Insights on historical development of education in the Philippines
What is ICT Education and Why is It ImportantFull description
Current Problems in Philippine Education System
CXBZDFBDeskripsi lengkap
This is a reflection paper that tacles some of the issues of Phillipine Education System , specifically on the technological aspect.
Current Trends and Issues in Philippine EducationFull description
IBP Certificate of Membership
Full description
Tertiary Education in the PhilippinesFull description
Tertiary Education in the PhilippinesFull description
impact of technology in education
asdfghjklFull description
As of January 2017
Four Pillars of EducationFull description
ICT ICT or Info Inform rmat atio ion n and and Communications Technolo! Technolo! is an um"rella um"rella term that includes an! commun ic ication de#ice or a$$lication% encom$assin& radio% tele tele#i #isi sion on%% cell cellul ular ar $hon $hones es%% com$uter and net'or( hard'are and soft'are% soft'are% satellite satellite s!stems s!stems and so on% as 'ell as the #arious s er er #i #i ce ce s a nd nd a $$ $$ lili ca ca ti ti on on s associ associated ated 'ith 'ith them% them% such such as #ideoconferen #ideoconferencin cin and distance distance learnin) In *+,* *+,* -econs econstr truct ucted ed .asi .asic c Educ Educati ation on Curr Curric icul ulum um / conc concei ei#e #ed d as an inte inter rat ati# i#e e c ur ur ri ri cu cul um um t ha ha t $ ro ro mo mo te te s inte ra rate d teachin % % a nd interdisci$ interdisci$linar! linar!%% conte0tual% conte0tual% and authentic authentic learnin) learnin) 1hat ma(es ma(es the curriculum interacti#e is the use of inform informati ation on technol technolo! o! and and the the rea reater ter em$ha em$hasi sis s on com$ com$ut uter er lite litera rac! c! in all all the the learnin learnin areas 'here e2ui$ment e2ui$ment is a#aila"le)
In the Phili$$ine Education% ICT has "een interated to some learnin learnin areas li(e li(e EPP or T)L)E) Others ha#e alread! $ut this as a lone su"3ect area) A"out ,4)*5 6 in elemen elementar! tar! and hih hih school school%% "oth "oth $u"l $u"lic ic and and $ri#a $ri#ate te ha#e ha#e alre alread ad! ! com$ com$ut uter ers s in thei theirr schools) 1h! 1h! is there there a need need to em"race em"race ICT ICT es$eci es$eciall all! ! in the Phili$$ine education7 In toda!8s *,st centur!% ICT has has "eco "ecome me more more and and more more interal in the li#es of all $eo$le) From rom the the trad tradit itio iona nall to ICT ICT assisted assisted techni2ues techni2ues come more meaninful meaninful insihts and a more realistic #ie' of the thins around us) It has im$ro#ed the s$eed of communication communication)) From From the old mode of communication li(e the snail mail in 'hich messaes ma! "e deli#er deli#ered ed 9#e or more more da!s da!s come the e:mail or the electronic electronic mail 'hich ma! "e deli#ered on a "lin( of an e!e de$endin on the s$eed of the internet connection)
ICT is hel$in man to ful9ll his needs) A $erson from #illae has also can can refer refer the lates latestt i nf nf or orm at at io io n a nd nd re se se ar ar ch ch e#er!da!) Tele#ision Tele#ision "roadcast is one of the "est "est commun communica icatio tion n media to educate students% coo(% farmers% and all (inds of $eo$le) The di;cult e0$eriments% ad#an ad#ance ce sur surer! er! for medi medica call stude students nts and the the li( li(e can can "e #ie'ed) #ie'ed) LCD LCD $ro3ec $ro3ector tors s can "e used for e
an!time) Students use interacti#e 'hite"oard in classroom) Throuh the use of multim multimedi edia a lesson lessons s usin Po'erPo Po'erPoint% int% #ideos% #ideos% audio cli$ cli$s% s% the stud student ents s ain ain more more meanin meaninful ful insih insihts ts a"out a"out the lessons) The! are also moti#ated more "ecause all their senses are "ein used) Students also use ICT as refe refere renc nce e tool tool)) The! The! use use com$uters to "ro'se the internet to loo( loo( for inform informati ation% on% $ro3ec $ro3ectt i nf nf or or ma ma ti ti on on a nd nd l it it er er at at ur ure sur#e!s)
Teachers Teachers ha#e fast access to less lesson on $lan $lans% s% net' net'or or( ( of teachers% $edaoical techn techni2 i2ue ues% s% and and info inform rmat atio ion n resources) Teachers Teachers use ICT in research research for $re$arin $re$arin teachin teachin materia materials> ls> $artici $artici$ate $ate in online online forums forums and online online confer conferenc ence) e) The! can also com$ute rades easil easil! ! thro throuh uh the the use use of ?S E0ce E0cel) l) 1ith ith the the corr correc ectt and and a$$ro$r a$$ro$riat iate e formul formula% a% one dra a'a! and 'hoala@ The rades of
all the students no matter ho' lare the num"er or $o$ulation is% all the rades are therefore com$uted)
acce$t more res$onsi"ilit! for t he ir o 'n le arn in a nd it s assessment% de#elo$in e0$ertise Tea ch er in t he $rocess) a$$lication of curriculum can "e monitored "! anal!in test results) This can "e used "!
teachers for assessin and im$ro#in their o'n $erformance meetin state and national standards) ,+) -esearchers use ICT tool to collect %$rocess
and an al! e data) School administrators use ICT tool for administrati#e $ur$ose to ma(e sure that the entire o$eration runs smoothl!) E)) to et student details at the clic( of a "utton)