The Terra Papers

A new look at how Man was created...
Author:  akenaton40

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The following is from Robert Morning Sky's "The Terra Papers." In our galaxy known as ERIDANUS, Life is the norm and the ‘Humanoid’ form is the rule, not the exception. A head (or heads), a body...

A study of the FBI's counter Intelligence program based on the original documents. Includes the investigations of Puerto Rican independence activists, the Black Panther Party, the anti war movement...ção completa

The Story: Dubbed by one literary reviewer in Bangkok as possibly ‘The Great American novel’ - followed by a correction that it was probably ‘The Great Anti- American novel’ - suggests that…Descripción completa

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An,1,Nr.11,Noiemvrie 2000

Sistema de wargame medieval para miniaturas. Medieval wargame system based on LOTR.

Nr.3,Martie 2000

Descripción: Anàlisi de l'obra d'Àngel Guimerà Terra Baixa

Terra Magazine-An.1,nr.1-2 Ianuarie-Februarie 2000

Terra Primate. A game system and setting made in mind to put players up against Primates. Inspired by Planet of the Apes, Mighty Joe Young, King Kong, and similar, this book allows a Game Master to...Full description

satelit terra

Terra Primate. A game system and setting made in mind to put players up against Primates. Inspired by Planet of the Apes, Mighty Joe Young, King Kong, and similar, this book allows a Game Master to...

Nr.10,Octombrie 2000

Bernard Lietaer recommends the adoption of a supra-national complementary currency (the Trade Reference Currency (TRC) or Terra) in order stabilize the effects on the business cycle and re-align fi...Full description

Transco Papers