Report about Jose Rizal's Letter to the Young Women of Malolos
Philippine History
A reaction paper about the letter of rizal to the young women of malolos. An assignment from our Hist15 classFull description
Rizal's Letter to the Women of Malolos
Critical analysis.
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Descrição completa
he Young Women Of Malolos To the Young Women of Malolos A Reaction Paper ³They seemed faded plants sown and reared in darkness, having flowers without perfume and fruits without the sap´, Jose Rizal said in his letter ³To the Young Women of Malolos´ that the women were very passive to what the church teaches them but he had been proven wrong when the news of what had happened in Malol Malolos os reached him. In his letter, Rizal praised and honored the twenty brave women of the town for their victorious battle for their just demand to education and their battle to stop slavery to the friars. He also emphasized the obligations and roles of the Filipino mothers to their children; he compared the Filipino women to the Spartan women as role model. Rizal concluded his letter by encouraging the Filipino women to "Let us, therefore, reflect; let us consider our situation and see how we stand«. May your desire to educate yourself be crowned with success´. The part which struck me most is where Rizal made mention of a situation to one of the mothers of Sparta, handed the shield to her son who said nothing but to return triumph or return dead. I find the scenario a bit heartbr h eartbreaking eaking and ironic when the other Spartan mother was told by a soldier that her three sons had died and replied that she was not asking about her sons but only wants to know whether they won or not. The soldier said they were victorious and the mother just went to the temple to thank God. Rizal compared the Filipino women and the foreig foreign n women, which entails his huge respect to the Filipino women on their vital roles as mothers and wives. Being the foundation of principles and values in ensuring the progress progress of the nation, a mother should nourish her children with proper values, desired knowledge and shape them to become God-fearing and responsible citizens. A s a wife, a Filipina must support her husband in every problem, inspire him, encourage encourage him, take a part with him all obstacles and dangers, to sympathize and...