Savage Worlds
Mass Effect version 5.2 Effect video games A fan conversion of the Mass the Mass Effect video for the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules by Evan Kreider (“kreider204” at the PEG forums)
This is a work of fan appreciation and no challenge is meant to any copyrights or trademarks contained herein.
Welcome to the latest version of my Mass Effect conversion conversion for Savage Worlds. A few things before we get started: •
There aren’t a ton of changes since the last version version (v5.1). Basically, Basically, I decided a couple of things were a bit bit more complicated than I wanted. In particular, I streamlined streamlined the powers to a single version each – basically, just treating them like normal powers. I also simplified the shields – they still absorb wounds, but don’t have a separate Toughness. To ughness. This is still primarily a conversion of the first video ga me; however, it does contain some things from the second game (e.g., (e. g., a couple of PC races, a few powers / powers, some bad guys for the bestiary, etc.). Please don’t contact me to tell that certain things work differently in the second game than in the first – I know already, thank you. This is in no way a co mplete point-by-point conversion of every little thing from the video games. I draw your your attention to the following following excerpt from the SWD core rule book: “All too often conversions of other games try to account for every element – massive skill lists, lists, minute details, details, and hundreds of powers. This isn’t isn’t Savage Worlds, and bringing in those elements e lements is likely to burden the rules to the t he point where the game play is no longer fast, furious, or fun” (128). Indeed, FFF is my guiding principle. As such, you won’t find stats for every single different brand of pistol, or skills that match every single aspect of the (first) (first) video game character skill skill system. I’ve also occasionally done things differently than the video games for gameplay balance or in order to make certain aspects of the Mass Effect universe universe cohere better with the SW rules rules (again, please p lease don’t contact me to tell t ell me that things work differently in the games than I have here – I know). Ultimately, I’m only interested in playing Savage Worlds with a Mass Effect flavor, not playing an exact replica of the video games in pen-and-paper form. You won’t find much fluff fluff here – mainly just just crunch. I don’t spend a lot lot of time describing the Mass Effect universe, universe, the races and cu ltures, the inhabitable worlds, the technology, or anything like that. I’m assuming assuming that if you’re interested in in this conversion, then you are already familiar with the video game, and do n’t need me to tell you about it. If you are looking looking for a bit more information, information, there are various wiki. wiki. I’ve made this for for myself as GM. As such, I’ve I’ve designed it for my personal preferences. I understand that there may be a variety of different ways to convert Mass Effect , all equally legitimate, but I’ve stuck stuck with creating a conversion conversion that I want to run. If your preferences differ, just use from from this what you like and change the rest.
Thanks to everyone at the t he PEG forums who looked at drafts of this conversion and offered suggestions. I’d especially like to thank thank Will S. (“771M” in the forums) who went through an early draft with a fine-toothed comb and o ffered about a million excellent suggestions, most of which I used (I’m especially grateful for the recharge roll idea).
Welcome to the latest version of my Mass Effect conversion conversion for Savage Worlds. A few things before we get started: •
There aren’t a ton of changes since the last version version (v5.1). Basically, Basically, I decided a couple of things were a bit bit more complicated than I wanted. In particular, I streamlined streamlined the powers to a single version each – basically, just treating them like normal powers. I also simplified the shields – they still absorb wounds, but don’t have a separate Toughness. To ughness. This is still primarily a conversion of the first video ga me; however, it does contain some things from the second game (e.g., (e. g., a couple of PC races, a few powers / powers, some bad guys for the bestiary, etc.). Please don’t contact me to tell that certain things work differently in the second game than in the first – I know already, thank you. This is in no way a co mplete point-by-point conversion of every little thing from the video games. I draw your your attention to the following following excerpt from the SWD core rule book: “All too often conversions of other games try to account for every element – massive skill lists, lists, minute details, details, and hundreds of powers. This isn’t isn’t Savage Worlds, and bringing in those elements e lements is likely to burden the rules to the t he point where the game play is no longer fast, furious, or fun” (128). Indeed, FFF is my guiding principle. As such, you won’t find stats for every single different brand of pistol, or skills that match every single aspect of the (first) (first) video game character skill skill system. I’ve also occasionally done things differently than the video games for gameplay balance or in order to make certain aspects of the Mass Effect universe universe cohere better with the SW rules rules (again, please p lease don’t contact me to tell t ell me that things work differently in the games than I have here – I know). Ultimately, I’m only interested in playing Savage Worlds with a Mass Effect flavor, not playing an exact replica of the video games in pen-and-paper form. You won’t find much fluff fluff here – mainly just just crunch. I don’t spend a lot lot of time describing the Mass Effect universe, universe, the races and cu ltures, the inhabitable worlds, the technology, or anything like that. I’m assuming assuming that if you’re interested in in this conversion, then you are already familiar with the video game, and do n’t need me to tell you about it. If you are looking looking for a bit more information, information, there are various wiki. wiki. I’ve made this for for myself as GM. As such, I’ve I’ve designed it for my personal preferences. I understand that there may be a variety of different ways to convert Mass Effect , all equally legitimate, but I’ve stuck stuck with creating a conversion conversion that I want to run. If your preferences differ, just use from from this what you like and change the rest.
Thanks to everyone at the t he PEG forums who looked at drafts of this conversion and offered suggestions. I’d especially like to thank thank Will S. (“771M” in the forums) who went through an early draft with a fine-toothed comb and o ffered about a million excellent suggestions, most of which I used (I’m especially grateful for the recharge roll idea).
Character creation is handled in the usual wa y, except characters start at Seasoned rank (20 XP). The easiest way to handle this th is is to create the character at 0 XP and then take four advances (these may include background edges). This reflects reflects the fact that most characters in in the Mass Effect video video games are already fairly experienced exper ienced at the start, and it allows allows players p layers to create characters with a few more skills and powers under their belts. RACES
The following racial edges and hindrances are for PC character creation (NPCs may vary at the GM’s discretion). discretion). The assumption is that PCs are (or, at least, can be) atypical members members of their respective races. With that in in mind, I have tried to to avoid overly strict strict racial “stereotypes,” and tried to keep the races fairly fairly generic so that t hat players can create the k ind of characters that they want. For example, most most turians probably have the Code of Honor Honor and Loyalty hindrances, but there’s no reason that a PC couldn’t be the exceptional dishonorable o r disloyal turian. Asari Start with one biotic power. +2 Charisma (usually attractive; reputation among civilized races as diplomats and nego tiators). Strength attribute requires two points per step to raise dur ing character creation. Batarian Smarts attribute starts at d6 instead of d4 during character creation. Start with Notice at d6 during du ring character creation (extra eyes, and very percept ive in general). Start with Persuasion at d6 during character creation (reputation as skilled negotiators). Vow, Major (Batarians observe a strict caste system with rigorous etiquette). -2 Charisma (outsider, reputation as slavers and isolationists). Drell Strength attribute starts at d6 instead of d4 during character creation (dense muscle tissue). Photographic memory. Quirk: Kepral's Syndrome (prolonged exposure to humid c limates causes poor health and eventual death). Human Start with one free edge OR one attribute at d6 during character creation. Start with one skill at d6 during character creation. -2 Charisma (outsider, seen as inferior and untrustworthy by ot her civilized races). Krogan Strength attribute starts at d6 instead of d4 during character creation. Vigor attribute starts at d6 instead of d4 dur ing character creation. Wide peripheral vision (+2 to relevant Notice ro lls). Smarts requires two points per step to raise during character creation. Mean (-2 Charisma for ill-temper and surliness).
Quarian Smarts attribute starts at d6 instead of d4 during character creation. Start with Repair at d6 during du ring character creation. Start with Knowledge (Computers) at d6 during character creation. Quirk: Immune Deficiency (Quarians’ immune systems cannot handle foreign bacteria; when not in their own environment in the Quar ian Flotilla, they must wear an encounter suit). Quirk: Restrictive Diet (Like turians, quarians require food compatible with their dextro-amino based genetic code, and will enter anaphylactic shock if they ingest levo-amino acid based food eaten by humans and other similar biological forms). Salarian Agility attribute starts at d6 instead of d4 dur ing character creation. Smarts attribute starts at d6 instead of d4 during character creation. Photographic memory. Vigor requires two points per step to raise during c haracter creation. Quirk: High Metabolism (hyperactive, restless, talkative – can get on other’s nerves). Turian Spirit attribute starts at d6 instead of d4 during charact er creation. Start with one skill at d6 during character creation. Quirk: Restrictive Diet (Like quarians, turians require food compatible with their dextro-amino based genetic code, and will enter anaphylactic shock if they ingest levo-amino acid based food eaten by humans and other similar biological forms).
If a player wishes to create an unusual member of a race, he might swap out an edge o r hindrance with the GM’s permission; for example, a player wanting to create a non-biotic asari scientist might swap the free biotic biotic power for a starting Smarts of d6. See SWD pg. 22 for guidelines. This conversion uses the Multiple Languages sett ing rule (SWD pg. 94): all characters know their native racial language plus p lus a number of other racial languages equal to half their Smarts die type. (With the GM’s permission, permission, they t hey may choose national languages instead of a racial languages.) SKILLS
Here are a few notes about skills. If a skill isn’t mentioned, mentioned, then it’s used as per the normal SWD rules. I’ve suggested that some some skills be skipped, skipped, based on assumption of adventures set in in a fairly typical t ypical Mass Effect universe. universe. If the GM has has different adventures in mind, mind, and thinks certain skills will come in handy after all a ll,, he should s hould alert the players so that t hey can devote some skill points to them. w hen it might come up, characters may use their driving Boating: Skip it – on the rare occasion when or piloting skill instead. Climbing: This skill will probably be of more use than p layers might think, especially when their characters are climbing around looking for artifacts and mineral deposits.
Driving: Land vehicles are not uncommon (e.g., the MAKO); most characters will probably want to get at least a d4 in this skill. Fighting: Combat in the Mass Effect world definitely revolves around Shooting, but Fighting has a limited role in some situations. Characters should probably raise this to no more than d6 at first, and then see what happens as the campaign progresses. Gambling: Not exactly essential, but it could come up on occasion, and might be interesting for certain types of characters (e.g., gambling is a common pastime among military personnel). Guts: As per SWD, Guts is no longer used; Sp irit will be used for fear-based rolls instead. Healing: This skill works as per the usual rules. In addition, healing rolls determine the effectiveness of medigel (see the relevant discussion in the “Gear” sect ion). Knowledge (Computers): Obviously, this doesn’t require additional mechanics past the usual knowledge rules; it’s likely to be useful in many sit uations, so most characters should consider at least a d4. Lockpicking: Renamed “Decryption,” and linked to Smarts. It works essentially the same way as Lockpicking, though obviously based around electronic locks, computer security, etc. Primitive mechanical locks, traps, etc., can be o pened or disarmed with the Repair skill instead. Piloting: Most characters should consider at least d4 in this skill; flying vehicles of some kind or another are common in the Mass Effect universe. Repair: This covers both electrical and mechanical repair. (Also see Lockpicking above.) Riding: Skip it – it won’t come up much (if at all), and PCs probably wouldn’t have the opportunity to train in such an o bsolete skill anyway. Shooting: Shooting is absolutely central to Mass Effect combat, and will be important for just about any character. Survival: Unlikely to come up much – skip it. Swimming: Characters should put d4 in this skill so that t hey don’t drown if they fall in water. After that, it probably won’t play a big role. Throwing: There’s pretty much only one app lication for this skill; namely, throwing grenades. As such, it’s not really an efficient use of skill points. Therefore, this skill is not used, and players may use Shooting for all ranged attacks, including grenades. Tracking: Not likely to be of much use – skip it.
Here are a few notes about edges appearing the SWD core rule book. If an edge isn’t mentioned, then it’s used as per the nor mal SWD rules, at the GM’s discretion. The following edges are definitely not used: Arcane Background, Arcane Resistance / Improved Arcane Resistance, Champion, Holy / Unholy Warrior, Mentalist, Power Points, Power Surge, Rapid Recharge / Improved Rapid Recharge, Soul Drain, Wizard Gadgeteer: used, but with different requirements. Requirements: Smarts d8+, Repair d8+, at least two scientific knowledge skills at d6+ Mr. Fix It: used, but with different requirements. Requirements: Smarts d10+, Repair d8+, at least two scientific knowledge skills at d6+
NEW BACKGROUND EDGES Resistance Requirements: none As per Arcane Resistance (pg. 32 in SWD), but against damage-causing biotic and tech powers. Improved Resistance Requirements: Resistance As per Resistance, but Armor and resistance are increased to 4.
NEW COMBAT EDGES Armor Training Requirements: none Reduces the minimum Strength requirement for medium and heavy armor by two die types (i.e., medium armor only requires d4 Strength and heavy armor only requires d8 Strength).
[continued next page]
Mass Effect powers are basically the same as po wers in the SWD core rules. Note, however, that there are no arcane backgrounds required, and there are no power points. Powers are identified as combat, biotic, or tech. This doesn’t affect the basic mechanics of the power, but is relevant to other things (e.g., recharge rolls, protective armor upgrades, etc.). The activation of powers does not require a skill roll; powers are always activated successfully. The combat powers can be activated as free actions, but can only be used once per combat. Biotic powers and tech powers require a full action to activate, and require a recharge roll before they can be activated again during the same combat (assume they all recharge after combat). There is no penalty associated with multiple sustained powers. Recharge Rolls: In any turn in which he does not activate a power, a character may make a recharge roll. The roll is a free action that takes place at the end of the character’s turn, after any other actions. A character may make a recharge roll in a round in which he is Shaken. Only one recharge roll may be made per turn, for a single power specified by the player; however, a recharge roll may not be made for a power in the same turn in which that power is sustained (or activated, as above). Spirit is used for biotic power recharge rolls; Smarts is used for tech power recharge rolls. The target number for the recharge roll is 8. If the recharge roll for a power is successful, then the character will be able to use that power again on his next turn. (It is recommended that only Wild Cards be allowed recharge rolls, unless otherwise stated in an NPC description.)
Without further adieu: the powers.
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Marksman (Combat) Requirements: Shooting d6+ Range: self Duration: 3 Description: This power allows the character to fire a p istol with no autofire penalty, and increases the rate of fire of that pistol by 1. Carnage (Combat) Requirements: Shooting d6+ Range: self Duration: 3 Description: This power allows the character to fire a shot gun so that it does damage to all within a small burst template of the target. Overkill (Combat) Requirements: Shooting d6+ Range: self Duration: 3 Description: This power allows the character to fire an assault rifle with no autofire penalty, and increases the range of that assault rifle to 18/36/72. Assassination (Combat) Requirements: Shooting d6+ Range: self Duration: 3 Description: This power allows the character to shoot a sniper rifle a +2 damage bonus and to ignore the usual snapfire penalty if moving while shoo ting. Shield Boost (Combat) Requirements: none Range: self Duration: instant Description: This power restores fully the c haracter’s shield. Adrenaline Burst (Combat) Requirements: Spirit d6+ Range: self Duration: 2 Description: This power allows the character to act as though he has drawn the Joker for initiative for the next two rounds. Immunity (Combat) Requirements: Vigor d6+ Range: self Duration: 3 Description: This power raises the character’s Toughness by 4.
Sabotage (Tech) Requirements: Smarts d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: 2 Description: This power causes all electro-mechanical weapons carr ied by the target to temporarily overheat, making them unusable for the duration of the power. In addition, the heat causes 2d6 damage to the target (this bypasses shields). Overload (Tech) Requirements: Smarts d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: Instant Description: This power reduces the target’s shield by two wound levels and deals 2d6 damage directly to the target (bypassing any remaining shie lds). AI Hacking (Tech) Requirements: Smarts d6+ Range: Smarts Duration: 3 Description: The target must make a Spirit roll at -2; failure indicates that the target is under the control of the character, much like the Puppet power (SWD pg. 115). This power works against basic AI entities (e.g., drones) but NOT against sentient inorganics (e.g., Geth). Damping (Tech) Requirements: Smarts d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: 2 Description: This power prevents the target from using tech o r biotic powers for the duration. Combat Drone (Tech) Requirements: Smarts d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: 3 Description: The target creates a Combat Dro ne (see “Drones and Turrets” section of the Bestiary below) that fights on the character’s behalf. Incinerate (Tech) Requirements: Smarts d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: instant Description: All targets within a small burst template take 3d6 fire damage (AP(2)) (this bypasses shields); flammable objects may ignite (see SWD pg. 88).
Cryo Blast (Tech) Requirements: Smarts d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: 2 Description: The target must make a Vigor roll at -2. Failure indicates that the target is frozen (immobilized and unable to act) for the duration of the power; success indicates that the t arget is not frozen, but still moves as though on difficult ground for the duration of the power, due to ice frozen on their feet. (This power bypasses shields.) Throw / Pull (Biotic) Requirements: Spirit d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: Instant Description: The target must make a Strength roll at -2 (plus any size modifier); failure indicates that the target is thrown back o r pulled forward (at the power user’s discretion) 1d4” and knocked prone. If the target hits a solid object, he must also make a Vigor roll or be Shaken. The target also takes 2d6 damage, regardless of the Strength roll (this bypasses shields). This power does not work against targets that fly or levitate using mass effect fields. Slam (Biotic) Requirements: Spirit d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: Instant Description: The target must make a Strength roll at -2 (plus any size modifier); failure indicates that he is quickly lifted several feet into the air and slammed back to the ground, taking 2d6 damage (this bypasses shields) and making a V igor roll to avoid being Shaken, unless falling on something that cushions the landing. This power does not work against targets that fly or levitate using mass effect fields. Singularity (Biotic) Requirements: Spirit d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: 3 Description: Each round of the duration of the power, those in medium burst template must make a Strength roll at -2 (plus any size modifier). Failure indicates that the target is pulled 1” toward the center of the burst; success indicates that the target is not pulled in, but cannot move from his currently location (except toward the center of the burst). In addition, all within the burst make Strength and Agility rolls and all skill rolls related to Strength and Agility at -2. This power does not work against targets that fly or levitate using mass effect fields. Warp (Biotic) Requirements: Spirit d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: 3 Description: The target suffers a -2 Toughness pena lty for the duration and takes 2d6 damage (this bypasses shields).
Barrier (Biotic) Requirements: Spirit d6+ Range: self Duration: 3 Description: This power grants a biotic shield with three wound levels for the duration. Attacks against the character affect the Barrier first, before affecting the t arget. Stasis (Biotic) Requirements: Spirit d6+ Range: Smarts x2 Duration: 2 Description: Completely immobilizes the target, rendering him incapable of act ing for the duration; however, the target is also impervious to attack during this time. Shockwave (Biotic) Requirements: Spirit d6+ Range: see below Duration: instant Description: This power sends out a shockwave 12” long and 1” wide. Anyone on the ground in this area takes 2d6 damage (this bypasses shields); furthermore, each target must make a Strength roll at -2 (plus any size modifier) or be knocked prone.
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As a GM, it’s my intention to run short one-shot adventures using pre-generated characters with assigned equipment, and equipment “treasure” (especially upgrades) discovered during the course of the adventures. As a result, I have not listed prices for equipment, or equipment other than that needed for adventuring. If there are certain items not listed here that a player in one of my adventures really wants his character to have, he should discuss it with me, and we ’ll decide if it’s appropriate and available. Players may assume that characters have access to mundane equipment and supplies (e.g., food and clothing) back at their base or on their ship. GMs interested in long-term campaigns can generate p rices lists for the gear listed below without too much trouble, using the SWD core rule book as a basic guide. Encumbrance: Don’t worry about exact weight loads. Most decent quality equipment is made from fairly light-weight materials. As per below, characters can carry a full set of weapons on a special harness. All able-bodied characters can wear light armor, and characters who meet the strength requirements can wear medium or heavy armor (see “Armor” below). Other than that, any reasonable amount of stuff is okay, as long as it doesn’t get too out of hand. WEAPONS Guns
Guns have effectively infinite ammo (but may requ ire occasional maintenance, at the GM’s discretion). Overheating is not FFF, and so will be ignored. Gun Assault Rifle Pistol Shotgun Sniper Rifle
Range 12/24/48 12/24/48 6/12/24 50/100/200
Damage 2d8 2d6 1-3d6 2d10
RoF 3 2 1 1
Wt. 5 2 4 5
Notes____________________ Auto Auto See SWD pg. 50, “Shotguns” Snapfire
Upgrades have been simplified to cohere better with SW rules and to make them more FFF. All guns can utilize two upgrades: one attack upgrade and one ammo upgrade. (Some high quality guns may be able to utilize one or two additional attack upgrades, at the GM’s discretion.) Some upgrades are very powerful, and should be very rare. Some example attack upgrades: • • • • • • • •
Improved Sighting I: +1 Shooting Improved Sighting II: +2 Shooting Improved Sighting III: +3 Shooting Range Extension I: increases range of weapon by 3 (added to S/M/L ranges) Range Extension II: increases range of weapon by 6 (added to S/M/L ranges) Range Extension III: increases range of weapo n by 9 (added to S/M/L ranges) Recoil Damper I: reduces autofire penalty by 1 Recoil Damper II: reduces autofire penalty by 2
Some example ammo upgrades: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• •
Shredder Rounds I: +1 damage bonus to organics only Shredder Rounds II: +2 damage bonus to organics only Shredder Rounds III: +3 damage bonus to organics only Tungsten Rounds I: +1 damage bonus to synthetics only Tungsten Rounds II: +2 damage bonus to synthetics only Tungsten Rounds III: +3 damage bonus to synthetics only Armor Piercing I: AP(1) Armor Piercing II: AP(2) Armor Piercing III: AP(3) Phasic Rounds I: bypasses one wound level of shields Phasic Rounds II: bypasses two wound levels of shields Phasic Rounds III: bypasses three wound levels of shields Incendiary Rounds: heat damage works as AP 2; flammable objects may ignite (see SWD pg. 88) Cryo Rounds: freezes target (works like Entangle po wer – see SWD pg. 113) Toxic Rounds: target makes a Vigor roll or suffers -2 to all trait rolls for 1d4 rounds
Guns in Mass Effect are made of light-weight materials and have a partially collapsible design which allows a full set – pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, sniper rifle, one heavy weapon (see below), and grenades – to be carried on a special harness (compatible with all armor types). Weapons can be switched easily: swapping one weapon for another requires only a single full action. Melee Weapons aren’t common in Mass Effect – it’s definitely a game built around shooting. Characters may use the butt o f any currently armed gun to strike a foe t hat gets too close (damage of Str+d4). If a character wants something more, they could also carry a light (1 pound) collapsible baton that does Str+d6 damage and hooks to the aforementioned weapons harness. Anything other than that should be discussed with the GM. Grenades
Range: 5/10/20, Damage: 3d6 in a medium burst template. Grenades can be set to explode on impact or when triggered remotely (requires a separate action). Grenades can utilize a single upgrade. Some example upgrades: • •
• •
Explosive: +2 damage, covers a large burst template Incendiary: heat damage works as AP 2; flammable objects may catch fire (see SWD pg. 88) Cryo: Shaken or wounded targets are frozen (works like Entangle power, SWD pg. 113) Toxic: Shaken or wounded targets must make a Vigor roll or suffer -2 to all trait rolls for 1d4 rounds
A weapons harness can hold six grenades. Characters are allowed to carry a mixed assortment (if available). Note that grenades are not “heavy weapons” in the Savage Worlds sense (see SWD pg. 48), not even if fired from a grenade launcher (see below).
Heavy weapons were introduced in Mass Effect 2. I hesitated to include them here because this is primarily a Mass Effect 1 conversion, and also from concerns about gameplay balance. However, some of the bad buys in my bestiary needed heavy weapons; thus, I’ve come up with a very limited selection of heavy weapon stats. Please feel free to generate more of your own. Be advised: heavy weapons are very powerful, and risk unbalancing the game. Mass Effect 2 handles this by limiting ammo for heavy weapons. Though it’s a bit artificial, I recommend doing the same in your SW Mass Effect games. You could explain this in terms of heavy weapon ammo being expensive to produce, expensive to buy, in limited supply, difficult to find, strictly regulated by militaries and governments, and so forth. You could also stipulate that geth and Collector weapons and ammo are unusable by others – they are programmed to work only with geth AI or Collector DNA (or whatever). Ultimately, though, it’s up to you as GM – if you want your players running around firing rocket launchers day in and day out, knock yourself out. However, I would stipulate that heavy weapons not be allowed to use gun upgrades – they are powerful enough already. Grenade Launcher
A grenade launcher fires grenades (including their upgrades, if any) as described above. On the plus side, it has a greater range (15/30/60) and can hold up to 10 grenades. On the minus side, it is slower to fire (once every other round – time for the auto-load mechanism to insert another grenade into the chamber) and suffers from the “Snapfire” penalty. Note that grenades fired from the launcher are not “heavy weapons” in the technical Savage Worlds sense (see SWD pg. 48). Rocket Launcher
Rocket launchers can vary a great deal, depending on the manufacturer. Here are the stats for a basic one – feel free to modify it. • • • •
Range: 24/48/96 Damage: 4d8 (medium burst template, AP(6), heavy weapon) RoF: 1 Reload: 2 full actions (1 if assisted by someone)
A nasty weapon if ever there were. • • • • •
Range: cone template Damage: 2d10 (ignores armor and shields) RoF: 1 Can fire ten times before running out of fuel; take several minutes to refuel. See “Flamethrower” section on pg. 51 of SWD for additional notes.
Geth Rocket Launcher
The basic geth rocket launcher can fire two types of rockets: the disruption rocket and the scram rocket. The stats depend on the type rocket used rather than the launcher itself. Disruption Rocket: • • • •
Range: 12/24/48 Damage: 4d8 (medium burst template, AP(6), heavy weapon) RoF: 1 Reload: 2 full actions (1 if assisted by someone)
Scram Rocket: • • • •
Range: 24/48/96 Damage: 3d8 (no burst, AP(8), heavy weapon) RoF: 1 Reload: 1 full action
There is also an improved version of the geth rocket launcher carried by the geth juggernaut. It reduces the reload by one action. Collector Particle Weapons
As you might expect, these are weapons used by the Collectors. Collector Particle Beam • • •
Range: 12/24/48 Damage: 4d6, AP(2), SP(2), heavy weapon RoF: 1
Collector Heavy Particle Beam • • •
Range: 12/24/48 Damage: 4d8, AP(4), SP(4), heavy weapon RoF: 1
Collector Particle Cannon • • •
Range: 12/24/48 Damage: 4d8+2, AP(6), SP(6), heavy weapon RoF: 1
Omni-tools are ubiquitous devices that serve a w ide variety of purposes (e.g., communication, personal computing, computer interfacing, etc.) Omni-tools are required to use tech powers. This gives tech powers a slight disadvantage compared to biotic or co mbat powers, since one’s omni-tool could conceivably be lost, t aken away, damaged, or destroyed. To compensate, omni-tools can utilize upgrades that boost tech powers (among other things). An omni-tool can utilize a single upgrade (some higher quality omni-tools may be able to utilize more than one upgrade, at the GM’s discretion). Some example upgrades: Duration Boost I: increases tech power duration by 1 round Duration Boost II: increases tech power duration by 2 ro unds Duration Boost III: increases tech power duration by 3 ro unds Power Boost I: target makes rolls to resist tech power at -1 Power Boost II: target makes rolls to resist tech power at -2 Power Boost III: target makes rolls to resist tech power at -3 Cooldown Bonus I: +1 on recharge rolls for tech powers Cooldown Bonus II: +2 on recharge rolls for tech powers Cooldown Bonus III: +3 on recharge rolls for tech powers Hacking I: +1 to Decryption rolls Hacking II: +2 to Decryption rolls Hacking III: +3 to Decryption rolls Help Menu I: +1 to Knowledge (Computers) rolls Help Menu II: +2 to Knowledge (Computers) rolls Help Menu III: +3 to Knowledge (Computers) rolls [A note about bio-amps: Earlier versions of this conversion included bio-amps, which were similar to omni-tools, but for biotic powers. I have removed them. They are absent from Mass Effect 2, and for good reason, I think – as I understand the Mass Effect mythos, bio-amps are nanotechnology implanted directly into a biotic’s nervous system, not handheld devices.] [A note about combat powers: They do not require the use of omni-tools or other devices. They can be thought of as a combination of training, discipline, willpower, and minor mods to weapons, armor, and shields.] Medigel
Medigel is basically a first aid kit. Six units can be carried in a standard utility belt with ease. When a character uses a medigel to heal wounds, he takes a full action and makes a healing skill roll at +2: each success and ra ise removes one wound (e.g., a success heals one wound, a success and a raise heals two wounds, a success and two raises heals three wounds, etc.).
Armor is tailored to each specific race (except ion: asari and human bodies are similar enough t o make armor interchangeable). Armor comes in three types: light (+2 Toughness), medium (+4 Toughness), and heavy (+6 Toughness). Any able-bodied person can wear light armor; medium armor requires at least d8 Strength, and heavy armor requires at least d12 Strength (note that the Armor Training edge reduces the Strength requirement by two die types). Armor covers the entire body from the neck down. Armor also comes with optional helmet; if worn, it covers the entire head, neck, and face (Notice rolls at -2 while worn, if appropr iate – GM’s discretion). Armor acts as a basic space / environmental suit. It provides breathable air (about a half an hour), protection against the effects of vacuum, and some protection against hostile environmental conditions (about two minutes o f protection against a level 1 hostile environment, one minute against level 2, and little to no protection against levels 3 and above). After the duration expires, the wearer begins to experience the negative effects of the environment (which might mean wounds, fatigue levels, etc., depending on the environment). Armor comes standard with a shield. Shields are a form of kinetic barrier. As such, they only protect against small objects moving at high velocities, precisely like those projected by mass accelerator weapons. They do not prevent characters from seeing, hearing, breathing, or touching objects (e.g., weapons, door handles, other characters, etc.). In combat terms, shields protect against guns, heavy weapons (except where noted), and grenades, but not aga inst biotic or tech powers, melee attacks, simple thrown weapons (e.g., knives, stones, etc.), poisoned gas, radiation, temperature extremes, and so forth. They also do not protect against damage received from falling and the like. A shield has a number of wounds it can absorb. Any wounds scored against a target with a shield are removed from the shield’s wound levels first. Once the shield has absorbed its total number of wound levels, attacks work against the target normally after that, and t he shield is down until after the combat is over (although some powers and ar mor upgrades can restore shields mid-combat). Note that phasic rounds have the ability to bypass a certain number of shield wound levels; for example, a Phasic I round would bypass a shield with one level as though there were no shield at all, and would act against a two wound level shield as though it were only a one wound level shield, etc. A suit of armor can utilize a single upgrade. (Some high quality suits of armor may be able to utilize one or two additional upgrades, at the GM’s discretion; however, it is recommended that no suit of armor be able to utilize more than one Shield Battery upgrade.) Some example upgrades: • • • • • •
Shield Regenerator I: restores one wound level of shields once per combat Shield Regenerator II: restores two wound levels of shields once per combat Shield Regenerator III: restores three wound levels of shields o nce per combat Shield Battery I: a standard shield can absorb one more wound (two total) Shield Battery II: a standard shield can abso rb two more wounds (three total) Shield Battery III: a standard shield can absorb t hree more wounds (four total)
• • • • • • •
• • •
Armor Plating I: +1 Toughness Armor Plating II: +2 Toughness Armor Plating III: +3 Toughness Combat Exoskeleton I: +1 Fighting Combat Exoskeleton II: +2 Fighting Combat Exoskeleton III: +3 Fighting Shock Absorbers I: +1 on rolls vs. Throw / Pull and Slam biotics, charge or push attacks, or Shaken results Shock Absorbers II: +2 on rolls vs. Throw / Pull and Slam biotics, charge or push attacks, or Shaken results Shock Absorbers III: +3 on rolls vs. Throw / Pull and Slam biotics, charge or push attacks, or Shaken results Medical Interface I: +1 to soak rolls; reduces wo und penalties by 1 Medical Interface II: +2 to soak rolls; reduces wound pe nalties by 2 Medical Interface III: +3 to soak rolls; reduces wound penalties by 3
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Given the diversity of races, occupations, powers and other abilities, and so forth, there are an almost limitless number of possible adversaries in the Mass Effect universe. Because of this, I cannot and will not even remotely attempt to create an exhaustive bestiary here. Fortunately, Savage Worlds makes it easy to create NPCs on the fly. The easiest way to do this is to take some pre-existing stats from the Savage Worlds core book (or any supplement or setting book) and tweak them a bit. For example, you could take the stats for the Soldier or Experienced Soldier (pg. 81 of SWD), or even the stats for a monster such as a goblin, orc, or ogre. Then just give them some equipment and a couple of powers, and you’re good to go. Some of you might want NPCs with a bit more Mass Effect specific flavor. Just for you, because I care, here is a bit of help and advice. The easiest way to generate a quick NPC is to start with some basic stats for the difficulty levels of bad guys. Here are some recommendations for a few: Wimpy Bad Guy • • •
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d4 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d4, Shooting d4 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 4
Regular Bad Guy • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6 Pace: 6”, Parry: 5, Toughness: 5
Tough Bad Guy • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 6
After choosing a templates, adjust to reflect the bad guy’s race. The following are just recommendations based on typical members of the species (see the PC creation ru les), so feel free to ignore or modify them. Note that no attribute should be lowered below d4. • • • • • • • •
Asari: one extra biotic power, - 1 die type Strength Batarian: +1 die type Smarts, +1 die type Notice, at least d6 Persuasion Drell: +1 die type Strength Human: +1 die type any attribute, +1 die type any skill Krogan: +1 die type Strength and Vigor, - 1 die type Smarts Quarian: +1 die type Smarts, at least d6 Repair and Knowledge (Computers) Salarian: +1 die type Agility and S marts, - 1 die type Vigor Turian: +1 die type Spirit, +1 die type any skill
(Note that these modifiers aren’t meant to be balanced. Some races have other edges and hindrances that aren’t relevant to the stats abo ve, so are not included for present purposes.) Next, add or modify any attributes or skills you deem necessary, according to the type of NPC you want. For example, an infiltrator would probably need Stealth and Decryption and perhaps higher Agility, whereas a negotiator would pro bably need Persuasion and Intimidation and perhaps higher Smarts. Next, give your bad guy some equipment, sticking to the most important stuff – mainly, armor and weapons (you can assume they have other necessary equipment such as omni-tools). Be sure to modify the bad guy’s Toughness to account for his armor (if any), and to include the number of wound levels for his shield (if any). Next, give the bad guy whatever powers, edges, hindrances, or other special abilities you see fit. I recommended that you not go overboard with this, perhaps just sticking to powers, and only a few at most. In particular, I recommend against giving bad guys Shield Boost, unless perhaps they are Wild Cards. Shield Boost makes more bookkeeping for you as GM, and worse, it might frustrate players to take down a bad guy’s shield only to have it go up again. If you want extras to be a bit harder to take down, or if you want to account for the Shield Boost that some bad guys in the video game have (e.g., the basic geth t rooper), it’s probably better to just give them an extra level or two of shields instead. Finally, decide whether or not you want your NPC to be a Wild Card. And what do you know – you’re done! How’d it feel? Glad to hear it. The following section contains more specific and det ailed stats for some common Mass Effect baddies. Note that the stats given here should be considered those of average adversaries, and the GM should feel free to alter or scale them as desired. Also note that if a skill is not listed, that does not necessarily mean that the entity in question does not have the skill; only the skills most relevant to typical tactical situations are listed here, and the GM can decide about other skills if and when it becomes relevant. GETH
The geth are the main bad guys in the first Mass Effect video game, so they deserve their own section, and they deserve to go first. Note: Despite the fact that they are basically robots, geth do not have the Construct ability (pg. 130 in SWD), although they are immune to normal biological diseases and poisons, and they are Fearless (pg. 131 in SWD) – remember that, because I haven’t included it in every single geth entry below. Also note that their armor and shields are built in, not separate items.
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Geth Trooper • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d4 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6, Shooting d6 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 6(2) Armor: light Shields: two wound levels Weapons: Assault Rifle Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Geth Barrier: a small personal shield (one wound level) that protects the geth o from attacks from one direction only (usually the front). It takes one full action to activate and lasts until taken down by weapo ns fire. Description: The basic geth trooper has stronger shields than the average lackey to compensate for its light armor and lack of physical sturdiness, making it very vulnerable once its shields are down, or against attacks that bypass shields. It is also not particularly bright or crafty. As a result, its tactics in battle are relatively straightforward: it will move steadily toward its target while firing its weapon; if its shield go es down, it will activate its Geth Barrier and hunker down, firing from the safety of the barrier.
Geth Rocket Trooper • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d4 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6, Shooting d6 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 6(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: Assault Rifle, Geth Rocket Launcher Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: o None Description: The geth rocket trooper has weaker shields than the basic trooper, but compensates with its rocket launcher attacks. It generally prefers to find high ground where it can bombard its opponents with disruption and scram rockets from a safe position, but if on the ground, it will sometimes move in close and attempt to wipe out its enemies with head-on rocket blasts or assault rifle fire.
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Geth Shock Trooper • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 10(4) Armor: medium Shields: two wound levels Weapons: Assault Rifle, Shotgun Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Carnage o Geth Barrier: a small personal shield (one wound level) that protects the geth o from attacks from one direction only (usually the front). It takes one full action to activate and lasts until taken down by weapo ns fire. Description: The toughest of the basic troopers, the geth shock trooper sports good armor and shields combined with devastating shotgun damage. It also fights marginally smarter than the other troopers, making good use of cover while slowly moving closer to its target; once close enough, it will unleash its Carnage power and attempt to t ake out its target and anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby.
Geth Hunter • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 8(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: Shotgun, Geth Rocket Launcher Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Tactical Cloak: As per a “success” Invisibility (pg. 115 in SWD); it is a free action o to activate and lasts until the Hunter attacks or is hit (though not necessarily damaged) by an attack. Description: The hunter is a stealth version of the geth trooper. It typically singles out an enemy, activates its tactical cloak, and moves in quietly until it can unleash a point-blank shotgun or rocket attack.
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Geth Sniper • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d4 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 6(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: Sniper Rifle Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Assassination o Description: Similar to the geth rocket trooper, but wielding a high-powered sniper rifle. Like the rocket trooper, it can usually be found shooting from a safe place high above the action. It will typically activate its Assassination power as soon as it has reason to believe that it can focus its attacks on a single target for at least a couple of rounds.
Geth Destroyer • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 14(6) Armor: heavy Shields: two wound levels Weapons: Assault Rifle, Shotgun Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Carnage o Size +1 o Description: A heavy armored trooper, the destroyer will charge directly at its target, switching to its shotgun and activating its Carnage power once it’s close enough. It’s also a capable melee combatant, should the situation require it.
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Geth Juggernaut • • • • • •
• •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d12, Strength d10, Vigor d12 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 15(6) Armor: heavy Shields: two wound levels Weapons: Assault Rifle (upgrades: +1 Shooting, +1 da mage to organics), Improved Geth Rocket Launcher Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Resistance o o Size +1 Description: The juggernaut’s strong attacks and de fenses make it an opponent to be reckoned with. It prefers to move in close enough to use rifle and rocket attacks, while still keeping enough distance to avoid melee combat.
Geth Prime (Wild Card) • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Shooting d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 16(6) Armor: heavy Shields: three wound levels Weapons: Assault Rifle (upgrades: +2 Shooting, +2 da mage to organics) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Overload o Damping o Resistance o Pulse Blast (range: 12/24/48, damage: 5d8+2 ( medium blast, AP(3), SP(3), heavy o weapon), can only be used once every three rounds) o Geth Barrier: a small personal shield (one wound level) that protects the geth from attacks from one direction only (usually the front). It takes one full action to activate and lasts until taken down by weapo ns fire. o Combat VI: gives all geth within a medium burst template around the Prime a +2 to all trait rolls (is a free action to activate and has a 3 round duration). Size +2 o Description: The Prime is the geth’s fiercest trooper. Luckily, it is rare to find more than one or two at a time. It fights smart, using cover and picking attacks to suit the opponent, the environment, and the situation. A fight with a Prime is an encounter to be remembered – assuming one survives …
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Geth Sapper • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d4 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 5, Toughness: 6(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Sabotage (can be used twice per combat) o Radiation Beam (acts as a p istol with Toxic rounds) o o Leap: can jump vertically or horizontally up to 6” Wall Walker: can stand or move on ce ilings and walls at their normal pace o Description: The sapper is the basic “hopper” style geth. It fights smart, constantly leaping from place to place and keeping a distance from the enemy, while firing its radiation beam and using its Sabotage power on whatever target would be most inconvenienced by having its weapon overheated.
Geth Stalker • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d12, S marts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 7(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: none Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Sabotage o Overload o Damping o o Leap: can jump vertically or horizontally up to 6” Wall Walker: can stand or move on ce ilings and walls at their normal pace o Description: The geth stalker behaves in much the same way as the sapper. Lacking any normal attacks (e.g., weapons, the radiation beam of the sapper, etc.), the stalker will do its best to pick the most effect moment and the most appropriate target for its Sabot age, Overload, and Damping powers. [Note: Since it lacks weapons, the stalker has automatic recharge for these powers – it can use one power per round, but not the same one twice in a row.]
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Geth Ghost • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d12, S marts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 8(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Sniper Beam (acts as a Sniper rifle with no snapfire penalty) o Overload Blast (works as Overload, but affects all in a small burst template) o o Leap: can jump vertically or horizontally up to 6” Wall Walker: can stand or move on ce ilings and walls at their normal pace o Description: Possibly the deadliest of the hoppers, the get h ghost prefers to flank its enemies and take them down with sniper fire. In addition, they enjoy the benefit of an Overload attack with a small burst area of effect, which they will use when it will have the most effect.
Geth Armature • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d10, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 4”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 18(7) Armor: heavy (upgrade: +1 Toughness) Shields: two wound levels Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Mounted Rifle (as per Assault Rifle with +1 damage and AP(1)) o Siege Pulse (range: 12/24/48, damage: 5d8+2 (medium blast, AP(3), SP(3), heavy o weapon), can only be used once every three rounds) o Size +3 Description: The geth armature is the equivalent of a small tank. Though not particularly fast or smart, its heavy armor and weapons make it difficult to tackle. Tactically, it is a very simple creature: it stands in the middle of the action and fires at anything that comes in range.
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Geth Colossus (Wild Card) • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d12, Strength d12+3, Vigor d12+3 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d8, Shooting d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 23(8) Armor: heavy (upgrade: +2 Toughness) Shields: three wound levels Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Mounted Rifle (as per Assault Rifle with +3 damage, AP(3), heavy weapon) o Siege Pulse (range: 12/24/48, damage: 6d8+3 (large blast, AP(3), SP(3), heavy o weapon), can only be used once every three rounds) Size +6 o Large: attackers receive a +2 bonus to hit a colossus o Description: The geth colossus is basically a huge armature, and it behaves in much the same way. The colossus is the heaviest hitter of the geth family – if you see one, seriously consider running as quickly as possible in t he other direction …
These creatures are the sci-fi equivalent of horror / fantasy zombies and the like. Husk • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6 Pace: 6”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8 Armor: none Shields: none Weapons: none Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Undead (pg. 133 in SWD) o o Fearless (pg. 131 in SWD) Tesla Pulse (As Overload, but in a small burst that ignores cover) o Melee Attack: Husks are built to deliver devastating melee strikes, and thus roll o Str + d6 damage. Description: A husk really is nothing more than a mindless zombie. It will run directly at its opponents, discharging its Tesla Pulse and using melee attacks once close enough.
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Husk Abomination • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6 Pace: 6”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8 Armor: none Shields: none Weapons: none Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Undead (pg. 133 in SWD) o Fearless (pg. 131 in SWD) o o Death Blast (an explosion that does 4d6 damage in a small burst) Melee Attack: Husks are built to deliver devastating melee strikes, and thus roll o Str + d6 damage. Description: The abomination is the suicide bomber version of the husk. It rushes its enemies, gets in a melee attack or two, and then triggers its death blast, destroying itself in the process. Its death blast is also triggered on the round after it is incapacitated or killed.
Husk Scion • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d1 2 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 4”, Parry: 5, Toughness: 18(8) Armor: none (but see below) Shields: none Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Organic Discharge (range: 6/12/24, 3d6 damage, RoF: 1) o Shockwave (useable once every three rounds) o o Armored Shell: acts as 8 points of armor Resistance o Hardy (pg. 131 in SWD) o o Undead (pg. 133 in SWD) Fearless (pg. 131 in SWD) o Description: More akin to Frankenstein’s monster than a zo mbie, the scion is a horrible composite creature given to the Collectors by the Reapers. Though its organic missile attack is only moderately dangerous, its armored shell makes it difficult to take down, and its Shockwave attack can be quite a nuisance, especially when the scion is accompanied by other Collector or undead forces.
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Thorian Creeper • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8 Armor: none Shields: none Weapons: none Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Undead (pg. 133 in SWD) o Fearless (pg. 131 in SWD) o o Vomit Attack (range: 3/6/12, no damage but target makes a Vigor roll or suffers a -2 penalty to all trait rolls for 1d4 rounds – this attack bypasses shields and is toxic enough to work even through armor and environmental suits) Description: The thorian creeper looks and acts very similar to the basic husk. Once in range, it uses its vomit attack, and then closes in for melee combat.
Though they are the central enemy in Mass Effect 2, there are only a few different kinds of Collectors. Other than the Praetorian, they all look alike, but they have different abilities and battle behaviors. (Note: the Collector’s flight is natural, not mass effect based – this means they are vulnerable to throw / pull, slam, and singularity even when in flight.) Collector Drone • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 5, Toughness: 10(4) Armor: none (but see below) Shields: none Weapons: Collector Particle Beam Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Chitinous Exoskeleton (acts as 4 points of armor) o Flight (Pace: 12”, Climb: 1) o Low Light Vision (pg. 132 in SWD) o Description: The drone is the basic infantry u nit of the Collectors – meaning they are numerous and expendable. Their tactics are simple: spread out over the field of battle and attack everything in sight with their powerful particle beam weapons.
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Collector Guardian • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 10(4) Armor: none (but see below) Shields: two wound levels Weapons: Collector Heavy Particle Beam Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Chitinous Exoskeleton (acts as 4 points of armor) o Flight (Pace: 12”, Climb: 1) o o Low Light Vision (pg. 132 in SWD) Collector Barrier (works the same as the Geth Barrier above) o Description: The Collector guardian is a tougher version of the drone. There are usually fewer guardians than drones at any given battle, but the guard ians fight smarter and have the benefit of both personal shields and a barrier similar to that of the get h trooper.
Collector Assassin • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10, Shooting d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 11(4) Armor: none (but see below) Shields: 2 wound levels Weapons: Collector Particle Cannon Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Chitinous Exoskeleton (acts as 4 points of armor) o Flight (Pace: 12”, Climb: 1) o Low Light Vision (pg. 132 in SWD) o Description: The Collector assassin is the rarest and toughest of the Collectors. It prefers to fire its devastating particle cannon from a safe place of at least partial cover, concentrating its fire on whoever appears the strongest opponent.
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Praetorian (Wild Card) • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d12 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d8, Shooting d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 14(4) Armor: none (but see below) Shields: none (but see below) Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Chitinous Exoskeleton (acts as 4 points of armor) o Flight (Pace: 12”, Climb: 0) o o Low Light Vision (pg. 132 in SWD) Size +2 o Twin Particle Beams: range 12/24/48, damage: 4d8 (AP(8), SP(8), heavy o weapon). The Praetorian can fire both of these beams each round, either at a single target (no penalty) or at two different targets (-2 Shooting). Praetorian Barrier: This barrier acts as a shield with three wound levels. After it o goes down, the Praetorian spends the whole next round without it, during which it is especially vulnerable to attacks. The following round, the Praetorian Barrier reactivates, making it entirely immune to attacks for this round; also du ring this round, the Praetorian performs its “Death Choir” maneuver, slamming itself to t he ground, doing 4d6 damage to anyone in a small burst template. The next round, the barrier goes back to its original state (three wound levels), and the process starts over again, until the Praetorian is eventually de feated, or it kills its enemies. Description: This flying tank serves as the Collectors’ last resort attack. It flies along, closely following its targets, firing its particles beams all the while. If its barrier goes down, it acts according to the description above.
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The vorcha are probably the nastiest and most reviled of the “c ivilized” races – in fact, many would say they barely count as civilized at all. They are most often found scavenging or working as mercenaries. Vorcha have a special adaptability that allows them to develop traits in response to their environments – for example, a vorcha that is damaged by fire might develop a resistance to fire. As a result, vorcha are varied – no two are exactly alike. The stats below represent a couple of basic co mbat-oriented vorcha types, which can be modified with various edges and traits to account for their variety. Vorcha Thug • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d4, Shooting d6 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 9(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: Assault Rifle, Pistol Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Hardy (pg. 131 in SWD) o Fast Regeneration (pg. 132 in SWD), but ceases once killed o Description: The basic thug can serve a variety of purposes in combat. Some will seek cover and let heavier forces do the heavy work. Others can serve as front line infantry (their regeneration ability makes them difficult to keep down). Ultimately, they will simply do whatever they are o rdered to by their superiors.
Vorcha Heavy • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d12 Skills: Fighting 10, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 12(4) Armor: medium Shields: one wound level Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Shotgun Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Hardy (pg. 131 in SWD) o Fast Regeneration (pg. 132 in SWD), but ceases once killed o Description: The vorcha heavy will usually keep at a distance and bombard enemies with its rocket launcher, but if pressed, it will use its shotgun at close range.
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The Blood Pack started out as a small-time vorcha gang, but was later taken over by krogans. As a result, krogans usually occupy the upper ranks and vorcha the lower (the Blood Pack very rarely includes other species). Members can vary a great deal. The following are examples of a couple of common types. The stats for the vorcha thug and vorcha heavy (above) can also be used. In addition, the Blood Pack often uses varren (see the “Beasts” section below) as war dogs and blood hounds. Blood Pack Warrior (Krogan) • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 13(6) Armor: heavy Shields: 2 wound levels Weapons: Shotgun (upgrades: +1 Shooting, Incendiary rounds) Other Gear: Grenades (6) Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: o Berserk (pg. 32 in SWD) Carnage o Description: The Blood Pack Warrior doesn’t make use of tactics – unless “charge r ight at your enemies in a berserk rage, firing your shotgun all the while” counts as a tactic.
Blood Pack Pyro (Vorcha) • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d4, Shooting d6 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 9(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: Flamethrower Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Hardy (pg. 131 in SWD) o o Fast Regeneration (pg. 132 in SWD), but ceases once killed Description: Basically just a vorcha thug with a flamethrower. Nasty little SOB’s.
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The Blue Suns are well trained and well equipped mercenaries. They rarely have biotics in their ranks, but make up for it with numbers, discipline, and clever tactics. Most are batarian, human, or turian. They also make use of various mechs (see the “Mechs” section below). The following are stats for a few basic types. As a default, they are constructed as humans, but batarian or turian racial modifiers and abilities can be applied if desired. For that reason, and because their behaviors and tactics are varied according to the demands of the situation, no further description is given. Blue Suns Trooper • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 10(4) Armor: medium Shields: one wound level Weapons: Assault Rifle (upgrades: +1 Shooting)
Blue Suns Legionnaire • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 10(4) Armor: medium Shields: two wound levels Weapons: Assault Rifle (upgrades: +1 Shooting, SP(3)) Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Armor Training o o Overkill
Blue Suns Centurion • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d10, Shooting d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 13(6) Armor: heavy Shields: two wound levels Weapons: Shotgun (upgrades: +1 Shooting, Incendiary ammo) Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Armor Training o o Overkill Immunity o
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The Eclipse lack the kind of group military training of some gangs, preferring to fight as a collection of individuals instead. This means that they rarely make use of cooperative tactics (e.g., flanking, ganging up, etc.), but make up for it with their unpredictability. They are far more likely to have biotics in their ranks than some other gangs. Most are asari, salarian, or human. They also make use of various mechs (see the “Mechs” section below). The following are stats for a few basic types. As a default, they are constructed as humans, but asari or salarian racial modifiers and abilities can be applied if desired. For that reason, and because their behaviors and tactics are varied according to the demands of the situation, no further description is given. Eclipse Trooper • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 5, Toughness: 8(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: Assault Rifle, Pistol
Eclipse Heavy • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 5, Toughness: 10(4) Armor: medium Shields: one wound level Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Pistol
Eclipse Engineer • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 10(4) Armor: medium Shields: two wound levels Weapons: Assault Rifle (upgrades: -1 autofire penalty, AP(1)), Pistol Other Gear: Grenades (6) Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Incinerate o o Combat Drone
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Eclipse Vanguard • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 10(4) Armor: medium Shields: two wound levels Weapons: Assault Rifle (upgrades: -1 autofire penalty, AP(1)), Pistol Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Warp o Barrier o
Eclipse Commando • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d10, Shooting d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 13(6) Armor: heavy Shields: three wound levels Weapons: Shotgun (upgrades: +3 to S/M/L ranges, SP(3)), Pistol Other Gear: Grenades (6) Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Carnage o Warp o o Armor Training
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Drones and turrets are used by many, from geth to humans. As a result, there are a wide variety of possible types. The following represent just a few possible types – trapping, abilities, and traits can be modified and scaled as necessary. [Note: Flying drones use mass effect fields for this mode of movement, and so are not vulnerable to throw / pull, slam, or singularity.] [Another note: armor and shields are built in, not separate items.] Combat Drone • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6, Shooting d12 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 12(6) Armor: none (but see below) Shields: none Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Fearless (see pg. 131 in SWD) o o Immune to Taunts Immune to diseases or poisons o Flight (Pace: 6”, Climb 0) o o Electric Shock (range: 3/6/12, damage: 3d6, RoF: 1) Electric Form (acts as 6 points of armor) o Description: This is the drone created by the Combat Drone tech power (see above).
Assault Drone • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 12(6) Armor: heavy Shields: one wound level Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Fearless (see pg. 131 in SWD) o Immune to Taunts o Immune to diseases or poisons o Flight (Pace: 6”, Climb 0) o Size: -1 o Machine Gun (works as an Assault Rifle) o Description: The standard assault drone is typically used to defend an area or lay down suppressing fire for troops.
Recon Drone • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d6(A), Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d12, Shooting d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 7(2) Armor: light Shields: one wound level Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Fearless (see pg. 131 in SWD) o Immune to Taunts o o Immune to diseases or poisons Flight (Pace: 12”, Climb 1) o Size: -1 o Gun (works as a Pistol) o Description: The recon drone is a lighter, faster version of the assault drone that is typically used to scout out positions and report back to its user.
Rocket Drone • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 6”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 13(6) Armor: heavy Shields: one wound level Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Fearless (see pg. 131 in SWD) o Immune to Taunts o Immune to diseases or poisons o o Flight (Pace: 6”, Climb 0) Rocket (works as an Rocket Launcher) o Description: The rocket drone is a bit larger than the assault or recon drone. It usually flies to a stable location and lands so that it can fire its rocket (it can fire in the air if need be, but at a -4 penalty). It is typically used to take out vehicles or heavy troops.
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Turret • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d10 Skills: Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: -, Parry: 2, Toughness: 13(6) Armor: heavy Shields: one wound level Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Fearless (see pg. 131 in SWD) o Immune to Taunts o o Immune to diseases or poisons Machine Gun (works as an Assault Rifle) or Rocket (works as a Rocket o Launcher) Description: The turret is simply a stationary version of the assault or rocket drone.
MECHS Mechs are a bit more sophisticated than drones or turrets, but are not sentient like the get h. [Note: armor and shields are built right in, not separate items.]
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LOKI Mech • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6, Shooting d6 Pace: 4”, Parry: 4, Toughness: 7(2) Armor: light Shields: none Weapons: Pistol (also see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Fearless (see pg. 131 in SWD) o Immune to Taunts o o Immune to diseases or poisons Weakness: A successful called shot to the head (roll at -4) is an automatic kill o Weakness: A successful called shot to a shoulder (roll at -4) will disable that arm. o Taser Blast (range: 1”, bypasses shields, 2d6 non- lethal damage, target passes out o for 2d6 hours once capacitated, recovers completely from all “wounds” once regains consciousness) Description: The humanoid LOKI is an extremely cheap mech. This makes them easy to destroy, but affordable enough to buy a lot of them. Their tactics amount to nothing more than following simple orders.
FENRIS Mech • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6 Pace: 8”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 9(4) Armor: medium Shields: none Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: o Fearless (see pg. 131 in SWD) Immune to Taunts o Immune to diseases or poisons o o Size -1 Taser Bite (melee attack, bypasses shields, 3d6 non- lethal damage, target passes o out for 2d6 hours once capacitated, recovers completely from all “wounds” once regains consciousness) Description: The FENRIS resembles a large mechanistic war do g and acts as such in battle, charging and biting its target. They are sometimes modded by mercs so that their taser bite does lethal damage.
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YMIR Mech (Wild Card) • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d10, Strength d12, Vigor d 12 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d10 Pace: 6”, Parry: 6, Toughness: 17(6) Armor: heavy Shields: three wound levels Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Fearless (see pg. 131 in SWD) o Immune to Taunts o o Immune to diseases or poisons Size +3 o Minigun (range: 24/48/96, damage: 3d8 (AP(2)), RoF: 4, mounted on the right o arm) Rocket (treat as a Rocket Launcher, mounted on the left arm) o Weakness: The arms have a To ughness of merely 10(4). o Weakness: The YMIR has a small weak spot on its forehead. A successful called o shot at -6 that gets past the YMIR’s shields will trigger the YMIR’s Death Explosion on the next round. Death Explosion: the round after a YMIR is incapacitated / killed, it explodes, o causing 4d8 damage to all in a small burst Description: The “Big Daddy” of mechs, t he YMIR is expensive enough to make it (thankfully) rare. Despite its formidable offensive and defensive capabilities, it does have some weaknesses that clever opponents can exploit.
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BEASTS Klixen • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Shooting d8 Pace: 8”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 7 Armor: none Shields: none Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: o Bite: Str+d4 Fire Spit (range: 3/6/12, damage: 2d6 (AP(2), bypasses shields, flammable objects o may catch fire)) Death Blast (the klixen explodes in a fiery spray once it is incapacitated / killed, o doing 3d6 damage in a small burst (AP(2), bypasses shields, flammable objects may catch fire)) Resistant to heat / fire attacks (such attacks subtract 4 from damage rolls) o Description: A large crustacean-like creature, the klixen is highly aggressive a nd will charge its target, using its fiery spit and melee attacks.
Varren • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8 Pace: 10”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(2) Armor: none (but see below) Shields: none Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: o Bite: Str+d6 Fleet-footed: roll a d10 instead of d6 when running o Thick Hide: acts as 2 po ints of armor o Description: A reptilian canine used by krog ans (and especially Blood Pack) as war dogs and blood hounds.
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Rachni Worker • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6 Pace: 8”, Parry: 5, Toughness: 6 Armor: none Shields: none Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Bite: Str+d4 o Explosive Suicide Attack (the worker explodes in a toxic spray once it reaches its o target or is incapacitated / killed, acting as a grenade with a Toxic upgrade, but only in a small blast radius) Description: Rachni are large insect-like creatures. The workers will swarm opponents, blowing up in a suicide attack when they reach their target.
Rachni Soldier • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d10, S marts d4(A), Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6, Shooting d8 Pace: 8”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 13(6) Armor: none (but see below) Shields: none Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Chitinous Exoskeleton (acts as 6 points of armor) o Bite: Str+d6 o Acid Spit (range: 3/6/12, damage: 2d8 (AP(2), bypasses shields)) o Resistance o Description: Rachni soldiers are far more dangerous than the wo rkers, with both ranged and melee attacks, as well as heavy armor to protect them.
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Rachni Brood Warrior • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8(A), Spirit d10, Strength d12, Vigor d 12+2 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Shooting d8 Pace: 8”, Parry: 7, Toughness: 18(6) Armor: none (but see below) Shields: none Weapons: none (but see below) Other Gear: none Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: Chitinous Exoskeleton (acts as 6 points of armor) o Bite: Str+d8 o o Acid Spit (range: 3/6/12, damage: 3d8 (AP(2), bypasses shields)) Advanced Resistance o Size +3 o Warp o Barrier o Description: The rachni brood warrior is extremely rare. When they are found, they are usually protecting a hive or even the queen herself.
Here’s a template for you to use to make your own baddies. Enjoy.
Name • • • • • • • •
Attributes: Agility d, Smarts d, Spirit d, Strength d, Vigor d Skills: Fighting d, Notice d, Shooting d, Pace: #”, Parry: #, Toughness: #(#) Armor: light / medium / heavy Shields: x wound levels Weapons: Other Gear: Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Special Abilities: o
I have no intention of do ing anything too detailed or technical with interstellar space travel in my own Mass Effect games, so you won’t find any of that here. Sorry to disappoint, but I do have other things to do, you know … My intention is simply to hand-wave such things, much like the video games themselves do. “Okay, you set course for the Knossus system … okay, some time passes, and you’re there.” However, I may have some use for smaller scale vehicles for land, air, and sea travel, so I thought I’d include just a few basic models here; you can then create a wider variety of vehicles by simply adjusting the stats a bit (or taking the stats for a vehicle from the SWD core rule book, or any other setting, and just slapping a futuristic name on it … ). M35 MAKO • • • •
• • •
Acc / Top Speed: 5/20 Toughness: 25 (10) Shields: 3 wound levels Weapons: Gatling Gun (as per Assault Rifle with +3 damage, AP(3), heavy weapon) o Cannon (range: 12/24/48, damage: 5d8+2 (medium blast, AP(3), SP(3), heavy o weapon), can only be used once every three rounds) Crew: 1 driver, 1 gunner, 2 passengers Notes: Four wheel drive, heavy armor Description: The Mako is an all-terrain land vehicle designed to transport a small team from a dropship landing zone to a tactical location. While not the fastest vehicle ever to cross land, it has armor and shields to protect its inhabitants and weapons to clear out enemies from a distance.
Acc / Top Speed: 10/80 Toughness: 13(2) Shields: 2 wound levels Weapons: none Crew: 2 drivers, 6 passengers Notes: Heavy armor, Climb 0 Description: A simple shuttle used to move crew from a larger ship (e.g., the No rmandy) to a docking bay or landing zone.
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