A 70 question simple B1 English test. Covering present tenses, past tenses, and some conditional exercises. Check for it mistakes before using!!Descripción completa
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Test Test 1 - Module Module 1 1. VOCABULARY A. Choose the correct option a, b, c or or d to to complete the sentences. 1. Julie is very quiet tonight. She ha a!n" a. i a. in ne%enent
. $reative . $reative
ti#e at s$hool toay. c. rough c. rough
d. relate d. relate
!. &y 'ather has #arrie 'or a se$on ti#e an #y a. s a. stte%#other
is 'ro# (ortugal.
. #other)in)la* . #other)in)la* c. e)#other c. e)#other
". ,i you re#e#-er to %a$ your
d. e)*i'e d. e)*i'e
/ 0our gran#other *ont let you *ear shoes
insie her house. a. s a. so o$s
. sanals
c. -oots c. -oots
d. sli%%ers
#. Joe lives in the su-ur-s an s%ens a lot o' ti#e as a a. %assenger
. volunteer
$. &y 'rien a. $o##uni$ate %. 2s Terry a. %ro-a-ly
on -uses.
c. %arti$i%ant
d. -ene'a$tor
#e that he *oul not -e late again. . ivie
c. ignore c. ignore
d. assure
to -e$o#e a o$tor3 in your o%inion/ . equally
&. 4hris has -een
c. liely c. liely
d. %ossi-le
to #ove -e$ause the neigh-ourhoo neigh-ourhoo has -e$o#e very
noisy. a. quarrelle '. Are you a. a**ar
. resolve
c. 'or$e
d. grauate d. grauate
*ith this $o#%uter %rogra#/ . tener
c. 'a#iliar
d. ty%i$al s$ore
B. Complete the sentences (ith the correct )orm o) the phrasal *ers in the o+. get on *ith 'ree5e u%
hang out $o#e along
-rea u%
ig u%
han o*n
hear 'ro#
1. Kerry3 *e are going to the su%er#aret. 6hy ont you !. 6hen Sean sa* Ali$e 'or the 'irst ti#e3 he
*ith us/ an int no* *hat to
say. ". The antique es has -een
through #y #others sie o' the 'a#ily.
#. The *or#en *ill have to
the roa $are'ully. There #ay -e an
an$ient *all -elo* it. $. 7o* are you
the %eo%le at *or no*aays/
%. 2t is sa that 8eorge an Sally have &. ,o you e%e$t to
a'ter three years together. Ja$ this *eeen/ 2' you o3 %lease say 9hi to
hi# 'ro# #e. '. 2ll -e ho#e at a-out 1: o$lo$3 &u#. 2 a# going to
*ith the guys
until then. s$ore
4o%yright ; <:1: && (u-li$ations
C. Complete the sentences (ith the correct )orm o) the (ords in capitals. 1. A 'lash o'
stru$ the *ing o' the %lane.
!. 4riti$s say that there is a la$ o'
in her latest novel.
". 2 a# looing 'or*ar to a
holiay in Bali.
#. The
-oyguar save the (resients li'e.
$. ,esert
use the #oon an the stars to 'in their *ay.
%. The 6illia#s 'a#ily are 'a#ous 'or their
&. The $itys
0A2/R O34TABL/
%lans in$lue a ne* leisure $entre.
at *or.
'. 4live has -een given a %ay rise an
2. Complete the sentences (ith the correct )orm o) the (ords5phrases in the o+. stresse out a$quaintan$e
inha-itant 'lat#ate
1. 6e -ought a $ou%le o'
so *e $an see ea$h other *hen *e
$hat online. !. The $ele-rity sai that she never listene to ". T*o
o' the village *ere re%orte #issing a'ter the 'ire.
#. Are you sure that the e$ision *as #ae
$. Sue 'eels lonely an has e$ie to loo 'or a!n"
%. =ursery s$hool tea$hers #ust have a lot o'
&. 2 a# *orrie a-out Ro- as he loos very
'. All o' #y %arents 'riens an
*ere invite to the *eing. s$ore
!. RAMMAR /. Complete the sentences elo( usin6 the *ers in rac7ets in the correct 4resent tense. 1. Ro-in !. Jane
!tae" his -rea at the #o#ent. !eat" 'ruit 'or -rea'ast every ay3 -ut toay she
!have" %lain $o''ee. ". The -us #. Laura $. Lyn
!$o#e" late every #orning. !*or" in &ilan this *ee. !have" a 'la#en$o $lass on &onays.
%. 2
!not unerstan" *hy 2 never
enough slee%. &. E$use #e3
!you > use" this $hair/
'. 4an you see i' ,e--ie
4o%yright ; <:1: && (u-li$ations
!%lay" in the -a$ garen/
!you > thin" *e $an #eet earlier/ &y sister
!$o#e" tonight.
9. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meanin6 to the )irst, usin6 the (ord 6i*en. 2o not chan6e the (ord 6i*en. You must use et(een t(o and )i*e (ords, includin6 the (ord 6i*en. 1. 8er#any is not as hot as 2taly uring August.
8er#any uring August.
!. The Bristol 7otel is $hea%er than the 2nter$ontinental.
The 2nter$ontinental is
the Bristol
7otel. ". There is no one -etter than 8eo'' at $hess in the $lass.
in the $lass at $hess.
#. 6hen the *eather -e$o#es hotter3 *e shoul rin #ore *ater. The
the #ore *ater *e shoul rin.
$. 2 thought #y sister *oul o -etter in the ra$e.
&y sister int
in the ra$e as 2 ha
thought. %. 4hristina is not taller than her sister Joanna.
4hristina is
her sister Joanna.
&. As 2 $ontinue stuying3 2 a# #ore $on'ient a-out the ea#. The
stud: $on'ient 2 -e$o#e a-out the
ea#. '. The $ottage *as $hea%er than *e ha e%e$te.
The $ottage *as
*e ha e%e$te. s$ore
. Choose the correct option. 1. ,o you still rin a. any
#il every ay/ . a lot o'
!. 2' you use the tu-e3 it *ill save you a lot o' a. ti#e
getting to the air%ort.
. ti#es
". &y o$tor avise #e against rining a. so #any $o''ees
at night.
. so #u$h $o''ee
#. 2 a# sorry 2 *ont -e a-le to have inner *ith you. 2 have a lot o' a. *ors
. *or
$. 2 ont thin 2 $an #ae 'ive san*i$hes. 6e have very a. little
. a 'e*
%. The hotel ha
#any guests that there *as not a single roo#
availa-le. a. too
. so
&. Jean gre* u% on a 'ar# an ha to 'ee the a. $hi$en
. $hi$ens
'. The %oli$e a. *as
every ay.
at the s$ene o' the $ri#e in se$ons. . *ere
8. There are a lot o' things 2
4o%yright ; <:1: && (u-li$ations
a-out hi#.
. a# isliing
1;. This *eeen 2 a. a# visiting
so#e 'riens.
. visit
". R/A2 . Read the te+t elo( and ans(er the
line D
he area no* no*n as the ?nite States o' A#eri$a *as not an un%o%ulate *ilerness -e'ore the arrival o' Euro%ean settlers. A#ong those *ho *ere alreay living o'' the lan *ere the 4heyenne3 one o' several tri-es o' =ative A#eri$ans. Lie other tri-es3 su$h as the Siou an the =ava@o3 they *ere %ut uner a lot o' %ressure to $hange -oth *here an ho* they live. our hunre years ago the 4heyenne3 *hose na#e #eans 9little re)taler3 *ere -ase in the Eastern 6oolans. ?nusually 'or =ative A#eri$an tri-es3 they *ere 'ar#ers3 %lanting $orn an -eans rather than hunters. 7o*ever3 -y the #ile o' the nineteenth $entury this ha $hange3 an the 4heyenne ha evelo%e a horse $ulture an hunte -ison on the 8reat (lains. Traitionally3 the $hie's or elers o' the 4heyenne *ere organise into the 94oun$il o' orty)our. They ha rules 'or everyay li'e3 *ar'are3 $ele-rations an $ere#onies. One thing that #ae the 4heyenne i''erent 'ro# other tri-es3 *hi$h *ere e$lusively %atriar$hal3 *as that *o#en *ere 'ar #ore a$tive in tri-al a''airs. 2n t*enty)'irst $entury A#eri$a3 #any 4heyenne live in ea$tly the sa#e *ay as o #ost %eo%le in -ig $ities. 7o*ever3 there is another o%tion 'or those *ho *ant to ee% their traitional *ay o' li'e. This is to live on the =orthern 4heyenne 2nian Reservation in southeast &ontana3 or on the Southern 4heyenne Reservation in $entral Olaho#a. The $o#-ine %o%ulation o' the 4heyenne is %resently near to <:3:::.
1. 6hen i the 4heyenne #igrate to the 8reat (lains/ a. aroun 1C: . #ore than 'our hunre years ago c. as soon as the Euro%eans arrive in A#eri$a d. in this $entury !. 6hat oes the *or they re'er to in line D/ a. the Siou an the =ava@o . the 4heyenne c. several =ative A#eri$an tri-es d. the Euro%ean settlers ". 6here *oul a 4heyenne *ho *ante a traitional *ay o' li'e %re'er to live/ a. on a reservation . in a -ig $ity c. any*here in &ontana d. on the 8reat (lains
4o%yright ; <:1: && (u-li$ations
TRAVELLER LEVEL B1+ – TEST BOOKLET – TEST 1 #. 6hi$h o' the 'ollo*ing is not true/ a. Euro%eans *ere not the 'irst %eo%le to live in the ?S. . Toay so#e 4heyenne live on reservations. c. The 4heyenne have al*ays live in the sa#e %la$e. d. 6o#en in 4heyenne $o##unities ha a higher status than in other tri-es.
$. 6hat is the %ur%ose o' the tet/ a. to give a %ersonal a$$ount o' $hanges in a li'estyle . to %rotest against the treat#ent o' =ative A#eri$ans c. to give so#e general in'or#ation a-out a =ative A#eri$an tri-e d. to e%lain *hy the 4heyenne %o%ulation is very lo* s$ore
#. L3T/ . You (ill hear people tal7in6 in )i*e di))erent situations. 9or
4o%yright ; <:1: && (u-li$ations