category: 1. Sales of vat registered business other than zero rated, vat – exempt or those under OPT. 2. On consumptions or transfers by vatregistered business, deemed sales. Output vat – 12% of the business gross sale or gross receipts whichever is applicable.
Comparison of VAT and Non-VAT business Vat registered
Commercial transactions refer to regularity of undertaking for profit purposes.
Classifications of business transactions:
Optional VAT registration -
Once registered under vat system such vat registration shall be irrevocable for 3 years from the quarter the vat reg. was made.
Non - Vat registered 2
Input vat – 12% of its purchases from other vat person. Vat taxable transactions NOT allowed w/ input vat -
2. 3. 4.
Transactions of non – vat business with annual sales exceeding the adjusted threshold of PHP 1,919,500.00
Vat taxable transactions not allowed to deduct input vat: a) Non – vat business with sales of more than PHP 1,919,500.00 per year. b) Non – vat franchise grantees of radio and TV w/ annual gross receipts of more than PHP 10,000,000.00 c) Importations except hose specifically exempted d) Local payment of rent of vessel or carriers owned by NRF entity
Sales that are subject to output vat rate of 0% Mainly exports sales by vat reg. person’s w/c generate the needed reserves of foreign currencies. AIV on seller’s purchases to such zero – rated sales shall be applied for a tax credit certificate (TCC) or refund of creditable input tax due. TIV and PIV are not allowed for TCC or vat refund, only as creditable input tax.
enterprise whose export sale exceed 70% of total production. e) Those considered export sales by the law. Sale of gold to BSP Foreign currency denominated sales Effectively zero – rated sales a) Sale of power or fuel generated through renewable sources of energy. b) Sales and services to ff. persons who were granted indirect tax exemption under special laws and/or int. agreement SBMA and CDA PEZA Asian development bank IRRI Gross receipts of domestic corp. a) Transport of passenger and cargo by air or sea vessel from PH to FC b) Services paid for in acceptable foreign currency and accounted in accordance w/ rule of BSP.
These transactions are not subject to 12% OV, nor subject to OPT and not entitled to any credit for AIV.
Business transaction under vat – exempt ad OPT exempt: 1. Export sales of non – vat reg. business 2. Importation of the ff. a) Fuel, goods and supplies by persons engaged in int. shipping or air transport. b) Personal and household effects belonging to residents of PH returning abroad and NRC coming to settle in PH provided such is exempted to custom duties c) Professional instruments and implements belonging to person coming to settle in PH for their own use and not for sale. 3. Sale and importation of a) Agricultural and marine food products in their original state
Zero – rated transaction include the ff. 1. Export sales in acceptable foreign currency a) Sale and actual shipment from PH to foreign country b) Sale of raw or packing materials to NR buyer for delivery to resident local place in PH c) Sale of goods, supplies, fuel and services (lease of property) to int. shipping or air transport companies. d) Sale of raw or packing materials and services performed by subcon and/or con to an export oriented 3
b) Animals generally considered as pets Printing or publishing books and any newspaper not devoted to publication of paid ads Services of a) Agricultural contract growers and miller for others b) Medical exempt services rendered by professionals c) Private educ. Institutions and by govt. educ. Institutions d) Regional or are headquarters established in PH by MNC’s e) Transactions which are exempt under int. agreements Sale of cooperatives duly reg. with cooperative development authority (CDA) a) Sale by agricultural cooperatives b) Gross receipts from lending activities Sale / lease of real properties (ordinary assets) a) Sale of real properties for low cost housing b) Sale of real properties utilized for socialized housing c) Sale of residential lot at PHP 1,919,500.00 and below or house and lot at PHP 3,199,200.00 and below d) Lease of residential units with monthly rental per unit not exceeding PHP 12,800.00 e) PHP 1,919,500.00
2% by franchise grantees of gas & water utilities 5. 10% for overseas dispatch/message from PH 6. 5% on insurance premium by insurance business in PH 7. 10% on services by fire, marine or miscellaneous insurance agents of FIC 8. 30%, 18%, 15%, 10% on GR of operators of jai-alai and race tracts 9. ½ to 4% on exchange or shares of stock listed and traded in local stock exchange 10. Banks and nonbanks performing quasibanking functions Transactions with the government units – The PH govt. or any political subdivisions before making a payment on account shall deduct and withhold the ff. business taxes. 1. Final VAT of 5% (if seller is vat reg.) 2. Percentage tax of 3% (if seller is non – vat subject to OPT of 3%) Creditable withholding income taxes (CWIT) 1. 1% on purchases of goods 2. 2% on purchases of services AIV > SIV – if AIV is more than 7% of gross payments (SIV), the excess form part of expense or cost. AIV < SIV – if AIV is less than 7% of gross payments (SIV), the difference is treated as taxable other income.
VAT – EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS subject to specific OPT
CHAPTER 9 – VALUE – ADDED TAX Value – added tax (VAT) - Form of consumption tax (from 0% - 12%) imposed on each sale or lease of goods, properties or services in the course of trade of business in the PH.
1. 3% on sale or lease of goods or properties or services of non – vat reg. person; the annual sale does not exceed PHP 1,919,500.00 2. 3% on gross receipts for services rendered by domestic common carriers by land for passengers and keepers of garages 3. 3% on GR w/in for services by int. air and shipping carriers 4. 3% on GR by franchise grantees of radio and / or TV broadcasting that does not exceed annually PHP 10,000,000.00 and
Buyers POV – a tax on the purchase price Sellers POV – a tax only on the “value-added” to the product or services sold. ***it is designed to be borne by consumers, with sellers acting merely as tax collectors. Rationale of VAT 4
Given amount x 12 =VAT 1.12
1. Simplified tax administration – promotes efficiency and simplicity. It also curves tax evasion and fraud. 2. Fostering honesty – gives rise to a selfpolicing mechanism among the taxpayers in the system. 3. Higher govt. revenues – vat system has wider tax base 4. Fostering national progress
Given amount =VAT 9.333 Taxable base – the amount or value on which the VAT rate will be applied in computing output tax. Gross selling price – amount which the purchaser gave up as a sacrifice includes:
Characteristics of VAT 1. It is imposed on business transactions 2. It follows the destination principle – whereby goods and services are taxed only in the country where they are consumed. 3. It is an indirect tax, privilege tax and an ad valorem tax – it is shifted and passed on to the buyer; imposed on sale, exchange or barter of G&S; basis for determining tax is value or sales price of G&S sold. 4. It is cumulative 5. It employs tax credit method and basically a tax on gross margin
1. Purchase price 2. Charges for packing, delivery and insurance 3. Excise taxes if subject to it Allowable deductions from GSP 1. Sales returns and allowances 2. Sales discounts – can only be deducted if all the ff. conditions are met: a) Determined and granted at the time of sale b) Discount is expressly indicated c) Amount shall form part of gross sales d) Granting of discount does not depend on the happening of future event
Rates of VAT 1. For Output VAT a) Regular vat rate of 12% b) Zero percent (0%) rate 2. For Input VAT a) Regular vat rate of 12% b) Zero percent (0%) rate c) Transitional input vat of 2% d) Presumptive input vat of 4% e) FWT of 5% f) SIV of 7%
Vat taxable person – an individual, trust, estate, partnership, corporation or association who makes or intends to enter into transactions subject to vat. Persons becoming liable to VAT 1. Persons commencing a business – if he expects to realize annual gross sales of more than PHP 1,919,500.00 for the next 12 mos. 2. Vat – exempt business becoming liable to vat – if less than PHP 1,919,500.00 classified as vat – exempt and subject to OPT. but if it exceeds the threshold in any 12 month period he becomes liable to vat.
Determination of VAT amount 1. Amount of vat separate item in invoice or receipt 2. In case of erroneous vat is billed; it is presumed to be comprised of the gross selling price or GR including VAT.
*** he must register as vat w/in 10 business days after the end of the last month when his sales exceeds the threshold in 12 month period.
Formula: 1. If exclusive of vat, net of vat or before vat
Persons subject to vat 1. Registered person under vat system 2. Non – vat registered but required to be registered under the vat system
Given amount x 12 =VAT
2. If inclusive of vat, gross of vat or after vat 5
3. Franchise grantees of radio/TV broadcasting are subj. to vat if: a) Opted to reg. under vat system even if their annual GR in preceding year does not exceed PHP 10,000,000.00 b) Non – vat and it exceeds PHP 10,000,000.00
b) Special economic zones or free ports in PH c) Regional or area headquarters by MNC’s d) Inventors – certified by the PH inventors society and exempt from all kinds of taxes in 1st ten years from date of 1st sale. 3. VAT – exempt under treaty
*** These are subject to 3% OPT if total annual GR do not exceed PHP 10,000,000.00
VAT – exempt senior citizen -
*** Mandatory registration applies w/in 30 days 4. Importer of goods – any person who imports goods whether or not in the course of business, subject to VAT.
Vat of husband and wife -
For the threshold of PHP 1,919,500 the husband and wife shall be considered separate taxpayers. However the aggregation rule for each taxpayer shall apply.
Non-taxable Entity -
Government and it political subdivisions Government -
No income but collecting monthly dues from members is not subj. to VAT It becomes taxable if it regularly conducts or pursues a commercial or economic activity.
Value added tax declaration
National govt. performing essential governmental functions. Govt. cannot tax itself because it cannot enter into transactions “in the course of business” comprising economic activity. May be taxable if it sells G&S in the course of business.
BIR form 2550M must be filed and paid on or before the 20th day of the month. For 2550Q be filed on or before the 25th of the month ff. the close of the quarter.
Exemption from VAT -
Senior citizen or elderly Filipino citizen, resident, and 60 years old or above. “Dual citizenship” – prove their Filipino citizenship and have at least 6 months residency in PH. Granted 20% discount and VAT – exempt on their purchases of goods and services as long as they can show SC ID.
Being free from VAT burden.
Goods or Properties – all tangible and intangible objects which are capable of pecuniary estimation and shall include:
VAT – exempt persons 1. Persons engage in non – vat transactions a) Sales or receipts are exempt b) Annual GR do not exceed PHP 1,919,500.00 and as NON – VAT c) Non – stock / non-profit organizations 2. Persons exempt from VAT under special laws a) CDA – registered cooperatives
1. Real properties held primarily for sale 2. Right to use patent, copyright, design & etc. 3. Right to use industrial, commercial equipment in PH 4. Right to use motion pictures films 5. Radio , TV satellite transmission and cable Vat on sale of goods or properties 6
Must be related to business or trade
Should be consummated in regardless of terms of payment
Inventory supplies
Taxable base is the market value of such goods as of the occurrence of the transaction considered as sale. When GSP is lower than actual market value, the commissioner shall determine the tax base of 12%. GSP is unreasonably lower than AMV if it is lower by more than 30% of AMV. Previous BIR ruling tax base on acquisition cost or market price, whichever is lower.
1. Consumption of inventory – goods originally for sale but consumed for personal use by the seller. 2. Distribution as profit share – transfer of inventory to shareholders as share in profits. 3. Payment to creditors – transfers of inventory in payment of debt. 4. Consigned goods not sold w/in 60 days – it is deemed sales if not sold w/in 60 days ff. the date such goods were consigned. 5. Retirement from business – merchandise inventory left at retirement of business is deemed sale for vat purposes.
Goods given for free in order to promote sales efforts are NOT considered deemed sale transactions. Office supplies w/c are not primarily for sale but consumed for business purposes are NOT deemed sale transactions.
Sale of scrap materials and fully depreciated fixed assets sold at minimal prices or lower than purchase price are subject to VAT.
Sale of real property classified as capital asset is not subject to VAT but to capital gains tax of 6% based on sales price or FMW whichever is higher.
In general: sale of real property held as ordinary asset is a transaction subject to VAT; except the ff. 1. Residential lot w/ SP at PHP 1,919,500.00 and below 2. Sale of house and lot with SP at PHP 3,199,200.00 and below. Summary Application
Vat shall also apply to inventory goods disposed of or existing a certain date if status as vat reg. changes or terminated
Incorporation of single proprietorship It gives rise to transaction deemed sale of assets which is based on acquisition cost or current market price of goods, whichever is lower.
Real property sold Casual sale Regular sales:
Threshold sales price -
Business tax
Commercial property Residential lot
P 1,919,500.00 or less P 3,199,200.00 or less
Residential house and lot
Mergers and consolidation -
Sale of real property
Changes or Cessation of status of a VAT – registered person
Sales of scrap materials
The ff. are transactions as deemed sale:
The unused Input vat shall be absorbed by the surviving corporation.
Transfers of assets from mergers and consolidation are NOT transaction deemed sale. These are just transfers in form but not in substance.
VAT component on sale of real properties 1. GSP in sale or real property means consideration stated in sales document or the FMV; whichever is higher. 7
FMV means whichever is higher of: a. FMV determined by commissioner (zonal value) b. FMV shown in the provincial city assessors (RP tax declaration 2. If VAT is not billed separately, the SP, CP or consideration stated therein shall be deemed to be inclusive of VAT. If GSP based on zonal value or MV it shall be deemed inclusive of VAT If the FMV is higher than SP, the FMV shall be VAT exclusive.
Transmission of Property 1. To a trustee shall not be subject to VAT if the property is merely held in trust. 2. Transferred is one for sale, lease or use in ordinary course of trade and constitute a complete gift, it is subject to VAT, as deemed sale transaction 3. Transfer is completed gift, if transferor diverts himself absolutely of the control over the property.
INSTALLMENT SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Initial payment is 25% or less. Instalment received Add:
Interest Other charges
Taxable Base
P xxx
Agricultural and Marine Food Products
P xxx xxx
xxx P xxx
Initial payment exceeds 25% threshold.
The importation and sale of agricultural and marine food product at their original state are both exempt from VAT and OPT.
Original State – it is considered even if they have undergone simple processes of preparation or preservation for the market, such as freezing, drying, salting, broiling, roasting, smoking or stripping.
*** Instalment w/ 25% threshold, the Output or Input VAT shall be recognized upon receipt or payment of every instalment payment.
If a difference is uncovered because the ZV or MV at date of sale is higher than total receipts, the additional VAT shall be paid accordingly.
Non-food agricultural, marine and forest products – are now subject to VAT even if they are in their original state.
If initial payment exceeds 25% of GSP (exclusive of VAT) the whole SP or the zonal/FMV whichever is higher, is the taxable base of VAT. No output VAT on the said sale to be reported on the succeeding years of collection except when remaining balance of SP is subject to interest and other charges.
CHAPTER 11 – VAT ON SALE OF SERVICES Sale or exchange of services: 1. Services performed for valuable consideration in relation to trade. 2. Lease or use of personal properties 3. Lease of real properties
Fair Market Value is higher than the selling price
actual collection of the consideration ( exclusive of VAT ) VAT= x ZV ∨FMV , H x 12 agreed consideration (exclusive of VAT )
Service VAT Situs -
This tax situs is in accordance with “principle of consumption” If it is performed outside the PH even if undertaken in relation to trade is beyond the scope VAT.
Requisites of Service Transactions subject to VAT 8
1. Service must be performed in the course of trade in the PH 2. Service is rendered for valuable consideration actually or constructively received 3. Service rendered is not exempt from VAT
h) Supply of services by NR person or his employee 2. Transfer of technology a) Lease or use of any industrial or commercial knowledge b) Supply of scientific and technical or commercial information c) Supply of assistance that is ancillary and subsidiary to 3. Lease or use of intangible property 4. Lease or use of tangible property a) Lessors of property (personal or real) b) Warehousing services c) Lessor of cinematographic films d) Operators or keepers of hotels, motels, resorts, inns e) Operators of restaurants, cafes f) Services of franchise grantees of telephone, radio, g) Lease or use of copyright, patent, model plan, design
Taxable base on Services -
For supply of services, taxable base is “gross receipts” which is the: a) Total amount of money representing the contract price, service fee, rental or royalty. b) Amounts charged for materials with services and deposits and advance payments actually or constructively received, exclusive VAT.
Gross receipts on services – don’t include receivables. Includes amounts billed to clients intended to recover cost and expenses with profits. Constructive Receipts -
VAT on Professional Fees
When money consideration is placed at the control of the person who rendered service w/o restrictions by the payor.
Earnings from a practice of profession will be subject to 12% VAT if: 1. Professional is VAT – registered person 2. Non – VAT reg. but exceed PHP 1,919,500.00 per year
Reimbursement of Expenses Segregation rule – the reimbursement does not form part of the taxable base only when the ff. conditions are complied.
*** subject to 10% withholding of income tax if aggregate amount per year is PHP 720,000 and below and 15% withholding tax if exceeding PHP 720,000 per year.
1. Advance payment should be in the name of the client 2. Amount of reimbursement for advances is segregated 3. Services performed in the Philippines
Service Contractors -
CATEGORIES OF SERVICES 1. Professional / technical services a) Construction and service contractors b) Stock, real estate brokers … c) Persons engaged in milling, processing, packaging or re – packing d) Dealers in securities e) Lending investors f) Transportation contractors g) Non – life insurance companies
Subject to 12% VAT; if with the govt. with 5% FWT and 2% on CWIT on sale of services or 1% on sales of goods.
VAT on Security Agency Fees 1. The contract for security services must provide for a breakdown of amount of: a) The agency fee b) The security guards salary Only the agency fee is subject to 12% VAT Real Estate Brokers
A person selling real property others for a fee or commission income. Such income subject to VAT if vat reg. or he exceeds the PHP 1,919,500 threshold
Dealers in Securities -
A merchant of stocks or securities with an established place of business Subject to VAT based on GR = GSP – cost of securities sold
Hotels, Restaurants, and Caterers
Lending investors -
Vat on travel agencies are based on GR which will not include cost of airline and reimbursement of expenses. if travel agency purchased tickets on a net basis, VAT shall be on the margin of SP to passenger and net purchase price. However if margin exceeds 9% of GSP of ticket, BIR treats it as resale w/c is taxable on GSP.
Taxable base does not include the ff.
Who make a practice of lending money for themselves or for others for an interest
1. service charges billed separately and distributed to waiters and employees 2. actual cost of long distance and overseas calls 3. local taxes
Transportation services 1. Transport of goods and cargoes – by land, air and water by domestic common carriers is subject to 12% VAT. 2. Transport of passengers – by air and sea w/in PH is subject to VAT; by land is subject to 3% OPT.
Media Advertising 1. Agency commissions 2. GR derived by media from its advertising services
Freight Forwarders
Nonlife Insurance
1. Outbound movements – cargoes from PH to a foreign port 2. Local origin charges – fees charged to clients for services rendered in PH involving outbound movement. 3. Inbound movement – cargoes from a foreign port to the Ph. 4. Local destination charges – fees charged to clients for services rendered in PH involving inbound movements. 5. Offshore destination / origin charges – chargers of foreign forwarders billed to forwarders for services rendered abroad involving outbound or inbound movement w/c in turn billed to clients. 6. Currency adjustment factor – covering losses incurred due to fluctuations in the exchange rates 7. Accessorial charges – standard charges billed by int. air or sea carriers to forwarders and in turn billed clients at cost.
1. If acquired from domestic or foreign companies authorized to transact risk business in PH – 12% VAT based on premium 2. If acquired from FC not authorized to transact in PH a) Through an authorized agent – 10% of premium collected b) Direct purchased – 5% on premium paid Services of Non-resident persons -
Subject to withholding tax and income tax VAT withheld by payor can be claimed as Input VAT. May be treated as asset or expense whichever is applicable.
Lease of Commercial and Residential Units General: subject to 12% VAT Rules:
Travel Agencies
1. Monthly rental does not exceed PHP 12,800 per unit regardless of aggregate annual 10
rentals. The lessor is exempt from VAT and OPT. 2. Monthly rental exceeds PHP 12,800 per unit but aggregate annual rentals does not exceed PHP 1,919,500. The lessor is subject to 3% OPT. 3. If monthly rentals exceed PHP 12,800 per unit and aggregate annual rentals exceed PHP 1,919,500. The lessor is subject to 12% VAT.
Organizations 1. PEZA or SBMA registered enterprises 2. International Organizations 3. Other organizations
Withholding Tax on Lease of Commercial Properties -
Subject to 5% withholding income tax
Books, Magazine and Newspaper -
It appear in regular interval, with fixed prices ad not devoted principally to publication of ads are VAT – exempt.
Rules for creditable input vat 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Agricultural Contract Growers and Millers of Agricultural Products Agricultural contract growers – persons producing for other’s poultry, livestock or other product in their original state.
Proper documentation Delivery receipts not allowed No double input tax credit is allowed Ignore erroneous vat rare Allowed by law as creditable input vat
Sources of input vat 1. Purchases of goods/properties or services to vat reg. business 2. Purchases to non – vat reg. but issued vat invoice or receipt 3. Importation of goods locally 4. Transitional input vat 5. Presumptive input vat 6. Standard input vat on sale to govt.
1. Toll hatching 2. Toll processing or toll dressing
Medical Services – vat – exempt Educational Services – academic, technical, or vocational education provided by private educational institutions accredited by CHED, DECS or TESDA.
Input VAT on Depreciable Capital goods
Works of Art, literary works and musical compositions – now subject to VAT
Employee Services -
VAT due from or paid by a VAT reg. person in the course of trade on local purchases. Primarily to reduce the amount of output vat in computing vat payable The excess Input vat shall be carried over to the succeeding quarter or may be applied for tax refund.
From employee – employer relationship is exempt and additional compensation in form of commission income from employer is not subject to VAT
Capital goods are properties with estimated useful life greater than one year and w/c are treated as depreciable assets.
Rules to account for IP: 1. If aggregate acquisition cost per month, exclude VAT is P 1,000,000 and below, the input vat is deductible at full amount from output vat. 2. If aggregate acquisition cost per month exceeds P 1,000,000 regardless of AC of each capital goods, the input vat shall be
spread over 60 months or its useful life whichever is shorter.
c) Cooking oil d) Packed noodles based instant meals
Input vat of construction in progress -
Adjustment to input vat credit
As a purchase of service the value shall be determined based on progress billings.
1. Increased by input vat carried over 2. Reduced by the ff. a) Claim for refund b) Purchase returns and allowances and others c) Input vat on uncollected portion of instalment receivable
Input vat in purchase of services Input vat on importation -
Value added tax shall be based on the landed cost + excise taxes if there is any.
Input vat of zero – rated person
Importation – act of bringing goods into the PH from foreign country.
Various Nature of Importation All subject to 12% VAT Importation by a VAT person for business use Importation by a VAT person for personal use Importation by a non VAT person for business use Importation by a non VAT person for personal use
Creditable as input vat Yes
Subject to ff. conditions: 1. Vat registered 2. Claim is made 2 years after close of taxable quarter when claim is made 3. Must be attributable to zero rated sales
VAT refund or tax credit certificate
1. Those w/ zero rated sales 2. Those who would cancel registration
1. PIV 2. TIV 3. AIV on capital goods, importation or purchases of continuing vat-reg. person t the extent of their sales not subject to zero – rated.
Allowed on the inventory on hand of a person who for the 1st time becomes liable to VAT or elects to be VAT – registered. 2% of the value of such inventory or the AIV paid on such inventory whichever is higher.
Tax credit certificate or vat refund period
Presumptive input vat -
Not allowed for VAT refund or tax credit certificate
Transitional input vat -
May be applied for tax refund or issuance of TCC w/c may be used for payment of internal revenue taxes.
Allowed as input tax on purchases of vat – reg. person despite that there is no actual vat payment made on vat – exempt transactions PIV is 4% on purchases of vat – exempt primary agricultural and marine food products at their original state w/c are used as inputs to the processing of: a) Sardines, mackerel b) Milk, refined sugar
Claim is made 2 years after close of taxable quarter when claim is made Commissioner shall grant w/in 120 days from date of submission of complete documents The taxpayer may appeal at CTA w/in 30 days from receipt of denial If commissioner does not give decision w/in 120 days, taxpayer may file an appeal to
CTA w/o waiting for expiration of 120 day period if the 2 year period is about to lapse.
Subject to 12% VAT – transport of passenger by air and sea the PH by Domestic Corporation Subject to OPT – transport of passengers by land
Subject to zero – rated vat – transport of passengers or cargoes outside the PH by a Domestic Corporation.
Business dealings of a VAT – reg. person engaged in commercial activities subject to VAT, zero – rated vat and vat – exempt transactions.
Mixed transactions of Domestic insurance companies
Allocation of input vat -
1. For nonlife insurance premium – 12% VAT 2. For life insurance premium – 5%
Allocation of input vat when an amount could not be traced directly to regular vat rate, zero rated vat or vat – exempt. The input vat shall be allocated proportionately on the basis of sales volume.
Exceptions: a) Life insurance premiums is refunded w/in 6 months b) Premiums collected outside PH from NR person
Mixed transaction on sale and lease of real
vat taxable sales properties untraceable Input Vat x =creditable input VAT total sales
On sale of real property 1. Commercial property – 12& VAT 2. Residential property
untraceable Input Vat x
sales eligible for tax refund∨TCC SP/unit ( zero−rated )=input vat creditResidential total sales lot P 1,919,500
Tax treatment Exempt from VAT and OPT 12% VAT
and below Exceeds P 1,919,500 vat−exempt sales untraceable Input Vat x =cost of sales∨operating expense Residential P 3,199,200 Exempt from total sales house and lot and below VAT and OPT Residential Above 12% VAT sales house and lot P 3,199,200 Residential lot
¿ govt . untraceable Input Vat x ( ¿ ¿total sales )=compare ¿ SIV Mixed transactions w/ sales to government -
1. Lease of commercial property, 12% VAT if aggregate amount of annual GR exceeds PHP 1,919,500; otherwise subject to 3% OPT. 2. Residential unit
AIV shall not be credited against output vat arising from sales to govt. entities. SIV of 7% and 5% of FWT would be the creditable input vat for sales to govt.
Rent month P12,800 below Exceeds P12,800
SIV > AIV = INCOME SIV < AIV = EXPENSE Mixed transaction corporations
On the lease of real property
per Aggregated GR per year or Regardless of amount P 1,919,500 and below
Tax treatment Exempt from VAT and OPT 3% OPT
12% VAT
P 1,919,500