Stowage and Segregation of Dangerous Goods on Container Ships Stowage of dangerous goods on board container ships are decided by two factors, Document of Compliance and IMDG Code. IMDG Code sets forth the Stowage and Segregation Rules which is executed on each essel according to the Document of Compliance issued to her. her. Document of Compliance is issued to a essel if it meets the re!uirements of S"#$S Regulation II%&'(), Construction * +ire protection, re detection and re extinction -Carriage of Dangerous Goods. /he Document of Compliance certies that the construction and e!uipment of the mentioned ship hae been found to comply with the proisions of regulation II% &'() of the International Conention for the Safety of #ife at Sea, ()01, as amended2 and that the ship is suitable for the carriage of t hose classes of dangerous goods as specied in the appendix thereto, sub3ect to any proisions in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods -IMDG Code and t he International Maritime Solid 4ul5 Cargoes -IMS4C Code for indiidual substances, materials or articles also being complied with. In this document the under dec5 spaces and on dec5 spaces are mar5ed separately for carriage of 6ac5aged Dangerous Goods, 4ul5 Goods and what is not permitted. 7alidity of the document of compliance will not exceed 8 years and will not be extended beyond the expiry date of the alid Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certicate issued to the ship concerned under the proisions of S"#$S regulation I'(&. See Maritime Safety Committee Circular MSC.('Circ.(&99 for full details. Coming to IMDG Code stowage and Segregation rules for dangerous goods essels are categori:ed into two types, Cargo Ships and 6assenger Ships. /his categori:ation further diides cargo ships and passenger ships for carriage of Class (, ;xplosies, and Classes & to ). /he di
Segregation between containers carrying dangerous goods are di
/wo closed containers re!uiring segregation =separated from> each other when loading ertically or hori:ontally they need to be segregated as shown.
Segregation and Stowage Re!uirements for Dangerous Cargo Carg o * IMDG IMD G Code Cod e Guideli Guid eline ne
?andling dangerous cargo re!uires special care due to the inherent ha:ardous nature of the cargo and applicable carriage regulations. /he general proisions for segregation between the arious classes of dangerous goods are shown in @Segregation table@ -IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.(.(9. In addition to the general proisions, there may be a need to segregate a particular substance, material or article from other goods which could contribute to its ha:ard.
D'G Cargo ="nboard> #ist Ahere re!uired for reporting to port authorities, the C'"< shall prepare an updated dangerous cargo list. /his list shall contain at least the following informationB a Stow 6osition b Container umber c #ine "perator d 6ort of #oading ' Discharging Dis charging e DG Class f umber g 6roper Shipping ame h Aeight i +lash 6oint and ;MS Such list for reporting to authorities shall be made with utmost caution
D'G Cargo Stowage 6lan /he C'"< shall prepare a copy of the Dangerous Cargo Stowage 6lan -indicating D'G class E Stowage #ocation, along with a D'G Cargo #ist -indicating #ocation, Cntr o., D'G Class and o.. $nd these along with any special guidelines f rom shippers, shall be 5eptB % in Aheel ?ouse -for ready reference of the watch 5eeping oFcer and % in +ire Aallets at Gangways.
6articular proisions for segregation are indicated in the Dangerous Goods #ist and, in the case of conicting proisions, always ta5e precedence oer the general proisions. +or exampleB a In the Dangerous Goods #ist entry for $C;/H#;;, DISS"#7;D, DISS"#7;D, class &.(, ((, the following particular segregation re!uirement is speciedB =separated from> chlorine b In the Dangerous Goods #ist entry for 4$RIM CH$ID;, C#$SS 9.(, (898, /?; +"##"AIG 6$R/IC#$R 6$R/IC#$R S;GR;G$/I" IS S6;CI+I;DB =separated from> acids - IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.(.9
&. Ahere the Code indicates a single secondary ha:ard -one subsidiary ris5 label, the segregation proisions applicable to that ha:ard should ta5e precedence where they are more stringent than those of the primary ha:ard. - IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.(.9.( J. ;xcept for class (, the segregation proisions for substances, materials or articles haing more than two ha:ards -& or more subsidiary ris5 labels are gien in the Dangerous Goods #ist. +or exampleB In the Dangerous Goods #ist entry for 4R"MI; C?#"RID;, class &.J &)(, subsidiary ris5 8.( and K, the following particular segregation is speciedB =segregation as for class 8.( but =separated from =class 0> L -IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.(.9.& 1. Aheneer dangerous goods are stowed together, together, whether or not in a cargo transport unit, the segregation of such dangerous goods from others should always be in accordance with the most stringent proisions for any of the dangerous goods concerned. -IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.(.) 8. o segregation need be applied between dangerous goods of di each other may be carried in the same cargo
transport unit with the approal of the competent authority. authority. In such cases an e!uialent standard of safety must be maintained. -IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.&.J K. +or the purpose of segregation, dangerous goods haing certain similar chemical properties hae been grouped together in segregation groups as listed in 0.&.(.0.&. /he entries allocated to these segregation groups are listed in IMDG Code chapter J.(.1.1. Ahere in the Dangerous Goods #ist entry in column (9 -stowage and segregation a particular segregation re!uirement refers t o a group of substances, such as @acids@, the particular segregation re!uirement applies to the goods allocated to the respectie segregation group. -IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.(.0.(. LSegregation groups referred to in the Dangerous Goods #istL -IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.(.0.&. .( acids .& ammonium compounds .J bromates .1 chlorates .8 chlorites .9 cyanides .0 heay metals and their salts .K hypochlorites .) lead and lead compounds .( li!uid halogenated hydrocarbons .(( mercury and mercury compounds .(& nitrites .(J perchlorates .(1 permanganates .(8 powdered metals .(9 peroxides .(0 a:ides .(K al5alis
). It is recogni:ed r ecogni:ed that not all substances falling within a s egregation group are listed in this Code by name. /hese substances are shipped under .".S. entries. $lthough these .".S. entries are not listed themseles i n the aboe groups, the shipper shall decide whether allocation under the segregation group is appropriate. Mixtures, solutions or preparations containing substances falling within a segregation group and shipped under an .".S. entry are also considered to fall within that segregation s egregation group. -IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.(.0.J. (. /he segregation groups in this Code do not coer substances which fall outside the classication criteria of this Code. It is recognised that some non% ha:ardous substances hae similar chemical properties as substances listed in t he
segregation groups. $ shipper or the person responsible for pac5ing the goods into a cargo transport unit who does hae 5nowledge of the chemical properties of such non%dangerous goods may decide to implement the segregation re!uirements of a related segregation group on a oluntary basis. -IMDG Code Chapter 0.&.(.0.1.
In the last article, ‘Stowage and Segregation Segregation of Dangerous Goods on Container Ships’, dated th 20 May, we looked at the proisions of stowage of containeri!ed dangerous dangerous goods on container ships" #et us look at the $asic stowage and segrega segregation tion proisions for carriage of dangerous goods in packaged fro% and in solid $ulk for% on general cargo ships" &la%%a$le gases or 'a%%a$le li(uids li(uids haing a 'ashpoint of less than 2)*C c"c, %ust $e stowed on deck only, unless otherwise approed approed $y the +d%inistration and %ust $e stowed at least ) % fro% any potential source of ignition" ere possi$le sources of ignition %ay include open -res, %achinery e.hausts, galley uptakes, electrical outlets and electrical e(uip%ent including those on refrigerated or heated cargo transport units unless they are of certi-ed safe type" &or interpreting what is certi-ed type, for cargo spaces, refer to S/#+S II213")"2 and for refrigerated or heated cargo transport units refer to 4eco%%endation pu$lished $y the interna international tional 5lectrotechnical 5lectrotechnical Co%%ission, in particular I5C 60073" 8hen e.plosies are loaded the co%part%ents or holds and containers %ust $e locked to perert unauthori!ed access howeer when in e%ergency access to the locked places %ust $e a$le to $e gained without delay" If the cargo co%part%ent 'oors are not -tted with closed $oarded wood the loading1unloading e(uip%ent and process %ust ensure no sparks can occur" If the cargo gets wet all handling operations %ust $e stopped unless specialist adise fro% shipper clears sa%e" 9ersonnel inoled in cargo operations %ust $e $riefed prior work regarding the potential risks and necessary precaution" 8hen e.plosies $elonging to di:erent co%pati$ility groups are loaded they %ust $e stowed not less than 6 %eters fro% each other unless %i.ed loading is per%itted $etween the inoled co%pati$ility groups as per section 7"2"7 of IMDG Code" ;on containeri!ed 'a%%a$le li(uids packaged in plastics here are special re(uire%ents for stowage of &ISM5+#, ?;S>+=I#I@5D ?;S>+=I#I@5D A?; )7B, &ISM5+#, S>+=I#I@5D S>+=I#I@5D A?; 226, class 3 and 4I## M5+# A?;)B37, S55D C+5 A?; )E6, +MM/;I?M ;I>4+>5 =+S5D &54>I#I@54, ?; 207 and certain other goods" 8hen feeds or other edi$le su$stances intended for consu%ption $y hu%ans or ani%als, foodstu:, is loaded it will re(uire segregation ‘separated fro%’ to.ic, radioactie and corrosie dangerous goods and Dangerous goods in other classes which has segregation reference refer ence in colu%n 6 A6$ in )7th a%end%ent of IMDG Code"
>here are are four segregation segregation rules for dangerous dangerous goods loaded in conentional conentional way on $oard $oard ships" "
+way fro% 5:ectiely segregated so that the inco%pati$le goods cannot interact dangerously in the eent of an accident $ut %ay $e transported in the sa%e co%part%ent dangerously or hold or on deck, proided a %ini%u% hori!ontal separation separation of ) %etres, pro
Separated fro% In di:erent co%part%ents or holds when stowed under deck" 9roided the interening deck is resistant to -re and li(uid, a ertical separation, i"e" in di:erent co%part%ents, %ay $e accepted as e(uialent to this segregation" &or on deck stowage, this segregation %eans a separation $y a distance of at least 6 %etres hori!ontally"
Separated $y a co%plete co%part%ent or hold fro% 5ither a ertical or a hori!ontal separation" If the interening decks are not resistant to -re and li(uid, then only a longitudinal separation, separation, i"e" $y an interening co%plete co%part%ent or hold, is accepta$le" &or on deck stowage, this segregation %eans a separation $y a distance of at least 2 %etres hori!ontally" >he sa%e distance has to $e applied if one package is stowed on deck, and the other one in an upper co%part%ent"
Separated longitudinally longitudinally $y an interening co%plete co%part%ent co%part%ent or hold fro% Fertical separation alone does not %eet this re(uire%ent" =etween a package under deck and one on deck, a %ini%u% distance of 2B %, including a co%plete co%part%ent, %ust $e %aintained longitudinally" &or on deck stowage, this segregation %eans a separation $y a distance of at least 2B %etres longitudinally" Segregation rules $etween containeri!ed dangerous Segregation dangerous goods and those loaded in conentional ways are di:erent" di:erent" Dangerous goods stowed in the conentional way %ust $e segrega segregated ted fro% goods transported in closed containers in accordance with segregation proisions showed a$oe e.cept that for away fro%H is re(uired, no segregation $etween the packages and the closed cargo transport units is re(uired and where separated fro%H is re(uired, the segregation $etween the packages and the closed cargo transport units %ay $e as for away fro%H" Segregation $etween =ulk dangerous goods and packaged dangerous goods %ust $e in accordance accordanc e with the ta$le shown in section 7"6")"J"2 of IMDG Code where all B segregation ter%s hae di:erent rules fro% those listed a$oe"
Chapter 7II % Carriage of dangerous goods
/he regulations are contained in three partsB 6art $ % Carriage of dangerous goods in pac5aged form % includes proisions for the classication, pac5ing, mar5ing, labelling and placarding, documentation and stowage of dangerous goods. Contracting Goernments are re!uired to issue instructions at the national leel and the Chapter ma5es mandatory the International Maritime Dangerous Goods -IMDG Code, deeloped by I M", which is constantly updated to accommodate new dangerous goods and to supplement or reise existing proisions.
6art $%( % Carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bul5 % coers the documentation, stowage and segregation re!uirements for these goods and re!uires reporting of incidents inoling such goods. 6art 4 coers Construction and e!uipment of ships carrying dangerous li!uid chemicals in bul5 and re!uires chemical tan5ers to comply with the International 4ul5 Chemical Code -I4C Code. 6art C coers Construction and e!uipment of ships carrying li!ueed gases in bul5 and gas carriers to comply with the re!uirements of the International Gas Carrier Code -IGC Code. 6art D includes special re!uirements for the carriage of pac5aged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and high%leel radioactie wastes on board ships and re!uires ships carrying such products to comply with the International Code for the Safe Carriage of 6ac5aged Irradiated uclear +uel, 6lutonium and ?igh%#eel Radioactie Aastes on 4oard Ships -I+ Code. /he chapter re!uires carriage of dangerous goods to be in compliance with the releant proisions of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code -IMDG Code.