SECTION -III TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR SUPPLY OF MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER AGAINST TN-2284. 3.1.1 SCOPE: This specification covers design, manufacture, assembl, testing at manufacturer!s "or#s before dispatch and deliver at $igam stores an "here in the %urisdiction of &aipur 'iscom of Moulded Case Circuit Brea#ers (MCCBs) of specified current ratings and suitable for three*single phase +T circuits as mentioned hereunder 3.1.2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF SPECIFICATIONS: 3.2.1 Gee!"# $e%&!'()'* $e%&!'()'* "$ S)"$"!$%: S)"$"!$%: The Moulded Case Circuit Brea#er shall be generall confirming to -S. 1/042* 100/ or -3C. 5042 as amended up to date The rated uninterrupted current of Three 6ole MCCB shall be 155 7mp "ith the overload release set at 45 7mps (for MCCBs to be installed "ith 2 9:7 Three 6hase 'T) and overload release set at /2 7mps (for MCCBs to be installed "ith 1*15 9:7 Three 6hase 'T) The rated uninterrupted current of Single 6ole MCCB shall be 15 7mp for 2 9:7 Single 6hase 'istribution Transformers "ith fi;ed overload release setting 1/ 7mp, 155 7mp for 1 9:7 single 6hase 'istribution Transformers "ith fi;ed overload release setting 85 7mp and 5 7mp for 9:7 Single 6hase 'istribution Transformers "ith fi;ed overload release setting 2 7mp The MCCB meeting the specified tripping characteristic shall be of utili
/ of relevant -S) and full tpe tested as per relevant standards and such tpe test certificates shall be furnished along "ith the tender The manufacturer should have valid -S- license* applied "ith B-S for the tendered item shall be preferred 'ocument in support of having -S- +icense or have applied for the same "ith B-S shall be enclosed "ith the tender offer 3.2.2 M"+e "$ M*$e#%: The MCCB shall directl be purchased from the manufacturers The ma#e and offered model number shall be indicated invariabl in the price schedule as "ell as ?uaranteed Technical 6arameters of the tender documents 7ll the Manufacturers shall enclose Credentials related "ith tpetesting of their product as per the specifications of this tender and past supplies to the ?ovt 6urchasers and performance certificates from such users for performance and after sale services provided b the manufacturer The offer found not furnishing the aforesaid information "ith tender documents might be ignored 3.2.3 E#e&)!'&"# R")',%: The MCCB@s shall be manuall independent and shall have =uic# ma#e =uic# brea# Mechanism and (% )* )!'( /"&'#')0 /"&'#')0 The MCCB shall compl "ith the electrical parameters detailed as under.
S $ 1 2
/ 4
15 11 12 1/ 14
Ae=uired parameter range* ratings TP MCCB SP MCCB 7pplication utdoor enclosed tpe Specified reference () degC to () 5 deg C ambient temperature range for "hich overload release is independent $o of 6oles Three ne Aated -nsulation +evel 5 :olt 5 :olt Aated operating voltage 41 :olts 245 :olts -mpulse "ithstand 8 #:olts voltage (#:) Continuous perating 155 7mps as specified in 15 7mp for 2 9:7, 155 Current rating (Drame /21 above 7mp for 1 9:7 and 5 si /2 7mp for 9:7 Single 6hase 7mps for MCCBs to be 'istribution Transformers installed "ith 1*15 9:7 Three 6hase 'Ts Aated ultimate short $ot less than 18 97 at rated voltage and 54 6D circuit brea#ing capacit (-cu) Aated service short circuit 155E of -cu at rated voltage and 54 6D brea#ing capacit (-cs) 6o"er Dactor for Short 54 (+ag) Circuit (Ma;) Ftili lo" thermal stress "ith compact si capacitor loads and shall have the follo"ing Time Current characteristics. Multiple of normal Tripping time current setting 15 More than 2 Irs 12 More than 15 minutes > less than 2 Irs 1/ +ess than /5 minutes 14 +ess than 15 minutes 2 +ess than 1 minute 5 +ess than seconds 125 -nstantaneous (less than 45 milli seconds)
Dor above time * current characteristics, reference calibration temperature of the brea#er shall be 5 'eg C 'eration (Aeduction in continuous rating due to increase in operating temperature), if an, up to ambient temp of 5 'eg C shall not e;ceed 15E of the current setting indicated above 3.2. A$$')'*"# /e")!e%: The Moulded Case Circuit Brea#er shall have the follo"ing additional features. i
The threepole* Single 6ole MCCB to be provided on +: side having overload trip release "ith inversetime characteristics for overload protection and magnetic triprelease for instantaneous tripping in the "a#e of short circuits
The MCCB shall be mar#ed "ith GbrandnameH of the manufacturer and Service brea#ing capacit, -cs in 97 dul embossed on casing on frontside The other particulars ma be mar#ed as per prescribed mar#ing norms in -S.1/04 and -3C. 5042 "ith standard practice of manufacturer
iii The contacts of MCCB shall be self"iping tpe so as to #eep the contacts clean and lo" millivolt drop iv The MCCB shall preferabl have appropriate provision li#e position of s"itch different from $ > DD state to indicate tripping of MCCB-t shall help avoid damages "hile handling the MCCB at site v
The MCCB shall have fle;ible mounting "ith lineload reversibilit feature ie nochange in rating > brea#ing capacit of MCCB "hen mounted in different orientations and "ith line > load connections changed
vi The overload element of each pole of MCCB shall be individuall calibrated and tested to ensure reliabilit 3ver triplatch shall be speciall heat treated, hardened > polished to grind finish to provide accurate tripping characteristics in close tolerance limits vii -n order to facilitate ade=uate safet to "or#men "hile "or#ing on +T feeder beond 'istribution Transformer, the MCCB shall have suitable disconnecting functions "ith positive isolation feature as per provisions of relevant standard viii -ncase of thermal tpe of release, the manufacturer shall be prepared to state the influence of variations in the ambient temperature range of () degC to () 5 deg C and further effect on rating and performance "ith ever deg C increase in ambient up to () deg Cfor the purpose of such derating follo"ing information shall be furnished "ith offer for the offered model of the MCCB b the bidder i;) 6urchaser at his option ma as# the supplier to suppl the MCCB "ith the e;tended terminal "ithout an price implication, if at an stage he feels so 3;tended terminal should be mounted on the MCCBs properl "ith help of
plain "asher bac#ed "ith spring "asher The correct se=uence for termination on MCCBs (incoming > outgoing sides) and connection of cable on e;tended terminal are as follo"s. a)
MCCB side. 3;tended terminal +ug 6lain Jasher Spring Jasher Bolt of suitable si
1 2 / 4
7mbient temperature of 'erating of MCCB in E from its surroundings of MCCB in standard rating at reference operation temperature of 5 degC 'egC 5 'egC 'egC 5 'egC 'egC 85 'egC
3.2.5 T0(e6 S'7e "$ C#e"!"&e */ '()-*)() )e!'"#%: The terminal of inputoutput side of MCCB shall be suitable either for bottle tpe lugs or for Ftpe lugs of si 155*/2 7mp
+ugs suitable for Copper cable of si
Terminals shall be either cageclamp tpe to accommodate bottle tpe lugs or Scre" tpe to accommodate Ftpe*Aing tpe lugs
Clearance bet"een phases shall be sufficient to insert either bottle*F tpe*Aing Tpe lugs "ith / s=mm copper cable
Te "/*!e%"'$ )e&'&"# ("!"e)e!% */ MCCB %"## e %(e&'/'&"##0 '$'&")e$ ' )e !e#e9") ')e */ GTP. -I *!$e! )* e%!e (!*(e! e"!"&e e)ee ("%e% "/)e! /';', */ #,%< %')"#e ("%e-"!!'e!% %"## e %((#'e% ') e"& MCCB "% "&&e%%*!0. 3.3
TYPE TESTS: The follo"ing certificates for tpe tests are essentiall re=uired.
//1 The bidder shall enclose tpe test certificate for all tpe and acceptance test of se=uence of tests-, -- > --- of -S1/04*-3C5042 complete "ith certified dra"ings, scillograms and approved dra"ing carried out from an testing house as indicated in clause $o / of Kualifing Ae=uirement (Schedule---7) for the ma#e and model =uoted -t shall be essentiall re=uired to be furnished along "ith the offer clearl stating the ambient conditions under "hich test has been conducted The tpe test certificates furnished "ith offer should not be older than ears from the date of opening of tender //2 7ll the necessar tests*chec#s shall be carried out as per the stipulations of -S. 1/04*100/part2 (latest amended) * -3C5042 or e=uivalent -nternational standards /// e!'/'&")'* */ ")e!'"# "$ T0(e )e%)% * %"(#e MCCB */ /'!%) #*):i)
The successful supplier shall offer first lot of MCCBs comprising minimum 1,555 $os of MCCBs (or 25E of ordered =uantit "hichever is more) for inspection 7fter satisfactor inspection, testing > clearance from purchaser, the material shall be dispatched to $igam@s stores
Three samples of each rating (/*! Te%) Se=e&e-I6 II > III) for balance tpe test shall be selected > sealed b the purchaser from the first lot received in $igam@s stores and shall be sent for tpe tests as per clause $o // of specification at an testing house as indicated in Clause $o / of Kualifing re=uirement (Schedule---7) The tpe test charges shall be borne b the supplier The purchaser ho"ever in first instance ma pa testing charges to the testing agenc, "hich shall be recovered b Sr7 (C6C) from the bill of the supplier H*e9e!6 )e !e='!ee) */ "!!",', ?)0(e )e%)@ *) )* e '%'%)e$ * )e %((#'e! * "9e "!!",e$ )0(e )e%) !e(*!)% */ Te%) Se=e&e- I6 II > III */ IS134IEC4-2 &*(#e)e ') &e!)'/'e$ $!"',%6 O%&'##*,!"% "$ "((!*9e$ $!"', */ "0 NABL "&&!e$')e$ )e%) #"*!")*!'e% G*9). "((!*9e$ #" /*! )e "+e "$ *$e# e/*!e &*e&ee) */ %((#0. Te )0(e )e%) %*#$ *) e *#$e! )" F'9e 0e"!% /!* )e $")e */ *(e', */ )e$e!
The supplies, at the option of purchaser, ma be utili
-n case of failure of samples of lot* sublot in the test(s) detailed above, the entire =uantit of respective lot*sublot shall be re%ected and shall have to be replaced b the supplier at his o"n cost Aepeated failure* poor results in the testing ma render cancellation of order Te %&&e%%/# )e%)', */ "## %"(#e% ' !e%(e&) */ )e%)% e)'*e$ "*9e %"## e )e "&&e()"'#')0 &!')e!'" */ )e #*)%-#*). iv)
-n case of successful tpe test results, supplies shall be continued Io"ever, in case of failure in tpe test(s), double the sample of each rating shall be selected from the supplies alread received to get them tpe tested as per clause ///(ii) above at supplier@s cost -n case of failure of an samples in tpe test(s), the order of balance =uantit including the =uantit ling unused in the stores* field shall be cancelled The guarantee period of =uantit alread supplied > used shall be doubled and pament for used MCCBs shall be arranged after deducting /5E cost of consignment (s) used
Io"ever, purchaser ma allo" the supplier to reoffer the material after change* modification in the design of MCCBsThe balance material shall be accepted onl after successful tpe testing The tpe testing charges shall be borne b the supplier
'ue notice shall be given to supplier for such sample selection and such testing thereof to enable them to be present for the same if so desired b them -f the supplier or his authori
The purchaser also reserves the right to get additional samples for all or an of the selected tests at purchaser@s cost at an independent test house at an stage of suppl if so considered necessar to ensure that the =ualit of MCCBs being offered for inspection is same as alread got tpe tested -n case of failure, the guarantee period of the =uantit alread supplied b the supplier shall be doubled and purchaser reserves the right to cancel the balance =uantit
3.4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: The Moulded Case Circuit Brea#er shall be designed and constructed in such a "a as to avoid introducing an danger in normal use and under normal "or#ing conditions, so as to ensure especiall 6ersonal safet against electric shoc#* against effects of e;cessive voltage and Safet against spread of fire etc The 6roduct should be produced from a special material "hich reduces electrical lea#age through and across the moulding in a negligible minimum and all metal parts "herever provided should be "ell insulated The metallic parts of the e=uipment shall not remain e;posed The design of the e=uipment should be based on -3C. 5042 safet standards enabling safe operation
3. PACKING: The pac#ing of the e=uipment shall be such that it should not get damaged during transit 3ach MCCB shall be supplied "ith a hard paper *card board carring case suitable for eas portabilit, rugged use and to prevent damage during transit in addition to pac#ing as per relevant clause of ?CC The MCCB should be immune to vibrations and shoc#s in normal transportation and handling
3.5 INSPECTIONS AND TESTING: -t shall be governed b clause 12 of ?eneral conditions of Contract Before dispatch, the MCCBs shall be inspected and tested b the authori 7cceptance Tests in addition to tests of test se=uence - as per -S 1/04* 100/ shall also carried out at the "or#s of manufacturer during inspections. 1 2 / 4
:isual e;amination and overall dimensional chec#ing -nspection of "iring and electric operation test :erification of dielectric properties test Iigh :oltage test at 2 9: for one minute bet"een. a)Main circuit > earth b)3ach pole "ith other t"o poles shorted "ith MCCB in closed condition c)Control circuit and earth d)Shorted top and bottom terminals "ith MCCB in open conditions
8 0 15 11
-nsulation resistance test (-S. 82/) "ith 1555 : M3??3A bet"een above points of S$4 Chec#ing availabilit of all special features such as lineload reversibilit > positive isolation etc and accessories specified 6o"er fre=uenc test(-S.82/) Millivolt drop (-S.14) 'egree of protection(-S.8584) Temperature rise test (conducted one sample of each rating out of 1555 $os or part thereof) in "hich contact resistance (mili volt) shall also be indicated :erification of time current characteristics (conducted one sample of each rating out of 1555 $os or part thereof)
3.5.2 The criteria for selection of number of samples and for acceptance of lot shall be on 1E =uantit or 15 $os samples "hichever more of each rating is Before dispatch, the MCCBs shall be inspected and tested b the authori
manufacturer*supplier shall furnish the details of tests, "hich shall be arranged at the time of inspection as per relevant -SS*-3C to ascertain routine testing at the manufacturer@s "or#s in presence of purchaser@s representative Te %&&e%%/# )e%)', */ "## %"(#e% ' !e%(e&) */ )e%)% e)'*e$ ") %.*. 3.5.1 )* 3.5.2 "*9e %"## e )e "&&e()"'#')0 &!')e!'" */ )e #*)%-#*).
3. COMPLETENESS OF EQUIPMENT: 7n fittings accessories or apparatus, "hich ma not have been specificall mentioned in the specification, shall be deemed to be included and shall be supplied b the supplier "ithout an e;tra charges The MCCB shall be a complete unit in all respect "hether such details are mentioned in this specification or not 3.8 MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE: -t shall be governed b clause no 145 of ?eneral Conditions of Contract e;cept that the successful bidder shall have to provide the guarantee of / (thirt si;) months from the date of receipt of material in $igam@s store The MCCBs found defective "ithin the above guarantee period shall be replaced b the supplier free of cost "ithin a period of one month from date of intimation 3.
3ach bidder have to furnish one $o sample of each rating of Three 6hase > single 6hase MCCB along "ith their offer failing "hich their offer ma be ignored 3.1 PRICES: The =uoted prices shall be all ad%usted unit DA destination price inclusive of 3;cise 'ut, Cess and Central Sales ta; * :7T , freight ,-nsurance and entr ta; etc in respect of MCCB -f an dut and* or ta;es are applicable at concessional rate, the same shall be clearl mentioned other"ise full rate of 3' "ith cess and CST*:7T shall be ta#en for "or#ing out prices for comparison The prices shall be =uoted "ith complete brea#up of e;"or#s price along "ith applicable ta;es > duties as mentioned above Te (!'&e% "!e FIRM. 3.11 DELIERY SCHEDULE: The bidders are re=uired to indicate the deliver period in the schedule attached here"ith The commencement period shall include the time ta#en for conducting the tpe test and approval of dra"ings etc The commencement period "ill be 5 from the date of issue of 6 Durther the monthl deliver =uoted shall be such that the entire offered =uantit shall be completed "ithin a period of months from date of issue of 6 e;cluding commencement period The offers deviating in deliveries as per above schedule given, shall be considered
as nonresponsive The monthl deliver shall be =uoted irrespective of the offered * ordered =uantit and offers "ith an conditional deliveries shall be considered as nonresponsive