Pre – Com Commi miss ssio ioni ning ng Proce rocess ss 2.1 Raw Sewage Transfer Pump 2.2 Start Start Of Aerati Aeration on Proc Process ess 2.3 Recirculat ecirculation ion Proce Process ss 2. !isinfec !isinfection tion Proces Process s
Terti ertiar ar" "P Prroce ocess
1.0 START-UP PROCESS: 1. C#ec$ t#e %nlet parameters of t#e %nlet Sewage. 2. C#ec$ if t#ere is su&cient sewage in t#e collection tan$. %f t#e Sewage is insu&cient' STP can(t wor$ properl". Sewage s#oul) *e minimum 3+, of Plant capacit". 3. -efore Starting t#e raw sewage transfer pump' open t#e al/e.
2.0 STARTUP OF PLANT: 2.1 Raw Sewage Transfer p!p 1. 0or starting t#e Pump' turn on t#e Switc# locate) on t#e lectric Control Panel CP. After Starting' c#ec$ t#e Pressure 4auge for )isc#arge Pressure to c#ec$ t#at t#e pump is lifting water w#ic# is use) to transfer t#e sewage from collection tan$ to aeration tan$ 2. A)5ust t#e /al/e to regulate t#e )esire) 6ow. 3. C#ec$ t#e sewage le/el in t#e aeration tan$. 0ill t#e tan$ till 3+, of t#e /olume.
2.2 S"ar" #f Aera"$#n Pr#%ess . Start t#e *lower from t#e CP after c#ec$ing oil le/el an) open t#e /al/e so t#at t#e air 6ows to t#e aeration tan$. 7. C#ec$ t#e aeration in t#e aeration tan$ to con8rm t#at t#e )i9users are wor$ing 8ne. %n case if t#e water is not getting agitate)' $in)l" c#ec$ t#e /al/e of t#e *lower again.
. ;aintain t#is le/el till for a*out 12 to 17#rs time an) t#en again 8ll t#e aeration tan$ to <7, of t#e /olume *" switc#ing on t#e raw sewage transfer pump from CP. <. ;aintain t#is le/el for a*out 12 #rs to 17 #rs time an) again after t#at' 8ll t#e aeration tan$ to free *oar) le/el. =. >eep t#e water maintaine) in t#e aeration tan$ for anot#er 2 #rs. ?. Ta$e a *ea$er@ar an) collect t#e water sample from aeration tan$ an) c#ec$ t#e soli) slu)ge settling time. Usuall" it s#oul) *e less t#an 7 mins. 1+. %f t#e settlement time of t#e slu)ge comes )own to less t#an 3+ mins an) wit# goo) clarit" of water' t#en switc# on t#e raw sewage transfer pump an) o/er6ow t#e aeration tan$. %f t#e settlement time is more' $in)l" maintain t#e retention time for neBt 12 #rs in aeration tan$ an) c#ec$ t#e sample again till' we get t#e result. T#e o/er6ow from t#e aeration tan$ is t#en transferre) to tu*e settler w#ere t#e #ea/" slu)ge particles woul) settle )own. #en t#e le/el of tu*e settler reac#es a*out 3+ , – 7+,. Open t#e /al/e 11. 12. 13.
for aeration tan$ from tu*e settler. Switc# o9 t#e raw sewage transfer pump. Start t#e recirculation pump an) maintain it for 12 to 17 #rs time. Ta$e t#e sample from aeration tan$ an) c#ec$ t#e Dualit" for settling of soli)s. T#e ;ESS
s#oul) *e atleast 17++ mg@l *" t#is time perio). %f t#e sample Dualit" is goo) t#en procee) a#ea) ot#erwise' increase t#e le/el of tu*e settler *" switc#ing on t#e raw sewage transfer pump to <7, an) $eep recirculation pump on to t#e aeration tan$ for neBt 12 #rs. Repeat t#e proce)ure till )esire) Dualit" is ac#ie/e). 1. >eep c#ec$ing t#e le/el of t#e settle) slu)ge in t#e aeration tan$. %t is *etter to maintain it in *etween 27, to 7, *" )oing t#e 5ar test.
2.& Re%$r%'a"$#n Pr#%ess 17. 1.
Tu*e settler is use) to settle t#e Slu)ge an) to 6ow t#e clari8e) water to t#e later process Start t#e raw sewage transfer pump an) $eep it running till t#e o/er6ow from Tu*e settler to
c#lorine contact tan$@#ol)ing tan$ #appens. 1<. T#e recirculation pump s#oul) run for a*out to 12 #rs )epen)ing on t#e slu)ge Duantit". %f t#e water in t#e tu*e settler starts turning *lac$' t#en t#e freDuenc" an) t#e time perio) of t#e recircuation pump nee)s to *e increase). 1=. After = to 17 )a"s of time t#e slu)ge collecte) in t#e tu*e settler nee)s to *e )iscar)e). 0or t#e same' close t#e /al/e to t#e aeraton tan$ an) open t#e /al/e for t#e slu)ge #ol)ing tan$. C#ec$ t#e le/el of )isinfection c#emical in t#e c#lorine tan$. 1?. After Settling Process' Acti/ate) Slu)ge in t#e -ottom place is transferre) wit# t#e Felp of Slu)ge Recirculation Pump. An) remaining water transferre) in t#e Fol)ing tan$ /ia o/er6ow. 2+. %f we want to transfer Acti/ate) Slu)ge in t#e Slu)ge Fan)ling s"stem' Open t#e al/e *etween t#e Return Circulation pump an) Slu)ge Fan)ling s"stem an) t#en turn on t#e Pump from CP. Slu)ge Recirculation Pump run on t#e -asis of Acti/ate) Slu)ge. An) t#en Turn o9 t#e Pump after 0inis#ing t#e transfer of Acti/ate) Slu)ge.
2.( )$s$nfe%"$#n S*s"e! 21.
After O/er6owing t#e tu*e settler' t#e water is transferre) into t#e Fol)ing Tan$. T#e C#lorine
is use) for )isinfection. e #a/e to )ose 2G3 $g per )a" so #a/e to Set t#e )osing Pump at certain le/el + – 7 EPF. 22. Start t#e )isinfection s"stem from CP if pro/i)e) *" )osing t#e c#emicals in t#e c#lorine contact tan$@#ol)ing tan$.
FIG: 1.1
FIG: 1.2
&.0 TERTIAR+ PROCESS: 1. After 0illing t#e Fol)ing tan$ upto minimum of +, of t#e /olume' we #a/e to start 0ilteration s"stem. 2. 0ill t#e /essel wit# water to co/er me)ia. 0lus# t#e s"stem H pipeline wit# water wit# starting raw water pump@*ac$was# pump H )rain it gi/ing *ac$was# for one #our. 3. ait for 1+ minutes an) t#en Start 0ilter 0ee) pump@*ac$was# pump after setting multiport /al/e into *ac$was# mo)eH air /ent /al/e H remo/e air from t#e /essel. . Close )own air /ent /al/e H $eep /al/e in *ac$was# mo)e. 7. A)5ust t#e 0ilter 0ee) pump for *ac$was# 6ow' w#ic# is generall" recommen)e) 1.7 to 2 times t#at of ser/ice 6ow or refer PH%! for t#e 6ow )esign. . -ac$was# s#oul) *e continue) till eIuent is completel" clear from t#e ser/ice c"cle.
<. Jow switc# o9 0ilter 0ee) pump' close *ac$was# /al/e H open ser/ice inlet *" setting /al/e on ser/ice mo)e H open air /ent /al/e. =. Again Start 0ilter 0ee) pump @ *ac$was# pump H remo/e air from t#e /essel. ?. Set t#e /al/e into rinse mo)e H close air /ent /al/e after water 6ow comes out from air /ent pipe in full 6ow. 1+. Jow set t#e /al/e into ser/ice mo)e an) t#e s"stem woul) *e rea)" to *e use). 11. nsure water Dualit" at inlet H output from outlet H ta$e unit in Ser/ice c"cle. 12. Recor) %nput H Output Dualit" of t#e unit. 13. %f t#e Kualit" is goo) an) wit#in t#e )esire) parameters t#en water is transferre) to t#e Treate) ater tan$.