INTRO I don't know how I got here. It's that simple. Here I am, out in the middle of the desert again, sitting at some run-down, old funny smelling diner, with my laptop in front of me and a cup of coffee that has long since arriving grown cold. But I must get this lesson out to you. Recently, I was given several messages, not in words, but in signs. The first sign was that there was a connection between 333 and 66.6. Whether there is a connection between the number of the beast and this number has yet to be understood by me. I now believe, no I'm certain, there is more to the number 666 than we have been lead to believe. The number has been ascribed a lot of capricious meanings by charlatans who call themselves christians or satanists. I don't think the number is entirely owned by some evil entity. No, there is a hidden meaning to the number, and it appears to be related to that number that has become part of me, the number 333. Then, a star-like thought descended upon my mind, and it was sparkling ever so brightly, so mystically. Oh good heavens, it has hold upon me, and now it speaks to me from the symbol of the pentacle. My eyes looked upon the pentacle, and I heard its faint music. It took me somewhere far from here, to a place with ancient merchant's, pyramids, and strong perfume oils. I felt its presence. Then suddenly three triangle emerged from the pentacle and spoke the number, “333”. Not long after, I saw other symbols emerging from the three triangles, and I awoke from my trance, finding my world spinning and my body sitting here, writing this message to you. If things go well for me, this is only the beginning. And in time, I will bring great powers before you, because I am chosen to. Many want to stop me. In fact, they would rather destroy all of you before they would let the messages reach you. Don't worry about them. Just keep searching for the treasures your senses are telling you about.
Universe of NUMBERS Numbers were the first form of language long before the first word was ever created in our universe. In the beginning "Was the Number", and the number "divided" darkness. The purpose of this lesson is to bring you into better understanding of "Our" sacred number of 333 and how you may use it in magic. -- 66.6 represents: • •
66.6 times 5 = 333 (This is not to imply something evil.) our connection to the divine, or the Gods, through our being, choices, and consciousness. It is like a cord that starts in the material elements and rises through our spirits and continues upwards into the realms of the Gods. Three digits of any number represents the line connecting manifested creation/consciousness up to the divine, higher spirit, or gods. Any number may be in three groups. The last six, the .6 equals 3/5 (in Fractions, three out of five). This is symbolically represented by the three triangles (3 points, three times = 333) in the pentacle. It represents
the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, spirit) that were formed by the power of the triple threes. The second 6 represents your role in between the elements and the higher powers and Gods. You are the one between the two, and you are where they converge for expression. You are one of the greatest expressions for the two. Your consciousness and your physical being allow the high spirits and lower elements to speak and express themselves. Nothing created in the universe allows this to be. You are a beast, but you are the greatest beast of all beasts. This is neither good or evil. You are the battleground, and the powers are at war, day and night. Take light for example. You see it as nothing. But look closer. Light is a violent war with darkness. They constantly collide and fight for existence or supremacy. However, you could also see it as a mutual agreement for exchange. Nevertheless, it is a game between the two, and it opens doors for the existence of life. It reflects the middle number in any triplicy. In this case, it is number 6. And as you have seen, the first 6 represents the the divine, higher spirit, or gods.
Below are diagrams showing how three triangles form the pentacle. Three triangles also form Solomon's Seal. (See the Trinexus below.)
FORMING THE TEMPLE OF THE GODS This is a fast and simple example. I may provide a more detailed version of this ritual later. For now, I just want you to have a bare bones ritual to start working with. ITEMS NEEDED: 1. Five candles. Each candle will represent one of the five elements ( earth, air, fire, water, spirit). You may choose any method to make each candle represent its element. 2. 66.6 labels for each candle. You may hang, tape, or write the number upon the candles, at the given time. The numbers must remain throughout the rite. 3. Lighter 4. Symbol of 333 (You may find a copy of Our group symbol online.) 5. Magical script from this lesson. 6. Magical 333 Circle Template 7. Favorite food offering, or blood sacrifice (something edible) 8. Sacred oil (scented) 9. Five small cards or blank squares or circles, not much larger than the base of the candle bases. Smaller than the bases are okay. You will use these five blanks to write the number 66.6 upon during the rite. Using element color correspondences are okay. You will use the five sacred magic symbols (the .6) on the opposite sides of these five blanks that were born from 3 triangles on The symbols are called the Five Seals of the Elements". If you are not going to be able to draw these easily, then simply cut out small printed copies, that you will later use the flip side to write 66.6 upon, during the rite. (The element of each symbol is written with each drawing.)
MAKING THE 333 CIRCLE TEMPLATE Take a rope or cord and measure 66.6 Inches and mark it with paint or a needle or a colored string tied to it. Do this four times, each segment being 66.6 inches, so that when you lay it down into the shape of a circle, you have five segments, each on 66.6 inches long. The easiest way to do this is to get a tape measure, and go to your hardware store (they should have their own tape measure), and tell them you want 333 inches (Exactly) of rope or wire. White, plastic coated wire is good because you can mark or notch the wire, and it will last a long time. If you are good with quilts or cloth, you could use that instead. The purpose of this is to use it to create the 333 inch circle. The circumference is 333 inches. The diameter is 8.8333 feet when rounded of to the nearest 10/1000ths. Use the marks on the rope or wire to "Mark where the element candle will be placed", ON THE CIRCLE. Your circle can be drawn or made of your usual material. Just be sure you know exactly
where your 66.6 placement is., for each candle. Then, go around the circle, and place your candle. Important note: you can place other objects representing “that” element WITH each candle. For example, you could have 21 symbols and objects representing the air element, around the candle for air. Just be very careful to make sure nothing will burn or catch fire, and double check it to be certain. Candles in glass containers, or good stands, are safest. Next, prepare the remainder of your circle for your intended magical operations. Place the Magical 333 symbol upon the altar, then place the candles upon the circle, at their respective marks. When ready, raise your arms above the altar, and say: "Open Ye sky and heavens and let My God and Goddess, and all Gods witness my rite, and may it be within their grace to give to me all that I ask in this ritual. So mote it be." Then bring your arms low, extending towards the ground, and say: "Open Ye Gates of Earth and let the spirits of those now dead witness my rite, and may it be within their grace to give aid me all that I ask in this ritual. So mote it be." Take up the sacred oil, and anoint yourself with an equidistant cross between your eyes and say: "Hereby do anoint myself as an offering unto thee, mighty God and Goddess, Oh great Masters, please let me, your humble servant into your realm, and please let me receive your warmth, guidance, and protection, during this rite. You alone truly are my God and Goddess, I love you forevermore. So mote it be." Perform the 333 bow in honor of the powers before you: • With your right hand touch your forehead (third-eye), then extend it as if offering a courtesy or good gesture. You need not extend your arm totally outwards. • Then touch your left shoulder, with the same hand, and extend it in the same manner. • Then touch your chest, between the beasts, and extend it in the same manner. • Do the above three with your left hand, but on the right shoulder, rather than the left. • Then bring both arms together, Egyptian style, crossing your chest, with each hand touching the opposite shoulder. Then bow. (You have essentially used your body to form the three triangles and bring them together.) Bow to the circle, between the spirit point/candle and the earth point/candle on your circle, and point at it and say: "I hereby invoke the power of 333 into thee and I call thee to be with me, O' great circle of power, arise from the realm of the ancient and mighty ones, and form for me a sacred boundary that is worthy for the Gods to stand within. So mote it be."
Here you may consecrate the circle with sacred water and incense smoke, as described in Magical Advice Pt.6. It is always safer to add more protection to the circle by doing this. Go to the first candle, bringing the blank cards, for each element. You will go clockwise, starting with the point, ahead of the altar. Create the first "Tri-Element Seal" by writing 66.6 on one side then saying: "Let this number bring to me powers that be, and from it rise mysteries ever so great, in the presence of infinite spirit, to provide the breath of life and the light of wisdom and open the gates to the element of [spirit], by the source of everlasting 333. So mote it be." On the opposite side of the paper, draw the symbol for this element (Trinexus). If you cannot draw it, then have a printed copy already set on the opposite side. Lift the candle, and place the candle down upon the Tri-Element Seal. The seal will sit upon the line of your circle. Light the candle, and say, "Hereby do I open this portal to the element of [spirit], through the Tri-Element Seal herewith. In the names of my God and Goddess, so mote it be." Follow onward to the next candle, and perform the same candle process steps above, but using the appropriate element name in the evocation, and draw the corresponding symbol for that element on the back of the papers. Continue doing this until all candles have been lit and placed upon the number 66.6, with their corresponding symbol beneath. The ORDER OF ELEMENTS, going clockwise from the top/altar: Spirit, Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Don't make the error of stating the wrong element or using the wrong symbol for any location out of the five points on your circle. *** ----------------------------------------***-------------------------------------------- ***
CLOSING After you have performed the magical operations you intended, you must close the power of the elements flowing from the five points, and release the circle. Facing the top point before the altar, clasp your hands and say (see note below this):
"As the power of elements pour forth from this Tri-Element of Earth, this temple is alive with magical substance, and I am grateful. I come now to release this power. I call upon the number that holds this key for me to close the Trinexus and cease the flow of power from this point. 66.6, CLOSE THE TRINEXUS! In the names of my God and Goddess, So mote it be." As you speak the final part, you are commanding it with force, but not necessarily loudly, and as you do, YOUR HANDS must come unclasped and be held open, as if letting a bird go free from your hands. Hold for a brief moment, then move on to the next point. Repeat this process for each point, changing the words to match the element of each point, of course. For example, at the element of air point, you must say “TRIARCHIS” instead of “Trinexus” as above. (Just refer to the symbols, and note their names and elements.) Once you have completed closing all points, stand before the altar and hold your hands out and down, with arms extended towards the ground, and say: “I offer thanks unto the spirits of those now dead who have been present to witness this my rite and to gracefully aid me in all that I have endeavored to accomplish in these acts. I bid thee thanks and farewell. So mote it be.” Bring your arms across your chest, hands touching opposite shoulders, and bow in farewell. Now, give thanks to you God and Goddess: “My eternal source, my spiritual being, ancient creators, I offer thanks unto Thee, like unto no other, for You have attended my rite, and blessed it with your presence. I am forever most grateful O' mighty God and Goddess. I offer myself and my gifts unto Thee. So mote it be.” Bring your arms across your chest, hands touching opposite shoulders, and bow in farewell. After extinguishing the candles, wait and meditate before leaving the circle. Then go outside, or somewhere private, and offer your food or money or chick (etc.), as your sacrifice to your God and Goddess, as promised.
Another late night, and I seem to have reached the end of another lesson. Outside the wind is whipping the palm trees around with some insane fury or excitement. An empty can of green tea lays on its side next to me as the time seems to be trying to race with me to see who will reach 3:33am. first. I hope you will benefit from this knowledge. Remember to add more to this ritual because it is a bare bones architecture. I am always with you, fighting adversaries for your best fortune. Displace evil consciousness as often as you can, because it doesn't like humanity. Truly... MYSTICALGOD 3.6.12