A great guide to what you need to know for your Grade 10 Science Exam! Divided into Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Climate!Full description
DepEd module of grade 10
CBSE class 10 questions science. helpfulFull description
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Notes for political science of class x (10) Of CBSEFull description
Grade 10 science 1st quarter test
Grade 10 Science 4th Quarter test
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BS CHE curriculum
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SUBJECT: Science
CONTENT STANDARDS: The Learners demonstrate an understanding of: earth&'a(e eicenters% and !o'ntain ran"es) The relationshi a!on" the locations o# $olcanoes% earth&'a(e *ER+OR,ANCE STANDARDS: The Learners should be able to:
De!onstrate -a.s to ens're disaster rearedness d'rin" earth&'a(es% ts'na!is% and $olcanic er'tions) S'""est -a.s /. -hich heshe can contri/'te to "o$ern!ent eorts in red'cin" da!a"e d'e to earth&'a(es% ts'na!is% and $olcanic er'tions)
LEARN3NG LEARN3NG OBJECT3VES CO,*ETENC3ES The Learners sho'ld /e The Learners sho'ld /e a/le to: a/le to:
70 ho'rs
1) Descri/e the distri/'tion o# acti$e $olcanoes% earth&'a(e eicenters% and !a8or !o'ntain /elts) 5) Descri/e the dierent t.es o# late /o'ndaries9
6) Elain the dierent rocesses that occ'r alon" the late /o'ndaries9
3denti#. -hat co!oses the internal str'ct're o# the Earth) Descri/e the t.es o# /o'ndaries created /eca'se o# lithosheric !o$e!ents) ,a(e 'se o# !as and "rahs in identi#.in" the connection o# $olcanoes to earth&'a(e;rone areas) Co!are and contrast
*re;Assess!ent *ict're Anal.sis Lect're Acti$it. 1: +indin" the Center Acti$it. Create a cross;-ord '<6 arts? Acti$it. 7: Goin" on a Searate -a. Acti$it. @: Slide and Sha(e Doodle 3t Acti$it. Acti$it. : Dro it li(e its 4ot Sot Diar. Role *la.
ASSESS,ENT +OR,AT3V E ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
*ret *retes estt D ia iar. Reo Reort rtin in" " 3n&' 3n&'ir ir. . O ra ral Recitation ,ini ,ini La/ La/ Reort ;;L Eit Eit Sli Sli C'/i C'/in" n" Gra Grahi hic c Or"ani
; La/orator. or(sheet ; Unit Test ; *eriodical Ea! ; Lon" &'i<
the dierent lines o# e$idence that s'orts late !o$e!ent)
7) Descri/e the internal str'ct're o# the Earth9
,a(e a concl'sion -ith re"ards to the la'si/ilit. o# each theor. o# late !o$e!ent /ased on e$idences)
@) Descri/e the ossi/le ca'ses o# late !o$e!ent9 and Desi"n a /roch're sellin" a real estate sa#e #ro! ossi/le ) En'!erate the lines Earth&'a(es% ts'na!is o# e$idence that and "eolo"ic acti$ities) s'ort late !o$e!ent
Create a Disaster rearedness (it and resent it to class