Social Problems in the Philippines Corruption According to a World Bank study in 2008, corruption in the Philippines Philippines is considered to be the worst among East Asias leading economies and the country has sunk e!en lower among those seen to be lagging in go!ernance re"orms# $he 200% &orruption Perceptions 'nde( published by global watchdog $ransparency 'nternational, showed that the situation in the country had impro!ed slightly but still remained serious# $he Philippines ranked )*%th among )80 countries included in the inde(, up "rom its pre!ious )+)st ranking in 2008# $he nation scored 2#+ in the $' inde(, compared to 2#* in 2008, which ranked it eual to Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Baltic state o" Belarus# As o" 20)), 20)), the Philippines came in at )2% )2% with a 2#- &P' in $ransparency $ransparency 'nternational.s list that ranks )/8 countries and territories based on how corrupt their public sector is percei!ed to be# $his is better than the Philippines. )*+th ranking in 20)0 with a 2#+ &P'# $he &P' score indicates the percei!ed le!el o" public sector corruption on a scale o" 0 )0, where 0 means that a country is percei!ed as highly corrupt and )0 means that a country is percei!ed as !ery clean# $ransparency 'nternationalPhilippines said some o" the "actors that contributed to the Philippines. 12#- slight 3ump are the impro!ement in go!ernment ser!ice, and cutting red tape# $he group belie!es that the go!ernment.s e""orts to prosecute "ormer President 4loria 5acapagalArroyo may positi!ely a""ect the perception on corruption as this shows the go!ernment means business# $he Philippine political arena, unlike other democracies, is mainly arranged and operated by "amilies or alliances o" "amilies, rather than organised around the !oting "or political parties#
Poverty Philippines. po!erty line marks indi!iduals earning less than )-,8+) Peso a year# Based on the data "rom the 6ational Statistical &oordination Board, more than oneuarter 12-#7 o" the population "alls below the po!erty line in 200%# $his "igure is a much lower "igure as compared to the **#) in )%%)# $he decline has been slow and une!en, much slower than neighboring countries who e(perienced broadly similar numbers in the )%80s, such as People.s 9epublic o" &hina 1P9&, $hailand, 'ndonesia 1which po!erty le!el lies at 8#7 or :ietnam 1)*#7# $his shows that the incidence o" po!erty has remained signi"icantly high as compared to other countries "or almost a decade now# $he une!enness o" the decline has been attributed to a large range o" income brackets across regions and sectors, and also unmanaged population growth# $he go!ernment planned to eliminate po!erty as mentioned in the Philippines ;e!elopment Plan 1P;P# $he P;P "or the ne(t si( years are an annual economic growth o" /8 and the achie!ement o" the 5illennium ;e!elopment 4oals 15;4s#
growth, the po!erty incidence actually increased as a result o" its population growth rate# Po!erty reduction has not kept up with 4;P growth rates, largely because o" the high unemployment rate, high in"lation rate and wide income ineuality# =rom 2000 to 200%, the economy o" Philippines grew by *#2 on a!erage annually, which was on par with the economic per"ormance o" its neighbors# >owe!er, this recent growth did not get more 3obs#