SHORTCUT TO SIZE T 12-w program I am about to ta you troug is basd o o o t oldst, trid ad tru mtods or gaiig strgt ad muscl. Tis typ o traiig as succssully prpard almost ry typ o atlt imagiabl, rom Olympic wigtlitrs to soccr playrs. It wors so wll tat it as b usd cotiually or dcads. I ow tat I am bst ow or my uiqu xrciss ad ol traiig programs, but somtims you a to rly o t basics. Tat’s spcially tru w a basic program wors as wll a tis o. O cours, I a ta t basic, but ry cti program ad twad it to prct its ctiss ad to maximiz t rsults you gt. Ts rsults iclud gratr strgt, biggr muscls, ad lss body at.
PERIOdIZaTIOn WORkS... PERIOd! Tis program is basd o t traiig cocpt calld priodizatio. Priodizatio is t mtod o cagig up your traiig at spcid tim poits. T ry rst priodizd scm to b usd wit wigts is calld Liar Priodizatio (also ow as Classc Priodizatio). Tat simply mas tat you start wit ligt wigt ad ig rps ad as t program progrsss t wigts usd gt air ad air ad t rps compltd pr st gt wr ad wr. Most priodizd programs ta may mots to complt. May last aywr rom 4 to 12 mots to complt t cycl. But tis priodizd program utilizs a cocpt ow as microcycls. Wr a typical liar priodizd scm migt stic wit t sam wigt ad rp rag or a mot or logr, t micro cycls cag up t wigt ad rp rags ry w. I w o your rp rag will b 12-15 rps. I w two you bump up all t wigts ad drop rps dow to 9-11. W tr adds wigt agai to ac xrcis to drop t rp rag dow to 6-8. Ad i w our you bump t wigt up agai to drop rps dow to 3-5 pr st. Tos ar t our microcycls tat you will rpat. O t ourt w you a compltd t rst 4-w pas. O t t w you drop t wigt bac dow ad start all or at 12-15 rps pr st. Tis is t start o Pas 2. But ow you will b abl to do ac rp rag wit at last 5 ad up to 20 pouds mor ta you could i Pas 1. I t sixt
w, or w 2 o Pas 2, you will b bac at 9-11 rps pr st. I w 7, or w 3 o pas 2, wigt will go up agai to drop your rpa dow to 6-8 pr st. Ad i w 8, or w 4 o pas 2, wigt will go up to limit rps to 3-5 pr st. Tat complts Pas 2. Ad i w 9 you start T al pas, pas 3 by droppig bac dow to 12-15 rps pr st ad ru troug t our microcycls agai util you ar bac dow at 3-5 rps pr st. O cours, i ac pas you will b usig 5-20 pouds mor ta you did i pas 2 ad 10-40 pouds mor ta you usd i Pas 1. Tis is ow you gt strogr... Muc strogr, or tis 12-w program. T costat icras i wigt ac w ad t rcyclig o ts our pass lads to imprssi strgt gais. T microcyls also lad to muscl yprtropy du to t costat cagig up o t rp rags ac ad ry w. Aotr raso or t strgt ad mass gais as to do wit t act tat you p t wigt stady o ac xrcis or all sts ad you ar orcd to complt t miimum umbr o rps i tat rp rag. Gratr gais i strgt ad muscl mass ar guaratd wit tis program. I a s som imprssi rsults wit tis program. I m, I a s gais o strgt or 90 pouds o t squat ad or 50 pouds o t bc prss. Ad or muscl, som guys a gaid or 15 pouds o muscl. Ys, pur muscl, wil actually droppig body at. Spaig o body at, w maximizig body at wit my traiig ad dit twas som m a lost or 20 pouds o body at. Ad wom a also s imprssi gais i strgt ad muscl wil losig body at. Wom ollowig my program a icrasd tir squat strgt by or 60 pouds, ad bc prss strgt by 30 pouds. Ad gais i muscl o or 10 pouds ad at loss or 10 pouds. But I’m ot t oly o to rport isa gais i muscl siz ad strgt wit cocomittat losss i body at. Rsarcrs rom Fdral Uirsity o Sao Carlos (Sao Paulo, Brazil) rportd imprssi rsults usig a similar microcycl liar priodizatio program or 12 ws. Ty ad o group o mal atlts ollow a liar priodizatio program wit wly microcycls rpatig tr tims or a total o 12 ws ad a scod group ollowig a rrs liar priodizd program wit microcycls or 12 ws.
Wil t liar priodizd group startd wit 12-14 rps pr st ad dd ac pas wit 4-6 rps pr st, t rrs liar group startd ac pas wit 4-6 rps ad dd wit 12-14. Ty masurd tir muscl mass, body at ad strgt o bc prsss, lat pulldows, barbll curls, ad lg xtsios bor ad atr t 12 ws. Ty rportd tat t liar group gaid 7 pouds o la muscl mass wil t rrs group oly gaid 3 pouds o muscl. T liar group also lost or 5 pouds o body at wil t rrs group lost a littl or 3 pouds o body at. Altoug bot groups icrasd strgt o all xrciss, t liar group mad gratr gais ta t rrs group. T rst xrcis you do or ac muscl group (xcpt or abs ad cals) will rmai costat trougout all 12 ws. Tis is t xrcis tat you ar ocusig o icrasig your strgt o. Most o t assistac xrciss tat ollow t rst xrcis will cag ry pas. For abs, t xrciss will cag ac w basd o t rp rags. Tis is du to t act tat som ab xrciss ar asir to do or igr rps, wil som ar dicult to do or lowr rps. So I orgaizd t bst ab xrciss or t prscribd rp rags.
GET FOCUSEd As I alrady mtiod, tis program wors wll to icras t tr mai goals tat w all a – icrasig muscl strgt, boostig muscl siz, ad acig at loss. To boost muscl mass as muc as possibl, w’ll b usig two itsity tciqus: rstpaus ad dropsts. Focus:
Maximizing Muscle Growth – Durig ws
o ad two o ac pas o t program, you will do o rst-paus o t last st o ac xrcis. To do tis, rac muscl ailur o t last st, t rac t wigt ad rst 15 scods. T cotiu t st util you rac muscl ailur agai. Durig ws tr ad our o all pass, you will do a drop st o t last st o ac xrcis. To do tis, ta t last st to muscl ailur t immdiatly rduc t wigt to t amout you usd or tat xrcis durig w 1, ad cotiu t st util ailur agai.
Week 1
Rest-pause set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Icli Bc Prss Icli Dumbbll Fly Cabl Crossor
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
Tricps Prssdow Lyig Tricps extsio Cabl Orad Tricps extsio
3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 25-30 4 x 25-30
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Wid-Grip Pulldow Stadig Pulldow Straigt Arm Pulldow
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
Barbll curl Dumbbll Icli Curl O-Arm hig Cabl Curl
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
hip Trust Cruc Obliqu Cruc
3 x 20-30* 3 x 20-30* 3 x 20-30*
* Shoot for at least 20-30 reps, but if you can do more, continue until reaching failure. If you cannot complete 20 reps, do as many as you can tring to get as close to 20 reps as possible.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Dumbbll Latral Rais O-Arm Cabl Frot Rais hig Cabl Rar Dlt Fly Dumbbll Srug
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 4 x 12-15
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 25-30 4 x 25-30
sEts rEps
Squat O-Lg Lg Prss Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Lyig Lg Curl
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
hip Trust Cruc Pla
3 x 20-30* 3 x 20-30* 3 x 1 miut
* Shoot for at least 20-30 reps, but if you can do more, continue until reaching failure. If you cannot complete 20 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 20 reps as possible.
PHaSE 1:
Week 2
Rest-pause set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 15-20 4 x 15-20
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Wid-Grip Pulldow Stadig Pulldow Straigt Arm Pulldow
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
Barbll curl Dumbbll Icli Curl O-Arm hig Cabl Curl
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
hagig Lg Rais Wigtd Cruc Dumbbll Sid Bd
3 x 15-19* 3 x 15-19 3 x 15-19
* If you cannot complete 15 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 15 reps as possible.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Dumbbll Latral Rais O-Arm Cabl Frot Rais hig Cabl Rar Dlt Fly Dumbbll Srug
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 4 x 9-11
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 15-20 4 x 15-20
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Icli Bc Prss Icli Dumbbll Fly Cabl Crossor
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
Tricps Prssdow Lyig Tricps extsio Cabl Orad Tricps extsio
3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
sEts rEps
Squat O-Lg Lg Prss Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Lyig Lg Curl
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
hagig Lg Rais
3 x 15-19*
Wigtd Cruc Sid Pla
3 x 15-19 3 x 1 mi.
* If you cannot complete 15 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 15 reps as possible.
PHaSE 1:
Week 3
Drop set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Dumbbll Latral Rais O-Arm Cabl Frot Rais hig Cabl Rar Dlt Fly Dumbbll Srug
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 4 x 6-8
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 10-14 4 x 10-14
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Icli Bc Prss Icli Dumbbll Fly Cabl Crossor
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Tricps Prssdow Lyig Tricps extsio Cabl Orad Tricps extsio
3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 10-14 4 x 10-14
sEts rEps
Squat O-Lg Lg Prss Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Lyig Lg Curl
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Wigtd hip Trust* Cabl Cruc Cabl Woodcoppr
3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14
* Perform the hip thrust while holding a medicine ball or dumbbell between your feet, or while wearing ankle weights.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Wid-Grip Pulldow Stadig Pulldow Straigt Arm Pulldow
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
PHaSE 1:
Week 4
Drop set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
Barbll curl Dumbbll Icli Curl O-Arm hig Cabl Curl
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Wigtd hip Trust* Cabl Cruc Cabl Obliqu Cruc
3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14
* Perform the hip thrust while holding a medicine ball or dumbbell between your feet, or while wearing ankle weights.
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Icli Bc Prss Icli Dumbbll Fly Cabl Crossor
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Tricps Prssdow Lyig Tricps extsio Cabl Orad Tricps extsio
3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 6-9 4 x 6-9
PHaSE 2:
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Wid-Grip Pulldow Stadig Pulldow Straigt Arm Pulldow
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Barbll curl Dumbbll Icli Curl O-Arm hig Cabl Curl
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Smit Maci hip Trust Maci Cruc Bad Roudous elbow
3 x 6-9 3 x 6-9 3 x 6-9
Rest-pause set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Icli Dumbbll Prss Dumbbll Fly Icli Cabl Cabl Fly
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
Tricps Prssdow 3 x 12-15 Dumbbll Ovrhad Tricps extnsion 3 x 12-15 Cabl Lyig Tricps extsio 3 x 12-15 Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 25-30 4 x 25-30
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Dumbbll Latral Rais O-Arm Cabl Frot Rais hig Cabl Rar Dlt Fly Dumbbll Srug
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 4 x 3-5
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 6-9 4 x 6-9
Week 1
sEts rEps
Squat O-Lg Lg Prss Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Lyig Lg Curl
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Smit Maci hip Trust Maci Cruc Pla
3 x 6-9 3 x 6-9 3 x 75 sc.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Bid-nc Pulldow Satd Cabl Row Rrs-Grip Pulldow
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
Barbll curl Pracr Curl Bid-Bac Cabl Curl
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
hip Trust Cruc Obliqu Cruc
3 x 20-30* 3 x 20-30* 3 x 20-30*
* Shoot for at least 20-30 reps, but if you can do more, continue until reaching failure. If you cannot complete 20 reps, do as many as you can tring to get as close to 20 reps as possible.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Smit Maci Uprigt Row O-Arm Cabl Latral Rais
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
Bt-Or Latral Rais Barbll Srug
3 x 12-15 4 x 12-15
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 25-30 4 x 25-30
sEts rEps
Squat Frot Squat Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Satd Lg Curl hip Trust Cruc Pla
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 20-30* 3 x 20-30* 3 x 75 sc.
* Shoot for at least 20-30 reps, but if you can do more, continue until reaching failure. If you cannot complete 20 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 20 reps as possible.
PHaSE 2:
Week 2
Rest-pause set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Icli Dumbbll Prss Dumbbll Fly Icli Cabl Cabl Fly
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
Tricps Prssdow 3 x 9-11 Dumbbll Ovrhad Tricps extnsion 3 x 9-11 Cabl Lyig Tricps extsio 3 x 9-11 Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 15-20 4 x 15-20
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Bid-nc Pulldow Satd Cabl Row Rrs-Grip Pulldow
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
Barbll curl Pracr Curl Bid-Bac Cabl Curl
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
hagig Lg Rais Wigtd Cruc Dumbbll Sid Bd
3 x 15-19* 3 x 15-19 3 x 15-19
* If you cannot complete 15 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 15 reps as possible.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Smit Maci Uprigt Row O-Arm Cabl Latral Rais Bt-Or Latral Rais Barbll Srug
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 4 x 9-11
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 15-20 4 x 15-20
sEts rEps
Squat Frot Squat Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Satd Lg Curl
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
hagig Lg Rais Wigtd Cruc Sid Pla
3 x 15-19* 3 x 15-19 3 x 75 sc.
* If you cannot complete 15 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 15 reps as possible.
PHaSE 2:
Week 3
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
Drop set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Icli Dumbbll Prss Dumbbll Fly Icli Cabl Cabl Fly
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Tricps Prssdow 3 x 6-8 Dumbbll Ovrhad Tricps extnsion 3 x 6-8 Cabl Lyig Tricps extsio 3 x 6-8 Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 10-14 4 x 10-14
sEts rEps
Squat Frot Squat Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Satd Lg Curl
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Wigtd hip Trust* Cabl Cruc Cabl Woodcoppr
3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14
* Perform the hip thrust while holding a medicine ball or dumbbell between your feet, or while wearing ankle weights.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Bid-nc Pulldow Satd Cabl Row Rrs-Grip Pulldow
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Barbll curl Pracr Curl Bid-Bac Cabl Curl
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Wigtd hip Trust* Cabl Cruc Cabl Obliqu Cruc
3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14
* Perform the hip thrust while holding a medicine ball or dumbbell between your feet, or while wearing ankle weights.
PHaSE 2:
Week 4
Drop set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Icli Dumbbll Prss Dumbbll Fly Icli Cabl Cabl Fly
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Tricps Prssdow 3 x 3-5 Dumbbll Ovrhad Tricps extnsion 3 x 3-5 Cabl Lyig Tricps extsio 3 x 3-5 Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 10-14 4 x 10-14
4 x 6-9 4 x 6-9
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Smit Maci Uprigt Row O-Arm Cabl Latral Rais Bt-Or Latral Rais Barbll Srug
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 4 x 6-8
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Bid-nc Pulldow Satd Cabl Row
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Rrs-Grip Pulldow
3 x 3-5
Cabl Crossor
3 x 12-15
Barbll curl Pracr Curl Bid-Bac Cabl Curl Smit Maci hip Trust Maci Cruc Bad Roudous elbow
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 6-9 3 x 6-9 3 x 6-9
Tricps Prssdow O-Arm Orad Cabl Tricps extsio Clos-Grip Bc Prss
3 x 12-15
Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 25-30 4 x 25-30
3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Smit Maci Uprigt Row O-Arm Cabl Latral Rais Bt-Or Latral Rais Barbll Srug
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 4 x 3-5
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Wid-Grip Pulldow Straigt-Arm Pulldow Satd Cabl Row
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 6-9 4 x 6-9
Barbll curl Icli Cabl Curl Dumbbll Coctratio Curl
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
hip Trust Cruc Obliqu Cruc
3 x 20-30* 3 x 20-30* 3 x 20-30*
sEts rEps
Squat Frot Squat Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Satd Lg Curl
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Smit Maci hip Trust Maci Cruc Pla
3 x 6-9 3 x 6-9 3 x 90 sc.
PHaSE 3:
Week 1
Rest-pause set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
CheST, TRICePS, CALveS sEts rEps
* Shoot for at least 20-30 reps, but if you can do more, continue until reaching failure. If you cannot complete 20 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 20 reps as possible.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Dumbbll Latral Rais Dumbbll Uprigt Row Bt-Or Latral Rais O-Arm Smit Maci Srug
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 4 x 12-15
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 25-30 4 x 25-30
Bc Prss 4 x 12-15 Rvrs-Grip Inclin Dumbbll Prss 3 x 12-15 Icli Dumbbll Fly 3 x 12-15
sEts rEps
Squat Lg Prss Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Lyig Lg Curl
4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 4 x 12-15 3 x 12-15
hip Trust Cruc Pla
3 x 20-30* 3 x 20-30* 3 x 90 sc.
Barbll curl Icli Cabl Curl Dumbbll Coctratio Curl
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
hagig Lg Rais Wigtd Cruc Dumbbll Sid Bd
3 x 15-19* 3 x 15-19 3 x 15-19
* If you cannot complete 15 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 15 reps as possible.
* Shoot for at least 20-30 reps, but if you can do more, continue until reaching failure. If you cannot complete 20 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 20 reps as possible.
PHaSE 3:
Week 2
Rest-pause set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Rvrs-Grip Inclin Dumbbll Prss Icli Dumbbll Fly Cabl Crossor
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
Tricps Prssdow O-Arm Orad Cabl Tricps extsio Clos-Grip Bc Prss
3 x 9-11
Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 4 x 15-20 4 x 15-20
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Dumbbll Latral Rais Dumbbll Uprigt Row Bt-Or Latral Rais O-Arm Smit Maci Srug
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 4 x 9-11
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 15-20 4 x 15-20
sEts rEps
Squat Lg Prss Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Lyig Lg Curl
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
hagig Lg Rais Wigtd Cruc Sid Pla
3 x 15-19* 3 x 15-19 3 x 90 sc.
* If you cannot complete 15 reps, do as many as you can trying to get as close to 15 reps as possible.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Wid-Grip Pulldow Straigt-Arm Pulldow Satd Cabl Row
4 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11 3 x 9-11
PHaSE 3:
Week 3
Drop set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
sEts rEps
Bt-Or Latral Rais O-Arm Smit Maci Srug
3 x 6-8 4 x 6-8
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 10-14 4 x 10-14
Bc Prss 4 x 6-8 Rrs-Grip Icli Dumbbll Prss 3 x 6-8 Icli Dumbbll Fly 3 x 6-8 Cabl Crossor 3 x 6-8
sEts rEps
Tricps Prssdow O-Arm Orad Cabl Tricps extsio Clos-Grip Bc Prss
3 x 6-8
Squat Lg Prss Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Lyig Lg Curl
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 10-14 4 x 10-14
Wigtd hip Trust* Cabl Cruc Cabl Woodcoppr
3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14
3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Wid-Grip Pulldow Straigt-Arm Pulldow Satd Cabl Row
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Barbll curl Icli Cabl Curl Dumbbll Coctratio Curl
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
Wigtd hip Trust* Cabl Cruc Cabl Obliqu Cruc
3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14 3 x 10-14
* Perform the hip thrust while holding a medicine ball or dumbbell between your feet, or while wearing ankle weights.
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Dumbbll Latral Rais Dumbbll Uprigt Row
4 x 6-8 3 x 6-8 3 x 6-8
* Perform the hip thrust while holding a medicine ball or dumbbell between your feet, or while wearing ankle weights.
PHaSE 3:
Week 4
Drop set as last set of each exercise WORkOUT 1:
sEts rEps
Bc Prss Rvrs-Grip Inclin Dumbbll Prss Icli Dumbbll Fly Cabl Crossor
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Tricps Prssdow O-Arm Orad Cabl Tricps extsio Clos-Grip Bc Prss
3 x 3-5
Stadig Cal Rais Satd Cal Rais
4 x 6-9 4 x 6-9
3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Bt-Or Row Wid-Grip Pulldow Straigt-Arm Pulldow Satd Cabl Row
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Barbll curl Icli Cabl Curl Dumbbll Coctratio Curl
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Smit Maci hip Trust Maci Cruc Bad Roudous elbow
3 x 6-9 3 x 6-9 3 x 6-9
sEts rEps
Dumbbll Souldr Prss Dumbbll Latral Rais Dumbbll Uprigt Row Bt-Or Latral Rais O-Arm Smit Maci Srug
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 4 x 3-5
Satd Cal Rais Lg Prss Cal Rais
4 x 6-9 4 x 6-9
sEts rEps
Squat Lg Prss Lg extsio Romaia Dadlit Lyig Lg Curl
4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 3 x 3-5 4 x 3-5 3 x 3-5
Smit Maci hip Trust Maci Cruc Pla
3 x 6-9 3 x 6-9 3 x 105 sc.
O cours, as you wll ow by ow, o traiig program is complt witout a utritio ad supplmt program to wor wit it. Traiig is just al t quatio ad utritio is qually, i ot mor importat or ralizig your goals. But just as you ca altr your traiig to ocus mor o a spcic goal, you also d to altr your dit to bttr rac tat goal. Tis dit is built or tos wo wat to maximiz muscl growt ad strgt gais.
GaIn SIZE and STREnGTH As you ow t tr mai macroutrits ar: 1) Proti, 2) Carbs ad 3) Fat. As you’ ard m stat tim ad tim agai, proti is critical or buildig muscl siz ad strgt. So it sould com at o surpris tat tis dit will proid you ampl amouts o proti to pac o muscl ad gt you strogr ad mor powrul. T basic dit pla, wic is mat or rst days, or days you ar ot traiig, will proid you about 1.5 grams o proti. Tis will p you aabolic ad courag muscl growt. O Worout days t additio o a pr ad postworout sa or my aorit, a pr/durig/postworout sa, will brig your total daily proti ita closr to 2 grams pr poud, wic will b t days tat xtra proti will sur tat you’r rally icig up muscl growt o tos traiig days.
Carbs ar t macroutrit w li to gi t most crdit to w it coms to proidig us rgy, spcially w w wor out. Yt, wil carbs ar critical or worout rgy, so is proti ad at. Ys, amio acids rom t proti you at ca b usd or rgy… ad so ca at. I’ll gt ito tis i just a miut. Bac to carbs… to sur you a ampl lls o rgy to gt troug ts worouts ad rcor proprly rom tm, you will b gttig i about 1.5 grams o carbs pr poud o body wigt o rst days, ad a ull 2 grams o carbs pr poud o worout days. To proid yoursl t typ o loglastig rgy tat will gt you troug ts gruli g worouts, witout addig body at, you sould ocus maily o slow-digstig carbs. Rsarc studis corm tat w atlts cosum slow-digstig carbs (suc as ruit ad wol grais) arlir i t day, suc as at braast ad luc, ty a mor rgy or worouts ad ca worout ardr or logr, i additio ty bur mor at durig xrcis
ad at rst sittig aroud. Tat is wy tis dit ocuss o ruits, oatmal, ad wol-wat brad. Ts carbs will p isuli lls low, wic mas you a mor stabl ad logr-lastig rgy, ad you will bur mor at.
O cours, tr is a tim or two w you wat to ocus o ast-digstig carbs. T rst tim is rigt w you wa up. Gttig i ast carbs at tis tim will sd tos carbs straigt to your lir, wic will tll your body to stop burig up muscl proti or ul. Ys, t bad ws is tat w you slp, you go so log witout atig tat your body ds o your muscl or ul. But gttig i ast carbs li cataloup (o o t w ast ruits, alog wit watrmlo) will stop it quicly. e otr ruits tat ar low-glycmic or slow-digstig, suc as appls, brris, orags, tc… ma a good carb coic w you wa. O o t mai rasos tat ruit is low glycmic is t ructos cott. Fructos as to go to t lir rst to b cortd to glucos (blood sugar). Tat is o o t mai rasos wy most ruits ar “slow”. But t ructos still gts to your lir airly quicly ad sigals your lir to stop burig muscl or ul. O cours, wit ts carbs you’ll d a ast proti li a wy sa to stop t bradow o muscl proti ad rplac som o t lost amios. Tis also apps to b t raso wy you will go wit a slowdigstig proti, li casi rigt bor bd. T slow-digstig proti gis you a log ad stady supply o amio acids trougout most o t igt so your body dos’t at up as muc muscl proti or ul. T oly otr tim you wat ast carbs is rigt atr t worout. hr you wat tos carbs to ot oly quicly rplis t carbs you burd durig t worout, but you wat tm to spi isuli lls. T aabolic ormo isuli dris amio acids ad carbs (i t orm o glucos) ito t muscls or rcory ad growt, ad it also turs o t procss o muscl proti sytsis (wic is t biocmical stps tat lad to muscl growt). So atr worouts tur to ast carbs li gummy bars ad otr at-r cady, wit brad, wit potatos, or sports dris.
t carby potatos, ric, brads ad pastas. Also p sacs atr dir to just proti ad alty ats.
Spaig o alty ats, you also d to gt i ampl amouts o at, spcially alty ats li oli oil, gg yols, omga-3 ats rom salmo ad otr atty s, ad paut buttr. Ts ats ar ot as radily stord as body at as otr ats ad ar radily usd or ul durig xrcis. O tis dit your total daily at ita will b about 0.5 grams pr poud o body wigt ad about 30% o you total daily caloris. Fat is also critical or pig tstostro lls ig.
T sampl daily dit I proidd is wat a typical day will loo li o days you do ot trai. Tis is or a typical 180-poud guy, but will suc or m ad wom btw 160-200 pouds wo wat to build mor muscl ad strgt. I you wig mor or lss ta tis rag, adjust your macroutrits accordigly or your wigt.
O worout days, simply add t pr ad postworout mals (or do it as a pr/durig/post worout mal) i aroud your worout tim. I you trai clos to o o t mal tims, simply rplac tat mal wit t pr worout mal ad ollow up wit t xt scduld mal about 1 our atr your postworout mal. For xampl, i you worout rst tig i t morig, sip t sa ad cataloup ad go wit t prworout mal as your rst mal. T a braast o our atr t postworout mal.
BaSIC dIET Breakfast 1
(Immediately upon waking) 1 scoop Wy Proti 1/2 mdium cataloup Breakfast 2
T otr issu wit carbs is timig. You sould ocus t majority o your carb ita o t arlir parts o t day, li braast, luc ad t sacs you a up till t atroo. W it coms to dir, you sould stic wit gtabls as your sids ad sip
(30-60 miuts atr sa ad cataloup) 3 wol ggs 3 gg wits 1 Tbsp Oli oil
1 slic lowat Amrica cs (scramble eggs cook in olive oil and add cheese to melt) 2 cups cood Oatmal Late morning snack
1 cup low-at cottag cs 1 cup slicd piappl (mix piappl i cottag cs) 1 Cli bar (ay aor)
2-5 grams crati (dpdig o orm) 5-10 grams BCAAs 2-3 grams bta-alai 1.5 – 2 grams btai Postworkout (witi 30 miuts atr worouts)
1 ca albacor tua 2 slics wol wat brad 1 Tbsp ligt mayoais 1 larg pic o ruit (appl, orag, baaa, tc.) afternoon snack
1 scoop Wy Proti 1Tbsp Paut buttr 1 Tbsp Jam 2 slics wol wat brad (make PB sandwich to eat with shake)
1 scoop Wy Proti 1 scoop Casi Proti 30 Gummy bars 2-5 grams crati (dpdig o orm) 5-10 grams BCAAs 2-3 grams bta-alai 1.5 – 2 grams btai
This will bring up th Totals to: 3700 caloris, 335 g protin, 340 g carbs, and fat stays at 110 grams (for th 180 poundr that = 21 cals/pound, about 1.8 grams of protin pr pound, just shy of 2 grams of carbs pr pound, and fat stays at about .5 grams pr pound of body wight)
8 oz. salmo 1 cup coppd broccoli 2 cups mixd gr Salad 2 Tbsp salad drssig (oli oil igar) Before BeD snack
1 scoop Casi proti 1 Tbsp Paut buttr totaLs: 3100 caloris, 265 proti, 260 carbs, 110 at
(for the 180 pound person = 17 cals/pound, 1.5 g protein, 1.5 g/carbs and 0.5 g fat per pound)
T dit I or oly sows o sampl day. Gi t act tat you ar traiig our days pr w ad a 3 rst days pr w, you’ll b atig a additioal 47 worout days ad 35 rst days. I do nOT rcommd you at t sam mals or all o tos days. You ca mix it up ad d oods tat bst suit your tasts ad scdul. Cosidr tis list as a good sourc to cosidr w you’r ot looig orward to yt aotr pic o salmo or bowl o oats. relae any of he mea (almon o una) wh any of hee:
cic brast cic tigs tury brast
O Worout Days Add ts Mals (or combi t pr ad postworout sas ito o larg Pr/ Durig/Postworout Sa ad dri about 1/3 witi 30 miuts bor t worout, aotr 1/3 durig t worout, ad t al 1/3 at t d o t worout):
la groud tury
Preworkout (witi 30 miuts bor worouts)
por tdrloi
1 scoop Wy Proti 1 larg appl
la groud b tri-tip sta a sta
trout tilapia
relae any of he vegeable (bool o med geen alad) wh any of hee:
gr bas
la dli tury brast
la dli am
bll ppprs
la dli roast b
Brussls sprouts mixd gtabls zuccii or otr squas
relae any of he day (oage heee) wh any of hee:
Altoug cottag cs is o o t bst orms o dairy bcaus it’s so ig i proti, you ca also icorporat ts dairy oods ito t dit (Gr yogurt coms i a clos scod to cottag cs):
ggplat bo coy
relae any of he fu (analoue, led neale, ale) wh any of hee:
Gr yogurt orag
Low-at or rducd-at css
plai low-at yogurt
low-at or rducd-at mil
par strawbrris relae any of he whole gan (oameal o wholewhea bead) wh any of hee:
wol-wat cracrs
raspbrris blacbrris
brow ric
wol-grai cold cral (suc as Crios, Quar Oat Squars, kasi) wol-wat waf
graps iwiruit
ezil brad ry brad sourdoug brad
relae he o-wokou gummy bea o Gen8 wh any of hee:
wol-wat eglis mu
Woa Pixy Stix
wol-wat pita brad
Woa Bottl Caps
wol-wat bagl
wit brad
wol-wat tortilla
agl ood ca
wol-wat pasta
quioa swt potato or yam