Music Score Dead Girl Walking from musical HeathersDescrição completa
Kindergarten Boyfriend from Heathers
Descripción: This is the script for heathers the musical cut and formatted into a scannable searchable PDF.
By Jack Norworth and Nora Bayes-NorworthFull description
Shine Brass Quintet
Betty Shine
satb "Shine"Full description
Light From Light
Art of Motion Fingerstyle guitarDescripción completa
Shine for Voice and Piano in C Major
Christian song for church choir (SATB)Full description
SATBFull description
madzFull description
Shine A Light
HEATHERS Piano/Vocal
(Fleming, Duke, McNamara, Veronica, Ensemble)
5/27/14 Music & Lyrics by LAURENCE O'KEEFE & KEVIN MURPHY
H. CHANDLER: CHANDLER: "I thought the desperado hung up his six-guns. Don't you trust him?" [MUSIC]
FLEMING: FLEMING : Veronica! Veronica! There you are. I need you girls in place for the assembly. assembly. VERONICA: VERONICA : Oh, right, this thing. Christ. FLEMING: FLEMING : Pedal to the metal, kids. Show a little hustle. MCNAMARA: MCNAMARA : I'm kinda looking forward to this. DUKE: Did DUKE: Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast? MCNAMARA: MCNAMARA : Sorry Heather. FLEMING: FLEMING: Hello Westerberg! [GO Westerberg! [GO ON]
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... Welcome to our special assembly. I want you to ignore the television cameras and the news crew. They're just here to do cument this significant monent: whether to kill yourself or not is one of the most important decisions a teenager can make. So you know what I'm gonna do right now? HIPSTER DORK: DORK: Kill yourself on stage? [GO ON]
Ó œ . œœ œ
FLEMING: FLEMING : That's not productive, Dwight. My senior thesis at Berkeley was on the subject of pediatric psychotherapeutic musicology musicology -- and it was terrifically well-regarded. well-regarded. So I speak with some authority when I tell you that the way to eliminate suicide is by first eliminating fear. [GO ON]