Topic: How Do I Estimate The Torque For An Impeller Agitator? 25 February 2013posed by
I need to estimate the torque for an impeller agitator. a gitator. Characteristics of the impeller: d: 17'' x h: 13.5''. For the tank: 3'' diameter x !'' height. "he impeller is an anchor t#pe $ith four %lades. .
319 Posts Dave DickeyForum DickeyForum Moderator 319
Re: How Do I Estimate The Torque For An Impeller Agitator? 25 February 2013 at 11 11:27am :27am
Your Your ancor impe!!er does not "it your tank. #n ancor impe!!er "or a 23$ diameter tank sou!d be 20$ to 22$ in diameter. %e 17$ diameter impe!!er &i!! &i!! do !itt!e more tan rotate rotate te contents o" te tank' &ic &i!! not provide muc mi(in). *o&ever' + can )ive you a metod "or estimatin) te amount o" tor,ue re,uired. %e viscous po&er number "or your impe!!er is 17-. %e viscous po&er number is is a caracteristic o" te impe!!er )eometry. )eometry. + assumed tat eac o" te "our b!ades is is 1$ &ide. #n ancor impe!!er impe!!er &i!! ave a constant viscous viscous po&er number "or impe!!er eyno!ds numbers !ess tan 1.0. +mpe!!er eyno!ds number number /dimension!ess can be ca!cu!ated by te "o!!o&in) "ormu!a: Re = !"# $ D%& D%& $ ' $ sp"gr" ( )isc %e eyno!ds number is dimension!ess' te constant 10.7 is a conversion "actor and D is your impe!!er diameter in inces' &ic is s,uared' is te rotationa! speed o" te impe!!er in revo!utions per minute' sp.)r. is te density o" te "!uid as speci"ic )ravity &it respect to &ater /)ramscubic centimeter' and tat ,uantity is divided by te visc te viscosity in centipoise. %e tor,ue "or te impe!!er is as "o!!o&s: Torque To rque *inch+pounds, = -"./!%+. $ )isc $ ' $ D%0 %e tor,ue is in incpounds' te coe""icient is -.4 times 10 to te 4 po&er /0.0000000-4 inc!udes your viscous p o&er number' times te viscosity in centipoise' times te rotationa! speed in rpm' times te impe!!er diameter in inces cubed. Remem1er the 2ormula 2or torque is onl3 )alid 2or Re3nolds num1ers less than "!" #s te eyno!ds number number increases' so does te ca!cu!ated tor,ue. %e impe!!er tor,ue )radua!!y increases as te "!o& becomes more turbu!ent as de"ined by a !ar)er eyno!ds number. %e tor,ue in te turbu!ent ran)e cou!d be more tan 1000 times te tor,ue ca!cu!ated by tis "ormu!a' dependin) on te amount o" rotation o" te "!uid. Your Your sma!! impe!!er may not increase te tor,ue tat muc since you &i!! not be mi(in)' on!y spinnin) te "!uid. "he ans$ers %# this expert are %ased on the %est a&aila%le interpretation of the
information pro&ided. "he consequences of the application of this information are the responsi%ilit# of the user. If clarification is needed please su%mit a further question.
i!!a *ercu!e4ommunit3 Mem1er 1 Post
Re: How Do I Estimate The Torque For An Impeller Agitator? 25 February 2013 at 3:06pm
%e product mi(ed is so sensitive' tat is &y tat desi)n as been used. %e rotationa! speed is 100P' te viscosity 20 cp and te sp. )r is 1.065. + attac a "i!e &it "urter in"ormation on te impe!!er desi)n. y usin) te "ormu!a you )ave on a precedent topic /ay 31' 2011' + estimated te eyno!ds 8 1.4 ( 106. #s te eyno!ds &as "or a turbu!ent "!o&' + ten estimated te correction "actor' ten a"ter +ve been ab!e to estimate te po&er o" te impe!!er /0.136 *P. Fina!!y' kno&in) tat : %or,ue ;!b".in< 8 39- 000 P ;*P< 2=pi= ;P<' +ve been ab!e to "ound out te re,uired tor,ue o" 45 !b".in Do you tink' +ve )ot te ri)t pat> %ank you "or your e!p. Attached Files #)itatordesi)n.pd"
1-3 ?
Dave DickeyForum Moderator 319 Posts
Re: How Do I Estimate The Torque For An Impeller Agitator? 2- February 2013 at 11:15am
%e attaced impe!!er dra&in) !ooks notin) !ike &at is typica!!y kno&n an an ancor impe!!er. %e impe!!er dra&in) so&s more o" a &ideb!ade padd!e /or turbine impe!!er. @n"ortunate!y' usin) typica! corre!ations and corrections "or modi"ied ancor impe!!ers and &ideb!ade padd!e impe!!ers )ive di""erent resu!ts "or te same dimensiona! e(tremes. ecause te impe!!er !ooks more !ike a "ourb!ade' &ideb!ade padd!e impe!!er' &orkin) "rom simi!ar turbine impe!!ers seems reasonab!e. %e impe!!ertotank diameter ratio and "!uid properties are c!oser to tose common!y mi(ed &it turbine impe!!ers. %e best data "or ancor impe!!ers is at muc i)er viscosities and !ar)er impe!!ertotank diameter ratios. @sin) a modi"ied corre!ation "or a &ideb!ade impe!!er' te eyno!ds number is about 1-'000' te po&er estimate is "or 0.-- p and te resu!tin) tor,ue at 100 rpm is 614 !b" in. %e po&er and tor,ue estimates cou!d be i) compared &it actua! measurements i" te "!uid rotates "ree!y and does not e(perience muc vertica! and radia! "!o&. %e eyno!ds number does indicate turbu!ent conditions' but te "!o& pattern may be more !ike Aouette "!o&' &ic cou!d mean a !o&er tor,ue. %is situation as a su""icient number o" uni,ue caracteristics tat estimates based on more conventiona! mi(in) e,uipment may not be accurate. %e reason "or te ,uestion about tor,ue may in"!uence o& conservative te estimate sou!d be. +" te mi(er drive is siBed based on re,uired tor,ue' a i)er estimate is recommended.
"he ans$ers %# this expert are %ased on the %est a&aila%le interpretation of the information pro&ided. "he consequences of the application of this information are the responsi%ilit# of the user. If clarification is needed please su%mit a further question.