MalcolmMann SteveTaylore-Knowles
i,,t^, Occupations
Skills focus
Exampractice Grammar Compositionfocus focus
selectingcorrectregister informal letter
havegot to
awareness of target reader
gerundsand infinitives
informal transactional letter
layoutandtext structure report
directandindirect objects
usingdescriptivelanguage story
adverbsand adjectives
direct and indirect speech
r;";¿¡ Faod*nd Dr¡nlr
tü r;frhe welatthtir
developinga narrative awarenessof purpose
letter of application
selectingappropriate style
elisionof relative pronounsand auxiliaryverbs
informal letter
the verb'suggest'
formal transactional letter
participle clauses
TheEnvironment developingbeyond prompts fee&nofcgy
usingcomplexsentences discursivecomposition
Hesffh and Fifness usingset phrases
letter of application
formalconditionals 7(
formal transactional letter
prefer / would rather
informal transactional letter
presentingan argument
expressionof contrast
comparative comparisons
punctuation,spelling and abbreviations
Modelcompositions UsefulPhraseReference
Films wnnM-u"@ Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. r Haveyou seenany of thesefilms?Did you enjoythem? r What do you think the onesyou haven'tseenare about? ' Whati your favouritefilm? Why?
DeveuoP YouR wRrrrNG sKTLLS /' Forrnal or informa[? Readtheseextractsfrom differentpiecesof writingaboutfilms,and decide is generallyformal or informal.Circlethe appropriateword whetherthe language aboveeachextract. A formal,/ informal I sawa greatmovielast nightwith Helen. You'dhaveloved it! lt's called TheScore,and itt about a robbery.De Niro is fab as one of the robbers,and EdwardNorton - as usual* is reallycooll Greattwist at the end,too. I reckonit'sgonnawin loadsof Oscars. B formal,/ informal I would be extremelygratefulif you could let me know how long I will haveto wait from the date of my order until the satellite dishand programmedecoderare installed.
C formal./ informal Althoughtheremaywe[[be somekindof connectionbetweenviolenceon TV and violencein society,it's reallynot clearwhat that connectionis.lt certainlyis not the casethat the majorityof people,after watchinga violentfilm,feel an increased needto commitviolentacts.In fact,possibly quitethe opposite.
D &r¡qqllrfoq¡q! As requested,I havevisitedthe three outdoorcinemascurrentlytakingpart in the film festival.I havecomparedthem in terms of ticket pricing,facilities, comfort,sound qualityand picturequality.My findingsare outlinedbelow.
c foryEvj¡for¡qal
r fornev l¡fqlnq!
to be To conclude,cinemaaPPears in popularityamongstyounger increasing of agegroups,despitethe availability evidence The DVD. videoand high-quality that this is due partly to the suggests socialelementinvolvedin goingto the cinema,and partly to the benefitsof a largescreenand state-of-the-artsound system.
your advertisementstatedthat the Furthermore, with the starsandthe DVDcontainsinterviews director.The copy which I receivedunfortunately containsthe film and nothint more.
H for¡oql4¡for¡qql I have As you will seefrom my CV.(attached), I believe films. of number a on workedasan extra from thosefilms demonstrate that my references reliableand hardworking. professional, that I am
fproal4 ¡¡fqlmal F Kytei language: for¡nql l¡fqqlql The writer'ly'anguage: 'Oh, I reallydon't fancygoingto the cinematonight.Can'twe just stay in and said watcha movieon TV or something?' he that revealed voice tone of Kyle.His for wantingto washidinghisrealreasons remainat home.
How did you know? Lookagainat extractsA, B and C. Write a word or short phrasefrom the extractson the linesprovided. extract A of informalSrammar. 1 Findtwo examples 2 Findan exampleof an informalverb. 3 Findan exampleof informalpunctuation. withouta verb. 4 Finda sentence 5 Findan exampleof VERYinformalspelling. 6 Whichword is shortfor'fabulous'? 7 Whichphrasemeans'many'? extract B te[[ me ..' I Whichphrasemeans'Please 2 Findone exampleof the Passive. extract C I Findone exampleof formal grammar. 2 Findone exampleof informalgrammar. 3 Finda more formal phrasefor'lt's not true at a[[ ...'. 4 Finda moreformalphrasefor'most'.
1 ffimvm**p Yffi#ffi wffi$Y*ruffiffiK€Ls-s Match the text types Now look at all the extractsagain.Matcheachextractwith a text type below,by writingA-H on the linesprovided. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
letterof application letter of complaint letter requestinginformation letter to a penfriend compositionfor your teacher articlefor a youngpeople'smagazine report short story ?
Discuss your answers. Do you agreeon the text types?
What da you thínk? Write T for Trueand F for Falsenext to thesestatementsabout writing. I ln an artictefor a youngpeople! magazine, you shouldnt use contractions(dont, cant, itt, etc) at a[[.
2 In a compositionfor your teacher,you shouldavoidusingcontractions. 3 Only grammaris formal or informa[;vocabularyisn't. 4 Phrasalverbs are usually(but not always)informa[. t Whenyou write a pieceof writing,the levelof formalitydependson who your readeris.
6 Youonly needto haveparagraphs in a formal pieceof writing. 7 Youcan be quite chatty and conversational in a letter of application. I A compositionfor your teacheris more formal than an articlefor a youngperson'smagazine. 9 An articlefor a youngperson'smagazineis the samelevelof formality as a letter to a penfriend.
Study the model Quicktyreadmodel compositionI on page100 and find informalwordsand phrasesthat meanthe sameasthesemore formal wordsand phrases. I Thankyou very much
5 bought
2 | am very pleased
6 much
3 Yes
7 however
4 difficult I I haveto Now find three examplesof informalgrammarand two examplesof informalpunctuation andcirclethem in the model.
I I {.
ConnPosrrroN DEVELoPMENT Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises that follow.
You saw an interesting film at the cinemalast night.Writea letterto your penfriend explaining whyyou enjoyedthe filmso muchand recommending thattheyseeit. Writeyour letter.
Brainstorming Answerthe followingquestionsusingyour imagination. Discuss your answerswith the class. What'sthe nameof your penfriend? What willyou referto from their last letter,or what will you askthem, BEFORE
youmentionth&f¡tm? Who did you go to the cinemawith? What wasthe nameof the film you saw?
Whatkindof film is it? Who is in it? Who directedit? What is it about? Why did you particularlyenjoy it? Why do you think your friendwill enjoy it? What reasonwill you givefor endingyour letter?
Think about formality Circlethe sentences which would be appropriatefor this kind of letter. Theremight be more than one sentencein eachgroupwhich is appropriate. ParagraphI a I am writingto thankyou for your letter. b Thanksa lot for your last letter. c I'm writingto thankyou for your last letter.
d Go and seeit if you get the chanceI think you'll love it! e I would stronglysuggestthat you go and seethis movie.
Paragraph2 a Anyway,a bunchof us went to the cinema last night. b My news- | went to the movieslast night with Darrenand Angie. c I would like to describean interestingfitm I sawat the cinemalast night.
Paragraph4 a To conclude,the film wasmarvellous. b Wel[, I'd better go now as I'vegot to do somehomework. c Thati allfrom me for now.l'11be in touch againsoon.
Paragraph I a BruceWillis wasgreatasthe baddie! b Furthermore, we werea[ extremely impressedby both the qualityof the acting and the direction. c lU thereforerecommendthat you seeit as soon asyou get the chance.
€losing expressions a Yours, b Yoursfaithfully, c Yourssincerely, d Takecare, e Lots of love, f Byefor now!
r#psrfucf Plan your püragraphs Completethe followint paratraphplan, makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein eachparagraph.
lh*oruaal leLFe* plo,rt De^, PatnargnrrphI
-) Parnagnarph 2
Closirrg- , , eFPYessré\i5,]
Homework Nowwriteyourletter.
You can get your tickets at the box office at the cinema. We don't watchmanyvideosthesedays;we tend to watchDVDs- the qualityis better. Thefitm is about a guy who travelsbackin time to savethe planet. TheScorestars RobertDe Niro,Marlon Brando and EdwardNorton. In the film, De Niro playsa jazzctub owner who is alsoa masterthief. Gonewith the Wind is set in the American CivitWar. Sha[[we go to the video store,/cluband get a video out for tonight? Most foreign-language films havesubtitlesat the bottom for you to read. Someforeign-language films aredubbed,which meansthat they put a[[ the voicesinto your language. A twist in the plot is when somethingvery unexpectedhappens. I hateit whenforeignfilms are ; I liketo listento them in theiroriginaIlanguage. Thefilm is on another
Your *irsf
Readthesesentences and then usethe wordsin bold to completethe sentences betow.
planet,but it'sreallyaboutmodern-day issues on Earth. Let'sget our ticketsfrom the
first and then get some
Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your letter,tick the boxes. . I haveusedinformalgrammar (includingcontractions). I I haveusedinformalvocabulary. I I haveusedsomeinformal letter expressions. . I havementionedmy penfriend's letter in paragraph'1. r I haverecommended that my penfriendseesthe film. r I haveusedat leastone informal ctosingexpression. r I havewritten my first nameat the bottom of the letter.
Popcorn, Therei a very nearherebut it doesn'thavemanyrecentfilms. LeonardoDi Caprioa struggting artistwho fatlsin lovewith a rich girl. 6 lt's a comedy a groupof peoplewho work in a TV studio. 7 l'm goingto try not to readthe ; it'[l help me practisemy English. 8 Therei a Sreat at the end it turns out that hei actuallya ghost! 9 As the priceof the playerscomesdown, aregoingto becomemore and more popular. l0 Thefilm BradPitt, and was directedby RobertRedford.
-'..* ¡": !L
i l t"-""-'**
lruronvtel LETTER I
r ñxsnry ,kncw-how i
i ' , ; l
Whenyou are writingan informalletter (to a friend,penfriendor cousin,for example) rememberto usea chatty,conversational stylewith informalgrammarand vocabulary.
however,that paragraphs are still r Remember, importantin an informalletter.
Each of these informallettersshould be written in 120-180words in an appropriatestyle. 1 You and your friendsrecentlymade a shortfilm with a video camera. Writea letterto a friendin an English-speaking countrysayingwhatthe film was about and describin!tfre experience. Writeyour letter. in film and has askedyou aboutyourfavouritefilm stars. 2 Youroenfriendis interested why Writea letterto yourfrienddescribingone or two of yourfavouritestars,explaining you liketheirfilms. Writevour letter.
Grammarfocus You'vegot to see this film! (informal) = You have to/must seethis film. (more formol) Rer,vn*te these sentencesusingthe 'havegot to'form. l,fsecontractionswhereveryou can. I
I must get a DVDplayer.
2 He hasto understandthat he can'tgo to the cinemauntil hei done his homework. 3
I haveto do the sceneagain?'askedthe actor impatiently.
4 Doesshehaveto do the sceneagain? Therei no needfor you to pick me up. l'[[ meet you at the box office. 6 Dont you haveto be a professional actor to be an extrain a movie? 7 It isn'tnecessary for film actorsto learnthe whole script 8 The dubbingmust be realtyaccurate.
Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. r What do peopleconsiderwhenthey choosea job? . Whati the bestageto decideon your career? . How importantis it to earna lot of money?
DeveloP YouR wRrrrNG sKtLLs
Who reads what? Matchthe followingkindsof writingto the peopleyou think mightreadthem. 1 a letter describingyour summerjob
a a teacher
2 a job application
b a studentin anothercountry
3 an internationalstudentmagazinearticle on youngpeopleandwork
c somebodyinterestedin nationalopinion
a localnewspaper articleon training opportunities 5 a nationalnewspaperarticleon job losses 6 a compositionwritten as a classproject on careers a story about office workerswritten for a competition
d somebodyinterestedin local news e a managerin a company f a memberof your family g a fictionmagazine editor
Choose the reader Readtheseextractsfrom compositionquestions.Foreachone,decidewho the readeris goingto be. 1 Yourcolleaguehasmade the followingnotes. Writeyour letter askingthe Principalfor permissionto ... b the Principal a your colleague 2 Thecompetitionrulessay that the story must beginwith the following words... b yourteacher a a competitionjudge 3 Yourschoolmagazinehas invitedyou to write an article about ... a studentsat your school b membersof the public 4 Youhavejust receivedthis letter from the organisersof the competition. Write your reply, usingthe notes ... of the competition b the organisers a a ne x a m r n e r I
Yourteacherhasaskedyou to write o story for your school'sEnglishlanguogemogazine. a your teacher b studentsat your school
6 Youhavebeendoing a classproject on work in the media. Yourteacherhasaskedyou to write a compositiongivingyour opinions... b the editorof a [oca[paper a your teacher
Choose the best styIe Foreachreaderbelow,decidewhichstylewould be moreappropriate whenwritingfor them.Circ[ethe correctanswer. an articlefor studentsat your school a a formalstyleusingacademicEnglish b an informalstyle usingeveryday English for your a discursive composition teacher a an informal,conversational style a clear b a formalstylepresenting artument a letter to an employerwho is offering ajob a an informativestyle presenting personalinformationclear[y b an informalstyle showingyour friendlypersonality
a letterto a memberof your family stylepresenting a clear a a discursive argument styleusinginformal b a conversationaI language an articlefor youngpeoplearoundthe world a a formal,business style neutral, interesting style b a a story for the judgesof a competition descriptivestyle a an interesting, style b a simple,informative
1.8 n
ffimwmucpp Y#wre wffi$Y*ru#s${$rLffi Match the sentences to the readers Matchthe fotlowingsentences to the readersthey are intendedfor. Sorryyou weresacked.Listen,why don't you ca[[Bittand seeif they needanybody at the hotel? Thismeansthat somethinglike twenty per cent of youngpeopleare lookingfor weekendjobs - and thati a lot of waiters and waitresses! In conclusion, it seemsclearthat the advantages of workingduringthe holidaysorJtweigh the disadvantages. Theexperience I gainedworking part-timein my uncle'shotel meansthat I am usedto deatingwith the public. I wouldn'thavemuchchanceof getting into trouble workingat this isolated hotel.At least,thatt what I told myself. a a teacher b a student c a manaSer d a memberof your family e a fiction magazineeditor
Study the model Readmode[composition2 on page'100 andanswerthe followingquestions. I Who is the articleaimedat? 2 What kind of style hasthe writer used? 3 Why doesthe writer usequestionmarkswithin the text?
thyourpartner. Doyoubothasree?
covrPosrrroN DEVELoPMENT @ Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises that follow. A nationalstudentmagazinehas askedyou to write an articleon how young peoplemight choosea career.Write a short article for the magazine.
Answerthe followingquestions. Discuss your answerswith the class.
Matchthe paragraph contentson the right paragraph with each 1-4.
1 Whichof thee peoplemight readyour article? a adultswho wantto changetheirjob b youngpeoplein other partsof your country c studentsaroundthe world 2 What would they expectfrom your article? a adviceabouttheir future that interests them b detaileddescriptions of certainjobs c an explanation of why a goodjob is important Are your readers... a muchyoungerthanyou? b the sameageasyou? c mucholderthanyou? Are thesestatementsTrueor False? a You shouldusea formal styleto show how muchyou know. You could start with a questionto interestyour readers. It would be appropriateto use contractions(isn't,dont, etc). Yourstyle shouldbe conversational and friendly. You haveto tel[ them to be good studentsand work hard.
Whichof thesemightbe a goodtitle for this article? a Becominta successfuI professional b Combining a careerwith a busyhomelife c What do you want to be when you trow uP? d The dangersof beingtoo ambitious
2 3 4
a Suggest someother thingsyou mightthink about. b Concludeand wishyour readersgood luck. c Askan interesting question and introducethe subject. d Suggest first stepsyou might take in choosinga career.
Starting your article Circletwo sentences you might useto beginyour article. 1 I havebeenrequestedto write an article by this magazine and hereit is. 2 Are you still wonderingexactlywhat you'regoingto do with your [ife? 3 | am writingto informyou aboutthe careeroptionsopento you. 4 lt can be pretty scarytakingdecisions that affect the rest of your [ife.
Ending your article Circletwo sentences you might useto end your article. In conclusion, thesearethe thingsI had to sayon the subject. I am lookingforwardto hearingfrom you as soonas possible. I hopethesesuggestions havegivenyou something to think about. So,good luck in your future career, whateveryou decide.
Wordperfect Plan your poragraphs Completethe followint paragraph plan, makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein eachparagraph.
flvficle platr'r Ífle Pavargvar¡h I
n PavagraTV,T
Pavagvap\ 4
fl I
5 lU be carefulif I wereyou becausethe is in a bad mood. ó | don'tthink is enoughto live on whenyou havechildren. 7 lt can be hardto fi[[ your time when you are
Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your artic[e,tick the boxes. I I t I
I havewritten an article. I know who my readeris. I haveusedan appropriatestyle.
I think job satisfactionis far more important than earninga lot of money. Davet dad hasbeen unemployedfor over a year and can'tfind a job. Sa[[ywasfired,/sackedfor surfingthe internet too muchat work. ld [iketo havemy own business and be my own boss. I get on very welI with my colleaguesin the office. Someworkersare oaid more becauseof dangerous working conditions. The Ministerwasforcedto resignwhenthe truth cameout. It can be very difficult not havinga job and trying to live on unemployment benefit,/the dole. The companyis lookingfor traineesto start immediately. My contract saysthat I shouldget four weeks paid holidaya year. I Whensaleswent down dramatically, the manaterdecidedto 2 The new are learning all about the factory. 3 lgetalotof frommy work asa nurse. 4 Tom wasconstantlylate and in the end he was
u^^^,,.rrrb llomework dlY¡li¡ NowwriteyJrr'.rti.t"V
Readthesesentences and then usethe wordsin bold to completethe sentences below.
l T T l
I havetried to makeít interesting. I havecheckedfor spelling mistakes. T I havecheckedfor grammar mistakes. ¡
8 Makesureyou readthe beforeyou signit. 9 The for a minercan be very dirty and unpleasant. 10 Someof my boughtme a presentwhen I left the office.
t !
Examknow-how '
Dont wastetime countingthe numberof wordsyou havewritten.Look at one of your composítions to seehow manywordsyou write on a line.Formost people,it is about sevenor eight.Thismeansyour compositionsshouldbe abouttwenty to twenty-five lineslong,or just lessthan one pate of an exercisebook.
Each of these articlesshould be written in 120-180words in an appropriate styre. Yourschoolmagazineis runninga seriesof articlesunderthe tiile ,My dreamjob,. write an arti¡ileto appearin the seriesdescribingyour idealjob. A localnewspaperhas invitedreadersto write short articlesabout how they imaginethe worldof work will changeoverthe nextdecade.The bestarlicles will be publishedin the newspaper. Writeyour article.
Grammorfocus some verbsare followea by thl gerund by the full infinitive, and some by both, sometimes ¡in¡), some_ -with a changeof meaning.lt is important tñit you know which form to ,t". n""Jinár" "r"rpt";. . Thisiob rneons getting up early every morning. t t t ¡
Policework involves writing reports. You need to be careful in this line of work. Frank threotened to resign if the plan wosn'tchanged. Did you remember to post my letter of application for the job?
In the following sentences,put the verb in bracketsinto the coruect form. I
To be a pilot, you haveto enjoy 2 An officejob in Englandusuallymeans 3 The workersall stopped
(work)from nineto five. (have)aten minutebreak.
4 Taxidriversfind themselves--
(wait)arounda lot. 5 My brotherworksasa baker,but he trained (be)a mechanic. ó working asa vet involves
(answer) callsin the middleof the night.
7 l'[ alwaysremember
(be)late for my first job interview. 8 lt wasa wasteof time trying (get)a job at that new company. 9 | couldn'tafford (pay)a[ my bittswhen r wasfired. l0 One day, I hope (be)offered a job as a manater.
wnnM-u" @ Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. r What are the advantages of eachway of studyingshownin the photographs? r Do you personallylearnbetter aloneor in a group? : Do you like studyinglanguages? Why/Wh_ynot?
DrveloP YouR wRtrtNG sKtLLs i,Y* :: i *i¡-¡ ¡ i; * :' ;: ;'* ¡ ;; :;.i r.;:l ::
Readthis question. You sawthis advertisement for a courseand contactedthe collegefor more details, makingthe notesbelow.Readthe advertisement and the notescarefully. Write a letter to your penfriend,who you know is interestedin languages, telling them about the course.
Saluton. Kiel vi fartas? confused?Don'tbe.That'sEsperanto for'Hello.How areyou?'Esperanto is an artificial language spokenby manypeoplearoundthe world.How wouldyou like to learnEsperantofrom home?With our new homestudycourse you couldbe communicating in Esperanto with peoplefrom manycountries
@bso|utebeginnersarewe|come.Lowfee'Ca||o1276333451 Mr Hope,Eurolingua College oforfurlherdetail{ourse director: lwe\feá:
l8f7 Spe¿rkeys:? lulilliorr Fee, 66 €uroos*on Z-r,rohfh cóL\vse *lextbooks exfrq
coul¿ ¿o i* oVer ffre 51.\v$1|,i'1€1.
It is very importantto includeall the right informationfrom your notes. Tickwhichof the followingpiecesof informationyou haveto include. I 2 3 4 5 6 7
Esperantoisn'ta confusinglanguage. lt wasinventedin 1887. You haveto pay extra for the textbooks. The fee is 60 euros. Yourfriend could do the courseoverthe summer. 'Saluton' in Esperanto. means'Hel[o' of Esperanto aroundthe world. Thereare 2 million speakers
H*w drd rftey #*3 paraSraphs from letterswritten by differentstudents Readthese*two ¡r in answerto the compositionquestionabove.Underlinewherethey mention the pointsfrom the notesabove.
1 I called them for you yesrerday. The secretary told me about the guy who invented it in 1887, but I can't remember hís name. I do remember that there are speakers around the world, s o m e t h i n g l i k e r \ . d om i l l i o n though. She said it was sixty euros for a two-month .rlr'rrqo-
r ^ r h i r - h \: /1 vóv r -
from You can get more information Mr Hope. Do you want the number?
2 w¿tsiwe\teá fhere awetwo r^rilliotsgerrkers,iyóh\a fhe worlá.Esgeratnto i\ 188?.The lee is sixty ¿tavóS Nor ¿t fwo-prohfhcóuvse/ovevthe shu4r¡tev iQ you like. Texfbooks exfr¿r. The cóhyseáiveclor is l.{vHope.C¿tllhiwro\ 01216'|jj+sl. Write the correctnumber,1 or 2, to answerthe followingquestions. Which writer has... usingthe prompts? a wrítten naturalsentences it? b copiedone of the promptswithout understanding c forgottento mentionone of the prompts? d usedan appropriatestyle? e not thought aboutthe grammarof the prompts?
y*aire w-dre$y$ruffi ffimqgmuffip sKgñ*g-s Wns*e # psrcgrcp& Hereis an incompteteanswerto the questionabove. Tick which of the followingpointsthe writer hasmentioned. a b c d e
Esperanto wasinventedin 1887 You haveto pay extra for the textbooks. Thefee is 60 eurosfor the 2-monthcourse. Yourfriend could do the courseoverthe summer. Thereare 2 millionspeakers of Esperanto aroundthe world.
Now writethe missingparagraph in your notebook,includingthe remaining pointsfrom above. DeavJeuy Hi! How are yot'J fh¿rqLs Qor yoh' l¿rsl lelfe'. Gveql \ews 4teoqf yotar carf. SeVe\ ki{-fe\S! )orar horase rrqsf lre ch¿roS¿rf fhe wroqe\f! Atrywrty, lisle\. I k¡ow yota sariá yór^ w€ve fhirrkir,,g o{ leatvnirrg ar urew latrrgraarge bqf yora coralátr'l Aec\Ae which oure.Harve yoq fhoughf ¿tlpoqf Espe"atnrfo,fhe ¿rvfiQici arl lotngua,ge? I saw ar\ a,A Pov d¡.hoqe sfra/y cohyse fhe ofhe' Aay auA il sor¡\áel pe'Pecf Po' yora. I carlle), lÁe college anA lhey lolá wre ¿r bif ¿tbor¡f Es¡erarnfo. ll w¿rsihve\feá ih 1887 a\A lheve qve abot¡l fwo u.rilliohspeake"s avoh\á lhe wovlá.
\ u.Jh¿rf).o yor,tfhiqk? l'll ser/
yora lhe qhvurbero* fhe college iQ yora'"e
ihfe"esfeá. fllr,,rosfQovgoLPelev sary5hello. I have fo go \ór^¡- Gevwa\ horrewo"k.Yoh'"e \of fhe otrly orre/.oirg larnguarges, you krrow! Lols oPlove, Tirr¿t
&*sd "y*¿rrp*nfnar's wrifrng Swapparagraphs and readwhat your partnerhaswritten. Usingyour partnert paragraph, answerthe followingquestions. I Hasmy partneruseda[[the remainingprompts? 2 Hasmy partnerput them into naturalsentences? 3 Hasmy partnerusedan appropriateinformalstyle?
5fe;dy ff*e rnsdef Readquestion3 on page101.Circlewhich of the followingthe writer hasto mention. a Theydo vegetarianmeals. d Thereare no tableson the 7th, but there b A mealcostsabout 25 eurosper person. are on the 8th. c LargeSrouPsget a discountof l0%. e Theyhavelive musicat the weekend. f The restaurantis in the countryside. Now readmodelcomposition 3 on page101. Underlinethe phraseswherethe writer mentionsthe necessary informationabove. What style hasthe writer used?
CovrPosrrroN DEVELoPMENT @ that follow. Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises You saw this advertisementfor a courseand contactedthem for more details,makingthe notes below. Read the advertisementand the notes carefully.Write a letter to your penfriend,who you know is interestedin improvingtheir memory,tellingthem aboutthe
- -
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serrá yotawo"ksheets 1^,l¡[4 ¿¡¿vciSeS
cosk 55 gotarrás cevfilic¿rfe al e¡/
l I ¡ i
I i
¡ ; :
ü";i"io iiptove yourmemory Our new distance lear Remember names and telephone numbers. Easily learn words in a foreign language. You'll be arnazed at the results in just 10 days!
Srs,nsformíng your answers Discuss with the class. Answerthe followingquestions. name? What'syour penfriend's What newsmightyou tell them beforeyou mentionthe course? Wheredo you do the course? How longdoesthe courselast? How muchdoesthe coursecost? 'certificate What does at end' mean? you give for endingyour letter? What reasonwill How mightyou closeyour letter? What would be an appropriatestyle? How manypointsdo you needto include?
From prsmpfs fo s€nf€Rcss Foreachprompt,write a sentencethat you might useto tell your penfriendthat information. I completecourse:2 months
3 cost:70euros
2 sendyou worksheetswith exercises
4 certificateat end
lv4skei f ¡n {armal Foreachof thesesentences, write a secondsentencethat givesthe sameinformationin an informal, friendlystyle. I
RegardinS your enquiry,I am pleasedto be ableto report that my mothert healthis much improved.
with satisfaction. 2 | receivedthe newsof your recentsuccessin your examinations 3 | would like to informyou that the total cost will be approximatelyseventyeuros.
' .:,, l'
;*i*-¡: -l* ¡-;." * * r.t:$i'i:;.* ;: : Completethe followingparatraphplan, makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein eachparagraph.
Readthesesentences and then usethe wordsin bold to comoletethe sentences below a I
ne*&evp]e;x [q$ovw,on] Fean Pat"c'r9"atp',^ j
Parargvrr¡h ? r
Paoagvaph 3
.:. :
Studentsat schoolare sometimesca[ledpupils. Pupilsin Britaingo to primary schoolup to the ageof eleven. Fromelevento sixteen,pupilsin Britainhaveto to to secondaryschool;in America,they go to juniorandseniorhighschool, Somepupilsdecideto stay on at schooluntil they are eighteento do exams. The fee{s}for the courseis/are 2OOeurosbut the booksare free. Turnto paSesevenin your textbook and study the mode[. I did the courseby distancelearning,so I studiedat homeand sent exercises back throughthe post. I passedthe examand I shouldget the certificate in the post in a few weeks. I understandEnglish, but I haveproblems learningdefinitionsby heart. lf you leavecollegeor schoolbeforethe end of your course,you drop out.
Yc¡.rv*ivs! \r{w1e
2 3
i* ¡: ¡¡: * vr * I .ji: Now write your letter.
Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your letter,tick the boxes. I haveusedthe informationin all the prompts. I haveturnedthe promptsinto naturalsentences. I haveusedan appropriate informalstyle. I havecheckedfor spelling mistakes. I havecheckedfor grammar mistakes.
7 I
lf therearen'tanycolteges in your area,you couldconsiderstudyingby I'lt be so proudwhen I passthat I'mgoingto hangmy on the wall. My mum'sworriedthat my brother'sgoingto of collegeand not get any qualifications. Atl studentsarerequiredto paythe course beforetakingthe examination. Manyyount people ot schoolbecauseiti difficuttto find a iob without oualifications. We movedhousewhen I wasnine so I had to start at a new lt took me agesto learnthe Englishalphabet
I thinkthe we usetn our Historylessonis reallyboring. Our new English teachergetson well with all the -. 10 It can be a bit frighteningwhen you leave primaryschooland haveto moveup to
S.gs*?*,,:,:',¿.'*i: ** .
Makesureyou includein your composition informationfrom allthe promptsin an appropriate style.
lf you are not sureof the meaningof a prompt,makean educatedguessand put it in your own words.Neverjust copy the prompt, and neverleaveit out.
Writean answerto the followingquestionin 120-180words in an appropriatestyle. for a summercourseabroadand contactedthe collegefor furtherdetails, You saw this advertisement makingthe notesbelow.Youhavedecidedto attendthe courseand wouldliketo invitea friendof yours who livesin anothertown to joinyou. Thenwritea letter to your friend,givingthe necessary Readthe adver*sementand the notescarefully. informationand tryingto persuadeyour friendto join you,
,1r Summer Coursgs in English :..-",..,'i-, Htill¡::ir,u,:*:i fl ccowru,roáatfio\ con*orf^ble college roowrs¿rbove Ftqsf \rook rrow i€ w¿tqt voot4sl
. Experienced tutorsfor all levels. o Reasonable fees.
¡-weeV cót¡vsetourlY250 eutos Dafes: lofh - ?SvA f,ugusl frigs fo r^useur / libe¿tv7 sPÓvts ceulve
. Accommodationavailable. Beautifulcollegein countrysidesetting. Morning lessons, with afternoonoutingsarranged. CalI01223 37565for further details.
#rmrery$??#n furrus l.$h*n w* v.'rits ¡:*ts*, w* *ft*s ffi*ss*¡;t *h* x:*ti*i*s. Principalsaid we must pay fee. = The Principalsaid we must pay the fee. y*lc *av* ?* ¡eaks s*r'* t*ri ti$* !&he* Sdscl etr*6lvemnm**sas pr*Rnp*su g&* e*rr**t ar€*cé*s{x, ar:,t*:e} ln y**r writi*9. &.*wsit*el* 6*!1*l'vi*Spr*ry*p*s in e*rxp{*t* se;'l**nc*s, a*sing xrti*€** wh*rc appr*prlat*, I
Collegehasswimmingpoolat back.
2 Collegemay offer discounton fee for group. 3 Examstake placein local school. 4 Libraryis open for few hourseachmorning. 5 Collegechargesextrathirty eurosfor WelcomeParty.
wanM-u" @
Sport '
Lookat the pictures.ln pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. r What facilitiesfor sportsdoesyour town have? r Are you a memberof a gym?Would you liketo be? r What facilitiesdo you think a sportscentreshouldhave?
Deveuop YouR wRrr¡NG sKrLLs ***J*rr:g *f {*y**f Eventhoughyou cant readthe words,you canstill saywhat kindsof compositiontheseare. Matchthe diagramsto the compositiontype and write why. I-
A letter Diagramnumber:-
whv? A report Diagramnumber:-
why? A discursivecomposition Diagramnumber:-
Compfete f&€' fs&fe Foreachtype of composition,tick the correctboxes. hasparagraphs usesheadings your nameappearsin it
often hasa title article report letter
story discursive composition
5f*rfx/Fg # rspsrf Readthis questionand completethe start of the report. You work for a localtourist informationoffice.Yourmanagerhasaskedyou to write a reporton the new sportscentrewhichopenedrecentlyin your town. Describe the facilitiesofferedby the sportscentreandexplainhow you thinktouristswouldbe in visitingit. interested To: From: Subject: Which of thesecanalso be usedat the start of a report?Choosetwo. Date: Conclusion: Mark: Re:
He:v'ir ddd t&ey do? from two differentanswersto the questionabove Readthesetwo paragraphs questions and answerthe that follow.
Swimming Pool fhe
Q¿rcililies af fhe spovfs cehlre
atr.rolyr^,rgic'liteA pool, which is
fhe onrlyohe oQ fh¿tf si¿e irr ot¡r ¿tve¿.,. Nof ouly will if lce qseá tov fe¿rwr fvarirrirrg o*rA votces, buf iF will arlso be open fo lhe prablic dlr sot"re áarys o0 fhe week. r"Je shoqlá expecf if lo ¿tffv¿tcf r,'tarrrylot^visfs fo fhe cehf"<,
', T|pre ig a gwimmi¡apool,a gnaokbar,indoortennisaurt, s andbaeketballl ': Qt l: avrte.lthírrk7eo7lewi||7robab|1likzthosofaü|itiee'TT.vrearebi6 ',ohanfn6rooilc endfriend\ eeeighn+s. I evryet wo askthe manay, for l , Ioafletewe c-en,ive lo to /-¡,vriete. tovricte. J
& ffimqsmu#pY##ffi vwffifiY*F*ffi sKñLrffi Which paragraph... a tries to mentiontoo manythings? b hasa more formal style? c cleartyfocuseson one main point?
d makesa good suggestion? e is clearlylaidout with a heading? f would get better marksin the exam?
W{rff* # ff#r#$rspfu
Completethis answerto the questionaboveby writinga paragraph to the classand listento other of about30 words.Readyour paragraph paragraphs. students' To: Mr Johnson t From: Debb¡eLambert Subject: The new sportscentre f ; r r t r o du c t i o ¡ ' l As requested, I havevisitedthe new sportscentrein KingStreet.The centrehasnow beenopen for two months.Themainfacilitiesare the basketball courts,the gymnasium and the ice-sl
C y rn r-ra si u rm
Sfrudy f&s sm*d*d Readmodel composition4 on page10'land do the fotlowingtask. Underlinein the model... a wherethe writer mentionsthe subjectof the report. b a good phrasefor introducinga report. c two ptaceswherethe writer givesa summaryof the report. d the writert suggestion. e the readerof the report.
cov¡PosrrroN DEVELoeMENT @ Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises that follow.
Youhavea part-timejob in a sportsshop.The managerwantsto makethe shop more popular with young people and has asked you to write a report making some recommendations. Writeyourreportfor yourmanager.
Brainsformrng Answerthe followingquestions,usingyour imaginationwherenecessary. Discuss your answerswith the class. What is your manager's name?
Whatisthe subjedfof yourreport? Write three reasonswhy youngpeoplemight preferother shops.
t 2 3 What three solutionscould you suggest? I
2 3 What style would be appropriatefor your report?
Chaoss fh e best headinss Readtheseheadingsand circlethe oneíyou think might be good to usein this report. Choosethree. f The peopleto blame
Make it forma{ Thesesentencesaretoo informalfor a report.Express the sameideain a more formal way. 1 You shouldmakethingscheaper,shouldn'tyou? 2 You know,it must be agessinceyou changedthe window disptay.
3 Youradvertis reallyboringand old-fashioned. 4 Get somenew trainers.
een#ñsrfur$ Pfsn .y#¿rrpsrexgrmp&s
plan, Completethe followingparaSraph makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein eachparagraph and what headingyou aregoingto give eachparagraph.
Readthesesentences and then usethe wordsin bold to completethe sentences below. The new sports centre/leisurecentre hasgreat tenniscourts. A gym/gymnasiumis a placewherepeoplego to get someexerciseand try to get fit. I try to work out at the gym at leastonce a week. A rink is a placewherepeoplego to skateon the ice. Mum, I needa new pair of trainers,and they haveto be the right brand. I don't carewhichside winsas long as it'sa good match. A commentatordescribes the actionfor people watchingor Iistening at home. Hangon! | think I'veleft my racketin the changingróom. Our team trains at leastthree times a weekano sometimesmore. Wheneverwe playfootball,Johnpicks all his friendsto be on the sameside.
ReporFplavt fo: Fr.owr: Sr,r\aject-: lulvo/t^cfioh
Pa,vagvat7V,7 Hea.A\ug:
Co¡{clr¡sicr"r 3 4 5
H*me'\rnürk ft
Now write your report Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your report,tick the boxes. ¡ | haveusedthe correct format for a rePort. : I haveclearheadingsfor each paragraph. I haveusedan appropriately formal style. I havecheckedfor spelling mistakes. I havecheckedfor grammar mistakes.
T L l
And it'sa goal!'the shouted excitedly. lf you want to set in shape,why don't you join a ) I just hopethe other don't scorebeforethe final whistle. What this town needsis a new with modernfacilities. Gregdeserves to get into the team becausehe harderthan anybodyelse. Don't leaveany valuablesbehindin the
7 | can'trun asfast asthe other runnersin these old I I hope the coachdoesn'tforget me when he the team for this Saturday. They're putting professional on a ice showat the 9 this weekend. t0 | usedto but now I'velet myselfget a bit out of shape.
ffxwpt xfunmw¡-fo*w¡ . Makesureyou usethe correctformat for your writing.You shouldalwayswrite in paragraphs andyou shouldgivethe paragraphs headings whenyou arewriting a rePort.
Eachof thesereportsshouldbe writtenin 120-180wordsin an appropriate style. 1 You havea part-timejob in a gym. The managerwantsto attractmore customersand has asked you to writea reportmakingsomerecommendations. Writeyour ' & ' report for your manager. 2 You work for a local footballclub. The club is consideringmaking changesto its stadium. The managerhas askedyou to writea repofion the currentstadium,suggestingimprovements. Writeyour report.
ffirmsmffisr fucexs Thesports centre offers a great opportunity to local people. Wh*n ;* $*mtemc*has a dineet *hleet (a great opportunity)a*& ar*is*direa**lxiect (localpeople),!t is *Sten hettey *o rewrite tk¡e semte¡nee as $o{{ows: Thesports centre offers local people o great opportunity. Rewn*t'e the $*&iow¡in$ se¡ntene€s ixxtk* $eryr€K¡&X. I
I am writingthis letter to you to requestinformationabout membershipof the gym.
2 The coachorderedsomenew equipmentfor the team.
3 My mum boughtsomenew trainersfor my sister.
4 | askedthe companyto makea specialtennisracketfor me.
Simonaskedme to lend my new footballto him.
6 The playerpassedthe ball to the captain.
7 Givethe microphoneto the commentator.
wanM-u"@ Lookat the pictures.ln pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. . what do you think the peoptein the photographsare [ike? r How importantarefirst impressions? . Do we judgepeopletoo muchon their appearance?
DeveloP YouR wRlrlNG sKlLLs
use rnor€ ad¡ecf¡Yes
Adjectivesmakeyoui writing more descriptive.Choosewhichtwo people' adjectivesfrom t'hebox you-mightuseto describeeachof the following i*¿r¡rr'fuve'
{-ker¿Sh.l-}ess *rr'qbifie¡¡s ,
, \ ! . ¡
t ócl1sh
I Janetalwaysteltsthe truth. sometimes,though,sheforgetshow it can feelings. hurt other peoP[e's 2 Gregoryneverbetrayshisfriendsand he atwaystries to help them with their problems. 3 Nadinewantsto be famous,and shethinksthat the wholeworld should be interestedin her and her problems! 4 Robertneedsto grow up and stop behavingin sucha stupidway. 'please' or'thank you'' 5 lan is alwaysantry aboutsomething.He neversays
Use more adverbs Adverbsoften describehow somethingis done. Completethe sentencesusingadverbsfrom the box. Whichsentencesmight havemore than one answer?
t-----'-' deve'ly '
qe'r''oraSly : r
' excifeálY
showedher parentsthe prizeshehad won. and held him in her arms. Aliceliftedthe babyup at his brotherand ranout of the house. Georgeshouted and beganto read. Emmaopenedthe letter outsidethe headmastertoffice. Ritawaited fixed the problemwith my computerand we surfed Paul the internet. decidedto go backinto the burninghouse. 7 Mr Simpson
t 2 3 4 5 6 c
Study the model Quicklyreadmodelcomposition5 on page102. you canfind. and circleall the adverbs Underlinea[[the adjectives Comparewhat you havefound with your partner.
Be descriptive helpsto makeyour writingmoredescriptive. interesting vocabulary Choosing Foreachword below,write as manyother wordsasyou canthat meanalmost the samebut that are more descriptive.Compareyour answerswith your partner. good
€¿rhf4sfic, jreql,
,rw*ql, ho"rible,
beautiful big walk cIever happy
5 ffimqdmu*pv*um wffixx$e$ffi sK*LLffi Write a paragroph Thesetwo paragraphs comefrom a story.The middle paragraph is missing. Write a paragraph of about40 wordsdescribingKarento completethe story. Try to useadjectives, adverbsand interestingwords. Everybody knew that a new girl was starting at oLlr school. -We had heard that her name was Karen.The desk next to nre was empty and I knew she would probably sit there.When I got to school on Monday morning,I quickly hung my coat up and went to my desk.There was the ner,vgirl. She r,vas...
k. wp 'l:w'4
Lessonsstarted and I found out that she was excellent at maths. She even helped me with one or tr,voof the problems.I kner,v we were going to be great fi'iends from that day on.
ll ]|
Readyour partner'swritíng@ Swapparagraphs and readwhat your partnerhaswritten. Usingyour partnert paragraph, answerthe fo[lowingquestions. 1 What adjectiveshasmy partnerused? 2 What adverbshasmy partnerused? 3 What interestingvocabularyhasmy partnerused?
ñI El
Discuss@ Readyourparagraph to the class, or listento paragraphs other peoplehavewritten. Howcouldyoumakeyourwritint evenmoredescriptive?
CoMPosrrroN DEVELoPMENT Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises that follow. Yourteacherhas asked you to write a story for the school'sEnglishlanguagemagazine. It must beginwith the followingwords: When I first saw Louise,I got completelythe wrong impressionof her. Writeyour story.
Brainstorming Answerthe followingquestions usingyour imagination. your ansfteriwith the class. Discuss Who is Louise? What doesshe look like? What is her characterllke? Wheredid you meet her? What day wasit? What wasthe weather[ike? What wasyour first impressionof her? Why wasit wrong? Do you still seehernow?
Where? Are you good friends? How do you feel about her?
summorise yourprot @ Write one or two sentences to summarisewhat happensin your story.Discuss your plot with your partnerand askthem questionsabout what happensin their story. Example: Louisewasmy new neighbourond tthought she lookedfriendly but in the end sherefusedto help me when t neededit.
Choose the best title Decidewhich of thesetitles would be good for your story. Discuss your choices. What othertitles canyou think of?
I ktew I waeriglt
Le¡u!se'ssurpnise f&¡ss$va**f**** sf bsisaü hi*ee*$?
New girl at school
FIow wrong I was
Wordperfect P/mnyaur psragraphs Completethe followingparagraph plan, makingnoteson what you are goingto includein eachparagraph.
Slory plarh rifle P¿,na,*rrrrf i^ ,
Readthesesentences and then usethe wordsin bold to comoletethe sentences below. They interviewedmembersof the general public in the streetson the TV newslastnight. Yourfirst impression{s} of somebodyis/are what you think whenyou meet them for the first time. The charactersin the story were interesting, but the plot wasboring. Sandyisn'treallyunkind.She'sjust thoughtless and forgetsabout other peoptesometimes. Everyapplicantfor the job hasto write a letter to the company. Yourtelephonemanneris how wellyou communicate with peopleon the phone. Adam hasa reallyfriendtypersonality,if you givehim a chance. It'snot easyto get on with somebodywho is so bad-tempered. Davefound it difficult to makefriends when he first cameto this school. Vickyseemsunfriendty,untiI you get to know her better. ! Try not to be so and rememberthat other peoplehavefeelingstoo. 2 I'm goingto try to with the just boy who has movedin next door. 3My of Denisewasthat she
F*rv*rgvnph 4
isa reatlyfunnygirt. 4 A good is very importantif you work asa receptionist. 5 I'm surel'vereadanotherstory with the same
Horn€wark Now write your story. Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your story,tick the boxes. . I haveusedat [eastfive descriptive adjectives. I haveusedat leastthree descriptiveadverbs. T I I haveusedinterestingvocabulary. I I
I havecheckedfor spelling mistakes. I havecheckedfor grammar mistakes.
I find it reallydifficuttto my younter sisters. In somejobs,you meet every day. 8 lf you havea strong 'you haveto be carefulto giveother peoptea chance to speak. 9 Onceyou Witliam,you'I seethat he'snot sucha bad guy. 10 The successful couldspeak three foreignlanguages.
: ií
, ExamKnow-now Ftl
: t
, Whenyou are writinga story,makesureyou ": know whetherthe sentencethey havegiven you hasto go at the beginningor the end of i your story. i
Rememberthat you are not allowedto changethe sentenceyou aregivenin any way.
Eachof thesestoriesshouldbe writtenin 120-180words in an appropriatestyle. 1 You havedecidedto entera short story competition.The competitionrulessay that the story must beginwith the followingwords: As the door Siowtyopened, I was surprised fo see Tom standing there. Writeyour story for the competition. 2 Yourschool magazinehas askedstudentsto write a seriesof stories.Eachstory must beginwith the last sentenceof the previousstory.You have beenaskedto write the next story,which must beginwith the followingwords: Martina knew she would never be the same after everythingthat had happened. Write your story.
Grammarfocus Decide whether the adjectivesand adverbsare used correctly in the following sentences. Tick the correct sentencesand rewrite the incorrect ones. I
Peteopenedsuddenlythe door and ran inside.
2 My uncleGeorgeis a typicallyEnglishman.
3 We were playingwhen my cousinhit me hardlyin the face.
4 When lfirst metJane,shebehavedvery unfriendlytowardsme.
5 | wronglybelievedthat Simonwasmy friend.
6 Tinalookedabsolutelybeautifullyin her new outfit.
7 | realisedI hardlyknew him.
wnnM-u"@ Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. r What differentkindsof journeydo peoplemakewith the meansof transport shownin the pictures? . Do you enjoy [ongcar,train,busand planejourneys? " How do you passthe time when you aretravellinga long way?
DEvEr-oP YOUR wRtrtNG sKtLLs /
Summarise the plot I Lookat model composition5 on page102.lt'sthe samestory you looked at in the last unit. In one or two sentences, write a very brief summaryof the p[ot.
Now think of the storyashavingthreeparts- a beginning, a middleand an end. In note form, write what happensin the followingparts. nt the beginning: In the middle: At the end:
Find the words and phrases in modelcomposition5 to answerthesequestions. Findwordsand phrases Which word or phrase... 1 te[[sus that two thingshappenat the sametime? 2 introducesa contrast? 3 tells us that a situationhasn'tchangedovertime? 4 tells us that one eventhappensafter anotherevent? 'despite the badthingsthat had happened'? 5 means
Summorise the plot 2 Now look at modelcomposition6 on page102. Write a briefuummaryof the plot in one or two sentences.
Now dividethe story into three parts.Write what happensin note form. At the beginning: In the middle: At the end:
Look of the order of events 'Saved
by a Star'again. of Lookat the first TWO paragraphs Therearefive mainevents(thingsthat happen). order(theorderin whichthey actualtyhappened). In noteform,writethem in chronological
I 2 3
4 5
Are they presentedin the sameorder in the story?Yes/ No he What tensedoesthe writer useto showthe concerthappenedBEFORE wasaloneon the road?Simplepast ./ Presentperfect / Pastperfect / Pastcontinuous
phroses Find the words and 'Saved Findwordsand phrasesin
by a Star'to answerthesequestions.
Which word or phrase... t tells us that an eventwasunexpected? 2 introducesa contrast? 3 at the beginningof a sentenceintroducesan fact? unpleasant that one eventhappensafter anotherevent? 4 te[[sus the time somethinghappens? 5 introduces
il*,*,vx l-{}il} Y*LJr¡'qi',,¡Fti "i: i'!j{:i **{* {-g--* Order the events Herei a brief summaryof anothershort story.Readthe summaryand number the events(A-G)froml-7, in the orderin whichthey happened. Pip hasan accidentwhile riding his bike,and makeso new friend in hospital. Pipwakingup in hishospitalbed Pipmeetinghisnewfriend Pipbeingtakento hospital whathappenedafter Pip left hospital what Pipwasdoingbeforethe bike accident F the bikegccident G Piphavint'an operation
Now separatethe story into three parts. Thenwritethe numbersl-7 nextto the three parts. Beginning: Middle: End:
Think about tenses Write a letter of a tensenext to eachdescription. You wil[ usesometensesmore than once. A Simplepast
B Pastcontinuous
C Pastperfect(simpleor continuous)
'background' whilethe main in the 1 Thisis usedfor eventshappening story is happening. 2 Thisis usedfor the maineventsand the feelingsof the characters. anotherevent. 3 Thisis usedto showthat an eventhappensBEFORE 4 Thisis usedto showthat a longereventis in progresswhen another It is often usedwith As','While'or'When'. eventhappens. 5 Thisis usedto showthat a longereventis stoppedor interruptedby or'When'. anotherevent.lt is often usedwith As','While'
Match the examples Write a numberfrom l-5 abovenext to Herearefive examples. eachexampleto showwhat the tenseis beingusedfor. ABCDE-
Finally,the planetoucheddown on the runway.We weresafe. that As shewasflyingto London,shesuddenlyrealised shehad left her noteson the kitchentable. He stood on the platform.lt wasraining,and the skywasdarkeningrapidly. We wereputtedoverby the policewhilewe weredrivingthroughParis. lt wasa fantasticride.I had neverbeenin a helicopterbefore.
CovrPosrnoN DEVELoPMENT @ that follow. Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises
To enterthe competition, A travelcompanyis organisinga short story competition. journey. Thestorymustbeginlikethis: you haveto writea storyaboutan exciting Rebeccaknew from the beginningthat this wouldbe a iourneyto remember Writeyourstory for the competition.
Brainstorming Answerthe followingquestionsusingyour imagination. your arl9wers with the class. Discuss I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
How old is Rebecca? ls shetravellingalone?lf not, who is shewith? Wheredoesher journeystart? Whereis shegoingto? Why is shemakingthisjourney? Which meansof transportdoessheuse? Why doesshethink it will be a journeyto remember? What eventshappenon the journeyto makeit exciting?
9 How doesshefeel at the end ofthe journey?
Write your summary write a summaryof what your story is about. In one or two sentences,
Divíde your sto ry Now put the eventsinto three parts.Write noteson the linesprovided. Beginning: Middle: End:
Think of a title Canyou think of an interestingand appropriatetitle for your story?
Wordperfect Plan your paragraphs plan, Completethe followingparagraph makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein eachparagraph.
Readthesesentences and then usethe wordsin below. bold to completethe sentences You usuallyneeda passportwhen you travelto anothercountry. lf you needanythingduringthe flight,just ask the air hostess/stewardess. I usual[ytrave[first class.lt's more expensive, but it's muchmore comfortabte. CanI just get a ticket at the station,or do I have to book a seatin advance? A packageholiday is a holidaywhereyour flightsand accommodation are bookedfor you by a travel company. A motel is a fairtycheaphotet.Most guestsare peopletravelIingby car. Havea look in the guide book and seeif there are anygood beachesnearhere. I didn'ttake much luggagewith me just a smallsuitcaseand a handbag. lf you are sufferingfrom jet lag/ietlag, you feel tired after a longflight (particularlyif you have entereda differenttime zone). We went on a fantasticcruisearoundthe Greek islandslastsummer.
€&owyplavr Ti{-le Pa.vergr*¡h I
)¡ ? Pave"tgvarph
3 Parvorgva.Bh
?aa,3*aqÁ 4
Homework Now write your story Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your story,tick the boxes. . Thestoryhasa beginning, middle andend. The story hasat leastfour paragraphs. The story beginswith the correct words. ' I havecheckedthe verbtensesvery carefully. r I haveincludedsomedescriptive adjectivesand adverbs.
T T L] T T
I I didn'twantto do anythingduringmy first day in the States- | hadterribte 2 Shedoesn'twant to go on a Sheprefersto arrivein a placeand then find accommodation. Shesaysit's more exciting! ld 3 beendrivingatl day so I decidedto spendthe nightin a by the road. 4 That castlelooksinteresting. What doesthe sayabout it? 5 Shattwe to on a this year?lt wouldbe wonderfulsailingthroughthe Mediterranean for a couoleof weeks. 6 | would hateto be a(n) It mustbe so boringpouringso manycupsof coffee! l d [ i k et o
a room for tomorrow night,please. 8 I'vegot my tickets,somedollarsand my . Right!l'm ready. 9 What'sthe point of travelling ? Thejourneystill takesthe sameamountof time! t0 lf you'dliketo leaveyour reception,the porter will take it up for you 7
Xl\M iE :
Examknow-how . Whenyou arewritinga story,try to include u Remember that directspeechshouldbe somedirectspeechand someindirectspeech. informal.The restof your storyshouldbe It makesthe story more interestingto read. more formal. Lookat modelcompositions 5 and 6 on page 102to seehow directspeechhasbeenused.
Eachof thesestoriesshouldbe writtenin 120-180wordsin an appropriate style. 1 You naveOáó¡óedto entera short story competition. The rulesof the competitionstatethat the storymust beginwith the followingwords: 'How are we going to get home?' asked Tim with a worried expression. Writeyour story for the competition. 2 Yourteacherhas askedyou to writea shortstoryfor the school'sEnglishlanguagemagazine. Yourstorymust beginwith the followingwords: As the plane took off, I wonderedwho would be waitingfor me when I landed. Writeyour story.
Grammorfocus indirect speech: Mrs Petersodvisedher doughternot to pack her blue sweateras she would not needit on her holiday. direct speech: "Don't pock your blue sweater,Suson.You won't need it on holiday,"said Mrs Peters. Rewrite these sentencesin direct speech,beginningwith the words given.Try to make the direct speech sound as natural as possible.Rememberthat direct speechis often (but not always)informal. t
AdamaskedDavewhetherhe thoughtthey shouldbook the train ticketsin advance. "Dave,
2 Rachettold Sa[[ynot to buy first classticketsbecauseof the expense "Dont 3 Darrentold us that he believedthe coachwould leaveat half oastthree. "l think politely askedthe businessman if he wantedanothercup of coffee. 4 The stewardess "Would 5 NigelaskedJulieto hold hissuitcasefor him while he boughta newspaper. .,f^^
i, :l
Foodand Drink
\A/anM-u" @ Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. . lf you weregoingout for a meatwith your friends,what kind of placewould you like to go to? Why? . Which do you prefer- home-cookedfood, takeaways, or eatingout?Why? . Would you [ike to be a waiter/waitress?Why,zWhynot?
DeveuoP YouR wRrrrNG sKtLLs é : ; t 1 . ' ':;. : :, : ' : , ¡I ¡ l : . : : i , i i : , : : i , i
Herearefive extractsfrom differenttexts aboutfood and drink. First,decidewhat kind of texts they are. Write the letter of the text type A-Eon the line aboveeachtext. 'purpose' Leavethe line empty for now. A short story B articlefor a youngpeople'smagazine C letter of application D report E compositionfor your teacher purpose: I text type: Mmogphore Both cjf the restaurants which I visitedcreatea lively,relaxedand fun atmospherefor youngpeople.I suspect,however,that manyolder couples mayfeel uncomfortab[ein suchsurroundings. purpose: 2 text type: Are you havinga party soon,and you'renot surewhat to do aboutfood? Here's somehelpfuladviceon what to offer - and what not to offer - your guests.
purpose: 3 text type: chips andfizzy drinksdoesnot providethe Moreover,a diet of hamburgers, nutrientsand balancethat youngpeoplerequireif they areto SrowuP physically fit and mentallyalert. purpose: 4 text type: The candleon the table flickeredgently.Grantgazedlovinglyinto Maureen's 'Will you marryme?'he whispered. sea-blueeyesand reachedfor her soft hand. purpose: 5 text type: Forthe pasttwo summers,I haveworkedas a waiter in a beachbar at BondiBeachin Australia. I havespentthe lastsix monthsworkingpart-timein a café in Sydney,while studyingfor the HSPCaterintrfe¡tificate.
VYfusfís sf fnyf ng tc dsP Now think aboutthe purposeof eachtext type. What is it for?What is it tryingto achieve? Aboveeachextract,write the letter of a purpose,F-J. F to G to H to I to I to
interestand entertainthe reader presentinformationclearty,so that it is easyto readandfind presentan argumentor opinionin a clear,logicaland formal way explainwhy you are a suitablecandidate interestthe readerin your ideasor opinion
How dses it do ft? How do the extractsachievethat purpose?Look againat the list of purposesF-J. Thenfind Write a letter from the list next to eachof thesewritingtechniques. examplesfrom eachof the extracts.Write the exampleson the linesprovided. I useheadings: one examp[e: 2 usedescriptivelanguage: three examples: chatty style:3 createa conversationa[, two examples: clearlypresentrelevantinformationaboutyourself:one examp[e: and formal grammarand vocabu[ary: 5 useconnectingexpressions threeexamoles:
m trl:::ii"W.nswers
Do you agreeon how they achievethat purpose?
*? "{r
ffi gxq-umL#ffi :fl#tiffi i.&tffi*€i&é# %K.gL*s
g-ru r": e#
ffi]r "';r 'W?
Hereare somemoreéxtracts.Theyare not very successfut. On the line beloweachone,makenotesabout why they are not very successful. your ideasasa class. Now discuss I from a letter of application: I would likethis positionbecause I needthe moneywhen I go out on Saturdaynightwith my friends.
2 from a short story: Theyarrivedat the restaurant. Theysat down.The waitercameover. Theyordtred.Theyhad a nicemea[.Theypaidthe bitl.Theyteft.
3 from an article for a young people'smagazine: Fastfood is not unhealthybecauseI likefast food. My friendsand I eat hamburgers often. I ate two hamburgers lastSaturday. In my opinion,your readerswi[tagreewith me.
5*;;*;r i**
Lookat the letter of application,model 7 on page103,and do the tasksthat follow. I The advertisement askedfor someone who... a speaksEnglish b likesbeingwith children € wantsa job for the summer d haspreviousexperience e canorganisesportsand games Underlinethe partsof the letter where Helenrespondsto thesepoints. Write the lettersa-e next to them. Helenalsogivesthree other piecesof relevantinformationabout herself. What arethey?Findand underlinethem. Helengivestwo piecesof information aboutthe advertisement. What arethey?Findand underlinethem.
SheasksMrs Greentwo questions. Canyou find them? Do her questions havequestionmarks? Yes./ No DoesHelenmakeanyother pointsin her letter? lf shedoes,writethem on the Iinesbelow.
DoesHelensayWHY shewantsa job for the summer?Yes/ No DoesHelengiveanyi rrelevantinformation about herself?Yes/ No
CovrPosrrroN DEVELoPMENT @ that follow. Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises You havejust seen the followingadvertisementin your local newspaper: j!
Tart-time waiterSfwaitreggei reqvired
v -We tó work are looking for severalwaitersand waitresses part-time (eveningsand weekends)in our busy high-streetca{é.
i 1,
nvet' &yylicantc, i i :
D be over the age of 16
pressure tr be ,willing to work under pressure fl
q be polite n l i t e to t o customers .rrcf^mcr( rt at all times
f l have h r v e some s o m e previous nrev experience E
Pleaseapply in writing to'il'r''
:,,. r!
{-:;iri' ii::i'ri"llr'r''i'¡-ic
Writeyourletterof applicationto TheBlueBottleCafé.Do not wrlteanyaddresses.
&rsinsforming 7-12,useyour imagination. Forquestions Answerthe followingquestions. your answerswith the ctass. Discuss I Do you know the name of the personyou are goingto write to? 2 Do you know if they are a manor a woman? 3 So your letterwill begin: 4 Havethey advertisedone job, or severaljobs?
7 Wheredid you seethe advertisement? 8 When? 9 How old areyou? t 0 Why areyou a suitablecandidate?
wi[[you needto ask? lI What questions 5 Whichjob areyou interestedin? 6 Which phrasewould be correctfor your letter? a I would be very interestedin applyingfor the positionof ... b I would be very interestedin applyingfor one of the positionsof ...
12 What other pointswill you makein your
13 W iltyouwr ite or b Yoursfaithfully, a Yourssincerely, beforeyourname?
lllín& s&0¿rrpsrdsr#pfu*r*g
Lookagainat the letter of applicationto Mrs Greenon paSe103.lt hassix paragraphs. numberon the left. Matcha purposeon the right with eachparagraph 1 2 3 4 5 6
a b c d e f
givinggeneralinformationaboutyourself sayingwhy you are writingthe letter presentingthe first reasonswhy you are suitable tellingthem to contactyou if they needanything askingrelevantquestions presentingfurther reasonswhy you are suitable
;,¡,:-.: i¡1¡*:' and then usethe wordsin Readthesesentences below' botd to comptetethe sentences
plan Compteiethe followingParagraPh, for your letter,makingnoteson what you aregoingto inctudein each paragraph.
P]enw [eb&e,r o* g,PP]ieg,btovt ilrrraS*nph I
r That waiterwasvery rude'I don't think we shouldleavehim a tiP, do You? r I don't fancycooking.Shattwe get a Chinese takeawaYinstead? Georginalovesfizzy drinks like lemonadeand sodawater. l'd We coutdn'tbelieveit when we got the bill' restaurant expensive neverbeento suchan before. I don't reatlywant a starter' l'[[ just havea main dish,I think. l'm not verYhungrY ls the waitergoingto bringus any cuttery' or wi[[ we haveto eat with our fingers? What would you Iikefor dessert'/pudding? Theydo a deliciouschocotategateauhere! A snackis somethinglike a sandwichor chocolatebar that you eat betweenmeals' CoutdI havea packetof salt and vinegarcrisps'
ya.va,a,vaVn t
please? and chips'/french CoutdI havea cheeseburger fries, please? Fenrer.graPh6
j{ ¡: ¡:; {i '!v i} ¡'* Now write Your letter'
Readthis checktist.WhenYouhave written your letter'tick the boxes'
I . I havewritten a letter. . I haveusedformal grammarand .] vocabularY. I haveincludedallthe information I needto. I haven'tinctudedanYirrelevant ú information. I haveaskedsomerelevant l questions. fr l I I haveusedParagraPhs. I I haveusedsomeuseful f l l from the modet' expressions
I Mum askedme to PUtthe on the tabte,but I can'tfind any cteanspoons' 2 We won't be havingdinneruntil late tonight' to keep Would you like a you going? As the bi[[ wasthirtY pounds,we shouldleavea for the waiter. three-pound to tet a 4 Karen!just goneto the newsagent packetof for ton¡Bht. 5 I'veordereda restaurant Indian Couldyou pick it up from the on your way home? 'l don't think I'l[ haveanY 6 I'm on a diet.Wet[,maybe.iusta pieceof appte pie...' I muchpreferthings 7 | hate juice mi[k. or like orange thistime.You l'[[ get the paid tasttime we went out to dinner' She My mum nevercooks baked have often We you. saysthey'rebad for potatoes,though. first courseof a meal is usua[[yca[leda The 10 ' Britain;in the USAit's in usual[ycaltedan'aPPetizer"
Lerren oF APPLrcArroN *J._,..**,-.-*-*-*
. Whenyou are writinga letter of application, don't saywhy you needa job. Theyareonly interested in whetheryou will be ableto do the job well.
Forexample,if the question Beimaginative! in a says'Yousawthis advertisement givethe newspaper a localnewspaper...', "' t b'rr 'l name.Do not write: sawyour advertisement ;
I r I"-'1T[:P-:P:Í
- -.* --*]
style. Eachof theselettersof applicationshouldbe writtenin 120-180wordsin an appropriate 2 You havejust seenthe following 1 You havejust readthe following in a localnewspaper: advertisement: advertisement )ú Tt
' Fruit pickersrequired.
a¡d/orweeke¡ds .' r Home-DeveryStaffreqrred.."rEvenings - Overthe age of '18? r.,Knowthe areawel? ,rrGot a vald drv ng cence?ii..Look¡g icr partt me work?
Likeworkingoutdoors? Physically fit? Want to earn some extra cash over the summer? Come and pickfruit for us! Flexibleworkinghoursand good ratesof pay.No experiencenecessary. Pleasewrite to
If the answer is yes, we would like to hear from you. * Good rates of pay offereclto successfu cand clatcs ;i; De very bkes/cars provded To apply, write us a letter telling us why we should give you a jobl
Writeyour letter of applicationto Jerome's Pizzas.Do not write anv addresses.
Writeyour letter of applicationto Mrs Danton.Do not writeany addresses.
#r**ryrffi#f, f*s-¿-;s I don't only servecustomers;I also do the washing-up.{ixf*r*r*!.} Not onfy da I servecustomers,but I also do the washing-up.i:;r*vc {e:rm;ij ,l:¡:rlr¡r*pxt **rtxi:,::*g*ii;* g:i:r*;*:;*t !:** *i:1:**i:; ¡i .: :a:r'i'i:;:iii. :'.::: irr'*t c,*rb!:,ce*x:*¿iiL* * qx**:i*n: I don't only servei;:*:r:xa! **geti'**! Not only do I servei:l!.:*qx*rti** l'*r¡:; - *x* it'; **1 .::q**:::ii:ri ,.:i* t*c** :*****¡c: rv:*r* {*ri:tet *y lt:eiei*gt**r* i*;*l-ir*¡:. ii'i1*$!**:. t* xl*k-* !h* r*sl *f *3i* s*::**::i*
I 2 3 4 5
it*rr'::*i t¡.*-
I don't just haveexperience; I'vegot qualifications too. Not only l d o n l yjust startedworkingin the restaurantwhen I wasmaderedundant. Hardty I'verarelyworkedwith a more capablechef. Rarely | didn'tjust arrangeparties;I alsoorganisedweddingreceptions. Not only Membersof staff mustnt be rudeto customersunderany circumstances. Underno circumstances
ffi P@ Wnn
Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. r How can we find out whatt goingon in the world? r What areyour favouritekindsof TV programme? Why? r How often do you usethe internet?What do you useit for?
DrveuoP YouR wRtrtNG SKILLS
W&sf sfyf * ¡s if f Differenttypes of writing havedifferenttypes of style. Lookat theseextractsfrom differentpiecesof writingand write T for True or F for Falsenext to the statementsbelow eachextract. A Don'f khow wh4f fo áo wifh yoqvsel* ¿qvihg fhe holiáarys? Why hol fhi\k ¿tt¡oqf uaarking ¿t shorf Pilr,,r?ll's atcftaatlly hof fh¿rl /.i€Picrall, if's ve"y creal¡tve qt\A if's g"earl {qh! All yora 'earlly neeá is a v\Aeo c^t'v\eva,.
1 2 3 4
and chatty. The style is conversational The writer wantsthe readerto replyto the questions. The writer usescontractions. Thisis probablyan extractfrom a letter.
-ead-ng ls an acL-ve oastine, B Many peop e arg*e that y pass i ve. fnis, i s essentta whereas watch'^g telev-sion po nl of v'ew. rs a rarher srmplrsric in my ooinion,
I 2 3 4
and chatty. The styteis conversational The writer usesformal grammarand vocabulary. The writer usesdiscursivewordsand phrases. Thisis probablyan extractfrom a compositionfor a teacher.
Oh, \ the rvat1,have lov got the lateet ieeveof 1ot! It\ geat! Í-l'pre\ a réall4-cnolintewiew with l-l'p 6ac*roád 6ory Jooi lookeag oryteae ovui.! I 2 3 4
The style is very conversational and chatty. Thewriterusesformalgrammar andvocabulary. ThewriterusessomeinformaIpunctuation. Thisis probablyan extractfrom a letter.
D Shecasuallyopenedthe newspaper. There,on pagetwo,wasa largephotographof Colin.'Oh nol' shethought he donethis time?'Shesiehedasshereadthe report to herself.-Whatt below tbpicture. I 2 3 4
The writer usesdescriptivelanguage. Most of the verbsare in the simplepast. The direct speechis asformal asthe rest of the extract. Thisis probablyan extractfrom a short story.
KITVcurrentlyhas no gameshowsor quiz showswhich are aimed specificallyat teenagers.The researchwhich has beencarriedout indicatesthat there may be a marketfor such programmes. I 2 3 4
The style is conversational and chatty. The writer usesinformalgrammarand vocabulary. Thewriterusesthe passive. Thisis probablyan extractfrom an articlefor a magazine for teenagers.
I would be very gratefulif you could let me know what time we shouldarive at the studio,andhow long the recordingis expectedto take.
I 2 3 4
The style is conversational and chatty. The writer wantsthe readerto answerthe questions. Thewriterusesformalgrammarand vocabulary. Thisis probablyan extractfrom a report.
W&e;f f*xf fyñ# *s tf r Now matcheachof the extractsA'F abovewith one of the text types below. I a report 2 a formal letter 3 a letter to your cousin 4 a short story for teenagers 5 an articlefor a magazine 6 a compositionfor your teacher
Y#*ffi wru*T*pd#"€HeLLs ffimagm*gpp Sfudy rhe rrlcd*ls
,|00-103. l-8 on Pates Lookat modelcompositions andwrite them in the chartbelow. from the compositions Findexamples model I find an exampleof a chatty,conversational: style i l
model Z jfind an exampleof a rhetoricalquestion i model 3 find an exampleof a phrasewherepart or ' alI of the verbis missing
of formalvocabutary modelcifindanexample model s ifind an exampleof directspeech i
model 6Lfindan exampleof indirectspeech ¡ model7if¡nd an exampleof an indirectquestion beginning model Alfind an exampleof a sentence 'But' with beginning a sentence and i iwith i iAnd'.
tfu*s$# f.fu*sr3r{*
the Hereare somemore extractsfrom differentpiecesof writing.Unfortunately, your in the extracts Rewrite style. with their writershaven'tbeenvery successful notebookin a more appropriatestyle. 1 from a letter to a friend I wohlá like lo ih*oru^ you lharl y4y P4ve\fs h¿tVe Piq¿rllY givetl uae pevu,rissionfo 4ffehá lhe vecovAing o* yoqv 4PP€¿\v4hce oh lho t^J¿rhlslo be afeenage l.,tillioq¿iive'.I look Qo"w¿rváfo if vevy unruch.I woqlá be vevy g"arfe*ral iQ your coulá lel u.re krrow wh¿rl fiuae I shoqla ¿rvvive ¿tf fhe slqáio.
2 from a report So, I did what you told me and iooked at lots of different mags for teenagers most of them are rubbish.They're nainly about pop and looking cool. I guessthey think teenagersaren't into anything nrole serious.Idiots! Anyway, here'sr.vhatI found out.
3 from an article for a young peoplel magazine The majorityof youngpeopletodayuse the interneton a regularbasis.However, I n. m y t h e i ro w n w e b s r t eT. h i si s u n f o r t u n a t e f e w o f t h e m c o n s l d ecr r e a t i n g strarghtforward. is relatively website creation opinion,they needto realisethat and constructive. it is both enjoyable Moreover,
ffi nffi
fr*r+,:j ycJr'1¡rli'jr¡r'r¡ g !/viti,116Wrl Lookat howyourpartnerhasrewrittenthe extractsabove. stylenow? Do youthinktheyhavea moreapPropriate further? them to improve Canyoumakeanysuggestions
Gov¡PosrrroN DEVELoPMENT @ that follow. Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises in an international studentmagazine: You haveseenthis announcement
Does TV just entertain us, or is it informative too? We are lookingfor articleson this subject.Write and tell us what you think. Writeyour article.
f&in& sfuñ{rtr sfyfe
W&sf *rx I w¡"¡frngl Write T for TruEáñd ¡ for Falsenext to these statements. t 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 I0
I shouldstart by writing'DearSirlMadam,'. My articleshouldbe very formal. My articleshouldsoundacademic. and Most of the readerswill be professors editors. I shouldtry to interestthe readers. style. I can write in a conversational I can askthe readersrhetoricalquestions. if I wish. I canusecontractions I shoulduseverysimpleand informal vocabulary. | shouldwrite aboutfour paragraphs.
Ersrnsformíng Makenotesto answerthesequestions. Thendiscussyour answerswith the ctass. entertain? I What kind of TV programmes
2 How do they entertainpeople? 2 Givean example: 3 What kind of TV programmesare informative? 4 What do they inform us about? 5 Givean example: that are 6 Canyou think of any programmes
Whichof thesemightbe a goodbeginning for your article?Circlethe lettersof the you thinkareappropriate. beginnings a TVi reallycoo[,right?Yeah,courseit is. b Haveyou everwonderedwhy televisionis so popular? c I stronglybelievethat studentsshould not havetime to watchtelevision. and d Televisionhasboth advantages disadvantages. e What I like most abouttelevisionis the available. choiceof programmes
lil¡n& s&s{rf psrssropñrng Yourarticlewill probablyhavefour purposeon paragraphs. Matcha paragraph l-4. the right with eachparagraph 1 a explorethe issueof TV as entertainment introducethe topic,get the reader interested bringyour ideastogether,express your generalopinion 4 explorethe issueof TV as informative
informativeand entertainingat the sametime? What'syour opinion?ls most TV entertaining? ls most TV informative? Canit be both at the sametime?
eed#rdñsrfur Ffexnys{J¡'psrssrd¡p$?s Comptetethe followint paragraphplan for your letter, makingnotes on what you aregoingto includein each paragraph.
I don't Iiketabloid newspapers becausethey're futl of gossipand scandat.I prefermore serious PaPers. I'vetakenout a monthlysubscriptionto Teenpopmagazine.They send it to me every month throughthe post. Therewasa very interestingdocumentaryon lastnightaboutthe SouthAmericanrainforests. I love Friends.lt's so funnyl lt's the best sitcom./situation comedy on TV. And you can watch the next episode of Friends at the sametime tomorrow night. I'veseenthis episodebefore.lt must be a repeat. What'sthe addressof your website?lU love to checkit out. Shewritesa weektycolumn for the local newspaper. She! alwaysgivingher opinionabout somethingor other. Therearetwo mainkindsof book:hardbacks and paperbacks. I don't havevery good reception where | [ive,so I can'tpick up all the TV channelsvery clearly.
Avficle plarn .tille Pat"atg"atph I
Readthesesentences and then usethe wordsin bold to completethe sentences below.
Pava,g"atg[ 4
,ttT1 },a
Ño* *rn" yourarticleYV
Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your articte,tick the boxes. . I havewritten an article,not a letter. ' I havetried to interestthe reader. ¡ I haveuseda conversational style. . I haveusedat leastone rhetorical question. . I havewritten at leastfour paragraphs. ' I havecheckedmy articlecarefu[[y for mistakes.
I l .--
I Haveyou seenthat new with TonyParker? lti set in a shoeshopand it! hitarious! 2 The rswww.my-autotraphs.tr. 3 I don't know why you get that everyday.There'sneverany newsin it. I mustn'tforget to set the video to recordthe next of MelrosePlace. l'[[takea coupleof to read by the pool. 6 The isterrible.Areyousure you'vetuned in the TV properly? 7 Therei a about soacetraveI on BBCI,anda blackandwhite movieon BBC2. 8 | think l'[[cancelmy Forthlink; other companies areofferingmuch cheaperinternetconnectionpackages thesedays. 9 So what if iti a ! Don'tyou want to seeit again? I0 | alwaysreadMartin Ftannigan! in ThePost.Hei very clever.
PRAcrlcE -
Sxmmfuru*w-fu*w Thinkaboutthe Whenyou arewritingan article,don'tstartwritingimmediately. plan.Only write the questionfirst and note down someideas.Thenmakea paragraph you want to paragraph in which to say, you want what you exactly know articlewhen sayit and how you want to expressit.
Eachof thesearticlesshouldbe writtenin 120-180words in an appropriatestyle. is runninga writingcompetitionthis month.The prizeis a 1 Yourfavourrle{nagazine tour rounda televisionstudio.To enterthe competition,you haveto write an article why you would programme and explaining yourfavouritetelevision describing recommendit to others. Writevour article. 'Radioand Young 2 Yourschoolmagazineis runninga seriesof articlesunderthe title People.'You havebeenaskedto writean articleto appearin the seriesgivingyour viewson how popularradiois with youngpeopletoday. Writevour article.
fueus ffirmm$msr KiTV currently hos no game showsor quiz showswhich are aimed specifically ot teenagers. A¡*sther way of writixlg t*¡e sarnctking is: K|TVcurrently has no game showsor quiz shows aimed specifically ot teenagers. if yc*ause this :ryll{be ümnpn*ss*d The person marking y&&¡r€sr?lp{ssiticns piee* o€ gra!ñmar ümyealrwrütirlg! the nelativ€pr*nsü$ an$ the auxiiiaryverb. x¡ltF¡c¡xt Rewritethcse semte¡eses I
and youngadults. lt'sa problempagewhich hasbeenspecificallydesignedfor teenagers
2 The internetdoesn'thavemanywebsiteswhich havebeencreatedby youngpeople.
3 | wasinterviewedby a reporterwho wascatledlvor Penn!
4 Bookswhich are printedwith soft coversare calledpaperbacks.
to politicians. 5 She'sa journalistwho is wel[ knownfor her rudeness
TheWeather wanM-u" @ Lookat the pictures.ln pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. r What'sthe weatherlike whereyou live in eachof the four seasons? . Which is your favouriteseason? Why? r What is the besttime for visitorsto cometo your country?
DeveloP YouR wRtrtNG sKtLLs
Where is ít from? Readthe fotlowingsentences makingsuggestions and choosethe type of compositioneachone probablycamefrom. 1 lf I wereyou,lU askthem to turn the heatingup at school. a article b informalletter just in caseit rains! Makesureyou'vemadealternativearrantements, a report b article Onethingwe mightconsideris bookingan indoorvenuein caseof rain. a report b discursive composition I would liketo suggestthat in future your companyoffer a refundin the eventof bad weather. a report b formal letter Haveyou thoughtaboutgettingflood insurance for the house? a informalletter b formal letter
Match to make sentences and matchthe first Lookat thesedifferentwaysof makingsuggestions half of eachsentencewith the secondhalf. I 2 3 4 5 6
I would liketo suggest Why don't you What about./Howabout Haveyou thought lf I wereyou, Don't bother
a b c d e f
put your jacketin the car,just in case? about becominga meteorologist? that our shopstartsto sell sunhats. bringinga coat becauseyou won't wear it. I wouldn'trely on havinggood weatherthis weekend. visitingin the spring,whenit'snot so hot?
Moke a suttestíon in an appropriatestyle. Write sentencesmakingthe followingsuggestions 1 Suggei tt a friend that they visit you next summer. 2 Suggest to your managerthathe startssellingumbrellas. to fellow studentsthat they take up a hobbyfor rainydays. 3 Suggest 4 Suggest to your cousinthat shestartsa coursein meteorology.
Make it informal Readthis writingquestion.The sentencesbelow comefrom an answerthat is in a more informalstyle. too formal.Rewritethe suggestions Yourpenfriendis planningto visityou in the summerand has askedyou for some suggestionsaboutwhat clothesor otherthingsthey will needto bringwith them. Writethem a letter, givingyour suggestions. 1 One factoryou mightliketo consideris the heat,whichwill requireclothing madeof tightmaterial.
2 | would liketo suggestthat you ensurethat you havewith you a pair of sunglasses.
giventhe opportunitiesfor 3 A swimsuitwould certainlybe advantageous, swimmingin this area.
g ffimvmr#$* Y{p#ffi wffi$Y$ruffi#KXLLS WrítE a psra&raph Readthis incompleteanswerto the questionin D. in of about30 wordsto fillthe gap,givingsuggestions write a paragraph an appropriatestyle. DeatnJnne, Grea"f fo gel youv le{-ferl So*"y fs l,reav ¿rbot¡f your áo9. f4y v,lhra,\says Fha! {tulelve is qqi'l-e et gooÁ ,'tge Qona }'og" Frarybe youv r",ur-¿will lef you gef aHofhey phppy só6h. €o, orrly fhvee t^tollfhs r,rrt|i'lyotl'"e here. I cart\'f \rlaikl Yct¡ askeá r¡e abourf r*h¿r! cXo{:h€syór.l shoun}ábnirtg. Dou'f }¡ofhen bviugir.,g a,ny Lrerrvy cleffres. lf's Np'.nfoo l¡ol in flte shv"lr^rev*er swealevs é\f cóá.fs' l{ lwere yoi¡, l'l ,aaVe sqve lhatá lcfs ci-Í-shi"ts arr,rá¡ariv5o{ shovfs. Av\¿'Aou'l ,i
¿ysvy áñy' r""le'11 be geing"l-olfre beach ¿rli"'rosf €o'3ef Touy s'r;ir*rsr'rifl Yer.rsrlsoarsk-edi{ fheve warsatyfhiqg else I lhoughf you shor'tlá¡vivr$' \
wifh fhe wcrshirg t*p. Tl¿af's qll *o* qc¡.r. l'á be*fer 3o arHA hetrpr¡4yr,,rr¿m r&1i.{r{4 ,nq.á áá{á {or r'¿e" Tarke cane, otrrá Aotr'f *orgef fo sa,y heltro !o yó{,\\f Lofs o{ love,
Fl Ut
Read yo.ur =#-p6rtnbr's writing and readwhat your Swapparagraphs partnerhaswritten. Usingyour partner'sparatraph,answer the followingquestions. I What thingshasmy Partner suggested?
Hasmy partnerusedan approPriate style?
D i s c Y 5 5W = . , ' to the class, Readyour paragraph paragraphs other people or listento haveyou havewritten.What language usedto makeyour suggestions?
Sfudy the rwodef 9 on Readmodelcomposition page104. that the Underlineanysuggestions writer makes. doesthe writer use What language to makesuggestions?
covrposrrroN DEVELoeMENT @ Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises that follow. Your penfriendis planningto visit you in Februaryand has writtento you askingwhat weatherto expectand what clothesor otherthingsthey shouldbring. Writea letter to your penfriend,describingtypicalweatherconditionswhereyou liveand suggestingwhat itemsthey shouldbringwith them.
Broinstorming Answerthe followingquestions, usingyour imagination wherenecessary. Discuss your answers with the class. What style is appqopriate? How will you start your letter?Dear What pieceof newscouldyou mentionin your first paragraph? Whatthreethingsareyou goingto sayaboutthe weatherin February? I
What clothesareyou goingto suggestyour friend brings? What other itemsareyou goingto suggestyour friend brings? Why do you haveto stop writing? How areyou goingto closeyour letter?
Write your suggestions Write two sentencesin an appropriatestyle suggesting c[othesfor your friendto bringand two suggesting other items.Compareyour sentences with your Partner's.
t 2 3 4
Match the poragraphs to the content Decidewhat you might includein eachparagraph by matchingthe paragraph contents on the rightwith eachparagraph 1-4. I 2 3 4
a b c d
thank my penfriendfor their last letter and referto somethingthey saidin it saywhy I haveto stop and closethe letter suggest other itemsI think my penfriendmightneed suggest clothesI think my penfriendmightneed
Wordperfect Pían your parotraphs plan, Completethe fo[lowint paragraph makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein eachparagraph.
leb*ev plar,r hr&ov&,x&}
and then usethe wordsin Readthesesentences below. bold to comoletethe sentences
Dea Frrvagx*"pk i
, Fainng"aph3
In Greece,the wintersare quite mild and not too cold. The poltutionin this city isterriblewhenwe havea heatwave. I think l'[[ weara scarfbecauseit'sa littte chilly. Whenthe weatheris wet and hot, it feels very humid. Don't forget your raincoat/mac if you'regoing out in this rain. I preferwearinga bikini to an all-in-one swimsuit. Wellingtons./Welliesare boots made of rubber which are worn outdoors,often by farmers. I know it's raining,but it! only a shower;it'll stop in a minute. The forecastsaidthat the rainshouldclear up by this afternoon. We'l[be goingto the beach,so don't forgetyour suncream,or you'lIget sunburnt.
Clcsirrg €xPf€5SlóqtS'
I The path will be quite muddy,so put your
Fiv5f E¿q¡1¿
2 They'veforecasta , so now would be a good time to get air-conditioning. 3 | dont think we shouldcancelthe matchwhen the rainmightjust be a passing
'V Now write your letter Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your letter,tick the boxes. ' I havestartedand endedthe letter in an appropriateway. I havewritten in an appropriate style. I I havemadegood suggestions. I
I havecheckedfor spelling mistakes. I havecheckedfor grammar mistakes.
tr T T T
4 Do you think you could put some on my back? herein January, 5 lt'susually so don't worry too muchabout beingcold. 6 | can'tgo swimmingbecauseI've[eft my backat the hotel. 7 lf I wereyou, I would take a with me. I don't like the look of thoseclouds. 8 Do you thinkthe weatherwi[[ in time for usto haveour picnic? 9 I can'tstandit when the weatheris so . lt's like beingin the jungle! l 0 I t h i n kl ' 1 take 1 a sweaterwith me in caseit gets a bit
Eachof theseinformallettersshouldbe writtenin 120-180words in an appropriatestyle. 1 YourAmerica¡penfriendis thinkingof travelling aroundEuropeand hasaskedyou for any advicdandsuggestionsyou mighthave,particularly aboutwhat weatherto expect. Wriieyourletter,givingsuitableadviceand suggestions. 2 Yourareahas beenhavingsome very strangeweatherin recentweeks.Writea letter to your penfriend describing the strangeweatherand the effectit has had on your life. Writeyour letter.
Grammarfocus The verb'suggest'canbe usedin the following ways: I suggest(the townk) building a flood barrier. (-ing form) I suggest(that)the town builds a flood borrier. (that clause) I suggest(that)the town should build a flood barrier. (that clause with should) I suggesto flood borrier. (noun) I suggestthat the town build a flood barrier.(is also possible,but very formal and not used very often) Tick any sentencesthat are correct. Rewrite any that are incorrect. I
I would like to sutgestthat we warningtouristsaboutthe dangersof sunbathing.
2 The pilot suggested we shouldwait until the cloudscleared. 3 | suggestthat an examinationof weatherrecordsfor evidenceof climatechan6e. 4 Many locaIpeoplesuggested the council! bui]dan indoorshoppingcentre. 5 The weathermansuggested that peopleplanninga trip checkingthe forecastbeforethey leave
wanM-u"@ Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. r What differentforms of pollutionarethere? r What is the biggestthreat to the environmentwhereyou live? r How would you improveyour [oca[environment?
DeveroP YouR wnrrrNc sKrLLs
Dos and Don'ts Decidewhetheryou shouldor shouldn'tdo the followingwhenyou are writinga transactiona[ letter.
1 choosethe two most importantpromptsto write about
Do./ Don't
2 often imaginethat the noteswerewritten by you 3 mentionextraretevantpoints in your letter
Do ilpon't Do / Don't
4 mentionallthe promptstogetherin a list in one paragraph
Do,/ Don't
5 introduceextrainformationthat is interesting, evenif irrelevant
Do / Don't
Make the prompts formoI Readthe followingpromptsfrom differentexamquestionsand write sentences askingfor or givingthe informationin a more formal way.Startwith the wordsgiven. 1 Any plansfor cleaningbeach? I wonder Timeof nextenvironmentaltroup meeting? Wouldyou mind Localresidentsnot askedfor opinion. Anotherconcernis
4 Doctorssayhealthprobtemsin town increasing' Accordingto 5 Noisefrom localfactories big problem' A major
Think about the PromPts
Readthis writingquestionand do the taskwhichfollows.
You live closeto a largefactoryand are concernedabout the environmental problemsit causes.Yóu haveseenthis advertisementin a local newspaper and decidedto write a letterto the managingdirectorof the factory' Readthe advertisementand the notesyou have made carefully.Then write by a letter to the managingdirector,complainingaboutthe problemscaused the factory.
Gentte lndustrial BliitiiÜietrue i,,!ehsi:ct vvhat abovt tho rivor?
we atwebster Brotherstakethe environmentseriously. That'swhy this year we have: o É Z u ce dair pollution6Y l0%. o startedto recyclematerials' o listenedto localoPinion. You cantrust us to carefor your environment' for a better future for all' ilCbSrlGfBi'r-¡üi!gl'S:Working
bad <1,llemollc, gorvo dalc' on
at laetloc.al no<,fln5
Tick which of the followingpointsyou HAVEto mentionin your letter' a the fact that recyctingshoutdhavestartedsooner aboutriverpollution b your concerns . ih" fact that they missedthe last [oca[meetint on the environment d the fact that the factory producesa bad smell e the noisepotlutioncausedby the factory
Think beyond the PromPts
Tick which of íhe foltowingexira pointi you COULDmentionin your letter. a the factory makesa lot of noise b the workersare underpaidfor the work they do c recyclingshouldhavestartedsooner d your cousinworksat the factory as a manager e traffic to the factory is increasing
ffimvgg-*py*a*r€*e&rre*€$ru* sgsts_s Yr.il, o parotroph
Readthis incompleteánswer to the questionabove. Wríte a paragraph of about 30 wordsto completethe letter,mentioning the one remainingprompt and adding.ny ,."i"u.nt ideasoiuou,. o*n. Deat* F1rTr^Yqey, I ai*t wri{-ing fo yor,r"l-oconpla.in abouf yor,rv erávev.l_iser^leq{_ wl¡ich app€aveá irr f4orráa,y'sD.aily News. lr, ^y oplrlior,,yor,,,o cótÁ{Pét\yha"Sho righf !c cl¿¿iq fa be ca.virrg *ov fhe ehüroqr*le\! irr *act yar.r"*arcfouy is ohe s{ i-l¡e biggesf pollq.l-¿,¿5 ir.r.l-heavea. h^,l-he erávevfiseqer.,.Fyou, wreq{-io!",eá.l-he {acf lfr¿a{_qir pol'lulion*roq fhe {atc{:o,y fr¿rs{aller by \Al" Flowever,you *qileá fo vqeqfi¿hl-hs"l ob,sou.leáays locql r.esiáe\{-s rrye *evceá fo sfa,ry o* l-he rrnplea,rsarhisNolell cor.",rirg lror, l_he *aclovy. Theye lla-oe'¡bec¿rr¡se qlso rn¿r'rehfich e* .l-he*¿rcf w¿rt flaat pollurliorro+ fnu Biive" Lee has
alcl-rr,arllyi!^,creaged oVer¡ ffre lasf ye¿rr.
\lebsfev Bvofhers is serieraslyáaprarging .l-frelocal etrviroq!,eeql_ á,\d ytusl_ "l-ake ac{-ioy, be*o*e il- is .l-¿ol¿r{-.e. i look {erwa.vá l-o re¿nái\S yór^r }.espór¡.s€ l-o ff¡c abeve poir,,fs. Yours siqceyetry Janes
R"9.4your partner's wrtttng
Swapparagraphs and readwhat your partner haswritten.-U¡ing your partnert'parairaph, answerthe followingquestions.
tr or3"::;íi;,W,",he crass, listento paragraphs other
1 Hasmy partnermentionedthe remaining prompt?
people havewritten.What extrarelevant pointshaveyou come up with?
2 What extrarelevantpoints hasmy partner made?
Study the model
3 Hasmy partnerusedan appropriatestyle?
Readmodelcompositionl0 on page104. Tickthe sentenceswherethe writer mentionsthe pointsfrom the prompts. Underlineanyextrainformationthat is from the writer'simagination.
CovrPosrrroN DEVELorMENT @ Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises that follow. You live in a coastaltown and are concernedabout pollutioncausedby localferries.you haveseenthis advertisementin a local newspaperand you decideto write a letter to the managingdirectorof the ferry company. Read the advertisementand the notes you have made carefully.Then write a letter to the managingdirector,complainingabout the environmentalproblemscaused bv ferries.
noT fvtto 'oilto aro
our fast, efficientferry serviceruns art year round.you,ll be amazedat the fuxury of a Fastsailferry.And wete gone green, too! we care about our environmentand that,s why we:
etrll produc-o a lot of gwtoke
we are also planning this summer to provide a regularservice the r to island of Alonissos,where passengerscan see the Mediterr"n"; L r..monk seal in its natural habitat.
Brainstormíng Answerthe followingquestions. Discuss your answerswith the class.
4 What complaintsdo you haveto mention?
1 Do you know the nameof the personyou are writingto? _ 2 How areyou goingto start your letter? Dear 3 What style is appropriate?
Relevant or irrelevont? Decidewhetherthe followingadditionalpoints would be relevant(R)or irrelevant(t) in this letter. Fastsail ferriesare more expensive than other ferry companies. b Fastsail ferriesusuallyleavelate. The c Mediterranean monksealis an endangered species. Passengers complainaboutthe staff beingrude. Fastsail ferriesare very noisy, especiallylate at night. Theferriesdump rubbishat sea.
5 Whatactionwouldyou likethe managing directorto take? a join morelocalenvironmentalgroups b cance[plansfor trips to Alonisios c improvethe behaviourof his staff
Make it formol Thesesentences aretoo informalfor this kind of letter.Rewritethem in a more formaIstyle. I
The thing aboutyour ferriesis that someof them are ancientand dirty.
You saypollution ísiO%less,but that's rubbishbecausetherei still a lot of smoke.
10 PIan your poragraphs ptan, Completethe followinSparagraPh makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein eachparagraph.
and then usethe wordsin Readthesesentences below. botd to comptetethe sentences
Fo*mptl bvatnsacf tonal lefkev platn Dea* I Pa,.nagroo.ph T a
Farargratph ?
Ltosihq exPv€SStéh(S/
Yonrs Fivsf n¿trre {* St,{v\¿1!^xe
Homework ilh. 'V
Now write your letter Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your letter,tick the boxes. . I havewritten in an appropriate L-l style. r I haveincludedpointsfrom alI the prompts. . I haveaddedrelevantinformationfrom my imagination. ¡ I havewritten in paragraphs. I
I havecheckedfor spelling mistakes. I havecheckedfor grammar mistakes.
T il
Peoplewho live nearairportsoften sufferfrom noisepollution. An animal'snatural habitat is the placewhereit usua[[ylives. Someanimalsare endangeredand need orotection. The blue whalefacesextinction unlesswe act quickly. Whenan animalis in captivity,it Iivesin a place like a zoo and isn'tfree. Thisspeciesof tiger is very rare. monk seaIis protected, The Mediterranean whichmeansyou can'thuntthem. In the West,we rely on fossilfuels suchas oiI and coa[. You can help the environmentby usingmore solar energy,especial[yin countriesthat havea lot of sunshine. are workinghardto save Manyconservationists animalswhichareunderthreat.
the world wil[ run out of I Eventually, and we wi[[ haveto find other enerty sources. in the town centreis 2 The terribleand you haveto shoutto havea conversation. It wasexcitingto go to Africaand seeelephants in their Manypeoplein Spainheattheir waterusing in the summer. to helpthoseanimals 5 Unlesswe do something we could lose whichare forever. animats many saythat pollution ó Expert serious[ythreatensthis area. 7 The zoo announcedthat it wasthe first time a pandahad had a baby 8 The Indianelephantis a different from the African. there are so few in the wild, the golden 9 Because by [aw. eagleis andcoutd tiger I0 TheSiberian in a veryshorttime. disappear
Examknow-how Whenyou write a transactionalletter,you must includeall relevantinformation from the prompts.You wi[[ alsobe givencredit if you includeextrarelevantpoints that you havethought of yourself. Writean answerto the followingquestionin 120-180words in an appropriatestyle. You livenearan airport.You and other residentsin the areahavereceivedthe followingletter from the airportdirectorregardingproposeddevelopmentof the airport. Writea letter to the airportdirector, Readthe letterand the notesyou havemadecarefully. youroppositionto the complaining aboutthe problemscausedby the airpoftand expressing proposeddevelopment. bq{-\of arf rrighf
)\ól qoóA e\óqgh r\eeá {ewet llighfs
Heathwickairportis now enteringits tenthyear.Duringthat time,we haveseennoise levelsfall to recordlow levels.This is in spiteof the fact that the numberof flightshas increased. We havealsoseena decreasein the numberof complaintsfrom localresidents. We hopethat you will agreethat now is the time for Heathwickto expand.We have decidedto add a fourthrunwayto the airpod,whichwill attractaround100,000more travellerseveryyear.At the sametime,we are planningto planttreesto helpdecreasethe noiseoroblemfor localresidents.
\¡ec¿tqse peo7lel.,ave woveA awayt
theseproposals. to hearanyviewsyoumayhaveregarding I wouldbe interested Yourssincerely, Tatrick (zordon AirportDirector
Grommarfocus You can make some sentencesmore formal by moving a preposition from the end of the sentenceas in this example: Pollution threatensthe jungle which the tiger lives in. Pollutíon threatensthe jungle in which the tiger /ives.{more formal} Rewrite the followint sentencesin a similar way. I
Peoplecan write lettersto the factorieswhichthe pollutioncomesfrom.
groupwhich manypeoplebelongto. is an environmental 2 Greenpeace
3 Extinctionis a problemwhich we shouldallworry about.
4 Huntingis a threat whichsomeanimalsneedto be protectedfrom.
5 Noiseis anotherproblemwhich peoplecomplainabout
i.: l:.-.ii
w.anM-uP@ Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askandanswerthe followingquestions. r How muchelectronictechnologydo you useeachday? . Would robotsbe usefulin the home? ¡ Do you thinkwe will everhavedomesticrobots?
Devslop YouR wFnrrNG sKrLLs ,/ '_
i' i ¡li¡ !l: a :" i.j a' r.,j,
',:' -.
aboutwritingareTrueor False. Decidewhetherthe followingstatements t
together. lt is better to havelots of short sentences
True / False
2 You shouldn'twrite longersentencesbecauseit'stoo easyto makemore mistakes.
True / False
evenif you make 3 ltt better to try to write difficult sentences, minormistakes.
True / False
are better than one becausethey usemore 4 Two sentences words.
True / False
A long sentencefollowed by a short sentencecan createa strongdramaticeffect.
True ./ False
Longel more complicatedsentences tend to be more formal.
True / False
¡Vlsfef¡fs m ake senfencss to eachother. Matchthe two halvesof the sentences I 2 3 4 5 6
lf robotsbecomecommonin the home, Thosepeoplewho are afraidof technology would havefacedthe sameproblems Our grandparents Feelingthat they aretoo old to learn, Manyteenagerswould neverbecomeinterestedin computers violence, Videoand computergames,whichsomesayencourage
a b c d e f
somepeopleavoidcontactwith new technology. if they did not playvideo games. peoplewi[[ havemorefreetime. if they had hadthe sametechnologyas us. can actuallyteachyoungpeopleskills,suchas map reading. to learn. shouldbe encouraged
Whaf do fhe senfer?css do? above.Foreachsentence,write its numbe1l-6, Lookagainat the sentences nextto what it is doing. Thissentence... a b c d e f
givesa reason. containsan example. presentsa possiblefuture situation. containsa suggestion. presentsa hypotheticalsituationaboutthe past. presentsa hypotheticalsituationabouttoday'sworld.
Connse t f'he s€nt€nc€s to makeone more complexsentencestarting Joineachpair of sentences with the wordsgiven. I
Theywill haveproblems Somepeopleknow little about comPuters. findinga job. People
did not havetelevision.As a result,they did not 2 The AncientEgyptians haveadvertisements. 3 We rely on technologymore and more.lt is changingthe way we work. Technoloev Theyknow they haveno choice. 4 Peoplewitt be forcedto usecomPuters. Knowing 5 The raceto the Moon took placein1969.ltproducednew technology that we usetoday. The raceto the Moon,
'*'t *: xvn L{}i"} r"{3{Jiq ts,iffi}'ri i-ki; :s¡!{$ Lts il * t i, ¡'¡ i;,. 1 i'; * ;.:* .'i:g r..: ¡; .r; The paragraph below comesfrom a discursivecompositionabouttechnology. The writer could haveconnectedthe sentences togetherto makea better paragraph. Rewritethe paragraph, connectingthe sentences together. In couclusion,technologv is cleveloping all the tinre.It atTects all of us.Sorriepeopleare not afiaid to take rrsks.Thesepeople:rle plep:rrcdto le¿rn horv to Llsenew tcchnologr,. 'We knorv horv important it is. We shoulcl all try to beconre farniliar rvith conrpr.rters, rhc internet and e-mail.
lv\ cohclusiotr,fechnology, Sorre geopl¿, t^l[a¿
ffi ffi*
:@ Readyourparagraph to the class, or listento paragraphs otherpeoplehave written.Haveyouatljoinedthe sentences in the sameway?
¡ 5'i';-;*v i'* * .,'¡t,:t:rj* Readmodelcomposition]l on page'105. Findthe followingand underline. Findsentences that connectideastogetherusing: -ing I an form 2 a conditional 3 a retativepronoun(who,which) 4 an inversion
ConnPosrrroN DEVELoPMENT @ Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises that follow. You have been doing a class projecton domestictechnology.Yourteacherhas askedyou to writea compositiongivingyour opinionson the followingsubject: The future role of technology in the home. Writeyour composition.
&rs snste rr:tjng Answerthe followingquestions. your answers Discuss with the class. I Who is goingto readyour composition? 2 What style is appropriatefor this composition? 3 Decidewhetherthe followingstatementsaboutthis compositionareTrueor False. a Youraim is to useinterestingdescriptionsto entertainyour reader. True/ False b A clearargumentwith a few pointsis better than a complicated argumentwith manypoints. True./ False c Youshouldstart a new paragraph everysix lines. True / False d Youshouldn'ttry to useconditionalsentencesbecauseyou might makea mistake. True./ False 4 Circlewhichof the followingyou mighttalk aboutin this composition: i domesticrobots e-mail spacetravel computergames
cars cookers w a s h i nm g achines weaPons
&.4 sdaey# ¿,{rp $"€dictJ *r?s Foreachof the fo[lowingforms of domestictechnology,predicttwo waysin whichyou think eachof them aregoingto changein the future. television cooker telephone radio
fffse¿ds$ @ Discuss your predictions with your partneror asa class. you Did makethe samepredictions?
,i n 'c' o
G $¡ *¡: :1.: ; i .i,i$ i*g i*;¡:::::: plan, Completethe followingParagraPh makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein eachparagraph.
&rscq¿*sive plnvr €ótÁ"&psSi&ioer -Iifle P*v*,gvetph I
Pavagratph 3
and then usethe wordsin Readthesesentences below. bold to completethe sentences r Thereare manydomesticusesof technology, suchasentertainmentand cooking. lndustrial robotsare usedin car factoriesto do routinejobs. A word processoris a computerprogramme that we usefor writing. One of the wayswe put informationinto a computeris by typing on a keyboard. My mum got a microwave(oven| because they'reso fast, but she neverusesit. Computerhardwareis the machineand allthe partsinside. and Computersoftware is the programmes tamesthat run on computers. Double-clickthe left button on your mouseto selectthe icon. ld lovecableTV so that I could seea[[ the latestfi[ms,but it's reallyexpensive. Somepeoplesufferfrom technophobiaand feel very threatenedby new technology. I
3 4 5
'V Nowwriteyourcomposition. Whenyou have Readthischecktist. your tick the boxes. written composition, I havewritten in an appropriate T style. I havetried to usemore compIicatedsentences. I haveusedat leastone conditional T sentence. I havecheckedfor spelling . mistakes. I havecheckedfor grammar l mistakes.
put in so My dad just got that he can get the sportschannel. but I You'ltthink I'vegot rea[y haveno ideaabout computers. Thechickenshoutdtakearoundhalf an hour in the -probtemon You'vegot a your computer- | think it'sthe keyboard. lt'[ be a while beforewe seerobotsin
6 I'vejust boughta new pieceof for my computerso that I can playSameson-[ine. 7 Thesemachinesare designedfor usein factories. on my laptop is so small The 8 that I keephittingthe wrongkeys and the cursor 9 Moveyour moveson the screen. l0 The greatthing about usinga is that you canjust deleteyour mistakes.
coMposrr¡oN DrscunsrvE
try to find waysto usemore complex compositions, Whenyou write discursive you will sti[[be givenmore marksfor Evenif you makesmallmistakes, sentences. tryingto usedifficuttSrammar.
style. shouldbe writtenin 120-180wordsin an appropriate Eachof thesecompositions 1 The followingcommentwas printedrecentlyin a localnewspaper: Computergames teach us nothingand young people shouldavoid them. Now your teacherhas askedyou to write a compositionon this subject,wtth reference to yourown experience. Writeyour composition. 2 You havebeenstudyingtechnologyin classand your teacherhas askedyou to write a with the followingstatement: compositionagreeingor drsagreeing Richcountriesshouldsharetheir technologywith poor countries. Writeyour composition.
{Sr*ru-tffi#rf{:{# !V* e*n,.*{1**
ii {*r¡:*:.::.ilt
':i:i':' ,;'.¡':¡ r:;:' :-..'¡¡lr;¡'¡'1f"¡':'¡ i i:!:r:::':i i;r'r-r:"',r1,,'':l¡
**rei*r*t* ;¡9?** b*gi**i*; ¡:{-;::rer,ir**;¡:t Scored of change, somepeople seecomputersos o threat. = Somepeopleseecomputersos a threat becouse they ore scored of change. Having more choice,people think more about home entertainment. = Peoplethink more about home entertainmentbecouse they have more choice. 'Y*x
*;sv* i* b* r*r***l tkxg *h* tx* par** *f t&* $****ne€ ref*¡ ic ?h* sa*te t*!ng:
Hdving more free time, computergomeswill becomemore populor. !s wr*xg be*e{,r**p**pi* }:av* *t*r* 9r** ti*:*. *** {*eesii**r *an:*s. !e s*tcasl* b*r Having more free time, people willplay more computergames. &*qsri?*th* S*li*rryi;tgs*****c*s, *tartl*g wrth 1k* {&*s€ a$ in **:* cx*rxp{e* ab*:v*. I Manypeoplewant to studycomputersbecausethey are afraidof losingtheir jobs. 2 Someyoungpeopledecideto work with computersbecausethey are introducedto them by games. 3 Somepeopletry to ignoretechnologybecausethey hope it wi[[ not affectthem. 4 Manyof us would not welcomedomesticrobotsbecausewe are worriedaboutthe danger. 5 We cant be certainbecausewe do not know the future.
reffi ffi Health and Fitness
wanM-uP @;
Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions' ¡ Would you liketo work in the heatthindustryin any of thesejobs? r What qualitiesdo you needto do thesejobs? ¡ How importantis it for ordinarypeopleto knowfirst aid?
DevrloP YouR wRlrlNG sKlLLs
&,4*fr&** m*,ks s*nfc¡]r*s
all useset phrasesthat you can usein your writing. Thesesentences Matchthe two halvesto makecompletesentences. I I am writingto aPPIYfor
gYm. a whileworkingin my uncle's
! Sorryto hearabout
b seemto alwayshavea cold?
3 As requested,I havevisited
c schoolshavea duty to Provide
4 lt wasone of those daYswhen 5 On the one hand, ó | gainedsomeexPerience 7 Are you one of those PeoPlewho I I would liketo recommendthat
basicmedicaIcare. d the post of assistanttrainer. in first aid. e we trainall our employees Í
you know you'regoingto be il[.
t you missingthe trip becauseof the flu. h hospitalsandhealthcentresin the area.
Wher€ are they used? Decidewhich of the sentencesin A you could usein the followingcompositions. Write the numbersof the sentences. You may usethe samenumbermore than once. a report a story a letter of application an article a discursivecomposition an informal letter
Correct th€ set phrss€s Rewritethe followingsentences correctly. I
| look forwardto hearfrom you.
2 | am writingwith referenceyour ad,which I sawin a local newspaper.
3 As you requestedme, I havespokento local doctors. 4 As far that I'm concerned,medicaltreatmentshouldbe free. 5 Pleasedo not hesitatecontactingme if you needmore informations.
Compf efe fhe so mposífion Readthis questionand the answerthat follows. Usethe set phrasesbelowto completethe composition. Youhavejust readthe followingadvertisement:
Wanted: Roc.eTttonigt a" vvork in doctor's surgery at r¡veekends. Would suit teenager learn about medicine
vr¡ho wishes
as a possible career.
Tleaeoa¿¡11 in writing-to Dr Brovr¿n, Harley Road.
Write your letter of applicationto Dr Brown.
sm*ilts ffimwmx**pY*wffi bruffixxxruffi Dear Dr $vótuh, , which I s¿rwi\ loAatY's vecegfiotisf.
News'. I ¿ru.rsixleer yeavs ola ^lA a*eqA
Cevfi*icale in Errglish4\/
fhe Fi€fh High School in E/itbtavgh' lhe C¿rwrbvi/qeFivst
fhe DELFZin Fvench'
I like lo r^reef new 7eo7le au\AV\ave a. SooA felephone u ah\ev' lfisuayinlenfionfogoorrlosfra/ylobeaAoclovwheurlle¿rveschool' lea"tr whaf is irrvolve/. wo"kitrg Po" uay raurcle, a+tA woql/ liLe to Pirrá oql i^^ore' s a Aevsalologisl, l¿tsf sur,'rwrev, which gives r^,rote oQlwo ,eHevees. l€ yoraveqraiver"roveirr+ovyaarfiorr, áef¿rilS ¿r\á fhe a\AAYeSSeS . I av,r ¿tvail¿rble Qov
a b c d e f t h | j k
Thispost would be a very usefulopPortunityto for the Positionbecause I betieveI havethe personalqualitiesnecessary I took forwardto hearingfrom you. include My qualifications pteasedo not hesitateto contactme Yourssincerely, at your convenience I am writingin responseto your advertisement | would liketo apptyfor the post of while I gainedsomeexPerience mY CV. Pleasefind attached
Sruedyrne rnodel Readmodel composition12on page105. Undertineanyset phrasesthat yoJ think you coutdusewhen writinga letter of application. Discussyour answerswith the class.
corvrPostrtoN DEVELoPMENT @ that follow. Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises You have seen the followingadvertisement: i-
in localgym. Dutiesinvolv e.i , i W a n te i l :2yo u n g p e o p l eto wor k as assistants . d e a l i n qw i i r ' t e l e p h o n ee n q u i r i e sa n d m e m b e r so f t h e p u b l i ca n d b e i n g " ' necessaras y all tr ainingwill be i "r o o ñ ri o t"fo r b a srcfi rsta i d.No exper ience fir staidwouldbe anadvantage. and/or i n f i tnesstr aining p r o vi d e dS. o mei n te re st Datvies,$xxw&m$wS$xxx*' "',,Applyin writing to S¿tv¿th Write a letter of aPPlication'
f o rnt ímg &rs ír-¡s
Answerthe fo[lowing!uestions,usingyour imaginationwherenecessary. Discussyour answerswith the class. I ls this letter formal or informat? 2 Who are you writingto? Dear for? 3 What job are you aPPlYing andwhen? 4 Wheredid you seethe advertisement, 5 What relevantexperiencehaveyou got, if any? 6 What do you know aboutfirst aid? 7 What first aid qualificationdo you have? 8 ln what way areyou interestedin fitnesstraining? 9 What personalqualitiesdo you havethat are relevant I O How are you goingto closeyour letter?
f¡'ue *n fs{se?
Decidewhetherthe followingstatementsaboutthis letter areTrueor False' I You shouldsuggestanotherPersonto work with you becausethere True / False aretwo positions. 2 3 4 5
The fact that you haveworkedin a gym beforeis irrelevant. Theymight giveyou the job if you tell them your cousinworksthere. Theydon't want to know aboutyour interestin jogging' You shouldmakeclearhow much moneyyou want for doingthe job.
True/ False True / False True / False True / False
ff:o0s€ f&€ sef Pf*rsses
Circlewhich of the fotlowingset phrasesyou might usein this letter' of a I am writing in responseto your letter of the ... d I havesomeexperience "' personal necessary the e I believeI have b I am writingto applyfor one of the positions ... qualitiesbecause advertised... f I would be gratefulif the salarycould be more include... c My qualifications than ...
and then usethe wordsin Readthesesentences be[ow' botd to comptetethe sentences
#d*n ysffr psr*gr*Pfus . plan, Compleiethe foltowingParagraph makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein eachParagraPh.
When you havea cold, your noserunsand you sneezea lot. When you have(the)flu, you feel weakand havea fever. Knowingfirst aid can be realtyusefulif you are everinvolvedin an accident. I My dad is desperatefor a cure for baldness' I I hope you get over Yourcold soon' : My mum put a bandageroundmY broken arm until we got to the hosPital. You haveto study medicineat universityif you want to becomea doctor. I went to my G.P./generalpractitioner to askher for somethingfor my stomach-ache' We'regoingto visit my sick aunt in hospitatso lU liketo get someflowers. The doctor gaveme a prescriptionfor
Le&fev o* applncnbiobtfXq\ Po,vragnaphI
Pcrua,gt;lPh j
painkillers. when | leave 1 ld liketo hosPital. in a schoolandwork The doctor askedthe to removehisshirt. Comeon, go to school- you'veonly got
Potr.agvarph 4
FrvSf rr¿alre It\v\{,114't€
w ffsT,.nsffi'1,,". of application.Readthis checklist. Whenyou havewritten Yourlette¡ tick the boxes. r I havewritten in an appropriate style. r I haveusedappropriateset phrases. I haven'tmentionedanY irrelevantpoints. I havecheckedfor sPelling mistakes. I havecheckedfor grammar mistakes.
6 Maybeone daYtheYwittfind a for cancer.
7 You'vegot ..--------.--------------. I suggestYou stayin bed and keepwarm and phoneme if it getsany worse. rouno 8 Why haveYougot a your head? 9 My sisterhasbeenquite it[,but she'sstartingto it now. didn't know what the 10 My problemwasand referredme to a specialist.
to the chemist, 4 | took the who gaveme the medicinel needed. 5 I felt helplesswhen I found the otd man on the floor and wishedI hadknownsome
LErreRoF AppLrcArroN
1 j
Sxmm furu*r*¡-fu*vr¡ Do not learnwholecompositions. Thiswill not get you a goodmark.
andtry to usethem in your writíng. You'llfind a list at the backof this book. Remember, though,that you haveto use them appropriately, so thinkaboutwhat they mean.
As you preparefor the exam,learnset phrases for eachkindof composition
Eachof theselettersof application shouldbe writtenin 120-180wordsin an appropriate style. I
You haveseenthe followingadvertisement:
Healflr Fooá Shop Requires Assisf¿tr.rf Saturdayassistantrequiredfor localhealthfood shop.Job involvesservingcustomers, as well as providinginformation on our products.No experienceor knowledgeis necessary provided. as full trainingis Someinterestin healthfood and diet would be an advantage. Pleaseapply in writingto 1.r;r¡r"rl'1.,'i-<'', 17 HighStreet.
Write your letter of application. 2
You have seen the followinq advertisement: Localchemistseel
Writeyourletterof application.
ffirwmryp#r fues*'s
lSws kav* a s*c*me*e*¡:di*l**¡*ás,€$*€aee *¡xehas: lf I got a job in o health food shop, I would learn a lot about diet. We *xr¡ mxk* i* m'¡*reS*r¡¡rx{i*xt[rc S*{t*wi*:g way: Were I to get a job in a health food shop, I would learn a lot about diet. Rswrite th* S*{!s*v}rxg sex,*t*ns€s }*xa sirmi&ar way. I
lf we advertisedour healthproductsmore,we would attractmore customers.
Peoplewould havefewer heatthproblemsif they ate more vegetables.
1 lf studentsknew more about diet,they would eat lessjunk food,
mealsfor lunchif the schoolagreed. 4 We could offer vegetarian
X 3 M Transport
Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askand answerthe followingquestions. r what .r" th" differentmeansof transportin the picturesusedfor? r How often do you travelby publictransport? r How good is the pubtictransportsystemin your area/country?
DeveloP YouR wRlrlNG sKlLLs Whaf kf nd of graPhíe ¡s tf ?
In question1 of the exañr,you will often be givengraphics. etc) to look at. lt is very importantto understandthe (maps,diagrams, informationin them correctlY. and write a letter of a graphicnext to each Lookat thesegraphics, questionon the next Page. A Train Bristoldep.
09.36 10.15 12.56
PlYmoutharr 12.24 15.18
Ar¡stcrclanr - Athens Berlin
3007 krn Ill4
l{onre - Paris
buses8% rrritt:::l
tu"'" "*,,'"1,,'
1449 km lorrlesand vans 25%
--[ti.tó '"+n"n | ¿";.; | ^.¡ licVet - LL* itheafve il rhofel - t3s
tsirrqle voonr
motorbikes3% | I
I (rl,^slooa, ávirrks,etc)
\ _._.-._._.-.-.-.
SCOTLAND Cottagewith LARGEgarden. Useof THREEBICYCLES.Somedatesstill Tel. 0874 476302for furtherdetails available.
Whichgraphic... 1 is a map? 2 is a classifiedadvertisement? 3 is a timetable? 4 is a pie chart? 5 showsus the distancebetweenplaces? 6 showsus the cost of variousthings?
Whot do they tell us?
Now look at the graphicsagain.Write noteson the linesbelowto answerthe questions.
GraphicA I What does'depJmean? 2 Whatdoes'arrlmean? 3 Whichtrainshouldyou catchif you want to be in Plymouthbeforemidday?
3 The cost of buyingeachof the means of transport. How muchpollutioneachmeansof transportcauses. the differentmeansof Who purchases
GraphicB I Whichtown,/cityis furthestsouth? 2 Which is furthest north?
GraphicE 1 Wiltthe personbe travellingby road or rai[? 2 Are they traveltingby pubticor private
GraphicC I What does'km'mean? 2 Which is the longest journey(in terms of distance)? 3 Which is the shortest?
transport? 3 What kind of coachticket is it? 4 What doesthat mean? the information 5 Whichbestdescribes (tickone): a budgetfor a trip to London b budgetfor a journeyto London
GraphicD What mightthis chartbe showingus? Tick(/) or cross(X)thepossibitities. I Differenttypes of transporton our roads. 2 Salesof differentmeansof transportin one year.
GraphicF t ls this cottagefor saleor rent? 2 Canyou staythere PermanentlY, or only for a shorttime? 3 How would you contactthe Person who placedthe advertto find out more?
Dtscuss €-
Do you atree what kind of graphicsthey are? In pairs,discussyour answers. Do you agreeaboutthe informationthey giveus?
13 ffimvffir{:tr Y{p#ffiwffi*Y$ru#sw$$*r% Formal ar ínformal? Hereare somesentencespresentinginformationfrom the graphics. Decideif they areformal or informal.Write F for formal or I for informal. 1 The train you want leavesat quarterpastten, and getsin at12.24. .|0.'15, 2 Thetrain departsfrom Bristolat arrivingin Plymouthat12.24. 3 And it saysthere arethree bikes,so we'[ be ableto cycleinto town wheneverwe like.Soundsgood,eh? 4 The distancefrom Berlinto Londonis only severa[hundredkilometres shorterthan the distancefrom Rometo Paris. 5 Thesecometo about 80 euros,but of courseyou'll alsohaveto take some spendingmoneyfor food, drinks,shopping,etc.
Study the model in Lookat modelcomposition]3 on page106.Underlineall the sentences the letter which referto informationin the graphics.
Write a paratraph Lookat this advertisement and write a few sentences on the linesprovided to completethis letter to an Englishfriend who is comingto staywith you on the UnitedStatesVirginlslands. Regular1-daysailingtrips to 5t John Natíonal Tarkon beautifulsailingboat.DepartAmericanYachtharbour09.30. Stopfor fishingand swimmingon way. Barbecuelunchon beaoh(food and drinksprovided). Relaxing Return19.30(approx). afternoon. 35 eurosper person.
Call6eoff on 5979694for more info.
Deav Cqvl, Hil How'sif going?\ol lorrgnow fill youv holiáary orr lhe US Vivgirrlsl¿rrráslI c¿rrr'l wail - catrr yora?We've goirrg lo h¿rve a, gveal fiuael frnywaty, I satw au a,A Pova. oue-Aay irfeveslirtg. Matybe we cohlá áo if while yor.t're.l',¿r¿. sarilirrglvi¡ lhaf soh\/s "e¿rlly
vJharf /o you fhirrk? Sh¿rll I lpook hs at cora¡le oP plarces?oh, by lhe wary,fheve is ¿rn itlfevhef caQé Ae"e on lhe Vivqih lslatl/s, so yora'llbe able lo ch¿ck yourve-u,raril while you're here. Well, l'a beflev gó \óLv - gof fo help r^,rywrt¡wrirr fhe hofel. faVe care, auA see yorasoon! All lhe best,
CovlPosrrtoN DEVELopMENT Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises that follow.
Youworkpart-timein a car rentalagency.Thisis partof a letteryou havereceivedfrom an English-speaking tourist: l..
I wovld be very gratefvl if yu c.ovldscnd mc fvrther infornation rgrdtng- tho hio-door oerg (wíih air-anditionin1 available have 1ov i.f and how mvoh the ren#,l fees per da1are. hvld y, alío .poeeiblo) \, laf mo ktow whethor I havo to bookin advan*? Read carefullythe extractfrom the letterabove, the car rentaltable and the notes you have made.Then write a letter to the tourist respondingto the points made in the letter. Pains Car Rental
1 day 2 days 1 week
""'2:¡'¿ió¡"""""'""""€35' ".€60 g'S?s) 2-door (witha/c) 4-door (witha/c)
€45 € 60
€89 € 119
€280 €390
a/c = air-conditioning
o wherT?
ov fiu.gt'rst fo book i* July A'tYs? o how Y'r¿r'\Y AaY il -- ¿xelai\: clteaqet 9e" i"tting Qova weer
. ;;; l':l Ís-':Ít'L??:";; Lo hotel? (aeliveyY
write a letterin 120-180wordsin an appropriate style.Do not writeanvaddresses.
Broinstorming Makenotesto answerthesequestions.use your imaginationwherenecessary. Thendiscuss your answers with the class. I Do you know the nameof the personyou are writingto? 2 So how will your letter start?Dear 3 Willyour letterbe formalor informal? 4 Whichinformationin the tableis relevant? 5 Will you mentionthe restof the informationin the table? 6 Youwill haveto askthree questions? What arethey? a
b c
Whatother informationwillyou needto give? Whichof thesewould be a good endingfor your letter? a I hopethis info helps.Hopeto hearfrom you soon. b lf you requireanyfurther information,pleasedo not hesitateto let me know.
andthen usethe wordsin Readthesesentences below' botd to completethe sentences
PIan your ParagraP h,s,
ptan Completethe followingparagraPh. for ybur tetter,makingnoteson what you are goingto inctudein each paragraph.
The undergroundrailwaysystemin Londonis often caltedthe tube or the underground' ¡ In Paris,it'scatledthe metro' ln New York,it's calledthe subwaY' I ¡ ln Britain,motorwayshavethree lanesfor traffic in eachdirection. I'vegot a monthtybus pass,so I don't needto buy a ticket. A úedroomon a shipis catleda cabin' I The train was [ate,so we sat in the waiting room I
leffev plavr Pava'.grarphI
untiI it arrived. In Britain,a car needsto passan M'O'T'every yearto showthat it's in good condition' We stopped at a servicestation at the side of the motárwayto havea coffeeand fi[[ up with
2 Parvargvatph
Pa'atgrargh i
petro[. in the UK,the fue[ we put in most carsis called petrol. In the US,it'scaltedgas'
I Canwe Pu[[in at the next I needto go to the toitet! 2 Our on deck'so it spentmost of the time sunbathing didn't matter. are similarto motorways'but 3 Dualcarriageways for they onty havetwo traffic in eachdirection. 4 Shattwe wait on the platform,or 8o to the
4 PatvargvatPh
Now write Your [etter. Readthis checktist.When Youhave written your letter,tick the boxes' I I
I havewritten a formal letter. I haveinctudeda[[the information I needto. I haveaskedall the questionsI need to. The questionsare all indirect questions. I havedividedmY letter into paragraphs. I havecheckedmY tetter carefullY for mistakes.
al r,l rL] fr !
5 I'vegot to take the car in for its next week. stationto closest What'sthe the EiffelTower? stationto What'sthe closest BigBen? stationto What'sthe closest the EmpireStateBuilding? I must rememberto fill uP with before I set off tomorrow. a I need 10 | don't think I'veboughta car.I won't usepubtictransport much.
Examknow how r Sometimesyou will haveto write a formal letterfor question1,and sometimes an informal letter.Readallthe informationvery Youwill only be ableto decide carefully. : whetheryour lettershouldbe formalor ;
informalwhenyou understand exactlywho you arewritingto, and whattheir relationship with you is. r Makesureyou haveincludedall the points.
Writea letter in 120-180words in an appropriatestyle. You and your classmatesare planninga one-dayexcursionto celebratethe end of your course, below,but you needto and you haveofferedto arrangeit. You haveseenthe advertisement you givingrelevantdetails have made, write to Tailored Trips Ltd know more.Usingthe notes and askingfor furtherinformation. Do not writeany addresses.
: -:^ ( "'.,!:":n o's(:hre
-. p.,.rre .¡¡ r 4¡-r.
LJ ' TailoredTrips Ltd specialise in organising outings
i I and trips to'suit youi needsand yóur poc-ket. |
t( :l . bó.\
' -1|
iaiió¡édil¡ps Ltd
\ \
a'on :Lp'n
o 1 -day - - local - -of interest -_/ outings to rplaces '--
i I
i c coaches/minibuses of varioussizesavailable | .,/ you want to go and i Let us know where you want to we'll arrangeit. what do, and ¡
. d a t e :2 2 n dJ u l y . dep. Coventryl0.00am ¡ Oxford- shoppingand lunch . Stratford- sightseeing, then Shakespeareplay,if poss . return- time?
i Tailored Trips serving the Midlands
Grsrnrnür focus I prefer trains to coaches.{generally} I prefer going by troin to going by coach.{generally} I would prefer to go by train rather than (go) by coach.{on this occasion} I would rathergo by train thon (go)by coach.{generallyor on t}ris occasien} Rewrite these sentencesso that they are correct, and circle whether your new sent€nc€ is 'generally'or'onthis occasion'. "fisr¡may wish to circle both. I
lU preferto book the ticketsin advanceto get them at the station. generally/ on this occasion
2 | had rathertake a taxi than walk. generally/ on this occasion 3 Simonprefersdrivingon the motorwaythan drivingalongcountrylanes. generally/ on this occasion 4 Rachelprefersflyingto Paristo take the train. generaffy/ onthis occasion 5 Andrewpreferstrain stationsthan busstations. generally/ on this occasion
Look at the pictures.ln pairs,askand answerthe following questions. . Describehow the peoplein the photos[ook. r What canyou tell about a personby how they dress? r How often do you buy new clothes?
DeveloP YouR wRlrlNG SKILLS
Think about paratraPhs
Write T for Trueor F ior FalsJnexi to thesestatementsabout paragraphs. in a pieceof writing hasa differentpurpose' I Eachparagraph 2 We usuallystart a new paratraphto introducea new point. shouldneverbe [essthan twenty words. 3 Paragraphs in reportsshouldusuallyhaveheadings' 4 Paragraphs in an informalletter. 5 You dont needto haveparagraphs of writingeasierto read' piece a to make paratraphs ó We use
Study the model
LookafmodeI composition14on page107.Thenanswerthesequestions. Yes¿1N9 1? 1 DoesEmmamentionthe computerin paragraph for buyingthe Comparin one 2 Doessheput a[[the reasons Yl1{ Ne paragraph? Yes¿' \gr 3 Doesshereferto all the notes? 4 Doesshesaysomethingsin the letter that are not in the Yes/ No notesor the advert?
What's the point? servesa differentPurPose. Lookat model composition14again.Eachparagraph Makenoteson the linesprovided. What! the point of eachparagraph?
I refer to Peters'letter / Sive news Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 Paragraph
paragraph? oreach onthepurpose Doyouasree fl i:fr:ii..lr, ,ou,.answers.
Divide into paragraphs Lookat this compositionquestion,and a student'sanswerbelow. that the studenthasmade, andspellingmistakes lgnoringthe grammaticaI shouldend.You shouldend up put a line (,2)whereyou think eachparagraph paragraphs. with four You have been doing a class projecton fashion.Your teacherhas asked you to write a compositionabout the followingstatement: Appearanceis important. You should state whether you agree or disagreewith this statement,explainingyour reasonsclearly.
T\'to lnyorhn* of hyTearanoo Sociery places great value on appearanceand most people care about how they look. Indeed, we oflen judge others by their appearance.However, there is danger of placing too much importance on how someone looks, as it does not always indicate the kind of character they have, or what skills they may posess.There is no doubt that appearance is important. For example, if you go to a job interview without having made effort to look smart, then you will probably not be offered the job. Moreover, someone's appearancecan give us useful information about that person. When we see a person wearing a suit, we suspect they are professional.This can inspire conftdance. Nevertheless, fhere is a danger of falsely judging someone by their appearance.For instance,not all punks are hooligans and untrustwerthy. People which judge solely by appearancemay suspectthat they are.In conclusion, althought appearance is important, we must also consider other factors, such as personaliry 'Never when forming opinions about people. There is some truth in the saying: judge a book by it's cover.'
:si'ii i,-L*; il;i*vL, _¡:3try{-}LJft :,J*i#¡?'*g..ai{3 Which phrases?
Whích paragraph?
again. Lookat the comPosition usedto or words Write the Phrases introducetheseideas.
t-+ Write the numberof a ParagraPh from the comPositionin E to answerthesequestions. Which paragraph(s)...
I an example
presentexamples? introducesthe toPic? the argument? summarises the dangerof judging explains
2 anotherreason 3 a contrastingidea
someoneby their aPPearance? of the imPortance 5 explains appearance?
4 a summaryof the arSument
I 2 3 4
Can you find the místakes?
The wriier of the compositionabovemadeone spellingmistakeand one Findthem and underlinethem. mistakein eachparagraph. grammatical
Match the paratraphs to the text types
Matcheachparagáphcon-tentbnthe teft w¡th its appropriatetext type on the right.
I 2 3 4 5 6 7
your exPerlence presentinS presentingyour findings presentingdisadvantages action requesting describinga fictionalevent describinghow to do something givingyour news
a b c d e f g
short story article magazine comPosition discursive report informalletter letter of application letter of comPlaint
Wríte an introduction
of about40 wordsin Readthis questionand write an introductoryparagraph your notebook.Try to start with a rhetoricalquestionto interestthe reader. A teenage fashion magazinehas asked you to write an article on the subject of the importanceof fashionto young peopletoday,entitled 'We are what wc weatr'
Wríte a repart paragraPh
Readthis questionand wi¡te a paiagraphof about 30 wordsin your notebook.The 'sportswear'. Rememberthat a report shouldbe formal. is headingof the paragraph you have a parl-timejob in a clothesshop. The managerwants to make the shop morepopularwith youngpeopleand has askedyou to writea report makingSome recommendations.
GovrPosrrroN DEVELoPMENT @ that follow. Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises A friend of yours has written to you asking for advice on what to wear to a pafty. Carefullyread the extractfrom your friend'sletter,the list of possiblecostumesand the notesyou have made.Then write a letter to your friend makingyour recommendation. l'r^,rgoirrglo at €artcy ávess p4lr/ itvr cor,rgieo* weeks'fiu,re, a\A |tw\ tof st¡ve whart fo 9o ars!H¿tVeyou got orrry\Aea{.1 wahf fo wratkeu,ry ow\ costqu^e¡buf il's gof fo be qhile eo\ry ^s l'v,rnof very gooA otl lhirgs like fhafl l've witfeh
4lisl oQgossibilifies.Coql¿ yoralef vnte
knrowwhatf yorafhink ¿tbohf eacltohe? Thorhks! gooA - but h¿rf's /iPlict\lf! n¡qqi
easy:\a,ge white sheet curl holes €ov eyes - bif bovitrg
I i f iae
3 Ancíent
v qooá bL\f rrore |ricky: bl¿rck she¿f lov cage, ¡atir,f {ace whife, ^atke leeth oqf oP carA, li¡sfick
4 Dracula
cooll: r^.r¿tkefogar oraf oQ lar'ge whife sheef bell, browrr sa¡,á¿rls?- hol/ 'pq¡ch ol graqes\ -
BEsr CHotCEl
Writea letter in 120-180words in an appropriatestyle. Do not write any addresses.
Brainstorming Answerthe fotlowint questionsusint your imaginationwherenecessary.
I 2 3 4 5
Do you know the nameof the personyou are writingto? Yes/ No How areyou goingto beginyour letter?Dear l? Yes/ No Are you goingto mentionthe party in paragraph Yes./ No Shouldyou mentionallthe possiblecostumes? Which costumeareyou goingto recommend?
Match the parographs to the content l-5. Matchthe paragraph contentson the right with eachparagraph
1 2 3 4 5
a b c d e
sayyou hopethey enjoythe party / let you know what they decide you don't recommend the threepossibilities saygoodbye/ why you haveto stop writing your recommendation thankthem for their letter / giveyour news
Wordperfect Plan your poragraphs Completethe followingparatraphplan for your letter,makingnoteson what you aregoingto includein each paragraph.
Readthesesentences and then usethe wordsin bold to completethe sentences below. Anguswasdressedasa ghostat the fancy dress party and I didn't recognisehim! Thoseshoesdon't rea[tygo with,/match your skirt.Haveyou got anotherpair? Modellingis easy!Allyou haveto do is walkup and down a catwalk! Lipstickand eye shadoware examplesof make-up/makeup. l'm thinkingof havingmy earspierced. Doesit hurt? Sarah's got a smalltattoo on her shoulderin the shapeof a butterfly. I'm goingto dye my hairgreenfor the party tomorrow! I don't havea washingmachineat home,so I haveto go to a launderette to washmy clothes. Necklaces, braceletsand earringsare examples of jewellery. Beltsand handbags aresometimesca[led accessories.
Ih*orb"la!,It'vr{hsarclloh¿tl leFFev platur Derw Pararg"arph 1
Parratgr¿1p¡ i
Closirg ser{-erce(s) Firratl clcsitrg exPY€SSló\
Fivsf tlair¡le * Sl^r\4i^ e
'V Now write your letter. Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your letter,tick the boxes. r I havewritten an informalletter. ll r I havethankedthem for their letter in paragraph 1. T I haveincludedall the information I needto. l-r I havedividedmy letter into paragraphs. T I havecheckedmy letter carefully for mistakes.
6 7 8 9 10
Pleasedon't get your nose - | know you'lIregretit! l'm lookingfor a top to thesetrousers.Haveyou got anythingsuitable? Iti Halloweensoon.We'll haveto start thinking about =-=-.costumes. And Jane,whoi just comingonto the now,is modellingour new Summer-Fun beachwear. Actors often wear on srage so that they dont look pale underthe bright lights. ls therea nearhere? I'vegot loadsof dirty laundry. TonyaandJakewent to a shopyesterdayto look at weddingrings. lh neverget a . They're almostimpossib[e to remove. We'vegot a 20%discounton hats,shoesand other this week. I'mgoingto thesewhite jeanspink.Pink'sreallyin at the moment!
' ExamKnow-now FTI
¡ Whenyou do question1,be verycarefulwith names.lf you are responding to a letter you havereceivedthen you definitelyknow the nameof the personyou are writingto (evenif i their nameisn'tgivento you).Useyour i imagination to comeup with a good name. i
Remember that you shouldn'tput their surnameat the beginning or your surnameat the end if it'san informa[letter.
Writean answerto the followingquestionin 120-180wordsin an appropriate style. Do not writeany addresses. You are organisinga fashionshow to raisemoneyfor charity.You haveinviteda friendof yours who livesin anothertown to come alongand supportthe event.Look at the extractfrom their reply,the map and the notesyou havemadeand writea letterto your friendrespondingto the pointsthey haveraised. Thanksfor invitingme - I'd loveto comel l'll probably come by train.Couldyou let me know how to get to the venue,and what time I shouldget there?Also,any chanceI can stay at your placefor the night?| don't thinkthere'llbe a trainbackthat late,willthere?
| + / | 4/
o slr{y ¿rl r"ri\e /
o sfavts - 830pva
O brirrg a sleepirg betgl
lÉ |tl
(oq sol,a)
O giVe Ai"ecfiou,S Q"or^", S{-afiou!
, Railway sialron /
o r^^¿el al &.A)pw a,* N"o\l ehl-na¡ce?
Grqmmarfocus Thejeweller pierced my ears. €ausative fe¡rm: / had my ears pierced (by the jeweller). Causativeform: / gat my ears pierced (by the jewel/erl. {more informa[] \bu / Somge¡eelsq Who is actuallygoingto do the piercing? Rewrite these sentencesin the ca*sative form. Use either'have'or'get'. Dont write who actuatly did it {so don't mention the hairdresser in the first sentence}. 1 The hairdresser dyed Susanihair purplefor the play. 2 Our costumesare beingmadeat the moment. 3 My trousersaretoo long so I'm goingto pay someoneto take them up. 4 They'redeliveringher weddingdresstomorrow. 5 | want someoneto removemy tattoo.
reffi wanM-uP @
the foltowingquestions' Lookat the pictures.ln pairs,askand answer ' What is the connectionbetweenthe pictures? . Would you like to be a judge?Why'zWhynot? ' Wn"t ao you know aboutt-heprisonsystemin your country?
DeveloP YouR wRlrlNG sKlLLs ,/ ? Y i : * i - qf * * P x i P * s * l
aboutcapitalpunishment' Hereare somesenten."r'fro* a discursivecomposition eachsentence'
ilrH,fri;ñ;; A B ¿ D
Writea ietterfrom the boxnextto of eachsentence?
vtl'! introducingthe topic givingopinion ;i"i;;.1"*.tpt" presentingan advantage
E presentinga disadvantage t*o opposingpointsof view F presenting a conclusion G presenting
the majorityof peopleexecutedfor murderin the I Forinstance, UnitedStatesare btack. punishmentactsas a 2 To sum up,there is tittte evidencethat capital deterrent. in a i*out¿ artue that there is no placefor capitalpunishment humane,civilizedsocietY. issue. 4 -apitat punishmentis an extremetycontroversia[ of the 5 Secondty,when a murdereris executed,the family done' victim often feel that justicehasbeen throughouthistory 6 Finatly,there havebeénmanyoccasions when innocentpeoplehavebeenexecuted' to a message 7' Firstty,it is saidthai capitatpunishmentsends sends that murde,*iit noi be tolerated,but it alsoctearly ;iái that kittingis acceptablein certaincircumstances' the mássage
YVhítfup*rcgrcpfi ?
Yourdiscursivecompositionswit[ usuallyhavefour paragraphs' would the sentencesin A probabtygo in? Which paragraphs Write the numberof eachsentencenext to its appropriateparagraph. ParagraphI Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Paragraph4
introduction of capitalpunishment advantages of capitalpunishment disadvantages conctusion
doing? are thesentences
they woutd probablybe found in? Do you agreewhich paragraph
Puf ín f&e ea{{e€t orde¡' Here'sthe third paragraphfrom the composition about capital punishment. The sentencesare ¡n the wront order. Rewrite the paragraphin your notebook, putting the sentencesinto the correct order' This is a dangerousmessage.Finally,there have been many occasionsthroughout history when innocent people have been executed.However, there are many argumentsagainst capital punishment. Secondly,the evidence suggeststhat most people punished by death are the weakestmembers of society.Firstly,it is said that capital punishment sendsa messageto society that murder will not be tolerated,but it also clearly sendsthe message that killing is acceptablein certain circumstances.For instance,the majority of people executed for murder in the United Statesare black.
fempfefe fhs fsbfe
You are expectedto usesomediscursivewordsand phraseswhenyou write a discursivecomposition.Thesemakeyour argumentclearer. Lookat the wordsand phrasesin the table overthe page,and write a letter from the tist of purposesbelow in eachpurposebox. A B C D E F G H I J K
contrast expressing introducinga further point in a list of points results expressing presentingtwo opposingpointsof view a final point in a list of points introducing someoneelse'sopinion expressing introducingthe first point in a list of points a conclusion introducing your expressing opinion givingexamples together two (dis)advantages presenting
smñ*uffi ffim"uurL#py*tiffi wffiery-&ru#
Forthis reason,
Because of this,
As a result,
like Inmyoprnron I believe(that)
It issaid(that) '-io con¿lüdé;-In summary,
f rffi*def
Lookat model composition15on page108. wordsand phrases. Underlineallthe discursive
f f *i ' - v r ¡ f * * f u * s t r ñ f # * f * s Theyaretoo informal. Thesesentenceshaveall beentakenfrom discursivecompositions. Rewritethem in a more appropriatestyle.Usesomeof the discursivewordsand phrases from the table above. I To end,then,I thinkthat finingcriminalsis often betterthansending them to prison. 2 And anotherthing- beinga cop is reallytoughthesedays. 3 Peoplelike rapistsand murderersshouldbe lockedup for ever. doesanygood. 4 No one'sproved,though,that kiltingmurderers 5 And we'vegot to askwhy somePeoPlepinchthingsfrom shops.
CovrPosrrtoN DEVELoPMENT that follow. Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises You have been doing a class project on crime. Your teacher has asked you to write a compositionabout the followingstatement: Anyone
found guilty
of corntnitting
a crime should
be sent to prison.
You should state whether you agree or disagreewith this statement,explainingyour reasonsclearly. Writeyour composition.
Brsinsformfng givingyour own opinions. Answerthe followingquestions 1 Whichof thesecompositionswill be easiestto argueand write? a a compositionarguingthat a[[ crimesshouldbe punishedby imprisonment b a compositionarguingthat onty certaincririresshouldbe punishedby imprisonment c a compositionarguingthat no crimesshouldbe punishedby imprisonment an effectivepunishment 6 Why is imprisonment for thesecrimes?Givetwo reasons.
2 What do you thinkwould happenif all criminalsweresentto prison? What do you thinkwould happenif no criminalsweresentto prison?
whichare Canyou think of threepunishments to imprisonment? alternatives
Are somecrimesmore seriousthan others? Giveexamples. very senouscflme: lessseriouscrime:
Whichcrimes,if any,couldthesepunishments be effectivefor? Why?
of crimeswhichshould I Givethreeexamples imprisonment. punished by be
9 Canyou sum up your opinionin one sentence?
fft¡n k sbout y0ur f i,"sf s ent€ncs Which of thesesentencesmight be a good first sentencefor your introductoryparagraph? Tick (/)the appropriateonesand cross(x)the inappropriateones. t 2 3 4 5 6 T I
We would alt tiketo live in a crime-freeand safesociety. | havenevercommitteda crime. Lastweek,our classvisiteda prison. lf peoplecommit crimesthen they haveto be punishedin someway. to get awaywith their crimes Societycannotallowcriminals Too manycriminalsget awaywith their crimesthesedays. Everycivilizedsocietyneedsa legalsystem. We havejust done a projecton crimeat our school.
Now write your own introductorysentence,basedon the appropriatesentencesabove.
Tfu S J,*¡¡ I * i,jr i.:{.::'*g.r c;{:i: :
Comptetethe fotlowingparagraphplan for your composition,makingnoteson whatyou aregoingto includein each paragraph.
and then usethe wordsin Readthesesentences below. bold to completethe sentences r
Disewvslve p'!nx có&&\rósi*loq
Fat"rnguaPh I
r r r
r . Para,gvaplt3
¡ r
Par*a.g'aph 4
ffi ffñTñí:;;1o,po,,o" Readthis checklist.Whenyou have written your composition,tick the boxes. r I havewritten a formal composition. T I havewritten four paragraphs. I I T t
My argumentis clear. I havegivensomeexamples. my opinion. I haveexpressed I haveusedsomediscursivewords and phrases. I havecheckedmy composition carefullyfor mistakes.
Capitalpunishmentis punishmentby death. includethe electricchair,the gas Techniques chamber,hangingand lethaIinjection. Somepeoplebelievethat capita[punishment actsas a deterrent.Thismeansthey think it stopspeoptecommittingmurder. The serialkitlerwassentencedto life imprisonment. The policethink I committedthe burglary!I'm goingto haveto get a lawyer./solicitor. Shewasarrestedon suspicionof fraud,and later wasofficiallychargedwith the crime. The court caselastedfor three monthsbefore the jury found him guilty. Judge:How do you plead? The accused: Guilty,your Honour. Thejury found him not guilty, but nobody reallythinkshe'sinnocent. There! lots of evidencethat he did it - his fingerprintswere all overthe gun,for example. Havintservedfifteen yearsin prison,Masonis to be releasednext week.
1 My lawyer'sadvisedme to guilty,but I'm not goingto. I'm innocent! 2 Peopleimprisonedfor [ife are usually after abouttwenty years. hasinstructedme not 3Mv to discussthis casewith reporters. 4 The suspectwasreleasedwithout beingcharged due to lackof 5 No Europeancountrysupports think that . Most Europeans it'sbarbaric. 6 Losingyour drivinglicencewould be a good drinkinganddriving. against at 7 I'm buyinga new suit.My the CountyCourt startson Monday. 8 | can'tbelievethe policehave Janewith embezzlement. They must havemadea mistake. 9 Canyou imaginebein6sentencedto and knowingyou haveto spendthe restof your life behindbars? 10 The foremanof the jury readout the verdict. ' he said.
I Exnvl
coMposrrroN DrscunsrvE
-,¡']¡i i: ':r:;¡:¡': ir..;¡1..¡'t;1," 1,':"' : . You are expectedto usediscursivewordsand l
phrasesin a composition. : j
that a compositionis usuallymore . Remember is more formalthanan article.Theemphasis giving opinions argument, presenting an on them clearly,than on andsupporting interestingthe reader. !
style. shouldbe writtenin 120-180wordsin an appropriate Eachof thesecompositions 1 The followingcommentwas printedrecentlyin a localnewspaper: The crime rate in our area is far too high and extreme measuresneed to be taken to reduce it. Now your teacherhas askedyou to writea compositionon this subject,stating yourown opinions. whetheryou agreeor disagreewith the commentand expressing Writeyour composition. 2 Yourclasshas beendoing a projecton crime.Yourteacherhas askedyou to write a givingyouropinionsin answerto the followingquestion: composition Why do some people breakthe law? Writeyour composition.
*s*r*f,ffi#fl *:r*s The burglar ran fast but he was caught by the police. Atthough / Eyen though,/ Though the burglarran fast,he wascaughtby the police. ln spite of the fact that / Despite the pct that the burglar ran fast, he wos caught by the police. In spite af / Despite running fast, the burglor was caught by the police. The burglor ran fast. However, he was caught by the police. !iq:.¡,,:;¡* ¡i*:;t
Shehad a very good lawyerbut shewasstitl found guilty'DESPITE
2 Thereisn'tany evidence.However,there is a strongmotive.ALTHOUGH 3 ln spiteof his havinga criminalrecord,he wasonly givena warning.BUT 4 Atthoughpeoplefeel lesssafe,the crime rateis actuallydropping.FACT 5 Despitebeinga suspect,Masonwasneverarrested.HOWEVER
ffi Wn RM -uP@
Lookat the pictures.In pairs,askandanswerthe followingquestions. r Would you liketo be a shopassistant? Why/Why not? r What haveyou boughtin the pastmonth? r Haveyou everboughtanythingsecond-hand?
DeveloP YouR wRrrrNG sKTLLS(//// |.
W & * f * r s f Á ¡ * 3 rf * r f
fi*rrn*f *r ¡ruf*¡'r**fI
Matchthe abbreviations I-5 with their uses a-e.
Are the abbreviations usuallyformal or informa[? Writethe abbreviations l-5 on the appropriate lines.
I 2 3 4 5
P.m. etc.
a b c d e
the time is before12noon a Iist is not complete the time is after 12noon to introducean example to introducemore detail
a Whichabbreviation is usuallyused in formalwriting? b Whichtwo abbreviations are usuallyusedin informalwriting? c Whichtwo abbreviations canbe usedin formaland informal writing?
W&mf *rs f&*y rsf fsdf Matchthe punctuationsymbolsin the box with their namesbelow. A.
I 2 3 4 5
e.8. i.e. a.m.
semi-colon questionmark apostrophe comma exclamationmark
E? - F!
.G" 6 7 I 9 10
dash full stop invertedcommas hyphen colon
Sfudy f&e ,'nodef Lookat modelcomposition16on page108.Circleone exampleof: 1 a colon 2 an apostrophe 3 a semi-colon
4 a dash 5 a hyphen 6 invertedcommas
fnue sr f,ofse? Are thesestatementsabout punctuationtrue or false?Write T for Trueand F for False. Exclamation marksshouldonly be usedin informalwriting. You can connecttwo sentences aboutthe samesubjectusinga comma. Indirectquestions needquestionmarksat the end. We neverput <'>arounddirectspeechin English. Colonsandsemi-colons areunusuaI in informalwriting. 'who','which'and Youshouldalwaysput a commabeforerelativeclauseswith 'where'. 'that'. 7 Youcannotput a commabeforerelativeclauseswith but you shouldbe I Youcanchoosewhetherto use'...'or "..."for directspeech, consistentwithin a pieceof writing.
I 2 3 4 5 6
Carrecf fh e puncfu atíon Eachof thesesentenceshasat leastone punctuationmistake. Circlethe mistakesand rewritethe sentencescorrectly. 1
think iti pricetag hascome off. How much is it?'
5 We went to that new shoppingcentre- - it washuge! 6 Subject;Gift and SouvenirShopsin Bournemouth quicklyoffer convenience Cornershopswhichsadlyaredisappearing anda senseof community,whichis irreplaceable! 8 The shopassistantaskedif he could help me? 9
actuallyhalf priceat the moment Madam]'saidthe salesperson.
10 The recordstore.that I went to. had a saleon.
ffimwm**p Yffi#ffi wffiü€*ru#ffiKsLLffi &ewrf*s f&s rcP*rf" Readthe report questionand a student'sanswerbelow' Rewritethe'report in your notebook.capitalizeappropriateletters, and correctthe 10 spellingmistakes. punctuatethe sentences You havea parl-timejob in a toyshop.The managerwantsto makethe shop more popular with teenagers and has asked you to write a report making Some recommendations. Write a report for your manager.
to from subiect date
mr williams s a s h as p e n c e r a t r a c t i n gt e e n a g e r st o t e d d i n g t o nt o y s 2 5 t hj a n u a r Y
introduction a s r e q e s t e di h a v e l o o k e da t w a y s t o i n c r e s et h e p o p u l a r i t yo f t e d d i n g t o nt o y s w i t h t e e n a g e r sm y r e c o m e n d a t i o nasr e o u t l i n e d below range of Products t h e v a s t m a j o r i t yo f t o y s a n d g a m e sc u r e n t l ys o l d a r e f o r c h i l d r e n u n d e rt h e a g e o f t e n t e e n a g e r sw o u l d b e m u c h m o r e l i k l e yt o v i s i t t nd t h e s h o p i f i t s o l d c o m p u t e rg a m e ss o m e s p o r t se q u i p t m e n a b o r e dg a m e ss u c ha s m i l l e n n i u mq u i z advertising a s t e d d i n g t o nt o y s i s n o t i n t h e h i g h s t r e e ty o u m a y w a n t t o c o n s i d e r a d v e r l i s i n ga n y n e w p r o d u c t sy o u i n t r o d u s ef o r t e e n a g e r so n e p o s s i b i l i t yi s t o p l a c es h o r ta d v e f t i s m e n tos n l o c a lt e l e v i s i o no r r a d i o y o u m a y a l s ow i s h t o c o n s i d e rp u t t i n gu p p o s t e r sa r o u n dl o c a l schools conclusion i n c o n c l u s i o nt e d d i n g t o nt o y s c o u l d b e c o m em u c h m o r e p o p u l a r w i t h t e e n a g e r si f i t o f f e r e da r a n g eo f p r o d u c t sf o r t h e m h o w e v e r this range also needsto be advertisedto inform teenagersin the local area about it
...;.,' ,..d= *' ...;,*
ffi\ F H f ; R e a d y o u { P ü : r i i e r 5 \ ^ , ' r t t - r t t gW ) ' thereportcorrectly? theypunctuated Have withyourpartner. Sfi,$ Swaprepbrts
Oid ihey do it differentlyto you?Havethey correctedall the spellingmistakes?
t CovPostrtoN
that fotlow. Readthis compositionquestionand do the exercises You are working in a local tourist office. You have to write a report for your manager comparingtwo very differentshoppingcentresin your area.Say what each centreis like, compare their facilitiesand comment on their particulargood or bad points as tourist attractions. Writeyour report.
Braínstarming usingyour imagination. Answerthe followingquestions 1 2 3 4
What'sthe nameof your manager? What'sthe nameof the first shoppingcentre? large,etc) What is it like?(modern,old-fashioned, What kind of facilitiesdoesit provide?(chainstores,gift shops,cafés,etc)
5 How popularis it with tourists?Why? 6 What'sthe nameof the secondshoppingcentre? 7 What is it like?Rememberit must be very differentfrom the first one. 8 What kind of facititiesdoesit provide? 9 How popularis it with tourists?Why? l0 ls one of the shoppingcentresbetter for tourists,or do they both attractdifferent kindsof tourists? Yes/ No fl Do you needto makeany recommendations?
Thínk about punctustion Here is an introduction to a similar report. Punctuateit correctly. as requestedi have compared the daverton centre and lakesidemill both within 10 km of sharpville in terms of their popularity as tourist attractionsmy findings are presentedbelow
Think about spellíng Hereare somewordsand phrasesyou may wishto usein your report. Theyeachcontaina spellingmistake.Rewritethem correctly. I 2 3 4
5 6 7 I
facillities souveneers resterants coachpartys
rageof products hand-maid arts and craphts bitding
and then usethe wordsin Readthesesentences betow. bold to completethe sentences
F/c¡n .y#ur pür#gruPils
plan Comptetethe fo[lowingParagraph for your composition,makingnoteson what you aregoingto inctudein each paragraph.
I'm afraidwe don't haveanyjeansyour size in stock at the moment.We shouldhavesome by next Friday,though. I seeEd'shouseis for sa[e.How much is he seItingit for? in the sale'meansavaitable ln BritishEngtish,'on it means shopswhereasin AmericanEnglish reduced a at avaitable Price. Dawsoniare havinga saleat the moment. ha[f price. Everything's Theydidn't havethe laptop I wantedin the shop,so I hadto order it. TheysaidI coutdpick it up in a coupleof weeks. Youget free deliveryfor a[[ goodspurchased ,|00. over The shopassistantaskedme if I wantedto try the top on in the changingroom. A department store is a largeshopwith lots of differentdepartmentssetlingthingssuchas etc. clothes,electricalapptiances, A chainstore is a shopwhich hasbranchesin lots of townsand cities. I boughtthis jumperherelastweek but it'stoo smalt.Could| (ex]changeit for a biggerone?
YepóYtplatn t!1ttla.l
{o: Fvopr:
Su\ojecf: D¿tfe: Fairargvarph I
4 Parva,g'ra,Ph
N*rngw*,u& 4
Now write your rePort. Readthis checklist.WhenYou have written your report,tick the boxes. r I havewritten a report and not a letter. I I haveusedformal language. : My paragraphs haveheadings. t
I havecheckedmY Punctuation carefulty. I havecheckedmy sPelling carefully. I havecheckedmy trammar carefulty.
7 l
8 9
saidI coutdn't The assistant the tracksuitwithout a receiPt. 'New be Worldof Knowtedge'wi[[ todaY. in newsagent's pay another to I had quid, but forty-five lt cost tennerfor ln Harrodsis a famous London.Theysell everythingthere! queueup of bargain-hunters Thousands overnightwaitingfor the openingof the HarrodsJanuary the CD rom I lhadto it have wantedasthey didn't . lt'[ come next week. | couldn'tbelieveit when I went into the . Therewere no mirrors! suite.5 Yrsold. 3-Piece -. Beige.V.G. condition.Candetiver. Dixon'sis a we[l-resPected branches with over seventy-five
PRAcrlcE -
ffxsmkn*r,v-fo*tv .
punctuationand spellingmistakeswhen you are lt'svery easyto makeSrammar, writingquicklyin the exam.Whenyou havefinishedwriting,checkyour w.orkvery The fewersilly mistakesyou make,the better impressionyou will make carefu'ily. andthe moremarksyou willget!
Eachof thesereportsshouldbe writtenin 120-180words in an appropriatestyle. 1 This is part of a letteryou receivedfrom an Englishpenfriend: We'redoing a project at schoolon how young peoptein differentcountriesspend their money. Pleasecould you write me a shortreport on your countryto includein the project? Couldyou write about how much moneyyoung people have,wherethey get it from, and what they generallyspend it on? can includein the project. Writea reportwhichyour penfriend Yourmanagerhas askedyou to write 2 you work part-timefor a consumerorganisation. sell books,videosand CDs.Say which websites internet a reporton two very different prices,and commenton their products and whateachwebsiteis like,comparetheir particulargood or bad pointsfor internetshoppers. Writeyour report for your manager.
foc¿;s Grsmrym?ffr
a Small shopshave a friendlier atmospherethan large shops. b tf you wait a long time, electricalgoods usually becomecheaper. We ean rewrite tt'lese: a Thesmaller the shop,the friendlier the otmosphere. b The longeryou wait, the cheaperelectricalgoods become. wil[ lrnpressthe people marking your eompasltlEns, e,*nstr¡.¡ction This gnamnnatiea{ informal writir*g. formal and in both be used It ean construetion. Write one word ir¡ eaehgap ts eomp{etetl"¡efoliowir*g seRt*ncesusingthe sarneSram¡ff¡aticatr lf you pay more,you get better quality. quatitYYouget. you Pay,the The qualitY. you Pay,the or: The Customersare happierwhen they'reservedquickty. they are. customersare served,the The are served,the customers more or, more formally: The 3 When pricesare cheap,salesare higher, The Prices,the
4 Productsbecomewell-knownthroughadvertising. a product is,the --The more
they are.
it becomes.
¡'*******-***i Mopel coMpostrtoN
1: lNronvlAL
friend: Thisis part of a letter you receivedfrom an English tsy fhe wary,irryou" larslleffev yorasariá you \xeve goinglobuy eifhev a,viAeo c^w\ev* oy d, g^w\es r^.r¿rchi\e.r"lhich A\A youbuy, artA why? l'l love fo heav ¿rll aboul if. your friend! questionsand givingrelevantdetails.Do not write any addresses. Write your letter, answering DearlsabeIte, Thanksa lot for your last letter.l'm realtygtadyou'vemadefriendsagainwith Debbie. It'sawfuIwhen you havea fight with your bestfriend,isn'tit? Yeah,decidingwhetherto tet a video cameraor a tamesmachinewasa verytricky decision.lf onty I had enoughmoneyto get both! Anyway,I finattydecidedthat a video camerawasmore fun. (Wett,my dad decided,but I think he wasrightl) The cameraI got is reallycoot,and it wasactuallyquite a bit cheaperthan the others I lookedat (so I'vestitl got somemoneyfor when you come over in the summer!).lt's not a digitalone,but it'sgot this greatlittle screenwhereyou can seewhat you'vejust fitmed. The problemis,though,that my dad lovesit too, so I don't get muchof a chanceto useit! Anyway,I'd bettergo now as I'vegot to studyfor a historytest tomorrow (unfortunately!). Write backsoonl LOVe,
AnáY Mooel coMPostrtoN 2: Anrlcle Yourcollegemagazinehasinvitedyou to suggestwaysin whichtelevisionfor youngpeople givingyour suggestions. coutd be improvedin your country.Write an article for the magazine,
ls there anyth¡ngon the other side? lf so,you'renot alone.Many Are you tired of seeingthe sameold rubbishon your TV screens? and are old-fashioned in country at them this aimed programmes think that the youngpeople it? done about boring.So what shouldbe Interviews Firstof a[[,youngpeoplelove music,so why not giveus more musicprogrammes? go wetI with both down woutd and reviewsof concerts with today'sstars(not yesterday's!) people who know something young coutdevenbe presentedby teenaters.The programmes a b o u tm u s i c . Youngpeoplecare forgetabout us teenaSers. Newsis anotherareawhereprogramme-makers aboutthe world they aregrowingup in.Theywant to know more about what'shappeningbut Woutdn'tit be better if there wasa or confusing. uninteresting find most newsprogrammes showthat explainedthe newsin waysthat we coutd understand? producersneedto think aboutteenagersin new ways.We don't just want more soap Television operasand Americandramas.Let'shaveshowsmadeby youngpeopletalkingaboutthe things we careabout.
A friend of yoursis planningto visityou with their family.Theywitt be cetebrating their birthday while they are with you. Youthink a specialmealmight be a good way to celebrate. You have seenthe followingadvertisement for a restaurant and contactedthe managerfor more details, makingthe notesbelow. Readthe advertisement and the notescarefulty. Thenwrite a letter to your friendgivingthe necessary informationaboutthe restaurantand askingthem if they want to book a table.
Rose Gardens
. Luxurymealsat affordable prices. o O u t d o o sr e a t i n gi n g a r d e nd u r i n gs u m m e rm o n t h s . . S p e c i adl i s c o u n tfso r f a m i l yg r o u p s . Gontact us on O671 33453 for further details.
*'* li"J"' .l-;"n"""^'j.". o'n'Jth'
¿rv¿li\¿rb\¿ rnóV \t
,':;.;"-'-"^t ht^^
"9"t -"'_ ^v v¡¿¿Y¿*ls
DearCaroline, ÉoSt" *Yl*0, \.v¿ r,ut Hi! How arethings?Haveyou got your ticketsyet? | can'twait to see e¿\??Yor' you next Wednesday. Haveyou packedeverything? I wasthinkingaboutyour birthdayon Fridaythe 7th. (No, I haven'tforgotten!) What do you think aboutgoingto the RoseGardens? lt'sagessincewe went out togethe¡ and I think your mum and dad would probabtytikeit. I calledthe restaurantand the manateress told me they'refu[[ on the 7th, but they'vegot tablesfree on Saturday. That might be better becausethey havelive musicat the weekends. Shameit's not the summeror we could sit outsidein the garden. Theysaidit would be about twenty-fiveeurosper person,but we'd geta10% discountbecausethere are six of us.I'm sureyour dad'lItikethatl Yoursisterwilt be okay,too, becausethey do vegetarian meals. Let me know if I shoutdbook it. Got to to now Mum is ca[[ingme for dinner.Only ten daysuntiI you come! Love, Jqrre
oe\Ved ru*
Moont- coMposlr¡oN 4: RepoRr You work for the [oca[tourist office.Yourmanaterhasaskedyou to write a report on the facilitiesin your town for film-goers.Describethe currentfacilitiesand suggestwaysin which they might be improvedto attractmore visitorsto the area. Write your report.
To: Ms Davies From:VincePorter Re: Facilitiesfor film-eoers Date: l8th March Introduction As requested, I haveprepareda report on cinemasin the area. Generally, the facititiesaregood,althoughthere are waysin whichthey could be improved. MegaplexCinema With ten screens, the Megaplexis a moderncinemaon the outskirtsof town. They haveall the major fitms first ano use the latestequipment.The only criticismI haveis that the bus serviceto the areais unreliable.
Lido Cinema The Lido is a smalloutdoor cinema.Insteadof showingrne tatestreleases, they concentrateon classicfilms. lt is very popularwith students.Localpeopleoccasiona{[y complain aboutthe noise. Rialto Cinema Biggerthan the Lido,the Rialtois currentlyfacingprobtems. Most peoplevisitthe Megaplexand the Rialtocannotaffordto replaceits equipment.lt will probablyclosein the nearfuture. Conclusion Our town hassomeexcellentfacilitiesfor film lovers,although one cinemais aboutto disappear. A better busserviceto the MegaplexCinemawould be an ¡mprovement.
coMPosrrroN 5: SHonr sronY
You havedecidedto entera short story competition.The competitionrulessaythat the story must beginwith the fo[lowingwords: AsJohngot off the troin, he couldn'tbelievehow cold it wos Write your story for the competition.
John'strip AsJohngot off the train,he couldn'tbelievehow cold it was.He quicklyput on his warm hat and glovesand walkedcarefullyin the snow He lookedaroundexcitedtyand sawhis UncleBi[[at the end of the platform.With him wereJohni cousins,Alex and Tony. The train left the stationandJohncameup to his relatives. He hadn'tseenhis uncle for a longtime, but he hadn'tchanged.He wassti[[ short and fat, with a round,bald head.They a[[ saidhello nervouslyand then they laughedand kissedeachother.The boysstartedtatking loudlyand beganto watktowardsthe car. 'Where areyour bags,John?'askedUncleBi[[,suddenly. Johnstopped. 'Oh 'They're no,'he cried,sadly. on the train!'Theyalt looked.In the distance, the train was slowlydisappearing. Johnfelt so foolish. UncteBit[quicklyfound a guardand spoketo him.He camebacka secondlater.'lt's 'They okayi he exptained. aretoint to sendthem backfrom the next station.'Theya[[ smited andJohnknew it wasgoingto be a greatholiday,after a[[.
Mooel coMPosrrroN 6: Snonr sroRY You havedecidedto entera short story competition.The competitionrulessaythat the story must beginwith the foItowingwords: I was alone on o dark road. Suddenly,I saw bright lights in the distance. Write your story.
Savedby a Star I wasatoneon a dark road.Suddenly,I sawbright lightsin the distance.lt wasa car.'Thank 'Maybe goodness,' I thouSht. they'llgiveme a [ift.' I'd beenwalkingfor hours.That evening,ld beento a concert.My favouritesinge¡AngusMcDuffy, had sunga[[ his hits to a crowdof over2,000 people.lt wasfantastic,but on the way home my motorbikehad brokendown.I teft it by the sideof the road and decidedto walk home. Unfortunately,it wasoverthirty kilometres,and not one car passedme on the road.UntiI this one. It spedpast me. I wavedand shouted.lt sloweddown,and then reversed, backto whereI was s t a n d i n gl t. w a sa b l a c kl i m o u s i n e . A blackelectricwindowslowlycamedown.'CanI hetp?'saida voicefrom inside.I explained 'Get the situation. in. We'llgiveyou a Iift.' I couldn'tbelieveit when I got in the car.lt wasAngusMcDuffy! | told him how much l'd enjoyedthe concert,and hischauffeurdroppedme right outsidemy front door.I had beensaved by a star.
i"._."-._--"."" 102
7: Lerren oF APPL¡cATloN
in your local newspaper: You havejust seenthe followingadvertisement
Write your letter of applicationto Mrs Green.Do not write any addresses. DearMrs Green, which I sawin the'Daily News' to your advertisement, I am writingin response I would be very interestedin applyingfor this position. yesterday. I am a nineteenyear-oldstudent,currentlystudyingMathsat WarwickUniversity. I love beingwith children.I havethree youngerbrothersand sisters,who I regularly swimming, look after when my parentsare at work.Theyalsolove sportsand games basketball, tennis,hide-and-seek and I would be very happyto organisesimilaractivitiesfor your children. I speakEnglishvery well. I wasawardedan A gradein the CambridgeFirstCertificatein Englishexaminationlastyear. I would be very gratefuIif you could let me know what the rateof pay per hour would be,and which hoursduringthe summerI would be expectedto work. I could be free from the beginningofJune untiIthe end of September. everyday if necessary, you require any further information,or wish me to attendan interview,pleasedo lf not hesitateto let me know. Yourssincerely, HelenTaylor
Mooel coMPostrtoN 8: l\Rrlcle for youngpeople: in an internationalmagazine You havejust seenthe followingannouncement weatherconditions? Haveyou everbeencaughtin extremeor unusual -low Cidyou feel? ^ear your expe'ience,WralhaPpenedi abour lf you have,we'dlove Lo in ne*t month'sissue. pubished A seectionof the bestarticleson this sublectwill be Write your article.
Caughtin a Snowstorm Haveyou ever been caughtin a snowstorm?| have, and it wasthe most frighteningexperienceof my [ife. on an adventure I was with a group of classmates hotiday in Wales.The plan was to climb Snowdon,the tal[estmountainin Wales,and be backat the campin time thingsdidnt 5o accordingto plan. for tea. Unfortunatety, The sun was shiningas we set out. But as we got higher, it started to snow. Our guides - professional climbers- told us not to worry.Up and up we went, and
Before[ong,we werein the middleof the snowgot heavier. a btizzard!The snowwasso strongthat I couldnt evensee the personin front of me.We wereterrified.And beginning to freeze! Our guidestold us to jump up and down to keep warm.We had to wait until the snowstormpassed.lt was the longestand coldestfour hoursof my [ife.Fina[[y,we were able to make our way down the mountain- tired, scared,but very gladto be alive.
9: lruronMAL LETTER
you and your family are planningto visit your penfriendin England. Yourpenfriendwould like to cook you have. suggestions and for any advice you asked you has and a specialmealto wetcome suggestions. useful making and advice giving suitable your penfriend, Write a letter to DearvWill,
.¡ha¡ks Qo' yora"l¿rsf lefler. lf wats wariling lor r^rewhet I gof hor.re *'o¡'r school o¡ (v\)'ay' Gve^f hews albotaf yotar ex¿rrrs! LePs ho¡e ¡^y vesqlts ¿\Ye^s gooA atsy ouvs' ohe ¡^óye r^,rorlhanl we'll be fhe"e wifh youl I carr'l believe if's "eally haggetirg. We'"e w¿riffor'reef yota.fheyfhitkif woql/\ee arlllookirgQorw¿rr/fofhisfvi¡, ov),wryQarv.,rilycartr'f (^5 6,1fhe Qivsf nighl. ny a,Av\ce woqlá be fo Lee¡ if sirr¡le. Yora grearf i* yor,,cooVeAa'^/.eal *o' áon'l w¿rqt lo sgená a,ll ),ary cookirrg ¿rt^/ fhetl rrof be ¿rble fo tel¿rx. My sistev's ar vegefarviaur,br^f she sai/ she'll be har¡¡y w-rfh sal¿r/s. fi G"eeV s¿rl¿táwifh fowrarloes,orrio¡s¿rn/ Qef¿rcheese woulá be greart )ora coqlá 4lso áo sonething frarlifiolarlly soq\ásqt^ife Etrglish.Whaf¿rboqfshepher/'s g\e7|V,eavAa\eoqfif iraurEtrgl-tshlessour¿r¡áif \rig rrof live¿ oQ ar €atr l'r'r ,tlfhohgh Yukl arrryfhirrg otrce l'll fry tice. Gol lo go - v'ty )'a,A's carlling ne. Dour'fwotk loo V,avA. fll r^rylove, St,re
you recentlyvisitedyour localsportscentreand were dissatisfied with the serviceprovided.You havedecidedto write to the manater. for the sportscentreand the notesyou havemade.Write a letter to the manager' Carefullyreadthis advertisement improvements. aboutthe serviceyou receivedand suggesting comp[aining
OldburySportsGentre áiAq'f k¡ow arrylhitg alpout sqqash
rof winásrar*ing
Now in its thirdyear.yoursportscentreoffers gYm r a fully-equiPPed staff r professional pool ¡ a swimming tenniscourts r full-size r lessonsin manyspods So, get yourtrainerson and comeon down. or losea Whetheryou wantto practiseyourbackstroke few pounds,OldburySportsCentreis the placeto be!
exgeursive- shoql/ be
D e a rS i r l M a d a m , I am writing following a recent visit to the Otdbury Sports Centre.I would like to expressmy with the serviceI received. disappointment Atthoughthey were general[ypolite and hetpfut,the membersof staff seemedto lack basicsports you send knowledge.None of them could offer any adviceto me on choosinga squashracket.I suSSest your employeeson suitabletrainingcourses. Anothercausefor complaintwasthat the swimmingpool wasclosed.I understandthat repairsneed did not to be carriedout. However,when I cattedfor informationthe day beforemy visit,the recePtionist mentionthat the Doo[wasclosed.lf I had known,I would havevisitedthe sportscentreat anothertime. The Finatty,offeringlessonsin differentsportsis a good idea,but I found them to be very expensive. was not pricesshouldbe lower,and more sportsshouldbe offered.I wasdisappointedthat windsurfing availabte. I hope you wi[[ take thesepointsinto consideration. | look forwardto hearingfrom you. Yoursfaithfully, l'htltP ¡Y¿145
M o o e ¡ - co Mp o srrro N 1 1 : D rs cuRsr vEcoM postr toN You havebeendoinga classprojecton changingeducation.Yourteacherhasaskedyou to write a compositiongivingyour opinionson the fo[lowingstatement: Standardsof education today are lower than in the past. Write your composition. were at school.Firstly,teachers,who A greatdeal haschangedsinceour grandparents are bettertrainedthan in the past.Secondly,schools havea 6reateffect on standards, havemore moneyand betterequipment.Thereis no doubt that standardsof education haverisen. Beingmore understanding, teachersare ableto help studentsmore today. Theyare lessstrict,which meansthat studentsenjoytheir educationmore and so learn and are better educatedthan in the past. more.In add¡tion,teachershavemore qualifications Not only areteachersbetter educated,but they alsowork in betterschoots.Schools, generally, are managedbetterand havemore moneyto spendon thingssuchas booksand lf schoolsoffer computers.Someare ableto providemusiclessonsor dramalessons. studentsmore opportunitiesto learn,it raisesstandards. In summary,there is no truth in the claimthat standardsof educationare lowerthan in the past.Teachers and schoolshaveboth improved,which meansthat studentstoday receivea did. better educationthan their grandparents
coMposrrroN 12: Letr.ERoF AppLrcATloN
You havejust readthe fo[lowingadvertisement:
Write your letter of application. DearMs Turner. for tour guides,which I readin the I am writingin response to your advertisement 'Reporter'on l l t h . , l u n el w. o u l d I i k et o a p p L yf o r o n e o f t h e a d v e r t i s epdo s i t i o n s . I am very interestedin modernart and would welcomethe opportunityto inform workedin a [oca[museum,asyou canseefrom my visitorsto the galtery.I havepreviously haskindlyagreedto provideme with a C.V. The Museum Director, MrJones, attached reference. which I haveenclosedwith this letter. necessary for this position I alsobelieveI havethe personalqualitiesand qualifications how importantit is to be welI dressed. I speak lenjoy meetingthe pubticand understand in Engt¡sh FirstCertif¡cate Frenchas my first language and recentlypassedthe Cambridge examination with an A grade. pteasedo not hesitateto contactme. I am Shouldyou requireanyfurtherinformation, for interviewat your convenience. available | look forwardto hearingfrom you. Yourssincerely, PathlBishop
you havejust reada columnin a [oca[newspaperabout crime in your area.You are interested in this subjectasyou haverecentlydone a projecton crimeas part of your studies.You disagree w i t h t h e o p i n i o n so f t h e c o l u m n i s t . Readthe columnbelow,togetherwith the notesyou havemadeandthe information the factsand giving from your project.Thenwrite to the editor of the newspaperpresenting y o u ro p i n i o n .
viclent crime980/o
the voíce of reason -
et's face t We ust do¡'t ve ¡¡ a safeareaanylfore OurccmmuntY s cri¡rerdde¡ a¡d out oi cc¡tro, wth rhe crme ratenjgne[i¡af ts l.lol everbee¡, A¡d ¡rost cf the crme the:e da¡: s r oi'¡t Whe¡ w I ihe counc do sol¡el¡ ng aDout
It?Whe¡ r,vlltheyadmi tnat scrappingtl're cl-¡.reoreve¡to¡ prog[a¡rtfe ast yearw ¡ot a se¡sibeidea? It'st me to te tl'em whatwe th ¡K ol t¡en.l t's t me to te themthal\¡iewo¡'t lve in iear anyrfore
a 6
2 0 y e a r sa g o
non-violentcrime ht tralnrv J¿13-'/L
fraud2% shoplifting4% car theft65% other26%
i Writ" a letter of between120and
10 yearsago
programme crimeprevention -
last vear: t3,000 this year: t4,500
.l80 wordsin an appropriatestyle.Do not write any addresses.
DearEditor, to MungoNewcombe!column('Feai,24thJune).Mr Newcombe I am writingin response 'out 'crime-ridden' of control'.Havingrecenttycarriedout a project and our areaas describes on crime,I disagreestronglywith Mr Newcombeiopinions. Firstly,he statesthat the crime rate is higherthan everbefore.Thisis simplynot true. ln the crimesthat are he describes fact, it hasbeenfa[[ingsteadilyfor the pastten years.Secondty, 'violent'. The truth is that viotentcrime makesup only two percentof a[[ crimes committedas this is,it rarelyinvolves committed.The majorityof crimesinvotvecar theft. Howeverunpleasant violenceto other people. the locaIcounciIof scrapping Mr Newcombealsomentionscrime prevention.He accuses Thisis untrue.Indeed,the counciIbudgetfor crime preventionthis the crime preventionprogramme. yearwasfifty percentmorethan lastyear. I would stronglysuggestthat Mr Newcombecheckshisfactscarefu[[ybeforehe writesagain on this subject.Makingpeoplefeel afraidfor no reasondoesnot benefitour [oca[communityat a[[. Yours,
vJer/y tsishop
A friend of yourswho is currentlystudyingin Britainhaswritten to you askingadviceon which computerto buy.Carefu[[yreadthe extractfrom your friend'sletter,the advertisement and the notesyou havemade.Thenwrite a letter to your friend makingyour recommendation. atborafgeffirrg ar As yourktrow,l've gol fo wrile lots o{ essaryswhile l'r^rÁere, so l'r^'rth-rrrkirrg cor.r¡trfer. )ora Lurow a lol r^rore arbor,rt corr¡qfe"s fha¡ rae, so I fhoqghf l'A gel yorar ogirriorr livsf. l've hayyórNe¿ lhe choice Aowt fo the fwo i\ fhe 4áverf. Which one Ao yora fhink I
shoul/ bury?
Specialoffersthis month: . Compar3500- laptop software ¡' includesword processing canying-case
+ free pr¡nter
more useful v. portable
. HSD-X2000
'l4" monitor mouse free scanner includes10 free games
<------6 monthsinternetconnection
^ - r-" ,
be rn ""'"uX-i'JY t3o monrhs t""'
.|20 and 180wordsin an appropriatestyle. Write a letter of between Do not write anv addresses.
Dea, ?eler, gled' yott've harvirrga, gooA fh¿t\ks Por yora"leller. Cawrbv\Agesoq\/s gealt. l'u,r "eatlly ¿rll ¡,,iss ¿r\á hi, fhe waryl you,he"e kelly firre. We D4hiel sary by Yearh,brayirrgar cotnrgrafevsot^\ás ¿rV€ry gooA \Aea,. Bofh oQfhe cor'rgrafersin fhe aAvevl looVgooA, bhf l'¿ saryyor^shoql/ gel lhe CowtpetjS00. ll's ¿r u,rqchbe*ev \Aeat bvingirrg geffirg atlaTlog,¿tsif's so easy lo cayry alrohhA - you wo¡'f h¿rve arrrygrobleuns yora if b¿rck lo Gveece wher covqeba.cV. il €ov essarys,yora'lláeQirrifely \\eeA o\ wor/. gvocessov frlso,i€ you're goirrgfo be rasirrg arrá gvirtev - fhe HSD-X2000Aoesr\'l have eifher o€ fher^.r.)orr'l harve lo gay exlv¿r {o* lher^.r.flrr/, atlfhourghfhe irrfer\ef cohqecfioq looVsgoo),,áorr'f Porgef yorr,'reohly goi\g fo be irr fhe Uk Qorfhvee ¡,ronlhs/so yot^ /our'f rearlly neeA\1, ),o you?. fhaf's whaf I fhihk. Lel uurekurowwhich o¡e you AeciAe lo gel. Hargpyshoggirrgl Arrywaty, So, farLe crr"e, work h¿rvl (bqf qof foo haAl) ^\A see yóq sóó\.
i , _ " ,- " , " , . . , . - . _ - . , . . . . , . , . - . . , . . " .-.,,. . . ,
' ,, Ó
M o o e u c o MP o sl rl o N 1 5 : D t s c u R S l v E c o M P o s l r l o N Yourteacherhasaskedyou to write You havebeendoinga ctassprojecton the environment. a compositionaboutthe followingstatement: Everybodycan help to Protect the environment' you shouldstatewhetheryou agreeor disagreewith this statement,explainingyour reasonsclearly' Write your comPosition. the world's Thereis no doubt that the environmentis in danger.Mankindhascaused do problems'and only man can solvethem' But can we' as individuals' environmental anythingto helP? can solve' and businesses probtemsthat only Sovernments Thereare manyenvironmental factoriesand cars' Forexampte,one of the causesof gtobatwarmingis pollutionfrom for reducingtheir po[[ution' must persuadefactoriesto take responsibility Governments to producecarswhich do not giveout damagingexhaustfumes' and car manufacturers there arethingsthat individualscan do. Firstly,we can recycteour used Nevertheless, As a resutt' plastic,glassand paper.lf we do this,factorieswi[[ not haveto produceso much' Thiswitt as possibte' there will be lesspotlution.secondly,we can useour carsas littte and put issues, about environmentaI we can raiseawareness alsoreducepoltution.Finat[y, to act responsibly' pressure on tovernmentsand businesses one individualhasIittle effect on Protect¡ngthe environment'However' ln conclusion, if we work together,we can a[[ makethe world a cleanerplace'
M o o E t - c o M P o sl r¡o N 1 6 : R e P onr comParlnt you are workingin a [oca[tourist office.You haveto write a report for your manaSer their compare is [ike, centre each what Say area. your in centres two differentheatthand fitness your area' to visitors for points bad good or particular facititiesand commenton their
To: DeniseWalker
From:HeatherFutterton Re: DavertonSPaand Rourke'sGYm Date: l9th November lntroduction As requested,I havecomparedDavertonSpaand Rourke'sGym - both in the town centre- in termsof their suitabilityfor visitorsto the area.My findingsare presentedbelow' Daverton SPa Atthough DavertonSpaprovidesa wide rangeof health and fitnessfacitities,the majordrawbackis the membershipfee' Visitorsare not permittedto join for short periods;membership is only on an annualbasis.
Rourke'sGym and Built in the 1950s,Rourke!Gym is ratherold-fashioned, the tym does doesnot feel particularlywelcoming.However, offer facititiesfor a full workout,plustwice-weeklyaerobics 'Daily RateScheme'as well as an The gym offers a classes. fee. annualmembershiP Conclusion DavertonSpais not particularlysuitablefor visitorsbecauseof to them fee.We may wishto suS8est its annualmembership Rourkel rate a daily offer also and that they changetheir poticy for rate a daity have it does but Gym is not very modern, visitors.
Userul Pnnasr Rereneruce Formal letter SreetrnS
nameunknown:Dear Sir / Madam, nameknown:Dear Mr .../ Dear Mrs.,. / Dear Ms .,.+ surname, I am writing with regardto ...
I am writing on behalf of ...
reasonfor writing
I am writing to ...
I would be grateful if ...
referringto their letter,/points
As you stated in your letter,...
lf you require any further information, pleasedo not hesitate to contact me.
I wonder if you could ...
Could you .'.?
Regarding.../ Concerning... With regardto...
I look forward to hearingfrom you. signingoff
if Dear+ name:Yours sincerely, if DearSir ,/ Madam:Yoursfaithfully' Dear+ nameor DearSir./ Madam:Yours,
your first name+ surname
lnformal letter prtrét np
Dear+ first name,
aboutthem askinB
Hi! How are things?
How are you?
referring to their news
Great news about...
Glad to hear that -.
Listen,did I tell you about...
Why don't you ..,? Maybe you could ...
Well, got to go now.
Give my love to ...
off siSning
your first name
Lots of love,
How's it going? Sorry to hear about...
You'll never believe what ...
Oh, and another thing.
How about...? Say hello to ,..
Seeyou soon!
Letter of application
nameunknown:DearSir./ Madam, name known:Dear Mr ,.. / Dear Mrs... / Dear Ms ...+ surname,
reasonfor writing
I am writing to apply for the post/position of ...
...as advertised in ...
I am writing with referenceto your advertisement,which I saw ... your experence
I gainedsomeexperiencewhile ...
My qualificationsinclude... I am currently ...
Pleasefind attached my C.V. As you can see from the attached C.V.,...
Pleasedo not hesitate to contact me iflshould you require further information. I am availablefor interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearingfrom you.
if Dear+ name:Yourssincerely, if DearSir ./ Madam:Yoursfaithfully, Dear+ nameor DearSir./ Madam:Yours.
your first name+ surname
Report From:
Subiect:or Re:
As requested,...
Date: Recommendation
This involved visiting / speakingto ...
Havingvisited / spoken to
My findints are outlined/presented below. presentjngfindings/ opinion
compositionphrases below) lseedrscursrve
Havingconsideredthe options, ... I therefore sugSest/ recommend ...
I would like to suggest/ recommend ... You may wish to consider ...
time phrases
lt was one of those days when "' At first, "' ... In the end,...
It all began...
All of a sudden,..'
dramaticdevices ¡ i r ó .! f! ! u "
Just at that moment, ...
<ñaéah J v ! ! ! ¡ ,
verbswith direct/ indirectspeech concluding
After everything that had happened,"'
It had all been ...
Discursive the first Pointin a Listof introducing
First of all, ...
To start with, "'
To begin with""
polnts Third(ly),...
a furtherpoint in a Iist introducing
from that. ...
of points
Furthermore' ."
Moreover, ...
Forthis reason,... Becauseof this, -
even though
contrast expressing
e i v i n ee x a m p t e s
for e
your oPinion expressing
nevertheless In contrast to this,... for instance such as In my opinion ...
someoneetsesoPlnlon exoress¡nR
I believe (that) "' It is said
Therefore.... Thus,... in spite of
To my mind, "' In my vieq ...
As I see it, ...
As far as I'm concerned,...
to be made is that ...
i n L r o d u c i naqf i n a lp o i n ti n a i s t o f p o i n t s roSether ...not onlv... but ... also... presenting two (dis)advantages On the other hand, ... On the one hand, -. p o i r f so f v t e w D r e s e n t i nt w g o opposing results exoressinR
In addition,...
a concIusion introducing conctusion
Article the reader engaRing makingsuggestions e i v i n ge x a m p l e s opinion expressing
ever...? Do ...
one of those
of ...?
/¡nstance... As I see it,... In my vieq...
find that...?
To mY mind, ...
I believe (that) ...
As far as I'm concerned,...
A more formal style is appropriatefor: compositionfor your teacher . a discursive or emptoyer o a reportfor your manaSer you not know personally do somebody . a letterto . a story,apart from direct sPeech
A more informalstyle is appropriatefor: . an artictefor your schooImagazine . a letterto a friend . directspeechin a story
Formalwriting examples
lnformal writ¡ng examPles
no contractions I do not think there is any excusefor the treatment I
contractions There'ssomethingelseI'vegot to tell you.
received. informal set phrases Thanksfor your letter.
formal set phrases t look forward to hearingfrom you.
informal greetingsin letters DearSam,
formal greetingsin letters Dear Sir/Madam, DearMr/Mrs...
incomplete senten€es Great newsabout your brother.
inversions Seldomhave I had a worsemeal. complete sentences ln my view,we shouldconstderredoingthe shop
informal vocabulary,including phrasalverbs 'continue' 'go on' insteadof direct questions How wasyour holiday last month?
window disptay. formal vocabulary,usually not using phrasalverbs 'Put 'tolerate' uP with' insteadof indirect questions I wonderif you could inform me about the cost of the courSe. more use of the passivevoice The majority of local sports centreswere opened in the last ten years. formal connectingwords and phrases tn addition to this,many people feel that the policeare
more use of the active voice They'vebuilt a new cinemanear our house. informal connectingwords and phrases Well,I think that'sabout all I wantedto say. simpler sentencestructure I'ttbe late for the party. tt's becauseof my Frenchexam' punctuation using exclamationmarks tf you'd beenat the wedding,you'd have loved the food!
underfunded. more complex sentencestructure Knowing what a good reputation the restauranthas,I was disappointedwith the service. punctuation using semi'colons The library offers no facilities for borrowing videos:this is becauseof the high cost involved.
Examknow-how p¡'nr 2 ouesrloru 5 How To Do ... Wnlrlruc Generalinformation the set r In WritingPart2, question5 is alwaysabout books. not read and ¡ Do NOT attemPt this question if you have studiedone of the set books' (a) ¡ You wi[[ usuallybe givena choiceof two questions' and (b).You shouldonly answerone of them' composition' ¡ On the answersheetwhereyou write your number' question you haveto write (a)or (b) next to the the togetherwith the titte of the book'Thisis so and answering' are you question examinersknow which w h i c hb o o kY o ua r ew r i t i n ga b o u t ' you must atways r lf you answerone of thesequestions, hasnot comPosition your reading assumethat the person you if that readthe book.Thismeans,for exampte, you haveto explainin detaiIwho they mentiona character, are.
Key words o author:the writer of a novelor short story ond the Examote:The outhor manatesto bring the past presenttogetherby settinghalf the novel in the eighteenth century.and half in the twentieth century' and place' ¡ be set in: Most storiesare set in a certaintime London' Example:Thenovel is set in eighteenthcentury Theseare chapters' into o chapter:Most novetsare divided usuallynumberedand sometimeshavea titte' the first Example:When we are introducedto Rosein chapter,she is lonelYand Poor' o ending:the end of the storY happy Example:Thisnovel doesnot offer a traditional ending. In . main/centralcharacter:a very importantcharacter the storY Is Exampte:Eliza Doolittle,one of the two main characters' flower-sellerwho doesnot speakEnglishin a working-class
an educatedwaY. How to write about a set book .minorcharacter:acharacterwhodoesnotptayacentrat they ¡ Readthe questionextremetycarefutly'Sometimes role in the storY In letter' askyou to write a composition,an article or a ne Example:AtthoughTom is only a minor choracter' a story' the oast,candidateshaveevenbeenaskedto write greatly affectshow Angelaviewsrelationships' etc) witt you use(forma[,conversationat' e The language story the question . narrator:the persontettingthe dependon the text type you arewriting'Read is lshmael'so we see story the of narrator Exampte:The carefu[[yto decidewhat style would be appropriate' eyes' his everything thot happensthrough you ¡ Do not just write a summaryof the novel'What . novel:a book whichte[[sone long story write must answerthe questionyou are asked' is in Examole:Laterin the novel, AIanrealisesthat Patricio the text o Makea ptanbeforeyou start writing'Whatever love with someoneelse. write at least type and question,you wil[ probabtyneedto r plot the seriesof eventsin the story 4 paragraPns. o family Example:The plot revolvesaround five membersof the o Rememberto mentionthe nameof the book and soilingacrossthe PacificOcean' a u t h o re a r l yo n i n y o u rc o m p o s i t i o n ' the set book wil[ be a collection o short story: Sometimes, o Alwayswrite the title of the book in invertedcommas' are muchshorterthan stories of short stories.These 'Rebecca', by Daphnedu Mourier' would makea Exampte: novets. wonderfulfilm. 'The Devil',we seethat humans Example:ln the shortstory ¡ You witl probablyneedto usekey wordswhen writing do not alwayshavecontrol over their actions' I about a set book.Usethe wordsand phrasesfrom the'key was ¡ twist: a suddenplot developmentwhichthe reader ' words'section. not exPectins Example:The twist in the final chapter,wherewe discover is that Mr Davenportis in fact Helen'slong-lostfather' totally unexPected.
t s B N 1- 4 0 5 - 0714 7 - 3