1. Background 0egular milk contains significant amounts of saturated fat6 protein and calcium. For millennia the milk from co+s has been processed into other products and milk in all different shapes is (ery popular. S+eden is the second largest consumer of milk measured per capita. Soy milk is a high protein6 ironrich milklike product produced from soybeans. &t resembles regular milk in appearance but is higher in protein and iron content and is cholesterolfree6 lo+ fat and lo+ sodium 718. Soy milk is a popular alternati(e to regular milk among lacto intolerant6 milkallergic and (egans. &t is6 ho+e(er6 also associated +ith the deforestation of the +orld9s rainforests. !he hinese ha(e been culti(ating soybeans for thousands of years and many belie(e that they also ha(e been making soy milk for centuries. By the sith century soybeans made their +ay to :apan and by the se(enteenth century they came to "urope. uring the $merican i(il ;ar6 soldiers used soybeans as a substitute for coffee beans and +ere thus making their o+n soy be(erage. &n the nineteenth century soy be(erages also became a(ailable in "urope. &n the 1/)reference? producer for this study.
2. Goal and scope definition &n this section6 the goal and definition of the study6 its functional unit and system boundaries are defined. $dditionally6 the assumptions and limitations of the study6 as +ell as the impact categories and use of impact assessment methods are eplained.
2.1. Goal of the study Soy milk has been a popular drink for a long time6 but has in S+eden been an increasingly popular substitute for regular milk in later years. $t the same time one can see a dropping consumption of regular milk. !herefore6 this attributional study has been conducted to analye the potential en(ironmental impact of soy milk and to pinpoint where in the life cycle of soy milk there is room for impro(ements6 seen from an en(ironmental point of (ie+. !he study is intended for the public as a source of information on ho+ soy milk may affect natural resources. $dditionally6 the study roughly compares the results found in this study +ith results from eternal L$ studies on regular milk to pro(ide some perspecti(e on the impact results.
2.2. Functional unit !he functional unit is a #uantified measure of the performance of the functional outputs of the product system. !he functional unit for this study is one liter of drink6 +hich is the regular amount of one package of regular milk or soy milk. !he reason for the choice of one liter of drink6 instead of one package is due to the differences in the packaging re#uirements of the t+o drinks.
2.3. System boundaries Geographical boundaries !he study is based on regular milk consumption and daily shopping habits in Stockholm6 S+eden. !his has a huge impact on ho+ hea(ily the transportation of the soybeans to the production plants affects the o(erall flo+s of the analysis and should be considered +hen re(ie+ing the results. !he production of the soy milk is said to be in Belgium @+here $lpro produce their milkA6 +hich also affects the transportation issues.
Loop-back Some percentage of +aste bean fiber from the soy milk production6 called okara6 is used for production of animal food. !his is not included in the calculations.
Time boundaries Because of the short lifespan of the product6 and because the proect group assumes that no difference in drinking habits +ould come of a longer durability @>use?A6 no boundaries in time are set. Co+e(er6 there might be a boundary in the (alidity of the facts and data ac#uired for the calculations. Dne eample is the yield of today9s soybean crops6 +hich6 due to constantly impro(ing technology is estimated to increase massi(ely in the coming years 738. ;ith increasing yield (alues6 the data might become too uncertain o(er time and the proect group estimates the (alidity of the data to be no more than a maimum of % years.
Equipment boundaries &n order for the study not to become too etensi(e6 production of e#uipment needed for ra+ material etraction and production of the soy milk +as not taken into consideration.
2.4. Assumptions and limitations $ number of assumptions ha(e been made6 and some limitations eist in the study. !hese are presented in the follo+ing section.
ssumptions Transportation $ll transportation has been idealied into three maor partsE from farm to coast in Brail6 from the Brailian coast to the production site in Belgium and from production site to retailers in Stockholm6 S+eden. !hese distances +ere (ery roughly measured using online distance calculation tools6 and are therefore not accurate 748. $ccording to the nited States epartment of $griculture6 long distance transports of soybeans in Brail are made both using large lorries as +ell as trains 7%8. ;ithin Brail6
transport +as therefore simplified to %<= by lorry and %<= by train @see section 3.2. for details on type of lorry and trainA. For transportation across the $tlantic Dcean6 a transoceanic freight ship +ith a load capacity of approimately 1331< 3 tons of soybeans +as used. Finally6 transportation from Belgium to S+eden +as made using a smaller lorry than in Brail @for details on type se section 3.2.A. $ll different (essels for transportation +ere assumed to be loaded +ith their respecti(e maimum capacities. ue to the etremely small distances compared to the interoceanic freights6 transports bet+een coast and production site +ere omitted and shopping of milk in Stockholm +as assumed to be made on foot.
Cultivation and production $ll soybeans used in this study are assumed to ha(e come from Brail6 e(en though many soy milk manufacturers sometimes choose to mi beans from different countries. ;hile Brail is the second largest producer of soybeans today6 there eists production in other countries6 such as the S$6 Belgium and hina. !he reason for the choice of Brail in this study is6 as earlier mentioned6 the fact that the producer of the reference product @one liter of $lpro soy milk +ithout any additionsA for the study states that they use soybeans coming only from Brail. $s described in section 3.26 there are a number of different processes included in the production of soy milk from soybeans. Co+e(er6 due to the difficulties in finding ra+ data for different processes6 one single energy (alue +as assigned to all processes combined. !his (alue is based on data from one single producer of soy milk in &ndia1. !he energy is declared to ha(e been produced from L.*.G @Li#uefied *etroleum GasA. !he (alue +as then directly con(erted in the Life ycle $ssessment soft+are Sima*ro to a mi of electricity from different sources in Belgium import6 since no data +as a(ailable from the producer regarding the type of energy used in the Belgian production facility 7'8. !he fact that only one total (alue +as gi(en results in difficulties in finding indi(idual hotspots in the production process.
Limitations aste mana!ement !he +aste management process for the life cycle of the soy milk is not completeE it contains only the +aste process for the packaging of the soy milk. $ll milk is assumed to be consumed and no consideration has been made for potential energy costs due to lefto(er li#uid @se+age loadA.
"ata for comparison !o compare the impact category data ac#uired for the soy milk +ith data for regular milk6 se(eral eternal L$s +ere eamined. Co+e(er6 none of the studies matched impact categories +ith the different categories a(ailable in Sima*ro. $dditionally6 data gi(en in the eternal L$s of regular milk +ere not (ery detailed @do not include eplanations of processesA +hich means that some comparisons are difficult to make.
!he producer +ishes to remain anonymous
2.#. $mpact cate!ories and impact assessment methods !o ha(e the possibility to compare the potential en(ironmental impacts of both drinks an L$ on soy milk has been made and then compared to eisting data from different L$Hs of regular milk. !o be able to fairly compare the t+o drinks6 the same impact categories +hich ha(e been used in the study of regular milk ha(e been used for the study of soy milk. !he follo+ing si impact categories +ere used in both studiesH Land use Fossil energy use @or energy useA "utrophication $cidification limate change Done layer depletion &mpact assessment methods from Sima*ro "* 2<<).
!. Life c"cle in#entor" anal"sis &n the follo+ing section6 flo+charts for the life cycle process as +ell as the production process are presented. Figure 1 displays the process flo+ chart. $dditionally6 the data collection is eplained.
3.1. %rocess flo& chart
Figure 1. Process flow chart of soy milk.
3.2. %roduction of soy mil' &n this section6 the manufacturing process for soy milk is eplained and (isualied in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Production flow chart of soy milk.
$anufacturing process of so" milk !o create soy milk6 the only ingredients necessary are soybeans and +ater. !he +hole manufacturing process for soy milk is sho+n in Figure 3. ;hen the soybeans are har(ested they are cleaned in a grain ele(ator or bin. !he manufacturing process starts +ith de-hulling the beans. !his is done by steaming the soybeans +hich makes them split in half. !hen the hulls are remo(ed +ith a (acuum pump. $ specific enyme must be in(alidated by cooking in high pressure6 +ater and high temperature6 in order for the beans to be digestible for humans. Io+ the soybeans are ready for the first grinder. !he beans are roughly grinded and +ater is added. !hen the beans are put trough a fine grinder the further pul(erie the beans. !he product no+ consists of a hot slurry and to etract the tiny bits of beans that is still left in the slurry a centrifuge separate the soy milk from the bean fibers. !he +aste bean fiber6 okara6 is used for production of animal food. !he soy milk is then placed in large tanks and fla(ors6 (itamins and sugars may be added in this step. !he soy milk in this comparati(e L$ is being conducted on natural soy milk +ithout any accessory food factor. !he net step is to sterilize the soy milk. !his is done +ith pressure and (ery hot temperatures +ithin a (acuum. &t is (ery important that this is done in an aseptic en(ironment to make sure the soy milk is not introduced to any bacteria. $ll the follo+ing steps must be aseptic until packaging. !o pre(ent fat particles from separating the li#uid is homogenized . $fter this the soy milk is cooled do+n to room temperature by passing close by cold plates. Io+ the soy milk is stored in aseptic tanks until packaged in cardboard packages 7'8.
Figure 3. Manufacturing process for soy milk
3.3. "ata collection ata collection has been a maor difficulty for this study6 as most manufacturers of soy milk ha(e not been able to share their production data +ith the proect group. -any manufacturers from se(eral different countries ha(e been contacted but only one manufacturer @from &ndiaA replied6 gi(ing the proect group the total energy consumption for the manufacturing process seen in Figure 3. !he data has been con(erted from energy from combustion of L.*.G @Li#uefied *etroleum GasA into the corresponding amount of -: of electricity mi @Belgium importA. From this data6 assumptions ha(e been made concerning the energy data for the manufacturing in Belgium6 +here $lpro declare that they ha(e their soy milk production. !he data taken from Sima*ro ) is sho+n in !able 1. Some data from Sima*ro has been modified to fit the data from the manufacturer from &ndia. !he modified processes are sho+n as italic in !able 1.
Table 1. 'ata and databases used in this study. Modified processes are in italic.
"lectricity mi B &mport S
<634 -: @1A
"!C"S /' System process
Soybeans6 at farmKB0 L$ <4
<61%4 kg @2A
"coin(ent system process
!ruck 4
<61/' tkm @3A
"!C"S /' System process
&nfra freight train S
16/%' tkm @4A
"!C"S /' System process
!ransport6 transoceanic freight shipKD" S
1623< tkm @%A
"coin(ent system process
Soy milk manufacturing 5 ;ater for milk
!ap +ater6 at userKC S
<6/2, kg @'A
"coin(ent system process
Production of liquid packaging board containers, at plant/RR ! "#$%&