The Levels of Self-efficacy and Motivation among the Street Vendors in Cavite
Thesis proposal
Submitted to the faculty of the
College of Arts and Sciences
Lyceum of the Philippines University-Cavite
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the requirements of the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Agbayani, Jaena Rose R.
Alvarez, Jeremicah S.
Perlora, Paula Mae L.
Regaliza, Estiphanie S.
February 2017
The Levels of Self-efficacy and Motivation among the Street Vendors in Cavite
Jaena Rose R. Agbayani1, Jeremicah S. Alvarez2, Paula Mae L. Perlora3, and Estiphanie S. Regaliza4
College of Arts and Sciences, Lyceum of the Philippine University Cavite
This chapter presents the overview of the whole study. It is compromised of different sections such as (a) background of the study; (b) statement of the problem; (c) theoretical framework; (d) conceptual framework; (e) hypothesis; (f) significance of the study; (g) scope and limitation of the study; and (h) operational definition.
Background of the Study
When facing a challenge, do you feel like you can rise up and achieve your goal or do you give up and doubt your own abilities to rise up and overcome the difficulties that life throws your way? Self-efficacy, or your belief in your own to deal with various situations, can play a major role not only on how you feel about yourself, but whether or not you successfully achieve your goals in life (Cherry, 2016). Having faith and confidence will help to encourage yourself in everything you make. Trusting yourself that you can do what you aim to accomplish can help you reach your goals.
According to Bandura, self-efficacy is the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the course to action required to manage prospective situations. This means that you have to trust your own ability and capability for you to perform and succeed in a given task or situation. It can also mean knowing your strengths and weaknesses to overcome and to succeed in any particular circumstances. This helps a lot to keep a person motivated towards achieving their goal (Fitton, 2011).
"Believing that you can accomplish what you want to accomplish is one of the most important ingredients in the recipe of success" (Maddux in Asahan, Bautista, Cadavedo, Dela Cruz, Ilar, 2015). Believing in your ability can influence your goals, actions, and successes or failures in life. Individuals who have high self-efficacy will set higher goals for themselves and are more committed to their goals (Locke, Frederick, Lee, & Bobko, 1984 in Redmond, 2010). People with determination can easily overcome the different hardships and battles in life.
People need to survive in their own life. They exert effort in ameliorating their way of life for them to conquer different challenges that they encounter. Poverty is one of the main problem and challenge that many people are facing. Lack of opportunities caused many adults and even children forced to work for them to earn. Street vending is one of the jobs that many people consider as a survival.
Street vending is ubiquitous. People will spot some places that are occupied by many street vendors.
Statement of the Problem
The main goal of this study is to know the levels of self-efficacy and motivation of the street vendors in Cavite. Specifically, this paper aims to answer the following questions:
What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of;
Civil status
Years of being a street vendor
What are the levels of self-efficacy of the street vendors in Cavite?
What are the levels of motivation of the street vendors in Cavite?
Is there a significant relationship between the levels of self-efficacy and motivation of the street vendors?
Significance of the Study
This study may benefit the following:
Street vendors. It can benefit them because they will know what level of self-efficacy and motivation they have.
Family of the Street vendors. This study may help the family of the street vendors to appreciate all the hardships and sufferings that they encounter in the street everday.
Community. It may help the community to understand and appreciate the work and hardships of the street vendors.
Future Researchers. It may help them in their future study and can gain more knowledge when it comes to this matter. This can also serve as a reference and a useful source of information for their future researches.
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
Street VendorsAgeGenderCivil statusYears of being a street vendorDaily income
Street Vendors
Civil status
Years of being a street vendor
Daily income
Levels of MotivationVery high motivationHigh motivationModerate motivationLow motivationLevels of Self-EfficacyVery high self-efficacyHigh self-efficacyModerate self-efficacyLow self-efficacy
Levels of Motivation
Very high motivation
High motivation
Moderate motivation
Low motivation
Levels of Self-Efficacy
Very high self-efficacy
High self-efficacy
Moderate self-efficacy
Low self-efficacy
Figure 1. Levels of Self-efficacy and Motivations of the Street Vendors
The main purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the levels of self-efficacy and levels of motivation of the street vendors.
Scope and limitations
The content of this research is about the self-efficacy and motivation of the street vendors in Cavite ages 20-50 years old.
Definition of Terms
Self-efficacy. A person's belief in his or her ability to complete a future task. In this study, this is the belief of the street vendors in their own abilities and capabilities in completing a task.
Motivation. Defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act. In this study, it refers to the actions and behaviors of the street vendors for them to supply the needs of their family and survive in their lives.
Street vendors. The people who are operating businesses along sidewalks and selling different items and foods in different parts of the cities ranging from open space to hefty public gathering. In this study, it refers to the vendors who are operating businesses along sidewalks and selling different items and foods in Cavite.
Self-efficacy (also known as social cognitive theory or social learning theory) is a person's belief that she is capable of performing particular tasks successfully. Self-efficacy has three dimensions: Magnitude, the level of task difficulty a person believes she can attain; strength, the conviction regarding magnitude as strong or weak; and generality, the degree to which the expectation is generalized across situation, performance, and motivation. Self-efficacy has powerful effects on learning, because people try to learn and perform only those task that they believe they will be able to perform successfully (Bandura in Landrum, 2013). Think of self-efficacy as a kind of self confidence (Kanter in Landrum, 2013) Self-efficacy influences learning as well as the effort that people exert on the job. Self-efficacy influences the persistence with which people attempt new and difficult tasks. People with high self-efficacy are confident that they can learn and perform a specific task and they are likely to persist in their efforts even when problems surface while people with low self-efficacy who believe that they are incapable of learning and performing a difficult task are likely to give up when problems surface (Edwin Locke in Landrum, 2013)
Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory emphasizes how cognitive, behavioral, personal, and environmental factors act to determine the motivation and behavior (Crothers, Hughes, & Morine, 2008). The Social Cognitive Theory is composed of four processes of goal realization. The Self-observation, Self-evaluation, self-reaction and self-efficacy. These components are interrelated, each having an effect on motivation and goal attainment (Redmond, 2010). Self-efficacy is a related but subtly different personality characteristic. Self assessments of ability contribute to self-efficacy but so does the individual's personality" (Griffin, et al., 2010).
However, the development of self-efficacy beliefs seems to be more influenced by mastery experiences than information formed by social comparisons, a study shows (Reiner & Mynhardt, 2008). Self-efficacy beliefs are an important aspect of human motivation and behavior as well as influence the actions that can affect one's life. Regarding self-efficacy, Bandura (1995) explains that it "refers to beliefs in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations". More simply, self-efficacy is what an individual believes he or she can accomplish using his or her skills under certain circumstances (Snyder & Lopez, 2007). According to Redmond (2010), self-efficacy is also influenced by encouragement and discouragement pertaining to an individual's performance or ability to perform. Self-efficacy has influence over people's ability to learn, their motivation and their performance, as people will often attempt to learn and perform only those task for which they believe they will be successful (Lunenburg, 2011). Self-esteem and self-efficacy are often thought of as being synonymous, however they vary greatly. Self-efficacy differs from self-esteem in that it's a judgment of specific capabilities rather than a general feeling of self-worth (Beck, 2008)
High self-efficacy individuals persist longer in the face of difficulty and are extremely resilient in the face of failure. High self-efficacy individuals are generally more content with their work and lives (Judge, Locke, Durhamn, & Kluger, 1998; as cited in Redmond, 2010). High self-efficacy individuals set higher goals for themselves (Bandura & Cervone, 1986; as cited in Redmond, 2010). High self-efficacy individuals are more committed to their goals (Locke, Frederick, Lee, & Bobko, 1984; as cited in Redmond, 2010). High self-efficacy individuals generate more effective task strategies to facilitate goal attainment and respond more optimistically to negative feedback than low self-efficacy individuals (Locke & Latham, 1990; as cited in Redmond, 2010). Strengthening self-efficacy augments goal attainment motivation (Bandura, 1986; as cited in Redmond, 2010).
Feedback and self-efficacy are necessary for effective goal-setting (Latham & Locke, 1991; as cited in Redmond, 2010). Self-efficacy has been found to lead to higher performance (McIntire & Levine, 1991; Mathieu, Martineau, & Tannenbaum, 1993; Eden & Zuk, 1995; Locke & Latham, 1990; Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998; as cited in Redmond, 2010). High self-efficacy individuals succeed often and better than individuals with low self-efficacy (Mitchell, Hopper, Daniels, George-Falvy, & James, 1994; as cited in Redmond, 2010). High self-efficacy individuals habitually work harder and persevere while low self-efficacy individuals frequently quit (Bandura, 1986); as cited in Redmond, 2010).
Individuals who perform well develop high self-efficacy (Davis, Fedor, Parson, & Herold, 2000; as cited in Redmond, 2010). This study demonstrates the importance of self-efficacy and shows that self-efficacy perceptions can be changed (Redmond, 2010).
Researchers have demonstrated the positive effects of self-efficacy beliefs on effort, persistence, goal setting, and performance (Pajares, 2009).
Street Vendors
According to Golosino (2012), Vendors congregating to the sidewalks were notoriously known as eyesores and obstructions. In the words of Senator Santiago quoting Mayor Penalosa she said a good city is one with great sidewalks. In the Philippines, especially in the urban areas, sidewalks lost its essence from the perspective of the pedestrian. It was supposedly access point for those who want to catch time and would like to avoid traffic by means of walking. Instead, sidewalks were transformed into a pseudo marketplace. As recourse, pedestrians resort to walking on the road exposing them to greater risk and add to the congestions of the street.
This chapter focuses on the research procedure that will be used in the study. These include: (a). Research Design, (b) Participants of the Study & Sampling Technique, (c). Research Instrument, (d). Data Gathering, (e). Data Analysis
The researchers will use descriptive correlational research design. Descriptive research involves the description, recording, analysis and interpretation of the present nature, composition or processes of phenomena which focuses on prevailing conditions, or how a person, group or thing behaves or functions in the present. It often involves some type of comparison or contrast. In other words, descriptive research maybe defined as a purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends and cause effect relationships and then making adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or without the aid of statistical methods (Calderon, 2012). In the other hand, correlational research
The participants of the study are street vendors in Cavite.
The researchers will be using survey questionnaires that will be validated by the experts. They are two types of test that the participants will answer. The first one is the level of self-efficacy and the second one is the level of motivation that they have.
The participants are said to answer the two types of survey questionnaires. They will answer it with no time limit.
In this study, the surveys that the participants will answer are to be tallied, analyzed and interpret the relationship between the self-efficacy and the motivation of the street vendors.
The data will be measured using different statistical tools like frequency, means, percentage and