The Oxod Oxod Rvrs Dictionay
Te Oxford Rvse Ditiony Comld Dv En
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford x6DP Oxrd University Press is is a department departm ent of the niversity niversity o Oxford It frthers the University's objective of exceence in r!search, scholarship, and education education by b y publishig publishig worldwide in Oxrd New York Athens Auckland Bangkok Ba ngkok Bogot Bogo t Buenos Ares Calcutta CapeTown hennai Daresalaam Delhi Florence HongKog Istanbu Karachi KualaLumpu Madrid Melbourne Mexicoity Mumbai Naiobi Paris o Paulo ingapore aipei oko oonto o onto Wasaw with associated associated companies n Berlin Ibadan Oxord is a registered trade mark of Oxord niversty Press in the U and in certain oher countries Published in he United States by Oxford University Press nc., New York
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8 6 5 4 3 ypeset in Nimrod and a nd Arial by nteractive Sciences Science s Limited, Gloucester Printed Printed in Great Bitai by acKays of Chatham Chatham, Kent
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Introduction . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We a hve words 'on he ip of our ongue ong ue nd we know know how ho w hrd such words oen re o cox bck ino consciosness nd how bd our speech or wriing wil ook wihou hem "h bi of he wa h urns ino he window cn never really repce reveal wihou he decoror hinking us foo n "he sor of mgisre who conducs inquiries inquiries ino he cuses of someones deh is no subsiue for indeed no oher erm cn be This dicionry is designed o sove hese probems quicky nd ecien grouping he ongueip erms under heir key conceps so corner wil be g, reveal w, nd kriegspiel boh w nd found in he ricle g,
The Oxford Revrse Dictionary wil guide you o he sndrd erms for hings mos peope hve herd o i is no n Engisherners dicionr nor wil i hep you o ierry or rchic words or o sng; coloquialisms re offered only where sndrd speech offers no workbe subsiue. The cbine minis ers ongueip hs of course differen popuion from he schooboys nd he diversiy of he 31,000 ised iems kes his ino ccoun bu words from speciis speciis vocburies hve been been omied s hve core vocbury words w ords such family which re usuay immediey vibe o ny nive s dog nd family speker. Iems shring key concep wil be found s enries wihin he rice devoed opiary, spudder, nd trug wi all be found in he o h concep (so enries for opiary, rice gg, nd iems shring singe deniion (such s agen nd reprentative, or symposium nd clloquium) re nesed ogeher in singe enry wihin he pproprie pproprie concep rice Such nesed iems re reed in sense bu no necessriy inerchngebe hey re ised alphbeic nd ny iem moved o he bck of such is my be considered n ierior mch Arices re rrnged in singe phbeic sequence hrough he dicion r Wihin ech rice enries re rrnged phbecy where h is possibe or in n pproprie senseprogression such s ifedeh opbo om edesrgesyoungessmles here is so gener endency o move o from core core iems o hose h re more peripher o he h e senses of he
arice headword. Each entry is glossed in he briefes possibe way consisen wih clariy-he user aready knw wha he ongueip erm means, and so only needs a poiner, no an exhausve deniion. Where any exis, sufxes or prexes bearing h basic meaning of he arice headword are ised nex afer i (for exampe, -we afer ogeher (uless one is found esewhere in he aricle) wih an exampe of heir use: hey may serve as a spur o recoecion of many furher erms semanicay reaed o he opic reaed in he arice bu no no specicaly menioned in i, or assis users in correcy coining heir own m jue where none is shown/ exiss. Simiay, adjecives relaed o he aricle hedword in meaning bu no in appearance (for exampe denal a ) or whose formaion may presen oher cuies if imperfecy remembered, are lised a he beginning of he aricle. Iem puras are aso given when irregula b no where a reguay formed plura pl ura of equal currency exiss. Dicionarywriing is a enghy and loney process and I am graefu o many people for hep and encouragemen along he road A specia acknowledge men is due o Parick Hanks for deaied advice during he earlier sages of he projec, and o Kae Wandess for smoohing he bumpy road of auhorpubisher reaions Thanks Thank s are ar e also due o Dr Adrian Young for inor maion on medical erms, Tim Parry for claricaion of some psychiaric psychiaric con ceps and Aasdai Coss fo ega deniions The ypescip beneed a a lae sage from a horough read conduced by Lucinda Covenr DJE
Abeviatios a.m. fe pl.
US,USA VU 19th-c.
bor noon mnn plual or xampl spcily klomt(s) mt(s) Mmbr o Palamnt Natonal Halth Srvc ar noon Ryal Ar Foc Roman Catholc Untd Kngdo Untd Stats (o Amca) vsual dsplay unt nntnth-cntury (and so on)
Aa aanme bnonment of leg clim aver bnonmen of eigious o poitic heence apostasy eson bnoning such heence apostate, turncoat . djecte abbatal . feme bbot abbess bbot's ssistnt por bbes's ssistnt poess aeviain bbevition ponounce s sting of lettes nal sm bbevition ponoce s wo aconym • bbevite tite of bok o ocument sort ttle b bevite esion of sttement o ocumen precs resum, summary
amen . djectes coelac ven ral sevee bomnl pn cuse
by wn o intestn obstuction colc . stessssocite bominl pin ith ihoe o constiption rrable boel syndrome beoptic inspection of the bomen laparoscopy incision into the b omen laparotomy memne n ing th bomin cvity pertonum nmmton of the eitoneum
pertontis Aen djecte Aberdonan al cbi able, ble uble equte bty procency
with eception bilities genus, prodgy emonstte one's bities prove oneself
Argial Aboigin club nula nulla addy .Aboiginl nce ceemony corroboree Aboignl meicine mn koradj .Aboign howing stick boomerang . Aboignl wn nstent ddg erdoo ln set sie fo Aboignl settlment reservaton
arin • voctng botion prococe . epectng botion prolfe, rgttolfe . stt n botion tcilly nduce . g cusing botion abortfacent au . cb s crcum rumambent per erm eter . bout to hppen mmnent, mpndng ave • cbi s ep .. eermis over rhan super suesruture supra. suamudane sur sur real
arasive bsive powe emery ara • eson livng bo mg r exle, expatrate one o egistee bo offsore • sell bo export asne bsence without pemission Frenc leave bsence fom schoo without pemission truacy • pemission to be aben leave ur loug gnt of bief bsence fom school exeat peson who is bsent absentee • employees sttement tht his bsence ws ue to ilness selfcertcaton in bsence n
absenta asriy bsu misepesenttion travesty seemingy bsu but n fct tue sttement oxymoron, paradox oof of sttements flsity by emonsttng the bsuity of is logic consequences reducto ad
absurdum aaemi . cemic conence colloquum symposum . cemc • cemic hesis dssertaton essy dssertaton, paper memo
I act 2 es s academiC dr
aaem ess • acaemc hat onnet, motaroad, squae • acaemic cloak: gon • coloure heacovering worn over the back of a gown ood .hoo tail ppe • ark lothing worn wih acaemic ress subusc
aent • East Lonon accent Cock ney • Irish accent rogue • Northumbean accent ur • outh ast Englan accent Etuary Engs
Mmmerset aept • generally accete or believe receved ammatn • available accommoation vacancy acommo-
ation unit that is art of a larger buling lat, masonete • stable blocks converte to accommoation units mes enoting accommoa tin with its own kitchen an athroom secontaned .enoting ac commoation available as art of a work contract ted • institution offering basic accommoation oste • warene accommoation for the elerly or anicae setered
ousng ant . account showing th as-
sets liabilities an caital of a business at a articular oint in time aance seet • enoting a balance shee showing no ebts ungeaed • temorary account for items awaiting nal aocation suspense ac count • account to which creit urchases may be charge cage account ocial eamination of ac counts audt . accountin ecor of money receive cedt acconting recor of money sent or owe de accounting system with each item entere both as a creit an as a ebit doue entry . fference between ebis an creits in an acount ance • accounting ite reecte by the auitor an reayable by those re sonsible surcarge • aconbook
for the current ay's transactions dayook, journa • accountbook for minor transacions cas book . large book in which nancia accounts are written u edger • ener an item in a leger post . make one accont consistent with another reconce .comarison of totals rom a ouble entry account tra bance • money coming into an account ecept . erson assembling an re coring nancial ata bookkeeper • erson recoring or verfying nan cial ata accounant • prearation of nancial ata to ai managemen ecisions management accountng analysis of oerational costs cost ccountng . British govenmen's general account at the Bank of ng lan Conoldated Fund .con siere account or legal or ulicity use statement
counteraccusation asatn recmnton aheve • achieve y skil or evi ousness contve • best achievement record • ast achievements record, track ecod a .ye inicating aciity tmus aqantane nlential ac quaintance connecton • helful acquaintance contact aat • acrobat erfoming on a tightoe reaker • acrobat's tights maot • acrobat's air of long oles with foot suorts stts • swinging bar u se by acobats trap eze . acrobatic stunts on the wings of an airborne airraft n a ass . c da, tans (.. ransalan • measurement taken across a circle dameter at • aring act escapade, stunt • llegal ac cme, oence • kin or helful acts ces, good oces . ac without rearation mprovse • ac on anoher's behalf eesent • erson acting on behalf of anothe r
ai I add
agent, representative • sudden urge to act impulse • repeatedly perform ng the same act(s) serial aing • b pro
rnun • person actng for an ab sent docor locum .person actng for a monarch who is absent or incap acitated regent .actng without forethought impetuous ain cb ation hstatn ence rfrn tion, ure lsur • action done in auomatic response to a stus relex • action done purely for ap pearance gesture, indo dressing • action consistng of spoken or wit ten words iocution • established series of actions procedure, process, routine • feedom f action carte blance, free and • abity to take independent action initiative • n capable of eective ction eete .still requirng action: outstanding • out of action ors de combat aivy • b ery arhry ism xrsm .recre ational activity obby, pastime, pursuit • menial or borng activity drudgery • pointess cycle of activ ities merrygoround ar • djectve istrionic .ex perienced actor trouper • actor who overacts am • actor in a folk lay: mummer • actor who performs n si lence mime .actor takng a prnci pal role: leading lady, leading man • actor taking mnor roles bit player • acto apeang only in cowd scenes extra, fgurant .acto who has prepared another actor's role, n order to replace hm or her neces sary nderstudy • sadonic term for actor Tespian • group of actors playing togehe ensemble • acto participatng in a peformance cast • actos pat role • actos ty-out for a role audition • actor's make-up greasepaint • actor's leshcoloured tights esings .actor's dressng-
room assstant dresser • actor's pre peformance neves stage rigt • actor's arrval on stage entrance • actor's signal to speak cue • ac tor's log speech monologue .actor's speech when alone on stage solioquy • acors words not n tended to be heard by others on stage aside • actors words made up on the spur of the moment adlib • actor's mistake n speakng flu • actors loud whisper stage isper • acts sham utic accent Mummerset • actor's movements gestues, etc business .plan of an actors movements blocking • actor's departure om he stage exit • actors' backstage rest room green room • acto's etun o the stage to acknowledge applause cutain call • nose made by actors simu latng ndistnct conversaion rubarb • denotng an actor who has learnt his or her role completely: ordpect • denoting an actor dressed as a member of the opposite sex en travesti • tedency o oer an actor roles of a type n which he or she has aeady been suucessful typecasting • play for one actor mono drama .scene for two acors duologue .(of an actor) foget one's lines durng a peformance dry • re mnd an actor what he or she must say prompt .actng techniue en couaging emotional identcation with the characer portrayed te Metod, metod acting • troupe of actors presentng seveal plays at the same venue n the course of a season repertory company • euphemism deoting an unemployed actor rest-
ing auprssur
.Japanese acupres sure therapy siatsu • spot where pressure is applied acupoint a • extra section added at the end of a book appendix • add somehig
ot pt o the iginl design retro-
t ai
• cb hoc ( wrkah ddicts ah
phsed bndonment o ddictive drugs: thdraa • ddicts instnt abandonmen addictive drug cod turkey .m tetment o ddicts: tough ove • cle n ddicts bdy o dug esidues detoxfy atin . cb e ( ehenmenn .ddition to book etc: addendum aendx, sueent • ddition to building annex, annexe extnson .dditn to collection accesson • ddition to document annex schedue, rder • specil ddition to pice py ment: reu, surcharge • ddition to wll: codc aess • ddess used s collectingpoint o mil: accoo daton address • ddess o letter to be le t post oce unil clled o: oste restante ahesve • synthetic esin used in pints nd desives: oyurethane .jon with dhesves: bond ajeive • chcteizing djec tive ethet • denting an djective tht pecedes its nun: attrbutve • denoing n djective tht s plced te the veb redcatve, ostos-
tve ajust • djust mechnism regu ate set • mke smll ustments nesse, netune, ttvate • thin stip o mteil used to mke n eact t: sh amiatn • uncitcl dmi tion aduaon • object o dmition: cynosure • deseving dmi ion coendae este
audae raseorthy amssn • dmission itu: n aton • univesity dmissin ceemony: atrcuao • ig o d mission: entre, entry
aesene • dolescent love: ca ove • peiod in which dolescents ech seul mtuity: uerty
• skin
disese o dolescents with blck pustules: acne
• age
t which dulthod is
eched! maorty cong of age • suitble o chlden nd dults:
amy autey
• mn whse we hs com mitted adultey: cuckod • med wmns mle love: ccsbeo con-
doned dulteous retionship: mnage tos (. mnaes rS • peson lleged in divoce cse to hve committed dultey: resondent • person lleged n divoce cse t hve cmmitted dultey wth the respndent: coresondent
avane .dvnce pyment: ante
• performance
in dvnce o ocil opening: reve • dvnce public tin: rent
avantage • dvntge grnted to ew rvege • tke uair dvn tge o: exot • use o vius ploy t gin psychlgicl dvntge over nes ivls: gamesmansh
• dvertisement
mking eggeted clims u • dvetisement discediting ivl poducts: knockng coy • dvetise ments shown between televisin pogmmes: sot adverts ng .peliminy dvertisement not naming the podct teaser • dvetisement wit ten by an aircraft smke trail skyrtng .ctchphse used in n d vetisement: sogan • simple tune used in n dvetisement: nge • d vetisements quottion o supposedly imptil nd unsolicited commendtion o te item adverised eson .lge bod o disply dvetisemens hordng • pir o dvetisemen brd linked by shul de sps sndh oards • sma hndb yer .pomotonl mte
5 l on the outsde o pckgng etc: outset • ppence o n dvetsement n nesppe etc: serto .nesppe dvetsement pesented s edtol mtel: advertora .smll nesppe dvetsements gouped by topc cassfed advertsemets • dvetsng cmpgn: romoto • postl dvetsng cm· pgn: ma Ishot • unsolcted dvetsng sent by post: juk ma • dvetsng usn mges o sounds not egsteed by the conscious bn: subma advertsg .dvetse· sublmnl menng: ments meta message • peson ho tes the text o dvetsements: coyrter .peson ho stcks up unuthozed dvetsements: fyoster ee ubcty
avise • espected sonl d vse: gur, metor • poessonl dvse cosutat • goup nomnlly dvsng the soveegn: rvy Couc • gou o expets esech· ng specc govenment poblems: thk tak • nuentl but unocl dvses t peson n uthoty ktche cabet .peson sevng s mouthpece o dvne dvce or
ace, rohet aeia .hozontl od el: doe
• el hvng sees o shot ods: ag atea • bolshped el ecevng stete sgnls: satete
dsh aeatis • vetcl ccle: oo the oo • cts st evolvng moton s • cobtc stunts on the s o n bone ct:
g a kg aetin • be uctclly ond o: aduate, adore, dote uo .doles cent ecton: uy ove .eel unequted ectn o: carry a torch for amatin • ocl mton: cofrmato, ratfcato • denotng
advi I a pocess o enquy conducted by · mton: cataphatc aai • cb hobe (eg xenhbe) � ee fear Aian .Acn club: kobkerre • cn mchete: aga • long n o cn dum: tomtom • Acn ut vllge: kraa • cn tn ent stoytee grot • expedton to hunt o obseve ld nmls: safar cn y cusng sleepng sckness: tsetse ate . cb e (eg ele) meta (eg metacar) ost• e dnne: ostrada • e sexul ntecouse: ostta ost atenn • djecte merda .enoon peomnce: mate • tenoon sleep: sesta again • cb aa (eg anaram ee e ees ae en agan f ane re (eg re) • equest o peomnce to be gven gn o such peomnce: ecore against • cb at(eg anthstamne) cata (eg catalt eay agans cotra(eg cnracen) couter (eg cntemeasre) ob (eg. bject ey agans age • ge o ely chldhood: facy • ge t hch sexul ctvty be· comes possble: uberty • ge beteen pubety nd dulthood: adoescece • ge t hch consent to sexul ntecourse becomes leglly vld age of coset • peson unde the ge o legl esponsblty: mor • ge o youthul mmtuty: oage • too young to legly engge ce tn ctvty: uder age • ge t hch peson is consideed cpable o mngng hs on s age of dscreto • ge o legal dulthood majorty • cheve ths: come of age • ge t hch sexul ctvty declne: cmacterc • peson o the
r 6 ..'e
sme e: conteprary • peson below the e of lel esponsibility juvenile • peson in his o he sties: sexagenarian .peson in his o he seventies septuagenarian • peson n his o he eihties: octgenarian • peson in his o he nine ties: nnagenarian • peson hun ded o moe yes old: centenarian • menta nd physical decy ssocited with od e senility .loss of memoy nd contol of bodily functions amonst the ed: senile de entia • e of senile dependency: dtage • peson in this state: dotard agen • condential ent henchan • ent anin se tnspot shipbroker .ent fo the puchse nd se of shes, nsunce policies, etc: broker • boke's fee: brokerage • spotin o tistic ent seachn fo pomisin ecuits talent scut,
talent sp otte aggressin
• policy
of yieldin to the demnds of potentil aesso: appeasement • diplomcy enfoced by thets of ession: gun boat di p-
lmacy, per politics sabrerattling agreemen • ppenticeship aeement indentures • fom ee ment copact, pact • eneal eement cnsensus • inteim aeement: odus vivendi .leally cotract enfoceable eement
• eement between the pope nd secul stte: ccrdat • eement between states: treaty • imained eement between membes of so ciety to foeo cetin pesonl feedoms fo the enea ood: social c• eement to suspend tract hostlities fo stted peiod: aristice • eement eched thouh concessions cprise .ee ment eached by pties to dispute o lawsuit settlent • infomal tety: ceti • infoml ndestndin eched between stes e
• daft of n eement proto• bainn to ech n eement: negotiation • bins
tente col
mde to mutul advnte horsetrading .demnd that must be stis ed befoe eement is eched: stipulaton .condition attached to n eement: proviso • eceptions specied in n eement: saving clause • poviso dded to n ee ment: rider • in full eement unanious .one side to n eement: party • denotng n geement between two paties bilateral .denotin n eement between thee o moe paties ultilateral .peson fowdin n eement thouh not pty to it: interediary, mediator • bech of n eements tems: infringeent .foml nnouncement of intention to end an eement: notice • eject n eement aledy mde renounce repudiate, rescind
agriultural mahinery .device tunin ove the soil: plough .tined fmewok beakin the sol harro • sowin mchine dri • epn nd theshin mchine cine, com bine harvester agriulture • combinn foms agri, agro .icutue peceived s technocatic ctivity: agribusiness, agroindustry • icultul system of abandonn lnd s it be comes ehusted shiing cultatio • denotin shiftin system in which veettion in new es is cu down and bunt: slashandurn • denotin icultue poducn small pece yields by chep methods: extensie icultue • denotin poducin hih pece yields by epensive methods itensive .denotin icultue whose yieds ae just sucient to fed the fme: sbsistee • denotin icultue voidin the use of aticial chemicals orgaic • denotin culte tht peseves n ecoloicl bance sus
ahic I aica
0 dentng
agculue land devted t cpgwng: aable dentng agcultue land devted t stckgazng: pastoa denng agcultue nvlvng bth f these: xed ntductn f ntensve agcultue t develpng cuntes gen evouton 0 dentng agcultual ppety methds agaan ntensve stckeang mehds
battey famng, facoy famng
buldng f ntensve pulty asng bolehouse dark and cnstced pen n whch a calf s ased f veal: vea cate catefee envnment f stckasng loose hous ng ngatheng f cps havest celebatn f ths havest festva, havest home feedng cattle n cut gass brught n zeogazng mnmzatn f es n by plugh ng alng cntus conto poghng 0 dentng agcultual land le unswn fao medeval allcatn f agcultual land openfed system 0 agcultual machney deadstock agcultual anmals: vetock seasnal mvement f lvestck t dffeent pastue tanshumance lvestck fattened f slaughte fatstock 0 anmal's weght as saleable meat deadegh bk ecdng vestck pedgees: hed book 0 supply wate f agcultual pupses: gae 0 study f sl managemen and cp pductn agonomy ee l cop, fam,
too athti 0 aesthetc expet connosseu 0 pesn wth n aesthetc sense boo, phstne Ai 0 sexual actvty wth pecau tns aganst Ads: safe sex 0 cance suffeed by Ads ctms apos's sacoma ai cii aeo, atmo( atmspherc pneum(o) 0 n the a aeal cntanng a pneumatc 0 rSng cuent f wam a:
thema 0 admt a t: aeate, ventlate allwng the passage f a: poous desgned f mnmum a esstace steamned 0 peated by a pessue pneumatc 0 n he pen a afesco dentng a hav ng less xygen than nmal aefed 0 de aless egn: vacuum thugh lck f a suffocate 0 kll thugh depvatn f a suffocate, asphyxae pllutn lte f he nse and muth: mask 0 eadng effect f a n a mvng bject dag study f a mvemen aeodynamcs study f a tavel: aeo-
autcs aiat
0 cii
small lght acaft mcolght aca wth ne par f wngs monoplane 0 aca havng tw sets f wngs: bpane dentng an acaft that can mve ts wngs fm a ghtangled t sweptback pstn
arcraft takng fr and landng n wate: seapane acaft takng ff and landng n wate land: amphban jet acaft landng and takng vetcally ump et engneless xedwng acaft gde pweed cra kept buyant by gas: ashp, dgbe wngless aca wth pweed hzntal t: hecopte 0 wngless acft wth unpweed hzntal autogo, autogyo acaft capable f space spacepane tavel acaft equpped t cay lquds n bulk anke c bsevng enemy ptns spott pane aca de sgned t evade ada detectn: steath pane acaft's man bdy: fuseage acaft wth lttle n fuselage fyng ng far fm the fuselage outboad 0 nea the fu selage nboad nsde the fuselage: nboad, on boad utemst laye f an caft's suctue skn lghts shwng an arcaft's pstn:
airc a aI 8 f
vigto igts, ruig igts, sideigts .aircraft carring goods freigter • pilotess aircraft packed with eplosies fyig bomb air-
craft manuacture and echnolog aerospace par o an aircraft's structure speciall cured to gie it lit aerofoi streamining structure on an aircraft: fairig • lattened pro jection improing sabilit fin • wheels etc supporting an aircrat whil on the ground adig gear, udercarriage .cables etc controlling light suraces and engines rig ging aircrafts single trianguar wing deta ig hinge rear edge o an aircrafts wing aiero, fp aircrat wing lap projected to create dra spoier .aircraft's door atc detachable unit on an aircraft pod ront and rear o an aircrat fore ad aft part o an aircra or the light crew cockpit, fig deck transparent coer o an aircraft cockpit caopy • light crew's powered seat or emergenc escape ejectio seat, ejector seat • cockpit instrument pane cosoe, ds • instrument showing an board aircrafts height: atimeter instrument showing the rate o climb or descent: vriometer • rod controling drection o light cotro coum, joystick • persons responsble or l ing an aircraft: figt cre person in command o an aircraft: cti, iot captain's assistant first of ficer, cilot • person directing an aircrafts route avigtor deice keeping an aircraft on a set course utomtic iot electronic aiation equipment vioics remoable coer or an aircraft engine: colig • aircrt engines outer cas ing: cee section diider in an aircrt bued aircrts smal window: aircrat's ortole kitchen gey maintenance o at mospheric pressure inside a high
pressuriztion aircraft: ling • aircras cargo area od person in charge o cargo oadmster aircra crew responsible or passegers or cargo cbi cre list o aircrat passenges or cargo maifest .peron hiding on an aircraft in order to trael without pag: stoay aircras paing passengers and cargo payoad, usefu oad • behind or to the back o an aircrat aster on the outside o an aircra outbord .use of a powered aircrat to pul a glider into the air: eotoig bulk air transport o troops or suppies airif ling or operation o aircraft aviatio aircraft's panned or actual course figt pat, vector • route reguarl used b aircra air e, iay • permitted air route air corridor • ocia record o an aircrafts ourne og • aircraft's light recorder back box, figt data recorder .light path o an aircraft waitng to land odg patter • aircra circling a gien pont at dierent altitudes while waiting to land stck • aircrafts path between take o and ee cruising cimbout tilt an aircra to make a turn ak • aircrafts steep clmbing turn: cadee .lee an aircrat ftte out aircra's maimum possible al titude ceiing maintain an aircrft at a stead altitude trim .aircra's deation rom course due to wind drift aircraft's speed relatie to the ground goud speed aircrat's speed elaie to the ambien air ir seed trail o disturbed ar le behind a moing aircraft: sipstrem, e, trail o condensed water le by an aircraft at high altitude vour tri • instance of two ircr passing each other closer than is permitted irmiss .denoting an aicrt in diculties i distress region o ow or uneen pressure destabilizing an arcrt i r pocet, tur
I aipot 9aica
bulence • aircraft shake caused by turbulence: buffet buffetng .(of an aircraft) rock from front to back: ptch .(of an arcraft) rock from front to back: roll • (of an aircraft) twist from side to side ya • violent swg of an arcraft on or near ground: ground loop • aircraft's steep downward plunge: nosedve • aircraft's fast re volvig motion: spn .aircrafts un pwered landing: deadstck landng • airca's rough emergency anding: crashlandng hard andng • air crafts emergency landing wth a na vertica drop: pancake landng • arca's gradual descent o the runway: approach • aicraft's circling course after aboted approach goa round • aircrat's landing des cent: glde path • runwy contact by the wheels of a landing aircraft: touchdon • landed arcrats deceleration along the runway: rllout • airca's slow ground movement to or from the runway taxng • airport personne servicing an aircraft between lihts: ground ce prepare an aircraft for its return journey: turn round housing for an aicraft: hngar • ocial unveing of a new arcraft: rolout • hire an aircra for a trip: carte • hire of an aircraft without crew dry ease • hre of an arcraft with crew et lease • enter or place on n aircraft: emark em plane enpane .throw from an aircra: ettson • leave an aircaft: ds • denoting an emak deplane aircr safe t ly aorthy .establishment monitoring aircraft move ments: trackng staton • service monitoring and directing aircra movements ar traffc control .permission fr an air mvement given by air trafc control: clearance .details of a proposed ight submitte to ai trafc control: flght plan .compterzed mocup of an aircraft cock pit used n piot training: flght smu
lator • prohibit an aircraft from lying: ground • iegay seize control of an arcraft: hjack skyjack .air force unit of six aircraft: flght • antiaircraft re: flak • military arcrafts emergency takeoff scram le • miitary arcraft's wartime op eration: msson � see als aeratcs arlner navgaton aircra carir • airstrip on an aircrat carrier: fght deck aiid .miitary aireld arbse .hardsurfaced area on an aireld were aicra may park or manoeuvre: apon flghtlne • strip for taing off and landing runay lu minated rnway: flarepath .lexle cylinder showing wind direction and force: drogue sleeve ndsock .large buiding for housing aircraft hangar airinr airlner carrying many passengers: jumo jumbo jet • shorthaul irliner carryng many passengers: arus • part of an airliner for the passengers: cabn mst expensive class of passenger accommodation: frst class • middle class passenger accommodation: clu class • cheapest passenger accommodation: economy clas, trst class persons attending to passengers needs: cab n cre, fg t atend ants steards • bag suitable for transport in the cabin: carryon flght bag .airtraveler's luggage beynd his r her aowance: excess baggage • list of airlner passngers: mafest • person hiding on an airliner in order to travel without paying: stoaay • company providing scheduled public air transport: arlne • product promotin givng vouchers redeemable for stated distances o free ai travel Ar les airr .airport buing fr departing and arriving passengers: ter mnal • airport reception counter:
0 r a
desk • ose pars o an apor ermnal a le beeen s sree enrance and cusoms and passpor conrol andsde ose pars o an arpor ermna a le beeen he arcraf and cusoms and passpor conrol ade • desk here depar ng passengers have her ckes n speced ceckn nonappearance o booked passenger: noso • re sa o honour a cke due o over bookng: umping • ckeholder ang or a sea o become avaable: stany .arpor ormaon board or screen: ndcato arpor longe or passengers changng planes tanst lounge apor ex o a parc lar lgh: gate rased passageay o an acraf pe • movable seps gvng access o an arcra: amp .apors nonlyng sa gound sta • apor employees servcng an arcraf gound cre • roang machne rom hch lggage s colleced: caouse • arrva or deparre of a arcraf movement • ele vaed oce rom hch lgh moemens are conroed: conto toer • edness el afe a lgh across me zones et ag
.mechancally propeed airsi arshp: dgle • German mlay ashp sed n Fs Wold War eppen • ashps gas conaner enveope • cabn suspended beneah n ashp: gondoa ac courage ganed by drinkng acohol Dutc couage • apparas or dslng alcohol: st .person ahorzed o sell acoholc drnks: vctuaer censed vctuae denog a place auhozed o sell alcoholc drnks: censed denoing an acoholc drnk served ho her don: nat straght .denong a regon here alcoholc drnks canno be prchased: dry add acool srreposly o a dnk: spke make alcoho un o drn: de
natue • acohol denaured by mehanol: metyated spt • absinence rom acoholc drnks teetotasm tempeance acism .delusons caused by temens delum alcohol& • nermen cravng or acohol dpsomana chlds mena and physca reardaon caused by he mohers consmpon o excessve a cohol durng pregnancy feta acoo syndome aa proeraon o agae n aer: agal loom sudy o algae agoogy abra agebrac expresson o he sum or dference o o erms nomal .expresson o more han o agebrac erms polynomal • umber muplyng an agebrac varable coeffcent ain • conal mechanca aen organsm daek _ imagined alen beng tte geen man person clamng o have had dengs h alen bengs: contactee • arme mprsonmen o resden aens: ntenment • resden alen n ancen Greece metc akai • dye ndcaing lkany: tmus .nonakalne sbsnce ase a . cin in fs omn pan panto eg anmme ognay e feng o a e as ao of a
or al persons or hngs unvesa • al a once en oc smutaneouy .an freestyle • allknong om nscent alpoerful omnpotent a ogether: en loc en masse dsease breakng ou over al pars o a coury or over al he old pan demc argy • aergy causing breahng dcules: astma alergy caused by polen: ay fever • subsance casng an alergc reacon: alegen denong a sbsance unlkely o cse an allergc reacon: hypo
alliance I mbassador
aergenic • itchy ed spots caused by food algies hives, netterash urti caria • compound eleased into cels to combat allegens histamine • medicine used to teat alegies antihistamne • cue allegy by gadual exposue to its cause desensitia tion • skin alegy test patch test alliance • ioma alliance en tente • secet aliance between ms to pevent competition carte • secet aliance of puchases at an auction o foce down pices ring • tempoay aliance between politica paties coaition front .tempoay aliance between businesses consor tium allwance • money paid to a cae for looking ate an invalid atend ance aoance .money paid to local councilos fo tim� spent on council business attendance ao ance
ally • aloy usd to join meta so der • mecuy aloy used to ll teeth amagam • alloy of gold and silve eecrum • goldlik aloy of coppe and zinc: pincbeck • silvelike alloy of nickel, zinc, and coppe nicke siver German siver • aloy of which monumental basses ae made atten
• almond
paste marzipan • scald almonds to emove thei skin banch
alne • pes
Alps • eyond the Alps utramon side of the Aps • this tane lpine • taditional cismontane wooden house chaet • ancient AngloSaxon aphabet and Scandinavian alphabet fuark
runes • ancient Bitish and Iish alphabet ogham • Indian alphabet Devanagari • alphabet of aised dots fo blind people Braie .fome al phabet of aised ettes fo blind people Moon • ponunciation sign written above o below a letter dia critic • wite in a diffeent alphabet transiterate
• chief
alta high atar • potable alta sueratar • alta canopy badaccino ciborium • onamental clot coveing the font of an altar fronta • onamental cloth behind an ata dossa • shelf behind an alta retabe • onamental sceen behind an alta reredos • painting placed behind an alta atarpiece • ailing und an altar parcose • alta cabi net fo the eseved sacament taber nace • dain nea an ala piscina
alternative meicine
• medical
system associating pats of the hands and feet with diffeent pats of the body zone therapy • massage system based on zone theapy re .joint manipulation fexoogy chiropractic .egime of massage execise and diet conto naturop athy • medicinal use of plants herb alism • healing by spiitual means faith heaing .healing by cystals crysta heaing
• amateu
dabble in an at o skil diettante • peson falsely claiming amateu status samateur
ambassar .papal ambassado • nuncio sent to a nonnuncio Cathlic county pronuncio • am bassado's deputy charg d'affaires assistant • ambassado's attach • ambassados esidence embassy • ambassados
intoductoy lette credentias, etter of credence • dess of an ambassado who is pe sented to the head of state court dress � see alo dipomacy
I a n ger bigu ty m a ....... .......................... .
miguiy .statemet made am biguous by its grammar: abolog abol statemet de siged to ave a secod (usuay idecet) meaig doube entendre, dou ble entente merican nin merica dia tougt to ave magic powers: edcne an saan .merica dia axe: toaak • merica dia peace pipe calut .meri ca dia soe: occasn meri ca dia spe medce .meri ca dia tet lodge, teeee, ga amng . cnnf nter nternatnal amog oters nter aos amog oter tigs: nter ala amun tiy amou: ota, ot, sou�on, trace, vestge required or permitted amout quantu quota, raton • isufciet amout: sort easure amout l over: sulus • express or measure a amout: quant assessed by amout: quanttatve quanttve ammuniin • ammuitio for a sigle sot: round deotig ammu itio cotaiig explosive lve e otig ammtio cotaiig explo sive but o proectie: blank ammuitio store: agazne anaeseic .aaestetic affect ig te wole body geneal anaestec spial aaesteic give i cildbirt: epdual extradural .de otig a aaestetic affectig a spe cied pt oly oca nlysis detaied critical aalysis: ctque aalysis of complex pro cedures to improve eciecy: sstes anass nctr earliest acestor: ogentor ogen ito eumratio of a pesos acestos geneaog edgee elated troug a com mo mle acestor: agnae relaed
2 ......................... ..
troug a commo acestor: cognate • relatiosip by desce from a com mo acestor: consangunt .re semblig or derivig from acestral caracteristics: atavstc ancr • sma acor wit several ukes: granel smal acor used to aul a sip: kedge, kedge ancor .stragt part of a acor: sank triagular plate o a acors arm fuke .stoe used as a acor kllck ancien • cnn fs arcaeo, alaeo excavaio ad study of te pysical remais of a ahaeolog ciet civiizatios: • study of fossil aimals ad plats: alaeobolog .study of fossil plats alaeobota ange • agel of te rst order sera agel of te secod order: ceub gel of te tird order: trone agel of te fourt or der donaton .agel of te t order: vrtue .agel of te sixt or der oer agel of te sevet order: rncalt • agel of te eigt order: arcangel .agel of te it order: angel .feast of te Mchaelas arcagel Micael: local group of Hes Agels cater anger ager at ufair treatmet ndgnaton, offence outage, esentent expressio of public ager outc public outrage or te evet causig it: scandal • public display of ager scene cildis outbust of ger: tantru esily agered: ascbe rrtable sort teeed, test tetch tuculent iteded to cause ager: ovocative remark made to provoke ager: aunt • suly bad temper: etuance, que atural proeess to ager or equaimity: teeaent petu lat expressio of te lips moue, out agry frow: scol • agry rebue scodng deotig a bad
tempered person curmugeonly, yspptic cause persistent resentment nkle soothe anger p pese, mollfy, pcify, plcte, pro pitite . cnn ang gon • angle smaller than 90° cute ngle • angle of 90° ight ngle • angle etween 90 180° btuse ngle denot ing an angle not a right angle oblique • denong an angle ta omines with another to make 90° comple menty • denoting an inwar pointing angle reentrnt • denoting an outwardpointing angle slent gure with many angles polygon having three angles tingul having four angles qurn gulr having ve anles pentnul haing eigh angles ctnglr • too for marking angles beve • nstrument to measure or draw angles rtctr, se squre instrument measuring angles precisely gnmeter ng-ax • ancient Anglo Saxon alphaet fthk, runes • AngloSaxon price or nole thel ing anima . cn n theri, zoo animal without a ackone invertebrte • anima having a ackone vetbrte • animal having to feet bipe • animal having four feet qure warmlooded ani mal suckling its young mmml anmal carrying its young in a pouch mrspil • scalyskinned coldlooded animal eptle • cold looded terrestrial animal having an aquati larval stage mpibin • variety of animal developed y reeding stin animal used o pull cars, ploughs, etc_ rught nml • set of draught animals tem • ani mal used to carry loads best of ben • animal regarded as symolizing a group or ringing good for
a I aima tune mscot animals red or raised for prot lvestock, stock animal huntng others peto hunted animal rey animal used y hunters to attract others ecoy • anima eating its own species cnni bl • animal eating lesh crnivoe • animal eating plants erbi vore animal feeding on refuse scvenger animal in its second year yerg animal tat hews he cud rumnnt • anima depend ent upon xternal sources of heat ecttherm • animal creating its own odily heat enothem • animal aintaining a steady ody temperature homeothem male animal kept for reeding sire • animals fe mle parent m • young orn to an animal at one time broo, itte smalles memer of a litter nt give irth to young thro • mal formed or mutant animal monste • ospring of animals of differen t species crossbee ybi • large group of animals he • group of herded animals rove, her, ock or • animals of a particular time fun underwater animal lfe epifun denoting an animal native to a particular region enemic wild animal's home en, ir lie area regularly traversed y an animal home rnge animals seasonal change of haitat migrtion panicked rush of a numer of animals stmpee • animals edding of staw t tter • animal's projeting nose and mouth snot • animal's exile snout proboscs • animals frightening jaws m hind part of an animals ody rump animals skin with the hair pel • clean an animal's coat grm • skin disease of hairy and woolly animals mnge • animal's seasonal loss of plumage or fur moult • animals internal organs eaten as meat offl , pluck animal's exile grasping appendage tentcle
a k I S
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amals track or o r scet poor • de- versary trcntenary .00th ai• amals otig aimals adapted to a very dry versar uatercentary • Oth eviromet xeropilou abiity aversary uncentenary .600th of certai aimals to chage colour aiversary xcntnary metacroi • deotig a tamed ai- nnuncer .aoucer at a publc mal dometc, dometicated .de evet atr of ceremonie • a otng a amal returned to the wild: oucer at a variet show compre fera • establish a aimal i a for eig habitat naturalze • deotg any .easily aoyed rtable, pev, tty • uti it becomes a amal bred for research labora oing ad naueam tory .deotig a utehered ai mal loo .aimals dose of medi anining .ritual aoitig fo recie drenc .climb oto a amal ligous puroses: unction .oil used for ridig mount .(of a male ai for ritual aoting crm mal) clmb oto a female aimal for • sharp aswer retort copulatio mount • aimal excre- answr • witt aswer rejnder, ripote droppng, oppng, dun g .remais of met dr .witty aswer thought of too late prehistoric aimals foud i rock eprit de ecalier • refusal to give foil • taking the form of a aimal teromorpic, zoomorpc • ai- straght aswers: toneang nin in f mm(o) mal traier andler • exploitatio o an . n • adjet ve form • female at aimals justied by alleged huma superiority peieim • protected un .male at drone • sterle area for wildlife reerve, anctuary at performig most basic tass • eclosure for eepig aimals i orr .Africa ad Asia aimal that eats ats pangolin, cay ant semiatural conditios vvarium place for kepig stry amals ater study of ats myrmecology pound .collectio of wild aimals anibiic • atbiotic produced for exhibito exhibito menagerie, zoo .docfrom blue moulds peniciin .deottor reatig aimals vt, vetrinary ig a atibiotic eective agaist a ureon .allegedly ujustiable ex- larg rage of orgaisms broad perimets performed o aimals vivi pectrum ection • book describig diere kids of aimals betiary • study of ani .serum cotaig ati dotes antierum, antivenin .sup aimals zooogy • stud of aima posed atidote to a poisos behaviour etology • stud of ai mithidat mals whose existece s doubted rytozooogy niu • iterestig atique objt al • aklecoverig aitr pat d virtu • perso who studies or col lects atiques or atiquities anti • akle orame an uarian antiuary vrr .25th aiversar ir jiee .Oth aiversary lr at sectio of atle pam prog of atle tin gon jubi 2th or Ot ai ersa jubiee • eotig a 40 a nn f proct(o) iversar ruby deotig a 60t .adjctive: ana .mscle closig the aversar diamond 1OOth ai aus phintr .iammaio of ersary centenay 1O aive the aus procii • swoe eis in sar euintnry 200th ai the aus hmorrhid il .i ersar ersar binny 300th i strme for isectig the aus
proctoscope • surgical construction of an articial anus colostomy • study of the anus proctology nxiey .abnormally tense or anx ious neurotc • showig no anxiety nonchaant r •combining orms: da (eg anss eay eng aa se(eg searate
rhid • former dominaion by whites in South Africa baaskap term under apartheid fo r a South rican black: Bantu • offensive former South African term for any black per son ar .offensive ormer South African term for a person of mxed ethnic origins Coloured • homelan for South Arican blacks uder apart heid Bantustan • urba settlement or South African blac� under apart heid locaton, tonshp • towship drnking place shebeen e • adciv sman • large powerul ape gorlla ex .adiv: apcal phroie • Lain nam Veus pe • passionate appeal cr de cur (. rs e ur • litignt who appeals to a higher court appellant ombining orm orm erc morph (eg lymrh phany • appearace of a god to mortals epphay theophany .rst appear ance of a a artist artist in public public debut .sportsman or woman playng in publc for the rst time debutant • surface appearance of a manufac tred article nsh .done merely for the sake of appearace token .denoting pleasant appearance and maner personable • miseading appearance guse, lluson eix .ilammation of the appendix appendcts • surgical remova of an appendix appendectomy
axi Aab
eie • adciv orectc .per son with a gross appetite for food gourmand .person with an insati able sexual appetite lecher eizer .rst course of a meal ors d'oeuvre, starter .small open sandwich served as appetizer canap • alcoholic drink taken before a meal as an appetizer apertf aause .loud and long applause ovaton • persons hired to applaud claque e • apple that is green when ripe greeng • alcoholic drink made from apple juice cder • apple brandy Cavdos .apple of oe's eye cynosure aoinme appoint to a post nomnate where no appointmets are needed dropn .person ot keeping an appointment nosho reticeshi • apprenticeship agreement ndentures • having com pleted an apprenticesip tmeserved Ara .Arab leader sek .Arab scholar or man of high social stad ing effend .nomadic desert Arab Bedoun .Arab living in Israel or Palestine alestnan .Arab who does not wat a negotiated peace with Israel reecont Arab guerrillas fedayeen Arab sailing bat dho .Arab quarter in a town kasbah • Arab covered market baaar, souk dish of • Arab meat bal koa • Arab dish spiced durum semolina couscous mashed chickpeas ea Arab dish of mashed fel, hummus .Arab crackedweat salad tabbouleh • Arab fruitjuice drink sherbet .Arab hooded cloak burnous, djellaba • Arab headdress effyeh • Arab headband agal .Arab man's long robe dshdasa • Arab eye makeup ol • Arab ges ture of greetng greetng salaam • Arab name for God Alla • driedup river chan nel in some Arab countries ad
r ab it t o
. . . . .
I a r c h i t e c tu r e
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ara • prt
term or marjuana f n Ara folklore: gene en nn . same � see see ls Mus-
m djtive arbtral • ar arbitrar . djtive ar trator formal decon arbtra ment determnaton • denotng an
artrament that the parte mut oey bndng arc • ro of o f arche arcade • tone at the centre of an arch eystone area ehnd the houlder o an arch spandre • underde o an arch sof ft • upport for an arch: per • tructure upportng the latera thrut o an arch: abutment . cbii fr r arcaey arcaeo .. arhaemetry • ur gent archaeologcal ntgaton a te aout to e dtured rescue arcaeology • ytematc npecton o a poughed eld fed alng anay of layerng of reman
stratgrapy arcdeacn • djective arcd aconal .ttl of an Anglcan arch deacon: venerable archdeacon' ormal npecton vstaton arcer • arologcal term sagarus arer • djective toxoplte .archery range bus .mound for the target n a range but dtant target: rover djective ctive arctectonc arciec . dje
orkng n conultaton th loca nhatant communty
arctect arciecure
de gned t spathze th t enron ment landscape arctecture • de notng archtecture n the tyle of ancent Greece and Rome classca denotng archecural tyle man feted n functona udng vernacular upper part o a claca uldng: entabature rounded roof g ault dome .lender pre:
• ornamental porch th column portco • coered alk round a quadrangle: closter • clotered
quadrangle: closter gart gart • ndo projectng from a lopng roof dormer • denotng an openng dr �t n end than at the othr splayed • played ndo openng embrasure • ornamental tone openork aoe a ndo tracery • emcrcular alcoe lunee .large polygonal rece: orel • projectg upport or a a buress • arch haped uttre flyng buress .mouldng round the edge o a celng: cornce .mouldg round a door or ndo: arctrave drpstone ood moud abe • a lng the end o a ptched roo: gable • decorate trangular gale aoe a door or a pedment • pedmnt' receed cenal area: tympanum • decorate and at a a top: freze • projctng a aoe a replace: c mney breast breast projectng upport: corbe • oramental oodork at a gale end bargeoard • ornamental attement: castellaton • ornment at the top or corner of a uldng: na .ornament coerng a jon n rork boss • Norman ponted ornamentaton: dogtoot • ornamental mouldng of emcrcular ecton beadng .ornamental framng for an ncrpton: cartouce • ornament coerng conergg aultng boss grotequely cared ater pout gargoyle • decoratn n th Chnee tyle cnosee • outer coerng for a all caddng .loer pat of an nteror all dado mooth, quarecut maonry aslar tep and plaorm efore a man entrance perron elaoratly decr· ated enance: portal • ro of arch: arcade eteror gallery on an upper loor: logga .open cortyard n he centre of a udng atrum underde of an archtectural fea
archiv I aromatc
7 ue sot
�see ls beam, brick
building, column, dome ornament, ault, all , indo arciv achive eco muniment .peson in chage of a ach iv cllecin arcist Arcic .Acic plain tundra .Ac ic slege og usky ara .lage aea tract .long na row aea belt • emoe area interland, interior aea wih a paicu la use o chaace zone ey aea nexus • aea aically ieen fom hose surouning i enclae aea
cu o fom hose o which i is e lae exclae suouning aea purleu aea wih conolle access excluson zone an ggy aea quagmre .aea evoe o uilings of a paicla in estate .aea of inluence o concen pur ie • aea overe o avaiale
Ars Lti 1 Mars argumn • djective eristic .a gumen pesene in cou subms son • agumen caelly ignoing unfavouale facs specal pleading noisy bu ivial agumen squabble .liely o cause agumen con tentous pone o ague dsputatious efuaion of anohes agumen rebual allowing no a gumen n enoing a spe cially plausible agumen prima acie
• enoing
a faacious aguen go up o convnce specous • use of ishones agumens casust, sop
st arm
. cbi cbi i i r r braco . dj djectie bracial • am a m of an oco
pus tentace .inosau wih sho amlie fon legs braciosaurus onamen worn oun he ppe am armlet djective miltary arm orcs . djective
.amou mae of smll meal ings cain mal helmes plume crest helmes facegua faceg ua beaer, isor hoa amou gor get amou fo he ches an ac uirass sleeveless mai coa aber geon fulllengh mail coa auber .am amou ambrace .a moue glove gauntlet high a mou cuisse shin amou greae cloh gamen won ove
surcoat arms • djective eraldic .sysm
y which coas of ams ae evise eraldry epe in his eraldist .ofcial conollng he Coege of Ams arl Marsal .ocial ove seeing sae ceemonial an gans of ams erald, oicer o arms persuiant .chief heal King o Arms .heal's emlazone coa tabard shiel eaing a coa of ams escutceon smalle shiel awn insie anohe inescutceon scin f an scuchon quarte coa of ams wih is eaes ec iamonshape acieement oa showing his atment healic esign deice, emblem lehan lehan sie sie of a coa coa of ams dex ter ighhan sie of a coa of ams snister epic a coa of ams emblazon .isplay wo coas of ams on one shiel impale .e noing a coa of ams ha epesens he eae's name canting
mlitary .cizen amy militia, ome guard iegu la esisance foce militia fon pa of an amy an, anguard sie of an amy ank goun e ween opposing amies noman'sland amy aning school military academy armac aomaic oinmn mae fom a ee esin balsam
eamen using aomaic
oils aromatepy
8 a n a d I a
a ound
• cb frs
(.. amhtheatre) crcum (. crcumference) pe ( ernatal)
arange • arrange n sequence whou overlaps: stagger • arrange men of bale forces dsposton • possble arrangemen of a se of ems: pemutation ares • arres performed by an or dnary person ctzen's arrest • m muny from arrs sanctuay dp loma's mmuny from arres exratetoralty arval person dealng wh ar rvals a a hospal, ofce, or hoel receptonist • nonarrval noso arow • arrow for crossbow: bolt • arrow's cenral wooden secon sa • backurned spke on an arrow head barb feahered end of an arrow: flgt feaher an arrow flec • case for arrows quve vulga r a • creave ar fne art • vulgar or senmenal ar ktsc .ar n ended o arouse sexual desre erotca • ar produced by he unraned ousder ous der at at • ar gvng a mnue re producon of realy yperealsm realsc depcon of curren socal condons socal reals versmo • denong grmly ealsc ar kitcensink • arsc norms pro mulgaed under Salnsm socalst realsm • denong ar depcng physcal appearances n a naural way: guative ealstc • denong ar no depcng physcal appear ances n a naural way abstact • denong unconvenonal ar avant gade undegound • ype of ar gene • genres creaed before an audnce peoing ats deno ng hose genres nvolvn hree plastc dmensonal modeng • genres based on lne and one gaphic ats • recurren feaure n an arwok ot • conveyance of feelng n ar expesson • faculy of
arc orgnaon creatvty • ar sic dscernmen: taste • knowledge of he ne ars: vrtu arwork urned ou o make a lvg poboler • ars's complee oupu oeuvre • ousandng arsc creaon: mas terpce masteork pce de sstance ( ces e rSsance) • arwork mang oher syles: pastche • amaeur dabbler n an ar: dilettante • ar exhbon salon pu works of ar on how exbt are fac assembled a he xhbon i n stallaton • presenaon of arefacs whch ncludes performers peom ance at • found obec consdered as a work of ar: obt trouv (. bjets trus) • organzed seres of arsc evens: festval • sponaneous ars c even appenng ems .ti e Diaa ats • arhrs he ons osteoatrtis reuatod artitis • swmmng exercses as a cure for arhrs: ydroterapy aical • arcal body pars prosthetcs • arcally creaed facttous syntetc mor ar ars s of of he h h 7h 7h as • mor cenures old ol d master • ars's work shop studo atele • ars's dummy lay lay fgure fgure an n • ars's personal syle: diom • ars's youh ful oupu: uvenlia • ars's com plee oupu: corpus oeuvre ar s's mos mporan creaon agnu opus • group of arss hav ng a smar approach sco pr son posng for an ars odel as djectives cneay cinerous • conaner for cremaed ashes urn san .lgh Asan car drawn by one or more people rcksa • Asan savoury pasry saosa • any season n souhern Asa monsoon yellow powder used o avour and Asan dshes turerc
ssemy • assembly by he pu chase sefassembly • supplied eady fo easy assembly prefabrcated ssessmen • analyical assess men: crtque • fomal assessmen of a employees pefomance: ap ap-prasa • peson gvg an assess men of a aisic wok o pefom ance: critc • dcul o impossible o assess: mponderabe sse • denoing asses no easily conveible ino cash: fxed, qud • denoing asses easily conveed o cash: dsposabe, dsposabe, q ud , n earmone earmoneyy • denoing asses expeced o be sold wihin a yea: current • sale of as ses: dsposa • selling o asses of a puchased company f quick po assetstrppng • simulaneous ad ing of asses in dfeen makes makes o po by pice dieences: arbtrage conve asses ino cash: reaze gadual incease in an asse's value: apprecaton • gadual decease in an asse's value deprecaton .po gessive wieoff of an asse's pu case value amortzaton • chage upon asses: encumbrance • peven he use of asses freeze • legal docu men disposing of one's asses afe deah: ssimilin • gadual assimia ion: osmoss • assimilaion of cul al minoiies: ntegaton cb i fr sub ssisan . cbi (.g. subetr) vce (.g ve resent) • geneal assisan: goper, factotm, mate, offce boy .auho's o compose's asssan, aking down dcaion o copying dafs: amanuenss .ciminal's as sisan: accomce, abettor .hun e's o sheman's ssisan ge • goe's assisan: cadde • civil sevan assisg a senio govenmen ocial: vate secretary • adminis ave asisan o a senio miliay oce adjtant • condenial assis
ambl I athlts an o a senio miiay oce adedecamp .pies's liugical assis an acoyte assumin • assumpion made as a basis fo fuhe easoning: ypotupo n assumpions: assumpions: supe • based upon posttous asma • djective astmatc • peson sueing fom ashma: asthmatc .dug aken by ashmaics o widen he bonchi broncodator • insumen measuing ashmaics' lung capaciy: peak fo meter asrlgy • asological foecas of fuue evens: oroscope .aso logical cha: zodac .seco on an asological cha ouse, sgn asrnau ainee asnau space cadet .asonau's poecive clohing: spacesut • asonau's peiod of physical aciviy in space ouside he spacecaf: space ak, extravcuar actvty • asonau's supply line duing exavehicula aciviy umbca • imagined dis oion oion of space space ime ime enabling enabling as aso o naus o beach he laws of physics space arp ena .Lt e Mnerva aleics • ahleic cones wh wo evens fo al compeios: baton • ahleic cones wih hee evens f all compeios: traton • ahleic cones wih fou evens fo com peios: tetraton • ahleic cones wih ve evens fo all compeios: pentaton • ahleic cones wih seven evens o al compeios: ept aton • ahleic cones wih en evens fo a compeios: decaton • inenaional ahleic cones fo he disabled: araympcs • ahleic even no a ace fed event .a leic even involving acing: track event • balanced seies of ahleic execises: crcut • disc hown by an ahlee: dscs .lage heavy ball hown by ahlee sot • ahlee
At t Oa I attitd compeing in shor races sprter ahee compeing in middle or long disance races distace ruer .ahees warm oversui racksut • weaherproof racksui se sut anic cean equaorial re gion of he Alanic wih uncerain winds: dodrums .warm curren running norhwes from he G of Mexico Guf Stream, Nort Aac Dr amspere having a sae warm amosphere frosty fuggy, fusty stuffy .device o improve a rooms amosphere ioizer • map line join ing points of equal amospheric pres sure: isobar .regins of he earhs crus and amosphere inhaied by liing organisms biospere suc cessive regions of he earhs amos phere: tropospere, stratospere mesospere termospere ioospee • inerface beween ropo sphere and sraosphere tropopause .inerface beween sraosphere and ionosphere stratopause ozone rich layer in he sraosphere ozoe ayer .thin area in his: ozoe oe proportion of moisure presen in he amosphere: umdity .elong aed region of high amospheric pres sure rdge elongaed region of low amospheric pressure troug .area of amospheric pressure lower hn hose around i depresso .un sale atmospheric pressue: urbu ece insrumen measuring a mospheric pressure barometer am aom wih a ne psiive or negaive charge: io ams cenral core: uceus (. nule) frce hold ing aoms geher bod onded grup f ams: mocue group f aoms ehaving as a uni: radica cnsiuen of an am: parce subaomic parice, eemeary par tice force holding quarks neu rons and proons geher wihin he nucleus srog orce echnolg
for manipuaing aoms and mol ecues aotecoogy aomic caesum cock clock caesum aac • inessenial exra iem a ached o somehing somehing appedage • aachmen eeen newborn ian nd is moher: umbca cord (f a isaack bii f ease) epsy (. elesy) • brief a ack foray, cursio, say, sortie • erce aack bitz, osaugt sudden aack strke .sudden sur prise aack: coup de ma ( us e man) • sudden aack from a de fensive posiion say sorte aack on an enemy posiion assau .un prooked aack aggressio aack designed o disable a perceived hrea: fs strke preemptive strike .re sponse o aack couratack, outeroffesve secod stre .aack by aircraf: air raid re peaed aacks from lowying air craf strafig .denoing a miiary aack carried ou wih grea preci sion surgica • crime of aacking a person assaut person or hing vulnerable o aack so target aenan group of aendans upon an imporan person: etourage, retue, trai • proecive a endan bodyguard mider aenin focus he aenin cocerae .cenre of aenion cyosure .frcing he aenin trudesined o sive, obtrusive • aciviy desined disrac aenion dversio .avoid ance of aenion o profie craf ily aviding aenion: furtve .ime spen devoing ones aenion o an ity ime oher ua ity aiue se of aiudes metaiy, midset .se of atiudes opposed o hse currenly prevailing: coutercuure .cnfrnaion of dferen aiudes cuture sock • spread of middleass maerialism emboureoim persn wih udaed
attat I awa
attitdes fogey stil adherng to old attitdes unreconstructed, unregenerate attract bargain offered to attract cstomers comeon, osseader attractive bt worthless meretri cious aurgin .abergne n Greek cisine meitanes abergine in Indian cisine brinja action at a t which the th e price auctin action is progressively redced: Dutc auction item sold at an action ot .price which an item mst reach be fore being sold reserve, reserve price, upset price secret aliance of prchasers at an action to force down prices ring audita adiota e machine recording telephone messages a nsering macine anserpone container fo r adiotape cassette container native Astralian ustraian Aborigi Aborigi nal Astralian wid dog dingo .ostrichlike Astalian bird emu .river backwater n Astralia lled only by oods biabong .large area of pastre run Astralian term for a British person ommy Astralian term for an nskile famhand rouseabou, roustabout Astralian terms for the rral hinterland backbocks, outback ustrian title of former Astrian emperos aiser Astrian mayor burgomaster Astrian province Land Lnder .Astrian fok dance nder .Astrian chocolate cake Sacertorte ( ahertrten autr athor employed to write for another gostriter .athor of m and TV scrits: screenriter, scenarist athor's yothfl otpt uveniia athors inabiity to thnk o new material riter's bock athors assistant, taking down dictation or copying drafts amanuensis
false name sed by an athor nom de pume, pseudonym righ of
athors to royalties from libraries pubic ending rigt .person in charge of a dead athor's works iterary executor assign athorship attribute
autrity with fl athority ex showing athority catedra magsteria shared athorty partnersip intrsively athoritarian officious .misse of athority mis feasance .area of athority remit, terms of reference .legal athority to act for another poer of attorney person athorized o act for another proxy autrizatin athorzation to proceed commission mandate remit be absent withot athorization take Frenc eave autmatic introdction or se of atomatic eqipment automaon done in atomatic response to a stimls refex autumn ne weather in late atmn ndian summer, St Luke's summer, S Martin's summe avaia avaable bt not obligatory optiona available to al: open general avaiabiity open access, open door acceptance of what happens to be avaiable pot uck not avaiable inaccessibe avcad Mexican dish of mashed avocao guacamoe avid have no dealings wth boycott avoid skilflly and repeatedly eude, evade .avoid a need or difclty obviate award erson receiving an award aureate statement of reasons for bestowng an award: citation cbii frs ab(s) (.g. away cbii (.g. abdut ap(o) (.g. aee de de (.g. dedut ou (.g utbund
22 e e I ax
x smal axe hatchet can Indian axe: tomahak saughterer's axe: poleaxe
Ameri anim cim
ers ice axe: polet
axe handle haft
Aztec tempe teoca
Bb ay • jective nfantle • baby ess tan four eeks od neonate • baby it insufcient bood oxygen: blue baby .one of to babies born at a brt tn .one o hree babies born at a irt trplet • one of fo babies born at a bt quadruplet .one of ve babies born at a birt: quntuplet • set of cotes for a neborn baby layee • bay's bed cot cradle • baby's sma portabe bed carrycot • babys ickerork cot Moses basket • babys pasic teat: comforter dummy • babys ong egged feeding cair: g car .baby's babbing lallaton • ind suffered by a baby colc • feed a baby enever it cries: demandfeed • breastfeed a baby: scle • oman empoyed to sucke anoter's baby et nurse .discoage a baby om breastfeedng ean .iquid baby food to repace breast mk: formula • bounce a aby: dandle • rst faeces of a neorn nant: meconum .unexpained det of a seeping baby: cot deat sudden nfant deat syn drome .abandoned baby of unknon parentage: foundlng • baby secrety substituted for anoter cangelng .scay skin on baby's ead: crade cap • space beteen te parts o an baby's sku: fontanelle apparatus providing specia envir onment for a remature baby incuba tor • pouc for carrying a baby: slng • institution oering daytime care of abies: crce • kiing a baby n fanticde acs • Geek Donysus ae ooer of Baccs baccant .femae fooer of Baccus: bac
cante maenad • sta carried by Baccus' fooers: tyrsus ack . cbiifrs dors .jectivs dorsal (lowe back lumbar • back soping forard at e top mpbac uncba back of a eaf of paper: verso .ying on one's back: supne • bag strapped to te back: aversac napsac rc sac ack aain cbii frs ana (eg mess) re (eg. retr) ackn . jectives spnal mye lod • aving a backbone: vertebrate • aving no backbone nvertebrate .jont of meat containng a backbone: cne ackr • person ending money to nance a or pay: angel • person betting on a raceorse: punter ackwards cbii f retr (eg retrset) acn • side of acon: fltc • sice of bacon: raser • cube of bacon ar don .toug outer ayer on bacon: rnd .denoting bacon aving aternate strips of ft and ean streay acrium • bacteria in contamin ated food scerca col lstera • bacterium causing gonorroea: gonococcus • bacterim causing pneumonia and denta decay: strepto coccus • bacteria cutivated for experimentation: culture • test for bacteria: Gram stan • sbstance arresting te mutipication of bac teria bacterostat sustance kiing bacteria: antseptc bactercde dsnfectant • study of acteria: bacterology
bd b a ne 24 ad
. cbi i s caco (eg ahny) dys (eg dysfuntn) mal (eg maladmnsratn) ms(eg msadventure) • eceptionaly bd: egregious .mously bd: no torious grduy getting worse: insidious . ing's bd spects donside • bd bre alitosis
adg .owershped bdge o col oured ribbon: rosette • scool or sport tem bdge: colours adgr • mle bdger: boa bdger's burrow: eat, sett adly • cbii ata (eg atahress) mis (eg msmanae) adminn • bdmion bt racket • ethered cor used s bl suttle, suttleock • stre te bal t ommence ply: serve ad as • person ving bd tste boor, groundlin, ulgaian • vulgrly sowy: garis, audy, uid a • plsc or pper bg wit n dles: caie bag • cpciou bg: dal/, tote ba • smll bg or cos metic vanity bag • sml seed bg acet trveling bg: ri, suitcase .sm trvelling bg val ise • twosectioned rveling bg: Gladstone ba, ortmanteau • bg strpped to the bck aersack, knasack, ksack shool bg on long strp: satcel ylndricl cnvs bg with drwsrg duffel ba or's bg ditty bag .sol dier's bg: kitba rtrelers' houlder bg caryon, flit ba
• bg or crrying child on the bck
aoose .lrge bg t he sde o moor cycle, best o burden, etc an nie • bg used to remoe orpse
rom n ccident, btleld etc body ba .lrge bg or protection gns eposure suriva bag sl piece o psiccovered wire used to secure the neck o plstc
bg tist tie brne: sac
• bglie
body mem
agis .Iris bgpipes: uillean ipes • sml belowpowered bg pipes musette • pipe on bgpipes on wic e une is plyed canter
• pipe on bgppes used to produce coninuous bss noe drone • sril sound o bgppes: skil
ail • py bil money or noter: stand bail, stand surety • bscond, vng gined relee by bil jump bail baking .miure o our nd yest or bing: dou • yes Ubsitute used in bing: bakin oder alanc • ective equilibrious . stlcl te liba .stte of blne equlibrium • bnce o orces or interests: equioise • per son
ets acrobat, juggler, funambulist • self blning yweel: gyroscope .lose bnce: ovebalane
Balins • Blinese percussion or cesr gamelan Balkan • Bln gerrl: cetnik all .lrge blc b sed n bowls ood • sml wite l used in bowls jack • bl used in ice ockey: puck • bl tt is out o ply dead ball .hevy eercise bl medicine ball .lrge met bl trown in letics: ammer, sot • spied metl bl used s wr obscle: catrop bll o decorted blw glss: itc ball .orwrd spin o bll: tosin all • blet compny cors de ballet .chie emle bale dncer: ima balleina .leding bet dn cer: corye .rnkadle blet dncers cos de ballet • eme bllet dncer bal/eina, danseuse • mle bllet dncer danseu • r supporing blet dncer doing eer cises: ae blerns short srt:
tutu bet hoe with trengthened toe pote soes baet tep: pas arm moement port de bras pin made on one foot prouette poture with one eg ifted at right ange ar abesqe erie of tep for a baet choreograpy peron deiing coreograper thee: peon teaching baet dancer their tep rptteur oo dance pas seu dace fo two peope pas de deux .dance performed on the tip of the toe pote, e pote hort dance to dipay tehnique dvertssemet baet enthuiat: baltomae � see ls dacer alloo arge baoon mooed in group to frutrate air attack barrage baoo baoon ga container: eveope encoed panger com partment beow a baoon: godoa a ban on trade embargo ban on impemenation of a deciion veto ban on deaing with a pero, organization, etc: boycott a band cnductor badmaster chief muician in a band badeader roofed outdoor band patform: badstad aag bandage upporting an injured arm sg ooey woven deing gauze bandage twited tight to top the ow of bood tourqet bandae tiffened with pater of Pai ast, paster cast pad ap pied to top beeding compress protectie o heaing materia paced o a woud dressg .abobent pad sab aborbent pug tampo o moit ma appied to reiee inammation poutce aticia bank: berm ak teep bank buff, scarp .arge defenive bank earthork .ong bank buit to preen ooding: dyke, embamet .artcia bank carrying a road or raiway embakmet
blloon I bkote
bak bank deaing in ommercia oan and invetment mercat bak depoittaking cooperative offeing cheap oan to member credt o bank account for frequent depoit ad withdrawa: curret accout bank acount for ongerterm depoit depost accout bank ac count for evera peon: jt acout bank account decit overdra cutomer book ecording depoit and withrawa on hi accoun bak book, pass book bank card giving acce to cah di pener cas card management of a bank account by teephone or com puter modem drect bakg, ome bakg, teebag remove from a bank account debt arrangeme for a third party to draw on one account drect debt money pai into a bank account depost money taken out of a bank account thdraa bank depoit that cannot be withdawn before a et date tme de post intruction to a bank to make reguar payment: stadg order udden withdrawa of depot by many invetor ru cheque drawn by a bak o it own fund bak dra, bakers dra bank prined order for payment of a pced um moey order cheque guaanteed by a bank: certfed ceque bank etabihment fo the exchange of cheque cearg ouse bank trading in hortterm oan moey market banking tranaction ef fected via the teecommunication network eecroc trasfer of uds wamounted depoit box ued when the bank i coed igt safe ecure tore for auabe: sae depost, safety depost bank ecure toreroom vaut bako thin ne inide banknote paper tread mark banknote deign viibe ony when hed up to the ight atermark
. ... ....bankru bakpt ofca appnted to manae te affas of bankupts re cver eease a bankupt fom fu te payments dscar batsm baptsm by dppn m merson baptsm by poun ate oe affuson baptsm y spk· ln asperso peson makn pomses fo a c ben baptzed dparet r sot ba attacn a cola to a st stud ba at c dnks must be pad fo cas bar ba at c te dnks ae ee op bar a o ba code eade gt pe, ad pass a lt pen oe a ba code pe barga baan offeed to attact customes como, losseadr sed baann to mutual adan· ae orstrad .efuse to on· ou a baan ree barg .l lt bae hrry bae toed by anote boat butty peson o oks on a bae bar e bak emoe a tee's bak dcort ate bak bused as a souce o tannn ta, tabark .tanbak used as a oundcoe: ta, spent ta btte extact of cncona bak qune baromtr denotn a baomete usn a acuum box to measue at mospec pessue aeod .lqud metal used n a baomete mrcury quckver barr lae bael hoshead, tu sma bael k peson o makes baels coopr plank fom c baels ae made stav meal band compessn a baels staes oop smal oe n e sde of a bael: vt .plu fo a bael ent: spot .ao a to ente a bae vet open a bae broach ooden pe to sea a bael sp
ba cod bae cus bar rer oadsde bae peentn ac· cdents cras barrer mposed bae blockn a steet barrcad .nsumountabe bae Cese a maned nsble bae: force fed barrst bastes eaded co· lectely te bar baste's ap· pentcesp puplae baste adsn a cout mata jue advo cate baste sen as a pat· tme jude: recorder baste's of ce ambers bastes adce on a pont of la opno bas· tes on etc court dress case nfomaton and nstuctons en to a baste bre bef en to a baste cosen by te ac cused le n cout dock brf be to foo a case fo a clent not dectly noled n t atc bref ntal fee pad to a baste: re tar subsequent fee pad to a ba· ste n a on case rfresr _ on oc tte bestoed on a seno baste 's Counse, Quees Cousl .sc bastes coect· ey: th er bar ote bastes colecely juors, te oute bar oanzaton tann and eulat n bastes nn of Court .fobd a baste to pactce: dsbar bas base fo a statu etc: pds t .mtay base arrso fot e base estabsed on an enemy soe beacead foted base es tabsed nsde enemy tetoy brdhead .poposton used as a base o ute easonn ypot ss ood basket ampr baskt basket fo so futs puet bas· ket fo aden eetables: tru bas· ket fo dty clotes en baket basket fo sen tems ork basket basket on a cyce o donkey: par ooden neck·fame fo cayn baskets yok o
b a r / b 28
ar dective ursne young ea: cu barr cbii frs fer, phre (eg semahre eay 'sgnbeae • peson caying the coss in Chistian pocessions: crucfer peson caying a censer thurer barng cbi frs ferus (eg rferus gerus (eg crnerus ast decive esta, anima, fera eastlike chaacteistics: an
maty baty . cbi i fr cai poducts claiming to impove the ap peaance of the skin: csmetics execises designed to impove stength and appeaance cathen cs not eautiful pan bavr • young eave: kt, ktten eavers den: ge bomg cbii fr escent ecoming liquid eques cen • ecoming otten putrescent ecoming sexually matue: pues cen b ed thout head o footoad van ed ith a canopy suppoted y pots: furpster matching pair of singe eds tin es • nao ed oen one of a tieed set: unk • canvas ed suspended y cods at its ends hammck • potale ed for the inued: stretcher enclosed ed caied on poles: tter xed ed on a tain ship etc: erth NHS hos pital ed fo hich a chage is made amenty , pay e ed made up as a pactical oke ith a single sheet folded ack o tself appepe e eds solid fame estea canopy ove a ed tester panel at a eds head heaar hick upper edcoveng sen in sectons eer n, q uit faic case stud ith feathes etc as a mattess o pllo tck onamental cloth edcove esprea edcoveing consisting
of a quilt ith a detachale cove cntnenta qut, uvet • conned to ed eren .longhandled ass pan fomely used to am a ed: armg pan .Japanese quilted mattess used on the loo as a ed: futn animals edding of sta etc: tter b .dective: apan .femae ee queen .male ee rne steile ee doing most of the tasks of the goup: rker .lage goup of ees sarm hexagonal ax stuctue uilt y ees hneycm sustance fed to potntial queens rya ey stuctue fo ees to live in: eehve, hve goup of eehives apary • peson ho studies o keeps ees apiarst b .cut of eef fom the outside leg: sverse .cut of eef fom the east rsket cut of eef fom the loe pat of the spine: n • est pat of this: srn highquality eef taken fom the hindquates steak lean cut fom the ump: tp se .oned siloin steak entrecte thick steak of llet ef: chaeaur an • small thick slice of llet eef: turnes • seasoned dish of a steak and egg: steak tartare eef ste th onions and ee carn nae • Fench eef ste: grae • eef cooked in a sou ceam sauce eef strganff seasoed smoked eef: pastram at cake of minced eef urger ber ee eed and stod taditionally: cask eer, real ae • ee stoed ith caon dioxide: keg ee ee seved fom a ulk containe raugh eer • nitogen device in some ee cans get dak hoppy ee m .dak ee made ith oasted malt stut dak ee made th chaed malt prter .light ef fevescent ee: ager teated gain fo eng mat, grst ate used in eing: qur .mat and liquo
mxture mash reakdn f sugars n eng fermntation .mature furter after fermentatn condition .larfy a re fne .nal taste f eer finsh fam n eer head eer mxed t a s drnk shandy .drnk f lager and draugt der: snakebite .tall eer mug t a andle tankard .large eartenware eer mug stein .pers makng eer breer eer art r lrry dray eete djctiv coeoterous eetle nstng ktens et cockroach tkng drng eetle deathatch beetle lumnesent eetle goorm sared eetle f anent Egypt scarab student f eetles coleopterst eore cii fs afore(g afremenne) ante, fore (g frelay) pre, ro .at r appen efre sme ter een) anticiate roactive atng efreand tng r persn cmng efre an ter oreruner, recursor, redecessor efre te ar antebeum, rear feelng en n a ne stu atn f ang experened t efre dj vu eg .lng y eggng mendicant eggng te questn eito rinciii eger .keen r amtus egnner asprant nexperened egnner novice, tyro sutale fr egnners entreve egg cii fr escet (.g besen) dctivs embryonic, incient, incetve, nchoae initial, nascent .sudde egnnng outbreak, outburst frm te egnnng ab nto, ab ovo, de novo ehavour . cii f ery (g flery) generally aepted eaur r ts rules conventon, etquette, rotoco .persn's dstnt
bt I bi eaur trait, e qurk, mannersm, dosyncrasy .unn entnal eaur eccentrcty, de vance .ld's playful mseaur mischef .mrally rret eaur conformity, decorum, roriety, recttude, virtue eaur ntended t ful sal expet atns roe paying eaur amed at ters' enet atruism .serle eaur: toadyng, truckling .dsnest eaur seaze, skulduggery mmral eaur vce .emplyee's mprper eaur misconduct .engraned pattern f maladapte eaur ersonaity disorder stfy elleaed rim strt and resered n eaur unbending reang prprety r nentn transgressve .dentng eaur expressng nes feelngs f sal superrty uerciious mtatn f eaur mimess .enuragement f desred eaur y reards renforcement, postve renforce ment enuragement f desred eaur y essatn f punsment: negatve renforcement sent study f uman r anmal ehaur: behavoura scence bed . cii retro ( rerhr) end t payments n arrears . cii f onto eg study f te nept f eg ontoogy ee system f elefs doctrine, dogma system f relgus eef fath rm elef convcton .ms taken elef falacy, msarehenson elef tat all matter as an element f nsusness anpsyism elef tat plants and nanmate jets pssess suls anmm .dctrne f desgn and purpse n te materal rld teeoogy tradtna elefs f a mmunty folkore redulus elef n te
b ll I bt
supenatua superstitio beie that ne's natin is superi chauvism ethocetricity jigosm .pe son dying his beies martyr • person changng his he bees t suit pevaing ashin time server cect a mistaken bee dsabuse pubicy dison a beie recat sti adheing t d beies urecostructed unregeerate pesn abandning reigious pitica be es apostate unabe to beieve icredulous ll be rung t instruct pepe t etun t thei huses cue be ung the ecitatin Roman Cath ic payes commemratng the In carnation agelus • be ung at death a unea kell aam be tocsi • be's tngue clapper • be te campale at be ingng campaology • set bes r campangy pea .arge set bes musica pefomances carillon logg to . cbii fr ie (eg Alne sense nt be ngng' aleato low . cbii frs hypo (eg hyermc lteay beneat t skn nra (eg nfrastructure, sub be the theshd cnscius ness sublimial lt rnamenta bet sash • na menta bet n ith men's evening dess cummerbud namenta bet n by champin bxe Los dae bet bet n by a beginne in matia ats hite bet bet n by an expet in matia ats bac bet bet n by cetain p ice and amy ces th a stap ve the shude Sam Broe sma bet caying cardges badoier shude bet supptng a s etc n the ppsite hp ba dric • betattachment t hd a s fro padde bet suptn henia truss
h .ng backess bench orm ng oden bench ith high back sette uphsteed bench against a a baquette • Vshaped bend a rad harpin bend deectin o ight o radi aves passing om one mdium t anthe reracto • bending eadiy lexible pliable .u o bends exuous siuous ath cbii frs hypo ra (eg nfrastructure sub be neath the eath's suace subterra nea beneath the skin hypoder mic subcutaeous beneath ne's diity ira dig t ecipoca benet qud pro quo • state benet paid to ds abed persns needing hme cae at tendance aloace state benet osetting a disabed pesn's ss earnings dsabity beeit • state benet paid t thse tempraiy k thugh iness sickness bene t • state payment t the ongtem sick ncapacity beeit state bene t assstng tave the dsabed moblity alloance state payment to a miy n o incme amily credit situatin hee any ncease in incme tiggers a countebaancng ithdaa o state benets overty trap .seemng benet designed t cause ecipient trube poisoed chalice • cbii fr para (eg arathyr t best
crme de a crme
par excelece • best avaabe aute de mieux pis aler t bet ecmmended as a nea ce tanty ap bet paced by thse ith expet knedge smart moey bet in hich nnngs and stake m a st event ae paced n a sec nd doube bet n hich intia nnn ae paced n a seies o sub seuen events accumuator bet
baal I biblil g
3 with cumlatively dobled stakes: mrtnge bet naming the rst two in their correct order: peect bet namng te rst two, but not giving their order qunel bet naming the rst tree in their correct order: trcst be that a horse will nish in the rst three plce plcebet denoting a bet placed on a horse be fore the runnrs are announced: ntepost denoting a bet made for a win or a place: ecy nal odds at the star of a horse race: strtng prce money etc put don on a bet: ste system where those backing the rst three divide the total stake: prmutuel sysem where wn nings are caculated frm the total staked no from odds offered: totlz tor, totzer, tote per$on ho takes bets: boomer .person holding bets laid: steolder make a bet:
plce traal betrayal of one's country: treson person doing this: renegde, trtor person deserting one side to on the other: trmmer, turncot ttr cbii f out ( utsmat
than what is on geneal oer: preferentl .progres sively benecial cycle of cause and ef fect: vituous crcl
. cbii f nter between wo other things: nter medte between living pople:
nte vvos o cbii fs etr( extaterrtral, ype (. hyersnc, met ( metahyscal, pr ( aanrmal super ( suenrmal supr ( sura natnal, sr ( surreal, trns( transnanal, utr (. ultra
beyond ones authority: vres beyond what is neces supererogtory, de trop go
sary: beyond: trnscend
. unfair bias: discrmnon,
fvourtsm, prtty, prt prs, prejudce deliberate bias n aour of those usually discrminaed against postve dscrmnon
part of th ible, con taining the Jewish scripturs: Od Testment . rst ve bok of the Old Testament: entteuc rst sx boks of the Old Testamen Hetuc rst seven books of the Od Testament: Heptteuc secod part of the Bible, containing urther ewish scriptures not fond in h Hebrew canon: Apocryp third part of the Bble containing the Chris tian scriptures: Ne Testment ewish commentary pon the Od Tstament: Msor, Mrs ew ish mystical interpretation f the Old Testament: bbl Greek r sion of the Old Testamen: eptugnt textual criticism of the Bible oer crcsm biblical exegesis from a comparative historical and culural standpoint: ger crtcsm ier pretation of biblical symboism: tpology biblical passage read lur gcaly: esson list f bibica reaings: ectonry biblical etc passage upon which a sermo is preached: tet
al gurs the rst hman: Adm his w: Eve the rst murderer: Cn his victim: Abe
grandfather, said to have lived 969 years: Metusel patri arch in charge of the ark: No fathe of the ewish nation: br m his wife r his son, oered as a sacice: sc grand son of Abraham, later caled srael: Jcob acob's son, later a ruler in Egypt: Josep saelt leader in the Exodus Moses Moses' assist ant: Aron Moses' successor, leader in the conquest of Canaan: Josu national sraelite leader in emergen cies: judge sraelite eader famous
32 I b
or h s strength: Samso Philitine seductress of amson: Della rst k of Israel: Saul second king of srael Davd Philistine giant slain by David: Goat son of David: Asaom hird king of Israel: Soo mo skilled hnter: Nmrod furious charioteer: Jeu pro caimer o the wi of God propet rophet ascending to heven in a hart Eja Eliahs successor: Elsa Je cast into the lions' den: De prosperous Jew suddenly deprived of everything: Jo biblical sea monste: evatan
yl roadste
bicycle bccle
for general use with broa tyres and many gers: mouta ik bicyce whose rider lies on his back re cue bicycle for two riders, one saed behin he other tadem bi cyce with one wheel moocycle, u cyce treewheeled bicycle t cyce ary bicycle with one very large ad one small wheel: pey fat early bicycle pushed along by he riders feet: veocpede sup port for a bicycle wheel: fork small weel steadying a child's bicycle sta e aing cycles sealed yre tu bua tye bicycles milege meter: ccoetr bicycle handebars wit handles below the bar dop rs bicycle handgrip that may be twisted to change th gears twsp particular cycle gear rao speed bicycle gea tht move the chain to dierent cogs: de alleu shaped slot for quick wheelhan: dopout cycle witout pedalling: feewee ump mad on a biycle whie standing on the pedals buy op cyclist's tick of ridn with the front whel o the gound wee le bag beside a cycles rear wheel: paie
cb o
co ble
ay ducts:
ll hotel or restaurant bi ac cout, ta itemized bill: voce biliardplayer's stick: lars cue cue support: rest .ong stick to support the cue rde, je
made with an inclined cue mass stroke in which the cue slips mcue bal struk by the cue: cue al ball at which the cue bal is aimed oject al revolving motin parted to the ball sp backspin given to the cue ball: screw sidespin given to the cue ball: sde stroke in which the cue bal strikes both the others: cano pouch into which the ball is sruck pocket strike a bal into a pocket pot stroke pocketing a ball aad direct pocketing of the cue ball: coup brush ast another ball: kss successul turn at play reak scorekeeper: maer
person announcing the um
bers drawn caler . card with every number marked off: ful ouse
nolars . outdoor bnoculars: fed asses .theatre binoculars: opera asses ology biological classcatio taxoomy bological clase: fam y, eus, speces biology of possible life on other planets astoo oy, eoooy health or environmental risk posed by microbiological experimentation oa
cob o
av, ort djectives ava, orntc bird too young to leave the nest: estn bird ust able t ly fedl group o f birds: ft bird hunted by man ame d earliest known bird, a kind of ying dinosaur: acaeoptey . mythical bird, said to bu itself every 50 years and rise agan from the ashes poex . large xtnct ightless bird dodo
bth I bsop
33 tl pink wding bird: fmngo birds imitting humn speech budgergr, myn, prrot denot ing bird ble to feed itsef soon fter htching preo denoting bird unble to do this tr bird's uter prt of bird's clw tlon wing pnon forked bone between the neck nd brest of bird: sbone bird's muscur stomch gzzrd membrne between the toes of group of swimming bird eb eggs lid by bird t oe te lut mssed birdsong dybrek dn orus birds' sesonl chnge o hbit mgrtion glide or sor withou wing movement pne loss of birds mrkings due to moulting elpse bird's clening its fethers with its bek preenng mss of bones nd fethers regrgittd by a bird of prey peet plce where birds rest t night oost enclosure for keeping birds vry 0 luin ium identicion strip round bird's leg rng tie up bird's wings nd legs pnon, truss person who rers or keeps birds vuturst study of birds ornoogy
0 cb
f geness djectve nt close to the time of birth nerterm, perntl b stetrics deling with this period perntoogy explsion of fetus before i cn surive indpendently mscre vginl dischrge t the onset f lbour: o shorten ing of ueri e muscles before nd dur ing birth ontrtons 0 nducing uterine contrctions eboc new born ospring neonte birth of offsprng redy ded stlbrt mtter dischrged fter birh erbrt, o denoting or occurring in the time immeditely before or er birth: perntl rst ilk pro duced by cow or got fter giving birth beetngs vg birth by mens of eggs ovprous giving
to ive ospring vvpous giving brth from ggs htched within the body ovovvpous proucing one osprin t birth unprous producing severl off spring t birth mutpous rup o f nimls prduced t birth ltte one of three ospring born t birth trpet one of four offspring born t brth: qudruplet, qud one of ve offspring born t birth quntupet, qun one six sprn brn t birth sextuplet one of seven offsprng born t birth septupet one of eight off spring born t birth octupet 0 pl cent nd foetl membrnes dis hrged er giving brth rbrt difculty in giving birth dystoc virgin birth prtenogenesis re birth in nother body: renrnton present from birth congentl , con nte following birth posptum hormone stiulting milk produc tion fter giving birth proltn rtio of births to size of popultion brt rte, ntty equivlence of birth nd deth rtes zero poputon grot �see ls dr
thgvg cb f rous (g vivipaos) sut thin crisp bisci fer thin crisp biscuit mde of our d wter ter bsut thin dry bis cui rer thin nrow biscuit lngue de t hrd biscuit: nut rich crubly biscuit sortbed, sorte currnt biscit grbd light mond biscut: mc roon biscuit of nuts in chocolte bse foentne
shop djectves esop, pon tfl 0 bishops collectiey epscopy 0 chief bishop ptrrh, pme senior bishop arbsop, mtropotn 0 bishop in chrge diocese doesn 0 ssisnt ishop odjutor, suffrgn sveegn's
34 blo od e I b etter nomnatng a bshop letter mssve bishops ordnaton: consecraton bishops ht mtre bishops overvesment dalmatc bishops ong surpice rocet • bishops sta
staff • bshops ceremonia char trone • bihps oding cha faldstool
• archbishop or metropoitans area o authori provnce • bishops area o authorit: docese, see bishops
epscopate period o oce • bihops etter to his cerg pas tora letter bishops inspection o • mve a his docese vstaton bishop o another see: translate bte
take smal bites nbble • bite
persistet gna
. cb frs melan• back box in an arcrt: flgt recrder • back hoe in astronom collapsar boundar o a back hoe': event oron back ung caused b miners inhaation o coa dust atracoss pneumoconoss back hairste with tight braids givng a geometrica scap pattern : cornros • person having one white and one back parent mUlatto • person haing one whit and one muatto parent: uadroon . person o mixed Euroan and back descent Creoe blakbad • wooden rame sup portig backboard: easel blkrant • Frenh backcurrant iueur: casss blak mag .Haitian back magi: voodoo West Indies back magi oea blaksmth backsmith's worksop orge, smty backsmiths meta workbock anvl blae cb r cyst(o) ectves cystc, vescal nam maion o the badder: cystts terna eaminaion o the badder: cytoscoy surgica cuttig o the bader cystotomy surgica oper
remove the badder cystectomy thin tube or draning the badder cateter
• rotatng
bade shrpen a meta bade et
bame or
made to bear the anothers wrongdoing ppng boy • ree
rom bame exculpate exonerate,
vndcate blnd • bind with anged sats: alouse bind with pivoting sats: ven etan bln d blndness • partia bndness scot oma • bndness over ha the ed o vision emanopa nabit to see in the dark ngt blndness, nyctalopa • dog raned to ead the bind gude dog � see colour blndness, sgt bld . cb frms aem, • djectvs aema aemat, aemal, aematc sanguineou • bood ce corpuscle • proportion o corpusces in bood, or the determination o this blood count • red bood cell erytrocyte . white bood ce: leucocyte • sma mphatic eucocte lympocyte abnorma eucocte n eukaemia lympoblast • bstance coouring erthroctes aemogob coouress ud part o bood: plasma . discshaped ce ragment in blood platelet, t rombo cyte . amber iquid poduced b coaguatng bood: serum bood ovement round the bod crlato • denotng the heart and bood vesses cardovascular denotng the brain and is bood vesses cerebrovascuar coagulated bood clot, trombus indeuate supp o bood: scaema . obsruction o the bood supp: nfarcton . stoppage o bood to the bran: stroke stop bood owng rom a wound stauc, ste . substance stoppng
36 t I b e blood vessel capary brege of cpillres below the sn rptre, ontuson nlmmton of ven wlls phebts ptchy nlmm on of smller veins angts, vascults • swollen vein n the legs varcose ven • vricose veins on te spermtic cord varcocele .tret ment of vrcose vens by nectons to hrden ther wlls sclerotherapy swollen vens n the nus haemor rods, ples • nrrowg of blood veses vasoconstrcton • widening of blood vessels vasodlaton • drg nrrowng blood vessels vasocon stctor . drug widenng blood vesses: vasodlator cusng the con strcton or dlttion of blood vessels vasomotor throb of n rtery s blood psses plse plce where rterl bleedng my be stopped by pressre: pressre pont medcl puncturng of ven venepnctre • surgcl openng of ven: phlebot omy, venesecton Xry exmnton of ven angoraphy,
venography ble . cmbiifrm cyano . ectives azre, cyanc brlnt lght blue electrc be dr ble royal ble ye drer blue nvy ble brillnt deep ble ltramar ne • bluetnged sn due to poor crculton cyanoss blder • soc blunder ae, aux ps blunder n speing sp o the tonge, aps s ln gae bl . djective erbescent cosmetc reddeng the chees blsher boar bord mde of hn lyers of wood with lterntng grn pyood
bord mde of plster set between pper pastrboar bord mde of lyers of glued pper pasteboar strong pstebord used n boo covers m bor bord wth networ of sml oles eboar
bords wth overlppng
edges eatherboardn
boarg Contnentl bordng house penson bordg estblshment for cts: cattery • bording estblishment for dogs kennels
boat . lotng pltform: ra hollowed out of log dugot
• bot • lt
bottomed squreended bot pnt . ltbottomed bot spporting brdge pontoon • sm slng bot dnhy • lght fst bot yacht • Mlyn slng bot proa • sm ored bot used n the Fr Est sampan lght rowng bot for o ne person scll, sk • rdtonl Nle bo elcca sm bot crried on shp ctter, joly boat lrge bot crried on hip lonoat • ml bot plying beween shp nd he • bo conveyng shore tender slors on sore leve: lbety boat lrge motor bot lanch motor bot wth lvng ccommodton cabn crser, oseboat • fst motor bo desgned to sm over th wter hydroplane fst motor bot wth vned hll hydrool • rescue bo: leboat fst costl ptrol bot cutter sml nvl prol bot vedee sm powerfl bot towng shps: tg nshore shng bot smack • shng bot usng nets trale • unpowered bot used o un ltlod ships barge, gter bottomed bo crryng freght on nlnd wterwys bare bot plyng to nd fro cros stretch of ter erry plesure bot on the Sene t Prs batea moche • nchored bot mrng the course of rce stake boat . lght rcng bot shel round wcerwor bot coracle smll pedloperted plesure bot pedao bot with one hul mono h bot wth prllel twin hulls catamran bot wth tree prllel ulls rmaran bots secondry ull otrer bots stblzng
37 lot: outrgger bot wth vned hull: ydrofo potectve stp lon bots sde rubbing strake denotn deckless bot open spce t the bow o sten of n open bot seets lt sufce formn bots sten transom unmoor bot cast off (of n open bot) eceve wte ove the unwes sip ater, sp a sea scoop wte out of bot bail oup of bots fota bot's sde bove wte freeboard top of ths gunae bots cn tnuous lne of plnkn: strake sln bots ltble keel centre board, daggerboard keel block to vetclly tke the mst step hned p fo steen rudder horontl b xed to the top of the udder: tile bot's udde socket: gudgeon udde pn pinte bots bow ope: pater bots steesmn cox, coxsin, elm, emsman bots sudden chne of course: seer bot ce on couse ound obstcls: saom secue bot to n ncho o lnd moor wede suppotn beched bot: cock depth of wte needed by bot: raugt pssble by shps nd bots: naigabe see ls sip, sai
ng o ci fs soat, some (.g. chomosome) . djecves corpora, corporea, persona, somatic permnently dme body t ai body openn: me atus, orifice body's chemcl pro cesses metaboism plble body pton o lnn membrane, sep tum denotn ths: parieta blke bodly membne sac
membrne envelpn the bn nd spnl cod: dura, dura mater nne membne envelopn the bn nd spnl cod pa, pia mater nee tssues contolln the body centra nerous system bodly substnce conveyn stmulus or
bod I bod othe nomton: messenger destve psse throuh the body: ai mentary cana cvty behnd the nose nd mouth: parynx mn prt of the body wthout hed o lmbs torso, trunk tube from guet, oesopa muth to gus tube fom the throt to the luns tracea, indpipe nmmton of the trche: traceitis prt of the body between neck nd bdomen orax e between the brests ceaage bodly ons used n bethn respratory ract musculr ptton between thox nd bdomen: diapragm pt of the body between the thox nd on: abdomen depesson n the belly: nae ons of the mn bodly cvtes: iscera < on podu cn chemcs fo bodly use: gand eultory substnce poduced by lnds ormoe supposed e toy system fo the metbolsm: bo ogica cock, body cock tube fom stomch to nus: intesne sde between the bs nd hp: fak, loin font between chest n wst: midriff membne lnn te bdmen: peritoneum nlmmton of ths: peritonitis duct conductn une fom the kdney t the bldde ureter duct conveyn urne out fom the bldde: uretra nmmton of the ueth uretrtis lower bdomnl e: groin e between the top of the les: crotc, crutc nl openn f the ntes tne: anus e between the nus nd scotum o ulv perineum lower pt of the bdomen: pubes tssue coven the pubc bone: mons pubis, mons Veners ston elstc connectve tssue: cartilage hormone oxdzn body su ins in body s c contnn lud cyst dseses chef bodly locton focus swollen, hot nd pnful bodly stte: nfammaton exceptonlly
bodY I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
enitive bdy tte: rrtablty cooue tiue uid lymp ex ce o uid in the bdy dropsy oedema exceive dichrge o uid flux inucient uid in the body deydraton inbiity to contro unction ncontnence body bockge o bodiy pge obstructon exce ivey ow body tem· perture: hypoterma denoting creture mintining contnt bdy temerure ambooded denoting creture whe body tem· perture vrie with tht o eir urrounding: coldblooded .pro duction nd dichrge o ubtnce by bdiy orgn: secreton body orgn ecreting chemic: gand ipping dwn or orwrd o bodiy orgn: prolapse wting wy n orgn r tiue: dystropy un wnted ir in body tue: empysema dmged body re leson . m bodiy weing nodule gener bdiy weing dopsy oedema burting n rgn r ti ue rupture . itenng t bdy ound with tethocope auscultaton tudy o the body by diec· tin anatomy mchine exmining the body by rdition, utroud, etc: scanner .medic mging o body orgn or tiue magnetc resonance magng .X·rying ecion thrugh the body: tomograpy computerzed axal tomography ub tnce whoe coure through the body my be monitored tracer exmine the body by touch palate digo· tic tpping o the body pecusson cinic meurement o bodiy unc tion indiction o continued ie al sgs ue o eectric current o het the body' nner orgn dathermy rubbing th e bdy t reeve pin etc massage peron kied t hi masseu (fe masseuse phyic trement o bodiy inurie or deormity: physohapy ener
tiner wh twit hi r her bdy int0 1 abnormal positions contort onst ; . elegant bdily movements: men bodily position: pos t ure bodly movements or poture taken
to indicte thought nd eeing body language . awareness of the body poition knaestesa . ex ceive bodiy enitivity: eretsm .orm nd deveopment o the bdy pysque body type somatotype peron with en nd deicte body ectomorp pern with compct nd ucur body: meso morp pern with pump body endomorp . non·reproductive bod iy chrcteritic mneted t puberty: secondary sexual caracterscs tiue etc inerted into the bdy by urgery mpant . rti· ci bdy prt: prostess vioent nd uncontrobe body mvement: convulson bdy' incpcity r e·movement: paralyss .cized deth nd decy bodiy tiue: gangrene necross ded body corpse rebirth in nother body rencarnaton . cking phyic body: ds-
carnate dscarnate ol puriy by boiing o dst
briey in boiing wter:
scald o ormtion o pu in bo maturaton cut bo: lance olt . rge bot with ronded hed coach bot piece o met
with n intern thred to recive bot nut o bomb or it cing she gad hd thrown bomb crude hndthrown petro bomb: Mooo cockta bomb cnining eied petro napalm bomb bomb hidden under erth or wter nd ex pding n cntct: mne bmb ex poding xed depth under wtr deph chage bmb trveing under it own power or remte denoting contred msse
bo I book
39 bomb euipped to nd its target om ng • bomb reeasing projecties on impact custer bomb • bomb expoding ino fragments: fragmentaton bomb . these fragments: srapnel • denoting a bomb causing res n cendary • denoting a bomb destroy ing iving beings rather than struc tures antpersonne • artilery and bombs ordnance • bob deonator: fuse • prepare a bomb by acivating its fuse arm, prme .peg deactivating a hand grenade: pn • bomb an area intensively: carpetbomb • de fusing or remova of unexploded bmbs bomb dsposa • defuse a bomb: dsarm • erce re caused by bombs frestorm � see s nucear
eapon o • ii fqrs oss() osteo • djetives osseous ostea osteogeness • boneformation • se t of bones supporting a boy ske eton • head bnes: sku • principa bone of the upper arm: umerus
bones of the lower arm radus, una .wrst bones: carpus • hand bones metacarpus • bone connecting he breastbone and shoulderbade: coarbone, cavce • at bone protecting he upper chest: breastbone, sternum • curved bone protectng the ower chest rb • set of ineocking set hese: rcage of bones from the sku to he smal of the back: acbon, spne, spna column, verebra coumn • one of these bones: verebra (. verebae) • at bone in he upper back souderblade, sapua • bones at the base of the spina coun sac rum, coccyx • bony strucure to which the egs are aached: pevs • projecion of this beow the waist hp . trianguar bone formng the back o the pevis: sacrum • penis bone in certain mammals bacuum, os pens .principa bone of the upper eg: tgbone, femur • bone
covering the kn ee join kneecap, pa tela • bones of he ower eg: fbua, sn, snbone, tba . anke bones tarsus • foot bones: metatarsus • turn into bone ossy • so sub stance in bone caities: maro • pening in a bone: foramen .jint between bones commssure • close joint between bones: sympyss .fusion of bones in a joint ankyoss • rigid seamike junction between bones: suture • cord connecting a muscle to a bone: sne, tendon • bone decay cares bone soening osteomaaca break or crack in a bone: fracture .arrange the parts of a broken bone: set (of broken bones) refuse knt rgid support for a broken bone: spnt • stee rod rejoining fractured bones pn • bone britteness osteopoross • bone inammation ostets • bone cancer osteosarcoma • degeneration of bone and cariage in joins osteoartrs • death of bone tissue osteonecross . medica treatent of bone and musce deformities ortopaedcs • therapeutic manpu atio of bones and musces: osteop aty • bonehouse: carne ouse,
o marow
• inammation
• djetive
of the bone marrow: osteomyets • maignant tumour of the bone marrow: myeoma
• i
fr bbo • b made as a continuous rol: scrol • ancient handwriten book: codex ( codices) . eay prnted book: ncunabuum ( incnabla) • strong coth book for young chil dren rag book • accountbook edger . accountbook for he current day's transactions daybook, journa . accounbook for mior transactions cas book • ship's record book: journal, og • book isting propertyholdings in 1086: Domesday
bo o 40 I Book . enoting a ook with remov ae pages: looseleaf • pubicity ooket rocure prospectus • instruction book andook manual . stuents book givig instruction a subject course ook textook workook eementary textook: prmer • book giving systematic information companon compen
• book
intened for consutation on specic topics not iscursive reaing reference ook • ook for constant reference givg mmeate guiance companon vade mecum • book's treatment of a topic coverage • book contaning a coection of writings etc: antology collectanea com-
monplace ook lorlegum mscellany omnus • ook escribing dif ferent kins o animas estary
• book
compe to honour a schoar Festscri • book isting a region's animals fauna • book isting events etc of he current or preceing year: yearook • book wih sampes of good anwritg copyook book isting herbs: eral . arge avishy ustate book: coffeetale ook • book givng he es of a angage grammar • book recording ivestock peigrees erd ook .Mass ook: mssl book istig names an a resses: drectory • ook f psams psater book of sermons: omlary .ist of books: lograpy .ist of books regare as correcty attribute to an author or as cassics canon • books pagesze an ayout format • white space create by a books inner margins gutter • part of a book precedng he main text front matter pictures in a book lustratons pates • drawn materia a book grapcs • ustration facing the tile page: rontispece ma ecoraive design at the end of a chap ter etc talpece . ustrate a book with material taken from others:
• insert
ank pages e tween he printe ones nterleave • short itrouction to a ook foreword . ist of chapters etc n a book contents .ist of errors found in a ook corrigenda errata • it f con riutors to a ook: acknowledgements credts • ooks abreviate tie: srt ttle • book's section tite alfttle .page headine runnng ead • sort quotation at the start of a book or chapter epigrap .sum mary of a ook's contents astract epitome synopss • separate sec tion of a book eaing wih a pint of • book's na etail excursus summingup concluson • closig section of a book eplogue • extra section ade at he en of a ook appendx • sma ictionary at the ack of a book glossary vocaulary . extra page(s) repacig a eectie section cancel . rawn iustration i a book fgure . photograph repro uce in a book plate • bank page at the start or en of a book flyleaf • arge foout page gatefold • count a books pages: pagnate • piece of paper ith a page prnte on each sie: folo leaf • coun a books eaves folate • ook com pose of sheets foe once folo • bok composed of sheets foe twice: quarto • book compose of seets foe three tims octavo . righthan page of an open book recto . ehan page of an open ook: verso ecorative paper nsi the covers endpaper • part of attache to the cover pastedown . ist of a books prtig errors: errata • part of a book puishe separ atey fasccle nstalment ofprnt preprnt • inerte sip earig the owner's name ookplate ex lrs note in a ibrary ook showing where it is sheve elf mark • preparation and pubic sae of a book pusng • detas of a books
4 printer and publiher mprnt colopon .denoting a book with worn page: dogeared . dnoting a book ih dcooured page: foxed book tand lectern upport for a row of book bookend production of machinereadable book: electronc publsng bookcollector bblo ple paionate enthuiam for coectin book bblomana itin erant bokeer colporteur pono graphic book: curosa, erotca � see pubsing
bookbiing glued unewn bind ng: peect bndng binding hav
ing he pe in a dierent materia from he ret: quarter bndng .ne goatkn for binding: morocco heepkin ued a a ubtitute for morocco roan ckin mpreg nated with birchbark oi: Russa leater bindng in limp le her which overhang the page yapp trong pateboard ued in book cover: mll board part of a bindng into which the page are ed: spne embo ng o a book cover stampng tool ng emboing of a book cover without a cooured nay: blnd stampng, blnd toolng book paper cover: dust
acket, dustrapper, acket, rap per bookmke bookmae' igna ing ytem: tctac bookmakr' aitant: runner boot high waterproof boot ader
pate for a clibe' boot crampo hevy na rengthening a ole obnal ma projection to a ole gving improed grip: stud bo borderand between Eng and and Wae or coand: marces harin a border contermnous contguous having the ame bor de coerminous border pot for paport and cutom contro: ceck pont earhwork marking a border
bbd bow ad arrows
boeom ite boredom: ennu bored through ack of variet: stale tediu period: longueur . enghy and boring longnded become borng: pall bo born in wedock legtmate born out of wedock: bastard llegt mate, natural booug djective: muncpal
of a borough counc:
mayor . cbi i fs amb, bot amp b ( bconcave) abe to ue
hand equay we ambdexterous abe to ive or oper ate on both ld and water: ampib-
ous bottle ma cyindrica bote pal .pocketzed bote: flask
unarked bottle for erving wine or water carafe decanter arge bote
proteted by a ame carboy .arge bote for home winemaking etc: demon doublezed wne ote magnum wine boe te the norma ze: eroboam wine botle time the norma ize: reoboam wine botte 8 time the noma ze: metusela wine bote 12 time the norma ze salmanazar wne bote time the norma ze baltazar wine bote 20 tie the norma ize nebucadnear .very mal bottle of pirit mnature . meta botle cap wih a crimped ede cron cap, cron cork bouy limitin bouday: parameter bouday ne permeter aer territorial boudarie: beat
te bounds, perambulate bow traditional Muim bow of greeting: salaam former hinee bow of greeting: koto bow n ows or port of hooin with thee: arcery . lare bow drawn by hand: longbo bow' ring notch nock power bow on a wooden frame: crossbo
rn ' bo n
• me
hot by th olt • arrow notch nock . haped ke a bow -
cte bowel
• dcuty
• cruhng
n mptyng the bowe constiption uhing out of the ower bowe colonic igtio, enem • trereated bowe pan itle oel syndome • remove the bowe diemoel, eviscete s ntestine bow mot • church hoywter bowl stop
. arge back bal ued n bow ood • ma whte bal ued n bow jck • eon of pay n one drecton end . captan of a bow team skp • knd of bowing green that re toward the mdde con geen • ecton of a green ued for a match ink • uneven ground makn a bow change core .French bo oles, ptnqe
box .arge meta box of a tandard arge ght degn conine wooden box te cest • ma orna ntal box csket • box for a et of cutery cnteen nuated food box cool ox ght crcuar hatbox ndox • openended box for paper pigeonole • box for ewing matera okox boxng • boxing match ot • pro gramme of bout ll • a bl upportng bout ndecd • tandard boxng rue Qeeney Rles • boxng hort: tnks • boxerS atsecond conemn, tenant
ofca weghng before a bout eigin boxerS defenve poture d .pretended bow ent • bow made wth a bent ebow ook • upward bow made wth a bnt bow ppect • bw wth a ternate t oneto • grappng at coe quarter clinc tme aowed for a tandng boxer to colect hmf stnding cont . denotng a boxer knocked to the oor don . denot
ng a boxer knocked unconcou o • tme aowed for a faen boxer to ge up cont • knok down a boxer for count of ten knock ot • denotng a boxer o knocked down ot o te cont • vctory awarded becaue the opponent unt to contnue tecncl knockout • compete a bout go tedstnce boxer deformed ear cloe e .ornate bet a champonhp prze onsdle elt • practce boxng wth ght bow: spng • upended tuffed ag boxn practce pnc g • u pended tffed ba for boxng prac tce pncll
boy • boy ngng n a church chor coste • wnged boy potrayed n Renaance pantng moetto ce, ptto ban . cbii f ceeo, enceplo . djective ceel, enceplc • ha of the bran em spee • bran area concerned wth a pec actvty cente front part of the bran, controng memory and thougt ceem, oren, pos enceplon . ecton of th denotng the foremot part of the fronta obe: perontl • bra area coordnatng muce cereellm • outer ayer coverng the bran cotex • membrane coverng the bran and pna cord meninx ( mennes • nammaton of the mennge menngtis . outer membrane enve opng the bran and pna cord d, du mte • nner membrane enve opng the bran and pna cord p, pi mte • bran and na cord centl nevos system . denotng the bran and pne: ceeospinl • nammaton of the bran and enceployelitis pna cord • nerve tranmttng gna from the eye to the bran optic neve • nerve tranmttng gna from the ear to the bran ditoy neve . dentng the bran and t blood ve cee
ba brast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rovascula • stoppage of blood to the brain stroke • arterial bleeding into brain tissues: cerera aemo rage • inlammation of the brain: encepas . syphilitic inamma tion of the brain paress • brain dis
order with sudden loss of conscious ness or convulsions: eplepsy . inability to express or understand speech due to brain damage: apasa paied muscular coordination ue to brain damage: cereral palsy person sueing from cerebral palsy spastc persistent impair ment of reasoning or memory due to brain disease or iury dementa luid accumuation in the brain: ydrocepalus . disease which in dectly affecs the brain: encepa opaty • surgical cutting of the brains white nerve bres leucotomy, lootomy, stereotaxs . rain sur gery to treat mental ilness: psyco surgery . supposed memory trace in the brain: engram • electrical activity of a relaxed bain apa rytm • electrical activity of an alert brain: eta rytm record of the brains electical activity eectroencepaogam • computer system modelled on the human brai: neura net, neura neork .computer model of the brains ability to recognize an dis criminate: perceptron
• broad cylinder attached to a
braked whel rake drum .curved block pressing against the drum thin block prssing rake so aganst a disc brak: rake pad • hard mterial attached to the shoe or pad: rake nng • denoting a hy draulically enhanced braking system:
poerasssted branh • djcte ramose
• local
branch of certain trade unions:
capel bra
• inscribd
brass plate in a
church etc monumental rass • greenish surface colour of oxidized
brass: verdgs • person working with brass: razer � see monu
menta rass brae • brassire giving rm support for active pursuits: sports ra • part of a brassir supporting one breast: cup • dry bread: ardtack bread • bread bake twice: rusk • bread aerated by soa soda read • very small loaf of bread: rol • ringshaped bread rol: agel . small thin bread roll: rdge ro . light sweet bread roll roce . lat bread ro for toasting: muffin .lat hollow unleav ene bread: pa . large loaf with di agonal slashes on a rounded top: oomer . loaf made of two roun lumps of dough the smaller on top: coage oaf • bro loaf with whole wheatgrains: granary oa • small piece of fried or toasted bread: crou ton • small pece of bread to dip into sauc etc: sppet . slic of brad: ound • slice of bread soaked egg and fried Frenc toast long nar row French loaf: aguee, Fenc oaf, Frenc stck • German rye bread pumperncke • Italian aer ated bread made with olive oil: caaa • thi n Italian breadsticks grssn • toasted Italian bre ad drenche in olive oil uscea • mixture of our and liquid for breadmaking
doug break • sudden and complete break: rupture • break off through strc tura strain sear • boken piece of potter lass etc sard breakat . light breakst: contnental reakfast . substantial break fast including hot food: Egs reakfast • breakfast and lunch com bined: runc breat . cb f mas• djectes mammary, mamary, pectora • small pinkish proection
t id
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
fom a beast: npple • hollow between the beasts clevge • beastbone sternum • inlammation of the beast mstts • enagement of a beasts gynecomst mans .Xa location of beast tmos: mmmogrpy srgical removal of a beast lmp lumpctomy • sgi ca emoval of a beast mstectomy • chemical polme se in beast mpants: slcone • leaving the beasts ncovere opless • baglike mamma glan of cattle etc udder
• jective
. cbi i fr
resprtory .pocess of beathing resprton single intake of beath drugt • beathing in nhlton, nsprton • beathi ot: exlton, exspraton . excessivel fast beahing: yperventlton • excessivel slow beathing ypoventlton • beath neee fo phsical exetion nd • take shot qick beaths pnt • iclt in beathing dyspnoe • ifcl in beathing e to constiction of the bonchi stm easi becoming beathless: sortnded • beathlessness case b enlagement of the a sacs of the lngs empysem • enoting beathing that is nois an labore stertorou • beathe wth a whistling son eeze • oce wokes heaaches an espiato poblems, thoght to be case b poo ventilation sck udng syndome • ba beath toss • tempoa cessation in beathing pnoe • boil ogan se in beathing esptoy system, esprtory trct • instment ecoing beathing movements sprogrp • mechanical o manal estoation of a pesons beathing rfcl respron machine poviing polonge atcial espiation ron lung, res-
ptor breed • bee two species togethe cossreed, yrdze • bee fom
closel elate stock nreed lation
• pop
beeing eugencs brbe • wing to take bibes cor rut, venl • efsing bibes ncor ruptle • paments mae to an in ential person to promote a product or
inteest: pyol • bibe smeone to commit an nlawfl act: suorn b k • bicks mae from snie cla doe • bick mae fom cin es reeze lock • heatesistant bick rebrck • bick sitable fo expose to view in the nishe biing fce rck • bickmaing mix te om, pug • fnace fo bick: kln • bke bicks in a kiln: fre • stack of bicks fo ing ck e noting bricks not et unurnt • bick lai at ight angles to a wal eder • bick lai paalel to a wall: stretcer • bilt ow of bicks ; course hoiontal ecoative bn of bicks strng course • ickwok in a tmbe fame noggng • piece of bick se as a missile: rckt • ce ment o mota ing the oints in pnng • bickwok: bick caie od appeaance of cstalie alts on bickwok: ef
forescence bdge • manache
caing a oa o aiwa vduct • manache bige caing a ive o canal queduct • bige ising steep to its cente umpck rdge • bige spporte b cables suspenson rdge • bige fo pe estians footrdge • aise passagewa between bilings lky • bige that ma be erecte qickl fom pefabicate pats Bley rdge • bige with a aisable sec tion: scule, scule brdge .raisable ige at a castle entance: dr rdge .arch of a brige between its sppots spn sppoting fame wok fo a bie truss • oating obect se to sppot a bige pontoon
bit I Buddhst
ie set stea of a bdge to o
tect t fo oating objects starlng
setaceos .hedgehog's bistes spnes broa cbii fr platy (g platyps)
sitaneos boadcast of a ogae on ado and tee vision: smlcast • teevson boadcast screenng • boadcast news ot: nes blletn, nescast erson reading sch a eort nescaster denoting boadcastng e ceving no state fnding ndependent • denoting boadcasting fnded by ad vetiseens commercal oo eqed fo boadcasting: stdo boadcasting eqent transmt ter feqencies sed by a boadcasting staton cannel denoting an nathoized bodcasting staton prate adst a eceive to eeive a atca station: tne iediate eboadcast of incoing signas: relay deibeate geneation of nterfeence to ende a boadcast nintelgbe jammng bodcast sond coveng a censoed wod: bleep denoting boadcasting wthot the se of sateites: terrestral • text of a boadcast scrpt usic assocated with a a ticar ogae o boadcaste sgnate tne st of ecodings boadcast on a ado ogae playlst seection and scheding of estiboadcasts programmng ated adence of a atica boadcast: ratng . tie devoed to a atca te of boadcast: artme soen nage between boadcast tes ontnty boadcaste ovding continity between a nbe of contibtos: ancorman, lnkman . otofstdo settng fo a boacast locaton escition of a boadcast event comentary, voceover de notng boadcasts tanstted at the tie of occence lve • sae boadcast ade to assess adience e
sonse plot set of eated boadcasts seres, sera seia abot osoap eoe: opera dinay • boadcast containing sevea ei sodes of a sea: omnbs • boadadvetiseent commercal cast • boadcasting to a sa o seected adence: narrocastng boadcast ogae featng honecas ade to the esente ponen • tye of boadcasting featng honeins and toica dscssions: talk rado, talk so • boadcast ro gae in whch ceebities ae inteviewed nfoay cat so te at whch boadcasting attacts the geatest adiences prme tme • boadcast news eote: jornalst, correspondent • oganization sying news stoes: nes agency nscheded boadcast of iotant news: nesfas end of a days boadcasting: closedon eson eoyed to sten n to foeign boad casts: montor
. cbi i fr calcochalcolthc) oxide on
(.g. bonze patna, verdg rs
broter . cbii frs fater, fraternal fratr djective:
shaing ony one aent alfbroter egos bothehood fraternty • ng one's bothe
fratrcde brow • geyish bown dn ght yeowish bown fan eddsh bown seen n od hotogahs
sepa Bht Bddhst eigos teache: bonze • Bddhst sc tes Trpaka, stra Bddhst ystca text tantra Bddhst con cet of nvesa aw darma Bd dhist oicy of nonviolence towad a lving things amsa centa Bddhst beefs: for noble trts Bddhist tation ehasizing sef Bdhs savation Teraada
46 I ldn b l d
trdton emszng mtl slv ton Maayana . n go of Bd dst srt rogress nrvana • wy of lfe ledng to nrvn: egt fold pat, Mddle Way • Bddsts ersonl fte: karma • degree of sr t nsgt freeng from te ycle of rert: enlgtnment • Bddst stte of sreme ness: ananda • word reeted n Bddst medt ton: mantra • dsk symozng te nverse: mandala • Bddst tower temle: pagoda • domed Bddst srne stupa • Bddst monstc order: sanga .Jnese Bddsm emszng medtton: Zen • J nese Bddst festv of te ded: Bon • Tetn Bddsm: Lamasm • Tetn ddst srne corten . leder of Tetn Bddsts Dala Lama • Tetn Bddst monk:
lama see s Tbet
bulde • desgner of ldngs: arctect • constrcton lorer: navvy • der n stone: mason, stoemason • lder n rck: brcklayer • lder n wood: carpenter • glsstter: glazer • ework nstler: plumber • lder sec zng n g work: steeplejack, spderman • erson mdng ld ng or ste overngt: ngtatcman
• lder ndertkng wole roject: contractor • der ndertkng rt of te roject for te contrctor: subcontractor • ders Vsed rck trog: od
buln tectonc
• dectives
• ldngs nd ter
ment regrded s n nvestment: plant • ldng of storcl mort • rond dome nce: monument ldng: rotunda .ver tll ldng: grse, skyscraper • sd or decret ldng: slum .detced ssdr ldng oubuldng, outouse • gro of ldngs: complex • ldngs erected to sce e tween oters: nfll .sm ldng:
• sm
cve mot: grotto • denotng ldng not joned o ny oter: detaced, freestandng • denotng ldng joned on one sde ony: semdetaced • denotng dng joned t te grond oor ony: lnk detaced .denotng ldng wt few ntern dvsons: openplan • denotng dng v ng some rooms ger tn oers y ess tn storey spltlevel .denot ng ldng vng for lrs: tetrastyle • denotng oorly con strcted ldng: jerrybult • se of ldng foundaton, footngs • sde of dng: elevaton, facade, front, frontage • drwng or dgrm of ts elevaton • dngs rnc fcde: frontspee • rojectng rt of ldng: ng • extern nge of ldng quon roject eyond ldngS ower rt oversal . denotng tmerfrmed dng: alftmbered rt of ldng mde wt stone: stoneork • rt of ldng mde wt rck: brckork .rt f ldng mde wt wood oodork .rge oen re efore or wtn ldng: concourse • on re efore ldng: forecourt • oen re t te centre of dng: atrum, court, courtyard, ell • re were vstors re det wt recepton .lrge olong ll wt nteror colonndes: baslca • vertcl s for stIrcse: star ell • roofed exteror ltform t grond evel: veranda • ts t ger leve: balcony • or of ldng: storey .erson wo d sgns ldngs nd servses ter constrcton: arctect • erecton of ldngs: development • relce ment of exstng dngs redevelopment • denotng ldng ste wt no revos develoment: greenfeld • denotng revosly deveoed • re ldng ste: bronfeld were develoment s fordden con
bildin bn
servation area, green belt .adapa ion of a bding o new uses converson decare a buildig un for use condemn unawful occupaion f a buding squattng wls roof, and oor of a building fabric .standardized builing un module
plae srenghening a beam or join s beam supporing a oor ost bu suppor for an arch or bridge per narrow area under a oor or
rf, giving access o wrig or plum g crawl space channe wihin a bildng's was for venilaion, cables, etc duct trunkng .drec ion faced by a buding's windows exposue sooh surfaces of build ing sone dess srip of aeri coering adoining suaces fllet, flasng flauncing waerproof er mastc verical layer of ce e perpend . eveed ayer of or ceen screed coree layer uder a building overste ra r force a budng y assung or i proving the srengh of is fonda ios uderpn panking spporig seing concree sutter ng aework suspended by ropes for workig o he xrior of a high buding cradle buildes' fae ork of panks and poes scaoldg .raisd walkway on his catwalk building's irsic weigh dead oad eigh of peope or goods in a udg lve load . alowance or charge ade fr a uilding's wear and ear dlapidatos area devoted o buildgs of a aricuar kind estate echnica nspecion of a budig survey propery in building and and rea property, realty budng ih is and and appenances premises, property . denoing a build ing of ceried arhiecural impor ance lstd sceduled cono of buildig deeopen plan nn g, town plannng buding aong he sides of a road rbbon development
. large open conaer for buiding debrs skip srucra susdence settlement _ copleey desroy a uilding rae srucure of an un nished or gued buding sell agmens of a collapsed or deol ished buig bble see lso
acitecture, beam roof wall, win dow buldng maeals . sf cay ps crushed sone and grave ag gregate me and cay ixure ce met lime and cemen mure mortar hin orar grout ce men, sand, and gravel ure concete see o brck, cement buldng soey denoig a bdng sociey disribuing s ros amogst is members mutual resrucure a building sociey as a public copany demutualie
bulge cent bull
bulbous tumes
taurine . asro ogic er taurus . sab wih te horns gore Spansh bulgher kiling he bl matador Sanis bulher on foo torero Spanish toeador mouned bugher atadors ouned assisan picador bulghers dcorae dr banderlla blle pasic or rubber bule used in rio cono baton round bule expanding o ipac dumdum
bu eiing soke ec so ha is course may be raced tracer dia eter of a ble calbre grooe round he cyindrica par of a bule canellure ble's reboud ricocet explosive ring bules pro-
pelant bun fruit bun eaten toasted bered teacake iced yeas wih curras Bat bun .a sprinke wih sugar Celsea
and bun bun
bn bun eaen on Good Friday ot coss bun
u usisma • buch
of baaas hand
• buch of frut truss ble • djectives fasccular, fascculate • wrapped or boud bude bae • bude of oth or papers wd bren
• djective
nerus • u reasoabe burde mpstn brglar • burgar's crowbar jmmy
cbg he outde of a
bud cat burglar
bral chral
djectives funeary, pu preparato of a corpse for
ura ast ffce, layng ut • bura wth approprate rtes nterment chaber used for buras vaut acet stoe bura chaber cst bura of the dead as a cutura pheoeo nhumatn � see ls
tmb br
• start
bre urner
aborator brer Bunsen portabe burer gg a
burg knle • backe b burg char bur superca nge bur ustead gutter _ bur sow a so smuder .edca trea et b burg cauteratn, caut· ery grade of esbur degre • deog a bur affectg the sk surface o fstdegee • deotg a bur causg bsterg but o per aet carrg secnddegre deog a bur afctg tssue beow he sk thrddegee
hot ae for reog pat bw-
amp b dese group of bushes tket _ bushes etc grog roud a tree undergrth b s for 115 pasegers mnbus • twostore bus ubedecker • bs drers copartet cab
_ etedg
fraewor oectg wth oehead power es ant graph • whe o a poe etedg to
48 oerhead power es trlley, trlley whel • perso takg fares o a bus cnductr (fe condctess)
• busess
owed b ts epo ees cperatve • busess ot uder state aagemet prvte enterprse • busess's estabshed reputato gdwll _ deotg a busess emadg arge capta estmet captalntense deot g a busess eed a arge abour force labur ntense .trasf a busess to state aageet natnale free busess fro goeet cotros deregulte rego offerg goeret cetes to og busees devepment area, enterprse ne eter ew areas of busess dversy • te of busess transactn _ route bus ess attes admnstratn .per so setg up a busess entrepre neur .uber of persos epoed a busess headcunt empo ee regarded a buse ast hum n resurces _ busesss budgs a equpmet plant bues aget fact • busess aget for spotse uscas etc manager asocato adacg the terests f oca busees Chamer C merce • excess of busess coe oer expedture prft, supus tota oe eterg o eag a shoet busess cash fw eas of gag busess adatage gra, seae dspos of subsdar busess terests dvestment, dvesttue perso egagg d oest busess deags raketee _ busess coapse falure
bma powerfu bsess a magnate, tcn • dhoest busesa racketeer, shark • per so aagg arge su of oe fnnce dustr aager or pro retor nustrast oug urba professoa uppe _ oug bac
bth I bpa
49 urba roessioa: ppe �see
manager th • buchers choer clever • buchers cuig be lock tt ur buer b melg cla Idia clared buer: gee .mache or makig buer crn tt y • buer ua crysals be eer lepdopters tn • sichig chorig a bu o sank see s fastener
• uchaser
b eehoe or comuer li telesopper • roecio o bues ieress consumer sm . assessme o buers eeds d reereces maket reserc e he buer beware caveat emp-
• buzzig device aoucig a hoeca pager • bzzg i he
ears tnnts
ypss • bass ecirclig a ow ortal road, ng road
Cc aag cabbages tt ead heart cooed cabbage and otato ed togete bbble and sqeak nt • cabne mnse eson sble fo nance Chancelor o te Excheqer cabnet mnste esonsble o foe afas Fregn Secretary cabnet mnst eon sble fo ome affas ome Secretry cabnet mnste wt no e anent esosbltes Mnster hot ortolo cabnet fo eqment consoe l cable fo secng a s to a e haser cable fo steadyng a mast gyrope a small cafe sellng alcoolc dns estmnet cafe wt comtes fo cstomes se cybercae ak 0 fancy cae atea (.
eus o eux sweet cae o tat torte (. ren lgt cae made wt lttle o no fat sponge cyln dcal songe cae wt a jam lng Ss rol laye cae t a llng sandch small beadle cae scne mall c cae madeene smal cs batte cae ae c ft cae eaten on Palm n day smnel cake c cae wt eqal amonts of eac ngedent pond cake cae made of bead dog, lad, and cants lardy cake Astan cocolate cae wt a am ad ceam lng Sachertorte (. cherren dese oatcae apjac small ad cant cae rock cae da gngebead parkin tc sweet decoatve ste ondant slve ball fo decoatng caes drage small coloed sga
balls hndreds and thosand sl of decoatn caes wt sga aste sgarcra • smal seedless gae sed n caes crrant sma seedless asn sed n cas sltana • so selng fany caes and as tes patssere
. cmbii fm cac-
o odcng calcm calcero • aden by addton of calcm calcy aena • calenda now n geneal se Gregoran calndar denotng a date fom ts calenda Ne Style calenda fomey sed n Eoe Jla calendar . denotng a date fom ts calenda Od Stye an nal blcaton contanng a calenda and ote tatstcal nfomaton almanac calenda adjstable fo any yea perpeta calendar de notng a day o mont occasonaly added to te calend ntercalary ll cal fo someone va a bleee page sense of beng caled to folow a atcla caee vocton alm calm and dgned sedate calmnes n tyng ccmstances
sanrod Camrge Unvty c : Cantabrgan at of te tem wen ndegadats ae exected to be esdent ll term atmn tem at Cambdge Mchaelmas term wnte tem a Cambdge Lent term smme tem at Cambdge Tnty term Cambdge stdegee examato o cose trpos e son ganng stclass onos n te Cambdge matematc tos membe of a nvesty ranger sots team be govenng body
al I a
5 of Camridge Universiy: senate • memer of a senae commiee syn dc • chief adminisraor of Cam ridge Universiy: regstrary .memer of he Camridge universiy police ulldog • Oxford and Camridge universiies cnsidered Oxrdge • Camridge geher: undergraduae recevg nancial help from his colege: szar .Cam ridge colege annual feas Com memoraton • Camridge college sevan: edder, edmaker, gyp • Camridge college relaxaion room: comnaton room • cone wihin he colege: gate • suspend a suden: rustcate • expel a suden: send
ame • camel wi one hump: dromedary • camel wih wo humps: Bactran camel • frenied sae of ruing male mels: must amera
• pe of camera producing
a pri aer each exposure nstant camera • ype of camea in wic he image is reeced ono a glass screen refex camera • denoing a reex camera whose viewder uses he aperre lens: snglelens reflex . denoing a relex camera whose viewnder has a separae lens tn lens refex • derence in angle of view eween lens and viewnder: parallax • hole on he fron of a cam era admii g ligh o he aper ture . device for vaying aperure sie dapragm • denoing a camera wi a age aperre fast • effecive aperure sie: stop • focusing glass: lens • device se in fron of he lens o screen ou cerain ypes of ligh: fl ter • evice admiing ligh o he aperure sutter • opening of he shuer admiing ligh o he ex posure • wire alowing he shuer o e acivated from a disance cale re lease • duraion of exposure speed • exposure for longer han usua shuer seigs tme exposure • lens
cover ood • camera soce fr ac cessories soe • camera aachmen producing a rief very rig ligh: flas • camera device delaying ex • singlelegged posure selftmer • camera camera sand unpod sand wih ree sloping legs trpod • crosswise camera movemen: pan • verica camera movemen: tlt • move a camera owards or away from ojec track • ring an ojec ino close or disan camera focus: zoom • wheeled plaorm for a r elevision camera dolly . liale plaform for a or elevision camera: crane
• emporary
camp ouac • camp for voluneers doing commu niy projecs: ork camp • German prisonerofwar camp for ofcers German prisonerofwar Ofag camp for oher ran Stalag • Sovie laour camp: gulag . prison camp eforcing a regime of hard laour: la our camp, ork camp • campers enamelled lidded cooking po blly
can ampagner
. person advocaing somehings aandonmen or prohi iion: aboltonst . vigorous cam paigner: actst
• Canadian
game of sliding sones across ice curlng • memer of he FrenchCanadian naionalis movemen: Quecqos
ana • canal oa: arge, narrooat • pah eside a cana topat • pivoing couneralanced ascule brdge canal idge • ridge crrying a canal aqueduct
• shor
caal secion whose waer level may e raised or lowered: lock • se of locks: fgt • oa used on Veneian canals gondola
cbi i s
ds (eg
disallow) un (eg nsele) aner • cbii s carcin, oma • djective carcnomatous
ate ar
sueed by Aids victims pos's srcom . sface cacer of the ski or iteral ogas crc om likely to develop ito cace preccerous • sbstace casig cace crcoe • hepesvirs casg certai caces pste Br vrus stat o f cace crco eess excessive gowth as a idicato of cace yperps • elaemet f a oa a ea stage of cace dysps • abo mal tsse growth csed by cancer: eopsm potei fod i the blood of a diseased peso prprote specme take fom the cevi to detect cace cervc smer . deotig cacer that teds to spead vsve . deveopmet of secoday caces distat fom the st metstss cace teatme by drgs cemoterpy • cacer teatmet by Xays rdoterpy, r dto terpy • deotig theapy appled ae sccessful treatmet of a cace to sppress secodary tu mos djuvt � see ls tumour, d ude he idividul s feced
• potetially
cadidae ppbe ( papabii) • cadidate eteed to divide the voe spoer cadidate iitiatig a elec tio bt epectig stoge cadidates to coe forwad stk orse • oe oeself as a cadidate std lst of a political paty's electio cadidaes ste . list of cadidtes f al chic sortst check a cadidates backgod ad geeal sitability screei, postve vet
t securty ceck, vett ale waed wic fo lightig cadles tpe edeed fat used to mae cadles to deale i cadles cd cadle timme suers etiguish a cadle su
alestk • cadlestick attached to a wall scoce • brached cadlestick • sspeded cdebrum mltiliht cadlestick cdeer Jewish litgical cadlestick me or • cadlestick's spiked top prcket ae cae caied by military of ces ser stck aabs caabis be emp • caabis cigaette jot, reeer aba djecive tropop ous ap od attish bimless cap beret academic cap squre mor trbord • woma's opewok cap Juet cp • Frech mlitay peaked cap kep Scottish beet bonet, tmo'ster . cbi i fr apabl o cous (e.g efficacios) • capable of seal itercose poet apta captai of a mecht ship mster . captai's assistat mte ar . ca made before 1905 (o before 196) veter cr . a made betwee 1917 ad 1930 vte cr • old ad nefciet car bger, j opy, rttetrp, t zze • odiay ca stegthee fo acerack collisios stock cr ca modied to give high pefomace ot rod ca modied fo drag aces drster small acig car with skeleto body okrt lowbilt ca desiged for speed sports cr car offeri comfot ad high pefomace r turismo ca offeig basic comfot with high performace sports cr lage ad omfotable ca mou se .log ca offeg eta accommodatio stretc mouse police patol ca squd cr smal felefciet ca mcrocr ope twoseate ca rodster small ope ca fo difcut teai buy opeig
cerain cards declare . payer ma ng a successf d declarer hand wh n card ave a nne yarbor oug se f cads f he same s and adjacen vaues sequence su f whch a payer hds many cads long sut su f whch a payer hds severa hgh cards strong sut sut f whch a player hds ny ne w cads sort sut cad hat s the ny ne f a sut n a hand sngleton ac f cads f a parcu a su vod • cads ad d n a nd f pay trck card payed when unabe t fw st: dscard • faure t fw st when abe t d s revoke card ranked at ts pay es w: joker ld card scrng cad cmbnatn meld sequence f cads f he same sut run .de ntng crds dentiable frm ther acs: marked cncea a cad in he hand palm • pay a ump ru frce he pay f patca cards dra • pay he rst card t a rc lead wn a rc cheapy: nesse persn wh cheats at cards card sarp card sarper csng runds f pay endgame rganized mee ng t pay cads: drve .card game n whch here ae n partnershps round game . card games wn y ganng rcs d contract brdge solo st • cad games wn by ganng he ms rcs aucton brdge, pquet st brdge naen wh cmpettrs playing he sae hands duplcate brdge brdge vcry ang a he rcs grand slam brdge vcy takng welve ics: small slam card games wn by cmbnans hed pokr rummy cad game wn by sptting sima cas: sap cad game wn y acing famiy sets appy fam es rtne elng fm cards: cartomacy
a . faile tae cae enc faile f an njed prsn
t tae prper precautns contrbutory neglgence . carefu and thr gh: panstakng scrupulous caeless careess a nd hasty slap das • dy caeess: neggent • wifuy careess: reckless caee • summay f a persns car eer and educatn currculum vtae descrptns f he caeers and cn nectns f mpran pepe: proso ogray desre fw a certain caee: vocaton . cvatn f cn acs ha may furher nes caree: netorkng persn wh great car eer penta gflyer selfstarter • persn ny neresed n career sc cess careerst tact barrer car eer advncement glass celng caeake reden careaer concerge securty cal n a puc gaery: nvglator ca eepng rder n a pubc recreatn grund: park keeper empyee after sprs ptches ng
groundsman capene
• capener mang stars, drs ec joner capenter
mang rnture cabnet maker cape • ng narw strip f capet: runner • smal carpet mat rug rased surce f a cpe ple caage ght nehrse carage gg . twwheeed hrsedrawn tax ansom ansom cab encsed carage: coac . Ish ght car rage: jauntng car Russan three hrse carage troka Russan pen caage drosky hded wheel chai f nvads: 8at car cayng cbii frs fer (.g cone), ferous (.g odoie os) pore (.g. semaphoe gg carage f a bat is cag between navgable waters:
porage a sma cat loat
smal cat
pushed r pulled by hand: hancat roly . ligh Asan ca ra y
Cara castrat
55 ne mre ee rcksaw cart se in the rench evtin t cn vey cnemne ersns t the gitine tumrl ancient twwheee cart carot cart's pe which raght animas are attache sa fastening attching a raght ani ma t the shaft trac wen crssiece n the necks f raght animas yok Carhage djeive un cbi r carlage chondro (eg chondocyte) djec ive cartagnous carrge cartrige cntaining wer bt n bet lank bet with s fr cartrigs andolr carvg djecive glyptc gr tesqe carving gargoyl carve n smethig nscr cash avaiabe cash lqudty cash avaiabe r immeiate se cash n hand cash ket in han t sette minr eenses ptty cas cash that mst be accete in ay ment lgal tndr cash refn given t a rchaser cashack bank car giving access t cash is ensers cash card cash given t a cstmer at a sermarket checkt an ebite t his charge car cash ack ssessin having a cash vae ass assets easiy cnvert ibe int cash lqud assts, nar mony cnvert assets int cash
ralz case
the Hin riesty caste Brahman member f the Hin wrker caste Sudra member f the wes Hin case Dal, untouchal cia name f the west Hin aste scduld cast ersn f n caste outcast paah Hin frehea mrk ini cating caste tlak casg hw cntainer shaing matera being cast mould casting meth sing a wax me which is
ete away cr prdu lost wax cay m arn a wax me mantl mae in a singe casting
monoloc casle caste overking a city ctadl caste mn mott cas te's centra twer kp donjon caste's nergrn ce dungon caste itch moat raisabe brige ver a caste's mat drawrdg caste's frtie gatehse ar can hevy grating were frm abve portculls caste's efensive wa rampart castes uter wa aly . astes ter wa between twers curtan wall area encse by a caste wa aly, ward .w wa shetering trs n a caste wa parapt araet with regar en ings fr shting thrgh attnt crnllaton wae art between these enings mron having bat tements mattld ening fr ring missies n ee bew machcolaton murdr hol r jecting frticatin bit where tw was meet at an ange aston rm set in a caste wa casmat caste's ngr avatry gardro inwar se f a case wa attr . sma ter r postrn saly port bank sing wn frm a caste glacs at en area in frnt f a caste splanad gv ernr f a rya caste onstal trs staine in a caste garrson French caste chatau ( cha eax)
cas o . (f a snake) cast ff an skin sloug the skin s cast ff slough actin f casting ff a skin cdyss casrae castrate a mae anma gld castrate man unuch cas trate mae singer in barqe era r the aa chae castrato cas trate b ox castrate cckere capon castrate stain gldng castrate ram wtr
c jetive felne me c tom d spyed eme c queen yug c tten ess reed c Manx . c) gve h ten gied c wh rd Cesre cat . hw e c cateaul sm dr fr c cat ap m f cs e caner c wh med ur tay dr w fu Smese c sea pont . p cs e sme catmnt catnp rdig es he c caey cedl cvered w ch edr cpex closter chedr precic cose ched gver igy capter meeig pce r hs capter ouse pres presd g ver ched chper dean, provost pres egg cth edr chper canon deg cher chper captular
required resde he preccs resdentary canon pes chrge f chedr sc precentor depy prece uccentor pres ssstg chedr sevces u chper memer mnor
canon cde
eecr em emed y
chde vcuum tue catode ray vcuum ue fr hs catode
ray tue ce y ue srce f hs screen mveme f he ec e css he scree seep ce . djective ovne gp f ce erd dvded ft f ce cloven oo e f ess eed cte poll fects ctte dseses murran, rnderpest .ct e dsese ecig e ce er vus sysem ovne spongform en cepalts, mad co dsease . ce dsese etg he sk d ugs antrax . cte dses certg hf d mhs foot and mouth dsease mm f he dder garget te dsse fectg the
mk d herey rsmed hu ms rucelloss . sc fr rd dig cte goad pe rug fr cte der manger ee grw feed cte mangod, mangeluzel US cwherd cooy ce rerer gzer . rudup cte rch rodeo � see ls co
cuse cbii rs genc genous, facent, fc, le, otc djetive aetologcal csg aortfacent csig cce carnogenc csg soporfc narcotc, drwsess cused y medc ree aro genc hvig ter cuse en dogenous hvg exer cse exogenous wh ppr e cuse spontaneous cve . cbii r speleo sm rtc cve grotto dep u cve potole cve dwee troglodyte . cve dweer Scd v myhgy toll pited c cum ce excrescece hgig frm cve f stalactte perg ccum ce cum rsg frm cve r stalagmte sudy r exprt cves speeology
ceg hg rm he r ve suspended ccess pe i ceig trapdoor
celeiy eterme ceery star ret s ceery lonze cel cbi rs cyto, cyte, last (g eythoblast) plast (.g. potoplast) . ce dec t ther clone sexuy mre germ cel gamete ce frmed y f tw gmetes zygote dy ce e t sr cter pagocyte . e k f eve ces ganglon rm ggreg f ces nodule gpig f ces esp i he r
cytoarctectoncs cytoarctectu
mte cmprsg he vig pr f ce protoplasm ptpsm excldg the ces
c n
champae exclu sive to one shpper: onopoe de
noting unweetened chamagne brut champagne nd orange juce
uks Fi
ne fortuitous aive ubject to chnce probabiisti, ran o, stohasti chnce happen ng fluke fortunate development of events by chnce serenipiy .per son seng oered hanes oppor tunist los of other chance when oe aen oppounity ost
.cut-gla chaneler
. cobii for eta e:_ mamphss), trop e psycpc) tropo e. pphy) extreme chnge akeover, uan u eap, revoluion seahange tansutation, upheal, turn votefae nvolvng extreme cnge raia adaptve change aiaiaion mo chnge aenent, variation ubte nuane unpredctble cnge chnge vagary . aprcu change of mnd hi hnge of appear nce etaorphosis change of the eucharistc element transub stantiation moent of decive chnge turning point mprove by bsc chnge refr cotnt cnge . capable o nnte retnce to cnge protean chnge ineria .open to hnge ne gotiabe ealy chnged fleible avouring tady chnge progres sive chngng upredctably er urial voatile, waywar chnge ide apostatize aapt to ut ind personalize vidu requrment ntate new areas o actvty diver si proce o hnge transition general drecton o change tren
thng hat ntae or acceerate ae eental cage atalyst
change utatis utanis peron advocatng graual chnge reforist
58 peron opposed to l change reatonary person who changes hs
princple to ut the tmes trier, tiesver 'chnge of life enopause denotng omething that canot be chnged flat, sarosant stuation or acton tat canot be chnged fait aopi nbty to cope wth chnge future shok .un hieboun wing to change thing never chnge pus a
hange pus est a e hoe keep untered preseve unhn gng unifor
nn water
channel or atmovng rae dranage channl
ith, yke Chnnel
Channel I Fench magsate urat
lnds name for the Channel land
e chpel or the ue o pa rhoners lving ar om he man church hape of ease ml do metc hapel oratory
re exra charge surharge charge for a eparate items un
rt aecive eeeosynary day o eet harty colcton flag
legly bning dertakng to make paymen to a charity ovn
ingian Carovingian
Crls I n adecv Caro ean Caroine upporter o Charles
Cavaier Royalist . opponent o Chale Parliaentarian Round
et peron who cheat at car
ard sharp, ar sharper
shon ety n bunes or publc lie seaze
ek check truth or valdty vr
i vet chek agant a tandar alibrate check a ob appcant place whe bckgron vet check are carre out ontrol
h I hrb
0 djectves
buccal, malar
doopig chee: ol
0 djectve
caseous small whole che ese: truckle 0 so cheese made fom simmed ml: cottage cheese 0 Fech so white cheese: Brie 0 Fech goats cheese: hvre so cheese fom Nomady Camembert 0 Daish so white cheese with blue veis: Danish blue
o oud
Dutch cheese with a yelow id: Gouda Gee goat's cheese feta Italia so blueveied cheese Italia had blue Docelate ™ veied cheese: Gorgonzola talia ceam cheese: mascarpone m white taia cheese: mozzarela ich blueveied Licesteshie cheese: Stilton sweet bow Nowe gia cheese Getost had wiss cheese: Emmenta pale wiss cheese with holes: Gruyre cheese's tough oute si: rind potei peset i cheese: casein cudlig aget used i cheesema ig rennet deotig uipe cheese: green spiled with gated cheese ad bowed: au gratin melted cheese o toast: rarebit, Welsh arebit melted cheese o toast with a poached egg buck rarebit
0 0
c fs hemial chemi (eg chemisorption) chemo-
(eg chemotheapy) chemical liquid destoyig bacteia: disinfectant eat aay by chemical actio: cor-
rode hemial
self sustaig seies of chemical eactios: chain reaction substace used i chemical eactio reagent substace chaged a chemical eactio: ractan substace fomed by a chemical eactio: poduct poductio of compouds by eactio fom simple mateials: synthe sis substace acceleatig a chemica eactio: catalyst biochemical catayst enzyme sUbstace slow
ig o pevetig a chemical eactio:
inhibitor hemisy
0 chemisty
of com-
pouds cotaiig cabo organic cem istry chemisty of compouds ot cotaiig cabo: inorganic chemistry chemisty of plats: chemistry of liv phytochemistry ogaisms: ig biochemistry chemisty of adioactive substaces: chemisty of the radiochemisry stas ad space: astrochemistry medieval chemist seeig o tu base metals ito gold: alcemy chemical aalysis of a compoud epessed i symbols: formula ( for mae) substace used i chemical aalysis reagent substace havig the same cystal stuctue as aothe: isomorph chemical decompositio by electic cuet electrolysis chemical decompositio by wate hydrolysis ot subect to chemical decompositio stable
eque cheque fo a ed amout usable aboad: traveller's cheque cheque daw by a ba o its ow fuds: bank dra, bankers dra cheque guaateed by a ba certicheque couterfoil: fied ceque stub peso witig a cheque: istitutio that must hodraer ou a cheque draee peso beetig fom the cheque payee wit ig o the bac of a cheque: endorsemen payee amed i a edosemet endorsee deotig deota ucossed cheque open ig a cheque that is ivalid because daw log befoe: stae cedit a cheque to the payee's accout: clear pay a peseted cheque: onour efuse to pay a peseted cheque: istuct oes baes dishonour ot to hoou a cheque stop
dectve cherubic cheub i Reaissace paitigs:
amoretto, putto
y rt
erry sur cherry used n ck n
chess played separate bards kriegspl penn tactc gabit chess peces n rder
king quen bishop knight rook r castl pawn br a backlne pece rward evelop
dentn a pece that can be taken n prise attack upn the ppn ents kn chck reeate check
n the kn prpetual chck clsn ves engae wn pstn chckate cncede de resign eat wthut checkate stuatn whch a player cannt ve except nt check stalat stuatn n which the need t ake a ve s tse a dsadvantae zugswang declaratn when ad ustn a pece j'aobe sde the bard n whch bh queens stand at the start play ueensie hal ve n cputer chess ply expert chessplayer aster chessplayer the hhest class gran aster
pctoral thor
dered huan chest ih
prectn breastbne pigeon chest pgon brast chest urur
ew chew the cud ruinat ken brd chckens clutch ee ao fowl ke chckpea paste hu us chckpea rssle felafl ef combinn form arch che bea architrav che
archbishop abbot prior che priorss
che nk nun abbss
lbln ulceraed chlblan kib l combinin form pa .adecive: ilial ealy chdhd in fancy dentn a chld bn wthn wedc lgiim dentn a chld brn t wedlc bard i lgitima chld that has been
abandned by ts parents founling chld whse parents ae dead orphan chld substtuted r an the n nancy changeling par ental respnsbty r a chld cus toy chld cared r by a uardan war chld under state uardan bn up shp war of cour chldren anthers chd foster kled by Herd Holy Innocents chlds leadn rens harnss chlds playul sbehavur is chif exceptnally talented chld chil progy wunerkin ch drens part a huse nursery day nursery r yun chldren crch chd wh ces he t an epty huse latchkey chil prect er n pastes r chldren durn schl hldays playschee per sn supervisn chldren n publc chaperone supervse chldren whe ther parents are ut babysit study and reatent the dseases chldren paeiatrics dentstry chdren paeoontics v prty t the nerests chldren chilcntre dentn sethn that chldren cannt pen r use chilproof sutable r chldren and adults faily state aency r ann chld antenance pay ents Chil Suppor Agncy per sn sexually atracted t chldren paeophile representatn a nake wned chld n Renassance art aoro cherub puo
lbrt aecve obsric pu rpral rcess chldbrth liv ry chldbrh at he hoe livery chldbrth under water water birh devce r ths birhing pool chdbrth va a cut n the thers abden
sarian sction
Casaran Ca
chldbrth wth nU edcal and technlcal nteventn natural chilbrth de ntn a wan capable chldbrth fcund wan wh has never
hldbrth Chns
6 give birth nullipara woma giv ig birth for the rst time prmpara woma bearg a child for aother: surrogate mother medical care ad stdy of those givig brth obstetrcs doctor providig sch care or perso makig sch stdy obstetrcan assist the b irth of a child de ver rse attedig at cildbirth mde hospital for the care of childbrth maternty hosptal hos pital area for the al staes of labor del ery sute strt lbor rticialy nduce ormoe stimlatig womb cotractios ad milk secretio oxtocin ormoe makig the cervi dilate relaxn perid betwee the srt of cotrac tios ad delivery labour spial aaesetc give i childbirth e dural, extrdrl drg easig labor pais pethdne positio of the fets at the time of delivery: presentation presetatio with feet or bttocks rst breech delvery srgical cttig of the vagia at childbirth epsotomy large picers as sistig childbirth forceps sctio device assistig childbirth vacuum extractor, ventouse greasy deposit coverig a ewbor ifat vernx predictio of a ftre child's geetic disorders gnec counselling de otig the period before cildbirth antenatal, antepartum deotig the period after chldbirt postnatal, postpartum deotig the period from the chld's coceptio til weaig maternty rst li qid from the breasts colostrum sbstace ecoragig breastmilk glaactagogue ecessive prodc tio breastmilk galacorrhoea breastfeed a baby nurse woma's fever aer childbirth mk fever fever cased by terie infctio aer childbirth: puerperl fever perid after childbirth i which the productive orgas rer t ormal:
where births are recorded reg ster of fce � see ls b rth, pregna ncy
freestadig part of a chimey stack hooded chimey top col dct iside a chimey flue partiio betwee les he
. cii fr Sno Chiese ocial mandarn hiese ative laborer coole Chiese secret crimial gag Tong, Trad Chiese idol: oss Chiese tmple oss house Chiese Bddhist teacher: bonze absolte priciple i Chiese philosoph Tao active male priciple i Chiese philosphy yang passive female pricipe of Chiee hilosohy yn Chiese philosophica ystem advocatig h mility ad piety Taosm Chiese woma's losettig silk dress chonsam stick for eatig Chi ese food chopstck Chiese fry ig pa ok sop made rm a coatig o bird's ests bird's nest soup Ciese egg dish foo yong Chiese dish of grilled meat i a spicy sace satay hiesestyle dish of meat mied vegetables ad rice chop suey Chiesestyle dish of fried odles with shredded meat ad vegetables cho men Chiese pacake lled with vegetables sprng roll small Chiese savry dmpig onton prawavored ricelor crisp pran cracker Chiese sack of small mpligs dm sum small white Chiese dessert frit ychee Chiee sace with sgar ad viegar or lemo seet and sour sauce food additive used i Chiese cisie monosodum gluamate illess cased by ecessive moosodim gltamate Chnese res taurant syndrome Chiese sor· ghm spirit maota Chiese game played with small tiles mahjong Chiese gamblig game: fantan
Ci n s s
Chinese gemeica puzze tan gram Chinese matia at kung fu Chinese pant with medicna t gnseng Chise heapy y eedes aupunture diy en egy path in Chinese medicine and cupunctue meran e fce n Chnese medicine and phsphy Chinese execise systems ta uan, gong Chinese divinain manua I Cng Book of Canges fome Chinese w f geetng kowtow pncipa Chinese a Manarn, Putongua guages ransiteatin systems fm Chi nese WaGles, Pnyn .achitec tua decain the Chnese stye nosere .faus ype f medi eva Chinese pcea Mng Chi nese saing vesse unk Chiese taditina acing a ragon boat imitatin f Chinese mots in West en at nosee study f Chi nese cutue and pitics Snology Chese s . paty f ca in chage f pitica educatin ommssar individua pitica dctinatin tougt reform pt ica wapste azbao l sa .jacket n Chnese cmmunist stye
cess f avaae ptins embarras o wng ptin in a ipe chice questin strator hr .ecive oral sectin f a chuch chir standig n the nh side antors . sectin f chuch chi sandg n the suth side e an chi divided sing aniphn ay ouble or y meme f a chi orstr hse chse as candidate f an eectin aopt .chse at andm
denting chips with wavy
Chists appeaance in gy t hee cm discipes ransfguaton mematin f Chists nty int Je usaem Palm Sunay cmmem atin f Chists institutin f the Eucharist Corpus Crst Chists sueing and deah t Passon pace f Chists etaya Gtsm ane Chists ute t Cavay Va Dolorosa pace f Chiss cucix in Calvary .maks f Chiss cu cixin estwed n hes hugh paye stgmata epesentatin f he dead Chist in his mhes ms pet site f Chists a Holy Spulr Chists feeng f the ighteous dead Harrowng of Hell ceebatin f Chists esuectin
Mao aket
edges rnkleut hr gve thwn dwn a knight as a chaenge gage patnesss in etc wn y a knight favour ma oigatins f the niity noblesse oblge hte denting chcae mde withut mk plan geyish depsit n the suface f sted chc ate bloom make see f chocae oolatr h chice whee bth ptins lemma diadvantages hae chice with n ea atenatives Hobson's o chice made aocate scace esouces trag ex
raw selet by lot
hrs eciv oral or Chrst . cobii fo Crsto
ecive omnal cened n Cstontr Chist .e pesentatin f Chists descent m Jesse Jesse tree Chist h a epesenatin f it Natvty mde f he stae wih gues rb cmmematin f the h f Chist Crstmas peid of fasng peceding hs Avnt cmmem atin of he visi f he agi Epp any cmmematin f the pesen tatin f the innt Chist
Presntaton Purfaton Canl mas cmmematin f Chists cmmematin f fast Lnt
Christia I chrch
• commemoration
of Christs return to heaven Ascensio . com memoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit entecost, Whit Su nday .epected return of Christ o earth at the ast Judgement Second Coming • representation o f Christ as universal ruler pantocrator • doctrine of Christs two natures duaism � see ls Lent
Chrsan . memer of Christ' immediate circle during Hs earthly ministry dscpe .meer of this continuing group perceived as leaders and founders of the Church aposte .Christian love agape . medieval Christian epedition to regain the Holy Land: crusad • Cristian oerving Sunday a the aath saataran • Christian preaching inteded to mae converts eangeism • Chritian thnsgiving for he harvest harvest festiva • Christian tradition emphsizing scriptural authority and persona conversion: evangecaism . Christian Church following the Pope Roman Cathoic Church • Christian Church following the Oecumenical Patriarch Othodox Church . denoting those Western Christian Churches follow ng the prnciples of the Reformation rotestant • denoting Christian unity: ecu enica • ofcially eclude someone from the Christian sacraments excommnicae
hrse • female chromo some X chromosome 8 male cromosome Y chomosome .numer and appearance of an organism's chromosomes karyotype .chromo some defect causing intellectual im pairmet and physical anormalities Dons syndrome study of chromosomes ytogenetcs
hrh • djective ecceiastca, eccesa I • principal church of a diocese cathedra . church eempt
from iocesan control pecular .denoting a church endowed for a chapter of canons colegiate . large church originally part of a monastery minster . small private chapel oraory • sanctfy a church for use conse cate assign a chrch to a saint's protection dedcate • church usher verger • senior layman resposile fo church property etc churchaden • churchwarden's assistant sidesman church caretaer and graedigger sxton • ocial in chare o estments and sacred vessels sacristan . church roing room estry • ocial leading processions etc verger • forms of church service: turgy 8 church assely synod, convoca. church court consistory ton • church aw canon a • epel from a church excommunicate • courtyard efore a church parvis . church prch gaile • church antechamer narthex holywater asin near a chuch door soup • main part of a church: nave • wooden congregationa ench pe • pew with high sides giving privacy ox pew • kneelng cushion: ha s s ock, knee er • sp ac e for access between pew s aise . raised enc losed latform for preaching: pulpt • reading stand for a Bible: lecern • broad aisle or passageway ambulatory wooden seat for choir or clergy: s ta l . lede o n this supporting a standing person m isericord mis e rere • sec tion of a churc h c hoir standing on the north side catoris • sec tion of a c hurc h choir standing on the south side: deca ni • booth for priest to hear c onfessions: confess i ona part of a c hurc h containing the high altar s a nctuary • sanctuary c upboard aumbry • side table in a sanc tuary: credence • stone seats for the c elebrants, built into the south sanc tuary wall seda . view onto the altar, c u t through a pillar: hagios c op e, s q uint •
Cu of England I circle art of a church round the sancuary hane ood or stone arti-
tion at the chancel entrance: roo sreen, sreen art of a chuch between nave and atar hoir art of a chuch but out to form one of the arms in a crosssaed lan transept art of a church here nave ad transets join rossing art of a chuch to the side of a nave or chancel asle art of a church beneah the main loor ypt unerro set of indos oveooking aisle roofs lerestoy galery running over an acade triforiu section of a church east of the mai tar retro . hor curved or olygon extension to the east end of a cuch apse ase with an ambuatory hevet art of a church or buding adja cent to it used for batisms baptist ey chael dedicated to the Blessed Vgin: Lay hape ater container for batisms fon chael or tar endoed for Masses for the founder's sou hanty icon screen in an rthodox chuch: ionostasis room here vestments etc are kt saristy grotesque stone gure on the outside of church gargoyle roofed gate into a chuchyard yh gate buding in a chuchyard for exhumed bones: harnel house a teth of one's income given to the Church tithe authoriation from a Church authority fauty denoting a Church having state control or su sever form ort establishe links between Church and state s establsh . Church administrative district parsh study of the Church Fthers and thi ritings patrsts, patrology study of church building ad decoation elesology ee
ao altar
Chh f Engln adectve Anglan grou of Churches word
de tht ae communion ih the Church of England Anglan Co
unon Anglican rovincia synod onvoation aish's coribution to diocesan nds uota riest
suervising a gou of aochia clergy rura an ais riest formey receiving tithes: retor arish riest not formey receiving tihes viar riest's house etory varage job as ais riest bene fe, ivng riest in charge of a benece nubent fom e sto of a benece nuton eriod beteen incumbets nter
r srong rough cider srupy drink of daught cider and lager snakebte uy fruit le aer cidermaking
gr long straightsided cigar or
long thin ciga: panatella cigar taering at the ends: peeto oeended ciga heroot stub f a ciga bu airtit cigar box hu
flter p
cigaette ith a ter stub of a cigaette bu
sma cinema
cinema rogramme oer
ing two fullength ms ouble fea ture buding housing several cinemas ultple ratio of idth to heigh o rojected image
rl cobii fo
imagined cicle joining the earth's oles erian imagined cicle round the eath equidis tnt from its oles euator rehis toric stone cicle henge distance across a cicle aeter distance round the outside of a cicle ru ferene line from the cente to th circumference of a cicle raus hafcicle serle quartercicle uarant cicular move ment of aer or smoke ey cicular moement of the axis of a inng object preesson
irs lan
crcus . arge circus tent g top
• place where circus animals ae kept: menagere • enclosed area for a cicus performance: rng • person
directing a crcus performance: rng-
mster cidl • ancient Greek citadel: acropols .Russian citadel: kremln • orh rican citade: kasa citizn • b fr ese (eg Vennese) • djtve cl g of hoorry citizenship freedom ci . djeves cc ran .chief city: metropols • city formed by the joining of severa tons conraton • huge composite city megalopols metropex • centra pt of a city: nner cty . outlying par of a city sr • sbub nhabited by daily commuters dormtory sr .city
area inhabited by a paricar ethnic or socia group: getto • preserved on land round a city: green et clairvanc • having powers of cavoynce: fey � see sprtal-
st cla
• clans femae head
matrarc . can's mae head patrarc .distinctive plaid of a Scottish clan tartan class • owest socia stratu: nder class wong casses proetarat
.middecass perso with convetioa views orgeos • he provincia midde classes: Mdde ngland • saari casses: saarat • member of the pper mide class at oges • pivieged an ential sectio of society: oerclass • admrer of he upper casses and their ways: sno • admer of the ower classes and ther ways inerted sno • diaec of a particar socia cass: socoet • cass structue: socal scale socal ladde mprvng oes social status: pardly mole • perso kee to improve his or her soial status socal clmer . inov
g scia groups of equa status orontal • acceptable in the best circles: pkka
• classicaion
of plants and animals by shared feaures taxonomy • classication of plants and animas based on inherited characteristics cladstcs • classicatio of pants and amas by genus and species: nnaean nomenlatre nomal nomencatre cassica tion by genera type: typology • classicaion accorig to rank er arcy • classication according to shared ancestry cladstcs
• clause
hat is n itse a complete sentnce man clase • cause that is not n itsef a compete sentence clase sordnate • clause n a contract stipulating exceptions: sang clase • contractual cause feeing a pary from obligations under stated conitions escape clase . contractua clause alowng for prce creases escal-
ator clase c • ont claw of a lobster or crab: pncer • having nonretactie claws ynopodos c • cay sed fr bricks and ws adoe • clay used for china kaoln
• clay
worked for makg potery or bricks: pg • thin cay used to decorate pottery: slp • cay used to make reddish pottery: terra cotta • mixture f clay and straw used for ws: co • clay used as a ter: fller' eat • liquid cay seaing a joint lute
c • clean wihout using water: dryclean .clea by hard rubbig: scor • cean by pressurized sand sandlast • ceanl practices: y gene • sterie food by gamma radiation adate disposabe piece f paper etc for cleaning pe • mass of mated ne wire used for ceanig
re ool
clarityof a picture or ound cl e r preparig.theleglcldocuments: e rgy co ecti v el y forseverlgrouppariOfshesclergyresponsi b le clcleeriricc servassistig agpriasonpricoestege shi p etc clerical rnk mlitarychaplclaeinr i cal ranks.Protestant belo cldeaon e rgyman nt .miclergyman nister's atlatyachedassistto make ship someone or miiatarypriestunior: minister person pepari n g or ordi n tiandonthe incomederi.clvedergman s j o b from i t : belo apiececlericofa blcoackarmaerial ornper sonsuchhopersonsis notcollectia vcleleyri c re duce a cl e ri c to l a y status R E .steep clff col lapseof part of a cl face: dry cl i m at e i t h hot sum mers and col d i n ters denotispecigala clmimdateclimofatea sma region .sex amentlaxplay r a cl i m b down si n g a doubl e d rope cl i b by gri p pig ipltahcetheforhands and f e et a c i m ber' s hands or foleed : cimpiber dris inensecureintofotothe rock: secure a c ber s rope round a piton rock etc: roc
see alo
x adjecive
"b"�I preposi i o ned ai d s: .clmenti bing aoneand .spithoukedeuiplapte for.climabercls iimceber'axe:s boot cl m ber' s attendant clcarryi n g suppl i e s: i c gi v i g general prac titioner andclinspeci a l i s t servi c es c f o r ome enl arged and rigid state of thein theclitoriclistoris erect ie tissue rounded part at the end of the cl i t ori s : .fold ofremoval skin surroundi n g thi s of the cl i t ori s .ex citogether sion ofofthethe clvulitorivasandsitchi g .preci s e cl o ck atomi cl o ck: large longcase cl o ck smal l e r l o ngcase cl o ck sma rect angul a r cl o ck i t h a hand e .clock mechaniclocksms si n gi n g eistudyghtedof rodclock art or m aki n g denot i n g a cl o ck di a l i t h moi n g hands denot i n g a cl o ck diplaaly iha changi n g numer c al di s .f o l o i n g the di r ect i o n oflatinclg oick'n sthhands ci r cu e opposi t e di r ect i o n t o a lk's hands set a cl o ck t o t h e sae t i m e as another land the midde of a oister cl o h impregna e d wi h oi l sedfor sais andpaintstngsrong cloh
loths loths
o cover a corpse sroud, ndng seet coh paced over a chair bac o proec i from hairo antmacassar ro of cloh olt clothmaker cloter person ceaning and hicening cloth fuler . clay used by a fuer fuller's ea . clothmerchan mercer, daper,
coter clhes
he cohe owned by a peron ard roe se of cohes worn ogeher out, ensemle iems compeing an ensembe accessores denoing clohes suiabe for boh men and women unsex denoing cohes n a eesy eegan syle classc casua cohes lesure ar syle of womens clohes havng a low nec and high wais empre lne .deno ing women's clothes shaped o he body fully fasoned denoing clohes reveaing gmpses f he body peekaoo denoing cohes ha are funcina aher han decoraive sensle ceremonia clohe full dress, roes cohing specic o a cerain aciviy kt cohes other han unform or reguaion dress mu maer of cohes talor de sign and manufacure of fashion cohes couture designer of fash ion cothes courer (fe coutue) . couuiers rademar lael .cou uriers shop salon denoing cohes frm a fashionable couuier desgner . maker of hearica or ancydres cosumes costumer fused model for dispaying cohes dummy coours on a garmen colouay par of a garmen conrasing in coour wih he main fabric facng urnedbac edge of a garmen reers . par of a garmen covering he souders yoke . gi ering subsance as cohes ornamen pallette seu n , spangle .aened siched fod n a garmen tuck apered uc shaping a garmen
da . doube fod held by iching peat sharp narrow pea knfe peat decoraive fri or plea ruce srip of ornamenal maeria on a skir or dress flounce . lengh of coh rang behind a dress tran si a he bac of a ace ec ent
covering fasenings or for a poce openng placket poce sewn ono the surface of a garmen patc pocket poce se no a garmen slas pocket gradua widen g of a garmen flare urned and ewn edge of a garmen em hin sripe for buness clohes pnstrpe garmens ha can be worn in vari ous combinaons separates clohg ec coeced by a bride before her marriage troueau, oom drae clohes for a new baby layete babys shor coa matnee coat babys onepiece garmen playsut, rompers couuriers range of new cohes collecton iurgical clothes estments . ong srip of coh worn over he shouders or round he wais sas . fabric riangle worn over he shouders sal . ong scarf or shaw stole long scarf of fu or feahers oa sml shaw fcu fabric headcovering kercef . quare of cloh worn round he neck neckercef sma shiny decoraive dis seun cohes indicaing membership of a eam ec colours guardsmans a fu cap earskn . dar clohes worn with universiy robes sufusc onepiece garmen leaving ony he head hands and fee exposed oler
sut, coerall, jumpsut, sren sut
undergarmen covering arms run and legs comnatons oose veral smock, louse . oose garmen reaching he nees tunc seeveess unic taad ahlee's warm oversui tracksut, seatsut .weaherproof racsui sell sut casua rousers slacks
I clot hes
clot hes
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1
denm trshaped ousers trousers wth a forbb: hose rgathered dng: at the knee:trousers endng ankl baggye·coer knckerbockers: n g llowerenghleg:of cloth wound round t h e short j a cket w t h elastcated wast and cuffs:sleeeless jracket: s l k j a cket w t h an up· g belhtted coljacketlar: wth box pleats: l g ht w e g ht bel t e d jacket wth patch pockets: j a cket n Ch nese commun s t styl e jacket wth slts a theoutdoor sde orjaback: cket waterproofed w t h wax: ltheonghead:waterproof jacketthpulck ledoul d oere breasted j a cket: jacket warm hooded jacke : worn short when sslteteelng eupss nclobed:ak: short cl o ak w t h a mask: wooen cape w t h a sl t for tsweater: he head: tsweater' hcks hblguhe turnedoer coar: sleeeless sweat e r: motor short st's short coat : sa l o r' s oercoat:long heay oercoat: l o ose oercoat bel t ed at thooded he back:coat wth togglheaye fastenwoolnlgs:en waterproof coat: bul l e t p roof coat denot n g a coat w t h a s ndenot gle rowng ofa coatbuttwonsth two rows of but tons and an oelfrontappnedgeg front : of a jashort cket stlheateeds casual folded top:back: loose shrt or dress: orna garees
knickerbocers plus fours gater spat
wnd cheater jern mandarn
fo jacet
jacet, safar jacet hacng jace
jacet Norbush
Mao jacet
waxed jacet
cagoule reefer, reefer jacet anora, para
bedjacket cape domno
ponco guernsey poo nec, rollnec, turtleneck pUover, slipover car coat pea coat pea jacket, plot jacet greatcoat ulster duffel coat tosh, rancoat fa jacet
lape Tsht
ment a l sh r t fr l : st a che neck fr l : l o ng sh t worn bed:oer nghtwear: loose coat elastc stslpeeelsupport n g a stock n g e ss est: talstrs: p of materal coerpnegcetheof clgenot wound aboutwomn the hs aps nandonecrotunderch garment: woman' s gur shapng undergarment: woman s l g ht bel t stock n g suspenders: nwoman' s undergarment g womanthe s est: breasts: l o ose tt n g bod c e: stwoman s short est expos n g oskmach: bal l e r n a' s garment t coernwoman' s g the trunk andwoman's cltrounk,setarms, ng andgarment coer n g l e gs: nwoman s cl o se t n g garment coer g woman' the trsunktwoandpelceegs:swmsut: lowoman' s sw m su t cons s t n g o t h e wer hal f of t h s : woman's lght tlooseghtrobe tt n g strap less top or women or g l s woman s c o se tt n g slporteeelngessa sltop:eeeless top: strap part sp of claosedressttngaboe bodthe ce:wast: juwoman' s mat c h n g card g an and mper: woman s short open jacketcl: osettngwoman' s sh r t: dress: dress hng n g stdress raghtarfromngthoute sholfromders:shoulder to hem: denotng alongdressformalhadress n g low necklne: dress abot
uff nightshrt
Gstring tong
foundaton" foundaton garment corset, grde rollon suspnder bel! bra, bodce, bety
cop top tutu
body, bodysut, eotard
catsuit uitard
bod stocin: bn 1 monokin ouse-
coat pegnor
tube bustr
tan top
bodice basque
blouse sheah
twinset bolero
tent dress gow dcolet
a 0
loths I oal
69 skirt of a single piece of cloth ound round and tucked in: sarong dress or skrt of a single oveapping piece ith one fastening raparound rapover dess or skirt ending ell aove he knee mn dress or skirt of midcalf length md coat or skir of anke length max div ided skr culottes fu ide skirt ith a tight aistand: drndl .pad dng formerly orn under the rear of a skrt: bustle . loose underdess cemise light underskir r underdress pettcoat sho petticoat slip .hoops formey supporting a skirt fartngale hooped petticoat: cnolne oman's light dessing gon: neglgee . loose dress orn y a oman in ed: ngtdress ngtgon omen's underear and nightclothes: ngere .furry tue to arm the hands muff orkman's heavy jacket ith leatherpatched shoulders donkey jacket man's heavy doulereasted overcoat ul ster man's longtaed coat for for mal day ear: morning coat tal coat man's suit for forma daytime ear lounge sut man's forma evening jacket dinner acket man's velvet jacket mokng jacket . man's long ailed coat for formal evening ea dress coat, alcoat . mans long tailed coat for outdoor forma ear frock coat . man's fase shirt front: dicky sash orn ith male evening dess cummerbund opening at the front of trousers fles man's shrs for simming or oxing trunks man's long underpants long jons decoraive pouch for the male geni tals codpece man overeager to dress smarty: dandy, fop denoting a neatly dessed man dapper spruce . eleganty dressed: gn sone) asket for drty cothes linen basket dummy to display clothes mannequn .person em poyed to ear clothes for display
omen's clothes hen orn y men drag ear clothes of the opposite sex: crossdress put on clothes: don ear informa or scry clothes: dress don ear model
smart clothes or fancy dress dress up take clothes doff � see s
glove at, unform robes vestments �fr ites ffrei cthi
see r the pprprite ti jective
djective nebulous toer
ing clOdmass umulonmus rounded clOUdmass: cumulus . mass o f fastmoving cloud rack .lo grey cloud: nmbostratus nmbus . lo layer of clumped grey cloudmasses stratocumulus cloud forming a continuous grey sheet: stratus height of cloud ase: celng study of clouds nepology
clavate cavform .heavy clu bludgeon spiked metal clu mace Irish clu sl lelag . Australian Aorigial clu: nullanulla addy South rican clu knobkerre clu' veto someone's proposed memership of a clu etc: blackball cluc disengage a motor's cluch declutc cl so ronish coal lgnte hard smokeless coa antracte coal heated in a vacuum: coke
coal dust ith sma pieces of coal:
slack . semiliquid mixture of ater and coa particles slurry black li
quid distied from ituminous coal coal tar ood preservative distied from coal tar creosote area it many coal deposits coalfeld coal mine: collery coa miner: coller coa iner's asket: co coal mine safety ofcia deputy ship ransporting coal coller coal store bunker reside ornamental coa ox: scuttle stony residue from urnt coal clnker
c 0 c
coastal reioncoastal ith a sbtropi c al cl i ate area rel a rl y covered blinetides sceniccrve i n a coast coast road rbancoastalseasidatchan e road coatcoat iitthh plor or sar a ster or ceent coat a all ith plankin potent hard f o r of co caine pried cocaine cockne s tradi t i o nal dress cockne eari n these advocaat and leonade brand i t h l a vored atleoner jiandce, andiceorane liqerbrand inin andand anost ra bi t e rs cherr brandy iinn, andveroth, dr verothand Capari i n , orane l i qer, and l e on ji c e r and ater r and ljiicee,jiandce cocont.r, pineapple spirits ith beaten eteqiandla andlk chapane vodkavodkaand orane i c e and toato j i c e hi s k and i n er ilnne r li jic hisk ith i n e or spi r i t s i t h f r i t j ices, spices, etc cocont bre dried cocont kernels deciord pherienabl n ofincodes thi s teencode xt rit ean itext n code encode electronicall
s adjecive
satg bght che espaade coastguard
dredge reder cad �see also cothes
peares peary queen pearly g
car g pore sng mart negro
denoti n a text sent ot ofcoposed code of lons andsishorts nallin code std ofcodecodescoposed of paral lel lines of varin thickness lcodesihteittin device readin bar st r on bl a ck coffee ade nder st e a pressre coffee topped stiithlafrothed i l k nt i n coffee coffee sedi ent coffee pot i t h a plner coee pot passi n heated ater thoh t.sthe oronds ne cofn i n ner con frae ork on hi c h a cofn a be set or carri e d cofn carrier coheel ith teeth at cod or toothed bar or rail rotatin coil in a dynao or electric otor .f a ce of a coi n back of a coi n i pres siriondesstaped on a coi n on a coi n s ede coi n anfact o r col e cti o n o specidepri envcoe ancos atn oftheonet oalarMistnat ts std of coins col d andcolddap sleep .feel i n of ex r ee st a t e broht on b extdaae reecased cold b extree cold isse therometer for l o teperat res sbst a nce prod cideep n florezi nteperat res of corpses i n hpe of sbseqent edi c al advances that cold reverse the case of death scrambe
e car
code cryptoogy code
Morse cryptography
bar code
ght pe
cappucco caffene
percoator sarcohagus she
grounds cafetre
ber catafaque pabearer
sde p g ga crown wheel rac
Whte ady n numsmatc adjecive gog nummular obverse daqur reverse pna coada cuse mlng eggog egg fp mt sammer tequa sam me screw pyx drver demoetze Boody Mary umsmacs whsy mac whsy sor . combiningorms cryo da np puch hypotherma n cor frost copra be crypt e cryometer aayss ey cryoge wod crypto gram ecpher encrypt cryo
colla pse I colour
gencs cryoncs
ment usg tense cold cryoterapy surgery usg tense cold to des troy tissue cryosurgery cllapse wds collapse: mplo-
son clla
• high sti collar wih uned corners ng collar high
dow turnedoer coll on a sweater polo neck • br attachg a collar to a shirt: stud cllecn collection of related items: compendum collection of miscellaneous items: farrago ob lot .collection of writgs: antology,
collectanea commonplace book orlegum mscellany omnbus
collection of historic cuments arcve collection of texts: corpus collection of essays on a partiular topic: symposum
cllecve fam collectie fm Israel: kbbu collectie fm Rssia: kolkoz cllec collector of bygones: antquary collector of beer mats: tegestologst .collector of books: bblople collector of butteries and moths: lepdopterst collector of cos and medas: numsmatst collctor of matchboxes pllumenst coector of stamps: platelst cllege . jeiv collegal collegate • college for pupls their n yers of secondy educato sxtform college .fuher educa tion coege proidg couses n prac tic or technic subjcts tecncal college . mlitary college raing potenti ocers mltary academy miity college ag ocers for staf duties sta college • music college conservatore rthodox Jewish college yesva college site and budigs campus college doorkeepers room: lodge college courtyard quadrangle college d ng room: all refectory . table
this for senior teachg s: g table . college room where proi sins are sold: buery college re laxation room for fellows: senor common room his for postgradu ates: mddle common room this for undergraduates: unor common oom college princips apart ments lodge lodgngs college doorkeeper: porter college an ci managr: bursar • cleric sering a college caplan senor membe of a college: fello don college fel ow charge of disciple dean college teacher responsible for a par ticul subject: tor college tuition sessio for an diidu or smal group tutorial aual college feast: gaudy commemoraton money deposited with college authorities to pay for breakages: cauton money � see o Cambrdge Oxford unversty
clny djective colonal o state clu cromato, cromatc
� see
ors cromo djective one of a group of basic colours combing to form a the ohers: prmary colour coour made by mixg to primary colos secondary colour range of colours: spectrum palee band of colous produced by refaction of a light source: spectrum denotg a colou hat combes with another to make white or back: complementary colour tensity: saturaton pro ducg colour cromogenic using only one color: monocomatc a singe uniform colour: selfcoloured • hag seeral colours:
partcoloured, ped polycromatc, polycrome denoting colours that are burnt into a surface encaustc sma patch of colour eck suble shade of a colou tnt . faint trace of colour: tnge quity of a colour tone marked with patches o
u r bndness I cmmunicatn
colcolo:oing matte comp e t e colabioitybtoindness: di s cen onl y o of t h e thedee bpinmdness ay coos geen b n dness: beectblinang dness:a comn shot nat o n sppoti n g amadail: of these onamentdenot a fencinngg a colmnengaged attachedcotomntheatathe end ofmnsan acade focolofmnsco deni n g a space head of a colcemnin a comn: slight concae beam acoss t h e t o ps of co mns: onamentacyinpoch i t h col mns di c a stone f o mi n g pt of a co mn aange (statisticpo s etce)ctiinncolg poimnsn on a comb comb l o hemp befoe spnning mediea mockcombat be teen monted kni g hts p a ce opayedschicombat combat game th contes on maps Spani s h b ghte onbfootght e SpaniSpni sh mont e d s h b ghtmatado e kis imonted ng the assbs:tant: pon ho f o ght n a oan aena t o ent t a i n : nati o n o peson ngaged in afae combi n at o n i t o a siatniogne inintota coheent ho combn combination of bsnesses: combination of
dapped motted variegated pigmet bnne
tades to pices: sol i d head of a comet: l mi n os ta fooi n g a comet comfotabe and cosy: degee of matei a comfot enjoyed aboand tay command: that st becommand obeyed: oi e nta e s soeei g n s com mand adised by the bPindiyngConci l oci a l icommand nstcton: cay ot a comment made i n pass iment: ng pecepti e com t y comment e pessing a genea tth moa y comm t t e d: avoid commttng onese commi t tee establ i s h icinpglesanofogan z at i o n s geneal pi n opeati o n commi t tee appoi n ted to adi s e on a patica poblempalamen tppose ay commit ee appointed fo a speci a i n i t a tcent ion to jomembes in a commitee gien by ita commi t e e i t h pesons sympat h et i c to ones aims Commoneath bassy membe of a commne commni c at o n by poste oestgeste a b i sh o fac l i t a t e com mn c ati o n: ogans of mass commni c at o n: comm niccatiatioonnsoecompay: comm a dstance by telephone carte price
dichromatism ft daltonism protan sug opia deutera stadard of living opa tritaopia n adjecives mandatory pias- preceptive n dtat ase tr bauster dictate baustrade frman en gaged Order in Counc respod directive coonade execute perstyle ent capt obiter dicum etass aper�u architrave aphoism epigram portco tent tambour engag tabuate hedge
torero oreador
steering commt·
group woring party
seect committee
pac matador pica Cnwet high commsson
be com munard geret see also soder troops nn
sis congomerate consorum corpor atio syndicate
body aguage
ase the media carrier
cos I copss
73 ec teecommuncaton rad . wr m me us ing eecmmu ncans: teecommute . discussn nvvng ree r mre persns a dfferen ses usng eecmmunicains teleconference . cene n ng grund cmmunicans sateies teeport nernaina cmmunicans sysem usng ee prners telex nernana cmmuncains sysem usng eecrnic scannng fax eecmmunicains canne wi a andwd sufcien fr vices: voce cann e mmunsm nd f cmmnism reanng eemens f Wesern ierasm: Eurocommunsm cenra pcy cmmee f a cmmunis sae poltburo sanding egsatve cm mee f a cmmunis sae: presdum ppsiin e ca Pary ine spttsm undergrund pusing n cmmunis sae: samzdat . cunries n cnred y cmmunism free orld � see ls
Cnese communsm, Sovet cmpact dsk cmpac dis ayer ae pay severa diss i successin: mut player
cmpany perang n severa cun
ries multnatonal, transnatona cmpany wse sares are n n puic sae prvate company .cmpany wse sas are raded n e stc excange publc company capia raised y a cmpanys sae f is sares: stock . funds used n a cmpanys dayday rading orkng captal . cmpanes nder cm mn wnersip group cmpany creaed cnr ers wse sares it ds: oldng company . cmpany cnred y a dng cmpany subsdary . cminatin f w cmpanies n ne meger uyu f ne cmpany y aner: takeover denng a aever re sisted y is vicim ostle persn
r cmpany mang an accepae cunerid a se aever e kngt . cmpany cnred y s sareders jontstock company nmna cmpany sell company • cmpany secn wi a pecic functin dvson denng a ean igy efcien cmpany ansfer a serun cmpany prae wnersip denatonalze, prvatze wrer nvvemen n cmpany ndustral gvernmen democracy ransp r cm muncains cmpany carrer cmpanys preferred sye f presen ain ouse style ax n cmpany prs: corporaton tax nerna a cmpany ouse .cmpany de parmen respnsie r recruen raning and wefare: personne cmpany deparmen respnse fr prduc nvain and imprvemen: researc and deveopment car swing e nerrean f cmpany pss organzaton cart curs and syms n a cmpany' veces lvery spying ga cmpany secres ndustra esponag deng cmpanies wse sares are ued n e Lndn Stc Ex cange lsted f a cmpany ex end r vary is perains: dvers rerganze a cmpany n a smaler scae donsze, ratonaze • cse a cmpany dwn lqudate, nd up
agans wc er iems may e assessed
bencmark, control, datum lne, yardstck aving n suc cmmn sandard: ncommensurable . giv ng an annua cmparsn: year onyear cmpass gyrscpeaigned cmpass gyrocompass dening ne f e fu main cmpass pins cardna deecin f a sp's cmpass nede y r n e sip devaton
drectn n wic a cmpass neede
tt I ompter
wtioln oftuna compass needle fom.deect ue t o magnetic not: competitions pelteiminext nayound ounds competfeeitpassion itno whated:ch each oundsdenot losesinaeg a elcompe im intpetitiotnosopenntoode all of achilisetvement of com- ai n bunch of co pettosdisadvantage imcompete cl o sel y posed on a supeiing oa competi t o .denotplayegoupeceiofinclgubsno competi handicapng siodgete ove a season: out e the competition: magetic orth
heats bye
league table pac va vie scratch
leagu hors cocous
combining form
ogue (
tfoivcompl ial compl a i n t: cause a i n t: govenment oi a l i n vesti g ati n g complants: eat m ent by mi n ute doses of substances.mani causipnulg theationdiandseasemassage of ones and muscl e s: manipulation ofmassage the spinalteatment culumn: usimassag ng fagant o l s : system based on zone thepyinto te skin inseting needles adjecive:
stict complminaince:mal compliance composes assistant tdafts: akin down dictation ocompose copyings pesonal musicalcompoun style: it the same f o mul a as anot h e but di eent atomi c di s posi t i o n: denot ing a compoun cont a i n i n g cabon: denot i n g a compound not contchemainicnalg analcabon: y si s of a compoud expessed beakdon n symbols: of a copound into its constituent substances compomi s e be teen two mutual l y i n compa i b l e objcompomi ectives: se middl.admi e wayttinofg no compomise done wi t h out pulsion: computational devi.machi ce usinneg maki beadsng onmathemati wies cal calculslidaitnigonscentl section: .ule with a comput e t h at can be hel d n t h e hand .hand h el d mi c ocopute sevismalng laspota iaablye compute pot a bl e comput e : compute fo use by one peson atputaeti musieng a micopocesso: comcompute si z ed f o desk useeay copy by thpoduct i o n of cmei s geneal pupose compute moe powerful than a pesonal com
peormace toeism
formula (pl fo-
resse r adjective
queruous rs quibbe tradeoff grievace via media categorica, dogombudsma matic leentr ene lnt
refexoogy acupucture
lee combiningform . ocas)
( caacysm, de ( ee) holo ( oogra) over( overjoye) e (. erfec)
havi n g a pale comla eiedo: complexion .having having a yellowish complexion:
ashe palld, wa florid, ruddy sa ow, jaudiced
side rule ter combiningform cyber adjecive computatioal cyber
orgaizer oteboo to
persoa computer
comuer destop ig
destop pubish
cpte I copte
puter: orkstation • medium-sized computer minicomputer powerful ompter supporting many peri pheras mainframe multedi computer and entertament sysem multiplayer denotng activities per formed by computers electronic manufaturer's test of a computer omponent efore reeasing it or se benc est te drng hich a compter is out of action dontime te during which a compter is op erationa uptime • detect nd repar computer faults debug • computer or program for creting and editing texts: ord processor • physica components of a computer ardare • part ofa computer where operations central are executed and processing unit, mainframe inte grated circit repacng ths microprocessor • other devices connected to these peiperals computer part storing data and programs memory • compter programs, routnes and procedures: soare set of ard and soware its devoted to a par ticula appication system .excu sivey assigned to a particular func tion denoting dedicated computing eqipment compaie without modcation o that of other plugcompatibe manufacturers .start a compter boot gan a cess to a comp ter system log in, log on .strng givng user acces to a system or part of it passord ser vic or admnistrativ compter asks ousekeeping . coded n strctions conrong a coputer: command, program reverse a pre vios ommand undo . aow the use of a program etc: support sef operatig progrm with reasoning apacity: knobot repeated se qence of programmed nstructon loop singe nstruction expanding into a set macro .te taken y a sysem to impement comands re
sponse time • denotng systems pro cessng data as it is generated: real time . short te during which a computer deas with one user or pro grm efore swtchng to anoher: time slice . device dispaying dat on a screen visual display unt . compters dispayed ist of com mands or facities menu . movae indicator on omputer screen cursor stip of icons used to perform cer tan ctions toolbar .handhed devce seecting tms shown on-scren: mouse, puck • ll moved to contro te crsor rollerball pad on which this is moved mat dis pay device receiving commnds y touches on the screen: touc screen pul an icon across the screen drag • sml command pane wit touch sensitive areas touc pad • mar a dispayed item for particular treat ment select device lowing direct nput of handwritten materia: stylus . photosensitive device nputting ma teria va the screen: ligt pen, stylus . onscreen warnng of system ma function or ad error message . onscreen request for user nput: prompt . progrm repacng an nchanged screen dispay with a moving ae screen saver • op tiona ackgrond pattern on a om puter screen apaper .damage to computer screen from ong use burnin .near sequence of characters etc string convert pictures or ound no compter-proessabe form digitize . computer scannng of existing ages digital imagng computer-aied recognition of prted characters: optica caracter ecognition visua images pro duced usng computer tecnoogy grapics, computer grapics, videograpcs computer mod of the rains aity to recogize and discrmnate: perceptron .anguage dening operaing tasks job conrol
co mput er I comp uter · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1
character sting identifying a program identfe character
with no assigned identty used a search string wld car .character string identical with that searched for match proceeding by trial and error heurstc copy data to a storage location save extra copy of data taken for security backu conducting an operaton in simultaneous part arallel rocessg chief printed circuit board mother board transfer a program or data to memory load denoting a program or device directy accessible to the user froted background computer process handling peripheral tasks daemo system of intercon nected computers etwork directl controlled by a comuter ole not directly controlled by a com puter offle study of electronic data processing for storage and retrieval iformaton scence infor
of computer data hardcoy . onscreen dsplay of data so coy printout of what is shon on the screen screen dum onscreen mockup of page layout before printing age revew series of jobs waiting for the printer rt queue show an input character on temporary area screen echo opened onscreen to display a program's output wndow vewort component transferring electrical signals to the recordng medium head computer device able to switch between disks changer smalest unit of elctronic information bit group of eight bits byte series of characters stored in a computer strg backup of changd es only emeta bacu de vce giving highspeed backup to tape tae streamer at plate for data storage dsk device accessing rigid non this disk drve
removable disk hard dsk hard driv removable lexible disk floy
. link a smaller com- '
putr to a larger one: doc k • device alowng use of audio compone nts: sound card • cafe with compute rs
copte dsk I cop e keoad
fo customes use cybercafe • ual establshment wth computes fo customes use teecentre, teecottage .odeng goods by dect compute lnk teesopping • nceased avalablty of nomaton due to com nformaon putes revoution legal contols ove use of electonc data data protection • peson usng codes to access a compute netwok cyperpunk .peson ganng llct access to secet compute data acker • seual pleasue obtaned va compue technology cybersex • hamove n compute chess py .ablty to use computes computer teracy • fea of computes cyberpobia • nstucto book fo a compute use manua • techncal assstance to a compute use: sup port, tecnica support • notonal envonment fo compute commun caton cyberspace • computegeneated model of futue events simuation • computegeneated theedmensonal envonment vr.cton set n a tua reaty computedomnated socety cyberpunk • contol fo computezed vdeo games consoe, joypad, joystck, gt gun • denotng a computezed game playable ove the Intemutiuser • compute net applcaton allng the combnaton of anmated and lveacton elements n a lm rotoscope • human thought mechansms o pocesses when compaed wth those of a compute etare • denotng logcal systems eectng the neactness of human thought: fuzzy � see s com-
puter disk, computer grapics, computer rdare, computer keyboard, computer memory, computer system, computer indo, eectronc data, fe, pogram, virtua realty, ord pocessor .gd non computer sk emovable dsk ard dsk, ard drive
• emovable
leble dsk foppy, foppy disk • loppy dsk dve usng a lase foptica • denotng a dsk of double stoage capacty double dens ity • concentc ccle on a dsk track • subdvson of a tack on a magnetc dsk secto • devce ac cessng a dsk dis k d rive . compute devce able to swtch between dsks: canger .dsk stoage devce allow ng data access fom any of them jukebox .potect the contents of a dsk om ovewtng o easue
rteprotect compuer graphcs . small onsceen gaphc gyp • gaphc sevng as a menu tem con • contol system usng wndows cons etc grapca user nteace • sceen gaphc of a bo posng uestons to the use daog box, diaogue box . compute dawng devce: grapics tabet • gadual change of an mage by computezed technques: morping . edymade atwok n sowae packages cip art • denotng systems ceatng theedmensonal dsplays: immersive
• suface
aea taken up by a pece of hadwae footpri nt • hadwae standad dete mnng wha sowae t can un patform • denotng hadwae that can be opeated ndependently standaone . numbe of hadwae unts sold as a package bunde . hadcopy descbng the uses and desgn of hadwae documentation • devce o pogam connectng two tems of hadwae inteace • povde a use nteface fo sowae encapsute • hadwae manufactues afesales advce sevce: tecnica support • sudden hadwae falue cras
compuer keyoar
• compute
key gvng quck access to a functon ot key • compute key alteng he functon of anothe contro key, s
computer y I swa
omuter key used to arrest oeration escape key omuter
key assigned a funtion by te urrent rogram: functon key omuter key used to exeute a ommand: enter key omuter key used o start a new ine of text: carriage return omuter key that alternately initi ates and arrests a funtion: toggle,
togge key, toggle switch ter er
temorary memory area buffer, clp board omuters auxiliary mem ory: cache fast temorary memory scratc pad .fast memory for materal in urrent use: working memory memory used for storage of intem resuts: working storage memory retaining data without ee triity: flash memory denoting memory that an only be written one readonly denotng memory that is leared with loss of ower: olatie denoting a memory able to retain data desite ower uts: nonolatie .memory faility giving diret aess to eah loation random access memory aity aowing aess only in a ertain order sequential access . memory setion partton art of a omuter memory where rograms must be loaded: conentional memory seurity oy of memory ontents: dump memory store not art of the main roessor: external memory bin ary number identifying a memory lo ation address .ruit board giv ing extra memory: expanson board, epansion card board ontaning extra memory his: memory board key data into a omters memory: cpture, ene, input enter data into nonvolatile memory: sae .destroy data in a omuters memory deet, erase transfer a rogram or data to memory: load, wrie ermanent soware rogramme into the readonly memory frmware
denoting soware not ke erman
ently in the memory nonresident ter netrk netwok o erating within a buiding et: ocal area nework netork of indeendent muters distributed sysem network servig distant omuters wide area network international omuter network: Internet . eletroni network for raid transfer of digital information superhghway, information superhighway omuter rovding network serves host . network omuter or rogram managing aess to a entral resoure sever workstation networked to a server client user ont on a network: terminal .onnet severa devies in series: daisycain devie onneting two net works gateway denoting a devie aessible wthout the network loca denoting a devie aessible only via the network remote network rotool allowing a user on one omuter to log in to anoter omuter on the same network te net soket on neting devies to a network por ter sare soware available free of harge freeware, sareware soware made available over a network or television system: telesoware soware rogrammed using artial inteigene teh niques exper system soware al lowing extensve rossreferening hypertext soware suorting basi omuter funtons: operaing system soware for oetive use groupware . sowae devsed to meet a artular users needs: appication ermanent readonly so ware: frmware .formatting soware filter ontainer for loading omuter soware: carridge denoting soware not ket ermanety in the memory: nonresident de noting soware abe to exhange data witout onvesion: nteroperable
mt sstm
abe t use specie sware withut mdicati compate series f cded sware structis agoithm, program, routne eec tric device eabg the use f pr tected sware donge prvide a user iterface fr sware ecau e trasfe sware frm e system t ather pot readymade arwrk i sware packages cp art sare maucturers aftersaes advice servic technca support sude sware faiure crah
taeousy superscaar gai acess t a cmputer system og n, g n strig givig user acces t a sysm r part f it passord mas by which user a system iterct user nteace scree warig f system maucti erro mag
system mdeed the huma brai neur net neua neto thery ad devepmet f cmputer systems abe thk ike humas artficia n deti systems emtegence pyig aici itelligece expert, fhgenn gic empyed by such systems fuzzy ogc ctr system ui widws ics etc graphc user nteace part f a cmputer system prveg u authrized access firea det ig a system simutaeusy usabe by severa pepe mtuser system mutuse tmsharing detig systems abe t exchage data wihut cversi neoperae etig a system makig iput data immediatey avalabe as feedback rea tme prcessg data as detig it is geerate reatme detig systems creatig threediesa dispays mmersve arrage ad adjust the eemets f a cmputer sys tem congure cpy data fm e cmputer system t ather don trasfer data t a arger cmoad puter sysem upoad reexpress data fr use with a differet system conert cputers abiity t itercect systems connectvty gica rgaizati f cmputer sys tem archtecture detig a archtecture awig severa istructis t be aded ad executed simu
ot wow ubsecti f a widw pane simutaeu use f severa widws ndong re duce widw t a c cny rrage widws s tha ey t veap te bar at the f a wi dw ivig ifrmati he dcumet edited r the prgra ruig
statu a on ack f cr at ndfference shwi ce noucant, noncaant ot 0 ccert fr a usead audiece romenade concet ccert give by e a few aers re cta olo ccusi rived by lgic deducton, nferenc 0 cclus iferred frm a imited mb f istaces genrazon ustated ccusi mpcaton ccusi wrgy iferred nn sequ
tur ot
with stee ferrococrete, renocd detig ccrete concrete stregtheed by rds iseted uder tesi prestressed rge at piece f ccrete sa ccrete ayer uder a buidi oversite af pakig supprtig settig c cete shtterng
omt hder cruet
0 tabe
cdmet mixture f i vi
egar ad herbs dreng
cb s acy (eg nacy) hood (eg fasehod) ne (eg siiness) o (eg ne sis) osty (eg pomposit) tude i its rigial cdi (eg solitde) i pristne aree cs
ems senial condiion r s adjeive consensua .permision sort of consen toer qute, sne qua non g conditioning o f c ton •
tie by posure o he weather s eviable conse seasonng . raising toerance eves quence: corollary . have o cause as a consequnce ental, entran by rgular eposure esenstzaton adjecive concal, conc, srt open aea round a conod cone inerseced by a plae own, wih eveopmen resricion: con secton mahematics of green bel .othe area so reted Envronmently enstve Area conic ecions concs r academc conrence: isd bdgs eve of imporance collm, symosum .eresen grade s e of consonan pro at sent to a conrence elegate duced by a sudden release of air lo connement to ones home house arrest .cnne sve type o consnan produced by me i a distan par of one's cou breath frction: frcatve te of r: nernal exle connemen of cononan produced by brief conact y alins during wartime ntern beween palate ad ogue ip fl e of consoa produced by con nt tact or proimiy beween palate and r conrm fomally: vouch ongue blade alatal e of con orm a satement: corroborte sonan produced by conac beeen r deermed refusal to ongue ip and the paaal ridge o onorm: erversty person no upper fron eeh ental te of to conrm roout, ec consonan produced by fu or paria centrc lip cosure labal f confused sate of the eld s parta suspension erly enle emena confused of he consiution: state of emer mas eler surprse and confuse gency dsconcert, nonlus in headlong sl consuls oce or sta: con cnuson ellmell sulate hos government's ocial adjecive conunctve, recognition of consular saf: exequa onnectve temporary electrical r tur ephne conection atch s pportuniy pro ssr connoisseur of food vided by awye etc for nfor an dink gourme, gasronome ma consulation: surgery connoisseur of picures and an s .consume sparingly: ee tques vrtuoo out pomotion o consumer inter qrr Spanish conqero of ests consumersm Souh erica conqustao .forcible contc mact adjecive conscen spead by contac contagous tous person refuing to ght as a r container for uids: mate of moal pincipe: conscen reservor, cstern clinrical meal tous bector container canste sealed con ss empoa loss of con taine holing a measured amoun of sciousss blacout beo the medcine etc amoule container ev f onsciousness sublmnal fo audotape cassette, reel bred containe f animal feed crb con .gid unconscios state catlesy
cotg I otct
taine f n a cmpte p gam: cartrdge . lage lexible cn taine atetanspt f liqids: dracone • sspended cntaine ith a dischage chte: hopper • cn taine f mlten meta: crucbe . cntaine f blding aste: kp • cntaine f papes: brefcae, fle, portfolo • case f nflded da ings porolo • cntaine f petl ate: errycan . cntaine f elics: reluary • cntaine f tea caddy . tinlned den cntine f shipping tea: tea chet pe ated hll metal sphee t ld i fsing tea eaves: tea ba • cntaine f ine il; am ul, crue small cntaine f table cndi ments: crue . glass cnaie f ine spiits decaner • cntane made fm a piece f pape tisted at the ends: t eathenae pt a: cock • sealed cntai lled ith bects pesentaive f the c ent time, bied fte discey tme capule battepf c taine fght cae • pefaed cn taine f eesmelling sstances: pomande see l bat, lug
gage ctaiing
. cii f ·er (e.g aquife), feru (eg aufeou) ou (eg aneous) cotaiate . cntaminae fd din aueate, doctor .cn taminatin f the envinment polu
ton cntext t f cntext: n vauo cotit lage cntinen f the upercontnent gegical past
e sppsed
iginal single cntinent angaea • sbseqent land ass in te sthen hemisphee: Godana . sbseqent land mass in the nth· en hemisphee: auraa .cntin ent nd the Sth Ple: Antarctca cntinen nd the Nth Ple: Arc tc • cntinent lying east f pe Aa cntinent nnng east fm
the Bitish isles t the Uals urpe • ma sectin f a cntinen: ub contnent • ceatin f cntnents by the aising f the eaths cst: perogeny • gadal mvment f the eaths cntinents: contnen d
• penis sheath: cotraceptio cnom • cntaceptive cve f the cevix cap, daphragm, Dutch cap nateine cntacepive: col, loop device f ashg the vagina: douche sbstnce il ng spematza: permd al
cnaceptive cntaining bth e n and pgestgen: combd p • al cntaceptive that ma e tae ae intecse: morner p cnaceptive methd asd n bdy tempate ymtm method cntaceptive ehd f aviding inecse he nceptin is mst liely: rhythm met time hen a man is least liey t c ceive: afe perod see s erl
zaton contac • djectiv ctraca, oracural e cntact d p b deed: coveant • cntact pei dic account • appnices cntact: ndentue bdinate ntact: ubcontact " tct binding in hn nly: gelema agreemet . eaening a n a cntact: loophole . clas in a cn act stipating excepin ag caue • case feeing a paty fm
bligatins nde stated cditins ecape claue clase lling f pice inceases elatr aue dcment ecding a cnact deed, memorandum etae text f a cntact: mal pt hing given de in etn f anthes cntacted act conderto el tial sm paid t vaidate a cntact: depot • secity f the cmpletin f a cntact: pedge • changed ci cmstances maing pefmance im pssible: force maeure • payment at
dit I cookery early ermnation of conrat: seve ance pay performance of a con tracual obligation ordered by a cout: specific peormance . enter into a contract engage . reeae fom O ractual obigation: discharge peron ecuring and negoiating contract or a performer or creatie artit: agent
apparent contra-
dicion ued for hetoical eect oxymoron econtradictory n consstent expreion acknowledg i tat one i contradicting the per o pecied: pace
contra of light and ad hiaroscuo volume con
trat i a muica piece
control from a diance
emte control
. controing inuence tiing nitiative dead and tate economic and ocial control: dirgisme control o former de penci by economic or political peure neocolonialism contro panel osole, ascia lo o contro o e bodily movement ataxa . of contro of one' bodily fnctio: icontinence abence o n cotro: anarchy noiy and hard to conro obstreperous eay to cono bddable, pliable tractable tke cntro o commandeer bing under contro: subdue, subugate enter and take conrol o: occuy ree rom cono: deregulate remove rom a poition o cotro
ee al power nvent djective conventual
e lso monastery
ero hrd o conce: scetc ey convnced:
ceulous gullble
k eior coo chef aitan cook comms ce tal wite hat toque eoi cla cook:
cordo bu
co oked
ighly cooked (of pata O, vegeabes): al d en te very igy! •
cooked (of meat): sagnant .lighy cooked (of meat): rare . cooked gen; ty in thei on juice (of egeabe) sweated fried and ten tewed: ! braised cooked by dipping into a� hot o or auce onde mmere in or over a itte iquid poached party cooked by bong parboled and ten ied saute 1
er culinary : adjecve type o cookery cuisine high
haute cUsn uaity cooking of cooker emphaizng preentation and reh ingredient nuvelle cuisine cookery a a cho ubject:
od technology, home economics, domestic science deice ith
ma burner for keepng dihe hot at the table: chafing dsh heated food troley hostess trly contituent of a dih: ingreent device extrac ing juce uicer . liuidzng and choppng deice blender, ood pro cessor eice for whipping iuid wisk waxed paper for cookery greaseproo paper denotig cook wae uab in the on or on the hob flamepro ename cookng pot with id and hane billy, billycan m metal cooking pot skillet large metal cookg po t: cauldron large metal cookng pot or e ue dixie . large covered cookng po: casserole mal pot for cookng and erving food: coctte, ramekin aucepn cookng ood n an upper compartment by mean o hot waer held in a ower compent: bin
marie, double boiler, double sauce pan igh aucepan for fat coo ng: pressure cooker broadbladed ervng uen: slice bl wooden blde spatula handheld cruhing implemen: pestle trong dh for mortar .large cooking tove rnge cclar on cooking plae: griddle pke or cookg piece o
cpet I cpse
83 foo skeer spit • gi fme of el s gridiron . cookig lice wih oig si otisserie • heig e o he o of cooke ob otpate • iy cook y oling parboi • cook js elow oilig oi simme, poa, codde eoig gele he fo cookig so . eog sog he fo cookig: fast • immese ve eles iey i oilig we banc fy lighly he sew braise • o ice ove cookig me baste .liqi emiig e cookig iuor
• osiiv cooecooperato io synergy • ssive cooeio • cove cooeio connivance cousion • i close cooeio oncrted in onert coper . cbi i rs cac, cupr djecives cupric, cuprous • geeish sfce colo of oxize coe verdgris • ehisoic e i which coe soe ools wee se cacoitic copy • exc coy dupicate facsimie, diplomatic copy • exc ge eic coy clone • coy sse off s he oigil forgery • coy ke o e li ove ise esi rubbing . coy me y wig o she iece of c ec steni • coyig he wok of ohe climig i s oes ow pagiarism, pi racy coyig of ivl oc e eile exmio reverse nginrng . ex soke fo coy ig ow dictation • oigil fom which coies my e me master • isse o se me of coies imited edition • i hee ieicl coies in trpicate • i fo iei cl coies: in uadrupicate .coy ig mchie sig secls i ink dupiator .coyig ocess sig y owe xerogapy • colo coyig ocess sig izoim: diazo, dyeine
c py ght • ifigeme of coy gh piracy . o of coyigh n te pubi c domain cral • ige of col i he se reef • cicl col eef o go of is ls ato cr .co holig whisle ec lanyard . co o Sco's eck echief ogge crk • sil evice fo excig coks corkscre cr • h mil fo giig co uern • e co fom he es tes crea • cbii r kerato• immio of he coe keratits • coel sgey keratopast (eg crpse . cbiir necplis teay cty f te ea • emlme cose we in ges: mummy • cose se fo meicl esech cadaver • cose evive y wichcf: zombie .e nime cose sose o ik loo fom livig esos vampie • coselike: adaverous • issec io of cose o eslish he cse of eh posmortem autopsy necropsy • esevio of cose y ijecng chemicls embammnt • eefeezig of coses cryonics • wig o cose sroud, • coie fo indingseet cose coffin . wch ke ove cose efoe isosl ake lce fo soig coses motuary morgue • escio of cose y e cremation . e o nig cose pyre • il of cose nterment • oig of cose decomposition • fe of coses necopo• sexl iecose wih ba • ig coses necropiia cose exume • c ce fo iel sy dissect .eoing cose h hs o
c o t w rrt combining form: ortho onvenonally oe orthodox oetable: corrigible rt lght elas ose founda
ttn oon seed apsule oonsepaatng mahne
boll gin
� see lso fabric gh aective tussive e peaed oughng nespesed wh tion garmet girdle rollon t osmei impoving aspng gasps whoopig cough faal sn: face mask ace pack oughedup mxue of salva and muus sputum medine fo osmet maing the sin m and smooh toner osme emoving oughs: expectorant adjective cociliar dead sin ells exfoliat osme nl used fo outlnes: liner eyelash os ounil of adinals: cosistory mei mascara osme gving a nt populaion oun cesus wam olou to he hees: blusher ouning devie wih beads on ed osme: rouge hin s of wies: abacus osmei pencil eshoned si o ntrnt adjective contra ve blemishes conceaer os. ounepon sung above a mec applied by a oang ball roll putal on ne bush fo applying os- melody descant meis wad small ase ontaning ntr adjecives rural rustic pastoral bucolic peson oming o osmeis and a mio compact vaniy case osmet eatmen of lve in a foegn ouny immigrant he hands: manicure osmei peson leaving his o he ony eamen of he fee: peicure emigrant peson leaving hs o he greasepaint ouny to esape wa, peseuon, atos maeup et: refugee peson living ouside esing of osmeis on abbs: hs naive ouny expatriate un Draie testing al loyaly o one's ouny: lg heoy ha he unchauvinism vese began wih an exploson of dense mae: big bang theory he- nt admnsaive apial of a ouny: county tow soveegn's oy ha he unvese has always mainained an aveage densiy: epesenaive in a ounty: ord Lieu steady state theory � see also cre teant hef exeuve of the Cown in a ounty sherriff ation Ck Cossa ommande: rt rtl baise advising hetman squating Cossa dane: his judge advocate ofial on tolling amy and RF ous matal kazachoc t osts of maeials and manu-
Judge Advocate General
fatue, exluding oveheads rime rtr ouoom setion fo cost ost of poduing one fuhe judges o magstaes bech se em marginal cost geneal un ion fo the juy o a witness: box ning osts overhes involving setion fo he aused: dock aea aeptable osts ecoomc ecoom fo the lawyes and ou oials cal denoting an asset o ativty well � see also lawcourt that eans ba its oina os self male ow bull asated liqutng pay pa of the ost ull: bullock ox (pl o) teer subsiie pogessive witeoff of young ow calf young female an asses puhase pe: mortia ow hee ow's mammay gland ton er os atly digested food
cowce ccket
• ne archment mae frm ca-
skn veum � see catte cwarce symbl f cwarice
hte feather cwy • Sth American cwby leather cwby's gaucho chaps vertrsers chaparajos cwbys' ehibitin f skis rodeo cwby lm r stry estern cra male crab cock • female crab hn astrlicl ter cancer crack • fll f ne cracks: crazed
smal cracks n an l inin's srface craqueure cratsma • barrelmaker cooper craftsman in brass brazer skle fnitre maker cabnetmaker • crasman in l god esn shein hrses smth backsmth farrer • ersn rkin irn by han backsmth • mene f shes cobber • crasman in slver sversmth skille carver an ble in stne mason stonemason maker f strine instrments uther utst wwrker makin stairs rs etc joner crae crane with a mvable ivte arm derrck crane mvin n ri traeng crane crnes rjectn arm jb . mvabe beam sin a crane gantry cream thin cream with little milk fat sng e cream thck cream with mch mik fat dobe cream • thick crem btine by hetin milk cotted cream be cream with ae yhrt crme rache cream f liiize frit r veet ables pure creato . cb fr geny (eg oroeny) creatin f matter thrht time contnuous creaton �see ls cosmoogy cret • estimate f a ersns credt ratng creitwrthiness sitve infrmatin n a rsn's
creitwrthiness: hte nformaon • cmany assemblin ata fr creit ratins credt agency credt refer-
ence agency crescet crcket
• crescentshae
wen crssiece cn nectin a ir f stms bal stick srtin the bails stump set f bails an stms cket • itch between the tw wickets cket .line were the batsmen stans crease poppng crease • lines between which th ba mst be elivere return crases sell at battin nnngs . lenthy innins by a air f batsmen sand batsman's virs strke drve batsmans strke senin the ball t the sie pu batsman's strke sihtly eectin the ball snck • lancin strke ivin the bal sin sce hit ainin ne rn: snge batsmans innins scre f zer duck batsman sent in at the en f a ay's lay ngtatch man seqence f si ball bwle frm ne en f the itch over .revlvin mtin imarte t the ball spn • bwle bas strikin the rn ptch • istance frm the batsman a which he ball itches ength entin a ball itchin t cse t the batsman: overptched entin bal itchin clse t the bwler short sieways eviatin f a bwle ba sng • batsman's b strctin f the ball eg before cket sie f the el behin the batsman eg sde sie f the el facin the batsman off sde el frthest frm the batsman outed entin a elin sitin there deep entin a elin sitin site the stms square area rn the wicket nfed eler lace immeiately behin the wicket f the batsman receivin the bwlin: cketkeeper • entin elin sitins near the batsman short entin elin sitins very
ik ra nr th btsmn slly lding postons bhind th btsmn sls scoring nit ru rn wrdd for bll not strck bye, exra rn wrdd for bll striking th bts mn leg bye rn wrdd for b bowld ot of th btsmn's rch wde or in whch no rns r scord made over bll rchng th btsmn wthot toching th ground full oss, full ch bll pitching immditly ndr th bt yorer b illg dlrd oball bowlr's styl of cton devery trophy comptd for nn lly by Englnd nd Astrli he shes mtch tht s prt of sris btwn two ntionl tms es mach, es .lrg whit scrn plcd bhind th bowlr sigh scree nttd strp of grond for prctc e cricktrs gntl shild box .nd tm's innings dsmss tm's scond nnings plyd immditly ftr its rst followo nnounc n y clos to n innngs decare nd of dy's ply close dnoting gm btwn mjor conty sds frs class dnoting conty not n old in ths gms mor rket' .shrill sond md by crickt's rubbng is lgs togthr
efarous . mnor jn crim delquecy crm tribl by mgistrt summry offece profssonl ngli nc or dishonsty malracce djcti
crim motitd by sxul jlousy
.dnoting crim pun shbl by dth caal .fcts nd circumstncs constituting crim corus delc inolmnt in crm comcy .dlibrt hin drnc of th polic obsruco polc rnctmnt of crim recosrucio stblish complicity asson nes)
brib somon to commit n nlwfl ct subor prson or
orgnztion cting s cor for lg actitis fro prson who ncorgs othrs to commit crims in ordr to dnonc thm age ro
indcmnt o commt cim
offrd by n gnt prooctur erame ncriminting tm ddd to somon's blongings la in tnton o comt crim malce aforehough, mes rea chrg somon with srious cm dc prson rsponsbl for crim cul r dfnc showing on ws ls whr whn th crim ws commit td albi fcts jstyng or xcsing crim exeuaio po lc coordnton oc for instig tion of mjor crim cide room housholdrs ignc to dscor g crim ehbourhood wach .study of crim crmology .cl wrongdong othr thn brch of con trct or sr rspons to n dsirbl ctiity cracdow rna criminl bnth th g of lgl rsponsibilty juveile delque .crimnl gd 7 youg offeder criminl gd 20: youg adul offeder ioln crim inl hug iolnt troblmkr hoodlum, hooga criminl who btrys othr criminls to th polic grass, iformer conictd crmin who roffnds recdvs grop of criminls famy gag, rg .trdr n stoln goods ce criminls pprntly innocnt ctits cover, fro criminl's dmission of gt cofesso crminls idnc gnst his ccomplcs Quees (or Kg's) evdece criminl's ssist nt accomlce .prson sssting criminl in plnning or committng crim accessory before he fac pson ssistng criminal ftr th crim hs bn cottd accessory
ctcs I cuel
8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ae te fact • crmna ac: actus reus crimina inen: mens ea • n he crimina ac n agrante de cto crimina cerain: cou son, connvance, conspracy • be ra a crmina he auhriies denounce • make smene aear be a crimina ncrmnate • gru assembe fr ienicain f a sus ec: dentty paade • science use in crimina inesigains forenscs • cenre husing ung ffeners: communty ome eecrnic mni ring f cnice criminas: elec tronc tag gn g icure f a wane crimina cmse f snar ee ens: dentkt • unai scia wrk require f a cnice ener com munty servce scienc su f crminas crmnoogy see ls
execution pun sment
criica as sessmen evaluaton ubishe criica assessmen reve ierar anasis regaring a ex as haing n xe meaning: deconstructon post structrasm humrs criicism f ubic mres satre • wihering criica scatng • criicize seere lambaste pan, rebuke criicize wih he bene f hinsigh: econd guess • ersn r insiuin he be abe criicism sacred co
crp crop
• cr grwn fr sae cas cr grwn rec r en he si: cover crop • cr
rch grwn arac ess frm anher cr trap crop • cr grwn beween main crs catc cro cr grwn in he saces beween anher cr: ntercop • cr grwn fr sae: cas crop • ening an unharese cr standng • cuiain f a sin ge cr hrughu a aricuar area: monocutue • successie cia in f ifferen crs: crop otaton • area f grwng crs aene frm a aern crop crce • sra r
wer a cr dress aeria w ering f crs: cop dustng sub sance ae he si imre cring: ertle • science f c rucin agronomy
• crque
sick amme • sma mea arch oop • winning s peg • srike anher aers ba wih nes wn roquet srke riing w uching bas in eren irecins spt st sen anher aer's ba hrugh a h: pee • ba ha has asse a he h rove • wn he game b hiing he eg: peg out
cbii fr cuc • crss wih a a he ank • crss bearing a gure f Chris cru cx crss wih equa arms Gek cross • crss wih he wes arm nger: Latn cross • Lan crss wih he arms in a circe Cetc coss Greek crss wih each arm cn inue a a righ ange ylfot sas tka Xshae crss St Andres cross • Tshae crss: St Antony' cross, tau cross crssshae cru corm ersn carring a rces sina crss crucer
crssw • arrw fr a crssbw bolt crsw puzzle • bank sace be e wih a eer gt • hin f he wr require: cue crw • djective corvne crwd • isrer crw meee mob, rabble crwcnr eice eecing a werfu e f waer: ate cannon irrian gases use in crw cnr tear gas, CS gas crwn • djective corona nbe mns crwn: coronet • es crwn taa ewee heaban: d adem, tara • wann crue U cruel • aking easure in crue sadstc
um c
r highpiched complaining cry: whine so complaining cry whimper cry made on discovery eureka rtal crysal tha is he mirror
enantiomorph Cban dance: haa-
mage of anoher
ber sma pickling cucum ber:
ltre person having no culura ineress: phiistine highly ineli
gen and culured: sophisticate derived from, or knowng abou, man culurs: cosmopoitan . cul ure a odds wih established norms: countercuture, sucuture .sudy of Wesern culure: humaniies sudy of deren culures ethnoogy sudy of human culure anthropoogy sudy of ancie cul ures archaeoogy . amalgamaon of deren culures syncretism culur coeisence puraism acuisiion of a culure: incuturaion . culura ambience evoked by he decor ec of a resaur an, pub, or amusemen park: theme
smal coee cup: emitasse age wohadled cup passed round a feass: oving cup eucharisic cup: chaice cup used r reseva
currencies of oher counries: oreign exchange vaue
of curency as saed upon i ace vaue, nomina vaue . value of a currenc in erms of he goods it can buy purchasing power former sys em dening a currencys value in erms of gold: go sanar nom inal pary of one currency wih an oher exchange rate vaue of one currency in erms of anohe: vaua denoig a currency wih freey changing value oaing denoing currency wih a sable vaue har . aler a currency's inernaiona vaue: revaue, evaue pounds vaue for European Union agriculure purchases green poun
rret . a or waer curren be hind a propeler or je engine sipstream subsurface curren running conrary o he surface curren:
unercurrent, uerow
mid curry marinaded in yoghur: korma ho spicy curry:
maras . very ho spicy curry vinaoo died sh seved wih cur ries: Bomay uck rta border conceaing cuain ings: pe met curain hung in a
swag re adjetie snuous cuve ion of he Sacramen ciorium formed by a rope suspended a boh cup used by Chris a he Las Sup ends: catenary par of a curve arc per: oy Grai, sangrai curvg iwards: concave curv bar cupboard o hang ng ouwards: onvex clohes : waroe heaed cup h church kneeling cushion: board for dring clohes: iring cuphssoc neeer cuhion be oar . lockable cupboard: ocer placed a random: scaer cushion srng locked cupboard for valu subsace for sung cushions ables safe kapo C Grk name Eros tar .cusard of egg, sugar, re adjecties sanatve, thera mlk, and our: crme ptissire peutic cre pssire wih ground a rlg mark amed a tee ses onds: frangipane sion of play in oe dreco end t . esablshed cusom insti capain of a curlng eam skip tuton, usage radonal customs drooping curve
custe I Cpus
of a community folkloe fobidden by socia custom taboo
sme 0 egula custome paton made o a customes specic tons bespoke, custombult
0 customs pemit f im ot of a moto vehice canet 0 cus
toms chage on impoted goods duty customs ceticate fo duy paid customs fom pemitting docket export of goods o emova fom a bonded waehoue sppng bll oute though custms fo those with nohng to decae geen can oute though customs fo nel those with items to decae ed cangoup of states aowig fee nel tade between themseves customs unon evasion of cutoms contos
0 0
cbii frs fr suricl ters tome (eg canotome) tomy (eg lobotomy) make suface cuts cut deepy laceate cut sca up fo study dssect cut with a sweeping stoke slas pat by cut ing seve cut off ends o edes cop, pae pune, tm cut into zg zag edge pnk vey hot cuttng ame temc ance �see s su-
0 0
gcal cuttng culey 0 box fo a set of cutey canteen cylnde 0 cyinde on which thead etc is wound eel, spool hoow meta cyinde suppoting a bidge
pontoon Cyus djective Cypot poit ical union of Cypus wth eece
Dd gge mal lim dagger poiard hort tapering dagger stletto dagger' handle: lt .ow dam in a river: weir ad
jutable dam: barrae ge deliberate damage: sabo tage, vdalism damage everely: magle . damage beyond the poi biity of repair: wrte off cold and damp dak ground moiture aborbd into a all: rsg damp ne art dancing that ignore the rule o claical ballet moder dace ailor' dance: orpipe tradiional Englih dance coty dace .traditional Englih ou door dance morris dae .after noon dance at which tea i erved: tea dace energetic tret dance: beakdace . lively dance in triple time: ji low 8thcentury dance met interweaving country dance: ay country dance for four couple sqare dace olo dance pas sel dance for two people pas de dex .dance with voluntary e change of partner: excseme dance perrmed in a long line, one behnd the other coa _ erotic dan cing to popular muic oo daci Middle Eatern woman erotic oo dance: bely ace ynchronized balroom dancng seqece daci balroom dance with low and quick tep: fotro balroom dance with partner idebyde: veta bal room dance with pronounced hip movement: rmba balroom dance in triple ime: waltz at fotro: qickstep fat Bohemian dance: polka lively Brazilan dance:
samba quatting Coack ance: kazacoc Country and Wetern dancing performed in a row: le da c low Cuban dance: abaera French highkicking dance: caca
Greek folk dance performed in a line: syrtak waying Hawaiian
dance: la la .fat Hungarian dance csardas dramaic dance of outhern ndia: Katakali Itaian whirling dance: taratella Italian nd Spaih leaping dnce salarello . lively Polih dance: mazrka vig orou Scottih dance Hlad flg at Scottih dance reel low Scottih dance stratspey South American dance muic with element of jazz and rock: salsa .fat South American danc: paso dobe . livey South American dance tago bolero lively Spnih dance: Spanih olo dance cacca Spanih courthip dance: fada o Spanih dance with catanet: flameco Wet nda backward bending dance: imbo dance about ecitedly: cavort erie of tep for a dance: choreograpy, fge n formal gathering for country dancing: bar dace peron who announce the tep in a barn dance: caller group of dancer perorming to gether esemble .number o parti cipant needed for a quare or coun try dance set public dance hall: alais, palais de dase see ao
ne dancer' tight maillot tubular garment covering a rehear ing dancer leg: le warmers dan
cer leap or ittng poture wih one leg orward and one back, both at
De I deth
ight angles to the tunk: splits �see s ballet Da pat of nglan une Dan sh ule anela ta leve by the AngloSaons to epe the Danes
anegeld ag
ange peil .hien ange pitfall .ange n heen n a ob occupationa hazad emove fo a angeous place evacua . peson so move: evac
uee Dat djectives antean, antesque a shning in the ak luminous
night that s neve completely ak
hite night ats .tal of a at fligh .ht on a pat of he ba whee scoes ae ouble double goup of games counting as a uni towas a match set . line behn which the thowe sans hockey oche ata enotng ata gathee ove a long time: longitudinal gi fo ata isplay matix � see ls elec-
tonc data at gve a late ate to potdate . laest ssible ae teminus ante quem ealiest possble ate teminus a quo teminus post quem out of ate obsolete, pass gong out of ate obsolescent wth no ate set sine die at2 .ate with a peson one has not met befoe blind date atg atng of tmbe stuctues fom he tee ings they contain dedochonology atng of geologcal eas chonstatigaphy geochonology aing of obects fom cabon14 ecay cabon dating, adiocabon dating .atng system eve fom the bith of hist Chistian Ea, Common Ea ms taken ing paachonism aught djective filial
awn djective auoal ay djective diunal ay befoe ve ay in which hous of aylght an akness ae equal equinox . longest o shotest ay solstice mpotant ay edlette day st ay of the Roman month calends each ay pe diem peio of moning twilight dan pa t o f the ay given ove o wok oking day
pat of the ay when many ae com mutn dive time peio of even
ing wiight dusk . happening n a aly cyce cicadian . pocess by hich the equinoes occu slghtly eale each yea: pecession
ight to enoy aylght in
one's winows unobstucte by sub sequen buiing ancien li gts
diaconal .of ce of eacon diaconate eacon's ovevestment dalmatic a . ealock i agument o iscusson impasse stalemate oa with no ei t at its fa en cul desac a pogessve eafness ue to bone gowth in he ea otoscleosis
sugical opening mae in the inne
ea to elieve eafness fenestation teaching the e af to commucate by lpang an speech: oalism
a eale n shps supples chandle eale in canles: candle eale in cheap an shoy goo cheapjack a djective decanal ean's esence deaey cbii fr moi, ath nec, thanasia eath vewe as a statstical Ocuence fatality motali numbe of eaths cause b an event toll .causng eath fatal lethal, motal temina connecte with eath macabe boun to ie motal ie befoe anothe oes e Chstan ceemones decease
death I e
over a dying person: last rtes gurg- ratio of deths to living population: ing of dying person: death ratte death ate nuber of deaths from a paicuar cause mortaly rate struggling of a dying person throes . equivalence of birth and death at the point of death: morbud, extrems denoting a condition that zero populato growth after� wil end in death termal revive deth: posthumous .oveent of the soul to a different body afte soeone apparenty dead resusctate death: trasmgrato . the the use of eperience at the brink of death: neardeath experece ghosty agic to sumon up the dead: ecro \. iage of a person seen near their tie macy supposed comuniction of death: wrath death inlicted to with the dead by ediums: sprtual sm eeting of persons wshing to end incurable suffering euthaasa se contact the dead by spiritualis: se deathblow coup de grc l cos de grace) . uneplained uneplained death ace person returning fro the � of a sleeping baby: cot death sudde dead reveat psychologicl urge deathh stc stctt iat death sydrome death of to selfdestruction deat .life after death: afterlfe, he other body tissue: gagree mortfcato, necross stiffness of joints aer world rebirth of the soul in a new death rgor morts decaying esh body: recarato neverdying: of a dead anial caro cessation mmortal all dead extct study of vital functions as proof of death of death and dying: thaatology clcl death bell rung at death Christian day for general coeof the dead: All ouls Day kell date of death obt plaster oration see aso fuera cast of a dead persons face: death mask newspaper nnounceent of eat .advantage in debate gh a persons death: obtuary govern groud .subject to debate: moot ment ofce where deaths are re- question on procedue: pot of corded regster offce insurance order .debaters acknowledgeent su payable at death: reerso of an opponents point: touch .o total oney and property owned by tion to end a debate: closure a dead person: estate edical ebt debt not legay recoverable: eaination to nd the cause of a perdebt of hoour debt overdue for resons death: postmortem special- payent arrears .debt repayable st conducting this eaination: eaination: path soon: foatg oat g debt debt with a dis ologst • ocial stateent of cause tant or no repayent date: fuded date and place of death: eath certf debt money owed by a compny cate o ofcia ofcia investigatng investigatng the cause caus e accout payable lablty .oney of a persons death: coroer the in owed to a copany: accouts recev quiry a coroner conducts: quest abe total owed by a state: atoal servce for the dead fral re ebt . debt of gratitu gratitue e oblgato qem .laent for the dead: drge denoting a debt not yet repaid: ot hreody poe poe aent aentng ng the dead: sadg denoting a debt repayable eegy recently dead deceased on deand ufded .denoting a show sorrow at a death: mour debt ipossibe to recover: bad de reinder of deaths inevitability noting a debt whose recovery is un memeto mor . picture of Death likely dobtf .legal permission eading al to the grave ace of for late repayent: moatorum death dase macabr person debtors asset forfeited if repayent overinterested in death: ghou is not acieved pedge, secrty
dec I dect
aid to service a debt: inererson who cannot ay ay off off es . (of) a erson his debts: akr earrassed, solven .faire to reay a debt: de de demand reayment reayment of a debt: al . demand d ayment of a debt: lqdaio, redepon sasacio ayment of a debt by instaments: aorzaio comanys isse of shares to ay ay off off comanys debts: recapialzao money raised for grada reayment of a debt sikig nd frther time graned to reay a debt indlgence, rollover easing a debtor's osition by modifyng modifyng the reayment demands: demand s: resrcrg cancelation of a debt: ressio abandon ttemts to recover a debt: wre o .free of debt: ecered, geared sere of a debtor's goods: aach
en dsrai dsress eeco, seqesrao cort order seizng a debtors assets: Mareva icio
right to hod these nti the debt s aid: lie seizre of a debtors
money or wages garnishe, a erson a a ache o eargs . erson ointed to disose of the assets of an nsovent erson or bsiness: adnisraor agree to reease a debtor for a smaer ayment: cood terminate gas etc sy ntl bs are aid: dsco ec otentia n ebtedness throgh bsiness commit ments eposre .otentia indebt edness throgh faling vaes of mortgaged roerty: egaive eqiy . raio raio of cororate deb o share vae: gearing leverage assess ment of a erson or rms ikeihood of aying is debts cred rag crediworhess organization making sch assessments: credi re erece agecy see s loa
. cbii cbi i sapr decay of eeth or bones: caries decay of a art of the body: oriicao, ecross decayed organic matter in the soi: hs ant iv
ng on decayed matter: sarophye decay sowy throgh negect: ol
der easy deceived: deceived: cred eceive . easy los, gllle intent to deceive: ala des . deberate deberate deceion for nancia nancia gain ga in rad instance of de iberate decetion: hoa decetve behavio alse preeces dece tive aearance illsio decetion effected by making a tre staemnt seem ike a decetion: dole l oy designed to concea ones tre intentions lid
to make ones own decisions: ree wll not nay decided ope . denoting denoting a decision sorted by a resent: nanios right to reect a decision made by others veo state of indecision: qadary waverng indecision
vacllaio ecline mora or ctra decine: decadence ecpse abe to be decom osed by snlight phoodegradale
abe to be decomosed by bacteria:
iodegradale ecatin additiona decoration r decoration of thin strs of shiny meta foi nsel . decora decoratio tion n of aited straw: cor dolly .hang ing decoration trning in the air: o o ile . decoration of of a manscrit: I I iao carved or coored decoration of shes scrisaw
decoration of wood or eather with a
heated oin pokeork pyrograhy coth items decorating a room so rishgs .ags and streamers bg . crinky aer for for decor ations cre paper decortive ghts lliaios decorative stri of coth hng over a window etc: decorative design of inter inter valace . decorative twining branches etc arabese denoting meta inaid with god or
se I dentist
sver: damascened geatnous souton used n nteror decoraton: sze merey decoratve cosmetc eree .decrease n vaue de de precaton decrease the appaent mportance of: downplay downate etn .deducto fom wages ordered by a awcourt: garnshment, attachment attachment of eanngs eann gs denotng a deducton derved from observaton or experence a ostero denotng a deducton derved from theoretca concepts a ror ee .combg form bath ( bathyscahe) . regon of especay deep sea trench .not deep shallow eer adjectve cervne femae deer: doe, hnd .mae deer: buc, hart, stag young deer fawn .deer's short ta scut . sma taess deer: oe mae roe: roebuc sma deer wh a dogke bark muntjac . stag's brach brached ed horns: antles .aner's sharp pont tne .o skn coverng a growng anter: velvet deer's annua perod of sexua actvty rut produce offsprng: fawn .deer' track: slot deer's se hoof: dewclaw dsembowe a deer gralloch deer's entras as food: numbles .deer meat venson .eg and on of venson haunch efet defeat soundy tounce, vnqush .defeat nd drve back: out admt adm t defeat defeat:: cocede efen nabty to contro defecaton ncontnee bedrdden peron's receptace for urne and faece: bedn dfee defence of oe' conduct aologa defence defence of a theory aologecs ucompmsng defece of a potn sad dfenve moud before a trench aae efesve mound behnd a tench aa
medca teatment of
bone and sce defortes oho
paedcs . adjustment adjustment of tooth and jaw rreguartes: orthodoncs egre� bacheor's degree: bacca laurete .degree next above bacheor certan unverstes: centate doctor's degree: doctorate .degree
awarded to a canddate who was at the tme of the examnaton: aegotat denotng a degree conferred when the graduand s esewhere n
dlatory deay stonewall noncooperaton:
by deay by makng engthy speeches:
vsua deuson:
cnaton .deusons of beng persecuted: paranoa deusons caused del rum tremens tremens by acohosm: delr
en na demand, made wth
threats of sanctons ultmatum when demand s ow: offpea faure to satsfy demand shortfall Deeter Lat ame Cees eltn .competey destroy a budg raze structre of a gutted budng shell fragments of a demoshed budng rubble heavy beam used to knock down was: bat
terng ram
de mbg form demono adjetve demonac demonacal democ demon attendng a tch faml, famlar sprt worshp of demons: demonolay cotro by a demo ossesso expuson of demos exo sm study of demo
dertn sent statc dem-
ontrato vgl de dentst who correct the poston of teeth: othodontst dentt deang wth he structures aron the teeth erodonst .dentt' atant who ceans teeh hy ges entt ma d bu
d epart I device
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
depa depa r
dpart scrty or igay abscond . dpatur om om h h norma or xpctd aberraion
atmosphric dprs sion: cyclone tidnss and dprssion occurng aftr a via infction chronic aig aig e syndroe dug alviatng dprssion: anidepressan
combining combini ng form or m bahy nstumnt masuring th dpth of sas or laks: bahymeer mannd chambr for dpsa obsrvations bahysphere
combin ingforms: pro (_g depuy . combiningf poconsul), vice (.g. vice-presdent)
. prson dputzng for for anothr srrogae
. lin of dscnt: blood dscnt li ne, sock stp i n a n of dscnt doting generaion dirct dscnt lineal . dotin doting g dscnt dscnt y a para lin colaeral dnoting t mal in of dscnt parilineal dnoting th fmal lin of dscnt mariineal prson from whom on is dscndd ancesor, progenior on's dscndants poseriy, progeny thory of univrsa dscnt from a sing coupl monogenesis, monogeny
prcis and daild short dscripton specificaion ut horough dscription profie misrprsntation of compx idas ovrsmplid dscriptions redcionis
goup of pop traing across a dsrt caravan nn for hs pop caravanserai • dsrt pac wth watr oasis . dustIadn dustIadn dsrt wnd simoom
ngrad or ncisd dsign: . dsign idnting idnting a inagio company's products logo
dsignr of budings: dsignr archiec of fashion coths corier of dsgr roads, bridgs, etc civil engineer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
dsir anothr's proprty: cove graty a as dsir pander
desk . lg lg ds k for for two two facng acn g pr sons partners' desk dnotng a sk with a sliding xibl covr: roll op
despar . dspa at magnd lack lack of progrs accidie, demoivaion
covrt dstruction saboage dstruction of rvrd objcts or idas: iconoclasm ma icious or purposss dsuction vandaism priod of massiv d stuction apocaypse dstruction of al if: biocide dstction of a rac genocide total dsruction eradcaion exirpaion, hoocas
dea I
dta nding attntion loose end sub dta iniae, nicey, pncio, qiddy, echnicaliy (ovr)attntiv to dta meme iclos, pncilios, pedanic, peifogging dta in exenso • in gi mor dta: elaborae
dvc dtctng movng objcts y rctd radio was radar dvic dtcting ndrwatr objcts by rctd sound pulss: sonar
. dtctiv dtctiv mpoyd by mmrs of h h puic: pu ic: privae deecive, privae invesigaor folow and obsv scrtly shadow . systm systm atic shadowing srveilance
dnoting a biodgradab dtrgnt: so dnotg a dtrgnt opratng y nzym: bio logical
developmen . stad stad and consist consist nt dvopmnt: coniniy .progrssiv dvopmnt of iving organsms ovr th cnturis: evoluion dvoping alir than usua precocios .highy dvlopd: sophisicaed
dnoting a dvic smingy capabl of intgnt action smar dvic prformng a spcic
ev d
function within a largr appartus:
i evl • djectives diaoc, diaoica dvil's dividd fot coven hoo • worship of th dvil diaois, saais • contro b th dvil: ossession agam • block diagram: hisogra • diagram laid out lik a tr: dedrogra diagram showing r lationships in a famil aily ree, gaogy edigre diagram showing rlationships bw sts en diagra diagram of a sunc of vnts: ow char al dnoting a dial with a moving pointr: aaoge dnoting a dial with a changing numrical displa: digia . poitr poitr on an instrumnt instrumnt dial: eede alect popular dialct: argo , aaoi . dialct dialct of a particular particular social class: socioec stud of dialcts:
diaecology algue • djective daogc ameter . diamt diamtrr of wir, wir, knit tig ndls, and bllts: gag • nnr nnr diamtr of o f a gun barrl: ore, cair gage am • jective diaaie
diamond, usd for cuttig:
or Daa Greek Aris ay lctronic diar ersoal ororganzer looslaf diar: iloa, rsoa r soa orgaizer rson kping a diar: daris ar ective dicaor i . titl of a Grman dictator h r • titl of an Italian dicator dc titl of a Spaish dictator cadillo
group xrcisig dictatorial
pors a
dictionar at t back of a book: gossary vocalary dcionar of placs: gazr diction
ar of snonms and antonms: sars dictionar in which th dition prcds th hadword hr): reverse dicionary prson who compil dictionaris eicog
raher e • cut out with a di: sa et • djectives di eary eary diei di eicc • major dit lmnt: aconrie
• organic cmpound ssntial to a bal acd dit viain • dnoting a
vgtabl wholfood dit: acr acroi oioi oicc disas causd b absnc of frsh fruit and vgtabls from th dit: scrvy _ stud of dits and nutrition: dieeics, rio postulatd nu tritional rquirmnt: reconded dieary allowace . dit xprt xprt:: die-
ian nriionis erece • djective dreia • subtl drnc: ace • amount of diffrnc: dierenia • diffrnc in brightnss in a pictur conras • tl th diffrnc btwn: dir ia eret . cbi i rs allog alopathy) hero var .radic all diffrnt from anthing prcding ove having man dffrnt colours: oley ied, variegaed including things of diffrnt tps herogeneos group or ara diffrnt from its surroudings: clav caus t sm dffrnt dieri-
ae bi i r dys g ult . bii ysleia) . dfc dfcul ultt qustion conndr osr tmporar dicult du to mchanical failur echica hich in grat dfcultis: i ris avoid a difcult ovia
quick and innovativ in ovrcoming
dfcultis: rsorce out: cavae dig bg dig out: nath: dri dig up: up: earh dig up up a corps corps h spaddpth of soil: si dig to spits dp dldg
dii I di
dective ec hav-
ng goo geson eec .gestve passage thogh the boy: alenary canal pat of ths between stomach n ans nesne g . msca msca movement movement of o f he he almen a cana ersalss bp of ga n the amentay cana laulence boy ogans of geston
dgesve syse l nescapable mma cach cach22 22 doule n d e dective randal afte nne osrandal osa nosa wth a vey ong nec an ta dlodocs
wth lage vet�a plates o ts back segosarus nosa wth shot amke font egs: ra chosars pght canvoos nosa: yrannosaurs
docesan bshop n chage of a cese docesan ocesan assemby: synod
.Angcan pash's contbton to ocesan fns: qoa
.Lti e Bacchus .femae folowe of Donyss anad staff cae by Donyss' fol owes: hyrss
states seno pomat
esent n a fogn cont: aassador pomat wth fl powes of ecson lenoenary plomat on a speca ssgnment essary ambasao's epty charg d'aares ambassao's assstant aach pomatc epesentatve envoy nser mnste an staff: legaon gop of pomats sent fo a speca ppose: sson p omatc coe: Queen's ( ing's) Messenger amy oce sevng at an embassy: lary aach Com monweah embassy hgh cos son plomat acceptabe to te host conty: ersona graa _ per onae rtae) .plomat not accept
able to he host conty: ersona ersona non graa personae non ratae) p omas pe of ty at a patcla ocaton osng, or or o dy pomat's epo dsach plomat's esence eassy legaon oca ete between pomats: noe aft o amenmen to a po matc ocment: roocol .negot atons bokee by a poma tavel g beween two estange pates: shle dloacy e of plomatc pocee: pocee: roocol • easng of poatc tenson: dene .pesse pace on anothe sate by estctons on tae o soca nteacton ebeate sancons sktakng n ntenatona plo macy advenurs, rnkansh pomatc polcy of seekng to egan ost tetoy: revanchs plomac polcy of peventng anothe state's expanson conanen pomatc pocy of seekng conto ove othe naons erals pomacy enfoce by spays of mtay stengh: gnoa dloacy ower olics sareralng mmnty to loca a enoye b plomats an the popety: eraerroraly eraerroral rghs host goven ment's oe to a pomat to eave oe a plomat plomat to e e eUlson oe tn home: recall
ieto cbii fr wards g eatwards), ways g sideways) .esgne to opeate n a patca econ dreconal . change ect ecton on seny: swerve
veer ieto
! ecto of a gop of o
chesta mscans: conducor ecto of a bas ban andaser physca o menta menta s isaty . physca abty handca isageemet mno sage ment conrees same) .po onge an btte sageement ed
onn I sese
sre • causing disagreement conenious, conroversa, divisive • without disagreement: unaniosy, ne con onting • disaointing out· s come aniclia, ahos, da sqi sr m m ent • total abandonment of a certain won zero oion
• denoting
disrmment undertaken b some states onl nilaral saser large sudden nd iolent disster caaclys • ntural disas· ter ac o God sc disc thrown b an athlete dismetal or lastic lastic dis used us ed in c . metal stead of mone oken disc used to tore isual images videodisc radio disc d isc jocke who sc jckey radio is deliberatel offensie or rooca· tie shock ock • c fs scharge rrhoea (eg darrhoea), rrhagia (eg menorrhaa) . aginal discharge t the onset of labour or menstruation show dischrge of gs radiation or semen eission ci lne strict discilinarian arin, sicklr erson erson ractis ractis ing seere selfdisciline asceic sco n tent cause olitical or emoionl discontent desailiz isconti iscontinu nuee temor temor aril ino aeyanc discon tinue meetings of rliment with out dissolution rorog ouae .discourging fctor disinci .numbing dscourge ment doiion o ehod of disoer b rial nd error hrisic cul of making forune discoeres srndiiy .cr ueed on mking dis coer rka dicriminio ton on grounds of age: gis .discrim nion on gounds o social clss
• discrimination
grounds of skin colour colour ar • discrimination against indiiduals • discriminaion viciizaion against the oerweight ais dis crimination against those hsical disabilities: aleis • dis crimination on grounds of race racis discrimination on grounds grounds of of se: seis barrier to adance ment tacitl imosed uon certin grous glass ciling discrimin ation in four of thos thought to be unfairl reated: osiive discriin-
aion, revrse discriinion, airaive acion discrimintion in four of those who are thought to be suerior eliis .freedom from dis crimination equal ooruniy
scussn . academic academic discussion: discussion: syosiu . ublic ublic discussion of a toic vnilaion • discussion inol
ing thre o more ersons at different sites using telecommunications eleconrenc strang object rook ing discussion: convrsaion ic discuss without comin to the true oint at issue ea aou h ush
. c fs iis (eg. conjunctvts), noso), patho ahy (eg neuropathy), osis (eg psychoss) djcte orid • causes of a disese iology • germ cusing a disease acills, ahogen organism transmitting a disease from one host to anoher vc or • erson or animal unaected b a dises but transmitting it to others: carrie . time beween infetion infetion nd earance of smtoms: laen riod, incaion eriod .denot ing disease with no assignble cuse onsciic characteristi indictor of dsese syo de noing disese too mild to show cle smoms sclinical indica ion o iese syo, siga dee ndie b a rticular set
dsese I dsese
·········· ······· ··· ····· f sypms: syndroe • rup f sypms ndictn pricur dis ese: syndroe • symptm ccm pnyn disese u nt cused y it: eihenoenon • dentn dis ese hvin recnize symptm: ciica • dentn disese whut symptms recnize occ • symptm th ny dcrs cn de ec sign • dentn he ste f isese efre sympms pper re cinica .disese identictin frm syptms: diagnosis .temporry emen f disese: reission • pients decne fter perid f re cvery rease • (sudden) recur rence f disese are recrdes cence • rein utrek f disse: eideic • denn a dis ese rekin ut thruhut cun ty r the wrd: andeic .ent n highy infetius r hrm disese: vren • denin disese expected t end in deth erina • dedy isese spredin rpiy age • entin disese whse ureks mus e reprted: noii abe • denin disese rey fund pce endeic .dentn disese pssed frm ne enerin the next: herediary verica .de ntin disese ffecin he dy generaized . diseses chief dy ctin ocs expected cuse f disese rognosis • turnin pn f disese: crisis . secndry secndry dsese vin n exitin ne coi disese coni caion . pss n disese cae ransi • persn sscitin with smene hvn cntius disese conac • jects ikey crry infecin oies • cused y r invin disese: ahoogica sudy f cuses nd effects f dis ese ahoogy • study f the cuses f diseses: aeioogy • study nd remen f he diseses f chidren aediarics . study f he ncidence n cnr f diseses eideioogy
• sudy
f tissue chnes cused y disese hisoahoogy • sudy f the tretment f disese heraeics • dentin isese ccurrn in the curse f nther inercrren .e ntin disese chrcterzed y rief ut sevee tcks: ace • e nin ngsin disese: chronic • denn n unured disese h currenty shws n symptms dor an • denn disese strtng in hspit nosocoia .rundwn ste f surer f chrnic disese cacheia • entn disese pssed y physic cnct: conagios • dentn disese pssed n thruh he envirnment: inecios • dentn cntius r ictius disese coniabe . dnting dnting disese cntrced thruh sexu c ivity venerea • disese cused y pr die deiciency disease .e ntin disese cusin itte r n pin: indoen .denn disese cusn prgressive deterirtin f rns r issues: degeneraive .de ntin disese rwn stediy wrse rogressive • denotn is ese cused y nidies nury prduced y the sufferer ttck ther erms aoine . dent dent n psychicly cused disese: sychosoaic • dentin disese en r ny fund n certin rein pepe: endeic .dentn dis ese with n knwn extern cuse essenia iioahic • sysemtic descripin f diseses: nosograhy • scientic cssctin f dseses: nosoogy • preventin disese rohyacic • suy nd prctice f disese prevenin revenive ei cine • susnce deepn diy immuniy t disese: vaccine • test fr the pesence f disese screen • sudden tck f disese seizre • pce r time f istin fr n cmers thugh t crry infecius diseses • rein qaranine
sed I di stregth after a dsease's cure convaesce • perso wth a obsesse fear of dsease: hyochondriac • sucde of a ctm of a curable dsease, usg lethal drugs suppled by a doc tor for ths purpose: assised sicide dsesed • cbi i fr oc (.g neuotc) senngle • dsetagle by careful combg or uottg: ease o sgrce pulc dsgrace: ignoiny, oloqy orori .mar of dsgrace siga dsh • shalow stemmed dsh: coe . large coered dsh for serg soup reen smal heatproof dsh or casserle: cocoe dishnes • craly dshost: liery • dshoest perso roge dshoest acttes: scondrel
gra sleaze, skldggery dsnfecn dsfecto by gases figaion disnegri . c fr lysis • destructo of cells or tssues by ther ow ezymes: aolysis slke . perso or thg partculay dsled: anahea, e noire, e hate dsmss . dsmss wth dshoour from the armed forces: cashier • dsmss from a ob: erinae eloyen soey • opely dsbey o deat dsobedece insordiaion ctemet to dsobey those uthorty: sediion sorer . olet dsrder: ay he ply .freestdg supermaret dsplay: gonola . dsplay ta for uderwater lfe aqari dsplay ta for udersea fe oceaari . speaer's large pa o f paper i char splay ostetatusly a sefdramatzg hisrioic
.protracted ad comple dspute wrangle • cofrotato to resole a dspute showdown dsrspec . dsrespectfu to rel go: iios . rudely dsrespectful: insoen . dsrespectfu og: ev-
iy dsslun • ci fr lysis (g ialyss) . able to be dssoled: solle snce . ci fr ao, e(e) (.g televson) stace roud somethg: circerence • dstace oe ca see eyesho visiiliy . pot where a orbtg obect s furthest from the earth: aogee
pot where a orbtg obect s furthest from the moo aolne • -
strumet masurg mls rald
iloeer dsn dstat perso r thg: olier . far dstat spot: lia Thle .aleged abty to moe ds tat obects elkinesis disinci . subt dstcto ni cey, nance .oersubtle dstc to: hairsiing qie dsuse temporary dsuse aeyance dch • dtch dug for battleeld sheltr rench • tch roud a cast etc oa hdde dtch separatg gardes frm parlad haha dver . der's waterproof rubber sut drysi der's permeable rub ber sut: wesi der o usg a rubbr sut kin diver • dr's compressedar apparatus: sca, aqalng ders drowsy sate from breathg ar ude pressure: irogen narcosis er's eclose essel for deepsea obseratos: ahyscah der's ahyshere arle opebottomed chamber: div i el . der's sgal rope: lieline
reducto of ambet pressue whe a der returs to the surace ecessio .room for
ve octo
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
this decoression chaber paiful coitio suffr by a ivr aftr su ructio of ambit prssur he bends, caisson dis
ease, decopression sickness :ve • cbii : sec (eg
• •
ssect) ti to ivi or b iv i issiaros ivi ito two bisec ivi ito mutuay hostil uits Balkanize
. cbi i : schizo(g schizphenia)
• cbii vnan ancy (eg habmancy) . Roma ocial itrprti oms agr, harse � see ls orneellng . cbii chiz(o) raical ivisio dichooy • iv isio ito opposi actos olariza ion schis vre • oti a form of ivorc
rquiri o apportiomt of blam noal spous iitiati a ivorc actio alican spous aaist whom a vorc actio is brouht resonden prso cit i a ivorc actio as havi committ aultry with th partr bi su coresonden court's provisioal ivorc ruli decree nisi court's al ivorc ruli decree absole ivorc prso� divorcee par tal rihts of ivorcs csody acial suport to b iv by a for mr spous aftr ivorc ainen ance stat acy forci chil maitac paymts Child Sor Agency court orr abli spouss to rmai marri but liv apart dicial searaion legal se-
• •
araion ness • causi izziss veriginos oc that ca b mpt of watr dry dock • submaris covr oc en • oc worr sevedre
• cbii iaro• octor i char of halth srvics edical oicer • octor who am aasthtics istrs anaeshes • octor spcializi i chilbirth obsterician • octor coctrai o aosis a micatio hysician • family octor genera raciioner • octor quai to prform opr aios srgeon • octor trati
amals ve veerinary srgeon .juior hospital octor hose oicer hosean hospital octor as sisti a cosultat regisrar .hos pital octor rcv spcialst traii senor regisrar octor i char of a particular brach of mi ci at a hospital conslan • roup of hospital octors ir octor visit his patits by pla ying docor octor tmporarly rplaci aothr loc prso with som mical traii, but ot fuly quali araedic uquali octor quak, eiri ia or Muslim traitioal octor hak prso bliv by som popls to hav maical hali powrs edi-
cine an, shaan, wich docor
• octor's
room for si patits octor's our of conslng roo bri patits rond ral practitior's cosulti rooms srgery ral practitior's clit bas racice . this ru by svral octors gro racice cosulti rooms of a roup practic health cen re ral practitior cotroi his ow but ndhoder .ara list of octors tai NHS patits anel octor's oNHS clits rsourcs avail rivae racice abl to a octor araenari octor's vic for hari th chst oras sehoscoe octor's vc for si isi th ar ariscoe, ooscoe octor's vic for ispct th rtia ohhalooctor's small hammr for scoe
t I d testng relexes lexor, lessor . sheld aganst Xrays orn by dotors et: aron • projets undetaken by a dotor: caseoad • dotor's ablty to put patents at ther ease bedside anner . dotor's as sessment of symptoms or treatment oinion • doto's seekng of a spe alst's opnon: reerra • doto's order fo a medne to be made or ssued: rescriion • dotor's negl gene or dshonesty: aracice • oath (formerly) taken by tanee doc tors: Hiocraic oah . ome to a dotor fo treatment resen • vst to a doto consaion • arhve doument ocument nien • handwrtten doument: anuscr • document rtten entrely by ts author hoograh • doument sgned by ts author: ao standard doument: ro grah ora • doument on the World Wde Web web age • entty douments aers . document ontan ng a sorn statement: aidavi . legal doumnt insren • legal doument authorzng entry nd seah of premses: search warran • fomal delvery of a legal doument service • mutual dslosure of douments by partes to a lasut discov ery • legal doument eordng own deed, ershp or a ontrat eorand • appendx to a lega doument: schede .deed sged by one person only: deed ol .legal doument dsposng of one's asses after death: wil • doument promsng payment: bond, roissory noe • doument orderng payment dra • doument aknoedgng payment rece • doument enttlng the holder to speed goods or ser ves warran • douent provng entty or qualatons credenials • ban douent underrtng spe ed loans o aother ban to be taen out by the bearer leer o cred
. doument shong onershp of a property: ile deed . summay of ths absrac o e • doument re odng the transfer of onershp of a poperty: conveyance, gran • dou : ment reordng the avng of a rght i or lam waiver . doument eodI ng hours orked ie shee . dou ment shong a vehle's onershp: regisraion docen, log book • doument gvng the detas of an nsurane ontat: oicy • doument listng transations on a nanial count: saeen • state doument permttng foregn travel: assor • doument ensurng safe travel ove a speed area sae condc doument authorzng speed polie actvty warran • ocal state ment of ause, date, and plae of death deah ceriicae doument used to supply evdene sorce • denotng a doument hose onershp an be hanged: negoiabe . subdary part of a oument kept by ts ssuer: coneoil • thnpaper opy of a doument isy . draft a doument draw , ake o . daft or amendment to a dplomat doument rooco • produe a egal doument n ts nal fom: enross • ext odng of a doument: enor .presentaton of a doument for onsd eraton sbission . doument a ompanyng a letter: enclosre . set of douments on a partula top dosser • addtonal statement on a doumet, modfyng ts effect: en dorseen . pee of stamped ax et authentatng a douent sea • doument's abbrevated ttle shor le • abbrevted verson of a doument recis sary • plae an ofal douent on reord ener, le • obsure language of ofal douents ocialese . work nvolvng douents aeork . ounterfet a douent ore • eletron transfer o douments ax
oe oo
oer cbi ifrs ee (eg ab sentee), eer (eg auctinee) en (eg apeient), er (eg wite) ee (eg athlete) is (eg plaiaist) or eg act) ress (eg actess), ri (eg eecuti)
cbii fr cyno (eg cynpdus) djective canine fe ale d ich ale d dog yun d: , y ie bith t ds: whel 0 sal t d ladog 0 d in r cnditin r hwin aessin: cr d f un certain breed: ongrel ae lice d Alsaian, Geran sheherd dog huntin d: hond heay hunt in d: loodh on d, asi 0 sall hund used t hunt hare : eagle set f huns ack 0 ersn in chare f this: aer d tained t lead the blind gide dog d trained t assist the deaf: hearing dog d trained t stand riid when scentin ae: oiner, seer d trained t fetch sht ae reriever, gn dog 0 d fey tained t rescue snwbund traelers: S Bernard 0 cetitin f etieers eld rial 0 acin d greyhond, whie wllike rth Aerican wild d: coyoe 0 Arctic slede d: hsky 0 Asian stray nrel ye dog 0 Austalia wild d dingo Russian wlund orzoi Sct tish sheed: collie 0 cetitin fr sheeds: rials ery sall lareeyed d: chihaha ln d ith shrt les dachshnd o are blackandta d: Doerann ins cher 0 frnt art f a ds face: zzle 0 ds inner eyelid: haw 0 eect ile hairs aln a d's back: hackles kind f feer sufered by ds: diseer 0 inaatin f a d's ea canker ds disease causin ad ess and death raies 0 ds sense f sel nose 0 sta estainin a d: lead leash 0 chain cntrllin a d by neck ressure: choke chain
uard reentin a d bitin: zze et a d ff the leash sli ds sal shete kennel 0 esn in chare f trained ds: dog handIer details f a ds reius c etitie achieeents: or 0 estab ishent fr bardin breedn ds: kennels oin cbii fr en (eg apeent) o 0 s back dll with fuy hair
golliwog omain
cbii f do (g fiefdm) ome 0 sal de: coa inted de, bulin in the iddle: onion doe 0 de sufaced by any sal trianles geodesic doe wall surtin a de: dr, aor crne surt fr a de: sqinch dentin a de cstructed fr struts fllwin he shtest rute beteen tw ints n a shere: geodesic ominane litica dinance:
hegeony one 0 sethin dne and unalter able: ai accoli onke 0 ale dnkey: ackass feale dnkey enny ffsrin f a ale dnkey and feale hse: le ffsrin f a ale hrse and feale dnkey: hinny oor 0 laed utside dr : rech window dentin a dr linkin tw rs: inerconcaing access anel in a lr r ceilin: radoo hle in a dr: das syhole 0 aned slats n a dr lovres 0 fldin sectin f a dr: lea 0 sin bad at the ft f an utside dr weaheroard 0 handle etc n a d door rnire 0 na ental drlate fr the ners: ingerlae 0 d catch: lach, si sltted etal ate as drfastenin has 0 stri sealin a dr's edes aainst drauhts etc weahersri
a I drawing upport acro th top of a door li
e door' idpot a la at th foot of a door sill, hreshold
• a' id urfac d a indo reveal
angd ral erasure • hay ojt to p a door opn doorso • atndant at th main door of a pulic uilding orer, concierge • go canaing or lling from door to door doorse oor a inid fac of a door jam scucheo plat t into a door am to rci h olt or loc hn clod riker lae oor n • doorman at an hotl or thatr coissionaire doorman at a loc of lat cocerge • door man at a colg or larg pulic uilding orer ole • cb frs di (eg basic) dilo, zygo (eg zyotc) • dou iion diloia o • dough of durum hat and atr asa or dough kead • utan addd to dough to ma it ri leaven, yeas • com aatd y th lan ove, rise • dnoting dough that i hay through haing faild to ri sad • frmnting dough l or from a priou a ing sourdough ownwas . cb frs caa (eg cataromous) de (e.g escen) a • rt draft rough, rough
coy n manhol for drain claranc iscio chaer .i d ith drain hardcor soakaway through lach ne drainag ditch dyk
drnd y a paricuar rir
tc ch drama andoning rim o mphiz t iraionaliy of man f hea o he d drama xpoig uman aiour
04 in xtrm condition heare o cruely � see ls lay
rmo an opponnt' thrning pic hu
• cb fr grahy • djecte photoapy) • daing of thing actually
rawin (eg
for th artit lie drawig atirical draing caricaure, caroo • draing hoing xact dtail and ca echnica drawig draing hoig ough dtail to v a an inruction workig drawing • draing of a mchanim hoing it part a paratd y an xploion eloded view • daing of a mchanim ith part of it caing rmod to ho inr oring cu away • draing of an imagind ic tan through a uilding mchanim tc secio, cross secio • draing of a tical apc of a uildin elevaion draing of a loor layou of a uilding la • xprt in tchdaing nical draughsan • raingad art grahic ars • ytm of draing to ho dpth ers ecive • prpcti ytm uing thr ax 120 apart isoeric syse • ytm uing lin conrging at th horizon liear ersec ive • draing of a thrdimniona oct sereogra • prlinary rion of a draing dra, rough, skech draing mad antminddly doodle draing don for a pulication arwork, grahics lin indicating an ojct gnral hap oulie had an ara ith clo paral lin hach hatching don in to dirction cross hachig • had an ara y many mall dot sile • t rrnaion of light and had i a drang chiaroscuro • dnoting draing mad in ight of th itm dpicd li dnoting a draing don iou intrumnt reehad inrumn for draing arc co
u g duty suressor • ug a sarpens e senses: suan . rug smuang sexu esre: ahrodisiac • ug nucng seep sedae ug reu cng enson or axey: sedaie, ranquiizer • ug ncrasng unaon: diurec . rug ecreasng urnaon: anidiureic .drug nucng vomng: eeic • drug prevenng vomng: anieeic • suy of meca
an er acon: haracoogy • enog a ceaper unbrane form o a propreary rug generc • pace were mecna rugs are spense: haracy • oc s o meca rugs, w nsrucons for preparaon an os ages pharacooeia • soporc or mooangng u narcoc enotng a rug proucng aucnaons: sychedeic, haucinogenic • rug aecng e users mena sae: sychoroic .denong an eg or adcve rug dangerous • enong a srong a acve rug hard enong a ug no key o cause acon so • enotng a asonabe artc ug: desgner . enong a drug a ffects a persons men sae sychoroi • ug producng musce conracons: conusan • rugnuce supor narcosis • ormona ug use by ahees o mprove performance: seroid • njec a rug recy • ugno a ven ainline mpregnae maer aaced o te skn or graua aborpton: ach . soven wose fumes are nhed by drug abusers inhalan • nhaon o aesve fumes: gluesniing • se e drugs eddle • perso dong s: eddler .eg resrcon o use or possesson of a drug: conrol • dmuon of body response to a dug w coued use oerance • naby o do whou a drug: addicon, deendency • pro gressve deprvaon of addcve
06 ugs: wihdrawa • suen an compee eprvaon o acve rugs cod urkey • ear e boy f ru resues deoiy • errorsm assocae e rugs rae narcoer-
roris drum • bowsape pce rum keedru, ani I only) • rum
w resonang srngs across s unerse: snare dru .rum n a Lan Amercan ban: bongo .jazz um bean w e ans oo Inan rum aba umke nsrumen w oose ss n e ses: abourne .n sck w wre brses use on ums: brush drunk • sgy runk: isy .person wo s frequeny runk: aco-
hoc , dr unkard dry . cbii fr ero . ry compeey by eang: arch • ry foo o preserve : dessicae • enong pans or anms aaped o a very dr envronmen: erohious duk .femae uck duck • male uck drake • young uck duckling duel • uess enant: second duke • djective duca • due wo s so a roya prnce roya duke . ukes wfe or wow: duchess • ukes errory duchy dumm joned ummy use by arss: ay igure .oned ummy use by artss an o eac anaomy
ankin . cbii fr coro dung ungeang: corohagous • ung o sebrs so as a ferer guano Dut • Duc mayor burgoaser
• ece of and recame from the sea:
older dut . djective deonic • mora or eg duy obigaion • fen of duy obserance • aure o perfor a uy dereicion beyon e ca o duy suererogaory • suy o duy deonology .avod ones
dw I dymo
07 duty: shik
from a duty exep, exnerae .fr from obga tons: flse dwarf pant or tr as cut atd n Japan: nsai dwng of monks or nuns aey, nasery nunnery riry makshift dwng iv-
uac, shack, shany e . rd food dy
dy: saffr dy ndcatng acdty or akainty lius dnotng a dy that dos no run or fad fas d notng a dy not affctd by ght: lighfas mak a dy prmannt: fix dyng mthod usng wax to kp th dy from som parts of th matr a: aik
ynamo cchineal
food coourng and
dynamo gnratng an a
trnatng currnt alernar . rotat ng coi n a dynamo: araure
•••••••••••••••u •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ea oter • djectes utual, recipcal eae • djectie auili . oug gl eaglt • gl t eyre ear . cbi i fs au, t( • djecties aural, auricular • mmto of th r titis • xtr tuctur of th r auricle, pia
• lor lhy rt o f th xtr r le • tub ldg to th rdrum
uter ear . mmbr of th mddl r eadru • tructur of th ir r layith • inmmto of th layrithitis • rl tub h r r cchlea • rogrv
d du to bo groth i th r tscesis . urgcl og md th nr r to rlv df feestrati • rgig or buzz g th r tiitus • tudy of th r d t d tlgy • tudy of d of th r d throt t layglgy . tudy d trtmt of d of th r, o d throt trhilayglgy boxr d formd r cauliflwe ea . droo g r o iml lp es • ltc urgry o th r tplasty . for to r iaura • doctor dvc for ig d th r auiscp, tscp . drg tub th rdrum get rg or rcd r to rvt t clong sp earnn forcd rymt of dbt from g gaish a tche aigs .ccountg trm for rig gid from rvc ndutr ivisi eart cb f g .d jecties terrstria, trr • outr rt of th rth cus dot
th rth crut tectic • ir rt of th rth atle • mot rt th rth ce • rgio of th rth crut d tmohr hbtd by lvg orgm i sphee • th rgrdd cologcly ecsphre • tudy of th arths t mohr clmt d hr e telgy • thc rt of th crut, formg mjor d m ctie tal cust • thi rt of th crut b th oc bi ceaic cust .rgd crut cto plate . qub rum of th crut isstasy • hot l qud bth th rth crut aga • mjor movmt of th rth crut cvulsi tudy f th rth crut tctics • thory of crutl tructur plate ectics • rgd outr cg o f th rth lith sphee • d tror of th rth aysphee, cre • uod or gil gl cotit Pagaa . uod ubqut lad m th outhr hmhr Gdwaa suosd subsqut d mss i th orthr hmh Laurasia • hlf of th rth heisphere • im gid ccl joig th rth ol lgitude, eidia • mgid crcl roud th rth quidtt from t ol euat • mgid l rll to th qutor atitud, aall rg of logtud usg commo tim tie ze .ogtud oot to tht of Grch t hch th dt chg Dat Lie, Iatil t Lie .hot zo cntrd o th qutor trid ze pics .modrt zo orth d outh of th tpate ze • cold zon bout thr of th ol figid z nrl hycl tudy of th
eh movg I eclpse
09 earth ad its atmosphere: eath scence chemical study of the earth: gecheisty study of the surface of the earth: gephlgy . study o the tructure of the earth: gelgy physics of the earth: gephyscs mathematics of the shape of the earth: geesy regio roud the earth govered by its ow magetic eld: agnetsphee study of the earth's magetism geagneics deotig the earth's atural heat: gethea deotig a astroomical system cetred o the earth: gecentc beyod the earth: extate-
estal � see s wl t moin . powerful tractor pushig a broad blade: ulldze
grou: gad
earthquae: te .mior earthquae precedig the mai shoc: feshck mior earthqua followig the mai shoc afteshck tremor o th moo's surface: nuake startig poit of a earthquae: fcus surface poit directly above a earthquae's cetre: epicente . scale for earthquae itesities: Richte scale istrumet recordig ad measurig earthquae seisgaph seisete record made by this: sesga exceptioally large ocea wave caused by a earthqae or volcao: tidal wave tsuna stdy of earth quaes: seis gy
t ective iental t Ai djective iental E djectve paschal Friday before Easter: Gd iday Sat urday before Easter Hly Stuay Suday ter Easter: Lw Sunday easy to do: plan salng mae easy: faclitate
t . eat i sma amouts: nile
a aimal) eat highgrowig vegetatio wse (of a aimal) eat grass gaze t to eat: eile ut to eat ineile become ut to eat: spl pathological refusal to eat due to a desire to lose weight: an-
exia nevsa in cbi frs phagus phagy us eatig a foods: nvus eatig a ot vacius eati corpses: necphagus eatig dug: cpphgu sheatg: pscivus eatig grasses ad cereals: gainivus isecteatig: insectvus meateatig: canivus uteatig nucvus plateatig heivus eatig wood: xylphagus eatig o meat or sh: vegetaian . eatig o aimal lesh or products: vegan eatig oly fruit: uaa . perso or ai mal feedig o its ow species: cnnal psychologicay iduced refusal to eat: anea nevsa psycho ogically iduced desire to overeat: uliia nevsa substace added to plas or foud aturay i them discouragig aimas or microorgaisms from eati them:
antifeedan nti
eccetric perso: cank
eccetric miority lu natc fi nge o djectve echic record of water depth made by relected soud: echga locatio of objecs by reected soud echlcatin echo free anechic
djective ecliptic deot-
ig a eclpse obscurig the whole disc: ttal • deotig a eclipse ob scurig o more tha part of the disc patial .deotig a total eclpse i which the edges of the eclipsed body remai visible annula area shaded by a total eclipse ua
shadd a par ecse:
peua eol . cbii fr ec-
preserva of he aura evro-
e csevat deerae deruco of he aura evroe eccde croppg u hor of oge depeo: au sustaale yield . deog pracce ha do o perael par he eco ogca aace sustaale o ogcal cou regrded as ecologcal selfsuce: ecsyste uer of persos ad aas a rego ca suppor whou evroea degradao: cayg capacty produc laellg o dcae ecoogca soudes ecIaelg ours eded o creae ecoogca awareess ectus saoage coed for ecoogca reasos ectage voece jued ecoogca cocers
ectes eonom
sse whch ll aor facors are ceral coroled: cad ecy a-
aged ecy plaed ecy
sse ed free oper ao of arke forces: feeetepse
syste cy, feeaket supplyside ecy freearke
ecooc sse wh sae provso fo hose uae o sel her aour: scal aket ecy .ecooc se where usesses are prvael owed: capitals pvate etepse .ecooc sse wch he ae corols produco ad he use of capa: tate captals .ecooc sse wh eas of produco sae or popuar owershp cllectv s scals ecooc sse wh sae coro of dusres ad serves cus state scal s deog a ecooc se coag a ace of he ove ed capas elee a xed ecoo: pvate sec
aecoroed eee a xed ecoo pulic sect dsrc for
whch speca ecooc provso s ade specal devepet aea dac ecoo Ea Asa tge ecy geeral ecooc facors aceccs ecoo sud of sge facors iceccs ope a ecoo o copeve radg: deplze ecooc e allowg urerced cope o fee etepse, fee aket . ecooc sse ax pors o proec hoe auacures ptectiis . ecooc se coro g pors ad he expor of capa sege ecy governe ecooc poc of oerveo lassezfae ecooc pa: udet ecooc pa whch coe equas expedure alaced udget excess of expees over coe defct ecooc coro va he oe supp etais acg of govere expedure orrowg deficit facig govere expedure hus aced defict spedig geera reduco prces deflat perceved eed fo a cood dead deog a ecoo govered cosuer dead deadled .deog a ecoo suferg deaded ao eheated crese ecooc acv epas ecvey perod of rpd ecooc growh deog a ecoo uke o expad fuher: atue hghes eve of ecooc acv peak epoa dece ecooc acv: ecess sharp ad prooged dece ecooc acv slup . severe ad prooged decrease of ecooc acv: depess ow evel of econoc acv tugh regulr aerao of oo ad slup usess cycle tade cycle geera crease prces wh a decease he purchasg
cetcate o f compete stuies dip-
l eel oung ee eve ee spt an cooke spitchcck effet mutua effect interpy rect effect knckn efiien anass of wokpace efcenc: pertin reserch -
cease ecienc b subivsion of tasks dvisin f ur smoot ecient: sck esgne fo efien rater tan appeaance ut-
trin effort equiing muc effot: rus make geat eot strve, strugge e cbi i frs vfrog o sh eggs spwn eggshap vifr, vid poucing oung b means of eggs vprus se of eggs: cutch st on eggs d (of oung) emege fom an egg htch keep eggs wam fo atcg ncute artca ontoe hatching environment: htchery stu an coecting of birs eggs: gy ecen atche anma htchng enoting an egg boe so that the ok is : hrded enoting an egg boie so hat the ok is unn sed sh of fie beaten eggs eette
ight ish of stf beaten eg g whies: suff Chinese egg s test eggs fo feshness f yng simme an egg: cdde cnde aboe egg fe n sausage meat Sctch egg
esape djectives vl, vte, vid Eptian ancient Egpian e: Phrh teitoia ivision of ancient Egpt: ne ancient Egptian tempe gatewa py ancien Egptan ictuewritg: hieglyhs ova paque fo ieogphs: crtuche ancient Egptan
pest scpt usng smpe heogphs hiertc ancent Egptan scipt use b the ait a smpe fom of heatic detic ancient Egptian go of the ea: Osirs ancient Egptan embame copse: uy ancent Egtian nea un: npc r, npc vse an cent Egptan goess of fetit ancent Egptan go of Iss mummicaton: Anuis ancient Egptan go of the sk Hrus anien Egptian sungo: Aun ancient Egptan tomb: st ancent Egptian beeeshape gem: scr stu o f ancent Egptan cutue: gyptgy fome vceo of Egpt: Khedive Egptan peasan felh fin) Egp tan boat feucc hot Egptian win: khsin Egptian irgaton evce of a bucket on a poe: shdf
eghtsie gure: ctgn enoting et parts ctupe one of egt offspng bon at a brt: ctuplet ensembe of eight muscians, o musc fo tem: ctet
eit peson n hs o he eght es: ctgenrn elaorae petentous eaboate grndise elow po with e ebow: nudge inammation of ebow tenon tennis e w eletion ectives eectve, eect r eection campagn: hustngs eecton fo a consttuences gener eectin eecton fo one constituenc yeectin enotng a constituenc won b a sma majoit: rgin enotng a consttuenc won b a age majot sfe manipation of constituenc bounaies gerryndeng enotng an eection won b a simpe majot: first pst the st . eection sstem
3 istibuting seats popotionatey to each pay's nationa shae of the po: prprtna representatn peson seeking eecton: canddate popse or ente a caniate: nnate ist of caniates: sate ea set of eection caniates: drea tcket pat of a county o boough etuning a singe paiamentay canate dvsn, cnsttuency aea fo oca eection puposes: ward money pai in by an eecton caniae: depst efuse onstituency suppot to one's pevi ous caniate: deseect soicit votes at an eection: canvass, eectneer . potician's mobie heaquates fo use in eection campagns: attleus eecton meeting: ustngs ocia conuctng an eection: returnng ffcer .peson supevising the conuct of an eec tion: scrutneer . ofcia announce ment of an eection esut: eclaratn stuy of voting at eections: psep-
gy se s te eletriit bii r eectr (e g electlate) eecticity suppy: pwer make eecicty: generate . evice conveting mechanica enegy nto eecticity: dyna, generatr eectic geneato using pemanent magnets agnet eectica conucto oun oun a magnet: wndng . enotng eecticity geneate by ate poe: ydrelectrc eectic chage geneae by ficion: treectrcty stationay eec chage pouce by fcton: statc electrcty eectic potentia pouce by mechanica stess: peelectrcty poucing eecticity by tempeatue iffeences: terelectrc evce conveting soa aation nto eecticity: sar attery, sar cell . ece conveting quaniave physica changes ino an eectic signa, o vice vesa transducer . eice stong an eectic
electcty I electcty chage: capactr, cndenser na tiona eecticity suppy netok: grd, natnal grd ta suppot fo gi cabes pyln peson epaing eectic poe ines: nesan equipment eucing gi voages to omestic eves: sustatn .appa atus changng atenatingcuent votages: transfrer suen incease in votage o cuent: surge eectic suppy faiue: ackut, utage nteupton of eectcity suppy o peven geneao oveoa ladseddng . teminate an eectic suppy: cut compete cose path fo eecic cuent: crcut .effect of a suen eecica ischage upon a peson o anima: electrc sok, oc eeri shoks aministee to teat menta iness: eectrcnvulsve terapy ightsensitive eectic ce: electrc eye, pteectrc ce iffeence in potentia causing an eectic cuent: eectrtve frce substance tansmitting eecticity: cnductr substance that oes not tansmit eecticity: nsulatr .evice suppessing unante eectica aves: flter o of eectcty: current maximum eectc poe eman: peak ad eecica conac se against a moving pat: rus evice ith pins making an eectca singeponge connection: plug eectic pug: ack plug . evice eceiving an eectic pug: scket evice mkng o eakng an eei circuit: swtc a pate aroun an eectic sitch: escutcen stch contoing a hoe system: aster swtc set of eectica stches: gang . stch opeate by a spung eve: tuer . sihes n fuse boxes hee the eectica suppy entes a ouse: cnsuer unt spung eeic onneon ip: crcdle cp evice varying an eectc ight's bightness der
u I eleo daa
• lctcal applancs sch as tlvsons an h: rwn gds • lc-
tcal applancs sch as fgatos an washng machns: whte gds
eei iui
• lctc
svng sval pow ponts: rng crcut rng an . nong an ntpt lctc cct: pen • complt an lctc cct: clse .w s to o ths: juper • connct o sconnct an lctca cct: trp • concto b whch lctct nts or leavs an objct eectrde .tem poa lctcal conncton: patch • boa wth socts fo ths: pathard • nwant lccal conncton catng a fals cct shrt crcut • aal shot cct btwn two xpos conctos: flashver • ccts sstanc to altnatng cnt: pedance .notng ccts tc_ whch th cnt nts n tn: n seres . notng ccts tc_ whch th cnt nts sm tanosl: n parallel • thn w brang an ovloa lctc c ct: fuse
• complt clos path fo lctc cnt: crcut • f-
eei uen
fnc n potntal casng an ctc cnt: electrtve frce • sn ncas n lctc cnt: surge • notng an lctc cnt havng fqnt an gla vss of cton: alternatng • notng an lctc cnt owng n on cton: drect • appaats convtng ct nto altnatng cnt nverter • appaats convtng alnatng nto ct cnt: rectfer • nstmnt contolng an lctc cnt b vang th sstanc rhestat nstmnts masng lctc cnts: aeter galvaneer maxmm cnt tan b a vc ladng • chang an at natng cnt to ct: cutate • lcto vc s to gnat lctc cnt cell • vc cttng
off an lctc cnt: crcutreaker • g to whch a sbstanc opposs th passag of an lctc cnt: ressance • mscl o nv stmlaon b lctc cnt: electrtherapy • chmcal composton b lctc cnt: electryss
eei ig
• thn
w gvng lght n an lctc lght blb: flaent • gls contan fo an ctc lght lmnt envelpe • lctc lght blb wth tanslcnt glass: pearl ul • lctc lght ttng wth two smal pojctng pns: aynet fttng • vc cvng an lctc lght ttng: scket
• lctc w: eeti wie cale lead .longstanc lctc cabl transssn lne • natonal ntwo of ths: grd • lctc w povng hat: eleent • lctc w povng lght: flaent • lctc w nnng to th gon: eath • ctng fo lctc cabl: sha • towrl
stct cang cbls abov th gon: pyln
eeoe • postvl chag lcto ande • ngatvly chag lcto: cathde • cto vc s to gnat lctc cnt: cell eeoni aa • lctonc ata gathng: data capture • notng
ata n a fom a compt can pocss: achnereadale • basc ata nt: wrd • ntfng chaact appn to a ata tm: tag • pat of a compt co alocat to a patcl t tm feld connct st of ata ts: recrd • ata sto n a patcla nam: fle • gop of cos pocss togth: atch • l ntfng a co: key • atas consstnc an fom fom copton: ntegrty .vc s plang ata on a scn: vsual dsplay unt • ata shown on a compt scn: dspay • scton of
elecoc d I elecoc d
strd data dsplayabl scr at tm page stady rllg up r dw thrugh dsplayd data scrll ig prtut f cmputr data hardcy . scr dsplay f data s cpy lctrc data srtg data prcessig prat data by mas f a prgram prcess dd structur fr data prcssg strag, r dsplay frat .cmputr part strg data ey at pat fr data strag disk cy data t a strag lcato save cpy r trasfr data read trasfr data t th mmry lad, write sd data t a trmdat str sp cmpact data fr strag cpress mmdat accss t th daa sught drect access accss t data rqurg l radthrugh se uetia access tm ta t d strd data seek te dscry f a sught data tm hit rxprss data fr us wth a drt prgram r systm cvert hrarchc arragmt f data estig cpy data t a scd lcat ackup, dup . duplcat strag f data irrrig cpy data frm cmputr systm t athr dwlad rasfr data t a largr cmputr systm upad bta lctrc data itergate, retrieve .structurd data hld a cmputr dataase . crpus f data frmd frm sral databass dataak cmpay' maagmt databas data waehuse cratg w databass frm xstg databas matral data iig atabas structrd t rcg rlats btw strd tms relatial dataase .rstr a datbas t ts rus stat rllack brwsr prgram acssg a larg databas avigatr strag dc allwg data accss fr ay aalabl ds jukex dtg data fr accss uprtected rstrct accss t data prtect ga
uauthrzd accss t data hack dstry data a cmputr's mmry delete, erase cacl a dl udelete .dstry data by trg w data ts plac verite pr t ths writeprtect small data lss du t ds law droput . ma data aalabl t sral usrs smultausly ulticast . data path btw cmputr cmpts us hg spd data cct lcal ruls fr lctrc us trasms of data btw dcs prtc . stadard sgals rglatg data trasfr hadshakg .d tg th trasfr f data as a sgl squc f bts seral ctuus w f data strea dtg systms prcssg data as t s gratd realte sgl sca thrugh a st f data pass blck f data trasmttd acrss a twr packet sparat data t such uts packetize md f data trasms s by pacts packet switchig ruls grg lctrc trasmss f data prtcl ttal f th dgts a tm f lctrc data checksu altr data t mm strag spac cpress rstr such data t a machradabl stat decpress dotg data cm prss scardg sstal frmat lssy . mcrchp cmprssg ad dcmprssg data c dec data l allwg smutaus updats ht lik .lgdstac trasmss f cmputrd frmat teleatics study f lctrc data prcssg fr storag ad rtral ifrati sciece, ifr-
rrrs t a prgram r databas crrupt rrr r fault causg lss f data had errr pc f cmputr cd that ca cr rupt r dstry data virus lgal ctrls r us f lctrc data
data prtecti
n i l I eoto eleri mail .pcessng elec trnc ma: essaging • abusve electncmal message flae eleri .electrnc avatn equpment: avinics • electrnc cr
cut frmed n a smal pece f sem cnductng materal: integrated circuit . ntegrated crcut cntanng al the functns f a cmputers cen tral prcessng unt: icrprcessr • electrnc keybard able t prduce many drent types f ptched sund: syntheszer . electronc devce at tached fr mntng purpses: tag • electrnc remte cntrl f ma chnes: teleperatin • estre an electnc sgnal t ntellgble frm: descrae • semcnductr used n electncs transistr • dentng technlgy based n sld semc ductrs slidstate • mnr prnted crcut bard daughterard .sem cnductng war n an ntegrated crut: chip, icrchip .dentng an electrn emtted at hgh temperatures: therinic • technlgy cm bnng electrncs and mechancs:
echatrnics elegane . styls elegance chic • veelabate elegance: chichi . smple an d elegant: clean .slm and elegant svelte • elegant bdy mvements: deprtent elemen • chemcal element pres-
ent r requred n mnute amunts: trace eleent . radactve frm f an element: istpe, radiistpe • smallest partcle f a cecal element that can partcpate n chemcal reactns: at • table f the chem cal elements arranged by atmc number: peridic tale • vertcal cl umn n hs: grup • hrzntal rw n ths: perid
• yung
• adjective:
elephant: calf • prehstrc elepant ath . savage ele phant lvng apart frm the herd: rgue elephant • frenzed state f
6 ruttng male elephants: ust • ele phants lng prjectng tth: tusk . elephant drver ahut .seat n elephants back: hwdah
• combining form
hendeca • elevensded gure: hendecagn, undecagn . verse f eleven syl lables hendecasyllale elf • elf sad t d husewrk: rwie • elf n Irsh flklre lepre chaun . elf n German flklre k ld elm • fungal dsease f elm trees: utch el disease emarra • embarrassment at nes appearance r actns: selfcnsciusness • embarrassng re mark act: tise, faux pas, gaf • avdng embarrassment: discreet emlem . eltc threelegged em blem: triskelin • Naz emblem: swastika • cmpany emblem lg emrier .pece f embrdery dne as a specmen f skll: sapler
. rnamental embrdery wth draw ng ut f threads: drawnthreadwrk .embrdery wt parts cut ut: cutwrk • embrdery wrked ver canvas: needepint . canvas embrdery f dagnal stches: petit pint . tn twsted embrodery yarn r the embrdery made wh t: crewel • small lp f twsted thread pict • embrdery sttch frmng X crssstitch • crcular fra hld ng embrdery taut: taur emro . membrane surroundng the embry: chrin • utermst layer f embrync tssue ectder • nnerst layer f embrync ts sue: endder . testtube develp ment f embrys: ectgenesis emigrai • emgraton of ntelec tuals rain drain • emgrants frm a partcular natn: diaspra emio • vlent emtna attack hysteria, parxys .feelng em tn: passile, sentiental • shw
epeo I eough
7 ing no eotion: ipassiv sel eotiona shock: cnrlld raua eotiona tension: sress eotiona reease in response to a oving work of art caharsis attri btion of han eotions to anias and things: pahic allacy
aectve iprial .e peror of Gerany Kaisr eperor
of Japan: Mikad .eperor of Rs sia Tsar
epie . adectve ipria eploee epoyee's iproper behavior: iscnduc .ist of e poyees and their wages: payrll
lgy tie o f jdgeent hen dsday ene adectve: iniica per son vontariy assisting eney occu pying forces: cllarar uisling
eneg tiny discrete aont of en ergy: uanu (l quanta) .energy derived fro renewabe nonnclear sorces: alrnaiv nrgy .energy derived fro oveent: kineic enrgy eisson of energy as electro agnetic waves or oving partces:
radiain enggeent .an engaged o be arried: fanc .woan engaged to teporary or peranent discharge be arried ianc of workers lay rate at which enginee enineer desining and eployees leave and are repace bing roads etc: civil enginer urnv . oss of epoyees de to resignation and retireent naura Englih cmbnng frm Angl Engishspeaking: anglphn wasag wasag eploent short experience o enging adectve: glypic .en graving sing a waxed plate ching eployent arranged fo r schoo crgraphy etching techniqe eavers: wrk princ ot of e sing resin and varnish to prodce poyent: unwagd shaded areas: auain . engraving ept eptheaded: vacan withot acid: dry pin engraving vacuus by incised ines: in ngravng en enel decorative enae inlay: graving effect achieved by any sal chaplv decorative enaels sep dots: sipp engraved or incised arated by wire: clisnn design: inagli engraving fro a pate pary roghened and partly enloe encosre for keeping sooth in engrave a de birds: aviary trackside encosre sign on eta chas steel enrav where copetitors asseble: pad ing tool urin art of ge engrav dck ing: glypgraphy back copond en cmbnng frms: (u set in engraved eta: nil see ose eg teleloloy) acr (t eg als illusrain aconym) otcoe: dnu n disappointing end or ot enjo enjoy withot hrrying: savur coe: anilia .pt an end to: scch ring to a grada end enlge enarge by interna wind up ending point rnus ad stretching: disnd u elihtenent theologica er enle endlessly: ad ininiu in ddhis or indis nirvana
en of the wol
stdy of the end of the wod: scha
enogh suc . ore than enogh suprfluus
quiry ntril
deoig a pocess of e
qy codced by egaio apophai deoig a pcess of e qry codced by afmao
aaphai neml
of o pe formes, o he msc fo hem uo esemble o f hee pefomes, o he msic for hem rio esembe of fo pefomes, or he msic fo hem uare esemble of ve pe formes, o he msc fo hem uine esembe of s pefomes, he msic fo hem see esem ble f seve pefomes, or he msic for hem sepe esemble of egh peformers, o he msic for hem oe esembe of srmes of a sge ype hoir sma esemble payig eay msic onsor smal esemble payig popar msic oo, group arageme of a piece of msic fo esembe o oches al se orhesraion play seveal isrmes i a eseme oule
nte mpossibe o ee ipenerale ntetin vey famos ee aier egasar eeaier el g j okes oeian (fe cmedi
enne) deog a comedia eeraiig a lve adiece sanup mae eeaier impesoag a oma rag ueen eeraier isig his o he body onorionis eeraier demosaig skil i escapig esapologis ee aier pefomig eaboae gymas c feas aroa eeraie ak unaulis ig a ighrope eeraer passg a sod blade do his or her hoa sworswallower eeaie seemg o make his r her vice come fm a dmmy venrilouis mUa ho eeais i he sree usker msiia makg sakes say his or her es snake harer bske playig several smes
8 smaeosly onean an medeval sge insrel, roua our peformer i popa ee ame arise pefome i highbro eeraime aris par of eeaes orkig o gehe oule a
nttainmnt eeraime dsy show usiness ee
aie cossig of dfere kids f ac variey eeraime f sgg o a recoded accompaime karaoke eeame by akig oes cohes off sripease eer aime sig sod ad lighig effecs po a archiecal back grod son e luire gh he arca eeraime ih opcal sare revue poplar variey eer ame usi hall vaey ee aime ih opica saie revue 1 hearcal Chrismas sho pano ie comc eeame based o vgoos hoseplay slapsik miay eeraime ih dem sraios of skill aoo pblic eeame o socal aciviies available a igh nighlife eer ame ih o ems oule ill eeame ih a edcaioa ppose euainen infoainen
i q
ntiat ereme ehsias · fanai, onoania, ealo e hsias fo some acivy fanier foolishly ehsasic gungho vigoos ehsiasm verve, es simae ehsiasm oivae
war nti
lle ehsasm
cmining frms
pan (eg
ntit some frher specied e " y eriu ui ntail ake o erais ise owel, eviserae evsceae a dee gralloh evsceae a sh lean, gu evsceae a fol raw
evomet I essece
environment • combnng form ec • socal envronmen leu • envronmenally aware geen .n creased
envronmenal awareness geen vutn . wach for hreas o he envronmen dwatch • presence of harm susances n he envronmen plutn • an mas or pan's naral envronmen hatat • happenng n s naural en vronmen n viv sudy of he neracon of vng organsms and her envronmen ecgy .revers envronmenal ng damage
eedatn enzme . combnng forms y, ase • mxure of enzymes used n al coholc fermenaon yase epleps • adjectve epileptc • serous form of epepsy grand a . mnor form o f epepsy pet a • causng eplepsy epileptgenc • eplepc seure • voen movemens n epepc cnvulsns .person serng from e epsy epieptc • drug prevenng or moderang epepc s anticnvusant epo .adjectve epcha equal • combnn form equ, is-
(.g. isosceles) .wh sdes of equa engh equlateal . equal n power or mporance equipllent • equal y of pay or saus paity • person of equal saus peer • on an equa ass pa passu • oher hngs eng equa ceteis paius
eqult . adjectve egalitaan equation • eqaons sharng un nowns wh denca values sul taneus equatns . move o he oher sde of an equaon transpse
equipment . equpmen n a spec ed area of exerse aaentau . compee equpmen pan • msceaneous equpmen py paaphenala • seng up equp men for use installatn erase
• erase
daa from an eec ronc medum wpe • mposse o erase ndelle
Eros • Latin name upd erosion • andscape hrough eroson planatin
leven • proec ng wa or fence o m seas eroson of coas gyne • mnmzaon of eros y poughng along onours
cntu pugh ng error
• error
n ogc falacy • grammacal error slecis • error aeged o reveal suconcous feengs eudan lip .capae of error fallile • ncapale of error flpf infallile • correc someone's msaen mpresson u ndeceve • s of errors n a oo ec cgenda, eata .opaque ud o oerae wren errors cecn
fluid esape
.person who enerans audences y demonsrang hs or her s n escapng from conne men esca pl gst • pace for escap ng or hdng lthe
• female
escor for young woman chapene duenna • male escor for oder woman gig
Eskimo . Esmo nhaan of he sands off lasa Aleut • Esmo
.quany o e found y sovng an equaon uknwn
nhaan of norhern Canada or Greenland Inuit .Esmo canoe kayak .Esmo cehouse igl • Esmo sedgedog husky, aaute . command o hs ush
equator . adjectve equatal equinox • adjectve equinctal
essa .academc essay dissertatn pape ei, thesis
• progressvey
earler occurrence of
he equnoxes pecessin
• denong
hngs havng
he same essence cnsusatia
tia I evoluo
essentia • essentia oi of rose petas: attar . not essentia extrin sic estate • estate manager: land agent, ( n Scoan factor • coonia estate growing sugar coee etc plantation • pantation owner or man ger planter encosed pasture and woodand round a country mansion:
park esimae
• ne
wo prvides de taied estimate of te cost of a pro posed buiding project quantity surveyor • estimate unknown resuts by aaogy wit tose aready observed
extrapoate tis . teory tat acts re justied soey by teir usefuness or te peasure tey create: utilitarianis • teory tat mora truts exist inde pendenty of any knowedge of tem oectivis • teory tat mora truts are cuturay determined: relativis • teory tat severa mora systems may coexist: ethica plural is • tory tat peasure is te igest good: hedonis . etics of medca and bioogica researc: ioethics • imagined uncngng and universa system of etica principes: natural law • abandonment of etica standards: anoie etiuette . required by etiquette: de rigueu r • subte point of etiquette:
nicey Euope
ombning form
(eg ocentc . uropean mainand as viewed from Britain the
oninent Euopen Union
• bureaucrat
of te uropean Union: urcrat .person unentusiastic about te uropean Union: ursceptic • ofcia monetary unit of te uropean Unio ecu • proposed singe currency for te uropean Union: urocurrency evapoate .iabe to rapid evapor ation: volatile
evasion .evasve tak: circulocution, equivocation evenin . period of evening twiigt: dusk event · • important event: occasion, landark, ilestone . ummer outdoor fundraisng event: fte • event inexpicabe by scientic aws: iracle • number participating in an event urnout .person seeing an event take pace: witness • pace were n event is ed: venue pos sibe sequence of events: contingency, scenario • series of events ec triggered by its predecessor: chan reaction • rst of a series of events: opener • reated events adding signicance to tat under consideration: context • wisdom aer te event:
hindsight eve .for ever: ad infinitu eve • ombining form pan (eg. pansual)
evewee . ombining forms oni, per • found everywere onipresent, pevasive, uiuitous • adjeive evidential eviene • vidence given under oat deposition • yng evidence: perury .evi-
dence given by n accused person against is accompices: Queens Kings) evidence .denoting egay acceptae evidence: adissile denoting evidence proving guit: daning . denoting evidence consistent wit but not proving te accusation: circustantial • object swn in curt s evidence ehiit evi • wising to do evi alevolent,
align, nefarious • averting ev apotropaic .decare to be evi: denounce • portray as ev deonize evoution • evoution of one species to resembe anoter iicry maor evoutionary cange: acroevolutin Darwinian mode of evo
exmt I r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ltn tural select, suvval f
the fttest examiation . cmbnng frms psy (eg bpsy) scpy (eg en
scpy) exanatn f nancal accnts aut . exanatn f a sbstance t deterne ts cnstt ents ultatve aalyss exan atn f a sbstance t deerne the prprtn f ts cnsttents uat tatve aalyss spen acadec exanatn: ral, vva, vva vce practce exanatn: ck ral exanatn f a applcant tevew schlleavng exanatin n certan cntres accalaueate level f a sc exainatn: gade persn tang an exanatn: cndate spervsr fper\ns tang a rtten exanatn: vglt dentng an exanatn qestn ffrng several pssble ansers: ultplechce set f exanatn qestns ppe nstrctn n an exanatn paper uc .cand date's cpleted exanatn paper scpt . exaner ensrng cnsst ent arng: eat .exan atn grade dentng a fa: uclssfe edcal exantn f a autpsy, pstrte cpse: edcal eanatn f tsse fr a lvng bd psy bd exan atn b tch: palpat .achne exanng the bd b radatn ltrasnd etc scane age prdce b sc a achine: sc thelgcal exanatn f a heretc nust . ental exanatn f nes thghts: tspectn
exampe perfect exaple achetype, epte, e plus ulta, paprttype, utessence g, pre exaple ywd exaple t be tated ject less, paag , patter, re el . exaple cted t stf sar actn: pece det .cte as an exaple: auce
.eng f excav atns th aste ateral: ladll rell an excaatn th the ater al dg fr t ackfll
xeengl . cmbining frms supe (eg supesenstve) ulta(eg ultaplte) exeive excessve sppl: glut se f re rds than are needed
plenas xeive cmbnng frms hyper, ver (g vefull) pe excessvel crtcal hypectca xange tal exchange: ec pcty xitemet thrll f excteent: fs cmining frms xmt cp, scat (eg scatl) .eat ng excreent: cpphgs .ex creent f seabrds sld as a fertl zer gua receptacle fr bedrdden persns' excreta: ep xuton exectn as a pnsh ent eath pealty .cal rder fr ths: death waant char fr exectn b electrc shc electc cha . apparts fr exectn b hangng gllws, get appar ats fr exectn b stranglng: gartte Frech beheadng achne gullte plafr fr pblc exe ctns scaffld . pst f dspla f exected persns get xerie exercses fr tness and strength: physcal tg . exer cses fr strength and gd ppear ance cllthecs . exercses n creasng bdl xgen ntae: ecs aerbcs perfred n ater: uacs .exercses sng cnterbalanced scls: setcs exercse f entle nnn ggg execse f rasng the prne bd b ar presre pessup eercse f rasng neself t an verhead bar pullup hnese exercse sstes t ch chu, gg . sste f
st explosve exerise base on in prinipes yga . series of exerises: circuit exerise orse with hysia obs taes to be negotiate: assault curse • session of vigoros physia eerise wrkut • eerise invov ing aternae sow an fas wor fartlek wind sprnt . preiinary exer liering up, warup ises: • oning exerises: cldwn,
wardwn exhaut prier of vehie ex hast gases: catalytic cnverter exhaution • inepiabe persist ent ehastion: chrnic atigue syn dre, yalgic encephats exhiition ehibition showing
wor fro varios perios in an art retrspectve • ite asse ists be at the ehibition vene installatin . ehibition preview for invite gests: prvate view, vernssage • teporary hosing for an exhib ition: pavlin
• combining form ntontoloy) existing sitation:
eitene (.g.
staus u .having no physia e istene: incrpreal .no onger e isting: defunct expet • isonert by an nex pee at: wrngft expel • combining form fuge (.g.
febifue) epe soeone fro a property: ev ct epe a foreigner:
deprt epn inor epenses inciden tals basi epense o f eeping a r rnning ncst perating ex pess veheads epesive oog suptuus xpin eperiene in han
ing tiy soia or bsiness sit ations savir air enoting soe one eperien in opig with oern rban e streetwise a short b npeasant eperiene avais uat dheure erie fro eperiene rather than ogi:
epirca . experiene a seon han: vcarus experiment • expeimenta ieas in th� arts, or the peope pratising the avantgarde • eperients perfore on iving anias: vivisetin proeres of a sieni ex perient: prtcl eat repetition of an eperient: replicatin sa pe for eperientation specen bateria et grown for eperienta tion culture ite anaogos to those experiente pon, an ob serve for oparison: cntrl
. combining form ician
(g statisican), ist . epert in a state e: ffin, uff .person opetent in severa es: generalst aestheti expert: cnnsseur ex pert in hrh aw: cannist pane of experts: rain s trust • grop of e perts avising those in power: thnk tank .nonepert layan
explanation provisiona expan ation hypthess . epanation of a ift wor in a text glss e panation harer to nerstan than the probe gntu per igntius
exploe • ae epoe: detnate exploive nitrogyerine epo sive: dynaite • exposive ae of nitrogyerine an nitroeose gelignite powef ooress pasti exposive eposive Setex™ ae of satpetre, sphr an har oa gunpwder exposive ater ia in a issies warhea: paylad epsive harge to prope a roet prpellant eposive raiway warn ing evie: detnatr • enoting anition ontaining eposive: live evie ativating an eposive: det natr fuse hoe bore to tae e posive last hle sht hle shaene bar riing bast hoes eposive sitation: pwder
kg tir
Ff fari
woven farc etile fa
rcs standard engths piece gds strong farc for ets etc: weng thck farc for carets and uho stery: uee hgh uaty coth ng farc: adclh farc made from ne smooth woo wrsted farc fshe wdeeshed prted farc for curtans and up hostery: chz farc wth woven ctures or desgns: apesry .farc made of two or ore dferent yarns un thn transparent farc gauze denotng a thn transparent farc: diaphaus, shee, raslu cen denotg a oosey woven fa rc: pen denotng a farc faced on oth sdes: reversle denotng an undyed farc naural denotng a farc wth warp and we of dfferent coours: sh denotng a farc washed wth arasves sewashed denotg a farc not needng ron ng drpdry denotng a re resstant farc: flaeprf, flaale denotg farc wth a worn surface hreadare ong napped farc: plush towen fa rc wth ong uncut oos: erry .fa rc wth a surface of dagona rdges wll such a rdge wale farc wven from ax: lie ne trans arent ctton or nen lw coarse farc wven fr ax r hep sackclh farc wth a gtterng meta c thread lue farc wth gd or sver threads la texte re nforced y eedded gass aents fieglass gass fie th sk or crpe farc gegee sk farc wth a rpped effect ie, i waeed thn stf trasparent sk farc gaza ght ransparent
sk or nyon farc hiff ne crsp ustrous sk affea e so sk farc: sasane gossy sk fa rc: sain cosey woven sk ctton or nyon wth a so pe on one sde: velve knd of en wth an n woven attern daask smooth hardwearng en farc hllad cotton or nen farc woven wth a damond pattern daper strong rough coton or nen: huckaack heavy cotton waterproofed wth o: lskn heavy prnted cotton farc: crene prnted uckered cotton farc: seesucker hardwearng ue cotton farc: de, ean coarse twed cotton or ne drll thck red cotton farc: crduy . ne twed cotton ch . strong untwed cottn duck uneached ctton: calc thn oosey wove cotton: cheeseclh . smooth tw ed cotton or worsted: gaedene cotton farc woven wth strpes or checks: diiy . cotton farc wth od checks: gngha . napped cot ton farc: faelee ght anneette: wiceyee ght cotton farcs: ace uslin ne trans ucen cotton musn: gade . ght cotton wth a corded surface: ppli soft red cotton farc: cadlewick cotton got up to resem e satn saeen . coarse thck aped woen farc duffel ne wooen sutng: arathea tartan twed woo plaid rough wooen farc n a secked weave tweed so naed wooen fabrc flal strng twed wooen farc sg twed wrsted or cotton gadie strong farc of woo and ctt r ne wincey .coarse
fce I f
25 hp or ax abrc: canvas .coarse jute or hep abrc: hessan • strong rough hessan: sci • coarsely woven abrc used as a oorcoverng dugget • abrc or yarn ro angora goat har ohai • tuty velvety ab rc: chenille • abrc used or dress n wounds: lint • elastcated polyur ethane ateral elastane • synthetc resn used to ake synthetc texte bres polyeste • celluose used to ake synthetc texte bres: ayon • synthetc plyer used to ake syn thetc texe bres: nylon • recyced abrc: ungo • pece o abrc cover ng the head kechie • strp o ab rc worn nsde an opennecked shrt: cavat • strp o abrc nserted to en arge or strengthen a garent: gusset • sot abrc used to pad garent wadding • trangular pece o abrc: goe . srp o gathered abrc: ill • sde o abrc tended or dsplay: ght sde • abr scraps or stung cushons etc: lock .rased reads n a abrc surace nap pe • sal hole n abr or a lace: eyelet .edge on abrc to prevent unravellng selvedge . shop sellng abrcs: dapey • abrc sape: swatch • wrap n several ayers o abrc: swathe
• adjecte
acal . aca ea tures: physiognoy • appearance o • aca acal skn: coplexon wrnkle: cowsoot • red acal pples durng ado escence acne .n vountary aca twtch: tic • denot ng an expressve ace: oile .w an unexpressve ace: deadpan nscutale pokeaced • dsease caung acal swellng: ups • sod representaton o a ace ask • cosetc provng acal skn: ace ask ace pack • pcture o
soeone's ace coposed ro photo graphs o others photoit
. combnng forms hedal
g decaheda) hedon g deca hedon ; heda)
failit • basc physcal acltes nastuctue faig • combnng form wad g suthwad) wards pone
• lyng acng down • yng acng upwards:
supine fat • adjecte actual . an un aterabe ac: at accop l don ne • unpleasant act about onese: hoe tuth • basc acts about a subject udints .acts known ony by re port: heasay • n actual act: de acto • assue as a act post fator • key actor deteinant faees • combnng form copo• pece o ces: stool • sall round pece o anal aeces : pellet • eatng aeces: copophagous catophagous • dscharge aeces ro the body deecate evacuate . such an event: oveent owel oveent • dscharge oqud aeces: dahoea • dcuty n dschargng aeces constipaton • ppe takng excreent
and wate water down the sde o a budng sol stack • underground ppe or excreent and waste water: sewe • syse o sewers seweage • contents o a sewer: sewage • tank n whch sewage s e to decopose: septic tank . excrement n a septc tank: septage • epty the contents o a chaber pot: slop out • un heathy nterest n excreent and ex creton scatology failure • toal aure: asco • aure to l an bgaton deault • proo aganst aure: alsae • saety echans actvated by a chne aure alsae • peranent outdoor ar fair ground: aueent pak • revovng arground rde eygoound • arground rde wth a sharpy twst ng raway track olle coase argrun whee Fes wheel • arground sdeshow n whch otorcyclsts rde up the nner sde o
a large vertcal cyler Wall f eath tal sral se helter skelter electrc bmer car
ddge fai' adjectves euitale, eve had ed, ju st • ager at far treat met idignati se rght a far stat redress fa fall ctrlle by gravy y free fal fa mbi ig fm psud( false frt pseudcarp wrtgs whse athrsh s falsely assge
psudepigrapha fam • smee r smethg ey g bref fame e days' wder fami • adjectve failial .ar
rwest famy t csstg f a cle a ther w chre u clear faiy • wer famy t, as clg graarets, cles, etc exteded faily member f es kdred extee famy k, • gr f terrelate fames cla . wth the famy destic . as a famy en faille female se f a famy dstaff side male se f a famy spear side • female hea f a famly atealas ( atresfailias .mae hea f a famy pateailias ( patresfailias famy escet lineage • revers t earler geerats thrwack erss earest lvg relatve ext f ki esceat f a table famy sci le f escet stck famy system havg male heas patriarchy famy sys tem hag female heas atriarch etg a famly system ctg escet thgh the emale le atriea etg a famy system ctg escet tgh the male le patrieal agram shwg relatshs a famy
faly tree geealg pedgee sta • ths shwg he escet f Chrst frm Jesse esse tree
geealgy f a gr f gs thegny sty f famly hsry genealgy state ayme a famy lw cme faily credit r lge a smetmes vlet lwl betwe fames feud, vedetta • valable asse the famy
heirl fanta fatasy w ckage, clud cuck lad, ShagrLa, tpia, Xaadu • ers lvg a fa tasy wr Walter Mitty fa chea fare savr system f rece travel fares ffer t thse bg well avace Apex fam • large cattle farm Caaa r USA rach • agrcltra hlg smaller tha a farm sallhldig etg a farm evte t m rct dairy farm stre ar • farm stre wth a rf b walls utch ar farm stre fr gra r sage sil . eat cb e f hay r straw baes rck, stack amas ke a farm fr r lvestck mber f lvestck a farm
headage � see as agrculture faion • crre fash vgue emae by fash de rigueur catg r settg he fash directial ers r rgazat able ece fash taste aker wealthy a fashable ele glitterati, haut de, high scety, sart set, scaltes, scity .acceabty amg he rba yg street credility t f fash
dd, utded, ut f date
abamet f crret
ashs reacti
mbiig fm
tachy (.g
acyapy) fat' Chrsta fast befre Chrstmas dvet • Chrsta fast befre Easter Let Mslm mthlg ast aada � see as Let fat • steel ba secre by a scew u ee ci p shrt we
eW fr
r resio: nausea 0 geera eg o ease dysphra als geea eeing o iadeqacy nfer y plx rosig itese eeigs ev prooked by eeings ather tha ogic: eve suecve coneance o eeng art or msic: exprssn ody moe met or postre take to dicate thoghts ad eeigs: dy languag ait to share aothers eeigs: phy estabishmet o a cose reaiosip base o shared eegs ndng ae to ee snien that ca be et: palpale abor ma physic sesatio parashsa ck o eeig or cocer apahy ae o ee nu
preteded swordthrs: fen swod ade rom midde to poit fle sword ade rom midde to hit fre ted ecig sword pe ight btedged ecig swor : fl ight apered ecig swor sare k xed to a oi poit: uon swordegth ecig stick: sngle sck ecers acecoer ecers chest· ask protecto pasrn ecers ackowegemet o a oppoets hi uch Japaese ecig: knd
fermetato 0 cmbnng m zy 0 ezyme mix sed i erme tatio zyas 0 stdy o ermetato zyurgy fer ers compod ea frnd flow eowcontryma: c- stdy o es perdlgy par 0 eow saio esa ferret mae eret: uck, h e shpa mae erre: gll 0 yog erret k femae cmbnng rm gyn ess (eg athess) e (eg sa fetus 0 ody id srrodg a ets: anc flud membrae ete) rx exectix) emae srrodig a ts: an anchromosome X chrse 0 me ic rae cau cor attach ic sdy o the emae ody ad its ig a ets o the aceta: ulcal iesses gynaeclgy emae crd 0 deotig a ets abe to sr members o a amiy: dsaff sd ie otside the womb vale �ee emae pricipe i Chiese phiso al rh chldrh phy n emae demo sedcig 0 eda dy: fealy seepig me succuus deig feulsm ea ord segneur ea sb ecet trogh the emae ine ject lge vassal tied teat vl ral ln 0 tied aborer se 0 grat o fem emiie part o a mas reehod ad fffen pesonaity accordig to Jgia fever cmbnng rm fr a psyhoogy ana ferl 0 mosqitoore jectve e 0 ece o poite stakes pal- eer: aara 0 tropica eer with ng eesie ece o coseset acte joit pais dngu tropica sake pad o moae ece sec eer iectig the ier ad kideys t rdl opework ecig la yllw fvr iectios eer ith c ecig o sakes iterwoe red spots o the chest ad adome with raches wal tmprary yphid typhoidike eer: paay ord ece hrdg poied woode eig stake pke hd 0 inectios eer with deirim ad a prpe rash yphus o ecd area cpund o eer oowg chdirth puere attackig moe lung pral fver eer rom exposre to pas 0 ck easie moemet: excesse heat hasrk sunsrke vl 0 qck retr thrst rps chdres ee wih a right red
fw I il
rash scarlet fever, scarlatina childre's feer with a raised pik rash eases mild frm f mea sles Geran easles chldre's feer wth swelig f the saliary glas ups detig a feer recrrig eery secd day terian detig a feer recurrig eery third day uatan detig a feer with uctuatig bdy temperatures ettet abatemet f a feer deervescence drug reducig feer antipyetic, feifuge sudde feelig f cld flwed by sweatig ad a sharp temperature icrease igr disturbed metal state caused by feer deiriu kid f feer suf fered by dgs distepe
cmbinin frm:
ig .rule by a seec few igachy iteded ly fr the scaly select exlusive
fr a sma umber f ex perts esteric market ctrled by a few raders ligply
atural bes used fr mats rpes ad sacks Mani la, ute sle-
der glass bre used t trasmit light
fie pics ton cti set i a ctext f real eets factin . cti set i a cmputerdmiated sciety cyepunk .cti pardyig the gere's cets etafictin bklegth cta arratie ne detig life cti picaresue
detg ppuar r sesatial c-
ti pulp .leadig character i a wrk f cti ptagnist .reme a ctial character i a dramaticaly cicg wa ite ut see as
nve , sty e eld plated with fruit trees rchard eld se fr graig pas tue eld used t make hay ead meadw that is peridic aly ded ater ead smal eld fr hrses paddck rice eld paddy seasal alterati f
mutai ad alley pasure tans-
huance fft detig a ieth aersary glden t cused geeral ght elee, scriage shrt cfused ght scuffe, skirish, tussle ght e tee tw perss single cat
arraged ght betee tw perss
.ghtig i a war actin reay t ght pugnacius
mbininfrm cine adjeccineatic art makg
metal rd as a le fr papers spike .cmputer e listig ter les directry cmpuer le haig itera hierarchy fla ile cmputer le giig ft a layut settigs style sheet cmpute le ctaiig data represetig sud avetale search dirctis fr a le path descripti f a le's whereabuts path na sux t a le ame extensin, file extensi detig le a cmputer ca ru executale begi access t a cmputer le pen text sred i e dcent recrd f le ces at a stated time snapsht detig a search cducted thrughut a le glal immediate data retrieal frm ay part f a cmputer le direct access etwrk deice ctrl lig le access file seve cm press a cmputer le fr strage zip lik frm a hyertext le t aher le hypelink reme materi rm a cmputer le cut me materal withi a le r betwee les cut and paste strae f a le er scattered segmets f the ard disk fagentatin ed access t a cmputer le cse
mtipicture lms ineagraphy lm prtrayig real eets dcuentay ctial lm based r rea eets dcudaa draadcuena m's syle p
• shor
l o nes and curren fairs newsreel • shor l adverzng anoher: traler • depicng police solvng a cre: pl cer • bleak and depressing l ih snging and dan fl nr • cing uscal . onnuous oun o l sho a one ie take • board ih idenicaory deals sho a the sar o each ake clapperard • shor erc ro a l clp • sngle picure in a l: frae . lis o onribuors o l credts eper or enhusias cneate, cneple . roo or budng equipped or lng stud • area here a l is being sho set • heeled plaor for a l caera: dlly .lile laor or a l or elevision caera crane • pole projecng he crophone over a l caera: • lernion o contrasng shos ntercutng • scene reverting o an earlier draaic ie flasac • cnisency of dea been led scenes cntnuty . ouosudio sng for a l scene lcatn .creation of a ro drangs or odls anatn . aniaed cartn • ing echnique siulaing naion: pxlatn • copuer pplcion lloing he cobnaion o anaed and liveacion eeens: rtscpe • denoing a ing ec niue of eposng each frae aer a ed period: telapse • visual or audiory ilusions creaed or a l efecs, speca eects . niaur ized se for special eects: daa .echnque using specl ters o shoot igh scenes n daylih: dayrnght . soundtrack coenary by an nseen narrator vcever lis of ls flgrapy • cotner for a enh of cart-
rdge, cassette, agae ree spl . at see o f contaiig crophotographs crche .l of hch each frae is a icrophoto
graph crl • srip a he sar r end of a l leader • aoun o l: ftage • denoing l nsensiive o red: rtcratc . denong l sensiive o colours pancratc • l gving a posiive age direcly hen roessed reversal fl • adission of ligh o a l expsure .long eposure o phoo graphic te expsure . sensiiviy o l o ligh spee • deno ng a l needng only shor eposure fas ls ably o respond o ligh: senstvty • unused or unprocessed l: stck, fl stck • ake eposed l sho a visible iage develp • sponess o iage gran . device seadying he as i passes he lens gate • l sequence phoographed connuously by one caera st . end of a l ng session wrap • processed bu un edied l: ruses . edi or abridge a l: cut • edied version of a l: cut • produced by preliinary cuing: rugcut • secon of l oied in cuing: uttake • ove abruply fro one l age o an oher cut, upcut . cneaic e fec in hich a ne scene sees o u roll across he screen: wpe • ineai eec n hich one scene sees o el ino he ne dsslve • end of a scene by gradul drkenng of he screen: fade • nclusion o iages coenng upon he ain acion ntage • aciy arresng he age freeefrae .l capion ttle • capion a he oo o a l frae suttle • srip a he edge of a l on hich he sound is recorded sundtrack • give a l a ne soundrack du • usic coposed for a scre • sequenc of draings etc ouling shos stryard • acting te o a l screeay scrpt • screenplay n cudng caea iections stng scrpt actors d audiion:
fiewor ks I f i shi ng
• • • . . . • • • . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
dvic or pickig up pics o coa
ts cotair or coal at a r plac d, scuttle rewors djective: pyrtecic oisy rwork ger oisy r work usd i simulatd battls tunderfls rwork podig high i th air rcket • smal hadhld rwork aer . smal hissig r work sui coild rwork spi i wh lit aterie heel rs combinng forms prt, ur-
(.g econstuct an uHamlet) • rst amp prttype rst appar ac o a prormr deut rst prormac preiere rst amog quals prius iter pres • rst yar studt at a uivrsity fres a b th rst to us peer rs rstart o brathig artifical repirti, vetilati pos itio i which ucoscious prsos ar pacd recvery psiti, se-
atig piscivrus sh that has ot b cookd, smokd, or ro wet fs sh stw rom southr Frac uillaaisse dish o sh, ric, ad hardboid ggs kedgeree • dri d sh at with curris Bay duck ly groud past o sasod sh pt, terre smal bal o sasod sh ueelle • pickld sturgo ro cvr micd sh rold i baco kr esky dsh o y micd sh ti ale dish o prssd sh i aspic alate • dotig sh cookd i browd buttr with lmo eure thick slic o sh steak rid strip o sh gu • log hi slic o sh rold ad stud paupiette • smal lat roud cut o sh dail • skwr or griig sh rcette • crablavourd stick o mid sh pics cra stck • pr srv sh by dryig or smokg cure, kpper rmov sh trails cle, gut rmov shbos: fillet .cu tivatio o sa sh: riculture cultivatio o rshwatr sh pisci culture • stablishmt whr sh ar brd commrcialy fishery, fs far • display tak or liv sh, or buildig cotaiig ths uariu • sh slr fiser
pre pst sh combining forms icty(), pisc djective piscie youg o sh fry larg gro up o sh scl, sal sh ivig at th bottom • aggrssiv sharp rudli toohd sh pra .hard plat coverig a shs ski: scale • sh's lippr: fi . shs brahig orga shes stogic term pisces ill • covr or this: perculu • djectves pisctrial, opecula) sh sprm or sprm shng pisctry shrmas assistat glad ilt .sh ggs: re, spaw • sh gati: isiglss • study o ille shrmas watrproo gar sh ctyly • dotig sh mt covrig rom t to armpts with lightcolourd lsh wite d waders shrma's thck blu otig sh with darkrolourd sh: swatr: uersey catch sh with red deotg sh ha swm oe's hads uddle, tickle sh uprive rom th sa to spaw dcaught or sport e fis . total rus .oury mad by aadro sh caught i o sssio et sh mos sh u chals bul to as with a bobbig ly dap .loatig ar sst aadromous sh rod atural cial ly dry fly articial ly that obstacs fis lddr fishwy, ps siks blow th watr wet fly .ma deotg sh tha swm dowrivr tral to mak ths dui i to th sa to spaw cdus sc rva or bat etle, t dotig rshwatr sh othr ha bait hrow o th watr rudsalmo ad trout crse sh i sh rod's hadl stck
t I tuece
33 .sh hook weghted to stay under water: drail • backturned spke on a sh hook: ar • weght on a shng ne: sner • cynder or wndng n the ne: ree spl .throw a bated hook r net cast secure the hook n a shs mouth: strike .tre a hooked sh play hooked stck or andng sh gaff • devce removng the hook rom a sh: disgrger • net or kpng sh av eepnet .an gers equpment: tacke angers sh basket creel stretch o water sed or shng: grund sh by trang a ne behnd a boat: trll shng boat draggng a arge net aong the sea bed: trawler • shng boat wth processng actes: factry ship . shng nt at drts wth the tde: dri net shng net hangng vercay: seine • sene that can be dawn nto a bag shape purse seine deepsea shng n: lng line amount o s h caught over a speced perod catch sh cap tured n a snge throw o the net: draught . person unoadng shng boats luper t perodc oss o conscosness or convusons epilepsy t> • dnotn an objct that ts n sde another: nesting
hundredth annversary: uincenten-
ay ies
• projectng
wa n a ves
court: taur
lag . adjective vexllary natona ag: anner engn .naona ag own at a shps bow jack .mtary or ceremona ag standard • ag o he Unted Kngdom: nin ack • ag o the Roya Navy whte ensign • a g o naa auxary vsss lue ensign .ag o Brtshregstred shps red ensgn • prate a: lly Rgr bue ag rased by shp about to eave port: Blue Peter • sma tranguar ag urgee ong aperng ag pennant pennn • short taperng ag: guidn ong narrow ag wh a ce end ander le • banner hung rom a crossbar: gnfaln a sgnang the end o a motor race cheuered flag ags as street dcoratons untng de notng a ag own beow the poetop: at half at • rope to ras a ag halyard lanyard • ower a ag: strike • study o ags: vexilllgy lame • very hot cuttng ame: therc lance . devce producng a hot ame: lwlap lwtrch lare .ar rd rom a pso ery
ght t or combining form: wrthy lat topoor at penthuse at consstng o one room edsitter rawry) t to eat: edile . at havng one man room stud ve combining forms: pent uin studi flat .at on two oors duuinue • vesded gure: pentaplex • at on tw o or mor oors wth gn sod gure wth ve aces: own outsde door: asnette pentahedrn veonted star ts . at kept or occasona use: pied pentagra pentangle set o ve pentad • one o ve osprng born at terre rented at ceaned by the owners: servce flat arge bdng a brth untuplet uin athetc dvded nto ats teneent contest wth ve events or a com pttors: pentathln • ensmbe o latter srve atterer ycphant ve muscans or msc or thm: uintet group o ve arranged as n a domno or payngcard uincunx occurrng ever or astng or ve years uinuennial • ve
• excessvey or nsncerey atterng
unctuus latulence • nante atuence clc wind . medcaton to reeve atuence carinative
or l lavo r
• stog lavou ang • hav
g lttl lavou land nspd, d • thck lavoung lqu: sauce • pugt vgtabl foo lavourg: spice • a a pugt laoug to foo or k spe • comt at th plan foo to gv lavour relish . chmcal us to stgth foo lavou: flavur enhncer .la vou hac us Chs cus nsdu gluaae • yl lo po us to avour Asa shs urerc • bo sugar or syup us as lVO g: carael . hbs o spcs as lavour hacs: seasnng • bag of hrbs us to lavou soups uue garn • stps o f ctus frut pl us as lavoug: zes ee a ase lea • opcal burog la: chg
ger jiger ee . lt of small shps: fllla • smal lt of arshps: suadrn • Spash a lt st 1588: Ar ada Flemish • Flmsh may urg aser leh • cmbg fm carn • ad jectve carnal • sstv lsh: uck .Hsh juy: wund • lshatng: carivrus • cayg lsh of a a amal carrn .upo lght glide light
• cmoal
lght ov a cta spot: lypas • fctoal lmtato o th sp of lght: hea arrier • xtm ss flt ft a ght acss tm zos: je la tatous bhvou c i
uery oa • loat attach o h s of a cao tc: urer loat suppot g a bg: pn oat us to as suk shps: cissn ably to loa uyancy loo • adjectve dluval diluvan • su loo: lash ld • su v loo spae loo movg
34 onv: freshe • svr a "causng loog: deluge .mbak mt bult as a loo fc dyke • brach caus by loog: washu .lolyg aa subjc to loong: ld pl ain • l that s pocally loo: waer eadw .ch sol post by loo a: alluvu • th bblcal Floo he Deluge oc cug bfo ths anedluvan oor • loo for prcpal cpto rooms pan nile • loor bt th ma loors enresl, ezzanne • loo of oo blocks: parue • po ctg rg alog th g f a loo boa: ngue • hollo no hch ths ts: grve .lvll lay of loo cmt: screed • loog ma tal of marbl chps st n coct errazz .Hoo covg of small pcs of sto tc arrag to mak pctus o patts: sac .accss pal a loo rapdr lor • adjectve arnaceus .lour ma fom hol gas of hat: whleeal ou a fom hat th som of th grm mov: wheaeal • ha gas aft lou has b mll selna . otg lour th a a asg agt selfrasng • otg ou lackg a asg agt plan • ok lou to ough: nead low • cmbg fm rhe (eg resa) rrhea (eg menrrea), rrhaga (eg menrraia .o aply: gush • halt a o se
fm anh-
(eg anly teay a coecton of oes lr • adjectve lral smal lo a compost lo ha lre . lo that kps ts colou h : relle o of llo a hazl ts ca kin ptals of a o crlla • os fmal oga pisil os mal oga: saen ccl of os o a stm o of pts o spals n a or whrl
oo I strengthen food avou flvur enhnce • avour enhancer used n Chnese uise: nsdiu gl ute • bag of herbs used to avour soups: uuet grni • pugent vegetale food avouring: spie • chopped fresh herbs fines heres • shop sellg foreign fods delictessen • denoting food prepared in acordance with Jewsh law: ksher • denog fod unaccptable to Jew ish law: tref • denotg food cooked and then refrigerated befe distributon: ckchill . denoting food preserved n a sealed jar: pted • denoting food dried for presevation: dehydted .denotg food treated o sta fresh nglife • denotg food hat is no onger fresh: stle, ff, rncid • denotg food that goes bad quick perishle • thaw frozen food before ookg defrst .lean or prepare food: dress • cut food to small cubes: dice • fr food brie to brown the outsde: sut sel . fr food brie stirrg to avoid browning stirfry • dp food brie into boig water: scld • add spces to food: sesn • nel ground past of seasoned meat or sh: pt • sprnkle lqud over food drizzle • spr kle fd with lour or sugar: dedge dust • thin lne o f cream or icing decoratg food piping . enrh food • denotg with vitamins: frtiy foodstufs that are new and wil not keep: fesh • denotng foodstuffs that are urrentl available fresh n ses • denoting food covered wh grated cheese or breadcrums and browned: u grtin grtin . denoting food cut into short th strps: uliene . denotg food served on sp denotg foo ach: flrentine served n browned butter: eunire denotg food served wth whte grapes: rniue • denotng food soused n sprts and set alht: f set food alght thus: fle
• denotg
food broned quck at hgh temperature: sered • denotg food cooked with spic seasonng: devilled • denoting food ooked a pas case: en crute • denotg food ooked and seved a paper • denotg wrapper: en ppillte food that is uooked, or ooked in the smplest wa: u nturel .denoting food cooked the simplest wa: nne fee • denotg food cooked n ider and cream nrnde • dentg fod prepared b a rstclass chef: crdn leu • denotg food that ma be prepared quickl: instnt • denotg food pre seved n bre: crned sused • denotg food preseved b dring dected • denotg fod soaked a marnade: sused • denoting food modied to be unfattening diet • de noting food free from rich gredients: light . denoting food that is hard to dgest: hevy . (of food) be tasted again after bg swallowed: repet • denoting foodstfs produced with out artial chemicals: rgni .de noting food with no nutritonal value innutritius • rolled food: rulde • smal amount of food, rolled n breadcrumbs: crue • food grlled on a skewer: ke • food coated n batter and fried: fritter • shn oatg on food: glze • tough piece of bre n food: string . constituent of a dish: ingredient • person who eos ne food and drk n vivnt n viveur epi-
cure gstrne gund guret • creatue eaing a knds of • sheatg creafood: nivre ture: piscivre . creature eatg no meat or sh vegetrin • reature eatng no anmal products: vegn creature eatng on frut: fruitrin • anmal eatng ol plants: herivre
on one kd of food: nhgus eatng raw food: phgus person provding
37 food pofessionay catee puveyo • food hee fo use he abe chafng dsh . lis of foos eaen or o b eaen det • seie food by gamma adate diaion • elecic ginde fo wase food wastedsposal unt • food poisoning otuls salonelloss • ys eggs on food flylow • bing up swaowed food egugtate .food aegy wih n itching sh: hves neleash utcaia • bsenion fom food: fast .food nt ging essnil nouishen nutent . denoing foods ich in hese: nuttous . lck of pope o scien food alnutton • hin o wek hough ack of food eacated • undenouishmen causng ow weigh aasus . sudy of food and is use nutton • sech bou fo food foage • eies of ognisms ch depending on he nex fo food food chan • inte ocking sysem of hese: food we • heed food oley hostess tolley . cedi ouche exchanged for food luncheon vouche • esblishmen seing fee food o he poo soup ktchen • exeme scaciy of food
foot foe
• ichy sweng cused by cod chl lan • speciis eing he fee chopodst podatst • cosmeic emen of e fee pedcue • cn-
ing he soles of he fee as a punish men o fo of oue astnado foota • pimiie fom of fooba payed a Eon Colege: wal gae
� see ao socce foota oo • seecion of mches n poos enty pe • pyen shed beween pool wines dv-
dend footwear • woodensoled foowea clogs • idge on he sole of foowe: cleat . ligh foowe wih scny uppe sandals • sippe wih soe and sides n one piece occasn � see ao sandal shoe ford . fobid by w posce . fobidden by soci cusom taoo force .foce acing a body owds lge one gavty . otoy oce toque • foce moin on objecs ouwds centfugal foce . foce mong oaing objecs inwads centpetal foce • fce hodg qus, neuons, and poons ogehe wihin he nucleus stong foce . foce noed n he decay of nucei weak foce • ae in whic a oce is effecie feld • using force focle • obin by foce extot • foce upon pose • impeus gined by moing objec oentu . mmenta) .endency of body o ain saic o in moion un ess ced upon by an eena force
fane see aso puddn g sauce foot . combin ing forms: pedi _g_ pedcure), pod(e g artrpd) • diided foo of ce, sheep, ec cloven hoof eneny wised foo clu foot • hing n injued foo lae . hg inuned fee pgeontoed • foo bones etatasus • ch of h foot: nstep • dnoing foo wih low ch flat _ denong neta the soles of he fee planta • ni hing o fee ped • ni ha forehead . ajective fonta ing fou fee quaduped _peson foregn . combin ing form xenogoing on foo pedestan • insu• snge nd foeign exotc • fomen esmaing h disance led on foo pedoete • gip fo he fee foothod footng . w gowing on fee veuca • sa panl ae of hickened skin wat • pnf sweling on he big oe join unon
in gi who does doesic wok in eun fo keep nd Engish lessons au pa . residen foeigne alen • ra setd by foeines colony • expe foeigne: depot • fe o ed of foeies xenophoia
re I fowl
iving in foeign couny: exptrte foeign embssys fee dom fom oc s: extrterrtrl-
ty foemns depuy: foreman chrgehad forekn congeni noness of he foeskins opening: phmss emov of he foeskin: crcumc s oret adjectve: sylv dmp open opic foes: rfrest spce in foes: glde sip of foes ceed o hmpe es: frere
d mn of he foes:
gree m frgivene piess scmen fogveness of confessed sins: sut fork oponged gicuu fok: ptchfrk ge oponged me fok carvg frk fok shp pog: te orm com forms mrph (eg mrply), mrph (eg etmrp), mrphc (eg antrpmrp)
ormua adjectve: frmulac fort cos defence fo Martell twer sm cocee fo: lckhuse pllx ortication focion of ooden skes: plsde stckde
focion hee o s meet n g: st oue foicion utwrk colckhuse cee oticio udegound foied shee: u ker foied shoe e estblished n invde: echhe denoig foticion ht co e cp ued impregle one piece of uexected good foue: wdfll uexpeced u of goo foe: z chce deveopmen of evens in foute seredpity eec smug o
38 ones good foune: glat objec hough o bing good foune: talsma nim ec kep o bing good foune msct . souce of fo une: x chnge of foune: stu de • exeme poin of foune:
dr ortune teing foune eing fom dems: ermcy foune eing fom ines on he hnd: plmstry chrmcy foune eling fom pying cds crtmcy foue eing fom he ss: astrlgy foune eing by ding os srtlege foune ees gobe: crystl l foe he fuue by hs: scry cd pck used in foune eing Trt oard com form pr(eg prtrue)
foss used o de suounding s dex fssl fue deived
fom fossied emins fssl fuel sudy of fosss: pletlgy
com forms: udr
udruple hving fou ps: udrprtte udruple fousided gue: udrlterl
one of fou offsping bon bih:
udruplet ud fouegged nim: udruped . fouine vese sn: utr se of fou urtet
goup of fou oks ih eed
hemes: tetrlgy enseme of fou musicins, o music fo hem urtet urtette fouck seeophonic sound: udrphy fou idenic copies udruplcte ou hundedth nivesy: utercetery peod of fou occuing es udreum eve, o sing fo, fou yes: ud-
reil w jectve gllceus femle fol: he me fol: cck cckrel oung fo: chck chicke oug hen: pullet .cock ed fo ghtig: gecck cs
enc I t
Frnch holidy hous gte Frnch moorwy auto roue Frnch public urinl issoir Frnch pris ur il of
Frnch bbo or (s coursy) of ny Frnch crgmn abb Frnch poicmn gendarme Frnch ongrouer disnc lorry drivr Frnch ky psry roll rossan Frnch so whi chss Brie, Camember Frnch so bu oquefort shpmilk chs Frnch yoghurik chs from age frai Frnch gos chs hvre Fnch osd sndwich wih chs nd hm roque monsieur Frnch pnck re Frnch bf sw grllae Frnch soup wih bf nd gbls ot aueu Frnch muton cssro navarn . Frnch sw of m nd bns assoulet . sh sw from bouillabasse souhrn Frnc smll Frnch rsurn bstro Frnch shop sllng cold cookd ms harutere Frnch nisdvourd prifs ass Pernod™ Frnch brndy ogna Frnch ass bckcurrn iquur Frnch vinyrd domane group of Frnch vinyrds ru dscripion wrdd o a Frnch win gurning is orgin nd mhod of pro ontrle ducion aellaon
cgory of wins or vinyrds r Frnch bows boules anque Frnch woodn sho ao Frnch sodirs pkd cp ke Fnch rgmn for forign-
rs oreign egon mmbr of this legonare Frnch rsistnc ghtr maq maqa Frnch bhding mchin glone Frnchwomn knitting by th guilo tin roese cr covying vicims to h guioti mrl Frnch highkicking dnc anan Frnch mdiv pot roaour
trouvre Frnch pic pom hanson de geste Frnch nm for souhrn Frnc Md . Frnch ddeartment minisriv rgion .Fr�nch suburb faubourg .Frnch lw llgdly xcuding fms from dynsic succssion Sal law
. mbin ing form
crion o n lcric chrg y fric
ion trboeletrty mon of igh b somhing rubbd or scrchd trboumnesene
frien sk somons frindship ultiate frog adjective batraan frogs frog ggs sawn young fry il frog rv tadole front . combining form fore (.. frebran) . fron of bulding fa �ade fron of n rmy vangard fron of f of ppr reo fruit combining forms frut ar sml sonss frui so frut hrd dry fri nut frui of h ok aorn hwhorn frui haw
frui usd in chunys mang grnshd frui wih bck sds kw fruit orngik frui wih sw rind nd sour pup kumqua dnoing frui of h orng yp trus fruit ron bfor i is rip medlar frui blown down by h wind windfall compc clusr offrui on on slk russ n powdry dposi found on h surfc of crin fruis bloom fruis our covring hul ough outr skn of crin fruis rnd so shy pr of frui ul hrd sd of crin fruis stone covr ing of fruit sd endoar fruigrowing omulre sudy of fruit growing omology dnoing
fruit made shiny by preservation in sugar: gla (of blossom) form ino fruit : se • ripening of frui maturaion squeeze frui o extrac he juice : pres s • sour j uice obtained
fy I futue
from fruit verie cream of iqud zed fruit re dsh of mixed choed fruit madoine dish of fruit cooed in sru omoe frut boied in sugar onserve, re serve . natura sugar found n fruts and hone: rose fruit sugar used as a setting agent ein hard fruitsn used as a water container gord . sma fruit used n gen etic research drosohila erson eatng ony frut riarian sho seing frut rierer stud of frut nd seeds aroogy . ght fruit baset nne .dsease caused b absence of fresh frut and vegetabes from the diet srvy
fr food bre to brown he out
side: sa, seal fr fod brie strring to avoid browning sirry
fue derve from fossiized re
mains ossil el
jet fue kero sene, arain oi faure of fue to ignite in the cinder misire
combnng form en _g.
• ombnng
.g elecrae), re .g judcaure) erforming no usefu functon re
dndan und ooed fund of mone kiy funds hed b the Brtish govern ment Eheqer funding for rs rojects venr aia decen trazed funding in the Natona Heath Service inerna marke imunded fund roen asses inadequate funding shoesring receiving no outsde funding inde enden erson rovding funding aron, sonsor . guarantee fnd ing: nderie having funds n ex cess of ones iabiies solven unera jectve nerary .fu nera ocession orge .music or ths dead marh be rung for this kne .funera aent dirge vehce for the con hearse er
son carrng the con allbearer framewor on whch a cofn ma be set or carried bier, aaalqe coth sread over the bier al ubc exoston of a corse lying insae funera rtes: eeqies, obseqies ceremona attendant at these: me . mitar funera cere monies miiary honors bge ca at mtar funeras las os na deostng of the corse after a funera ommial buria with a rorate rtes inermen urnng of the dead remaion ace for this remaorim container for a dead ersons ashes aske tomb nscriton eiah reative or frend attendng a funera moner bac cohes wrn at a funera morning mourners bac arm band ree erson engaged to or ganize a funera nderaker, nera
• • •
direor ungus
combnng form: myo jectves ngoid, ngos ed
ibe fungus growng underground rle fungus cutvated on graes boryis, noble ro funga growth mold whtsh funga coating mil dew funga disease of trees o r fruit anker fungusderived roen myoroein stud of fung myol ogy . nhibitng fungus ngisai iing fungus ngiidal
coat of fur el cou fur nria stoats whte fur ermine sho seng furs rrier
furnace furnace for mang stee: bas rnae • furnace for arge scae chemca rocesses reor furnace for ring otter kiln frnace for rubbsh inineraor urniture set of furniture sie . xed iece of furniture imen furniture ermanent attached to the buding containing it ire tem of furniture designed to t with others ni .iece of furniture to
rnt I hod overcoas, umbreas, ec hal stand . freesandng se of drawers hest of drawers .was·hgh se of drawes and cupboards sdeboad sdeboard wh sheves above dresser Wesh dresser sheved sand for ornamens whatnot wr· ng desk wh a ap and drawers beow bureau wrng desk wh drawers and comparmens es toire seretare a wrng desk wh sde drawers davenort a ches of drawers taboy cabne for eevson or rado equpmen onsoe sofa wh arms and back hesteed curvng ouwards sofa open a one end haise ongue Sshaped sofa soable . ow up hosered sea whou back or arms ottoman uphosered foosoo ouffe ouf kneeer wh book· res: redeu .furnure em con· anng a conceaed chamber po ommode sma whee xed o fur nure astor wheeed board used o moe heavy furnure skate make furnure ook worn dstress ornamena bracke onsoe de nong furnure bu for he dmen· sons of he room occupes ftted denong furnure sod dsassem· bled fatak denong furnure desgned for nfrequen use oa sional woodworker makng furn· ure abnetmaker wood nay dec orang furnure maquetry gan grass whose woody sems are used o make furnure bamboo plant pam sems used o make furntue ratan wllow wgs paed o make urnture wiker wikeork so paddng atached o furnure: ho sery thn cord decoratng uphol sery: iin ed removable
142 covers
uphosered furnure: loose overs arge coh or cover ng furnure dust sheet sheen on poshed furnure atin .frn· ure beee or he damage causes wodworm ne wood poder e by woodworm acvy frass un· waned furnure umber ransfer of furnure o anoher propery re mova . dsposa of furnure ear
ane fus
deonang a bomb a a prese dsance from s arge rox mty fuse acvae a fuse arm remove a fuse defse a of gunpowder acng as a fuse rain
future .possbe sequence of fuure evens ontngeny senario .ex· peced sequence of fuure evens: out look roset showng poena for he fuure romising mens for he fuure ison on tingey an beef tha he s xed determi nism fataism ex· pecaon of he bes otmism condeny opmsc sanguine expecaon of e wors essmism
ndene fuure dae maana ndcaon of some fuure even: omen ortent resage asroogca foreca o future evens: horosoe knowedge of fu· ure evens: resiene goomy feengs abou he fuure foreboding resentiment quam aeged ab· ; y o foresee he fuure seond sght " person camng to foresee he fu· ure rohet seer soothsayer orecas o fuure evens redition
rognosis rognostation roe tio n rohey force sad o conro fuure evens destiny
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ga . jiv gaactc ga adde . iig or coe sall hard ass foring in the gall bladder gallstone . Xray exaination of the ga bladder: cholecystography surgical reoal of the gall bladder chol
cystectomy gaer usicians galley
.exterior gallery on upper oor:
logga gaOWS . trapdoor bene�th a gal lows drop gaming . roo or buiding for gabling gaes asno . person in charge of a gabling table crouper . colectie aount of stakes laid: poo gabling gae with a ball dropped onto a reoling wheel rl ee gang achine showing dif ferent cobinations of fruits frut machne . gaing achine token
etton game . childrens hopping gae hopscotch chldrens gae of peeping out fro hidng peepbo peekaboo childrens chasing gae tag gae of throwing sticks or bas at a wooden duy Aunt Sally ge of dropping sticks into a sea Pooh stcks gae of throwing rngs oer uprigh pegs: quots
gae of throwng rings oer pres: hoopla gae of cachng a top on a
tautened string dabolo . gae of skiing tones oer water ducks and drakes . game of sliding stones acoss ice crng gae of tossing sall bbles acks gae of throw ing a wooden isc at nine wooden ps: nnepns skles .gae of throwing a har at ten plastic
skittles: tenpn bolng . gae of knocking balls through hoops cro quet gae of throwing a ball against wals: fves gae using rackts to hit a ba aganst was squash this using basketlie rack ets a aa, peota gae of throwing a ball against a persons legs French crcket gae of hitting a ball and aking a ccuit of outeld bases: rounders . tea bagae played by swers ater polo Irish gae reseblng hocke: hur ng . hockeylike gae played with netted sicks: lacrosse . hockeylike gae played on horseback poo cobat gae with shot paint capsules pantball . gae of loopng string between the ngers cats cra dle gae of puing wrapped ob ects out of a barel: lucky dp gae of taking tickets out of a eoling tom bola . gae of ipping plastic disks into a container tddlynks gae of sliding coins across a board: shovehafpenny gae of reoing pegs fro a boad soltare . gae of reoing one ite fro a pile without disturbing the others: spllkns . gae of guessing a word fro acted clues cha ades gae of sayng which thi ble etc coers an object: thmblerg gae of nding rhyes or a gien word crambo .gae of writing a story by turns consequences wa gae played on aps kregspel electronic gae of looking after a pet tamagotch cad gaes won by gaining tricks bid contract brdge, solo hst card gaes won by ganing the ost tricks action brdge pquet whst contro for
� 1 9 copered video gaes nsole even score a he end of a gae raw, ie denoing a player illegaly in fron of he ba ffsie disadvantage iposed for breach of rles enalt pace here a player or piece s safe hme forgo ones rn of play as se of gaes: rbber .leave a gae reir .frher pay alloed o avoid a dran gae etra ime gae o decide a chapionshp: layff ca for rce in a chdrens gae a payer ho sets p scoring opporniies: lay maker skill a gaining he psy chologica advanage in play games
mansi game' gae killed dring a hning session bag denoing gae sfcenly decoposed o cook: high ganne gannes breding colony: gannery garen garden groing food for doesic se kihen garen garden grong food for sal marke gar en garden here plants are gron for sdy bani garen garden for edicinal herbs hysi garen
garden ith pahs beeen sall hedged loerbed: kn gar en, arerre garden designed o reqire inial irrigaion erisap neven garden bed ith large dec oraive sones rkery, rk garen garden area devoted o bshes: shrbbry garden sheler alve,
arr, bwer, avilin, mmer hse garden paVilion ith vi blvr, gaeb garden trellis arc rgla ornaental hedgeclipping n a garden iar gardn's snken perieter a: haha, nk n e art o grdening hr lr soiss ortctre hrni diggig to to spades depth bl iggng shalo rro ade for seeds ril hnd too aking holes or seeds ibbr, bbl
ranscen pancover: lhe ong poyhenecovered cloche lynnel prning cip pers seaers clipping bshes ino ornaena shapes iary narro spade for prooing eeds: sd, sder gardening achine for breaking p grond ulivar, iller gardening sring: filis gardener's shallo baske rg con srcion of ornaenal gardens:
lansae garening gaan sspended garand fes n gar adjective alliaes sec ion of a bb of garlic: lve se of cloves blb, hea garic ayon naise aili gas adjective gass agined gas shoing no rregariies: ieal gas .largely nreacive gas nbl gas, rar gas gas casing severe r riation to he ees: ear gas fl kind of ear gas CS gas gas in j he dgesiv ract flatlene, win . folselling gas: mehii, efl vim . socaing gas fond n ines hkam gas forerly hoght o ll all space eher ain consien of naral gas: mhane
refrigeran and aeroso ga harf
o he oone layer hlrrar bn gases sed o repace his:
hrhlrflrarbn, hr flrarbn gas absorbing infra red radiaion: grnhs gas
gas fond in arge ndrgrond deposits naral ga gas brner sed in laboratories: nsen brnr gas ovns eperatre setting mark gas ets l inescen cover manle . gas je kept brning to light ohers: il ligh discharge of gas misin terinate he gas spply ff gas ask rirar gas storage tank gamer gas store at he end o a pipeline: rminal gasred ate eater gr hange fro
g geology
45 gas to a liqd: onense • hage fro lqid ito gas: evaorate .allowg the passage of gas: ermeable ervous • operated by gas pressre neumat • istruet easrig gas presse: manometer e
ometer gate
• revolvg
• forted gate: barban • back gate: ostern • sa gate set to a larger oe wiket • sldig gate cotoig a low of ater: slie slue gate
gauge • gage for narrow gaps: eeler gauge mirometer gear .extra high gear: overdrve
• gear aowig each drive wheel to
revolve at a derent speed; ieren tial • vehcle gear prevetg oveet: ark gear syste casig the parts to revolve at e sae speed before egageet: synhromesh • bar or wheel with agled teeth perittg oeet i oe drectio oy rathet .partclar cycle gear rato: see • syste changig cycle gears by ovg the chai: deralleur • disegaged positio of the gears: neutral • devce egagig ad disegagig otor gears: luth (of a gear) engage with aother gear:
mesh gatin • atual gelati fod sh: isnglass .vegetarias' sbstitte for gelat: agar gem • precios or seprecs stoe gemstoe • sde of a ct ge: faet • ge that s polsed bt ot faceted: abohon • ge with a icsed desg: itaglio • bght green ge: emeral .deep red ges gar net ruby . reddsh orage ge: a inth • aciet Eyptan ge ct the fo of a beetle: sarab .enotig a cut g: rough • place a ge a out set • close settig of ges: av • ge set its o: soli taire • pce f etal ito whch a ge s set: settig • gectter: lai
• revolvg
devce cleag gestoes: umbling barrel • che polshg ges: laing ma hine .art of ge engravng: gly
togray geneti thread like gee strcte: hromosome
• adjetive
• selfreprodction of geetic aterial relaton • rplaceet of de-
ective genes: gene theray . laboratory genetic apulatio: geneti engineering .atral coyig of geetic forato transrition alterative for of a gene alee . chage i gene strctre: mutation sbstace casig this: mutagen gene so chagd mutant • rearrageet of geetc aterial: re ombination • denotig a geetic characteristc anested eve when inherited fro oly one paret: dom nant • deotig a geetc characterstc aested oy when inherited fro both parets: reessive • pre dctio of a fte chd's geetc disorders: genei ounselling
gnias • exteral getals u ena . feale exteral getals: • ale external geals: vulva eis testiles • ilaation of the vulva: vulvitis • sclar tbe leadig fo the feale getals: va gna • cove oe's geitals e ose oneself • psychologcay dced desire to display oes geitals: eibitionism .dsplay oes getals briely flash • aal stmlatio of the gentals: masturbation spport for the ale geitals: ath leti su or okstra .decoratve poch for the ale geitals: oiee • disease causig gental aatio heres smlex
• rove
or test that soe-
thg s gee authentiate
goog • datig of geologcal eas: hronostratigrahy geohronology
em we f
47 gems immue • breedng ground for germs idus . havng an ad equate mmune sstem immuo ometet .lackng his immuo omromised • bodl inablt to resist germs immue defiieny, im munodefiey . medical deactivation of the mmne sstem immuo suressio • sud of immunit immunology • germking ati
• bods automatic reaction to germs defee mecaism • denoing
medical treatmen hat is effective aganst a variet of germs broad setrum • blood proten counteract ing germs atibody • denotng germs presen but ot causing fec tion latet • free of germs disifet . substance destroing germ germi ide • perso o r anmal ansmiting germs b which the ae no affeced
arrier germ waare • denoting germ warfare bateriologial , biologi al
• German polite form of address to a man Herr • German poite
form of address to a maried woman Frau • German poite form of address to an unmried woman Frulei . German schooeavers' examnation abitu • German e bread umerikel . German pork saus age braurst • German dsh of chopped pickled cabbge sauer kraut • German dr white ine ok • German spaklng white wne Sekt • German wine made wih atepicked grapes Stlese • German wne made wih seected atepicked grapes Auslese .Ger man wie made from grapes picked wih ice on them Eiswein . Eisweie or Eiswins) . German po tato gin sas • German cherr band kirs, kirswasser • Ger man carawaavued queur km mel • Germa leather shorts leder ose • Geman shepherd dog
• motorwa
in German speakng countries autoba . Ger man central ban Bundesbak • title of he former German em perors Kaiser . tile of a German dictator under Fascism frer • head of the German govenment Caellor • lower house of he Ger man parliament Budestag • upper house of the Germa paiamet Budesrat . German maor burgo master • German air force uaffe • former German torpedo boa Eboat .former German sub marine boat • former German armoured unit aer • German prisoerofwar camp for ocers Oag • German prisonerofwar camp for oher ranks Stalag • Ger man casle sloss • mmigrant worker in German Gastarbeiter • German povnce ad . Lne) • elf in German foklore kobold • German measles rubella • Germa hmn o i music orale • Ger man soo song lied . liede) • Germa hreehanded card game skat • veracuar language of orh Ger man ow Germa . itera Ger man Hig German . German tadiional tpeface Fraktur
gesture .use of gesres gestiu latio ghost • jecte setral • ghost hat throws hngs about oltergeist
• ghost
double of a ving perso doelgnger • ghost image of a perso seen near their time of death wrait • ghoste gure aaritio .appearance of a ghost visitation • ghostl emanation from a medim durng a seance etolasm • obser ver's shadow projected oto clouds
Broken setre gi . gft given as a memeto kee sake • person givng a gt door • person receng it do ee, reiiet • gt of fndng edwmet
.... .i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 gir • vgoously bosteous gl: tmby gie .peson ho gves dnr gvng o gven geneousy liberal • n closest possble fullent of a donos ntentons yres denot ng a gft able to be handed on to othes transferable . efuse to gve
withhld gie awa • that cannot be gven aay: inalienable gacier • deep cack n a glac e revasse ce dge on a glace sera • loose sno at the op of a gla ce firn nv . ateal deposted by a glace mraine • ate fo a eltng glace meltwater ateal caed aay by ths utwash gadiator gladato ghtng th a net and tden retiaris . reiarii) gand combiningfom: aden .. adenma) adjectie glandular • gland poducng antbodes thymus
gland poducng dgestve uce and nsuln: anreas gland contol
lng goth thyrid • glands contol lng goth and developent ituit ary, thyrid • gland lubcatng te ha and skn sebaeus gland gland poducng lk mammary gland gland poducng ova vary • gland eleasng a ud coponent of seen rstate • gland poducng gland poducng spe: testis teas larimal gland gland podu cng une kidney • denotng glands secetng dectly nto the blood: endri ne • denotng glands secetng onto an exteo suface: erne dsease causng sellng of the lyph glands glandlar fever gana ee • hepesvus causng glandula feve Estein
arr vrs agow adjectie Glaswegan ga • cobin ing fo hy vtr lke o contanng glass vtres • lookng lke glass hyaid vitrfrm
clea glass: rystal thck qualty glass late glass glass poued on to olten etal flat glass • glas stengthened aganst splnte ng saety glss sheet of glass ane, light daondshaped pane of glass quarry • thn glass potectng a coscope specen versli . glass shaped to concentate o ds pese lght lens lens sepaatng hte lght nto a spectu of colous rism . atchakes and jeeles agnfyng glass lue nao necked glass contane fask glass contane fo plants o sall eptles: terrarium . glass contane fo sh and ate plants aquarium block contanng coloued glass millefiri • glass scaps fo ecyclng ullet denotng tanslucent gass: frsted • denotng sooth tansucent glass grund denotng glass that s ne the tanslucent no tanspaent: aque • becoe glassy vitrify daken glass: smke • od fo hand lng olten glass ntil • shape olten glass by a pessue blw scu on olten glass sandiver . supply and t panes of glass: glae peson dong ths glaier • fae holdng ndo glass sash • sup potng stp beteen panes: glaing bar tanssson of lght sgnals along ne glass bes ibre tis • slende glass bes used fo nsaton: gass wl • textle etc e nfoced by ebedded glass laents: fibreglass, glass fibe ta nao ne glass flute • slende pat of a ne gass beteen bol and foot stem . shallo steed glass e • onate dnkng glass: gb let lage ounded dnkng glass: • dnkng glass th blln staght sdes and no handle o ste tbler • achne polshng glass: lang ahine • potectve at placed nde a dnkng glass:
str dr mt
glider I god
. lunch o glider by powered ircr's pulling i: aero towing
wih lrge wris gurd: gantlet glove housing he our ngers ogeher: mien glove hrown own s chllenge: gage knigh's rmoured glove: gantlet
low . glowing hrough he: nan• glowing wihou he esen lminesent, floresent, phosphorsent
deciency in he blood: hypglaeaemia
" go
cross traverse go bck: regress .go beyond ee! over shoot
aprine, hirine mle go bk, i ly goat .emle go oe, nanny goat . young go ki .gile mounin go: hamois group o gos flok go's mm mry glnd: er . gos wooy co: fleee .ne so goa wool ashmere bric mde rom go hir mohair ne goskin or bind ings moroo astrologicl term: apriorn
the jectve ivine . god or goddess: eity becoming god apotheosis, eifiation, theosis suggesing gds presence: nminos woodlnd god: satyr fan creorgod: emirge a he gods o priculr reigion pantheon king god: eiie .re or consider s god: eify rule by god: theoray ge o god: iol oerng mde o god: oblation belie n sngle god: monotheism, monism offerng o reverence o one go onl whils conceding h ohers exis: henotheism, monolatry belie in h xisence of wo gods itheism belief in mny gods polytheism .Hebrew nme or combning form
our God: Jehovah, Yahweh chrcer represenion o his Tetragrammaton 0 belie h God creed he world bu hs hd no ur her involvemen wih i: eism be lie h Go creed he wod nd connues o be cive in i: theism belie h God is idenicl wih he creed universe: pantheism beie h God is greer thn he creed universe, bu inerpeneres i: God's permnen panentheism presence in he universe: immanene God's permnen exisence ousie he universe: transenene .iv ine nervenion in humn irs: thergy belie h here cn be no sure evidence o god's exisence: agnostiism blief in God based upon reson no revelion: eism beie h here is no god atheism sudy o religions hving gods theology rnk o he gods: netar drink poure ou in oering o god: iba ton food of h gods ambrosia blood o he gods: ihor genelogy o group o gods: theogony wr beween gods theomahy . god's p pernce o humnkind epiphany, theophany gods ppernce n humn orm inarnation . denoing god king niml orm zoo morphi . denoing god king humn orm: anthropomorphi pgn emle eriliy gure: earth mother chie o he ncien Greek gods: Zes his consor: Hera n cien Greek god o ocks nd hers Pan chie o he Romn gos Jpi ter his consor: Jno Romn household gods: lares an penates supreme god in Scndinvin myh ology: Oin hunder god in Scndinavian myhology hor goddess o dsiny in Scndinvin myhology Norn speech or wriing showing disrspec or god: basphemy disrespecul remen o reli gous em or plce sarilge ee
d I oos
scoring scoring
by hoes on math lay ology, rinity by strokes taken medal lay, stroke lay golfer's core of gold combining form aur .lump one stroke uner par birdie golf of gold: nugget god in soid bars bullion go beaten thin for gding ers score of one stroke over par bogey .number of strokes above par gold leaf god hel to support a currency: gold reserve measure of eeded by a player hadia d purity for god arat fabuous noti a payer's score adjuted for place of go Dorado, Gol this net denoting a player ith a onda imagine substance turning zero handicap srath hoe(s) unbae meta to gold hilosohers payed when a match has been decided bye golfcu ar nineteenth stone .utensils mae of go late hole .oat it gold: gild . prty gilded femae gonad ovary arelgilt person makig go ar- gonad male gonad testis icles goldsmith stmp on gold attesting purity: hallmark enoting a good highest good: summum rock or mineral containing god aurif bonum exceptionally good egre \ erous trough separating go from gious .just good enough assable ore: sluie aoy of gold ad siver tig partly goo a pary bad elerum goldlike alloy of copper urates egg . making a feigned isand zinc inhbek play of virtue anting, ious golf golf payed on a small course goods goods used to make others ith and utt golfer's assistat aita goods goos for sale mer addie golfer's baggy kneelength handise goods reguary kept by a trousers: us fours golf club it business stokintrade goods ina thick soping head ood golf tened for the purchaser's use o club ith a ther slopig head iron sumer goods goods designed for golf club with a th straight head quick use and replacement onsum utter small support for a golfer's abes .longasting goods urables 1 . promotiona goods merhandise ball he the rst shot is take for each hoe tee area of evel ground misceaneous goos bought as a here this shot is taken tee take unit: ob lot slighty fauty goos this shot tee o curving shot: fade seonds smugged goos ontra strike the ball above its centre thin, band enoting goos in saeabe to stroke taking the bal to the condition merhantable .denOting goods mae impefect by retaer · e u stroke taking the bal to hading shosoiled enoting the right slie high shot lo turf disoge by golfer's stroke: goos immeiatey availabl stok presentation of goos a the point of divot .clear area leaing from the tee to the hoe fairay ong grass sae: merhandising . list of goods rou the airway: rough point he inentory batch of goos on where the ball stops ie gong b- signment trasport of goods: struction hazard sandle h freight, haulage ist of goos car o: bunker smooth area wth very rie on a vehce waybil ship or short grass surouning the hoe acrat carrying goos freighter green gente stroe to rol the all wooen patform for stacking goos utt circuit of pay at a golf course et . arge oreouse for good round stanard umber o sroes wreho us e ocument accompany- ' requed or a roun or hoe ar ing a lvery of goods: docket so essene, Mass, religion, the
� l'
n gr tissue taken from a donor of the same species homogra graft of tissue taken from a donor of a dfrent species eterogra, xeogra gran combiningform gra . ad ecive graular .tied bundle of cut gran stalks: sheaf group of sheaves leant together: shok, stook grai stalks left standig aer harvesing: stubble gater leover gran from a harvet eld: glean separate cha from grain by the wind o . separate cha from gran by beating: thresh grain b fore or aer milling: grst hard gran e after milling our: semo graineating granvorous lna producing grain granferous containing whol unprocessd grans: holegra, holemeal grai fungus ergot funnel for dis pensing grain hoer storage tower or pit for threshed grain so storehouse for threshed grain g ra ary cassava grain: taoa grammar adecive grammatal mistake in grammar solesm . mistake n grammar made by iappropriate application of a rule hyerorreto grmoone eay gramophone and recording machine hoograh combined radio and gramophone: radiogam combined radio gramophone and tape eck: mus ete � see ao reord layer grmoon e record denoting a smal record revolving at 45 rpm: extededlay denoting a fulsied record revolving at 3333 rpm log layg general term for 45 and 33 rpm records: vyl general term for 78 rpm records shella . laserread disk of digital irmation omat dsk . groove n a longplaying re cord mrogoove extraneous noise heard when playing a recor suae ose
grae grape crop: groh grape harvest vtage .fermenting grape juice must fermentaion of gre uice vnfato .juice pro duced from a second pressing talle remains of grapes after pressing mac, ae .ngus culivated on grapes botyts, noble ot study of grae cultivation: vtulture gra graph designed like a slced cake e hart graph designed a a series of strips bar hart mark points on a grap: lot gras .able to grasp reensle device for graping lups of coal or sugar: tongs similar device for grasping very small objects eeers grass adecives gramnaeous, grameous .narrow eaf of grass blade coarse grass used for paper and ropes: esarto, esarto grass expanse or slab of earth with the grass in it: sod, tu circle of darker grass: fairy rng clump of long coarse grass: tussok dislodged clump of gras: dvot . dried mown grass: ay grass at the edge of a road: verge undied grass stored n airtight conditions slage silage store slo grasseating gramnvor ous electric grass cutter for edgings etc: strimmer grasslike plant growing in wet ground sedge synthetic grass surface used on sports elds AstroTu grassoer .chirping grasshop per rket .large voracious lying grasshopper grsslnd .extensive grassland in Siberia stee extensie grassland in orth America rare .extensive grassland in South America amas extensive grassland in warm regions savaah extensive grassland in South Africa veldt
j \
. prehistoric grave bar row, tumulus stone at a grave's
g rave
he ad s t on e
. fastened arrange- '
urri I g ad potecto proteg (fe protege guerri Balka gueia chet nk • Ncaagua guea contra • usubstataed guess: gue specuaton Guie • Gude ally: amoree guie moal gude mentor guru toust gude ccerone ccern) guiotine cat cag psoes to the guilote tumrel tumr woma kg by he gullotie trcoteuse guit poduce agumets o evdece to lesse someoe's guilt: ex tenuate mtgate feelg of guilt: compuncton .feedom fom guilt nncence guitar • small steelsiged guta: awaan gutar . small fou stiged Hawaa guta ukulee • Russa guta wth a tagula soudbox: alalaka guta wth buit mcophos electrc gutar • such a mcophoe pckup • small dsc used to pluck a guta's stgs plectrum plectum attached to the ge ngerpck gu . place whee ls lve guery gu adective gngval . immato of the gums gngvts . potable gu rearm hadheld gu handgun .potable gus: small arms spalboe gu shot fom the shoulde rle smoothboe gu g peets shotgu • hadg wth evolvg chambes revover • ealy logbaelled shoul de gu: musket • gu g bullets quck successo machne gun lght hadheld mache gu su machine gun gu havg a magaze repeater shot gun wth a hgh tajecto mortar heavy gu wth hgh tajecto howiter gu's backwad movemet o g: recol lage miltay gus artllery
• atlley ad bombs ordnance • hadguholde o a belt hoster smal kob fomg a gu's foe sght ead cossed e wies a gu's sght cross hars ie
damete of a gu bael ore cal re gauge spal gooves isde a gu ael: rlng . deotg a ued gu bael smoothore • ope ed of a gu bael: mule • back pat of a gu bael reech .log od used muzzleloadig ramrod • muzzl's woode soppe tampon • wedge suppotg a gu bael Un • pat of a gu whee the bullet s placed chamer .co ae fo bullet ad chage cartrdge • gus cotae fo seveal bullets: magane sgle ut of ammu to round • gu's g leve cock trgger tgge wth mimal esst ace har trgger . pat of a gu placed agast the shoulde utt stock gu's agle wth the hozo tal elevaton gu's wheeled sup pot carrage fot pat of ths: lmer .ig platfom fo a lage gu emplacement • foted gu emplacemet attery . evolvg a moued gu emplacemet: urret • gu apetue a wal port • wa shps pojectig pl sponson • smultaeous e fom all the gus o oe sde of a shp roadsde peod of cotuous heavy gue arrage cannonade apd bust of gue usllade savo volley • couous apd gue at a cta spot curtan re gue alog a le o tagets enlade sheld by gune cover • have wth age: seep ceemoal g of gus as a toke of espect salute .ta a gu o someoe cover have wth g age cover goud depes sion used as a shelter from gunre: foxhole • ilegal frearms trad: gun -
science of rearms: ti cs � see alo rifle
ball s-
gunma hien gunman sniper Hinu guru aarisi guru hermitage for a guru an his uils asra gut adjective visceral � see aso inesine gmnastics gymnastic exercises aing gracefu movement callisenics gymnastic routine not neeing aaratus loor exercises narrow horiont bar for gymnastic exercises bea wooen frame with a ae to orse, vaulng orse
um I ysy
srung fabric sheet rapone oor ang for laning a heavy exercise bal edicine ball gps gysy erson or their anguage Roany gysy caravan vardo Romany wor for man' ro . rma) Romany wor for a mae gysy cal Roany wor for a nongysy gorgio secret anguage of rish an Wesh gysies Se Ia Itaian gysy Zingaro Hungarian gysy zigane itinerant tinker or scrameta eaer didicoi
Hh h • make an h sound: asirate hait • stange habit: eccentricity, idiosyncrasy mannerism, uirk .denotng an nganed habt: neerate • denoting a peson possessed by compulsve habits: ineterate athological • becoming automatc though habt: second nature haddoc • smokecued haddock: fnnn hair • combg form: tc • cts: caillary ilose • pece of har: lock, tress • unkempt mass of ha: shock .hai in inteaced stands: lait • ength of paed ha: igtail • col of hai at the back of the head: cignon • bunch o fase ha: ha iriece sitch • ha bushd up wads and backwads fom the foehead: uiff • stp of ha n font of a mans eas: sideburn • shot st hars on a mans unshaven face: stub ble • har on a mans cheeks o jaw: side hskers .ong har on the neck of cetan anmas: mane • sheath aound a ha oot: foicle • bsting of the ha n fea o cod goosefesh • eectle has aong a dogs back: hackles • oly seceton keepng the ha soft sebum • dak ha pent melanin .ack of har pgmentaton albinism • soap pepaaton fo washng the ha: shamoo • substance apped to the har to make t ook heathy: conditioner • ha atve: lacuer • ha ol: Macasar • scented ha ontment: o made, pomatum • aange the ha: dress • ibbon to bnd the ha: fillet • ha gp of a spung meta stp: kirby gri • onamenta haine: snood .ackng ha bald • po
gess e baldness: aloecia • abnoma ha gowth on a womans face hrsutism • emova of unwanted ha: deilaton • pepaation to emove unwanted har deilatory . depaton by an eectic cuent: electroysis • deplaton usng a suga and emon mtue: sugarng • havng tghtycued ha ulotr chan • study of the har and scap: trcology .dead skn n the hai: dandruff fase har: ig hairdressing . cti: tonsoral • hadesse coiffeu (fe cieuse) • hairdesses shop: salon • wae the ha wth a hot ron crim hairstes • eaboatey styed hai: coiffure .knot of har at the back of a womans head cigno • wth hai puffed out fom the head: bouffant • hastye coneaing one eye: eekaboo • shot hastye cro • shot and bsty stye: en brosse vey shot mae stye: cre cut • mae stye wth the ha slcked back on both sdes: duck's arse • Rastafaan hastye wth hai n tgt bads: dreadlocks • back hastye wth tght baids gving a geometica scap patten: cornros • bight dyed steak: highlight . dak dyed steak: loight ha . combg forms: demi, hemi semi (g. semicircle) • haf boad demiension . hane of vese: hemistich hacination haucnatons seed by acohocs: deliri um remens poducng o poduced by haucnatons: sychedelc ha cued o smoked ham: gammon taan ham: rosciuto
hammer • hamme use by auctionees gavel . iagnostic hamme use by octos plexor plessor • wooenheae hamme alle .heavy mallet beele . lage heavy hamme sledgeaer • heavy pivote hamme l aer, rp aer • hamme o beating meat derr • hanle o a hamme elve at pat o a hamme hea use o stiking fae • oune o wegeshape pat o a hamme hea, opposie to the ace een • Vshape evice o emoving nails set opposite to a hamme's ace: law • stiking hea o a pileive up hand . combining forms ro anu adjectives aual, pala .han bones eaarpus • han's inne suace between wist an nges pa • itchy ha swelling cause by col lblan .han pain om much witing wrer's rap • hanopeate aual .one with both hans banual skill with the hans dexery • this when eception is involve: legerdea, sleg of ad . able to use both hans equally well abdexrous • specialist teating the hans an eet r opods • cosmetic teatment o the hans anure handica • physical o mental hanicap dsably • enoing a gole with a zeo hanicap sra handkerhie • lage an bightly coloue hankechie, oen with white spots bandana hand over han ove a peson to a oeign poe o tial punishment exrade hande • hanle o an axe knie, o spea a • hanle o a hamme o othe tool elve • hanle o a swo, agge, o knie: l .hanle o a whip o shing o so handworker .skille hanwoke rsa, rasa
hmme hlequde
handwriting • elegant hanwiting: allgrapy • calligaphe's ecoative ouish urlue hang • hanging loosely penduous stuctue o hanging ciminals gallows hainess .eeling o geat happi ness esasy, eupora, exlaraon • happiness base on (wilul igno ance fool's pardse .make someone vey happy elae haen about to happen: for og e pendng upo g • that has neve happene beoe unpreedeed . happening all the time: pereal • happening occa sionally: sporad .make happen nsge .pevent happenng pre lude • happen again eur .make happen suenly o unexpectely prepae • evese what has happene undo harour hbou with customs a cilities por • habou o yachts ana . habous potecion om ough seas jety, ole watesie platom o loaing an unloaing ships uay, uaysde .san etc eposite in a habou sl • seesman with local knowlege binging a ship in o out o habou plo .oaing beam estcting access to a habou boo hard . combining form for medica senses slr(o) .abnoma haening o boy tissue sleross • haening o he aees arero sleross hare • adjective leporne • emale hae doe male hae bu • young hae levere . hae's sht al su • hae's la: for • haehuning oursng stew o boil a hae jug arequinade • talian halequinae oeda dell're • pincipal male chaacte: arleun • pincipal emale chaacte olue • comic ol man paaloo
ar I hele ar • peson sueing ham ctm . ook beeved to ham the peson egaded el eye • abe to be hamed ulnerable • subty ham fu perncous arschord • sma hapschod
wth sngs st obquey o the kyboad spnet • pin tuning a hap chod stng rest pn • bock n whch these ae set rest plank .devce puckng the sting ack .de vce mutng the stings bu stop mmb of Haow arro Schoo Harroan hat . wdebmmed staw hat panama • hat of stened staw wth a ow at cown boater . fet hat wth ndented cown omburg trlby • had domed hat boler • hat wth a hgh cyindca cown top at • so coth hat wth bms at font and back nd eaaps that may be ted up deerstalker . centefoded Hghand hat glengarry • hat ted unde the chn bonnet • academc hat square bonnet mortarboard • theeconeed hat trcorne • m ghtwegh sun hat fomey won n the topcs pt elmet sola top • kt ted coveing fo the head and neck balaclaa • woman's wdebmmed decoatd hat pcture at • woman' cosettng beshaped hat cloce • guad's t a fu hat bearskn busby • pest's squae tugca hat brea • salo's oskn hat souester • woke's potectve hemet ard at . cowboy's hat tengallon at • Texan hat stetson Mexcan wdebmmed hat som brero • ed conca tasseed hat fe tarboos .osette o bbons on a hat cockade • take o one's hat dof uncoer • shop seing men's hat atter • shop eln women's hats mllner see aso cap clotes
estments ared . combiig forms: ms poba • hated of foegnes xeno
poba • hated of homosexuas omopoba . hated of men msandry • hated of peope msantropy • hated of women ms - og yn y
a . femae hawk falcon . mae hawk tercel • young hawk eyas • dt hawk caught fo taining aggard • hawk's feeding boad ack . hawk's eg stap ess .cage fo hawks me • devce to atact a hawk lure a machn fo tunng hay ted der .oose ple of hay aycock • neat cubod ple of bed hay rck stack haze .owe of the haze tee cat kn ad • combiig orm cepal aecive: cepalc • back of the head occput • at pat bewen the foehead and ea temple • abnoma smalness of the head mcrocepaly
• study of the popotons of the head and face cepalometry •
scousness fom a bow to the hed concusson • injy caused by a sevee ek to e head plas .cut o the head of decaptate • thust wth the head eadbu abe headcoveing of ea o atcaL ha g eadace • sevee headache wth nausea and mpaed son mgrane • oce wokes' headaches and e I spatoy pobems thougt to caused by poo ventlaton sck
ng syndrome eadand .Aab's headband aga • Jews tugca headband frontlet headng • heading to a secton 0 text emma . lemmaa) • news pape tte headng • pnted headng on tatony let
. combining form: -patl l ! • peson oeng cues though bon and muscle manipulation:
heal er
helth I het
161 . person oerng cures oug m ute doses o natral substances produ cg symptoms of te dsease:
omeopat ealt • ealtgvg salubrous, olesome • perso obsessed by s or er ow ealth: ypoconac, aletunaran • state o eal: conton, consttuton • po or ealt sckly • codtos relatg to publc ealth santaton • substance ap plied to te ar or sk to make it look healty contoner
• mbining
au . adjctivs acoustc, autory, aual form
. alege ablity to hear what oters caot: claaudence • devce meas urig the range ad sestvty o a perso's hearg auometer grapic record produced by ts de vce auogram . study o hearng ad ts defects: audology . teatre soud syste or heargad users nucton loop • distance over wc oe ca be hear: easot, earng • hear somethg ot teded or oe: oerear
• combining form for
mca and scintc sns: card • adjc ivs carac coronay • upper
camber the heart au rcle, atrum . lower camber o te heart entrcle • membrae enclosng te ea: percardum • nlammaton of the percardum percarts • de otg te arteres surroudg te heart coronary • blockage o these
eart attack, coonay tromboss
• deotng
the heart ad blood ves sels cadoascular • denotg the heart and lugs caropulmonary, cardorspratory . relaxed stage o eartbet dastole • contracted stage of eartbeat systole .ds turbed heatbeat flutte fbrllaton • excessvely rapid hertbeat palptaton, tacycarda • excessively slow heartbet: bradycarda • so soud made b a diseased heart murmur
• sudde
cessato o e eartbeat: cardac arest rapd and chaotc cotractio o varous eart muscle: fbllaton • apparatus cotrog ts: efbrllator devce stmat g and corog eartbeat pace maker • plastccoveed electrode used ts pale drug sowg te eart beta blocker amma to o e eart carts doctors device or hearg the eart: steto scope • ecod o heart sounds ponocardogram • elecrcaly traced record o a eartbeat: electo cardogram • ultrasoud dsplay o a eartbeat: ecocaogram • study ad treatmet o ea dseases car-
ology ea . combining forms cal o , themo) termy . adjctivs: te mal, termc, caloc eat producg: calofc • glowg toug eat ncanescent slgtly warm lukearm, tep substance tat rasmts eat: conucto substace at does ot transmt eat nsulator • anser o eat uds conecton • ut o eat eergy caloe pyscs o eat and oter forms o eergy temo ynamcs • deotg te eat's at ural eat geotemal • eat to near bolg pot: scal eattreat lquids to crease ter sefe: pasteue • eat and te cool slowy as a tougeng process: anneal car by exposure to eat: scoc • decom
pose by exposure to exeme eat pyrolyse • eat spiced we or ale mull • denotng a gente eat or cookg slo • denotg a strog eat for cookg fast • gasred water eater: geyser • termometer for g emperatures pyometer • ottest part o te year: og days • perod of uusualy ot weater eaae • oppressvey hot: selterng • hot ad dry: torrd • ness ased by excessve heat: eatstroke,
et I hem 62 sunstroke . liquied by extreme et moten • electric wire used to provide et eement • niml de
pendent upon extern sources o et ectotherm • niml creting its own bodily et endoterm . denot ing substnces becoming mllebe wen eted termoastic . denot ing substnces becoming rigid wen eted thermosetting • et re quired or cnge o stte but not o temperture atent heat • use o eectric currents to e te bodys inner orgns diathermy . mke im pervious to et insulate .designed to retin et thermal . device pro ducing motive power rom et eat . loction o n object engine troug te et it exudes terma
imaging heang
• eting device circulting wrm ir convector • single eting
system supplying mny buidings district heating . underloor eting system in Romn ouses yocaust • electric eting element plced in li quid immersion heater • electric eter tking in power by nigt nd relesing et by dy storage heater progressive eting o te erts t mospere due to breces in ozone lyer gobal warming, greenhouse
effect heve . adjetive ceestial Herew • aetive Hebraic • Heb rew scolr Hebraist • vowel dots round Hebrew script oints .dd te oints to Hebrew script vocalie . Hebrew nme or God Jehovah, Yahweh re • ourcrcter presenttion o tis Tetragrammaton . see als Is raeli, Israelite, Judaism hedge • mixed edge wit trees hedgerow • ornment edge trimmig toiary • strengten edge by inerweving brnces lay, layer • denoting edge grown rom cuttings quickset
• adjetive
. mle edgeog boar • edgeogs srp ollow bristle quill
heght • mbining frms acro, alt, hys • eigt bove se or ground level altitude • eigt bove se levl elevation • eigt dier ence o lndscpe elements relief • dizziness cused by eigts vertigo
• nuse nd exustion experienced
t ig ltitues atitude sikness • er o eigts acrohobia • builder speciaizing in ig work steelejack siderman • instru ment mesuring n ircrs eigt altimeter • instrument mesuring te eigt bove se level hysom-
eter he
• adjetive hereditry • eme eir heiress • eir wose clim is irreutble heir aarent • eir
wose clim my be overpssed eir resumtive • eir by blood heir atlaw .joint eir coarcener
• mbining frm
heli • elicopters verticl propeller roto • elicopter lndingplce heiad, eior • sking wit scents mde by elicopter heliskiing hex adjetives helical, helicoid he • adjetive inferna • plce were sins my be expited ter det Purgatory .ell in Jewis tougt Geenn, Sheol . s als
udeorld heme • prt o elmet tt pro tects e ce visor • protective el met or construction workers hard hat • protective elmet or motorcyc lists crash helmet hep • person keen to elp oters hilanthroist • domestic elper pro vided by loc utority home hel • turning to source o elp re course hemp • adjetive hemen . comb emp beore spinning card
Hephess I H
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hehaestus .Roman e: Vucan Hera .Roman Juno Heracles .Roman e rculs her • adectve rbal • bag of erbs use to avour soups bouqut garni . oppe fres erbs fns rbs • gare for meiial erbs psc gardn • book listig erbs rbal Hercules • Greek e racls heredity • stuy of erety gent cs heresy • fouer of a eresy rsi arc .follower of a eresy: rtic
• publi
burig of a eret by te Spais Iquisito: auto da f auts d f)
Mrcur • Hermes wige a petasus • Hermes saketwie taff: caducus hemit • adectve rmtc .er mits abtatio rmtag, cll . Latn
• ermit lvig o te top of a pillar
stlt hernia
• ae
belt supportig a
era: truss hero uovetoal tioal ero
antiro Herod • ire kille by Hero: ol Innocnts herring • small youg of errgs, sprats et eate as foo witbat • rolle pikle errig llet roll mop heeroexualiy • assumptio tat eterosexuality is te om trosxsm hide .ie oes tougts or feel igs: dssimlat . wait i iig lurk • perso iig o a sp or ar rft i orer to travel wtout payg
stowawa hidden • conng form crpt(o) (eg
• ie
store cac, stas • gplae boltol • ot ie ot Highlands . traditoal Hgla laguage Galic • ompettio of Higla traitioal poets a musi as: Mod • wove fabr patter as soate wt a partiuar la: tartan • istitve patter of a tarta stt • etrefolde Higla at: glen garr • Higlaers tarta souler lot: paid • mas tarta skt i traitioal Higlad ress: kt • pou wor frot of te klt
sporan hill .low ill ummock, urst, kno mound . low ll akig a . getly rol moutai foot lig ll down • attoppe steep se ll msa • rocky ll tor .top of a ill: crst summt .mass of loose stoes o a llse scr atioalsm: Hindu • Hidu induta . Hidu eretary lass cast, arna .member of te Hiu priestly aste Braman .member of te Hiu mlitary aste Ksatra
• member of te Hu aste of mer
ats a farmers: Vasa .mem ber of te Hiu worker aste Sudra • member of te lowest lass of Hu soety Dait, aran, untoucabl • eotig a Hiu belogg to oe of te igest astes: ticborn . Hiu sriptures: Vda . omme tary upo te Veas: pansad • Hiu mystal text tantra • wor repeate i Hu meitatio: mantra • Hiu myst syllable om • Hu liturgial laguage: Sanskrt .Hu teaer: guru Maars, pandit, swami • Hiu teaers pupl cla • ermitage of a Hiu teaer a is pupls asram • Hu aseti: fakir • Hiu ascetc wearig few lotes gmnosopst . Hiu reli gious beggar: sannasi same) ace to see a Hiu oly ma: darsan • seess atio as a way to perfeto karma oga • u state
p oy Commo
of spreme happiness ananda . Hin state of blesseness nirvana Hin's personal fate karma Hin sol, inivial an niver sa atman . earthly incarnation of a Hin ivinity avatar _ Hin go ess devi Hin spreme goess Dev . Hin spreme go Shva phallssymbol of Shiva: lngam . vlvasybol of ivine creative en ergy yon . isk symbolizing the niverse: mandala power of the Hi gos maya foooffering to a Hin go: prasad Hin term for cosmic law: dharma Hin festival of lights Diwal . Hin spring festi va ol . Hin principle of non violence towars all living things ahimsa Hin tower temple pagoda . Hin traitional meicine Ayrveda . male Hin's loincloth dhoti . Hin forehea mark: tlak re power se by Hin women to mark the forehea: kmkm .Hin epic Maabarata Hin treatise on love an sexal echniqe Kama Stra . Hin seclsion of women purdah . Hin place of cremation gat Hin wiow's selfcremation: sttee Hin meitation techniqe poplar in the West ranscendenta Meditation Western system of exer cises loosely base on Hin pri ciples: yoga h adective sciatc hip joint
coxa hire urchase
hire pr
chase payment down payment company fning hireprchase f-
nanc company finance hose histor historywriting, or the sty of it historiography .histor
ica nformation gaine by recore interviews oral hstory .objects of historica interest memorabila .ob j ects of interest to iitary historians mlitaria Mse of history: Clio hit . ht reapeatey pond pmmel thrash . hit obliqely glance
with the han's ege to the back of the neck rabbit pnch qick sharp blow rap latten with a sharp blow swat
start of play in hockey avance the ball by sc cessive light taps: drbble sie part
hocke bully off
of the laying area wng
hoe to ct off wee
roots Dtch oe
apparas of three splaye poles sheer legs hoisting evice wining rope ec abot rm: capstan wnch wndlass ropes an pleys for lifting heavy objects: tackle
hoe bore or pierce hole peor ation pnctre . hole bore to take explosive blast hole shot hole hole allowing leakage: pnctre
enlarge the top of a hole to take the screw lsh: contersink
or lawcorts' holiay vacation holiay of half a ay half holiday school's short miterm holiay: half term . inclsive holiay package package tor . poplar holiay estination resort rente holiay home cottage gte villa agen accompanying a pack age tor corer .holiay cap or ganizer redcoat
combining forms:
haly), hiero hierlyph) . holy place shrne .jorney to a shrine plgrmage eclare or ake holy sancty violae the holiness of a place or thing: desecrate ritaly impre nclean
Ho Communion . Holy Comm nion given t a person near t eath viaticm ltienominational participation Holy Comnion nter
brea isc se in Holy Com mnion waer see aso Mass
hol war by Christas to ecove the Holy Lad cusade by Muslms gaist idels ad home . logig o oe's home omesckness .oce someoe to live a om hs home bans ok om home th electoc ac cess to the okplace telecommute homoeoath substce used i homoeopathic teatmet smlas omoeualt adjctivs gay pnk quee emale homosexual lesban .male homosexual tas vestte dag queen aousig homosexual desie omoeotc cocealmet o oe's homosexuality closet ot cocealig oe's homosexualty out declae oe's homosexualty come out aoucemet by othes o a pomiet peso's homosexualty outng C publc lavatoy veed as a homosexual meetigplace cottage homoexual pchasg poe pnk pound .hated o homosexuality omopoba honet cosistetly hoest up gt upstandng system elyig o paticiats' hoesty onou system hone hoeypoducig melleous deotig hoey daied om the comb ithout heat o pessure vgn alcoholc dk made om hoey mead seetmeat made o hoey ad sesame lou alva .liquid collected b bees om oes to mke hey necta .tual suga oud hoey ad uits uctose honeom . small compatmet i a hoeycomb cell hoo hooked pole used to lad lage sh ga .hooked devce used to gai puchase gapplng on gapnel .decoative opeok made ith hooked ya cocet hoop . hoop attached to a skt to suppot t atngale
holy w I hose
ong Kong geeal idex o Hog Kog shae pces Hang Seng nde hoe uattaiable hope ppe deam .deotig a hope ulikely to be ed pous van ho kil r dryig hops oast buildig o ths oast ouse horzontal devce establshig hoizotaty level spt level hormone goth homoe som atotopn .homoe used to teat egies d rthrits cotsoe ptuty homoe tedig to icease blood pessure vasopessn . homoe used to teat diabetes nsuln homoe used by thletes to mpove peromace steod anabolc steod homoe seceted he ude stress adenaln epnepne .homone oxdisg body suga nsuln . homoe goveig emale secoday sexual chaactestcs oestogen homoes goveig male secoday sexual chaacteistics andogen testosteone homoe stmulatig uterie pepaato o pegacy pogesteone homoe makig the cevx dilate elan .homoe stimulatg uteie cotactios ad mlk seceto oytocn hormoe simuatig m poductio ate givig bith polactn horn adjctiv: coneous ho o plety conucopa horocoe pepae a hooscope cast astlogcal map or cstig hooscope bt cat natal cat hore combining forms: equ ppo (e.g hippodom, orgnay a track for orse races)
equne small pehstoc hose yacoteum eoppus emale hose mae castated male hose ucastated geldng male hrse stall on ent e o se youg hose oal youg male hose colt youg emale hose lly ospig
ors rr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
of a mae donkey and female ose mue ospring of a mae ose and female donkey inny small orse pony stong sortlegged ose cob . puebed orse bred torougbed oses bloodstoc orse fo odnary ridg ac ose bed fo unting and steeplecasing unter .ose bed fo eavy wok cartorse lage ose bed fo eavy work ea orse sire orse .ose wit black and wite patces piebad orse wit patces of wite and some oter colou sebad ose aving a coat of one colou inte spesed wit ais of anote: roan wld Ameican ose mustang bronco Austrian orse bed fo dessage paner knigt's wa orse destrer raceose in te cal endar yea ae tat in wic it was born yearing ose tat as not yet won a major prize novice orse's cy: neg orse's so igpitced cy inny front part of a ose's face mue igest pat of a ose's back ters orny pad in a ose's oof rog orse's neck ai mane orses mammary gland udder straps round a orse's body arness strap keeping te ead down matngae ose's meta moutpiece bt ose's eyesceen biner . staps ound a ose's ead bride aness ring fo te res terret attacment fom te aness to te sfts: trace ope ound a ose's ead ater ose's vetica jump buc orse's style of movement gait ose tang in obedi ence and depotment dressage . advanced training in tis aute cole osetaine's long ein: unge skl in osemansip mange spike on a ride's eel spu spiked disc attaced to tis roe orse taned to perrm witout a
ride: iberty hors e place hoses are tained: mange horse's gait between a trot and a galop:
(of a orse) stand upigt on ind legs rear (of a orse) run out ter
of contol: bolt . (of a ose) give · bit oa . (of a orse) efuse a jum : bauk, jib military pesonnel using orses o amoured veicles cavary small eld for oses pad doc . fodde bag attaced to a � orses ead nosebag ope tying a ose's legs togete obbe .estab lisment were orses ae kept o trained stabe . stable woke lad ! orse food of ban and ot wate mas open toug fo ose fodder manger .ose's coase gooming bus dandy brus metal device fo cleaning orse bruses currycomb . establisment were oses ae kept fo breeding stud book of ose pedigees stud boo peson wo looks ae oses groom .per son wo soes orses bacsmt arrer orse disease wit swellings below te jaw ganders ose slaugtee nacer ose tans porter orsebox wooden orse for play obby orse mytical cea ture a man and a ose cen
taur adjectve euesors-rng trian at of oseiding euestransm euitaton orsemansp euipment fo oseiding tac riders protective elmet sucap
competition in orseiding skills gymana .euestran co petition involving sevea tests event . competitive spot of ding a orse ove obstacles i an arena sojumping sowjumpg competi tion oe lage obstacles: puissance nal round of a jumping competi tion jumpo details of a orse's pevious competitive acievements orm penay point in sowjump ig ault saped tousers for ose
67 . . . . . . . . . . . .
hose hose
rg odurs person who res horses eqestran clmb onto a hrse for rg mount horse's re sponse to the res mout
ose .ajustable ttng at a hose en nole osital • small rual hosptl: cot tage osal • prvate resental
estblshment provg health care nursng ome • hosptal set up near a battleel eld ostal .hosptal whch mecal stuents are trane teacng ostal .NS hosptal amsterg ts own buget ostal tst • boarng chool hosptal sanatorum • hos ptal for the care of chlbrth mater nty ospta • hosptal for the chron cally sck or those makg a slow recovery sanatorum .hosptal for the termnally osce .mecal post gving prelmary treaent dressn g staton specalst hosptal epartment clnc hosptal room for patents bes ard • NS hos ptal be for whch a charge s mae amenty bed ay bed • hosptal room for operatons teatre • the atre garment gon • room for pa tents revvg from a general anaes thetc recey room • (of a staterun hosptal) wthraw from local authorty control ot out • re gon om whch a hosptals patents come catcment area .amt to hosptal ostae .keep n hos ptal: detan • sen home from hos ptal: dscarge .patent stayng n a hosptal natent .patent vst ng a hosptal for treatment outa tent .enotg a patent neeng much care gdeendency .a verse effects of lengthy hostalza ton osptasm • enotg resent mecal staff ouse • group of hos ptal octors frm enotg post grauate mecal trang gven a osptal clncal • person recevg
ths ouse ocer ouseman ptal attenant orderly orter
• hos
oste • hostel for the homeless re ceton centre ote .hotel for motorsts motel small Italan hotel enone •
sttuton oerg cheap accommoa ton fo employees stuents etc os el • prvate house oerg foo an logg for payment boardn g ouse guest ouse .Europen boarg house ension • hotel entrance hall: oyer • hotel recepton counter desk hotel employee carryng guests' lug gage orter .servce of foo an rnks customers' rooms room erce .regerate rnks cup boar hotel beroom mnbar large hotel room for meetgs or ar tes functon room receton room hotel beroom wth several bes: aml y room • person owng or run ng a hotel oteler • hotel oor man commssonare orter woman who cleans hotel berooms cambermad • be breakfast an one ma meal aly demenson alf board • be an all meals full board • formaltes on leavg an hotel ceckout � see ao retaurant
ot ate • natual hot sprg gey ser • pan of hot water above whch foo may be cooke or kept warm
banmare ou . adjective oral ouse .large elaborate house man son .large house the conty country seat manor • gatehouse for ths lodge country house wth at tache farm grange .Roman coun try house illa • sglestorey house for a famly an ts lvestock long ouse smal hose use by hunt ers untng bo sootng bo
• small country house for sportsmen lodge Church of nglan parsh
prest's house carage rectory Roman Cathoc parsh piests
sehol I hge hose resbytery Protestant mnster's hose manse detached town hose of moderate sze via row of hoses bl as a sngle block terrace oc dwelng of a government mnster or dplomat: residence ofcal accommodaton of a dge on crct odgings ofcal accommodaton of the head of an Oxford or Cambrdge colege odge, odgings hse at a secret locaton safe ose sample hose on a new development, frnshed and decorated so ose selfcontaned part of a hose for an elderly relatve granny fat denotng a freestandng hose detaced denotng a hose at tached to another on one sde semi detaced denotng a hose attached to others on both sdes: trraced denotng a hose attached to another on the grond loor only ink detaced .chldren's part of a hose nrsery hose wth ts land and otbldngs messuage . paved area adonng a hose atio terrace chldren's play hose: Wendy o se ht at a holday camp caet Eskmo's hose made of ce blocks igoo tradtonal concal stone hose of sothern Italy truo Rssan smmer resdence: daca tradtonal wooden hose n Swtzerland caet hose's occpants: oseod person ownng the hose he or she lves n owner occer erson payng to lve n another's hose odger aying gest denotng pesons nale to leave home de to rmty hosebond ocal connement to one's home
hose arrest
houehold jectives domestic, domiciiary . money fo rnnng a hosehold hosekeeing .edcaton n hosehold skls domestic science . members of a hosehod: mnage person employed to organ
68 ze a hosehold osekeeer .hosehold servant domestic
ouse o oons . charman
of Commons debates Seaker Speaker's means of expellng a dsrptve member: naming symbol of the Commons' athorty mace area represented by a member constitncy place n the Hose of Commons or the consttency t repesents seat front seats occped by chef members of the gov ernment reasry benc box n the Hose of Commons by whch mn sters stand to speak Disatc Box sece a qorm n the Commons make a Hose Commons proced F re lmtng dscsson enminte re .post soght by resgnng MP
Stewardsi of te Citern Hun dreds . person who s not a member or ofcal of the Hose of Commons
stranger ouse o Lords
. charman of Hose of ords debates ord Can ceor hs seat n the chamber Woolsack bshops n the Hose of Lords ords sirital lay members of the Hose of ords ords member of the Hose of ords vong for a moton content . member of the Hose of ords votng aganst a moton: noncontent Crown docment smmonng a peer to the Hose of Lords writ peer who seldom at tends the Hose of Lords man peer actng as a snor dge
law ord house
another's accepted offer: gam decrease one's own accepted
gander hoerrat
layer of ar spportng a hovercraft csion hangng sr
rond for the cshon skirt
huge combining forms mega(lo)_ . measre) macro . mc csm)
hum I hug
huan mbining forms andro nthrop(o) .attribution of uman form r beaviour to gods anmas or inanimate objets anthropmoph sm beief tat umns are te most mportant eement of existene nthropocentrsm hmansm be ief tat umans are no more port ant tan oter ivng beings ;ocentrsm .resembing a uman nthrpd study of te origns of umankind anthropogeny .ul tura sudy of umankind nthro pology ared of umanknd ms anthropy assumption of uman form by a onept or divinity em odment ncarnation . attribution of uman emotions to inanate ob jets pathetc allacy • seeking to promote uman welfare hmantar an phlanthropc tiny umanoid reature homncls hmu nculi ) robot designed to resembe a uman being androd beyond uman owers sperhman huour umorous statement of te opposite to wat is realy meant ony disrespetfu joing evty hundred combining forms cent (eg cenuy), hecto (eg hectlire) person wo is 100 years od centen arn inrease a undredfod cen tple hundredh
combning form: cent
(eg cenlre) .djtive centesmal
undredt aniversary centenary twoundredt anniversary cen
tnary cntnnl tr undredt anniversary tercentenry tercentnnl fourundredt anni veversary qatercentenay undredt anniversary qncenten ay q ncentennal Hungarian .Hungarian person or is anguage Magyar Hun arian avaryman hssr .Hungarian gypsy gane spiy Hungarian
stew golash fast Hungaran dane csadas huning djective venatc i ega unting poachng uning trip in East Afria saar ana tat naturay unts oter animas for food predator areunting wit dogs eaglng . gameuntng wit greyounds corsng unters prenary assemby meet • unters assistant gll unters' amou aged seter hde .unter's movabe sreen stalkng horse . ana used y unters to attrat oters decoy oia in arge of ounds hntsman untsman's assistant whppern unting dog hond eavy unting dog mast sma ound d unt ares eagle set of ounds pack person in arge of tis master reease of ounds at te start o a unt throw o unting dog's rigid stane to indiae game pont set dog trained to reover dead or jured ame re trever unted bird or anima game qarry quarry's iding pae covr tiket in wi game may ide cvert .drive game from tese lsh ause game to rise from over sprng .folow game stealty stlk .denotng ornered game at ay person empoyed to drive game towards te unters eater te driving of game towrds te unters by beaters atte sout wen te quarry breks over ew halloo anal et used to ure oters decoy person empoyed to breed or protet game gamekeper keepr person empoyed to supervise game and unting game wden area reserved for private unting preserve area were no unt is permitted eserve person attempting to disrup a unt hnt satr • time ofear wen unting is permitted open sesn .tme of year wen unting is not emitted cls
sbd I hyposs
season • loss of he sce n n hunng cek • group lvng y hunng and harvesng wld food untergaterers • srongly scened ojec used sham huns drag • fox's head as a hunng rophy mask . small hou se used y huners uning ox, sooting ox
• monarch's husan husand consort . husand remanng a home o loo afr he house nd ch dren ouseusand • husand of an unfahful wfe cuckod • deno ng a husand consaly upraded y hs wfe enpecked • servly of a husand owards hs wfe uxoiousness • cusom or sae of havng only one husand a a me monandry • cusom or sae of hav ng several husands a a me poy
andy hut
• holdaycamp
aet • wheeled each hu ting macine . unnelshaped cas ron hu Nissen ut hu
• jective:
. mae hygenc sanitie hmn .hymn sung as he clergy ener he church for a servce introit • hymn sung durng a processon processiona • hymn sung as he clegy leave he church aer a servce recessonal • Luheran hymn or s musc corae • Lan hymn on he Las Judgemen Dies rae • Lan hymn on he sferngs of he Blessed Vrgn a the Crucxon Staat Mater • Lan hymn venerang he Blesse Sacramen antu rgo hhen • hyphen used always ard ypen • hyphen used only when a wor s spl so ypen
hnos • herapy usng hypnoss ypnoterapy • semconscousness nduced y hypnoss trance • nsll
ng of deas n he mnd of a hypno zed paen: suggestion .denong suggesons neded o nuence e havour afer he rance has ened
i geld, glacal ice coveing a age aea ce cap sow movng mass of ice: glacer mass of
snow, ice, and rocs moving down a tapeing aalance mountain pece of ce ccle thn tanspaent aye of ice blac ce erglas ice coating on fogound ojects: rme strated ice sampe ganed y a hoow d core oatng sheet of ice: loe, pack ce age oating oc of ce ceberg area of wate cowded with oatng cs of ice pack ce ea stretch of wate sur rounded y ice: polynya showe of compacted ie peets al slide don an ice soe: glssade ship designed to ea hrough ice: ce breaker uiding fo sto ng ice: ce ouse saing vehice on sids fo traveing acoss ice ce boat, ce yact peiod when much of the eath was coveed y ice ce age, gla cal perod poued over cushed ice rapp
ice age
denoting the mide peiod
etween two ice ages nterglacal
iceerg: growler oating ce deached fom an ice eg cal
ice cream ice ceam made with wate sorbet water ce conica wafe fo ice ceam: cornet taian ice ceam of vaious avous with gac fuits etc cassata taian wate ice: ganta ice ceam seved with fut etc in a gass Kncker bocer Glor aat sundae dsh of ice ceam, peaches, and iqueu:
eac Melba he Melba
ice ocke uer dis used as a a: puc attempt to pay a all n an opponents possession tackle celandic Iceanic paiament Altng medieva Iceandic pose naative saga icing had white icing made fom icing suga and egg whites royal cng icon icon screen n an Eastern chuch: conostass idea ceve idea concet ey idea: catcword catcprase mis taen ut traditiona dea: old wes' mistaen ut tale, sbbolet widey popar peception of a cerain type of peson etc stereotype idea hed t e aove cticism sacred cow osessive idea de xe des xes) osessive nteest n a snge idea monomana ideas as popety ntellectual property ideas tangie expession embod ment ceative idea npraton ntoduction of new ideas: nno aton system of ideas: deology uncitica suppoter of his: deo logue ejecte of his offeng no a ternative: negatst ideal denotng an idea stuation
dyllc, utopan identical geneticaly identica o ganism: clone identit identity documents papers hidng ones identity: n cognto tem haituay seen wth a peson o thng, and sevng to iden tfy them: attrbute
. cmbnng fm ism
(eg Fassm) geneally acceped idoogy ohooy
dlen I idlenes
agreeabe ideness dolce far nente, flere, lotuseatg frustrating but enorced inactivity doldrums • ide and irresponsibe person eedowell physcay or mentaly ethargic: topd • ide and unambitous sless • ide about: loaf
ignorant person go
deiberatey ignore an acquaintance cut, snub
denoting hings made or sold iegay bootleg . ocial's ilegal use of powers or funds entrusted to him malversato alcohol distied iegay in Ireland poteen .alcohol disted iegay in the USA: moosne •
. aeged heraldic in dicaton of iegtimacy bar snster, bed snster
. combining form: paty (.g neuropathy) iess caused by germs n food food posong . identication of an ilness dagoss feign iness to avoid work ma lge empoyee's statement that hs absence was due to ness selfsufering • constant cerfcaton from imagined inesses ypoco dra degree awarded to a person absen from the examnations due to ness aegrotat study of arborne microorganisms as sources of infection aeobology cause of an iness aetology . tonguecoating in dicating iness f . denoting a pysica iness tat has a psycho ogica cause psychosomatc • denotng an iness caused by medica nterventon iatogeic • denoting an iness of sort duration acte • denoting a ong·asing or reurrent iness choc denoing iness bearng a risk of death ctca • prone to ness delicate • sighty i below pa seedy e the wea
ter • proneness to a speced iness datess . suddenly become seriousy i collapse abnorma sweat caused by iness dapoess • restess tossing of a sick person jacttatio • state of a patient showing no brain activity or response to stimui persstet vegetave state school or workplace area set apart for those taken sck sck bay .re covery from iness convalescence recupeato
adjective llusory • u sion seen in a dsert mrage iu sion seen on mountain peaks Bocke spectre iusionist tech nque of mura painting trompe •
iustration made from a imestone block lthograp iustraton made from a cut linoeum block locut • iustration printed from a scored or etched metal plate stration egravng printed from a cut bock of wood: woodcut • ney detaied woodcut wood egravng • iustration at the front of a book: frontspece • iustration used to f the page at the end of a chapter etc talpece iustration across the centre pages of a publication centre spread sma ustration with edges faded away: vgete position an iustraton to eave no margin: bleed • iustration of a mechanism showing the parts separaed for carity exploded vew • iustration of a mechanism showg its casing cut away cutaway ius tration depicting an imagned slice throug the object represented coss sectio � see also egavg
. combining form coo• images used to represent a person, idea etc icoogaphy • dreamike sequence of images: phatasmagora • worship of images conolatry • images degree of focus sharpness,
reae I d inrease sty nrsng progressive nrs rpiy escaate, proliferate inurae cr of h inur pallative care hospit for ths hospce indeent exosure gnt x posur flashng xposur of th uttoks mooning running nk through pul p streaking ideedee omi in pnn aarchy, atarky, selfsffciency, selfspo govrn mntl npnn atonomy, motony selfdeterminan sfsufcnt selfreliant nian combining form ndo.i of hghlyrspt Inin mahama Inin trton gs tur of gtng pranam Inn po t form of rss to mn sahb Inin pot form of rss to mtur womn memsahib .Inn nonthist rigion Jainism for mr Inn rulrs maharaja, raja ran) nabob, niam .mh rj's wf or wow maharani grn rcption h y n Inn rulr drbar Inn jug hakm, mnsf Inin ownr amndar Inin vilg ounil panchaya Inin tritonl otor hakim Inn hoy prson mn, sadh Inin soir unr th r sey Inin srgnt hvildar Inin mnor o jamadar In in poic const seoy Inn sty mnshi .Inn nng girl nch gir Inn nit dac . in phiv maho nn ntiv ou ce In i psnt r .Inin poi stk ah nin fn nkah g of owrs giv in wom maa in os i ain ake Iin y ov andor oig sy o i ooing using his anri i post svi dk sps ng
own to rvr n In ghat In n tr wth frgrt tmr sandalwd Inn wrhous go dwn Inn rss wtr pot oa cosur of usnsss s protst harta Inin poti srtgy of psiv rsstn satyagraha In n wshng oths for pymnt dhob Inin womns oi choli Inn womn's oos trou srs tprg t th nk salwar Inin womn's grmnt of sng ngth of otton or slk sar or tiv gol thr us on Inin oths ari Inin onoth ng Inn snk ofnts pnuts t Bombay mx st m n n Inin sturnt or h mt pt on whch t srv hal Inn sh of nis n sugr sanf Inin trm for urgn brinjal hn k of Inn r chapai thn risp spy Inn r oppadom Inn unvn r nan, par atha sm fri p of unv n r pri Inin ri uttr ghee Inn i rm klfi Inn trm for r mt gosht Inn mt koa nin ish of mt ook n n onion su dopiaa Inn ish of smll pis of mrn mt or vgtls kka Inin ish of urr mt n tomto su rogan jo sh tringu r svoury pstry samosa Inin ish of spit pulss dhal .Iin ish of fr vgts bhji In in ish of oil vgts wh spis chaa nin ish of spi i w vgs c ban In in grou spc mixtur masaa Inin suc of spis n turmri or ish usng it crry Iin m fo spinh saag sag Ini si ish of spi yoghurt wth cu umr raia Inn swtm m fom mik sois n sugr Inin swtmt of ttr in sy ai i swtmt of
dget I m
cheese syrp: guab aun Inian ter for tea chai Inian yogrt rink: assi screen in an Inian hose concealing woen fro view: urdah woen's arters in an nian hose enana plan town poplar as a hoiay resort: h statin grop of vilages in Inia: argana, ergunnah travellers' rest hose in Inia dak bungaw seasonl win in Inia: sn . rainy season i n Inia nn Inian ter for a foreigner eringhee Inian alphaet Devanagari ancient nian literary lan age: Sanskrit ancient an eieval vernaclar of north an central Inia: rakrt Inan ter or ten illion e Inian owe lte sard longnecke Inian lte: sitar nan forstringe nstrent with a resonator at eac en veena par of Inian han rs: tab raatic ance of sothern Inia: athakai notepattern for iprovisation in Inian sic rag, raga . sty of Inian cltre: Ind-
g ee aso curr, indu aci inigestion: inigeion heartburn loate feeling reslting fro ngestion: atuence inivial combining form idi-
for of speech particlar to one person: idect inivil hai idi
sncras inlge each an ru inria relaion ecisionsharng etween anageent an workers: cdeteinatn negotiation etween anageent an workforce representaties: cective bargaining nresolve isagreeent etwen aageent an workers disute thir party reeste to resolve a ispte: arbitratr thir party reeste to assist the isptants' negotatios: cnciatr, ed ar resrt to strikes rather than
negotation direct action slowing or stopping work a a protest: ndstria actin withrawal of laor as a protest: stage, strke . elierate rection of otpt y inte o servance of reglations: gw, wrk t rue stattory interval for negotiation when strikes are threat ene cng erid worker chosen as a workplace representative t hang no nion appontnt sh steward grop of striers sta tione otse the workplace ce picket willing to serve at other orkplace in icket eployer's ex clsion of al workers ckut al teration of an eploe's jo to encorage hi to resign: cnstructive dsissa .trae nion's clai of exclsive rights to a certain jo dearcatn disute . grant a nion workplace negotiation rights: recgnie withraw sch rights: derecgnie worker involveent i co pany goernent: industria
decrac ee ao negtatn strike trade unin inry new an growig instry: sunrse industr .ol an e clining instry sunset ndustr
spplying raw aterals for frther anfactre riar ndustr tis frther anactre: secndar industr .econoic ac tivity in the spply of services: ter tar industr instrial efciency
inlaaion of lining: eitonits n
te aoen aation of the ans: rcttis inlaation of the laer csttis one inlaation: steits inaation f the rain: nchati . inlaatin of rain eranes en ng its inaation of he rain an spinal cor: ecehatis . inaation of the reast: asttis inaation o the cae c: hts naation o e
i lm I a
� - 76 colon cols inammation of the conea kratits inammatio of th ear cankr otitis inammation of the inner ear layrinthtis inamaton of the ebow tendons tnnis lo inammaton of the eye ophthalmi ophthalmitis nam mation of the eyelid lphaits inammation of the eyes mucus mem brane conunctvitis inammation of bros tissue irosits inam mtion of he gums gingivitis in lmmion of the hert carditis nmmaton of the ntestine ntriis nammation of the jonts arthriis rhumatsm rhumatod rthrs chronc kdney ammaton nphrits Brights dsas inammon of the knee housmais n inammaton of the arynx aryngits inammation of th lr hpatts bacteial infecton causing inammaon of a lung pnumona nammation of the mucus membrane of the bronch ronchts inammaton of the musces rhumatism inamma to of the nose rhintis inammaton of an oary oophortis ovartis inammation of the pericardium prdts nammation of the pancres pancratitis nammatn of the pluae plursy inammtion of the prostate prostatts nammaton of the rectum prottis nammton fom skn ubng on skin ntrtrigo skin inammton near a na htlo skn nammaton or peeng from oeeosure to sught sunurn iammaton of the retna rnts ammaton of the spna cod my nammaton of the membrane coeng the spnal cord mnngs nammaton of he spna joints spondylts nammaton of he speen splnts nammaton of the stomach gastrs syphtc nammaton of the bran parss
nammation of a tendon tndintis inammation of the testcles orchits inammation f the tissue around teeth prodontts inam mation of the tongue glossits in-
ammaton of the tonsls tonslltis inmmion of the tahea trachtis inammation of the uddr argt nammation of the rethra urthrts nammaion of the uteru mrtis inammaton of the agna vagnts inamma tion of ein as phlts patchy inammaton of smaer ens an gitis vascultis inammaion of the oca cords or oce box laryngits inammaton of the ua vulvitis inammaton of the windpipe trachitis inammation of the wrst tendons tnosynovts disease causng gental inlammaton hrps simplx medicine to ease inammaton dmulcnt so moist mass appied to reiee nammation poultc nlaton nation caused by ncreased producton costs cospush ination caused by unsatised demand dmandpul inaton c companed by high unempoyment and stagnant demand staglaton nlecton inecton of a Latin or Greek noun dclnsion inecton of a Latin or Greek erb conugaton inorm nform ofcay noty inormion nformaton of mitary or potca alue ntllgnc informaton desgned to misead dsnormaton msnormaton nformaton desgned to furher a particular pont of ew propaganda tem of information daum . daa) pubshed nformaton ltratur nformton booklet rochur text and graphc information broadcast by teeson tltxt ater infomaton to make t moe acceptabe launr nfoma suppresson of in
fome I sde
77 formaton onspray o sene nformaton sheet strbute to club members etc: buen newseer stuy of the processes of storng an retrevng nformaton noras, noraon sene .enotng ocally secret nformaton assed release of nfomaton: dslosure, dvugene elberate sclosure of secret nformaton: eak . perso ong ths: oe . loath to gve nformaton: reen, unorhong ncrease avalablty of n formaton ue to computers: noraon revouon . person supplyng nformaton soure noran, perso sent ahea to reconnotre:
sou inome
supplying n-
formaton to the polce: soopgeon
nark, grass supergrass inhaiant cbnn fr: e (eg Isaelit)
. orgnal nhabtant
aborgna, auohhon inhei persn who wll nhert her thngs nherte: herage
herte from one's father: parony . nhertance of pesonal characterstcs: heredy gane by nhertance: heredary elest sons rght of ihertance progenure property nhertance settle over several geeratons: ena prevent someone frm nhertng as he or she expects to o dsnher
y injeion
nuenc stng ntate dead hand .estroy enthusasm an intatve: suprotectng
agans fecton nouaon, u nzao n vanaon secon njecton to renforce the rst: booser nstrument for makng njectons: syrnge sposable njecton kt
syree ink contaner for loang nk: arrdge
.emonstrate or pronounce a person's nnocene: eu-
pae inqui
.ocal nury nto the cause of a eath: nques nquisition natonal rector of the Inuston: Grand nqusor burnng of a heretc by the Spansh Inuston: auo da aut da
nsition scratche nscrton: grao . small at slab for a n spton: abe . stuy of acent nscrptos: epgraphy iset cbnng fr: enoo-
n mmature grublke form arva, aggo nsect nactve stage between larva an ault: pua, hysals . larva of certan nsects whch evelops rectly nto he ault stage: nyph trasformaton of an nsect between these stages: eaorphoss .mature nsect ago .nsect of greeny or blacky type lvng on plant juces: aphd small black yng nsect swarmng on stll summer ays: hrps . same) hundery nsect that has gane mmunty to treatmets employe to eracate t: superbug nsect's feeng tube: proboss nsect excement rass kllng sects nseda eat ng nsects: nsevorous stuy of nsects: enoology inseiie nsectce from powere plan roots: derrs sectce mae from alrn now largely banne: dedrn inse nsert between other tems:
nerpoae, nerpose, nersperse insie cbnng fr endo, nra (eg ntraranal) evce nserte va a boy cavty to allow nternal examnaton: endosope e vce gvng nse vews of the ear: aursope . evce nserte va he anus for ternal xamnaton of the coo olonosoe
ns I 78 u st • tu tve ght percepton sto • caeful ecton scrutny .tour of npecton round
surnce • surance agant bad debt credt nsurnce • urance agant employee dhonety fdel ty nsurnce • urance agat • pect property a a potental le lo or damage to property etc ndenty • urance agat the con or or purchaer e • whout n euence of he ured act lbpecon sgt n seen srato • ource of praton ty cer • urer own urance agat the rk undertaken rensuruse nce .travel company bankruptcy stuto • redental nttuton urance bond • motort nter for rphan orpnge uon natonal urance gren crd .de etablhed by endowment foundnotg urance coverg peron ton other than the ured trdparty • ntructon book • um ad to effect urnce prensruto ndbook nul u .organzaton recevng the srut • obervg and record premum nsurer • peron payg g devce ontor • trument for the premum nsured polcyolder meurg alttude sextnt • n .premum creae eectng extra trument for meaurg ange prork lodng .premum reducton trcor • ntrument for mkng r for clamfree year nocls bonu s eaurg rght angle set sque • protecton provded by urance • ntrment etmatng the dtance coer • peron who calculae nur travelled on foot pedoeter • n ance rk and premum ctury trument recordng and meaurng arthuake sesogrp ses oeter • ntrument meaurng umdty ygroeter • trument eaurng lght tenty pooeter • ntrument meaurg l ud or ga preure noeter peoeter • ntrument montorg change n pule and breathg rate polygrp • ntrument meaurg a lope teene grdoeter • ap paratu tranmttg trument redng by rado teleeter nslton • water tank nulatng covr jket • ulatng cover for aer ytem lgng • ubtance gvng lmted nulaton seon-
dutor nl ult by lack of attenton sliht nult by total gnoral cut sn nne • tate nurance ytem for ckne and retrement tionl nsne • nurance ayable on e deat of e ured eron life n
• peron
aeg payent to be made on clam oss duster • urer payment of clam settleet • peron or company accetng lab ty for the payment prome by an urance polcy underer • urance underwrter belongng to a Lloyd yndcate nae nurance contract polcy • temporay nur ane certcate coer nte • claue modfyng the cover gven endorse-
ent excluson ltton rder
• tme durng whh an urance pol cy eectve ter • cancellaton of
a lfe urance wth partal rem buremen of remum ad surrn der • ale of a lfe nurance polcy b a holder who termnally tic settleent • category of n urance provded by an nurer lne • type of nurance olcy were ay ment garanteed regardle of event ssurnce .type of ur ance ocy ayng a ed um on a tted date enowent polcy
tell gece I testes
79 . chievement of this dte maurty . denotng n insurnce policy entitling the holder to shre in the compnys prots wthrots de noting n insurnce policy covering loss regrdless of responsibility oault . insurnce sum pyble t deth reverso denoting n insur nc policy pying only t the deth of the insured wholele item or event specicly not covered by n insurnce policy: excluso prt of n insurnce cim tht the poicy holder must py: excess denoting n insurnce policy nnced by the enecir cotrbutory denoting motor vehicle insurnce covering most risks comrehesve insur ance compnies ageement to ech reimburse their own clients oc-
oroc agreemet intelligence scle for chld intel ligence: BetSmo scale gure expressing persos intelligence tellgece quote intellect . denoting interest only to n intellectu minority hghbrow
collectvely hghbrows the tellgetsa .de noting generl populrity mle brow equing lile o no inte lect lowbrow mless
ploy designed to concel
ones true intentions: bl
interest showing interest or con cern: solctous of current interest tocal interest pid on citl only smle terest . interest pid
on cpitl nd on ccumulted nter est of previous periods comou terest . lowest vlble rte of interest on bnk lon rme rate Bnk of Englnds interest rte for lons to other bnks ba rate, base rate denotng money vlble t high rtes of interest tght gowth of sum of money through interest erned accumulato
inteerence interference:
are internal
. combinin form eo . hving n internl cuse eoge
ous nternet . Internet section with d dresses shring common sufx o ma list of fvourite Internet sites hot lst . Internet network of hyper medi sites Worl We Web . move from site o site on the Internet su skilled Internet user teraut, ete compny providing Internet ccess servce rover .re les mteril on the Internet: ost
denoting computerized gme ply
ble over the Internet multuser progrm retrieving mteri from the Internet search ge pro portion of useful mteril on the Internet sgaltoose rato proper wy to use the Internet
etquette interal intervl between two suc cessive reigns etc terregum .en tertinment given in thetre interv ermeo, etr'acte
interruption of speech heclg
intestines combinin eter(o) jective eterc
form prt of the intestine leding from the stom ch small teste st prt of the smll itestine uoum dude nums dudena) surgicl diver sion of the smll intestine eteros omy second portion of the smll intestine jejuum . third portion leum surgcl opertion giving n opening to the ileum through the b dominl wll leostomy pouch t the junction of sm nd rge ntes tines caecum inlmmtion of the cecum tylts . prt of the intes ine leding to he nus large tes te min prt of the lrge intes tine colo portion of the coln
in I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ascendng from he caecum: ascendng colon porion of he colon leading o he recum: descendng colon horizon al porion of coon connecing hese: transerse colon inammaon of he colon: cols sma blind ube near he end of he large inesine: appendx Sshaped secion preceding he recum: sgmod colon na sraigh secion of he arge inesine: rectu na openng of he recum: anus . devce insered via he anus o gve inside views of he colon colonoscope fbrescope . anal inserion of waer o ush ou he colon colonc rrga ton surgical operaion giving an opening o he colon hrough he abdomna wa coostomy he opening so formed: stoma inesinal muscle movemen: perstalss abdominal prorusion of he nesine erna . pigs inesnes used as food: ctterlngs inammaion of he inesine enterts disease of he inesine: enteropaty pain in he nesines: colc pail inesinal obsrucion leus .fding of one secon of inesne inside he nex: n tussuscepton infecion of he smal inesine wih severe diarrhoea coera enterts iecion of he inesines wih severe diarrhoea and bleeding: dysentery chronic ulceraion of he ieum: rons dsease sudy of he somach and inesines and heir diseases: gastroenterology see ao boel
combining form: ntro ..
intue '
inrur combining form: fore inroducory speech or wrting: foeord preable wihou inroducion: n medias res inuin dne inv person:
by nuiion
sore place on a bedridden
bedsore decubitus ulcer
sae paymen o he longerm sick:
ncapacty beneft invenin
documen graning an invenor soe rgh o he expoiaion of his work atent
in projecs having an eemen of risk: speculaton sum paid o purchase invesmens: prncpal money for speculaive invesmen: rsk captal enture captal . reurn on invesmens: yeld . lis of invesmens made portfolio cericae aesing ownership of investmens: securty invesor's ne holdings a a paricular ime: poston subsanal holding in he shares of a parcular company: stake denoing a pofoio ha avoids invesmen in moraly suspec indusries: etcal denoing an invesmen made wh borrowed capial leeraged denoing invesmens wih an eay redempion dae sortdated . denong a consanly adjused invesmen porfoio: managed company holding a wide and changing share porfolio and inving ciens o inves in he whoe: unt trust proabiliy of invesmens: peorance axfree ivesmen scheme personal euty plan person lving o dividends from invesmens: renter minimize risk hrough counerbalanced inves mens: edge . dispose of invesmens: dest sudden widrawa by many invesors run
invvemen effort mde o in volve ohers: outreac involvemen wih an xpecaion of nancal gain:
ested nterest nwar
combnng form
. intspetin
n neavely carged ion: anion posively charged ion cation rnn
ranan parliamen:
eld I sel
Hienia Celic lnguge of Irelnd se
· ciizen
of Irend, especilly n Ersespeker: Gael re of Irelnd were Erse is spoken Gaeltacht person wising Norern Irelnd o rein poliicl links wi e UK nionist, oyalist person seeking e poliicl unicion f Irelnd: Na tionalis periods of civ unres in Irelnd: the To les
rish Iris ccen: oge Iris bgpipes: llean pipes Iris erm for bech stand Iris round wickerwork bo: coacle Iris lig crrige: anting ca Iris cln: set Iris cudge: shillelagh Iris dgger: skea n elf in Iris folklore: lepechan Iri erm r n Englis person: Sassen ach Iris funerl song coonach, keen Iris ocil gering ceilidh Irish rdiion rp: clasach Iris gme resembling ockey: hling Iris lke: logh prlimen of e Iris Republic Oieachtas upper ouse of is: Seanad lower oue of is: ail police force of e Iris Republic Gada member of is: gada . ardai) Iris poo bligh ain ie of e prime miniser of e Iris Republic: Taoiseach Iris fried selemen: dn Iris femle spiri wose wiling porends de anshee Iris nionlis erroris orgnizin Iish Replican Ay .Iris vley: glen Iris wizrd: pishoge Iris erm for young womn: colleen ncien Iris lpbe: og ha rdiion Iris lnguge Gaelic Irisspeking pr of Irelnd: Gaeltacht Iris gypsies' scre lnguge Shelta Iris dis of boiled cbbge nd po es colcannon .Iris spiri dis illed from mled grin: whiskey lcoo dislled ieglly in Irelnd
plce were lcool is sold
ilegy: sheeen Iris erm fr ls drink deoch an dois ed of governmen in Norern Irelnd: Fist Ministe Norern Irelnd Proesn poliicl sociey: Oange Ode member of is: Oangean police force of Norern Irelnd
Royal lste Constalay
combining form:
e, side adective: eic, eos block of crude cs irn pig suc rn: ig ion ure mlleble form of iron woght ion co iron wih zinc galvanie person working iron by d: lacksith melworkers
disese cused by n ccumulion of iron dus in e lungs: sideosis
Egypin irrigion de bucke on pole shadoo
vice of Spnis irrigion device of buckes on weel: noia
adective: insla smll islnd islet smll islnd on ke or river: ait eyot hol remoe un-
inbied ropicl islnd: deset island low corl islnd: cay, key circulr corl reef group of islnds ec atoll group of islnds: achi-
Man adective: Manx Mnx judge deeste nx n ionl symbol: tiskelion Mnx prlimen: Tynwald . lower ouse of is Hose o Keys
ring f rps ec isl
ing plce codon ring of roops ec isoing n infeced re codon
sanitae sraeli Isreli coecive farm kib Isreli smllolders cooper ive: oshav Isreli inelligence service Mossad Isreli naionlis ionist Isreli prlimen: Knesset
Plesin oppsn o e sre
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
West Bank occupaton ntifada as Here Je
of pzza, foded and ed alone tn durum whet douh mde nto vrous shpes pasta tn sraelte promse mde by God to dsh of pst roed round met or the ancent sretes ovenant anveetabe n annelloni . tn cent srete war eder udge - dish of stewed mrrowbone: os so tent shrne used by the ncent - uco Italian ish of rice cooke reltes taernale bredke substock risotto tn dsh of fred stnce eaten by the ncent srtes sefod fritto isto . tan dsh of n the esert anna wooden chest sphett n a mnced me suce contnn the tbets of the L, crspagei Bolognese . tn dsh red by the ncent Isretes n the of sphett n tomto sauce spa desert ark s as ilial fig getti Napolitana . talan dsh of ures veal wth se eves nd ham talian . cmbining frm talo saltioa tan dsh of ve n tn pote form of ddress to tun nd nchovy mayonnase vitello tonnato tn dessert of mn signore tan pote form of e yoks whpped wth sur nd ddress to womn sigora . ta Mars aaglione tn desan pote form of adess to a youn sert of spone soked n sprts nd womn signorina tte of n tn coffee tiraisu taan dessert re dcttor uner Fscsm due . tal sembn tre uppa inglese an nme for southern ty Meo tnstye ce crem gelato tn hequnde tan giorno ce crem of vrous avours oedia dell'arte sma tn wth c fruts etc assata hote pensione trdtonal conc tnstye wter ce granita stone house of southern ty trullo taln so buevened cheese tn motorway autostrada ne Doleltte ™ tan hrd bue tn cooured pottery aiolia vened cheese Gorgonola tn sma tan resturant traora hrd dry cheese Presan talan tn pubc squr e piaa ta- so whte unsted cheese riotta n aerted bread made wth ove o . taan ewesmk chese peorino iaaa . t taan bread me taln crem cheese asarpone wth ove o foaia tn . rm whte taln cheese o bred mde wth es fru nd butrella mzeower pste polenta ter paneone . panen) thn taln suce of bacon, e, and talan bredstcks grissii tosted crem aronara tan pst taln bred drenched n olve o sauces arinara, pesto taan rusea tn hors doeuvre suce of rlc, cpers, nchoves, nd antipasto taln veetble soup o salsa verde Itln hck toiestrone taln omelette frit mto pste passata . tn sprk tat tn rw cured hm pro siutto .taln rlc sue sa ln whte wne spuate tn lai spced Itln pork suse ornevoured queur Strega ™ tln nseedvoured lqueur mortadella talan peppere pork sa ua taln rape brndy nd beef suse pepperon tl· grapp an potto dumplns gnohi tl· n dsh of t douh cooked wth th tchy feeln s of nts crwsvoury toppn pia Italn dsh n over the skn orition tch
83 ing istes on the skin ca • topia goin ith do itc • dg eieing ithing antipruritc .key item lincpn • st item on whih othes ae modeed prototyp • singe masspoded item unit . smal deoatie item ot drt . bjets dart) • witten
tem I tself item ntry • item kep as a e· minde nto souvnr .item whose te ae is neaied fo some time slpr . assoted items iscllana • nspeed items sundris • os of poding one f· the item argin al cst
itsel . in itself pr s
Jj membe of a Jamacan cmna gang arde Jamacan e
gon egadng Hae Seasse as God Rastafaransm
Jaanese uddhsm emhsng medtaton en Ja nese uddhst teache bone Ja anese uddhst festva of the dead Bon Jaanese busness hosohy of contnuous movement kaen fome ttes of Jaanese emeos Mkado Tenno Jaanese tad tona esonage nnutsu eet ths nna Jaanese fencng kendo heedtay commande n feud Jaan sogun Jaanese feud wao samura . same Jaanese antng on ae o sk kaemono Jaanese at of ae fodng orgam Jaanese at of owe aangng kebana . Jaan ese osttue gesa Jaanese na tona egon Snto Jaanese ats of sefdefence akdo, utsu karate genea nde of Jaanese shae ces N kke ndex gate to a Shnto shne tor sdng doo n a Jaanese house so . Jaanese sucde bombe o ts ot kamkae Jaanese ta of svng and dnkng tea tea ceremony Jan ese uet theate bunraku Jaan ese adtona heate No ou a veson ofths kabuk Jaanese system of theay by ayng nger essure acupressure, satsu . Jaanese dwarf tee bonsa .Ja anese wrestng sumo sumo cham on: yokouna Jaanese oose obe: kono sash won wth ths ob onamenta bo susended fom ths nro . Jaanese caved
buttonke onament netsuke
anese dsh of ged chcken eces yaktor Jaanese dsh of cod ce wth vegetabes sus Jaanese edbe seaweed nor Jaanese aco hoc drnk made fom ce sake Jaanese sylabc wtng: ana omanzed tansteaton fo Jaanese roma Jaanese tem fo Jaan Nppon Jaanese oem of 7 sylabes aku okku . same Jaanese oem of31 syabes tanka
. same
gass esevng ja Klner ar
and Roman stoage ja wth two handes and a onted base am
pora jargon jagon used by a artcua gou argot ncomehensbe technca jagon tecnobabble jagon of oua sychoogy psycobabble jaundie ve dsease oducng jaundce epatts Jaa Javan ecusso ochesta gamelan jaw adjetives gnatc maxllary anmal's feasome jaws ma owe jawbone mandble ue jawbone maxlla havng a rojectng owe jaw prognatos aay ss of the jaws locka trsmus ja mosed wodess jazz sngng scat jell aetive gelatnous jey made fom meat o sh stock aspc jelyke substance ge substance fom whch jely s made gelatn dsh served n asc galantne llh .jelyshs centa dsc umrel
jester I jo
.jesters cap: esters baton bauble partcoloed suit moly
coxcomb .jesers
jet jet fue kosn paran ol
jet engne n which a turbnerien
fn prodes era thrust: turboan jet engne whose gases operate a urieven compressor turboj jet enge i hih a rbne rives a propeler: tuboprop prousive force of a jet egine thrust a cur rent behnd a et engie: slpstram extincton of a et engnes ame
lamou ew cmbning frm Juda . JudaeChrstian) jectves Judic Smti egendary Jew sai to he moed Chrst: aing w of Je born Isrel abr cent o easter Eo descent: Ashaz (. Ashka lagage ed by ,es of cer an easte ope: idih Je of Sais r Potugee esen Sphardi epham) guage ued y ceran Meiterrea Jes La o Soet Je nt aod to go to rae usenik re dsper so of he Jews: io isprio greetng beee Jew shaom ews nted automto gm Jei relus cue: Jism colg fo Orhodox Jews shia . Jeis aer n a cy ghto ish alevoet sit: yu oazed f Tew 19thc_ Russia: ogrom Hitle's porme fo e exerio opea es i so uion oocaust free o Jews drin . nonJew Gnil . Jew ish term for nnJe goy . Jewi erm o a Chstian aan
jeery orn in a peced ea or noe stud sma cheap iem of jewelery: trinket sham jeweery orn on ressy occasons costum jwly decorae
i sch jeweery diamant jew eled headband: diadm tiara jeweery hangng frm a chain: pndant sma ornamenal case on a chain: lockt pece of jewelery with a reef portrait camo jeweer's magnifyng gass loup
ocatonal job done a home cottage industry secondary or mnor job aocatio sideline ave a second ob molght jb hich no or is requred sincur easy job; id y .job requng formal qucations possion appropriae congenal job: nich . tresome jo: chor enthy underakng: mrahn denotng a job requg boritesie n wokers
enon a ob ot reqng secial ist sks: noprosional rede
or eradice he lement of sk reque by a job: skil viso a job a its pay betwee sever loyes jobshaing esseti to jo's succesfu copeto msio rtcal risk nvoe n a ob: ocuptioa haad oeless assgment ools rrand noccpie job acacy person appl or a job liant candidate or eanatio of sch eope: nri person tesyig to an plca ablity: re trl perd be ore cormation of pone probaton . appoint to a job: minae abty o d o a ob compn elsively assigne o a pacu jb ddicad hadng down one on asks to a subordnate dlea give out such a task: depu dole specil or temporay as asignmn etad descrip of hs erms o rerence empory postng aa rom he usua or place scomnt . move to an othe job n the same organaton: psting, transer giving jobs to ones etves d ied nepotism
an ativity that is not a paid job nonprofessional trade union's lam of exlusive rghts to a erain jo: demarcatin dispute � appr?ach an employed peron oer� h a ob elsewhere: head h unt gIve up a Job voluntarily: resign laving jos by volutary retrement or resigaton: jobnatural wastage, wastage hntng help given to redundat hart c employees: outp laceme nt showing interrelaton of a rm's jobs: organization cart _Jocke . , y .Jockey s coloured ouft: siks joe's helmt skullcap weIghg f a okey fore OCIal and after a rae: wegh-out, wegh-n n .join metals wit an alloy: sodr join ropes by interweaving strands: spice n . mbining for: co- .. co-thor) arthr-, zygo .. zyotic) a and soket joit enarthosis (pl nrthross) .hip joit: coxa kee jot i horses, dogs, et: stife .one overng the knee joit: kneecap, patella .having unusualy exble oints: double-joined .paiful nammaton of the jots: arthrtis, rheumatism, rhumatoid arthitis .paifu twistig of a joint spain dsplaement of the bones i a joint: dslocation .fuson of ones i a joit ankylosis .degeneration of bone and artilage in onts: osteoarhitis thin arilage in ertain joints mniscus (pl mnisci) joint wt beveed or noth ends sca joit bseting a rgt angle: mir mr-oit ont for pping uion oit able to transt rotary power a any angle: univrsa Oit mor tse and tenon joint ovai sep shae ood jont ra reessed oint part morise protruing nt part: to board ontng it terlokng riges an ollos: •
lay or ement sealig a joint: lne made y the edges of a seam
joke .joke exploting a word's
ent meanigs pun, quibbl crcial fnal sentence punch line _ < . un ourney by ShIP e voyag . �ong sea or spac voyage ourney to holy place g . mage . repeated Journey over xed route: rou �d, un ourney: tk .ourney made for �: spei purpose: mission journey not covering the sam!' ground: round trip .part of jour ney: eg i te ourse of a journe en oute esaished enroute stop pig plae: staging post .rght t( make a journey: passage .pay f one's journey y work en route: wol on's passage .end a shedule journey terminate .ocial reo of a ship's or arraft's ourney log Judi Jewsh mysial ite pretation of te ld Testament: Ka baah .Jesh ommentary the ld estament: Masorah, rash Mishnah .Jewish law as tained n te rst ve ooks of te Testament Trah ordinane n found in te Torah ut held to ha been gven y Gd to Moses traditio I ancient orpus of Jesh ceremon8 and ivil law amud Jewish national saviour Jewish movement following tradtonal law in its entirety ox Judaism Jeish moement f loing te la as oed for mode ondtions Reorm Judasm ! ent Jeis professional teologi an jurst scri Jeis leaer or teaer ai sen rabb yan (pl ynm) rabbi" wife rn raing oege rabbis:
sminry, yeshiva Jewis relgious scool: ch ede r school g
Ju I judget
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
g nstrucon n Jews raons Tl mud To sudy of Jews rad oa aw Tal mu d Toa . supreme counc and o of ancen Jerusa lem Sandn day of relgous ob servance and absnence from work sbbat c observer of e sab ba sabbatan . Jews deary reguaons asut denon food a cofoms o Jews deary reg latons kos enong food a does no conform o Jews deay re gulaons tfa denong anmas a Js ma ea: clan . Jews erm for leavened food cam . Jews ueavened brad mo bred een on e sabba calla . Jews sabat ds o mea and ve geabls colnt . Jes ds of sued s gl fs Jews blessng of e before e abba ddus .Jews cusom o marry ng one's brers wdow lat buildng for Jews relgous obser vance and srucon synagogu Jews branced candlesck mno ouer camber of e Jews emple oly lac nner camber of e Jews emple oly of ols curan closng o e oly of oles: vl Orodox Jes skucap ppa yr mu sma box worn by Orodox Jew a prayer fontlt ylacty prer sawl tallt corner assels on s tstst . Jews grl's comng of age cere mony bt mva Jews boys comng of age ceremon ba mva Jews new year fesva Ros asana Jews d of repenance
Day of Atonmnt Yom Ku
Jews commemoraon of e delv erance from gp Passov ex reced a is Haggada Passover
ceremony and mea Sd . Jews arves fesva ast of Ws Pntcost Savuot . Jews om memoraton of e journey ou e wderness ast o Tabnacs
Succot . Jews er m for e abode of e dead Sol .Jews erm for el Gnn � see ao br srl salt judge jective udca .jdge a Cuc cou ofcl ncal ndan judge m uslm judge cad m le of an Ap peal Cour judge: od Justc e of a Hg Cou judge M ustc le of a judge n Scoland s
eper advser wo ss w a judge n ecnca cases sssso barrs
er servng as a arme judge cod . polie form of adress o a judge You ods .judges sum may f argmens a e end of a case summng u .judges drec on o a juy on pons of law cag stucton .judges oer fr e forceen o a law nuncton .de nong a judes provsona rulng ntlocutoy .judges ncdenl re mrk obtr dctum .judges oce for prvae eangs cambs .judges nerary o varous ous: ccut . crcu judges admnra ve assan masal crcu judges oca accommodaton odgngs .judges wg and robes cout drss .judges regarded colecvely
t bnc t udcatu t udcay aemp o corrup a judge mbcy judgement .judgemen on pay mens or ossessons aad .judge men awarded on e defendan's fai ure o plead udgmnt n dfault . dvorce cour's judgemen dc judgemen a mus be folowed subsequen smar cases cdnt reference o suc a judgemen ctaton denog a provsona judge men ntlocutoy w orderig e enforcemen of a judgemen rt o xcuton performance of a con racua oblgaon ordered by a cour scc omnc vg good
udo I stification
judgemet sagacous • showg .jury memer uror .j ury's spokes careful judgemet udcous ma foreman • lawyer's ojecto to udo .judo expert udoka .judo a memer o the jury callenge • de otg a challege ade without reasuit udog .judo jacket g .judo so eremtor • writ summoig mat doo • poit scored judo on . sed oe's oppoet to the sustitute jurors tales sustitute groud tro �s aso martal arts juror talesman .judge's drecto to ug . large water jug eer .large a jry carge nstructon arrowecked jug flago .low jug decisio erdct .jury's commet for gravy or sauce boat .jug shaped added to ts verdict rder • period a ; jury speds private cosiderg its ad paited to resemle a ma's head verdict retremet tob u g ! uic • sour juice otaed from ustic • system of justce where he judge or magstrate acts as prosecu fruit eruce tor nqustoral sstem • system of um .jump made wth the ad of the justice where the judge or magstrate "I hads or a pole ault • sideways adjudcates etwee prosecutio ad hadsprg carteel jump aout defece accusatoral sstem • playfully gambol • jump o some ofcourt egotaos etwee thg to capture t ounce • sprug ecuto ad defece lawyers to secure stck for makg large umps ogo a reduced charge retur fo a adstck • sheet stretched taut for jump missio of gult lea bargang g o tramolne un • orametal juk brcabrac usticatin � justc tio_ of coduct aologa .logca Jun • Greek a: Hera to ratonale • ustcao of a the Juitr • Greek a Zeus ory aologetcs .justcato ur • dotg a offece requirg a actio or opio ground • earl 1 jury tral ndctable .elst a jury ier evet adduced i justcatio re manel . a ury wth persos cedent that cao e sympaetc to oe's as ack unarrantable
Kk angaro
kangaroo buck feme kagaroo do yog kan aoo joy
. karate expert krk krte exercises k kic k mde wt body rotato oundou kck po t scored krte ion �see als ri r
y ey oeng severl ks: r ky ky klo y loc k opened onl y key ddlock
rorm or score in
no y
dernt key
nguge keor lyout
knjk k c k d ith ci kic ey cmbnng fm h rn djtves ric oable : oing kidy chroc ky nlamaton nr Bri di e ch
rele kck
purco he blod y an tc k ey dyi odlyi stole ss frmg n k e
kidny on clculu _ al ul) n ncrion mdil treent of he kdey nroogy urgicl rv f kn n ry kll y deprvion of ir yi uoc k by behed ing dc k by electrc shock lcrocu kil by covering th no se nd mouh o k secretly k wy wi be se crey kied by the stte d kill by str ton: grro hro ki an ana umely droy u dow u o l kl n lrge ners cr lugr
kil most f dc k perso condened to deth cu ckly dc k selecely cu ethblo cou d gc . s e) l st persns to b l plce hee nims e klled bo lugrhou ocs whn an ersos ilny ke bloo ood spo h voves th hutn wodg o kllg of nl lood or
. cmbnng m cd . ee) ers p of unblnc met stte di id niy one d s recompee cerin sctes b llr o h tim's reives od oy
cmnngrm cid eberte unl ng urdr ocid uremdtted k nlg ccident kll o o e ' on : cd kl o c n i ere cme u oid hich o cn ttc dr ki seleed nis ul klng ones rthe o ier rrcd k n of c less thn one yer nfnicid l one ther d kll od icd ng n ncrble : uni rcy klng ng an nt y abanonmet deset pce: our kl ons oher d klng ucd k g pe or oher rrcid kilg ublc ure b surprse ttk ino klg s p u s ent cil un kln so o gh lcid oe
k ng I Korean
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
rece . killing a tyrat: rann ce klling one's wfe: uxorce klling large numbers: massacre klling an entre people: enoce klling all lfe: boce
k adjectives roal real person governing during a monarch's absence or incapacity: reent disease formerly thought to be cured by the sovereign's touch n's evl .kling a kig rece kss perfuctory kiss ec deep kiss Frenc ss soul ss kss and cuddle: canoole adjtive: kc culna sma kitchen sculle kitchen on a shp or arcraft: alle kitchen tools and equipment: battere e cus ne uensls _ service opening in a kitchen wall: ac ke knee joint in horses, dogs etc: se bone covering the knee joint: neeca atella tendon behind the knee amsrn . inlam mation of the knee ousema's nee
with a folding handle: clas nfe jacnfe knfe with a springloaded blade: c nfe kfe with a sharp replaceable blade: Stanle nfe T pocket kne with several blades and other tools Sss arm nfe . heavy jungle knfe: macete ana surgical kfe ancet scalel knfe handle: a l shank of a knfe blade en· cased in its handle tan cover for a kife blade: seat knfemaker cutler
n h knights moted mock combat joust tlt place for this lsts .joustg competitio tourna ment tourne . kghts exercse of chargig against a revolvng mark tltn ths mark qunan place for ths: tltard kghts warhorse destrer cofer a knighthood o ub
. see also
kn set of knitting instructions: attern create stitches: cas on terminate stitches cast o move a stitch from one needle to the other: sl rightwards stitch lan . lewards stitch: url alternaton of plain and pu stitches: rb ne kitting wool fnern medium thick knitting wool: ouble nttn thick cun knitting wool: diameter of knitting needles: aue k knot udone by a pull l not knot easiy loosened tc knot joining two ropes: ben loop with a running knot noose .ornamenta knotwork made with string macram knotted lace: tattn not kw known: obscure knowing everything: omnscent cmbining forms: kw e
noss (eg prognosis), nom (e.g aeronomy). so (e.g phlosophy) adjective estemc basic know ledge: elements ruments .trad itional knowlede: lore scholarly ! shalow eruton knowledge kowledge scolsm slight know ledge nln deep knowledge: ton instinctive knowledge: ntu on social knowledge: savorfare knowledge before the event reco nton knowledge after the event: nst . knowledge of many sub � jects: olmat knowedge know everythng: omnscence ledge of a specied topc: lterac involving
several branches of know lede ntersclnar done in ful 1 kowledge ttn people wth spe cial kowledge llumnat nsers person eager to dsplay hs or her I knowledge: eant person ig t be knowledgeable sc 0 phlosophical study of the atue of 1 . kowledge: estemolo knucke metal stregtheer nucleuster Korean Korean martal art tae kon do
LI e . label atached o a pan or e tll oaory . laboraory work able bench . laboraory orer rep ing ad mang equpen tech n happenng he laoraory raher han s naal envroen n vto � see aso scentc equp
ent making .lace ade by hand y g eghed hread: obbn l pil ow lce • core obn lace w geoercal deg torchon tochon lce . lace ade by hand hole ch needle ce, pont lc • knoed lace made wh a hu e tttg heavy oue hea gmp . cuhon on ch he lace ade plow ak • lack of he bac necee of lfe deprvaton akng . combiingform less witless)
ader laddder ed for roof ork ctlddr cropece n a ladder: rung ae
• adectie
lcustrne .Sco h lake loch • Irh lake lough ma mouna lae trn . cved ae a orer rver bed oxbow lke
• a lae epaaed fro he ea y a reef or anbank: lgoon • aal and plan lvg on he bed of a lae epbenthos • m ppg of lake h drogrph . udy of lake lmnol
og ama • chef Laa of Tbe D Lm • pole form of adde o h our Holness . econd aa of Tbe Pnchen Lm, Tsh m
. Ih g laen ken • Sco agppe laen pboch • poe laeng he dead eleg
• adjective
terrestl r ner' ghn o ad lndf ar rval on and lndll • y land over nd • rronded by lnd: ndlocked • narrow rp of land sthmus nek, sit • mal area of land plot . land ao copleey urrounde by waer cpe, hed lnd pensu promontor aea of level hgh land plteu, tablelnd . large lan a connent • ege of a lad a covered by oean con nentl shef • rg ae r ooded lnd der clvaon re clm • gradual ng of an area of land subsdence lad Holand reclamed fo he ea: poder . land
Ea Anga reclaed fro he ea fen . large fenland dranage dch dke • exeve aea of eroded and unculvabl land bdlnds • marh ad weld • oen land wh poor ol heth, heathlnd moor denong land a ha no been cleaed or cad: unm proved . land cleared by lah-and brn ehod swdden • aehec proveen of lad lndscpng . lan epoaly on o ga le • gazg land: psture • eno and roducg crop rble fertle • denog land nable o produce crop stere • denog land ha canno be culvaed proably: sub margnal • rern of ferle lad o ee condon desetfcton denog agrcua land le un own fllow and aen ou of pro . d under uco setsde
I I �. ctivaton tllge, tlth . land at tached to a house curtilage .farm land owned by parish cergy glebe agricultural holding smaer than a farm smllholdng . property in buildngs and land rel roert relt narrow strip of land project ing nto water hedlnd, eninsul narrow strip of land connecting two larger areas sthmus narrow strip of land projectng into the holdings of others anhndle intrusion upon anothers land by bulding etc en croachment entering anothers land without permission tresss right to cross anothers land ese men, rght of wy, w leve right to cut turf or peat from anothers land turbr . anothers right to cross ones land servitude limitations on lands use imposed by its vendor restrictive covennt . piece of land in public use common right of pas turage on a common commonge ownership of land or the land wned domn denoting land own ershp territoril unlawful interfer ence with an owners enjoyment of his land nusnce unlawful occupa tion of land squttng .medieva system of land tenure feudlism landholder under this system feud tor absolute ownership of a piece of land freehold, fee smle hold ing of land for a period of years lese hold . land held by lease holding terms under which land is held ten ure tenancy for a xed period term of ers . person who buys up land in order to build on it develoer a governments right to take privately owned land into public use eminent domin the taking o f such land e rortion open land upon which development is not permitted white lnd preserved open land round a city green belt
money paid to the land
lord by an incoming tenant
. landlord's expulson of a
tenant evcton
lanmark mark crn lanwner
pile of stones as a land adjective
landowner in a rural area squre Scottish landowner lrd landowners agent blff
l nscape snowcovered landscape snowsce . moonlike landscape moonsce height differ ence f landscape elemens relef
away of the landscape by natural forces eroson
language cmbining frms li ngu, ese (eg Chinese) glot ad· jectives lngul, linguistic express in a different language trnslte everyday language vernculr pretentious language bombst, mgniloquence harshly crtical or abusive language nvective delib· erately misleading language doublese, newsek . language of a particular group or profession cnt
laguage of ofcial documents ofclese obscure technical language rgon confusing or meaningless language mumboumbo . language as people actualy use it role language as described in grammar boks lngue .form of a language used by ordnary people demotic regional or social subform of a language dilect language spoken by a person from eay childhood mothr tongue person who has learnt a language thus ntive seker distinctive language of an indvidual diolect language shared by several nations kone denoting a language currently spoken living denoting a language no loger spoken ded denoting a group of languages that includes rabic and Hebrew Semtc .denot ing a group of languages derived from an earlier form of German Germnc
anguag ava
a group of lguages erive from Latin Romce denoting a group of languages that inclues Russian ad SerboCroat Sic .language use by speakers aving no common native tongue ig simple traing language fc rawn from several sources idgi form of a native language that has been heaviy inuenced by a pidgin cee artcial language proposed for internationl use Eeo .a further lnguage eveloped from Es peranto do artcial language for scientists and technicians eig .language n which words are inected by changes of pitch oe gge language used to analye another megge .denoting a language spoken with many mistakes boe .andbook of useful senences in a foreign language he boo temporary ability to speak in a language normally unknown to the speaker gool in or ble to speak two languages biig in, or able to speak, three lanages ilgl in or able to speak, several languages ogo in a mixtue of languages mcic stuy of language giic .study of language as a series of nterrelate systems c giic .use of computer techniques to anlyse language comiol igc collection of machinereaable texts for computer anlysis co .analysis of related langages to reconstruct ter common source comstudy of pi igiic language in relation to soil fctors ocoigiic .study of te history of langage hioog study of language sounds hooog spelling rues for a language ohogh .rules for using a langage gmm basic sound unit in a language phoeme pitched phoneme in a tone langage oeme
basic meaning uit in a laguge ememe ememe basic word nit in a language moheme person skie in foreign languages igi in or knowing one language moogo
.foreign language teaching usng only the language taught diec mehod room with electronic gadgetry for languagelearners gge boo
fo: mco maenmis) meg megahne) mego mega s) .remarkably or unnaturlly
large gigi odgio excessively large iodie extralarge igized oize quite large qeize .large and bulky -
wied yx
ryge .in ammation of the laryx rgi
for examining the ar ynx gcope .surgicl incision into the larx goom study of the larynx arygolog
se me
laser using microwaves laergenerated three-
dimensional image hoogm American defence programme using satellitemounted lasers r w
egic deece iiiie st
.last event fie .last but one eime last but two elonglasting eepeime
spindle me .lathe's adustable holder for the workpiece chc .person working wood on a lathe e
asuppressed laugh ug hce gge causing laughter ibe
lava igeo
rock composed of
to toy
ouside lavatory privy denoting a lavaory in use egged dening a lavaory no in use: vc com parment for one person in a avatory
eg .aw govern
ing he punshmen of fenders cr w .law governing rela ions beween ciizens: cv w pr v w .law governig relaons beteen ctizens and he sate pbc w law governing docors edc rdece .law of realiaton ex io .law of he counry i whch he oece was commte ex oci law of he counry n whch he case s hea: ex for wrien law mae by prlamen e w .law erive from cuso and judi cal precede: coo w law as esablshed by he oucome of former cases: ce se of basc las or cpes by whch a sae s gov ee coiio collecion f aws code dge .complee collec on of laws pde raft law sub me for parlamenary dscusson: bi ex of a law as approved by par lamen c .lcal aw byw nernatinal law: i ge Jewsh law Hch .church aw co w .expe in canon law: co .collecion of canon law ecisions Decre .aw seng ie lis for commencemn of cer ta acons e f o .law no longer observe: ded eer enot laws inene to goven as oences: rerocve reropec ve eron below te age of egl espobty: f or eso o longe tecte by the law: uvesal moal n cples: r geeal law o prncple co egal cocept of ata jusce eiy .legal e ess reed lega heory: r egal exer: r rdece
suspenson o posponement of lega proceeings y dening a harsh law drcoi src enorcemen of a law zero oerce freedom f acion er he law cvl bery v righ through ack of concern for he law or facs per icri breach of aw: frigee e
libere isobedence of ceran laws as a proes cv dobediece .lw's rovison for conscentous ob jecion cociece ce rue sense f a w: iede .foreg dplomas mmuniy o local laws dpoic y ocal r caon of a law co requre y law: a ers a h r ac copory .mee he laws requrements coply exreme srcness in inerpreig or impe menng he law: rgor break a law: corvee revoke a law re seze aer lega n pe recd fringemen: ipod branch of he law dealing wit ships an he sea d iry denong legally accepabe evdence dibe .ega rick ery: chicery academic sudy of I law jriprdece denong a per son engaged or acting for the duraton of a lawsu d e advise an r rese person of hs egal righs: c denoing a legal sysem in o whch a prosecuor ares hs case before an independent judge ccor i denoing a legal sysem n which he judge himself conducs the prosecuon iqor ocal having he force of aw decree per me by aw eg ci n accord ace wh the aw in acorance wh a ced law r o beyond oes legal poer: r vires • eakening faw in a law: oop hoe • having o lega f orce: n declare an act viy illegal: cri inize • cease to r gar d an activiy as il-
lega : decri m i n al ize .failur e to per f or m an act r equied by la w:
lawcur lawcu
9 nonfeasance
.lega categorization of a minor crime: common .lega term for persona possessions: good and chaels .lega term fo serious deliberae injury: grievous bodily arm lega tem for less seous de liberate ury: actual odily arm .legal cntrols over use of electonic data: daa protection lega work on tansfer of property: conveyancng lega hages costs tempray suspension of a law: amnesty ss pension of a nation's lega system when der military govenment martial aw .not legy vaid void .outside lega control: extralegal � o document, judge, juy, just
ce Mulim, sentence, verdic
djecve judicia, jurdical .cour for under-age oendes yout court cicuit court taking crimina cases: Crown Court court fo civil cases and judical eview: Hg Court of Justice divsion of this o commecial and maitime cases: Queen' Benc division of this fo pobate, bankuptc and equity: Cancery division of this
fo famiy law: Family .court fo ap peals against both civil and crimina judgements Court of Appeal gen ea title for the Crown, High, and Ap pea courts Supreme Court of Judi rule book of the Spreme cature Court: Wte Book .military court: court martial pl cuts matia r cut matias) court deciding of money: small clams fr smal curt in which a case claims ourt is rst head: court of firt ntance .court rying minor oences: court court o ummar jurisdiction whose decisions have weight as prece dents: superior ourt uocia court kangaoo court denting a topic within a court's jurisdiction a court's cognizale jutial power to decide a matter compe tenc, jurisdition .court's written
command: writ orde fo a person to attend a cout: summons, su bond paid into poena, process court to guaantee eturn: bail, reog argument presented in nzance court submission tial conducted n court: proceedings .court's de cision judgement gie this: ass judgement delay givng this: re court's declar serve judgement ain of guilt conviction divrce courts udgement: decree courts cancelation of a cla: striking out courts falure to reach a correct de IIOn: miscarriage of justce higher courts direction to a lwer court mandamus .reconsideration of a lower couts decision: revew overturn the decision of a lwe court quas, reverse court order seizng a debtor's assets: Mareva in junction court's sezure of assets sequestration .courts assessment of an act of some public body judcal review .peson ued defendant peson binging a suit: plainti defendant's reply to the chage: plea understanding that a lesser chage is admitted a graver charge will be dropped: lea-barganing .jdge ment awardd on te defendants fal ure to plead judgement in deault .awaiting a court's decision su ju period when lawcourts are dice active law term period when lawcourts are closed vacation begn a court session: sit end a court sessin rise pause in court prceeding: recess, adjournment denoting an indenite adjourn ment sne die court ocial's open ing cal fo order oyez fair treat ment in a court: due poce at tempt to frustrate a courts operaion make atone contemt of court ment for this: purge contempt done out of court: extrajudicial deliberate delayng of court usi ness otucionim refusa to
u ef
oey the ct: comcy
corroom eidece y, ril sut a legal action ce, proceedig stat legal action against proece e .lawsuit whose decision will inuence tue decisos e ce oligatio to pove oe's case brde of proof .essental oit of a case gi grme case waiig to e head i pede dug liigation peee i easoae delay in ingg a sut che eiate a case hough iadequate poecut evi dece dimi oi age a case i cout pled .aguets ad nced in a legal action ce deoig a disputale case oet .isk of a peson put n ti eody .poseutio twice he se oence doe erdy mudees ple of eal uala diiihe reoibiiy ouent o oe oec poduced a evdece exhibi dilse of dcme etwee pates dc _peso nvolved lawsut i the itests of ig aty oy ex re ee a asui s a hid py ire gt to a sui oc d (pl. i a judges suay of aumets at the end of case m ccep oey to dop a i p eg acti cmod ageeent eched y pates o a lawsui etle deog a lsit teded o onveiene the deendant exio assss just fees fo a lawsit ege to g o law iigio o to law iige lse to d judge lawsuit hr sed as to hige out commi ed a case c t a lowe cout em .ppi caion to a hhe cout o decisio to e evesed e eso aing such an appicaion e ige outs equst o eview poceedings of a owe cout cerr
r scedle of cases fo ial cledr exeption o leg poceedings immity yer senio K law ofces: Lod Chceor Lord Chief ie ter of he Roll, oryGeerl Direcor of Pblic Proecio picipal Scotsh law oc: Lord doce .copany ofial ensng the legality of tansactio cmpice oicer legal daugs an ry .egage a lawye · rc aye who ay peak fo his cliets in the highe cots brier aist egaged o advise a cliet o aea fo him i cou coe l ae) lawye adsi cliets, ad ppeaig thei eh the lowe couts lcior la ye's ojection to a ee of te jy chle .lawyes qoatin o a pevious case cii .laye qustioning of a witness ex lawye's questong o a witness he o she has called exiiihief .lawye uestiong of peon aead exid y pposing cunse croexio stt fundng of a lawyes ees eg i lawyes neligene o dshoest
mcc yer thi sc laye i v er aye o aaed mteial l ndelyg laye bre b e g r: p me water pipes beng formry ad ead)
ede g : go rch oinal ede fieh fro pe leade of ale degoe edest of a goup eceived as is rirc mirch peson ost sed i a aticula eld de f ee)
c ombining forms : foli -, adjctives: o ic eo u, folie •
ap ya
eves geerl oae ef he ege f wer bact cm p ef f fer r pm fro eig eves f sever crs ecre wih eves vareated foate ef-sk petole circe f eves horl eves hepe p by he wi dr srip he eves frm defolate chemic se esry eves defolat pes kig vie eves phylloxer
e ye djeve: bssextle ee pers erg re by
ssisg skie wrker fr e peri appretce
erig frm crse i
bk r cmper prorammed lear erig hrgh pes pye while seep hyppaeda erig by cre ri errr heurstc mechic repei i s erig ote re pee prcice s i erig e which sk is ms drll esy er crtcal pero ci i csig erig ifcies pi i lear dsablty crse which my give p pos asorum cr he p fr ppis see flashcard
ese pers grig ese lessor pers kig ese lessee
rer is wers he e f ese reverso
sppe eher se ce crs wiws chamos, ash leather eher frmery se fr wrii archmet eher frm yg g d brshe ki suede er srfce f eher
ra, ra sde rrw srip f eher tho eher srip fr shrpeg rrs strop eher srp frmery se pis Scish schchre tase impresse rmei o eer tl eig hihy pise eher lac, patet cemic prcess
cverg im ski eher ta eig e eher ree grese se fr werprf g eher dubb
ee g eve gre mis siries r sevices perse furouh sir's ime ff spe shre lberty, shore leave eve be bse frm sch exeat pi
leve gre iversiy echer sabbatcal eve ke wih s g permiss Frech leave eve hsiy decamp eve ou omt
. g laevo ( aeva) djeve: sstral eh pge i bk verso e-he pers southpaw e sie f ship s see by e fcig is prow port
eg djve: crural egs crvig he kee bady les, bow les egs crvig i he kee oc kees pper eg th h prcp be f he pper eg thhboe, emu be cverig he kee j keecap, patella fr f he wer leg sh eshy pr f he wer leg calf swe vei he eg varcose ve wih ijre eg ame imgie e-egge crere moopod me eg-spi callper Mx embem f hree egs trselo esue eisre civiy hobby
hsig eisre fciiies
esure complex eo djeive ctrc ctrous ctre spgy isse isie em sk pth ede pers eig mey ce f r py ael es es eres he bjec b serve objectve wiege es fsheye es givig wie-scree effecs aamorphc les es wih g fc egh telephoto les
cmer es lwig smh rsi
frm cse g shs
les ens used o sar a re: bu lass denoing a ens a one sde and convex e oer: plaocovex denog a ens a one side and concave e oter: paococave
poin on a ens a wc ig rays
converge: focal pot focus .ar abe openng for a camera ens ape ue disance beeen e cenre of a ens and is focus focal legt obec as seen roug a ens mae ueen focus of an ee due o a fau n e ornea or ens: astmatsm .counerbaanced camera paorm a cn be raised or uned cae preenen fesivies: can Let va, a Gas day before en Shove Tuesay .rs day of Len s Weesay penuimae week of Len: Passo Wee as week o Len Holy Wee jeve lepous ep "erosy rous erson: lepe esb esban wo akes e oman roe: butch .esban who aes e passive roe femme .e bin simuaing me sexua moe mens upon er parer: tbae etter jeve epstolay .e er expainng oer maeria ac companying i cove lee .am bassador's eer of inroducon let te of ceece .eter sen o bisops by e Pope ecyclcal bisops eer o s cergy pastoral ee sovereigns eer nom naing a bisop lee mssve soveregns eer apponng a mi ary ofcer commsso eer sen o many persons simuaneousy ccula eer addressed o one per son bu inended for puicaion ope let .eter wic eac r ciien s aske o copy ou and send o sever oers: cha lee ma cous anonymous ee poso pe lee eer sen by a woman break n o a reaonsp: Dea Jo convenon eer of anks for os
pay Colls .eer h sand ardized wording: fom lee see of n paper fodabe o make s on enveope: a lee aeomme ranspor of eers by air: amal o n wic eers are sore post tow eer a cao be de ivered: ea lee pos oce de paren oding eers o eced poste estate openg greing in a eer: salutato com munica by eer: coespo person w whom one is acuaed oy by eers pefe educa on conducd by pos: coespo-
message added o a eer afer e
wriers sgnaure: postscpt
lal eer wrin above e ine spescpt eer wren beow e e sb ; scpt .par of a eer a rises
above e midpoin of a ine of ex ascee par of a eer a snks beow he ne of e: esce .deoing a eer no a lowecase denoing a cap e er uppecase pair of eters making a sne sound: raph .S�!I uence of eers reading e same 1 backwars an forwars design of inerwoven eers: moo: am conssing of bo eers n; numbers alphaumec .wre ou n e eers of a dieren apabe
taslteate ette n euce cos e·! uce's g ead heart euke abnorma whe boo cell: lymphoblast bood ce w an overarge uceus: myloblast ee oning form plao ' ancnvex) socia eve: statum echelo device w an airbubb
n iuid o sow f suraces are ee spt lvel .se eve o eac oeI mang a single a surface: flush
l lh
99 vr .foot-perated lever: eadle
on which a lever turns: ful crum power exerted by a lever le
b legal tasfer of a liabil
ity: assignmet .secure agaist l ability indmnif brr ibrary etiled to a copy of every new U book: coprigh lirary library whose books may be con sulted but no borrowed: eferenc li rary .library store ih compact shelvng: sack .library employee lirarian .list of books held i a li brary caalogu consolidated cata logue of a group of librares: union catalogue .librry decima system of topic cassicaion Dewe dcimal ssem oe i a library book shoig where it is shelved shlf mark perso enled o use a li brary: reade reader's cbice a library: carrel deotg a lbrary book pas its return date: overdu c louse egg ni ifesaion ih lce pdiculosis ifested ith lice: lous cc lcence allowig aloholic drks to be seved with meals able licec licence alowg he sale of alcoholic drks for consumpion else here: off-licnce drivig licence's note of penalty pois icurred: en orsm accumulaton of hese oing-up
' .lyig face downards: ro,
prosra .lyin face upwards: r cumen supin lie about in mud or waer wallow
mencious lie od o avoid a greaer ev: whie li
publishe false and damagig sate men lil false ad damagng oral saemen slandr elling les whe uder oat to speak the truth: prjur leged ie detector pol grph
c animae, vial long lfe:
longevi .lfe of pleasure: la dolce via .lfe aer death: aerlife, he oher world expeced lifespa: na ural life brig back to life resusci tae, reanimae, revivif weariess of life aedium viae .account of a person's life iograph person's account of his ow life: auobiog raph prepare a person o resume normal life hailiae bodily pro cesses hat support lfe meaolism
clical measuremen of bodily c
ons as idicaion of conued life vial signs
fbo avi
ship's crane for a lifeboa:
orgaized lifestyle re gime regimen .lifestyle aording oy the basic ecessites: pover lne .lifestyle seldom seen by he geeral pubic: underlife .study of soial statstics as a dex of cha gig lifesyles dmograph .lift for food i a estaurat: dum waie cotiuously movig li wh dooress compatments parnoser space wthi which a li operates: sha � o oist
. mbining form lumin-, phoo- ( htsynthesis) c iv phoic so remulous ligh
soft lgh whe he sun s
jus below the horizon iligh ash or sple of light: scintillation .norhern lghs: aurora boralis southern ighs aurora ausralis movng lgh seen over marshes: will-o'-hwisp, ignis fauus ligh set a high place to convey a sigal: eaco srong turnable outdoor lgh: sarchligh brigh signal light shot io the air: lar device eming a brigh gh a xed iter vals srooscop, sro srong ligh or mng li lih .evice
generatg n ntense light bea guish a light: ouse tuy of ligt laser utaviolet lit for sutan- an its behavio optcs ng sulamp oil lamp or high ihho lighthouse bea reg ns: hu rrcae lamp storm later lal obscue or a e secons: oc overnght besie light ght lght cultg lght oorbas lamp with a tall stem: ihi .jagg lighig h staar lamp smal coloure elec- bolt forke lghtg se tric lights fary lghts .ecoratve lightng: sheet lghtg . i ligts llumatos ship's or vertng lighng rom a builing: acrt's position lihts: vgat lghtg couctor lgs ug ghts elhts
e n a electric . mn r eous (e.g light flamet evice varing an aue) esque e Juneque electric light's brightness mme e e ane) sh e gh i elecric light ttg ih to small o e et) ose e ae) ! projectg pis bayoet g ir . mnngrm phlo) e gass container or an elecric light hheene) phle e bbhe) laen: evelpe Ught me from i special lin prelecto a ooet jcolater m gaul strechng o a s healess ession of liht: uores locae limb: exteo, trcto \ cece, lumescece, phosphores sea nial's broa at limb: flpper cece ight mission caue by in • sugic remol of a lmb amputa " caescece to son ho has a a lb re , tense heat emission of liht from a chemical re- move: amputee ation chemlumesece .emis- e ime obte b heatg e in o light by iing ornisms: bo ston qucle .quickle luesce tsmision o treatent ih ater slae lme · ht sins e glass bre: e opts teatment lgh an m upr limit: ceg uper she i a ating chroscuro ancial limit cap havg limits haing no peset limit: ope ue lght as a medc reatmet: fte ototherp bening o ht ee .eep wihin limits cota aves assn eee e rerac e djee eal, le ainar line abot hich a boy ro to ilminatio o iling b atral ligt aylght alowng tate as line o ltitue te pssag o ight aphaous lne o logitue: mea lne rslucet not llo the pas- persons alking in ps: crocole ae o ligt opqu • racting to ee straght le gt photosste movng to e .ne white linen camc ad or ctivate by light squre o linen etc use t table t : topostve .extree sensitivity wipe the mouth apk to iht photophoa plt's use o i djeve leone on lit for oomakng: photosythss lion cu .opring o a le pant' turnn toars light: photo tigress lgo oprng of a, topm ntrumet measurg mle tiger an a lioness tgo ntensity photomt bea .in's neck hair mae ligt into its constituet clours f fcted by a lion: maulng grou p ract restrct lihtave vibraions of lions: pr d astrolog ic to a sle direction poarze extn leo
• combiing form
lab o ) -
aba .discontented expres-
son made b turnng out he ps
pou, moue ue .iqueur aoured wth almods or frut kernels aafa .cherry iqueur marascho .German carwayaoured liqueur me • Iaian aisedaoured isambuca ueur • rmbased coeeaod iqueur Ta aa ™ id lqu to sw round the muth and thoat ae, mouhwash • hik sweet lquid for food or medicines syrp .liqui present aurally n th mouth sava .liud remaing aftr cooking quor
.rich luor ed n soups and sauces soc ants of qud des .ast surpus stock f a i d e lquid wase or sewage ee mk quid ound in lns aex .hot liqu beath the eaths crust mama • (of a liud) gie bubes effevesce iquds crvd uer srfae mescus • become lquid equesce be coing liquid quesce • becom ing iqud temporarily when shaken o sird hxoroc .lqueed by extee heat moe • dp ito a li qd d soak thoroughly n a li qud mreae, saurae, souse, sep • soe by soaking n a liquid macrae lace a liqud to a r it etc fuse, seep njure by ca wih hot liquid scad thickess of a quid cossecy • nstrumen easuring ths desmeer, hydomeer .nstrument mesurg iid pressure pezomer slder tube f transfer rng liquds pee • ne disperso o one liquid ithn another: em s .pessured quid n an aero sol proea .remove ro the surce of a iqui sm to the botom of a liqud see matter setling to the boo f a qid sed
me .d o liqud from a sedi ment rac • enotng a lqud cloudy wh suspended matter urbd • med
cal dece for administerng tny amounts of a liqud drp feed • med cl dece producng a ne liquid spray: ebuzer .operated by qud ressure hydrauc • alowng the passage of lqud permeabe, pevous, orous .slow passage of a liqud seepae • loss of liqud through leakage or eaporaton: u ae cool a liqud beow freezng pont wthout solidicaton supercoo .turn om liqud nto apour evapora heat a lquid aboe boil g pont wthout eaporation super hea contaner for lquid jerryca • electrc heatng eement plaed n liqud: mmerso heaer s ocial list reser • un weeded lst o s • weeded ist shors • list of the ators in a pa showing what parts they take cas s • lst of addresses for nformaton to be sent to m s .alphaet ical opic lst with references dex .exhaustie lst caaoue .anno ated list caaoue raso • list of bestseng records chars • list o biblical readings ecoary • lst of books bboraphy .lst of boos held in a ibrary caaoue ub ishers list of earier books still n rnt bacs • list of a books printng errors erraa • lst of candidates for nal choce: shors lst o a oitca partys cndidates for oce sae consolidated catalogue of a group of lbraries uo caaoue list of characters in a play dramas pesoae lst of compettors in order of achieement eaue ae • ist of computer les drecory .computers dsplayed list of commands or facites meu • lst of the cntents of a house or store veoy • lst of contrbutors to a f book etc creds .duty lis roser • list
of empoyees d heir wages payroll io bric .iurgical worship lis of eves ad paricipas a a viewed as ms duy o God ops race meeig card .lis of eves Dei daiy cycle of public prayers for wih imigs scdle is of ms priess d religious Divin Office fimograpy lis of foods eae or o Roma Caholic Commuio ser be eae diet .lis of goods held in vice Mss Aglic morig ser vento .lis of goods se invoic vice mtins, morning pryr A .lis of impor iems ot ist glic eveig service evensong, .lis of iems covered by a eg docu vening prayer service o he eve me scde .lis of iems for of a feas vigi .daiy services of sale or o show catog .lis of psams ad prayers ors matins, map symbos ad heir meigs ky ads, ri trce, sxt nones, ves .is of members of a miary ui or pers, complin .al ofce of he ship's compay mster rol .lis of day compine .sequece of services ames roll .is of addresses, ee o ie successive days phoe umbers, ec dirtory lis deoig a service wihou music of obles perage .lis of passe pin par of he liurgy uchaged gers or parcels carried o a vehicle o mos occasios common .liu wybi .lis of acraf or ship pas gic ex paricular o he day propr segers or cargo manifest .lis of a series of piios ad esposs it performer's recordigs dscogrpy ny .shor seece said or sug by; lis of persos o be aacked or he miiser versice .reply by he killed it ist .lis of persos co choir or cogregaio rsponse sidered udesirable bckist is biblical exac sug i he liurgy of persos eied o voe elector cantice biblic passage read liu ro .lis of persos refused cerai gically sson prayer appoied righs or services stop st .lis of for he day oct moey colec prioriy asks hot ist .lis of re io a a service oertory perso cordigs broadcas o a radio pro sigig solo pars of he liurgy can gramme payist .resaura's lis tor prcntor .cleric charge of a of avaiable dishes men .lis of service officiant, cebrant .assimi higs o be doe agenda ceckist laio of he liugy o a foreig mi .lis o ows couries ec gae lieu incration sudy of liur teer .lis of words i a ex con gies litrgics, litrgioogy cordance glossary, vocblary .of .ivig loe soitary .livig ci lis of medicies wih for ever immorta o ad isrucio for preparaio ad dos terrestia abe o .livig live o d ad age phrmopoi i waer ampibios .livig i ste .lise i secrey vs rees rbora .livig i or ear drop waer aqic .livig i he sea erure • acu iraure non marine io perso koig abou li ver combining form pat- eraure lirr • raio ier jecive hepatic iammaio of he ary heme oo iver ptitis degeeraio of he ury • jecive liri iur ver irrhosis .eargeme of he gic cereo or se o hese ri ri liver: hepatomegaly .liver cancer: l iurgc ceremoy esOWg eatoma anic oagulan oc c urring dive grace rt iurgica in he i ver: hepar in damaging li ver march rio • iurgic dec c es: hepatotox ic • surgic remo val
Lvpl lmv
of he ve hepatectomy ba of sasoned chopped lve faot
Leroo • jciv Lverpula esock .oud up and seal lve sock rustle .vesock dahoea scours acue skn disease of lvesock athrax orss • pogessve de
velopmen of vng ogansms ove he mena: evoluto heoy devng a ealy lfe fom mcoogasms n oue space: pasperma denong livng ogansms botc able o be decomposed by he naual actvy of lvng ogan sms: bioeraable egos of he eahs cs and amosphee n habed by lvng ogansms boes of a subsances sphere seng by applyng t o lvng cels o ssues: boassay sudy of lvng ogansms: boloy, physoloy sudy of chemca pocesses whn lving ogass bochemstry ap plcaton of he pncples of physcs o vng ogansms bophyscs be le ha humans ae no moe mpo an an ohe lvn bengs bocetrsm desucon of a le
• •
• •
boce zrd ombining orm saur, saur, saurus e bntsauus .jiv saura .lad a can change s colou fo camoulage chameleo .huge pehstoc liad osaur .myhcal lad sad o lve n e: salamaer od • nnsc wegh of a vehcle o sucue ea loa • wegh of people o goods n a vehcle o suc lve loa mmum load a machne o sucue s desgned o bea
or loa o .loan a xed em ad ed nees ebeture • amon of ced exendd to a boowe le of cret .denong a loan made ude condons as o how may be spen
• denong a loan whose epaymen s guaneed agans anohe asse secure • denotng a loan avaable o easy ems: so • denong a loan avaable a hgh aes of nteest tht • ognal sum len prcpal .ass pledge a secuy fo a loan collateral • coveyance of tie
popey as secuy o a ced o e loan thus oaned: mortae .loan cecae pomsng xed ems of epaymen: bo bak documen undewng speced loans on aohe bank o be aken ou by he beae etter of cret ced hat s auomacay enewed as debs ae pad o revov cret .spe cal ceds avaable o membes of he Intenatonal Moneay Fund specal ra rhts lendes admnsaton chage oriatio fee company povdng loans fo hepuchase ageemens: face comnebank pa, iace house adng of shottem loans moey peson lendng money a maret hgh as of nees: usurer peson makng loans on secuy of atcles deposed wh hm pabroer faue o epay a loan: efault
ebt obser o
• mae
lobs coc fmale lobse he ch lobse soup bsque .obse cooked n a ceam sauce lobster thermor oc .lcal and pey sular,
parshpump, parochal oc oere smaes ual un cvl parish .smalest egon havng a counc and fu bueaucacy strct admnsave e above hs couty ofca audng local auhoy accous strct au-
tor ocooe
• seam
locomove cayng s ow fuel and wae ta eie .locomov's gp of the as tracto pa of a locomve whee s cew wok cab, footplate
oc orry
powered wheel of a locomotive: drv
g hee .unpowered wheel of a locomotve trag hee .extend
ing framework connecting a locomo tive with overhead power lines: pto truck coupled to a steam graph locmtiv, with supplies f fl and water: teder revolving platform turning a locomotive: turtabe person coecting locomotive num bers as a hobby: traspotter ock .lock opened by selecting a se qunc of gures tc: combaton oc .lock opened only by a key deadoc .lock that cannot be opened until a preset time: tme oc .lock with a pivoted hook: padoc .lock set into a door: mortse oc ridge or bar in a lock preventing its operation by an incorrect key: ar pivoted part of a lock restraining the bolt tumber ods person letting out lodg ings: andord, adady oc statemen usd as a basis fr argument: premse, premss as serted proposition: posto as sumed proposition: postuate prop osition foowing from one already proved: coroary .proposition as serted of a members of a class: u versa proposition asserted of some members f a class: partcuar .limi a proposition's scope quatfy .false step in reasoning; faacy, on deceptively sequtur, paraogsm plausible step in reasoning: sophsm, paraogsm .disproof of a propos ition by demonstrating te absurdity of its consequences: reducto ad absurdum (pl etne a ab disproof of a proposition never advanced: gorato eech (pl gnatne eenh denoting a proposition veriable by lnguistic an· alyss: aaytc denoting a proos ition veriable by recourse to experi· ence: sythetc .logical fault of assuming wat one sets out to prove:
crcuarty, petto prcp system of logic orgao .system of logical reasoning that moves from a general rule to a particlar instance deduc to .system of logical reasoning that derives a general rule from par ticular instances ucto .system of reasoning from two premises to a concluson syogsm reasoning expressed by a system of sbols: symboc ogc reasonable assump tion from evidence availble fer ece interminable chain of reason fte regress .set of rules to be followed in performing a logical process: agorthm .logical propos ition that is veried by the meanings of the words that make aaytc proposto .logical justication ratoae .logical refuation: ele-
chus o . aciv umbar odo native of east central Lon don: cocey o combining form; macro aevtn long and thn: a, ay make longer: eogate lengthy undertaking maratho ook • threatening or suen look: our .lecherous look; eer, oge
look belieed o harm h prson re garded: ev eye look over carey
or quickly : sca .look with the eyes partly closed squt
ords Pryer . Lain nam pater oster orry .lowsidd lrry: ooader, pcup .large covered lory: pa techco .light covred lorry: sma lowsided van: pcup, pcup truc .lorry equipped to carry li· quids in bulk taer .lorry's un aden weight: tare denoting a lorry having a pivt between the cab and the loadbearing part: artcuated
articulated lorry's ski int V shape: jackknfe de vice recording a lorry dri ver's speeds and spells of
oss mp
rivg tacoph rditig set of elstc ties secuig the lod: sp-
de loss .tempory loss mspace met excess of expeditue over i coe dect oud loud d hsh: stdet .de gee ofouess: voume dspeaker loseker for low thed souds woofe loud seker
eee lose .louse ifestto: pedcuoss .louse fectg the geit hir cb ouse egg of the hm ed louse t ve mg rm p ( hee), pha ( ech a) jetve amoous, amatoy dolecet loe: caf ove, pupy v tese d criticl love atato shtlived iftutio ush secret love fir: te
ecto feged i orde to obti omethg cupboad ve
cmg rm pe ( ache) red om mle ove csbeo mrred ms f e love: mstes me lover oger tht hs rer oo, to oy loes scret mee ass-
at, tys oy _gro loylty esp de cps loyl owed to oes uper iors aeace extreme oylty oes ow cout peope ex, etc
avsm ggge lrge rigidfrmed cse: tu smll cs for cosmetcs a ba rottig lggge delivery sytem: carous mp lp of esh or food: obet sere out ito lums: cude nch brekfst d luch com bied: uc
. cmg rm peum ecv: pumoary eme surroudg the lgs: pleua (pl eae) immtio of he
plure peusy rtery supplyig the lugs: pumoary ae .tube cryig ir to the brochi: tachea pricipl r pssge of wdppe the lugs bocus (p bch) subsidr r ssge i the gs bochoe dug tk by sth mtcs to wide the brochi: bocho dato lmmio of te ucu membre of the boch bochs dmge to he ir scs o the lgs: bcteri ectio emphysema cusig mtio of ug peuumoi ffectig ot moa lugs dobe peumoa rte herd i uhelthy lgs a blck lug or co mers lg cued by ihltio of co dut
brow lg csed by ihlo of
tete dt: byssoss ug ds es from hto of sbesto pr ticles: asestoss .lg iese from slic ih scss lg disese it grow odl: ruets mesu tubecuos g lug city: pea w ugc rmv o spomete lg scrs: decocao sl removl of g ocoy deotig he r l c
o u moay caoesatoy t lgeced te: eobo • Idi owe lute saod o ecked i lute sta log eked It lue caoe .lte plyr: utest tst lute mke: ute, utst lymph mg rm Iymph • djecve ymphatc lymp tr ymp a, ymph ode ccer of these: ympoma .hite loo cel
Mm civ mecncl otay machne dven y a low f wate ec turbne machne ds ensn money csont ma
cne dsensn small tems when money s nseed vending mcine amn machne shwng deen omnaons of fs ruit mcne amn machne oken jeon conoeated macne layn e coded msc juke box kchen ma cne fo chon o mxng food khen machne ood rocessor fo extactng jce jucer machne essn we landy mngle .ma chne shan wood, mea, ec lte machne hammen es nto the ond ledrver ndn ma chne mll aclal machne ha eas and heshes combne r ottonseaan machne veser gn .machne fo hosn o ha n wnc windlss machne se aang ot sstances of deen denstes centrfuge machne o shn gems ass and eal n mcne machney and ohe eqment develoed n he lgh f ecnology scenc advances machne efomng a omlex se es of fntons atomatcally root magned mane esemlng a man beng roo mane's elatng deve overnor ma nes ol esevo um ma ns sudden sto de o oveload eson eag o mantan ll ng maces mecnic eson de sng o onstng mans mcnicn .eson wo beavs l a macne uomon eson oosd o te noducton o ma s Luddi ma a mane
oeatonal commsson adst macney fo smooh nng regulte et .eod nsecon and mantenance of a machne servce take a machne aa str down e ats fom one macne o e a anohe cnnible .nk ma chney o a dve engge aandon an avy o machnes mecne elecnc emote conol of ma chnes teleoerton denon a machne acvaed y ns coin-o denon a machne a movn saht fowad and ackwad recased walkway ond a roctng lae achne clk
rm bovne songform encel-
dsease n hans hogh o s e eaed o hs Creueldtkob dsese
.dsease cased y he e of a mad do rbes
made made o de bespoke
Mr iv Mdrlenn M .Neaolan Maa Corr Maa Cos Nostr Maa leade drone leade of Maa
co godter meme of he Maa Mioo .Maa code f s lence omert Maosos sawno shotn lur
.maazne lshed ela ntevals erodicl maa zne sod wth a newsae sulemen magazne gvn smmaes of itms publised elsewher e: digest • profss ion's magazne: • magazine or fans: f anz ne middle pags of a magazine: centref old, cen-
magc mae
• mgzine ectin t be detched d kept puout • mg tre spread
zne ectin regly wrtten by nmed per coum .lrge fld pge atefod .le pge in gzne sert, set .mgzine' cntrbutr fetued coumst mgzine's tretment f tpic coverae .cvrge cnting f pht grph with ng text photoessay .generl rticle n pic feature bckgrund rticle n prn in e new profe .feme mdel p ering n mgzine cvers cover ed rticl t mgzine cotrbue text f mgzine item cpy .picure in mgzine usatos, pates drwn mteril mgzine raphcs .hp elling gzies esaet
• •
magic • mgc t d gd hte c • mgic t d evi bac mac • mgic t fretell evens dvato .mgic t ummn up the ed ecromacy • West Indi mgic obeah, voodoo • trbl mgi cn credted with helg pwe tch doctor bject thught t hve mgc pwer amuet, fets, juju, vepinted tr petatasma ram, petae tm with the pentgrm n it petace West Af ric fetih: juju .mgc belef d prctices the occut .mgic rit ul tting the eect deire symwrd sid patec mac mgic pel cojurato, catato, vocato .mgicl pt exr mgc eye' ued in burglr rm etc photoeectrc ce
• prfesinl
trte with legl trining stpedary .Lnd tipendiry mastrate mgitrte metropota mastrate unpid mgitrte wth n egl rining ay mastrate cuty's chef mgtrte custos rotuoum l custes tuu Chnne Is nd mgitrte jurat .mgtres
regrded clecivey the bech chrge entered t mgtrte's curt formato
es . combining form maeto .mgnet t needing n nducing current prmaet ma
mgnet ctivted by n electric cur
rent eectromat .get with pe t the side trasverse mat eectrmgnet f cied wire soeod .mgnet's suheekig ple mgnet' nrth eatve poe eeing ple postve poe br crss mgnet' pes eeper, yoe re ver which mgnetim i per tve maec fed .regin rud the erth gvered by it wn mg netic eld maetospere .g etic minerl odestoe drecn f mgnetic eld poarty detry n bject mnetim deauss eectrc geertr ig permet mgnets maeto persnl mg netim chasma
• combining foms face
abiacie facto stu eacti fc acic fca siiicati ec ca cigeic eous egeus ey gey
jory • lrget hre f the vte ct majorty, smpe majorty
• hre cg mre th hf the
vtes ct absoute majorty .ver wheming mrty f ve dsde denting grup unbe t rech mjrty deciin hu
• ye f muit tht cr rie mr aophees • dg tht
cure mlri que
My .trditi My vi ge ampo • Mly cmul he lohouse • Mly dgger rs • My grment saro e combinng forms aro age .mle chrmme Y chromosome • relting t mle
mm m manur seaty prapc .aggressve mae ess machsmo, asm .deotig a perso dsplayg ths butch, macho deprive of maleess emascuate .spposed male midfe rSS mae meopause mae members of a fmy spear s deotg descet throgh the mae lie patrea deveopmet of male characteristcs is wome: vrl-
• maager wth drect prodcto re sposbity: e maaer � ee o
busessma • Mceser • djecive Macu a • mdrke • madrake root as a arcot maraora m • maa for books: bbo• maa • maia for drk psomaa • maa for startig res sm pyroma • mania for poer or mmm apeke mammal pr- seaggradizemet meaomaa mate .stdy of prmates prmat- maic obsession wth sge de ooy • sea mammal cetacea moomaa maia for steag thcksked mamma (e rh eptomaa oceros) pachyerm • mamma • therapeic ma with cisor teeth roet • mammal o platio of boes osteopathy that chews the cd rumat • maplatio of eectora bodar djecive mae, vre es for prty dvntge eryma • primitive ma viewed as cvzed er ad corrpted obe savae • n married ma bacheor .ma whoe mer combining form wse ( these) wfe has ded wower boister osly macho ma a .ma whom mers • code of good maers etquete cosderate politeess wome d attractve ayer, ay's m • lstfl ma satyr tact • reed politeess suavty, u• castrated ma euuch • ma re baty • affected good maers ejectg traditioal mae attitdes ew tty prmess, prssess .vey ma .ma i charge of a pbc ad cheeky pert • ecessvely fam iar foar • offesively cool offhose aor ma lettig ot odgigs aor .ma overeager ha rogh ad abrpt maer uceremoous, ucouth deotg to dress smartly ay, fop • rch peasat appearace ad maer ma persig a le of pleasre payboy deotig a womash ma ef- persoabe femate .rle by me patrarchy fcre • maactrg ma • hatred of me msary • party chiery or premises pat .ishe for e sta party • mythica crea article i a mafactrg process tre half ma ad half horse cee prouct • series of tems pro taur dced at oe tme ru • savigs mme maageme tyle throgh nreaed otpt ecoomy that reacts to problems rather tha of scae • savigs thogh diversca aticipatig them refht tio of otpt ecoomy of scope
maagemet philosophy demadg cost
esastic commtme from sa Tota uaty aaemet dstral aager or mer proprietor ustrast perso maagg large sms of moey faseor maager eecutve ce
varyig with level of otpt theory advocatg varabe cost smll ebe mafacrg ts
postFor sm me decayed orgac matera sed as mare: compost seabid ecremet sed as mare uao
anuspt akt
semqud manure surry surace appcan manre top dress clean u sables ec_ muc
out scrip
manuscrp ren by e aur e ex cnans: autoraph manuscrp y r en by e aur e ex cnans: manuscrp hooraph erased and used agan pampsest manuscrp ex ren er an earer ex pampsest manuscrp n b rm codex decrae a manuscrp umate pcure r decraed capa eer n a umato, manuscrp mature manuscrps penng rds: cpt manuscrps clsng rds: expicit manuscrps csng saemen prducn deals: coopho seepsn r gasn prepared r use as a manuscrp parchmet calsn prepared r use as a manuscrp: vum persn assessng manuscrps ered a publser:
reader Mx e anx embem ree legs: trseo combininforms mut eg. ) poy eg h) Mri ar greeng: a ora map r sea r ar nagan: chart .map e sars muned n a spere ceesta obe map
sng cnurs by nng r sadng: ree map lnes used r lsadng hachures asrlgcal map r casng a rscpe brth chart, atal chart argescae map a smal area: pa mapmag: cartoraphy mapmaer: cartorapher deaed mappng an areas naura eaures: toporaphy mappng seas, laes, and rers: hydroraphy mappng munans: ororaphy, orooy es gae an area r mappng: survey ra beeen acual and mapped
dsances scae sysem represenng e ears surace upn a la page proecto mar pns n a map: pot alude seeced pns sn n a map spot heht mappng seas laes, and rers hydoraphy map lne plng sme equa alue soram map lne jnng pns equa eg cotour e map lne jnng pns equa a msperc pressure soba map ne jnng pns equa emperaure sotherm map lne jnng pns equaen ner empera ure sochem map ne jnng pns equaen summer emperaure: sothere map lne jnng pns equa ranal sohyet ner lnes n a map rd can a pn usng ese rd reerec sysem eers r num bers by c a pn n a map may be dened coodtes rs crdnae n a grd reerence east secnd crdnae n a grd reerence: orth ls map symbls and er meanngs ey ranspar en see paced er a map ge exra nrman: overay s grd marngs: romer rbl adective marmorea man marble made paned paser: scaoa rch as marc: orced march marcng sep unben legs
oosestep r reerence mar: bechmar mar burn n esc: rad dry mar: smude, smut blurred mar: smude r mare selng secnd and gds ea maret rena mare: bazaar smal specazed mare che mare n c supply exceeds demand buyer's maret mare n c demand ex cees suppy: seers maret cn rl e mare corer prn o e mare cnrled by a cmpany
re ma
or prouct: maret shae maket control by a sngle supier: moop oly market oination by wo uppliers uopoly market omnation by a few suppliers olopoly .ar ket control by a single purchaser: moopsoy market dmation by a ew purchasers: olopsoy market hat no inividual can cotrol peect competon . enotng a market with steay prices har e noting a aket wit steadily high o risig prices sto enotng a market unlikel to epad further matue denoting a arket with faing prices o, wa perceive nee for a ommoty: ema mar et assesment f his: maret robtain seach ma profle orers a new market peetrate exposr to ee ometition: acio preenting maretzato free competition restrat of tae resrcte prctce situation where certai traers can inluence prices mpeect competo ee sale sel seler trae
rie • jecve brl co ul, coubal, mart, matrmo uptal romntic but imprac matc tical marriae: love
• marriae cotracted for reasos other than loe marrae of cove ece • marriage hastene or com
pelle by pregnancy: shotu we . reay for arriage: be marriage partner: spouse suit able person to marr match .enot ig a esrable marriage parer: el e . occrring before mrriage: person arragng apremrtal riaes marrae broer, matchmaer . offer of mriage proposal .for ma promise to marry: eaemet marriage formalized by a lega ceremony oy: cl mrrae oce where this s conucted a document rester ofce marriage eromed with fu ceremonie an
ormal ress: whte we . pemit t ho a weg at tme or pac ot ormay permite: specal Church ocia grantig lcece special licences: surroate run away to ge marred: elope fora aouncemen in churc o a forth coming mrrige: bas hous b twee wic mariage ay be cele bate the Anglcan hurch: pers soin caocal hos gue$ts o hei seats beore a rae serice usher wedg Mass up tal ass woma on her ay: bre man on hs wedi ay: riegroom's breroom oom male atenant: best ma , ooms ma . marrie woma attenig a bre mtro o honou woman atteng a brie: bresm j boy attning a brie pae, p boy ha over a brie to her hs band ve away . cooured paper throw aer a marriage ceremony orma mea aer a ar o rage ceremo: wen reast hoiay taken by a ewlymrrie couple hoeymoo poe clebra ing a marriage: pthalamum, pro thalamum . cothg etc by a bre beore er mariage: tros seau boom rawer proper etc rought by a br to her arrage: propry arragement at owry marriage selemet copletio marriage by seua ntercourse: ariage parers summato righ to mutua seua relaions: occurig after ugal rhts riage: postuptal enoting a riage in which he paers ech others atery: ope marrae . enotng mariage custos eectJ ng he couple to lve at he home: matrlocal, uxorlocal ng marriage customs expecting couple to ive at te husads home:
d j
• •
patri loca l, viri oc al . denotng marriage customs expecting the ouple to
aag athas Mass: upta ass .ass for he ded requem • hy sug at this Des rae • ass celebratd for a sp c a: ass o specal teto votve ass • iest prformng the Mass ceebrat • Mass ook: mssal • day mus atted ass: dy o ob lato • unchagig part of the ass: cao, ordary viable ar of the Mss: poper • tet sung or sad a th begnng o s: · . rsonse between th Epstle and Gospe: gadual • hmn sung tr th gradua prose, sequce oerg of bead and we fo o section oeory • ctral ct of the ass coscrao • rst part of conaton pyr: preace bea d n ored te Mass lts • each of these kd pIt or the read pae cup n hch the n is conscratd: cha ce par sks fo water d win: crut .jug for the w ao • coh upo hich th chalc and atten e pcd corpor itu c rn of the lms: lao b rg t he evaton c be cnscrae bra st ean h brd rco ding h rea to he : co reeton o o of th acrd ents or s rseto Q contr h con atd rd cru, pyx tand o epsti of the consecrtd ed mosace osteory Roma Cho nd Orodox be th h conrted mnt e sub stt ched nt t bod d boo hi, ainn brd d n in pc trsb aao Lhrn if at te consctd mnts e bo the bod d ood o hst d ad d n cosubtaato
Ho omuo
ge masg
sng ccur momns lu msag -
iv uclr tension at seeal lvel: Rolg • masge ased on zoe herapy: reexooy • assage treaet usg ara ols aomathrapy mst • ast aft of the mat: me • temporay st: jry ma .son poe for a mast pa • ast's crossbar: yard • o suppng a mst: shroud, say • keel bloc to ke th mat: . dec st socket: tabrace 10Qot post atop as: cow est masthed laor : to
mse magseal ' m bre used or ating jut ) mtc • atch iig oy o a speal sufce saey atch o lcto of mathox es plum st mte • mra ut up of suerposed th layer ama mecs • athematics of th maniaio of nubers: ahm
octio n nlysis of numerc daa sastcs mathetics aibe qtties: calculs o th emtics usng letes ad sls 3 ra • mahmacs usd o � tgic nng gam heory mtics of e hae ad s o , eth: oy mthatics o o tio and ors oduc t: mc· acs mahematcal scrtio
moto nd inerctio of tmc partles qatum as hmatical stdy o codng of omo orma eo • mathmatcs o os lnes, sucs, and sods: gemy thmat sd of ingls trtry schoo tes coes stessng heristcs a se theo: ew mahs abe to une stn mahatis mhmtcay iorant a mhmc r theo •
symblc expression o f a mathea -
athats al
ial rule foru (pl fuae) .mathematical representation of a system or process od regulated manipuation of numbers or quantities oprtion rule for calculations lorith .repetition of a mathemtical procedure itrtion record of calculations made workings expression containing one or more variables function expression or function so related to another that the product is unity rciproc .statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal ution number of entities al satisfying certain conditions st assocation of each element in one set with an element in another pping diagram showing relationships between sets Vnn digr .positiveness or negativeness of a quantity sin . move a term to the opposite side of equation, changing its sign quantity with unchantrnspos ging value consnt quantity with changing value vribl . quantity having direction as well as magnitude vctor . quantity upon which an operation is to be performed oprquantity to be added nd sund . quantity to be subtracted subtrhnd . quantiy to be multiplied utipicnd quantity representing the power to which a number is to be raised xponnt result of adding one quantity to another su result of subtracting one quantity from another diffrnc . result of multiplying one quantity by another: product . result of div· iding one quantity by another uotint product f multiplying a number by itself sur product of multiplying a number by its square number producing a cub speced quantity when multipled by itself sur root . irrational number surd curve made by all points
satisfying certain conditions ocus � o nubr r tendency of matter to re main motionless or to continue motion in a straight line inrti rss inatable mattress io mattress stuffed with straw pt, pliss strong cloth used to cover mattresses pillows, etc tickng xis work epands to ll the time avaiable Prkinsons Lw employees are always promoted one rank beyond teir competence Ptr anything that can go Princip wrong, wil Sods Lw Murphys
Lw r
. city mayor ord yor his residence nsion hous mayor of an ustrian Dutch, Flemish, German, or Swiss town burgo-
• •
str l
• selfservice
meal bufft meal at which food is grled and served out of doors brbcu ight meal tiffin , coltion reast and lunch combined brunch light meal at mid morning vnss . substantial lateafternoon meal high t meal oered to wedding guests after the ceremony wdding brkfst .formal meal for a large party bnut, fst banquet or other formal social occasion function guest meal with different courses eaten at dferent houses sfri suppr .restaurant meal with a xed global price and oering few alternatives tbl restaurant meal chosen dht from a range of separately priced dishes crt meal of bread and cheese ploughns lunch part of a meal cours rst course of a meal pptizr, hors douvr, srtr main course of a meal nlight dish served between tr courses ntrts time allotted for service and consumption of a com plete meal itting sma open sandwich served as an appetizer cnp
• •
• alcoholic drik taken before a mea as an appetizer pertf • square of
cloh for wipig the hads or face whe p .provision of mels, or the payent for this bord • ilitary estabishent here meals are sered: mes • perso who re ceives eas an lodging border _ jectve: semtc mnin specic meang deotto • i plie meaning: cootto • gen ea meaig of a text urde, st, rvme, teor • give te mning defe .having oly one possibe meanng: umbuous, uvocl avig several eaning: mbuous, equvocl, polysemous ord aving th same meaig as anoter syoym • word avig te opposite meaning to anoter: toym stud of eanig semtcs mss mild form of measls Gem meles, ruell msmn . combnng form metry jectve mesurl, met rcl • measurement of the dept of seas or akes thymetry measure met across sometin: dmeter • measurement roud somehing: cr• measurig evice cferece ue .device measurg internal and external dimensios clpers • gauges for e distaces feeler u, mcrometer • struent to measure or raw agles protrctor, set squre • instrument measuring agles precisey: oomeer m • pale meat from pigs, poulty etc whte me • arker met from seep, eer etc red met • meat from w aals or bds me • co cooke meats chrcutere • meat miced for stufng forcemet • sease paste of ey mice meat: p • bone piece of meat: fllet • ti slice of et esclope • tick slice of meat ste • sma ro cut of meat: mdllo, osete • grle or frie portion of meat
cutlet . ge piece of meat cooke , whole: joint .joint icluding t
front ribs rc .oit of meat it its backbone: chn e
. meat cut from
he breast brset .joit from below he ribs: lo
.joit of meat consis-
ig of bot lois: sddle • ick ed of a loin of meat chump .meat cut from the side of a carcass fl J .long th slice of meat role and stued: pupete .catle met used as food beef • ca meat used as food 1 ve • der met used as food ve so .ig meat used as food • seep meat sed as food lmb, to • anal's thymus or pacreas as food: sweetbred • ail' interna[ organs eaten as meat offl, pluc • hard white fat round he kide suet • fa fig om roasting mea drpp .touh cartage mea rsle .meat from a cow's ta ox tl • mea from a pig's eg h . amb's testicles as food fry .fri d thi slice of white meat coated i .sm breadcrumbs schel pieces of meat cooked on a sker ebb kebab of maiaed mea and vegeables shsh eb • com pressed spiced meat coated in crumbs ad frid: rssole .ish min meat toppd wi mashed tato cotte pe, shepherd's • minced meat rolled i bacon: esy .dish of chopped meat hsh .dish of nely mice� meat mble • smal seasoed meaJ b queelle .okd moud layered copped meats and/or abIes terre • dish of griled meats mxed rll • sh pressed meat aspic • dish of chopped mat, eggs, and seasonig ish of meat braised i wie dub • is of stewe meat i a white
� Oj
frcs see
. caserle of meat and v
getables: hotpot • preserve meat bI, soking etc: cure . leave meat i
ical tatnt I ca tat
• medica
teamen of e heaing system udioogy .mdical eat ment of he kidney neroogy .mdica teatment of menal is eases ycitry medical eatment of nevous system neuro medical teament f old ogy people geritrics medical eatment of the sk drmtoogy medical teatment of e uinay sysem roogy medical teatmen of men gynecoogy .medic teament to fe the body of oxs detoxifiction assiduous teatmet of e dangeously intnsive cre mdical teatmnt poviding mecanical substiutes fo mssing o defective bdily ogans biengneering tempay povision tese ife mecal bunng cuter suort iztion, cutery medic teatment b cmicals cemotery medica teatment using intense cold cryotery medical teatmnt usng dus mediction medica teament by sma doses of sub taces odun te same stoms as t disease oeoy med teatment b ugs ging effects oppsite to te symptoms oy mdia eament by o o moe ds mo terpy me ical atment sing ynoss yno ty use of it as a medical eatment ootery medical ttment ung adiatin ncer eapetic s f udc gt otery edical eat me by ate ydroty, yro dentng meca tetment nlving bdpenetation detng mecl teat invsiv ment aimed at cntanment ly dentng medical consevtive tament tha is eective againt a vety of gems brod sectrum medical teatment b ativatin f te mune sstm immnotey medal teatment gven t eassu
• •
o pacify he patiet pcebo de otng medica eent given at the patients equest ectiv denotg medcal eament given a he tme of an opeaion erioertive meical eaen given befoe a doco aivs rst i systms of mdcal eament no favoued by he Wes en medical sablishmnt ten tive medic in, fringe meicine sy tems of medical eatmen beyond e scope of esten medicine come mntry mcn .medical ttment consideing te hole atien oism pysical teatmen f b injues o defomity ysioe asessment of the ugency of a pa tients need fo eaent trig slow ecton infusion usaine pulling f a mscle o limb trct secnday effect o medic teat ment side eect peson quing o eceivng medical teatmen cse, int discussion of such a peon and his o he teatmen cse cofer ence pogamme f eatet e gim, rgimen ecod sc a pe sons stuation and teaent c itory spto suggestng a aticla eatment indiction .symp tm ang aganst a paticua eatment cntndicion ac ceptance f tament b a ptnt aae of te isks involed if witten list of mdic consnt aments accepable t he bee n cs of unconsciounes etc dv drecte iving wil cad auth ing use of pats of te hodes bo fo medical pupses te is o e death donor cr epeated seies of medca tatmets corse abil ity to endue a couse of medca tea ment toernce pocedues fo a cuse of medical eatment rotoo abnmal seatng caused by me al teatment diorsis tn tube seted nto he body fo med ical pupses cnn denotg
daton dn
medical services having no patient contact: paclinical person re covering om medical treaent: convaescent caused by medical treaent: iatrogenic establish ment oring specialist medical care: clinic � o alternative medi cine, omplementary medicine
edcto forcible medication: gavage medication with extracts om anmal organs: organotherapy medication ibiting germ growth: antiseptic medication given before an operation: premedication solid medication inserted to dissove in the vagina: pessary solid medication inserted to dissolve n the vagina or rectum: suppository cancer tret ment by drugs: chemothepy can cer treaent by X-rays: radiotherapy preparaion to remove unwanted hair: depilatory substance develop ng bodily immunity to a diease: vac cine medical device for amin stering tny amounts o a liquid: drip feed denoting the appli cation of medication through the skn tanscutaneous, transderma de noting a drug capsule givng steady content release over a long period: sustaiedreease undesirable sec ondary eect of medication side ef fect
cmbinng ci
pharm(aco) pharma ceutica denoting commercally avaable medicine: patent medi
cine made by dissolving a drug in al cohol tinctu medicine used to treat alergies: antihistamine medi cine able to target particular cells: magic bulet • medicine for constipa tion: aperient medicine for coughs: expecoant, inctus medicine to axative defecation: encourage medicne to cause some bodily dis charge: evacuant medicine for fever: antipyreic, febrifuge medi cine to relieve atence: carminative
medicine to ease naation: de mucent medicine to be nhaled: in halation device for taking this: in
haler medicine taken to nvigorate: tonic medicine for itchng: anti pruritic medicne atacng micro organisms: antibiotic medicine to clear the nose: decongestant medi cine to counteract poison anidote, antitoxin, antivenin liquid pain kler rubbed into the skin emroca tion medicine to reduce nervous or physical activity: depressant medi cine to cause sweaing: diaphoretic medicine to increase urination: diur etic medcine to cause vomitng: emetic quack medicine: nostrum
denoting a medicie to be appied to
the outside o the boy: externa de noting a medicine to be taken into the body: internal denoting a medicine made om natural ingredients: galen ical denoting a medicine available oy on prescription: ethical denot ng a non-brande meicie: generi treaent by medicies: phar macotherapy place where medi cies are made up: dispensary doc tor's order fr a medicie to be made up or issued: prescription amount o medicne to be iven at one tme: dose se or equency of a pre scribed dose of medicne: dosage container for an njectable dose of medicie: ampoue dose of medi cie reiforcing a previous one: booster dose of medicine given to an animal: drench peson traied to prepare and dspense medcnes chemist, pharmacist place where medicies are dispensed pharmacy oca list of medicies, with i suctions for preparation and use: pharmacopoeia, codex, formuary
remedial substances used i medical
practice: materia medica medical use of radioactive Ubstances: nucear medicine study of medicies and the uses: pharmacology
va I stuat
dil .meeval asocaton of caftsmen o mecants: guld meetngplace fo ts: guldhall .meeval cemst seeng to tun base metals nto gol: alchemy .meeval system of lan tenure feudalm unarmonze meeval Latn curc musc: Gegra cha, pag mdii cosslegge metaton posture: l pii • re peate wor or soun use n me taton mara Mdirr .ense scrub of te eteranean coast: maqui i • unexpecte meetng: e cuer • pont of meetng an nte acton ieace .meetng for aca scusson emc cllquum, ema, ympum • meetng to be attene by all quale to o so pleary .meetng attene by all quale to o so: pleum • arrange meetng redezvu • arrange meetng wt epotes press cferece • meetng for cuc govenment: yd, cry .meetng o carnals to elect a pope: cclave • meetng of elegates: cgre, cvei .mass meetng: rally .meetng wt varous sessons cferee .meetng of eas of state: ummi • ocal wo calls meetngs cveer .representatve sent to a meetng delegae .mnum attenance requre for a meetng to be vald: qurum . enotng a meetng attened by a quorum: qurae e notng a meetng lacng ts urae lst of tems to be ealt wt at a meetng: ageda spea at a meetng cbue . present a topc for scusson able proposal lad before meetng m • mae suc a propsal: mv .formay support ts: ecd mocaton o a mo ton aedme • meetngs approval of a moto: ap state met of a meetg ecson:
relui • queston on poceue: p f rder .reco of a meetng: miue ee alo parlame l substance mxe wt a sol to lowe ts meltng pont flux • water from a meltng glce meltwaer brsip . lst of members: rll • wtraw fom membesp: ecede • epve of membersp: debar, expel remove from membersp of a professona boy: re ff br .membane dvng te toax from te abomen da phragm • membane lnng te abomen perieum .membrane suounng a fetus ami, amic membrae, cul .membne bocng a vrgns vagna: hyme • embane between te toes of a swmming b web • open soe on an ntenal membrane ulcer r • abty to emember: recall, reeivee .enotng a memory capable of etale ecal phgraphic • vv an etae memory of an event al recall .suppose subconscous memory of sant events n uman story: race memry • suppose ban cange on memog sometng egram, memry ace .ablty to recall objects sown once: memry pa .a to memory memic .tem ept as a emner meme, • memory tecnques: uveir memtechic .arousng memoes evcave . sca fom ones memory ulear • nabty to recall a fama tem: metal blc .storte memory esultng from confuson of fact an fantasy paamea . loss of memory ameia, blivi md .tat cannot be mene: ireaable sr • acive me rual meruu • st occurece of menstruaton: mearche
ntal ln I tal
9 .regulr cycle of ovuton nd menstruton: mentrual cycle menstrul bleedng: menrrhea menstrul blood: mene bsorbent pd for ths: antary twel .excessve menstrul bleedng: menrrhaga pu or dfcut menstruton: dymenrrhea bnorml bsence of menstruton: amenrhea .cesston of menstruton n mddle ge: climacterc, menpaue
• •
ml ilss . combin ing form mana • mild mentl illness wth grsp of relty retned : neur
rms: tratjacet brn surgery to tret mentl ilness: pychugey psychologcl tretment of mentl ilness: pychtherapy commt compusorly to psychtrc hosptl: ectn order uthorzng detenton n mentl hosptl: recepn rder person ctng for those unble to mnge ther on fs: guardan .study nd tretment of mentl illness: pychatry, pychanaly, pychpathlgy .denotng person free from mentl illne
ane cmp ment m .lmted menu served t xed overll prce: table d'hte
• severe mentl illness wth loss of conscousness of relty pych wth tems prced septely • cutely dsordered stte of mnd de- a• menu la carte lrum • mentl illness cused by nxety or depresson nevu brea- rcr • Greek nme Herme dwn • sevee nbty to com • Mercurys snketwned st: caduceu muncte or form reltonshps wth others autm .delusons of self- mrcr • mercury lloy used to mportnce fle de grandeur teeth: amalgam • shred delusons: fle a deux mrc • mercy shown to defeted .entl llnes cusing exctement enemy: quarter nd volence: mana • retret nto mrr .lrge compny creted by
fntsy world: chphrena .ner vous brekdown resutnt from wr experences: hellhc, cmbat fatgue mentlly unstble: diturbed .mentlly i nn cmp ment mentl retrdton wth shortness of stture Dwn' yndrme person suerng lterntng depresson nd euphor: mancdepreve .per son wth chronc mentl lness led ng to volent behvour: pychpath person mnestng extreme ntsocl tttudes nd behvour cused by or nvolvng path mentl ilness: pathlgcal nsttuton oerng protecton nd tret ment for the mently i pychatrc
hptal, mental hptal, aylum
• mentl hosptl room for volent ptents: padded cell • electrc shocks dmntered to tre mentl ilnes electrcnvulve therapy • strong
jcket connng mentl ptents
mergers: cnglmerate, crpratn denotng merger between com pnes wth prllel functons: hr zntal denotng merger beteen compnes wth sequentl funcon vertcal reverse prevous mergers:
demerge mss • messge delvered wth kss gram • mesge delvered by strptese rtst: trppergram .mege ent by telephone but delvered in wrten form telemeage • devce for the nput nd prntout of telegrph messges: teleprnter mssr • messenger crryng portnt docents cuer • delvery by such messenger expre l • oblong block of met: ngt .long thn trp of met: batten .thn nd nrrow srp of metl lat .thn exble sheet of metl fl
tal I sp
• very
thin sheet o metal leaf . metal grating grille . made o two metals bmeallc • combination o two or more metals ally • rough edge on cu metal bur • rough piece o metal or grinding or smoothing fle .light metalcoated sheet retain ing hea pace blae • thin metal sheet or motor vehicle bodies pael • metal ri: he • metal cap on the end o a stick ferrule .metal plate on a tapdancers shoe ap • dis carded metl or reprocessing crap • substance mixed with metal to ease melting flux • vessel or molten metal ladle • extract metal rom ore by heating and melting: mel • stony waste separated o during metl melting: lag • block of smelted metal: w, pig .meal tech nology meallurgy • hardness and elasticity o metal emper • denoting metal brittle when hot hhr • denoting metal that can be pessed or hammered into shape malleable • enoting metal hammered into re lie: rep • denoting metal in laid with gold or silver: damaceed • denoting a metal resistant to chem ical action ble • denoting metal resistant to tension: hgheile • denoting metal shaped by hammer ing wrugh denoting metal not iron or steel ferru • tool or moulding or stamping out metal die • metalshaping machine: lah • stone or sharpening metal he, grde whee • machine polishing metal lappg machie • scum on the surace o molten metal dr • place where metal is cast: fudry .metal weakness rom changing sresses faig e • surace dulling o metal exposed to air arh • suace discoloration o cer tain metals: paa hard protective coating for metal lacque hape metal under heat: frge • astcool metal by plungig ito water or oil:
0 quech • harden metal by heating and then cooling emper • ct or shape metal mll • cover with a thin coating o metal plae • latten sheet metal pla ih .unite heated metal under pressure weld clean meal by steelparticle ombardment hbla • damage metal by gradual chemical action: crrde • aoy used to oin metal lder • meta worker mih, blacmih • skill o chasin and carving metal reuc tet o metal for rity asy study o metals and their purica tion mealurgy l cr • person sing this as a hobby deecri r • meter measuring opeak electricity consumption white meer • methods used mehdlgy • method o doing something mdu peradi • usual method pracice Micn • Mexican widebrimmed hat mbrer • Mexican at maize cake rilla • tortila with a spicy ling burri, faji, ac • tortla lled with chillied meat or cheese echilada • cheesetopped tortla piece: ach • Mexican dish o mhed vocado guacamle .Mex ican dish o ried stued chiis: chle relle .Mexican sauce o onion garlic coriander and peppers ala verde • Mexican agave spirit equla • inhabitant o Mexico at the time o the Spanish conquest ec • Spanish conqueror o Mexico cquad crcip • design o devices using microchips: elecric icrpn .underwater micro phone hydrphe microphone used close to the mouth lip mcrphe icrscp • microscope using electron beams elecr micrcp • glass plate or microscope speci
mens to be examined ide thin glass protecting a microscope specimen: cverip .thin layer of tissue etc on a microscope slide mear .plate on which the slide is set age iddl . combin ing foms medi, me e ehic) mid e i ba) aecives media, media middle ear: ympaum middle term in a series: media middle way of compromise: via media denoting a middle kill level iermedi ae iddle e loss of selfcondence aeged to occur in eay middle age midife crii .cessation ofmenstru ation in late middle age: mepaue Middle Eser .money given as a bribe or tip in the Middle East: baheeh Middle Eastern rice dish with spices and egetables piaf Middle Eastern woman's erotic solo dance: bey dace ilir enrol for mitry service: ei person joining the armed forces voluntary: recrui, vueer person made to oin the armed forces: ccrip newly enlisted person: recrui young mitary trainee: cade compulsory peace time mitary training aia ervice complete one's military training pa u mitary ocer assisting a senior ocer adua, aidedecamp miitary ocers who plan a campaign: geera a senior stf ocer chief f aff .mitary ocer in charge of a camp cmmada miitary ocer n charge of secrity rdery fficer .miitary ocer in charge of sup plies quarermaer commander of a combned miitry fore geera iim ocer in charge of a nations forces: cmmaderichief regiment's honorary hea cel ichief mitary ocer of the rst grade: cmmiied fficer .mi
il I ilitay
tary ocer of the second grade warra fficer military ofcer of the lowest grade cmmiied fficer miitary ofcers assistant rdery miitary ocer's personal servant bama mitary personnel who are not commissioned ofcers: her ra miitary personnel of the lowest grade he ra, her ra . clergyman attached to a miitary unit: chapai, padre document conferring promotion cmmii, warra document conferring promotion without extra pay breve . list of members of a miitary nit muer r miitary force cige . front section of a miitry force: va, vaguard group of several army divsions crp .group of several army brigades or egiments divii infan try unit forming part of a brigade baai specialized miitary sec tion crp miitary corps preparng roads and terrain: pieer miitary group sent on a special mission deachme, dea, pice, quad, a frce . small detachment fie execution detachment firig quad . detachment to re a miitary salute firig pary .detachment sent to seize specied persons: ach quad miitary force drawn from various units to deal with a particular situation baegrup .miitary unit specializing in raids cm.a member of this: mad cmmad mitry pesonnel belonging to no established unit irreguar member o f an irregular resistance force: guerria, paramiiary, para . such a force: miiia spell of mitary sevice at a particu lar location pig, u ur f duy mitary accommodation camp, barrac bie town with a large permnent mtry preence: garri w .armoured obseva tion post blchue small distant
ay I k
military establishment tpst • military establishment serving meals mess • British sovereign's eremonial guard Yeme f the Gard • oer in this ex • military personnel ghting on oot ifaty • miltary personnel using horses or armoured vehiles cavalry • military personnel regarded as expendable units cao fdder military engineer aying and removing ines sappe .longterm military plans strategy • shortterm military plas tactics .military preparations dispsitis • display o military power as a persuader saberattlig, shw f frce • planned military attak offesive perati sudden and intensive military attack blitz • mili tary ampaign based upon this blitzkrieg aidental damage aused to uninvolved ivilians by military ativities clateral damage military ation to prevent movement o goods or personel blckade • redution a orted point by surrounding it siege • provision o military manpower and supplies lgistics • military department or ood and equip ment: cmmissariat military stores and materials: materiel, rdace • store for military supplies magazie aquisition o military equipment and supplies pcremet large military guns atilery • military ormation in parallel rows eche end a parade o troops dismiss • military eld training exercises, field day maevres ores in the battle zone frt ie • position military ore depy remove ores rom a onit area disegage • moe away rom a su perior enemy etea • retreaters' tati o destroying anything o use to the enemy scched eat plicy • derease o military presene: draw dw • remoe all military presene demiiaize take troops out o a
tive servie: dembilize • redue military ores disarm • military rebellion mtiy • military ourt crt martial (pl cts aa r ct atas • barrister advising this: jdge advcate • oial ontrolling army and RAF ourts martial Jdge Advcate Geeal • redue to a lower rank as a punishment degrade, demote • military punish ment o doing drill arrying ull kit pack ril • dismiss with dishonour fm the armed ores cashier suh dismissal dishorable discharge • unauthorized abandonment o military servie deser • person not belonging to the armed ores civilia • person reusing mlitary sevie o morl grouds: cnscientis bjector • menial work assigned to military personnel fatiges • military signal to wake up eveile miliary ag stadard, clrs • military eremony with bands and ountermarhing eteat • mlitary eremony and orml inspetion review • military entertainment with skill demonstrations tatt • state poliy based on maintenance and use o large military ores militarism � ao ifrm, wa weap mik . combningform act, galact.acv: dai ry lactic lacteal oagulated milk crds • thin mlk re maining ater urds have ormed whey • dish o sweetened urds jket soured ermented mlk ygrt drink of avoured whisked milk milkshake tinned evaporated and sweetened milk codesed milk evapated milk milk seretion lactati • gland produing milk mammary glad • substane that ireases a nursing mother's ow o milk gaactagge • denoting a ow kept to give milk milch • plae where milk is proessed or sold dairy • small art or van delivering milk fat denoting milk treated to pre
llon o
vent crea separaton: omogenzed mik o whch the cream has been removed: skmmed mk sterlze mlk by heat or adaton: paster ze .made wthout mlk nondary
combinng form mega a mlon deaths, as a unt for statg wa faales megadeat
mbining form mco
e micromtr)
mcy .mmcy n whch an ed ble anmal s protected by s resem blance to one avoded by ts predators: Batesan mmcry
tiv menta noetc psycoogca part of the md of whch one s not lly aware sbcon scos pat of the mnd from whch memores can easy be recalled: pre conscos pat of the subcon
scous d wth shared ancestral memores coectve nconscos pat of the unconscous led wth memores unque to th ndvdual: persona nconscos .n the mnd nteror exstg ony n the mnd: notona part of the md not normay accessble to conscousness nner space . caess of mnd menaly eqanmy eqbrm lethargc torpd . shap-mnded: n cIsve mental powers: nteect dex of a person's mental ablty ex pressed as the age at whch such an ablty level tpcal menta age mental pctue mage study of the md and ts functons psyc oogy o psycoogy
. horzontl passage leadg to a me: adt vertcal passage leadng nto a mne sa top of a mesha ptead mesha l cage skp mne's ventlaton shaft: pcast hozon undegound pssage gaery b suppot a mne roof: pt pop .short post sup portng a me roof pnceon
. shaft lnng or patton: bace pat of a mne om whch mnerals ae extacted: workngs . sold ma teral contang a valuable sub stance: ore testng of ore for purty assay . statum of ore: seam ledge ode ven . man statum of ore moter ode .materal contanng a seam gange matrx surface of a seam face excavaton follow g a seam: dr smltaneous m ng of a whole face ongwa workng . denotg mg on nea the su face opencast strpmnng .waste materal bought up om a mne spo ner detonatng blastng chages: sotrer .mer's pck safety lamp used mes made avy amp . suffocatg cabon monoxde gas found mes coke damp . methane found mnes damp edamp carbon-dode gas le by redamp exploson ae damp .land aken or alloted for mnng clam
.me actvated by sound waves sonc mne . area ll of mes mneed .set out mnes ay sow mltary engeer ayng and removg mes sapper ante devce towed behd at paavane
a . magnetc mneral ode stone .dscove mea deposts: strke .study of merals mnera ogy
Gr : Aena
yung mnk kt tiv catoptc speca ttng mro ceva k
gass .large mrro between w dows per gass .mrro eectn om one sde but tanspaent om the other: oway mo havng n sde tat s te mo age of another: symmetca molecule that the mror mage of another
sfoun I onasy
eaome .crystal that is the mir ror image of another eatomoph misforn delight in the misfortunes of others schadefede re lect smugly uon another's misfortuns: goa missi missile guided by an onboard comuter cse mssle selfroeed underwater missile toped denoting a missile using gravity for guidance: bastc de noting a missile lectronically rogrammed to nd its target smat denoing a missile designed to evade radar detection: steath send a mis sile on its course ach missile's exlosive head: payload, wahead underground launchad for mis siles so .establishment monitoring satellite movements trackg sta to .iece of brick used as a missile brckbat missionr missionary's long leave: fogh mi mix to make uniform throughout: homogeze .mix to create something different syhesze .mix socially with: fateze, hobob .that cannot be mixed: mms cbe mir confused mixture fa rago comosed of mixed ats: heteogeeos, hybd harmonious mixture tegato incongruous mixture hybrd motey metal mixed with some other element: aoy mixture of articles in a luid ss pes .mercury mixture used in dental llgs amagam mob mob rule mobocacy, ochocacy execution by a mob lych g mockr ublic mockery jee jbe, ampoo, pasade, sate scoffg skt mockingly ironic: sacastc grimly mocking saoc dry (se)mocking wy
mocking misreresentation pady, tavesty mocking remark tat with hidden mockery sde od stringcontroed model of a
erson or animal pppet .modeed scene with a ainted backdro: doama lightweight wood used in modelmaking: basa .female model aearing on magaine covers cve g raised ath used by models in a fashion show catwak modicion .modication to a roosal at a ublic meeting: amedmet .modication to arliamentary bl or judicial verdict d .modication to suit articular requirements cstomzato oisr • combining form hygro full of moisture: satrated vod of moisture: dehydated, desccated absorbing moisture from the air: hygoscopc .reserving moisture: hmectat . denoting an atmoshere with much moisture: hmd . device achieving this: hmdfer devices measuring this hmdsta, hygromete, hygoscope oc .molecule that is the mirror image of another eatome molecule that can b bonded to other identical molecules to form a olymer: moomer substance comosed of bonded similar molecular grous poyme olc study of mouscs: maacoogy study of mousc shes cochoogy omn at the right moment pat for the moment a hc, a tem, po tempoe momnm .tiny discrete amount of momentum qatm Monco .dciv Mogasqe monsr dciv clastral sma monastery proy monas tery room for conversation: pao monastery dining hall efecoy covered walk in a monastery cos
ter • coveed passageway slype .head of a monasey: abbt head of a smal monastey prr .monastey's govenin body: chapter • eetg pace fo this chapter hse . denoting a monastic chap t captar money • iv pecnary, mnetary, nmsmatc . money held: captal, fnances, reserves money avaable fo nvestment capta • capital used in daytoday tansac tions wrkng capta • money in ciculation mney spply • money in coin spece • money in coin o notes: cash • Bitish money: sterlng • pooled fud o f oney ktty instalment of money: tranche • amount of mony sm • ve smal sm of money: pance • smal sum of money fo mino expenses petty cash, pn mney • smal sum of money given in ewad fo a sevice: tp • smal sum of money given egu ay to a chd pcket mney • sum of money deoted to a spia pupose: apprpiatn • money accumuated fo the eventua eplaement of a wasting asset snkng fnd .money held in tust: escrw • money paid fo wok done remnratn • money paid back rebate refnd, rembrsement • money paid to those one has wonged cmpensat, reparatn • money egained: clawback • money sent: remance money placed out in hope of pot nvest ment • mony mad avaab by a bank: cedt • money put into a ba account depst • money tken out fom a bank account wthdrawal • diect pamnt of money from one bank account to anothe: credt trans fer • mony tansfd electonic aly dgtal cash • system fo this gr • money that must be accepte as payment legal tender • money fequently einvested: ht mney money gained dishonouably dry
I mney, cre • money o specuative invesent: rsk captal , vere cptal • denoting money geneaig no inteest: dle .money moved abo as a pecaution ght capta pb ic avaiabity of money crct .money eceived cme .money eceived fom a tanaction prceeds • money paid out: dsbrsement, expendtre, tlay mone given away largesse sum of mone o be paid annualy annty • money fo iving expenss keep • money pid fo pofessiona seices: fee • money paid to sevice a debt ntrest • money paid on pbic nspot fare • money suppied at the stt of business: fat money pad to th landod by an incomig tnant: key mney .money pa o seue the elease of a psone awtig tia bal, recgnace pay this money fo anothe: stand bal • money paid as compensation damages • money paid to nsue sececy hs h mney . money paid as a poltica bibe: slsh mney • money paid to cminas to secue tei oodwi prtectn mney • mey paid to assage ones consciene cn scence mney • mony paid to coe possble amage dept, ca tn mney • money paid in by an eection candidate: depst • money save fo he futue nest egg nancia tickey chcanry • mony gaied dishonouably drty mey • obtain mony by dcepton defad • misuse of money entused to one: embelement, defacatn, pcla tn • money given as a bibe o tip in the Midde Eat bakseesh • money voted annualy by pliamen o h oya fmily: Cvl L .moey paid as consolato fo an ealy temnation of contct glden handshake glden parachte .exta oney paid to emloyees woking where ivg cots e high:
ny I nky
weghg . money paid as a recom leaing a business cash flow • state pense compesao • money paid restrictions on moing money abroad: as a reompense in certain societies exchage corol • underaking to by a killer to his ictims relaties pay regular sums of money: deed of blood moey • money paid to re- coveat .seizure of a debtors lease a captie rasom • accept money or ages garshme .time money to drop a legal action: com- of nancial prosperity boom • time poud money lent for a short of nancial depression: bs period brdgg loa • money lent moneypouh on a belt bm bag bu repayable on demand: call moey face alue of a coin or note deom• money raised fo gradual repayment ao .money hose face alue of a debt skg fd .limit on has no relationship to that of the maspending or borroing: cap • grant terial of hich it is mae: oke of money from central to local goernmoey • deprie of monetary status ment gra ad . this ithout de- demoeze • ofcial monetary unit tailed directions as to its use: block of the European Union: ecu metal gra • money gien to help nance or plastic disc used instead of money some orhhile actiity subsdy oke • money airs: faces plan of anticipated income and ex person in charge of much money: penditure: bdge .person man- facer • inluential nancier: aging a chools or coleges nances: gome .study of the geting and brsar • person handling money in a spending of money: ecoomcs shop or ban casher • machine dispensing money cash po • proide Monon • Mongolian nomads mony to meet expenses defray tent: yu .upply money: face, fud .sum montor • establishment monitoring of money gien to charity: doao satelite moements: trackg sao • sum of money paid reguarly to . group monitoring monopoly organ someone to coer his expenes: alow izations watchdog ace state money paid to parnts: monk . adecive oasc • beginchld be • state agency organiz- ner monk ovce, oblae, posla ing chi maintennce aments: • take monastic os be professed Chld Sppor Agecy . mony for • monk deoting his life to prayer: running a household: houseepg coemplatve .monk of an unen• eut mony from ages etc_: dock closed order: frar • monk mosy ant nancing uniersity study: concerned ith manual ork: lay rsay • intended to make money: • monk's hood: cowl broher comml r for money avar• monks short cloak scaplar ce cpdy • interested only in money mrceary • careul ith .moks robe hab monk's room cell • denoting a monk earing no money frugal, mserly, ggardly, parsmos, ry .haing suf- shoes: dscalced • shaen part of a cient oy comforable, solve onks head osure .community .short of oney hard p, embar- of monks: moasery • society of rassed mpecos .dispose of monks under a particuar rue order • chief of certain religious orders: money so as to conceal its ilegal origins lader • direct exchange of geeral • belonging to a monastic goods r serices ithout the use of order regar money barer • money entering and money .adecive sma
monster . combining form terat• bearle creature sad to lve n the Hmalayas: Abmnable snwman yet • beng from other wold: alen • study of abnorma forms and growths teratlgy monument • monument to er son(s) bured elsewhere: centaph
ont ! o
ore .tactcs desgned o weaken an oonents morae gamesmansh p, psychlgcal waare ors • denotng a erson wth strct moral standards purtancal stratlaced • comlacent n ones o mora suerorty: sanctmnus selfrghteus • doubt as to an actons moraty: scruple .secton onuent brss • aloy o of socety of questonable morlty: whch these are made: latten • aer demmnde • erson wth no tracng of a brass: brass rubbng, rub- morals: lbertne • reecton of moral bng • substance used for ths: hl- rules mmralsm nhlsm ball . combining form ore tn . combining form lun oon preter eenaua) selen • ajiv lunar • moon's oron • Mormon lace of worsckle shae: crescent .moon rst sh tabernacle aearng thus: new mn • stage n the moons aearance and dsaear ornn .erod of mornng tw ance: phase, uarter • denotng a lght: dawn moon ncreasng n aarent sze ortr • tn mortar: grut .morwaxng . denotng a moon decreas- tar ng the onts n brckwork ng n arent sze wanng • au- pntng tumn f moon: harvest mn orte • erson grantng a .lunar lan: mare • mang of mortgage mrtgagee .eson tak the moon: selengraphy • study of ng out a mortgage mrtgagr the moon: selenlgy . wthn the .mortgagees reossesson of mortmoon's orbt: sublunar • between the gaged roerty: freclsure .mort moon and the erth csluna • be gae whose rnca s read by an yond the moon, or of sace travel to nsurce olcy: endwment mrtwards t: translunar .crcle of lght gage • mortgage whose rncal seen round the moon when ran s exand nteres are read n xed nstalpected: auree, crna • aarent ments: repayment m rtgage • value crcle of lght round the moon caused of a mortgaged roerty after deducby atmosherc ce crystals hal ton of charges aganst t: euty • brght sot aearng besde the ocow • ajciv Muscvte moon: paraselene • glow on darkened arts of the moon from sunlght o .ajiv Msac relected from the earth earthlght osque .mosque tower: maret .mosques lt mnbar • nche n earthshne .tremor on the moons surface: mnuake • small sace a mosques wall facng Mecca: mhrab craft for moon landngs: lunar mdule • drecton ths shoud take: kblah .mosque oca cang the fathfu .vehcle for travel on the moon: mn buggy, lunar rvng vehcle to raye muen .mooke landscae mnscape osquto • tye of mosquto that carres malara: anpheles oor • hgh moolnd n north Eng ld: fel wld • so lace on a oss • combining form bry moor hag • study of mosses: brylgy
th I t v
ot . moth pupa chrysals pungent pee deterring moths mthbal • moth expert lepidopterist oter cmbnng fm matr aciv materal • killing one's mother matrcde oto aciv ketc energ of moton mpets • impetus gained b a moving object mmetm tendenc to produce rotator motion mmet • deprive of the power of motion paralyse otor • boat's motor housed inside the hu bard boat's motor housed outside the hu tbard motor powered b explosive combus tion of fuel teral cmbst egie motor powered b ignition of fuel in hot compressed air cmpessgt ege desel ege . adjust a motor for efcient running te • denoting an motor running whie out of gear dlg motor's starting mechanism gt • begin to operate a motor ct stop operating a motor suddenl ct t • rotating coil in an electric motor amate • device controlling the ow of fuel to a motor thrttle • air valve on a petrol engine carbur ettor choke proportion of fuel to air mixtre device increasing the mixture pressure spercharge supercharger driven b exhaust gases tbcharger device atomiing fuel ject petrol engine rt tle or explosions due to fault combus tion nckg pkng backfrng correct sequence of events n the clinder of an internal combustion engine timg otorcyce light motorccle med mt scte scte ight motorccle for rough terrain: al bke . racing motorccle with four large tres ad bke support for a motorccle wheel frk • motor ccle handgrip that is twisted to open the throtle twstg motorccle
8 passenger seat ll small passenger vehicle attached to a motorccles sde sdecar • motorccle without a sidecar sl cinder track for motorccle races drt track • motorccle crosscountr race mtcss otorcycst motorcclist delivering urgent documents dsatch rder motorcclist's protective helmet crash helmet motorcclist's trick Qf driving with the front wheel off the ground heele otor fue denoting fuel burning with a high proportion of air lea otorst • selsh motorist rad hg • motorist who drives excessivel fast speed merchat slowdriving motorist in search of prosti kebcrawler • violence tutes between motorists rad age motorist's short coat car cat otor rc • motor race up a steep hill hll clmb • motor racing over rough terrain atcrss rallycrss longdistance motor race over rough terrain ed r • longdistance motor race over public roads and/or rough terrain rally • motor racing round a banked oval track Idy • short motor race testing acceler ation drag race . car designed for this dragste . classication for ra cing cars frma • approve a car's formula assignment hmgate basic racing car kart • starting area grd • sharp double bend in motor race track chce trackside area for repars and refuellng ts .controed skid d • ag signallng the end of a motor race cheeed flag otor ec • sma motor vehicle with lifting prongs frkl trck large heav vehicle jggerat .large vehicle carring cars etc taste large covered lorr atechc horse transporter
t h I t hil
horsebox wide weeled veicle for travelling over sand beach buggy, dune buggy small vecle for golf ers and teir equipment gof cart motor veicle for travelling over snow: snowmobie motor veicle clearg roas of snow snowpough .motor veicle wt livng accommo dation: camper, camper van , caravaee motor veicle carrying a con hearse sturdy veicle for roug terrain jeep TM, fourtrack, offroad vehice smal open sigleseater vecle for roug terrain: a terrai vehice, aroader strong agricutural motor wt large rear weels: tractor armourplated military or police veicle: armour, armoured car, armoured pesoe carrier .tracked armoured gting veice: tak re service veicle fire egine, teder . motor vecle pulling or carrying veicles away for repair breakdow orry recovery vehice motor veicle's base frame chassis metal framewCr of a veicle body she bodywork constructed over te sell coacwork .motor veicles e side: easide motor veicles rigt side off side motor vecle modied to give ower and speed hot rod motor veicle's acceleraton and andling at speed peormace veicle travel ling on a cusion of air: hovercra denoting a motor veicle wit special bodywork coachbuit motor vecle's upolstery etc trim .motor veicle body wit ntegral cassis moocoue tin metal seet for motor veicle bodies: pae person saping ts pane beater group of motor veicles travellng togeter covoy .motor veicle's front window widscreen inged eyescreen: su visor motor ve icle's nstrument panel: dashboard, fascia instrument indicating speed of travel speedometer instrument
indicating engine speed tachometer dasboard storage recess govebox gove compartment saft connecting a steering weel to its mecansm steering coum rod turning te front weels track rod steering column leve wt electrical swtces stak mecanism conveying engnepower to te axle: transmission mecanism givng increased power to steering and brakes servo, servomechasm denoting suc a semisystem powerassited automatc system of veicle control: steerbywr denoting a transmisson system cangng gears automatically: automatic .denoting a transmissin system controlled by te gearsift: manua motor vecle gear system gvng smoot canges synchromesh move wit gears dsengaged: coast engne cover bonnet, hood motor veicle's base frame chassis .motor veicle's streamlinng structure fairig .lattened projection mproving stablity fi protective bar across te ront or back of a motor veicle: bumper strong metl grlle tted to te ront of a motor veicle bu bar metal framework protecting an overturning veicle: ro bars ro cage, safty cage .raised strp on a vecle's sides rubbg strip subsdiary side lasing window: uarteright lgts on a motor veicle's sdes: hazard ights, idicators small ligts indicating a veicle's posiion side ights part of a vecle body between wndscreen and bonnet scutte inged rear door or lap: taigate part of a motor vecle designed to absorb mpact: crumpe zone cush zone veicle's ablity to witstand collsion: crashworthiess uncontrolled sideways movement of a vecle's rear: fishtai vecle's ten dency to turn too sarply: oversteer motor veicle's grip on te road
oto vhl pas ovnt
tract • motor locking system op erating al locks cetral lckg • device maintaining a chosen speed crse ctrl • graduated rod for measuring engine oil levels dpstck . device clearing window condensation demster .device passing current to each plug in turn dstrbtr • purier of vehicle exhaust gases catalytc cverter • road for motor vehicles carrageay tart a ve hicle engne byassing the starter htre • trip in a stolen vehicle jyrde • avoid high speeds in a new vehicle r .lower the headlights dm, dp • make of motor ve hicle mare • customs permit for the import of a motor vehicle caret • denoting a motor vehicle insurace covering most risks cmprehesve • place to Which iegally paed motor vehicles are removed pd • vehicle's unladen weight dead lad, tare eght • weight of a vehicles burden lve lad • periodic inspecton and maintenance of a machine servce • taking away a vehicle for repairs recvery • device raisng a vehicle's axe jack • sunken aea for work on a vehicle's underside pt • equip troops with motor vehicles mtrze • nausea causd y vhicl travel car sckess, mt sckess document showing a vehicle's ownership regstrat dcmet, lg bk otor ece rers .estab lishment undertakng thse garage, servce stat • establishment specializing in bodywork bdy shp oudn . cmbiningfm plasty ( eatasty) .easily mouded plastc • cut out with a mould stamp ountn . cmbining fm r • decive mtae . side of a mountain face .top of a mountain peak, smmt . ridge between two peaks cl, saddle • sbsidiary
mountain ridge spr • route over a mountain pass, gap • series of mountains rage • compact moun tain group massf • system of parallel mountain ranges crdllera • geological creation of mounta angs rgey • mapping of mountains rgraphy, rlgy .mass of snow, ice, ad rocks moving down a mountain avalache, glacer • slippage of prt of a mountain surface ladslde • sma mountain lake tarn • steep mountan glley clr ouse . decive mre out • cmbining fms r, stmat . decis ral, bccal . top of the mouth rf, palate congenital split in this cle palate .rear pat of the palate s palate • eshy extension at the back of he mouth vla • cartilaginous ap at the back of the mouth epgltts .mass of tissue at the back of the mouth tsl • space beween the vocal cods gtts • lamed mouh blister cld sre • ulcer on the inside of the mouth enathema • study of the mouth and its diseases stmatlgy .liquid present naturally in the mouth salva • saliva running from th mouth slaver, slbber .liquid to swil round the mout and thoat gargle, mthash • bring swallowed food back into the mouth regrgtate • brass or wid player's correct mouth shape embchre oeent • decive ketc .hasty movement scrry, scle mpatient movement fdget kilful or crafty movement maevre • sow piecemeal movement strag glg • smooth silent movement glde • sudden sharp movement lrch • sudden convusive move ment spsm • incapable of movement ert • move round he edge of skt . move about stealthily prwl, sklk, slk, seak .move slowly and awkwardy shamble • move in
u I us
laz droopg way slch make ncapable of movement mmblze, paralyse . system of rhythmcal moements to music erhythmcs muc . combiningfoms mlt musey), ply yhedn) mucus . combining fom myx-
djcivs mcd, mcs • mucus n the nose and throat: catarrh mucus
secreting tissue mcs membrae u .le about n mud or water: wallw mute . combining fom fld ved)
munct governg body of a city or borough crprat, cc .ttular head of a muncpalty mayr musce . combining fom: my muscular system: msclatre .ring of muscle sphcter .muscle bendng a limb: fexr muscle straightenng a limb extesr .muscle of the upper arm bceps muscle holdg the vocal cords laryx muscuar movement of the alentary canaL perstalss de notng muscles not under conscous control vltary denoting muscles under conscous control: vltary cord connecting a muscle to a bone: sew ted nablity to rela muscle aer a vgorous eort: myta .muscle pain myalga .muscular spasm cls .muscular spasm and rigidty caused by contamated wounds: tetas panful contraction of a muscle: cramp pal musular inammation: rhematsm muscuar weakness • heredtary progressie paress wasting of the muscles mscular dystrphy mpaire muscular coordnation due to brain damage cereral palsy . medical treatment of bone and muscle deformities rthpaedcs therapeutic manipulation
of bones and muscles stepathy • eercises in which the muscles work agast each other: smetrcs • muscle deelopment through strenuous eercise: bdybdg • musclebuildg drug used by sportsmen: aablc sterd .muscle stmulaton by electrc current: electrtherapy record of a muscle's electrcal activity electrmygram • study of muscles mylgy use • Muse of acting, music and dance: Plyhyma Myse of astronomy: Uraa .Muse of comedy: hala .Muse of epic poetry Callpe .Muse of the lute Eterpe .Muse of hstory: Cl .Muse oflyrc poetry and hymns: Erat . Muse of lyrc poetry and dance erpschre • Muse of tragedy: Mepmee useu preservaton of museum objects: cservat museum's custodan cratr remove an iem from a museum coection deaccessn .science of museum manage ment: mselgy, msegraphy usroo mushroomshaped: fgfrm mushroom's lat top ples usc undemanding music easy lsteg .music deried from trad itonal popular culture fl msc • music intended to evoke an emoton te a stor etc prgramme msc • music composed with no representa tonal purpose: abslte msc • music constructed from prerecorded sounds: mse ccrte • background musc to a f or play: cdetal msc, scre . recorded background musc for public places: mza™ .musc for a funeral processon dead march .secular partsong: madrgal .lighthearted part song: glee .contnuous seres of musical items medley seece . published musical piece or set of pieces ps (pl uses or ea)
ui I u
• denotng music that i s bland and un
demandg midleoftheroad .denoting art music composed on traditional les classical • denoting art music composed between 100 and 1750 baroe . denoting art music composed between 750 and 1800 clas sical • denotng music only using notes from the scale in which it is written diatonic . denoting non diatonc music chromatic .denoting a venote scale petatoic .denotng music having notes of ed durations mensral • denotng music having notes of uned durations ree, rhapsodic • denotng music n which al parts share the same rhyhm homophoic • denotng music whose prs hae their own rhyhms and melodic content poly phoic • denoting music with a sin gle lne performed by al monodic, ison • dnoting music with repeated rhyhm but varied pitch isorhythmic .denoting music using several rhythms simulneously polyrhythmic • denoting music using transformations of a ed series of notes seral twelveote, twelve tone • such a series of notes tone row • relatng to a twelvetone musical scal chromatic • relating to an eighttone musical scae diatoic • music for a few musicians chamber msic • music for a single musician solo • music for two musicians det, do • music for three musicians trio . music for four musicians artet • music for ve muscians itet . music for s musicians sextet .musc for seven musicians septet • music for eight muscians octet • short piece for brss nsrumnts fanfare lorish .rescore a musical piece for derent nstrumnts or voices rascribe • denoting musc dsigned to have a random element in its performance aleatoric aleatory • medieva atin
3 church music Gregorian chant plaisog • knd of medieval music with paralle parts codcts, or gam • musical piece where all parts sequentially perform the same notes canon, rod .musical piece whose subject appears n all parts fge music with several melodies set together conterpoi • musical piece in ee style fantasia • musical piece designed to strengthen te players chnique stdy • set of musica pieces site, artita • pitch range of a musical composition tessitra .music made up as it is performed extemporizatio .section of a mu sical piece where the subjects rst ap pear expositio • group of notes gien prominn in musical piec theme • modied version of a theme variatio • rst theme in a musical piece irst sbject • second theme in a muscal piece cotersbject • section of a musical piece where the subjects ar elborated: developmnt .nal section of a piec of music coda • recurrent musica theme ig re, leitmotif • repeated musical sage reprise • composers personal musical style idiom • brief melodic or rhyhmic formula figre repeti tion of this imitatio, ostiato • group of notes sung to one syable meisma • counterpoint sung above a melody descant • sooists ourish at the end of a musical piece cadeza • elaborate vocal ornamentation col oratra . melodic embellshment i oritra ( iue) grace ote • slide from one note to another por tameto • fast alternation between aacent notes trill .music with strngs of fast notes passagework .continuous low note drone, pedal ote pedal poit • instrumental piece over a repeated bass chacone, grond, pa ssaca glia • this repeated bass line: g round bass • interval of sienc e: rest • dec lamatory voc al
usc reecting the rhyth and intonaton of speech: rectatve 0 denoting choral musc desgned for unperforance: a accopaned cappella ala cappella popuar closeharony usc for ale voces: barbershop uscal laent: drge close of a musca phrase: cadece • pont n a musca pece where a per forer ust start: etry 0 orchestra ece wth extended soo work for one or ore nstruments: cocerto denotng an orchestral pece gvng ronence to certan nstruents: cocertate 0 the nstruents so featured: cocerto 0 secton of a usca pece: movemet 0 sute of ght usc: dvertmeto 0 uscal peces range of loudness: dyamc rage dynamcs conveyance of eelng in usc: expresso 0 ca for a uscal pece to be perfored agan: ecore 0 musca pece so perfored: ecore 0 te n a usca perforance mber usc perfored between the acts of perforance: etracte 0 pubc usca perforance by one or a few uscans rctal 0 ubc uscal perforance by a nuber of scans: cocert unstaged perforance of theatre usc: peormace cocert under ublc perforance condtons: cocert 0 ntroductory ece of usc overtre prelde pece of usc played between other events: terlde termezzo cosing scal ece: postlde Gean hymn or ts usc: chorale eran solo song: led (pl ede) short usca pece for voces and nstruents: catata 0 substantal unstaged narratve pece for sngers and orchestra: oratoro 0 oratoro narratng Chrsts suering ad death Passo 0 substantal staged narratve ece for sges and orchestra opera 0 tone heard above a notes fndaenta: overtoe set of these:
us usal stunt
harmoc seres 0 sgn of muscal ptch: clef 0 uscal ece's basc key: home key 0 perfor or score in a different key: traspose 0 key structure of a muscal pece: toalty oveent fro one key to another mdlato 0 denotng usc wrtten n no key or ode: atoal 0 denotng usc sng severa keys smutaneously: poly toal 0 group of notes sounded together: chord stabe and leasing chord: cocord cosoace 0 unstable and harsh chord: dscod dssoace movement fro one chord to another: pogresso oveent fro dscord to concord: resolto 0 prned msc: sheet msc .usc colege: coservatore acadec study of musc mscology stdy of non estern usc: ethomscology syste o rhythcal ovements to musc: erhythmcs � s so ote te usc nstrunt uscal nstruent using a vbrating coun of air: aerophoe wd strmet vbrating othpece element n certan aerohones: reed 0 generc name for etal aerophones: brass generc nae for wooden aerophones: woodwd uscal insruent sing a vbrating strng: cordophoe strg strment snglestringed uscal nstruent: moochord 0 scal instrment usng ptched wooden blocks: xylophoe deeptoned xylophone ma rmba 0 uscal nstruent sing ptched etal bars: glockespel keyboard nstruent claver 0 keyboard wth hamers strkng metal plates celesta celeste sall keyboard insren wth a so tone: cavchord 0 keyboard wth plucke strings: harpschord sal harpschord wth strngs set obquely to he keyboard: spet 0 electronc nstrument abe to produce any dferent
usl nstunt I us notto
types of pitched sound: synthesize .synthesizer imposing speech pat· terns onto musica sounds: vocod e .electronic keyboard giving one note at variable pitch: ondes martenot • electronic instrument whose pitch is c ontroed by the approach and withdrawa o the peormer's had: .denoting a music a inthemin strument playable in ay key: ch ro• notes a particulr musica matic instent c a play: compass, ran ge .adjust a music al istruent to the desired pitch: tune • current stand· ard tuning for musical instruments: concer pitch • regulate the tone of a music a instrument: oi ce musica instent whose pt is witten at a
diere pich om ha a which i
tran spo si n g
inst ument
kid of harp played by the wid ae olian har • Irish ad Scotish rad iioal harp clarsach • musica isrume sreched ad squeezed bewee he hads accorion con cena • sriged ise wih droes ad melody keys hurgur siged isrume laid a ad plucked zither smal lue used i miiary bads e • smal orches al ue ccol grad uaed sees o sh Ppe an es sn d smal rc agul ul d ar m ree w m uth org n srume harmnc • sma eggshped eram? wd ume ocar a deog a bass srume havg ly he oes of see natural • deVce he hrmoc exedg a brass srumes rage
of ptc piston, valve • instruments required for a piec e: i n strumentation .e ly f orm of oboe: shawm .early orm of mbone sackbu t • eay form of volin: viol .eary form of c elo: vio da gamba • eay form of double bass violon e .medie val
bowed isume wih hree srigs rec • early orm o piao oe
piano .early orm of guitar: g itern
guitar with a round open·backe
soudbox anjo • guiar wih a pear ! shaped soudbox lute small Ha waiia iar uulele • Russia gui tar
alalaia lue-like isrume wi paired stigs manolin Greek
mandoln: ouzo uk i • location of the a stopping had on stringed I
: ;
iume osition • maker o sriged isrumes luthier edieva woodwid srume ' with a c urved end: krum mhorn i • woode suppor or he srigs of a violi-family isrume rige uig pi for a violi-amily isru me eg • housig for his ego ridge a he eck of a sriged i srume nut .aura maerial for instument strings: c ut
bard ridge rt deoig a srig vbrag over �s wole egh oen • eog a srg vbrag over p of s legh ste • hee of wood se behd sgs o crease he soud produced s un • hollow body o a sged sue soun o • mUa ses ha are suck ercusson • pched perUO orchesra of Ba ad J va resoag gamelan . mouh·held mea srP e s har complee P h·rage f a mUa srume gamut .ger echique i playig a isrume ngering device a erig oe ad volume mute • i srumea par esseia o e piece peormed oligato � o um guit ue ecussion sc l • deoig a re· peaed musica ierva bewee wo pars consecute
mus i cal
notat ion
wrien ou
oao o a musica piece score se o ve parallel lies upo which music is writ en stave, staf .sy·
bo a he sar of each save idica· ig he pich of he oes wrie o i cle
.symbol indicating the pitch
and duration of a musica sound e sign indicating sence of a ed duration es • score havng a separate stave for each part f sce • score having the parts combined onto a few staves sh sce • score showing fu voce parts and a reduced accompaniment vca sce • numbers on the stave ndicating rhythm ime sigae • sign diecting the foowing note to be sounded half a tone higher than usua shap • sign directing the folowng note to be sounded haf a tone ower than usua fa • ats or sharps indicating the key key siga e • sign indicating a musica em beishment ame • unmarked accidentals e to the performer: msica fica • short ine above or beow the stave ege lie • notation system indicating the ngerng ony: ablae uscn • distinguished musician maes vis .freeance musician dong casua work: sessis • street ma bske • street musician paying a barre organ: gagide • person snging soo parts of the liturgy ca, pece • church musicians empoyed by a monarch chape yal • director of a group of musicians cdc • short stick used by a conductor ba • gaery for musi cians l • group of musicians per forming together esembe • sma ensembe of musicians cs .accomanying group in baroque music ci .ensembe of three musicians i • ensemble of four musicians ae • ensembe of ve mu sicians i .ensembe of si musicians: sexe • ensembe of seven musicians: sepe • ensembe of eight musicians: ce • brass or wind payer's correct mouth shape: embche Mus .Musim name for od Aah • Musim reigion: sam • em
usan us
bem ofthis he Cesce • beievers in Isam he faihfl • the whoe Musm communit united by Isam mma • principa branches of Isam Shia, Si .Musim pace of worship: mse • mosque prayer eader imam .Musim who cas the faithful to prayer mezzi .Musm daily prayers saa • Musim profes sion of faith shahada .Musim reigious aw epert mi, ma h .Isamic coege madasa .Musim student of reigious aw and theoogy sa • group of Isamic schoars lema .Isamic aw code: shaia • traditiona portion of Isamic aw: Sa • ruing on Isamic aw: faa • Musim reigious festiva: Eid • Musim scriptures Ka • section of the Koran sa • Musim knowing the Koran by heart: hafiz • sayings of Muhammad not found in the Koran: Hadih, adii • Musim mystic devish, Sfi .Su's rhythmic re peated prayer dhik .Musm ascetic: faki • Musim hermit in North Africa maab • tomb of a Musim hoy man dagah • epected Musim ruer restoring reigion and justice: Mahdi • Musim reigious eader ayaah, imam mah shaif .Musim monthong fast: Ramada • Musim fast at the end of Ramadan Eid Fi, esse Baiam • Musim feast at the years end Geae Baiam • denoting meat prepared according to Musim food reations ha Musim term for forbidden foods haam • Musim term for a nonMusim: kafi .Musim pgrimage to Mecca haj • Musim who has competed this haji • feast at the cumination of this Ei d Ad ha • Mus im term for Jews and Christians: eple f he Bk • Muslim term for a Christian: Nazaie .Musim gesture of greeting saaam Musim ruer hakim, shaif .supreme Mus im ruer caiph sa • sutan's
usss h
wife sultana .Muslim eader amr, eyed iant Cyclos (pl Cycs or emir, han, sheih . descendant of Cycses or Cyces) • mythica woman gorgon Muhammad sharif .Muslim jude snakehaired • mythical patron of an art or science: cadi, haim • Musim ocal: nabob • Muslim princess or married woman muse • mythical abode of the dead Hades • mythical rier of foreful begum • Musim raditional doctor: haim • Musim womans veil yash- ness lethe • mythical watchdo of ma • Musim woman's overar Hades Cerberus • mythical ferry ment bura, chador • Muslim mans man of the dead: Charon • denotn headdress: turban .Musim mans the mythical underworld chthonian, tasselled fet hat fe, tarbsh chthnic .mythical bird said to .Muslim mans lon coat jibba burn itself every 500 years and rise • Muslim secusion of women urdah aa from e ashes .womens quarters in a Muslim • mythical bird with a oatin nest house: harem, serai • youn woman halcyon • mythical horse with a sin in Muslm paradise houri .Muslim e central horn unicorn • mythical holy war: jihad • Isamic uerilla creature said to live in re: saaman mujahedin .Isamic fundamental der • mythica creature wth an ists nvoved in errorism Muslim eales head and ions body griffin Brotherhood • Muslim chrono • mythical creature with a lion's head, oical era Hegira s so oats bod and snakeike ta chimosue mera • mythica manyheaded snake Hydra • mythica female sea mon usses • musses served in their shells with a white wine sauce ster Scylla • mythcal creature, half man and half horse centaur • myth moules marin!re creature, half man and half bu: ustr • mild dark mustard: ical Minotau .mythica creature, half French mustard .pale stron mus man and half oat satyr • mythica tard Engl ish mu stard creatue half woman and half sh: utton .le of mutton: gigot mermaid • mythica wined creature • cheap end of this scragend • mut with a womans head and lions body ton kebab shashli .lare piece of shin • mythical creature with a spiced mutton cooked on a spit: doner birds body and womans head: harpy ebab .mythica craftsman Daedalus .mythica iant: ogre • mythca Mycenen • beehiveshaped My cenaean tomb tholos .Mycenaen Norweian sea monster raen • cave dweller in Scandinavian myth scripts inear A i near B ooy troll • myhical Scandinavian ystcs • secret mystcal know dwarf Nibelung • palace for dead lede gnosis • teacher of mysticism heroes in Scandinavian mytholoy mystagogue Valhalla • wod ash tree in Scandi yt • combining fom mytho- navian mytholoy Yggdrasil • myth • corpus o myths: mythology, my- cal wid man of the forest green ma thos (pl. mythi), myth us (pl myth i) .mythical sml mn with pointed • rst mortal woman in reek myth ears and cap iie • make a myth o ooy Pandora • mythical cupbearer mythologie • study of myths of Zeus Ganymede myhical one mythology
Nn n djciv ungual .dead skin nst combining fom mal ( at the base of a nail: cutcle pece of madus) very nasty obnoous torn skin beside a nail: agnal, hang- dirty and unpleasant: squal unna inlammation near a nail: wht- pleasant but benecial: salutary low small nail holding glass in pos- nton .combining fom ethno tion: srg .light thin nail with a ( ethncentc djciv ethnc small head: anel n small broad- .wealthy capitalist nations: rst headed nail tack short broad- Worl nations of the former Eastheaded pn: rawn g n heavy nail ern European communist bloc Sec fastening a rail to its sleeper: ske on Worl developing nations: .short metal pin with a beatenout Thr Worl the poorest of these: end: rvet Ushaped nail pointed at ourth Worl emigrants from a both ends: stale insert a na lush particular nation: asora tranwith the surface: countersnk .se- scending national boundaries and cure a nail by driving the point side- interests: supranatonal ways: cnch ntonty combining fom sh nked combining fom gym no ( Engsh) . give nationality to a ( gmnshst) .run naked foreigner naturale through a public place: strek nte native inhabitant: abor ne combining foms onom gne autochthon .native country: nomn ( nmna) nym fatherlan, motherlan native of seudnm) dciv onomastc Alaskan islands: Aleut native name derived from a forebear: patro- the American: Amercan Inan Amern nymc .having a name onymous an Re Inan native of he cen havng no name: anonymous per- tral Andes: Inca native Australian son having the same name as another: Aborgnal Aborgne native of namesake having two names: bno northern Canada or Greenland Inut mal system of names: nomenclat .native to a particular place: n ure .list of names: roll . shortened genous form of a name mnutve .wrong or nappropriate name: msnomer nt Aern • native American tent: teee, wgwam native false name: seuonym socalled: Americans light ae tomahawk sosant .warriors pseudonym: .land set aside for native American nom e guerre writers pseudonym: nom e lume criminals settlement reservaton false name: alas denoting a person nture inrinsic nature of someafter whom something is named: thing: essence that canno be eeonymous eisting in name only: plained by natural laws: suernatnomnal ttular . study of personal ural names: onomastcs study of place ne . combining fom omhalo names: toonymy djciv ( mhasc) Nes . djciv Neaoltan umblcal
navgat on I negota tio
. . . . .�.. . :at. te. ; . projection �: =. . moving front of te . navigation bsed on computation of posiion from speed and direction of
travel: ea reckoning tion from landmarks:
air naviga
contact flight
navigation by th heavely bodis
naigation showing
repeated radio or
signal emitted as a navigational aid: sysem using navigatio n beam these: Loran electronic air naviga-
tion system: tacan . position relative to a ed point bearing .map for sea or air navigation: chart loating navigation mark: buo instrument for taking altitudes: setant regu lay used sea or air route: lane de viation from se course due to wind current etc: ri lag of te Royal Navy: white ensign .lag of naval auiary ves sels: blue ensign . sips inolved in trade: merchant na lag of te mercant navy: e ensign .naval rebelion: mutin Nz ocial tile: National Social ist .Nazi emblem: swastka Nazi regional governor: Gauleite o Nazi marcing step: goose ste Nazi mitia forming Hitlers body guard: Brownshis Storm roos Stumabteilung Nazi secret police: Gestao .Nazi prison camp: con centation cam Nazi justication for territorial epansion: Lebensraum azi policy of eastward e pansion: rang nach Ostn un cation of Ausria and rmany acieved by Nazis: Anschluss .Nazi term for te German nation: errenolk .Nazi etermination of European Jews: inal solution olocaust r e . mbnng fm cis cisin)
cerical jugula back of te neck nae scru
neck Aam's ale principal ar tery of te neck: caroti arter swelling on te neck from tyroid dysfunction: goitre • fold of skin anging from a birds neck: wattle . fold of skin anging from te necks of cattle: ewla wide fabric strip worn round te neck: craat square of clot worn round e neck: neckerche krf .large and brigtly coloured neckercief oen wit wite spots: bananna k closetting necklace or neck band: choker pressing need eigence ei genc .ting needed: esideratum pl dsdt) as needed: a hoc • abity to produce one needs: selsucienc autark more tan needed suernumera work .ornamental needle work: emboier ornamental needlework making patterns wit pieces of coloured clot: aliqu blunt tick needle wit a large eye: bokin to denoting a process of en quiry conducted by negation aohatic otto .negotiation between management and workforce represen tatives: collectie bargaining .nego tiation by a mediator travellng be tween te partie: shuttle ilomac act as mediator in negotiations: con ciliate denoting negotiation be ween two parties: bilateral denot ing negotiation between three or more parties: multilateral satutory interval for negotiation wen strikes are treatened: coolingo erio area of possible compromise: mile groun set of proposals tat must be accepted or rejectd en bloc ack
Nptun I nwspap
age agreement reached at the end of negotiations: conclusion etune Gk nm Poseidon eptune's threepronged spear: trident combinin om neur(o• djciv neural nere transmit ting signals fom the eye to the rain optic nere • nere transmitting sig nals from the ear to the rain: auditory nere • nere cell: neurone nere cells and res: nerous sysem junction etween nere cells: synapse • network of neres: plexus nere complex: ganglion • nere complex at the foot of the stomach: solar plexus • undle of nere res enosed in the spine: spinal cord • rain and spinal cord: centa nerous system • denoting a nere stimulating a muscle or organ: motor electrical signal along a nere re: neve impulse military gas dis rupting this: nere gas intense pain along a nere neualgia .pain from pressure on the spinl nere: sciatica disease causing progres sie deterioration of rain and spnal nere cells: multipl scleross pro gressie nere disease causing shak ing muscular rigidit and emaci ation: Parinson's disease nere disease causing jerky moements: chorea • nere disease causing par alysis: poliomyelitis • muscular weakness caused y nere damage or disease: paresis • tropica disease attacking the nerous system: sleeping sicness nere stimulaion y elec tric current: electrotherapy • medi cne calming the neres: neine, neuroleptc st dy of the nerous system and its disorders: neuology iological sudy of the nerous sys tem neurobiology • surgical re moal of a nere: neuretomy nest • gannets nesting ground gannetry • grop of rooks nests: rooery
n djciv retiform woman's hairnet: snood • Roman gladiaor armed with net: retiarius ntwok wire or thread network: mesh complex network: labyrinth, mae • network of lines etc crossing at right angles: grid point in a net work at which lines join or cross: node natonal electricity supply netork grd • network of lines on a map grid n . combininom neo ojec tionaly new: newfangled • incorp orating the laest adances: stateoftheat e new thing: innoation noely new word: neologism inexperienced newcomer: noice ns exclusie pulication of a major news item: scoop news item gien prominence to diert attention from another item spoiler inter ruption of roadcasting with a rief report of a major eent: newsflash roadcast news report: news bulletin, newscast person reading such a report: newscaster news communication y photographs: photojournaism faourable ias on a news report: spin news agency sering a numer of pulications syndcate nwser • ocial newspaper: gaee • newspaper with large pages: broadsheet • newspaper with small pages: tablod • newspapers and journalists: the press • newspapers specializing in sensatonal or titillating material: gutter press, scandal sheets newspaper con trolled y a political party: organ newspapers displayed title: masthead • newspaper adertisement pesented as editoial mateial adertorial newspaper's treatment of a topic: coeag • item repoted y one newspaper only: exclusie • fac tual report of latest deelopments: hard news news from an oerseas
ng I non-ntn reporter ispatch . newspaper re rt o dscredabe acvtes: epos newspapers care research amed a exposng mapractces inestigatie journalism genera art ce on a topc: eature, so nes bacgrod arce on a person n the news: proile .newspaper annocement o a persons death: obitua compmentary menon n a newspaper pu mde pages o a newspaper: centreol centre sprea newspaper secon regary wrten by a named person column .news paper gossp com ia prncpa newspaper em lea tex or a newspaper em: cop tem n sered dng prinng: stop press entry at he head o an tem showng pace and dae o wrtng: ate line decide not to se an em: kill s pe nesorth worh reportng government drectve forbddng pbcaton o ceran news notice hgh smmer when there is a deah o seros news: sill season .per son n carge o a newspapers day contents eitor comn o comment wrtten by hm eitorial newspaper sta deang wh a partcar topc es newspaper departmen deang wth nanca news: organzaon sppyng cit es news sores nes agenc eeance photographer or jornast seng sensatona matera o the gtter press paparao (p aaai paymen o arge sms y represen atves o newspapers to gan exc sve rghts to sensaton maera chequeboo journalism send arces to a newspaper contribute ile send newspaper text to the prnter: put to be nmber o copes o a newspaper sod circulation shop seng newspapers nesagent
• • • • •
• mbiningforms noct nct
ci nocturnal
.nght that s never competey dark hite night
• whe
nght passes: oenight .ngh bndness nctalopia
non(a).nnesded gre: nonagon .en. combining
sembe o nne mscans or msc or them nonet i person n hs or her nnees nonagenarian il ci mamila pgmented area arod a npp: areola enarged and rgd sae o a nppe:
erectin ir
• ci nitrous
. cycc envronment nterconverton o ntogen nitrogen ccle
Nh .ci Noachian bili .emae member o the nobty peeress mae member o the nobty peer • oregn noby noblesse . s o nobes peerage . te havng no ega vady courtes title • sma cown worn by a nobe person: coronet • denoing the jor branch o a nobe amy caet . preposton ormng part o a e
nobilia particle i od dscordan nose cacophon • chaotc nose hubbub panemonium racet tumut uproar • nose dstbng or harmng others: noise polluton nose contanng eqa proporons o many e qences hite noise rmbng o nesn gas: borbogmus .nosy and hard o conro: obstreperous ro noseredcng devce silenphenomenon casng pitchcer change in passng noes: oppler
eect Ncri
• Noncoorms
pace o worshp chapel, tabernacle assocaon o noncoormst chrches: union person camng beeve n d bt denyng he exsence o the Trny Unitarian -ierec governmen pocy o nonntererence: laissez-
l I t
.Hnd nd Bddst prncpe o nonvoence towrds vng tngs hms .nonvoent resstnce s orm o potca protest c soeence nonvoent resstnce s dvocted by Gndh n Ind: stgrh bevor norm: conen person oowng estbsed ton norms conormst l beyond wt s norm
reternturl h ci orel
• nort c-
cordng to te ets xs true north nort ccordng to te compss mgnetc north . dstnce trveed northwrds northng nortern gts: uror ores Nrh Afa . ctde n Nort cn town sh Nh Aic .arge ctte arm nch cowboys t ten gon ht deep rver gorge: cnon . open grssy pn: rre North Amercn term r te nternd: ccountr schoo or nversty term semester secondyear gscoo or nversty stdent sohomore wd orse ronco woke wd dog: coote
• ci
Noegn . se net n Norwy: or • sweet brown Nowegn ceese: Gjetost . medev Norwegn wooden crc ste church . mytc Norwegn se monster ren
. mbining form ns(o) rhno hnasy • ci nsl rhn . ooked nose Romn nose • sagQt nose Grecn nose • pper bony prt o nose rge • openng o te nose: nostr • bdp o mcs n te nose ctrrh • bockge o te nose by mcs: con geston . ns nmmton rhn ts • sk cvty connectng wt te ns cvtes: snus • ps wt te nose nue
il .ci nrl . dvson between te nostrs setum • combining form asex ua, n annyus s dshnes n nfee, m aad, un unved ' . notes o varnt text redngs: rtus rtus crtcus crtcl rtus • note t te strt o cpter etc_: henote .margn notes mrgnl . note t pgeoot otnote • note t te end o cpter etc: ennote . edng to note lemm eaa .mke qck note: jot . note provsony encl n . sstaned note: el e note e ont .cromtc seqence o notes sed n ser pece: tone ro .set o notes to be perormed by prtcar nstrmentst or snger rt . embesment o note ornment . sde rom one note to noter: glssno ortmento stepwse arrngement o sccessve notes n msc system: grop o notes sonde toscle geter chor . grop o cent notes sonded togeter note cluster tone custer .drton and empss o grop o sccessve notes: rhthm notes patcar voce or nstrment cn sng or py: rnge egt o note tch twopronged met ork strck to gve note o speced ptc: tunng or . denotng notes vng derent names bt te same ptc enhr monc . owest sond tt cn be eard wtn not unment .ger sond erd wtn note: hrmonc oertone rt .movement rom one note to noter: ro gresso . cnge n note ptc as ts sorce psses by: oer eect
muscl notton .notebook contanng � o
person coecton o memorbe pssages commonce oo pper
not nula n
or electronic notebook for business and social engagements etc persona organe looseleaf notebook Flofax™ note .fail or refuse to notice overook accidental failure t notice oversight .done catiously to avoid notice steath noun djciv nomina .noun that cn form a plural count noun noun denoting something which cannot be counted mass noun denoting a noun used for an indivdual person place etc poper denoting a noun used for a class of objects common denoting a noun namng a material object concrete denoting a noun naming an idea qualit etc abstract .vrbal non gerun noe novel depcting real persons or events but with changed names roman a cef novel depicting its hero's eay lfe Bungsroman family novel usually dealing with svral generations romanf1euve novel presented as a series of letters epistoar novl horror novel with a medieval setting gothc nove short light novel novelette novel louting literary conventions antinovel etended short story novea novels storyline pot principal character in a novel protagonist scene revertng to an earlier dramatic time fashback s o fic ton, sor nuer tor nuclear reactor producing mor nuclear fuel than it consumes breeer breeder reactor not using a moderato fast beeer nuclear reactor convertng ferile ito ssile material converer denotng a ractor in selfsustainng reaction citica minimum ssile material needed for a nuclear reaction ctica mss .conversion of matter to energy n a nuclear reaction annihaton central part of a nuclear re actor coe denoting nucle that can
be split in a reactor fissie, fssion abe .denoting nuclei that can be made ssile fertie denotng nuclear reacions occurrng only at very high temperatures thermonucear .magnesiumbased claddng for nuclear uel magnox .substance retarding neutrons moeato ! neutronabsorbing rod used to vary a reactor's output contro rod .enrch a reactor with a particular isotope spke water used as a moder• ladlined ator heav wter container for nuclear waste fask denoting highly radioactive nuclear waste hgheve .overheating and destruction of the core meltown meltdown that contnues through the core and into the earth China snrome .close down and decontaminate a wornout nuclear reactor ecommission nuclear won nur weapon n which the eplosion is caused by a chain reacton atom bomb, fission bomb nuclear weapon n which the eploson is caused by a sngle hghtemperature reaction fusion bomb, hrogen bomb, hermonucear bomb .nuclear weapon designed to destroy life but not buildings neutron bomb .denoting a nuclear weapon producng little fallout clean denong a nuclear weapon producing much fallout rt . denoting a nuclear weapon of low eplosive force lowe .denoting nonnclear waponry conventonal bal of hot gas generated by a nuclear eplosion firebal atmospheric radoactive partices le by a nuclear explosion faout cold and darkness ollowing the eplosion of many nuclear warheads nucea wnter .possession of nu clear weaponr imagined to frighten aggessors eterrent magind protecton gained by alliance with a nuclear powr nucear umbea
nuclear capacy beyond ha requrd for universa desrucon ri srenghen agans nucear a ack han sage i a war when
nucear weapons mgh be employed nucar thrshl .nuclear aack inended o desoy he enemys nu cear arsena irst stri , p rm pti sti .reaaoy nuclear aack scn stri .pon on he earh's surce direcy above or beow an ex plodng nucear bob g run r nuceus posvey charged par icle an aom's nuceus prtn .negavey charged paricle in an aom's nucleus nutrn negavey chaged pace orbing an aom's nucleus ctrn reacion causng he splng f a nuceus fissin .reacon causing he fusion of several nuce usin force involved n he decay of nuclei wa rc nudty ful exposure of he fron of he body urnta nuity .socal nudy naturism nuism nuer civ numrica . number idcang uaniy carina numr number ndcang posiion in a seuence rina numr posve whoe number natura numr .umber greer han any counable number ininity number ha can be expressed as a whoenumber rao ratina numr number whou fracons whl numr, ntgr number consising of an ineger and a proper fracon mi numr ineger divisble oy by isel and 1 prim numbr .number no so imed cmpsit numr number o be added o an oher summan .number showing he resu of addon sum umber om whch anoher s o be subraced minun . number o be subraced from anoher sutahn number showg he resu of sub racon irnc .number o be muplied wih anoher mutiplican
ncls nub
mupyng an algebrac variable cicint number showing he resu of muplcaon puct number whose produc wh anoher saed number s uny rciprca produc of mulplying a number by iself pwr produc of a number muped once by sef squar produc of a number mu ped wice by ise cu number ha when mulplied o a ceran power gves a saed produc rt, raica number o be divded iin number by which dvson is made iisr number by whch anoher s exacy divisible actr number showng he resu of dv ison qutint number e over in division rmainr number or symbol on whch a numeraon scale is bsed as, rai numeraon scae based on 2: inary systm nu meraion scale based on 3 trnary systm umeraion scale ased on 8: cta systm . numeraon scale based on 10: cima systm numeraon scae based on 1 2 ucima systm numeraon scale based on 16 hacima systm number o whch a ogahm beongs antigarithm .numeric noaion beginng 1, 2, 3: Araic numras noaion numerc begnnng i ii, iii Rman numrals number progresson in a xed rao gmtric prgrssin number progresson by a xed sum arithmtic rgrssin numerca proporion expressng he reave sze of wo popuaons rati denoing a num er correc o he neares 10 or 100 ec run denoing a number repeaed indeniely rcurring .gure, symbo, ec denong a number numra consisng of numbers and eers aphanumric . xed or per mied number quta number alocaed o an ndividua o validae hs eecronc ransacons prsna
nuber plate I nymph identificaton number person collecting locomotive numbers as a hobby trainspotter study of nmbers' occult signicance: numerology number pl ae • dealers' temporary number plate for nlicensed motor ve hicles trade plates nun • beginner nn: novice, oblate, postulant nun abbess, • chief moter superor nun mostly concernd with manual work lay sster • take monastic vows: be professed • nun's cap coif nun's covering for the head and neck: wmple nun's room: cell • denoting a nu wearing no shoes: discalcd • community o nuns, or its buildings: convent, nunnery • school run by nuns: covent, onvent scool • society of nuns under a particular rule: order claustra • djecte nunnery • small nunnery: priory • nunnery room for conversation: parour nunnery dining hall: refctory
nurse visiting patients' nure homes: dstrct nurse nurse visit
ing homes to give advice eat vsitor nurse assisting women in labour: midwfe • nurse in charge of others: nursing offcer, matron, sister, ward manager
nurery • day nursery for preschool children: crce • nurse car ing for a baby wihot breaseeding it: drynurse nurse caring for a baby and breaseeding it wetnurse nuci nut' . combnng foms ts so intrior: kernel • large seed of the tropical palm: coconut nuteating: nucvorous
nut screwed down on another: locknut nut with projections for the ngers to turn: wing nu .at ring nder a nut: waser
nylon unit of neness for nylon yarn denier nymph • mountain nymph: oread freshwater nymph: naiad sea nymph: nereid • tree nymph: amadryad wood nymph: dryad, hama dryad
0 ot .oath (formey) taken by trainee doctors Hippcatic ath • evidence given under oath dps itin • written statement made under oath affidavit • solicitor entited to administer oaths Cmmissin f aths ,obedence • demanding obedience pmpty • stubborny disobedi ent facty • person refusing obediece cusant objecton • open to objection xcptinabl ojecte • compromise between wo mutuay incompatibe objectives tadff obton .faiure to fu an obigation dfault obseton • cose and constant observation suvilanc .judges observation made in passing bit dictum . derived from observation rather than ogic mpiical obsoescece • not pone to oso escence futupf octe beow . combining fom cnta (_ cntabass) odds • denoting odds that reect a hi probaiity sht • denoting odds that reect a remote proaiity lng off .dee's offa umbls .fow's oa gibts • aima ungs as oa lights offe • oer to perform a specied job at a specied price tnd • be he rst to whom something wi be oered hav fist fusal offce • combining fom ship ( ambassash) • curent oce
hoder incumbnt, ccupant .for ma inauguation of ofce inductn, nstallatin • period of hoding ofce tnu • ending a term of ofce utging offce ariste's oce chams .judge's oce for private hearings chambs • roing reaocation of ofce accommodation htdsking, htsating .oce workers' hadaches and respiratory prob ems, thought to be caused by poor ventiation sick building syndm offc .chief ocia pincpa .enior administrative ofcia cif xcutiv • power ocia mandain • caree ocia in a arge bureaucracy appaatchik • ocia in the state bureaucracy civil svant • ofcia who cas meetings cnvn • ocia impementing the decisions of others xcutiv • ocia ensur ing that rues are kept f, umpi • state ocia based aroad to assist his compatriots cnsul • ocia representing a state abroad diplmat . ofcia controing the o ege of Arms Eal Mashal • ofcia overseeing state ceremonia and grants of arms hald .ofcia auditing oca authority accouns distict au dit • court or municipa ofcia making pubic announcements ci • ocia appointed to manage the affairs of bankrupts cv • ofcia eamining bus tickets inspct • chuch ocia eading po cessions etc vg • church ofcia in charge of vestments etc sacistan fomer paish ocia carrying out minor punishments etc badl • coa mine safety ofcia dputy
ofical I l wll
inetigating oplaint again publi authoritie Ombuds-
man, alamentay Cmmissiner fr Adm in sratn ofial inquir-
ing into he aue of a peron' eath: crner ofial onutng an eletion returnng ffcer ofial uperiing the running of oe publi eent steward .peron anaging a hool' or olege nane busa oial in harg of hou goernent oial inhuntsman peing port: custms ffcer oia onroling a opan' in etent fund manage enior UK la oer: Dectr f ublc rsecutns opan ofial enuring he legalit of tranation cm unierit pliance ffcer ereonial aebearer beadle oque ofial aling the faiful t praer: muen . ofial uperiing ho plae on probation prbatin fficer ofial reponible for reor registra ofial in harge of ourt or ounil reor cler oial in harge of a raila aion stanmaster ofial ontrolling a rier or port cnservancy . Roan oial interpreing oen augur, haruspex . ofia anaging a roal houehol chamofial in harge of roal belain ereonial Lrd Geat Chambelain .hereitar ofial offering to ght for te onarh' right to the throne Champn f England oial up preing publihe aterial hel to be obene or harful to tae eurit cens area tax oial nspecr f axes our ofial ering ri et baff, pstaff .enoting an ofial appoine bu not e in hi po enoing an odegnae, elec ial reeiin no pa nay .e noting a reire oial ees . appointent of oial in rotation rahr han aoring o erit Bugi ns' tu b irtue of one' of
ial tau ex ffc tart an of ial ob: tae ffce ue of one' oial poition for peronal gan jbbery . elaborate etablihent ih an ofial: bureaucracy . t ling effet of exeie bureaura oal periion or red tape approal cleaance ofial bn embar oial orer: edict of ial orer haing the fore of la de cree peron exeriing poer ih ou haing an ofe: minence
grse osr offpring of a at, rabbi, or ferret itten oprng of a og pup, whelp offpring of a fox bear, or lion: cub offpring of a an cygnet group of anial prou at a brth ltter alet eber of a litter: run enoting offpring e penent on their paren for oe tie after birth: altrcial .enoing offpring able to fe theele oon after birh: preccial sping
h nims s h pppi ny
. cmbining m
le . jc
leaginus . oi uitable for ot engine mltigrade ieel oi for roa ehile derv . loerpetal oi ue in entaing aa .oi itille fro plan et ssenal l araental oi: chrsm, unguent rub ith araental oi anint iv
.eetente tropial etial oi ylangyang . laer of oi loating on ater: slc eie oeting thi smmr . oi tore at he en of a pieline terminal o we .rt ueful el in a ne oilel discvey well . el neeng no pup gusher .ru ture aboe an oi el plafm, g fraeor holing the ril derric eabe teel frae upporting a rig jace peron ireting the riling on oil rig t pushe o rig la bourer: usabu .aooa tion hip for offhore rig taff flatel
nen pnn
• •
. lp-oinent isae pain-leving oinent: liniment skin ointment: am asam sae
ka okra in Indian cuisine: hini combiningform ahae ahaegy, aae aae bany
ag combining form gent
• ci
genti . eldey and m: e eit shrivelled wth old age iz ene dark skin patches in the aged: entig senie mauatin • time of
le when fertlity and sexua drives decline imatei menta and physica decay characteristic of od age: inmit senesene seniit . progressve menta decay of the eld ey: senie ementia lzheime isease period of senile decay: t person in this ·stae: ta age medca and socia care of old people: geiatis place providng daytime soca upervision for the el ey a ent person in hs six tes: seagenaian person n his seventies setagenaian person in his eghies tgenaian person in his nineties: nnagenaian per sn a hndred or more years old entenaian study of old age: gentog � o seni itizen -fashn attractvely old fashoned: quaint wan adjectve: anie
v l enoting ol of the nest quaity: eta igin • denoting oil of
next best quaity: virgn
• open omelette contain-
ing chopped vegetables:
Sanish m-
eee n combiningform mn() nane uni niaea • the ony one of its kind: uniue . done by one pary only: uniatea n an a haf combining form sesui sesqenenay
• sml onion planted instead
set pnng • opening of the nose: ns ti . opening for liquids or gases to escape ent pn spac • open space aong the sea ont in a seaside town: esan ae omenae • open space in ont of a buding: ut nuse pa . opera sung roughout: gan oea • opera comprised of seprate musc items: nume ea • opera wth spoken diogue: eea • wordbook of an opera: i • running anslation of an opera dspayed above the stage: su tites .fous female opera singer: ia • person teaching opera singers their music titeu person sta ging an opera: ue general manager of an opera house: intenant of seed:
musi theat pan • operation to iprove one's appearance: smeti suge
• operation
to remove an appendix
. operation to create an aternative blood vessel: ass operation to remove a breast: mastetm oper ation to remove a breast tuour: umetom . operation to replace an organ: tansant operaton to remove the ovaries: hetm operation to asfe tssue: ga chd delvery by cutting the wl of the womb: aesaan setion medicaton gen before an oper ation: meiatin hospital room for operations: theate denot ing a condition that caot be oper ated upon: inee
pnn . generly accepted opin ion: ie e�ue es ees • considered opOn: sen thughts stanint • ask opnons:
opum I organ
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u
• assesset of publi opi avassig a represetative pinin p • perso o
io b saple utig or aalsig opiio polls pst .ass eetig to express publi opiio dmnstratin, ray .hol a otrar opiio dissnt perso with opiios ivergig fro the geeral osesus nncnfmist refusal to osier the opiios of others aag mnta ity, tun n vi sin perso ajustig his opiios to the oo of the tie timm i tolert of others' opiios nawmindd, ptty, smamindd .writ te stateet of oe's opiios a itetios psitin pap .perso airig otetious opiios to pro voe ebate dvi's advcat e sige to avae a partiuar poit of view tndnius opiu djecive piat oum erive rug piat opiulie opoud piid opiuerive aitive paiiers hin, m
phin oonent
• eterie oppoet of
hage et dihad
• combining forms ooste cnta, cuntr cunteact) • opposite sie of the wor antip ds • wor havig the opposite sese antnym • havig the opposite eet to that esired cunt pductv • assert the opposite of cntadct ooson • oviolet oppos itio passiv sistanc otn opiia testg ees, presribig, a aig up presriptios phthamic ptician optiia aig up presripios dis
pnsing ptician or • oral exaiatio of a appliat intviw • oal exaiatio of aaei aiate vva orne • i of orage havig reish lesh bd ang • sall
is of orage mandain, tangin . loosesie tagerie satsuma white spog tissue isie a orage si pith
oresr . large orhestra sym phny chsta • sall orhestra chamb chsta, si nfnia, si nfn tta • perussio orhestra of Java a ali gaman • substatial piee of orhestral usi symphny
• substatial piee for a soloist a or hesra cnct • orhestra's rst violiist ad, cnctmas • or hestra plaers' usi sta dsk . pla several istrues i a or hestra dub see so nsmb
orbit that eeps a satellite xed over a terrestrial poit gstatinar bit point i a orit fur thest fro the earth, oo, su ap g, apun, aphn poit i a orbi losest to the earth, oo su, objet orbited pig, piun, pi hin, priapsis p eiases) .star et roud whih a satellite orbits primay
order order for supples rquisitin • order for a regularl repeated suppl standng d . orer for wor to be uertae cmmissin
• orer for a perso to atte a ourt summns, subpna, pcss • orer set fro a higher to a lowr
ourt mandamus .out orer re quirig a ertai atio to be per fored or avoie wit, injunctin ae to orer bspk
ordnry • oriar partiipats ank and fi • reletg the wishes or tastes of oriar people ppuist orn' sa orga whose pipes are ativate b pis attahed to a re volvig lier ba gan foot blow ree orga hamnium . abiet for a orga's eboars an stops cns abet housig the expressive setio sw bx hief orga eboar gat
ophan Ood Unvsty
nlay . wood ilay decoratig fri tre marquetry . th cord decoratig pholstery: ppng .orametal strip of wood or stoe muldng • orametal cetrepiece for a diig table epergne .lowershaped oramet: feuron • hi lie of cream or icig decoratig food: ppng .pael lig oramet lnenfld • orametal plat pot jardnre • orametal spport for a rail baluster orametatio imitatig plated straps: strapwrk • akle oramet: anklet • oramet wor rod the pper arm: armlet • rigid orametal bad wor rod the wrist or akle: bangle, braceet • orametal chai wor rod the wrist or arm: bracelet • small oramet wor to give magical proectio amulet • three lobed orametal desig trefl • forlobed orametal desig quatrefl s so archtecture orn • perso protectig a orphas iterests guardan ostr . djciv struthus oter . combin ing fom heter( eg heesexa) xen eg xen ga) • amog other people nter als .amog other thigs: nter ala otter . male otter: dg otters lair hlt, ldge out • combining foms e, ec eg ecsasy e 'andng u f neel, ex way ot egress, ex
come o from somewhere or some
thig emanate, emerge . force ot extrude outin .otig to a specied destiatio mystery tur outne • otlie represetatio schema outsde combining fom ecteg ecasm), ex eg exske en) extra eg exacea) .origiatig otside exgenus
phr • djiv aran . ovary cell div idig to form a ovm: • ovary cavity for the ovm • tbe takig a ovm from the duct ilammatio of a phrits, arts • srgical moal of the ovaries: arectmy, artmy oer • combining foms hyper eg1 hyenym) super eg sesc-j e seegan), supra samndane) sur eg schage) oeroe • that caot be overcome: nsurmuntable oeretn . complsive overeatig: bulma • bots of overeatig followed by selfidced vomitig ad fastig bul mi a nersa oer • arrage avoidig over laps: stagger ou . combining fom - .developmet of a ovm: geness . ferted ovm zygte .tbe takig a ovm from the ovary: duct • discharge ova from the ovary ulate own • all th� moey ad property owed by a perso estate owner • djiv roretary _ re cord of previos owership prenance • perso sig or holdig goods bt ot owig hem: baee Oxford Unerst . djciv nan • Oxford iversity aal feas Encaena • Oxford versiy formal dress subfusc • part of the term whe dergradates are expected to be residet ful term .atm term at Oxrd chaelmas term .witer term at Oxrd Hary term • smmer term at Oxford Trnty term • Oxford classics degree Greats, terae Humanres .mem ber of a iversity spors team: blue .member of the Oxford police bulldg • Oxrd ad C or
• combining
bridge iversiies cosidered o geher Oxidge • Oxford college eamiaio or progress repr cllectin al iversiy exami aios a Oxford chl . Oxford college aal feas gaudy • Oxford college servat cut • Oxfrd col lege b for food ad accommdaio ael coe withi he college gate ssped a sdet uticate oye • combining fom xy • oxyge mxre givi a very ho
oxyge ozoe aye
ame xyacetylene lack of oxy ge anxia • erich with oxyge xygenate • combie chemicay with oxyge xidie exercises de siged o icrease he bodys oxyge ake aeic coos cyclic iercoverio of oxyge xygen cycle ooe yer • hi area i he ozoe layer ne hle • refrigera ad aeroso gas harmfl o the ozoe layer chlucan
cke our tour ompany em ployee aompanying lients: curier tour ompany employee statione in a resort to assist its lients: repre entative ckn seal pacaging ro wi te air as been remove vacuu pack enoting paaging e signe to sow its ontents ave been mee wit tapeevident paing seets ontaining small air bubbles bubble wrap so otton or wool abri use in paing wadding so woo savings use n paing d wl igligte tet on paaging flah d absorbent pa wab e blan page at te start or end o a boo flyleaf rigtan page o an open boo: ect . lean page o an open boo ver etralarge page ole in to onorm wit te rest gatefd piee o paper wit a page printe on ea sie fli leaf set oleaves ole insie ea otr: ignature uie stiting troug te ba ol o a signature addle titch arrangement o material on a page: layut layout mae rom e isting elements: pateup enoting a boo wit worn pages: dgeare turn over pages asually leaf thg .ount a boos pages: pa gnae in cmbnng fms ag, aga suen sarp pain twinge pain lt aay rom its real soure referre pain painul state evaporating wit ontnue eort: pain baie se vere abominal pain ause by wind or intestinal obsrution: clic pain in te lower ba lbag pan o
te ba ip an outer lg: ciatica est pain elt ue to la o bloo in te eart: angina angina pectri stressrelate bowel pain: irritable bwel yndre • pains in ilrns limbs grwing pain pain in te ear ause by anges in pressure uring air travel batiti iney pain nephralgia musle pain: yalgia painul ontration o a musle: crap painul stiness in te ne or ba crick pain tat soots along a nerve: neuralgia pain rom pressure on te spinal nerve ciatica pan in te sie elt wile running titch painul swelling on te big toe oint bunin srining movement ause by pain or its epetation flinch wince seual pleasure eri" e rom nlit ing pain alglagnia esigne to minimie pain huane rug tat eases pain analgeic ainrelieving ointent linient rubbing te boy to ase pain aage person sille at tis: aeur fe masseuse) liqui painer rubbe into te sn ebcatin rug tat prevents pain being elt: anaethetic inability to eel pain anaetheia instrument measurng pain dlriete . ree rom pain cfrtabe n gluebase paint or walls: dtepe paint ute wit water watercu elin, .paint ilut wit eggwite tepea oilbase paint il in o paint wit a sligt seen: egghel in o paint wit a ig seen g paint or bare suraes pie tin oat o waterbase
paint wash denoting paint that is not competey dry tay .iquid with which pigments are mixed to make aints mdum oi used in mixing paints turpntn syn thetic resin used in paints and adhe sives oyurthan iquid giving a cear shiny surface when dry varnsh soution for painting was white whitwash compressedair device providing a ne spray of paint airbrush stone for grinding pgments mur .paint ceaner or removr made from soap and soda sugar soap portae urner giving a hot ame for removing paint bowamp painted surfaces pantwork coverng for surces not to e painted masking
c paintry ne painter's oard for ming coours patt painters stick steadying the rush hand maustik nn .painting made onto a wa mura pinting on wet pastr frso painting on dry paster so thin ayer of diuted paint wash gypsum for painting gsso .paintng on two hinged panes diptyh painting on three hnged panes triptyh .painting on severa hinged panes poyptyh sma ease paintng abint pitur .vey sma painting miniatur circuar painting tondo painting set behind an atar atarp Japnese scro painting amono .Tietan eigios scro paintig tanka kind of astract painting made by random tipping of paint ono the canvas aton ainting execution of a painting fatur minor gures in a painting staffag rprsnation of ight and shade in a painting hiarosuro .juxtapos ition of different coours in a painting ontrast painting intended to give a deceptive threedimensiona view tromp 'o .painting in shades
pater I pam
of a singe coour monohrom .painting in shades of grey grisai .painting with thickened waterco ours gouah very sma ut detaied painting minatur .appi cation of thick ayers of paint mpasto painting with tiny dots of coour pointism stipp paint ing of domestic scenes gnr ainting painting of inanimae ojects st if painting's prepared sur face ground preiminary design for a painting artoon make d tae aterations to a painting rtouh cear resin appied to protect the surface of a painting vanish sma cracks on an od painting's surface raquur reappearance of traces of earier painting ntimnto .prepared surface for paint ing ground .wooden frame over which canvas is ed for painting strthr geatinous soution ap pied to a canvas si wooden frame supprting a painting asl stick seadying a paintrs hand maustk r par of pistos or game irds bra .asting reationship etween two person or animas pa bond Pksn type of Pakistani food that is cooked in a deep twohanded pan bati deep twohanded pan used to cook ati dishes arahi ce c paatal e c paatn bony front part of the paate hard aat eshy rear part so paat e unheathiy pae pasty Pesnn . Paestinian oppos ition to Israei occupation of the West Bank ntfada . fundamentaist Pa estinian ieration movement Hamas .pam's compound eaf frond .arge seed of the tropica pam oonut .pam e used for makng
palsty paalyss hats etc afa . edible starch ob tined o certain pas sago
st . line indicating length of life lifel ne ncke • thin pancake crpe • pancake of grated poatoes galee • aed dessert pancake crpe Susee ces Susee) .Rus sian pancake blini nces • aation of te pancreas pancreatitis • surgical re oval of the pancreas pancreatectom ntoe . leading ale role, usualy played by a young woan principal bo .leading feale role, usualy played by a young woan princpal girl ederly feale panto ie chaacter, usualy played by a n dame
e • thick drawing paper cartridge paper • song brown envelope paper Manila • wed paper for cookery greasproof pape .very thin book paper India paper .poor paper used for newspapers newsprint • crinky paper for decorations crpe paper . sa twistedup piece of paper screw • thin strip of paper spill aasive pape sandpape
• sheet of thin paper foldable to ake
its own envelope air ee, aero gramme . sal printed sheet of paper leaet sal piece of paper slip single thickness of paper in a book leaf .ont side of a sheet of paper ecto reverse side of a sheet of ape erso rol of pape for continuous printin web denoting paper with a nely ribbed surface laid .denoting paper with a sooth sface woe denoting paper dis coloued by brown sos foxed type of gass used o ake paper esparto, esparto grass . so ass of pulp bres for paperaking . aker's embe in a sheet of paper watermar .uality of paper used
for top copies bond uality of paper used for crbon copies etc ban .paper and glue harden ing when dry papier mch board ade o glued layers of pper pasteboad . Japanese art of pape folding origami appratus cutting a block of paper guillotne . device inserting sheets of paper into a a chine paper feed race folowng a trai of tonup pape paperchase
cute cod openin a paa chute ripcord • cord ed to the ar cr to open a prachute static line
• expanding prt of a prachute that arests and diects its oveent canop • ropes ha hold and control a prachute's canopy shrouds • ra
chute used to decelerate a landing ai cr drogue .prachutig i of supplies airdrop, paradrop para chute glidng o a height paraglid-
• parachute sport of being pued by a fast boat parasailing, parascending • spot of being dropped b y parachute
siing or waterskiing parasiing . troops traine in para chuting paratroops
• pralelis drawn be
tween two things analog . uadri lateral with two sets of pralel sides rhombus . uadriateral with one set of parael sides trapeium
ss . combining/om pegia
• paralysis
fro the neck down quadriplegia , tetraplegia pralysis fro the waist down parapegia pralysis of one side of he body syetrical paralysis hemiplegia on both sides of the body dipegia .pralysis of a single lib or area monoplegia paralysis of l fou libs quadriplegia, tetrapegia sudden tepory pralysis cataprtial pralysis paesis plex fectious disease causing pralysis
• •
- ·
paast paamnt
rs • parase living ouside is hos: ectopaasite • parasie liv ng inside is hos: endopaaste
• parase
living upon anoher parasie: hypepaaste parasic la orm: fue bloodsucking parasie: eech presnce of parasies in he blood paasitaemia creaure on or in hich a parasie lives host organsm ransmiing a parase from one hos o anoher: vecto sudy of parasies: paastoogy
• •
rdn • general pardon: amnesty nt • sae paymen made o parens: chd beneft • person bringng up children ihou a parner singe paent having parenal responsibiliy in oco paentis • parenal responsibiliy of divorcees: ustody
• child
ophan Ps • underground railay in Paris: metro • pleasure boa on he Seine a Paris: bteau mouche rs • djci paocha .se
nior lay person in an ecclesiasical parish: chuchwaden .churchar den's assisan: sdes man parish merrymaking held a or near he paronal feas: feast, waes s s
Chuch of Engand kn . park alongside a vehicle ha sands a he side of he road: doubepar .machine selling park ing me pang mete railay saion oering pleniful parking:
paway Pknsns dss
compound used o rea his: dopa
• sovereign's
speech oulining proposed legislaion for a parliamenary session: Queens r secion of parliaKng's Speech men conducing is on meeings: room here his mees: house anechamber o his: chambe obby eiher house of paiamen as
referred o in debae by a member of he oher house anothe pac name of cerain counres parliamen det . loer house of he Assembe French parliamen upper house of he Natonae French parliamen: Sat loer house of he German parliamen: Bundestag upper house of he Ger man parliamen Bundesat .head of he German and usrian parliamens chanceo parliamen in Grnse erse and Alderney: Iranian parliamen: Majs States Oieahtas parliamen: Irish upper house of his: Senad .loer house o his: Da Manx parliamen: ynwad . loer house of his: ouse of Keys Noregian parliamen: Stotng loer house of he Russian parliamn: Duma US parliamen: Congess upper house of his: Senate .loer house of his: deno ouse of Rpesentatives ing a parliamen in hich no pary has an overall majoriy: hung .denoing a parliamen having a single legislave chamber: unicamea denoing a parliamen having o legislaive chambers: bcamea .de noing a parliamen having hree legislaive chambers: tcamea documen laid before parliamen by he governmen Command Pape barrisers drafing parliamenary bills: Paamentay Counse draf la submied for parliamenary discussion: b person nroducng a bill: sponso proposed change o a bill: amendment sage in he pro gress of a bill hrough parliamen: eadng iniial parliamenary presenaion of a bill: ntoducton , fist eading second presenaion, seeking general approval: secon d eadin g hird sage of a bills progress, hen i is considered in deail by a selec group of MPs committee stage group from eiher house examning
• •
• •
• •
parat patc a bi i ai: committee c chaiman's rpr h hus: epo stage ba his rpr: thi aing . amnn a bi a is hir raing: ie aying acics in ba: iuste, ostuctionsm talking out mmi psd sp ba: gulotine x aw as apprv y paria mn: act .passing an ac by par iam: enactment aiy rcr paranary prcings: ouna pariamnary v: son pac r his: son o ivisin whr mmbrs may v as hy wsh ee ote pary ircin mmbrs n ving: hp • his cuch n h ms ug rms: thne hp v r h mn: aye v agains i: no prsn cuning ivisin vs: tee b rung warn ha a ivisin is mminn: iision e .mak aws: egsate by ing his: egisatue .havin pwr gs a pics: omncompetent ning gisain cming in rc ss pariamn vs again : negatie pic gisain acing a r ms ciizns: puic act pc gsain acg a cmpay r viua pate act .pracc siing run a spakr appring n visin: oughnuttng • mmbrs a hus paramn iw cciy: chame mmr pariam having n gvrnmn c: piate meme . mmbr paia ms muniy m prscui r rmarks m in ba paliamenta piilege pariamnay pary nx in siz ha in pwr: the Oppostion pay ci spnsib r aiamnary mmbrs a nac an iscipin: hip mny v annuay by priamn h rya amiy: Cii ist .para mnay awanc r h svrigns priva xpnss pi puse sa
256 ing in h chamr r pary ars: ont ench . scur h adjun mn h hus whn inqura: count out parimnary hiay: ecess pri uing which pariamn m rguary: sesson icnin a pariamnary sssin poogue . rsu a pariamnar sssin: ecal ismssa parmn: issolution Crwn cumn nsiing a paiamary cin: it . cnary h rus r cusms pariamn: unpaiamenta � s o cainet eate ouse o Commons ouse o os meetng rrot jeive pittacine . arg parr: maca sma grn parr: paakeet pnumniaik sas caugh by umans rm prrs: psittacosis rt principa par: staple .s pars r assmby: kit s pars rmig a cmpx wh: system inrain cmpnn pars: topoog cmps smiar pars: homogeneous cmps issmiar pars: heteogeneous . having w pars: ia ipaite oue ua upe .haing hr pars: tena tipatte tple .hav ing ur as: quaipatite quau ple . having v pars: quntuple .having six pars: sepaite, setuple sparain in cnsiun pars: esouton arrangmn cnsun pas: stuctue k par: paicipate rt combining form emi e ei) sem e seicnscius) su e subtica) rtt chs paricipa opt in .numbr pariciping in an vn: tunout rt psivy charg par ic in an ams nucus: poton .chargss paric in an ams nu cus: neuton sma chargss paric: neutno prn r nu
tron nucen . negatvey charge partce orbtng an atoms nuceus: eectn partce representng a quantum of ght phtn hghy energze partce traveng through space: csmi c ay assume partce carryng a fractona eectrc charge: quak assume onemensona partce sting assume partce havng short fe but great energy: vitua patice bnng partce: mesn . arge meson: pimesn, pin arge nstabe eectron mun proten partce beeve to cause ma cow sease pin .subatomc partce havng the same mass ut op poste eectrca propertes to a name partce antipaticle .toa number of protons an neurons n a nuceus mass nume .evce ovng par tces at hgh spees: acceeat acceerator for straghine pa tces: inea acceleat .tempera ture at whch parce movement wou be mna: asute e stuy of subatomc partces micphsics mathematca e scrpton of partces moton an nteracton: quantum mechanics rtner nactve busness partner: seeping patne rty evenng party sie pary at a new home: husewaming . party at whch foo s gre an consume ot of oors aecue party for women ony hen paty pay for men ony: stag pay wy centous party gy atten a party unnvte gatecash s o pitical paty ss catch up wth an pas vetake sson passonate appea ci de cu (pl cis de cu) jciv pascha ssoer Passover ceremones an feast Sede Passover brea mat Jews name for Passover Pesach
patn pasty
ssort enorsement on a pass port: visa st eang wth the past: etspective wsfu ongng for the past: nstagia nterpretaton of the past n terms of the presen: pesentism n a stye typca of some past era: peid st pasta shape ke buttery wngs faale .earshape pasta: ecchiette pasta enveopes avii rbbonshape pasta fettucine . pata n narrow rbbons: tagiatee . pasta n sma rceke grans: sma pasta rngs sffe wth cheese or vegetabes tteini sheet pasta: asagne spra shape pasta: fusii pasta n ong strngs spaghetti .pasta n short thn strps inguine .pasta n ong thn strps ndes pasta n ong sener threas vemicelli pasta n narrow tubes macani .pasta n arge tubes manictti pasta n short we tubes penne pasta n short ute tubes: igatni kn of wheat use for pasta duum Iaan pasta sauces gnese, canaa mainaa, naplitana pest ste paste of amons sgar an eggs maipan goose ver paste: pt de fie g as mazeor paste plenta seasone paste of ney mnce meat or sh pt coarse paste of pork an ver: pt e campagne thck paste of sugar an water: fndant stry so ght pastry chux pasty .ght aky pastry: puff pasty pastry roe nto thn eaves i pasty pastry wth a hgh pro porton of fat: sht pasty pastry enveope puff pastry enveope e wth seasone meat an veget abes: pasty ths wth meat an po tato Cnish pasty sweet pastry encosng chocoate pain au chclat sweet pastry e wh currants Ecces cake puff pastry e wth
ath I ant jam and cream: mefeue .so pastry nger ed wih cream: eca open pasy case wih g: a . an wh a savoury egg-hickened ig: quce . crecentshaped pas try rol: cossa denotig food cooked a pastry case: e cue fat used for makig pasy: soe place where pasies e sold: g passee
bck and white paches peba haig paches of white and of some oher co (not lack): sewba
broad public pah long he
seaside: espaae promeade path alongside a cl: owpa couny pah for walker and horseriders: bepa beway couny pah siposted to show nat feures: atue raised pah oer land liable to oodig: raised pah use by auseway modes a fashion show: aa pzg network of pahs etc: mae
hoogc conon
mbnng form sm _ alcoholis)
n .patient stayig in hospil oernight: pae . hospial pa tient not stayg oerigh: ay pa e oupae patient recoerig om ess or eaent: coes ce denotig a patient whose con dition is not deterioratig: sbe iolig patients: cca bed ridden patient's recepace for ie and feces: bepa .reco of a pa tents preious esses, treaents, etc_: case sory
area of growing crops at
tened to form a patern: cop cce . rigid sheet contag a cutout pat tern: sec shad piece used as pattern for a cuing process em pae . patern of dereny col od sqs ceque
brief pause i a ct or
pliamentary session: ajourme .pause for holidays i a cot ses ion: vacao pause for holidays i a pliamentay session: cess .pause i he midde of a ie of erse aesu
paig wih rregu at
stones: cay pavg . paing with rounded stones: cobbes
sigle complete pay men ump sum . money sen as payment emace . xed nnual payment auy .forced pament: exaco payment demanded om a defeated adersary: emty p ao additional payment: sup icrease he alue of a peme payment upae extra payment for good peormance: bous payment made before due date: avace .ad ance payment for a serie of benets subscpo . su paid o he auhor fo each copy sold: royay iital payment made to a barrister: ee subsequent payment made to a brister i a long case: fse payment calcuated on distance a eed: meage payment calcuated on he number o persons sered: pao fee payment at early ter miation of conact: seveace pay payment of someones liing ex pense: maeace payment for aelig etc exnses icred on duy: Ubssece aowce ii hire pchase payment: ow payment made in kind: payme uck payment made to redundant executie: goe asae goe pacute .one of a series of pay ments: same . make a sigle payment istead of a series: commute diorced person's payent o former suse: maeace payment made y he state to a certa cat egory of neey persons: bee en ants pament: e union payment to sg members: srke pay
fr wrk dne: emuneato, wage, alay payent fr extra wrk: ovetme payent ade fr services n cially charged fr honoaum dening a payent ade withut any adissin f bligatin: ex gaa arrangeen t pay fr gds n delivery purchaser ah on delvey writen rder fr payen: da dcuent acknwledging payent: eep ake persistent deands fr payen: dun day n which uarterly payents bece due uate day event at which each participant pays fr hise: Duth teat denting deductins etc taken fr a payent bfre it is ade: at oue partial return f payent ade: ebate cplee return payent ade: fund dne withut payen: honoay, volun tary e large pe f pea marowfat pea pea eaten with its pd: mangetout efow . djeive pavonne feale peafwl: peahen ale peafwl: peao enut paste of grud rasted peanus: peanut butte er alchlic drink ade fr pearjuice: pey er pear f the highest uality: oent peal fred by deliberate seeding: ultued pea edestrn safe area fr pedes trians beween trac lanes: land, efuge • pedestrian crssings cn trlled by trafc lights: pelan ong, puffn ong ashing yel lw glbe at either end f a pedesrian crssing: Belha beaon pedes trian tunnel depa, ubway eer peer wh seld atends he Huse f Lrds: bawoodman peer with a heritable tile: heed
pea peso
tay pee 5 peer wih a nnheritable title: fe pee e headless cylindrical peg: dowel Pekn currently preferred ransliteratin Bejng en pen ade fr a feather: u pen wih an ink reservir r cartridge: fountan pen urescen arker pen: hgh g hter pens wriing end: nb enty surrender as a penaly foet enc pencil tha can write n shiny surfaces: hnagaph clured pencil rayon crayn f pwdered piges: patel penguin breedg enun grund: ooey ens djeive penle an erect penis r a representain f ne phallu (pl h) phallus as a Hindu sybl f Shiva: lngam • erectile tissue in he penis: opu avenoum (pl c cens) opu pongoum (pl c sngs) penis bne in cerain aals: baulum, o pen runded end f the penis: gan skin hd cvering this: foren, pepue enarged and rigid state f the penis: eeton havg an erect penis: thyph all abiliy achieve an erecin poteny • persistent and painfu erectin papm sebaceus secretin under he fresk: megma ral stiulatin f the penis fellato cver fr the penis during sexual ac tivity ondom, heath surgery cnstruc repai r enlarge a penis: phalloplaty surgical reva f he penis: penetomy enson dentg a pensin nanced by the beneciary ontbutoy • regular cntributins funding such a pensin: uperannuaton deoting a pensin slely nanced
peope I peorace by he beneciary: prnal .deno ing a pension ransferrable o e beneciarys subsequen employers denoing a pension prtabl scheme hose paens are made ou of curren conribuions unundd person receiving a pension or lodgings in reurn for prayers for he donor's sou badman
eoe people consanly on e move: nmad he common people canaill, hi plli, rabb, rifraff
inended for or done by he common people: ppular make accessible o ordinary people ppuari re-
presening or concerned ih he ineress of ordinary people: ppuit
eer red see pepper: imnt, pimint .husked pepper berries: whit pppr hole unripe pepper berris black pppr ercusson gourd lled ih beans or sones: maraca small pieces of ood clicked by he ngers: musical insrumen catant using piched ooden blocks xl phn deeponed xylophone ma musical insrumen using rimba piched meal bars glcknpil piched percussion orchesra of Bal and Java: gamlan
popular bu inaccur-
erceto ae
oversimplied percepion alleged abiliy o pertrtyp ceive oher han ih he normal senses xtranr prcptin . quick o noice hings: brvant acking in percepion imprcptiv, impossible o perimprcipint ceive: imprcptib
piched se of bells or meal ubes
chim . musical insrumen using piched ooden blocks xylphn deponed xylophon marimba concave brass plae cmbal meal disk ih a urned rim: gng
insrumen using piched meal bars glcknpil .small pieces of ood clicked ogeher by gourd Spanish dancers catant ed ih beans or sones maraca percussion orchesra of Java an Bali: gman s drum
eornce . preparaion of maerial o be perfomed rharal
performance of maerial no previously prepared imprviatin, ght rading performance shoing ex-
cepional skil: tur d rc (pl us de ce) . rs erformnce irt night, pning, prmir .performance before e ocial rs nigh: pr viw single performance or e persons aending i: hu single prformance a a pariclr venue nnight tand coninuous series of performances run, an .performance repeaed a a series of venues: tur roaing performances of a number of orks: rprtr . shor performance conribued o a lrger programme tun perform ance given he he audience ea and dink: cabart .variey sho feauring glamorous young omen fli shor or minor piece performed before he main ork curtainrair ordess hearical performance mim .cosumed saic group represening a scene from a play ec tablau .visually sriking performance: pctacl denoing a hearical performance given surounded by spctors in th rund . perform ance of a programme of music by a solois or chamber group rcital . live performance by pop musicians gig number of pop pieces performed as a sequence t .im prompu performance by pop musiin cians jam am, prformance hose pros re given o a named person chri ec performance given a e bnfit sovereigs reques cmmand pr
po psuad
fomance specia pefomance gala sodot pefomance: full aenoon pefomance: house matinee faewe pefomance swansong encosed aea fo a cics pefomance: ing sceney and
popeties fo a damatic pefom ance set .seies of venes at which a pefomance takes pace: cicuit semiocia o avantgade pefomances finge theate infoma pe fomances given in a pbic pace: steet theate peson aanging pefomances: agent, impesaio peson nancing pefomances: angel, backe, pomote .denoting a pefomance given befoe a adience: lve nevosness befoe o ding a pefomance stage fight .foma assessment of an empoyees pefomance appaisa
chief pefome: lead biiant pefome: vituoso skif pefome exponent peson pefomig in the steet buske gop of pefomes woking egay ogethe: ensemble, toupe pefomes pofessiona name stage name items known by a pefome: epetoie, epetoy st
pbic appeaance of a pefome
debut ro . xed peiod: tem . citica peiod: climacteic tedios peiod: logueu immediatey peceding peiod unup, contdown immediatey foowing peiod seuel peiod when a spot is not payed close season peiod of a ing famiys domnance: dynasty .thing ot of its time: anachonism
imagined intsion of one age into
anothe time wap
pemission to be abschoo: exeat absence
sent fom withot pemission Fench leae eccesiastica pemission to pbish a book: impimatu ocia pem is
sion: cleaance, sanction pemis sion to se copyight etc_ mateia ewitten pemon fo lease medica teatment ogan donoship etc fond on ied peson: advance
diective rmt
pemit: licence . cstoms pemit fo the tempoay impot of a moto vehice: canet stateganted monopoy ove the expoitation of an nventio patent hode of this: patentee pemit the xistence of somethig disap poved of condone toleate
vindictive campaign
diected against a gop by those pejdiced against them: witchhunt peson foced by pesection to eave his homeand efugee
rsst gim pesistence: dogged ness, peseveance Prs .peIsamic eigion of ancient Pesa: Zooastianism rson cmbnng fm: ot Cyit) nik beatn) ste
yungste) aecting a specic pe· son ony: in pesonam . fo a patica peson: ad hominem .pe peson pe caput, pe capita
pesonaity eement: inheited pesonaity envionmeta inences on pesonaity nutue .d and dependabe: stolid sbject to npedictabe mood changes: mecuial igaied patte of maada-
rsonty stain, tait taits: natue
tive behavio pesonality disode .pesonaity disode with exteme antisocia behavio: ioathy
sing thee axes 120 apat isometic system point in a pespective system at which eceding paae ines seem to mege vanishing point
easiy pesaded: pliant
pesade by attey cajole, inveigle
e potogap . sysematic persuasion: brainwash ing • refusal to e persuae bstinacy, bduracy Peru . riginal inhabitants of Peru Incas . their supreme ruer: Inca • Spanish conqueror of Peru: cnuistadr ero . cmbnng fm ptr• jeie petro use in inceniary bombs: napalm .enoting petro ihou ae ea unladd co ouress hyrocarbon in petro ctan • natura iqui from which petro is istie: ptrlum • estabishment seing petro to motorists flling statin, ptrl statin, srvic tatn • crue bomb mae by ing a botte ith petro Mltv ccktail eroeu . coouess voatie i ui ise from petroeum: whit spirit .money earnt by exports of petoeum: ptrdllars us . cv priapic Psne • go of the ancient Phi istines agn • gigantic Phiistine arior: Gliath osoy • phioophical prin cipe: tnt • core of universay vali phiosophical maxims: philsphia prnnis • persoa phiosophy of ife wrd viw, Wltanschauung . meieval West ern philosophica an theoogical sys tem: schlasticism • phiosophica proceure of questioning in pretene ignorance Scratic iry .suppose utimate cause of a vents: First Caus . philosophy of aw: jurispru dnc . expanation of phenomena by the purpose they serve: tllgy • theory hat fee oes not exist: dtrminism .theory that mora truhs exist inepenently of any knoege of them: bjctivism . theory that concepts of knoege an moraiy are shape b the soci ety in hich they are foun: rlativ ism • theory that an action must be
right it benets most peope: • theory tha a utilitarianism knoege is erive from sense experience mpiricism, phnmn• theory that knolege alism cannot be prove objectively subjctiism • theory that knoege is val iate by reason rather than experi ence ratinalism • theory oubting the possibility of reiabe knoege: scpticism .theory that the sef is a tha can be knon to exis: slipsism theory enying the uality of min an boy: mnism heory that a vali statements can be sub jecte to rationa proof: psitivism, lgical psitivism .theory that a phenomena have natural causes: naturalism theory that natural pro cesses have a purpose finaism .the ory that practical utiity specuations ony justication instrumntalism, pragmatism • the ory that universals have objective ex istence: ralism • theory that univer sals xis oy as menta concpts: cncptualism, idalism .heory that universals have no rea existence: immatrialism, nminalism .theory enying the real existence of any thing: nihilism .phiosophical sys tem centre on human freeom an experience: existent ialism,
• phiosophical
stuy of
concepts such as time and identity: metaphysics . phiosophical study of the nature of knowledge: pist-
mlgy . Kant's absoute mora obi gatin: catg rical im prativ expected superman of Nietzschean
phiosophy brmnsch osorus • djcv phric, phsphrus oocoe • poer use in photocopiers: tnr .eary photograph oor using a svere pate .publicity photograph of actors in a f scene: stll • magazine item of
3 photogrphs with linkng text: photoessa .news ommunition by photogrphs: photojounalsm photogrph tken through miro sope: mcogaph, photomcogaph photogrph with two semi supermposed supermposed imges giing '3-D ef fet anaglph photogrphi imge with lights and shdes reersed negatve photogrphi print mde by diret ppliton of the negtie contact pnt .photogrph printed to lrger size blowup enlagement .printed monohrome photo halftone photogrph grph printed for projetion: slde, tanspaenc, diapostve .mirophoto grph no lrger thn fullpoint: mcodot lt sheet of lm ontin ing mirophotogrphs: mcofche denoting photogrph reording tul eents: documeta .denoting photogrph tken without the sub ets knowledge: candd denoting potogrph tke ginst te ligt contejou deie mesuring the light ilbe for photogphy: exposue ete, lght mete .denoting n undeeloped imge: latent mke exposed lm show isibe imge: develop .room for deeloping photo grphs: dakoom oloured light for drkroom use: safelght lrity of detil shown by photogrph: esoluton .looking good when photo grphed photogenc session for publiity photgrphs: photocall, photo oppotunt rse djcv phasal .key phrse motto, watchwod stok phrse tag phrse whose ening is not deduible from those of its om ponent wods dom . expressio expression n of whole phrse s single word: holophass symbol stnding for phre: logogam, logogaph
ysic comb nng fom o m combnng hsco ( hysicchemica)
pas pctu
yscs .physis of biologi phe nomen: bophsics physis of the erth nd its struture geophscs eletron physis: electoncs .physis of het nd other forms of low energy: themodnamcs temperture physis: cogencs exertion of fore: wok re in whih fore is effetie: feld dis rete mount of energy et quantum (p quanta) het requred for hnge of stte but not of temper ture latent heat . subtomi unit of of mtter: patcle . tion of tomi nd subtomi prtiles upon eh other nteacton .dependene of rous physil phenomen on the motion of the obserer nd the thing obsered elatvt single theory for Ubtomi prtile intertions: gand unfed theo theory ounting for two or more of the four intertions: unfed feld theo .theory tht rndom phenomen re in ft ruleound chaos theo hypotesized fourdimensionl fu sion of spe nd time spactme imgined distortion of speme enbling stronuts to breh the lws of physis space wap no pino with horizontl strngs: gand pano pino with erti strings: upght .mehn il pino: plaepano, panola™ pino with moded tunings et for performing prtiulr piee: pepaed pano denoting pino with rossing strings overstrung d si lening pino string dampe pin by whih pino strng is tuned: west pn mehnism lowing the hmmer to return: escapement pinoplyer: panst rt of pino plying pan sm icke .mustrd egetble pikl pccalll .spiy mixed pikle chutne ctre .pture in book: llustaton, plate piture of person
tu a
ortrat artists picture of hmse from the observer acgroun or herse selortrat wa por • bright area of a picture hghlght trait poster nu • sm picture • position taken by the living subject set iside a larger one nset pic of a picture ose • representtion of
ture etc that can be printed onto an other surface by heat pressure trans e picture of Death leading a to the grave an ce o eath an se ma care picture venerated in the Eastern Church con set of 14 pic tures depicting Christs journey to Calvary Staton Staton s o the Cross pic ture of an indoors scene nteror pictre of an outdoors scene eter o picture portraying everyday life gene scene picture of rural life astoral picture of the sea seascae picture of arranged ob jects stl stl l le le satrical satrical picture picture car mental picture cature cartoon mage picture obtained by a cam era, telescope, mirror etc mage picture made by attaching items to the canvas collage outlie picture slhouee picture made of sma pieces of coloured stone or glass mo mo-sac such a piece tessera p tssra) denoting a detailed and ob ective picture hotorealst clarity of a picture enton ocus delib erate slight blurring of an image so cus range of tones in a picture contast picture of a face built up om standard elements ent picture of someones face composed from photographs of others hotot this but up on a computer screen eot manipulation of a digited image mae rocessng gradual change of an mage y computered techniques mohng laser generated threedimensional image hologram picture in the the tones tones of one colour only monohrome sim plied picture used to represnt a word in certain ancient writing sys tems glh ctogh part of a picture nearer the observer ore o f a picture picture furth further er groun part of
a word by pictures o obects whose names make its syllables reus picture mount ma rnamental woodn strip for picture hooks c ture trim trim a pictures pictures edges
cro p • pie thrown in slapstick comedy custar e sma pie ast att
• pastry folded round a sweet ling tunoer • small open pastry case
olauent p • piece le over emaner remnant p • excessive piety etsm ci orcne • female pig pg . ci sow • male pig oa • castrated male pig hog • young female pig glt ge brth to piglets g arrow piglets born at a birth ler, arrow • smaest piglet in a litter runt • pig raised for food ore • pigs gunt ees as pig food food on uit of forest ees mast • waste food mixed with water as pig food swll meat of a pig or with a savoury ling
• skin of a pork joint roasted until crisp caclng • crisp pieces of pork fat sctchngs pig intestines intestines used as food chelngs • lo of chopped pork oal haslet • pigs feet used as food troers • pig fat used i cook ing lar place where pigs live g
st gge pgo • young unledged pigeon sua • pigeon carryig written messages carre geon • pigeon
able to nd its way home from great distances homer homng geon pm dark body pigment mel
ann p • pll dissolving in the mouth lozenge pils outer cover casule com bin n ing form or m sl • rect p • combi angular engaged pilar laster up right stone erected in prehistoric
pga I pant
of: supesede supplant .lst of places: gaettee fee' of a pace: genius loci n ts place in situ mae change paces: tanspse place besde juxtapose place on top of: supeimpse wor made rsm . lterary wor from quotatons of other authors: cento ue swellng symptomatc of bubonc pague: bubo n Arctc plan: tunda plan n Russa: steppe plan n South Afrca: veldt grassy plan n warm countres: savannah nson .(sgn showng) note(s) to be sung to a syabe: neume scale used n plansng: tone n .desgn pan bluepint .se cret pan intigue plot crafty pan: gambt ploy, statagem mae crafty plans: scheme contngency pan failsafe, fallback tmed pan fr a seres f nts: timetable de taed stratey for sportng or bus ness success: game plan carelly planned sequence of actons or eents: set piece outlne plan of a wor of cton: scenaio planned ultmate fallbac: pis all denotng long term plannng stategic denotng shorterm plannng: tactical plan in adance: pemeditate frustrate someones ntentons: thwa net tny panet: planetesimal .arge owdensty panet: gas giant panet orbtng the sun majo plane primay planet panets etc orbtng the sun: sola system de notng a panet orbtng coser to the sun than the earth does: infeio de otng a panet orbtng furher from the sun than the earth does supeio sde of a panet nearest ts prmary star: days ide sde of a panet away from ts rmay star nightside bght spot on a pant: facua natura or artca object orbtng a
panet satellite caty on the sur face of a planet: cate study of fe orms on other planets: exobiology nnn detaled pannng of a compex operaton logistics .plan ng ethd that ealuats a compex set of alernates: citical pah analysis comb nng foms: o ms: phyto, n combnng phyte eg sahyte) .pants of a regon or perod: floa smple aqua tc pant: alga simpl pat growng on stone and trees: lichen .pante organsm parastc upon ng or de cayng matter: fungus pant lng for one year only: annual plant l ng for two years only: biennial pant ng for three or more years: peenna .pant owerng or crop png more than once a year: emontant plant growng n or on water: hydophyte pant storng water n ts eaes or stem succulent plant ng on decayed matter sapphyte .plant growing n damp condtons: hygophyte plant growng n dry condtons: xeophyte . pant grow grow ng on another plant: epphyte pant growng nsde another: endophyte pant growing along the ground or clngng to ertcal sup ports: vine plant growng on roc: lithophyte buse plant shub young plant rased fom a seed: seedfrom a plant fo for ling . pece cut from propagaton: cutting shot serted nto another plant: ga pant shoot for grafng: scion sdeshoot comng up from the roots of a plant: sucke offsprng of plants of dffer ent speces: cossbeed, hybid plant hang green eaes all year: evegeen .denotg a pant osng ts eaes ach autumn: deciduous denotng a pant dyng dwn to the ground after owering: hebaces denotng a pant nate t a regon: endemic denotng a plant abe to e outdoors year: hady denot
past surgry pasur
vny tc
tn and narro trp of pla lat overay platc
lamnate o m st surery combnng fom platy platc urgery on te ear tplaty platc urgery on te noe rhnplaty plac urgery on te pen phallpaty ucng aay of ece fat lpucn te plate trengtenng a bea or jon fh bea or plae dtrb utng egt onto a all tempate tr all platfor pdum, platfor or n a roo trum lo platf da narro platfor for faon odel catwalk, runway platfor platfor for an eecuton caffld platfor for electon pece hutng dplay platfor on a lorr flat py play n general dama play t a appy endng cmedy play t t gr gr uour black cm play edy play t a ad endng trantended to to caue laug gedy play ntended ter cmedy broadly coc play farc ort coc play keth, kt
ort ort play play preented preented to open an enertanent cutanraer play atrng a partcular ocal group alan trad cmedy f manner alan tonal coedy t toc caracter cmmeda dellate enatonal or orrc play Grand Gugnl meldrama tory play ctume drama play t ngng and dan cng muca pera play play on play natvty Ct brt edeval play portrayng cene fro te lfe of Crt or te ant mace play mytey play edeval play featurng eaturng peroncaon of teologcal concept maty pay 17tcentury 17tcentury ucal play play maue play for one actor mndrama play for to actor whander pay ntended to be read rater tan acted clet drama, cet play tet of a play c pt prncpal ecton of a play act ubordnate ec
ton of a play cene addre to te audence at te tart of a play praudence at lgue addre to te audence te end of a play eplgue play' torylne plt turn (a tory nto a play dramate crucal oent n a pla catatrphe contrved reoluton of t, a by dvne nterventon deu x machna tartlng oen n a play cup de thtre ( cus de tte) prncpal caracter n a pla prtagnt econdary rol of a prt youn oan upeforance nrucon bette prnted n a crpt tag drectn peron o rte play dramatt, art of playrtng paywrght d ram ramatu atu rgy peron ntructng te actor n a play dectr peron reponble for a play tagng tage manage lgtng, ound, or cenry ued n a play effect otae ound a part of te perforance and properte properte ne ff cenery and ued n a play me en cne uc copoed for a play cre
ee alo a lo
ese eager to pleae cmplaant ecevely eager to pleae erve denotng pleaant appearance and anner penable esure pleaurelovng hednlfe o f pleaure la dl ce vta tc a lfe
ganed fro te conte platon of oter' fortune pleaure derved Schadnfreude fro te ufferng of oter man ual plaure derved hlday fro nlctng pan algagna eual pleaure derved fro urt ng oter adm eual pleaure derved fro urtng oneelf machm etcal teory tat pleaure te get good hdnm peron devoted to enual pleaure
debauchee, epcuean, ybate, vuptuary ntnctve pycolocal drve to ee pleaure pleaure pncpe rc an perung a lfe of
poc potcs
Actc continen aound the South Pole: Antactca oce aea polce foce: cntabulay polce goup assigned a specal ask: uad police goup wth high obility: fyng uad .plce depatent dealng with politcal secuiy: Specia Banch polce detacent sen to seze speced pesons: natch uad peson ained o act as a policean in an eegency: pecal cntabe ebe of a selfapponed cizen goup policng ts locality: vigante policeans shot thck sck: tunche polce patol ca: uad ca police van fo tanspoing pison es: Back aia police coodin aion oce fo investgaion of a ajo cie: ncdent m police kt fo assebling a lkeness of a wanted peson: identikit, phtfit docuen authoizing specied police acvy: waant supise hostile polie visit ad polcean tun of duty: watch polceans egula patol: beat egua assignent of a policean o a acula beat: cmmunty pcing polce job conolling tafc: pnt duty .lowest police ank: cntabe fce in chage of a constabulay: chef cntable ofce i chage of the Metopoltan Police: chef cmmiine intenational police oganizaton: ntep ocy .declaed policy: pam ptn aspect of his: plank .publshed polcy stateent: manfet policy of acial segegaton: clu ba .policy of passve esstance: atyagaha state policy of havng no dealngs with its negh bous: latnm evesal of pol icy: abutface, vlteface Utun s .polshing achne: buffe sheen n plihed funtue: patna otc rty .politcal pays declaed policy: paty lne patfm
aspect of this: pank paty spokes peson putng a favouable gloss pon events: pin dct splinte goup wthn a political paty: factn caucu nltation o a polical pay entysm paty uppo based on epay epay wth s leade: leade: pen pen aim, ai m, pena ty ty cut sy pathze with a pays ais: few tavele publicaion contolled by
a poltcal pay: gan (of a consuency political assocaion) choose as candidate fo an electon: adpt (of a constituency poltical associ aton) ejec a pevious peviously ly adopted adop ted canddate: deeect poltican belonging to no pay: ndependent .ove to a ival political goup: defect poltical oppostion in a nepay state: diidence
otcn espected poliical leade: tateman expeienced poltcian: ede tat tateman eman .poitcian anipulatng hs audiences eo in: demaggue pliician belonging to no paty: ndependent denoting a olticans staeent concodant wh hs pays poson: nmeage denotng a cafty and unscupulous poltican: achiavelian otcs .politcs as inluenced by geogaphcal facos: geptic global balance of political powe: wd de political agenda diven by pactcal needs athe than oal pncple: eapltk .polcal caltion fo a specc pupose: fnt poliical acton aed a inceasing powe o inluence: pwe ptc poltical polcy stateent: man fet pesstent dissenation of politcal popaganda va the edia: agtpp ake poltcaly awae o actve: ptce poltical syste allowng uch pesonal feedo: pen cety poltical syste wth uch state contol of econoic and socal life: tatm syste of polit
potcs pope
icl power-sharng or coexistence: pluaim discarded political sys tem: ancien gime olitical dom ance hegemon source of polit inluence: powe bae icl ternational acceptance of a state or its government recognition pol iticl control of dependent countries: coloniaim theory that one polit ical event causes similar ones else where: dom ino theo control of a state by large nterest groups: corporatim political opposition in a one party state diidence political itiative: dmache resistance to political change: immobilim advo cate of major politicl change: adical politician claiming t o represent the nterests of ordnary people populit politica enthusiast: acit, Young Tuk group of political activists: cadre person with moderate polit icl views: centit person favour g socilism: leit person with extreme or subversive political views: Bolheik, maimalit adical ad vocate of violence to obtan political objectives: militant use of violence or intimidation to achieve politicl aims terroim advocate of mili tary pressure to obtan nternational political objectives militait per son advocatng state or popular own ership of means of production colperson demandng the lectiit return of orr national territories: iedentit advocate of political in dependece nationalist advocate of impractical policies: impoibilit dishonest means of gaining political advantage: ga dishonest use of politicl power jobber, leaze abandonment of one's former polit ic beliefs: aptas move to a rivl politicl group deect whole sale oustg from power of disliked elements purge epession re move from the political sphere depoliticize he masses havng no polit-
ical awaeness lumpenpoletaiat renunciation of politicl terests in an area: diengagement not co cerned with politics apolitical
poll on some issue o current concern: plebicite, eeendm ocer who counts the votes cast n a poll: cutineer ocer ad ministering a poll and announcng its result retuning oice
on index of airborne pollen pollen count study of ancient pol len grans: palnolog oton pollutng subsance pollutant oo polo stick: hamme session of play: chukka or enzyme forming poly mers polmeae Ponn • Polynesian gaand lei ond • shallow upland pond lled by dew: dew pond oo • pool-player's stic: cue oor . poor person paupe . make poor: impoeih o • ectve papal, pontiical
• polite
form of address to a pope: Your Holi ne pope's triple crown tiaa .pope's short hooded cape pope's woollen shoulder moea pope' letter to vestment pallium the Church: encclical bie, bull pope's decision on a question of canon law: decetal pope's decision on a question of doctrne recript . pope's personl edict: motu proprio l mtu is) pope's special permission indult popes freedom from doctrnal error papal inallibilit pope's ambassador: nuncio nuncio sent to a nonCaolic coun try ponuncio pope's representa tive: legate Iegate wth fu powers: legate atere pope's admnisa tive sta Curia pope's guard wi guard pope's ofce or tenure
poputon posta sevce it papac • papal curt Hl See • dy electing the ppe Cllege f Cadinals eeting this cnclave • treaty etween the pope and a secuar state cncdat • adcate supree papal authrity ues tins ath and dicipine ultamn• luntary dnatin y tanist Ran Cathlics t papa unds Petes pence • combnn om: utn dem( ppulatin cunt census uantitaie data n changing ppu latin leels vital statistics • study ppulatin statistics demgaph • surplus ppulatin vespill • ppulatin ipreent y cn trled reeding eugenics rn prcelain ade with e ash bne china • denting ery delicate prcelain eggshell • aus type edieal Chinese prcelain Ming run • prcupines sharp hl lw ristle quill rk tugh uter skin n a int prk ind • prk rind ade crisp y rasting cackling rnr • denting explicit prngraphy had, hadce de nting inexplicit prngraphy s, sce idy prngraphic talk r puicatins smut rrd • thin prridge guel rt' • prt pen t traders fee pt • cials cntrling a prt cnsevanc rt denoting a port kept or only a ew years in cask and then ned ub denting a prt kept lnger than usua in the cask latebttled • denting prt lended r seeral intages tawn rtrt • sal prtrait came • hallength prtrait kitcat • grup prtrait the sujects appearing t talk tgether cnvesatin piece
• piece ewellery with a relie pr
trait came Prtuus • Prtuguese n archs sn infante • Prtuuese narchs daughter infanta • Prtu guese ne the highest rank andee Prtuguese agistrate r ayr alcalde • Prtuguese wine drunk whe new vinh vede Pr tuguese red wine tint Psd Latn name epne Pseidns threeprnged spear tident stn psitin relaie t a xed pint beaing • apparent change in relatie psitin jects iewed ro derent pints paallax ssssn • persnal pssessin chattel useless psessin white elephant • pssessin giing scial prestige status smbl st • strng pst with a pinted end stake • deensie wal wden stakes stckade • ry xed up right pst stanchin st st • stap peroraed with a set initias pen stap printed upside dwn invet • sheet staps pane • denting a stap intended r genera use defnitive • denting staps lacking perr atins impeate enelpe with staps psarked n their rst day issue fist da cve • printed ar cancelling r sustituting r a pstage stap fank date stap canceling a pstage stap psmak • sall piece gued paper r x ing staps in an au hinge • stap clecting and study philatel st sr • serice guaran teeing nextday deliery t anywhere in the UK special del ive • serice ering nextday deliery t st U areas fisclass pst • serice er ing late deliery secndclass pst
r I r r
service oring proof of posting and delivery: rcrdd dvry service
offring recrded delivery and com pensation for loss: rtd pt . conveyance of mail by air: mal conveyance of mail by land and ea: uac ma post oce deprtment holding letters ntil collected: p rtant nmbered box assgned to a person sing thi reglarly: pt fc . fee eqred to send an item by post: pta address cod assisting ail sortng: ptcd .person delivering letters: ptman shop or conter condctng postl service bsiness: pt c per son managing a post oce ptma tr ( ssess)
pscrd postcard collector dt lt ps-re doctor condcting a post-mortem examination pathl t . magistrate condcting a post mortem jdicial inqiry: crnr psure cross-legged editation ostre: ltu ptn commni cation by postre knc p baked potato served in its skin: jackt ptat potato in Indan cisine: al cooked cabbage and potato frid together: ul and uak otoes mashed and bake with egg olk: duch ptat
of sliced potatoes cooked n mlk: dauphn store of potatoes nder straw and earth clamp dark shoot-spot on a potato y . edible root of the potato plant: tur .Irish potato blih murran
pen . realization of one's per sonal potential lfactualatn pery adjetie ctl type of pottery war clay mx for making pottery: pu .form ottery on the wheel thrw ned pottery: rnwar pottery red b not azed: cut w, u por· os clay pottery arthnwar
. glazed pottery: fanc ne an coloured pottery: maa En lish pottery imitating his mca ble Chinese scene as potr cor ation wlw pattrn gae brownish-red earthenwre: ractta denoing ottery made from clay colord cramc, arthnwar clay for potery decoration: p decorative scratches made hrogh slip: rafft (p sga) oery decorated with slip: pwar shiny srce on pottery la secon lr of glaze rla iridesent pttery glaze: lutr frnace o potery: kln bake potte in a ln fr protective box for ottery eing red aar pottery ragment: hard hrd pthrd . this sed as a witing srface trcn uc poch worn t te font of a kilt: prran kangaroos poch:
maupum pwer redce to a powder pul vr pwer ombining orm dynam( ynais) poer of a engne indcated by the force neeed to brke it: rak hrpwr nlimited power: cart anch, mnpnc . absolte power autcracy dpt
taram positin of powe: acndacy dmnanc . power gaied throgh stats contacts etc: nunc
seze power to which one has no right: uup . obsession with the exercise of power: mamana transfer of power from cenral to re gional athorities: dcntralatn, dvlutn reservation o ll power to the central athority: drct rul deprive of power: macuat, vrndermin an established thrw power uvt state economic and social contro: drm wer der . ombi ing orm crat . person ejoyin power cae o his noble bith atcra
er erivi er fr i itio orzti ueaucat pero exercii poer itout vi y oce minence gie pero eoyi poer trou
elt: plutcat roup tout to ve e but rvve ctrl ocey the Etaihment roup of iluetl irk per: the hieachy per eeki to cre i perl poer: empie uide ccl uly rctcl: paic
cc eerlly ccepte prctce: tdxy adjective audaty eervi pre: meitiu lutory peec or tet encmium, eugy angyc n re eble pr: ing pawn y pryer t elte gace pryer for ter: inteci RC eot o reete Hl Mry ay et f be ue t t ay Orto evtio of repete voctio f e e o Jeu eu Paye kote cor e it t: paye pe pei? y of pryer berve te et me day e of prer for te rvet: gatintd te of pryer precrie i te Ro brevry: cannica hu prcc of pryer lei to irect ppreeio of te ve: mytiim c r ryer hac nee pero of ecluo for pryer eteat echg adjective hmitc rt of prei hmietic ce t prece oter, ep e perceve iluec t: ntecedent precee te ante date llcy tt precei evet ut be te ce of toe t follo te pt hc eg ppe hc
edcbe er e bev iur i upreictbe: e cannn efe erl preferece pediectin politicl or exul preferece ientatin ency adjective antenta matenity, penata ke pre t: impegnate becoe pre t cnceive cpbe f coce tio: fetile icpble of oceptio aen, infetie, teie eot cocept ceve te b: in ute e ccep to cieve i rticil eviro et: in vit be pret t: cay furter cocepti ile pret: upeetatin evelop et of fetu iti te Fllopi ube tua egancy evel et f fetu ute te b: ec tpic pegnancy pret for te rt te: pimigavda l mgadae) o pret for t let te eco tie: mutigavida oroe tiult utere prep rti r precy: pgetene fele repouctiv cell egg, vum tube covey te e to te uteru: Fapian tue ttcet of te e t te ll of te ob: impnt atin, nidatin ubor pri emy fet crryi ti e ob: getatin boy lu ur roui fetu amntic fuid ebre urri fetu: amnitic memane cau cor coecti fetu to te plcet umiica cd ue uri ey precy: mning icne cri fr tre foo uri precy: pica i bloo pre ure i precy peecampia cvul reult fro ti: ecampia uto i certi cul ture o te ub ki t be ur te ltter te f precy cuvade pteou expulo of te fetu erly precy micaiage cplet of
prehistoric I price
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
he nomal length of pregnancy: term fu term end a pregnancy by arti cal means terminate medcally nduced epulsion or destructon of an unviable foetus abortion before the nomal end of pregnancy preterm sampling of amnotic dagnosc luid durng pregnancy: amniocen tesis chld's mental and physcal reardaton caused by the mothers consumpton of alcohol durng preg nancy: feta acoho syndrome pegnancy pseudocyesis lse delberate preventon of pegnancy birth contro contraception, famiy panning uterine dis periodc charge when pregnancy has not oc curred: menstruation form: combining rehistoric archaeo prehstorc le form pre served in rock foss large prehis torc reptile: dinosaur study of the
physical emains of prehstorc civil zations archaeoogy use of scen tic techniques to date prehtorc re mans archaeometry
rejudice unfar treatment ue to preudce: discrimination prearation speak or act without previous preparation: extemporize mprovis ad-ib resent callover of names to es tablish who is present: roca reseve preserve by smoking, salting, etc cu re ress • press to smooth paper or cloth: caender pesse pressure eerted on a physical object: stress llegal pres sure or consant duress obtain ing money or property by duress: ex tortion duress exerted by threats to reveal compromising secrets back mai political pressure applied by delbeate envronmental damage ecoterrorism elongated egion of high atmospheric pressure ridge elongated regon of low atmospherc
pressure: trough area of atmos pheric pressure lower than those around it: depression unstable at turbuence mospherc pressure: press down rmly: tamp instru ment measurng liqud or gas pres sure: manometer, piezometer in strument measurng atmospherc pressure: barometer
pretended gnorance o nnocence disingenuousness .pre tend to b another person imperson ate person dong this impostor
retty esque rice
lowest prce a t which an auc tioned item may be sold: reserve prce: ist price prce ocal mnmum price sup guaranteed port price contractor's estimated prce for a job quotation contract ors rm price for a specied jo: ten der unvaryng price: fat rte as sgn a price to: vaorize haggle over a price chaffer collaboraton of traders to f prices cartel price ring increase to cost prce vendoS markup sum added to a noral prce premium offer a highe prce than that fr whch the sale has al ready been agreed wth anothe gaz ump over-pricing to make n art icle seem superior prestige pricing tem sold at a loss to attract cus tomers: oss eader selng at df ferent prces to dfferent customers: price discrimination price reduc tion oeed to certain categores of purchaser concession, discount printed paper enttling the holde to buy at a reduced prce voucher between manufacturer agreement and retailer not to discount prices re tai price maintenance resae price maintenance marketdomnant trader whose prces are sadowed by the competton price eader low prcing to force compettors out of the market predatory pricing reduce a
post prc: mak dwn snstv to prc cangs laic notng an rrucbl prc: n notng a sarply ncras prc inflad notng a prc so g as to scourag purcas: phibiiv tabl of prcs aiff gur nctng t avrag poston of slct prcs: indx . govrnnt ntrvnton to kp prcs on: pic cnl govrnnt ntrvnton to kp prcs up: pic upp syst lnkng ag tc rss to rc rss gnral rs n prcs indxain gnral ructon n inflain prcs dflain
pr lang to ons onfall: hubi arogantly srgtous prson: pig solmnly
sportant: pmpu
hi adjecives: clical hiaic ac dal cf prst: hiach g rankng prst pnifx pst prsng ovr ctral captr dan s rsnc dany prst on a catral captr: cann prst n carg of catral usc: pcn prsts pastoral rsponsbilty: cu form:
sacrantal asson o sns t a prst cnfin • prsts sacra ntal forgvnss of confss sns abluin prst prforng t Eucarst: clban ancnt Cltc
prst: Duid . Bust prst n Cna or Japan: bn ttl of a Frnc abbot or (as a courtsy) of any Frnc clrgyman abb Ortoo prst n Grc pp papa Ortoo prst n ussa pp notng a onastc prst: gula notng a nononastc prst: cua ak soon a prst: dain stff t collar fastn at t ack orn by so clrgy: cprsts ica clla, dg cla robs vsmn prsts lturgcal rss: cannical prsts suar lturgcal at: bia assstant
prst: cua curats job: cuacy prsts lturgcal attnan: ac Iy v rul by prsts hicrvaton an tanssson acy of a prsts sprtual autory fro tat vn to t apostls: aplic
uccin I ee also Chuch f England Rman Cahlic Chuch rnce st of prncpls gung or suarng an actvty hy prncpl tat anytng can go rong t ll: Muphy law, d law pncpl tt ploys r l-
ays proot byon tr ablts: P pincipl .prncpl tat ork pans to t tm availabl: Pakinn law ang rgly to prncpl, rgarlss of pactcal ts dcinai avng strong oral prncpls: highmindd .rjcton of all rlgous an oral prncpls: nihilim rntr prntr prntng a ln at a t: lin pin prntr usng at pns hmal pin prntr caractr sk daiy whl gr of ots forn prntr caractrs: d maix .prntr o gvng uck but poo ns prntout da nubr of caractrs pr nc: pich
rntn prntng gvng ras lttrng diamping blurr pc of prntng: mackl unant transfrnc of nk fro on st to nt: ff prntng rror: mipin lial yp . a prntng nstructons to a nuscript mak up typ st up to prnt a st fm contanr for loos tal prntng typ: ca notng a lttr not a captal wca notng a captal lttr: uppca assbl typ for prntng cmp .co poston usng nly cast typ: h mal layout of lns of typ to gv stragt juificain rgns act algnnt of prnt lnts: gi t spac tn lns
of yp: lead os o guie e eye leaders arrange pages for prning n correc sequence impose fully nise page for pooseng cameraready copy ro of paper for coninuous prning web single piece of paper for prning sheet . see fole ino pages gathering, signature .verical ivision of a prne page column arrangemen of maerial on a page layout specimen layou mockup esimae e pages a prne e wil cast of sor line a e op of a page or col umn wdow opening line of a paragrap se a e foo of a page or column orphan rial prning for correcions proof, pull proof incorporang previous correcions revise prine monocome poo grap haftone nal ajusmens before prining makeready ilus raion wiou alfones lne block compuergenerae camerareay copy desktop publshng prining from a a surface panography prining of a sngle iem from a larger publicaion preprint offprint number of copies prne a one ime run prnt run aeseics of rinng typography see also typeface rson adjecte custodal .cenre ousng young persons in nee of cusoal car community home .prison for criminals age 1420 young offender insttuton prison wi few resricions open prison secre ungeon oubiett German prison camp staag German prison camp for ocers ofag Sovie labour prison: gulag ecommissione sip use as a prison huk person n carge of a prison gov prison guar warder rnor .cleric serving a prison chaplan place in cusoy pening rial remand place use for is remand centre sen o prison commt,
pso pob
send down keep in prison detan iprisonmen o preven furer offences prevenve detention im prisonmen alone sotary confnement mprisone person inmate imprisonmen wi ar labour: release from penal servtude prison dscharge suy of prison managemen penology relase on promise of goo beaviour parole coniional early release release on lcene warime imprisonmen of resien aliens internment con nemen o one's ome house arrest • connemen o a isan par of ones counry: internal exile eenion alegely o safeguar e eainee: protective custody roer risoner wo as won privileges by goo beaviour: trusty .prisoner's room cell .oney pai o secure e release of a prsoner awaiing rial bai rte n privae: n camera .enong one's privae lie per sonal ree eclusive privilege prerogative prisoner wo as won privieges by goo beaviour trusty re .large cas prize ackpot prize money in a orse race stakes prize given o e wors conesan booby prze, wooden spoon prize aware o e sip making e fases easwar commercial crossng of e Alanic: Blue Rband .rewar given o a nearwinner consolaton prize, highly commended, honourable mention, proxme accessit cumulaive carryover of unwon prizes o e ne even rolover robe probing insrumen: sonde robe unepece problem snag .problemsolving by infor ma iscussion branstormng problemsolving by applicaion of logic vertical thnkng problemsolvng by an inirec an seemingly
procee I poram
ogca appoach: latal thnkng tppng easy o shonest pots: .pobemsovng as a managea pckng pots gane om post oe: tulting pobem tton mmal anng .tax on sovng by anom ta an eo: excessve pots wndfall tax pe utic . ce to a pobem s so son psng age pots by egay ton lad .pace whee pobems mana means: pfit nan glay occ: tu pt esh ce makng hostl takove bs appoach to a pobem ntatv wth a vew to esae: cpat rcre . estabshe cose o ad seng o shaes whe the vae s hgh: pfittaking pst pocee: d pocea e: o po: cmmcalm .po tandng d rcss cmbining fm cng mch pot: lucatv .st (e.g etahss) .not pocesse aton ong no pot dad l aw rgrm . stat a pogam's ope aton: un .pogam nstctons rcssi costme pocesson cd . selopeatng pogam wth pagant otoo pocesson cava easonng capacty: knwt po cad soemn pocesson: ctg o accontng padht rcig cmbn ing fms gam pogam seachng th Wo We facnt (eg abtaet) fc (eg Web cawl pogam evse to ac) gn (eg cacg) gnc meet a patca se's nees appli (e.g athgec) appcatn pgam po ncenta poct catin rc neacng between se an pnff poct gam ypduct opeatng system: ll ll p mancte o a etae an so gam .pogam econg estcte ne hs name wn band, wn nomaton: niff pogam pe lal poct name egstee by omng a otne ncton: utlty the manacte: pptay nam pgam pogam contong a pptay tm . enotng a po pephea evce: manag po ct cosey mtatng a bane one gam enabng the eaangement o bt so ne a eent name: gn onne text dt .pogam gvng c veson o a poct mdl om ettes nva names an a . eest the etn o a poct o esses: mal mg pogam po mocaton: call vng aesses, ay engagements, rfssn yong ban poes etc pnal nfmatn manag sona: yupp yong back ban pogam aangng tasks n an ap poessona: upp wok n a po popate seence: chdul po esson: pact peson okng n gam wtten n hghevl angage: a poesson: pacttn beow uc pgam .pogam convet poesona stanas unpf ng a hgheveangage pogam na emove om membeshp o nto machne coe an exectng t a poessona boy tk ff ntp pogam convetng rfssr poesso's poston assemby angage nto machne coe: cha am cmpl pogam con ri pot mae on nvestments nectng two tems o ha o sowae tun pot om the sale o pop ntac pogam eetng n wante ata gbag clct set ety o nvstmnts capita gain seng o the assets o a pchase o ee pogams: ut set o n company o ck pot at stctons se sevea tmes wthn a
oga oo
progra pcdu, subpgam, subutn un of wc progras are coposed: mdu . subprogra able o consruc oer subprogras gnat .denong a progra respondng o user npu ntactv denong a progra a a copuer can run: xcutab denong a progra copable w any copuers: cssplam an exen son o s provdng ueda hypmda facles: secre progra nsrucons causng daage f acvaed g bmb sulaneous execuon of several progras mutpcssng, muttaskng . suaneous execuon of dfferen pars of e sae progra ppnng .sal addon o a progra patch syse of sybols for prograwrng anguag .end a progras operaon xt conver a progra no a acnecode cm p progras fallback opon d faut repeaed sequence of pro grae insrucons p sngle nsrucon expandng no a se: mac progra varable acvang a ceran funcon: swtch .ls of coands o be expressed n acne code suc cd reexpress daa for use wi a dfferen progra or syse cnvt
• prograe
es assgned o eac even: schd-
u rormmn nue
.pro gran language conssng of bnary or exadecal nsrucons ma-
denong a prograng language a s no acnedependen hghv denong a prograng lan guage a s close o acne code
wlv roress .ake progress wou eor cast .ake beer progress an epeced vachv • ake poorer progress an expeced und
achv .eney o progress: actnay • eney o ecncal pro gress: uddt • block o progress bstac • suaon perng no progress dadck, stamat sta ss robton .eporary probon matum .ocal probon on rade mbag rojecte • pa descrbed by a projecile: tajcty rojecto • projecor gvng ages of opaque objecs pdascp .devce seadyng e l as passes e lens gat adjus l passng e gae: ack romse solen prose: ath, prose o do soepldg, vw ng undtakng prose o do soeng, oen a a xed e n prose o perfor gagmnt aoers oblgaon: guaanty .prose o rplace or repar defec ve goods: guaant, waanty prose oney on anoers successl copleon of a carable even: spns go back on a prose: ng, wsh
rone to
• cmg frm acus
audacus) phlac (eg aem ac) ronuncton correc pronuncaon, or s sudy: thpy .sand ard Brs Engls pronuncaon cvd pnuncatn pc cange as an aspec of pronuncaion: ntn-
atn rond
• polcal propaganda
dssenaed n leraure ec agt-
pp roeer
• air or waer curren be-
nd a propeler spstam .sps secondary propeller used n anoeuv rng: thust propeller blade
van roof
• •
• provdng
proof pbatv prove e ru of dmntat prove o be wrong: fut
rr I r
roerty ideas as property itelady) tenant in current occupation lecl prperty property in build- sittig tet tenancy for a xed ings and land rel prperty relty period erm f yers denting a property other than buldings or xedter tenancy shrthld person living on ncoe fro property land mvbles pers prperty persty heited prperty retir unlawful occupant of a ptrimy inspect property as a po- building o lnd satter ters under which real property is held tental lessor or purchaser view tere . absolute nd peranent .sale of property disps .person tenure freehld tenure for a ter seng his or her property to another vedr conclude a property sale of years lesehld person taking cmpete . legal docuent transfer- out a lease lessee .person grantng a lease lessr return of property to ring owership of property cveyce right to ownership of rop- the lessor at terination of lease reerty title suary of title versi docuentation bstrct title ro adjective: mtic
rght f exclusive use of property on copleton of sale vct pssessi charge upon property ecmbrce transfer of property dev lti effect such a transfer devve legal arrangeent
whereby property s noinally owned by one person for the benet of others trst .leasing of a property back to its vendor lesebck use in turn of a property by several jont owners timesharig value of a ortgaged property ater deduction of charges aganst it eity coapse of prperty values due to expected area redevelopent plaig bligh .arrangeent for the nheritance of property over several generations etil governent's right o seize private property for state use emiet dmi seize property cfiscte exprpriate seize property for the repayent of a debt distri seester repossess a ortgaged property upon falure of payents freclse .enter another's property without prisson trespss take unauthorized possession of another's preises st expel soeone fro a property evict copany seing ad renting out properties estte gecy property ower giving lets to tenants ldlrd ( ad
prophet prophet
of doo of doo who is ignored
Cssdr roorto in proportion cm mesrte pr rt proportonal relation rati ros prose writing undertken principally for aesthetic ect bellesletres rostt d inlaation of the prostate prsttitis enzye found in the blood of en with pros tate cancer prstatespecific ti
ge rsttt .prostitute seeking cli ents in the street streewlker prostitutes anager pimp . in coe fro prosttution immrl erigs person obtaining prostittes for others prcrer pdr
slow driving in search of prostitutes
kerbcrwlig rotcto combnng form pr( aa) . protective easure taken in advance precti (place of) protection oered to the weak, destitue, or insane sym
blood protein transporting oxygen protein hemglbi found n the blood of a disesed per son parprtei protein present in
cheese csei .fungusderived pro
ten: mypten alntrtn ased by prten deeny: wash rest prtest by refsal t eat: hunge stke prtest by gnrng ertan las: vl dsbedene prtest by refsal t leae: upatn stn persn refsng peratn as a prtest eusen reprahl erbal prtest: emn stan Presnt eber f a dssent ng Prtestant Chrh: nnfmst Prtestant hrh gernent y nsters and elders: Pesbyteansm dstrt s gerned: pesbytey Prtestant nsters hse manse Prence adjectve Pveal , rune dsh f prnes rapped n ban and sered n tast: devls n hesbak Prussn Prsan arstrat: June s psal bk: psalte psalsngn: psalmdy syctr psyhatr therapy that seeks t re an ndesrable habt by assatng t th an n pleasant experene: avesn theapy phba re by gradal exps re t ts ase: systemat desenstzatn sycny: persn nder gng psyhanalyss analysand release f repressed etn by sery f ther ase ahass psyhanalyt test f desrbng nkblts Rshah test sycy agned ntns l f a persn's thghts: steam nsusness bel the thresh ld f nssness sublmnal grp f repressed deas mplex refse t all nt nssness nhbt, epess suppess erba thght nne s peeh nnae rge t attan a gal: dve nnate rea
pros psycoogy tn t a gen stls: nstnt seengly rand sggestn f ne dea by anther: ee assatn nnss transfer f ne's n desres r etns nt anther: p jetn ffsettng f a psyhlgal dfuty by deelpng n anher dretn: mpensatn persn h nerned th hs n thghts and feelngs: ntvet n selfnss tgng persn etavet persn's tre bt nealed sef: nne hld exesse nterest n ne's appearane r abltes: nassm psyhlgally nded refsal r nablty t nate: autsm psyhlgally nded n ablty t ake desns: abula psyhlgaly nued esre t dsplay ne's gentals: exhbtnsm psyhlgaly nded refsal t eat: anexa nevsa psyhlgally nded desre t ereat bulma nevsa ether r bth f the pre edng: eatng dsde psyh lgally nded nterest n faees and defeatn pphla psyh lgaly nded fear: phba b sesse desre t set re t thngs: pymna parand atttde based n the assptn f thers' hstlty: sege mentalty xatn th a sn gle dea: bsessn lss f a sense f persnal dentt thght t be ased by nablty t salze: alenatn aggresse behar ask ng feelngs f nadeqy: nety mplex arrgant behar askng eelngs f nadeqay supety mplex trst r affetn dr eted tards a aptr by hs s Stkhlm syndme psyhlg aly nded bsssn th persnal per megalmana psyhlgal state f pared reasn and ery dmenta eanngless repettn f anther's ats ehpxa ean ngless repettn f anther's rds delsns f self ehlala
importance or of persecution para noia , pesecution complex psycho logical state of sloth and despondncy depression apathy induced by pro longed dependency on state benets dependenc cultue psychologic ay nduced refusal to speak mutism psychologicay induced use o f ob scene language coprolalia psycho logically induced meaningless speech paraphasia psychologicay in duced desre to steal leptomania psychological disturbance from ex posure to warfare ae atigue, comat atigue, shellshoc de noting a physical illness caused or en hanced by psychological factors pschosomatic le instinct in Freudian psychology Eros death instinct in Freudian psychology conscious personality Thanatos factor in Freudian psychology ego Feudian selfcritical personality factor superego Freudian instinct ive and largely subconscious person ality factor id esire of the id to avoid pain and seek pleasure pleasure piniple egos control of the id to meet social norms realit principle young childs aeged desire for its parent of the opposie sex Oedipus mascuine part of a complex womans personality in Jungian psychology animus feminine part of a mans personality n Jungian psychology anima aspect of the personality presented to others persona relational aspect of human ac tivity i Jungian psychology eros primitive mental iage said by Jungian sychology to be inherited om prehistoric man archetpe shared stock of such images collectinnate drive for ive unconscious selfdestruction death instinct in nate drive for selfpreservaion lie istinct rerouing of basic drives into more socially acceptable activities sulimation uncertainty as t o ones
personal role identi crisis psy chological interactions between mem bers of a group group dnamics struggle for psychological domin ance war o nerves, pwer pla psychological treatment therap giing of sychological advice counselling herapy aimed at neur otic behaviour rather than its cause ehavioural therap therapy simu lating the trauma of bing born re irthing therapeutic enactment of various social roles role plaing herapy assocating undesirable be haviour with pain etc aersion therap psychological system posting a constant interaction between paren tal adult and childish personality traits tans actional ana lsis study of phenomena unexpaine by ortho dox psychology parapscholog
• • •
ubc hu
• public
house not
under brewery control ree house person in charge of this landlord, landlad public house under bre person in ery control tied house charge of this manager, tenant period when drink prices are re duced happ hour moment at which bar sales must cease time period aowed after closing time for consumption of previously purchased liquor driningup tme period aer closing time when 'private drinking takes place behind locked doors locin permission for a pub lic house to stay open longer than usual extension bar customers running account score pub bar of fering basic comforts pulic ar pub bar oering superior accommo dation and charging higher prices lounge ar, saloon ar, snug x ture for inverted spirit bottles gantr brew temporary avalable guest
ee ubc • publicity booklet rochure • publicity material literature
• publicity
to trigger public debate
publsng pully
eson ft: lyply set ddng th cncunaiing gnng cty fo clents publicit cnts pttd dick steed ft vodnce of Ulcty lw pil n ed cse: chal so s e fts n ed cse umm ee alo advtiing pudding songe se th seet ubsn . nt yent to n tong an Itln desset of tho on sgnng a contct advanc songe soke n sts nd coffee shng ndetken t the tiamiu Rssn Este desset thos exense vanity publihing pahka .seet tte ked th cton sng eso co- ft lng clafuti chestnt etes nd ntes: dktp publ ihseved n sg man glac ing .shes efeed fo of sogecsed cstd chal esenton nd yot hu tyl u cstd toed th caae .shes ddess detls o nd zed sg cm bl ( cmes ne mpint .thos text s sbO3es) . egg cstd toed th tted to she manucipt cm caaml ( cmes oyee cossonng nd se ce: cames) cod ddng of lk nd vsng oects dit eoyee lvoed cono blancmang exnng nscts fo style nd chox sty led th ce: p consstency cpy dit . cosfitl thn st ked ond sonng nd odcton o ook fo ft lng tudl . lght eten ssent se to she pack- desset whip .ddng of lvoed agng . coy of ook de vl- hed ce yllabub cod de efoe lcton dte advanc dng th hed ce nd eggs: cpy t of ook shed se paait cod ddng of songe cke atey aicl, intalmnt, pint, nd ft toed th lyes of e ppint excsve ght to sh cstd nd ce: til eten ook: cpyight ech of coy eggs, sg, nd lvongs lumght piacy ne ne code my seet of hed ce nd ssgned to ech ook lshed: egghte mu Geek seet of Intnatinal Standad Bk um- sese lo nd honey: halva b shot descton of a ooks Geek seet of honeysoked asty contens, fo cty se blub th nts ondbaklava s d to the tho fo ech coy lvoed ce fangipan seetsold: yalty ent th edtol ened k cds junkt sl cd nteventon itin ent th tt maid hnu . cod ed ltte o no edto nteventon: im- ft th ce: fl enge pin ook chevng hge le th ft nd hed ce sls btll, blckbut sel pavlva ddng of ed, , nd off enng coes of n ook enge: qun pudding chey maind desgntng .fozen doeshed desset: bmb ook stl avle fo ts she ce ce seved th ft etc n in pint . shes lst of ooks t glss Knickbck Gy pa stl nt backlit ee alo fait, unda . dsh of ce ce, bk eches, nd le: pach Mlba, pch Mlba seetet eten t udd ft ddng steed n coth u steed ddng of the end of el bnn bouch set nd o ut pudding set uey oes nd lleys fo lftng hevy oects tack csed set of ddng olled th lyes of o
pup I puzze
pues: lck groove whee in a pue bock hav u pup o presse grapes marc pup o presse appes: pmac use combnng form: phygm instruent recoring the pulse: phygmgraph um pour liqui into a pup be ore use: prm . combnng form unisen p) adjectve dcipiary, pa, putv .subject to punish ent pa punishent as signe tc .enoting a pun ishent intene to iscourage urther crie: dtrrt, xmpary punshent seen as societs re venge on he criina: trutv punhmnt .unavoiable punish ent: mi threatene punish ent acti .enoting punish ent appropriate to the crie: cdg eserve pnishent: rt rut court orer givin no pun ishent unless the ence is re dcharg peate cdtal schoo punishent o being kept in: dttn ilitar punishent o oing i carring u kit: pack drl punshent o heav anual wok: hard au .punishent o oing unpai work or the counit cmmuty rvc .punishent b in icting boil pain: crpra puhmt punishent o caning the soes o the eet atad punish ent o being sent awa: ahmt, x wooen rae with hoes or hea an hans py wooen rae with hoes or the hans an eet tck punishent o execu tion dath paty enoting such a punishent captal execution b a ob: ynchig unconitiona re ission o punishent: f pad canceation or postponeent o punishent rprv reeo ro punishent: mputy .escap ing punishent: ctfr person
84 punishe or anothers aults: capgat, whppg y stu o pun ishent pgy .pace to which inor oeners ust report regu la attdac ctr custoia centr or oung oeners cmmunty hm harsh custoial regie iagine to have a eterrent eect: ht harp hck ee alo tc u butter or oth pupa chrya .pupas sik case: c c u .orer pupil o a schoo or universi: aumu ana: pl ani) . ebar a pupil o hs schoo: xp teachers perioic asessent o an coents on a pu pis progress: pt ue puppet on strigs martt urcse purchase otivate soe b pointosae pUbici m pu uyg instaent purchase with ieiate use hr pucha .excusive right to purchase within a state perio pt states egal enorce purchase cmpuy purcha avanceent o purchaser's rights: cumrm purchasers' reusa to bu: cumr ritac investigation o purchasers tastes an opinions cumr rarch uricon purication o the eotions through raa etc catha puri b boiling o: dt urose .purpose or which soe thing exists: ra dt us cmbnng form py adjec tve purt .puse piple o bister putu bloo poisoning cause b pus: pyama create pus ftr, uppurat us push orwar prpl push roughl: jt ue pictre ct into interock ing pieces jgaw pastic cube co pose o ovable · ulticoloure
uar: ubs cube hn g trcal puzzl: tangam gr f lttr ctanng r rttn any rctn: wd seach r puzzl n hch crtan lttr ach ln fr a a r ag: acstc
puzzl pul
puzzl t n fr clu pr r ttng t a frark f uar: csswd puzzl t n a
r f r gng th a ttr quc hn ra acr r n: wd squae
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Qkr Quar assl r r shp meetng qty . combin ing foms ence ( imetinence) ency ( e ciency) shp ( ends) . adec tive ualtatve nnal qualt je ne sais quo .stnt r a nsprng qualt mystue as sss qUalt ualtatve .nt ng th st qualt fst class, fst ate pme . ntng pr qualt esat second class, second ate rt pla n quarantn isolate qrk atgrs quar colou flavou, stangeness qrtr quartr a rl r sphr quadant qn . adectives oyal, egal
qto adective: nteogave ult qustn conundum .st rttn qustns uestonnae st qustns an ansrs us as a ans nstrutn catechsm . ntng a qustn suggstng th ansr rqur leadng . ntng a qustn as r t an nt x ptng a rpl hetocal .qustn an agnt aut hs r hr plt ssn debef .lng an sr sssn qustnng gillng, nteogaton, th d degee q lng traf quu talback qk qu an nt exped itous qu an arlss peunctoy . rhast pecptate qt qut pr lull q Suth Aran tr lng qunn chnchona
Rr i . femae rabbit de .mae rabbit uk yog rabbit ktten rabbit hort tai ut rabbit dweig uw dergrod itrcoctig ri of bro wen rabbit cage huth iammatio of a rabbit ear: nke .dieae fata to rabbit: mymt poecat ed to chae rabbit: fet tew or oi rabbit g ries rig from rabie: d ce hort fat race: p n .preimiary race het race eio meet meetng race i which each ectio i cotetd by a participat from each eam ely tet of compeitor eed over a et ditace tme t deotig a race for a pen programme for a race meetig d ed competitor tartig pace mk .ed of a race with eader amot eve: pht fnh ed of a race with eve eader ded het withdraw from a race before it tart th eave a race before it ih ete cotetat thoght to have itte chace of cce ude cotetat eadig at the tart of a race pemke peette deotig a cotetat ihig a rac i th rt thr pled .hort tick or tbe paed betwee member of a reay team tn watch for timig race tpwth boat race whoe participat each e a pair of oar u boat race o a core rod obtace m et of boat race: egtt racig came dmedy track cyce race with a taggered tart ad attempt o
overtake the rider i frot puut crocotry bicyce race yl mai bch of cycit i a race petn cyce racig team aitat gneu .jry giv to a age wier i a cyce race yew jeey .racig dog geyhund whppet tartig compartmet i a greyhod race tp . hore race with o jmp flt e hore race over atra obtace teeplehe tartigcompartpnttpnt met i a hore race tl barrier raied at the tart of a hore race ttng gte hore race wi by e tha a hore head egth horerace pre ht hed moey tke .horerace prie coiig of all the compettor take weeptke deotg a race for hore that have ot wo before mden teepechae orgaiig body n unt Cmmttee motor race over rogh terrai lyco hort motor race eig acceleratio dg e .og ditace motor race over pbic road lly bet poitio at the tart of otor race pe ptn .ag igalig the ed of a motor race hequeed flg motor cyce racig peedwy motor cycle crocory race mt motor cyce race over rogh grod mle cider track for motor cyce race dt tk .26mie rig race: mthn race foowig a trai of torp paper ppehe rig race acro rogh ad famiar terrai onteeng rig race icdig hrde ad water jmp teepehe ki race dow a widig
ac ado
course sllom swimmng race re quring severa strokes: medley set o swming races gla r person o mixed race hlfbreed, hfcste person with one white and one back parent multto person with one Spanish and one American ndian parent mestizo seiautonomous ( mesza) area or members o a particuar race homeland poicy o commo pubic provsion or a races integrtion poicy o separate pubic provision or ach race: segregtion racia prejudice rcism, rcialism advo cate o the supremacy o a particuar race supremcist . dierent treatment or persons o diferent races: discrimntion deiberatey aour ae treatment o those tought to be discrimnated aganst positive dis-
crimnion, reverse discrmintion rtrk cyce racing track velodrome . cinder track or motor cyce races: dir trck strip o track or one competitor: lne sharp doube bend in motor race track chicne na stretch of a racetrack home stright condition o a horserace track going .rame or ump ng over hurdle . strip o mteria brokn by the winner tpe win
ners ceremonia crcuit o the track: lp honour .ancient Greek or oman course or horse and cariot races: hippodrome . trackside area not open to the genera pubc enclos ure .trackside encosure where com petitors asseme pddock rdr . series o rada sinas emitted as a navigationa guide: bem reected radar beam: echo .ocate and track a target by radar lock on to eectromagnetic wave used in radar device strengthening microwve ths: mser . radar estabishment trackng msses sateites etc: trckng sttion meta oi reeased to evade radar detection ch, win
desgned to evade
radar detecton: stelth plne
rdton . penetrating eectromagnetic radiation o shorter waveength than Xrays gm rdition re gion o intense radiation high above the earth Vn llen bel discharge o radiation emission discharge o radiation through gradua nucear dissoution rdioctie decy emittng ionizing radiation rdio ctive .caused by ioning rad ation: rdiogenic . denotng penetrating radiation hrd denoting radation with itt e pentrating power: so denotg eectromag netic radiation with a waveength just greater than that o red ight nfrred denotng eectromanetc radiation wth a waveength shorter than that o vioet ight ut onger than that o rays ultrviolet nstruments measuring radiation: dosimeter rdi nstrument ometer changes n rared radiaton thermogrph .deice generating an intense eam o eectromagnetic radi ation lser brea up radation into high and ow densities dirct .ex pose to radiation irrdie .eve o exposure to ionig radiation: dos amount o ioning radiation " ge absorbed dose device measurng this: dosimeter, il m bdge . argest radiation dose that can be taken with out harm: tolernce dose ness resuting rom exposure to oning radiation rdiion sckness
I r
:' I
rdo ay type o radio crystl set tuning wre n this cts whis ker app ratus trans ittng ment readgs y radO: telemeter
radio and gramophone \ rdiogrm comned rado phone and tape deck musc centre radio that can transmt and receive: I device receVg a I trnscever radio sina and automatcay trans
ado away
mitting another one transponder .devce detectng radio emissions from the sky rado telescope .ter restrial radio establishment tackng misses, satellites, etc earth staton, radio device de trackng staton tectng moving objects radr series of radio sgnals emitted as a naviga tional ide beam sma radio de vice alerting its wearer by beeping when i has received a messae pager syste of interconnected transmitters neork alter a radio sigal to make it incomprehensible scramble .adjust a recever to the freency of the desred signal tne radio nt detecting and preamplfying the desired sigal tner singlerod radio aerial monopole set of earphones and microphone headset small cathode dispay as tnin indicator magc eye radio wave of constant amplitude contnos wave .alter a radio waves amplitde or frequency modlate distance between sccessive crests of a radio or sond wave wavelength .radio frequences for local commnication Ctzens Band radio wave above 1 k long long wave radio wave between 0.1 and 1 long medm we radio wave beteen 0.01 and radio wave 0.1 km long shor wave between 0.001 and 03 m long mcrowe range of waveengths between to given limis band waveband .delection of radio waves passng from one medim to another refrac relected radio beam echo ton maging of nterna organs by high freqency radio waves magnetc resonance magng radio wave tansmitted or received gnal nwanted signals mparing reception nteeence deliberae creaion of this jammng signals stength relative to inteference arond it sgnaltonose rato nteratonal rado distress sgnal
Mayday • amater radio operator ham rdotty • atmospheric radioactivity ater a nclear explosion fall ot • time needed for radioactvity to halve hallfe • not sbject to radioactive decay stable • radioactive form of an element sotope • med-
ica se of radioactive substances nclear medcne radioactive sbstance whose passage thogh the body is monitored for diagnostic prposes instment for measrng tracer radioactivity Geger conter de vice for handling radioactive material glovebox .lose radioactivty remove radioactivity from decay decontamnate .free from radioactivity clean
• inatabe rat for use in ship-
wreck lfe ra
• railway
line leading towards a major city p lne .raway line leading from a major city down lne raway with a cental toothed ra rack ralway ndergrond raway in London tbe, Under grond .ndergrond raway in Pars metro ndergrond raway in Rome metropoltana .dergrond raway in New York sbway wheelless raway sytem maglev raway system with a sngle track from which the train s sspended monoral short tack beside a raway line sdng short branch line transverse beam spporting spr raway ack sleeper na fasten ing the ra to the sleeper spke .plate onng two sections of ra fshplate stones forming the bed of a raway track ballast ths wth the track pon it permanent way distance betwen track ras gage .earth pied p to cary a raway trck embankment series of aches spportng a raway track vadct water tnnel under a raway tack clver onward slope of
• •
zr a raway track grdiet, cie area f adustable ntersectng rack: pots nts desgned t dera ve hcles cng the wrng way ctch pots barrer at the end f a ral way rack: ffes sgnal fr the ne sectn f rack: home sig sgnal gvng advance warnng: dis tt g elsve warnng de vce set n th track: detotor raway track and asscated eu ent trcor ersn uldng r antanng ralway tracks: , pteer tracks de buldng fr whch nts sgnals etc are cn trlled sg box inr ralway stan: ht statn wth etensve arkng: r statn nfra n bard r screen: dcto sta tn tha s a ar ransrt nter change: rihed statn servng several rutes: iterchge safekeeng fr luggage a a statn e ggge fcal n charge f a ralway statn sttiomser int where rues erge r crss jcto rlingstck antenance shed wth a turntable: rodhose t where vehcles etc crss ra way racks ee crossig frer faus raway gude: Brdsh see lso tri
. comining form po) djective pu lght ne ran
drzze checaly luted rain: cid ri ranfall reachng the grund thrugh trees etc throghf ranwater nt absrbed by the earth: off ran clud: ms sd den voent rnstr codrst, dege rany seasn n suthern Asa: mosoo a lne nng nts f eual ranfal isohet srayng checals nt a clud t roduce ran: seedig perd wth lttle r n ran droght nt washed away by ranfal rifst rnow band f clurs seen n the ranbw: spectrm
ry raly f Scuts and/r Gudes jmoee rndom dentng usc allwng fr se rand eleents n ts er france etoric rnk rankng by status: herrch f h her rank speror f lwer rank: ubordite rrty ac crded t ersns f dferent rank: pecedece rase t a hgher rank: promote degrde t a lwer rank: demote, reegte ttled er sn rtocrt ersn belngng t nether the ryalty nr the arstc racy: commoe rd comining form: tch rad heartbeat due t eceent fever etc tchcrdi r rseclured rash roseol tchng red rash caused by fd al erges: hves, ette rsh , utic rash rund the wast r head wth etree nerve an shi ges, herpes zoster Rtfr Rasaaran ar style wth har n tght brads: dred ocs Rastafaran's vegetaran fd it Rastafaran nae fr Gd: cnteptuus Rastaran Jh ter fr whte scety and cuture Bbo rt djective mure ale rat: buc yung rat pup rt reduce r reve rates de rte rtr comining form h (
rto rat f tes t a gven area dest rat n whch ne ter n creases as the ther decreases: verse rtio rton free fr ratnng restrc tns deto rn dective corie ry djectiv: rd rzor leather str fr sharenng razrs tro
read reord paer
can be rea egibe rea arefuly perue, pre ver rea casually: bre rea pacinabiliy o rea ue o igily: dip norance: iteracy inabiliy o rea ue o brain aage aexia rd culy wit reaing bndne ue o brain ysfuncion: dyeia .scarcely able o rea an wrie eiterate unabe o rea or wrie: iterate . reaing wors by ei general appearance and ay reaing wors by e souns eir eers epress: phnc .reaers cubicle in a library: carre reaing san: ectern redy reay require: n aert, tandby release fro a sae of reaness: tand dn ake ore concree or rey eal: refy avoiance of npleasan realiies: ecap re enn cour's winning opening: hazard buil projecion in e cour tabur .juncion eween oor an sie walls of e cour: nc .coursie specaors galery: de-
dan reson
ratnal .reasoning syse: daectic .science of reasoning: gic . reasoning fro general o paricular: deductn
ro paricular o general inductn .fauly reasoning or a belief base on i falacy sowing fauly reasonin: guded .a racive bu fallacious reasoning: ph pretene reason: pre-
tet recen
. combi i fom
cil recenly born: nenate re-
cen begnner: nephyte
. combii fom
combii fom nter-
recommend licly: endre
syseaic recor: g recor of a persons eucaion n career curcuu vitae (pl cicua iae) eecrcally race recor of a earbea eectrcardgra recor of urs worke te heet recr of a business eeing: nute recor
of a learne socieys eeings: er prceed ng, tranactn .recor of asks coplee or in progress rheet eay Ecequer recor: ppe r . paperwork re quire for ofcial recors: dcuentatn se of recors, papers, ec on a paricuar opic: der coec ion of ocuens or recors: archive, perio before wrien reregitry ors: prehtry see also archive
combii fom graph
recoring e isance ravele an spees acieve by a oor veicle: tachgaph
recorder fpple recordn
a recoring ae a a public perforance: live coponen ransferring elecrical signals o e recoring eu coninuous sequence rehead recor a core a one ie tae elevision prograe for later viewing: tieh general soun qualiy of a recoring: prductn . laserrea isk of igial iora ion: cpact di secion of re coring conaining a sinle ie: reoring's proecive cover: trac inforaion see insie a eeve recoring's case inlay frae isc aware o ariss of a igseling recoring: gd dc, ver dc, patinu dc .ake a recoring o e arke: delete
ar poin place in e recor groove: tyu oler
record yer
for e sylus: cartrdge
. revolving
ectmet eatop
r monarchs short staff: monarch's globe sur cetre mounte by a cross: rb rcrtt former servces re- ron nearby region: vcty region offerng governmen ncen crutment unt employng force n trcery: regang ence senor tves t� ncomng businesses develet aea regon observng a employees away from other com common tme: te ze sem panes: eadt autonomous area for members of a rct omiig om rct)- partcular people: ead re nlammaton of the rectum: gon sufferng etreme rought an rct instrument for nspectng eroson: dtbw the rectum: rctce stuy of rstrton specially pur the anus an ectum: rcty vehcle regstration plates hat sol mecaton nserte to ssolve chase contan he owners initials ec: va n the rectum try lu ty late or gas ntrouce mecnally nto the rrt regret an wsh unone: rectum: eea re feeling no regret: etet rd . om ig oms erytr) ( e enn era re rt low am n a river to regulate ts low: wer evce regu ree rb) brillant re: ver re bloo cell: erytrcyte lating u ow: vave e·face: re- rn adjetive real pero rbcd between two reigns: terre blnness: dat rtaa rf ccular coral reef or group of rrs rehearsal taen with out stops rtr rehearsal to islans at low reef or anban: cay reef enclosng a lagoon: barrer chec lghtng an other effecs: tecca reeara na rehearsal: reef dre reearal rr referees assstant nct rjcton contemptuous reection: ng when the bal s out of play lner formal reecton: rea, tc jde cat rnnt ecessive renement: rtd relate through a common recty ancestor: cate relate hrough rfrrtor refrigerator com- a common male ancestor: anate relate by bloo: cae, partment for frut an vegetables crer ri a refrgerator of ecess relate at a stance of x gener ations: te reved relate ice defrt through marriage or aopton: afrf state protecton offere to fed (of wors) relate by havng a a politcal refugee: ayl place to common source: cate etan a refugee whle asylum applcatons are consere: detet rtons harmonious rela tonship between persons: rart cetre nteractve relationship between rfs refuse to o busness wth: thngs: crreat establshment byctt refuse to gve: wtd of a close relatonshp base on share refuse to socalize with: tracze eperiences or feelngs: bd abrupt refusal or reecton: rebff establshment of harmonous inter sc upon whch a recor is place: trtabe base for the turntable: dec see also rae
remoe I repuao
0 � from a mueum etc collection: deac cession .remoe the bowel of: disembowel, eviscerate reoe remote area: utma Thule reoe .renounce he throne: abdcate eron who renounce hi fait: enegade re .rent aid by the houeholder to te andower: ground rent .reduced rent aid during nonoccuancy: etainer .exceive rent: rackrent nomnal rent: pepper corn ent eron living on rent ncome: rener reair .reair made to an item ue: running repa hoereaire: cobbe kee in good reai: maintain inect an rear neceary: overhau reeitio rerun of lm of the crucial momen of a orting event, oen in low motion: action replay reetition of word or idea in in verted order chasmus mucle train caued by freuent reetition of a movement: repettive stain inury reaee temorary relacement for a doctor, clergyman, etc : locm relacement by a better item: upgrade woman bearing chidren for an nfertle woman: surrogate re .har rely: retort, riposte witty rel or converation coniting of hem: repartee witty retort that come to min aer the chance to make it ha gone: espt de 'escaler eron relying respondent reor reort of a raieworthy act: ctation government reort with rooal for ublic dicuion: green paper .government reot with rooal for legilation: whte paper .ofcial reort: eturn .reort giving the writer conidered oinion: poston paper reare a detale reort: wrte up
newaer reorter: reorer journast, corespondent inexerienced newaer reorer: cub reorter engaged by a newaer on a arttime bai: stringer newa� reorter of artitic erform ance: crtc .newaer feature contributor: columnist reorter ocia accreditation: press card arranged meeting with reorter: press conference eron ulying a reorter with inide informa . tion: source reroio .combining forms· gon ona) .adjective: generative age at which reoduction become oible: pubert .rerodu" cing by mean of egg: ovparous reroucing live offring: vivipar ous reroducing by giving birth; from egg hatched within the body: ovovvparous breeding between \ cloely related individual inbreed� ng .external reroductive genitals female externa vulva male external pens, testiles gland roducinJ ova: ovary tube conveying th ovum o the uteru: allopan tub gland releaing a luid comonent emen: prostate gland erm: testis itouction emen to the vagina other than by ua intercoure: artiicial ation reroductive cell: organ roducng gaete: .keeing an egg warm: .efreroction of genetic ia: replcation denoting aexual roduction: vegetative incaable reroduction: sterle combinin reie herpet(o), saur, saurus rehitoric retile: dinosaur, saura gla container for keeing ma retle: terrarum tudy of retile1 herpetology reaio .reutation gained ablity or achievement: statre, st
sposbliy discaimer .peson e tus publc esucio of a pesons repuaon humiiation mlicous sponsble fo anohe: sponsor ake on excesse esponsbles: esucion of a pesons repuaion overextend onese character assassination whspering campaign res sho es: respite may reqes fomal reques: petition es ken in ho counes siesta reqire whenee eque: on resaran simple esauran: demand cafe coee shop istro, rasserie sesece esauan: cafeteria resin ambe rubbe on snge saf esauan canteen esaurnsumen bows rosin .synhec an selng cooke foo o be een esn use o make synhec exle elsehre takeaway esauran bes poester synhec esn specling n oass rotisserie use n pains an ahesives: pour resaua where mea s cae ethane exble sythec esin uner the cusomers recon: car use n packagg: pothene ver pancake resauran: crperie resis essnce o pessure: compressive strength essance o .pza esauran: pieria .smal Greek esauan taverna smal enso: tensi e strength resstance alan esturan: trattoria place geeae he one suface bushes seng a a esaura: cover espas anothe friction .sgne fo auan chage fo brea laun ec mnimum aressance streamined chage esaurans lis of ha cnno be resise: inexorae cover aailable ishes menu dish aal abanonmen o ressance: capitu- able on a pacua ay: pat du jour ation l pas d jor) lm menu resor eso hang a mecnal see a xe oea pce: tae mneal sprng: spa spa o sease d'hte menu wh em pce sep esor: watering pace aaely a carte syle of esturesore .share esource poo a sece n whch a cusomes cae use of esources thri plae is lle by waers a he able siver service esauran owne rese • mbinin frm wise restaurateur esaurans seno (g priwis) amring espec cook: chef esaurans junior cook prestige gen as a mak of espec commis bag fo resaan cushonorfic .respec ue o famly o ome o ake home ueae foo: fathelan piet s dogg ag reseae slghly srepuable raffish rak sh shabby n s- resrain .nke mel ings se curng he wsts o aes: shackes epuable seedy uny an wrs shckles manaces anke repuabe pesons: ragtag and shackes: fetters hol ow otai someones arms a legs: pinion resonse .auomac espose: i nstnct refex action .repoe eac- resriions fee from esco o a new pouc poposa ec ons decontro feedack uenthusasc o hosle res .ossble res ventuait eacion: negative feedack na esu upshot ancmacc resonsiii .area of espons oucome: nonevent able o pobily province .share esposuce the ese resu: eficacious biliy parnership ena of e .aime a paccl esu aher
reaao I rce tha theoretical purity: pragmatc .achieig poor results: upoductve • achieig o results: oproductive • based o actual results ex post facto reiain • combinin form: couter con-aack) reiemen • deotig a perso who has retired from the ofce cited: emrtus rer • witty retor that comes to mid aer the chace to make it has goe: esprt de I'escaler rern • retur to fashio or suc cess: comeack revenge .act of reege reprisa retalato reversa .combinin form: dis sam), u n) revin • icitemet to rebellio sedtio .reolutioary uprisig: srrecto • sudde seizure of power: coup coup dta cops 'a) putsch • dissatised ad rebellious perso macotet • perso takig actie part i a reoluto i surget • oppositio to revolutioar ies couterisurgecy reward • reward offered to ecourage greater effort: icetive .reward offered for capturig or killig a wated perso or amal outy r er • words addressed to a ab set perso or thg apostrophe applicatio of oe word to to thers: zeugma use of apparet cotradictios oxymoro .picturesque compariso simie • picturesque descriptio i which he object escribed is said to be the thig it resembles metaphor • costructio lackig its expected grammatical sequece aacoloutho • itroduc tio of a irreleat topic digressio • deice of metioig a subject by sayig oe is ot goig to metio t apophass • igeious gure of speech coceit • omissio of words
26 easily uderstood from the cotext elpsis persoicatio of a abstract cocept: prosopopoea .opeig a ew setece by repeatg the last word of the precedig oe aadplosis • opeig a series of seteces with the same word aa phora .substitutio of a attribute for the thig possessig it: meoymy itotes • deliberate meiosis • use of more words tha is ecessary to coey the bare meaig peoasm edudacy
remism • rheumatism of the joits rheumatod athritis teroid used to treat rheumatism hydrocotisoe
• youg rhioceros riners caf • rhyme betwee al rme stressed syllables: mascuie rhyme • rhyme betwee al ustressed syllables femiie rhyme .rhyme i olig midlie words: tera • partal rhyme bewee rhme words wth differet cosoats para rhyme .ear rhyme betwee words haig simiar cosoat or owel souds but ot both asson ace .false rhyme betwee words that look but do ot soud the same eyerhyme impeect rhyme • game of etig successie lies of rhymig erse cramo �ee lo verse rtm umbers idicatig the rhythm of a musical score time sg ature • emphasied beat: doweat .uemphasied beat: upeat .dis placemet of the beat sycopatio rb • adjective: costal • betwee the ribs itercosta uattached rib false ri oating ri .ribbos o a hat cockde
rce • ice the husk: paddy • rice eld: paddy • talia rice dish rs otto • Spash rice dish with chicke ad seafood paella • Middle aster
d I ve
rice dis wt spices and vegetables plaf
ri 0 get r o by passing on offload rige 0 dentng materials saped nto ridges and grooves: cogated natral ridge rom eac side o wic water drains into a derent river system wateshed rie lg tomtic rie cabe back part o a ie barrel beech sliding element o a rie's breec olt rear end o a rie: bt lean ries togeter wit teir btts on te grond pile ams rie range btts mond or a target in a rie range bt see also g righ' rigts togt to be pos sesse by anyone: hma ghts rigts to political and social reedom and eqity cvl ghts cvl lbety prnciple tat persons ave eqal rigts egalaiasm eclsive rigt peogatve 0 enoting a rigt establise by long se pesciptve by rigt: de je 0 aving a rigt elgbe rigt to enjoy dayligt in ones windows, nobstrcted by sb seqent bilding: acet ghts rigt o cross anoer persons land: easemet anoters rigt to cross ones lnd sevtde eclsive rigt to pblis or se artisic mater ial: copyight igt to reject a decision mde by oters: veto 0 rigt to speak or collaborate wit woeve one wises fee assocato 0 rigt to epress ones opinions fee speech rstborn cid's rigt o sccession pmogete rigt to vote fachse legal transer o a rigt: assgmet person o wom a rigt is legally transerre: assg assigee 0 rerain rom eercisin a rigt: waive rh
fors dexto adjee dex
tal 0 rigt side o a sip as seen by one acing its prow: staboad rim projectng rim: flage ring adjee ala ring or te leas on a dog's collar: tee leater ring or Sco's neckercie woggle nger ring aving a sel instead o a stone sget g rng worn to eep a more valable one rom slipping keepe plain rng worn n pierced ear to prevent its closg p: keepe sleepe 0 ring nserted in te lip: labet 0 ring o mscle: sphcte ring o igt rond te sn or moon: aeoe cooa 0 colored ring seen in he cross section o a tree nk representng a year's growt aa g ree g ringing persistent rnging sond eard in one or bot ears tits ringworm 0 ehnial er tea peds rio 0 steal goods dring a riot: loot risk 0 risk nerent in a particlar activity occpatioal hazad willing to take risks: vetesome deliberate rsktaking: advetsm, bkmaship nding or risky projects: vete captal person at risk: maked ma ealth or envonmental risk pose by microbiological eperimentation: biohazad pt at risk: impel 0 pt to ecessive risk oveexpose ria admission rital iitato rital markng a new stage in life: ite of passage secret ria: mystees 0 rita poring o liqid libatio riva 0 se o varios ploys to gain psycologica advantage over ones ri vas: gamesmashp river onng for f1vo jes flval, flvatle potamc vee 0 ice river: glace rive owing nto a larger one tbtay place were a river begins soce tribtary joning a rver close to its
ve a I ad
soce headwater • sma islan n a ie at, eyot, hom • sallow ie cossing ford low am in a ie o eglae s ow wer ee ie goge canyon • saigh sec o ie reach • ies wining ce meander • hosesoesae ben in a ies cose oxbow new chan nel mae o a ie cut ncion o wo ies confluence • aea o ogh wae case by meeing c ens rp • sech o as shallow wae rapds, whte water iang la aea, wih many seams, a a ies moh delta • wie aea o ial wae a a ies moh estuary • san ec_ eosie on a i be slt clean o a ie be dredge animals liing in a ie be nfauna loaing beam esicing ac cess o ie boom • y ie be wad sen ie oo spate oo moing ownie freshet ig wae moing a ie a he sing ie bore, eagre ses lea ing on o a e in Inia ghat • insmen measing es ise an all fluvometer • ocials con ollng a ie conservancy ie sie scaenge mudlark maing o ies hydrography • sy o ies potamology
river ank • adjective rparan a along a ie bank towpath roa mao cosscony oa trunk road • scenc coas oa cornche • ban seasie oa esplanade, promenade • oa along high gon rdgeway aise oa acoss we gon causeway i ae oa leaing o a hose drve die assing a hose in a ce sweep • access oa servce road • oa eneing o leaing a al ca iageway slp road • sli oa o a ehicle o o conol escape road oa nnel underpass oa on whch no soing is emie cear way • oa w no ex cudesac,
dead end • naow secion of oad botteneck congeson casing • oa aoiing a congese aea bypass, relef road • byass encicling a own orbtal road, rng road oa o oo ehicles carrageway, motoay mooways amacke ege hard shouder, shouder • Fench mooway atoroute ; mooway in Gemanseaking conies autobahn • alian moo way autostrada mooway in Sanishseakin conies auto psta oa wih a single exanse o amac snge carrageway • wo way ac on a single caiageway contrafow • si o lan beween aie caiageways central reservaton oad so ie dual carragway • gass a he ege o a oa verge oin whee oas mege o coss juncton • mlileel ncion wh connecing sli oas clovereaf juncton, nterchange • bige o one oa o coss anohe flyover, overpass • oa assing ne an ohe underpass one oen sace wee seeal oas mee cr cus • oasie baie eening ac cies crash barrer • oa hm o limi see sleepng polceman, speed bump, speed hump sie camea oogahing seeng eicles speed camera chage sing a sec o oa toll sie soing aea layby oasie esablishmen selling el ec fllng staton, servce staton, petrol sta ton oasie esablishmen oe ing aking eelling, an esa an aciliies servce area, servces • bel o land alongside a mao oad : corrdor • biling alng he sies o ; a oa rbbon development ise in a oas sace owas e cene o asss ainage camber • ise in a oas sace a one sie, o assis coneing bank .ceae een sloes o oabiling grade • seeness
, I
e I cke �.
of a rod: grade, iclie .small marker roecting slightly from the road surface sd .rased stri al· terng tyre nose when crossed rmble srp metal grd oer a t in a road: cale gd .shar bend on a road: dogleg, hap bed .reect· ng road marker: Cas eye secton of road marked off for a le of trafc: lae lace where a road dides: fork rad junctn marked wit yel· low hatchng: bo cio .earth led u to carry a road: embakme .water tunnel under a road: clve rubble for road foundatons ballas, hadcore sand and grael for road foundations: hogg .smooth at stone formerly used to surface roads: cobble xture of tch wth sand or grael, used for surfacngroads: asphal stones of graded sizes lad as a road surface: macadam mture of tch wth stns or slag used for srfacing roads amac ge a road a smooth rm surface mae p, meal, pave to layer of a road sur face: weag cose hole in a road surface: pohole designer of roads brdges etc: cvl egeer .motor ehcle clearng roads of snow: sowplogh oercrowdng of roads: cogeso charging to use roads at busy tmes: oad prcg ocial rules for road users: Hghway Code .chldrens rules for crossng a road kerb dll robbery .robbery by breakig a smashadgrab sho window: .rbbery by drng nt a sh wn· dow: amad robbery at gunont holdp oen robbery when law and order breaks down: looig, pl der, pllag .lunderng and de sruction of a catured own: sack .attack and rob mg e alo he obo technique of makng and o· erating mechanical robots: robocs technque of makng and eratng
lfelke robots: amarocs .con· ert a roducton line to robotc oeraton: roboize rok .combining form lho, pero, le e. rsoi) .forma ton of rocks: peogeess lare smooth rock bolder onted rock: eedle natural column of rock: sack rock isible aboe the sur face: ocop solid rock under loose deosts: bedock rocks de osted by a lacier: morae .stee rockface: cag pecpce .rdge of rock in the sea eef rock layer sram .curature of rock strata fold .strated rock samle ganed by a hollow drll: coe break n a a rock formaton: fal crack m denoting rockface: fsse unquarred rock: lvg denotng rock changed by heat or ressure: meamophc denotng rock formed from laa igeos loose eces of rock on a hllside sc ee mass of snow ice, and rcks mg down a mountain avalache lant growng on rock lhophye .re· mans of rehstorc lants or animals found in rock: fossl rehistorc rock carg: peoglyph study of rocks: lhology, perology .dating of rocks: geochoology roke .rocket uttng a sacecraft nto orbit: lache, lach vehcle small rocket red for counterressure: eroocke, reroege dameter of a rocke calbre engned rocket section jettsoned aer use sage .rst stage of a rocket boose rojecton mro· ng stablty: f rockets curng course: raecory suort for a sace rocket before take·off: gay .surface for rocket launchng: pad plafom suly line between gan try and rocke mblcal shoulder· held rocket launcher: bazooka ece of solid rocket fuel: ga re agent n a rocket engne: propella
d I f
propulsve force of a rocket engne:
thust .rng of a rocket engne: burn � s ao spacecra ro rod used for hand spnnng: distaf .rod turnng roastng meat: spt rod strengthenng a framework etc: strut rod sad to ndcate underground water by twtchng dowsing rod bundle of rods w an axe, carred before Roman mags· trates: fasces roe chef role ead small char acter role: cameo sent roe wakingon part wakon .perform two roles: doube rol .ro up and secure: fur Roa ombining form Romano .Roman crcular audtorum amphitheatre ghter n the amphtheatre adiator mock sea battle staged n a Roman amphtheatre or artcal lake naumachia awnng shelterng an amphtheatre vearium Roman obong audtorum: circus Roma course for horse and charot races: hippodrome .Roman suare forum ora) .Roman country house: vila Roman unerloor heatng sys· tem: hypocaust Greek and Roman storage jar wh two hanles and a ponted base: amphora .ether of two chef ocals of the Roman repub· lc consu ofcal attendng upon these ctor Roman magstrate wth absolute power dicator bun de of rods carred before a Roman magstrate: fasces Roman em· peror's bodyguard: praetorian guard Roman ocal interpretng mens: augur haruspex great publc sacr· ce at Rome: hecatomb Roman household gods ares and penates clan at ancent Rome: gens n s) .commoner at ancent Rome: pebeian Roman cten's forma overgarment toga processonal return of a vctorous Roman general and hs troops triumph Roman army dvson: egion .member of
00 ths: egionary company com mander n the Roman army: centurion .Roman mtary unt of 6 cen· tures: cohort summary coecton of Roman law: igest rst day of a Roman month caends .md pont of a Roman month ides ninth day befor ths nones
Roa Caoi • head of the RC church pope senor RC prest who elects the pope cardina .prest n charge of an RC church or relgous insttuton: rector .RC parsh prest's house: presbytery RC prest's cassock soutane .RC prest deputing for a bshop vicar skull· cap worn by certain RC cergymen zucchetto trainng college for RC prests seminary RC prest's book for daly prayers breviary .RC prayers commemoratng the ncrna· ton angeus ocal teaching of the RC Church: magisterium .RC doctrne that the Mother of God was conceed wthout sn mmacuate Conception .RC Church's statement at a book s doctrnaly unobjecton· able: nihi obstat .RC Church's authoraton to prnt a relgous book imprimatur .RC relgous socety sodaity voluntary donaton by Roman Catholcs to papal funds: Peter's pece denotng a day on whch meat may not be aten maigre roof roof formed by arches: vaut .roof wth four slopng sdes: mansard roof roof slopng at the ends as well as e sdes hip roof hipped roof .part of a roof oerhangng the walls: eaves ornament at the ape of a roof finia .supportng framewor for a roof truss uprght post supportng the apex of a roof: king post beam at the ape of a roof: ridge piece uprght post support ng the mdpont of a roofs slope queen post roof tmber running towars the apex: raer horontal roof tmber: purin horontal beam
rar I r
oose coils lake denoting a rope pulled tight: taut denoting a rope not pulled tight: slack loop of rope: bght interweave two ropes: splce knot joining two ropes: bed ind a ropeend to prevent fraying: whp descend a rock face using a doule rope coiled round the ody: absel meta pin slowing an aseiers rope: descedeur crosspiece through a rope eye: toggle curve formed y a rope suspended at oth ends: cateay revolving cylinder for winding in rope: capsta, wch, wdlass Tpiece for attachng a rope: cleat strand of a rope: py tool for separating rope strands: malspke res used to make ropes hemp, jte plce where ropes re mde: opewalk re from old rope: oakum rosar smal rosary with 55 eads chaplet ead t which the Lords Prayer must e said: patenoster roe rose grower: rosara dec oration resemling a rose: osette rosette on a hat: cockade ro mg m sapr that can e rotted: putrescble .rapidly spreading form of timer rot: dry ot rot affecting damp timer: wet ot rotting process putreacto plnt living on rotting matter: saprophyte organism feeding on rotting matter: sapotroph rotten smeling: putd roaion mg m gyroe os o )
roe alternative rute: dverso deviation from a diect route: detour xed route folowed y mlkmn etc roud .route over a mountan: pass gap .planned route: teray prescried route for foreign aircrat through a nations aispace a cor rdo, a ay sharp end on a route: dogleg person diecting the route to e tken: avgator
02 rowin light rowng ot for singe oarsman: scul, sk .pair of oars for this: sculls racing oats covered front end: cavas steersman in a rowing oat: cox, oswa oarsman next to the cox: stroke sea for an oarsman: thwat oarsmans footrest stretcher .support for rowing ots oar: rowlock pin against which the oar is turned: thole, thole p turn a raised oarlade paralel to the water: eather circle of distured water from each stroke: puddle make a ad rowing stroke: catch a crab pul ors nto the oat: sh p oas roa polite form of ddress to roya person Your ghess .polite form o ddress to femle roylty: maam .femae attendant upon fe male royaty: mad o hoou money voted annualy y parliament to the royal family: Cvl Lst mae assistant to a memer of the roal family equery r mg m tibo .wear away y rung: abrade ecome worn through rung: ray eectric charge generated y friction: tboelectrcty rer ecome ritte and inelas tic persh rdeness atant or insoent rudeness: erotery r Greek traditiona rug lokat atwoven Turkish rug klm r temporary contro of the al possesso attempt to ring down the player in possession tackle touch ground ehind te goa line wih the l: touch dow this achieved ehind the oppositions goal ne: try kick made aer position ing the all: place kck, set kck .kick given to a dropped al put set kick awarded after a foul ree kck indentation made to indicate the place for this: mak feigned
0 ss or kick dummy kick mde by droig he bll oto the boot drop kck gol scored rom this drop goal successul kick t gol ter try converson iteocked rrgemet o oosig orwrds scrum srum ordered by the reeree set scrum loose srum with the bll o the groud ruck loose srum wih the bll o the groud mau rugby tems orwrds pack re eyod the itch side lies touch • retur to ly o bll i touch throwin orwrds queue t throwi ineout rugby liesm touch udge extr lyig tie er iury inry tme order lyer to leve the eld snd off side rt o the lyig re wing mtch tht is rt o series betwee two tiol tems test match Test cobinig fors: archy le cracy adjectiv hegemonic re giol segoverme hoe rule rule by those showig bility meritocracy rule by ersos o idier et blity medocracy rule by select ew oligarchy • rule by god or gods thearchy rule by the sses moocracy oclocracy rule by me patriarchy phallocracy rule by the obility rstocracy rule by the old gerontocracy 0 rule exercised by the whole oulio deocracy rule by riests hierocracy rule by religious ocils theocracy rule by the rich plutocracy rule by sigle erso autachy, autocracy despotsm dictatorship monarchy monocracy rule by sovereig monarchy rule by sovereig boud by he lws o the ld consti tutional monarchy rule by sovereig ot boud by lw asote monarchy 0 rule by techicl exerts technoracy rule by two serte uthorties dyarchy rule by
wome gynaecocracy matriarchy hrsh rule despotism, oppression tyranny
re geerl rule guideline precpt bsic rule principe rues or socil behviour etiquette, protocol 0 rocedurl rules or orml occsios protocol deotig rule tht must be obeyed strict .deotig someoe who ollows or eorces rules exctly strct situio where ew rules re observed roug and tmle rules o boxig Queenserry Rules set o rules to be ollowed i mkig caculio or ollowig rocess o logic algorithm rules or the grmmticl rrge met o words i lguge synta ocil rules or rod users High way Code .rule book o the Su reme ourt Whte Book ocil esurig tht rules re ket referee umpire exemtio rom rule dispensation dvocte o strict dherec to the rules purist sttg or eorcig rules prescrptive doe ccordig to the rules clean situio with o cler rules grey area reri rom eorcg rule waive gist the ruls regular bsece o rule or cotrol: anarchy rler cobining fors arch e. sia), crat sigle bsolute ruler autocrat despot dictator potentate hereditry ruler monarch dynast geertios o rulig m ily dynasty hrsh d oressive ruler despot tyrant ruler o emire emperor e. mss) deotig ruler whose title derives rom desce legitimate ormer ruler o the cetrl Ades Inca ormer emeor o Austri or Germy kaiser 0 ruler o ciet Egyt: phar aoh ormer viceroy o Egyt khedive ormer ruler o Ethioi negus former chie mgistrte t Geo d Veice doge Nzi ruler Germy fhrer Nzi dstrict
ue u goernor: gauleter .ormer ndan ruers: maharaja, raa e rani) nao nzam ormer ruer o ran: shah samc ruers ayatollah calph emr, hakm shek sultan Fascs ruer o ay duce or mer Jaanese ruers mkado, sho gu, tenno Otoman ruers: aga ey khedve, pasha sultan .ormer ruer o Russa tsar, tsarna Sansh mary or oca eader: cau dllo .Sansh or Poruguese mon arch's son nfante Sansh or Poruguese monarch's daugher nfaa seno magsrate n ancen Sara ephor orme ruer o Tbet: Dalai Lama erson hodng ower durng he ruer's absence or ncaacy: regent ceremony o rownng a ruer coronaton ruer's souse: consort rue's order hang he orce o aw decree .ruer's arbrary command dktat .orena ruer's command: frman remoe a ruer rom owe depose remoa o a ruer by hs senor ocas palace revoluton rung grou oowg a cou d'a: junta grou o adsers o a ruer: cama rlla oressed by hose n ower downtrodden erson ou o aour wh those n ower whose exsence s gnored or dened: unperson ab sene o any rues or ruer: anarchy adocae o hs as a oca sysem anarchst r er2 ruer used or cacuaons: slde rule rm .rum dued wh waer ormery sered o saors grog rmor ase oen macous rumour: canard • deberate sreadng o macous rumours to dscredt a erson whsperng campagn .source o rumours ush telegraph grapevne rn sow run: jog shor as run: sprnt .uncomee run or char
y etc: fun run a runnng seed at the doule run away wdy ot shar mea on n he soe o a unner's shoe ske rne runc ahabe: futhorc rnning .combining form drome e aindrom) dromous e a adromous) .rnner resonsbe or he ast eg a ray race anhor man ared rang or dsance runners fartek rs ancked rush o a number o animas stampede Rssian combining form Russo Russan admsrae dison: olast Russan ahabe: Cyrlc .ormer Russan arsocra: oyar Russan asonaut cosmonaut Russan beer kvass Russa oen carrage droshky - Russan hree horse crrage: toka Russian ca ayman cossack .Russan cade kremln Russan aser desser pashka .one o se o Russan ba bushka dos: matryoshka e o he Russan emperors: tsar e o a Russan empress tsarna sar's ed es son tsarevch .sar's tsarevna brmess Russan ur ha shapka orgazed massace o Jews in 9hc Russa pogrom .Russan guar: alalaka .opon ent o the Communst urng the C War: Whte Russan Russan ancake ln l bini) ower cham ber o he Russa arame Duma weahy Russan easan: ulak Russan an: steppe Russan rura summer resdence: dacha Russan beeroo sou ortsch Russan srt made rom rye wheat or otaoes vodka .Russa ea urn: samovar .Russan knoed wh: knout Russa woound oo od Russan woman aushka
adjeciv ferrugnous
5s saboage sabotage committed for ecological reasos: ecotage sak bres sed to make sacks: hemp jte sackig fabric made from tese hessian saramen .pricato ad admissio to te Crc: baptism olem reewal of baptisma vows onfimation absoltio for co fessed si confession penitence, econciiation sacrametal com memoratio of te Last Spper E chaist, Hoy Commnion Lod's Sppe Mass settig apart of clergy: odination, consecration excage of marriage vows: maiage, matimony litrgical aoit g: unction Cristia ceremoies over a dyig perso ast ites sared combiig form hieo sacred literate: hieoogy iterpreter of sacred mysteries: hieophant misse of sacred tigs: saciege sarie great pblic sacrice aciet reece or Rome hecatomb sacrice wic te wole oerig is brt hoocaust sadde saddle allowig te riders legs to be bot o te same side of te orse sidesadde .secod saddle o a orse or motorcycle piion saddle's proectig frot: pomme .loop sspeded from te saddle to spport te riders foot: stip tis loop we made of metal: stip ion strap sspedig te stirrp: stirp eathe sae safe place: haven, sanctay deposit for safe keepig consign
safe safety switc i a locomo tive cab tat cts te egie less costatly depressed by te driver dead man's hande safety mecaism activaed b macie faire etc: faiafe oyacy aid for a perso i te wtr ifebet, ifebuoy, ife jacket, ife ing resce or safety rope: ifeine bag iside a motor ve icle tat ilates o impact: ai bag deposit items for afe keepig: odge saiing saildrive weeled ve icle: sand yacht igmasted sailig sip tal ship .large mercat sailig sip windammer sailig sips ster deck: poop mast aft of te maimast: mizzen masts crossbar: yad rope below ts foot ope diagoal mast spar: sprit pivoted pole attaced to te bottom of a sail: boom ropes to sppot masts or cotrol sails igging ropes spportig a mast: shods rope to raise a sal hayad anyad rope at a sail's lower corer: sheet rope sed to climb a sip's riggig ratine woode block grooved for a sail rope deadeye large treecorered racig sail: spinnake eqip a oat wit sails ad ropes ig • sail rod cicmnavigate sail's lower corer cew (of a sail) be lled wit wid: daw spread sails: make sai adst a sail to te wid: trim re dce sail size: eef, shoten sai, stike sai ake in sai take dow a sail: stike roll p a sail f faste a sail nbend deotig a wid i te direcio traveled favoabe sail directly before te wid: n scd steer closer to te
a I ae
wind: u change couse by turnig acoss the wind: tack change course by swinging the boom across a favourable wind gye change couse by swinging the boom across an advese wind go aout .denot ing a saiing vessel kept in pot by ad vese wds: wndound zigzag couse necesstate by adverse wd o current: tavese .lack of suf cient wind to contol the boat sta device towed asten to lessen lee way sea anchor saiing boats li able keel daggeoad
• •
• jective nautcal .odin ay saior: atng • saior steing te vessel: hemsman • steesman wit
local knowledge binging a ship into harbou etc pot .ship's oce in charge of accunts and cabin sevice purser ships oce in charge of equipment an cew oatswan ships ocer in charge of naviga tion sang master .ships ocer responsible fo steeing ad signals ships clegyma: quatemaste chapan oce in chage of a ship captan captain of a mechant ship: maste oce second to the cap tan st mate saios bag dtty ag saios abiity to keep his bal ance and esist seasicess sea egs saio's cavas bed hammock dried bead fomey eaten by saios had tack shp's scut saios ceticate of competence saiors dance hornppe tcket decency disease fomey sueed by saios scurvy saior's im agined heaven Fdde's Geen saio's shot overcoat pea coat punish a pea jacket pot jacke saio by dragging him beneath the ship eelhau .rum diuted with wae fomey seved to saiors saios skills seamansh gro .saio's tool fo uraveling op marnspke .saio's tie o spent ashore ey shore eave saios
• •
• • •
turn of duty watch saios shot watch: dog watch saios turn a the helm tck saiors work song shanty sea robbe pate person wihou seagoing skils: andue
comining form hago • veneation of saints hagoaty, heoatry .account of a saints le hagogaphy .ligt ond a saints head hao nmus • pointed halo: mandoa vesca • declare a dead
peson to be in a state of bliss (the rst stage in canonization) eaty .title bestowed upon beatied peson: veneae .declare a person to be a saint: canonze peson argung fo a saint's canonization postuator peson aguing against a saints can onization: dev's advocate .part of a saints body or personal popety peseved fo veneation ec .feast of the saint afte whom one is named name day general feast commem oating Christian saints A
Sants A aows saad • salad of apples, cele ad walnuts in mayonnaise Wado saad • salad of chopped aw cab bage, caot, etc: coesaw • salad of diced cooked vegetables in mayon naise Russan saad sauce fo a salad deng salad dressing of oi and vinegar Fench deng vn agee .tis with sasoned egg yolks mayonnase salad dressing of mayonnaise with ketcUp and ghekins Thousand Isand dressng
sa buk sale to etaies: whoe sae • sale of items to endusers eta • sale by mai ode o telephone drect marketng .sale of cheap second-hand items: jume sae
• sale of a cheape and puchase of a more expensive item tadeup • po motion ad sale of goods ad sevces: maketn ssessment of an item's sales potential: market reseach point at which goods are sold outet put a ticle into te maket
• •
07 launch, reease iems oered or sale: wares iem ouselling is com peors ma rket leader iem sold a a loss o arac rade: lossleader imperec iem sold o cheaply: reject, second or sale: merchant able period or which an em re merchanale: sheflife mains .conclude a propery sale compete making sales y unsolced ele phone calls: coldcalling, telemarketing, telesales sauory nerval or he purchaser o change his mind: coolingoff period see aso sell samo emale salmon hen male salmon: cock young salmon: fingering, fry, parr, smot salmon n s second year grilse .Scand navan dsh o drycure salmon gravax sat djective saline sal waer brine .denoing he ase o such waer: brackish denoing ood pre served in rine: corned .evapor aon pools or sea sal saltern .re move sal rom waer desalinate saute deerenal salue: obei sance dropping o one knee genuflection .lying la on one's ace: prostration savage salvage iems rom ru ish heaps and dusins: tot same combining forms homo, taut(o) .denoing he same age or ime coetaneos, coeval, contemporary denoing he same een or meaning: cotermnous denong he same knd: homogeneous .hav ing he same meaning: synonymous denoing he same shape congruent denoing he same size: commensurate saying he same hing wice u in dieren words tautology samura .samurais code o hon our: bushido samurais sword: katana riual suicde required o dishonoured samurai: harakiri
sad windlown sand: spindri .loose we sand sucking in oecs placed upon i: quicksand .mound o sand: dune area o shiing dunes erg rdge o sand in he sea: reef .low ree or sandank: cay .clean y pressurzed sand: sandbast sada .ligh sandal secured y a srap eween he oes: flipflop such a srap thong sadawood perume made rom sandalood: chypre sadwch sandwich wihou a op layer o read: open sandwich small open sandwch: canap uf e o open sandwches smorgasbord satete Soie aricial saellie: sputnik .large saellie used as a ase or manned space operaions space station saellie relaying or relecing communicaons signals communications satellite .saelle oriing so as o seem n a xed pos ion: geostatio nary satell te sael lie in an ori synchronous wih he earhs roaion: geosynchronous satellite ground oservaion y sa ellie: remote sensing .esalish men moniorng saellie movemens: tracking staton earh saions communicaions link o a saellie: uplink saellies communicaions link wih earh: downlink satre sairical picure: carcature, cartoon satsfacton selsaisacion complacency, hubris, smugness sasy o he ull sate satiate ha canno e saised insatiable sauce .sauce in which ood is soaked marinade sauce or a salad: dressing .hick sauce ino which ood is dipped: dip .hicken a sauce y oling reduce .reduced sauce: us sauce hckener: liaison saued chopped vegeales or sauces: mirepoix ne vegeae or
aucepa I Scaava ri pre: cols sam sace base ber and lr ox sace lr, ber, and milk: wte sace s sace ber, eggs, and vin egar ollandase sace mea sace savry elly: tacklement sace ber wi arsley an len ice: mate d'tel btte ceeselavred wie sace: moay sace ninlavred wite sace: sace sobse sace milk and erbs bcamel sace sace wi egg ylks and arragn: Banase sace sace aes, gar lic, and live il: sac povenae pat sace wie wine and n ins yonnase sace Cinese sace wit sgar and vinegar r len sweet and so sace Ci nese and Japanese sace ermened sya beans: soy sern Frenc sace red cillies, garlic, and bread crmbs: olle Indian sauce spices and rmeric: cy Ialian pasa saces cabonaa, manaa, pesto • Italian sace garlic, ca pers, ancvies, and il salsa vede exican sace nin, arlic, cri ander, and peppers salsa vede sace pred rasberries and icing sgar: Meba sace
saucepa dble sacepan r csards ec banmaie sausage cnins ciled sas age Cmbeland sasage large smked sasage made varis meas bologa, polony seasned smked prk sasage: saveloy sea sned smked bee and prk sasage: fankfte small n sasage: cocktal sasage smal in spicy sasage cpolata German prk sasage batwst Ialian pep pered prk and bee sasage pepperon Ialian garlic sasage: salam spiced Italian prk sasage: mota dela Spanis spicy prk sasage cozo sasage baked in Yrksire pdding: toad n te ole
08 savings rg in savigs creased tp economy of scale savings g diversicain p: economy of scope carse wdsaw psaw saw n saw r rnamenal wrk: fetsaw nebladed macine saw gsaw rame saw wi a need blade acksaw • pwer saw wi an endless serraed steel bel: band saw pwer saw wi an endless ed cain: cainsaw pwer saw wi a raing ed disc cca saw saw wi a in blade streced in a rame: fame saw small saw wi a srng back tenon saw precing pin n a saw: toot ads a saw's tee: set sawn slit: ke rame lding wd be sawn: ose sawing ose gide r angled sawing: mte box persn w saws r a living sawye sayig wise saying adage, apo ism, apoptegm, epgram, golden le, gnome, maxm, poveb, saw rie saying: bomde, clc, pla tde, tsm �see also emak scale ajective sqamos scale r cild inelligence: BneSmon scae scale r earake inen siies: icte scale scale r gen eral mvemens prices ec: dex mable scale giving sbdivisins: vene, vene scae scale r wind velciies: Beafot scale mark e degrees n a scale: calbate, gadate relaing a twelvetne msical scale: comatc relain eigne msical scale: datonc scales astlogical term Lba scadal seeking and pblicatin scandal ab celebrities: mckak ng deliberae spreading scandal daage a persn's repain: caace assassnaton scl ty cadiavia Scandinavian gd dess desiny: Non Scandinavian
ca I c
• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • medeal pet skad Scandnaan dsh f dry·cured salmn gavax scar scar n a heaed wund cicatx . iaris) schedule alltted place n a sched ue slot sceery combnng fom scape e.. andsap) .scenery and prp· ertes used n a prductn deco scener furnture, and prpertes needed fr a partcular scene: set pece f wdmensnal scenery prectng frm the wngs fat cou lsse panted clth hung at the back f a stage ackdop arced clth at the back f the stage: cycoama gauze clth paue untl lt frm be hnd scim dsmantle theatre scen· ery stke area where scenery s bult and panted scene s op .n stage tem the than scenery and fur· nture popety pop scet scented ltn fr use ter shang: aeshave dred petals used fr scent: potpou frm lwers etc used n scent·makng atta perfrated cntane fr sweet·smellng substances: pomande scholarshp djectve academc academc schlarshp ffered by a sch r cllege exhton schlar prcent n seeral dscp· lnes polymath, poyhisto great schlar savant grup f schlars wth shared ewnts schoo djectve sholastic school schl a whch ne was educated ama mate dentng schls receng state fundng mantaned dentng schls receng n state fundng ndependent schl fr ery yung chldren kindegaten, nusey, nusey schoo, playschoo pratelrun fee·ayng schl pvate school pratelyrun fee payng schl fr pupls age 7 13: pepaatoy schoo prateyrun feepayng secndary schl puc
schoo schl funded and cn trlled by the state state school schl fr chdren wth physcal n· tellectual r behaural dfcutes speca school schl fferng n· ense preparatn fr examnatns camme schl where yung wmen are taught scal graces finshing school, cham school schl run by nuns convent, conent schoo nsttutn fferng eenng classes nght school en· trance examnatn fr publc schls: Commo Entance .reductn n fees ffered t utstandng Cmmn Enrnce canddates say exhiion, schoashp state schl re ceng nata fudng and free f lca authrty cntrl ga main taned school state chl partally cntrlled and funded by a rel· gus denmnatn vuntayaded school state schl establshed by a relgus denmnatn but nw funded and cnrled by the lcal au thrty voluntaymantaed schoo state schl fr chldren aged 5 1 1 pmay schoo state schl fr chldren aged 5 7: nfant school state schl fr chldren aged 5 9: fist schoo stae schl fr chl ren aged 7 11: uio schoo state schl fr chdren aged 9 13 mdde schoo state schl fr chdren aged 11 18: sconday schoo seno schoo state schl fr chldren aged 1 18 uppe schoo schl n whch the pupls le durng term tme oadng school esidenta school schl frm whch the pu· ps return hme each nght day schoo selecte state secndary schl gamma school secndary sch prdng facltes fr lca adults community coege .nn selecte secndary schl compehensive secndary schl n cer· tan Eurpean cunres gymnasium schl day runnng frm early
cece I Sco
mornng to eary aernoon cotie ta day unt of tuton tme: esso period pup group: class form set stream 0 a for hdren n ther rt year of hoon: recepto cass hoo' hort mdterm ho day half term eeat o abene from hoo wthout permon truacy o hoo eebraton wth peehe przegg, et speech day hoo day deoted to athlet sports day 0 hoo punhment of beng kept n deteto hoo pup wth dpnary dute: moitor prefect 0 hort experene of em poymen arranged for hooIeaer wor experiece former pup of a ho: aumus e. umn: . mni) 0 hoo nana manager bursar reaxaton room at a hoo ommo room 0 teaher' ommon roo: staroom redenta unt at a boardng hoo house 0 woman n harge of domet arrangement at a boardng hoo matro 0 boardng hoo hopta saatorum rent oa name for an approed hoo commuity home 0 (of tate hoo) wthdraw om oa au thorty ontro: opt out 0 tate funded pae at an ndependent hoo asssted pace 0 regon frm whh a hoo' pupl ome: catch met a rea t of pup attendng a hoo: ro 0 debar a pup from at tendng hoo expe scence 0 ene of the phya word: atura scece ene of ommunaton and utomat on tro ytem cyberetics ene ued n rmna netgaton fore scs 0 prata appaon of en t doere techology 0 exe e fath n the apate of ene scetsm .denotng eent beyond the ope of ene: paraormal scentc equpment tube of ery ne bore capiary tube 0 nar row raduted ga tube wth a tap at
one end burette narrow ga tube attahed to a bub ppette ga tube oed at one end test tube narrowneked ga ontaner fas pped yndra ga on taner beaer haow dh for u ture deeopment petr dsh 0 bel hape ga oer be jar handhed ruhng mpement pes te 0 trong d for th: mortar mal ga burner Buse burer ontaner for tem to be heated erey crucbe 0 entated eno ure fume cupboard weghng ap paratu baace 0 oed hamber wth eaedn goe govebox scssors 0 taor errated or pikg shears score 0 een ore at the end of a game draw scorpon 0 poon ereted by or pon veom cottsh 0 Sotth aent broge Sotth bagppe mu for war or amentaton pbroch 0 Sotth beret: boet tamoshater 0 Sot th broadword caymore 0 Sotth word for hurh ir 0 Sotth or oner and pub proeutor procur ator fsca 0 Sotth dagger dir sea fat Sotth dane ree ow Sotth dane strathspey gorou Sotth dane Hghad ig Sotth term for an Engh peron Sasseach group of nter reated Sotth fae ca mal Sotth farm cro 0 Sot th hng boat cobe 0 Sotth term for a at teemet 0 Sot th funera ong coroach Sot th game of dng tone aro e curig 0 Sotth ratona harp carsach 0 Sotth word for a teep h: brae 0 Sotth mnter' houe: mase 0 Sotth hut: bothy 0 tte of a judge n Sotand sherff • Sot th ake och 0 Sotth and agent factor 0 Sotth andowner ard .Sotth term for ong ago ag
ea I ece
channe neck sound strait .area of sea surrouded by ice poynya .shallow sea roud a lad mass continenta shef .slop seabed be yod this continenta slope • ar row reio of especially deep sea trench ocean trench area of shal low water shoa ride of rock, cora, or sad i the sea reef shoa salt water separated from the sea by a reef agoon area of rouh water caused by meet currets rip widblow spray scud sea mist aimals ad plats livi o fret the seabed epienthos aimals liv i i the seabed infauna use of sea water for health treatmet thaassotherapy .display tak for uder sea e oceanarium measuremet of sea depths athymetry map of seas hydrography .chae i wod sea levels eustasy equator ial sea with sudde calms dodrums diver's eclosed vessel for deep-sea observatios athyscaphe athysphere .uit of speed at sea knot perso amiliar with the sea anduer andsman .deoti a state without direct sea access andocked see ao navigation
• •
• •
sea • you seal pup • seal fat uer • seals' breedi roud rooker seapane .lare seaplae fying oat searc .lo or arduous search quest • hopeless search wid goose chase • search thorouhly scour sweep • search disruptively ransack ife riffe root rummage
• remove
a perso's clothes ad search hi or her strpsearch search the seashore for articles of value eachcom .search for mi eral deposits prospect search a river etc bed with rapels or ets drag search for uderroud water with a Vshaped stick dowse
season .combininform tide (.g uid)
seat .lo seat for several persos ench • hih-backed woode bech sette .church low-backed woode bech .lo uphostered pew bech· anquette .low backless up holstered seat ottoman pouffe ve hicle
with a ouded back ucket seat vehicle seat with a lat back ench seat padded back or side of a vehicle seat squa perso show others to ther seats usher
seat bet
• reel
locki uder im
inertia ree seaweed • combinin form phyco.lare brow seaweed kep .coarse brow seaweed wrack • Japaese ed ible seaweed nori • study of seaweed phycoogy second • combinin forms deutero) (.g Duronom tray th 'scond aw meta (g maan ua), su (g sub) • secod siature countersignatue sece .combinin form cryptopact pressure
(.g. crporam)
• secret ad disho • secret ormatio
est underhand of atioal mportace oicia secret deot informatio which may be divuled only to certai persos re stricted declare iormatio a ofcial secret cassiy backround ivestiatio of those to have access to ofcial secrets positive veing se secret told o trust curity check condence secret kow to may open secret release of secret or matio discosure .perso withi an oraatio who betrays its se crets moe threat to disclose com promi secrets i order to frce a perso to do as oe wishes ackmai secret trade i items ot ocialy avalable ack market secet or aizatio worki to frustrate or overthrow the reime underground secret oppositio oraatio i a
• •
• •
ecea I e
occupe cunty: resistance • pe son abut hom itte s known: ark horse • secet pa: conspiracy • beef that an event esus fom a conspacy: conspiracy theory • house a a secet ocaton safe house • secet stock: hoar • gan secet access o conto: i nfi Itrate • n secet: su rosa secretar • secetay eang ith conenta ok: private secetay secret socetes • 18hc mys tca society: Rosicrucians • ntenatona secet socety fo mutua assstance: Feemasonry • Ptesant Afkane secet society: Broeeron .natonist Chiese secet socety n 19th centuy: Boxers • Chnse secet cmna gang: tong tria • Neapota banch of the Ma Camorra • Sican secet cmal an potca ognizaon: aia • US banch of the Maa: osa ostra . Cosa Nosta boss capo gofaher • S secet scey po motng Wite supemcy: Ku Kux Kan .fomay admit someone o a secet socety: initiate • sece poitca goup: caa securt • secuty gven fo a oan: coatera peson he as a secuty: hostage sedment
• accumuate aye of sement: eposit • seiment pouce by eoson: etritus • se-
ment eposte y a gace: moraine sement epost n a ve be: sit • sement eposte at a ive mouth: eta see • abiy o see: sight • tha can be seen hough: transparent • (f a cone etc) fcut o see oun: in seed
• jective:
• ebe
see of a peatype pat: puse • sees oute coveng: hu • pcy see case: ur .eongae see case: o • see sca: hium • coveng of
a fusee: enocarp • see's begnning to gow: germination • young pan ase fom a see: seeing
seemng • combining form quas sezure • sezue of a ebtos popety: istraint sequestraio sezue ae ega infngement: impounment sef • combnng form: aut) • segovenment: autonomy, autachy introspection • seexmnon: sscency: autarky attachng geat impotance to onese: egocentric egoisti • excessve alkng o thnkng bout onese: egotism • exteme egotism: egomania • cheey se sef-confdent conent jaunty sefcontro .ackng seconto: intemperate sefs .obsnatey sesh: sefwie • unsesh concen fo he goo of othes atruism se • seing by unsocite pomotona mangs: irect mai • seng
by senng out unsocite tems an then emnng payment f they ae not etune: inerta seing • seng hough a hieachy of agens: pyrami seing manactues ect sae to the pubc irect marketing .put a ew pouc on sae: aunch • se sma tems: ven • se goos by assocaton (e.g. nscbe sweatshts a a pop concet): merchanize • se a avaabe sock: se out • se moe tems than ae avaabe: overse se ones stock pemses ec: se up • se ega gs: pee .peson ong this: peer .se fom house to house pee .peson ong hs: pear • se aboa: expo • se items at cheap ates to be of them: se o • se goos aboa a a gveaay pce to manan thei home pce: ump .o pcng to foce compeitos out of the make preatoy pricing
ee eea
mscellaeos tems sol as a t: jo ot rate at whch stocks are sol a replace turnover epleto of stocks e to ema downurn .freqe reprchase ecorage by procto of ew moels se of o rable materals etc panned osoescence �see also market, sae seer, trade seller com for monger traellg salesma commercia traveer, representative perso sellg from oor to oor hawker, huckster, pedar perso sellg frt etc a treet market: coster monger, huckster perso sellg pples for boats a shps: chander salesma's solcte st cod cal salesma's persase patter: pich .sbtly persase sales techqe so se aggresse sales techqe: hard se .former seller of qack meces etc at fars mouneank �see also market, sae, sel , trade seme adectve semina spermatic male sex cell seme sperm ( sam), spermatozoon ( spm aozoa) .cot of spermatozoa a measre of seme: sperm count ececy of sperm cells seme oigospermia .atral ejecto of seme: ejacuation emission erotc ream casg a oltary ejaclato wet dream trocto of seme to the aga other ta by sexal tercorse artiicia insemination perso rog seme for ths donor place where seme s store tl eee for art cal semato sperm ank sed se o: foard eior citize adectve edery state allowace pa to the elerly od ag pension .former aoal Sags certcae aalable oly to pesoers: granny ond � see also od age
14 sese commo sese: mother wit nous sppose tte faclty sixth sense .stmlato of a sese mpresso away from the pot stmlate: synaesthesia .form of sesory percepto: modaty epre f all seses: insensate, in senie nsentient sentence' setece cotag eery letter of the alphabet: pangram .setece that tals off complete aposiopesis setece cosstg of oly oe clase simpe sentece setece compose of seeral smple seteces: compound sentence .setece ctag oe or more sborae clases: compex sen tence part of a setece that cotas he erb pedicate arrageme of wors to make a correct setece syntax create a sytactcally correct setece: constrct aalyse the sytax of a setece construe parse setece prooce a jcal setece: condemn setec of sperso the commty: proation sm of moey to be pa as a pshmet: ine ema a sm of moey as srety for goo behaor ind over .prso setece to be sere oly po reoffeg: suspended sentence .reco of a prso setece for goo behaor remission .eotg a prso setece to be sere smlaeosly wth aother concurrent facts preste to ecrage leet setecg mitigation .recto of a jsetece appeal cal po cmmutation eotg a setece that has ot bee legally ahorze: extrajudica .lst of oeces wth seeces crretly eeme approprate tariff .free from a setece prdon � see also punishment setimetality setmetalty msc or art kitsch, schma tz .tearflly setmetal maudin, mawkish
15 sentr • sent's ca for the password chalenge separate separate and distinct dscrete • separte on grounds of sex, race, or religion: segregte sequenc in unbroken sequence: consectve • in proper seqence: seram .sequence with gradual cnge of items contnm seres • interconnected series: con catenaton .repeated series cyce • relaed series of artworks cyce series of events each triggered by its redecessor: chan reacton • series of shops, hotels etc owned by one company: chan sermon colection of sermon: homary • biblical etc passage upon which a sermon is preached: text see also preachng servant • chief servant in a large household: maordomo steward • chief female servant hosekeeper chief male servant ter • ser vants distinctive uniform very .liveried servant: footman flnkey ackey • miitary ocers servant atman • mans persona ser vant vaet • Cambridge colege ser vant gyp • Oxford colege servant scot • female cleaner char charwoman • domestic helper povided by a local authority home hep .junior publicschool boy who acts as servant to a seor boy: ag .ndian servant operating a large ceiling fan: pnkah waah srvilt • showing serity oseqos .make a calculaed display of servility awn sesame • paste made from sesame seeds: tahn • sweet made from ses ame seeds: hava set • set of items tting inside each other: est • set of items folowing each other a xed order seqence • set of reated items: compendm
• set of simar items grop atch
of goods consgnment settlement • use of a third party to negotiae a setement conclaton • recourse to a third party who adjudi caes a settlement artraton settler • ealy settle poneer • in coming setler: mmgrant .person leaving his own country to settle else where: emgrat emgre seen .ombining fom hept(a)e. pon) sept() • aeie septenary • athletic cones with seven evens for al competitors: heptathon .sevensided re: heptagon sold gure with seven faces: heptahedron • group of seven hep tad septenary • ensemble of seven musicians, or music for them septet one of seven offspring born at a • having seven birth septpet parts sepupe • verseline of seven fee: heptameer • occurring eve or lasting for seven yeas: septena .sevenhundredh anniversary septcentenary sevent • person in his seventies: septuagenaran severe .make less severe mtgate palate sewng .rough sewing with arge stitches: tackn • sewing together of assorted cloth fragments patchwork • sew over a raw edge of cloth over cast overock oversew • sewing mking a decorative gri across the clot: qltng .sewing gathering material into sma tight peats • parael smockng eastic theadwork used in smockng: shr • woman skied at sewing neede woman seamstress sempstress • sma case for sewing items: hose we adys companon ncessar .conainer for sewng items workasket workox ngerpotector worn when sewing: thmle .shop
ewae I exua acvy
seling sewing requisites haberdasher tems use in sewng no tions sewae
.lqu sewage effuent ppe or he removal o sewage sewer place where sewage s reate sewage farm, sewage works pt or sewage cesspt cesspoo septic tank excrement n a septc tan septage sewer system an ts mantenance sewerage sex anmal or plant havng oth male n emale sexual character stcs hermaphrodte o, or appear ing to elong to ether sex androgynous epcene or persons o either sex unsex or, or conssting o, persons o ether sex mxed person Emtonally an physiologically esr ing to elong to the opposte sex transsexua person ervng pleas ure rom ressing n clothes appropr ate to he opposte sex transvestite external sexual organs gentas male reprouctve u: semen remove the testicles a male an mal castrate ged neuter .remove the ovaes o a emale anmal spay
neuter sexa acivy adecves cr n venerea avoing sexual activ ty cebate chaste continent
person who has never experence sexual intercourse virgn nul
gng n all sexual actvty pansexua .evocatve o sexual actvty sug gestive sexual activty wth pre caions against Ais safe se e notng sexual actvty perorme wthout a conom unprotected sexual activity regare as a source o power sexua potics crminal expotaton o sexuality vce per son easly shoce y mention o sex ual matters pude unhealthy nter est in sexual matters prurence lieralzton o western socety's at ttue towars sexual activty sexua revouton generalize sexual e
16 sire excte an grate in many ways poymorphous perversty anormal sexual activity: paaphia socialy unacceptale sexual actv ity peversion pont n aoles cence t whch sexua activty ecome possle puberty age at which vol untary sexual actvty ecomes legal age of consent point n mile age at whch sexual actvty eclines cimacteric emale anmals perio o sexual receptvty heat oestrus season emal anmal's pero o sexual inactvty dioestrus eer's annual perio o sexual actvty rut sexua esre ibido act hntng sexual interest pass ntene to arouse sexual esire provocaive tititing elerately provoe sexual esre wth no ntenton o satsying it tease aress a person n orer to oer or request sexual avours ac cost, propositon .entce nto sex ual actvty seduce casual ac quantance mae or sexual purposes pickup ault voluntrly partci pating n sexal actvity consenting adut person pa or sexual a vours prostitute rght o a eual lor to sexual intercours wth a vas sal's rie drot du segneur mar rage partners' rght to mutua sexual relations conjuga rgts sexual intercourse as the completion o mar rage consummation .have sexual relatns only wth one's partner be fathfu e unatul to an esta lshe sexual partner cheat en gaging in casual sexual relationshps promscuous phianderng sexual actvty etween those too closely re late to marry ncest sexual nter course etween a marre person an someone not their spouse adutery sexual actvity etween three per sons troism oler woman's youh ul male lover gigoo egn sexual interest frt lrtatou woman coquette arousing sexual esre
sexua acy I haow
eotc item of clothing etc as obect .person ho is sexually attracted to of desire fetsh 0 sexual activity pre ards children paedophle sexual ceding intercourse foeplay sexual activity beteen a boy and a man stimulaion by touching or caressing pedeasty boy ept for sexual prpeg this stopping jus short of poses catamte .person engaging in intercourse eavy peg mutual anal intercourse sodomte .sexuoral genital stimulation soxate- ay unfullled fustated sexualy euf stimuation of the female geni- unresponsive fgd, cold .denoting tals by tongue or lips culgus a man unable o achieve erection or sensitive to sexual stimulation e orgasm mpotet containing expliogeous, eotogec selln ct descriptions etc of sexual activity caused by sexual stimlation tumes adult adcoe srong sexual de sire ust insatiable sexua appetie cece excessive sexual desire eotomaa moments of ntense in omen ympomaa .insaiable sexual appetite n men lecey, genital pleasure clmax, ogasm sexual pleasure from inlicting or satyass drug food or drn suffering pain algoaga sexual thought to stimulate exual desire drin thought to pleasure from hurting others sadsm apoda .sexual pleasure from atchin the stimulae sexual desire phltre .sex sexual acivities of others yeusm ual intercourse coto, cotus sexual inercourse ith premature sexual pleasure from atching urin- ithdraal of the penis cotus iteation uolaga, uopla sexual uptus, oasm 0 sexual inter pleasure from ones on pain or huprolonged by avoidance of masocsm miliation sexual course pleasure from rubbing ones clothed eaculation cotus esevatus sexecobody aganst someone in a crod fot ual intercourse ith corpses pla crime of forcing another to tage being tied up for seual pleas have sexua intercorse ih oneself ure bodage hipping for sexual ape done or happenin aer sexpleasure flagellato sexua stimu ual intercourse postcotal device laion of ones on body auto orn by a oman to mae sexual eotcsm manual stimulation of intercourse impossible chastty belt te genitals mastubato, oasm injection of semen into the vagina oral stimulaion of the penis fellato other than by sexual intercourse at sexual pleasure obtained via com- fcal sem ato sdy of human puter technology cybesex printed sexual activity sexology 0 study of or visual materal aimed a erotic sexual love eotoogy 0 Hindu rea stimuation poogapy .denot tise on sexual technique ama Suta ing midly pornographic material Ie gal term for sexual intercourse acy, ttlatg sexual activty that caal kowledge .disease conis disapproved o devace person acted through sexual activity veho is sexually aracted to members eeal dsease crime moivated by of his or her on sex omosexual sexual jealousy cme passoel l person ho is sexually attracted to ims passionns) � se also cota members of the opposite sex eteo- cepto, omosexualty, elatosp sexual person ho is sexually at tracted to members of either sex s .canvas sunshade over a ambsexual, bsexual person hav shopfront etc_ awg ing a sexual relationship ith some s observers shado proone much younger cadle satche ected onto clouds Bocke specte
hake I hare
• saow's pale ege penumra
.lmios ao ro a saow o fog: anhelion shake • sakig case by a mpact shock shape cmbnng/rms morph(o)( mp), form ( vmi m) morphic oid ( mi) .ark sape o a ligt backgro: silhouette • takig ma sape: a n thropomorphic • ability to regai sape after istortio: elasticity share • sare yielig ariable iies: ordinary share • oriary sares of a compay equity • sare yelig a xe ie preference share .Britis goermet irre eemable xeiterest secrities onsols • Britis goermet reeemable xeiterest secrities: gils • goermetisse bos etc government paper .sares offering a garatee ie gilts • appy to prcase sares suscrie .eotig sares trae o a stock ex cage: listed quoted • eoting sares cosiere a safe iestment: lechip • eotig a sare isse attracting more prcasers ta ca be satise: oversuscried • eotng a sare isse were some stock remais place undesuscried • istittion nertaking to by p sc stock underiter .prce of a sare we isse nominal value, par • crret price of a sare to a iestor: offer price • crret resae price of a sare from a estor: id price • sares promisig icrease ale rater ta ig icome growth stock • sare of little crret wot bogt i oe of a imroemet: penny share, recovery stock • igprot grisk secrities: jun k o nds sares bogt ow bt elere a pai for later futures long stock • optio to by later at a price agree ow put option • pro sioal certicate of sares pr
38 case scrp .list of a iestor's sares: porolo • sares etc owe: holding .compay capital erie from sares: share capital part of compay prots istribte o saeoes dividend • ts pai o less ta a fll year's traig: inteim dividend .eclare or pay o ie: pass .certicate entitling a sare oler to a iie: dividend warrant ratio of e to crret sare price: dividend yield rato of iie to total compay prots: dividend cover • eotig sares prcase wen a iie i abot to be pai: cum divdend • compay's offer of ctprice sares to crret sareolers rights issue, scrp issue oportity to by sares at a faorable prce share opton .op tio tat may itself be bogt a sol traded option • compay create to cotrol oters wose sares it ols: holding company • sare byig compay sellg to te pblic sares i its wole porolio invest ment tust, unit trust • raw maeral as a obect of speclatio: commod ity • compay's isse of sares to pay off ebts: recapitalization byot of oe compay by aoter: takeover • eotig a takeoer resiste by its ictm: hostile • compay's repr case of its ow sares: uyi n • pr case of te maority of a compay's sares: uyout • tis effecte o bor rowe captal: leveraged uyout • byot effecte to force a byi: greenmail .rigt to ae rst re fsal o sares preemptive • offer sares for sale for te rst tme: float, go pulic issue • a byer for sares: place • by back sares i pblic as go private • remoe sares from traig: delst • rece sare ales by issig more witot icreasig assets dlute .lottery e to assig oersb scribe sares allot ae of a
319 shae at the end of a day's trading: losn pr • rise shae vlues: lly • sdde colapse of the vle of shaes: rs • deotig a market with fg prices: so k • steep r sha values followed b a col lapse: bubb • deotig shaes hav ig a steady price: r • deotin a maket wih steady pices: r • specuator who sels shaes a ticipatio of a price fa: br • specator who bys shaes i n ticipatio of a price rise: bull .deot ig shares sold fo a later delivery date: sor • seg o shares while the price is high: profttkn . specator who bys ew shae isses for a qick resle: st • op of specators byig shaes idividualy with a vie to, later co certed actio: onr pry • unob usive shae puchase throug om iees: osn • specator who beets o curecy dispaitis by buyig shaes i oe cony ad sell ig them aoher: rbtrur • possessio of the mority of a company's shares: ontrolln ntr st • holdg givig his: oln sr • hostle attempt to pchase a coog itrest atempt at this by ealy morig byig: n • sae adig o the basis of priveged formatio: ns l• sl of shaes: sposl n • shae maet stok xn stok rt • perso byg and seing shaes for himself: lr .aget for he sae and prchase of shaes: brokr stokbrokr • fe chaged for sch work: brokr • ocia cotolig a company's i vsets: n nr . gue i icatg he average positio of s ltd shas: n • geer idex of Aerica sha prices o on s nx • gera idex o Japas shae pics: k n • gera ix of Hog Kog shae prics:
hare I he n n nx see alo nvstnt stok xn
• combnng
oxy • shapess of a picre: fnton • metl shapess: uty • sarp projectio: sn • sharpe ith a whetstoe: on sh • shed feathers or fr: moult • shed a outer ski or she: slou • sheddig ts eaves auy: e uous form:
ovn • femle sheep: sheep: r tup • young sheep: lb casrated mle sheep: tr • wether ledi the ock: blltr • sheep hat has bee shor oce: srln • sheep i its secod yea: t gop of sheep: flok • sheep's divided foot: lovn oof • sheep's ammary glad: ur • sheep's wooly coat: fl • greasy sbsance o is: sunt sheep's matted ool: • total wool sheaed fom a lock oe seaso: lp • sheep disease of the cetra ervous system: srp • sheep disease ucerating hoofs ad moths: foot n out ses • bacteria disease of sheep hoofs: foot rot • sheep disease afectig h ski and lgs: ntrx • inamatio of the udder: rt • ct o a sheep's witer coat: sr • imerse sheep i medicamets: p . shelter for sheep: fol • sheep meat: on • sheep-rearer rr • perso i chag of sheep: spr lad o which sheep are pastud: splk . (of a dog) chase ad attack sheep: orry
• adjectve: • male
• shet
for a corps: srou light mtalcoate sheet etaig heat sp blnkt
. combiig forms: ono • stdy of molsc shs: onoloy • tortois's had shel: rp seahel hat may be blown like a
e I p
tmpet on caved o coloed decoaton of sells sms shell" .sell emitting smoe etc so tat its cose ma be taced te .fagments of an exploding atile sell spnel shellsh . sells tat attaces it self to ocs lmpet shelte camoaged selte fo bidates etc e selte fo a ca aving a oof bt no as pot selte fo catte ye gond depession sed as a selte fom gne fooe selte fo seep fol einfoced ndegond selte: bunke shepherd adete buol .de noting a seped constant moving to es paste nom sherry pale d se fno ve d se mnnll .da medimseet se olooso lage se glass soone sheld sield beaing a coat of ams esuteon .nob in te cen te of a sield boss, umbo .Roman legionaies' oof of lned sields tes tuo sield against Xas on b doctos etc pon shne so sine luste sinng n te da lumnous aving no sne mt shp
mne, mtme .sip design nvl tetue sip caing goods egte
.feigte ong to no xed ote tmp sip tanspotng coal ol le sip eqipped to ca liqids n b nke .sip poviding a egla sevice beteen to points fey .xios passenge sip lne sip eqipped to emove mines mneseepe .old sip stipped of ttings ulk sailing sip it bans of oas glley Spanis sailing sip geon sip bilt b Noa k ancient asip
320 wit to les of oasmen on eac side beme ancient asip it tee bans of oas teme ae caft aving little displacement at speed skmme gop of sips fleet, flo tll gop of sips tavelling to· gete onvoy nao bt deep fomation of sips olumn .sip destoed at sea ek denoting a sip it ll openings alloing ve icles to dive on and o ollon oll off plan giving access to a sip gngplnk .ope beside a sips ganga o lade mn ope sips pointed font bo po spa n nng ot fom a sip's bo bospt .sip' onded ea sten ail ond tis tffl on te side of a sip bem denoting te font o a sip foe denoting te ea of a sip , sten .le side of a sip as seen b one facing its po pot igt side of a sip as seen b one facng its po sto distant pat of te visible sea ofng side of a sip selteed fom te ind lee, lee side o a sip exposed o te ind n on te otside of an sip outbo .fom a sp nto te ate ovebo, ovese .looot post atop te mast o's nest .sip's tempoa mast uy mst .ligts song a ip's pos tion nvgton lgts, unnng gts, elgts .small boat ca· ed on a sip olly bot smal cane fo loeing a sips boat vt stong cane it a pivoted am ek lne panted on a sip's side to so pemitted sbmesion levels lo lne, Plmsol lne sip's side above ate feebo top of tis gunle gnale ole to let off dec ate suppe, suttle main pat of a sip itot spestcte o ttings ull loest intenal po tion of te ll lges .lengtise beam at te base of te ll keel stcte fastening oo timbes to
sh I sh
th keel: klson 0 chef ber etc n he bow: stm 0 ce ansese st rsg fro he keel: ri sectoner a shp's h: bu 0 ea between hese ompt mnt orward part of shp below ecks forstl fosl shp's cago aea ol 0 packng to steady a shp' cargo: unnge p o a shp blt aboe he h: suprsu tu hp's ktchen glly 0 rate roo on a ship bin speror cabn: stteroom bed on shp: brt mmok shp's stern ec: oop
urtrk opening a shp's deck: t rae boder ron a hatch om ing 0 so stone or ceanng the eck olyston star between a shps ecks: ompniony sp' sall inow: portol 0 porhol' protecte coer dlgt ship's leaning o he ercal: e list rk
he ateral placed in a shp's bige to ge sabt blls (of a shp) rock fo ont to ac p (of a shp) roc fro sie to de: roll (of a ship) twist fro sie o se y (of a shp) alt om to (of a shp) wth water an snk founr 0 goscopic eice recing a ship's rlng sbiizr hosing for a shps copass: bin nl eice to keep the copass leel gimbl eection of a ship's copass by ion n t ship viion netale a ship's agnetc ed: guss 0 ece for aking berngs of a ditan object: plous dtyroo for ose i charge f a ship: rig 0 hp' steern wheel: elm, l 0 etcaly hnge ap for steering: rur ship's secondary propeer sed n anoering: tust lage stern or sde wheel propelng a sp pl l iect he steerg of a shp on shp's foard otion y make hedway gainst he crent:
sm rate of heady rd a ship t swer the hel s 0 ship's ackwa n strny drectn take by p: ours ship's eiatn corse de to wind or current: di shp's recod book ournl, log
lt of ebers of a sp's coany: mustr rol lst f a shp's cargo bl l of ling lst of a sp's pssegr, crew, and crg: mft cleryan serng a ship: li person attendng to pangers' nees: str person hng n a in order to tael wo stoy 0 ax wdth a shp: bm depth of water neeed by a shp rugt 0 trail o dstrbed water le bhnd a v shp: k s 0 pale y ps nd boats: nvigl 0 adle warng to shps n fog: fogr weght a sips caro g plae allotte to a ship n a dok tc: t hp's hck oorng rop: sr short thick pos to which berthe ship is td: blr ove shp by plling on its anchor: dg oe a shp by pllin n a rpe atached t he shore r g r place on oar a ship mbrk leave or reoe fro a shp smrk secre a shp to an anchor or and: mor 0 noor a shp st ff sheltered anchorag: ros 0 lac her shps ay oor and ld or nloa ok uy as) nload a shp: isrg wharf owner or anager ge wrker loadn and nload sps stvo 0 place where a ship y be boarded: tty ling stg pad hng oer the sde as a shp approaches te docksde: fr repare a shp for ts rern joney: turn round 0 dealer n shps sp pls nlr sip nr lace where shps are b r rped kyr 0 for
hwrec I hoo bldng and repang shps spy make a shp operaonal: om msson ake a shp o o sevce: eomsson, y up hre a shp for a p: te .jorney by shp or he rgh o make pssge shp's schedled voyage: sng oca record of a shp's jorney: og prze awarded o he shp makg he fases easward commercal crosng f he Alanc: Bue Rn .nase cased by a shp's moon: sesnes llegally seze conrol o a shp: k desrcon of a shp a sea spek decorae a sp wh ags overall ess shps regsraon abroad o avod srngen regaons g of onvenene s also o sng
shiec delberaely snk a shp supe, sutte denong a shp anger of snkng or wreck ts shpwrecked person: st y hrw from a shp ettso crgo rown overboard fom a shp o lghen in a sorm etsm cago shed overboard fom a shp fosm cago hrown overbod from a shp b marked wh boys e fo aer rcovery: g recvery of a sbld shp or s cargo svg recovery of a wecked or abandoned shp svge loa ed o ase sen shps sson hir slope on hch a shp s bl spy spy .shp's exensve vehal: eft frame sp porg a shp o of waer: e stoks rn a shp on s sde for cleanng: een make a shp waerh by sealng seams n he hll uk shellsh aachng self o a shp's hll: ne framework sspended by ropes for orkng on a shp's sde: e .char ss pended y ropes for workng on a shp's sde: otsn's oa shp fo he rs me: u
322 shock shock ha may case lasng psychologcal harm tum elecrc shocks admnsered o rea menal llness: eetoonvuve tepy shockingly sensaona: u � shock no acy: sun shoe shoe wh perforaed decoraon: ogue shoes wh very hck soes: ptfoms soe w a hck oodn sole: og baby's so shoe: ootee woman's lgh lowc shoe: out soe .lgh canvas shoe wh a plaed bre sole espe lgh rbbersoled canvas shoe: pmso" shoe wh a rnedp sole: mo sn rbber overshoe: gos shoe's ndersde soe pper fron par o a shoe vmp shoe's renorced ron toep back par of a shoe: ounte leaher rm rond a shoe: et smal e a he end of a shoelace get, tg srp of leahr ec nder he laces of a shoe: tongue heavy nal srengheng a sole: on sharp meal pon n he ole o a rnners sho spke meal pae on a apdancer's shoe: tp ball shoe wh srenghened oes: ponte soe hn hgh heel on a woman's shoe: setto exra nner sole: nsoe, so crved nsr men easng n he hee soeo block o keep a shoe shape soe ee shoerepa shop ee shoemender: oe shoemaker's shaped block st shoo shoo growg from a plans roos ec: suke shoo prepared for lanng or grang: son, sp clmbng plans shoo sed o gan sppor: ten shong person sklled a shoong: mksmn member of a shoo ng pary: gun shoong a an arcal arge: tget pte mond for a arge n a shoong range: ut hrown shoong arge: y pgeon dog raned o fech sho game: eeve, gun og shoo a from a
Sbera I Sk
Sberan • Siberian nomads ten yurt Sclan .secret criminal and poli ical organization Sicilian in origin Mafa sckle • adjete falcate sckly • sickly person valetudinar ian sde adjete lateral • m g fms: gon, sded gonal • (denoting a) threesided g ure triangle, triateral • (denoting a) foursided gure: quadrilateral • (de noting a) vesided gure: pentagon, pentagona .(denoting a) sxsided gure: hexgon, hexagonal • (deno g a) sevesided gure heptagon heptagonal . (denoting an) eight sided gue octagon, octagonal • (denoting a) tensided gure decagon, decagonal • (denoting a) twelvesided gure dodecgon, dodecagona
• naval siege: lockade sege • rise a seige: relieve seve .corse sieve: rddle mg fms opto, sght opia, scopy ( mcoscoy) adjet optic, optical, vsual • dis tance one can see eyeshot, vsiity • abiity to see (only) distant objects clerly: long sght, hypermetropa, hyperopa, presyopa inabiity to see dstant objects clerly: short ight, myopia, nearsightedness • iabiity to see peripheral objects clerly: unnel vision • inabiity to focus on the whole of an object astig mtsm • perception of depth gained from binocular sight: stereopsis .measurement of a persons eld of vison: perimetry • assessment of yesigh and correcion of it s defects: optometry abiity to see in the dark: nght vision • inability to see i he dark night lindness, nycta
opia .area visible field of vision • seeing everything: panoptc • al leged abilty to see what others can not clairvoyance, second sght • delusory sight: halucination .drug causing this hallucinogen .at rst sight prma face • sight test usig rows of letters Snelen test �see als coour lindness sgnal • bell rung as an alarm: tocsin .noisy rework used as a dis tress or warning sigal maroon .light or re set in a high place to convey a sigal eacon • brght sig nal light shot into the air flare, Veey lght international rado distress signal: Mayday • raway signal for the next section of track: home sgnal • railwy signl giving advance wrn ing: distant signal • signal transmit ting several messages sultaneously: multiplex • sigalling system used by boomakers assistants: tcktack • signaling system based on lags handheld in various positions: semaphore • sigalling system based on combinations of long and short lashes, marks, or sounds: Morse .lamp used for sending Morse code messages Alds amp .signalling system based on lashes of relected sunlight: heliography • denoing sig nals based on discree values of a · physicl quantity: digita • denoting signals based on variations in a ical quantity analogue • uality of incoming eectronic signals:
sgnatre • sigature given as memento autograph • second ture: countersignature person has written his siature: sgnatory signee . lourish after a siature paraph • counterfeit a forge Skh Sikh scriptures Adi Granth, Granth Sahi • Sih reli1 gious leader guru • male Sikh�
s I sn
commercl poject status prevous sitution stats quo ate .confused stution: mboglo, mae's est . dfcult stution plght, staits perplexing stuton dlemma, pedcamet sttn offerng no pot: dead loss sitution permittng no proges deadloc, mpasse, limbo stalemate denog stuton n whch whtever is ged by one sde is lost by te other: zeosm n n extemely dfcult stuton: i extms uncompling ccept nce of the current stuton qetsm feelng, when n new stu ton of hving experenced t bfore: d vu ix combinin fo hexa sex sxsded gure: hexago sold gure wh sx fces hexahedo ensemble of sx muscns or musc for them; sextet perception by sxth sense extasesoy pecepo ie reltve se popoto unusully smll sie dwafsm ixy denotng sxteth nniver sry damod peso n hs sixtes sexageaia kaing . choreogrphed ce skting ice dacig e of ice mde or preped for sktng k skters jump with turn n the r lutz movement mking pttern on the ce: figue keleon intenl skeleton: edoseleto extn skeleton exoseleto study of the skeleton osteology k single ski for both feet: moos ski bicycle sbo ski lt pung skies up slopes: dag l cbin on suspended sk lft godola sk slop wth compctd snow piste, u .esy sk slope usey slope mchine mking rtcil snow nd blowing it onto sk
326 slope; sow cao, sow gu .rtcl sk slope dy slope .drect oute down slope fall le crosscountry skng laglauf denoting skng wy from ocl runs opste king with scens mde by helcopter helisig sport of being dropped by pchute befoe skng paasg sking while pulled by horse or dog sog sk rc down windng course slalom denoting sk slope or resort lkely to hve snow sowsue .distnce beween the hghest nd lowest points in sking e: vtcal pdded skng tousers: salopette denotng the soci ctvies nd entertinment following dys skiing apssi kid skd n whch the wheels e seprted from the ground by lm of wter aquaplae skid turnng n ticulted vehcle bck on itself: acf kill mbinin fom shp e samansip) intutve skl; apti tude, gi, talet pctic sil: owhow . mteur dbbler n some skl dlettate beinnr in skl eophyte peson highy skled in prticulr eld: expet, specalst, vtuoso eson petending to hve ski chalata denoting middle skil level itemedate .lckng skl iept .ds ply of skil, or opporuty for t showpece eld n which skl is shown specalty, sphee combinin fo dem, kin demat(0) adective cutaeous outer skin: epdems inner skin dems skn on the top nd bck of the hed scalp .nims skin pelt ppernce of fcl sk complexio sml deprsson the ski dmple .fold of loose skin t the throt dewlap torn skn t ngernil roo hagal ded skin t
327 he bse of a ni utl ded skin in he hir nu, su hrough he skin putnous • under he skin: subutnous beneh he skin: ypom, subutnous . oily subsnce rubbed ino he skin ontmnt coseic king he skin r nd sooh ton .subsnce pplied o he skin o ke i ook helhy onton subnce h soens he skin mollnt skin pigen assising sunn mlnn • uour of elninforing cels: mlnom lck of skin pigenion lnsm sll surfce opening on he skin: po open sore on he skin ul pch of hrd skin llus, llosty sll hrd benign skin growh t . skin bubbe led wih seu bls puslled bliser pustul pi ed rk on he skin pok, pokm • bleish on he skin: nvus, mu, tgm skn bleish pres en fro birh btmk sll drk bleish on he skin: mol ple sreks on he ski n due o previ ous seching stt mks drk skin pches in he ged: lntgo lv spot, snl multon • reovl of skin bleishes by elecric he ltolyss sone usd o reove hrd skin pum ston blueinged skin due o poor circulion: ynoss • red swollen rk le by blow l t redded skin re s . reddening of he skin fro irri ion ytm inion fro skin rubbing on skin nttg .yelowing of he skin n • browning of he skin fro exposure o sunligh suntn skin in ion or peeling fro overexposure o sunligh sunbun • reddening of he skin fro exposure o wind: nbun deep reddening of he skin fro bceril infecion yspls .iply se of he skin wih hirs erec gools, goos pmpls
k I k
hickskinned pym discolorion of he skin fer bleed
ing: ymoss . sudy nd re en of skin diseses mtology • skin disese of dolescens, wih blck pusues n rised ed pch on he skin nvus ropicl skin rsh pkly t ropic skin disese leving deep ulcers ys • skin disese wih lrge red pches nd feer yspls, St Antnys f c k rsh of purple spos pupu skin disese wih red ichy scly pches: psoss • severe skin disese, cusing deforiy lposy • swolen red and sore skin, due o irriion mtts • severe ich ing of he skin: pugo, putus .congios skin disese wih circu lr ichy pches ngom con ious skin diese wih sll red ichy spos sbs iching blisers on he skin m ulcerous skin disese lupus . skin disese of hiry nd woolly nils mng r of hrd skin on oe: on • horny growh on he skin ktoss • skin rk le by eled wound s exree dryness of he skin: xom skin oinen: blm, blsm slv . cre proecing he skin fro sunburn sublok cos eic reoving ded skin cels xolnt coseic iproving fcil skn mk pk pse of full ers erh o do his mu pk p prus wih lps for nning he skin: snb srip off he skin ly, lns nurl shedding of skin yss ke show incisions in he skin s . rk he skin wih n indelible design tttoo . surgicl reovl of ouer lyers of skin mbson shedding of skin sloug, yss • cheicl process convering n nil skin o leher tnnng .nned ni skin oug ouer skin of pork, ceese, or frui n
skes I ow
ktte .lt wooden dsk thrown n skttle s ku • combnng orms pl o djece pl rnl ku s ybol of moty: t's • font pt of the kull: snput • bck pt of he kull: oput • pt of the kul con tining the bn rnum • tns vese utue of the skull: oronl sutur • kul cty connectng wth the nsl cvtes snus • pce be twee the pt of n its skul fntnll . skn co the top nd bck of the skull: slp • centc tudy of skul zes nd shpe rn ology . such tud suppoedly indi cting chcte nd menl bly prnology • boe hole in he kll fo ugcl pupose: trpn trpn kulcap skullcp won by cetan Romn Ctholc clegymen u tto • kullcp won by me Othodox Jws yrmulk ky • ky wth ow of sm cloud: mkrl sky • denoting y coveed wth gey cloud ovrst • bghtness of the nght ky ove bultup e skyglo an • slg used by ptc group rgot at ngled louvr ave • djece svl • elese fom lvey mnpt mnumt • emnced slve frmn ede • hoedrwn ledge slg • lght cng ledge: lug • mechancy teeed cing ledge: bobslg • lopng rck fo tobog gning: rn ee combn ng orms ypn r somn • shot lght leep: o np • sleep tken in the ht p of the dy sst • leep lsing though he wt: brnton • seep ltng though he umme: stvton • slee wth deaming
nd eye movement slp
proxl rpymovmnt slp
• hlow
leep induced by ugcl nethe tlgt slp .denot ing leep tht s eily dstubed: lgt • denng leep not esly dtubed p vy soun • inbilty to eep: nsomn .peod of keepng wke dung sleeptme vgl • inclned to leep rosy smnolnt • tendency to f leep in elxng uoundng nrolpsy • leep longe thn ntended: ovslp .cung leep: somnfrous somnoln sopor • dug inducing sleep: nrot stv .ening whle sleep ypnop . (eemingly n deep leep ormn • leepwlkng somnmbuln notmbulsm . leepke stte n whch the ubject obey instucton ypnss eepn ckne
.cn ly cuing leepng sckne: tsts ce .thn lce: slvr p of te onue • slp of he ongue thought to eve the spekes tue thoughts: Frun slp an • epeted logn mntr ln combnng orm oe • downwd slope lvty • upwd lope: lvty • teep lope srp • steep lope t he end of plteu: srpmnt soulr . o n wd slope of od etc_ grnt • de slope of od: mb .slope of tge o udtoum: rk .de noting lope tht mot vertc sr • teepne of lope grnt pt • cete even slope by ethmovng gr ke dg on oute coss slopng ond trvrs • inrument mesuing lops teepne: gromtr .u veyo instumen for slope lnomtr • combnng orm bry I ow • Chinee system of low execses
oa I oc ey snosp . mass of sow ice ad ocks movig dow a motai v sow o he uppe pat of a glacie rn nv altitde at which sow s foud snoln device fo wakig o sow snoso mot ehcle fo tavellig ove sow snoobl . moto vehicle clea ig oads of sow snoplou • mache makig aticial sow ad blowig t oto a ski slope sno nno sno un soak soak thooughly i a liquid prnt sturt sous stp soe by soakg i a liquid rt adective sponous soap aeated soap gel ouss e deed fat used to make sap tllo soccer ea maked ot befoe the gol plty r, pnlty box poit withi ths om which pe alty kcks ae take pnlty spot • sde pat of the playig aea n tempoay cotol of the ball posssson attempt to kck the ball whe a oppoet has t tck . popel te ball by successive small kicks rbbl deog passg play whee each paticipat kicks he ba oce ontou passig play betwee two paticipats ono feied pass o kick uy . shot made with he head r pe vet the ball eteig oes ow goal sv goal scoed by kockig the ba ito oes teams et on ol kick made afte psitioig the al pl kk st kk kick made be foe the ball has touched the goud voly .lie of defedes fomig a bae to the ball ll . foul delib eately committed fo stategc easos profssonl foul ode a playe to leave the eld sn o . ca show to a playe beig set o r r kck made with u bet egs sssor kk . set kick awaded ae a foul fr kk .set
330 kick awaded te the ball has bee kicked ove the goal lie ol kk aea beyod the pitch side lies tou . e to play of a ball i touch tron exta playig time ae a ijy nury t tied scoe esolved by pealty kicks pnlty s ootout soca socially coect o I fut social ules o custom tutt social blude fux ps socially iept u de otig a socially codet peso ff l x outon suv so social cial skills svorfr climbe rrvst prvnu . socially social otgoig peso pestige t peso who has e cetly gaied this prvnu gai ig social status uprly obl losig social status lss people of good social stadig n try cut o fom oes social oigis rnt rn soca ok • scial wokes po jects slo deotig a commty-based social woke t • peso equiig o eceiv ig the atteto of a social woke s ecod of such a pesos situ atio ad teamet s story dscussio of such a peso ad his eamet s onfrn • socialis advocatg socas gadual chage Fbn soce bining or soo e. sococonoc) domiated trry society • male-domiated society ptrry deotig a society havig few moal estictios prssv . goup thought to have a hie but pevasive cotol of society t Estbls nt coce fo the poblems ad ijustices of society sol on sn social a moal tios of socie ors .lack of these no • pesuae o compel someoe to accept the pevailg so-
soluo .denoting a soution that cannot be stenghened futhe: stutd • weaken a soution by adding futhe liquid: dut solve • able to be soved: sou solve .univesal sovent sought by alchemists: kst • strong solvent attacking most substances: qu g somewha • omnng form su-
( subctc)
so djetve f sog • song in taditional popula stye: ok song • song of estabished popuarity: stndd • smpe song: • accompanied song in an opera etc . song to send a chid to sleep uy • gondolies song: o • sailos wok song: snty • song of paise o triumph pn • Renaissance secua patsong: mdg . Geman atsong: d ( lede) • mpovised West Indian song on a topical theme ypso • wods fo a song lys soo • djetve ugnous sore • open soe on an intenal o extenal body surface u • soe on bedidden peson: dso dutus u sorrow djetve dooous sor • omnng form ( new come) . sot by quaity gd tg soul .transmigation of the sou mtmpsyoss soud omnng form ud pon(0 ) sono pon y djetv oust son • sound of fequen cies that humans cannot hea: ut sound nsound • pleasant sound: upony • unpleasant sound: opony • sweetsounding: mlunt muous mo modous • bief high sound: pp • continu ous low sound: don .sound con taining many fequencies of equa in
2 tensity: t nos • aially generated sound fo use in a pefom ance: sound t • claity of sound: dfnton ous • height of sound: pt . srength of sound voum • quaity of sound: tm .denoting sound below te equied pitch: t . denoting sound above he equied pitch: sp .denoting sound mech anicay captued geneated, o repo duced udo . denoting electonic aly poduced sound dopon • sound patten deived fom du ations not pitches ytm .sound patten deved fom pitched du ations tu n • device conveting sound waves into electica signas mopon • room equipped fo sound ecodng: studo • denoting sound ecoded and epoduced via a single channel: monopon monu denoting sound ecoded and repoduced via seveal channels stopon • denoting sound e corded and epoduced via two sepa ate channels nu denotig sound ecoded and eproduced via fou sepaate channels: qud pon • signal distinction in a steophonic system spton • combination of sevea sound chan nels: mxng . steeophonic epro duction system with speakes al round the listene suound sound • device conveting eectical signas into sound waves: spk .cack ling or hissing noises in a speake stt • denoting mechanicay cap tured or reproduced sound and vision udovsu . stip at the edge of a on which the sound is ecorded: soundtk • pinitie sound e corder nd plye pongp .quaity sound epoduction: g fdty • slow pitchditotion of ecoded sound o .fast pitch distotion of ecoded sound: utt • device anaysing sound into its fe quency components: sound spto
up I Su Arca
baancing varous sound frequences: gap al devce suppressng unwanted sound waves ft .range of sound nten stes a partcar system can repro duce: ynam ang freestandng components of a soundreproducton system: spaats turntabe and pckup mechansm: k vertca arrangement of soundreproducton unts: stak transfer recorded sound from one medum to another: b .mue a sond source amp .make mpervous to sound: nsat devce bankng out unanted sound nsato, son onton board paced to reect sound: sonn boa .unt of sound strength: b voca sound made wth obstructed breath: nsonant voca sound made wth unob structed breath: vo sound made by the cose cojuncton of two vowes: ptong name for the n dente sound oen made by Engsh vowes sa .make an h sound aspat study of voca sounds: ponts vsua record of sound sonogam buoy equpped to detect underwater sound: so no boy de vce detectng underwater objects by reected sound puses sona .um nescence ected by the pasage of sound: sonomnsn .makng a rch or resonant sound sonoos study of sound: osts
outh onal
cear soup: onsomm soup cod consomm: man thck soup: potag meat or vegetabe soup thckened wth ceres: bot .rch shesh soup bsq .spcy meat soup: mgatany ched soup of potatoes eeks and cream: vysos .qud used as a base for soups: sto concentrated stock: fmt .arge covered dsh for servng soup: tn
South Amerca South Amer can coak havng a hoe for the head pono South Amercan cowboy: gao South Amercan dance musc wth eements of jazz and rock: sasa fast South Amercan dance: paso ob .vey South Amercan dance tango South Amercan ds sdent who dsappears: sapaao South Amercan magstrate or mayor ala South Amrcan grassy pain: pampas South Amercan tree yedng qunne
drawng source sources:
astal, m
South Afrca South Afrcan bar becue baa open bush n South Af rca: bn bsv South Afr can natve cub k, knobk South Afrcan term for a ford: open grassand n South Africa: vl . sma h on the ved: kop South Afrcan term for the rura hnternd bakv South Afr can dentty document Book of Lf strps of dred and sated meat as eaten n South Afrca: btong South Afrcan mners dance gmboot a n South Afrcan term for a wooded rne koof Soth Afr can natve spear: assga back woods town in South Afrca: op South Afrcan tradtona heaer: nyanga sangoma South Afrcan whp: sambok veranda n South Afrca stop tradtona South Af rcan vage: kaa South Afrcan wagon encampment aag South Afrcan of Dutch orgn Afkan, Bo Protestant Afrkaner secret socety Bobon Afrkaner term for an Engshspeaker: roonk . reactonary whte South Afrcan: vkampt progressve whte South Afrcan: vgt former South Afrcan pocy of raca segre gaton: apat, oo bar �see also apat
334 '
oee I paceca non
• Spanish
conqueror of
South America: onqusto
• adjectve
.po lite form of address to a sovereign sovereign's state n You Msty signia . sovereigns orna menta sta spt sovereigns ceremonial chair ton . sve eigns period of rule: n . sover eigns representative in a Common wealth country Govno Govno sovereigns representatie Gnl in a colony: voy ( vcn) sovereigns representative in a county Lo Lutnnt heory that sovereignty is graned by God, not by the monarchs subjects vn person claming a ht of kns right to the throne ptn per son havng control during a sover eigns minori absence, or ess nt potto persons atendng a sovereign out sut sword ca ried before the sovereign on state oc casions so of stt denotg accommodation n the sovereigns gift n fvou klling a so ereign
Sovet • Soviet polite form of ad dress tovsh • Soviet youth organ izaion Komsomo Youn Pons • Soviet colective farm: kolkoz
• Soviet worker achievng exceptional output knov • Soviet party
ofcia ommss . Soviet secret police KGB . ther Moscow head quarters: Lubynk Soviet forced labour camp u Soviet Jew not alloed to go to Israel fusnk .founder-member of the Soviet com munist party Bosv Social Democrat opposed to the Bolshek Mnsvk Leninist system of cen tral Party control mot ntsm iluential Pary members oding key posts nomnktu . hed of a pre1946 government de parment ommss Soviet ad ministrative division: obst local
or naional elected council sovt artistic norms promulgaed under Stalinism sost sm Soviet economic imperialism nnzeconomic and politial refom ton under Gorbachov psto opn government policy of Grbachov snost diplomatic and propaganda oensive between the West and he Soviet bloc o sudy of Soviet politics KmnSoviet artcial satelite ooy sputnk � see aso ommunsm
soa • soya bean curd tofu spa • rom at a spa where the aters are dispensed pump oom space • adjectve st . space occupied by somehing voum • space entrely devoid of mater v um • surroundng area a person likes to keep empty pson sp
• space
having more than hree di mensions ypsp, sptm space havng more than four dimen sions supsp . expedition nto space msson nternaiona petition to explore space sp smal particles distributed through out space: osm ust . dust clod n outer space nbu spposed nonlumnous maerial n space k atomic nucleus taveling m through space at high speed osm y region n space haing an in tense gravitational eld bk o magined boundary around this vnt ozon hypotheical expand ing celestia object t o creaure from outer space n
n mn • study of le forms in space xobooy • chemistry of space stomsty • smal spacecr spacecraft sp psu • smal spacecraft for moon ladings un mou .un manned exploratory spacecra pob
• spacecraft
capable of several jour neys su alins spacecraft y
acecra I Sah
manufacure and echnlgy: rsp fcal unelng f a new spacecraf: llu suppr fr an unlaunched spacecraf gry area n wch a rcke r spacecra sands fr launcng luh p base frm whch spacecraf are launche: sppr send a spacecraf n s curse luh successful launch: l, lf .spacecraf launch fr a speced desnan sh rssage rcke f a spacecraf s speed a whch a spacecraf ercmes gray sp vly rcke pung a spacecra n rb luhr, luh vhl spacecraf's dr hh space cras wnd vpr space craf's a array f slar cell p spacecrafs elecmmuncans lnk wh earh l se cnaned un n a spacecraf: mdul, p .weak gay n a spacecraf mirgrviy spacecrafs repeaed ellpcal curse ri .pu a spacecraf n rb r rjecry: j srt aleran f a spacecraf's curse made by means f he graanal pull f a celsal bdy: sgy spacecrafs secndary engne fr rb adjusmens: hrusr .jn n space wh anher spacecraf .acs perfrmed n space usd he spacecraf: xrg sur
v s,
deachable mdule carryng fue nd
supples srv mul .manned spacecra's cnrl cmparmen: mm mul .persn ralling n a spacecraf su .asrnau's pressurzed su Gsu Russan asrnau: smu scans f a planes suface cndued frm space rm esg .spacecraf's eurn he earhs amsphere rry spacecrafs selfdesruce landng hr lig spacecrafs landng causng lle
damage s lg spacecraf's landng cnac wh earh uh spacecraf's landng n waer: splsh see also r spade p f a spade blade where he f s placed rmp Sanis ombng fom Hisp pansh pl frm f address a marred wman sr pansh ple fr f address a man pansh ple frm f address a yung wman s pansh mlary r plcal leader udil pansh mnarch's sn: f pansh mnarch's daugher f pansh nble f he hgh es rank: pansh genle man hlgo pansh magsrae r mayr l pansh Amercan day laburer p pansh cnquerr f Mexc r Peru: qusr pansh sailng hp gl palace n Mrsh an: lzr pansh landed esae: h pansh rrgan dece f buckes n a wheel: r lely pansh dance lr pansh sl dance: huh pansh curshp dance: fg pansh dance wh casanes flm pansh lgh pera: zrul pansh game played wh baskelke rackes pl pansh wman's lacy headscarf: mll pansh saury snack: ps . chlled pansh egeable sup gzpho pansh dsh f seafd in a rch sauce zrzul pansh rce dsh wh chcken and seafd pll pansh spcy prk sausage hz pansh spcy sew l, l p r pansh drnk f red ne wh lemnad fru and spces: sgri pans rd ne: i pansh blendng sysem fr sherry and madira: s egendr pansh seducer D Ju ansh fesal is ansh bulgher n f
aer too
mounted bl gher: too Spnish bull ghter killing the b: to .matador's mounted assistant: po public burnng of a heretic by the Spanish Inquistion: uto student of Spanish l. auos da language and culture: Hspnst
. cylindrca spanner ting over the nu: box spn .ad justable spanner wn, onky
wn sare art
a machne to supply parts for another nnbl
z Sarta
magisrate in an cent Spara: po sef in ancet Spaa: lot
sea speak at a meeting ontb ut speak in a slow, daggng way wl speak fas and unintelgbly bb speak clearly: nunt speak at lengh xptt that cannot be spoken nbl tex spoken for copyng down tton seaer skilled public speaker oto persuasie and uncrupu lous orator: ou bblous . speaker's makeshf pla form sopbox person speaking on behalf of others: puty, psnttv spokspson .person who speaks oo much box flbbtbbt seang combiningform: pon e.. fancophon) . art of public speakng otory, to speak ing readily or persuasely tult, lunt speakng lile ttun, ts syle of enunciaton: ton
sear light sea vln long spear ln hree-pronged sper: tdnt spear shot at whales: poon spear hane secfc grvt apparatus meas urng a lqud's specc gravty yot
supported by a nose clp pnnz close tng spectacles wth sde shields ols central lnk between spec acle lenses: b ngle eyeglass: ono .pa of eyeglasses on a long hanle: lontt spectacles wh combined enses o gie near and fa ison bols spectacles whos lenses allow an nite number of focusing distances vos denoting spectacles without bfoca lenses snlvson . lenses placed dectly on the eye: ontt lnss
seec combining forms loo pono, Iou e.. diaou) loy, ps, pon ecties: lnul o ably to express onesef n correct speech oy temporay
ablty to speak n a language nor maly unknown to the speaker: lossoll understand speech om lip moemens: lp . vsua record of speech: vopnt speech sound made with fu or pata stoppage of the breath ononnt speech sound made without stoppage of the breah vowl smallest uni of speech sound pon study an classcaion of speech sounds ponts study of phonemes: pons inabilty to express speech due to loss of voce: pon naily to express or undersand spech u o brain damage ps .endess speech: looo psychologcally caused meaningless speech dysll pp practce of clea speech: louton speech wth n voluntar soundreettons stn stun ggressely abusve speech vlton vtpton lenghy and aggessve speech nu t ber verbal aack: tb, pol boas speech: fnfon, ooont aecedy eaborate speech: upus crefly evasve speech uvoton exaggerated
337 yprbol • fast slick speech: speech pttr, spl • speech that sounds pressive but fact says lit tle: rtor • aggressive nterrup tion of a speech: kln . lengthy speech sayg little vrbton, vrb, vrbosty • speech ski ly craed to mipulate or mislead: rtor • meagless speech ouspous • persistent hortatory speech nn • persuasive speech loun . pompous speech: rnloun, orotunty • speech ll of praise: nomum, uloy, pny • ramblg or indrect speech pprss . ramblg but impassioned speech rnt • sanctimo nious speech nt s tediously wordy speech: prolxty • wordy an evasive sech rumlouon denoting luent but inscere speech lb de notg luent and cessant speech: volubl • denotg akard and hesitt speech tlt • deotg speech uttered for soci rather th informative purposes pt • exces sive correctness speech, leadg to error yprorron . loud and forceful tone of speech strny, vofrton . form of speech particu lar to one person: olt . form of speech usg many infom terms: sln . form speech: orton • speech made a church service: srmon • actor's speech hen one on sge: sollouy • person speak g a cer anguage: pon (e_g_ anopho) • beginng of a speech: xorum . n part o f a speech prorton • deliberatey prolonged speech: flbustr • speechs basic message st • syle of speakg: lvry, louton • choice of ords prln • non-lexica speakg: componen of speeh prlnu • a of eective speaking or itg rtor trsmitte by spech orl • verb emphsis: strss not sg speech: nonvrbl • sythe
ee e sizer imposg speech paterns onto music sounds voor
• bining
or t• speed at hich object c de gravity sp vloty • objects maxmum possible air sped trmnl vloty • ratio beteen a bodys speed and the speed of soud n the surroundng medium , numbr • denotg a speed less than that of sound: subson • denotg a speed qua to that of sound: son • denotg a speed greater thn that of sound suprson • denotg speeds close to that of sound: rnson • de notg a speed ve times that of sound: yprson strong air re sistnce to vehcles approachg the speed of sound: son brrr soun brrr • noise heard hen a vehicle exceeds the speed of soud: son boom • device dicatg a passg vehicles speed: rr un onboard strument measurg a vehicle's speed spomtr . onboard strument mesurg enge's speed rv ountr tomtr • sument recordg enge speed torp . automatic reator of enges speed: ovrnor • com fortable d economical speed for long disnce travel sn sp • de notg an area havg a speed limit rstrt . denotg an area havg no speed imit rstrt • road hump to limit speed slpn pol
mn, sp bup sp ump • break the speed liit sp
• roadside
camera photographg speedg vehicles: sp mr • clandestne record of speeg ve hicles: sp tp device recordng the distance aveed d speeds achieved by a motor vehicle o-
sen system of speig, or its of a ete sd oropy cluded a speg pronounced sln
ped p
sped spend ess omz, rt sper ogan podcing spem tsts ( testes) tis ogan and its sstem o dcts tstl dct con eing spem om te testice to te eta vs s aicose eins on te spematic cod vol cont o spem in a mease o semen spm out decenc o spem ces in semen olgospm sbstance kiling spem spm-
sphere qate o a spee qu spce spice made om ntmeg m owee oangeed spice pp 0 peoated containe o aomatic spices pm spder age a spide t tul enomos Ameican spide bc do spides ogan pod cing te tead spt spi adjecte oty spinning sensation ss vrtgo spin ning deice sepaating sbstances o dieent densites tug pin sed in spinnng spl spach spinac i n Geek cisine spo spinac in ndian cisine
sg spe
cate o te spne yposs inwad cate o te spine looss atea ca te o te spine soloss cati age dispaced in te spie slpp s bnde o nee bes en cosed in te spne spl o in ammation o te spina cod mylts dsease o te spina cod mopty congenita epose o pat o te spina cod sp b nammatio o te spina jonts spoylt degeneation o te spina sks sponyloss tea petic manpation o te spna co mn opt denoting te bai and spine bospl
diagnostic emoa o d om te owe spine lumb putu
spdle spinde o a swinging ob ject gugo spral combg form l (g
helicopter ray sra-wngd
spral sarcase step in a spia stacase cente post o a spia stacase l sprt combg form pumt ai spiit sylp ei spiit omo imagned ei spiit n oked to gten ciden bogym emae nate spt ymp mis ceos spiit gml, obgobl, mp spit o a pace s ( genii), um ( numna) spit said to take emae om to sedce a seeping man suubus spit sad to take mae om to sedce a seeping woman ubus spiit said to ob gaes goul spiit in Aab ok oe g ( geni) .Jewis ma eent spit ybbu peson posssessed b a ei spiit mo die ot ei spiits xoz teoogica std o te spit wod pumtology spit o te age ztgst spiit o a cte ts denoting spiita gidance ps-
sprts sma mease o sprits rm, tot pace wee spits ae made stlly disting appa ats stl spiit disted om gae ese gpp, m Cinese so gm spiit mot Geman potato gin spps Geek anseedaoed spt uzo s spiit dstied om mate gan sy Mecan agae spit tqul MiddeEasten gain spt Rssian spiit made om e, weat, o potatoes vo Scottis spiit distied om mated gan sy Ygosaian pm band slvovtz denoting ndilted sp
pra o
u its: neat stndd strengh of spir is proof sml mesure of sprits nip . sweetened drnk of spirits sling drink of spiits with ht er nd sugr toy
person climng con
tct with the ded meim .person eceptve o psychic phenomen percipient meetng of person wishing to contct the ded seance cuse pirit to ppr raise ubstnc sid to exude from medium duing trnce ectoplasm movement of tble round which sence is being conduced tableturnng writing device for spiit messges: uija boar plancette . form of spir itulism prctised by certin norh Aercn nd north Asn peoles samanism .denoting �vents be yond the scope of science paranormal psycic lleged biity to move objects by entl powers psycokinesis . eged bility to move dtn obc teekiness dnot ing the use of psychic powers
spttle toon spleen
pot for spitng nto
combining fom splen ectie splenic . bnorm en lrgemen of the spleen splenomegaly inmmtion of the spleen splenits surgicl removl of the spleen spenectmy
combining fom sciz(o esy sp ssile ssionable . mntl nss opuly cled 'split personlity scizoprenia
spoon . ge spoon with verticl hnde ale . lge spoon wit n openwok bowl soe spoon sport . outdoor sport fel sport . spot wtched by mny spectator sport sport th involve touhng ontact sport unrmed combt sport j o karate . sport of lotng
down moutin ste canyoning compettve sport of iig ose over obstcles n n ren: sojmping spor ht involves te hunting, wounding, or king of ni mls bloo sport spor of jumpng t Velcro w in Velcro sut bay jmping sport of mking prchute descents from xed pont base jumping sport f perfoming cro btic mnoeres whie in free fl skyin . sport of being opped by prhute before sking or wter sking paraskiing prchte spor of beng pued by fst bot para saiing parascening spor of si ng on bord insuin spor of beng pue by fst bot whe snding on wie bord akeboaring spo of shootng birds n light ing sootin g . spor of surng through he ir skysuing spor of srd ghting fencing Scottish spor of trowing lrge pole tossing te caber denotng spor with few restrictions on tech nique employed fre freestyle sports tner coac person n chrge of the busness irs of sports tem manager person en forcng the rues n spors mtch referee umpire plyer refu to ccept his rulng issent ilegl ct n sport foul iegl hmper ng of nother plyer obstruction .prticipnts n sport fel plyer dervng no incom om spor mteur plyer pd to pr ticipte n sportng events profssional plyer flsely clmng m teur sttus samateur group of clubs competng over seson league disdvntge imposed upon song ometor: nicp unor spor te colt ports tem of second choice plyers reserves . leve plyer out of te rest plyer re plcing nother n he coure of tem gme sbstitte . profesionl
3 40
por py pes moe to note cb tns f spots tems dstinctie ni om olou tp competitie gopng o tems o smil bt von peson esponsbe o s sembing spots tem lto gop o pes om om tem il e cosen u peson tn ng pes o itd om spots xte beoe its stt t . spotng competition in wic te innes poceed to p gnst ote innes noout tounmnt ond n tis t spoting xte no pt o ge copetton fnly spotng xte o ind id ples ngl sotng x te o pis o pes oubl spoting xte ognized in ono o ptic pe tetmonl gop o mjo spotng xtes g lm nn seqence o mjo eents in ptic spot tou spoting tonmen n c ec competto ps n tn gnst e ote oun on moment t ic mtc mst end tm, full tm est o spotng xte g ng no ce nne t, . mens o decding ts tb oel nne o spots meetng
vto luoum ( vct udoum)
pg dence t spoting eent gt pncpl stn spotn eent grnstn tieed stndng
e o specttos ts .md pont inte t spotng eent ftm ent to spotng con test itot ptcpting n pemin· onds l stge n spotig ontest oun ond m medte pecedng te st mfnl spots gond it spectto spots ccommodton tum gond bdng poidng cngng nd soc ciies pvlon .o sete t te sde o spots ptc ugout eqpment eqied o spot tl peson mntnng
spots pitces gounmn bd ng it spots clties l u n
t, lu omplx, pots ll
nncng spoing eent pomot ecton o oxgened bood to ennce tletc peom nce loo opng
spran sigt spin spra ndbon se sp pn contine it ecnism o emtting ts contents s ne pes szed sp ool, tom ze
spead uffu
sped gdl tog
vn .td ton spg est y Dy
spng . ot sping gy t ml png medicn mn sping sp sprng3 ece sping o ced met stips lf png pste sping box spng sp . sp obtning n enem po tion o tst mol, plnt sp e mning incte e estbsng ise slep gin membep o gop to sp on t nf rt, pn tt sp oking smutneos o to ntelgence seces oub gnt sps smed dentt ov .sping ctt ponge, ntellgn goenment ept ment ognzng sping t v Bts ntelgence sece
t Intllgn v, I I6 se ntelgence sece oss US intelgence sece Cntl Intllgn Agny sping to gin compn secets nutl spong sece suelnce o tee pone cs tppng gond obse tion b steite mot nng
gteed b spes eots to uste
ntllgn spng ountpong, ount ntllgn ceck o eectonic istenng deces p
a I ar
raket bat racket ace n which the lps pr ject roug . racket n which he lps d nt prject smoot . junc tin between lr and side walls he curt nk . strike the ball t cmmence play serve
qd . squd served as d aamar black lquid ejected by a squd nk qel • squrrel's nest dry ablze gyrscpic stabiizer gyrosazer able bardng stable very stae grup stables, en nw cnverted nt lats mes area in a stable r untethered anmals oose ox • cmpartment in a table st . stable fdder rack mange . stable rm r storage harness etc tak om beadle's sta mae a bishps sta rser climber's ta apenstok . mnarchs sta: sepre shepherd's sta rook . vergers sta verge Dinysus sta tyrss Hermes sta aeus ag adut stag's branchng hrns anters seasn in which stags ght each ther rut an brwnish stain n the paper a bk r engravng foxng .re sistant t stanin staness aned ga . lead strp hlding pieces sained glas ame acae mving staircase esaator . set stairs fgt part a staircase r the eet tread treads runded edge nosng . ver tica sectin between treads rser height th rse • ber n which he sides the treads are set strng oa, strnge r uprights and handra at the side a staircase endpst r this nee anster post . evel ea at the tp stairs
andng shat r a staircase star e � see ao spra starase ake . pker-layer's sake made bere recevng his cards ante amp stamps gven with pur chase r eventual exchange r gs tradng stamps see ao posage
stamp andad
normatve standard categrzatin rteron standd cmarisn enmark, ontro, yarstk ethica standds moraty, moras, mores prnpes • exected standd orm belw expected sandards sunorma unp ofessona . l
genery accepted sandards orodox rdinary decent peple pern ith cn mora majorty Mrs ventnal mra standds
Gruny a combiing forms astr, ser(o) aecivs astr, sder ea stear . ystem stars gaaxy . uster sts astersm band distant stars Mky Way named grup xe stars onsteaton
brightest star in a cnstellatin apa star rbited by anther prmary guding star oestr star
whse brightness changes varae star star suddeny becming much brighter nova star sudeny be cmng very much brighter and ex plding supernova . lge bright star gant even bigger star spergant . lge cl str re gan small cl star re a even smaler cl star ron a dwar wih ccasina bursts radi atin flare star small very dense star te da ld cllapsed star oapsar lapsed upernva: neutron str nebula rund an ld star panetary nea s emit ng rapid rad and elecragnetic plses pusar . mving tailed star peridically visible omet . cmet's
a I ae tal m 0 potenta metor mtrd 0 small ncandescent object traelling the earths atmosphere mtr, stng str .ths fallen to earth mtrt 0 group of radant meteors reappearng annually mtr sr large bright meteor r 0 star lke object emttng no lght drk str large lowdensity planet gs gnt nonuminous nebula drk nu, srptn nu 0 ery large and dstant celestial object emttng large amounts of energy qusr 0 algnment of two stars on the same longitude nuntn 0 directon of a ce lestal body from an obserer zmut 0 measure of a stars brghtness mgntud celestal body orbtig a tar pnt sudden explo son on a star r 0 faint glow seen around a star urr, rn cone of shadow projectng from the sde of a celetial body away rom the sun umr apparent twnkling of the stars snttn 0 obscuring of a celestal body by another passng n front of t ps, uttn 0 sci entc study of the stars and space strnmy 0 study of celestal bodes through ther rado emssions rd strnmy 0 denotng an astronom cal system centred on the sun n 0 denoting an astronomical system centred on the earth gntr 0 celestal objects repeated ellptcal course rt small rocky body orbiting the sun strd, mnr pnt, pntd stars measured brghtness mgntud 0 brghtness of a celestal body as measured from the earth pprnt mgntud o brightness of a celestial body as measured from a xed dstance sut mgntud 0 description and mapping of the stars urngrpy measurement of the positons etc of the stars strmtry 0 physics of stars and ther moements strpyss 0 chemstry of the stars
3 42 strmstry 0 study of the moement of the stars as a means of predicting the future strgy 0 table giing positions of a star at dfferent times pmrs (. ehemedes) theory that the galaxies are ong away from each other xpndng un vrs try 0 dsplacement towards longer waeenhs of radation from dstant galaxies rd st 0 displacement towards shorter waelenghs of radiaton from dstant galaxies u s 0 nstrument detecting rado emssions from the sky rd tsp 0 building with a domed cel ing for dsplayng mages of the stars pntrum � see also pnt start 0 ocal start nugurtn start a car from another cars battery mpstrt 0 start a car by pushng it and then engagng the gears umpstrt, umpstrt starvaon lack of proper or sf cient food mnutrtn thin or weak through lck of food mtd undernourshment causng low weght mrsmus state combining forms dm e. feedom), ny e.. esdency), mny e. mamony), nss e.. emtness) ss e. neuOSS), tud e.. soltude) 0 internatonally nuential state pr, rd pr state hang predomnant internatona inluence suprpr un algned state set betwee hostle states ur stt 0 state hng some control oer another suzrn state wthout major ethnic o cultural diisions ntn stt state aranteeng ts ctzens nancial and social wellbeing r stt small state dependent on foreign capital nn rpul 0 state where eerythng s good Utp state where everthing is bad dystp state where all hae the same rghts and dutes pntsry state ruled by a prnce prnpty
343 .democratic state wit an elected head rpbl state controed by political police: pol stt power equilibium between states bln of por goup of states cooperat ing to exrt iluence: por blo group of states coopeating in war lls group of states owing ee rade etween themselves stos non state's right to govern its on aairs slftrnon de noting a state enjoying this ight sovrn one states inteference n the aais of another ntrvnton . contol of another sttes teritory by continued miitary presence opton denoting a state here the powers of constitent parts are vested n a central authority ntry de noting a state where the (onstituent parts retin some powers o sef governent frl, frlst de noting a state demandng complete obedience fom its subjects otltrn denoting a state seekig to con trol the econom and socia change st, sttst .denoting an nde pendent state sovrn denoting a sate not taking sides n war ntl denotng a sate without direct sea access lnlok inte nationa acceptance of a state or its govenent ronton denoting a stte giving no suppot to powe blocs nonln mutua tole ance between eologicay opposed states oxstn stte acquisi ion an exploation of undeveloped teitoy olonls sates eco nomic domination of anothe: no olonls sate policy based on ainteance and use of arge miitry foes trs agment a gion into mtua hostie sates l knz state's annual come vn area unde a stte risicon: trrtory set of basic principes and precedents by which a stte s govened: onsttton
ae aee
community services sol srvs state system of care fo those in need: lfr stt payment made by te sate to a cer ain categoy of needy pesons bnft sate pament to te unemployed and individuals on low income ob krs l lon sate payment to a famiy on low income fly rt sate payment to te long term sic npty bnft de noting a sate benet paid regardess nonof conibution ontrbtory booket of vouches for a sae benet orr book state bureaucacy: nstrton, vl srv .administrative egion of a sate non ansfer a busiess to sate management ntonlz e turn a sateun concen to te private secto orortz prvtz com pany operatng n sevea sates: ltnonl stategranted monop oly ove the exploittion of an inven tion: tnt holder of this ptnt intena to a state ost divde a sate nto separate units: prtton persons home sae ol leave one state and settle in anoter t ene a state and see thee: rt .send back to te ste of oigin rptrt compsor ensent for stte ser vice onsrpton stunch sup poter of ones own state ptro stateent intentionay ambig ous satement sl ors stte ment made ambigous by is gam pboloy pboly ma satement used as a basi fo ason g prs, rss tss statement made about a membes of te cass discssed nvrsl sement made abou sme mem be of te class discussed rtlr coictig o evasive satements trvton pubishe fase and damagng satement lbl fase and damaging or sttement slnr
aoery ee
fase and damagng staement
whether pulshed or oral: fm ton orma tatement of a per sons character and qualcatons seemngl llogcal tstmonl statement po stements made n a lawcourt ven tst mony .lega statement made under oath ffvt poston state ments gneral manng r state ment desgned to have a second usu a ndecent meanng oubl ntn oubl ntnt state ent crculated to the meda pss s modng statement qufton oca staement om munqu psnton short of cal statement: bullet statement harng a persons reputaton: slu smea saemen denng respons lt etc slm statement as sumed, general eleved, or self vdenl true om true ut trte statement trusm statement sang the same thng twce tutology sttement presumed true untl proved oherwse: ssumpton p sumpton psupposton .state ments alt to e checked for truth vfablty statment epressed n dfferent words: pps .epl ct stated prss arevated verson of a statement ps sum my ke etract from a recorded speech etc: soun bt denotng a statement havng an undeng mpl caton lo denotng a state ment epressed re and clearl sunt .person makng a sworn conrm statement eponnt a statement oobot wthdraw a statement tt unsy mped o understood though unstated tt reject a statement as false bu statioey statoner on a long perforated sheet ontnuous sttony
statstcs .lfeepectanc stats tcs f tbls statstca aver
age mn . coecton of tems under consderaton populton one of four equal groups to whch ems n a set of data ma asgned qutl one of the hundred equal groups to whch tems n a set of daa ma e assgned pntle person complng and analsng statstcs tury sud of socal statstcs as an nde of chagng estles: mog py specous use of statstcs
numbs gm statue huge
statu olossus
.smal statue fgun sttutt classcal par carved to resemle a man: tmon classcal par carved to resemle a woman yt ase for a statue pstl plnt
( doctoate) om ( ealdom), p ( ctzensh) .relatve sta tus: nk nkng gve a spec al stats: sgnt . falen n socal status lss .rsng n so cal status: uply mobl status quo actons desgned to preserve ths olng oprton stea .seal someones deas: plgz steal from mone entrusted to one mbzzl pult flt open roer when law and order reaks down: lootng plu n p llg steal sma tems from the work place: pl .person steang from others pockets pkpokt .person who knowngl us or stores stolen good rvr person who nds a uer for stolen goods fn com pulsve urge to steal, regardless of need klptomn steam engne powerful moe steam engne pung loads or power ng equpment tton ngn powerful mole steam engne pullng a ran stem loomotv steampowered roer stmrol ste denotng steel wth a low caron content ml coat steel wth
345 znc: gavnize • concrete renorce with stee: ferroconcree • roing mil for stee sabs strip mi
sepmer adjecve novca serza . female sterilization by evering he Falpian tues tubal gation mae steriization by sever ig the vasa eferentia: vasecomy remove the sexual organs of cas tate, doctor serd • synthetic steroi hormone taken mprove athetic prform ance anabo ic steroid
sescpe istening to boiy suns wth a stethoscpe: auscuta tion sew stew cooke n the oven: as seroe beef stew with onions an beer: carbonnade chilavoure stew of mince beef n beans: chii co cane . mutton stew with pota toes an onions: Irish stew meat stew covere with sice potato an cashire hotpot . highly seasone meat stew ragot French ste of meat an beans cassouet French sh stew: buiabaisse • spicy Hun gaian stew gouash sck • thi stick with wie bristes for paying drums or cymbas brsh • stick for proing cattle: goad . conuctor's stick: baton smal stic for stirring riks swie stick ong stout gtng stick quarter staff • hooke stick for anng sh: gaff og tick frke at the tp hiwaker's iron thmb sick tippe stick: apensock magi cian's stick: wand • mitary ofcer's hort stick swagger stick stick steaying a paiter's han: maustick poiceman's hort thick stick trun cheon • reay runner's stick: baton
stick burnt to mae a sweet sel joss stick • spe waking stick with an opeabe seat shooting stick • aking stick containng a
eor ac swor ae swords tck • etal cap on the e of a tick ferrule smua • stmuant i coffee: caf feine smuat i obacco nico tine stng eightIegge pierke crea tue with a stiging ta: scorpion sa • stoat's white fu, use on ceremonia obes: ermne sck keep in stock cary accu muate reseve of stock stockpie • epleion of tock ue t eman drawdown enumeraio of sock he: stoctaking stck excage • stock exchange area where shares were formery trae oraly oor en of a ay's stock exchange train close • Pasin stock exchange: Bourse • US stock echange Wa Sreet raica reform of the British Stock Exchange n 198 big bang enot ig companies whose shares are tae on a stock exchage: isted • regisation of a company so that it shares may be trae: quotation • enoting share trasactions con ucte utsie the stock exchange: kerbmarket overthecounter see aso share stckg eastic strap supporting a stocking suspende
smac gastr0
• mbnng
• adjecve gastrc • mus
cuar part of a bir's stomach giard • protruing stomach paunch compex of nerves at the pt of the stomach soa pexus qui pro uce by the stomach to ai igestion: gastric juce . stomach pain: gripe • inamation of the stomach gastri tis • nammation of the stomach an intestne gstroenteritis • e notig the stomach an testines gastrOintestina • istruent fo eeig inse he tomach gastro scope • surgica remova of the stomach gastrectomy • stuy o the
o I o stoach and intstins and ir dis ass gastroenterology
soe ombining forms lai lith(0) lth jeties laiary lithic agntic ston loestone ston that cts asy feestone
rondd ston forry sd to sr fac roads cobble ass of loos stons on a hilsid scree loos bach ston ebble sal pbbls
shingle prcios or siprcios ston gemstone ndrssd bld ngraind ing ston rubble bilding ston freestne lar lat pic of ston slab fagstone sal at ston slab tabet gran it paing block sett cylindrical ston foring part of a con tambo taprd ston for an arch vossoir ston laid at right angls to a wall heaer ston laid paralll to a wal sretcher arg ston st in th cornr of a wal conerstone quon quoin stone ston st at th top of a wal castone coing stone horizontal dcorati band of larg asonry strng course shrooshapd ston forrly sd to sport ricks stale stone ndrssd ston sd as a wallr ruble inscribd ston coor ating a bildings rction funation stone wall or loor coring of sa pics of ston tc arrangd to ak pictrs or pattrns mosaic arrangnt of ths stons tessel lation ston for sharpning tal hone grinstone whetstne water stoe ston sd as an ancor kilick ston sd to ro hard skin umice sone larg standing ston n a prhistoric onnt megalith menhir singl pright block of ston monolith larg p righ ston foring part of a strc tr orthostat singl ston pilar obeisk prhistoric ston circl henge prhistoric ton chabr tob olmen prhistoric stctr
of two across cofn: grave's
upright stones and a third their top: trilit hon • stone sarcophagus . stone at a head: headston e • pile of
stons as a landark cairn brak ston into sallr pics sall shap ston by striking it kna prson who shaps bilding son or bilds with it mason stonemason plac whr ston is xtractd quarry crshd ston and gral sd in bilding aggregate stony wast sparatd off dring slting slag asonry silating larg rogh blocks rustication plastr paintd to iitat ston scagiola trn to ston etrify sipl plant growing on ston ichen grotsq ston gr srng as a rainwatr spot gargoyle ston bli by alchsts to trn bas tals nto gold hilosohers' stone strap to h stons ling ston ford in th kidny or bladdr calculus this dical condition lithiasis srgical roal of a ston lithot omy srgical crhing of a ston lithotrisy lithotrity
stoe ae
th arlist ston ag Palaeolthc dnoting th iddl ston ag Mesolithic dnoting th last stn ag Neolithi
stop tporary itermt tporary stoppag abeyance stopping and starting intemittent
sddn brif stor
stor cace stash fnnlshapd sor hoer stor for solid fl bunkr plac for stor ag eository reository stor for docnts archive
squall sr snowstor with high winds bliar dns lizzard wit radic aly rdcd isibity whiteout tropical sa stor tyhoon stil ara at th cntr of a stor eye
story novel rief evocative account vgnee complex an ramblig narrative saga . story appearig in regular in stalments seal . lesson to be gaine from a story moal story il lustrating a moral or spiritual truth paable short moral stor oen with animal characters able story of the narrators past life autobog aphy emnscece story of events preceing those alreay e cribed in another stry pequel . story of events following those a edy escribe in aother story se ue sybolica story allegoy .tritional sor olk tale egend myth traitional stores of a par ticular cuture olkloe storys chief female character heone storys chie male charactr heo storyteller naato sklle storyteler aconeu con
( othodontcs)
form ortho
traight lie adjece ectlnea . suppose straight line connectg ancient sites ley le . straight line joining opposite corners of a straight sie gure dagonal . straight line joiing he ens of an arc chod
frighteingly trage eee ucanny ueathy trager phobia
fear of strangers
. execute a crimnal by strangling gaoe
to hurl stones slng elastic strap holig u socks or stockings suspende . toestrap o light sanas thong
traw decoration of plaite straw con dolly . animals being of sraw etc tte eat cuboi pe of bale straw ck stack
stream vulet strong fast stream toent stream lowing ito a larger one tbutay
wie treeline street steet boulevad narrow alley in north ern Engan gnnel C street tures sch as lamp posts an roa signs steet unte improvise barier blocking a sreet bacade
exercises esigne to im
prove strength an appearance calls thenics increase a solutions strengh by removing water conce tate person whose strength is in crease by mechanical impants cy bog . efet by superior strengh ovepoe big n strong stap pg srongly mae sold
ormone secrete in stress
ful conitions adenaln epneph ne stressrelate bowel pain t able boel syndome
stie . sue strike alkout ldcat stke srike of a orkers geneal strke consecutive short strikes by ierent sections of the workforce olng stke recourse to strikes raher than negotiation d ect acton person who continues wrking when other are n trike blackleg sab stkebeake money pai to strikers by heir trae union stke pay see also ndustal elatons
. strong string mae of twite rans tne bi roun with twine hp garening string flls ecorative stringknotting macam maker of strige instru ments luthe .pitch a string by pressing it stop
tip strip mown sathe stripe Vshape stripe on military unorms chevon stub stb of a cigar or cigarette bu
e I y
boo giving in trction in a bect oursebook textbook workbook � see also pp
oy . topic of tdy dspne tdy of abnormal form and roth teratooy tdy of air crrent and the movement of obect throgh them aerodynams tdy of air trave aeronauts . tdy of algae aooy . tdy o amphiian her petooy tdy of anaethetic and their e anaesthesoloy tdy of animal zooloy tdy of ani mal behavior ethooy tdy of the phyical remain of ancient civi iation arhaeooy .tdy of an cient plant life paaeobotany . tdy of animal hoe exitence i dobted ryptozoooy tdy of ant myrmeoloy tdy of the an and rectm protooy . tdy of the atmophere aerooy . tdy of the pper atmophere aeronomy . tdy of atomic nclei nuear physs nueons tdy o atom atom physs tdy of bacteria baterooy cientic tdy of hman or animal behavior behavoura sene tdy of the concept of being ontoloy tdy of bird orntholoy tdy of bird' egg oooy tdy of the blood haematoloy tdy of blood erm serooy tdy of the body' ability to combat infection mmunooy tdy of the body by diection anatomy . tdy of cave speleooy tdy of living cell ytooy tdy of childbirth obstetrs tdy of Chinee cltre and politic Snooy tdy of chrch biding and decoration eesooy tdy of the Chrch ather and their riting patrsts patrooy tdy of chrmome ytoene s tdy of the right and dtie of citienhip vs . tdy of the cli mate matooy ty of cloc form
and atchmaing horooy tdy of clod nephooy tdy of e, code ryptoraphy tdy of coin numsmats 1 tdy of commnication by body cientic movement kness t y of crime and criminal rmn I ooy tdy of the victim of crime vtmooy . tdy of crop circle ereooy tdy o crop prodc tion aronomy tdy of crytal I I rystaoraphy tdy of Wetern cltre humantes tdy of differ ent cltre ethnoloy tdy of electronic data proceing for torage and retrieval nformaton sene nformaton tehnooy nfomats . tdy of death and dying thanatoloy tdy of demon demonooy . tdy of dieae prevention preventve medne tdy of the cae of dieae aetooy tdy of the incidence and control of di eae epdemoloy tdy of cae and effect of dieae patholoy tdy of the treatment o i eae therapeuts tdy and treat ment of the dieae of children paedatrs tdy of the ear and t dieae otoloy . tdy of dieae of the ear and throat otoarynooy tdy of dieae of the ear noe and throat otorholarynooy tdy f exaly tranmitted di eae venereoloy tdy of med ical drg and their action pharmaooy phyical tdy of the earth and it atmophere earth sene tdy of the earth' atmophere, cli mate, and eather meteorooy . chemical tdy of the earth eohemstry tdy of the rface of the earth eomorphooy tdy of the earth' crt tetons tdy of the rctre of the earth eooy tdy of earthqae sesmooy . tdy of the interreaction of elem ent hemstry tdy of embryo embryoloy . tdy of dieae of
49 the heat cadoogy sty f s eases f the nts an mscles heumatoogy sty f ty de ontoogy sty f the eaths mag netsm geomagnetcs st f the eahs tpgaphy geomophoogy sty f eathqakes sesmology . sty f ancent Egyptan clte Egyptoogy thelcal sty f the en f the wl eschatoogy sty f the nteactn f lving gansms an the envnment eco ogy stdy f eye dseases ophthal moogy sty f eye eglates othopcs sty f famly tees geneaogy mecal sty f the fe male by an ts llnesses gynaeco ogy sty f fementatn zym ugy stdy f fens ptedoogy sty fsh chthyoogy sty f ags veoogy sty f s at est hydostatcs sty f fces hydodynamcs sty f l mechancs hydaucs .sty f f an ts se nutton sty f ft alments chopody podaty sty f the fm f ws moph oogy sty f fssls paaeon toogy sty f fssl anmls an plants paaeoboogy sty f fs sl plants paaeobotany sty f fctn an lbcatn tboogy sty f ft capoogy sty f ft-gwng pomoogy sty f gyptogaphy engave gems sty f gaces gacoogy sty f gape cltvatn vtcu tue stdy f the ha and scalp tchoogy . psychlgcal sty f hanwtng gaphoogy .sy f the pptns f the hea an face cephaomety sty f heang an ts efects audoogy sty an teatment f heat dseases cad oogy . sty f heat an enegy themodynamcs sty f hee ty genecs sty f hsty wtng hstoogaphy sty f the gns f hmankn antho
udy I udy pogeny
f hman clte an scety anthopoogy sty f the se f mages n the vsal ats conogaphy sty f nanmate natal becs physca scences . sty f Inan clte ndoogy sty f esstance t fectn m munoogy sty f ancent nscp tns epgaphy sty f nsects entomoogy cmpaatve sty f natl n atcal ntellgence cy bencs sty f the nteactns f a gp f peple goup dynamcs sty f Jewsh tatnal law Ta mud Toah phlsphcl sty f the nate f knwlege epstemo ogy . sty f lcal vaants f lan gage daectoogy .sty f lakes mnoogy . stdy f langage n gustcs sty f langage as a se es f nteelate systems stuctua ngustcs . sty f the hsty f langages phoogy sty f the laynx ayngoogy stdy f law juspudence sy f lbaan shp bay scence sty f lfe fms n the planets n space eoboogy sty f ltges tu gcs tugoogy sty f man kn anthopoogy sy f man scpts codcoogy sty f matte and enegy physcs sty f the meann f ws semantcs .sty f mechacal systems hat fnctn boncs lke lvng gansms sty f meals numsmatcs sty f mecnes an he ses phamacoogy stdy an teat men f mental lness psychaty
f metals an he p can metaugy sty f the mn an ts fnctns psycho ogy stdy f mneals mneaogy sy f mllscs maacoogy sty f mlsc shels conchoogy stdy f the gettng and spenng f mney economcs stdy f the mn seenoogy sty f mal
y y
systems ehics stdy o mosses bryology stdy o te mot a its diseases somaology stdy o msces myology acaemic stdy o msc musicology stdy o o Weste msc ehnomusicology stdy o mys yhology stdy o pesoal ames onomasics stdy o place ames toponymy stdy o te atal old naural hisory stdy o te eos sys tem ad its disodes neurology bioogical sdy o te eos sys tem neurobiology scietc ad tecological stdy o cea poe nucleonics stdy o mbes' oc numerology ct sigcace stdy o dets a ttio ieetics nuriion sty o ol ae geronology stdy o liing ogan physiology lfe isms biology scieces sdy o cety liig ogsms eontology stdy o palaeonology ossl oganisms sty o co-oganism microbiology stdy o the oms o liig ogasms morphology stdy o the omal ctios o liig o gaisms physiology stdy o chemical pocesses ithn liing o gaisms biochemsry stdy o ogasm eiomet elation ships ecology stdy o ancient pa pyi papyrology stdy o paa parasiology sites stdy o ponemes phoneics stdy o plants boany stdy o plat dis eases phytopathology stdy o poisos toxicology stdy o a boe polle etc as soces o inec tio aerobiology stdy o pollen om achaeoloical o geoloical de posits palynology stdy o popla tion statistics emography stdy o postage stamps philaely stdy o primates primatology stdy o ehnology cltes pimitie stdy o pojetles ad eams balistics stdy o ponciatio
stdy o pheomea n
explaine by othoox sycology parapsychology stdy o pis met and piso managemet pen ology stdy o elatiosips wiin a gop o people sociomery stdy o eligios aing gods heology stdy o eligios missios missiology stdy o eptes her peoogy sty o ies poamology stdy o ocks lthology pe rology stdy o a commnity's bbis garbology pysial and biological stdy o te sea oceanog raphy oceanology stdy o sea eed phycology stdy o seeds carpology stdy o ma sexal actiity exology stdy o sexal loe eroology stdy o sexaly venretasmitted diseases ology stdy o sigt ad ligt optics stdy o the skeeton oseology stdy o te skin and it dis eases ermatology stdy o sk sizes ad shapes cranioogy std o han society and social elation sips social science socioogy stdy o sos peology sol science stdy o so managent agronomy stdy o Siet politics Krelinology stdy o sond acousics stdy o langage sods phonoogy sdy o ocal sods phonetics stdy o sell ng ohography theological stdy o te spiit od pneumatoogy scietc stdy o the stas and o space astronomy stdy o celestial bodies thogh thei adio emssios raio asronomy stdy o the pys ics o stas and tei moement astrophysics stdy o the moe ment o the stas as a means o pe dicting te te astroogy stdy o statistics o bths deaths, and dis ease emography . tdy of th stomac and intestines gastroenerology stdy o pecios stoes geology stdy o sbatomic
y raco
aomc physcs, partces mcrophyscs parce physcs study o symbos and ther sgn cance semocs study of taste aeshecs study of teeth odoo gy study of tme horoogy . study of tssu e structure hsoogy study o tssue changes caused by dsease hsopahoogy study of trees dedrogy . study o tu mours ocoogy stud o undentd yng obects uogy study of the genera features f the unerse: cosmography study of the orgns of the unerse cosmogoy study of the orgn and deeopment of the medca unerse cosmoogy study of the urnar system uoogy study f vruses vroogy study of vsua mags coograpy co oogy .study of ocanoes vca oogy, vucaoogy . study o otng at eectons psephoogy study o he weather meeooogy stud of wnes oeoogy study of word or gns eyoogy study o the mean ng of words semacs study o words or cosey reated conces oomasoogy . study o the orms of words morphoogy study o the form meanng and behavour of ords ecoogy study o ecen rk methods egoomcs me admoo sudy study o ancent paaeography wrtng sstems sudy of Xs radography . study of medca appcatons of Xrays radogy study of an tem n ts natura enronment ed sudy, ed p e dwor stud ntensey cam dnotng a course of study desgned for practca apcatons apped, pracca denotng a curse of stud concentratng on the o pure coure o study competed at hoe dsace earg, corres podece course . restudy of competed work befor an examnaton re vo erson who has abandoned a
course of study dropou certcate competed studes dpoma, qua cao
tufin adermy
stung dead anmas stung made o
chopped meat or vgetabes rce mea stufng mxture of ney chopped sapc o ngredents cottonke substance or stung cushons kapok
stupd person dmw stupid ue, uderhead, gramus, compoop boorsh and stud umpe stupor state o mmobty and stu pr caaoa style amboyanty condent ste paahe . fowng current styes coemporay n a sye typca of some past ea perod stysh ee gance chc stysh ognaty ar stsh gour: ea subjetive subecte mpresson perceo submarie submarne seekng and destroyng others huerker former German submarne Uboa submarnes superstructure c g ower . tube gvng surace perscope ews submarnes submarnes emer door hach gency de crash dve submarnes oerd dock pe subsidy organaton subsdng an event n return for ree pubcty sposor
subste .pmary substnc n matter eeme substitute . person repacng an person actng other sad fr another proy frauduent substtuted supposous subtration number from whch subtracton s to b ade med number to be subtracted subra ed
. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
success: lt succss hrough nooriy: sus de san dale success wih he pecpiv fw destme possibiliy of success ftn
ane sporn ane valty hree successi succsss: hattr
achieving enormous co mercial success louster pr son wo gains acadmic or carer suc cess aever realizaion of one's ponial selfatualzaton do lss wl han expeced: underaeve
suddn sudden ad damaic: a van ser cause o b sred nflt suerer combnng form pat
(_ ycoat) . person enduing
srng wihou compla sto
sugar comnng forms ly(o sar ecve saarne . lgh brown cane sua: demerar
fom cane JUIce: mosovado sua found in carbo hydraes: lose sugar foud i honey and fuis frutose . mouldd conical ass of sugar: suar lof nly granulaed whie sugar: aster su ar sugar-coad: rystal lzed hick pase of suga and waer: fondant skill of decoraing cs ih sugar pas: surra suga brownd by hea rmel sugar spklr: stor devce for pcking up sugar lps: tons hor mone regulaing h blood sugar lev: nsuln disease characrized b ex ess ugar in h blood an urin: d betes mellus excessive sugar he urne, a sympom of kidney dis ease and diabees: lyosura de sucide of a vicim of an ncurable disease, usng lehal drugs supped b a docor fo is pupose sssted sude sucide aempd o gain aenion: parasude utae muuy unsuied: n
suitcase smal suicase alse summar smary of pons made reptulaton smary of pas eens: retrospet revew smmer ece aestval e poray rsumon of sumr wea h in h auumn: Indan summer map ln joining poins of quiven summ emperaue: soere
summer se
. raised summer
hous wih a viw azebo belve
sum wrest ng a ush n so wrsling os su mbnng forms elo sol cve solar . fain glow sen round h eclipsed s orona ap
pan circl of ligh round he sun caused by aosphic ce cysa: alo dark pach on he sun: sun spot bigh pach on he sun ul brigh spo beside he su pa elon sudden explosion on he sun: flare s ola r flar su s highes poin in h sky zent srucur usd o measure hi: nomon day in he yar a whch he sun reaches is highes o lows nonde pos ion: solste fain reecion of he s sn a nigh: eensen plants ec orbing he su: solr system plane direcy orbiing e s maor planet pmary pnt passage of a smalr plane across he fac of he s: transt plan's furhs poin om he s ap elon . orbiing ple's po o he sun: peelon sall rocky body orbiing he su : sterod
mnor plnet plnetod
an asonomica sysm cnd on h sun: eloent clockwork model of he solar sysem: orery planetarum .revolvng sysem dsplaying on a domed he heavny bodies n heir posiions planetrum . conay he s's couse ddersns sig
Sday I rgery
nlng systm bsd on shs of r ctd sunlight heogphy pnl bsorbin sunlight s sourc of n rgy so pnel dvic convrting solr rdition into lctricity sol e so ce thrputic us of sunlight heohepy light um brll giving shd from th sun pso dcomposing in sunlight:
phoodegde adee y
.kping Sundy s dy of worship nd rst Sundy osence, ods Dy osence rligious duc tion clss hld on Sundys Sundy
schoo sul sundils vn: gnoon suemket vry lrg supr mrkt hypke whld bs
kt usd by uprmrkt customrs: shoppng olley dsk whr pur chs r rgisrd nd pd for:
checkou suevson
of childrn or th ldry: dy ce suleet things ddd s supplmnt: ppoen suly supply of prsons or quip mnt for us s ndd: pool obtin from n outsid supplir ousouce suot upright support sn chon .thrlggd support pod support for n rch tc pe, squinch suppot for blcony tc support frmwork: cnee hose suport for row of books ookend frmwork with sloping lgs us to support tbl bir tc ese .prson giving nncil sup port nge, ck conuo, p on sponso group of prsons ith common problm or illnss mting rlry for mutul hlp: suppo goup ttmpt to win sup port by ffbility chm oense suppo rting
( o
combining form:
uce lt surfc pne thin surc ly , enee on th surc: supec insrt scrw tc ush with th surfc couner snk ug • lightwight surord iu . st of surords: que .hol ow formd whn lrg wv brks ppene ueo surgons thr gr mnt gown . surons nos nd mouth covring ms surgons sstnt desse ugey adee opee sugry prformd on ptnt op eon, pocedue . minor surgry not rquiring ovrnight hospitliz ion dy sugery surgry to im prov th pprnc: cosec su gey, psc sugey surgry using intns cold: cryosuge surgry using lctric ht surgry using eecosugey microscops mcosurgery sur gry involving trnsfr of tissu p c sugey dnoting urgry undrtkn t th ptints rqust: eecie dnoting surgry skng th cus of symptoms epooy . dnoting simpl surgry not f thrtning: no dnoting com plx surgry involing risk to f jo dnoting surgry iming to prsrv tissu consee .d noting surgry sking to rmov ll dissd tissu dc dnoting surgry in which th hrt is xposd nd bypssd openhe surgicl instltion of rticil body prts: poshecs brin surgry to trt mnt illnss psychosugey .cor nl surgry keopsy surgry on th nrvous systm neuosugey surgry to construct rpi or n lrg pnis: phloplsy surgicl scrping cuege surgicl tyng gon tissu tc insrtd into th body by surgry pn cloth
ra appae ra reova coverng a patnt undergong sr gery: rp see o psti sr-
ry srgca appance .herna sup port: rss srgca cttng • biig for: toy . srgcal cut: nisio • surgical cutng out: rstion surgicaly created openng: sto
• surgcal
cutting of te abdomen: prooy • srgca cuttng of the adomen for chdbrth Csri Csrn ston • surgcal cuttng of the bladder ystotoy • surgc cuttng of bone: ostotoy • surg c cuttng of the bran's white nerve bres otoy • surgcal nciso into the chest w: torotoy • surgca cuttng of e cornea: kr totoy . srgica ncson nto the edrum yrinotoy • surgical ncson nto the lynx: ryotoy surgca cuttng of a nerve: rotoy srgca cutting of a tendo: otoy • srgca cuttng of the vagina at cdbrth pisotoy • surgca cuttng of the vas deferens: stoy srgca ncson of a pbotoy vstio ven: • surgial incson of the wndppe:
otoy sgca stents
sent for explorng a woun: prob surgca nves: sp • arge pncers: orps . srg cal sa for the skul: trp • nstru met for wthawng lqud ror surgia cord: t sr steam sterzer for srgca nsu mens: tov • cobiig sgca oen g or toy • surgcay made pas sage: s . srgca openng nto • surgc the colon: oostoy oning made in te nner ear to re eve deafness: stto srg cal unloc of the Fopa tues: posoy • surgcal openng nto the le: oso srgcal
dverson of the sm ntstne: tr ostoy • surgca openng nto te , stomach: strosoy
obii sgca eva for: toy (e.g. appndcoy) • sra
remova of the appedx: pptoy srgcl removal of the bladder or a cyst: ystoy surgia remova of a breast: st toy • srgc emova of a breast lump: ptoy • srgca rmoval of the opa tues: sptoy .rgcal remova of the foresn: risio . srgc removal of the gal blader: oysttoy • srgcal remova of a dey: proy srgica removal of the lary ynoy • surg remova of a lmb: pttio • srgca remova of the lver poy • sugca remova of a lobe: obtoy • srgca remova of lung scars: orion • srgcal remova of a lung: pono • srgica remova of a nerv: rtoy • surgca remova of the ovares: ooportoy ovrtoy ovrotoy • srgcal remova of the pancreas: prttoy • surgca remova of he pens poy • surgca remova of the prostate gand: prosttoy • sr gcal emoval of upper ayers of sn: rbrso • srgca rova of pt of he sul: riotoy • sr gca remova of he spleen sp ty • srgcal removal of th stom ach strtoy • srgc rmova • surgcal of a stone: iotoy crushng of a stone: totpsy iot ry • srgcal remova of a testcle: oroy • srgca eova of the tonss: ostoy surgca remova of a tooth: ro sr gca descton of tor or ha oot y an eectrc currt: o sis surgcal rova of a vere sc: soy surgca remova of the om: ysty surg
rae wg
cal remoal of facial wrikles: ace i sae . womas surame rior o marriage maiden name .deoig a hyheaed surame doube baeed sse • sae of helless amaze me stupo see • symbol of surreder white ag sogs usual surroudigs envioment svellace deec ad remoe hidde sureillace deices: debug subjec o coer sureilace watc svey • surey of eemy resources ad osiios econnaissanc sveyg sureyg sysem based uon riagles: tianguation • roaig elescoe for measurig agles: theodoite isrume for akig aliudes: sextant icised sur ey mark i a wall ec benchmak referece oi o a small illar: tig point sried sighole: anging poe svve caable of suriig ide edely viabe ssese ee full of susese cifhange sscos • ahologically susicious paanoid swallow . sw llow hasly gup swa • swam ree wih aboe groud roos mangove swa fmale swa: pen • male swa cob youg swa cygnet .lock of swas i ligh: skein lace where swas breed: swanny cachig ad markig of swas swanupping swea aormal swea caused by illess or medicaio: diaphoesis causig swea sudoic secre g swea: sudoieous sri of
maerial wor o absorb swea: sweat band subsace alied o ree or reduce swea: antipespiant
swee dop, pastie mxure of small coloured swees doy mixtue .jellylike rasluce swee: gumdop • swee black chewy subsace: iquoice swee almod ase: mazipan • swee made of egg meingue whies ad sugar: • marziabased swees sered afer a el pits ous aoured gel ai cubes Tukish deight • us groud i sugar: paine • so mix ure of sugar albumi, ad gelai mashmaow • crumbly swee made from sugar buer ad milk udge swee o f sugar us a d eggwhie: nougat . laoure swee efferesce owder: shebet hardeed sugar syru: spun suga • excessiely swee coying, sacchaine • sweeoiced meiuous • aricial sweeeers: aspatame, cyca mate, sacchain, sacchaine
swellig caused by abormal issue growh: tumou uslled serumswellig abscess, boi lled swellig biste swelig u tumescent swolle tumid swolle wih luid engoged reducio
of swellig detumescence
swg swimmig comeiio gaa rescribed moeme i swimmig swimmig: stoke sroke imiaig a dog doggypadde kick made wih ube egs: scsso kic swimmig race requirig seeral srokes: medey • swimmig exercises as a cure for arhriis: hydothepy • exer swimmer moiorig iguad ohers: uderwaer swimmer using breahig aaraus skin dive uderwaer swimmer usig breahig a araus ad a rubber sui: ogman uderwaer swimmig usig a swimmer aqualug su baq ua
wmg poo yagogue fooxnsion: lpper simmrs rahing u: snorkel mans simming shors: trnks inad armloas for somon laning o sim waer wngs
swiig p . puic opnai simming pool ldo small cod simming poo a a sauna: plnge poo aer sid a a simming poo lme swig . sing o an fro oscllate wiss Siss rakfas food of cr as drid fui and nus mesli hard Siss chs Emmenta pa Siss chs ih hols: ryre Siss mayor: brgomaster
mounainrs faso song: Siss sa canton yodellng radional Siss oodn hous
ich conrolng a ho sysm maser swtch sich opr
ad y moving a vr up or don: toggle swtch . sich prad y pushing a sprung lvr tmbler s of lcrica sich: gang sichs and fus oxs hr h lcrica supply nrs a hous: consmer nt mchanism acivain a sich a a prs im: tmer
cuvd sord roadning a nd scmtar shor slighly
h curvd sord: ctlass . curvd cav alry sord sabre lund fncing sord pe nava sord ctlass shor sord xd o h nd of a ri bayonet . igh sharppoind sord: raper sord carrid for h sovrign on sa occasions: sword o state csh road sord claymore sord hadl: hlt . kno o n a sord hanl pomme . covr for a sord ad: scabbard sheath spor of sord hing en ng nrainr passing a sord ad don his or hr hroa: swor-
sygis . rm common o oh ' prmiss: mddle term .faur of his o incud mmrs of a cass n a as on prmis: ndstrbted
mddle symo of coadic: sy whte eather idnifying symol
usd for a compan produc c: logo trade mark symo of surrn dr: whte lag symo rpacing a ord: logogram, logograph .visual symos magery . sysm of mu sica or mahmaica symos nota ton sysm of symols ach r prsning a syla sylabar sysm of symols ach of hich r prsns a ord in a crain anguag: deograms sudy of symos and hi signcance semotcs narra iv o dsign hos conn is o inrprd symoicay: allegory
sympahy fing of sympahy: electve anty . xprss sympahy ih: commserate condole insin cr exprssin of sympahy croco le tears . ack of sympahy or con cr: alenaton . acking sympahy nsensate nsensble sypt sympom accompany ing a disas, u no causd y i: ep phenomenon sympom suggsing a paicula amn ndcaton
sympom arnng agans a paic ar ramn: contrandcaton s of sympos hos o prsnc in dcas a paicular disas: syn rome dnoing a gradually in crasing sympom: ngravescent suddn rc ourak of sympoms paroxysm sezre mporay dis appaance f sympoms remisson rcurrnc of sypoms a appar n rcovry: relapse
syaggue . cupoad in a syna gogu fr srolls of h Torah: ark synagogu sooom genzah
sagogu sing and praradr:
cantor haan
syphlis I system
syphlc inammaon of he bran: paresis •
syringe • nser by syrnge: inject syrup • dark syrup from raw sugar: molasses
dark syup from partly
rened sugar: syrup: cramel
nerconneced sysem nework swtch a sysem on or off: power up, power down •
Tt tabe' • table for the chief guests: top abe work table i a laborator or workshop: ben • extending table with higed legs: gae leg table • fldig section of a table eaf • part of a table for the most imortant per sons present: head • part of a table for the least important persons pres ent: foot • card indicating were a person should sit at table: plae ar • crockery and cutlery for one perso at table plae setting • revolvig stand on a table: lazy Susan tabe • table of the eements ar ranged to group those of smar chemica structure: periodi table • table givig the results of vaious mathematical caculations: ready rkoner tabe teis table tennis bat paddle tact • denoting a situation requring act: deliate tacics • tactica withdrawa enb ing a further advance reuler pour mieux sauter tai cobnngfor ud • ec tve audal foxs a: brus rab bits or deers tail sut • soli part of an animas ta dok • ct short an anmas ta dok taor • ectve sartorial • tars serrated scissors pinking sears • yon of clothes beng made fitting take take for ones own ue with out permission or illegally appropriate misappropriate tak • coerence between opposing sides: parley • coerence between coleagues: powwow • poite but un necessary coversaton small talk
• prvate • denotig
conversation tee idecet talk ribald ris qu, salaious smutty fool shly or at length prate, prattle . excessively takative: takative garrulous logorroei takever • denoting an unwelcome takeover bid ostile tak • water storage tank isern . display tank for live sh etc aquarium t • spport fo the washer jumper • sleeve round the trning sha gland tape recrder • denoting a re corder with individually readed reels openreel • base for the cap stans dek sip at the end of a ape: leader • cylindrica conaier for magnetic tape: reel spool • eaed unit contaning tape and spools assette • obliterate a tape recorng erase combined rado, gramophone, nd tape dec: musi entre taica • plant yelding tapioca: assava mano tar • used to preseve wood: reo sote • distiled tar used for water poong pit • tar used on roofs and roads: bitumen • tar mixed with stones fr roadmaking aspat target revolving target in a medi eva tyard: quintain • centre of a target bullseye • targets outer most diision outer . disk hrown up as a shootng target: ay pigeon • device throwing this trap • mark aimed a in culing and qois: ee taste • ectve: aesteti gusta tory • person of rened taste: aes
359 hee aving rened taste dscm inaing, dscening reectng te tastes of ordnary eole populs caracterstc taste savou leasant to taste palaable avng a leasantly sar taste piquan avng a sar aste pungen avin an unleasant taste due to decay ancid � see also bad ase, lavou aao aee sca taxaton of exendure n d ec axaon tax on goos entering a town oco tax on local ouseolds cuncl ax taxaton of imorts poecon m tax on a artcular class of morts or exorts af taxaton of income diec axaion tax etc removed from gross ay deducon tis system of tax collecto y emloyers pay as you ean ax on comany rots copoaon ax tax on excessve rots wndall ax tax on goods imoted or exorted duy tax on legal documents samp duy tax on rots from sale of roerty or nvestments capal gans ax tax on roerty or money acred by gft or ineritance nhe iance ax tax on sales of certain goods excise duy sulementary tax levy, supeax, suax ax on the value addd to an item a eac stage of ts roducton value added ax tax ad to kee a veicle on te ublc roads oad und ax, oad ax befoe deducto of tax goss ater deducton o tax ne denotng taxation leved at reduced ates on belowaverage ncomes degessv dnotng taxation leved at remum rates on belowaveage ncomes e gessive denoting taxton leved at remm rates on aboveaverge comes pogessve denotng taxaton leved at a xed rate er unt specic mose a tax levy deatonary effect of ogressve taxaton scal dag order for a ax to e lev
axao I ea ied by anoter autort or te tax so levied pecep allowances credted o taxed ncome negaive income ax taxfree nvestment sceme pe soal equiy plan o labilty to a ax ncdence dsclose tems lable to axaton declae oint at wc a ax comes nto effect heshold class of tax labilt wt aror ate documentation schedule calculaton of one's own tax lablty self assssmen sum tat cn be aganst lablty ax cedi remson of ax due elief goernment dearment assessing nd collectng taxes nland Revenue area ofcer of ts inspeco of axes form lled n for assessment of ax ax eun Inland Revenue code re resentng te taxfree art of an emloyee's ncome ax code avoidance of tax liabilty by legal means ax avoidance avodance of tax liablty by dsoest means ax eva son nancial arrangemen mnmng tax liablty ax shl erson lvn abroad to avod ax ax exle lace were taxes ae low ax haven economic actvity conucted on a cas bass to evade ax black economy grou ayments made to casual workers enablng te ndvdal to evade tax he lump foregn dlomats' mmunity to local axaton diplomaic m mu ny former tax of O% ayable to te Curc ihe former tax leved uon evey adult poll ax
axi tax tat must be ordered n advance minicab assenger in a tax fae signal a tax to sto al lace were taxs wat for ie nk, sand ea tea made from ufemented leaves geen ea tea made from fermented leaves black ea erb e sane gain avour from te tea leaves bew, daw, mash beome btter troug rolonged brewng
eache eephe tew
hollo metal sphee to hold tea leaves te bll tin holdin tea te y cove kepin he teapot hot y Euo pean plant used to make tea o ile . Indian name fo tea boiled ith mi sua and cadamoms i Japanese itual of sevin and dinkin tea te ereoy ona mental mat fo an aftenoon tea plate
teache enad to e a
fe lessons at each of seveal schools perpteti teache okin ith individuals o small oups: ttor teache tempoaily substitutn fo anothe pply teer teache of laboatoy etc technques eo trtor pivate teache ttor o atch out fo the teaches ppoach eep ve nstitution tainn teaches: ollege of e
teacng etive: iti pegg at of teachin pe gogy tuition iven oen in public by a vistin expet to a oup of ad vanced students ter l dis paain tem fo conventional teach in methods lk lk foein lanuae teachin usin only the l uae auht re eo teach in mehod poceein by shot se tesed seps: prgre lerg peson ho has auht himself
teat teapot cove y tea etive: r pone to o inducin teas: roe lan poducin teas r gl
ombnng form tecng e technoloy fo manipulat in atos and molecules t olg technoloy of distance com municaton
o ie technoloy
combinin electonics and mechanics etroi technoloy o tan sisto and micochip cicuits ele tro technoloy of obot desin use roboti usin advanced tecnoloy igte foont of technoloical developmen leig ege technoloical aon te bbble tepek peson devi in and implemenin a ne echno loical device: geer fea of technoloy yberpbi
ombinng form
(e.g. taktn) publc tele phone activated by coins pypoe o bo public telephone acti vated by a plastic cad rpe telephone povidin visual as el as aual contact vieopoe tele phone at the doo of a block of lats etrpoe subsidiay telephone eteo coess telephone usin ceula ao ellpe obe obe poe put nto elephone oet p rg contact aitin to be connecte o telephone speake and micophoe aaned to be held to the head e telephone speake and mico phone aaned to t ove the head eet suppot fo a telephone handset e ook device pe ventin e calle hean ones e maks te b main line of a telephone system tk e tele phone conection ith an extenal ex chane: oe ie telephone shaed by subscibes p e dect telephone line fo emeency use ie telephone fo a computer oe tempoay tele place phoe conecon pt hee telephone cals ae connected ege manual exchane wtbr sitchboad connect in nhouse extensos to each oe and to outside lines e br ege line conecting to pi vate banch exchanes e e tele
eephe eev
phon systm xprssing dialld grs by a sris of lctronic pulss pulse dillng • tlphon systm xprssing diald gurs by pitchd tons: tone dilling • dnoting a tlphon with numbr bttons that gnrat pitchd tons: touchtone • ara srvd by a singl cllphon transmittr: cell • copy th scrity cods of a mobil phon: clone . chng th scurity cods of a stoln mob phon rechip • dnoting a tlpho nding no wird connction: cordless mobile • nmbrs diald o rach a tlphon xchang code book listing tlphon sbscribrs nd hir nmbrs: telephone directory • tlphon srvic givig this nformation: direcory en quiries . dnotng a tlphon nmbr not mad pblicly availabl exdirectory • tap machin rcord ing incomig tlphon mssags nswering mchie nswerpone • cntral tlphon facility storng calrs mssags: voicemil • cal lking svral tlphons conference call • conrnc call providing visal nks videoconference • dnotng a call paid for by th rcipint reversecrge .nclosr givng privacy fo tlphon calls boot • similar facility providd by an agncy nswering service • scrt srvilanc of tlphon cas: tpping telephone tpping wre tpping • mak a tlphon call nntlligi y lctronic alration scrmbe • making sals by nsolicitd lphon cals: telemrketing telesles • odrng goods by tphon: eleshopping • mssag niti atd by tlphon bt dlivrd n wttn form telemessge • tlcommnications srvic sng tlntrs telex • tlcommnications srvic sg docmnt scannng fx • dnoting a tlphon lin n s: engaged • prson rpaing tlphon
lins: linesmn .prson working at a tlphon switchboard: opertor
telee • tlscop opratg in spac by rmot control: spce telescope • bding hosing a lag tscop observtory
• combnng form tele elecne • tlvision channl
televii eg
on mst pay a spcial f to rciv: py chnnel py televisio • tlvision srvic transmittd by wir cble television • tlvision information srvic displaying comptr data rcivd by tlphon viewdt • dnoting a tlvision systm n which vido signas ar transmittd by wir to a rstrictd st of montors: closedciruit tlvision st throwng ts imag onto a larg scrn projection television • iny ilminatd aa on a tlvision scrn pixel .uxtaposition of light and shad on a tlvision scrn contrst • claity of dtail on a tlvision scrn: definition resolution .ant scondary imag on a tlvision scrn: gost • whit spot on a tlvison scrn snow • irrgla movmnt in lns on a tlvision scrn: strobing .rmot tlvsion controls hndset . a tvsion of wand mag ntism deguss • damag to a tlvsion scrn om long s: burnin • caption at th foot of a tlvision pic t: subtile • givng a good imprssion on tvision telegenic • stag managr of a tlvison prodction foor mnager • prson ntodcing and playng msic vidos on telvi sion: video jockey • tlvsion broadcastrs prompt crd cue crd • pol proctng th microphon ov a tlvision cama: boom • stdio scr showng npt to a partcla camra monitor .tlvisd stdio comptition gme show . long tlvision programm raising mony for chaity: teeton • sampl pisod of a projctd tlvision sris broadcast
eper I eo to tet audience reacton piot "re cord eeviion rogramme for ter viewing: imeshi reove a teevi ion mge nto e for digita ue: pixeate . comuter c bocking voent or eua ecit materi: Vchip tet and gric inform tion broadcat b teevon: teetext ti cture brodct outide ro gramme our for tuning uroe est ca teevon broadct of cine m teecine temer temer met or g b eting nd coong: annea temeramet denoting a goom temerment: satnine denotng cngebe temerment mecia, oate temeratre owet teoretic oibe temeture absote zeo temerture t wic dew begin to form e point .temerture cae n ic wter bo t 100° Ces, centigae temerature cae n wic water bo t 22° Fahenheit ig bod emerature wit vering and eadace: fee e ceve ow bod temerature hypo themia denoting creature man tainin contn bod temerture ambooe denoting creature woe bod temerture vrie wit at of teir urrounding co booe cooing effect of te wind uon ar temerture ch facto, inchi facto denoting wine room emerture: chamb in trument meurin temerature: themomete intrument record ing temerature vaaion: the mogaph device reguing tem eratue theosat sstem con· troing eerture uidt etc in ide buding ai contioning devce activated b temerature cge themostat ot one cented on te equtor: toi zone moderte zone nort and ou of t: tempeate zone . cod one
62 about eter of te oe frigi zone ma ine joining oint of equvent winter temerture: isocheim m ne joining ont of equvent um mer temerture: isothee gradu incree n wordwde temerture goba aming
temle teme of te god pan theon .cic teme with a n ge row of coumn monopteos denoting uc teme: peiptea .teme butu entrance: popy aem .front vetbue of cica teme: ponaos inner cmber of cica teme: cea, naos ma onr tform on wic teme buit: steeobate monumenta gate w to an ncient Egtn teme: pyon .teme recinct: temenos ( temen) Hndu or Buddit tower teme pagoa . outer cm ber of te Jewi teme hoy pace nner camber of e Jew teme hoy of hoies, sanctm sanctom te combiig rm ec denot ing a number tem baed n ten ecima, enay .eriod of ten ear ecae occurring ever or tng for ten ear ecennia ne gure wit ten ide ecagon oid gure wit ten face ecahe on atetc contet wt ten event for cometitor: ecathon Ten Commandment Deaoge tea mone d to te andord b an incoming tenant key money .andord' euion o tenan eiction ted tendon ttacng te caf muce to te ee Achies enon tendon t te bck of te knee: ham sting inmmation of tendon: tenintis inammation of te ebow tendon: tennis ebo i ammaton of te writ tendon teno synoitis urgic cutting of tendon tenotomy
ece I here
testce ombg form or having only one testcle: onorcd faiure of a testicle to enter the scro tum: rptords inlammaton of the testicles orts surgical re moval of a testicle ordeto sn pouch containing he testicles: scou . lamb's testcles as food bs r text tet of a pla lm or broad cast: srpt original version of a tet urtext prelminary version of a tet dra tet circulated for read ing or signature: round robn tet epressed in dfferent words: paraprase authors unpublshed tet anscrpt . computer manipula tion of tets: text proessng at tempts to ascertain a tets orignal wording: textua rt s .denoting a tet whose authorshp is thought to be wrongly assned: aporpha, pseudepgrapa tet n ts author's own handwrtng: autograh, oograph tet on a sngle topc: onograp tet composed of qotatons from other authors ento tet in rhyme or metre verse tet not n rhyme or metre prose tet systematcally omttng one or more letters of the alphabet: pogra tet full of praise enou, euog panegr aggressve or argumentatve tet: poe au thortatve tet: ous assus oci classci) unprepared tet set for ranslaton unseen opening words of a tet npt closing words of a tet: expt etract from a tet: gobbet, passage, perope tet spoen for copying down: dtaton introducton of errors nto a tet orrpton nserton of etra mat ter into a tet: nterpoaton inser ton of further matter between the lnes of a tet: nterneaton . cor rection of tetual errors: eendaton piece of tet repeated elsewhere doubet point where tet is miss
ng auna • tetual mar indcating corrupton: obeus collecton of tets: orpus, sourebook . mar indcating a tetual insertion: aret revised edton of a tet: reenson ancien tetual commentator soIast detaled comparison of tets coaon denoting a et edited from several sources: rtca .denot ing an edition using materia rom several sources: varoru meld of several tets: onfaton, aron . relatonshp between tets: ntertextuat . diagram showing the supposed relationship between vari ous versons of a tet stea par allel presentaton of several versions of a tet: snopss ths using si versons exapa list of words in a tet: onordane, gossar e planation of a tet oentar, exe gess, goss . analysis of a tet's meanng xpaton, ereneuts tet's basic message: gst etual interpreation denyng any d meanng deonstruton insolubl tetual prolem: rux prepare a tet for publcaton: edt . shoten a tet whlst retainng its conten: on dene edt or abridge a tet: ut legal right to control the ublcation of a te oprgt test of a stu dent's understandng of a tet o· preenson • translaton of a tet to help understanding: rb portion of tet having a wider margn: ndent, ndentaton
tat side
ombg form
( tansaline)
eatre variety theatre: us a .opera theatre: opera ouse theatre doorman: cossonare .theatre's general manager ntend ant theatres lterary manager draaturge part of a theatre used by the audence: ront o ouse part of a theatre where the audence sits during the performance audtor u, ouse part of a theatre where
hef herapy
costues are ae o store ad obe art of a theatre use as ress in roos etc backsage theatre enrance hal: foye art of a the atre here scener is reare: scene shop art of a theatre here ickets are sol: box oce area for the or chestra: p erson checkn ickets at the auitoriu entrance ushe ( ushtt) seatin on the loo of a theatre: sas seatin beneath the loest balcon p loest bal con in a theatre dess c ce i e bacon in a theatre: ppe cce hihest balcon in a theatre: gaey searate section of the auitoriu for a fe sectaors bo or be teen auitoriu an backstae: pass doo arch at the front of the stae poscenu reroof ro sceniu curtain: safey cuan stae roetin into the auto iu apon hus sage a or to ars the front of the stae don sage at or toars th rear of the stae upsage sie of the stae to the actors le: pop sde sie of the stae to he actor's riht o pop sde area at the sie o f a stae gs anle of sloe of the stage or a at of the auitoriu: ake loorleel lihts alon the stae front: fooghs area aboe the stae es isantle a stae set ske area here scener is built an ainte: scene sho p substance to ake a stae ist: dy ce actors' backstae rest roo: geen oo acrs' entrance n a heatre leain iectl backstae: sage doo aker of theatrical costues: cosue theatr soun sste for hearinai users: nducon oop enotin a theatre out of use: dak � see also sceney
he unauthorize use of anther's ork: pacy resentin another's ork as ones on: pagas co ert the of entruste one: e
bezzeen, pecuaon erson ho knowinl accets stolen oos eceve roun u an steal lie stock use � ee also obbey heme recurrent thee eof, of, ove unelin thee: subex heooy theolo base on ob sere facts an exeriences: naua heoogy thel base n a bal ance oosition of oo an eil: duas theolo base on the ro ressie abanonent of inaequate concets: apophacs, va negava _ heolo of Christ Chisoogy theolo of the Hol Sirit: pea oogy theolo of the Virin Mar Maoogy theoloial sse base on t oosin forces duas theoloical basis o f church oraniza tion eccesoogy theoloical oc trine tht the future is foreoraine: pedesnaon unscriural oc trine hel o erie fro aostlic teachin adon eieal West ern hlosohical an theoloical ss te schoascs aruent that Go ust exist for ieas about hi to exist: onoogca aguen aru ent for the existence of Go base on erceie rer in nature eeo ogca aguen aruent for the existence of Go base on the inabil it of the unierse to hae create t se: cosoogca aguen heory roisional theor hypoh ess entin an inenious but sile theor eegan exlanation of a theor exposon theor's basic assutions fs pncipes suorter of a theor advocae, ex ponen, poonen, poagons scholoical thera heray that seeks to cure an unesirable habit b associatin it ith an un leasant exerience aveson he apy scholoical thera siulat in the traua of bein brn:
heroeer hree
ebithing . Chinese system f ther cognition abiity t think cleary ay by ricking the skin with needes: lcidity inabiity t think: menta acpncte .Jaanese system f bock engaged in dee thght: theray by aying nger ressure: pensive tendency t think in a aracpesse, shiats denting ticuar way: thoght patten atheray aied after successfu treateged aranrma abiity t cmmuniment f a cancer t suress secnd cate thughts telepathy, hoght ary tumurs adjvant .theraeutic taneence bdiy mvements r enactment f varius scia res oe sture taken t indicate thughts paying and feeings: bdy angage . shw ng creative thught inventive, oitermometer thermmeter that gina shwing r caabe f litte s the temerature n a revving thugh: shaow think ver caregrah: themogaph .thermmeter fuly: m ove, mse pon fr w temeratures: cyomete thermmeter fr high temeratures: tousd mbnn forms kiopyomete air f thermmeters ( kojoue) mil .thusandth an that measure humidity: psychomniversary millennim, mienay ete ombnng toud miio tie thief gaining access by cimb- form giga ( ggbyte) ing: cat bgla tousd miiot ombnng ti • gracefuly thn: se nde , svelte form nano ( nnosecond) .thin and bny scawny .thin and tousdt ombnng form haggard gant .thin and unkemt: mi(i) (. mmete) adee scaggy becme thn and weak miesima waste away tread sun thread yan . sing tig .thing as erceived by the length f thread: stand sey senses phenomenon thing as cn ciled length thread: sken cylin ceived by the mind: nomenon drica cntainer fr thread ee, tis ide ombnng form cis- spoo (. csne) tret threat made by a hstile thrughbred miitary buildu: sabeattling torougred hrses: bloodstock cnstant threat f disaster: swod o Damoces crime f threatening torougy ombnng form exand tuching a ersn assalt and ( excucte) battey extrtin f mney under tougt adee noetic .cn threat f reveaing incriminating se centrated thught: medtation a crets: blackmai .ersn making ersn's nging thughts and reacide threats: pape tige . btain by tins t events: inteio monooge, threats extot steam o consciosness thinking in which rblems are sved by tree ombnng forms te, ti adjetes tenay, tebe tipe gica deductin vetica thinking thinking in which rbems are Three Wise Men: Magi set f three: tiad, tinity, tio three in sved by adtng a nve viewint: ne: tne . ne f three ffsring latea thinking human thught brn at b irth: tiplet divi in int mechanisms r rcesses when cmthree tc omy . ccurrg nce ared with thse f a cmuter in r asting fr three years tiennial wetwae . cnsciusness f nes . threehundredth anniversary: te meta wn thught rcesses:
hree-ea e
centena tecentennal tcenten ay, tcentennal ancent shp wth three banks f ars teme rup f three arwrks wth related themes tlogy ensembe f three mus cans r musc fr them: to sd ure wth three faces teon pantn etc cvern three panes tptyc threedmensnal pcture prduced by asers: ologam three successve successes: attck n three dentcal cpes in tplcate .hav three parts patte tple invvn three partcpants tlat-
ea combnng tredimensina for steeo drawn a three steeogam dmensnal bject
perceptn f three dmensnalty steeocognoss
tresld ectve: lnal tr cnstant thrtness scmpng trat ectve gula ugula thrat armur goget thrat membrane fds makn vce sunds: vocal cos muscular passae cn tann the vcal crds laynx voce ox nammatn f the vcal crds and vce b: layngts n fectn f the thrat causin whte patches and severe tchn tus budup f mucus n the thrat catah qud t sw rund the muth and that: gagle moutwas swen ssue at the back f the thrat aenos cear the thrat nsy: awk
cobn for a (e.g.
diaphanous), tans (e.g. transoc
trw thw cse ver a surface skm thrw hard and frequently: pelt thrw a bated hk r net cast thrw ut: eect dentn a thrw made wth the arm passn abve the shulder: ovam ovean dentn a thrw made wth the arm ept bew the shulder
uneam unean stck that returns t ts thrwer: boomeang trid veractvty f the thyrd under and ypetyosm actvty f the thyrd land ypotyosm neck swen caused by an enlared thyrd gOte
Tiet frmer ruler f Tbet: Dala ama ama net n rank t hm ancen ama hnured betan Buddhst teacher npoce T etan Buddhsm amasm .betan a r whe wth nscrbed prayers paye flag paye weel . Tbetan Buddhst mnk: lama Tbetan Bud dht mnastery lamasey Tbetan Buddhst mystc syabe: om T betan relus scr pantn tanka Tbetan Buddhst shrne coten .Tbetan : yak betan tua e psure f the dead sky bua
devce set t tck at a preset
ate metonome
tcket va fr an utward jurney ny single tcke vald fr
an utward and return juney: eun cheap sameday return ay etun tcket vald fr a sine jur ney acrss several netwrks r inter chanes: toug tcket tcket vald fr a seres f successve juneys r events: season tckt area tcket vn unmted trave fr a speced perd ove free tckets dstrb uted t creae r enare an audence pape bk f tckets canet de nt a tckt usabe n any ate open mark a tcket t shw t has been used cancel persn buyn up admssn tckets t rese at n ated prces tout
t de tde that rses hest spng tde that rses east ea te rsin tde floo ti fn tde: b te dentn a tde that s ne er rsn r fn sack . dent n a tde that s ut lo . denn a tde that s n g (f a tde r
ger I ood) to trap or oate omeone ma roo tme of hgh and ow tde at a partcur pace de able tgr femae tger gress .young tger cub offprng of a mae tger and one: go offprng of a mae on and tgre lgo tgh pued tght au tghtr . tghtrope waer fu ambuls tghs .tght for dancg or gym natc mallo actor' eh cooured tght fleshgs vertca trp of unraveed fabrc n tght ladder, ru tl ungazed ceramc oor te: quary, quarry le . curved nter ocng roof te pale wooden e tero te for roof and wa shgle thn mortar ued n tng grou tmr cuttng and preparng tm ber loggg . dryng out of tmber: seasog, reame denotng tmber that ha not been dred gree rapdy preadng form of tmber rot: dry ro tm combnng forms chroo), emp adjectve chroologcal, emporal .tme when a peron wa actve floru tme aowed for a faen boxer to get up: cou .tme when everyone mut tay ndoor cuew tme that cannot be ued productvey dead me tme of e ceptona propert achevement etc: goden age tme for the opt mum pychoogca effect psycho ogcl mome partcuar tme epoch, era .pont n tme: ucure duraton f tme spa amount of tme a peron abe to concentrate on a partcuar topc aeo span denotng the earet tme: prmeval, prmordal na moment before an event coudow tart tme: zero hour tme between tart and nh durao tme between tart and competon ead me
between mdnght and dawn: small hours tcng devce that hep mucan eep tme: mero ome devce meaurng tme me pece .devce howng the tme by a hadow from the un sudal and vee meaurng tme: hourglass cence of accurate tme meaure ment: chroomry tudy of tme horology . mechanm actvatng a dece at a preet tme mer .m agned devce aowng paenger to tae to the future or the pa me mache magned tmpace d torton aowng pope and obect of one perod to be moved to another me wap regon obervng a com mon tme: me zoe natona tme et an hour n advance n ummer for dayght avng summer me .na toa tme et an hour n advance throughout the year for dayght av ng: sadard me, daylgh savg me tredne fet aer a ght acro tme zone e lag atet tme for competo deadlne . fur ther tme granted for competon ex eso, grace evade an ue n order to gan te: emporze .aw ettng a tme mt for ntatng a proecuton: saue of lmaos tem of hortterm nteret or utty ephemero ( ehemea) happen ng at the ame tme oncuren, smulaeous, sychrous .ext ng at the ame tme conempora eous, coemporary .for an unm ted tme: defely not atng for ong: emporary, rase, ras ory .for the tme beng: pro em . at an nconvenent tme: oppor unely done or happenng at an un utabe tme umely before the proper tme: premaure .on tme pucually unaffected by tme meless
tms vr e
combnng form: fold
tnmnng dtrct saary
I o
poo for a tps iven n a res-
taurat or hote: tonc
. irednes and deresion occurrin ate a vira ection
choc fate sndome
for s . rm but exbe connective tssue catae band of connective tssue: amet .mucussecretin tssue mucous membane tissue ranferred sicaly a . stron eastic connectve tissue catae smal sace n tssue vacuoe swoen pusled tssue: abscess abnorma haenn o body tisse: sceoss abnorma ssue rowth caused by cncer neopasm nitroen compound n tssue potn compatbiity hsto tissue compatbt thckenin and scar rin of connectve tissue: fboss inammation o brous tissue: fbo sts tissue daae from extreme cod fostbte ocazed tssue death and decay anee ecoss wastn away f tissue: atoph dstoph 0 coouress tssue ud mph thick qud produced in in fectd tisue pus 0 natura sub stance controin tssue acvity: homone danostc exaination of tissue: bops medca imain of tissue manetc esonance man iman of a tssue secton panaph study of tssue structure hstoo study of tissue canes caused by diseas hto
e heredtary riht to a tite etc successon oa'
h crisp toast Meba toast
sma piece of toas to dp nt suce etc sppet sm piece of toast
served on soup or a saad couton meed cheese on toas Wesh aebt eted cheese on toast ith a poached e: bck aebt
a toast drunk t th e oa tos bao pece of tobacco f hew n pu, qud powded co for snifn snuff tobaco n in n a ppe: dote sn n toaco ncotne dark rsn prducd as tobacco is burn ta invountary inhaaton of tobaco mke y onsmokers passve mon sec
oda smokn oe toe bent permeny dwn d: hamme oe dsse caus n oe pan ou area of ard ski on a toe: con funa oiion afecn the skn betwen the toes: at ete's foot hvn nturned ts peontoed excessive number toes podact denn anas tat wak on ther toes dde ogeer mbn ng frm com e. ombnon) unabe t st o work toether ncompatbe con-
uous orae muu toerace co exstence, puasm omb dete sepucha " are and eaborate tomb ausou rockcut or buit tomb: seche ancient Eyptian omb mstaba behveshaped Mycnen omb toos . nscrpton on a tomb ep taph ancient tomb of three ae stones comech, domen ancien stone bura chamber: cst ancent buria mound: bao toie monument cenotaph
tombstone caver omboe monumenta mason oge ombnng form osso ) aetes ossa, nua rea of he tone sensitive to tases aste bud • ammation of the onue ossts speakin with tones ossoaa o o-fa rst noe n ths secn not system: doh hid note: m fourth note fah
tonsil I ooh
h ote oh sth note ah seenth note l iammation o f the tonsis
tonlt . suica emova of the tonsis tonectomy
too fo ajustin whee nuts whee bace cokscewik too fo wooboin: auge, badaw, gmt too fo breakin p ha oun: e azeene pickaxe mat. heavy chise fo cuttin tock boste bick: concavebae cis ouge meat chope ceave . ubbe bae fo ceann winos: sqeegee too fo cush in o inin: peste . cuve ct t to hoo powee cuttin o shain to: machne tool on be actua cuttin oo sche shothane aicutua tn too wit a cuve ae sce tee eavin too: bun gav cowba fo focin win ow jmmy aicutua two one fok ptchok nn to ippin toos pnces pe, og tweees to fo ppi a nu o bot: pn heecin too: sashe too fo hoin an object my bace, camp vc ion ba with a at tene en cowba .too fo mak mixin an in anes: bevel speain too patua oo fo moi o stampin out meta: de oo fo iecin eathe aw too fo apyin paste an mota towel astesmoothin to oat punn cippes secateus pnin oo with a sikeshape hooke punin bae bhook too on a n hane pnng hook .too makn seehoes dbbe, dbble too fo sepaatin ope strans manspke . too fo shap in met: swage too fo shapin oo aze heavy powee too fo shapin woo, meta, etc machn tol . metsmoothin toos fe,
powee smoohin too woosmoothin too pae wie spae: shove sma naow spa fo cuttin oots spud sma cuve spae owe theshin too fa enotin an austabe too: unvesa too's hane heve a·ow pat attachin the hane to the opeationa en shank toos expanin hoe chuck cuttin o ippin pat of a too: bt evce asp and
iin a too j g _ peson makin pecision machine toos: toomake
ombnng rms dnt, odont, odon (.. masd) jee denta chi's st teeth mk eth secon set of teeth ast in most of aut ife emanent teeth naowee tooth use to cut ncso . pointe toth between the incisos an moas anne a nine ooth in the uppe jaw: eye tooth boa inin tooth moa i eua o pojectin tooth snaggetooth .on pointe tooth potu in fom the mouth: tusk .tooth emein at the back of the aw uin authoo: wsdom tooth snakes venomiectin tooth ang cut teeth tete ub the teeth toethe noisiy: gnd invountay inin of the teeth buxsm pat of a tooth embee in the um: oot m esh aoun a tooths oot gum tooths st emeence thouh the um eupton pat of a tooth above the um cown pointe pojection on the top of a tooth cusp ha oss substance covein the cown ename bony pat of a tooth beow the ename: dente so tissue in sie a tooth pup .tooth ecay: aes bacteia m on teeth plaque ha yeowish eposit fomin on teeth cacuus, scae, tata e caye aea on a tooth cavty bock this: f passae thouh a tooth fo the neves an boo vesses ot canal ap between teeth dastema
op I ow
( dtet)
a ooh wedged eween anohe ooh and he ja: aced . aoy used o eeh: aal ing shaped o a ooh caviy: a wie device o saighen eeh: ace poecive coveing fo a ooh ca aicia epaceen o he uppe pa of a ooh: co . aicia epacemen fo a ooh suppoed y he eeh on eihe side: de deok shaped pasic hoding fase eeh: deue a e dena epai enew ing oh appeaance and fncion: esao ugica emova of a ooh eaco .denisy of chi den: aedodocs eeh pesen in a ouh: deo numeica fomua expessing his: dea fo ua posiion of eeh wih cosed jaws occuso ad ooh posiion ing wih coed aws: a ccuso eguaizaio of he eeh o jaws ohodocs cae of he suce suounding he eh: eodocs eodooo iammaion of he isse aound eeh: eodons .ne head pued eween he eeh: dea foss poined piece of wood o pasic fo ceaning eween he eeh: oohck .copound added o ining wae o aes ooh decay fuorde peson eaing and exacing eeh: des design manufacure and ing of fase eeh oshodocs peson who maes and epais fase eeh: dea echn can .moud m de ound a pesons eeh: resso sudy of eeh odooo oohed whe: co socke oohed pojecion on a whee o cyinde socke
op of a hi o mounain: su
ex on a singe opic onoah genea suvey of a opic: oee soss eaed o a paicua opic: heac depa fom he opic: ess wandeing
fom opic o opic dscuse eevan o he opic: exaeous
caning he soes of h e fee:
. oue y dipping asado wae ae oue fame on which he vicim may e seched: ack device cushing he hums:
ace ody examinaion y ouch ao ae o e ouched: ae ha canno e ouched o fe: aae
iended o in cease ecoogica awaeness ecoo s peiod of maximu ouis a iviy hh seaso peiod of eas uis aciviy: o season agen accopanng a ouis goup cou e .ouis guide: cceone ( c
ceon) daoa ( don) tournament onmen fo medieva nighs: ous
towards cmg m ad ( dvecton) tower aipo owe fo ac con
o ocias: coo oe owe: ef caae cases cena owe kee doon owe aove a gae o dawidge: aca indusia owe o condense seam: coo oe . osque owe: ae sma owe: ue owe pojecing fom a defensive wa: aso Hindu o Buddhis owe e pe: aoa sepped empe owe in ancien Mesapoaia: ua ancien Scoish owe: och owe op apeing o a poin e
town ua
adjece panned
cc, muca,
own wih age open spaces: ade c own whose inhaians mosy wo ese whee: doo deseed own: h os o fusion of sevea owns couao acwoods own in Souh Afica: do vsua appea ance of a own: oscae sqaid
32 ;
ow pag I rafc
..................................................................................... urban area sl m , twlt zone unsihy suburban developen sb toa public plannin and conrol of urban developen: town lannn . lis of owns azettee . linkae of a own wih a silar one abroad for social and culural exchanes ec twnnn person eployed o shou announceens in a owns srees
town ce t laig
. ocial perission for he eecion or aleraion of buldins lannn emsson area eararked by planners for a aricular ype of developen: zone redevelopen of rundown urban areas ban enewal .collapse of propery values due o expeced area redevelopen: lann t public faciliy offered by a developer in reurn for plannin perission
lannn an ty wheeled board like a sinle roler skae: skateboad wheeled oard wih seerin handles: scoote par of disks spun on a srin yoyo sprun jupinsick: oo stck .oy showin coloured paerns in a ube kaledoscoe opical oy producin a ovin picure tama toe, zoetoe sick wih curved vanes urnin in he wind wndill . coonlike subsance for sufn so oys: kaok
tade adees economc, me cantle . unresriced rade: fee maket, oen maket .ain ie of rade stale rade by exchane ra her han sale bate inernaional rade by barer contertade se cre rade in ies oherwise avalable only fro sae oules or no a black m aket, aalle l ma ket _ radin wih iediae payen and de livery sot maket radin for laer payen and elivery: fes rade brouh by a paricular clien: cstom ac cont illeal rade taf fc decline in rade downtn
cenre entet rade aen abroad comado denoin rade unnoiced by ofcial saisics ey, nfomal . denoin he cheap end of a rade downmaket deno in rade showin no iproveen lat . roup of counries exercisin free rade aon heselves: com
mon maket, stoms non, snle maket discouraeen of forein ipors by hih ariffs ec: otec tonsm auhoriy o rade wih anoher's oods fancse . auhoriy o rade a a specie place con cesson rade resricions iposed upon a forein counry unil i chanes is policies: sanctons ofcial ban on rae: embaro wors used in a rade ec aon tade ombnng form: mone (e.g. shmonge) . local rader lttle man .rader sellin on mddleman rader in solen oods: fence . wholesale rader: mecan .cobinaion of raders o prices: ca
tel, ce n tade ui
senor ofcial of cerain unions convene branch of cerain unions cael supporer o rade unions: nonst ran a
union workplace neoiaion rihs: econze . wihdraw such rihs deeconze . recrui in a work place: oanze, nonze work place where union ebership is vol unary oen so workplace where eployees us oin a union whin an areed ie non so workplace where nion ebership is copulsory closed so denoin a workplace wih no union presence or of work produced here non non � see alo ndstial elatons taditi radiional belefs, cus os, and sories of a couniy folklore . abandonin radiion n
novatve, adcal tafic excess rafc: coneston ie of peak rafc s o de
7 notng tac whose estnaton es beyon ts present ocaton hough xe post use to pevent trac access: oad eberate sowng of trac: affc camng rght to pro cee whe other tafc must wat: ght of ay ashng yeow gobe at ethe en of a peestran roacrossng that s not controe by trafc ghts Besha eacon arangement for tafc to merge wth that on a tansverse roa fte traf c jam ectng seer streets gd ock cose to tafc pedesanze
ai tran wth two engnes at ts font doue heade tra rven by motors beneath ts carages mul tpe unt tran taveng on a cushon of ar hovetan tran wth seepng accommoaton seepe tran run empty ghost tn enotng a tran unnng towars a majo cty up enotng a tan un nng away from a majo ct don enotng a feght tran wth a xe contnuous oute meygoound enotng a tran caryng both goos an passengers med tans scheue route across the network path eave a tan dsemak route ncato on a tans font headoad awayman n charge of a tran guad vehces of whch a tran s compose stock ong stock wagons or caages coupe togethe for a patcua sevce tan set movement f rong stock from one ne to another shuntng set of pvote whees for rong stock oge pojectng m on whees of away vehces fage uxury raway carage Pulman raway carages encose entrance aea vestue .parttone secton of a awy cr rage compatment carage wth bes seepe, seepng ca seepng caage seepngcar be eth Contnenta seepng carrage agont raway carrage whose
ra rapor seats convert nto bunks: couchette agewnowe carage: oseva ton ca seess goos wagon fat ttng on the en f a rawa vehce to jon t to another coupng safety swtch n a ocomotve cab tht cuts the engne uness constanty epesse by the ver dead mans hande token gven to ve enter ng a sngetrack secton: staff �see also aay
tranng en
vronment for pots smuto fght
smuato am extenng framewok connectng wth overhea power nes
pantogaph ae tansfer of goos gvng a rght t use ony: amen person conferrng ths mte rght ao
person recevng ths mte rght
aee peson ecevng a ght or propety b ega transfer assgn, as sgnee arrve n tme for passengers to transfe to onwar anspot
connect aio
esgn of evces usng
transstors eectoncs
aai computer tansaton automatc tanslaton, machne translaton fee tansaton par phase tea transaton meta phase unpepare text set fo transaton unseen person makng oa tansatons ntepeter aa boys hoste eacton to a tanspante ogan: rejecton
ug gven to prevent rejecton of a
pesso transpot of goos ao feght, haulage batch of goos transporte spment . arge exbe contaner for watetansport of qus dacone transport com pany cae, haue shppe company povng schee pubc a transport ane rght to oerate
re rh
trunk: gnrl kng • abnormal growth on a tree tunk gll • imple plant growing on tree chen .cuti vation of tree: rborculture for estry slvculture • botanica garden devoted o tree: rboretum • place where young tree are grown: nursery • entwine tree brache: plech • cut back a tree for pole coppce .cut down a tree: fell • cut made round a tretrunk grdle . eron runing older tree: tree surgeon .eron feing tree lumbej ck label at tached to a ree: tlly • buhe ec growing round a tree: undergrowth tudy of tree dendrology .dia gram laid out like a tree: dendro
• trei
along which the branche of fruit tree are trained: es pler trei crrying limbing plan over a garden path or arbour
. tria invalidated by a legal technicality: mstrl • trial held for publicity purpoe: show trl • hand over to a foreign tate a peron ac cued of commiting a crime there: etrdte • mock tria a an academic legal exercie moot • trial run of an idea poic etc to gauge public reac tion: bllon dess trl blloon �see also lwcourt
tial ad rrr
• triaanderror
method of olvng problem: eus
trial • riangle with three equal ide: equlterl trnge • denoting a triangle with two equal ide: sos eles • denoting a triangle with un equa ide sclene • longet ide of a rightangled triangle: hypotenuse . urveying ytem baed on mea ured triangle trngulton
tri . egal or nancial trickery hcnery • deliberate deception of a truting peron confdence trck
• eaily tricked
• trick
one into doing omething begule
• threeinone: trune • indi
vidua member of the Trinity hypos tss . denotig the hared eence of member of the Trinity consub stntl • aertion that the three member of the Trinity are eparate god: trthesm • peron claiming to believe in God but denying the exit ence of the Triniy Untan
t r i .pleaure trip: oung tiial trivial remark: bromde
• converationa
exchange of trivial itie smll tlk . anticlimax reult ing fom an unexpected mention of riviaitie bthos
troop in permanent mli employment regulrs • extra
ary force kept for emergency ue: re serves • member of uch a force re sevst • troop not part of an etab ihed force: egulrs guerrlls • troop taioned in a town or ort: grrson • troop traned to erve on and or ea: mrnes • troop trained in parachuting partroops pace where troo are tationed: post postng grrson • troop livn ac commodation: brrcks bllt ur ters . arrangement of troop rry ormton . narrow but deep forma ion of troop: column . line o troop drawn up abreat: rnk gath ering of troop for inpection etc: muster . draw up troop in parade formation dress • poition toop for batle: deploy • equip troop with motor vehice motorze • long leave granted to troo furlough � se also
solder trust • adee fducry • peron adminitering a trut tustee • inno cently truful nve unsuspectng truth .true but trite tatement: tru sm • appearance of truth: verml tude • aeedly or eemingly true: ostensble • guarantee the ruth of
ube I upee
76 ,
warran . rove the truth o emon- enemys deences sap • tunnelsae . deny th e truth o: conro- buildin by diin a trech and roover n it ove cuancover tube . tube conveyin liquid rom a ,.tubie combnng form ro-
hiher to a lower vessel by atmosheric ressure sphon .very thin tube cpiary • thin tube inserted ino a vein o body cavit canua . thi tube nserted nto the urethra caheer insertion o a tube into the body nuaon lass tube with a closed end used in laboraory exeriments: es ue • ube with mrrors o see over or roud an obstacle pescope .tube ivin the imae in a televsion or comuter cahoe ray ue • made o tubuar sectons, each tn insde the last: eescopic tuu • combnng forms onco oma • denotin a tumour that does not seriously threaten health engn • benin umour o atty tissue poma .denotn a umour that sreads out o control and returns ater treatment maignan .malinant skin tumour carcinoma • malinant tumour o the bone marrow myeoma • tumour o melanin ormn cells: meanoma .mainant tumour o connectve tissue sar coma • slowrowin malinant acia tumour roent ucer • mali nant tumour o the testis eraocarcnoma • ausin tumous oncogenc surical destruction o tumours by an elecric current eecroyss • study and treatment o tumours oncoogy see also cancer tue .simle tune ar • easily memorable tune jnge • tune o es tablished oularity sanar • musal embeshment to a note in a tune ornamen • reworkin o a comete tune variaion . tune ra ment contantly reeated osnao • section o a tune reularly reeated
efran tue .road or edestrian tunnel unerpass • tunnel du under an
.turbine owered by an enines ex haust ases uocharger turbin blade vane
tuey • noise made by a turkey goe leshy lobe hanin rom a turkeys neck: wae Tus • combnng form Turcoe. Turco-Sovit) .Turksh admn il stratve distrct vaye • latwoven :.l Turkish caret km • Turksh mixed hors doeuvre mezes .Turk " r ish dish o stued auberines Imam ay Tukish dsh o sied �: lamb oner kea • Turish dish dried cracked wheat ugar .Turkish robe oen at the ront oman .lon Turish tobacco e chiouk • Turkish summer house kosk .Turkish shared taxi oms . Turksh nomads tent yu .or mer ttle o a Turkish district gov ernor ey • ormer title o a Turkish senior ocer pasha • member o the Turkish sultans ormer uard jan sary tu combnng forms rop e.. ropism, ropc e. .turn assined in rotation u rn • comlete tun o a vehicle in a conned sace by movn backwards and orwards hreepoin ur • comlete turn o a vehicle in a sinle arc Uurn . race with consant turns sam • ass round in turn roae • sudden or unexeced qurk • ul o twists and turns ous • ruia turnin oint Ru· con, watershe • turnn orce orque .turn into bone oss .turn into stone per • turn ro its course eec • turn violently sew tuete • adetve erenh· ne
7 trtle ookey twele
ure I yre
beeding gound:
mbnng rm
dodeca adjees duodecma, duodenay twelvesided gue: dodecagon .twelveone musical system seasm, dodecaphony twety djee vgesma .set of twnty: scoe (. same) twe mbnng rms b, d( dod) . occuing twice a month: bmonthy .occung wice a yea: bannua, semannua twlgt djee cepuscua tws denoting twins joined at bith: amese denoting twins developed fom the same ovum: dent ca, monoygotc, monoygous denoting nonidentica twins: dygotc, dygous astological tem emn twst .sudden shap twst: ench .of a ship o aicaft) twist fom side to side: ya twst unnatually: contot be twisted by heat o damp: dstot, ap twt .uncontolled facial witch tc two mbn ng rms b, d, du(o) djees bnay, doube, dua .dvision into two categoies: dchotomy (of a legislative body) havng two chambes camea .fo two eas bnaua .fo two eyes: bnocua twofaced dupctous anmal hing two feet bped o able to speak, two languages: bngua ability to be n two places simltaneously bocaton .avng two names o tems: bnoma . volving two paticipants: batea, b atsan, bpatte havng two pats: bnay, bpate, du thing having two pats: dyad twoided
batea aicat having two sets of wings: bpane athletic contest with two events fo all competitos b athon . esemble of two musicans, o music fo them duet paining etc coveing two panels: dptych ancient waship with two les of oasmen on each side: beme occuing evey two months: bmonhy . occuing once in o (of a plant) astng fo, two yeas: benna two hundeth nnvesay: bcentenay, bcentenna . cut n two bsect te mbnng rm ey (
tyee set of pinting type ont . upght typeface: man . sloping typeface tac .slight stoke at the end of a prnted ltt sef seifess typefae: sans sef thicooking typeface: bod typeface imitatng handwiting: scpt Geman taditional typeface aktu ngish equivalent back ete tyewrg movng pat of typ wte fo positonng ppe: caage typewte olle: paten typewite key gvng capital lettes: sh ey typewite key giving a new ine caage etun typewite key giving fee movement of pape: caage eease .standad Englishangage keyboad layout: quet type using al nges and without ooking at the keys touchtype tyre tye with diagona crds: cospy tye with cods at igt angles to te cicumfeence: ada tyres renfoced inner edge hat gips the rim of the wheel: bad thick moulded pat of a tye tead goove in a tye tead spe . nat able tube iide a tye: ne tube won ty given a nw trea e moud, etead
Uu er denoting an lcer sow to hea idolt mra ight umbrea giving shade from the sun rsol narmed mat sports giving sk in unarmed comat mrtil rts ne jectve vuulr chid of ones unce or aunt ousi nncne semi conscous state stuor ong period of deep unconsciousness om temporary oss of consciousness blkout state of unconsciousness with body rigidity tlsy, ttoi unconsciosness from a bow to the head oussio knock un conscous st nnventna unconventiona person tri deiberatey un conventiona person ft trribl (l nfants trribs) shock the staid by unconventiona behaviour tr ls bourois nder cobnngors hyo (eg hypodric) i (eg infra-rd), sub (eg sub-zo) ndergrnd underground cem etery tomb underground com mand centre bukr underground raiway London tub under ground raiway Paris mto underground raiway Rome mtroolit underground ra way the USA suby ndermne underme a fortca tion b tunneg beneath it s undermine an organization by es tabishig agents with it filtr such an agent mol
ndertand easy to understand rsiuous, usrrdly imme diate understanding not needg r tiona thought ituitio hard to understand imti, imti obsu impossibe to understand imtbl issibl idihrbl, id istibl make hard to understand obust ndertandng perceptive under tandg iht ttio sym pathetic understandg mthy nforma dipomatic understanding between two nations tt ordil deiberate ndertatemen understatement litots ndeaer seaed underwter chamber isso underwater wa reachg to the surface to provide a dry area or, orm divers underwater vesse open at the bottom and ed with ar div bll submareike vesse for deep bthyunderwater exporaion sh nderd denotg the under wod htho, hthoi god of the Cassica underword: s luto his consort rsho river borderg the Cassica under word ferryman of the Styx �ro unempoyent nemment due to change of ob ritiol u mloymt unempoyment due to dustria reorganization struturl umloymt nfrm unform for a specied purpose ordr uniform of a par
379 ticulr regment egmentas .rdnry unrm: ndress .lse drb unfrm: fatiges unifrm fr frml but nt ceremnil ccsins servce dress . cers unifrm fr frml dinners: mess kit tight jcket fr this: mess jacket, monkey jacket tight dress trusers: overals .clsettng shrt ct: tnic .sldiers peked cp: foage cap mili try bdge nsgnia ( same) .rnmentl shulderpiece n a unifrm jcket: epaette clured ptch f clth indicting regment: fash Vshped stripe n the rm f unifrm chevron, stripe crd hlding whistle etc: anyad rnmentl fstening: frog belt wrn by certin rmy fcers with strp ver the shulder: Sam Bowne ilitry f cers shrt stick: swagge stick militry bt reching t the knee: jackboo herlds emblzned ct .jesters utt: motley tabad .nnunifrm clthes: plan clothes, cvves, mft
o enrced unin f Austri with ermny in 938 Anschlss independent unit: modle single r indivisible unit: monad Ued Saes .Texn ht stet son New Yrk undergrund ril wy: sbway . New Yrk stck ex chnge al Stret generl index f New Yrk shre prices: Dow Jones ndex y pursuit f unity between ll Christin churches: ecmenism ese combn ng form cosmo adjece cosmc .the universe be ynd the erths tmsphere: oter space, deep space the universe viewed s n rdered system: cosmos belief tht d mde the universe: ceationsm scientic elbrtin f this: ceation science explsin f dense mtter sid t hve begun the
uo I uvery universe bg bang thery tht the universe is supprted by cnstnt cretin f mtter: steady state study f the generl fetures f the universe: cosmogaphy study f the rigns f the universe cosmgony study f the rigin nd develpment f the universe: cosmology esy adjece academc . university t which ne ws educted: alma mater university enrlmatrclaton rstyer ment: university student: freshman .uni versity student wh hs nt yet tken his rst degree: ndergradate .denting university member belw the grde f mster: n stat ppari grnt nancng university stuy brsay . prtil remissin f fees wrded t prmising undergrdute: exhibition, scholarshp .such undergrdute: exhbitoner, schoar undergrdute hving neither schlrship nr exhibitin: commoner university student in hs r her nl yer: fnalist, schosman denting student exmined but nt tught b university external denting student tught nd exmined by university: ntenal .frmer university student almns (. alumna; alumn) denting university teching given t nnmembers extrama intrductry university curse: fondaton corse university clss fr smll grup: semnar lng uniersity essy: dis sertation, thess level f merit gined in university exmintin: cass, hono s university cdemic wrd: degree university de gree with the highest hnurs in tw subjects r exmintins do be rst . degree with grdings fr bility: honors degree .degree withut hnurs: pass degee degree ceremny gadaton persn but t receive degree gradand .persn wh hs received degree gradate
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.person holding a rst degree: chelor • person holding a mor ad vanced degree mser • person hold ing the highest degree ocor • niversity robes: cemcls .dark clothes worn with niversity robes: ssc • title of the head of certain niversities chcellor, rec or • senior niversity administa tor egsrr • univrsity ocial carrying ofcial insignia on cereo nial occasions ele eel eell • niversity disciplinary ofcial procor • stdents' elected represen tative in Scottish niversities: recor • chief niversity teacher proessor • niversity teacher o • perman ent employment as a niversity teacher: ere • meeting of niver sity senor members: cogrego • eeing of niversity gradates: covoco .niversity teaching • niversity department cly teachers relaxation room: seor comm o room • head o f a niversity • extended leave faclty e granted to a niversity teacher s cl . niversity extramral t ition: exeso • niversity nance ofce ches • niversity site and bdings cmps • niversity ac commodation block: hl l o resece .niversity dining hal: reecory • university holiday: vco • grop of prstigious US universitis vy Lege • arrive at niversity come p • leave niversity: go ow • expel from niversity: se ow • recruiting agents tour of niver sities: ml k ro .period of stdent anics to raise money for charities: rg � ee alo caemc, Cmrge, colege, Oxor unrtd • northodox person: mverck unsutae • make or declare n suitable: sqly unuua .nsal or nexpected act or event aerrao
• on ng for ( ndomous) • straight up vercl
nng for ep
• on ng for
ude dwn ver
• trn
over (
pside down:
uranum • modify ranim increas ing its explosive power er h urge • sdden rge to act: mplse . rge to peform an nwise action: cacoehes
onng for ro
• horse
and catte rine: stale .rinecreating gland key • system condcting rine from id ney to rethra: rry c bodily sac holding rine: ler dct by which rine passes from the kidney to the bladder rer duct by which rine is discharged fro the bladder: rehr • inlamation of the r ethra ehrs • tube insrted into the body for draining off rine: ch eer • painl rinaton ysr • involntary rination ress • inabity to control rination: coece • prodction of exceptionally smal amonts of rine olgr .ex cessive rine prodction: ress • prodction of mch dilte rine: polyr . presence of blood in the rine hemr • excessive ke tones in the rine keor . drg increasing rination rec . drg decreasing rination rec stdy and treatment of the rinar system: rology
ue • avaiable for us: oe's s posl, ree • easy to se rely, seroree • hard to serhosle • items or persons kep for later se reserve • to be se once and thrown away sposl • excessive se overkll • earmar� an item for specc use reser
38 1
sefl I ters
make the best possible use of optimize
very useful thing godsnd useful in real circumstances: pac tical
. combnng form ist motorist)
combnng forms: hyste(o), ute(o) adjective uteine .within the uterus intautein cevix en neck of the uterus trance to the cervix os uterine organ nourshing the fetus pacenta .attachment of the egg to the uterus wall implantation mucous memrane lining the uterus endomtium
lammation of the uterus mitis periodic uterine bleeding menstration, peiod abnormal uterine bleeding: mtohagia diagnostic sampling of luid from a pregnant uterus: amniocentesis specimen taken from the cervix to detect cancer cevical smea vacuuming the uterus as a means of abortion: vacuum aspiation surgical scraping of the uterus: dilatation and cuettage surgical removal of the uteus hysteectomy hormone stimulating uterine preparation for pregnancy pogesteone hormone stimulating uterine contractions and mlk secretion oxytocin
Vv aine • supplementary dose of glen • valley in Wales: cw • steep vaccne: booster . treat th vac valley n northern England gy cne: in oculate vaccin ate • narro vaey t steep sides: ri am • denotng a arometer valey .eep river gorge canyon ravine . mountan vlley: gorge usng a vacuum ox to measure at • sort valley n southern England: mosperc pressure anero cobe • steep narro valley in Dor agia combnng fom colpset or te Isle of Wgt: cine • steep • senstve area at the top of te va narro valley n nortern ngland: gna: cltoris . senstve area inse coug • steep narro valley n te vagna: G spot • area surround Nort merca: guc .narro ing te outer end of te vagina: vulva or pass: efile • ooded valley: • memrane partially lockng the en gorge ene • small oode valley: ell trance of a vrgns vagna: yen • paiul spasmodc contracton of te ae . value stated on an item of vagn vaginisus • nlammatn currency: face vaue • items value of te vagna: vaginitis • nfecton of n an oners accounts: book value te vagina causing te patces and • tems value sold: arket vaue severe tcng: trus .ts dis steet valu e . cost t replace an tem charge from te vagna leucoroe replaceent value ncrease n vaginosis • vagnal dscarge at te value: appreciatio . decrease n onset of laour or menstruaton value epeiation . loss of value sow • vagnal ulcer: enantea ue to ear and tear: epreciation • meca examnaton of the vagna . estmaton of an tem's value: vau coposcopy • vagnal plug asor ation • assgn a value to: vaorize ng menstrual lood: tapon .e • former system enng a currencys vice nserted n te vagina pessa value n terms of gold gol stanar • sold medcaton nserted to dssolve • amont y c te value of an n the vagna pessa supposito item s ncreased at eac stage n ts • surgcal cuttng of te vagina to ease producton: vue ae • reuce chlrt: episiotoy • excson of te nomnal value of stock held: write the cltoris an sttcng togeter of own • proportionate to value: a te vulva: infibulation valoe agant • vagrant o searces ae ade ta • enotng lale eaces for ojects of value: beactems tat are not in fact taxe zero cober rate age • vague and unorldly: fey ae ar valve on a crurettor ' • vague feelng of uease: alaise coke • automatc ater rell valve: ai • make vald: atiy • end of ballcock externally operated valve valdty: expi regulatng trough a ppe: stop cock • valve preventing reverse o ae • vlley n nortern England: ceck valve ae . valley n Scotland or Ireland:
383 aty vaiety of plant o anial developed y eeding: sra ansh had black o coloued vanish japa clea natual va ish: acqer vey had anish: acht arsh .had esin used to ake vanish: ros .esi lakes used to ake vanish: sheac .oil used in ixing vanish: urpe as tall vase with a st and bae: ur atca Vatican ageeent wit anothe state: cocordat see as pope alt ounded oong vault om vault foing a half cylinde: arre aut pai o intesectig ae vaults groi aut onent cove os ing conveging vaulti shot vauing i: ere al costicted cage i whic calves ae eaed fo veal crate vtab ous eleet in ve apeitif of getales: roughg ixed aw vegetales rud cea of lquidied vegetales: pure vegetales inced o stuff ing: forcemeat dish of ixed cdoe chopped vegetales dis o f ied cold vegetas saad dish of ied fied vegetales rata toue ganish of ixed vegetales: arde dish of sliced vegetales cooked in ilk: duphos chopped vegetales sauted mrepo disese caused lack of fesh uit and vegetales cr tan stic vegetaia who avoids anil podcts: ga .vegetaian also consuing ilk poducts: actoegetara peson consuing eggs lk and egetables: atoovegra hl vehicle tht ca opeate on and o wate: ampha .aphiian tavelling on a cushion of ai hercra vehicle with a la load crying aea aed sall ve
va I Vc hicle o cat foat unpoweed vehicle towed y anothe: traer .light Asian vehicle dawn y one o oe pesons: rckshaw goup of ve hicles tavelling togethe: covo vehicles base fae: chasss vehicle's oute shell od, bodwork, coachork oute stuctue added to ipove aeodynaics: farg spings etc suppoting a vehicle: suspeso distance etween a ve hicle's font and ea axles whee as axle heelounting: hu alignet of a vehicles wheels: tracg decoative cove fo wheel nuts: hu cap .vehicle pat pojecting ove a wheel: wg patial vacu in the wake of a oving vehicle: spsteam distance a vehicle can tavel without efuelling: rage lis of passenges o paces caied on a vehicle: wa .vehicle's intinsic weigh dead oad weight of people o goods in a vehicle: e oad weighing appaatus fo vehicles weghrdge coplete tu of a vehicle in a conned space y oig ackwads and fowads: hreepot tur coplee tun of a vehicl in a single ac: Utur . device oilizing a ilegally paked vehicle whe cmp .Musli woans vel ash mak Vlco spot ojupng at a Velco wall in a Velco suit a jup g n dsas disease with inlatoy dscage fo the uetha o vagina goorrhoea dis ease attacking the ones uscles and ain: phs disease with painful genial blistes gta herpes painless genital ulc: chacre nc .foe ule of Venice: Doge sall Venetian passenge oat godoa opeato of this go doer song of Venean gondolis: arcroe Venein at bus: aportto
vrq I vcry
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ventriuist • ventroqist's do dumm Venus • Greek me prodit ver recite the foms of an iect ing ver onugate denoting a ver taking a direct object: ransitive • denoting a ver not taking a direct object intransitive verdit • verdict agreed by jrors unanimous verdt • verdict agreed y a t one or two jrors majority vrdit • verdict that the ac csed is not gty: aquia jry's comment added to its verdict: ridr • denotng a verdict aganst the weight of evidence: perverse • deno ng a verdict reached on nreiae evidence unsa, unsatisatory • denoting a verdict reached withot a ry: summary • coroner's jry ver dict on a sspicios death open veri • ann a ega decision overturn, st aide verin • rid of vermin diint veut • dry vermoth Frn vrmou • sweet vermoth: Itaian vrmout verse • easiy memorae verse in g • verse that rhymes bt does not scan: oggr metrica t n rhymed verse ban vrse • verse withot rhyme or rhyhm: r vr • rhythmic pattern of a piece of verse: mr, proody • metrica anaysis of verse anion • metrica scheme mitatig norma speech: prun ry • metrica nit n versca tion oot • verseine of ve fee: pntamter • verseine of six fee eameter verseine of seven feet eptamtr • verseine of eeven sy abes: ndayab • cena pase n a ine of verse asura • hf a ine of verse: misti forne stanza qatri • matched pair of verse ines oupe, disi • grop of three rhyming nes rt • grop of for verse
ines etra sti • grop of verse ines formng a metrica nit stanza, strope, vre • stye of rhyme wth , severa repeated syaes o verse • contination of the sense eyond the ineend enjambement • denoting verse havig a pase at each neend ndtopped stress in a ne of verse: itus • theory and practice of verscation prosody see ao poem, ryme vetia • weighted ie estaish ng verticaity pumb ine • weight on a pm ine bob, pumb, pumb bob, pummt vestments • sma sqare itr gica hat worn y RC cergy birea • skcap worn by RC cergy: zu eo • strips of white coth worn at the neck Geneva ban • wooen shoder vestment worn y the pope and RC archishops paium ong garment of ack or red coth worn nder other vesents: asso • hipength vesent of white inen worn over a cassock oa surpie • ishop's ong srpice roet thick white ankeenh vesment ab . inen neckcoverng worn with the ab ami • capeike Echaris ti overvestment aub • over vestment for ishops and deacons amati • sbdeacons' short over vesment tunie • vestments em roidered orpry ornament • bishop's pointed itrgica hat: mitr ribbon for this: inua nfua) • bishop's hat mitr • shop's sta roo, rozier, patora ta ong itrgica scarf sto • ornate pro cessiona coak: op viratin • strong vibration ud dr vier • etve virga vceroys wfe or femae viceroy: irin vtr • denoting a victory so cosy as to be fte pyrri
385 vide
vd v
• video
compiled from short clips from other videos: crtc video .video colour substitution system cromey .video display showing light text on a dark groud revere video • showng of a video creening • person ntroducing an playing music videos on television: video ocey • portable video camera and recorder cmcorder .facity ar restng the image freezefrme . numbers on a video mage indicat ng time of exposure etc time code
view • place givng a good view vntge point . givng a wide view commnding • al-round view pnorm • extensive view propect • side view profile • aparent change of an object's positon when viewed from different points prl-
lx vigr
• stylish vigour eln
. lack
of vigour innition
Viking • Vikng warship longip, drgon ip viage . vage whose inhbitants mostly work elsewhere dormitory • smal vlage without a church mlet • annal vilage festival fet • open grassy area in a vilage green vine • culivation of vne viticulture . place where vines are grown vineyrd • nsect kilng vine leaves pylloxer vinegar • djeive cetic vene • situation bringng a g risk of violence flpoint • wan tonly violent viciou viin • part holdin he gerboard nec • ornamenta ilay on the back or belly pue • screw on a violin bow: nut see o muicl intrument virgin • sroic erm: virgo
• membrane partialy blockng the en
trance of a virgn's vagina ymen . virgin bth prenoenei
vir • vrus found in the intestnes enteroviru . virus livng on bac teria bceriopge • group of vir
uses causing respratory inections or meningitis ecovirue .herpes vrus harmful to the newborn cytomegloviru • herpesvrus causng glandular fever and certan cancers EpteinBrr viru • hypohetical ctious particle postulaed as the cause of bovne spongiform encephal itis virino . the bodys hostile reac tion to a harm vus immune re pone • protein nhibiting a vrus inteeron • study of viruses vir-
ology virta
• simlated
quence of aerial views flytroug • simuated sequence o ground-level views wltroug • simulaton of physical attributes force feedbc • apparent paricipation in dstant events telepreence • person ex periencing virtual reality cybenut • device for manipulatig vrtua real ity images dtglove
viit . day for public visits to an n stitution etc open y . salesmans unsolicited visit cold cll .visited by few ecluded vaar • djecive lexicl • otal vocabulay of a langage lexi
• vocabulary of a language lexicon • vocabulary of a
or topic tade or
• djecive
• hroat
profession terminology
membrane folds making voice sounds vocl cord • muscular passage con aining the vocal cords lrynx voice box • ilammation of he vocal cords or voice box lryngiti • notes a particular voice can sing comp, rnge • section of a voices range regier • voices hgher register ed voice • voices lowe register cet voice • unnaturaly igh voice obtaned by constrictng he vocal chords letto .pitch range of a voice comp, gmut, teitu
ca e
denting a ligt singing ice y denting a strng singing vice da ma heo calizatin inter·
mediate between speec and sng Spehgesang Spehsmme variatin f te speaking vice n feon nonaon moduaon in a s vice soo voe .lack f vca variatin monoone enter· tainer seeming t make his r her vice cme frm dmmy veno qus fnnelsaped device amplify· ng te vice megaphone � s als sng voo lcans pinted peak: one vlcans llw mt ae vlcanc ent fr slprs gses fumaoe vlcanic ent fr slprs gase steam and t md soaa large vlcanic crater: adea vlcans eectin f lava etc: eupon vlcanic pe· nmena voansm dentng a vl can tat is erpting r as dne s witin itical times ave de· nting a lcan tat is epcted t rpt again tg it as nt dne s witin istrical times: doman denting a vlcan ta is n e· pected t erpt again: exn .ml· ten material eected by a lcan lava rck fragments eected by a vlcn epha sidied lava in a vlcans tp pug . rck frmed by slidify ing lava frt pume .eceptin· aly large cean wave cased by an eartqae r vlcanic erptin al wave sunam stdy f lcanes voanology vuanology vomt desire t mit nasea drg indcing miting eme dg preentng miting an me voooo vd gd oa am d crm gsg am vote natina vte n an mprtant qestin pebse efeendum .rliamentary te dvson . in· frmal te taken t gage pinin
386 saw poll vte assessed frm te lme f sts fr and against voe voe verwelming vcal spprt: aamaon .(f a pr· psal) receie a marity te be a ed .largest sare f te tes cat maoy, smple maoy sare cnt ining mre tan a te tes cast: absolue majoy verwelm ing marity f tes an d s de denting a decisin spprted by all vtes cast unanmous . ccsin r place f ting po .rigt t vte suag fanhse rigt f all t te unvesal sufage prsn aving te rigt t vte eleo persn empwered t te fr anter poxy list f electrs: ee oal o sbgrp f electrs acting fr te larger bdy eleal oege electr nt giving reglar spprt t any party foang voe bilding used fr vting pollng saon nmber f vtes cast pol carmans vte t decide a tied pll asng voe psitie te in te Hse f Cmmns: aye pstie vte in te Hse f Lrds onen . psitive vte in a curc niver· sity assembly pae negatie vte n te Hse f mmns no nega· tie te in te Hse f Lrds: non onen negatie te in a crc r niersit asembl non pae vte given t eclde a candidate bakbal vte prprtinal in pwer t te nmber f persns its caster represents bo voe .syste were eac ter as as many vtes as here are candidtes umu lave vong vting strategy aimed at defeating an trwise strng can· didate r party aa vong mark a vting paper increctly spo gie te igt t te nfn hse deliberately refrain frm vt· ; ing: absan stdy f tng pat· psephology s al terns eleon, palamen
87 o tive
vow I vva
doe fulmet of a vow vo eso vowed to elgous se votay offeig made to ful
vce a vow exvoto ol vowel wih a sigle cosist· et soud monohthong vowel statg wth oe soud hat meges to aothe dihthong vowe with thee successive itemeged souds
tihhong idetemiate vowe soud schwa
oag leasue voyage cuise Vl reek na Hehaestus la Hidu vuva symbol e eseg dvie ceatvy yon . oute folds o f the vlva labia ma oa ts e folds abia minoa
Ww ae wage based on the numbe of pinning thei ams fo behind: items poduced: ecewor wage frogmach equaity: arty benet gien in walki comnng form gade addition to a money wage: frge manne of walking: gat walking beet point on a wage scale with ams pinned behind frogmrch gade ste woking hous paid at walkng as lame: hobbg .de the nomal ae: a tme im poved ate of pay fo wok done be noting a animal that walks on the sles of its feet: atgrade denot ond standad hous: overtme an animal that walks on its toes: exta pay osetting high egional ing dgtgrade livng costs: weghtg employe's deduction fom wages: stoage walki stik walking stick with noe detailing pay and deductions: a handle that makes a seat shootg J ays . age befoe dedution of stc walking stcks metal tip fer : tax and stoppages: gross wage rue wage afte deduction of tax an d stop wall adjc mura (of a build �, pages: et wag taehome ay aret (in body) wall of a age incease awaded on change of ing), body cavity ares wal linkig a job gde: cemet tendency fo cases towes curta wal uter ctual wages to outstip negotited wall of a case bey containing levels, due to ovetime etc : wage dr sysem linking wage ises to pice wall retaer, retag wa, revt met defensve wall: buar de ises deato denoting such fensive wall of wooden stakes: toc , wages: deed .peson whose ade imsy inteio wal: atto wages suppot othes n a househod: buildings wall of two ayes with a bedwer . list of empoyees and gap between: cavty wa sunken thei wages: yo peimete wl haha . low potect wao wagon fo condemned pis ive wall: aret wtetght wall ones in the Fench Revolution tum dividing the nteio of a ship bu b hed wall suppoting stuctues wake signal fo wakng: revee above it: bearg wa oadbearg aite head waite: matre d'hte! wa walling of ntewoven sticks (pl maes d'h5tel wine waite: coveed with mud o clay watte ad sommeer .wate cleaing used daub wall's extenal angle: quoi dshes: dbrrasseur continuton of l t right n leisuely walk: sauter gles: retur wall's side suface at a walk pleasue walk rambe walk aim doo o wndow: revea angled e veal: embrasue section of wall be lessly: wader walk aogantly: tween openings per clay etc used strut swagger wlk drgging the to make a wa dub lye of ce fet: shuffe walk futively: sde ment etc on a wll suface: argetg, wak though wate adde, wade foce someone to walk fowad whle renderg cement endeing with
wa l I war
389 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
pebbles peedah ca a wall wih plankng: cad claddng wh each pank verlappng ha belw hpap mrar beween brcks n a wall pi dening a wall buil whu mrar dy dye un dressed sn used as a wallller ue brck r sne lad a righ angles a wall heade brck r sne lad parallel a wall ece hrznal decrave band f bricks r asnry cue sne se a he p fa wall cape cp i e curse f runded brcks a he p f a wal cp decra ve parape ap a wall caea eea rw f spkes r brken glass se n a walls p: cheadefe prjecng brcks a he end f a wall, allwng fr s cn waerprf inuan: h layer near he f f a w3l damp cue d amp pf cu e lwes par f a wall fuda beam r plae dsrbuing wegh n a wall emplae prjecng suppr fr a wall ue bu ress shaped lke haf an arch fy ue prp up a wal wi heavy mbers ec he up heavy meal ball swng a a wall demlish wecki ba amenal wall tab le paue shallw recess n a wall che scrbblings n a wall af recess n a wall ace che grve cu in a wall fr piping ec chae gn aperure in a wall p rnamenal wen srp fr picur hks pcue a wall cvering f small peces f sne ec arranged make pcures r paerns mac lwer par f an nerr wall: dad wden panellng cvering he ler haf f an nrr wall wac waic bard a he base f an nerr wall: ki ad veri cal imber t whh laths and plaserbard are naled ud hn srp f wd as a base fr wall plaser: ah
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
wallae wallpaper made f unclured srng embssed paper Aaypa™ . wallpaper made f pwdered wl r clh: fck pape persn pung up wallpaper pae hae wals walruss lng prjecng h: uk wadei wanderng amlessly eac meade am i wanderig n searh f advenur: ea wanderng n search f rade: a hmeless wanderer amp aa d aa wa ad maa war pur sued whu resran a wa war nvvng ghng: ac h wa h wa sae f hsily wihu ghng: cd wa war be ween gds: hemachy wr b ween many mpran nans: wd wa denng a war beween ci zens f ne sae: ci ece denng a wr damagng bh sds ieece .dnng a ar nvlvng he spreadng f germs chemcal denng a war waged whu nuclear eapns ce a med sage n a war wh lle belgeren acivy: phey wa zki sae n a war whn nu clear weapns mgh b emplyed u cea hehd prsn farng recurse war: hawk wame bellgeren par ii per sn ppsng recurse war de persn refusng paicipae n war: pacf denng a sae n enerng a war eua denng a place unefended in warme pe annunce he sar f hsiles de cae wa persn r sae enaged n war: cmaa nain r per sn engaged in warfare elee grup f saes cperaing n war ae pu frces n a war fng: mze ranng f cvlans fr hme defence: c defece arrangemens fr muual uppr
war I wag
against aggressors coectve secur- de antie wardrobe in an ty nprovoked attack aggesson ornate style amoe response to aggression counte- i .large warship cpta attack counteoffensve making shp .largest warship batteshp friends with the enemy fraternzaton heavy battleship with large gns taitoos cooperation with the deadnought . smaler and faster enemy colaboraton investigation warhip cuser smaler and faster I of a hostile area reconnassance warship destroyer smaler and position forces for war deploy faster arship frgate admirals battle area font dtch dg for ship flagshp . smal naval patrol batteeld shelter: tench foray into boat vedette . warship with an airenemy territory msson, ad, sote cra rnway arcrft carre war denotng forces on ones own side ships projectng gn platform: sponfendly accidental killing of one's son arship revolving arored own forces fatcde, frendy fre gn emplacement turet common incidental destrction of civilians or room for a warships senior ocers: their property coatera damage adroom common room for a war proportion of fatalities on each side ships jnior ocers gunroom k ato persons placed by a target German torpedo boat Eboat .pri to deter attack human sheld .area vately owned armed ship licensed to not liable to attack safe are attack enemy craft prvatee pri belligerents nethical act ar vateers government licence lettes j cme belligerents right to e ne of marque merchant ship with hid tral property for payment: angay den weapons Qshp simltaneos goods taken from a defeated enemy re from al the gns on one side of a warship boadsd ikng wa oot nervos brakdown resltant ship longshp, dragon shp .an from war experiences batte fatgue cient Greek or oman warship with combat fatgue, sheshock mn several banks of oars galey .galey killed i the Great War ost generato wartme imprisonment of with three banks of oars: teme galeys sharp point for piercing resident aliens nternmet .person forced by war to abandon his home other ships ram se also subma ne land dspaced perso, refugee agreement to sspend hostlities for t contagios war on the sole of a stated period rmstce ceasefre, the foot veruca tce .payment demanded from a establishment where ig defeated adversary ndemnty reparclothes are washed and ironed: ato simlated military conlict aundry place with coinoperted ar game war game played on washing machines lunderette, maps kregspe . money freed for shetera .revolving part of a positive ses when military spending washing machine: drum ashing is crtiled peace dvdend see machine with separate drms for ao attck, batte mtry, eapon washng and spindrying tntub d ward for patients not staying machine pressing wet landry: man in hospital overnight: day ad ge . alkaline washing solton: lye ward for patients with infectios o lorescent sbstance added to washing powder optca brghtener contagios diseases soaton ard room off a ward with a few beds clothes that have been o need to be washed aundry sde ard
391 wasp ajective: vespne feile female wasp: queen . serile wasp performing basic asks worker .large kind of wasp hornet waste liquid wase effluent .remove impuriies refne dump wase iegaly: flytip reling of excavaions wih wase maerial landfll . search hrough wase maerial for reusable iems scavenge conver wase ino reusable maer ial: recycle • wasing away of an organ or issue dystrophy wasefuy exravagan prodga l profl gate . wase recklessly squander .prevening wase economical efficent frugal watch' accurae wach very chronometer for iming wach races ec_ stopwatch . qenoing a wach dial wih moving hands analogue • denoing a wach dial wih a changing numerical display dgtal movement mechanism wach • second hand moving round e main dial sweep second hand .chain for a wach fob pocke for a wach: fob .pocke wach wih an opaque cover over he fac: hunter . pocke wach having a sma window in his cover halfhunter se a wach o e same synchronize ime as anoher maifying glass wacmake's loupe watch • consan wach survellance naval ach beween midnig and 4 am middle watch .nava wach beween 4 and 8 am mornng watch . naval ach beween 8 am and 12.30 pm forenoon watch nava wach beween 12.30 pm and 4 pm aernoon watch . nava wach beween 4 and 6 pm: first dog watch • naval wach be een 6 and 8 pm: last dog watch nava ach beween 8 pm and mid nigh rst watch . person keeping ac lookout observer • keeping
wasp I water careful wach vigilant wach ou for he eacher's approach keep cave
water . combining forms aqu hydr . ajectives aquatic aqueous waer droples appeaing on surfaces as air coos condensaton . waer droples forming on grass overnigh: dew a emperaure which his begins dew pont waer held in rock or soil: groundwater from a meling acier • waer melater saly waer brne denog e ase of such waer brack sh waer scened by rose peals: rose water wase waer from washing grey water . wase waer ec rom lavaories: bla ck water ow of waer: current rush of waer: flash . circula movemen of waer eddy . denoing waer conaining no na ual salt: fresh . denoing saic waer stagnant denoing waer lahering easily: so denoing waer ahering wih dcy: hard skim over aer plane aquaplane le abou in mud or waer wallow .fech waer from a sorce draw . seac for waer wih a wichng rod: divine dowse . person doing his: dowser, water dvner nd he deph of waer: sound • supply waer for aicural purposes irigate . erminae a waer supply cut o . rid of waer dran . operaed by waer hydraulic . prevening he passage of waer: watertght • mixing wih waer hydrophlic .repelling aer hydrophobic . person insaling and repairng waer pping and equipmen plumber waer wheel wih buckes: noria • deposi formed by had waer: fur whie deposi from evaporaed had waer: scale .volume of waer normally ing he space occupied by a oaing objec displacement ground level a whch waer is always presen water level water table . leve normay reached by waer and he mark
I t eaes wateline saturated wth water watelogged temorary er er ta water e wth a ta standpipe e or hae for for water water conduit hae for water to esae sluice sluiceway sdg gate otrolg a ow of water sluice sluice gate watr tuel uder a road or ral ay culvet erorated erorated dee ro dug a water sray ose rowd otro dee ejetg a ower jet of water wate cannon arge o taer heatg water for drks un desert ae wth water oasis atura rdge from eah sde of whh wate dras to a deret rer system wateshed rego suyg a reseror et wth water catchent aea derease a res erors water stoks dawdown weghted e dg the deth of water plub line weght weght o o a umb e bob plub plub bob pluet dee determg water deth by soud waes echo sounde hard frutsk used as a water o taer gourd water barre butt sma orgasms oatg water plankton smal orgasms swm mg water nekton brdge arryg water aross a aey aque lake for for water su duct arge lake for a re esevoir water-suy fo hose hydant _ seres of roesses by whh water ruates betwee sea, ar, ad lad water cycle meda treatmet by water hydopathy hydotheapy rratoa fear of water hydophobia omoud added t drkg water to arrest tooth deay fluoide h hem ema a de omoso b water hydolysis oss or remoal of water dehyda
watcr aquaius
waterfa all orther wata waterf Egad force
watr mill m dre by tda ow tide tide ill watrrf waterroof ayer a wa a p couse sea wth water roof matera caulk wa large wae sea eeto
ay arge oea wae aused by a earthq ake or ao tidal wave tsunai og urvg wae mog steady steady cobe og wae mog shorewards olle wae that us oer ad dssoes to foam beake sow waes that do ot reak swell hgh wae rug u a rver a t hgh tde boe waes foamy to cest sray sray bow from from wae tos spin dri ow waer bewee wo waves tough waeke effet rodued by stadum rowd moemets Mexican
wave wa comb fom fom wise e
way way a thg oerates
mode wa wax comb fom om ceo wa mture for brass-rubbg heelbal
method of egrag usg a waed
ate cerography
weak sot chilles' heel aute state of weakess aused by jur emotoal stress, et shock mor weakess of harater foible weak weak ad usteady usteady groggy fee be ad effemate nabypaby beome weak languish beome weak ad emaated waste away
wa geera weath affuence pospeity weath or s ursut see as a orrutg uee Ma soure of weath on aeialis soure bonanza, golden goose dsay of wealth by a eese festye con spicuous consuption fabuous ae of great weath EI orado Gol conda eathy ad ueta er so plutocat tasteless ero who has reety beome weathy nou veau iche pavenu upstat weathy wastre rake tota moey
393 and roperty owned by a dead person etate ocal examnaton of nancal crcumstances mean tet wen weapons generaly: arma ment weapons worn at a persons sde: de arm .weapons hane heve denotng an attack weapon: enve denotng weapons used aganst enemy forces n battl tac tcal denotng weapons used over a wder rea f hostltes theatre de notng weapons used aganst enemy ome targets trategc denotng weapons harmng persons ratr than buldngs antpernne denotng weapons desgned to perce armou anttank bade xed to a rie muzzle baynet .meta guard over te knuckes kckledter .combned spear and bateaxe: halberd .forked stck wt elastc to hurl stones cata plt, lnght .ong stout stc artertaf short thck stc cdgel .strap to hu stones lng sort truncheo: lfe preerver .tube down whch a dart s blown bwppe compettve development and stockpng of weapons arm race weapons stockplng to ds courage deterrence aggressors: weapon stre armury arenal .place where weapons are made ar enal reducton n a states weap onry darmament dsarmament by nternatonal agreement arm
wer .graduawerng down attr tn, ern wear down by surface scrapg c wether state of te weater cn dtn .ne weather n ate autumn Inda ummer, St Lke m mer perod of unusually hot weather: heatwave .denotng weather approprate to te tme of year eanable weater denotng wtout exemes mld denotng ho nd ud weather: ltry .oc casiona Pcc weater phenomenon:
weapon I weight
.trappng o the suns warmt n te lower atmosphere greenhe eect gradual n crease n woldwde temeratures glbal warmng .absence of protectn from bad wether: epre .lowpressure weather system cyc lne, lw gpressure weather system antcycne, hgh .eongated regon of hgh pressure rdge engated regn of w pressure trgh area of pressure lower tan tose around t depren unstabe atmospherc pressre turb lence proporton of mosture pres ent n te atmospere: hmd frward edge of an advancng mass of warm war m or cold ar frnt scence of weater orecastng meterlgy lne on a weater map lnkng places wth te same atmospherc pressue ibar .ne on a weater map lnkng paces wth te same temperature balloonborne rado itherm transmtter sendng weater nforma ton radnde
wevng .weavng macne: lm treads rnnng engtways n weavng we wf treads run ning crossways n weavg: warp ynder holdng a weavers trad: bbbn .doubleended bobbn sed on a mecacal loom httle weaver's comb separatng teads reed treads e n te loom after weavng: thrm jecve cuneate .denotwege jecve ng acent wedgesaped wrtng cu nefrm wedge immoblzng a wee, or supportng a beaced boat:
chck w eek jecve hebdmadal weght fallng wegt of a pedrvng macne: ram wegig apparatu wt a ong calbrated arm: teel yard weghng apparatus or weghbrdge vehcles vehcles overal
wghtlfng wh wegt: gr weght wegt wtout packaging net weght nsufcient weigt hrt weght ve ices unladen wegt dead lad tare weght weigt of a veicles burden: ve ad
weghtltng .long metal bar on wic te weigts are placed barbe sort bar wit wegts a eac end dmb-be ft using e ands and forearms ony cr quck lift by straigtening arms and legs: erk .quck lift from te or o over te ead: natch lift made from a standing position: dead ft we weld mae at a number of ponts pt wed wel' cmbnn frm e- (g u hra
we" well in wic te water rses by natural pressure troug a bore ole arean wel �see als we Weh adjecves Cambran Cym rc Wels round wckerwork boat crace cwm Wels valey: Wels competition for poets and mu scans: eteddfd (p isddds istddddau Wels language Cymrc Welsspeakers erm for les Cymr Wels gypses secret Wels sped language: She ta mead metheln Wels megatc tomb: crmech, dlmen Wels Na tionalst Party Plad Cymr Wels poet bard counci of Wels bards Gredd Wes poetr improvsed to a tradtonal arp melody penll
wet adjecve: ccdental Wet Wet Inn Indan lmb bacwardbendng dance member of a West Indan crmina gang Yarde Wst Indian magc beah, vd West ndan popu lar musc wt a strong secondary beat reggae West Indian song im provsed 1 a topca teme calp
wet wet and soft ggy wet troug dden, ppng make torougly wet ak wetn .denoting wetlands adjacent to watercourses rpaan whe .wale fat bbber .waxy substances found in certain wales ambergr, permacet spear sot at waes harpn whet kind of weat used for pasta drm wole grans of wat including te sk whe wheat weat usk chaff weat � ebryos used as food: wheatgerm our made from weat wit some of te germ removed: wheatmea whee eavy weel usd as a regulator flywheel powered weel of a locomotve drv ng whee unpow ered weel of a locomotve trang whee spnnng sebaancing small weel weel gyrcpe xed to furnture: catr weel avng a grooved rm: plley tooted weel prcket, pr whee lare vertcal weel carryng passengers at farground: Ferr whee weel saf .cntral part of a weel hb nave ·' outer edge of a weel rm _ bar or � rod connectng te ub and rim pke outer rm of a spoked weel felle .projectng pont on a weel prcet, tth projecting rm on weels of raiway vecles flange contnuous artculated metal band round te wees of a eavy vecle track tool for adjusting weel nuts wheel brace algnment o a ve
ing g trackin heels: track hicle's hicle's wheel
ventng a weel moving:
wedge pre-
w wip wt knotted cords: cat-
hp de whp eros-hde hnoceros-h -tails ils .rhnoc '-nine-ta o'-nine ash, part: lash, whip's bok • whip sjam sjambok wps andle tck person s: flagel flagel-others: lf or other mself ing hmse whpp whpping
whirl I wid
395 whrl whilig coum of i tr nd whrwnd whing devis uf whg mss vrte whi ig wte whrp whky ubleded whisk nge
whtle shi whistle expessig deisio ctc whiste expessig sexul dmitio wf whte cod hodig whistle nyrd .cbnn frs euc-, whte ek() (_g lukamia gesh o elowish white ff-whte whit bood ce euccyte whteskied peso cn peso o iml hvig white skin hi due to pigmet defect bn cbnn fr fr h- (g whole cbnn hlrah uite o fom whole cece fomg cosiset whoe cherent wked obl wicked nfmu wdow widow devi ite o popet fom he lte usb dw ge lck clothes wo b widow mouig wdw weed op et e to widow b he te husbds wi dwer jnture widows house so left dwer hue wfe adjecve ur I we who sts t hoe o ce fo the house d chie huewfe subseviet behviou towds oe's wfe urune kilng e ur
wg sml wg oveg bl spot tupee gei wig merkn wl adjecves vtn, vun try wilowe, o s execise v tn oe of fee ill vuntry whehe one wihes it o o wy
ny ven nen
wl> tetmentry adjecve peso mkig wi tettr om mkg wi tetr (p ttatric not hvig mde i ntette deoig veb wi
nuncuptve c out the tems of w eecute peso ppoted to do ths eecutr (f xcutrix, per n repreenttve thing given in wil egcy tsfe of ssets b wil dptn give pesol pope i wi beueth give e estte n wil deve give fudig i will endw estte seted upo the testtos wiow jn ture gt me i will beet egcy supplemet to will cd c peso eceivg g fom wil benefcry eg uthetic tio of wi prbte estte le whe chges d beuests hve bee pd redue i closest possible fule of testme itetios cy-pre
sm whiid dut dev oing colum of te fomed b whiwid wterput
wllow iow coppe fo bsketmkig e oe of he wow tee ctkn exbl i soo wthy illow twis lted o mke fuiue wcker wckerk w wi b he gh of hose bo, et ength hosece i b te egh of he oses he hed hosece wi b ess h hoses hed's leh rt hed deoig w of seve ehs ey Wnheter membe of chese Colege Wykhmt .cbnn fr anem wnd wid blowg fom i fo hed wnd wid blog fom behn twnd i bowi dwds e breee deoing wid blo ig w fom the ld ffhre smll du dev whiw stom wih vioet wids hurrcne viole otg wid trnd, whrwnd sudde wid wit ivig i u bief bust of wid gut cost wnd i ceti diectio trde wnd wm wid
.. . . � ..
....... ...... . ... ..... ....... ..... .. ..... ... ... ..... .. .. .. . .
blowing north off the Alps fohn equatorial region of the Atlantic Ocean with uncertain winds: dl drums hot Egyptian wind: kham sin esterly air current encircling the globe jet stream seasonal wind in nda mnsn hot wind blow· ing north across the Mediterranean: sircc .Mediterranean dry nort· westey wind meltem .cold wind blowing down the Rhone: mstral sound of the wind in trees sugh against the wind pwnd with the wind dwnwnd revolving pointer showing wind direction: wea thercck, weathervane aireld eible cylinder showing wind direc· tion and force drgue, seeve, wind sck instrument for measuring wind speed anemmeter instru ment for measuring and recording wind speed: anemgraph scale for wind velocities Beaufrt scale test area where wind effects may be simu lated and studied: wind tunnel cool ing effect of win chill factr, wid chll .shelter from the wind lee thing giving shelter fro the wind: wndbreak fruit blown down by te wind: wndfall .windblown spra sand etc spndri reddening of the skn from eposure eposure to wind nd burn oil lamp for high winds hurr cane amp smll pieces of metl etc suspended to tnkle in the breeze: wind chimes .set of large wind driven vanes generating electricity wnd farm buildup of gas in the di gestive tract causing the breaking of wind: latulence
wnmll wndmil ail swep
fenestral adeve wnw window made of vertically sliding sections sash ind .sidehinged window: casement .circular win dow culus, eil-debeuf .circular window with radiating tracery: rse windw corbelled bay window: riel, ril ind large single
pane window pcture windw .nar row window with a pointed top: lancet .proecting window bay windw, bw windw .window in a roof or ceiling skyight window proecting from a sloping roof drmer drmer windw window in the side of a ship prthle small window over a door etc fanlght spacecras win dow vewprt beam between door and fanlight transm small above a main window tp light support across the top of a window intel wndows sidepos amb vertical window bar mulin horizontal window bar: ransm slab at te foot of a window: sll frame holding window glass sash glazing with two spaced panes of glass duble glazng .paste ing window glass putty counterbal ance to a sash window: sash weight small diamondshaped pane of windowglass: quarry .ornamental � stonework subdividing a window tracery inside face of a winow frame scnchen .walls side surface be side a window reveal angled veal: embrasre .window catch snb sold inner or outer cover for a window shutter installation of windows glazing window cleaners rubber scraper sueegee '
wnpp mn frm rach inammation of the windpipe trachets surgical cutting of the windpipe: trachetmy wnsun .windsurng board giving greater speed funbard wn mnn frm vn- ade ve: vinus .spice and warm wine mull .cold spiced wine: sangaree' .wine for everyday use vi de vin du pays, vn rdinare .wine voured with aromatic herb: ver- mth .new wine primr from the rst grapepressing tte cve .ligt pink wine rs .for tied wite wine shrry fortie
397 ed dessert wes madera prt malmsey stong sweet wne whte we wth crme de casss Kr German d whte wne ck German sparklng whte wne Sekt Geman wne made wth latepcked gapes Sptlese Geman wne made wth selected latepcked gapes Ausese Geman wne made fom grapes pcked wth ce on them Eswen (p Eiswin r Eiswins) .Greek eslavoued wne retsna .talan sparklng whte wne su mante Portuguese wne dunk whle new vn verde Spansh o Potuguese ed wne tnt denotng a wne hat s almost d -dry denotng medumd wne dem sec denotng a wne that s not sweet dy sec denotg spaklng wne ptllant musseux denotng unsweetened sparklng wne brut denotng slghtl spaklng wne rante denotng wne havng a ch sweet taste luscus denotng a matue and pleasng wne mew denotng a wne of hgh qualt vn tae denotng wne spolt b tannn fom the o crked denotng wne at oom empeaue cambr gape juce befoe o dung fermen taton must wnes aoma nse wne's becomng rad to dnk maturatn wnes taste mut nal taste of wne ns stelze wne b heat o rradaton asteur e cover fo " wne botles cok casule spal devce fo openng a wne bottle crkscrew tatate depost le b maturng wne crust tar tar wne sedment lees wne enple enlst expet aeng to evaluate varous wnes tastn wne mechant vntner .wne water smmeler .estaur ants charge made fo servng a cus tomes own wne crkae ocal ttle of wne fom a atcula avest or area desnatn descpton
wn I wr awarded to a Fench we guaanteeng ts og and method of poducton appellatn cntrle appella tn drne cntrle catego of vneads o wnes n France cru unmarked bottle fo sevng wne or ate carae decanter doubleszed wne bottle manum wne bottle 4 tmes the nomal sze er bam wne bottle 8 tmes nomal sze metusela wne bottle 16 tmes nomal sze baltar we bottle 20 tmes normal sze nebu cadnea box contanng a dozen bottles of wne case wne bael butt cask te or batch of wne cuve stock of wne celar shop stud of selng wne vntner wnes enly cmbn n frm: pter (e.g wng cmbnn trdatl) adjecve: alar a ca havng a sngl set of wngs mnplane aca hvng two sets of wngs bplane arct's sngle tangula wn delta wn ma ght eathe n a bd's wng rmary eater maxmum dsance acoss a pa of wgs wn
wnne wnne's ceemonal crcut of he spots gound lap n ur one of the st thee o fou postons at the end of a ce ace wne .adjcve: bernal bernal ema ema .lve thogh the wnter venter .sleep though th wnte bernate ap lne jonng ponts of equvalent wnter tempeatue scem we sngle length of we stand electrc wre cable lead encased goup of nsulated electcal wres ca ble wes used to stat a c fom te batter of anothe ump leads tunng we n an eal ado cats wsker shapedged bae we rar wre mae we b pullng metal hough ne holes draw
wise I wood thickess
of a we: gage e or ama wre work fgee Thre Wis Mn: Mag wise wis r lard ma sage psn caimg t be wise: wseace .wis dm afr th vnt: ndsgt wish sudde wish: wi cmly with somon's wishes: o dne rerdlss o wishs co soy invony wit witty talk reatee witty re mak: on mo say witty rtrt hat cms t mind ar th chace to ma i hs gn est de I'escae witch .mal witch: waock wiz witch's attdat ad socee sirit: aa witch's cokig t: athng f witch: caudon Irish walck: coven sabat psoge .mder witchcra cut Wcca withut combining forms a (eg amoral), an (e.g anonymous) in (eg nstabilty), n (eg unattachd) witness witess wh has rso ay s what h r sh descries: eyewtness .deotig a witss a tagoistic t th arty qustig him r hr oste .witsss vi dece giv i curt: teston give evidc as a wits: testf swr statemt mad by a witss ut crt depostion .attmt t uece a witss nteerence .lyig y a witss udr oath: per jry jective pine youg wlf wlf: pp rso who chags it a w: lycantroe, werewof wmn .combiningform gynaeco jective feae, feinne .youg wma aradg with a at twrg grup: d ajorette, a orette aive yog woma: n imudet or atius gnue youg woma: ix .rersa ti sexualy alurg wome ceesecae deotg a sexy at
tractive youg wom: ne sex aly ttractive yug woma: nypette sductiv but dager·us wman: fe e fatae fashi abl yg wma f the 1920s: fap per dwdy frp wm: arid wma: spinste agg umarried wman: old ad woman whos hsad has died: wdow .ugly d woma: ag ag .wman with itllctul r litrary rtesis estockng inlue tia woma grande dae wma myd to ducat childr at hm: governess wma mpye as nanny childmider residt woma emloyed as a cleaer: ca woan .wma .wma ltti lttig g ut ut lodg lodg-g: andady .wman in char a ulic hous: andady arrogat ad dmirg woma: pa donna aggrssiv wma vrago aggresiv d wma: aridan wman rgat r the rt tim: piigravda wma rgnat fr t ast te secod tim: tigravida wman whse hsbad is ab st grass wiow arty r wme oy: en party married wmas mae lover: ciciseo lder womas gigoo youthl mal scort: wmanctrd gynaecocentric re y wm: gynaecocracy gynarcy, atiarcy olite r sct shw t wome: civar ga antr sch wher youg are taght scial gracs: fnisng .erso scoo, car scoo srviig a yg woma i ulic: study ad caperone, denna treatment o womes disases: gy naecoogy advocate wmn rights: feinst .ar f wome: gynaecopoia gynopoia .hat rd wme sogyny w
I ,�
ign xyo jective: ligneos .wod rm a cer soood .wd rm a roaeaved tree ardwood ight! combining forms
woodland word
..................................................... ..
weight wood used fo modelmaking: basa bod made of thin laes of wood wih atenating gain: plyood • boad made of compessed wood chips and esin chpbard boad made of compessed and teated wood pUlp: hardboard thick piece of wood: be long thin stip of ood batten ath • thin and naow sip of wod: sat piece of thin wood in a chai bak spat bundle of wood: faot faot pehistoic wood cice hene be patten in wood: ran hole in wood whee knot as faen wooden out: knothoe late: trencher • ectangula wooden tie: shnle • wood pesevatve dsilled fom coal ta: creosote had po tective coating fo wood acquer var • high-gloss wood olish nsh French osh ipple effeJt in ne wood gain: fddeback • thin su face lae of wood: veneer • ood inla decoting funitue: maruer .ooing of woode bocks parquet .substance panted on woodkot to pevent esin seepage: knottn ne wood powde e b boing in sects: frass feeding on wood: xyl ophaous (of a plant stem become wood iny • giant gass whose ood stems ae used in funitue making ec: bamboo • pepae wood fo use b adjusting its moistue con • wood-shaping ma ent: season chine athe peson woking wood o a lathe turne • musical nstu ment with itched wooden blocs: xylohone oodlad
dryad hamadryad oodorker
.woodwoke mak ing stais, doos, et oner .wood woke making funitue: cabnet maker maker
ne knitting wool: fnern • e so goat wool: cahmere • con stituent sand of knitting wool: py
• cut
wool of a sheep shear comb wool efoe spinning: card .co of spun wool: hank skein wor
• mbining
frms ex o-
• adjetives verba nym lexca wod of one sllable: monosyabe • wod of two sllables: dsy abe • wod of wo o moe sllables poysyable • wod of thee sl lables: trsyabe • wod of fou sl lables: tetrasyla be wod fomed fom the initial lettes of othe wods: acronym • wod of fou lettes: ttra gram wod fom which a late wod is deived: etymon • newl nvented wod: conae neooism wod coined fo the occasion: nonce word wod found onl once: hapax eom enon • wod fomed fom anothe wod dervatve • wod fomed fom he lettes of anothe: anaram wod having the combined mean ns of two othe wods, and con stuced fom some of thei souds bend • od eaing the same bck wads as fowads: palindrome wod taken diectl om anohe anguage: oanword • wod o phase diectl tanslting a tem with simi meaning in anothe language: caque oan transaton denoting a wod having the same oo as anothe conate • wod meaning the same as anothe: synonym wod meaning the opposite of anothe antonym wod spelt and sounding the sam as anothe but having a dfeent mean ng and oigin: homonym wod spelt the same as anothe, but having a diffeent mening: homorah wod spet the same as anohe, but having a dieent sound and mean ng: heeronym • wod sounding the same as anothe but having a diff ent meanig homophone • moe pleasant wod: euphemsm ess pleasant wod dysphemism • wod used i infomal speech: coloqua impotant sm wod: keyord
wod wok
ovruse wor clic fashiocaai bsic par of a wor able an oveuse wor bwrd tem .change in a wos form r .enoting suc trms hackeyed, cing its grammatcl fuco i ie misus of a wor caacrei flec arranement of wors to mae a correct stence ya conusio of smirsoning o srtene form of a wor abbrev wor maaprpm .ccital ai ctraci 0 symbo staning trasposiion f wods openin for a wr lggram lggraph choe of souns perim o wor rrsnt by a singl sign wors praelgy r f prase shortan grammalge sll .choc n use of wors dci, parace in exc the sam user o wors sylit, wrdmit o statsical aalysis of wo use wors verbaim us of mor wors ylmey 0 wors of a opera c than are nee pleam wors libre stuy of the eang of knn o a person o use in a spher wors semaics suy o words o activity vcablary term for relat closely concepts oogy partcular o a iniviual or milgy sty of the forms wors profession praelgy of wors mrplgy suy of used i a ra etc arg conve wor origns etymlgy popuar tionl expressio frmla charc but msta account of a wos ori terstic use of wors idm parlace gins fk eymgy pplar eyml wors oen foun together cllca ti wors impli mening c gy eoting a wor imitang th ati synactc cegory to son of what t scribes ma peic wor blenng the sous which a wor belongs par f peec wrd cla wor s o conct an meanngs of two others prman ea wrd expres n wors v clauses or seences cci balize uttr a wor vcalize secr wor(s) us to gan amis sion paswrd wors for a sog w cess wor processor lyrics expressio of a whole phras fatur ttig txt nto avaiabl ln space wrd wrap as a single wor lprasis wors surrouing a wor or uttr w cmnn frm eg har ace which hlp etrmine ts mea menal wor drdgery har wor ing ce fanciful s of wors oe for lttle ay sweae labr ccei sing few wors lacic plac whr this is oe sweap using too may wors lgwide, wor pai for accoring to th pry, rdy wor uzl in which amount prouc piecerk wor cran lttrs n ach ln form a nvolvig much travellig legwrk ame or messag acrc puzl amount of wor to be on wk to n a seris of wors giving th lad ratio of wor on to rgy same letter seqec whe rea etc cosu efficiecy wor across or own r sqare gr tan home rk wor on by of lettrs contanng wors wrtten a stunt whle learing crsewrk any irection wrdsearc compr wor conseqent upo prevous hesio test of rplacg missig wor fllwp wor prouce n wors clze es se of wors a cialy to th ma proect beginng wth the sam so or lt byprdc, parerg spiff se tr allierai repetito of wors lectio of wor sho to a potntia in rvers orr ciasms wors mployer prli nathorze use of aothrs wor piracy pr sa as a magc spll crai i
401 sentng nther's wrk s nes wn pagarsm dentng pressnl wrk wtecar dentng mnl r ndstrl wrk: bue-car .dentng wmen's wrk pnk-ca wy o crryng t ts tec ne skiled pprch t tsk tecnue wrkmansp .dentng wrk dne t decent stndrd wrk manke metcls cmpletn tsk: fwtrug bele tht wrk hs n ntrnsc orl vle wrk etc prects ndertken by dctr r scl wrker: casead sbstntl pece rtstc r schlrly wrk: ps persn ddcted t cnverstn rk: wrkac bt wrk beteen clleges meet ng scly: sp ta wrk wth dclty abur wrk i del try mnner ptter clpse de t erwrk: brnut n Jpn) deth kars csed by verwrk: methd workng: mdus per and (p mod orand) stdy e cent wrk methds: ergnmcs,
tme-andmtn study wrk stdy
.persn mntrng the schedled cmpletn wrk: prgress caser tme vble r prject tme frame per wrk: st nt dly perd wrk s wrkng day dentng perd wrk dne when mst peple re t lesre n sca .sht mpsed seprte perds wrk spt sft persn tkng ver t the end sht reef .wrkng hrs vrble b emply ees fetme setn lextme dy when eeryne mst be t wrk cre tme .wrkng hrs shrter thn s srt tme tme wrked beynd one' contrctl hors ver tme recrd th nmber hrs wrked tme seet dylng relese emploees r edctn: ay reease .lltme relese emply ees r edctn bck reease .dy's npd wrk gven t n ver
work I worker lrd: crve csl wrk pd dly: daywrk .ble t wrk t gether cmpatbe tke n n b cver sent wrk clee's chnge dmcle n serch wrk mgrate .persn lvng the wrk thers drne slwng r stp png wrk s prtest ndustra ac tn gvernment rgntns ssstng ths seekn wrk: jbcentre jb cub egn lness t d wrk: manger orbd n employee to do hs nrml wrk suspend send n emplyee hme becse temprry lll n wrk ay ff dentng n emplee dsmssed becse thee s n mre wrk redundant n wrkn rder: perabe peratna p
eratve servceabe
wrk mbnn frms -er (g mnr) -er (g razr) .new wrker's intrdcry trnng: n ductn .wrker recevng cn trctd ped trnng apprentce .trned wrker emplyed by n experenced ter juneyman rker d and ske wker
peratve crtsmns ssstnt mate ly skled wker master nskld mnl wrker: a burer persn dng d wrk ack wrker dng ny jb facttum rdnry wrk ers: factry fr sp r hmecraftsman
bsed wrker mkng extense se telecmmnctns teecmmter eewrker workers consdered cllectvely abur, abur frce man pwer wkfrce emplyees regrded s bsness sset: uman resurces .grp wrkers nd eqpment devted t prtclr tsk sectn unt grop o wrers ssembed r specc prect ask frce dentng wrker seekng emplyment n jobbjb bss casua freeance dentng pd wrker empyed stpendary .dentng n npd wrker nary
lessly cbbe write quickly t able t read ad write teate wrt cobining fors: -gam (eg tlam), gah adjective: gahc uabbreviated hadwrit ig: nghand type f hawritig ct elegat hadwritig: calg ah caligrapher's decrative uris: cucue slpg style f hadwritig, with lps ceate cuve .jied-p hadwritig: reverse writig m wtng strke Jg letters: lgatue curved strke made i hadwritig th detig adwritig large letters f eve height: mau cue detig writg i lwercase letters mnuce detg badly frmed hawritig cabbed bk with sampls f gd hadwritig: cb fait lies paper t gide adwrtig fent marks sep aratig writte seteces r phrases:
psychlgical stdy f hadwritig: gahg text i its authr's w hadwritig autgah, hgah alteratve way f writi a particu lar leter r sud agah sy tem f writig: ct sstem f symbls fr ighspeed writi: ht hand, tengah system f sym bls each represetig a syllable aba .apaese syllabic writig: ana simplied picture used t re preset a wrd i certai aciet writig sysem� gh, ctgah symbl stadg fr a wrd g am gah writig dicat ig te idea f a thig but t its ame degam degah sigature-symbl f a literate per s ma picture puzzle i whic a wrd is represeted by pictres f b jects whse ames make its syllables:
I wrongly
.systems f sigs used t recrd music chregraphy etc n tatn aciet Egyptia pictre writig: hegh aciet Egyp tia priestly script usig simplied hierglys heratc aciet Egy tia scrpt used by the lait a simpli ed frm f hieratic: demtc a ciet wedgeshaped script: cunefm aciet system f writig with lies rug alterately let t rigt ad right t left: buthedn a ciet wed writig tablet f tw higed leaves: dtch writig i strumet used with waed tablets: tu aciet writg srface f puded sedge stems: ar (p ayri) writig surface made frm aimal ski: achment e parch met made frm calfski: veum study f aciet ritig systems aaegah put it writig tancbe .had pai frm much writig wte cam shrt piece f writig ea cllect f writ igs anthg, cectanea cm
mnace b, fegum, gaand mcean mnbu affectedly elabrate stye f writig euhum tediusl wrdy style f ritig t elabrately crive piece f wrtig: ue aage ue ach ue e det ig a awkward ad hesitat style: tted .ewspaper reprters' style f writig: unaee
.cobinng form: (eg autoah)
.mir wrgdig i the act f wrg
mdemeanu dig: n fagante dect
cobinin for cata (eg catacrsis) m (eg msaln)
Xx X .X-shapd: decussate X-rays X-raying a sction through
tmgrapy cmputerzed aa tmgraphy X-ray xamn
th body: aton
bl ducts changgraphy X-ray xamnation of th gll bladdr clecystg raphy Xray xamnation of th ympang lymphaic systm: grapy X-ray xamnation of a vin vengraphy X-ray location of mammgraphy brast tumours: .Xray pictur radgraph .X-ray or ltrasound pictur of a sction tmgram through th body .opaqu rgion in an Xray pictur
shadw transparnt to X-rays radlucent opqu to X-rays rad paue rad-paue substanc
improving th X-ray visibility of body organs: cntrast medum barium mxtur consumd by a patint bfor th digstiv sysm is Xrayd: bar um mea scrn for dirct viwing I flurscpe of X-ray imags: shild aganst X-rays worn by halth worrs: aprn short-ran X-rays: gamma rays us of Xrays radg raphy mdical tratmnt by X-rays:
study of mdical applications of X-rays radlgy
. . .
Yy yacht .winhuled yach: caama ran yach of sandard design: ne den yachs open upper ridg: ybrde fyn brde ych har our marna presiden o a yach cu cmmdre . se as ba
yarn srand of a yarn py hread used for socings e year ajctve annua remarale year annu mrab year having 36 days eap year year o 354 days: unar year a or accoun ing year fnanca year �a ays in a solar er epac im o year when day and nigh ae o ual lengh: eun ar of e r as priclarid climae or ens ean yr jus egnning or aou o egin new year .s person o ener a house in he e year: rer year s ended o aou o en d year for ech year pe annum sum of moe pid every year, or an insurance shee securing his: annuy .period o a housand years men num .period of a undred years: cenury .period of en years dec ade .ocurrng wice a year em annua bannua occurring ach
year, or lasing for a year annua occurring every oher year, or lsing or wo years: benna occur ring ever or lasing for hree years: renna occurring ever or lasing or, four years uadrenna .occurring ever or lasing for, ve yeas: unuenna occurring ever or lasing or, even years epenna ocurring ever or lasing for en yars decenna years
mbnn (e.g ctnaan)
yeat yes susue sed in aing bakn pwder .o ough ecome eraed y yas prve re dull rishyello yellow khak • yelloig of h sin or yes:
yield poly o yieldig o he de mands of a oenial aggressor: ap
yoga sysem o physica eercies
haha ya youh ie of you nnae .df eren aiudes o young nd old: en ran ap creaons of a wriers or ariss youh oen laer sup pressed as imaure: juvena
Zz Z
Zen insoluble riddle: koan • zen meditaton zazen •
Zus .Roman me: Jupiter zigzg
zigzag course tken by a vessel sailing into the win tackng, traverse •
zic .coat a metal with znc gal vanze z
zoo whose visitors rie through arge paocks containing wid animals: safar park •
zfgy • zoology of iving creatues neontoogy • zoolg of fossil forms paaeontology Zrstri • Zoroastrian scrip tures Avesta • coentary upon the Avesta Zend • name of Go Zoroastrianism: Ahura Mazda, Or mazd • foower of Zoroastrianism in western India: Parsee • structre upon which Parsees expose their ed tower of slenc
goup o Zulu warriors: mp