partitura para cello bittersweet symphonyDescripción completa
celloFull description
Bittersweet Symphony
concert band
Descripción: The Verve Bittersweet Symphony - sheet
Descripción: About Radio Mobile software
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panduan cara menjalankan dan membuat apliaksi androidFull description
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presentation for mobile jammer project
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Delphi XE8
about mobile communication
guía lord EncobileDescripción completa
Symphony Mobile Phone is a part of leading telecommunication and Consumer Electronic group SB Tel Enterprise Limited (a legal Unit of Edison Group the group is operated b y Entrepreneurs !ho !ere behind establishing establishing t!o "ery popular popular mobile phone brands in in Bangladesh# Siemens and Ben$% Ben
%$&ithin &ithin short period of time since it's introduction introduction at the end of ))* the brand has become "ery popular especially among the young people% Because of its uni+ue propositions Symphony Mobile no! occupies number one position in Bangladesh abo"e ,o-ia according to mar-et share% .nno"ation and e/clusi"e design clearly differentiate Symphony from other brands a"ailable in the mar-et% The brand has launched the first e"er branded dual sim phone in the country% Continuing Continuing !ith the same trend of deli"ering brea-through products0 products0 Symphony Mobile launched launched 122)0 122)0 Bangladesh's Bangladesh's first e"er $!erty -eyboard phone !ith TracTrac- ball% Moreo"er in the the coming month's month's lot of ne! products products are introduced !hich include full touch screen and smart phones%
Symphony offers customers reliability0 reliability0 "alue for money and !ide range of choice% &hile the performance0 reliability and and durability of the the products are as good as any leading global mobile mobile phone brand handset !ith !ith attracti"e features and functionalities functionalities are offered offered at a competiti"e price% price%
Symphony has customer care centers in all ma3or districts in Bangladesh% Collection points ha"e been set up in the smaller districts in order to ensure prompt and reliable ser"ice to the remote areas% 4un by professional people people and customer dri"en standard standard operating procedure procedure the motto of the customer customer care department is to ma-e customers fully satisfied% Lot of "alue added ser"ice such free ser"ice chec- up0 free do!n loads are in the offing%
Symphony !ill gro! at a faster pace than the gro!ing Bangladesh mobile phone mar-et% The brand !ill continue to introduce inno"ati"e high +uality products and is fully confident of !inning hearts and mind of our "aluable customers
S&5T analysis#
Strength# •
Good +uality
E/treme lo! price
6d"anced technology
&arranty for phones
7arity of models
E/teriors and loo-s
6"ailability of sho!rooms
User friendly
Many features
&ea-ness# •
8on't ha"e ad"anced operating system yet li-e android or .5S
8on't ha"e any big budget phone to fight !ith ,o-ia or . phones
.t ta-e long time to recharge the battery fully
Lo! brand e+uity
Targeting only the people !ho earn lo!
,ot focusing on ma-ing smart phones
5pportunities# •
Big mar-et share
9igh sales
Mass production
Uni+ue features
Threats# •
6s they ha"e the lo! brand e+uity any rich brand can beat them anytime by lo!ering the price
Symphony doesn't ha"e any bloc-buster hit phone comparing to the gala/y s or . phones
Symphony has too many competitors li-e ma/imus0 my phone0 sprint etc% So it has to be come out !ith more inno"ation%
This en"ironment influences the organi:ation directly% .t includes suppliers that deal directly or indirectly0consumers and customers0 and other local sta-eholders% This determines the relationship bet!een consumers0 suppliers0 distributors0 public and dealers%
Macro environment
The mar-et en"ironment is a mar-eting term and it refers to all of the forces outside of mar-eting that affect mar-eting management s ability to build and maintain successful relationships !ith target customers% Company0 its suppliers0 distributors0 and its competitors are also impacted by !hat is happening in the !orld% To succeed therefore0 it is necessary to continuously monitor0 anticipate0 and adapt0 to that en"ironment0 and !here"er possible0 shape that en"ironment% The mar-et en"ironment consists of both the macro en"ironment and the micro en"ironment% ‟
Micro environment
This includes all factors that can influence and organi:ation0 but that are out of their direct control% 6 company does not generally influence any la!s (although it is accepted that they could lobby or be part of a trade organi:ation% .t is continuously changing0 and the company needs to be fle/ible to adapt% There may be aggressi"e competition and ri"alry in a mar-et% Globali:ation means that there is al!ays the threat of substitute products and ne! entrants% The !ider en"ironment is also e"er changing0 and the mar-eter needs to compensate for changes in culture0 politics0 economics and technology% The acronym ;PEST< is used to describe frame!or- for the anal ysis of these macro en"ironmental factors %There are many factors in the macro=en"ironment that !ill affect the decisions of the managers of any organisation% Ta/ changes0 ne! la!s0 trade barriers0 demographic change and go"ernment policy changes are
Political-Legal Environment:
This en"ironment is composed of la!s0 go"ernment agencies0 and pressure groups that influence and limit "arious organi:ations and indi"iduals %Sometimes these la!s create ne! opportunities for business% 7arious political and legal factors affected symphony% Symphony had to go through some basic issues% These issues are# >
Unified Licensing
Lo!ering of .nterconnect Charges
Made License ?ees 2)@=2A@ of 4e"enue
Simplified ?re+uency 6llocation Process
Symphony re+uires not only people but purchasing po!er also% The a"ailable purchasing po!er in an economy depends on >
The state o the econom! State of the economy related to the category of economic status of that country either is de"eloped0 de"eloping or underde"eloped economy% Basically de"eloping economy is the potential mar-et of handsets as these countries ha"e many of ser"ice pro"iders so the demand of reliable and efficient handsets as !ell%%%% Bangladesh in spite of the recession had a gro!ing economy and hence this contributed to increased sales of handsets in these years%
Income "istri#$tion= .ncome distribution basically related to the section of the society0 high income group0 high middle class group0 middle class group0 lo! middle class group lo! class group% The preference of handset "aries according to the income groups% 6s per the sur"ey done by Symphony Mobile main focus of Lo! income group is in the price range of DA))%
Mar-et inno"ation has contributed to the reduction of the cost of o!nership and made ser"ices more accessible for lo! income groups !hich are "ery price sensiti"e% To o"ercome this hurdle0 other operators boost the penetration in lo! income groups !ith use of inno"ati"e tariff plans0 offer "ery cheap handset to the public and e/ploring attracti"e 76S !hich are appealing to different segment of customers%
.nno"ati"e tariff plans
6ffordable 9andset handsets that symphony offers are "ery lo!s price comparing to others%
People ma-e up mar-ets% Mar-eters !ould therefore li-e to -no! the Si:e of population 0 Gro!th rate of population0 6ge distribution of population0 4egional distribution of population0 Ethnic mi/0 Education le"els etc% 8ifferent age groups prefer different cell phones% Teenagers mostly prefer cells !hich are attracti"e0 loo- trendy and ha"e attracti"e features !hereas people of age group i%e% bet!een F)= A) use mobiles for communication purposes mainly% Si:e and brand play to some e/tent an important role in decision ma-ing% &hen choosing bet!een different mobile phone models0 consumers "alue familiar brands% &hen choosing bet!een different mobile phone models0 consumers prefer handsets !hich are user friendly% Still after so many brands entering into the mar-et0 a ma3or portion of the population still prefer familiar reliable brands li-e symphony% Because it is user friendly as compared to brands li-e Sony Eric-son0 Microma/0 LG0 and Samsung and so on% Price of the phone has been identified as a critical factor in the choice of the mobile phone model0 especially among the younger generation %.t has been found that besides ne! technological ad"ances price is the most influential factor affecting the choice of a ne! mobile phone model% Still large chun-s of the population prefer the middle price range of cell phones% .n fact "alue for the money is most important factor that influences consumer choice for a cell phone%
5ne of the greatest socio=cultural factors affecting the handset mar-et is the increasing need of social recognition among the masses0 !hich is further fuelled by lo!ering of tariff rates b y the ser"ice pro"iders% Moreo"er !ith higher spending po!er among the masses0 festi"als and marriages and other socio cultural factors affect handset sales% Socio=cultural en"ironment shapes customers beliefs0 "alues0 and norms% ‟
The social and cultural factors that influence the buying beha"iour of consumers are inclusi"e of culture0 social class0 reference group0 family0 demographics and geography% Culture is an amalgam of tangible factors and intangible traditions that enunciate the lifestyle of a particular group of people% 6s for social class0 it defines the income group the indi"idual belongs too and that0 in turn0 is hea"ily dependent on the income earned0 !hich is a great factor in determining buying beha"iour% The third factor is the reference group% 6s is ob"ious from the name it is the group from !hom the consumer see-s reference% .t could range from people li-e ones parents0 members of the family !hom the indi"idual feels close to0 close friends0 celebrities !ho endorse the brand etc% People !hom !e trust0 their opinion means a great deal to us and affects many decisions of ours including buying beha"iour% 4egarding family0 this determinant is totally different from the erst!hile one as this one focuses on the norms and preferences of the f amily in !hich the indi"idual li"es and is brought up% Moreo"er this determinant is on a collecti"e and unconscious basis as the indi"iduals buying decision is ta-ing effect from the ambience of his f amily and the unconscious !ay he has grasped the "alues that ha"e been gi"en to him b y his family% Coming to demographics0 these are small and specific
details about the indi"idual such as age0 gender0 education0 income0 occupation etc% 6lso the geographical location in !hich the consumer resides also determines the buying beha"iour depending on sub=factors li-e climatic conditions0 a"ailability of resources0 surroundings etc% TEC'NOLO&ICAL ENVIRONMENT
5ne of the most important factors that affect our li"es is ;Technology%<.t is the most important force that -eeps on changing our day to da y li"es0 !hich not only affects indi"iduals but can also affect economy as a !hole% Technology is a dynamic force !hich shapes people and industries li"es and e"en !ipes out entire industries% &e li"e in an age in !hich the pace of technological change is pulsating e"er faster0 causing !a"es that spread out!ard to!ard all people0 and all industries% Cell phones ha"e no longer been limited to communication but also ha"e indirectly emerged as a means of reducing face to face social ‟
interaction as people can listen to music0 can !atch mo"ie on their cell phone and so on% So0 it has become "ery essential for mar-eters to ha"e a loo- on dynamic technological en"ironment0 so that they can actual find out customers needs and aspirations% ‟