Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues Pythagoreans celebrate sunrise, by Fyodor Bronnikov [!th cent"# $Public domain image%
Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues by &" &ynn &estcott [1911]
'ontents (tart )eading Page *nde+ Te+t [i--ed [i--ed## This is a review of number lore by W. Wynn Westcott, an esoteric author of the 19th century. Westcott includes information on the Pythagoreans and the Kabbalah. The main portion of this book includes a series of chapters dealing with everylarger numbers, starting with the !monad,! 1. Westcott had a grasp a wide range of occult correspondences, correspondences, and this short book includes many rare snippets of information.
Title Page 'ontents Pre.ace to the First /dition, 0!1 Pre.ace to the (econd /dition, !12 Part *" Pythagoras, his Tenets and his Followers Part **" Pythagorean Views on Numbers Part ***" The 3abalah On Numbers 1
Part IV. The Individual Numerals
The Monad" " The 4yad" 2" The Triad" 5" Three and 6 7al., 58 The Tetrad" 9" The Pentad" : The 7e+ad" ;" The 7e-tad" <" The Ogdoad" 0" The /nnead" !" The 4ecad" 1" /leven" " Twelve" 2" Thirteen" 5" (ome 7indoo =ses O. Numbers Other 7igher Numbers The 6-ocaly-tic Numbers
T"# "#PT$%. &.
Numbers, Their Occult Occult Power and Mystic Virtues Virtues, by W. Wynn Westcott, '1911(, at sacredte)ts.com
p. &* T"# "#PT$%. &. T"# "eptad, say the followers of +Pythagoras,+ +Pythagoras,+ was so called from the reek verb +sebo,+ to venerate -and from the "ebrew h/0, seven, or satisfied,
abundance, being eptos, +"oly,+ +divine,+ and +motherless,+ and a +2irgin.+ 3rom 4icomachus we learn that it was called +5inerva,+ being unmarried and virginal, begotten neither by a mother, i.e., even number, nor from a father, i.e., odd number6 but proceeding from the summit of the 3ather of all things, the 5onad7 even as 5inerva sprang all armed from the 3orehead of 8ove or eus. "ence also 0brimopatr:, or daughter of a mighty father, and laucopis, shiningeyed, and ;<=>?@ and ;ABCBD;, $metor and $geleia, she that carries off the spoil. $nd +3ortune,+ for it decides mortal affairs. $nd +2oice,+ for there are seven tones in every voice, human and instrumental6 because they are emitted by the seven planets, and form the 5usic of the pheres. $lso Tritogenia, because there are E parts of the oul, the Fntellectual, Frascible and #pithymetic -desiring, and G most perfect virtues are produced. 8ust as of the three intervals, length, breadth, and depth, there are four boundaries in corporeal e)istenceHpoint, e)istenceHpoint, line, superficies and solid. Ft is called +$gelia,+ from $gelai, $gelai, herds, as groups of stars were called by the /abylonian sages, over which herds ruled & angels. $lso Phylakikos, IJC;DLM N preserving, +guardian,+ because the even Planets direct and guide our universe. p. &E $lso Ogis, from Pallas $thene, or 5inerva, the bearer of the breastplate or gis, also Telesphoros, leading to the end, because the &th month is prolific7 and 8udgment, because their Physicians looked for a crisis on the &th day in many diseases. $mong other curious problems and speculations, the Pythagorean philosophers attempted to prove that offspring born at the full term, 9 months, or at & months, were viable, i.e., might be reared, but not those born at Q months, because Q consists of two odd numbers -male only R and E7 but in 3
9 and &, male and female numbers are united, as R S G N 9 and G S E N &, whilst eight can only be divided into two odd or two evens, i.e., similar se)ed numbers. Fn respect to life and its divisions, they remarked the ages are measured by the number &. Fn the first & years the teeth are erupted. second & years comes on ability to emit prolific seed. third & years, the growth of the beard as manhood. fourth & years, strength reaches its ma)imum. fifth & years is the season for marriage. si)th & years, the height of intelligence arrives. seventh & years, the maturity of reason. eighth & years, perfection of both. ninth & years, euity and mildness, passions become gentle. tenth & years, the end of desirable life. olon the $thenian Uawgiver, and "ippocrates the physician, also used this & year division of life. The Pleiades, a group of seven stars in the constellation Taurus, was thought of mighty power over earthly destiny7 there were seven also of the "yades, daughters of $tlas7 and the seven stars which guided the sailors. Vrsa 5aor, in which the "indoos locate the apta Xishi, seven sages of primitive wisdom, are a group of the first importance and are easily recognised. %uncan, in his +$stroTheology,+ gives & stages of life with p. &G
associated planets7 thus, Fnfancy, 5oon, Uuna7 Yhildhood, 5ercury, Knowledge7 Zouth, 2enus, Uove7 5anhood, ol7 3ull trength, 5ars7 5aturity of 8udgment, 8upiter7 and 0ld $ge, aturn. ome philosophers have said that our souls have & foci in the material body, vi[., the five senses, the voice, and the generative power. The body has seven obvious parts, the head, chest, abdomen, two legs and two arms. There are seven internal organs, stomach, liver, heart, lungs, spleen and two kidneys. The ruling part, the head, has seven parts for e)ternal use, two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth. There are seven things seen, body, interval, magnitude, colour, motion and permanency. There are seven inflections of the voice, the acute, grave, circumfle), rough, smooth, the long and the short sounds. The hand makes seven motions7 up and down, to the right and left, before and behind, and circular. There are seven evacuations7Htears from the eyes, mucus of the nostrils, the saliva, the semen, two e)cretions and the perspiration. 5odern medical knowledge corroborates the ancient dictum that in the seventh month the human offspring becomes viable. 5enstruation tends to occur in series of four times seven days, and is certainly related to Uuna in an occult manner. The lyre has & strings, corresponding to the planets. There are & vowels in #nglish and some other tongues. Theon of myrna also notices that an average length of an adult!s intestine is *Q feet, four times seven, and *Q also is a perfect number.
The number & is also associated with 2oice and ound, with Ylio the 5use7 with 0siris the #gyptian deity7 with 4emesis, 3ate,H$drastia, not to be escaped from7 and with 5ars. $s to the sacredness of the number &, note among the "ebrews, oaths were confirmed by seven witnesses7 or by p. &R seven victims offered in sacrifice7 as see the covenant between $braham and $bimelech with seven lambs, enesis, chap. ))i. vv. *Q, *1\*Q7 the "ebrew word seven, also h / 0 ", is derived from, or is a similar to h / 0, to swear. Ylean beasts were admitted into the ark by sevens, whilst the unclean only in pairs. The oths had & %eities from whom come our names of week days7 un, 5oon, Tuisco, Wotan, Thor, 3riga, eatur, corresponding, of course, to the planets. $pollo, the un od, had a reek title #bdomaios, sevenfold. The Persian 5ithras, a un od, had the number & sacred to him. 4ote the 5ysterious Kadosh Uadder of & steps ascent and & steps descent, the one side 0heb #loah, Uove of od7 the other 0heb Kerobo, love of the neighbour. Plato, in his +Timus,+ teaches that from the number seven was generated the oul of the World, Anima Mundana -$dam Kadmon. The seven wise men of reece were6 /ias who said, +5ost men are bad,+ /.Y. RR]. Yhilo ^ +Yonsider the end,+ /.Y. R9]. Yleob_los ^ +$void #)tremes,+ /.Y. RQ]. Periander ^ +4othing is impossible to perseverance,+ /.Y. `]]. Pittcus ^ +Know thy opportunity,+ /.Y. R`9. 6
olon ^ +Know thyself,+ /.Y. `]]. Thles ^ +uretyship is ruin,+ /.Y. RR]. The even Wonders of the World are thus enumerated6 1. Pyramids of #gypt. *. The hanging ardens of /abylon, for emiramis. E. Tomb of 5auslus, King of Yaria, at "alicarnassus, built by $rtemisia, his ueen. G. Temple of %iana at #phesus, RR* /.Y. Ytesiphon was the chief architect. R. Yolossus of Xhodes, an image of the sun god, $pollo, of brass, *9] /.Y. p. &` `. tatue of eus, at $thens, by Phidias. &. Pharos of #gypt, built by Ptolemy Philadelphus, of white marble, *QE /.Y.7 or the Palace of Yyrus which is sometimes substituted. anskrit lore has very freuent reference to this number6 note6H apta Xishi, seven sages7 apta Kula, & castes7 apta Uoka, seven worlds7 apta Para, & cities7 apta %wipa, seven holy islands7 apta $rania, & deserts7 apta Parna, & human principles7 apta amudra, seven holy seas7 apta 2ruksha, & holy trees. The $ssyrian Tablets also teem with groups of sevensH& gods of sky7 & gods of earth7 & gods of fiery spheres6 seven gods maleficent7 seven phantoms7 spirits of! seven heavens7 spirits of seven earths. The Yhaldean notion seems to have been that & was a holy number which became nefast under certain conditions. The opposite sides of a die added together are always seven in total numeration, the G opposite E, ` opposite 1, and so on.
Ft used to be asserted, says 8ohn "eydon, that every seventh 5ale born without any female coming between, can cure the King!s #vil, by Word, or Touch. t. 8ames iii. 1& gives the & characters of wisdom. $fter /irth the &th hour decides whether the child will live, in & days the cord falls off, in twice & days the eyes follow a light, thrice & days turns the head, & months gets teeth, twice & months sits firmly, thrice & months begins to talk, after G times & months walks strongly. $fter & years, teeth of second set appear. $fter 1G years is the arrival of generative power. $fter *i the hair of 5anhood is completed. $fter *Q we cease to grow, at ER is greatest strength, at G9 is the greatest discretion, and &] is the natural end of Uife. The 5oon passes through stages of & days in increase, full, decrease, and renewal. 4aaman was ordered by #lisha -an $dept to take seven dips in 8ordan, to cleanse himself from Ueprosy. p. && The olden Yandlestick of even /ranches was a notable emblematic ornament of the Tabernacle of 5oses, #)odus ))v. E1. 4ote the seven years for Xepentance7 & churches of $sia -or $ssiah, & $ngels with Trumpets, & candlesticks of the "oly Places, & seals, & trumpets, & kings, & thousands slain, & vials of wrath to be poured out, pace the $pocalypse. & members make a 3reemasons! lodge perfect, although R may hold one. 3rancis /arrett, in his +5agus,+ catalogues & /irds, 3ishes, $nimals, metals, stones, and members of the body. Ft has been said there are seven apertures of the skull to correspond with the planets.
There are even %egrees in the 0riental 0rder of ikha and the at /hai -& /rothers7 but F have doubts of the /rahmanic authenticity of the present 0rder of the name, which was introduced by 8. ". Uawrence $rcher. 3rom the relative length of their courses the ancients constructed a Planetary Uadder, with 2owel ymbols, thus6
These symbols were used in mystical knowledge, $s an Fnscription at the Temple of $pollo at %elphi shows, where # F meant the un and its nearest Planet, i.e., un and 5ercury7 and 5ercury was often represented as a %og, following a un 5an. The 0racle of Ylaros -5acrobius, aturnalia, 1. 1Q said that -the nostic %eity was the un and the first and last of the planetary set, hence the & Yoncentric spheres. %uncan assigns these 5inerals and $nimals to the & "eavenly /odies known to the ancient world. 5oon, /ull, ilver 5ercury, erpent, uicksilver 2enus, %ove, Yopper un, Uion, old 5ars, Wolf, Fron 8upiter, #agle, Pewter aturn, $ss, Uead
4ote also the number of & pipes in the 5usical instrument at the mouth of the old deity Pan, the reat Whole, a un od -not the later Xural Pan. p. &Q $n ancient symbol of the universe was a hip with seven pilots, in the centre of the ship, a Uion7 possibly from an idea that the un first rose in Ueo. 4ote $ries supplanted Taurus, as the constellation in which the sun rises at the 2ernal euino)7 Taurus was the sign at the early fabulous periods of the earth Hit was displaced about E]] /.Y. The sign becomes changed every *1R] years by the precession of the euino)es6 Pisces has now followed $ries7 but the un is still said to enter the sign $ries at the 2ernal #uino) about 5arch *1st. Fts actual position in 5arch 19]] was near omega Pisces. T. ubba Xow describes the even Primary 3orces of 4ature as si) powers resumed in a seventh. These are called akti -5ahamaya and are related to Kanya, i.e., 2irgo, as the `th odiacal ign7 they are Parasakti, force of light and heat7 Fnanasakti, intellect7 Ftchasakti, cause of voluntary movements7 Kriyasakti, energy of will7 Kundalini sakti, the life force shown in attraction and repulsion, positive and negative7 5antrika sakti, the power of sounds, vibration, music, words and speech7 these are summari[ed in %aivi prakriti N the Uight of the Uogos. 0ur physical senses known as R, are an incomplete set, there are indeed & forms or modes of perception, as appears in the highest developments of the +Yhabrat [ereh aur bokher,+ and as described in the oldest anskrit occult science of the Vpanishads6Hsmell, taste, sight, touch, hearingHand `th, 5ental perception, with &th, spiritual understanding6 the two latter were not dwarfed and materiali[ed into noticeable organs in this fifth Xace of beings, to which 5an now belongs. 3or a fuller e)planation see the +ecret %octrine+ of ". P. /lavatsky. The $rchaic scheme recogni[ed even tates of 5atter7H homogeneous, aeriform, nebulous or curdlike, atomic, germinal fiery elemental, fourfold vapoury, and lastly that which is cold and dependent on a vivifying un for light and heat. 0ur #arth, symbolised by 5$UKVT" of the Kabalah, is the seventh of a series, and is on the 3ourth plane7 it is p. &9 10
generated by 8esod, the foundation the i)th World, and after complete purification will in the &th Xace of the &th Yycle become reunited to the piritual Uogos and in the end to the $bsolute. 0ur earth has been already thrice changed, and each cycle sees seven kings -as of #dom. There were even Kings of #dom, enesis, )))vi. v. E17 the Kabalists consider these as types of primordial worlds which failed to survive their creation. even is the key to the 5osaic creation, as to the symbols of every religion. There are even Planes of being, the upper three are subective and unknowable to mankind, the lower four are obective and may be contemplated by man as metaphysical abstractions6 so there are the seven Principles in 5an, and the upper triad are parted from the lower group of four at dissolution. The even Principles constituting man are variously named by the #soteric /uddhism, by the 2edantic scheme, and by other philosophies, but they correspond in idea7 first from above come $tma, a ray from the $bsolute7 /uddhi, spiritual soul7 and 5anas, human soul7 these are the superior triad, which separates at human death from the lower tetrad of principles. The lower four are Kama rupa, the passions7 Uinga arira, tile astral body7 Prana, life essence7 and thula arira, the lower body7 see the dogmas of #soteric /uddhism. The Kabalah divides these into four planes of the oul, which are further separated by adepts7 these are Yhiah, 4eshamah, Xuach and 4ephesh, which correspond to the symbolical worlds of $t[iluth, /riah, Zet[irah and $ssiah. There is an occult reference in the even stars in the head of Taurus called the Pleiades, si) present and one hiddenHsaid to be daughters of $tlas, who, pursued by 0rion, were changed by eus in mercy into pigeons -peleia. The missing one is 5erope, who married the mortal isyphus, and hides herself for shame. even was the number of the Xabbis who left the +reater "oly $ssembly+7 ten had formed it, three had p. Q] passed away from the +od,+ 2%, mystery. ee +The reater+ and +Uesser "oly $ssembly,+ or the "a Fdra Xabba uadisha and "a Fdra uta uadisha. $thanasius Kircher the 8esuit states that the ancient #gyptians associated numbers to the planets as follows6H 11
E, 9, 1R, GR
G, 1`, EG, 1E`
R, *R, `R, E*R
`, E`, 111, ```
&, G9, 1GR, 1**R
Q, `G, *`], *]Q]
9, Q1, E`9, ER*1
Fn this matter see also 3rancis /arrett, +The 5agus.+ The later Yoptic names of the & ods and planets and enii of the World of the $ncient #gyptians are6 aturn, Xephan, od of time7 8upiter, Picheus, od of life7 5ars, 5oloch, od of destruction7 ol, Phre or Pire, meaning "oly Uord7 2enus, uroth, lady of love7 5ercury, "ermes, "ermanubis, od of speech7 and Uuna, Piooh, lady of the waters. Fn Yhina & is the number of %eath, and their days of mourning are & times &6 the even tar Plank is the name of the bottom plank of a coffin in which they bore & holes. The "indoos speak of & Tatwas, the abstract principles of e)istence, metaphysical and physical, the subtle elements and the corresponding human senses, of which only five are yet developed. o there are five e)oteric, $kasa, 2ayu, Teas, $pas and Prithwi7 the first two esoteric yet unknown are $ni and $nupadaka. The first name means 0ne, Vnity, the $tom, and is a name of /rahma7 the latter means parentless, selfe)istent. The first five are referred
to primeval $ether, $ir, 3ire, Water and #arth6 and to "earing, Touch, ight, Taste and mell7 note $ir is not "earing. ee Xama Prasad on +The Tatwas.+ The anscrit names of the even Planets used in "indoo $strology are urya for the un, Yhandra for 5oon, Kua for 5ars, /udhan for 5ercury, uru for 8upiter, ukra for 2enus, and hani for aturn6 then there are p. Q1 'paragraph continues( Xahu, the upper Uunar 4ode, and Ketu for the lower. 8upiter is also named /rihaspati. The word eptemtriones refers to the north, and is so called from its reference to the & stars of Vrsa 5aor, also called the Plough, and seen in the odiac of %enderah as the Thigh. The Talmudic /erachoth, 1G. 1, says he who passes & nights without dreaming deserves to be called wicked. The Kabalists describe even classes of $ngels6 Fshim, $relim, Yhashmalim, 5elakim, $uphanim, eraphim and Kerubim. The 8udaic "ell was given seven names by the Kabalists7 heol, $baddon, Tihahion, /ar hacheth, T[elmuth, haari 5uth, and ehinnom. even things were formed before the world7 Uaw, Xepentance, Paradise, ehenna -that is ai hinnom, the Throne of lory, and the 5essiah. The Targum Zerushalmi says these were formed *]]] years before the World!s creation. Talmud, Pesachim, RG. 1. even things were hidden from man7 the day of death, the time of the resurrection, the final udgment, the opinion of his fellowman, the time of the 8ewish restoration, and the 3all of Persia -whatever that may mean. Pesachim, RG. *. The Talmud in +Yhagiah+ names & "eavens, and 0ccultists recogni[e & Planetary "eavens7 Xauie, ebul, 5akum, 5aon, agun, hereboth, and hamaim.
Fn 5icah, chapter v. verse R, we read that & shepherds shall waste $ssyria7 the Talmud says they were $dam, 8acob and 5ethuselah, $braham, 8acob and 5oses, and %avid. uccah. R*. * 0f Prophetesses there were &7Harah, 5iriam, %eborah, "annah, $bigail, "uldah and #sther. Fn the Talmud, Kethuboth, 1&. 1, it is said that it is permissible to the 8ew to look into his wife!s face for & days after marriage7 after this it is presumably wrong, in their opinion. 0n the &th day of the month $dar, 5oses died and the rain of manna ceased, says the Talmud, but this appears to p. Q* be contradicted in 8oshua v. verses 1]\1*. "e was born on the same day of the same month. The /ava Kama says that after & years a male hyna becomes a bat, in another & years a 2ampire, after another a Thorn, and after another is turned into a demon. Ff a man fails to pray devoutly for & years, his spine after death becomes a serpent. /esides those who prophesied for Fsrael, there were & other prophets, /eor, /alaam, 8ob, #lipha[, /ildad, ohar, and #lihu the son of /arachel the /u[ite. The /ava /athra says that & men form an unbroken series to this day. $dam was seen by 5ethuselah, then hem, 8acob, $mram, $hiah the hilonite, and #liah, who saw him, and #liah is still alive until today. #ven & years of pestilence will not cause a man to die before his allotted time. This dictum of the treatise anhedrin is a statement of predestination. $ Xam has but one voice while alive, but after death his body makes & sounds7 his horns make two trumpets, his thigh bones two pipes, his skin will cover a drum, the large intestines are formed into strings for the lyre, and the small intestines will make the small strings for the harp.
Fn the abbat, 1R*. *, of the Talmud it is said that the oul of a man watches over his corpse for & days. Yompare this with the Theosophic teaching that the Uinga arira broods over the body for a week after death. Xabbi 4athan says that & good ualities avail at the 8udgment7 wisdom, righteousness, good opinions, mercy, truth, grace, and peace. even epithets are applied to the #arth in the "ebrew tongue7 $ret[, $damah, $reua, ia, T[iah, Zabeshah, Yheled or Thebel. The mystical Xiver ambatyon flowed all the week, but was still on the &th day, says Xashi. "ershon, Talmudic 5iscellany, 1RG. The & Yatholic %eadly ins are Pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth. The & ifts of the "oly pirit, Fsaiah )i. v. *, are Wisdom, Vnderstanding, Younsel, 3ortitude, Knowledge, p. QE 'paragraph continues( Piety and 3ear of the Uord7 these are seven of the Kabalistic ephiroth. even is the token of Vnion between od, who is Triune, and 5an, who is uaternary. W. 3. haw. The "oly host is said to impart a &fold gift7 & Uamps burn before the Throne of od. The Youncil of $rles declared that 1 /ishops ought to take part in the 0rdination of a /ishop. There was a & years probation for admission to the Yeltic 0rder of the Yuldees. There are & 2estments of the Yhristian priesthood, and /ishops should wear & others, andals, %almatic, Xational, 5itre, loves, Xing and taff. The & Yhampions of Yhristendom were t. eorge for #ngland, t. %enis of 3rance, t. 8ames of pain, t. $ndrew of cotland, t. %avid of Wales, t. Patrick of Freland, and t. $ntonio of Ftaly.
The & leepers of #phesus, according to the monkish legend, were Yhristians who hid in a cave under the persecutions of %ecius in the Third Yentury7 they fell into a trance and slept *]] years. They awaked in $.%. GG& and going to the #mperor Theodosius FF., they convinced him of the truth of the Uife beyond the grave6 this done, they returned to the cave to sleep until the Uast 8udgment. The & %olours of the 2irgin 5ary is the name of a Xoman Yatholic 3ast %ay held on the 3riday before Palm unday. The & Wise 5asters were officers of King Kurush who tell stories to save the life of the King!s son6 they e)ist in reek, yriac, "ebrew, Persian, and in #nglish are called The /ook of indibad, edited by Ylouston. The Yoptic nostics represented the 8ehovah of the "ebrews by a curious arrangement of the & vowels, without a consonant7 thus F #"00V$ -the " is the reek eta, long e7 and the first 0 is the reek long 0, omega. Fn the oroastrian theology we read of the highest beings the & $mshaspands7 0rmu[d, source of life7 /ahman, the king of this world7 $rdibehest, fire producer7 hahrivar, the former of metals7 pandarmat, ueen of the earth -the nostic ophia7 Khordad, the ruler of times and seasons7 p. QG and $merdad, ruling over the vegetable world. /elow there are the *& F[eds, ruled over by 5ithras7 in opposition to these were powers of darkness, the & arch devs, and the *& devs, or devils as we call them. The historic city of Xome, pagan before it was Yhristian, was built upon even "ills7 the Palatine, Ylian, $ventine, 2iminal, uirinal, #suiline, and the Yapitol. Fn Uatin times it was called Vrbs epticollis. ome old authors speak of +2alentia+ as a secret name for Xome. The +/iou 4otes and ueries,+ vol. )iv., p. *ER, says that the & days of the week have all been used as sacred days7 unday by Yhristians7 5onday by the reeks7 Tuesday by the Persians7 Wednesday by the $ssyrians7 Thursday by the #gyptians7 3riday by the Turks7 and aturday by the 8ews. The number & was curiously related to ". P. /lavatsky and the Theosophical ociety. +Uucifer+ was first published in 1QQ&, and 1QQ& is the sum of 1& 16
hundreds, 1& tens, and 1& units7 ". P. /. lived at 1& Uansdowne Xoad, and 1& $venue Xoad7 +Uucifer+ was published at & %uke treet7 & volumes were completed at her death7 Yolonel 0lcott first met her at & /eckman treet, and later at &1 /roadway, 4ew Zork. $nna Kingsford was elected president first of the Uondon T. . Uodge on &th 8anuary 1QQE7 +Fsis Vnveiled+ was published in 1Q&&, and the Third volume of the +ecret %octrine+ was published in 1Q9&, after her death.
4e)t6 The 0gdoad. Q. TH !"#!$#. 8.
Fs the first cube of energy, and is the only evenly even number within the decad. The reeks thought it an allpowerful number7 they had a Proverb +all things are eight.+ Yamerarius, in his edition of the $rithmetic of 4icomachus, calls it Vniversal "armony, because musical ratios are distinguished by this number. The Xatio of 9 to Q is sesuioctave, this forms a tone and is attributed to the 5oon. 5ercury. 1* to 9 is sesuitertian 1* to Q is sesuialter 2enus. 1` to 1* is sesuitertian 1` to Q is duple un. 1Q to 1* is sesuialter. 1Q to 9 is duple 17
5ars. *1 to 9 is duple sesuitertian $ttributed to 8upiter. *G to 1Q is sesuitertian *G to 1* is duple. *G to Q is triple 1Q to 1* sesuialter 1* to Q sesuialter aturn. E* to *G sesuitertian E* to Q uadruple $re ascribed to the Qth or Fnerratic phere which comprehends all the rest. E` to *G. sesuialter E` to 1Q duple E` to Q uadruple *G to 1Q sesuitertian p. Q` "ence the 0gdoad was also called +Yadmeia,+ because "armony was looked upon as the wife of Yadmus7 and Yadmus meant the ublunary World, as 0lympiodorus says. #ight was called also 5other, and Xhea, Yybele and %indymene, from being the first cube, and a cube representing the earth.
The eight persons saved from the flood of jisuthrus are synonyms of many octaves of gods, such as the Q Yabiri great gods of amothrace7 see /ryant and 3aber on this myth. There are Q /eatitudes of the Yhristian religion, 5atthew, chap. v. #ight is the number of the 5oons of aturn. There have been several 5asonic orders concerned with this 4oachite 0gdoad, as the Prussian masons, Knights of the Xoyal $)e, or Prince of Uibanus, the 4oachites, and the Xoyal $rk 5ariners, which is a subsidiary order to the 5ark 5aster 5asons. 5acrobius says the 0gdoad was the type of 8ustice, because it consists of evenly even numbers, and on account of its eual divisions. 8ohn "eydon tells us that Q #vents befall the %amned, and that there are Q rewards of the /lessed. The number Q was sacred to %ionysos, who was born at the Qth month7 the isle of 4a)os was dedicated to him and it was granted to the women of 4a)os, that their children born in the Qth month should live, whereas it is usual for such to die, although those born in either the &th or the 9th month are usually reared. The 8ews were accustomed to practise Yircumcision on male infants upon the Qth day after birth. The 8ews at the Yhanucah or 3east of %edication lit Q candles, and it lasted Q days. This is the #ngkainia of 8ohn ). **. $s to conuring among the ancient 8ews, it is said in Talmud, uccah. RE. 1, that Uevi played with Q knives7 amuel in the presence of the King apor of Persia used Q cups, and $bai before Xabbi Xava used Q eggs. #ight prophets were descended from Xahab the "arlot, p. Q&
vi[., 4eraiah, eraiah, 5aasiah, 8eremiah, "ilkiah, "annemeel, and hallum. 4ote also that "uldah the prophetess was the grandchild of Xahab. The last Q verses of %euteronomy, The 5osaic Uaw, The Pentateuch, were written by 8oshua. /ava /athra, 1G. 1. Xabbi 4athan states that there were Q sects of the Pharisees6 but both of the Talmuds -8erusalem and /abylon name only seven. Ft is prophesied that the "arps which will be played on earth before the 5essiah will have Q strings. #rachin, 1E. *. $s seven was the number of the original Yreation, so Q, says W. 3. haw, may be considered as the %ay of Xegeneration. #ight souls were saved in the $rk of 4oah, and 4oah was the Qth in descent, his name was 42Yh N Q times Q N `G. QQQ is the special number of 8esus Yhrist as +"e who is the Xesurrection and the Uife.+ "e is the great opponent of the ```, the number of the /east, the number of a 5an. The ancient Yhinese writings refer to Q musical sounds, the Pahyin. -. chlegel. T"# #44#$%. 9. T"# #nnead is the first suare of an odd number, it was said to be like the 0cean flowing around the other numbers within the %ecad7 no further elementary number is possible, hence it is like the "ori[on because all the numbers are bounded by it. We find that it was called Prometheus, and +3reedom from trife,+ and +2ulcan,+ because the ascent of numbers is as far as 9, ust as the ascent of things decomposed by fire is as far as the sphere of 3ire -the summit of the air, and 8uno, because the phere of the air is arranged according to the novenary system, and +sister and wife to 8upiter+ from its conunction with the 5onad. $nd +Telesphoros+ or +/ringing to an end+ because the human offspring is carried 9 calendar months by the parent. $nd teleios or perfect for the same reason, and also called +Perfect+ because it is generated from the Triad, which is called +Perfect.+
$ttention is called to its being an emblem of 5atter, which, ever varying, is never destroyed7 so the number 9 when multiplied by any number always reproduces itself, thus6H9 times * are 1Q and Q plus 1 are nine6 and so on as below6 9 E N *&7 * S & N 9
9 1* N 1]Q7 1 S Q S ] N 9
9 G N E`7 E S ` N 9
9 1E N 11&7 & S 1 S 1 N 9
9 R N GR7 G S R N 9
9 1G N 1*`7 ` S * S 1 N 9
9 ` N RG7 R S G N 9
9 1R N 1ER7 R S E S 1 N 9
9 & N `E7 ` S E N 9
9 1` N 1GG7 G S G S 1 N 9
9 Q N &*7 & S * N 9
9 1& N 1RE7 E S R S 1 N 9
9 9 N Q17 Q S 1 N 9
9 1Q N 1`*7 * S ` S 1 N 9
9 1] N 9]7 9 S ] N 9
9 19 N 1&17 1 S & S 1 N 9
9 11 N 997
9 *] N 1Q]7 Q S 1 S ] N 9
p. Q9 Fn 8ohn "eydon!s +"oly uide,+ 1``*, we find that he asserts the number 9 to have other curious properties6H+Ff writ or engraved on ilver, or ardis, and carried with one, the wearer becomes invisible, as Yaleron, the /rotherinlaw of $le)ander, did, and by this means lay with his /rother!s concubines as often as he did himself. 4ine also obtaineth the love of Women. $t the 9th hour our aviour breathed his last7 on the ninth day the ancients buried their dead7 after 9 years 4uma received his laws from 8ove7 note the 9 cubits length of the 21
iron bedstead of the giant 0g, king of /asan, who is a type of the %evil, and there are 9 orders of %evils in heol -what we call "ell. Ft prevails against Plagues and 3evers7 it causes Uong life and "ealth, and by it Plato so ordered events that he died at the age of nine times 9.+
There are nine orders of $ngels, says regory, $.%. EQ1, in "omily EG6 eraphim, Yherubim, Thrones, %ominions, 2irtues, Powers, Principalities, $rchangels and $ngels. 3rom a Yhristian point of view the numbers represent6H 1. Vnity of the odhead. *. The hypostatic union of Yhrist. E. Trinity. G. #vangelists. R. Wounds of 8esus. `. Fs the number of sin. &. ifts of the spirit, Xev. i. 1*7 and 8esus & times spoke on the cross. Q. /eatitudes. 9. 0rders of $ngels. 1]. Yommandments. 11. $postles besides 8udas. 1*. 0riginal $postolic Yollege 1E. Yollege completed by t. Paul. The 4ine 5uses of ancient reece were called daughters daughters of eus and 5nemosyne -5emory, and were Yalliope, poetry7 Ylio, history7 5elpomene, tragedy7 #uterpe, music7 #rato, love, inspiration and pantomime7 pantomime7 Terpsichore, dancing7 Vrania, astronomy7 Thalia, comedy, and Polyhymnia, elouence. 22
The 4ovensiles are the nine abine ods6 vi[.H"ercules, Xomulus, Osculapius, /acchus, /acchus, Oneas, 2e 2esta, p. 9] 'paragraph continues( anta, 3ortuna and 3ides. The abines became merged with the Xomans about *`` /.Y. The 4ine gods of the #truscans were 8uno, 5inerva, Tinia, 2ulcan, 5ars, aturn, "ercules, ummanus and 2edius7 the #truscans also became united with the Xomans. 4ote in 5acaulay!s poem of +"oratius,+ +Uars Porsena of Ylusium by the nine gods he swore,+ in R9` /.Y. Uars Porsena led the #truscans7 they were then most powerful6 from the #truscans the Xomans took much of their law, custom and superstition. Ft is by nines that #astern presents are given, when they would e)tend their magnificence to the greatest degree, as mentioned in Yomte de Yaylus, +0riental Tales.+ 1&GE. /arrett!s +5agus+ notes also 9 precious stones, 9 orders of devils, 9 choirs of angelsHhe copies from 8ohn "eydon. 4ote in this connection the 4undinals of the Xomans, who marked the days by letters into parcels of Q days, and on every 9th day the people left their pursuits and went to the towns to market7 hence the ocular Uatin saying, Tres mulieres Nundinas faciunt . These nundinals are a type of our %ominical letters, a set of seven marking out the Qth days. The Xomans also held a purification ceremony on male infants on the 9th day of life, hence the presiding goddess of this rite was called 4undina. The 4ones were one of the sets of days composing each calendar month. month. The Xoman 4ovennalia was a feast in memory of the dead celebrated every 9th year. The 4ovendiale was an occasional Xoman Yatholic fast to avert calamities, from this arose the X.Y. system of 4euvaines. There is a 5asonic order of +4ine #lected Knights,+ in which 9 roses, 9 lights and 9 knocks are used.
The 5ahometans have 99 names of the deity. ome 8ews have taught that od has 9 times descended to earth7 1st in #den, *nd at the confusion of tongues, Erd at the destruction of odom, Gth to 5oses at "oreb, Rth at inai, `th to /alaam, &th to #lisha, Qth in the Tabernacle, p. 91 and 9th in the Temple at 8erusalem7 and that his 1]th coming as the 5essiah will be final. The ancients had a fear of the number 4ine and its multiples, especially Q17 they thought them of evil presage, indicating change and fragility. $t the 9th hour 8esus the aviour died. 4ine is also +the earth under evil influences.+ 8ohn "eydon in the +"oly uide,+ and 8. 5. Xagon, in his +5aonnerie 0cculte,+ thus associate numbers with the Planets. un 1 and G, 5oon * and &, 8upiter E, 5ercury R, 2enus `, aturn Q, 5ars 9. and the odiacal igns thus6H 1 Ueo * $uarius E Yapricornus G agittarius R Yancer ` Taurus & $ries Q Uibra 9 corpio
1] 2irgo 11 Pisces 1* emini. The 3irst and the econd Temples of the 8ews were both destroyed on the 9th day of the 8ewish month $b. 0n the 9th day of $b modern 8ews do not wear the Talith and Phylacteries until evening. The day should be spent in tears, and no good comes of work done on that day. The Talmud in oteh, *]. 1, says that a woman prefers one measure of fun to 9 of Pharisaic professional goodness. 4ine persons have entered Alive into the 8ews Paradise7 #noch, #liah, 5essiah, #lie[er the servant of $braham, "iram king of Tyre, #bed 5elek the #thiop, 8abe[ the son of 8ehuda the Prince, /athia daughter of Pharaoh, and arah the daughter of $sher. ome Xabbis add Xabbi Zoshua son of Uevi, but he entered not at the door, but climbed over the wall. ee Kethuboth, &. *. Fn the 1GRth Psalm we find 9 reasons for praising od. The reat #leusinian 5ysteries were the successors of the #gyptian 5ysteries of Fsis and 0siris, and were celebrated at #leusis and possibly also at $thens, in honour of %emeter or Yeres7 they occupied 9 days, and were commenced p. 9* on the fifteenth day of the third $ttic month, /oedromion, eptember6 they took place once in every five years. The Uesser 5ysteries were performed in the month #laphebolion, 5arch, at $gr on the Xiver Flyssus in honour of Persephone or Proserpine, daughter of Yeres. Yandidates after reception became 5yst6 in the reater 5ysteries they became #popt. The ceremonies were called Teletai, perfectings. They remained in use for 1Q]] years, and were only ceased in the time of the #mperor Theodosius, $.%. E9R.
5ention of 9 Worthies is found in literature7 they were E entilesH"ector son of King Priam, $le)ander the reat and 8ulius Ysar7 E 8ewsH8oshua, %avid and 8udas 5accabeus7 E YhristiansHKing $rthur of /ritain, Yharlemagne and odfrey de /ouillon. 4e)t6 The %ecad. 1]. T"# %#Y$%. 1]. T"# %ecad, number Ten, or P$4T#U#F$, which meant +$ll complete+ or fully accomplished,+ is the grand summit of numbers, which once reached cannot be passed7 to increase the sum we must retrograde to the 5onad. The Pythagoreans were entranced with its virtues and called it %eity, "eaven, #ternity and the un. Ten being the recipient or receptacle of all numbers was called %ecad, from dechomai N to receive, and hence "eaven, which was ordained to receive all men. Uike the %eity it is a Yircle, with visible centre, but its circumference too vast for sight. Ft is the sum of the units of the number four as previously mentioned, a holy and %eistic number, thus G S E S * S 1 are 1], and thus ten gains splendour from its parentage. $lso spoken of as +#ternity,+ which is infinite life, because it contains every number in itself, and number is infinite. Ft is also called Kosmos, that is the +Vniverse.+ Proclus says6 The decad is mundane also, it is the world which receives the images of all the divine numbers, which are supernaturally imparted to it. Ft is called +the fountain of eternal nature,+ because if we take the half, five as the middle number, and add together the ne)t above and the ne)t below, vi[., ` and G, we make to, and the ne)t two in a similar manner & and E are 1]7 and so on Q and * and 9 and 1 give the same result. $ll nations reckon by the %ecimal scale of notation, to 26
p. 9G which they were no doubt led from the convenience of counting the ten digits of the hands. Ft is also spoken of as Kleidouos, that is, +having custody of others,+ the maga[ine of the other numbers, because other numbers are branches from it6 also called 3ate, which comprises all sorts of events6 $ge, Power7 $tlas, because it supports the to spheres of "eaven7 Phanes7 5emory7 Vrania7 and +The first uare, because it consists of the first four numbers.+ Two old conceits were that the Tenth wave of the sea is always larger than others7 and that birds laid the 1]th egg of a larger si[e than the others. The word Ten was used by the "ebrews, instead of +a large number,+ so that care must be e)ercised in translating this7 thus 4ehemiah interprets +ten generations+ of %euteronomy ))iii. v. E to mean +for ever.+ 4ehemiah )iii. 1. The Kabalists called R, ` and 1] circular numbers, because when suared, the result shows the same number in the unit figure, thus6 R times R are *R and R times *R are 1*R ` times ` are E` ` times E` are *1` 1] times 1] are 1]] 1] times 1]] are 1]]] $n old periphrasis mentioned by hakespeare is, +F!d set my ten commandments in your face,+ meaning the finger nails for scratching. ee * "enry 2F. i. E. The 5ahometans say that ten animals were admitted to Paradise. 1. Kratim, the dog of the even leepers. *. $ss of /alaam. E. $nt of olomon. G. Whale of 8onah.
R. The Yalf -not Xam offered to 8ehovah by $braham instead of Fsaac, his son. `. The 0) of 5oses. &. The Yamel of the prophet alech. p. 9R Q. The Yuckoo of /elkis. 9. The Xam of Fshmael. 1]. $l /orek, the $nimal which conveyed 5ahomet to heaven. +We find to generations from $dam to 4oah, 1] from hem to $braham. The 1] spiritual graces of Yhristianity are Uove, oy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, prudence, meekness, and temperance,+ says %r. . 0liver7 although where he gets 1] generations from $dam to 4oah, F know not. Vnder to also falls the mention of the Pythagorean Triangle, Tetractys, consisting of an euilateral triangle enclosing ten Z0%6 thus the upper is the 5onad, the second line the %yad, the third the Triad, and the fourth the uaternary or Tetrad6 representing the four forms of point, line, superficies and solid. $ similar form is given by "ebrew Kabalists to form &*, the deity number, by placing in a triangle four Zods, three "ehs, two 2aus and one "eh final, being the letters F"2" of the Tetragrammaton7 or they may be put conversely. 4ote that ten is used as a sign of fellowship, love, peace, and Vnion, in the 5asonic third token, the union of two five points of 3ellowship. Fn the /ible we notice to Yommandments, to instruments to which 8ewish Psalms were sung, to strings in the Psaltery, and that the "oly host descended ten days after the $scension. Tucer, Xabanus and Xaymond Uully associate the numbers Q to $ir, R to 3ire, ` to #arth and 1* to Water.
$puleius states that among the #gyptians it was customary to fast to days before sacrificing, and /udge says that they used a today week. The Ten ephiroth form the essence of the "ebrew dogmatic Kabalah, a subect which is too vast and comple) to be entered upon in this volume on numerals. $ mere glance at the ephirotic emanations of the $bsolute %eity from the mathematical point of view is all that can be p. 9` attempted7 my +Fntroduction to the Kabalah+ may be referred to. 3rom the $bsolute Passive 4egativity $F4, proceeds $F4 VP" the Uimitless, and then $F4 VP" $VX /oundless Uight, which concentrates in the first manifestation of the ephiroth, which is the Yrown, KTX, Kether6 from Kether proceeds YhK5", Yhochmah, Wisdom, an active masculine potency, and /F4", /inah, Vnderstanding, a passive feminine power. These three form the upernal Triad. The fourth and fifth are Yh%, Yhesed, 5ercy, active and male, and /2X", eburah, trength, passive and female. The si)th ephira is the notable TP$XT, Tiphereth, /eauty, the central sun, the Uogos, the 5anifested on6 this completes a second triangle, the reflection of the former. 4umber seven is 4TYh, 4et[ach, 2ictory, active, and the eighth is "2%, "od, plendour, passive7 the ninth is Z2%, Zesod, the 3oundation, completing the third trinity, or triangle. 5UKT, 5alkuth, the Tenth ephira, completes the emanations. he is the /ride of 5icroprosopus the on, the un, Uogos7 she is the Fnferior 5other, ueen, and the 5anifested Vniverse. The whole Ten are viewed as reigning over 3our Worlds or Planes of #)istence7 these are the Worlds of $[iluth, /riah, Zet[irah and $ssiah. 5alkuth on the plane of $ssiah alone is the visible tangible universe. These Ten ephiroth are the prototypes of everything spiritual, and also of every part of creation6 they are traced in the angelic host and in our universe6 three superior, and seven succedent e)ist in all things7 the lower seven are
obvious to the uninitiated, but in these manifestations the supernal triad is veiled to the profane. ome occultists phrase it thusHthree are subective and incomprehensible to man7 seven are obective and comprehensible7 thus even archangels are commonly named, and we have known only of even great planets of our system. p. 9& /ut in some cases even the whole of seven are unknown7 we acknowledge but five senses in man, but there are two more awaiting perception by process of evolution. These Ten ephiroth are not only viewed as triads from above below, but are also imaged in three columns entitled the Pillars of everity and 5ercy, with the median of /enignity or 5ildness. /ut this scheme is not for this treatise, nor can the ephirotic alliance with the Planetary symbols, the angelic host, the divine names, and the /ook of Thoth, or Tarot be here described7 these subects present a mine of wisdom concealed in the rituals of the Kabalistic +Yhabrath [ereh aur bokher,+ from whose parent stem the Xosicrucian 3raternities also may have arisen. These Xituals contain a more complete scheme of the medival occult symbolism than e)ists in any other form known to me, and F believe that it would not be possible for anyone to reconstitute so complete a system out of all e)tant literature. There are 1] rades in the Xosicrucian ociety7 they are elator, Theoricus, Practicus, Philosophus7 5inor, 5aor and #)empt $dept7 5aster, 5agus and King6 some 5agi are known, but only 5agi know of a Xe). Xosicrucian private rituals give the correct names and Kabalistic spelling of the Ten heavens of the World of $ssiah, which is the material universe. ". P. /lavatsky declared that a scheme of the odiac of 1] igns preceded that of 1* igns, but F have been unable to verify the statement, by any ancient work. "ebrew and Talmudic references are as follows6H1] men were necessary to form a legallyconvened meeting at the ynagogue6 in Uondon as much as 1]]] a year has been spent in providing spare men for this duty. Ten curses were pronounced against #ve7 see Talmud, #iruvin, 1]]. *. 30
Ten things were created during the twilight of the first abbath eve. Yonsult Pesachim, RG. 1. Ten facts proved the presence of a upernatural Power in the Temple. Zoma, *1. 1. p. 9Q The Xabbis taught that a man should divorce his wife, if for 1] years she had no offspring. $t funerals, condolences were recited by to men, and at weddings by ten men including the bridegroom. Ten cups were drunk at a funeral partyHthree before supper, three at supper, and four after the meal at the recitation of the four blessings. $braham was tested to times7 to 5iracles were performed in #gypt to help the Yhildren of Fsrael, and to at the Xed ea. Ten plagues were made to afflict the #gyptians. Ten times the 8ews offended od in the Wilderness. Ten times did the hekinah come down into the world7 at the arden of #den7 at the Tower of /abel7 at odom7 in #gypt, see #)odus iii. Q7 at the Xed ea, Psalm cviii. 97 on 5ount inai7 at the Temple7 in the Pillar of Yloud7 on the 5ount of 0lives, see echariah )iv. G7 the 1]th is omitted in the original reference, $voth d Xabbi 4athan, chap. EG. There are to "ebrew words to designate Fdols, and to for 8oy. odom was to be spared for to righteous men7 ideon took to servants to destroy the $ltar of /aal7 /oa[ chose to witnesses for his marriage with Xuth7 8oab!s armour was borne by to young men. 8esus speaks of 1] talents, 1] cities, 1] pieces of silver, and gave a parable of to 2irgins. The Tabernacle has many to dimensions. There are to /ible names of od, to Yanticles, and to necessaries for man!s life. #cclus. E9. *`. There were to Pythagorean 2irtues of Fnitiation, and the /uddhists teach to Paramitas of Perfection. Fn the $lchymicoKabalistic tract called +$esch 5et[areph+ referred to by #lipha[ Uevi, and collected from the ohar of Knorr von Xosenroth and translated into #nglish, and forming 2olume F2. of my +Yollectanea
"ermetica,+ will be found 1] names for old all e)tracted from the 0ld Testament7 they are there related to the ephira eburah. The "indoo Puranas tell us of the 1] $vatars of the od 2ishnu, the Preserver of the /rahmanic Xeligion7 they are periodical incarnations of the od. 3irst as the p. 99 'paragraph continues( 3ish, 5atsya7 *. Kurma, the Tortoise7 E. 2araha, the /oar7 G. 4arasingha, the 5anUion7 R. 2amana, the %warf7 `. ParasuXama7 &. Xama Yhandra7 Q. Krishna7 9. /uddha7 and the 1]th, Kalki, the "orse, is yet to come. These $vatars are susceptible of a mystical e)planation on the plane of cosmogony7 it has been given in the aruda !Temple of the +0riental 0rder of Uight+ by 3rater T. ". Pattinson of /radford, a very notable mystic and occult student. Fn the Zoga 2asishtha 5aha Xamayana of 2almiki, edited by 2ihari Uala 5itra, will be found an essay on 0mTatat, onidest, and this contains some very curious information on the to numerals as related to the mystical syllable 0m or $V5. +$um mani padm hum+ means literally, +0h, the ewel in the lotus,+ and is taken mystically to mean +the spark of the %ivine within me,+ as was fully e)plained by /lavatsky to her #soteric section of Theosophists. 4e)t6 #leven. 11. #U#2#4. 11. T"F seems to have been the type of a number with an evil reputation among all peoples. The Kabalists contrasted it with the perfection of the %ecad, and ust as the ephirotic number is the form of all good things, so eleven is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful and imperfect7 with the Ten ephiroth they contrasted the #leven $verse ephiroth, symbols of destruction, violence, defeat and death. 0n the oldest Tarot cards, the trump called the Tower struck by Uightning, number j2F, shows the Ten %ivine ephiroth on one side and the #leven $verse ephiroth on the other side7 modern Tarot designs are very much debased. 32
8ohn "eydon says that by it we know the bodies of %evils and their nature7 the 8ews understand by it Uilith, $dam!s first wife, a shedevil, dangerous to women in confinements7 hence they wrote on the walls6H$%5 Yh2" Yh20 UFUFT, that is, $dam, #ve, out of doors Uilith.+ 8esus, in 5att. )ii. GE, plainly allows the doctrine that evil spirits may haunt fields, which rotius says the 8ews think7 and their word %emon and 3ield are similar, being h%F5 -fields, and h%F5 -evil deities7 the iddim are mentioned in Psalm cvi. E&. Ft is called the +4umber of ins+ and the +Penitent,+ because it e)ceeds the number of the Yommandments, and is less than twelve, which is the number of race and Perfection. /ut sometimes even eleven receives a favour from od, as in the case of the man who was called in the p. 1]1 eleventh hour to the vineyard, who yet received the same pay as the others. Xabbi 8ochanan says that eleven sorts of spices were mentioned by od to 5oses on 5ount inai as suitable for holy incense. #leven was the number of the %isciples of 8esus, after the fall of 8udas Fscariot. Fn the "ebrew Uanguage the word eleven was e)pressed as $chad 0sher, $F, or 0ne and Ten. 4e)t6 Twelve. 1*. TW#U2#. 1*. T"F number has a perfect and notable character, and was highly esteemed by most nations of antiuity. $lmost all the twelves will be found to be allied, either obviously or in a concealed manner, with the igns of the odiac, twelve signs or partitions of the great circle of the heavensHtwelve times thirty degrees forming the perfect cycle of E`] arithmetical degrees of the circle6 each sign was further subdivided into three decans. There are many of the learned who believe the twelve sons of 8acob, and twelve founders of tribes, 33
are allegorical only. We may mention the +Twelve rand Points of 5asonry,+ which used to form a part of the lectures in the Yraft degrees. Twelve events in the ceremony of initiation, referred to the sons of 8acob, are given by 5ackey6 F. To Xeuben was referred the opening of the UodgeHhe was the firstborn son. *. To imeon, the preparation of the landHhe prepared the destruction of the hechemites. E. To Uevi, the report or signalHhe gave the signal in the attack on the men of hechem. G. To 8udah, the entrance of the landHthat tribe first entered the promised land. R. To ebulun, the prayerHthe prayer and blessing of his father fell on him in preference to Fssachar. `. To Fssachar, the circumambulationHan indolent tribe, who reuired a leader. &. To %an, the advance to the $ltarHfor a contrast to their rapid advance to idolatry. p. 1]E Q. To ad, the obligationHon account of 8ephthah!s vow. 9. To $sher, the entrusting7 with rich 5asonic blessingsHresembled the 3athers of their land. 1]. To 4aphtali, the investment and declared +3ree+Hthe tribe of 4aphtali had a peculiar freedom given by 5oses. 11. To 8oseph, the 4.#. cornerHbecause #phraim and 5anasseh -grandsons represented him, newest corners. 1*. To /enamin, the closing of the UodgeHas being the last son of the Patriarch.
The following associations of /irds, $nimals, and 3lowers with heavenly bodies has the authority of the recoXoman mythology6H reek.
The astrologers associated colours with the twelve igns of the odiac, thus6H With Pisces, white ^ $uarius, blue ^ Yapricorn, black or brown ^ agittarius, yellow or green ^ corpio, brown ^ Uibra, black or crimson ^ 2irgo, black and blue p. 1]G With Ueo, red and green ^ Yancer, green and brown ^ emini, red ^ $ries, white ^ Taurus, white and yellow The odiacal igns are also associated with e), and the contrast of %ay and 4ight. Pisces
%iurnal 36
$nd, again, there are other characters which astrologers deem of importance, thus6H Pisces
Uastly, the twelve signs are allotted to the planets as their houses6H p. 1]R PiscesHthe night house of 8upiter $uariusHthe day house of aturn -Vranus YapricornHthe night house of aturn agittariusHthe night house of 5ars UibraHthe day house of 2enus
2irgoHthe night house of 5ercury UeoHthe sole house of ol YancerHthe sole house of Uuna eminiHthe day house of 5ercury TaurusHthe night house of 2enus $riesHthe day house of 5ars. This is very fully e)plained by Yoley in his +$strology,+ and also by 8ohn 5iddleton in his +$strology,+ 1`&9. "erodotus tells us that the #gyptians founded the system of a Twelveod theology6 #uterpe iv. The "ebrews certainly at times worshipped the un, 5oon, seven planets, and the tar Xulers of the Twelve odiacal igns6 see * Kings ))iii. R, and 8ob )))viii. E*. %unlop, in his +2estiges,+ remarks that of the names of the twelve months in use among the 8ews, several are identical with names of %eities, as Tammu[, $b, #lul, /ul. roups of twelve ods are to be noticed in the religions of many of the ancient nations, as the Yhaldeans, #truscans, 5amertines, Xomans, etc. Fn candinavia the reat 0din had 1* namesHpersonified attributes. The Kabalists esteem the 1* permutations of the Tetragrammaton, F"2", 2"F", "F"2, "2"F, F""2, F2"", "2F", 2F"", ""2F, ""F2, "F2", 2""F. The Talmuds say6H 4o deceased person is at heart lost to his relatives until after 1* months7 see the Treatise /erachoth. "ow was the Witch of #ndor able to bring up amuel by necromancy To this uestion Xabbi $bhu answered, because he had not been dead 1* months6 after that time it would not have been possible, for then the body is destroyed and the oul has gone up into the ne)t world. p. 1]` 39
The Xabbis said that at the first revelation the True 4ame of od was a word of 1* letters. Kiddushin, &1. 1. The 5ishna narrates the events of the first 1* hours7 $dam fell into sin in the tenth "our, was udged in the eleventh, and was cast out of the arden in the twelfth7 so he abode not even one day in his dignity. anhedrin, EQ. *. Yompare the +4uctemeron+ of $pollonius of Tyana, given by #lipha[ Uvi in his +Xituel de la 5agie,+ Paris, 1Q`1. The 1* tones of the "igh Priest!s /reastplate were named7Hardius, Topa[, Yarbuncle, #merald, apphire, %iamond, Uigure or 8acinth, $gate, $methyst, /eryl, 0ny), and 8asper. ee "ebrew $ncient 2ersion, #)odus ))viii. The 1* 3oundations of the "eavenly Yity, given in Xevelations ))i., are,H 8asper, apphire, Yhalcedony, ardius, ardony), #merald, Topa[, /eryl, Yhrysolite, $methyst, 8acinth and Yhrysophrasus. The 1* "ebrew 5onths were $bib or 4i[an -5arch\$pril, Fyar or if, ivan, Thammu[, $b, #lul, Tisri, /ul, Yhisleu, Tebeth, hebat, $dar7 and the inter calary month 2e$dar. The 1* #gyptian 5onths were Pachon, Paoni, #piphi, 5esori, Thoth, Phaophi, $thyr, Yhoiak, Tobi, 5echir, Phamenoth and Pharmuthi7 the last beginning on 5arch *&th. The 1* ons of 8acob were related to the 1* igns of the odiac by the Xosicrucians in a correct order7 other schemes of attribution are given by $thanasius Kircher and others. That by ir William %rummond is6H$ries to ad, Taurus to #phraim, emini to /enamin, Yancer to Fssachar, Ueo to 8udah, 2irgo to 4aphtali, Uibra to $sher, corpio to %an, agittary to 5anasseh, Yapricorn to ebulun, $uarius to Xeuben, and Pisces to imeon and Uevi. The 1* $postles of 8esus were7Himon Peter, $ndrew, 8ames and 8ohn the sons of ebedee, Philip, /artholomew, Thomas, 5atthew also called Uevi, 8ames son of $lphus, p. 1]&
'paragraph continues( 8udas called Uebbus and Thaddeus, imon the Yanaanite, and 8udas Fscariot. The 2enerable /ede proposed to rename the igns with the names of the apostles, and a scheme of allotment is to be found in +The phere of 5arcus 5anilius,+ by #dward herburne, Uondon, 1`&R. ee +4otes and ueries,+ 2ol. )iv., 5anchester, V..$., p. *11. Westcott on the odiac in oc. Xos. Xeports gives the Yhristian allusions to the odiac. Fn an ordinary pack of Playing Yards there are 1* Yourt Yards, but in the Tarot Pack there are also G Yavaliers. The Kabalists greatly esteemed the 1*lettered 4ame of od, "F""22" 2F"F", meaning +fuit, est, erit,+Hor,H"e was, is, will be. Uess esoteric was the Triple Tetragrammaton, F"2" thrice written. $ll 3ratres of the Xosicrucian ociety of #ngland will also be familiar with $/ /#4 2 Xuch " %h, $b/enveXuachhaKodesh7 meaning 3ather, on and "oly pirit. The Xosicrucian ociety had a scheme of distributing 1* shades of Yolour among the odiacal igns, but this is a secret matter7 many erroneous schemes have been published. The 1* igns of the odiac are named in "ebrew, beginning with $ries7 Taleh, hur, Thaumim, artan, $riah, /ethuleh, 5a[anaim, $krab, Kesith, edi, %eli, and %agim. Fn $rabic7 $l "amal, $l Thaur, $l Tauman, $l artan, $l $sad, unbul, $l ubena, $l $krab, $l Kaus, $l edi, %ebi and $l "aut. Fn Yhinese, Pe yaugh, the sheep7 Kin nieu, golden bull7 hang huing, two brothers7 Kin hiai, crab7 in, lion7 ha niu, the house girl7 Tien tchingh, the claws of a scorpion7 Tien Kie, the scorpion7 un 5a, the man horse7 5u Thien, the hill sheep7 Pao pingh, precious vase7 and hang Zu, two fishes. The old anskrit "indoo names used by astrologers at the present time are7 5esha, Xishaba, 5ithuna, Katakam, imha, Kanya, Tulam, 2rishchika, %hanus, 5akaram, Kumbha and 5inam. The 1* simple letters of the "ebrew $lphabet have p. 1]Q
affinities with the odiacal igns, but the order of relation is a Xosicrucian private doctrine. There were 1* recorded $ppearances of 8esus after his death7 to 5ary 5agdalene, to the alician women, to two disciples, to Peter, to ten apostles, to eleven apostles, to seven apostles and others when fishing, to R]] brethren at once, to 8ames the Uess, to eleven apostles, to tephen at his martyrdom, to Paul at his Yonversion, and to the apostle 8ohn. The 1* hours marked in a watch face can be used to find the cardinal points, if the time is correct, and the sun is visible. Uay the watch flat and point the hour hand to the sun, and then the south will be half way between that hour and the figure jFF. The author of the "ymns of 0rpheus, the choliast on "esiod, and Porphyry state that the 1* Uabours of "ercules are said to be emblems of the sun in its passage through the 1* signs, and this is repeated by the +5ystagogus Poeticus,+ 1`RE, and they have been allotted as follows6Hto $ries, the uest of the olden $pples of the "esperides7 to Taurus, the slaying of the Yretan /ull7 emini, "ercules and his twin brother strangle the serpents7 Yancer, the taking of the "erds of eryon7 Ueo, the slaying of the 4eman Uion7 2irgo, the victory over the $ma[on ueen7 Uibra, the death of the #rymanthean boar7 corpio, the death of the Uernan "ydra7 agittarius, the shooting of the tymphalian /irds7 Yapricornus, taking of the hind alive to 5ycen7 $uarius, cleaning the stables of $ugeas7 Pisces, the capture of the horses of %iomedes. 8anus of the Xomans is the od of the 1* months, and is drawn with 1* altars beneath his feet. "e is the same as $ssyrian $in, Fon, 8an7 0 4 of #astern nations -%unlop!s +2estiges,+ E1. 8ohn "eydon gives the following statements6H Prosperous numbers are 1 * E G & 9 11 1E 1G 2ery good ^ 1` 1& 19 *] ** *E 1] *` *& Fndifferent ^ R ` Q 1* 1R 1Q *1 2ery bad ^ *G *R *Q *9 E]
4e)t6 Thirteen. 1E. T"FXT##4. 1E. T"FXT##4 was the sacred number of the 5e)icans and people of Zucatan6 twelve of many tribes of 4orth $merican Fndians, as of so many nations of antiuity6 this had an astronomical connection, because the tars and un were ods to them. The method of computation among the 5e)ican Priests was by weeks of 1E days7 consult %unlop!s +2estiges.+ Their year contained *Q weeks of 1E days and 1 day over, ust as ours contains R* of & days and one day over. Thirteen years formed an Fndiction, a week of years, the 1E days over forming another week. 3our times 1E, or R*, years was their cycle. Fn Zucatan there were 1E +nake ods+ -see teven!s +Zucatan,+ and ama!s +$ncient 5e)icans +. 1E is the number of the "ebrew word $"/", $hebah, love, and of $chad, $Yh%, unity. 0ld authors state that 1E is a number used to procure agreement among married people. "ebrew ancient lore did not reckon the number 1E as unlucky7 this idea arose from the fate of 8udas after the Uast upper of 8esus, yet not for some centuries, but since the notion was started it has been prevalent among all Yhristians. The 1E cards of each suit of a pack of Yards are sometimes applied to the 1E lunar months for purposes of divination. The nostic gems are often inscribed with a 1Elettered 4ame for od, $/U$4$ Th $4$U/$. Xabbi #lie[er on account of a serious drought proclaimed 1E fasts, at the end of which rain fell at once. The Temple used 1E collecting horns7 and in it were 1E tables, and 1E devotional reverential bows were used in the full service. When a "ebrew boy reached the age of 1E years he began to fast for the full time6 a girl began at twelve years. The word Yovenant is written 1E times in the chapter on Yircumcision.
The /ava 5et[ia gives 1E reasons for a good breakfast. Fn the "ebrew Uiturgy are found the 1E logical rules for interpreting the law. "ershon, +Talmud 5iscellany,+ p. 1`&. 4e)t6 ome "indoo Vses 0f 4umbers 05# "F4%00 V# 03 4V5/#X. F4 ancient Fndia, in the anscrit language, certain words were used as euivalent to the low numbers6 for 0ne they said 5oon or #arth6 for Two they used many words of things in pairs such as eye, wing, arm6 for Three they used Xama, fire or guna, for they knew of E Xamas, E kinds of fire and E gunas or ualities6 for G they used 2eda, age or ocean6 for ` they used easons6 for & they used age or vowel6 for 1* they said un or odiac7 and for *] they used nails, meaning those of hands and feet. #dward /. Tylor. 4e)t6 0ther "igher 4umbers 0T"#X "F"#X 4V5/#X. T"# 1G days of /urial, in the 5aster!s degree6 1G parts into which the body of 0siris was divided6 a type of Yhrist, sacrificed on the 1Gth day of the month6 an amulet of 1G points has been used to cure the sick. There are 1G /ooks of the $pocrypha7 they were written originally in reek , never in "ebrew. $n Fsraelite had to partake of 1G meals in the /ooth during the 3east of Tabernacles. The Fsraelites killed the Paschal Uamb on the 1Gth day of the 5onth 4isan. Fn 5atthew, chap. i., we find the genealogy of 8esus recited in three series of 1G names, the first under Patriarchs and udges, the second under kings, and the third under priests and governors. The ancient physicians considered that the 1Gth day was the crisis of fevers. The 5oon wa)es and wanes, each for 1G days.
1R was the number of Pairs of The Oons, or "oly Principles in the nostic scheme of 2alentinus. 1R is the number by ematria of the Qth ephira "od, " V%. There were 1R steps in the Temple between the antecourt of Fsrael and the Women!s Yourt, and in these were sung the 1R Psalms of %egrees7 Psalms c)).\c)))iv. 1R is the number of 8ah, a name of od7 so the 8ews who wrote letters for numbers, never wrote 8", 1], R, for 1R, but T2, 9, ` 1R. The great day of oyful recreation for 8ewish 5aidens p. 11* was the 1Rth day of the month $b. The %eluge covered the hills to the depth of 1R cubits. $ 8ewish boy in the olden time was ordered to begin the study of the emara when 1R years of age. 1` means 3elicity7 a suare number. There are 1` Yourt Yards in a Tarot pack. 1&. Fn the treatise +%e Fside et 0siride,+ Plutarch says 0siris was killed on the 1&th day of the moon, and hence when the moon was at the fullHand from that reason the #gyptians abominate the number 1&, and so did the PythagoreansHthey called in $ntiphra)is -obstruction, because it falls between the suare number 1` and the oblong number 1Q. 1Q was deemed a protection against thieves. 1Q. Fsaiah made 1Q denunciations against Fsrael. $t 1Q years of age a girl should go to the 4uptial Yanopy. The olden Yandlestick of the Temple was 1Q handsbreadths tall. There are 1Q /lessings in the "ebrew Uiturgy. There were only 1Q "igh Priests during the e)istence of the 3irst or olomonic Temple at 8erusalem. 19. The number 19 is famous as being the number of years in the 5etonic Yycle7 the cycle of the revolutions of the moon, after which she returns to have her changes on the same day of the solar year. 5eto lived GEE /.Y.7 he was an $thenian7 he published his discovery at the 0lympic ames in the above year. 45
The e)act period is, however, 1Q years and to days. The Yalippic period of four cycles, or seventysi) years, was invented by Yalippus, /.Y. EE], to correct 5eto. 8ohn "eydon says that the number 19 facilitates births and menses. *]. The Kiddushin, *9. *, says od may curse a man who does not marry at least when *] years old, for his life is a constant transgression. $ woman marrying before *] may bear children up to si)ty7 at *] until forty, and after forty will have none. /ava /athra, 119. *. To die after *] days diarrha is to die pure. *1. $ hen sits *1 days, and the $lmond is ripe *1 days after the flower falls. p. 11E ** Uetters of the "ebrew $lphabet, used also as numerals. The reali[ation of a good %ream may be deferred ** years. /erachoth, RR. *. 3rom the Works of "ermes Trismegistus are abstracted ** a)ioms on the "uman Will7 they can be found in Tukaram Tatya!s +uide to Theosophy,+ /ombay, 1QQ&. There are ** Trumps in a pack of ancient Tarot Yards, used for %ivination7 #lipha[ Uvi, in his +Ylef des 5ystres,+ says that the numbers 1 to 19 refer to the Keys of 0ccult cience, and that numbers 19 to ** are the Keys of 4ature6 the relation of letters to these are nowhere correctly printed in books. *E. Fn the anhedrin *E udges were reuired to try cases punishable by death. *E. This day of eptember is notable because the moon which comes to the full within a fortnight of it is called the harvest moon, which rises three days in succession at the same time, instead of getting daily later. *G is an evil number, referring to Yain, F4, but not of his numeration, which is 1]] S 1] S R] N1`], or else 1]] S 1] S &]] N Q1]. *G. There are *G birds unclean as food7 *G ribs both in man and woman. *`. The number of 8ehovah, F"2", 1] S R S ` S R.
*`. Fn the #nglish language, which uses *` letters, it is found that the letters occur in very different proportions. Fn a fair e)ample of modern #nglish it has been calculated that the proportion between the freuency of the use of the letters was, of a, QR7 b, 1`7 c, E]7 d, GG7 e, 1*]7 f, *R7 g, 1&7 h, `G7 i, Q]7 , G7 k, Q7 1, G]7 m, E]7 n, Q]7 o, Q]7 p, 1&7 , R7 r, `*7 s, Q]7 t, 9]7 u, EG7 v, 1*7 w, *]7 ), G7 y, *]7 and [, *. *&. The number of the F[eds or $ngels who ruled under the supervision of the even $mshaspands of the oroastrian theology. *Q. $ division of the odiac into *Q mansions of the moon, was probably earlier than the solar division into 1* p. 11G parts. The names and symbols can be obtained in anskrit and in $rabic. Proctor believes that olar $stronomy of the 1* signs arose about *1&] /.Y., in a country of about E` degrees of north latitude, and at a period when Taurus was the first constellation of the odiac. *9. The Xosh "ashanha says the period of the 5oon!s Xevolution is *9 days and si) hours and forty minutes. E]. $ meal of Uentils once in E] days keeps off the uinsy. $t E] years of age 8esus began his ministry7 8oseph was E] years old when he stood before Pharaoh7 %avid was E] years old when he began to reign7 E] pieces of silver was the price 8udas received, and 8air had E] sons. E1. The number of #l, od N $U. 1 S E]. E1. 8oshua did not complete the conuest of Yanaan until he had slain E1 kings. E*. The number of the Paths of Wisdom, of the epher Zet[irah, being Fo ephiroth and ** letters of the "ebrew alphabet. EE. The years of the life of 8esus6 King %avid reigned in 8erusalem EE years6 the number of vertebr in the human spinal column. ER. The number of $gla, $U$, a composite Kabalistic wonderworking name. ee page *&. 47
E`. $bai said there are never less than E` holy men of any generation upon whom the hekinah does not rest. E`. Plutarch, +%e Fside et 0siride,+ calls the Tetractys the power of the number E`, and on this was the greatest oath of the Pythagoreans sworn7 and it was denominated the World, in conseuence of its being composed of the first four even and the first four odd numbers7 for 1 and E and R and & are 1`7 add * and G and ` and Q, and obtain E`. E9. The number of $rticles of the Protestant Yhristian Yhurch belief. G]. Vp to G] years of age eating is best for a man, after G] drinking suits best. "e who has passed G] days without an affliction has had his reward in this life. p. 11R 3or G] days the 3lood lasted, for G] days the spies searched the promised land, for G] days oliath challenged Fsrael, G] days of #[ekiel!s penitence, the 8ews were G] years in the Wilderness, G] days of waiting before embalming the dead, enesis 1. E7 for G] days the woman!s purification lasted after childbirth7 for G] days 5oses fasted twice7 for G] days #liah fasted, and for G] days 8esus fasted in the Wilderness, and G] days elapsed between the Xesurrection and $scension of 8esus. 5oses was G] years in #gypt, G] in 5idian, and G] in the Wilderness. The Fsraelites were G] years among the Philistines. G* is notable because of the G*lettered name of od, taught by the Kabalists6 there were G* 8udges in the 8udgment "all of 0siris. ee /ettany, +The World!s Xeligions,+ p. 1``, on the events of the G*nd day after death. G*. The Talmud of /abylon in Kiddushin &1, mentions the G*lettered 4ame, and it is given by Fgnat[ tern as composed of the %ivine 4ames of the /ible7 thus #heieh asher eheieh, $l, 8ah, 8ehovah, #lohim, 8ehovah abaoth, #l Yhai and $donai. $"F" $hX $"F"7 F"7 F"2F"7 $U7 $U"F57 F"2" T[/$2T7 $U YhF7 $%4F, 0r G, E, G, *, R, *, R, G, R, *, *, G N G*. Ft is very curious that the Ten ephiroth which denote the attributes of od will show, when these letters are added together, and a 2 added for and before the last one, this same number G*7 if Yhesed be called edulah, as was common among Kabalists. 48
GR. The number of $dam, $%5. GR. The world is preserved for the sake of GR righteous persons. Yhullin, 9*. GQ. There have been GQ prophets in Fsrael6 GQ cities were assigned to the Uevites. G9. 5oses received G9 reasons for the cleanness and uncleanness of each thing6 so says The Talmud. R]. The number of the ates of /inah -/ F4" the Vnderstanding. The Kabalah states that even 5oses only reached the G9th. ee my +epher Zet[irah,+ Third #dition, 1911. p. 11` RQ. 4oah, 4ch. `]. $ristotle stated that the Yrocodile lives naturally `] years, and sits `] days on `] eggs. The Yhinese have a time cycle of `] years, and call it Kyatse. The people of 5alabar call this period Yhitam. `]. The Talmud refers to `] deadly drugs, and `] sorts of wines7 the sow bears her litter in `] days. `i. The number $F4, 4egative e)istence of the %eity. `G. $letheia, truth. `R. The number of $donai, translated +Uord+ -$%4F and of "s, "es, keep silence. `&. The number of /inah, upernal 5other, the Erd ephira. &]. The number of V%, od, a secret doctrine and private assembly6 the earliest name for the Kabalah6 also F F4, Zayin, wine, also meant a secret. &]. The Xabbis considered that there were &] nations, and 5ordecai is said to have known &] languages. The 8ewish &] years of the captivity are reckoned from their conuest by 4ebuchadne[[ar to the accession of Yyrus. 49
&1. The number of the 5embers of the anhedrin. &* has a large number of mystic referencesHto the &* angels bearing the names of odHderived from #)odus )iv. 19, *], *1, by the Kabalists7 there is an important set of &* pentacles which, placed in pairs, forms a series of E` talismans -see %r. Xudd, the Uemegeton, "arleian 5.7 it is also the number of Yhesed -Yh% the ephira, 5ercy. &*. Ft is said that Ptolemy, King of #gypt, collected &* "ebrew Xabbis and confined each in a separate room, and ordered each to write out the 5osaic Uaw, and that by the help of od each wrote out the same words. 5egillah of the Talmud, 9. 1. This account is similar to that of 8osephus and $ristus, but different to that of Philo6 hence the name eptuagint. &E. The number of Yhokmah -YhK5", Wisdom, the *nd ephira. &Q. The number of cards in a Tarot pack6 G] numerals, r` court cards and ** Trumps. p. 11& &9. /o[, /oa[, the lefthand bra[en Pillar at the entrance to olomon!s Temple. Q]. The number of Zesod, foundation, 9th ephira. Q]. The venerable Xabbi "illel had Q] pupils. Q1. $ccording to the /ook of Xites of Yhao Kung, /.Y. 111*, an #mperor of Yhina should have E concubines of the 3irst rank, 9 of the econd, *& of the Third and Q1 of the 3ourth Xank. 9]. FKF4, 8achin, the righthand Pillar of olomon!s Temple. 91 is the number of $54 and of Tetragrammaton $donai -F "2", $%4F. 9`. $ccording to 2itruvius the natural height of a typical adult man is 9` digits, which eualled *G palms, or si) feet. 99. The 5ahometans have 99 names attributed to od. 50
1]]. This is the number of 5%24, which means strife, and it is the beginning of 1]] lawsuits. The 8erusalem Talmud, /ava 5et[ia, QR. 1, says that Xabbi ira fasted 1]] times to enable him to forget the Talmud of /abylon, in favour of the Talmud of 8erusalem. 0badiah was considered worthy to be called prophet, because he concealed 1]] prophets in a cave. 1]E. The family of "erod $smonus ruled 8ewry 1]E years. 1*]. 3or 1*] years the secret vault of Yhristian Xosenkreut[ remained unopened, as he had ordered, 1GQG to 1`]G. The hemaneh #sreh, the 1Q /lessings, were composed by 1*] #lders. 1E]. The Xabbis said that after the curse $dam fasted 1E] years as a penance. This number is referred to #liah, $UF"2, and to the word prophet, " 4/F$7 these names number 1*], add 1] to this, the number of letters. The Kabalists make a 5ystical uare -rectangle or Kamea of $ UF"2 of 1E] permutations7 ten by thirteen. 1R*. The number of 5aria, the reek name for 5ary the 2irgin, being G], 1, 1]], 1], 1 N1R*. 1RE. The number of the great fishes caught in an unbroken net by the $postles after the Xesurrection. p. 11Q *]]. The number of the bones in the human body. *]&. This is the number of $in uph, $ F4 2P, the /oundless, and $ur, $2X , Uight, and of $donai 0lam, $%4F 02U$5, Uord of the Vniverse. *1`. The cube of `7 *1` years, the period of the Pythagorean 5etempsychosis. **1. The Yup of %avid in heaven contains **1 logs of wine6 -about *] gallons says the Talmud. *E1. The sum of the numbers 1 to *1, the ates of the epher Zet[irah. 51
*GE. Yircles of oir $npin7 the number of the permutations, without reversal of the "ebrew Uetters. Kalisch. *GQ. There are *GQ members of the body, says Talmud #iruvin, RE. *, and an anathema enters into all of them. The word YhX5, accursed, is *GQ, but so is XYh5, 5ercy. *R*. Ft is said that the disciples of Xabbi Fshmael once dissected a low woman, and found she had *R* members7 but it does not say what the e)tra ones were. *&]. Worlds of the Fdra Xabba, or reater "oly $ssembly. *&1. The Talmud, in 4iddah, says that the "ebrew woman!s pregnancy lasted *&1, *&* or *&E days. *Q] days the term of natural pregnancy, human7ten times the Uunar *Q day period. *QG. The number of Theos, od, in reek letters. *9G. #kklesia, The Yhurch and X 0%04, the Xose, and also 5elchisedek, King of alem. E]]. 5ithras. E]]. The riches of Korah were so vast that it took E]] mules to carry them. There were E]] sorts of devils in ichin. The 2eil of the Temple reuired E]] priests to draw it aside, and E]] to cleanse it. E1G. The number of haddai, h%F and of 5etatron, 5 TTXV4. E1Q. "elios, the un. EGR. This is the number of #l haddai, $U h%F, od $lmighty7 and of h5" -hemah, the 4ame of the $bsolute od6 also of 5h", 5oses, and hFU", hiloh. p. 119 52
ERQ. The number of 5essiah, 5shich and 4chsh nachash, the erpent symbol of life. E`G. The name atan, the hathan, ",shTh4, contains E`G, and all these days of each year he can tempt man, but not on the E`Rth, the %ay of $tonement. E`R. The reek numeration of $bra)as, a nostic talismanic word. E`R. %ays of the year, 4egative 8ewish precepts, %ukes of /abylon, and treets in the Yity of Xome. E&]. %irections of the thought of 5icroprosopus. ee Fdra Xabba, R. RE&. E&E. Uogos. E&R. hU5", olomon. E9G. There were this number of lawcourts in the 8erusalem of the kingdom period. G]]. The body of 8oseph was carried G]] miles to burial. %avid is said to have had a guard of G]] young men who rode in golden chariots at the head of his army. G1]. The 3irst Temple stood qFo years, and the econd Temple G*]. G&G. The number of %aath, % 0T, ecret Wisdom, the union of Yhokmah and /inah. G9`. The number of 5alkuth -5 UKT, the Kingdom, the 1]th ephira. R]]. Kosmos. RGE. The number of the mystic name $heie asher $heie, +F am that F am+ -$"F" $hX $"F". RR]. h5FX, the hamir, the magical insect which cut the stones for olomon!s Temple. `]Q is a very notable number, representing the un. 5artianus Yapella, of the Rth century, says6 +The un is called in Ftaly the !od ol!7 at the 4ile, erapis7 at 5emphis, 0siris7 he is also $ttis7 $donis at /yblos7 and $mmon in 53
Uibya7 also Typhon, 5ithras, and Pluto7 his holy name is of E letters, which number `]Q.+ Fn Yhaldee and "ebrew `]Q is Yham, or "am -Yh5, which also means, +heat.+ Fn reek Z.".. from V.".. N G]] S Q S *]] N `]Q. Tyre, TXYh, is also an e)ample of `]Q. p. 1*] `1*. eus. `1E. The words 5oses our Xabbi, 5h" X/F4V7 and Uord od of Fsrael, F"2" $U"F FshXU both number by ematria `1E. The `1E Precepts of the 8ewish law were delivered to 5oses. %avid, it is said, reduced them to eleven, and Fsaiah to si), and later to two. "abakkuk to 0ne, vi[., The ust shall live by 3aith. `1E also refers to the holy garment which had `]] fringes, eight threads and five knots. `*]. The number of Kether, KTX, the Yrown, or 1st ephira. `** years from the Yhristian era is the date of the "egira, or flight of 5ahomet from 5ecca, from which year the 5ahometans reckon their calendar. `E* years $.%. is the foundation of the Persian mode of reckoning years, from their king Ze[degird. `G] is hemesh, the un, h5h7 5em is water7 place the three letters one above the other, and we get h, fire, sun, rising above and sinking below the waters. `G`. The total numeration of #lohim, or $leim $U"F5, being 1 S E] S R S 1] S `]]7 or avoiding the use of final 5em, we get 1 S E] S R S 1] S G]7 neglecting the tens 1 S E S R S 1 S G, and placing these figures in a circle, we get the seuence E.1G1R, notable as the value of , or the relation of a diameter to circumference of every circle. #lohim is both a singular and a plural word. `R] has been referred by odfrey "iggins to 4oah, 5enes, and /acchus. 4oah, in "ebrew, is 42Yh or `G. `R1 Teletai, the reek $ncient 5ysteries and #pist:m:Hcience.
``` is the pet number of odfrey "iggins, as referred to Xasit -X 2T, *]] S `] S ` S G]], which he insists means WisdomHor as most believeH/eginning or Principle6 The first words of enesis are be!rasit , Fn the beginning. ```. The number of the /east, the number of a 5an, has been associated with atan, 5ahomet, the Pope and a hundred others. Ft is also the number of 2XT, the "ebrew word for the un. Ft occurs in Xevelations )iii. 1Q. p. 1*1 ``` is also the diameter of a circle whose circumference is *]9E, which is the diagonal of a suare whose sides are 1GQ], the number of Yhristos. Ft is also the sum of the numbers 1 to E`. Ft is also the number of y:n: in reek, a place in #gypt at which, if a pit be dug, said #ratosthenes, the rays of the un at the ummer olstice shine perpendicularly into it. &]]. The Talmud says there are &]] species of fishes, and in #iruvin, 1Q. 1, it says that od plaited #ve!s hair into &]] braids. &RE /.Y. The founding of the Yity of Xome. &RE. The number alike of $bram with arai *GE and R1], and of $braham with arah *GQ and R]R, the change which led to parenthood. &Q]. 0phisHserpent, and ophiaHwisdom. ol is the number of alpha and omega, 1 S Q]], the Peristera or %ove, vehicle of the "oly host7 being Q] S R S 1]] S 1] S *]] S E]] S R S 1]] S 1 NQ]1. Q1E is the numeration of $X$XFT$, a very important Kabalistic word, its letters being collected from the initials of the sentence, +0ne principle of his unity, one beginning of his individuality, his vicissitude is one,+ or so it is rendered by . U. 5athers. QE1. Puramis, a pyramid and Phallos. QQQ. The number of Fesous, 8esus, the great contrast with ```, the number of the /east. Q91. Vranus, LJ@;LMH"eaven.
9]E. The Talmud in /erachoth, Q. 1, says that there are 9]E kinds of %eath, for by ematria of the word T VT$VT, which means +outlets+ see Psalm l)viii. *]7 this number is obtained, thus T, G]]6 2, `6 T[, 9]6 $, 16 2, `6 T, G]] N 9]E. %eath by the %ivine kiss is the #uthanasia7 death from uinsy is said to be the worst form, a sort of suffocation long drawn out. 9R]. $ccording to enesis i). v. *9 4oah lived 9R] years. The great ages given in the book of enesis to the patriarchs have long been a cause of doubt6 recent researches by a "ebrew scholar have led to the opinion that these high p. 1** numbers did not mean our solar years, but years of five months of thirty days, and perhaps the earliest year was only one month. %avid spoke of &] years as the length of human life7 there was no such long period between 4oah and %avid as could reduce human life by eleventwelfths. 9&G. There were this number of generations from the writing of the Uaw by the "oly 0ne before he created 5an in the World. 999. $t the 8udgment, although there be 999 who condemn a man, he shall be saved if 0ne plead for him. 1]]]. The 1]]]headed serpent is esha or $nanta, the "indoo emblem of eternity. 1]]]. The daughter of Pharaoh, whom olomon married, told him of 1]]] forms of musical instruments and taught him the chants for all the idols. 1]]] is the cube of Ten, a symbol of perfection. Potiphar!s wife tempted 8oseph with 1]]] talents of silver, when her personal charms failed to move him. The thickness of the earth!s crust is 1]]] ells6 below this is an abyss of 1R,]]] ells. uccah, RE. *. Ff you have a secret, tell it only to 0ne in 1]]]. 1]]G. /.Y. The Yonsecration of olomon!s Temple.
1]Q1. The number of Tiphereth, the central ephira, the un, /eauty, 5icroprosopus, unod. 1*`E. The number of the word nosis. 1*&1. "# 40F, The nosis, and tauros, the cross of 8esus. 1E**. 3irst year of #gyptian cycle of othis, /.Y.7 Xameses FF. came to the throne in this year, /.Y. 1E&Q. The reputed year of the birth of Yhristian Xosenkreut[, founder of the Xosicrucian philosophy. 1G]Q. Yhristian Xosenkreut[ founded his arcane society in ermania. 1GR9. The date of the writing of the "ermetic Xomance of the Yhemical Wedding, by Y. X. 1G`1. The #gyptian othic Period, calculated by the heliacal rising of irius, the %og tar, at the solstice. 1GQ]. Yhristos, in reek numeration6 meaning $nointed6 p. 1*E according to +The Yanon+ this number e)hibits an important measure of the Yosmos, and was the foundation of the scientific pantheism upon which Yhristian theology was built, it was a part of The nosis and was derived from the priestly astronomers of #gypt. 1GQG. Yhristian Xosenkreut[ died6 the 2ault closed over his body and the secrets of the 0rder he had founded. 1`]G. The 2ault of Y. X. opened by his successors after 1*] years of secret study and benevolence. 1`1G. The 3ama 3raternitatis Xos Yrucis was printed. 1&1&. rand Uodge of 3reemasons was founded. 1&R*. 4ew Zear!s %ay changed from 5arch *R to 8anuary 1. 57
1Q`R. 3rater Xobert Wentworth Uittle founded the Xosicrucian ociety of 3reemasons of #ngland, in its present form. 1QQR. %r. Wm. Xobert Woodman became upreme 5agus. 1Q9*. %r. Wm. Wynn Westcott became upreme 5agus. 1911. This year $.%. is the R]1Eth year of the KaliZuga of the "indoo sages7 this Zuga is to continue GE*,]]] years. *]]]. $ abbath day!s ourney was *]]] paces. Xabbi amaliel had a tube made which, when he looked through, he could see obects at *]]] cubits distance7 this is the earliest suggestion of the telescope. #iruvin, GE. *. *E`Q. The reek number of Fesous Yhristos. E]]]. Xav "ammunah says that olomon spoke E]]] proverbs. $t the mourning for 5oses E]]] precepts were forgotten. E1]*. Fn /.Y. E1]*, in 3ebruary the Kali Zuga, the /lack $ge of humanity began, according to the /rahmins. E&`1. The 8ewish #ra was calculated to commence E&`1 years before the Yhristian #ra. G*E1 Zears after the dispersion, said Xashi, the 8ews will be restored to their own land. G*91. $fter these years the wars of og and 5agog will cease, says the Talmud. RQQQ. The number of verses in the Pentateuch, says the Kiddushin6 but they are usually counted as RQGR. p. 1*G `]]]. The world was intended to last `]]] years6 woo years of %isorder7 *]]] of the Uaw6 and woo more before 5essiah should come7 but his Yoming has been delayed by our iniuities7 so says the Talmudic treatise. anhedrin, 9&. 1.
*R,]]]. $ccording to #[ekiel the mystical city of 8erusalem was surrounded by a suare space measuring *R,]]] roods in length, and this he called The "oly 0blation, and it was for the use of the priests, the sons of adok. E.1G1R9, the value of ir, the ratio of diameter to circumference of a circle. /ode!s Uaw is a curious arithmetical and astronomical problem6H Take the series of numbers
] E `
1* *G GQ 9`
$dd G to each of them
$nd we obtain the numbers
G & 1] 1` *Q R* 1]]
These show the relation of the ancient planets to the un, as to distance, in the order 5ercury, 2enus, #arth, 5ars, 8upiter, aturn, Vranus. The planet corresponding to *Q is missing, and seems to be replaced by the asteroids. Vranus was discovered in 1&Q1. The Platonic Zear, or great Period, according to Tycho /rah, is *R,Q1` years7 Xicciolus, *R,9*] years7 Yassini, *G,Q]] years7 4orman Uockyer now gives *G,GR] years. Ft is the period of time determined by the revolution of the euino)es, or the space of time wherein the stars and constellations return to their former places in respect to the euino)es by means of a constant precession. The euino)es moving backwards or westwards, meet the un constantly earlier. Fn the time of the oldest reek observations, the euino)ial points were in the first stars of $ries and Uibra respectively7 they are now in Pisces and 2irgo. When these names were given the sun entered p. 1*R 'paragraph continues( $ries at the 2ernal euino), and ign and constellation coincided7 now they do not, so do not be confused by our still calling the first ign of spring $ries, although the un is now really at such time in Pisces6
every *1`] years the ign is changed. Precedent to $ries the un at the 2ernal euino) entered Taurus. 4e)t6 The $pocalyptic 4umbers T"# $P0Y$UZPTFY 4V5/#X. 1st Xesurrection, Xevelation )). R. *nd %eath, )). 1G. * Witnesses, )i. E. * 0live Trees, * Yandlesticks before throne of od of the #arth, )i. G. *"orned /east who spoke like a %ragon, )iii. 117 his number is ```. E Woes, i). 1*. 1E part of 2egetation killed, viii. &do. of ea became /lood, and do. of 3ish died, viii. Qdo. of Waters became bitter, viii. 11do. of un, 5oon, tars, viii. 1*. E days, /odies lay unburied, ))i. 9. G uarters of the #arth, )). Q. G /easts, full of eyes and have ` wings, iv. `\9 -+/easts+ should be living beings.HW.. G "orses, White, Xed, Pale, /lack. G "orns of the golden altar before od, i). 1E. G $ngels of the #uphrates, i). 1G. G $ngels of the Winds of the G corners of the #arth, vii. 1. R 5onths the Uocusts had power to hurt 5en, i). R\1]. ` Wings of the /easts -living beings, full of eyes, iv. Q. & Yhurches, i. *]. 60
& Yandlesticks, i. *]. Xepresent the & Yhurches. & tars, i. *]7 ii. 1. Xepresent & angels of the Yhurches. & $ngels of the Yhurches, i. *]. & Uamps stand near the Throne, iv. R. & eals, v. R, opened by the Uamb, produce G horses, etc. & Trumpets, viii. *. iven to & $ngels. & Thunders utter their voices, ). E. & Plagues held by & $ngels, )v. 1. & 2ials of Wrath, )v. &. & pirits of od, v. `. p. 1*& &horned and &eyed Uamb, v. `7 near the Throne are the & pirits of od. &headed and 1]horned carlet /east, on which is a Woman, )vii. E. &headed and 1]horned %ragon with & Yrowns, )ii. E. &headed and 1]horned /east rose out of ea, )iii. 1. 1] Yrowns on Ten horns of beast which had & heads, )iii. 1. 1]horned %ragon with & heads, )ii. E. 1]horned /east with & heads rose out of sea, )iii. 1. 1]horned carlet /east with & heads, on which was a woman, )vii. E. 1* Tribes of Fsrael. 1* $postles of the Uamb, ))i. 1G.