Teaching speaking English to young learners

Author:  Eka Fransisca

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Teaching English to Young Learners Paper atau makalah ini untuk memenuhi tugas TEFL II. Kami mahasiswa semester 4 di Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya Dosen Pembimbing: Mrs. Ersy Laksita Rini, ...

This is a guidebook aimed at newly qualified or experienced young learner teachers who are teaching English as a second or additional language. It provides a range of ideas and activities to inc...Full description

This is a guidebook aimed at newly qualified or experienced young learner teachers who are teaching English as a second or additional language. It provides a range of ideas and activities to inc...Full description

This is a guidebook aimed at newly qualified or experienced young learner teachers who are teaching English as a second or additional language. It provides a range of ideas and activities to inc...

Young Learners of English is a Cambridge product which is for children under 12 years. It is a series of fun, motivating English language test which is aimed at children in primary and lower secondary education.

Descripción: Sample pages from the book