Sacred Geometry eBook

Sacred Geometry eBookDescripción completa...
Author:  almaurikanos

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Notes on Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is the geometry used in the planning and construction of religious structures such as churches, temples, mosques, religious monuments, altars, tabernacles; as well as for sacred spa...

Dr. YorkFull description

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By Francis Donald See the presentation atón completa

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Description : A New Sacred Geometry-Seth Miller

Psionics and Radionics and Sacred GeometryDescripción completa

Exploring the art and science of harmonics, John Oscar Lieben shows how to create harmonious forms using the ancient tools of number, geometry, and musical tone. He demonstrates many practical appl...

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For the class I'm teaching next monthFull description

A simple example on how to use the principles of Sacred geometry to bridge the gap between twin flames, and how to use the Zodiac to harmonize the energy of manifesting a more refined experi…Description complète

Psionics and Radionics and Sacred Geometry

Meditation on MetatronFull description

Exploring the art and science of harmonics, John Oscar Lieben shows how to create harmonious forms using the ancient tools of number, geometry, and musical tone. He demonstrates many practical appl...

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Robert Thomas - The Word Made Manifest Through Sacred Geometry

language and sacred geometryFull description