Telling Fortunes With Cards BY ISAAC M. WRIGHT How to tell your fortune and others with a perfectly ordinary ordinary pack of cards.
Isaac M. Wright
Copyright © 2015 y Isaac M. Wright !ll rights reser"ed. #o part of this ook $ay e reproduced% scanned% or distriuted in any printed or electronic electronic for$ without per$ission. &irst 'dition( &eruary 2015 )rinted in the *nited +tates of !$erica
TELLING FRT!NES WITH CAR"S ,he art of telling fortunes with cards% known prof profes essi sion onal ally ly as C!-,M!#C/% has een pract acticed for for centuries. 2
Isaac M. Wright
,oday ,oday di"ination y cards is chiey e$ployed for a$use$ent and pasti$e% for the entertain$ent of ones self or ones co$pany% or at church fairs% charity aars% and the like3 ut in the days of the anci ncients it was practiced y prophets and siyls as a serious usiness% and so accepted y all% fro$ king to peasant. Certainly there were so$e re$arkale coincidences% to call the$ y no other na$e% in the ful4ll$ent of $any cart carto$ o$an anti tic c di"i di"ina nati tion ons% s% of whic which h hist histor ory y $ain $ainta tain ins s a record.
HW , '!-# ,H' !-,. I reco$$end that you study in detail e"ery word in this ook% as you would any other lesson you desire to $aster. earn the "arious $ethods of dealing and of reading the layout3 consult the se"eral interpretations of the $eanings and learn to apply the$% 4rst in reading your own fortune and later that of friends. ,here is no need to $e$ori $e$orie e the $eani $eanings ngs outli outlined ned in this this ook. ook. *se this this ook as a reference in the eginning and o"er ti$e you will will $e$or e$ori ie e $any $any of the the $ean $eanin ings gs and and ac6u ac6uir ire e a degree of uency in elaorating the 7talk7 or 7patter7 that goes with a successful 7reading.7 #o prophet or seer e"er professed that di"ination y cards is a natural gift. It is uni"ersally recognied as eing solely the resu esult of practi ctice and study% and can e $astered y anyone who has this ook and gi"es the su8 su8ec ectt a litt littlle thou thoug ght and and su9c u9cient ient e:pe :peri$ ri$enta entall practice to ac6uire pro4ciency.
C!-;+ , <' *+'; I# ,'I#= &-,*#'+. While any ordinary pack of playing cards can e used% it is est to secure% if possile% a pack whose face cards ha"e only a single head% inas$uch as when% in dealing% cards co$e out re"ersed they ear a di>erent sign signi4 i4ca cati tion on in so$e so$e cases cases%% than than when when uprig upright ht.. When When%% howe"er% the usual doule?headed cards are used it is only necessary to $ake a distincti"e $ark on the top end of the faces of certain ones to secure the sa$e result as @
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though the special fortune?telling pack were e$ployed. ,his $ark $ay e a si$ple dot or cross with pencil or pen% and should e $ade at one end of the card only% which will then eco$e the top of the card in all cases% and cards co$ing out in the deal with this $ark at their tops will e considered as upright% and with the $arked end down% as re"ersed. ,he only cards that need to e thus distinguished are( ,he face cards of each suit3 the ace% eight% nine and ten of dia$onds. A,he spot cards elow the se"en in any suit are% in $ost cases% not used. Where they are e$ployed% their re"ersal has no signi4cance.B ,he top of the se"en of dia$onds% and the other suits% is considered to e the end that has the e:tra center pip. +pot cards of the three suits other than dia$onds usually re6uire no $ark to deter$ine their top or otto$. ,he 7handles7 of all spades and clus% and the sharp points of all hearts% point downward when those cards are upright3 hence when they point upward the cards are considered as re"ersed. If% howe"er% any other cards than those here $entioned are so printed as to $ake it di9cult to distinguish the top fro$ the ase% you should $ark the$ at the top.
,H' #' +)'CI! C!-;,H' C#+*,!#,. In so$e of the $ethods of fortune?telling y cards it is essential to ha"e a special card as the representati"e of the party seeking the response of the oracle. ,his is co$$only called the 7Consultant.7 If there is a 8oker in your pack% or an e:tra lank card% as is the case in $any packs% use one of the$ as the Consultant% $arking this card to show which is its top% as its re"ersal has its own signi4cation. If there is neither 8oker nor lank card% use the discarded ,wo of either suit in the pack% with a $ark at its top end.
Isaac M. Wright
!fter carefully studying the ancient $ethods outlined in this te:t and co$ing to know the $eanings of each card Aor ha"ing the ook a"ailale to consultB you will e ready to use $y personal $ethod for telling fortunes with cards. It is "ery si$ple in e:ecution% yet "ery powerful. Ha"e the person whose fortune is to e told Athe sitterB cut o> a pile of cards fro$ the face down deck% turn the re$o"ed cards face up and replace the$ on the deck. =i"e the $eaning of the "isile card and attriute it to the )-'+'#, state of eing for the sitter. &ollow up y ha"ing the sitter cut the pile again% deeper this ti$e. ,urn the cut portion of the deck o"er again and replace it on top re"ealing a new card. ,his card is to e read as the sitterEs *#;'-/I#= +,-'#=,H. &inally spread the cards. ,here will e a certain nu$er of face up cards followed y a large group of face down cards. ,he 4rst face down card Athe unseen cardB represents the &*,*-'. !lways ask if the sitter wishes to know their future efore you turn it face up and gi"e your reading.
THE ANCIENT RACLE Farious $eanings ha"e een ascried to the indi"idual cards in di>erent countries and ti$es% se"eral lists of which% and they the known standards of the art% are gi"en throughout this ook. ,he 4rst list of interpretations presented is fro$ a "ery ancient work% 4rst pulished in 1G00 or a little later. ,his% it will e noticed% de4nes the entire 4fty?two cards of the pack and has no separate signi4cation for any card eing upright or re"ersed3 in either position the cards $eanings are the sa$e. +uit "alues are as follows( Clus lead and $ostly portend happiness and good usiness arrange$ents% and no $atter how nu$erous or how acco$panied y cards of other suits are seldo$ considered as earers of other than the "ery est augury. #e:t co$es hearts% which are usually taken to signify lo"e?$aking% in"itations% and good 5
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friends3 dia$onds% $oney3 and spades% annoyances% sickness or worry% so$eti$es loss of $oney.
CLUBS. !ce=reat wealth% $uch prosperity% and tran6uility of $ind. ing! $an who is hu$ane% upright and a>ectionate3 faithful in all his undertakings. He will e happy hi$self% and $ake e"eryone around hi$ so. ueen! tender% $ild and rather susceptile wo$an% who will e "ery attracti"e to the opposite se:. Jack!n open% sincere and good friend% who will e:ert hi$self war$ly in your welfare. ,en+peedy wealth. #inestinacy and disagreeales connected therewith. 'ight! co"etous person% e:tre$ely fond of $oney3 that he will otain it ut not $ake a proper use of it. +e"en,he $ost rilliant fortune and the $ost e:6uisite liss this world can a>ord% ut eware of the opposite se:% fro$ these alone can $isfortune e e:perienced. +i:! lucrati"e partnership. &i"eMarriage to a person who will i$pro"e your circu$stances. &ourInconstancy and change. ,hree,hree wealthy $arriages. ,wopposition or disappoint$ent.
DIAMONDS. !ce! letter. ing! $an of 4ery te$per% continued anger% seeking re"enge% and ostinate in his resolutions. ueen! co6uette% and fond of co$pany. JackHowe"er nearly related% will look $ore to his own interest than yours% will e tenacious in his own opinions% and y o> if contradicted. ,en! country husand Aor wifeB% with wealth% and $any children3 also a purse of gold. #ine! surprise aout $oney. 'ight*nhappy $arriage late in life. G
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+e"enWaste of goods% and losses. +i:!n early $arriage and widowhood% ut a second $arriage would proaly e worse. &i"e+uccess in enterprises3 if $arried% good children. &ourFe:ation and annoyance. ,hreeuarrels% lawsuits% and do$estic disagree$ents% your partner for life will e a "i:en% ad te$pered% and $ake you unhappy. ,wo/our heart will e engaged in lo"e at an early period% ut you will $eet with great opposition.
HEARTS. !ce&easting and pleasure% and is also the house. If attended with spades it is 6uarreling3 if y hearts% friendship and a>ection3 if y dia$onds% you will hear of an asent friend3 if y clus% $erry?$aking and re8oicing. ing! $an of good natured disposition% hot and hasty% rash in his undertakings% and "ery a$orous. ueen! wo$an of fair co$ple:ion% faithful and a>ectionate. Jack! person of no particular se:% ut always the dearest friend or nearest relation of the consulting party. It is said that you $ust pay great attention to the cards that stand ne:t to the 8ack% as fro$ the$ alone you are supposed to 8udge whether the person it represents will e fa"orale to your inclinations or not. ,en! good heart% it is supposed to correct the ad tidings of the cards that stand ne:t it3 if its neighoring cards are of good report% it is supposed to con4r$ their "alue. #ineWealth% grandeur% and high estee$3 if cards that are unfa"orale stand near it% disappoint$ents and the re"erse. If fa"orale cards follow these last at a s$all distance% you will retrie"e your losses% whether of peace or goods. 'ight;rinking and feasting. +e"en! 4ckle and unfaithful person. +i:! generous% open and credulous disposition% easily K
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i$posed on% ut the friend of the distressed. &i"e! wa"ering and unsettled disposition. &our,he person will not e $arried till 6uite late in life% which will proceed fro$ too great a delicacy in $aking a choice. ,hree/our own i$prudence will greatly contriute to your e:periencing $uch ill will fro$ others. ,wo':traordinary good future and success3 though if unfa"orale cards attend this will e a long ti$e delayed.
SPADES. !ceHas to do with lo"e a>airs generally. ;eath when the card is upside down. ing! $an a$itious and successful at court% or with a great $an who will efriend hi$% ut let hi$ eware of a re"erse. ueen! wo$an who will e corrupted y the rich of oth se:es. !lso a widow. Jack! person% who% although he has your interest at heart% will e too indolent to pursue it. ,enIs supposed to e a card of ad i$port% and in a great $easure to counteract the good e>ects of the cards near it. #ineIs professed to e the worst card of the pack3 dangerous sickness% total loss of fortune and cala$ities3 also endless discussion in your fa$ily. 'ightpposition fro$ your friends. If this card co$es out close to you% lea"e your plan and follow another. +e"enoss of a "aluale friend% whose death will plunge you in "ery great distress. +i:Fery little interpretation of your success. &i"e=ood luck in the choice of your co$panion for life% who will e fond of you.
Isaac M. Wright
M',H; !#I#'+. *sing 52 Cards and the !o"e Interpretations. ,ake a pack of 4fty?two cards and shue the$ three ti$es% and $aking the signi4cator whiche"er 6ueen you please Aif a lady perfor$s the operation for herself3 or king% if a gentle$anB% then proceed to lay the$ on the tale% nine in a row% and where"er the operator 4nds hi$self placed% count nine cards e"ery way% not forgetting the said signi4cator% then it will e seen what card the signi4cator co$es in co$pany with% and read fro$ that. When se"eral dia$onds co$e together% the interpretation is that so$e $oney will soon e recei"ed3 se"eral hearts% lo"e3 se"eral clus% noisy and trouleso$e co$pany3 se"eral spades% troule and "e:ation. If two red tens co$e ne:t to the signi4cator $arriage or prosperity% the ace of hearts is the house% the ace of clus a letter% the ace of spades death% spite% or 6uarreling Afor this is supposed to e the worst card in the packB% the ten of dia$onds a 8ourney% the three of hearts a salute% the three of spades tears% the ten of spades sickness% the nine of spades sad disappoint$ent or troule% to the nine of clus is ascried a 8o"ial entertain$ent or re"eling% the nine of hearts feasting% the ten of clus tra"eling y water% the ten of hearts so$e place of a$use$ent% the 4"e of hearts a present% the 4"e of clus a undle% the si: of spades a child% the se"en of spades a re$o"al% the three of clus 4ghting% the eight of clus confusion% the eight of spades a roadway% the four of clus a strange ed% the nine of dia$onds usiness% the 4"e of spades a surprise% the two red eights new clothes% the three of dia$onds speaking with a friend% the four of spades a sick ed% the se"en of clus a prison% the two of spades a false friend% the four of hearts the $arriage ed. If a $arried lady lays the cards% she $ust then $ake her husand the king of the sa$e suit she is 6ueen of3 ut if a single lady% she $ust $ake her lo"er what king she $ay think proper. ,he 8acks of the sa$e suits are supposed to e $ens thoughts% so that they $ay know what they are thinking of% counting nine cards fro$ where they are placed% and it is said if any lady should wish to know whether she shall otain her desires in any N
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particular su8ect% $atter% or thing whatsoe"er% let her shue the cards well while seriously and earnestly wishing for one thing3 she $ust then cut the$ once% look at and re$e$er which card she cut to% then shue the$ and deal the$ out in three piles% and if the card she had cut co$es ne:t to herself% or ne:t to the ace of hearts% it is taken that she will ha"e her wish% ut if the nine of spades is ne:t to her the opposite of her wish will co$e true% as that is supposed to e a disappoint$ent3 howe"er% she $ay try it three ti$es% taking the Oest of theeP as the answer to her wish. ,his $ethod of using the cards is oth innocent and will a>ord a$use$ent.
M"ERN !SE F #$ CAR"S ,his is the $ore $odern adaptation of the entire pack of 52 cards to the fortune?tellers use. !s the $eanings di>er $aterially fro$ the ancient list 8ust gi"en% another co$plete list and se"eral co$inations are presented. In the $odern usage% ;ia$onds take precedence and are considered to $ean $oney% riches and success. Hearts ne:t% lo"e a>airs% friendship% a$use$ent and pleasure. Clus% usiness $atters% whether in"est$ents% appoint$ents or settle$ents. +pades% losses or grief% troule and an:iety% so$eti$es sickness and death. ,he "arious co$inations are supposed to either accelerate or $itigate the se"eral $eanings. &or instancethe ace of dia$onds co$ing with the ace of spades% a railway 8ourneythe nine of spades% usually taken to e a ad card% ut co$ing with dia$onds% speedy good luck% etc.
DIAMONDS. !ce!n o>er or a ring. 10
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ing! fair $an% a $ilitary $an% or a diplo$atist. ueen! fair wo$an% fond of pleasure and a$use$ent. Jack,he thoughts of either king or 6ueen. ,en! legacy or property. #ine! good surprise aout $oney. 'ightMeetings aout $oney $atters. +e"en! check or paper $oney3 so$eti$es scandal. +i:!n o>er of so$e kind% generally to do with $oney $atters. &i"e Athe est card in the packBHealth% wealth and happiness. &our! short 8ourney. ,hree,i$e% within three to four weeks. ,wo! secret or so$ething une:pected.
HEARTS. !ce,he house. ing! rather fair $an in society3 so$eti$es a sailor. ueen! fair wo$an in society% ut kind and good natured. Jack,houghts of either king or 6ueen. ,en!n entertain$ent or festi"ity. #ine=reat happiness and the wish card. 'ighto"e $aking or friendship. +e"en! pule or indecision% dout. +i:o"e a>airs% so$eti$es an o>er. &i"eMarriage% so$eti$es a new ad$irer. &our! s$all in"itation% such as a dinner or e"ening party. ,hree,i$e% within a week. ,woisses or triing present.
CLUBS. !ce! letter. ing! cle"er dark $an% often a professional $an% or in 11
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usiness. ueen! cle"er% a$using wo$an% so$eti$es a little satirical. Jack,houghts of king or 6ueen. ,en! new appoint$ent% in"est$ent or settle$ent. #ine-elates to docu$ents% papers% often a will. 'ight! 8ourney y road or "ehicle. +e"en! warning or unpro4tale usiness. +i:! "ery poor usiness o>er or else $oney orrowed. &i"e#ews% either fro$ the country or so$eone co$ing therefro$. &our! 8ourney y land on usiness. ,hree,i$e% three to four $onths. ,wo! good friend% in so$e cases a slight disappoint$ent.
SPADES. !ce+pite% death% or worry3 so$eti$es a large town. ing! lawyer% widower or old $an3 a "ery dark $an. ueen! "ery dark wo$an% a widow3 a spiteful% $alicious wo$an. Jack,houghts of king or 6ueen. ,en!t night?ti$e% i$prison$ent. #ine Asupposed to e a "ery ad cardB=rief% su>ering% $alice% and% with other lack cards% death. 'ight!cross water% so$eti$es treachery. +e"en)o"erty% an:iety and annoyance. +i:;elay% or a ad character. &i"e,e$per% anger and 6uarrels. &our+ickness% so$eti$es a 8ourney caused through sickness. ,hree
&our !cesHonors% dignities% rise in society% or $oney% friendship with the great3 ut if all four are re"ersed% the contrarydet% ankruptcy% ruin and e"en 12
Isaac M. Wright
disgrace% therefore it is to e noticed particularly how they lie efore reading the cards. &our ings=reat good luck% une:pected ad"ance$ent% good and unlooked?for fortune. &our ueens+ociety% pleasure% a$use$ents. &our Jacks,houghts of either king or 6ueen of each suit% friendly gathering. &our ,ens=reat gain% legacies% happiness. &our #ines*ne:pected and sudden news3 if two lacks together% not pleasant3 if two reds% e:cellent. &our 'ights#ew appoint$ents% so$eti$es new associations3 two lack eights together% $ourning3 two reds% wedding gar$ents. &our +e"ensIntrigues% scandal% opposition and "ariance. &our +i:es! great surprise or change3 two lack ones together% "e:ations3 two red ones% good. &our &i"es! long and ene4cial "oyage% $oney% happiness and health3 if two lacks are near% "e:ation 4rst. &our &ours! irth3 two lacks together% a $ale3 two reds% a fe$ale. &our ,hrees)eriod of ti$e fro$ si: to twel"e $onths3 so$eti$es gain or $oney returned. &our ,wosFisitors3 two lacks together% disagreeale3 two reds% pleasant% and so$eti$es lo"e?$aking. ,hree !ces=reat good luck. ,hree ings! new friend or ac6uaintance who will ad"ance you in life. ,hree ueensuarrels% disputes% ackiting. ,hree Jacks! lawsuit or treachery. ,hree ,ens! rise in social life% ut not necessarily happiness with it. ,hree #ines! good re$o"al% unless acco$panied y "ery ad cards. ,hree 'ightso"e drea$s% and longing for the unattainale% ut often wishes or desires postponed3 in so$e cases fresh engage$ents% ut a little worry in otaining the$. ,hree +e"ensosses of friendship or property3 re"ersed% you will ne"er reco"er your goods. ,hree +i:es! "ery large and rilliant entertain$ent3 if the two lack ones co$e together% disgrace or 1@
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scandal. ,hree &i"es! delightful and happy $eeting with asent friends. ,hree &ours+trangers or "isitors co$ing to the house fro$ a 8ourney. ,hree ,hrees+light annoyances or "e:ation caused y $alicious tongues. ,hree ,wos! good and staunch friend% ut one who will grie"e you y a 6ueer te$per. ,wo !ces+trange news 6uick and speedy% often good luck3 two lacks% a telegra$3 two reds% a pleasant in"itation. ,wo ings! partnership or friendship. ,wo ueens! good fe$ale friend. ,wo Jacks*npleasantness% so$eti$es only thoughts of people. ,wo ,ensChange of residence or profession. ,wo #ines! good re$o"al% so$eti$es usiness pro8ects or docu$ents% in $any cases relating to a will. ,wo 'ights!n e:traordinary occurrence. ,wo +e"ens+o$eti$es sudden and une:pected3 two lacks% great treachery% especially if re"ersed. ,wo +i:es! good friend3 two lacks% a nasty% deceitful person% or a great danger% possily an accident. ,wo
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#ine and +i: of +pades! itter and i$placale ene$y3 if good cards follow% you will o"erco$e% ut if ad ones% he or she will triu$ph. ,hree and ,wo of +pades! short and not agreeale 8ourney. +e"en of Hearts and ,hree of +pades! 8ourney and a strange ad"enture thereon. +e"en% +i: and &i"e of +pades,hie"es% or danger of roery. ueen and Jack of +padesWidowhood. #ine and ,en of +pades;anger y 4re. +i: and +e"en of +pades re"ersed! fall or in8ury. 'ight and ,en of +pades#ews at night% ut not "ery pleasant. ,en% 'ight and &i"e of +padeser. +e"en of Hearts re"ersed! nice and good present. ,hree of ;ia$onds and ,hree of HeartsIn nine days. #ine of Hearts and #ine of ;ia$onds! delightful surprise aout $oney. #ine of Hearts and #ine of Clus+o$ething to do aout a will% in which the consulter is generally successful. 'ight of Hearts and #ine of Hearts=reat good luck through lo"e. !ce% #ine% +e"en and &our of +pades;eath.
M',H; <,H' #I#. ! pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued% and cut in three face up piles. ,he three cards are read. =ather the cards and take out the 4rst ten cards% then three are kept3 another nine are taken out% then two are kept3 another 15
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se"en out% 4"e kept3 se"en out% three kept3 three out% one kept3 and the last of the pack is taken out. ,he cards kept are now laid out in rows of se"en each to the left and right of the signi4cator. When all are 4nished% the two outside cards are taken% paired and read3 they are then gathered together% shued% and cut in four piles3 the 4rst one of each pile is looked at and discarded. ,he packet that showed the highest card is the one that should e read.
M',H; C. #hat is S$$osed to Ha$$en #ithin a Month to T%o Months. ! pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued and cut in three face up piles. ,he three cards are read. ,he cards are then gathered and dealt face up% one y one till a spade is found% the ne:t card is discarded unless there are three spades in a row. If three spades are found in succession the 4rst is kept% ut the two ne:t are taken out% as well as the following card% whether dia$onds% clus or hearts3 this is continued to the end of the pack% then gather the cards without shuing or cutting. +hould the 4nal card ha"e een a spade% on eginning the pack afresh the 4rst card should e taken out. ,he sa$e operation is gone through twice $ore. ,his ha"ing een done% they are laid in the for$ of a horseshoe in front of the dealer in the order in which they ca$e% eing careful to note that the signi4cator is a$ongst the$. +hould it not appear naturally% it $ust e taken out and placed at the end. +e"en are now counted fro$ the one that represents the person consulting the oracle. When they ha"e een read% and the relati"e $eanings ascried to the$ e:plained% one is taken fro$ each end and paired% their "arious signi4cations eing interpreted as they turn up. ,hese prognostications are supposed to co$e to pass within two $onths. ! shorter way can e done y taking out thirty?two selected cards( ace% king% 6ueen% 8ack% ten% nine% eight and se"en of each suit3 they are read in precisely the sa$e way. ,his is taken to allow a shorter period to elapse% fro$ ten days to two weeks% ut the longer for$ is supposed to e the etter $ethod. 1G
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M',H; ;,H' CM)!+. ! pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% and after eing well shued they are turned up one y one% counting one% two% three% four% 4"e% si:% se"en% eight% nine% ten% 8ack% 6ueen% king Ahere the ace counts as oneB. If any card should fall on the nu$er countedthus% supposing a 4"e co$es when 4"e is counted% or a king when that card turns up% it $ust e discarded. !fter counting to a king restart the count. +hould two cards follow% such as three and four% eight and nine% etc.% these $ust e discarded% also three of a kind% such as three tens% three kings% etc.% they $ust also e taken out. When the pack has een carefully gone through% shued and cut% the process is gone through twice $ore% three ti$es. ,hey are now all laid out in rows of four and read. When this is done they are gathered together and laid two y two% thus( #-,H. W'+,. '!+,. +*,H. ne% two% three% four% 4"e% si:% se"en% eight% nine% ten% ele"en% twel"e% thirteen% fourteen% 4fteen% si:teen% and so on till the pack is e:hausted. ,hose at the top are the #orth% those at the otto$ are the +outh% those at the right hand the 'ast% those at the left hand the West. ,he #orth is to e read 4rst% as that is supposed to happen 4rst3 the +outh ne:t% the 'ast ne:t% and the West last.
M',H; ')!,H+. ,he pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued% and cut in three% the $eanings of the cut eing read 4rst. ,hen the signi4cator is taken out. ,he cards are spread on the tale% face downwards efore the dealer% and se"en are drawn out at rando$. ,he top$ost card of the se"en is taken o> and put on one side. ,he cards are again shued and cut in three% the cut again read as efore3 they are laid on the tale% se"en cards eing taken o>% the top$ost eing withdrawn. ,his is to e repeated the third ti$e% still taking o> the top$ost card. ,he cards are again shued and cut% this ti$e nine each ti$e eing drawn out 1K
,elling &ortunes With Cards
and the top$ost two re$o"ed. ,his $aneu"er has to e repeated three ti$es% each ti$e taking two of the top$ost cards. In the 4rst deal% where the 4rst se"en cards were re$o"ed% there will e eighteen cards3 the second ti$e there will e twenty?one re$aining after ha"ing re$o"ed the two of each cut% thus(,he thirty? nine cards are spread out in 4"e rows of se"en% and four re$aining underneath. ,he signi4cator is now put in the center% and counting e"ery way fro$ it% these cards are taken to signify the past and present. ,he nine cards that ha"e een taken fro$ each se"ens and nines are to e shued and looked at. ,hese are supposed to refer entirely to the future. ,he three cards that are left out are useless.
M',H; &,H' +,!-. ,he pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued% and cut in three% the cut eing e:plained as it is shown. ,he card representing the signi4cator should e taken out and put in the $iddle. ,hree cards are now placed ao"e the head% three at the feet% three to the left% and three to the right% three at the four corners% and three across the signi4cator. ,hey are interpreted as follows(&irst% ao"e the head% then at the feet% then to the right hand% and ne:t to the left3 each corner to e taken top and otto$ opposite. When these are all e:plained Athose across the signi4cator lastB% they are then paired% eginning with the top$ost cards and the otto$ cards% fro$ end to end.
M',H; =! +H-,'- +,!-. ,his is a $uch shorter way% and instead of placing the cards as they co$e% they $ust e 4rst well shued y the person consulting% then laid face downwards on the tale and nine cards withdrawn Athe signi4cator $ust e in the centerB. In this $ethod the cards are placed round 1L
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the card representing the consulter in the order in which they co$e% the 4rst card drawn eing put at the head of the signi4cator% and the others in rotation. ,he nine cards are 4rst e:plained as they lie% eight round and one o"er the signi4cator. ,hen the consulter is desired to again draw nine% and these are put o"er the 4rst nine3 this is to e repeated a third ti$e% co$ining all the cards as they lay one o"er the other% three deep% e"ery way.
M',H; H)-IM'. ,he whole pack is taken% shued well% ut not cut% e"ery 4fth card is picked out and set aside% the pack is gone through and e"ery se"enth card picked out% e"ery third card $ust e taken% each 4fth% se"enth and third cards to e laid aside in separate packets3 then each packet is carefully e:a$ined% whether the signi4cator is a$ongst those withdrawn. If not% the signi4cator $ust e taken out and placed at the e:tre$e end. #ow the third pack is laid out in a row% the second ne:t% and the 4rst last% and all that is hidden is said to e shown you% counting three% se"en and 4"e fro$ each row% eginning with the signi4cator. #ow two are taken fro$ end to end and read till twel"e are otained3 they are put on one side3 then the rest are gone on with fro$ end to end until all are e:hausted. ,hen they are all taken up% including the twel"e that were put aside% shued% the two 4rst and last are taken o>. ,hese three for$ 7the surprise73 then groups of four are dealt% eginning with the 4rst3 they are all read in rotation and the s$all 7surprise7 last.
M',H; I,H' W!/. ,he pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued% cut in three% and the $eanings ascried to the cut are e:plained. ,hen they are laid in rows of 4"e till the whole pack is e:hausted% e:cept the two last% which are useless. 1N
,elling &ortunes With Cards
,he 4rst row is to represent 7the person for who$ you are acting73 the second% 7the house73 the third% 7your wish73 the fourth% 7the surprise%7 and the 4fth% 7what is supposed to co$e true.7 ,he 4rst ten are now read &en'th%ise% the others in the sa$e $anner till the 4fth row has een e:plained3 then they are taken fro$ end to end% each pair eing interpreted as arri"ed at. In this case there is no signi4cator% as the 4rst row is supposed to stand for what will happen i$$ediately to the consultant. ,hey are all gathered together% shued and cut% and laid in packets of three. ,he consulter is desired to choose one of the three packets% and that is laid out 4rst and e:plained3 then follow each of the other two% which $ust e also read in the sa$e $anner.
M',H; J,H' M!,-IQ. ,he pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued and cut y the person consulting. ,hey are cut in three and the $eanings interpreted. ,hen they are laid out in rows of se"ens% lea"ing the three last% which are not to e used. ,hen nine are counted e"ery way% fro$ the signi4cator ackwards and forwards% fro$ left to right% and fro$ right to left% up and down% always returning to the signi4cator% then crossways fro$ end to end. ,hen they are paired fro$ corner to corner% each card eing e:plained as it is arri"ed at% noticing if there should e any pairs% triplets% etc.% a$ongst the$. ,hen they are gathered up and shued well% then they are dealt in two packets% the consultant eing desired to choose one. ,he one taken is supposed to represent the past and present% the other the future. ,hey are laid out and read pretty $uch as efore.
M',H; ,H' <-!I;. ! pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued and cut% and di"ided thus('"ery se"en% nine and 4"e are to e re$o"ed and put on one side. ,he si: of clus% the eight and ten of dia$onds are to e withdrawn and put in a place y the$sel"es. ,hen the rest are shued and 4"e cards laid out face upwards till the pack is e:hausted. It 20
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will now e found there are se"en rows of 4"e cards each% and two re$aining3 these two are placed with the nines% se"ens and 4"es% to e used later. ,hese cards are read% counting se"en e"ery way fro$ the signi4cator% then gathered together% shued and cut% the 4rst group Ase"en in nu$erB eing 4rst of all withdrawn% which $ust e added to the nines% se"ens and 4"es already withdrawn. ,here will now e four groups of se"en cards each. ,he 4rst $ust e read% the second put aside% the third e:plained% and the fourth laid y. ,he second and fourth are left out entirely and not used. ,he nines% se"ens and 4"es and the 4rst group you ha"e withdrawn are shued% cut in two packets% and laid out on the tale efore the dealer. If two red nines appear close together% it is taken to show honor% dignity and 8oy3 if two red se"ens and two red 4"es side y side% great and une:pected good luck% a legacy or $oney that you dont anticipate3 if two red 4"es and the nine of hearts are near each other% a $arriage of a>ection3 if with the se"en of dia$onds% a $oneyed $arriage% ut of lo"e3 if two red 4"es and two lack se"ens% a $arriage for $oney which will turn out unhappily3 if two red se"ens and two red 4"es% and the nine of hearts appear% it is supposed to e the greatest and happiest prognostic you can ha"e% whether $arried or singleluck% pleasure% $oney3 if two lack se"ens and two lack 4"es appear% it is considered "ery e"il% and if acco$panied y the nine of spades% unhappiness in $arriage% di"orce% scandal and so$eti$es "iolence caused through drink3 if the eight of spades should e a$ongst those withdrawn and turn up with the aforesaid cards% "iolent death y $urder or accident. It is taken to e the worst co$ination in the pack. ,hese cards Athe nines% se"ens and 4"es% and those which ha"e een withdrawn fro$ the group of 4"esB are laid in rows of se"ens% counting se"en e"ery way fro$ the signi4cator3 then the e:tre$e ends are taken and paired% eing read as they turn up. #e:t the whole is shued% including the si: of clus and the eight and ten of dia$onds. ,hese three cards are the inde:. Where"er they appear they are supposed to show good luck% happiness and prosperity3 if they should happen etween e:ceptionally ad cards% the luck is o"er% or $arred through $alignity3 ut as a rule 21
,elling &ortunes With Cards
they are taken to i$port great 8oy. ,he e"il co$ination is thus( If the si: of clus is surrounded with spades% or the eight or ten of dia$onds are !et%een two lack 4"es and the two lack se"ens are near% then the est laid sche$e will co$e to nothing3 ut if they are surrounded y the nine of hearts and nine of dia$onds% then it is a "ery good o$en. ,he eight and ten of dia$onds are supposed to e e:tre$ely good if there are three or four nines to follow the$% for then the nine of spades loses its e"il signi4cance% and should the se"en of dia$onds and se"en of hearts follow% a good $arriage and happiness3 or% if the person is $arried% new prosperity or riches for the husand or so$eti$es the irth of an heir.
M',H; +F'#=!I. ,he pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued and cut% and di"ided into two e6ual heaps. ne of these is chosen y the consultant. Ha"ing decided this% the other heap is left alone3 it is not to e used. ,he person consulting is now desired to shue the twenty?si: cards re$aining% cutting in three% the $eanings eing read as they turn up. ,hey are now dealt in three packs% which are laid out in rows of eight% the last card to e left out% as that for$s 7the surprise.7 &our cards are now counted fro$ the signi4cator% which% should it not e in the pack chosen% $ust e astracted and put at the end. When these ha"e een fully e:plained% the sa$e $aneu"er is repeated twice% in all three ti$es% one card eing always taken out for 7the surprise.7 7,he surprise7 is turned up when those cards efore the dealer ha"e een e:a$ined and e:plained. ,hen they are all gathered together% and% after eing shued and cut% they are turned up y fours. If a se6uence should co$e up% such as si: and se"en% or si:% se"en and eight of any suit% they are taken out. If four of a suit% the lowest is taken out. ,his is only to e done once. ,hese are now laid out in a row efore the dealer and read fro$ left to right% always taking note that the signi4cator is a$ongst the$% and counting four as ao"e descried. 22
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,hen the two cards are taken fro$ each e:tre$ity and each couple e:plained till all are e:hausted.
M',H; M,H' M#. ! pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued well and cut. ,hen it is di"ided into three e6ual piles of se"enteen cards each% and one o"er for 7the surprise%7 which is to e laid aside. ,he 4rst three cards of each packet are taken% and each three is put apart. ,hat will lea"e fourteen in each group. ,he 4rst and third packets of fourteen are taken up% the $iddle one eing put aside. ,hese are now laid out in four rows of se"en% eing sure that the signi4cator is a$ongst the$3 or else the card which is supposed to represent the thoughts of the person consulting you Athe 8ackB $ay e counted fro$. +i: are now counted% eginning fro$ the ne:t card to the signi4cator3 and after e"ery si:th card% that card is not counted as one% ut the following one. When these ha"e een e:plained% which $ust e done till the signi4cator is returned to% they are paired fro$ end to end% and read as arri"ed at3 then they are gathered together% shued and cut% and di"ided again into two groups of fourteen. ,hese are not laid out again% ut two eing $erely e:tracted fro$ each of these% not forgetting the $iddle one% and adding the$ to the three packets of three placed on one side. ,he $iddle one is now taken up% shued well% and four cards taken fro$ it% two fro$ the top and two fro$ the otto$% and added to the one put aside to for$ 7the surprise.7 ,here are now four packs of 4"e cards each(ne for the 7consultant7 and one for the 7house%7 one for 7what is sure to co$e true%7 and one for 7the surprise.7 ,hese are laid out in front of the dealer and read fro$ left to right in rotation.
,elling &ortunes With Cards
We now co$e to the $ore $ainstrea$ $ethod of telling fortunes y cards% the $ethod preferred and practiced in nearly all countries. ,his widely accepted $ethod re6uires ut @2 cards of the 52 found in the pack% consisting of eight cards of each suit% as follows( !ce% king% 6ueen% 8ack% ten% nine% eight and se"en only. ,o these $ay e added% in so$e cases% the Consultant card% concerning which we ha"e spoken earlier in this work. ,o enale this oracle to e read with an intelligent and proper understanding it is i$portant that one e fully infor$ed as to all the possile "alues or interpretations of the cards% singly and in co$ination. Hence we shall de"ote a nu$er of pages to these de4nitions in "ery co$plete for$ efore proceeding to elucidate for you the "arious $ethods of dealing% laying and reading the cards. We gi"e 4rst the si$ple and pri$ary $eanings% followed in detail y their secondary $eanings% the whole constituting a "aluale work of reference for all who practice the art% enaling the$ to gi"e a full% fair and wise reading of e"ery possile 7fall7 of the cards. ,he pri$ary $eanings% while su9cient for the a$ateur% will soon e seen y the student to e lacking in that co$pleteness and e:iility de$anded y the adept. ,heir natural a$pli4cation into their secondary and $ore e:tended de4nitions gi"es the interpreter the fullest scope to e:ercise his powers of reading any possile layout of the cards intelligently% and with satisfaction oth to hi$self and to the person consulting the oracle.
"ICTINARY F %RIMARY "EFINITINS Used in Inter$retin' the ()*Card Method of Te&&in' +ortnes.
Isaac M. Wright
U$ri'ht Marriage. ! $ilitary $an. ! $an of 4delity. ! dignitary of the state. ! "ery fair person. ! $an of tact and cunning. Re,ersed! country gentle$an. ! di9culty concerning $arriage or usiness. ,hreatened danger% caused through the $achination of a $an in position or o9ce. *''# U$ri'ht ! londe fe$ale. ! lady resident in the country. ! wo$an gi"en to gossiping and scandal. Re,ersed! country gentlewo$an. ! $alignant fe$ale% who seeks to fo$ent disad"antage to the consultant% and who is to e greatly feared. J!C U$ri'ht ! country $an. ! young $an of light co$ple:ion% of a lower grade in society. ! $essenger. )ost$an. ! tale?earing ser"ant% or unfaithful friend. Re,ersed! ser"ant. !n inter$eddler% who will e the cause of $ischief. ! $essenger earing ill?news. !C' U$ri'ht ,he ace of dia$onds% whether upright or re"ersed% signi4es a letter% a petition% a note% a paper% a docu$ent. Re,ersed,he ace of dia$onds% re"ersed or upright% designates a letter to e shortly recei"ed% a petition% a note% a paper% or a docu$ent. ,'# U$ri'ht ,he ten of dia$onds% either upright or re"ersed% represents coin% gold% water% the sea% a foreign city% and change of locality. Re,ersed,he ten of dia$onds% whether re"ersed or upright% designates ullion% coin% gold% water% the ocean% a foreign city% a 8ourney and change in locality. #I#' U$ri'ht 'nterprise. +eparation. !d"antage. Re,ersed;elay. !nnoyance. )o"erty. ! fa$ily feud% or a 6uarrel a$ong inti$ate friends. 'I=H, U$ri'ht ,he country. -iches. o"e?$aking o"ertures. Re,ersed+orrow. Motion. Wealth. +atire. Mockery% and foolish scandal. +'F'# 25
,elling &ortunes With Cards
U$ri'ht )resent intentions. =ood news. Re,ersed
HEARTS. I#= U$ri'ht ! londe $an. ! lawyer. ! $an of repute% and re$arkale for superior 6ualities. ! person of generosity. Re,ersed! "ery fair $an. ! tutor. ! $an in anger. =reat disappoint$ent. *''# U$ri'ht ! londe fe$ale. ! faithful friend. ! $ild% a$iale lady. Re,ersed! "ery fair fe$ale. I$pedi$ent to $arriage. stacle to success in usiness and general a>airs. ! wo$an crossed in lo"e. J!C U$ri'ht ! londe young $an. ! young soldier or sailor. ! tra"eler. ! gay young achelor% drea$ing chiey of his pleasures. Re,ersed! "ery fair young $an. ! dissipated achelor. ! discontented $ilitary $an. ! politician out of o9ce. !C' U$ri'ht ,he house. ! repast. &esti"ity. ! lo"e letter. !greeale intelligence. Re,ersed! friends "isit. &orced or constrained en8oy$ent. ,'# U$ri'ht ,he city. 'n"ious people. Re,ersed!n inheritance. ! surprise. #I#' U$ri'ht Fictory. Happiness. ,riu$ph. *nion. Har$ony. Work. ,rade. ! present. Re,ersedWeariness. 'nnui. ! passing troule. Curiosity. 'ncu$rance. 'I=H, U$ri'ht ,he a>ection of a fair young lady. +uccess in your hopes. #ourish$ent. &ood.
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wo$ans indi>erence to lo"e ad"ances. +'F'# U$ri'ht ,he thoughts. ! weapon. ! 8ewel. Re,ersed;esire. ! parcel.
SPADES. I#= U$ri'ht ! dark co$ple:ioned $an. ! gentle$an of so$e learned profession. ! 8udge. !d"ocate. +urgeon. )hysician. ! literary $an. Re,ersed! widower. ! $an in wrath or with a $alignant disposition. !n en"ious $an. ;ishonest lawyer. ! 6uack. !n ene$y. ! general failure in all your anticipations. *''# U$ri'ht ! dark co$ple:ioned wo$an. ! widow. ! lady of so$e learned profession. Re,ersed! widow seeking to $arry again. ! dangerous and $alicious wo$an. ! fast fe$ale. ;i9culty. ;erange$ent as to $arriage. J!C U$ri'ht ! dark co$ple:ioned achelor. !n en"oy. !n ill? red fellow. ! $essenger. Re,ersed!n in6uisiti"e% i$pertinent interloper. ! $an plotting $ischief. ! spy. )ursuit. ,reason in lo"e a>airs. !C' U$ri'ht !andon$ent. ! docu$ent. Re,ersed)regnancy. !andon$ent. =rief. ;istressing intelligence. ,'# U$ri'ht ,ears. Jealousy. Re,ersedoss. !n e"ening party.
,elling &ortunes With Cards
Re,ersed!$ition. ! religious wo$an. ! $arriage roken o>% or an o>er refused. +'F'# U$ri'ht ':pectation. Hope. Re,ersedWise ad"ice. &riendship. Indecision. ! foolish intrigue.
CLUBS. I#= U$ri'ht ! $an whose co$ple:ion is etween light and dark. ! frank% lieral $an. ! friend. Re,ersed! nut?rown co$ple:ioned $an. ! person to $eet with a disappoint$ent. *''# U$ri'ht ! runette fe$ale. ne fond of con"ersation. !n a>ectionate% 6uick te$pered wo$an. Re,ersed! nut?rown co$ple:ioned lady. ! 8ealous and $alicious fe$ale. J!C U$ri'ht ! slightly dark co$ple:ioned achelor. ! lo"er. ! cle"er and enterprising young $an. Re,ersed! irt and atterer. ! young $an in anger or in sickness. !C' U$ri'ht ! purse of $oney. Wealth. Re,ersed#oility. o"e. ! present. ,'# U$ri'ht ,he house. ,he future. &ortune. +uccess. =ain. Money. Re,ersedMoney. ! lo"er. +o$eti$es want of success in a tri"ial $atter. #I#' U$ri'ht Chattels. =oods. Mo"ale article. !n indiscretion. Re,ersed! triing present. =a$ling. 'I=H, U$ri'ht ,he a>ections of a runette $aiden. ,he art of pleasing. Re,ersed! nut?rown $aiden. -e$o"al. +eparation. ! fri"olous courtship. +'F'# 2L
Isaac M. Wright
U$ri'ht ! s$all su$ of $oney. ! det une:pectedly paid. ! child. Re,ersed! child. '$arrass$ent.
,H' C#+*,!#,. When co$ing out in an upright position% in the ody of the deal designates $erely the person consulting the oracle% in a natural state of $ind. When the card co$es out in the deal re"ersed% it denotes the consultant to e in a distured state of $ind% or annoyed fro$ so$e cause eyond his or her control. Co$ing with the ei'ht of s$ades re,ersed % for e:a$ple% y its side% it shows that the consultants $ind has een disordered through prospects of a$ition or religious e:cite$ent. If acco$panied y the ei'ht of hearts% it de$onstrates that he or she is annoyed through eing a "icti$ to the tender passion.
"ICTINARY F SECN"ARY "EFINITINS And S-non-ms S$$&ementin' the Precedin' List . Cons&t Both. I#= & ;I!M#;+U$ri'ht . ,his card% when used as a representati"e% denotes a "ery fair $an% one with auurn hair% light lue eyes% and orid co$ple:ion% who% notwithstanding his hasty te$per% will treasure his anger% long awaiting opportunities for re"enge% or he is ostinate in his resolutions. It $oreo"er designates a $ilitary o9cer% and fre6uently one of 4delity to his country and its honor. +till% it is $ost generally e$ployed as the $arriage card% for if it does not co$e out in an oracle wherein $atri$ony is the wish% the nuptials will e delayed or roken o>. 2N
,elling &ortunes With Cards
Its secondary signi4cation would then e( !lliance3 reunion3 attach$ent3 "ow3 oath3 inti$acy3 asse$lage3 8unction3 union3 chain3 peace3 accord3 har$ony3 good understanding3 reconciliation. I#= & ;I!M#;+Re,ersed. ,his card signi4es a country gentle$an% in which capacity its synony$s are( Country $an3 rustic3 "illager3 peasant3 far$ laorer3 culti"ator3 rural3 agriculture. !gain% this card re"ersed% ears a further signi4cation of a good and se"ere $an% when its synony$s would e( Indulgent se"erity3 indulgence3 co$pliance3 condescension3 co$placency3 tolerance3 low dissension. When used as the $arriage card% and co$ing out re"ersed% the king of dia$onds signi4es pri$arily di9culties and ostacles i$posed in the way of entering upon or consu$$ating the nuptial contract% and through inference "itiation of the $arried state% when its synony$s are( +la"ery3 capti"ity3 ser"itude3 $atri$onial ruptures3 con8ugal in4delity. *''# & ;I!M#;+U$ri'ht . When this card co$es out in the oracle upright it ears three pri$ary a contr&ad-3 a ta&/ati,e signi4cations( or commnicati,e fema&e3 and a 'ood /ind*hearted %oman . !s a representati"e card it designates a "ery fair fe$ale with auurn or londe hair% rilliantly clear co$ple:ion and "ery lue eyes. ! wo$an of this character will e gi"en to society% and is naturally a co6uette. When the card is taken as a contr- &ad- its synony$s will e through induction or inference( 'cono$ical housewife3 chaste and honest wo$an3 honesty3 ci"ility3 politeness3 sweetness of te$per3 "irtue3 honor3 chastity3 a $odel wife3 e:cellent $other. When used to designate a ta&/ati,e fema&e% they will e( Con"ersation3 discourse3 delieration3 dissertation3 discussion3 conference3 intellectual entertain$ent3 prattler3 la3 idle talk3 ippant con"ersation3 tale talk3 gossip. *''# & ;I!M#;+Re,ersed. When the card co$es out re"ersed in the oracle its ordinary signi4cation is that @0
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of a $eddleso$e wo$an% who has interfered in the a>airs of the consultant for the purpose of doing hi$ or her in8ury% and the e:tent of the in8ury% conte$plated or done% can e esti$ated fro$ the pro:i$ity of this card to that of the consultant% or fro$ the i$port of those cards inter"ening etween the two. ,his card has two secondary signi4cations as follows( #ant of foresi'ht % whose synony$s are( *nawares3 une:pectedly3 on a sudden3 napping3 astonished3 suddenly3 fortuitously3 unhoped for3 surprisingly. A /na,ish tric/ % whose synony$s would e( -oguishness3 kna"ery3 cheat3 i$posture3 deceit3 sharpness in rascality3 trickery3 false pretense3 arti4ce3 wile3 craftiness. J!C & ;I!M#;+U$ri'ht . ,he pri$ary signi4cation of this card is a so&dier % or a light haired -on' man in or from the contr- . In addition to these characteristics this card% whether upright or re"ersed% assu$es another% which is technically called the 'ood stran'er . !s a so&dier % its secondary "alue is e:pressed in the following synony$s( Man at ar$s3 swords$an3 fencing $aster3 co$atant3 ene$y3 duel3 war3 attle3 attack3 defense3 opposition3 resistance3 ruin3 o"erthrow3 hostility3 hatred3 wrath3 resent$ent3 courage3 "alor3 ra"ery3 satellite3 stipendiary. In the 6uality of the 'ood stran'er % its synony$s are( +trange3 unaccusto$ed3 unknown3 unheard of3 unusual3 unwonted3 surprising3 ad$irale3 $ar"elous3 prodigious3 $iracle3 episode3 digression3 anony$ous. When e$ployed as a representati"e of a person% it denotes a light haired% un$arried $an% who% although one of your nearest relations% will sacri4ce your interests to his own3 a person of stuornness3 hot headed and hasty% tenacious of his own opinions and unale to rook contradiction. J!C & ;I!M#;+Re,ersed. ,his cards signi4cation is a pulic or pri"ate ser"ant3 and in the latter case% without reference to gender% either a $ale or fe$ale do$estic. Its synony$s therefore are in accordance with its acceptation( +er"ant3 waiter3 "alet3 cha$er$aid3 ladys $aid3 a @1
,elling &ortunes With Cards
suordinate3 an inferior3 a hireling3 condition of one e$ployed3 ser"itude3 post$an3 errand oy3 $essenger3 agent3 news$an3 $essage3 announce$ent3 co$$ission3 directions3 a household3 relati"e to post o9ce and the trans$ission of $essages. !C' & ;I!M#;+It is a $atter of perfect indi>erence whether this card assu$es its place in the oracle in an upright or re"ersed position% as its pri$ary signi4cation is in no wise "aried% although of a $ost co$prehensi"e nature% eing% e:pressing generally% a &etter % a note% a $a$er % a $etition% etc. It re6uires% howe"er% a great deal of attention to discri$inate etween the $anifold signi4cations of this all?i$portant card% which is go"erned in a great $easure y the cards co$ing ne:t to it% otherwise the interpreter $ay e entirely aed in co$prehending the intent of the oracle. ,he general synony$s of the ace of diamonds are( 'pistle3 writings3 the art of writing3 gra$$ar3 Holy Writ3 te:t3 literature3 doctrine3 erudition3 literary laor3 ook3 correspondence3 co$position3 alphaet3 ele$ents of all learning3 principles3 onds3 ills of e:change3 notes of hand3 e"idence of indetedness. With the se,en of s$ades re,ersed % co$ing ne:t to it% this card denotes the e:istence of a law suit% in which case we ha"e synony$s% founded on the following asis( ;eed3 co"enant3 agree$ent3 law paper3 writs3 warrants3 litigation3 di>erences3 contestations3 disputes3 discussions3 ickering3 contest3 strife3 discord3 contradiction3 stratage$3 trick3 roil3 pettifogging3 wrangling. ,'# & ;I!M#;+ike its co$panion% the ace% which with this card for$ the only two in the pack possessing this peculiar 6uality% the ten of diamonds preser"es its "alue and signi4cation% whether it e$erges either upright or re"ersed. ,he pri$ary signi4cations of this card are 'o&d% %ater % the sea% a forei'n cit- % chan'e of &oca&it- . !s the representati"e of 'o&d its synony$s are( -iches3 opulence3 $agni4cence3 splendor3 Rclat3 su$ptuousness3 lu:ury3 aundance3 $eans. When its signi4cation is assu$ed relati"e to %ater and the sea% the synony$s assu$e oth a speci4c and @2
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general nature( &luid3 hu$id3 alution3 dew3 rain3 deluge3 inundation3 the ocean3 ri"er3 torrent3 strea$3 fountain3 source3 lake3 pond3 cascade3 falls. When the surrounding cards designate this one to e accepted as representing a foreign city% its synony$s are( ,ra"eler3 ,ra"eler3 tra"eling3 foreign parts3 eyond the sea3 ho$eless3 wanderer3 wandering aroad3 trading3 co$$erce3 a sailor3 ships3 refuge3 e:ile. chan'e e in &oca &oca&it- &it- % the When accepted to signify a chan' syno synon ny$s y$s% in addi additi tion on to pres preser er"a "ati tion on of its its orig origin inal al $eaning of a $ere change in do$icile% or haitation% are inferentially e:tended e:tended to e$race a wider scope% such as( ;eparture3 displace$ent3 8ourney3 pilgri$age3 peregrination3 steps3 $otion3 "isits3 e:cursions3 incu incurs rsio ions ns33 e$ig e$igra rati tion on33 i$$i i$$igr grat atio ion3 n3 tran trans$ s$ig igra rati tion on33 ight3 tour3 rotation3 circulation3 deportation3 rout3 defeat3 o"er o"erth thrrow3 ow3 ewi ewild lder er$e $ent nt33 disc discon once cert rt33 to rea reak k one ones s allegiance3 desertion3 disinheritance3 alienation3 alien3 a foreigner3 houseless. It will e seen that with the "aried signi4cations which can e gi"en to this card% it is one of the $ost i$portant in the pack. #I#' & ;I!M#;+ U$ri'ht. When When co$ing co$ing forth forth in its natural position% this card is one of particular good o$en% as it foretells great success in usiness operations and conse6uent gain. Its pri$ary $eaning co$prehends the grand $ainspring to hu$an e:ertion% enter$rise% while at the sa$e ti$e i$e it assure ures you of the desired result% lt% ad,anta'e or 'ain. Fiewed as such its synony$s are% as to enter$rise in the 4rst instance( ,o ,o undertake3 undertake3 to co$$ence3 to usurp3 to take possession of3 audacity3 oldness3 hardihood3 i$pudence3 rashne rashness3 ss3 specul speculati ati"e3 "e3 specul speculati ation3 on3 fearle fearless ss in trade3 trade3 in lo"e. When taken to represent ad,anta'e% the synony$s are( =ain =ain33 pro4 pro4t3 t3 lucr lucre3 e3 succ succes ess3 s3 than thanks ks33 fa"o fa"or3 r3 ene ene4t 4t33 ascendency3 power3 e$pire3 authority3 go"ern$ent3 rule3 glory3 reputation3 happy results3 pro4tale end3 "ictory3 cure3 ful4ll$ent3 ter$ination3 satisfaction. #I#' & ;I!M#;+Re,ersed. We ha"e the other side of the picture% for this card% co$ing up re"ersed portends @@
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the occur occurre rence nce of dire dire $ishap $ishaps s and a8ect a8ect despol despoliat iation ion with with its its conco conco$i $ita tant nt po"e po"erty rty.. In "iew "iew of this this i$$e i$$ens nse e di>erence in the "alue and signi4cation of this one and the sa$e card in its two positions% too $uch care cannot e taken to $ark the way in which it e$erges. In its $odi4ed signi4cation of de&a- % its synony$s are( ;isarran ranged3 sent ack ack3 suspension ion3 "ariation3 wa"e wa"eri ring ng33 slow slowne ness ss33 relen elenti ting ng33 osta ostacl cle3 e3 i$pe i$pedi di$e $ent nt33 $isfortune3 ad"ersity3 accidental in8uries3 $iscarriage. 3 cast upon the town3 hopeless. 'I=H, & ;I!M#;+U$ri'ht. In its natural position this card is accepted to represent either the contr- or riches% as its its sign igni4 i4ca cati tion on is relat elati" i"el ely y deter eter$ $ine ined fro$ fro$ its surroundings. In its signi4cation as the contr- % therey $eaning not only a rural district ut the characteristics of a country e:istence% the interpretation of this card oasts a large nu$er of synony$s( !gricu !gricultu lture re33 culti" culti"ati ation3 on3 4e 4eld ld laor3 laor3 far$in far$ing3 g3 garden garden33 prairie prairie33 woods3 woods3 shades shades33 pleasu pleasure re33 en8oy$ en8oy$ent ent33 di"ers di"ersion ion33 pasti$e pasti$e33 a$use$ a$use$ent ent33 re8u" re8u"ena enatio tion3 n3 rural rural sports sports33 rustic rustic dances dances33 peace3 peace3 cal$ne cal$ness3 ss3 natura naturall tran6ui tran6uilit lity3 y3 rural rural life3 life3 fores forests ts33 "ale "ales3 s3 $oun $ounta tain ins3 s3 o ock cks s and and herd herds3 s3 shep shephe herd rd33 shepherdess3 $oral 6uietude. !s the synony$s of riches% as they are signi4ed y this card in contradistinction to others% we ha"e( !ug$entation of wealth3 increase of estate3 ad"ance ad"ance$en $ent3 t3 prosp prosperi erity3 ty3 gener general al succes success3 s3 happin happiness ess33 goodness3 felicity3 eauty3 e$ellish$ent. 'I=H, & ;I!M#;+Re,ersed. In this this cond condit itio ion n the the pri$ary signi4cation of the card is sorro% and mo,ement . ,he synony$s for sorro% are( +adn +adnes ess3 s3 aic aicti tion on33 disp disple leas asur ure3 e3 grie grief3 f3 deso desola lati tion on33 $orti4cation3 ad hu$or3 $elancholy3 the lues3 hypochondria3 "e:ation3 troule.
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therefore the interpreter is left in a great degree to her own 8udg$ent% to decipher the connection which should ind the oracle to a speci4c and intelligent reading. ,he $ost applicale synony$s would therefore therefore e( ,o ,o walk3 step forward3 $o"e aout3 to conte$plate3 to propose3 to $ake ad"an "ances3 to undertake3 to o>er proposals3 to pro$enade3 to tender o>ers3 to inaugurate a sche$e3 to further any clai$s. +'F'# & ;I!M#;+U$ri'ht . ,his is wh what is is $o $ost co$$only styled the con,ersation card% as its initial and pri$ary signi4cation is discorse for the $resent % while it likewise likewise designates the approaching receipt of 'ood ne%s3 as the oracle de$ands% to e secure% proper interpretation. When used as the con,ersation card% its synony$s are( ,alk3 ,alk3 words3 $atter3 tattle3 desultory re$arks3 seasonale language3 pleasant gossip3 ta tale talk3 anecdote. +econdary to this signi4cation% and in inti$ate connection% it has oftenti$es een e$ployed to denote desi'ns for the moment % whether $ental or e:pressed y word of $outh% e$racing intent and resolution. When signifying ne%s% the synony$s will e( !nnou nnounc nce$ e$en ent3 t3 int intellig lligen ence ce33 news newspa pape per3 r3 ad"i ad"ice ce33 ad"e ad"ert rtis ise$ e$en ent3 t3 ad$o ad$oni niti tion on33 war warning ning33 teac teachi hing ng33 tale tale telling3 history3 fales3 anecdotal re$arks. +'F'# & ;I!M#;+Re,ersed. ,his ,his car card is capa capal le% e% when e$erging re"ersed% of recei"ing se"eral interpretations% the general and pri$ary one of which is !irth% or the origin of a hu$an eing% or of $atter which has% as its synony$s( #ati #ati"i "ity ty33 orig origin in33 crea creati tion on33 sour source ce33 co$$ co$$en ence ce$e $ent nt33 principle3 pri$iti"e3 e:traction3 4rst co$ing in of fruits and ower owers s3 pri$ pri$e e3 earl early3 y3 rac race3 fa$i fa$ily ly33 hous house3 e3 line lineag age e3 posterity3 the reason for3 cause3 pre$ises for argu$ent. ,his card fre6uently designates a 'reat dea&% or a large 6uantity% 6ualifying the "alue of those cards ne:t to it. &or e:a$ple% should it co$e efore the ten of s$ad $ades re,ersed% or the the ten of c&!s% it will read a great deal of 8ealousy% or of $oney. $oney. Co$$ingled with cards% relating to a pulic or $ilitary o9c o9cial% ial% this this one one is tak taken to signi igniffy dec&aration% whose @5
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synony$s would conse6uently e( )ulication3 orders3 authenticity3 approation3 placard3 designation3 disco"ery3 disclosure3 re"elation3 confession. I#= & H'!-,+U$ri'ht . ,he pri$ary I#= pri$ary signi4catio signi4cations ns of this this card card are are a !&onde man% an ad,ocate and a man of note% ut its secondary signi4cations are those attached to the state and &e'is&ation. !s the representati"e of an indi"idual% this card shows a good% kind?hearted $an% of an a$orous disposition% rash in his enterprises% and generally hasty and passionate in all his actions. Co$ing out as a !&onde man% it has these synony$s( Honest $an3 honesty3 proity3 e6uity3 arts and sciences. Considered as a man of note or stat states es$ $an% an% the the synony$s are( egis egislat lation ion33 legisl legislator ator33 laws3 laws3 decre decrees3 es3 code3 code3 statut statutes3 es3 prec precep epts ts33 co$$ co$$an and$ d$en ents ts33 co$ co$in inat atio ion3 n3 inst instit itut utio ion3 n3 cons consti titu tuti tion on33 te$p te$per era$ a$en ent3 t3 co$p co$ple le:i :ion on33 natu natura rall and and $ora $orall law3 law3 relig eligio ious us law3 law3 ci" ci"il law3 law3 poli politi tics cs33 poli politi tici cian an33 natural right3 right of nations3 pulic rights. I#= & H'!-,+Re,ersed. I#= ,his card co co$ing ou out re"ersed% designates a $an of natural light co$ple:ion% neither fair nor rown% with dark rown hair and hael eyes eyes%% of an e:cell celle ent te$p te$pe er% eas easily ily i$p i$posed osed upon% pon% credulous% $oderately gi"en to lo"e $atters% yet addicted to "ice and incontinence. Its other pri$ary signi4cations man in an'e an'er r % poss are a ttor % or or a man posses essi sing ng "ice "ices% s% the the re"er e"erse se of thos those e good good 6ual 6ualit itie ies s attr attri iut uted ed to the the car card when upright. In this case the synony$s are( Indi Indign gnati ation on33 agit agitat atio ion3 n3 irri irrita tati tion on33 wrat wrath3 h3 rage rage33 fury fury33 fren freny y33 "iole iolenc nce3 e3 hatr hatred ed33 a"er a"ersi sion on33 ani$ ani$os osit ity3 y3 peri peril3 l3 ani$ ani$ad ad"e "ers rsio ion3 n3 anti antipa path thy3 y3 resen esentt$ent $ent33 "engea ngeanc nce e3 a>ron a>ront3 t3 outr outrag age3 e3 las lasph phe$ e$y3 y3 stor stor$3 $3 te$p te$pes est3 t3 cruel cruelty ty33 inhu$anity3 atrocity. ,he chief secondary signi4cation of this is a man in o0ce% or professional politician% to which are gi"en the following synony$s( Man of rank3 dishonest $an3 e:action3 pillage3 in8ustice3 si$ony3 a dishonorale person3 a urglar. urglar. *''# & H'!-,+U$ri'ht . ,his ca card re repre presents a lon lond de fe$a fe$ale le%% fait faithf hfu ul and and a>e a>ectio ctiona nate te%% alwa always ys the the @G
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dearest friend or nearest relati"e to the consultant. !s such% the synony$s% attached to the pri$ary signi4cation% are of an e:cellent e:cellent nature( Honest wo$an3 "irtue3 wisdo$3 honesty. ,his card is likewise taken taken as sy$olical of friendshi$ in its "arious phases% the synony$s of the ter$ eing( !ttach$ent3 a>ection3 tenderness3 ene"olence3 kindly relat elatio ions3 ns3 frate fraterrnity nity33 inti inti$ac $acy3 y3 iden identi tity ty in incli inclina nati tion ons3 s3 agre gree$ent3 a9nity ity3 har$onious correspondence3 confor$ity3 sy$pathy3 attraction3 cohesion. !noth nother er sign signi4 i4ca cattion ion is atta attach che ed to this this car card in a secondary capacity as 1stice% with the following synony$s( '6uity3 proity3 right3 rectitude3 reason3 the law. ! furthe furtherr second secondary ary signi4 signi4cat cation ion has een een estowe estowed d upon this card% under certain inuences% when it is gifted with the attriutes of tem$erance with these synony$s( Mode Modera rati tion on33 dis discret cretio ion3 n3 cont contin inen ence ce33 ast astin inen enc ce3 patience3 cal$ness3 soriety3 frugality3 chastity3 alle"iation3 reconciliation3 respect3 conciliation3 $itigation3 consolation. *''# & H'!-,+Re,ersed. ,his card re"ersed% designates a fair% ut not light% wo$an% with nut?rown hair and grayish eyes% who inter"enes to pre"ent $arriage% and inter$eddles in all the consultants a>airs generally. It likewise represents either the wife of a $an in o9ce% a wo$an of doutful character% or a courtesan% a etrayer of honor and of a>ection. *nder this aspect it recei"es a secondary signi4cation of dissension% to which are gi"en synony$s as follows( !gitations3 sedition3 conspiracy3 reellion3 pride3 "anity3 seduction3 outrage3 presu$ption3 disputes3 $oral wrong3 dishonorale proposals. !C & H '!-,+U$ri'ht . ,his card% as a representati"e J!C & representati"e one% designates a londe% un$arried $an% learned% good te$p te$per ered ed and and well well fa"or fa"ored ed y fort fortun une. e. Cons Conse6 e6ue uent ntly ly%% when it is drawn y a young wo$an% and the $arriage card co$es near it% it portends that she will e united to a person of such a description% and that the union will pro"e oth happy and of long duration. It likewise designates% pri$arily% a soldier or a tra"eler% so that should it co$e up in your oracle it is interpreted% @K
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in a secondary connection% in this sense% and assures that you are on the point of undertaking a 8ourney. If right cards surround it% the 8ourney will e a prosperous one% ut should the ei'ht of s$ades e near it% it will result in illness% and if the ten of s$ades e ad8acent% it will e acco$panied with tears. In this secondary capacity it has synony$s as follows( -oad3 highway3 lane3 pathway3 a walk3 a course3 career3 pro$enade3 $essenger3 ways and $eans3 e:pedient3 enterprise3 $ethod. J!C & H'!-,+Re,ersed. +hould this card co$e out in the oracle of an un$arried lady% re"ersed% it instructs her that her lo"er or intended husand is a person wooing her for sel4sh purposes% who% although handso$e and acco$plished% will $ake a ad $atch. ,o a $arried wo$an% or widow% it is a warning that so$e unscrupulous indi"idual% under gar of friendship% conte$plates her in8ury% which will e followed y al$ost i$$ediate desertion% if near the ace of s$ades. Conse6uently% in a secondary capacity% it is taken to $ean e,i& desires or &on'in'% when it has synony$s of this character( !ttraction3 passion3 attery3 ca8olery3 adulation3 lechery3 or decli"ity3 precipice3 fall. !C' & H'!-,+U$ri'ht . ,he 4rst and pri$ary signi4cation of this card is the hose% and as such otains a secondary capacity of a $ost e:tensi"e nature% e:pressed in the following synony$s( Household3 ho$e3 house?keeping3 econo$y3 sa"ing3 dwelling3 do$icile3 haitation3 $anor3 lodge3 lodging3 hotel3 palace3 shop3 store3 arracks3 uilding3 "essel3 "ase3 archi"es3 castle3 cain3 cottage3 tent3 pa"ilion3 inn3 hostelry3 ta"ern3 religious house3 $onastery3 con"ent3 urial3 long ho$e3 gra"e3 stale3 e:traction3 fa$ily3 race3 lineage3 posterity3 ancestry3 retreat3 asylu$. ,his card likewise designates a re$ast or feastin'% when% secondarily% it assu$es synony$s of the following nature( ,ale3 festi"ity3 $erry $aking3 nutrition3 guests3 in"itation3 host3 hilarity3 good cheer3 aundance3 8oy3 gayety3 natural pleasure3 do$estics3 sports and pasti$es. !C' & H'!-,+Re,ersed. It pri$arily designates @L
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forced or constrained en1o-ment % ut $ore generally it should e taken for ne% ac2aintances% whence is deri"ed a secondary signi4cance of fresh ne%s% with these synony$s( Indication3 presenti$ent3 new instructions3 fresh knowledge3 enlighten$ent3 inde:3 augury3 forewarning3 fore?knowledge3 con8ecture3 oracle3 prognostication3 prediction3 prophecy3 di"ination3 second sight3 no"elty. !gain this card% re"ersed% $eans a disordered hoseho&d% and fro$ this co$es the secondary idea of intestine 2arre&s% with the following $ore pro$inent synony$s( Misunderstanding3 regret3 re$orse3 repentance3 internal agitation3 irresolution3 uncertainty3 fa$ily feuds3 $arriage troule3 do$estic strife3 dissensions. !t ti$es this card represents fami&- ,ices% or e:tra"agance in household e:penditures% or any description of cri$e or folly which renders ho$e unhappy and unendurale. ,'# & H'!-,+U$ri'ht . ,his card ordinarily signi4es the cit- % when its secondary capacities are e:pressed in so$eone fro$ a$ong the following synony$s( Metropolis3 nati"e land3 urgh3 "illage3 town3 locality3 site3 town?house3 dwelling3 haitation3 residence3 $unicipality3 city go"ern$ent3 citiens. It $oreo"er is accepted to signify en,ios $eo$&e% as y that ter$ the ancient inhaitants of the rural districts were wont to designate% ironically% dwellers in cities. ,'# & H'!-,+Re,ersed. ,his card $ost generally signi4es an inheritance% when its synony$s are( +uccession3 legacy3 donation3 testa$entary gifts3 dowry3 dower3 dowager3 legiti$acy3 will3 patri$ony3 heir3 trans$ission3 to e6ueath3 to endow. It is likewise used to signify re&ati,es when its secondary capacity is e:tended to the widest scope% e$racing( Consanguinity3 lood3 fa$ily3 ancestors3 father3 $other3 rother3 sister3 aunt3 uncle3 cousin% $ale or fe$ale3 !da$ and '"e3 race3 lineage3 alliance3 relationship3 a9nity3 lood connection3 lo"e intrigues. !nother pri$ary signi4cation of this card is sr$rise% generally of a ad origin% with these appropriate @N
,elling &ortunes With Cards
synony$s( Cheat3 i$posture3 kna"ery3 deceit3 trickery3 $istake3 o"ersight3 $isunderstanding3 troule3 "e:ation3 annoyance3 e$otion3 fright3 fear3 terror3 consternation3 astonish$ent3 ad$iration3 alar$3 rapture3 e:haustion3 swooning3 fainting3 a $ar"el3 pheno$enon3 $iracle3 anything wonderful or strange. !$ong the ancient carto$ancists% this card% with the nine of hearts% was regarded as the $ost di9cult of interpretation of any in the pack% ut through careful study of the synony$s ao"e gi"en% a true $eaning is readily attained. #I#' & H'!-,+U$ri'ht . ,his card is generally regarded as an augury of good fortune% wealth% happiness and worldly ad"antage. Its principal signi4cation is ,ictor- % whence we deri"e( +uccess3 good results3 ad"antage3 gain3 po$p3 triu$ph3 trophies3 $a8esty3 show3 apparel3 aggage3 luggage3 e6uipage3 attire3 furniture3 rich goods and wares. Its ne:t principal one is nion and concord % with the se"eral secondary signi4cations% cognate to the$( Moderation3 discretion3 continence3 te$perance3 patience3 cal$ness3 soriety3 frugality3 chastity3 har$ony3 $usic3 $usical tastes3 perfect happiness. It $oreo"er designates &a!or and commerce % in which capacity its signi4cation is e:pressed in the synony$s( +tudious3 application3 work3 toil3 reection3 oser"ation3 $editation3 occupation3 trade3 e$ploy$ent3 $erchant3 clerk3 trader3 laorer3 $ercantile pursuits. +till another signi4cation is a $resent % whence we ha"e( =ift3 generosity3 ene4t3 grati4cation3 ser"ice. #I#' & H'!-,+Re,ersed. ,his card $eans enni% or weariness% with secondary attriutes e:pressed in these synony$s( ;ispleasure3 discontent3 disgust3 a"ersion3 in6uietude3 lack of spirit3 listlessness3 tri"ial sorrow3 aiction3 uneasiness3 co$plaining3 want of energy. It $oreo"er is e$ployed to signify criosit- % whence we ha"e the secondary signi4cation of in6uisiti"eness3 a usyody3 a $arplot and intruder. ,hen again an ordinary signi4cation of this card is o!stac&e or hindrance with the following synony$s( D0
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erence3 contestations3 litigation3 ickering3 argu$ents.
,elling &ortunes With Cards
synony$s( ,he soul3 spirit3 intelligence3 an idea3 $e$ory3 i$agination3 conception3 co$prehension3 e:tension of ideas3 designs3 intentions3 desires3 will3 resolution3 deter$ination3 pre$editation3 $editation3 reection3 opinion3 senti$ent3 philosopher3 philosophy3 wisdo$. ,his card is so$eti$es e$ployed to signify so&itde% when it otains a secondary signi4cation( ! desert3 seclusion3 retreat fro$ society3 her$itage3 e:ile3 anish$ent3 isolation3 aandon$ent. +'F'# & H '!-,+Re,ersed. When this card co$es out re"ersed% one of its pri$ary signi4cations is a $ac/a'e% or undle% present% new clothes% etc.% in accordance with the signi4cation of the cards i$$ediately preceding or following it% which can e easily learned y study. #e"ertheless% its $ost ordinary signi4cation is desire% or a strong longing for% or hankering after% so$e person or thing3 ut then again the interpretation is 6uali4ed y the cards co$ing near this one% either efore or after3 reading fro$ the consultant to the right% y a si$ple change in position of the cards% desire $ay e changed into a,ersion% and an attraction into re$&sion. When its signi4cation is desire% its synony$s will e( Wish3 now3 will3 co"eting3 cupidity3 lusting after3 concupiscence3 unlawful desire3 e:tre$e hankering after3 8ealous3 passion for good or ad3 illusion3 cra"ing3 appetite3 a fancy for a thing3 decided inclination. It will e seen that the ter$ desire is e$ployed as antagonistic to lo"e% or a holy and righteous phase of passion. I#= & +)!;'+U$ri'ht . '$ployed as a representati"e card% this one designates a $an of "ery dark co$ple:ion% with lack eyes and hair% passionate and proud% a$itious% and successful in $ost of his aspirations% ut a person who$ the re"erse of fortune would utterly crush into oscurity. ;i"ested of this personal and destructi"e character% this card% when co$ing upright in an oracle% designates a professional $an of e$inence% a lawyer% 8udge% ad"ocate% counselor% senator% practitioner% attorney% con4dential agent% 8urist% orator% states$an% pleader% diplo$at% doctor of laws or in $edicine% or a learned physician. D2
Isaac M. Wright
When the consultant e an un$arried lady% this card assures her that her ad$irer is a $an of e:cessi"e proity and of honorale intentions% that is% if the /in' of diamonds likewise co$es out upright. ,o a $arried wo$an it denotes that her property or honor will e in the keeping of a lawyer or agent of rectitude% who will rescue her fro$ the $achinations of ene$ies or spoliators. ,o a widow it shows that her second $arriage will e to a $an of e$inence% who will render her after life $ost happy. I#= & +)!;'+Re,ersed. ,his card signi4es a widower% a $an in anger or di9culty% also one gi"en to ineriety.
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scruples3 ti$idity3 ashfulness3 reluctance3 retire$ent. *''# & +)!;'+Re,ersed. !s a representati"e of an indi"idual% this card% co$ing out in the oracle re"ersed in position% denotes a widow% desirous of contracting another $arriage. It $oreo"er designates a dark wo$an of a$orous propensities% who does not hesitate to disregard the con"entionalities of society.
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;eception3 duplicity3 stratage$3 disguise3 pre"arication3 disloyalty3 reach of trust3 conspiracy3 tale earing3 i$posture3 lack heartedness3 per4dy3 falsehood3 dissi$ulation and reach of con4dence. ,he card is% $oreo"er% used to forewarn lo"ers that there is danger of their eing pursued in e"ent of elope$ent. !C' & +)!;'+U$ri'ht . ,his card% co$ing out in natural position% and inter"ening etween the representati"e cards of a $ale and fe$ale% relates wholly to lo"e a>airs. When acco$panied y the ten of s$ades it shows that an intrigue will e acco$panied with a deal of sorrow and aiction% and will ulti$ately end in aandon$ent under $ost disastrous circu$stances. ne of the pri$ary signi4cations of this card is a $a$er or docu$ent% chiey appertaining to law $atters% such as warrants for arrest% writs% supoenas and legal pleadings. !nother is that of a shi$% or other $eans of con"eyance y water% particularly when acco$panied y the ei'ht of c&!s% re"ersed% which etokens the consultant to e on the e"e of a sea "oyage% or other 8ourney o"er water of so$e description. !C' & +)!;'+Re,ersed. When in the oracle of a $arried consultant% this card appears re"ersed% and near to her representati"e% its pri$ary signi4cation is $re'nanc- % which in her case can e e:pressed y the following synony$s( Conception3 $aternity3 accouche$ent3 childirth. &ro$ this we deri"e a secondary signi4cation% applicale to other things% for which we e$ploy correspondent synony$s( 'nlarge$ent3 engender$ent3 fecundity3 fertiliation3 production3 co$position3 increase3 aug$entation3 $ultiplication3 deli"erance3 parturition3 growth3 addition. When re"ersed and acco$panied y the 1ac/ of c&!s% likewise re"ersed% this card is a pre$onitor of death. ,he general secondary signi4cation of this card% when re"ersed and in the ody of the oracle% is a fa&&% whence we ha"e( ;ecadence3 decline3 discourage$ent3 dissipation3 ra"age3 ruin3 de$olition3 destruction3 ankruptcy3 error3 fault3 o"erwhel$ing sorrows3 perdition3 an ayss3 D5
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precipice3 gulf3 waterfall3 disgrace3 sha$e. ,'# & +)!;'+U$ri'ht . ,he general signi4cation of this card is 1ea&os- % particularly when acco$panied y the 1ac/ of c&!s% which denotes that the consultant% either $ale or fe$ale% is 8ealous of his or her sweetheart to such a degree that their friendly relations are in danger of eing roken o>% which will assuredly e the case% if the nine of s$ades should likewise appear in the oracle. ,he other pri$ary signi4cation of this card is tears% whence we deri"e a series of secondary signi4cations% as( +ighs3 groans3 weeping3 co$plaints3 la$entations3 griefs3 sadness3 heart?sickness3 aiction3 $ental agony. ,'# & +)!;'+Re,ersed. ,his card% e$erging re"ersed% has% for a general signi4cation% a &oss% either $oral or physical% as the surrounding cards designate. ,hus% with the nine of hearts inter"ening etween the consultant and this card% it announces that he or she will lose a situation or e$ploy$ent. When it co$es preceded y the ten of c&!s% it etokens the loss of $oney or "aluales. +hould the consultant e an un$arried fe$ale% and this card co$es out re"ersed near to a 8ack% likewise re"ersed% it foretells the ruin of her reputation through calu$ny.
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sources% are( &ro$ the $riest ( )astor3 church3 church ser"ices3 ritual3 sanctity3 piety3 de"otion3 religious cere$onies3 celiacy. &ro$ mornin'( -egret3 desolation3 aiction3 sadness3 sorrow3 cala$ity3 grief3 heart?pain3 funeral3 urial3 to$3 gra"e3 church?yard3 loss of relati"es3 wailing. &ro$ disa$$ointment ( stacles3 hindrance3 delay3 disad"antage3 contrarieties3 $isfortunes3 su>ering. #I#' & +)!;'+Re,ersed. When this card appears in the oracle re"ersed its e"il inuence is aug$ented two? fold% although its pri$ary signi4cations are $odestly e:pressed as fai&re% a!andonment and de&a- . ,he secondary signi4cations are of the $ost disastrous character. ,he synony$s e$ployed for these ter$s% in this instance% are( Misery3 indigence3 fa$ine3 necessity3 need3 po"erty3 ad"ersity3 $isfortune3 deep aiction3 disagree$ents3 correction3 chastise$ent3 punish$ent3 re"erses3 disgrace3 i$prison$ent3 detention3 arrest3 capti"ity.
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heart?ache3 in6uietude3 $elancholy3 $edicine3 re$edy3 charlatan3 e$piric3 physician3 6uack3 languor. +o$eti$es% howe"er% this card is e$ployed to designate $rdence% whence we ha"e as secondary signi4cations( Wisdo$3 reser"e3 circu$spection3 reticence3 discern$ent3 foresight3 presenti$ent3 prediction3 di"ination3 prophecy3 horoscope3 second sight3 clair"oyance. 'I=H, & +)!;'+Re,ersed. *nlike other cards% the re"ersal of this one rings with it a $odi4cation of its pri$ary signi4cations. Hence% when co$ing out re"ersed% it $ost generally signi4es am!ition% a passion for which we ha"e synony$s as follows( ;esire3 wish for3 search after3 cupidity3 8ealousy3 aspiration3 onward3 higher3 illusion3 pride. !nother pri$ary signi4cation estowed upon this card when e$erging re"ersed% is that of a nn or pious wo$an% whence we deri"e the secondary signi4cation usually applied to this card and e:pressed in the synony$s( Inaction3 peace3 tran6uility3 repose3 apathy3 inertia3 stagnation3 rest fro$ laor3 pasti$e% recreation3 nonchalance3 free fro$ care3 idleness3 lethargy3 torpidity. +'F'# & +)!;'+U$ri'ht . !s a general e:ponent of current e"ents% this card is taken to forewarn the consultant of the loss of a "aluale friend% whose death will e a source of a great deal of $isery. n this account $any interpret this card to signify a co0n% which $ay e the case when co$ing out in close pro:i$ity to the ace of s$ades or the nine of s$ades. Its $ost accepted pri$ary signi4cation% howe"er% a$ong practical carto$ancists% is that of ho$e% whence are deri"ed the secondary ones% e:pressed in the ter$s( ,rust3 con4dence3 e:pectation3 desire3 inclination3 longing after3 wish3 taste for3 whi$3 hu$or3 fancy. +'F'# & +)!;'+Re,ersed. ,his card takes a wider and an apparently contradictory scope in its pri$ary signi4cations% when e$erging in this $anner% eing 'ood ad,ice% friendshi$% and indecision. &ro$ 'ood ad,ice we deri"e% as secondary attriutes( Wise counsels3 salutary warnings3 news3 announce$ents3 ad"ertise$ents3 placards3 consultations3 DL
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ad$onitions3 instruction3 ad"ice. &or friendshi$ we ha"e the following synony$s( !ttach$ent3 a>ection3 tenderness3 ene"olence3 well wishing3 relation3 har$ony3 correspondence3 connection3 identity3 inti$acy3 agree$ent with3 concordance3 concurrence3 interest3 confor$ity3 sy$pathy3 a9nity3 attraction3 ad$iration. &or indecision% the general synony$s are e$ployed( Want of resolution3 uncertainty3 perple:ity3 inconstancy3 fri"olity3 lightness3 "ariation3 di"ersity3 "acillation3 hesitation3 "ersatile3 unsteady3 changeale3 whi$sical3 e:iility in character3 unreliale3 undeter$ined. I#= & C*<+U$ri'ht . !s the representati"e of an indi"idual% this card designates a $an of a co$ple:ion neither "ery dark nor e:ceedingly light% ut a person with $ediu$ colored rown hair% grayish eyes% and of an easy% plodding disposition. He will e a $an hu$ane% honest and a>ectionate% gi"en to usiness% and faithful in all his engage$ents3 he will e personally happy in all his relations in life% as father% husand and citien% and $ake e"eryone happy aout hi$. ,he pri$ary signi4cations of this card are% in the 4rst instance% a friend% and secondly% a !siness man. !s a !siness man this card has these synony$s( Merchant3 trader3 dealer3 anker3 roker3 e:change agent3 speculator3 calculator3 physician3 school$aster3 collegian3 geo$etry3 free$ason3 $athe$atics3 engineer3 science3 professor. I#= & C*<+Re,ersed. ,his card% as the representati"e of an indi"idual% designates a person of $iddling dark co$ple:ion% with chestnut rown hair% who% without eing positi"ely wicked% is "iciously inclined% and for that reason should not e trusted.
,elling &ortunes With Cards
licentious speech3 ugliness3 defor$ity3 corruption3 stench3 rottenness. *''# & C*<+U$ri'ht . !s a representati"e of a particular indi"idual% this card designates a runette lady% of a war$% tender% and sy$pathetic nature% intellectual% witty and high spirited% of a strongly lo"ing disposition% gi"en to society and social reunions% where she distinguishes herself through her con"ersational aility. ,he $ost pro$inent pri$ary signi4cation of this card is o$&ence% which is represented in the following synony$s( -iches3 display3 po$p3 ostentation3 "ain show3 pageantry3 lu:ury3 su$ptuousness3 assurance3 steadiness3 con4dence3 certitude3 a9r$ation3 security3 hardihood3 self?reliance3 lierty3 frankness3 candor3 openness3 plain?dealing3 freedo$. !nother signi4cation of this card is a $ar&e- or conference % and is e:pressed y so$e of the su8oined synony$s( ;iscourse3 con"ersation3 talk3 co$$unication3 collo6uy3 dissertation3 delieration3 discussion3 speech3 pronunciation3 gra$$ar3 dictionary3 tongue3 idio$3 8argon3 slang3 e:change3 co$$erce3 trade3 tra9c3 to speak3 to confer3 to con"erse3 to tattle. *''# & C*<+Re,ersed. !s a representati"e of an indi"idual% this card% re"ersed% denotes a lady whose co$ple:ion is runette% with dark hair and lack eyes% ut not dark enough to e represented y a s$ade. +he will e a wo$an of war$ passions% of 4ne personal appearance% gi"en to co6uetry and dependent $ore upon her natural char$s than education or intellectual training for con6uests in her irtations. ,he general signi4cation of this card% re"ersed% howe"er% is i'norance in contradistinction to its attriutes when in natural position% and therefore can e interpreted as(
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Co$ing out in the oracle of a young lady% this card is the representati"e of her lo"er% without respect to his color or other 6uali4cations% denoting si$ply the person indicated. ,he pri$ary signi4cation of this card% di"ested of its representati"e character% is a scho&ar or lo"er of knowledge% while its secondary attriutes are e:pressed in the synony$s( +tudy3 instruction3 application3 $editation3 reection3 laor3 toil3 work3 occupation3 apprentice3 student3 disciple3 pupil3 $aster. !nother signi4cation of this card% go"erned according to its surroundings in the oracle% is $rodi'a&it- % whence are deri"ed synony$s as follows( )rofusion3 superuity3 lu:ury3 largess3 ounty3 su$ptuousness3 $agni4cence3 lierality3 ene4ts3 generosity3 charity3 ene"olence3 a crowd3 a $ultitude3 depredation3 dilapidation3 pillage3 dissipation. J!C & C*<+Re,ersed. !s a representati"e of an indi"idual% this card designates a achelor% a shade darker% and of a $ore deter$ined character than the young $an ao"e descried. It $ay likewise represent that sa$e young $an in a state of anger or on a sick ed. Its especial signi4cation% howe"er% is de&irim% whence we ha"e as secondary attriutes or synony$s( &reny3 aerration of $ind3 wandering of the rain3 unseated reason3 fury3 rage3 fe"er3 enthusias$3 i$ecility3 i$prudence3 distraction3 apathy3 deliriu$ tre$ens3 into:ication3 rain fe"er. !C' & C*<+U$ri'ht . ,his card is uni"ersally regarded as a $ost fortunate one% inas$uch as it etokens "ast wealth% personal prosperity% physical health% $ental tran6uility% $arital happiness and longe"ity. ,he principal signi4cations of this card are a $rse of mone- and riches% whence we ha"e as synony$s( &or a $rse of mone- ( +u$ of $oney3 a present3 capital3 principal3 treasure3 ullion3 gold and sil"er wares3 opulence3 rare3 dear3 precious3 inesti$ale3 of e:cessi"e "alue. &or riches( Wealth3 health3 prosperity3 worldly goods3 happiness3 felicity3 a$elioration3 i$pro"e$ent3 ene4t3 51
,elling &ortunes With Cards
ad"antage3 pro4t3 lessing3 fa"or3 grace3 plenty3 destiny3 chance3 speculation3 good luck. !C' & C*<+Re,ersed. When this card e$erges to for$ part of an oracle% in a re"ersed position% its $ore popular and current signi4cations are no!i&it- % &o,e and a $resent % ut in a consultation $ade for a young un$arried lady it signi4es that she will une:pectedly unite herself with a $an% proaly a widower% who will etter her fortunes3 hence to a fe$ale operati"e this card is a "ery good o$en. &or no!i&it- we e$ploy as appropriate synony$s( ! nole$an3 a $an of conse6uence3 i$portant3 great3 the eldest son3 e:tended3 "ast3 suli$e3 renowned3 illustrious3 powerful3 ele"ated3 of good 6uality3 illustration3 reputation3 consideration3 grandeur of soul. &or &o,e% a correct interpretation of the oracle $ay re6uire selection fro$ a$ong the following synony$s( )assion3 inclination3 sy$pathy3 a>ection3 allure$ent3 attraction3 char$3 entice$ent3 disposition3 taste for3 propensity3 ad$iration3 gallantry3 co$placence for the se:3 intrigue3 a9nity3 an a>air of gallantry3 attach$ent3 de"otion. ,'# & C*<+U$ri'ht . When this card enters in your oracle it is to apprise you that you will une:pectedly recei"e a handso$e su$ of $oney% a gift or a legacy fro$ so$e dear friend or near relati"e. Howe"er% at the sa$e ti$e it warns you that your s$iles will e inter$ingled with tears3 inas$uch as you will al$ost si$ultaneously learn of the death of so$e person whose lo"e you ha"e cherished. ,he chief pri$ary signi4cation of this card is the ftre% whence are deri"ed the following secondary ones( Hereafter3 to co$e3 posthu$ous3 after death3 hea"en. !nother pri$ary signi4cation is 'ain% which can e interpreted as re6uired% y any of these synony$s( !d"antage3 pro4t3 success3 grace3 fa"or3 ene4t3 ascendency3 power3 e$pire3 authority3 usurpation3 pro4tale3 useful3 i$portant3 interest3 o9cial position. ! $ore general signi4cation in this card is mone- % fro$ which we ha"e secondary ones of this description( Wealth3 coin3 ullion3 ingots3 gold3 sil"er ware3 whiteness3 purity3 candor3 innocence3 ingenuity3 the 52
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$oon3 puri4cation3 twilight3 $oonlight. ,'# & C*<+Re,ersed. !s a general thing this card% e$erging re"ersed% designates a &o,er % of either gender% unless the 1ac/ of c&!s appears in the oracle of a lady% or the ei'ht of hearts% re"ersed% in that of a gentle$an. '$ployed in such a signi4cation% we ha"e as synony$s( In lo"e3 gallantry3 a gallant3 husand3 wife3 $arried $an3 $arried wo$an3 friend3 protector3 courtesan3 to lo"e3 to cherish3 to adore3 to $atch3 to $ate3 har$ony3 concord3 suitale3 corresponding3 in relations with3 decency3 decoru$3 regard3 see$liness3 con"enience3 "icinity3 4tness. ,his card is so$eti$es used to designate the hose. #I#' & C*<+U$ri'ht . ,he general pri$ary signi4cation of this card% when e$ployed as a $easure of ti$e% is the $resent % whence we ha"e as synony$s( !t the instant3 actually3 now3 presently3 suddenly3 une:pectedly3 upon the spot3 $o$entarily3 at hand. ,he second pri$ary signi4cation of this card is an e4ect % whence are deri"ed the secondary ones of this nature( &or sure3 with certainty3 in conse6uence3 result3 e"idence3 con"iction3 conclusion3 will happen3 e"ent3 to 4nish3 to e:ecute3 household goods3 furniture3 onds3 personal estate3 8ewelry3 $o"ale goods. ,his card has another pri$ary signi4cation% indiscretion% fro$ which are deri"ed the secondary $eanings% as follows( Want of foresight3 i$prudent3 rash3 headlong3 with precipitation3 thoughtlessly3 i$pulsi"ely3 suddenly3 disorder3 confusion3 $isconduct3 want of reection3 chaos3 disgrace3 without restraint3 dissipation3 liertinage3 discordance3 inhar$onious3 $oral ruin. #I#' & C*<+Re,ersed. ,his card% re"ersed% is $ost usually e$ployed to denote that the consultant% in whose oracle it appears% will e the recipient of a $resent % ut as to its "alue and its nature the surrounding cards $ust deter$ine. ,he card conse6uently $ay represent( =ift3 presentation3 $e$orial3 o>ering3 testi$onial3 a grati4cation3 ser"ice3 o>er of $oney3 thanksgi"ing. !nother signi4cation of this card when co$ing out 5@
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re"ersed% is 'am!&in'% ut as this is a serious $oral o>ense% great care should e e:ercised to study its application. &ro$ 'am!&in' are deri"ed these secondary $eanings( =a$es of chance3 lottery3 luck3 card playing3 any fortuitous circu$stance3 y accident3 destiny3 hu$an life3 cards3 dice3 $oney ga$es3 disreputale co$pany. 'I=H, & C*<+U$ri'ht . !s a representati"e of an indi"idual% this card designates a runette% un$arried lady% re$arkale for her personal attractions% of a $ild and tractale nature% who% should she not possess eauty% will win ad$iration fro$ her acco$plish$ents and de$eanor% as well as fro$ her sincerity and "irtue. !s a general thing this card signi4es the art of $&easin'% or% as it is $ore appropriately styled% a ,irtos 'ir&% in which connection% its $eaning is e:pressed in the synony$s( ! "irgin3 chaste3 $odest3 "irtuous3 genteel3 eco$ing3 decent3 decorous3 suitale3 e4tting3 ci"il3 kind3 courteous3 polished3 polite3 well red3 acco$plished3 condescending3 $eek3 hospitale3 good $anners. 'I=H, & C*<+Re,ersed. !s an indi"iduals representati"e% this card% when re"ersed% denotes a $iddling dark co$ple:ioned un$arried wo$an% with dark chestnut hair% and eyes nearly approaching lack in color. +he will e "ain of her personal char$s% and $ake little account of the worlds opinion should her own desires e grati4ed. ,he pri$ary signi4cation of this card is remo,a& or de$artre% and can e appropriately e:pressed in the following synony$s( Mo"ing3 to $o"e3 change of residence3 at a distance3 re$ote3 asence3 separation3 dispersion3 going aside3 out of the way3 ra$le3 e:cursion3 digression3 ight3 to discard3 disdain3 repugnance3 a"ersion3 inco$patiility3 opposition3 di"ision3 rupture% and antipathy. ,his card% re"ersed% has $oreo"er the signi4cation of indecorm% which can e used in these di>erent senses( Inhospitale3 ill red3 discourteous3 ad $anners3 i$$odest3 unchaste3 insincere3 oorish3 raen faced3 slo"enly3 a "irago3 a tartar3 a wanton. +'F'# & C*<+U$ri'ht . ,he principal pri$ary 5D
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signi4cation of this card is a tri5e in mone- % ut which% howe"er% has een a$pli4ed to designate econom- % or the art of spending "ery little $oney to the est ad"antage. Conse6uently fro$ this source we ha"e the following synony$s( =ood eha"ior3 wise ad$inistration of a>airs3 foresight3 discretion3 order3 regularity3 household "irtues3 good $anage$ent3 wisdo$3 happiness3 prosperity. ,his card likewise signi4es com$an- or socia!i&it- % in which connection it can e taken to denote( !ssociation3 an asse$ly3 a gathering3 fa$ily party3 friendly intercourse3 pleasant relations3 har$less pasti$es3 do$estic recreations3 alls3 concerts3 theater. +till% its $ost i$portant signi4cation is a chi&d. &ro$ this physical o8ect the secondary $eanings of this card are e:tended to designate the characteristics of childhood applied to afterlife. Hence the synony$s of this signi4cation are( Infancy3 childhood3 puerility3 fri"olity3 weakness3 dependency3 aase$ent3 hu$iliation3 depression3 hu$le3 a8ect3 $inute3 s$all3 di$inuti"e3 helpless. +'F'# & C*<+Re,ersed. !s a general thing this card re"ersed has the signi4cation of em!arrassment or im$ediment % and% taken in this light% its $eanings% as applied to the e:igencies of a correct interpretation of the consultation% will e found in so$e one of these synony$s( Hindrance3 entangle$ent3 clog3 fuss3 intricacy3 confusion3 e:igency3 disorder3 distress3 to $ake work3 to co$e to a stand3 to perple:3 to pule3 to ostruct3 to delay3 to lock up3 to choke up3 to stop up3 to stie3 hurry3 ustle3 in a 4:3 in perple:ity3 at a loss. It $ust e orne in $ind that this card% when signifying a child% $ay co$e out either upright or re"ersed.
GR!%S F CAR"S 55
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A&& +or An- Three and An- T%o of a 6ind that Come Ot in the Dea& Either U$ri'ht or Re,ersed to the RI7HT of the Cons&tant8Their Meanin's. &our ings-e$o"al. &our ueens=reat asse$lage of ladies. &our Jacks!n illness. &our !ces! great surprise. &our ,ens!n a>air of 8ustice. &our #ines!n agreeale surprise. &our 'ights! re"erse. &our +e"ensIntrigue. ,hree ingsConsultation. ,hree ueens&e$ale deceit. ,hree Jacks! triing dispute. ,hree !ces)altry success. ,hree ,ensChange in social position. ,hree #ines)etty results. ,hree 'ights*nfortunate $arriage. ,hree +e"ens)ain in the li$s. Contrariness. ,wo ings)etty counsel. ,wo ueens&riends. ,wo JacksIn6uietude. ,wo !ces;eception. ,wo ,ensChange. ,wo #ines! little $oney. ,wo 'ights! new ac6uaintance. ,wo +e"ens,riing news. A&& +or An- Three and An- T%o of a 6ind that Come Ot in the Dea& Either U$ri'ht or Re,ersed to the LE+T of the Cons&tant8Their Meanin's. &our ingsCelerity in usiness $atters. &our ueens
Isaac M. Wright
,hree !cesMisconduct. ,hree ,ensWant. ,hree #inesI$prudence. ,hree 'ights! play. ,hree +e"ens=reat 8oy. ,wo ings/ou ha"e pro8ects. ,wo ueensccupation. ,wo JacksCo$pany. ,wo !ces'ne$ies. ,wo ,ens,o e in e:pectation. ,wo #ines)ro4t. ,wo 'ights/ou will e crossed. ,wo +e"ens! new ac6uaintance will criticie you.
CMBINATINS F TW CAR"S Comin' To'ether in the Dea&8Their Meanin's89U$ri'ht9 Un&ess Other%ise Stated8+irst Card Named is the Left hand One of the T%o. +e"en of dia$onds and se"en of spades% oth re"ersed ! 6uarrel. +e"en and 6ueen of dia$onds% oth re"ersed! 6uarrel. #ine of dia$onds and eight of hearts! 8ourney. !ce of spades re"ersed and nine of hearts;espair. #ine of dia$onds and se"en of spades re"ersed;elay. 'ight of clus and ace of clus re"ersed;eclaration of lo"e. 'ight of dia$onds and eight of spades! di9culty etween two persons. ,en of clus re"ersed and eight of dia$onds/ou will go out of your way to reach your house. +e"en of spades and se"en of hearts% oth re"ersed +ecurity% independence3 deli"erance fro$ so$e troule. !ce of hearts and ace of spades re"ersed;istrust. ing and ace of hearts% oth re"ersedoan o9ce or pawnrokers. 5K
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ing of spades re"ersed and ace of hearts)alace. ,en of dia$onds and ten of spades re"ersed!nger. #ine of spades re"ersed and nine of dia$onds=reat delay. ing of hearts re"ersed and ace of hearts
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+e"en of spades and ace of clus% oth re"ersed ;eclaration of lo"e. 'ight of dia$onds and se"en of hearts re"ersed/ou desire to take a walk. !ce of clus re"ersed and ten of hearts! lo"e surprise. ,en of spades and se"en of hearts re"ersed/ou will recei"e a shock. +e"en of hearts and ten of spades re"ersed/ou will lose a s$all o8ect. ing and ace of hearts% oth re"ersed=a$ing house. +tock e:change. ing and 6ueen of clusMarried couple. ,en of dia$onds and eight of hearts re"ersed *ne:pected "oyage. Jack of dia$onds re"ersed and 6ueen of dia$onds! do$estic and ho$e?lo"ing wo$an. 'ight of dia$onds and eight of spades+ickness. 'ight of dia$onds and eight of clusMo"ing to the country. !ce of clus and ten of spades% oth re"ersedJealousy in lo"e. 'ight of dia$onds and se"en of spades re"ersed Hesitation aout going to the country. ueen of clus and se"en of dia$onds re"ersed ;iscussion. +e"en of spades re"ersed and se"en of hearts/ou think of eing so$eones friend. !ce of spades re"ersed and nine of dia$onds/ou will e:perience a delay with so$e paper. !ce of hearts and 8ack of clus&lattery. 'ight of clus re"ersed and eight of hearts=reat a>ection. +e"en of dia$onds and se"en of clus% oth re"ersed! great deal of e$arrass$ent. +e"en of spades re"ersed and nine of dia$ondsCertain delay or separation. ing of hearts re"ersed and ace of heartsCon"ent. ing and nine of spades% oth re"ersedWant. ing and 6ueen of hearts! $arried couple in good society. ing of hearts re"ersed and ace of heartsCourt of 8ustice. 5N
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ing of dia$onds and eight of clus-oer. 'ight of clus and king of dia$onds,heft. ing and nine of spades% oth re"ersed*n8ust accusation. ing of dia$onds re"ersed and ace of clus! rich country$an. Jack of dia$onds re"ersed and 8ack of spades+trange young $an. !ce of spades and 8ack of dia$onds% oth re"ersed +o$eone e:pects you. ing of hearts re"ersed and ace of heartsarge house% hotel. ueen and ace of spades% oth re"ersedIn4delity. !ce of spades re"ersed and king of heartsHospital. !ce of clus and ace of spades% oth re"ersed I$prison$ent. ing and 6ueen of clusMan and wife. ing of hearts re"ersed and ace of hearts=o"ern$ent house3 ca$pground. !ce of hearts and eight of hearts re"ersedMoney due. !ce of clus re"ersed and ace of dia$ondso"e?letter. ueen of hearts and nine of spades re"ersed! lady in $ourning. ing and 6ueen of dia$onds% oth re"ersed! country lady and gentle$an. !ce of hearts and 6ueen of clus re"ersedIn8ustice.
! W-; & !;FIC'. It will e $uch easier to understand the following $ethods of telling fortunes if you ha"e a @2?card pack in your hands as you read% and to carefully follow out the details with the e:act cards $entioned in the te:t. I strongly reco$$end this to anyone interested in learning.
+)'CI! #,'. In all the following $ethods the @2?card pack is used% which consists of the ace% king% 6ueen% 8ack% ten% nine% eight and se"en only of each suit% and usually the e:tra G0
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Consultant card to represent the person consulting the cards. When aout to consult the oracle% the cards should e arranged in the following $anner efore shuing( ing% 6ueen% 8ack% ace% ten% nine% eight and se"en of each suit. ,his precaution should e taken for e"ery consultation% whether for yourself or for another person% without this the reading $ay not e perfect.
"EALING THE CAR"S BY THREES ,he pack of thirty?two selected cards is taken% and a card is selected to represent the dealer% supposing he is $aking the essay on his own ehalf3 if not% it $ust represent the person for who$ he is acting. In doing this% if the Consultant card e not used% it is necessary to re$e$er that the card chosen should e according to the co$ple:ion of the chooser. ing or 6ueen of dia$onds for a "ery fair person3 king or 6ueen of hearts for one rather dark3 clus for one darker still3 and spades only for one "ery dark indeed. ,he card chosen also loses its signi4cation% and si$ply eco$es the representati"e of a dark or fair $an or wo$an as the case $ay e. ,his point ha"ing een settled% the cards are shued% and either cut y the dealer or for hi$ Aaccording to whether he is acting for hi$self or another personB% the left hand eing used. ,hat done% they are turned up y threes% and e"ery ti$e two of the sa$e suit are found in these triplets% such as two hearts% two clus% etc.% the highest card is withdrawn and placed on the tale in front. If the triplet chance to e all the sa$e suit% the highest card is still to e the only one withdrawn% ut should it consist of three of the sa$e "alue% such as three kings% etc.% they are all to e appropriated. If after ha"ing turned up the cards% three y three% si: ha"e een ale to e withdrawn% there will re$ain twenty?si:% which are shued and cut% and again turned up y threes% acting precisely as efore% until G1
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thirteen% 4fteen or se"enteen cards ha"e een otained. ,he nu$er $ust always e une"en% and the card representing the person consulting $ust e a$ongst the nu$er3 if not% it $ust e drawn out and put at the end. +ay that the person whose fortune is eing read is a lady% represented y the 6ueen of hearts% and that 4fteen cards are otained and laid out in the for$ of a se$i?circle in the order they were drawn( ,he se"en of clus% the ten of dia$onds% the se"en of hearts% the 8ack of clus% the king of dia$onds% the nine of dia$onds% the ten of hearts% the 6ueen of spades% the eight of hearts% the 8ack of dia$onds% the 6ueen of hearts% the nine of clus% the se"en of spades% the ace of clus% the eight of spades. ,he cards ha"ing een considered% there are found a$ong the$ two 6ueens% two 8acks% two tens% three se"ens% two eights and two nines. It is therefore possile to announce( 7,he two 6ueens are supposed to signify the re?union of friends3 the two 8acks% that there is $ischief eing $ade etween the$. ,hese two tens% a change% which% fro$ one of the$ eing etween two se"ens% will not e e>ected without so$e di9culty3 the cause of which% according to these three se"ens% will e illness. Howe"er% these two nines can pro$ise so$e s$all gain3 resulting% so say these two eights% fro$ a lo"e a>air.7 +e"en cards are now counted fro$ right to left% eginning with the 6ueen of hearts% who represents the lady consulting the cards. ,he se"enth eing the king of dia$onds% the following $ay e said( 7/ou often think of a fair $an in unifor$.7 ,he ne:t se"enth card Acounting the king of dia$onds as oneB pro"es to e the ace of clus( 7/ou will recei"e fro$ hi$ so$e "ery 8oyful tidings3 he% esides% intends $aking you a present.7 Count the ace of clus as one% and proceeding to the ne:t se"enth card% the 6ueen of spades( 7! widow is endea"oring to in8ure you on this "ery account3 and Athe se"enth card counting the 6ueen as one eing the ten of dia$ondsB the annoyance she gi"es you will olige you to either take a 8ourney or change your residence3 ut Athis ten of dia$onds eing i$prisoned etween two se"ensB your 8ourney or re$o"al will $eet with so$e ostacle.7 n proceeding to count as efore% calling the ten of G2
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dia$onds one% the se"enth card will e found to e the 6ueen of hearts herself% the person consulting3 therefore% the conclusion $ay e stated as( 7
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,he person consulting is now asked to select one of the three packs. +upposing this to e the $iddle one% and that the cards co$prising it are the 8ack of dia$onds% the king of dia$onds% the se"en of spades% the 6ueen of spades% the se"en of clus3 recollecting the pre"ious instructions regarding the indi"idual and the supposed relati"e signi4cation of the cards% they $ay e easily interpreted as follows( 7,he 8ack of dia$ondsa fair young $an possessed of no delicacy of feeling% seeks to in8urethe king of dia$ondsa fair $an in unifor$ se"en of spadesand will succeed in causing hi$ so$e annoyancethe 6ueen of spadesat the instigation of a spiteful wo$anse"en of clusut y $eans of a s$all su$ of $oney $atters will e easily arranged.7 ,he left hand pack is ne:t taken up% which is 7for the house7 the for$er one ha"ing een for the lady herself. +upposing it to consist of the 6ueen of hearts% the 8ack of clus% the eight of hearts% the nine of dia$onds and the ace of clus% they would e read thus( 7ueen of hearts the lady whose fortune is eing told is or soon will e in a house8ack of cluswhere she will $eet with a dark young $an% whoeight of heartswill entreat her assistance to forward his interests with a fair girlnine of dia$ondshe ha"ing $et with delay and disappoint$ent ace of clusut a letter will arri"e announcing the possession of $oney% which will re$o"e all di9culties.7 ,he third pack is 7for those who do not e:pect it%7 and will e co$posed of four cards( the ten of hearts% the nine of clus% eight of spades% and ten of dia$onds( 7,he ten of heartsan une:pected piece of good fortune and great happinessnine of cluscaused y an unlooked for legacyeight of spadeswhich 8oy $ay e followed y a short sicknessten of dia$ondsthe result of a fatiguing 8ourney.7 ,here now re$ains on the tale only the card intended for 7the surprise.7 ,his% howe"er% $ust e left untouched% the other cards gathered up% shued% cut% and again laid out in three packs% not forgetting at the 4rst deal to add a card to 7the surprise.7 !fter the di>erent packs ha"e een duly e:a$ined and e:plained as efore descried% they $ust again e gathered up% shued% etc.% indeed the whole operation repeated% after which% the three cards GD
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for$ing 7the surprise7 are e:a$ined% and supposing the$ to e the se"en of hearts% the 8ack of clus and the 6ueen of spades% they are to e thus interpreted( 7+e"en of heartspleasant thoughts and friendly intentions8ack of clusof a dark young $an6ueen of spadesrelati"e to a $alicious dark wo$an% who will cause hi$ $uch unhappiness.7
"EALING THE CAR"S BY SE(ENS !fter ha"ing shued the pack of thirty?two selected cards either cut the$ yourself or% if acting for another person% let that person cut the$% taking care to use the left hand. ,hen count se"en cards% eginning with the one lying on the top of the pack. ,he 4rst si: are useless% so put the$ aside% and retain only the se"enth% which is to e placed face upper$ost on the tale efore you. -epeat this three ti$es $ore% then shue and cut the cards you ha"e thrown on one side% together with those re$aining in your hand% and tell the$ out in se"ens as efore% until you ha"e thus otained twel"e cards. It is howe"er indispensale that the Consultant card or one representing the person whose fortune is eing told should e a$ong the nu$er3 therefore the whole operation $ust e started o"er in case of it not ha"ing $ade its appearance. /our twel"e cards eing now spread out efore you in the order in which they ha"e co$e to hand% you $ay egin to e:plain the$ as descried in the $anner of dealing the cards in threesalways earing in $ind oth their indi"idual and relati"e signi4cation. ,hus% you 4rst count the cards y se"ens% eginning with the one representing the person for who$ you are acting% going fro$ right to left. ,hen take the two cards at either e:tre$ity of the line or half?circle% and unite the$% and afterwards for$ the three heaps or packs and 7the G5
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surprise7 precisely as we ha"e efore descried. Indeed% the only di>erence etween this and the three card $ethod is the $anner in which the cards are otained.
"EALING BY FIFTEENS !fter the cards ha"e een well shued and cut% they are dealt out in two packs containing si:teen cards in each. ,he person consulting is desired to choose one of the$3 the 4rst card is laid aside to for$ 7the surprise%7 the other 4fteen are turned up and ranged in a half circle efore the dealer% going fro$ left to right% eing placed in the order in which they co$e to hand. If the card representing the person consulting e not a$ong the$ the cards $ust e all gathered up% shued% cut% and dealt as efore% and this $ust e repeated till the $issing card $akes its appearance in the pack chosen y the person it represents. ,hey are e:plained% 4rst% y interpreting the $eaning of any pairs% triplets% or 6uartettes a$ong the$3 then y counting the$ in se"ens% going fro$ right to left% and eginning with the card representing the person consulting% and lastly% y taking the cards at either e:tre$ity of the line% and pairing the$. ,his eing done% the 4fteen cards are gathered up% shued% cut% and dealt so as to for$ three packs of 4"e cards each. &ro$ each of these the top$ost card is withdrawn and placed on the one laid aside for 7the surprise%7 thus for$ing four packs of four cards each. ,he person consulting is desired to choose one of these packs for herself or for hi$self as the case $ay e. ,his is turned up% and the four cards it contains are spread out fro$ left to right% the indi"idual and relati"e signi4cation ascried to the$ eing duly e:plained. In like $anner the pack on the left% which will e 7for the house%7 is used3 then the third one% 7for those who do not e:pect it37 and lastly% 7the surprise.7 In order to $ake the $eaning perfectly clear another GG
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e:a$ple is gi"en. It is supposed that the pack for the person consulting consists of the 8ack of hearts% the ace of dia$onds% the 6ueen of clus and the eight of spades re"ersed. It will e easy to interpret the$ as follows( 7,he 8ack of heartsa gay young achelorthe ace of dia$ondswho has written% or who will "ery soon write a letterthe 6ueen of clusto a dark wo$aneight of spades re"ersedto $ake proposals to her% which will not e accepted.7 n looking ack to the list of signi4cations% it will e found to run thus( Jack of Hearts! gay young achelor who thinks only of pleasure. !ce of ;ia$onds! letter% soon to e recei"ed. ueen of Clus!n a>ectionate wo$an% ut 6uick te$pered and touchy. 'ight of +padesIf re"ersed% a $arriage roken o>% or o>er refused. It will thus e seen that each card for$s% as it were% a phrase% fro$ an asse$lage of which nothing ut a little practice is re6uired to for$ co$plete sentences. f this a further e:a$ple will e gi"en y interpreting the signi4cation of the three other packs. 7&or the house7 is supposed to consist of the 6ueen of hearts% the 8ack of spades re"ersed% the ace of clus and the nine of dia$onds% which are supposed to read thus( 7,he 6ueen of heartsa fair wo$an% $ild and a$iale in disposition8ack of spades re"ersedwill e decei"ed y a dark% ill?red young $anthe ace of clusut she will recei"e so$e good news% which will console hernine of dia$ondsalthough it is proale that this news $ay e delayed.7 ,he pack 7for those who do not e:pect it%7 consists of the 6ueen of dia$onds% the king of spades% the ace of hearts re"ersed% and the se"en of spades( 7,he 6ueen of dia$ondsa $ischief?$aking wo$anthe king of spades in league with a dishonest lawyer?ace of hearts re"ersedthey will hold a consultationse"en of spades ut the har$ they will do will soon e repaired.7 ast co$es 7the surprise%7 for$ed y% it is supposed% the 8ack of clus% the ten of dia$onds% the 6ueen of spades and the nine of spades% of which the supposed GK
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interpretation is( 7,he 8ack of clusa cle"er% enterprising young $anten of dia$ondsaout to undertake a 8ourney6ueen of spadesfor the purpose of "isiting a widownine of spadesut one or oth their li"es will e endangered.7
THE TWENTY)NE CAR" METH" !fter the thirty?two cards ha"e een shued and cut with the left hand% the 4rst ele"en are withdrawn fro$ the pack and laid on one side. ,he re$aindertwenty?one in allare to e again shued and cut% that eing done% the top$ost card is laid on one side to for$ 7the surprise%7 and the re$aining twenty are ranged efore the dealer in the order in which they co$e to hand. If the card representing the person consulting e not a$ong the$% one $ust e withdrawn fro$ the ele"en useless ones placed at the right e:tre$ity of the row% where it represents the $issing card% no $atter what it $ay really e. et us suppose that the person wishing to $ake the essay is an o9cer in the ar$y% and conse6uently represented y the king of dia$onds% and that the twenty cards ranged in front of you are( ueen of dia$onds% king of clus% ten of hearts% ace of spades% 6ueen of hearts re"ersed% se"en of spades% 8ack of dia$onds% ten of clus% king of spades% eight of dia$onds% king of hearts% nine of clus% 8ack of spades re"ersed% se"en of hearts% ten of spades% king of dia$onds% ace of dia$onds% se"en of clus% nine of hearts% ace of clus. /ou now proceed to e:a$ine the cards as they lay% and percei"ing that all the four kings are there% you can predict that great rewards await the person consulting you% and that he will gain great dignity and honor. ,he two 6ueens% one of the$ re"ersed% announce the reunion of two sorrowful friends3 the three aces% foretell good news3 the two 8acks% one of the$ re"ersed% danger3 the three tens% i$proper conduct. /ou now egin to e:plain the cards% co$$encing with GL
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the 4rst on the left hand( 7,he 6ueen of dia$onds is a $ischief?$aking% under?red wo$anthe king of clus endea"oring to win the a>ections of a worthy and esti$ale $anten of heartso"er whose scruples she will triu$phace of spadesthe a>air will $ake so$e noise6ueen of hearts re"ersedand greatly distress a char$ing fair wo$an who lo"es hi$se"en of spades ut her grief will not e of long duration. Jack of dia$onds an unfaithful ser"antten of cluswill $ake away with a considerale su$ of $oneyking of spadesand will e rought to trialeight of dia$ondsut sa"ed fro$ punish$ent through a wo$ans agency. ing of heartsa fair $an of lieral dispositionnine of cluswill recei"e a large su$ of $oney8ack of spades re"ersedwhich will e:pose hi$ to the $alice of a dark youth of coarse $anners. +e"en of heartspleasant thoughts% followed y ten of spadesgreat chagrinking of dia$ondsawait a $an in unifor$% who is the person consulting $eace of dia$ondsut a letter he will speedily recei"ese"en of cluscontaining a s$all su$ of $oneynine of heartswill restore his good spiritsace of cluswhich will e further aug$ented y so$e good news.7 #ow turn up 7the surprise7 which it is supposed will pro"e the ace of hearts% 7a card that is taken to predict great happiness% caused y a lo"e letter% ut which% $aking up the four aces% is said to show that this sudden 8oy will e followed y great $isfortunes.7 ,he cards are now gathered up% shued% cut% and for$ed into three packs% at the 4rst deal one eing laid aside to for$ 7the surprise.7
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than the 8ack predo$inate it is considered to foretell success. If clus are the $ost nu$erous% they are supposed to predict gain% considerale fortune% etc. If picture cards% dignity and honor3 hearts% gladness% good news3 spades% death or sickness.
THE WAY T TELL A FRT!NE Illustrating the 21?card deal and the e:pert fortune? tellers $ethod of constructing a co$plete and connected reading of the sa$e% which you are ad"ised to carefully consider% as a guide for your own use in deli"ering an intelligent% interesting and coherent oracle in all cases where you are rendering an interpretation for others. ! $an asks the 6uestion( Sha&& I Marr- the #oman I Lo,e: ,he fortune?teller turns the cards y the 21?card $ethod% with the resultant layout as shown in the picture% and proceeds to read the gentle$ans answer in the following language( /ou desire to learn% sir% whether you will $arry the K0
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young lady to who$ you are now paying your addressesS /ou infor$ $e that the lady is a londe3 still it is necessary for $e to infor$ you that in order to e ale to foresee whether or not the $arriage e acco$plished according to your wishes% I a$ co$pelled to select as a representati"e card of your future wife% a lady of your own color% for such a one is necessary for the oracle% otherwise our laors go for nothing. /ou% sir% are a $iddling dark $an% and therefore would co$e up as a c&!3 a s a representati"e card of your elo"ed we will take the 2een of c&!s% as of your own co$ple:ion. #ow% sir% ha"ing perfor$ed our deal and arranged the oracle% per$it $e% in the 4rst place% to call your attention to the fact that you stand represented y the 1ac/ of c&!s% and in the ne:t to oser"e your position in the oracle. ,he ei'ht of hearts co$ing as it does in co$pany with the ei'ht of c&!s% gi"es $e satisfactory infor$ation that you entertain for the young lady a $ost profound and honorale senti$ent of a>ection% which it appears to $e she reciprocates with a no less degree of intensity. I ha"e chosen to designate your elo"ed y the 2een of c&!s% and she is doutlessly a personage well worthy of your lo"e% as the ei'ht of diamonds% co$ing efore her in con8unction with the ace of hearts % de$onstrates her to e a lady of wisdo$% intelligence and prudence. ser"e% $oreo"er% that the nine of hearts inter"enes etween you oth% ut is placed nearest the lady. ,his card predicts a union% which is $uch desired y her% while on your part you regard your intended with a spirit of ad$iration ordering al$ost upon adoration. +uch a union will assuredly e followed y do$estic happiness% y peace and concord in your do$estic circle% y a reign of har$ony within your household. I assure you% sir% that% scrutiniing this oracle fro$ e"ery aspect% I fail to percei"e any ostacle which can interpose to pre"ent your conte$plated $arriage. n the other hand% the prognostications are decidedly in its fa"or% for you will e pleased to notice that the ei'ht of hearts and the ei'ht of c&!s% co$ing up side y side% and etween you and your intended% predict a success. -e$ark $ore% that there are three tens at your ack% K1
,elling &ortunes With Cards
which denotes a change in your estate or an alteration in your $anner of life and social position. ,he presence of the 2een of hearts in i$$ediate "icinity to the se,en of diamonds% indicates not only the receipt of pleasant intelligence fro$ a relati"e ale to gi"e you assistance% ut per$anent prosperity should you continue in her good graces. I percei"e% likewise% fro$ the se,en of hearts% that you are at this $o$ent thinking of "isiting your intended father?in?law% for$ally to de$and the hand of his daughter. ;o not hesitate to do so% for you will risk nothing y such an act of courtesy% as it will e crowned with the est results. ,here can e no dout on that head% as the presence of the /in'% 2een and 1ac/ of hearts% co$ing al$ost together% and lended with your new estate% assure you of the respect and estee$ of the fa$ily. ,rue% the young lady entertains such a>ection Ase,en of s$adesB for her parent that when she co$es to e separated Anine of diamondsB fro$ hi$ upon $arriage A/in' of diamondsB the nati"e i$pulse of her heart will cause her to shed tears A ten of s$adesB at the thought Ase,en of heartsB of lea"ing her paternal roof Aace of heartsB. !nd now% sir% your surprise. It is a letter Aace of diamondsB% which% placed upon the last card to the left% which is the /in' of c&!s% announces to you that you will e surprised through receipt of a $ost gratifying epistle fro$ your intended father?in?law in relation to your approaching $arriage.
THE ITALIAN METH" ,ake the pack of thirty?two selected cards% shue the$ well% and either cut or ha"e the$ cut for you% according to whether you are acting for yourself or another person. ,urn up the cards y threes% and when the triplet is co$posed of cards of the sa$e suit% lay it aside3 when of K2
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three di>erent suits% pass it y without withdrawing any of the three3 ut when co$posed of two of one suit and one of another% withdraw the higher card of the two. When you ha"e co$e to the end of the pack% gather up all the cards e:cept those you ha"e withdrawn3 shue% cut% and again turn up y threes. -epeat this operation until you ha"e otained 4fteen cards% which $ust then e spread out efore you% fro$ left to right% in the order in which they co$e to hand. Care $ust% howe"er% e taken that the card representing the person $aking the essay is a$ong the$3 if not% the whole operation $ust e reco$$enced until the desired result is otained. We will suppose it to e so$e dark ladyrepresented y the 6ueen of cluswho is an:ious to $ake the atte$pt for herself% and that the cards are laid out in the following order% fro$ left to right( ,en of dia$onds% 6ueen of clus% eight of hearts% ace of dia$onds% ten of hearts% se"en of clus% king of spades% nine of hearts% 8ack of spades% ace of clus% se"en of spades% ten of spades% se"en of dia$onds% ace of spades% 8ack of hearts. n e:a$ining the$% you will 4nd that there are three aces a$ong the$% announcing good news3 ut% as they are at so$e distance fro$ each other% that the tidings $ay e so$e ti$e efore they arri"e. ,he three tens denote that the conduct of the person consulting the cards has not een always strictly correct. ,he two 8acks are ene$ies% and the three se"ens predict an illness% caused y the$. /ou now egin to count 4"e cards% eginning with the 6ueen of clus% who represents the person consulting you. ,he 4fth card% eing the se"en of clus% announces that the lady will soon recei"e a s$all su$ of $oney. ,he ne:t 4fth card pro"ing to e the ace of clus% signi4es that this $oney will e acco$panied y so$e "ery 8oyful tidings. #e:t co$es the ace of spades% pro$ising co$plete success to any pro8ects undertaken y the person consulting the cards3 then the eight of hearts% followed at the proper inter"al y the king of spades% showing that the good news will e:cite the $alice of a dishonest lawyer3 ut the se"en of spades co$ing ne:t% announces that the annoyance he can cause will e of short duration% K@
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and that a gay% fair young $anthe 8ack of heartswill soon console her for what she has su>ered. ,he ace of dia$onds tells that she will soon recei"e a letter fro$ this fair young $anthe nine of heartsannouncing a great successten of spadesut this will e followed y so$e slight chagrinten of dia$ondscaused y a 8ourney ten of heartsut it will soon pass% although8ack of spadesa ad% dark young $an will endea"orse"en of dia$ondsto turn her into ridicule. ,he 6ueen of clus% eing representati"e of herself% shows that it is towards her that the dark young $ans $alice will e directed. #ow take the cards at either e:tre$ity of the line% and pair the$ together. ,he two 4rst eing the 8ack of hearts and the ten of dia$onds% you $ay say( 7! gay young achelor is preparing to take a 8ourneyace of spades and 6ueen of cluswhich will ring hi$ to the presence of the lady consulting the cards% and cause her great 8oy. +e"en of dia$onds and eight of heartsscandal talked aout a fair young girl. ,en of spades and ace of dia$onds tears shed upon receipt of a letter. +e"en of spades and ten of heartsgreat 8oy% $ingled with slight sorrow. +e"en of clus and ace of clusa letter pro$ising $oney. Jack of spades and king of spadesthe winning of a lawsuit. ,he nine of hearts% eing the one card left% pro$ises co$plete success.7 #ow gather up the cards% shue% cut% and deal the$ out in 4"e packsone for the lady herself% one for the house% one for 7those who do not e:pect it%7 one for 7those who do e:pect it%7 and one for 7the surprise%7 in the 4rst deal% laying one card aside for 7consolation.7 ,he rest are then e6ually distriuted a$ong the other 4"e packs% which will four of the$ contain three cards% whilst the last only consists of two. We will suppose the 4rst packet for the lady herself to e co$posed of the ace of dia$onds% the se"en of clus% and the ten of hearts. ,he interpretation would run thus( 7!ce of dia$ondsa letter will e shortly recei"ed se"en of clusannouncing the arri"al of a s$all su$ of $oneyten of heartsand containing so$e "ery 8oyful tidings.7 ,he second pack% 7for the house%7 containing the king of spades% the nine of hearts% and the 8ack of spades( KD
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7,he person consulting the cards will recei"e a "isit king of spadesfro$ a lawyernine of heartswhich will greatly delight8ack of spadesa dark% ill?disposed young $an.7 ,he third pack% 7for those who do not e:pect it%7 co$posed of the ace of spades% the 8ack of hearts% and the ace of clus% would read( 7!ce of spadespleasure in store for8ack of heartsa gay young achelorace of clusy $eans of $oney3 ut as the 8ack of hearts is placed etween two aces% it is e"ident that he runs a great risk of eing i$prisoned3 and fro$ the two cards signifying respecti"ely pleasure and $oney% that it will e for ha"ing run into det.7 ,he fourth pack% 7for those who do e:pect it%7 containing the eight of hearts% the 6ueen of clus% and the ten of dia$onds( 7,he eight of heartsthe lo"e?a>airs of a fair young girl will oligethe 6ueen of clusthe person consulting the cardsten of dia$ondsto take a 8ourney.7 ,he 4fth pack% 7for the surprise%7 consists of the se"en of spades and the ten of spades% $eaning( 7+e"en of spadesslight trouleten of spades caused y so$e persons i$prison$entthe card of consolationse"en of dia$ondswhich will turn out to ha"e een a $ere report.7
THE FLRENCE M"E ! pack is taken of thirty?two selected cards% shued well and cut in three% then laid out in four rows of eight cards each. +igni4cator is $ade any king or 6ueen that $ay e preferred3 then se"en are counted fro$ that signi4cator fro$ left to right% and fro$ right to left% also crossways% always starting fro$ the king or 6ueen that represents the person consulting. ,he thoughts% which are supposed to e indicated y the 8acks% $ay then e counted fro$% or the house% or a letter3 in fact% anything K5
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aout which infor$ation is desired3 when this is e:plained% the cards are paired fro$ each e:tre$ity% each pair eing e:plained as arri"ed at till the pack is 4nished. ,hey are now gathered up% shued and cut in three3 then turned up y threes% the highest of each suit eing taken out. When three of e6ual "alue co$e together% such as three aces% three kings% etc.% they $ust all e taken out3 the sa$e is to e done should three of a suit co$e together3 this is to e repeated three ti$es% shuing and cutting etween each% and when the pack has een gone through% any that are re$aining o"er $ust e put on one side and not used. +e"en cards are counted again fro$ signi4cator% and paired as efore. ,he $eanings ascried to so$e of the cards eing di>erent fro$ those already gi"en% are here stated( ,en of Clus! 8ourney or ig uilding. 'ight of Clus;rink or "e:ation. ,en of +pades!t night?ti$e. #ine of +pades;isappoint$ent or sickness. ,en of ;ia$ondsMoney. +e"en of ;ia$ondsCheck or paper $oney3 so$eti$es an article of 8ewelry. ,hree +e"ens! loss. &our ,ens! great social rise through powerful friends. ,wo Jacks,reachery. ,en of Hearts!n entertain$ent. +e"en of Hearts;elay or slight an:iety. +e"en of +pades+peedily. +e"en of ;ia$onds and !ce of +pades#ews read in the newspaper. !ce of +pades and any Court Card)hotograph. ,wo -ed ,ens with !ce of ;ia$onds! wedding. ,wo
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%AST* %RESENT AN" F!T!RE ,he person wishing to try her fortune in this $anner Awe will suppose her to e a young% fair person% represented y the eight of heartsB% $ust well shue% and cut with the left hand% the pack of thirty?two cards3 after which she $ust lay aside the top$ost and under$ost cards% to for$ the surprise. ,here will now re$ain thirty cards% which $ust e dealt out in three pilesone to the left% one in the $iddle% and one to the right. ,he left?hand pack represents the )ast3 the $iddle% the )resent3 and the one on the right hand% the &uture. +he $ust co$$ence with the )ast% which we will suppose to contain these ten cards( ,he king of clus% ace of spades% 8ack of dia$onds% nine of dia$onds% ace of hearts% 8ack of hearts% 6ueen of hearts% king of spades% 8ack of clus% and the king of hearts. +he would re$ark that picture?cards predo$inating was a fa"orale sign% also that the presence of three kings pro"es that powerful persons were interesting the$sel"es in her a>airs3 the three 8acks% howe"er% are supposed to warn her to eware of false friends3 the nine of dia$onds% so$e great annoyance o"erco$e y so$e good and a$iale person% represented y the 6ueen of hearts3 the two aces% notice of a plot. ,aking the cards in the order they lay( 7,he king of clusa frank% open hearted $an ace of spadesfond of gayety and pleasure% is disliked y 8ack of dia$ondsan unfaithful friendnine of dia$ondswho seeks to in8ure hi$. ,he ace of heartsa lo"e letter8ack of heartsfro$ a gay young achelor to a fair a$iale wo$an6ueen of heartscausesking of spadesa lawyer to endea"or to in8ure the cle"er8ack of clusenterprising young $an% who is sa"ed fro$ hi$ y the king of heartsa good and powerful $an. #e"ertheless% as the 8ack of clus is placed etween two si$ilar cards% he has run great risk of eing i$prisoned through the $achinations of his ene$y.7 ,he second pile% the )resent% containing the ten of dia$onds% nine of spades% eight of spades% 6ueen of KK
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dia$onds% 6ueen of clus% eight of hearts% se"en of spades% ten of spades% 6ueen of spades% eight of dia$onds% signi4es( 7,he ten of dia$ondsa "oyage or 8ourney% at that $o$ent taking placenine of spadescaused y the death or dangerous illness of so$eoneeight of spades whose state will occasion great grief6ueen of dia$onds to a fair wo$an. ,he 6ueen of clusan a>ectionate wo$an seeks to consoleeight of heartsa fair young girl% who is the person $aking the essayse"en of spades who has secret griefsten of spadescausing her $any tears6ueen of spadesthese are occasioned y the conduct of either a dark wo$an or a widow% whoeight of dia$ondsis her ri"al.7 ,he third packet of cards% the &uture% we will suppose to contain the eight of clus% ten of clus% se"en of dia$onds% ten of hearts% se"en of clus% nine of hearts% ace of dia$onds% 8ack of spades% se"en of hearts% and the nine of clus% which would read thus( 7In the 4rst place% the large nu$er of s$all cards foretells success in enterprises% although the presence of three se"ens predicts an illness. ,he eight of clusa dark young girlten of clusis aout to inherit a large fortunese"en of dia$ondsut her satirical disposition will destroyten of heartsall her happiness. +e"en of clusa little $oney andnine of hearts$uch 8oyace of heartswill e announced to the person $aking the essay y a letter% and8ack of spadesa wild young $an se"en of heartswill e o"er 8oyed at recei"ingnine of clusso$e une:pected tidings. ,he cards of surprise predict that a letter will e recei"ed fro$ so$e $ilitary $an and that it will contain $oney.7
THE MATRIMNIAL RACLE In the case of consultation upon the su8ect of $arriages in general% the Consultant should e withdrawn KL
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fro$ the pack% inas$uch as it is necessary that the couple should e of the sa$e color% in order that a $arriage e for$ed. +hould the young lady e a londe who consults the oracle upon 6uestions of $arriage% she should pick out the 8ack of hearts and the 6ueen of hearts% and taking these two cards fro$ out of the pack% place the$ aside3 then% let her shue the cards well and again pick out ele"en% which are in like $anner set aside. ,hen take up the 8ack and 6ueen of hearts and replace the$ a$ong the re$aining cards in the pack% shue the$ again% place the$ in succession in a line fro$ right to left. It is necessary so that the $arriage e an acco$plished fact% that a 6uint% or 4"e cards in hearts% appear in the lay?out% and% if it e found at the end of the deal at your left% the $arriage will e a certainty3 ut% should the nine of dia$onds or the se"en of spades e placed in front% the $arriage will e $ost certainly delayed3 should the nine of dia$onds alone appear% the delay will e not o"er serious3 ut should% in place of these cards% there e found the king of spades in"erted% or three tens% the $arriage will ne"er co$e o>. If the lady e a runette she will take the 8ack of clus% and% if "ery dark% the 8ack of spades as her representati"e husand% and represent herself y a 6ueen of corresponding color% always taking care that the card ordinarily used as the Consultant e retired fro$ the pack. +hould a widow desire to contract a second $arriage% she represents herself as the 6ueen of clus and her future husand as the king of clus% which cards should e retired and placed aside. ,hen the pack is shued well and dealt upon the tale% face downward% in 4"e rows3 take these up again in a re"ersed $anner% shue the$ well and cause the consultant to cut% and to select ele"en fro$ the pack% which are to e put aside. ,hen retake the king and 6ueen of clus% and place the$ a$ong the re$ainder of the pack% whence the ele"en ha"e een withdrawn3 shue well and again let the$ e cut% and then deal% placing the 4rst one dealt upon the tale directly in front of you in an isolated positionthis is the surprise. ;eal the others and place the$ in a single line elow the surprise card on the tale% ranging fro$ right to KN
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left% one y one. ,urn o"er all the cards e:cept the surprise% which is only to e consulted after the rest. -ead the cards thus placed likewise fro$ right to left% and study their signi4cations well. It is necessary% in order that the widows desire for a second $arriage e successful% that the 6ueen of spades co$e out in"erted% that the king of the sa$e color likewise appear% and that the 8ack of spades e at the side of the ace of spades or of hearts% and under this co$ination her second $arriage is an assured fact. +hould the ace of spades e$erge near the 8ack% it will also e necessary that the ace of hearts co$e out to e>ect an alliance3 ut% if the consultant ha"e three tens efore her% the $arriage will not occur3 and% should the nine of spades co$e out% it denotes asolute failure. !gain% if instead of these cards the eight of clus and the eight of hearts appear% the $arriage will e a great success. =reat care should e oser"ed in noticing whether three eights appear ehind the Consultant% for in that instance the $arriage will not e a happy one.
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The Star Method.
THE STAR METH" We will suppose the person $aking the essay to e a widow% and conse6uently represented y the 6ueen of spades. ,his card is% therefore% to e withdrawn fro$ the pack% and laid face upper$ost upon the tale. ,he re$aining thirty?one cards are then to e well shued% cut% the top$ost card withdrawn and placed lengthwise% and face upper$ost% ao"e the head of the 6ueen of spades. ,he cards are to e shued% cut% and the top$ost card withdrawn% twel"e $ore ti$es% the $anner of their arrange$ent eing this( ,he 6ueen of spades in the L1
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center% the 4rst card lengthwise ao"e her head% the second ditto at her feet% the third on her right side% the fourth on her left% the 4fth placed upright ao"e the 4rst% the si:th ditto elow the second% the se"enth at the right of the third% the eighth at the left of the fourth% the ninth% tenth% ele"enth% and twelfth% at the four corners% and the thirteenth across the center cardthe 6ueen of spades thus for$ing a star. A+ee engra"ing.B We will suppose the fourteenth card to e the 6ueen of spades% which represents the person $aking the essay3 then1. !ce of hearts3 2. ing of clus3 @. ,en of clus3 D. #ine of dia$onds3 5. ueen of clus3 G. 'ight of hearts3 K. ,en of spades3 L. Jack of clus3 N. +e"en of clus3 10. ,en of hearts3 11. Jack of dia$onds3 12. 'ight of dia$onds3 1@. #ine of clus. ,hese eing placed at right angles% the person consulting the$ takes the$ up two y two% eginning with those last laid down. ,he 4rst card% 12% the eight of dia$onds% and the one in the opposite corner% "i.% 11% the 8ack of dia$onds% read 7"ertures will e $ade8ack of dia$ondsy a fair young $anne:t two cards% 10 and N% ten of hearts which will pro"e unsuccessfulse"en of cluson account of so$ething connected with $oney. #e:t two cards% L and K% the 8ack of clusa cle"er dark young $anten of spadeswill e greatly grie"ed y% Geight of hearts% a fair girl to who$ he is attached. #e:t two cards% 5 and D% the 6ueen of clusa dark wo$annine of dia$ondswill e annoyed at not recei"ing% @ten of clusa su$ of $oneyne:t two cards% 2 and 1% the king of cluswhich was to ha"e een sent her y a generous dark $an% who is fond of oliging his friendsace of heartsit will at last arri"e% acco$panied y a lo"e?letter 1@th card% placed across the 6ueen of spades% nine of clusand e the cause of une:pected gain to the person consulting the cards.7
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Ha"ing 4nished all the di>erent $ethods of laying the cards% "arious indications will now e gi"en which are supposed to show whether the one who is consulting will otain his or her wish. ,hese are done in "arious $ethods% and each is gi"en in order.
WI+H #. I. ,he pack of thirty?two selected cards ha"ing een well shued and cut% proceed y turning the$ up y threes3 if an ace appears a$ongst the three% those three cards $ust e taken out3 and if the nine of hearts and the signi4cator appear% they $ust also e taken out with the cards that acco$pany the$. ,his operation has to e repeated three ti$es% and if in the three ti$es the four aces% the signi4cator and the nine of hearts co$e out in ele"en or nine cards% then the wish is taken to e certain3 if they do not appear under twel"e or 4fteen% it is said the wish will not co$e to pass. ,o $ake the $eaning perfectly clear% we will suppose that a dark $an% represented y the king of clus% is $aking the essay. Ha"ing well shued and cut the cards% they $ust e turned up in threes. In the 4rst co$e the king of dia$onds% ace of spades% and king of clusthe person who is $aking the essay3 the ne:t three are king and 6ueen of spades and ten of dia$ondsthese are useless3 the ne:t three% the ten of hearts% si: of dia$onds and king of heartsthese are laid on one side3 then the se"en and eight of spades and ace of dia$ondsthese are withdrawn and are put o"er the other three% with the ace and signi4cator3 the ne:t three nine of dia$onds% eight of clus and ace of clus% these co$e out3 likewise the 8ack of clus% ten of spades% and ace of hearts% and the two left are the 8ack of spades and nine of heartsthe other cards are useless. &ourteen cards are now left% they are shued and cut% and again dealt in threes. ,he ace of spades% nine of hearts% king of spades re$ain3 the ne:t three% ten of spades% ace of hearts and nine of dia$onds also re$ain. ,he following triplet( king of dia$onds% king of clus and 8ack of clus all co$e out. L@
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,he se"en of spades% ace of dia$onds and eight of clus re$ain% as also the two lasteight of spades and ace of clus. ,his $akes ele"en cards% so that the wish is considered to e gained3 ut if it is tried the third ti$e% and $ore cards co$e out% then it is supposed that it will e "ery speedily acco$plished.
WI+H #. II. +hue and cut the pack of thirty?two selected cards. )ut the$ together% and turn up in threes. +upposing there should e two of one suit% and one of another% the highest is taken out. +hould there e three of one suit% all are to e withdrawn and laid on the tale in front of the dealer% in the shape of a se$i?circle or horse shoe. If three of e6ual "alue% such as three kings% or three tens% they are likewise to co$e out. ,he pack is gone through% then shued and cut again. When the end of the pack is arri"ed at% this is repeated a third ti$e% acting in the sa$e $anner. #ow count fro$ the signi4cator% or if that should not appear naturally% use the 8ack Awhich is taken to represent the thoughts of the person consultingB3 se"en are counted each way till it is co$e ack to% then the cards are paired fro$ end to end% eing read as arri"ed at3 then all the cards are shued together% cut in three% and dealt out in packets of four% face downward. 'ach packet is taken up and looked through% the cards eing turned up one y one till an ace is co$e to. +hould there e no ace in the pile it is put on one sideit is useless. ,he cards are shued and cut again% eing turned up as efore% and dealt in three packets% stopping each ti$e at the ace% as efore. ,he third ti$e they are shued ut not cut% and dealt in packets of two% and proceeded with as efore. +hould the four aces Ain the last dealB turn up without another card% the wish is supposed to e sure% and to co$e at once. If they co$e out with hearts% or dia$onds% there will e so$e delay% ut if the nine or se"en of spades $akes its appearance with the aces% then it is said to e a sign of disappoint$ent.
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! pack is taken of thirty?two selected cards% and cut with the left hand3 thirteen cards are then dealt out. If a$ongst these is to e found one or $ore aces% lay the$ aside. ,he re$aining ones are shued and cut and thirteen again dealt3 the aces are withdrawn as efore% and again shued% cut and dealt. If in these three deals all four aces $ake their appearance% it is supposed that the wish will e granted. If all the aces co$e at the 4rst deal% the answer is taken to e in the highest degree fa"orale. If in the three ti$es only one or two appear% it is considered that the wish will not e granted.
WI+H #. IF. ! pack of thirty?two selected cards is shued and cut% the consultant wishing all the ti$e. ,hey are laid out in two rows of four each% face downwards. When two pairs co$e up% they $ust e co"ered y the cards held in the dealers hand. +hould it e possile to co"er each pair such as two kings% two 6ueens% etc.% it is supposed that the wish will e granted. If the cards do not pair easily% it is said the wish will not co$e to pass% or% at any rate% not for a long period. ,he following is taken to show whether the wish will e granted( ,he cards are well shued% the consultant keeping his thoughts all the ti$e 4:ed upon whate"er wish he $ay ha"e for$ed3 the cards are cut once% and the card cut is noted3 they are shued again and dealt out into three pileseach of these eing e:a$ined in turn% and if it is found that the card turned up ne:t% either the one representing the dealer or the person who is consulting hi$the ace of hearts or the nine of hearts% it is said that the wish will e granted. If it e in the sa$e pile with any of these% without eing ne:t to the$% it is supposed there is a chance of the wish co$ing to pass at so$e $ore distant period3 ut if the nine of spades $akes its appearance% it is taken that a disappoint$ent is possile.
WI+H #. F. L5
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,he pack of thirty?two selected cards% as in the foregoing $ethod% is taken% shued and cut3 then the four aces are taken out% the signi4cator% or the person for who$ the dealer is acting% and anything he wants to know aoutsuch as $oney% then the ten of dia$onds would e selected3 if aout a $an% any king3 if aout a wo$an% any 6ueen3 if aout usiness% the ten of clus. ,hese are shued after ha"ing een withdrawn% without cutting% and the nine of spades% which is the disappoint$ent card% is also added to the aces% etc.% in all se"en cards% laying the$ face downwards on the tale. ,hen the re$ainder are taken% shued well% and turned up in threes twice% the one following eing the se"enth. ,he pack is gone through like this% and when the nine of hearts appears whate"er nu$er that falls on in the twenty?4"e cards re$aining. When one% two% three% four% 4"e% si: or se"en% it $ust fall on the card drawn out y the se"en cards astracted thus3 if it should fall on #o. 1 and that happens on an ace% it is fa"orale% and if he should chance on an ace% or his wish% or anything ut the disappoint$ent card Anine of spadesB% the wish will e realied. &irst of all% the four aces are taken out% and the nine of spades% Athe disappoint$ent cardB3 then% supposing the dealer is acting for a fair $an% or a soldier% who is an:ious to know whether he will get his wish. We will i$agine he has in"ested a su$ of $oney% and he wishes to know whether it is a good one3 or that he hopes for a legacy and is an:ious to know if he will get it. ,he king of dia$onds Arepresenting the fair $anB% and the ten of dia$onds% the $oney card% should therefore e taken out. ,hese are added to the four aces and the nine of spades. ,hese are well shued% ut not cut% and laid face downwards on the tale% like the following(
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,hese represent the four aces% the disappoint$ent card and the in6uirer and his wish. ,he re$aining cards are now taken and turned up three at a ti$e. We will suppose the 4rst three are the nine% se"en and eight of clus3 the ne:t three the ten and 8ack of hearts% and eight of dia$onds3 and the se"enth card% the 6ueen of clus these are passed y.
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is supposed there is no chance whate"er of the wish eing realied.
WI+H #. FI. ,he whole pack of 4fty?two cards is taken% shued and cut in two packets. ,hey are now laid out face upper$ost% in three rows of four cards each% in all twel"e cards. If in the 4rst twel"e cards any court cards appear% they are taken out% 4lling up the spaces with fresh cards3 should these again e court cards% they are astracted as efore% 4lling in the spaces as descried3 if not% they are thus counted( 'le"en $ust e $ade up of any t%o cards% such as an ace and ten Aace counting as oneB% and co"ered% or two and nine% each card eing co"ered as counted% three and eight% four and se"en% 4"e and si:% etc. If a court card appears% it is a stop and counts as nothing. If% as the cards are co"ered% ele"en can e $ade out of any of the two cards% and continued to the end% e:hausting all the cards% it is taken that the wish will e gained3 in that case all the court cards ought to e on the top% as those cast aside at 4rst are used at the last% to co"er each two cards as they count ele"en. If the court cards cannot e got to co$e out at the end% the wish is supposed to e delayed% and if ele"en cannot e $ade fro$ nearly the eginning% it is said% the wish will not e realied at all. ,o e:plain the $eaning $ore clearly% the following diagra$ is gi"en. We will suppose they are as follows(
Isaac M. Wright
,here are now re$o"ed the three court cards% "i.( the 8ack of clus in the 4rst row% the 8ack of dia$onds in the second% and the king of dia$onds in the third. ,hese are replaced y the nine of clus in the 4rst row% 4"e of spades in the second% and si: of hearts in the third. ,he cards are now to e co"ered. In the 4rst row% four and se"en of spades% $aking respecti"ely ele"en co"ered y ten of clus and ten of spades. 'le"en is now $ade% where possile% fro$ all three rows. In the second row will e found the si: and 4"e of spades3 these are co"ered y two and one of clus. In the third row% one of clus and ten of hearts% co"ered y se"en of dia$onds and three of spades. In the sa$e row% 4"e of dia$onds and si: of hearts% co"ered y the two of dia$onds and king of hearts. In the 4rst and second rows% nine of clus and two of spades% co"ered y the four and eight of dia$onds. In the second row% three and eight of dia$onds% co"ered y the 8ack of hearts and 6ueen of clus. In the 4rst and second row% the one and ten of spades% co"ered y the three of hearts and three of spades. In the 4rst and third rows% four of clus and se"en of dia$onds% co"ered y the ten of dia$onds and nine of hearts. In the third row% nine of hearts and two of dia$onds% co"ered y the 4"e of clus and ace of dia$onds. In the 4rst and third rows% ten of clus and ace of dia$onds% co"ered y the se"en of hearts and 6ueen of dia$onds. In the 4rst row% four of dia$onds and se"en of hearts% co"ered y the eight and 4"e of hearts. In the 4rst and third rows% eight of hearts and three of clus% co"ered y the se"en of clus and 8ack of spades. In the 4rst and second rows% se"en of clus and four of hearts% co"ered y the two of clus and eight of spades. In the 4rst and second rows% the three of hearts and eight of spades% co"ered y the king and nine of spades. In the 4rst row% two of clus and nine of spades% co"ered y the ace of hearts and si: of dia$onds. In the 4rst row% again% the ace of hearts and ten of dia$onds% co"ered y the two of hearts and si: of clus. In the 4rst and third rows% 4"e and si: of clus% co"ered y the nine of dia$onds and 6ueen of hearts. In the 4rst row% 4"e of hearts and si: of dia$onds% co"ered y the king and eight of clus. ,hen in the 4rst and second rows% the eight of clus and three of spades% as there is only one card LN