Songs For Teaching English Grammar ESL and EFL teachers thinking about using songs and lyrics to teach English grammar will find this table we've compiled a useful resource. ighlighted songs are those available as complete lesson plans here on
Songs for teaching present simple
Eric !lapton " Wo #lyrics$$ Wonderful nderful To Tonight night #lyrics The %eatles " She Loves You #lyrics #lyrics$$ %ette &iddler " From A Distance #lyrics #lyrics$$
Songs for teaching present continuous
Fool's Garden " Lemon Tree #lyrics$$ Tree #lyrics od Stewart " Sailing #lyrics #lyrics$$ Su(anne )ega " Tom's #lyrics$$ Tom's Diner Di ner #lyrics
Songs for teaching past simple
The %eatles " Yellow Submarine #lyrics #lyrics$$ Gloria Gaynor " I Will #lyrics$$ Will Survive #lyrics !eline *ion " Because You #lyrics$$ You Loved e #lyrics
Songs for teaching past continuous
+ohn Lennon " !ealous "u# #lyrics #lyrics$$ ,asis " $ham%agne Su%ernova #lyrics #lyrics$$ -erosmith " $r#in'
Songs for teaching present perfect
&ichael %uble " &aven't et Yo #lyrics$$ You Yet Yet #lyrics / " Still &aven't Found What I'm Looing For #lyrics lyrics$$ !hris de %urgh " Lad# In (ed #lyrics #lyrics$$ Sinead ,'!onnor " )othing $om%ares $om%ares To To You You #lyrics lyrics$$ 0ueen " We Are The $ham%ions
Songs for teaching present perfect continuous
-nastacia " Left *utside Alone #lyrics$$ Alone #lyrics Led 1eppelin " Since I've Been Loving You #lyrics #lyrics$$ Foreigner " Waiting For A "irl Lie You #lyrics #lyrics$$
Songs for teaching past perfect
+ames %lunt " "oodb#e # Lover #lyrics #lyrics$$ &addness " # "irl #lyrics #lyrics$$ Simon 2 Garfunkel " I &ad The Strangest Strangest Dream Dream #lyrics lyrics$$ Erik assle " &urtful #lyrics #lyrics$$ &adonna " This +sed To Be # ,la#ground #lyrics #lyrics$$
Songs for teaching used to
*andy 3arhols " We +sed To Be Friends #lyrics #lyrics$$ %ruce Springsteen " The (iver #lyrics #lyrics$$ 4et Shop %oys " The Wa# It +sed To Be #lyrics #lyrics$$
Songs for teaching going to future
+amie !ullum " )e-t Yea #lyrics$$ Yearr Bab# #lyrics +ack +ohnson " We're "oing To Be Friends #lyrics #lyrics$$
Songs for teaching will future
Savage Garden " Trul# adl# Dee%l# #lyrics #lyrics$$ +ames %lunt " You're #lyrics$$ You're Beautiful Beautif ul #lyrics Gloria Gaynor " I Will #lyrics$$ Will Survive #lyrics The embrandts " I'll Be There #lyrics$$ There For You You #lyrics 3hitney ouston " I'll Alwa#s Love #lyrics$$ Love You You #lyrics
Songs for teaching future continuous
The 4olice " .ver# Breath #lyrics$$ Breath You You Tae Tae #lyrics ,ttis edding " Sitting ,n The *ock ,f The %ay
#lyrics lyrics$$ Songs for teaching future perfect
Faith ill " 5ou 3ill %e &ine #lyrics # lyrics$$ Sheryl !rowe " It's *nl# Love #lyrics #lyrics$$
Songs for teaching 6st conditional
Frank Sinatra " If You #lyrics$$ You "o Awa# Awa# #lyrics Simply ed " If You You Don't /now e B# )ow #lyrics lyrics$$ !yndi Lauper " Time After Time #lyrics #lyrics$$ %eautiful South " I'll Sail This Shi% Alone #lyrics #lyrics$$
Songs for teaching /nd conditional
ed ot !hili 4eppers " If #lyrics #lyrics$$ Eric !lapton " Tears In &eaven #lyrics #lyrics$$ Enri7ue 8glesias " &ero #lyrics #lyrics$$ The %eatles " If I fell #lyrics #lyrics$$ The %eatles " With A Little &el% From # Friends #lyrics lyrics$$ %eyonce 9nowles " If I Wer #lyrics$$ Weree A Bo# #lyrics Gwen Stefani " (ich "irl #lyrics #lyrics$$ %arenaked Ladies " If I &ad 0123332333 #lyrics$$ 0123332333 #lyrics oobastank " If I Wer #lyrics$$ Weree Yo You #lyrics +oan ,sborne " *ne *f +s #lyrics #lyrics$$ :orah +ones " ,ainter Song -%%- " one# one# one# #lyrics #lyrics$$ +ohnny !ash " If I Wer #lyrics$$ Weree A $ar%enter #lyrics
Songs for teaching ;rd conditional
Lisa Stansfield " $hange #lyrics #lyrics$$ Gloria Gaynor " I Will #lyrics$$ Will Survive #lyrics
Songs for teaching
4earl +am " Wishlist #lyrics #lyrics$$
Songs for teaching passive voice
3estlife " Written In The Stars #lyrics #lyrics$$ ,ffspring " /irst# Are #lyrics$$ Are You You Doing *a#4 #lyrics Gloria Gaynor " Let's end What's What's Been Broen Broen #lyrics lyrics$$
Songs for teaching reported speech
The %eatles " )orwegian Wood #lyrics$$ Wood #lyrics Stereophonics " ama Told Told e )ot To To $ome $ome #lyrics lyrics$$ The 9illers " Somebod# Told e #lyrics #lyrics$$
-lso see our table of songs for discussion topics. topics. http="""grammarsongs.asp>
Songs For *iscussions ESL and EFL teachers thinking about using songs and lyrics to stimulate class discussions will find this table we've compiled a useful resource. ighlighted songs are those available as complete lesson plans here on
%usiness 2 &oney
Songs about ?obs 2 work
*olly 4arton " )ine To #lyrics$$ To Five Five #lyrics Shania Twain " )ot !ust A ,rett# Face #lyrics$$ Face #lyrics The 9inks " )ine To #lyrics$$ To Five Five #lyrics
!ulture 2 !ustoms
Songs about wealth
Travie &c!oy " Billionaire #lyrics$ %arenaked Ladies " If I &ad 0123332333 #lyrics$ Gwen Stefani " (ich "irl #lyrics$ Spin *octors " Two ,rinces #lyrics$
Songs for -ustralia *ay
&en -t 3ork " Land Down +nder #lyrics$ &idnight ,il " Beds Are Burning #lyrics$
Songs for !hristmas
%ing !rosby " White $hristmas #lyrics$ !hris ea " Driving &ome For $hristmas #lyrics$
Songs for alloween
&ichael +ackson " Thriller #lyrics$ Sting " oon *ver Bourbon Street #lyrics$
Songs for St 4atrick's *ay
+ohnny !ash " "alwa# Ba# #lyrics$ / " Beautiful Da# #lyrics$
Songs for )alentine's *ay
%arry Louis polisar " All I Want Is You #lyrics$ Linkin 4ark " )alentine's *ay #lyrics$ &adness " It ust Be Love #lyrics$
Songs about bullying
:i(lopi " !$B Song #lyrics$ Superchick " &ero
Songs about school
%usted " What I "o To School For #lyrics$ -lice !ooper " School's ,ut #lyrics$
Songs about the environment
+oni &itchell " Big Yellow Ta-i &ichael +ackson " .arth Song The 9inks " A%eman #lyrics$ The 9inks " A "allon *f "as #lyrics$
Songs about the weather
%ing !rosby " Let It Snow #lyrics$ &adonna " (ain #lyrics$ The %eatles " &ere $omes The Sun #lyrics$ Travis " Wh# Does It Alwa#s (ain *n e4 #lyrics$
Songs about beauty
%ob *ylan " +gliest "irl In The World #lyrics$ !hristina -guilera " Beautiful #lyrics$ ight Said Fred " I'm Too Se-# #lyrics$ Sugababes " +gl# #lyrics$
Songs about fashion
4aolo :utini " )ew Shoes #lyrics$ The 9inks " Dedicated Follower *f Fashion #lyrics$
Songs about food 2 drink
%each %oys " 5egetables #lyrics$ ,liver " Food "lorious Food #lyrics$ The 9inks " &ave A $u%%a Tea #lyrics$ The 9inks " a-imum $onsum%tion #lyrics$ 11 Top " T5 Dinners #lyrics$ 3eird -l 5ankovic " .at It
Fashion 2 %eauty
Food 2 *rink
%. Springsteen " 6ueen *f The Su%ermaret #lyrics$ Songs about food shopping They &ight %e Giants " I Am A "rocer# Bag #lyrics$
Songs about good health
:ina Simone " I "ot Life #lyrics$
ealth 2 Fitness
Songs about illness
%on +ovi " Bad edicine #lyrics$ -thlete " Wires #lyrics$ &y !hemical omance " $ancer #lyrics$ Flaming Lips " S%iderbite Song #lyrics$
Songs about past times
%rian -dams " Summer of '78 #lyrics$
Songs about fame 2 celebrity
%rian &cFadden " (eal To e #lyrics$ %ritney Spears " ,iece *f e #lyrics$ +ennifer Lope( " !enn# From The Bloc #lyrics$ Lily -llen " The Fear #lyrics$ Lady GaGa " ,a%ara99i #lyrics$
Songs about art
)incent " Don cLean #lyrics$ :orah +ones " ,ainter Song
Songs about arguments
-rctic &onkeys " ard# Bum #lyrics$ %lack Eyed 4eas " Shut +% #lyrics$ *eep 4urple " The S%anish Archer #lyrics$
Songs about divorce
4ink " Famil# ,ortrait #lyrics$ sher " ,a%ers #lyrics$
&edia 2 Entertainment
%obby &cFerrin " Don't Worr# Be &a%%# #lyrics$ Songs about feeling low ,asis " Sto% $r#ing Your &eart *ut #lyrics$ Life 2 Songs about honesty elationships
4olitics 2 Social 8ssues
Songs about ?ealousy
%usted " Who's David4 #lyrics$ +ohn Lennon " !ealous "u# #lyrics$
Songs about love 2 marriage
%arry Louis 4olisar " All I Want Is You #lyrics$ obbie 3illiams " Something Stu%id #lyrics$
Songs about suicide
Good !harlotte " &old *n #lyrics$ &issy iggins " The (iver #lyrics$
Songs about unre7uited love
+ames %lunt " You're Beautiful adiohead " $ree% #lyrics$
Songs about conspiracy theory
&ike 2 The &echanics " Silent (unning #lyrics$ &use " (ule B# Secrec# #lyrics$ E& " an *n The oon #lyrics$
Genesis " an *n The $orner #lyrics$ Songs about homelessness 4hil !ollins " Another Da# In ,aradise #lyrics$ Stereophonics " L#ing In The Sun #lyrics$
Songs about war
Science 2 Technology
%eyonce 9nowles " &onest# #lyrics$ &r udson " White Lies #lyrics$
Songs about space
%lack Eyed 4eas " Where Is The Love4 #lyrics$ %ob *ylan " Blowing In The Wind #lyrics$ Green *ay " &olida# #lyrics$ +ohn Lennon " &a%%# :mas ;War Is *ver< #lyrics$ Elton +ohn " (ocet an #lyrics$ The 9illers " S%aceman #lyrics$
Songs about technology
0ueen " (adio "a "a adiohead " Fitter &a%%ier #lyrics$ The %uggles " 5ideo /illed The (adio Star #lyrics$
Songs about driving
&adness " Driving In # $ar !hris ea " Driving &ome For $hristmas #lyrics$
Songs about flying
+ohn *enver " Leaving *n A !et%lane #lyrics$ Lenny 9ravit( " Fl# Awa# #lyrics$ &ichael %uble " $ome Fl# With e #lyrics$
Songs about places
-licia 9eys " .m%ire State *f ind #lyrics$ Elton +ohn " Belfast #lyrics$ Stereophonics " )ice To Be *ut #lyrics$ Sting " .nglishman In )ew Yor Tony !hristie " Amarillo #lyrics$ 3ill Smith " iami #lyrics$
Travel 2 Transport
-lso see our table of songs to teach English grammar . http="""themesongs.asp>
Upper Intermediate
Mixed Skill
Mixed Skill
Upper Intermediate
Pre Intermediate
Life & Relationships
)alentine's *ay
Culture & Customs
St. 4atrick's *ay
Culture & Customs
-ustralia *ay
understanding song lyrics
Culture & Customs
running dictation
Culture & Customs
Culture & Customs
Culture & Customs
Culture & Customs
A n"a
A n"a
A n"a
giving advice
word bingo
A n"a
Barry Louis Polisar " All I Want Is You
+an 66
U2 " Beautiful Da#
&ar 6C Midni"ht #il " Beds Are Burning
+an 6C $he Po"ues " Fair#tale *f )ew Yor
:ov C $he %ackson " I Saw omm# /issing Santa $laus
$he %ackson " Santa $laus Is $oming To Town
Chris Rea " Driving &ome For $hristmas
Shakin+ Ste!ens " err# $hristmas .ver#one
:ov C
:ov C
:ov C
:ov C
Culture & Customs
A n"a
Bin" Cros*y " White $hristmas
arch Task 3riting #Sorted by Level in -scending order$ Upper Intermediate B
writing a letter
Life & Relationships
Pink " Famil# ,ortrait
*ec C
FluentU English Educator Blog Want to speak English naturally?
By Emily Monaco Comments are closed 9 Hip Modern Songs for eaching English to !ll "e#els
3hen you read you begin withH-%!I &aria from JThe Sound of &usicK sure knew what she was talking about. Setting words to music is a great way to boost your students language retention and teach them lessons in a new interesting way. Thats why weve united our fa!orite son"s for teachin" (n"lish . -nd we promiseMtheyre far from what youd e>pectI
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Songs are a fantastic way to help students work on different elements of language learning. There are many different ways to use songs in the classroom from sin"-a-lon"s to more structured listening e>ercises depending on the class you have and the goals you have in mind. - more structured exercise will take a bit longer to prepare but itll be far more helpful for your students. 8deas for structured e>ercises will depend on the grammar points youre trying to teach but they can include fillNinNtheNblank e>ercises writing e>ercises to continue the song or even creating adaptations of the song with new words. 3hatever you decide to do with the song you choose scientists agreeM music offers loads of benefits to language learners. Take advantage of them in the classroom right nowI The first step is to choose a son" which can seem daunting at first. -fter all you have a wide variety to choose fromI 3ere here to help you out with this. 3eve chosen different songs adapted to different levels of ESL students. 8n our selection weve made sure to choose songs that are written in a "rammatically correct way and that hi"hli"ht certain key !oca*ulary or "rammar points in their lyrics. That being said advanced students can take full advantage of their favorite songs as well. -s students to contribute their favorite songs for new class lessons. The only limit here is your imagination. 8f youre on the lookout for songs to use try resources like 5ouTube and Fluent to track down your favorites in a format thats easy to listen to in the classroom. -ll Fluent videos are accompanied by interactive subtitles which allow you to see definitions inNconte>t usage e>amples and more on screen.
8f you opt for 5ouTube or another site youll often find lyrics included along with the songs which of course you should reread and edit as needed before using them in the classroom. %ut once youre armed with these tools youll be ready to start planning your lessonsI 9 Modern Songs for eaching Hip English $rammar and %oca& "essons
3hen using songs to teach beginners repetition is key. epetition in a song allows a beginner to catch on to what is being said"sung and then chime in by the end. !hoose songs with catchy refrains and repetitive structures to make sure beginners are getting the most of them. 'o (ou "ike Bananas?
$eachin" Point. 5es":o 0uestions
J*o 5ou Like %ananasOK is a great song thats ideal for teaching yes"no 7uestions to beginners. The lyrics go through a series of 7uestions beginning with J*o you likeHK and then answer each 7uestion by saying J5es 8 doK or J:o 8 dont.K Simple enough rightO -s for the refrain it goes a little something like this= J3hen 8 like it 8 like it yum yum yum. 3hen 8 hate it 8 hate it yuck yuck yuck.K 8ts no surprise then that most of the elements in the song are food !oca*ulary words. The song is ideal for introducing and reinforcing this vocabulary. The ideal way to use this song in the classroom is in an interacti!e /ay. %ecause the song is fairly easy to learn you can go through it in class once or twice with the video as an accompaniment but soon after ask students to write #and singI$ their own J*o you likeHK 7uestions. 8n order to do this without putting your shy students on the spot try having the whole class sing the song. Then call on people at random to insert a food item to be asked about.
To ensure that the 7uestion form has been well integrated by all students be sure that the song isnt the only element of the lesson. Start the lesson by introducing the 7uestion form and follow the song portion of the lesson with a worksheet of yes"no 7uestions or a pair work activity to reinforce whats being taught. )Friday *+m in "o#e,
$eachin" Point. *ays of the 3eek )ocabulary
8ts fun to find ways to use classic songs in class and the !ures JFriday 8m in LoveK is a perfect e>ample. 3hile this classic rock song is certainly fun to listen to its also great for learning the days of the /eek . 5ou can approach this song in several ways. For true beginners it may be enough to ask the class to chime in at moments when the day of the week is being said. 8n this case the e>ercise makes a fun way to end a week of classes that have introduced them to the days of the week and months of the year. 5ou can also use it as a ?umping off point to allow students to make their own sentences about what they do on each day of the week. %e sure to closely e>amine the lyrics for new vocabulary with students in this case helping them to truly understand the words of the song before moving on to making their own sentences. )My Fa#orite hings,
$eachin" Point. General )ocabulary
J&y Favorite ThingsK is a fun song to help students get talking about things that they en?oy. 3hile the things that &aria describes in the song are fairly poetic students can also use the structure to describe things that they like themselves and they dont have to get nearly as descriptive as &aria doesI - great way to use this song is to ha!e students dra/ pictures of one of the things that &aria says she likes for e>ample Jwhiskers on kittensK or Jbrown paper packages tied up with string.K ,nce youve discussed the song together and have figured out what the lyrics mean have each student contribute a picture. Then have students stand in a line and hold up their picture when their lyric is being sung. -fter this e>ercise have students adapt the son" to their own favorite things. 5ou can either have them write out the song themselves or give them sheets with blanks to fill in as follows=
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> These are a few of m# favorite things? -s students move into the intermediate phase of their learning theyll be ready to tackle more difficult topics with their songs particularly "rammar points. The good news for students is that they can use many songs that theyre already familiar with to study these different grammar elementsI 0ere are three choice son"s for intermediate le!el students1 )Some&ody hat * Used to -no., and )Call Me May&e,
$eachin" Point. 4ast !onstructions
se JSomebody that 8 sed to 9nowK or J!all &e &aybeK to review different past constructions with your class. Lyrics like the following allow them to think about /hich past tense is appropriate to use and /hy.
)o #ou didn@t have to stoo% so low &ave #our friends collect #our records and then change #our number I guess that I don@t need that though )ow #ou@re ust somebod# that I used to now #From JSomebody that 8 sed to 9nowK$
I wasn@t looing for this But now #ou@re in m# wa# Your stare was holding (i%%ed eans Sin was showing #From J!all &e &aybeK$ 8n order to use these songs in class the most efficient way would be to make /orksheets in ad!ance with the lyrics typed out and the appropriate past construction removed. eplace these removed past constructions with a blank accompanied by the infinitive verb in parentheses. Students should fill in the correct answer. ,nce theyve finished verify answers using the recording as a dictation. opefully this activity will get students singing alongI )!ll My "o#ing,
$eachin" Point. Future Simple
This classic %eatles tune will have students using the future like pros soon enoughI J-ll &y LovingK uses the au>iliary will construction in the future fairly consistently making it ideal for practicing this future form. &ake a worksheet as you did for the last e>ercise replacing future tense con?ugated verbs with blanks and the infinitive verb in parentheses. This e>ercise is ideal to use with false *e"inners #beginners who have studied English before and forgotten$ to remind them of the future tense as well as for intermediate learners who ?ust need a bit of practice. o/3 on to son"s for ad!anced learners4
3hen youre teaching advanced learners you can have a lot of fun using songs in the classroom. ere are a few of our favorite ways to use songs that will interest and engage your advanced students. )Counting Stars,
$eachin" Point. )erb Tense eview
%y the time students have reached an advanced level theyll usually have seen pretty much every verb tense there isMbut that doesnt mean theyve mastered them allI J!ounting StarsK is a fantastic way to do a "eneral !er* re!ie/ using the same fillNinNtheNblank e>ercise we discussed above. The reason that this song is so perfect for this e>ercise is that J!ounting StarsK features the past pro"ressi!e #J8ve been losing sleepK$ future #Jwell be counting starsK$ present #J8 see this lifeK$ present pro"ressi!e #Jlife swingingK$ and thats all ?ust in the first two stan(asI The only trouble with using this song in this e>ercise is that many of these verb choices are open to interpretation based on how the student understands the songMso turn it into a debateI -sk students to defend their choices and they may ?ust open up a new side to the song. Then play the song at the end of class to see what ,ne epublic really meant to say. )*f * Were ! Boy,
$eachin" Point. Sub?unctive
3hile advanced students will usually have seen 7uite a few different verb tenses in their day they may have yet to encounter the sub?unctive and thats where J8f 8 3ere a %oyK comes in. se this song to introduce a lesson on the su*5uncti!e asking students what they think this mood implies in English. ,nce youve established the correct use of the sub?unctive with your students allow them to come up with their own J8f 8 wereHK scenarios. 5ou can either have them share these statements orally in class or use this inNclass preparation for a takeNhome written production assignment. 8f its the latter its up to you whether you want s tudents to write a more formal essay or a song of their ownI )!cross the Uni#erse,
$eachin" Point. Gerunds
Gerunds are something that students first encounter as beginners or intermediate learners but advanced students can always use a good re!ision of "erund forms1 Listening to the %eatles classic J-cross the niverseK is a great place to get this review. ,nce youve done a gerund review perhaps with a fil lNinNtheNblank e>ercise allow your students to delve further into the poetry of the song. -dvanced students will likely have a lot to say about the fi"urati!e lan"ua"e used by the songwriters and for this reason this song can also be an e>cellent way to delve into topics related to stylistic or figurative writing culminating in a songwriting e>ercise for the entire classI 3hether your students are writing their own songs or learning from the lyrics and music of others were sure that making the most of these songs in your ESL classes will not only make the ESL classroom e>perience more fun but more fruitful tooI
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/h0 and /ne More hing1
8f you liked these fun songs youll love using Fluent in your classroom. 'luentU takes realN world videosMlike music videos cartoons documentaries and moreMand turns them into personali(ed language learning lessons for you and your students. 8ts got a huge collection of authentic English videos that people in the EnglishNspeaking world actuall# watch on the regular. There are tons of great choices there when youre looking for songs for inNclass activities.
5oull find music videos musical numbers from cinema and theater kids singalongs commercial ?ingles and much much more.
,n Fluent all the videos are sorted by skill level and are carefully annotated for students. 3ords come with e>ample sentences and definitions. Students will be able to add them to their own vocabulary lists and even see how the words are used in other videos.
For e>ample if a student taps on the word JbroughtK theyll see this=
4lus these great videos are all accompanied by interacti!e features and acti!e learnin" tools for students like multimedia flashcards and fun games like Jfill in the blank.K
8ts perfect for inNclass activities group pro?ects and solo homework assignments. :ot to mention its guaranteed to get your students e>cite d about EnglishI
8f you lied this post something tells me that youll love Fluent the best way to teach English with realNworld videos. %ring English immersion to your classroomI 23 !.esome ES" Short Stories to Harness 4eading in (our Beginners Ho. to Make the Best ES" "esson 5lans .ith a 555 emplate
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