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The Village of the Future Future A Cure for Urban Overpopulation
Outlining: Topic Topic vilage. Main id idea used to develop
: How to solve urban overpopulation overpopulation by developing the
: There ar are si six technologies and two methods that can be
the village. Supp Suppor orti ting ng detail details s : •
Technologies Technologies : iogas digesters !ow cost hand pump and slow sand "ltration water puri"cation system Solar energy Soybean seeder Ferrocement rice storage bins !ow cost materials : bamboo aand rattan Methods : #uilding Together$ program Village %ater &ommittees
%ith those methods ang technologies' rural farmers have no need to (oin urbani)ation because they can develop a better village for the future.
Summary: *n the article #The Village of the Future Future : + &ure for f or ,rban -verpopulation$' avid !. Terry Terry stated that many rural farmers move to already crowded cities' loo/ing for another employments. em ployments. They ma/e that decision because they can0t survive and a1ord su2cient rice during dry season. +ctually' modern agricultural technology has been developed. ut' with their low income' it will be too expensive. +sian *nstitute of Technology Technology gives some solutions to cope that problems. p roblems. +*T develops some simple3 low cost technology that may be helpful for the farmers0 life. First' they can use biogas digesters to produce coo/ing gas. iogas digesters (ust need night soil' rice straw' and water hyacinth as a fuel. eside that' the slurry producing plan/ton of the biogas digesters can be used to feed "sh in their ponds. Second' +*T has developed a low cost hand pump and slow
sand "ltration water puri"cation system' so farmers can get enough clean water for their activities. Third' they don0t need electricity to dry rice or refrigerate perishable crops because they can use solar energy. *t will be possible for them to dry their rice harvest e2ciently during rainy season. Then' during the dry season' they can plant soybeans' which have good mar/et price and are very nutritious' easily with soybean seeder . To /eep their harvest' farmers can use ferrocement rice storage bins as a low cost storage beacuse it is made from basic raw materials such as sand' cement' and reinforcing mesh. +*T develops other low cost materials too li/e bamboo with rattan bindings that are used to replace steel reinforcement for road construction. eside technologies' +*T recommends two methods that should be developed. First' they should form #Village %ater &ommittees$ which allow them to own and operate their water pro(ects. That committees will ensure proper operation and maintenance of the water supply. Second is #uilding Together$ program' groups of families build their own houses. They will produce their own ground beams and bric/s' so they can /eep the cost minimum. *n conclusion' with those solutions' rural farmers have no need to (oin urbani)ation because they can develop their village for their better life.