The Way of Ahriman

This tome contains the way to communication with Father Ahriman. This is Traditional Ahrimanic Satanism, Melek Taus is our Guide and Guardian. He ligh...

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This tome contains the way to communication with Father Ahriman. This is Traditional Ahrimanic Satanism, Melek Taus is our Guide and Guardian. He lights our way with the Black Flame of Hell!…Full description

Descripción: This tome contains the way to communication with Father Ahriman. This is Traditional Ahrimanic Satanism, Melek Taus is our Guide and Guardian. He lights our way with the Black Flame of Hell! My God...

Within this book's pages, we shall introduce the witch as a character class, explore her specialist spells and abilities, show you how witches interact with each other and with society at large, an...

Compiled mainly from the writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan. This is second edition from 1934. First edition was in Great Britain in 1922. Direct download: description

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This book contains some heart essence advice of Dza Patrul Rinpoche (1808-1887), a Tibetan Buddhist yogi. It displays the nature of human behaviour and explains how to practice both secular …Full description

This book contains some heart essence advice of Dza Patrul Rinpoche (1808-1887), a Tibetan Buddhist yogi. It displays the nature of human behaviour and explains how to practice both secular and spi...

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Within this book's pages, we shall introduce the witch as a character class, explore her specialist spells and abilities, show you how witches interact with each other and with society at la…Descripción completa

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