Correction: For the table for object A immersed in water, the correct symbols for length of the spring is l' while for horizontal distance is x'. Instagram: ningjie.emilyFull description
Instagram: ningjie.emilyFull description
Instagram: ningjie.emily
Instagram: ningjie.emilyFull description
ATTENTION: Note that readings for temperature should have 1 decimal place. Please correct this yourself. Instagram: ningjie.emilyFull description
Instagram: ningjie.emily
Instagram: ningjie.emily
Sorry for the bad quality. My scanner was not working so I had to capture the document using my phone. (I'd normally type them but this time I'm too lazy but the painful realization that doi…Full description
For the steps to overcome the weakness of the experiment (c) (iii) the missing words are "as shown in the figure.". It would be better to say "Inaccurate human eye estimation" for (b) (iii).…Full description
Physics experiment for Form 6 (2012)\ I've done this experiment on my own and I hope no one re-uploads this and needless to mention, selling this. Sorry for any inconvenience cause due…Full description
If you would like to have the copy in MS Word, do send an email to [email protected]
STPM Physics sem 1 Thermodynamics
If you would like to have the copy in MS Word, do send an email to [email protected]
Physics Practical for Form 6 (2013) Instagram: ningjie.emilyFull description
Physics Practical for Form 6 (2013) Apparently there's this dumbass who took all my typed content and re-uploaded them like it's his work and put them on Scri…Full description