1. He is the the fathe fatherr of the the Philip Philippin pinee Army Army.. a. Lapu-Lapu c. Andre ndress Bon Bonifac facio b. Rajah Sulayman d. Emil Emilio io Auin uinal aldo do e. !. "urin "urin the the Pre-S Pre-Span panish ish #ccu #ccupat pation ion$$ the 1 st recorder re%olt &as on '''''''''''''' in (actan$ )ebu. a. !* April 1+ 1+!1 c. + (ay 1 1!1 b. !, April April 1+!1 d. !! /uly 1+ 1+!1 e. ,. 0he '''''' '''''''''' ''''''' ''' is is the start start of of the Phili Philippine ppine re%olt. re%olt. a. 0ejero jeross )on% )on%en enti tion on c. 0earin arin of Sedu Sedula la b. )ry at Puad-La&in d. "eath eath of Ria Riall f. 2. #n ''''''''' ''''''''''''$ '''$ the the 3atipunan 3atipunan &as establi established shed by Andres Andres Bonifaci Bonifacio. o. a. !4 Au 1*5 1*54 c. !* April 1+ 1+!1 b. + (ay 1+!1 d. * /uly 154! e. +. Philippine Philippine 6ndependen 6ndependence ce "ay is on ''''''''' ''''''''''''' '''''''' ''''.. a. * /u /uly 154! c. 4 /u /uly 1454 b. 1! /une 1545 d. 1! /u /uly 154! e. f. -*. -*. 7all 7all of Bata Bataan an8' 8''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' ''88 887a 7all ll of )orr )orre eid idor or8' 8''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '' a. 4 April pril 142! 142!99 (ay (ay 142 142! ! c. April pril 142 142!9 !9 4 (ay (ay 142 142! ! b. (ay 142!9 4 April 142! 142! d. 4 (ay (ay 142 142!9 !9 4 4 Apr April il 142 142! ! e. f. 5. 6n '' '''''$ the the :P R# R#0) uni unit &as &as fir first to re reconied at Pa Padre 7au 7auna )am )ampus$ :P "iliman$ ;.). a. 141 c. 14! b. 141! d. 14!! e. 4. 6t is is the the se< se
)hai )hain n of of )om )omm mande anders rs Heirarchy of #fficials #fficials
c. d.
1. 0he follo follo&in &in are the 2 (ajor (ajor Ser%ic Ser%ices es of the Arme Armed d 7orces 7orces of the Phili Philippi ppines nes e=cep e=ceptt one8
a. b.
Phil Philip ippi pin ne Airb Airbo orne rne Philippine >a%y
c. d.
)hain of )ommand Heir Heirar arch chy y of of )om )omma mand nder erss
Philippine Arm Army y Phil Philip ippi pine ne )ons )onsta tabu bula lary ry
e. f. MILITARY COURTESY AND DISCIPLINE DISCIPLIN E . 1. 6t is state state of order and and obedience obedience amon amon personne personnell in a military military orania oraniation tion.. h. a. (ilitary )ourtesy
i. b. )ooperation j. c. (ilitary "iscipline ?. d. (ilitary )ourtesy and "iscipline @ith '''''''''''$ e%erybody learn the sense of obliation to himself and to his roup$ to his superiors and to the entire oraniation &here he belons. l. a. (ilitary )ourtesy and "iscipline m. b. )ooperation n. c. )ourtesy o. d. "iscipline p. 0here are the acts of politeness$ ci%ility and respect that personnel in the military oraniation accord to one another. <. a. (ilitary )ourtesy r. b. (ilitary )ourtesy and "iscipline s. c. )ourtesy t. d. "iscipline u. 6t is the body of un&ritten or common la& of the armies$ na%ies$ and air forces. %. a. >ational "efense Act &. b. )ustom of the Ser%ice =. c. (ilitary )ourtesy and "iscipline y. d. (ilitary "iscipline . 0he term may be defined as the mental state and spirit of an indi%idual or unit. aa. a. (ilitary )ourtesy and "iscipline ab. b. "inity ac. c. (orale ad. d. (ilitary "iscipline ae. 6t is the ability to accomplish successfully an assined tas? in the shortest possible time &ith the least confusion. af. a. (orale a. b. Efficiency ah. c. Responsibility ai. d. "iscipline aj. 6t is particularly important in military operations &here its presence or lac? of it may spell the difference bet&een %ictory and defeat. a?. a. Efficiency al. b. 0eam&or? am. c. "iscipline an. d. Sportsmanship ao. 6t is the most important and the most common form of all the military courtesies. ap. a. Salute a<. b. (ilitary )ourtesy ar. c. (ilitary "iscipline as. d. Proper Attention at. 0he follo&in are entitled to salute e=cept one8 au. a. )ommissioned and >on-)ommissioned #fficers of A7P
a%. b. )ommissioned #fficers of the Armed 7orces of Allied >ations a&. c. )i%ilian Hih #fficials a=. d. )olors and Standards ay. 1. All are acts &hen >#0 to salute e=cept one8 a. ba. bb. bc.
a. @hen in ran?s b. After con%ersin &ith an officer c. @hen meetin a prisoner d. 6ndoors$ e=cept &hen reportin to an officer
bd. Firt Aid be.
1. 0he assistance i%en to any person sufferin a sudden illness or injury. a. )PR c. Bandae b. 7irst Aid d. )all for Response 0eam e. !. )PR stands for a. )ancel Pantin of Respiratory c. )an Properly Re%i%e b. )ardiac-pulse Restoration d. )ardiopulmonary Resuscitation f. ,. 6t is a &ay of transferrin a %ictim &ithout assistance. a. Assist to &al? c. Hammoc? carry b. )hair carry d. t&o-handed seat e. 2. ou sa& a %ictim lyin in the round$ &hat is the first thin that you &ill do a. )hec? the %ictim c. Apply )PR to the %ictim b. )hec? the scene for safety d. Run a&ay from the %ictim c. +.
0he follo&in are the procedures in applyin )PR$ e=cept8 a. )lip the nose of the %ictim b. Seal your mouth tihtly around the %ictimCs mouth c. 0ilt the %ictimCs head up&ard d. 0ap the shoulder of the %ictim forcedly to brin bac? consciousness
. @hat &ill you use in bandain the injured joint a. 7iure-of-eiht bandae b. Spiral bandae e. *. ou canDt apply bandain to a. 6njuries &ith splint b. 6njured joint
c. Spiral re%erse bandae d. )ircular bandae
c. 0ooth decay d. Head injury
e. 5. 6n applyin )PR to small childreninfants$ you must not8 a. 0ilt the head of the infant %ictim same as the tiltin of the adult %ictim
b. Seal both mouth and nose of the %ictim c. Blo& into the %ictim &ith less pressure F %olume d. )hest compressions to the %ictim usin ! or , finers 4. )PR is not applicable to a. Adults b. infants c. fish d. )hildren f. 1. 6t is used to hold a &ound dressin or splint in place a. Supporter b. Stretcher c. Rope d. Bandae . h. SI!NAL COMMUNICATION 1. 6t is the most commonly used type of communication a. Gisual )ommunication c. 0elecommunication b. Radio )ommunication d. Sound )ommunication !. A roup of se%eral stations &or?in toether on a same freet c. >et )all Sin b. )all Sin d. 6ndi%idual )all Sin ,. All are old used methods in communicatin e=cept a. 0rained Animals c. (essener b. .Sound )ommunication d. (ail 2. A combination of pronounceable &ords that identifies the facility a. Radio >et c. >et )all Sin b. )all Sin d. 6ndi%idual )all Sin +. 6t means that the transmission has ended and is e=pectin a response from you a. #%er c. #ut b. Roer d. Brea? - Brea? . 6t means that the last messae &as recei%ed satisfactorily a. #%er c. #ut b. Roer d. Brea?- Brea? *. 6t means that the transaction has ended and no response is e=pected a. #%er c. #ut b. Roer d. Brea? - Brea? 5. 6t means to stop con%ersation and allo& to transmit urent messae a. #%er c. #ut b. Roer d. Brea? Brea? 4. 6t identifies a sinle call in a net a. Radio >et c. >et )all Sin b. )all Sin d. 6ndi%idual )all Sin 1. @hich of the follo&in mismatched a. @ @ine c. ( (i?e b. : :niform d. I I-ray i. INTERIOR !UARD DUTY ". 1. He pro%ides sentinel for security and prescribe reulation and special orders of the uard a. )ommandin #fficer c. #fficer of the day b. 7ield officer of the day d. Sereant of the Juard !. He is responsible for the performance of the uard and protect life and property in case of alarm a. )ommandin #fficer c. #fficer of the day b. 7ield officer of the day d. Sereant of the Juard
,. He is the representati%e of the commandin officer and conducts inspection for details a. )ommandin officer c. #fficer of the day b. 7ield officer of the day d. Sereant of the Juard ?. 2. 6t is a type of order &hich applies to all sentinels a. Jeneral #rders c. )ommon #rders b. Special #rders d. >one of these +. A type of order &hich applies to particular posts and duties a. Jeneral #rders c. )ommon #rders b. Special #rders d. >one of these . K0o tal? to no one e=cept in line of duty is the Jeneral #rder number '' a. c. 5 b. * d. 4 *. K0o report all %iolation of orders 6 am instructed to enforce is the Jeneral #rder number '' a. , c. + b. 2 d. 5. 6t employs %isual tric?ery l. a. )amouflain c. )o%er m. b. )oncealment d. >one of these 4. 6t is a natural or artificial protection from e%ery fire a. )amouflain c. )o%er b. )oncealment d. >one of these 1. 6t is a natural or artificial protection from obser%ation a. )amouflain c. )o%er b. )oncealment d. >one of these n. o. p. <. r. s. t. u. %. &. =. y. . aa. ab. ac. ad. a. ah. ai.
S#r$i$a%& E'a(e& and E$aion
1. 7reein oneDs self after bein captured from the enemy is called an act of ''''''. a. E%asion b. Brea? out c. Escape d. Self-"efence !. @hen captured by the enemy$ a soldier is %ested by the follo&in duties e=cept for one a. 0o assume leadership b. 0o resist interroation c. 0o resist orders from fello& capti%es d. 0o fiht any&here and destroy the enemy camp ,. @hich of these are edible a. Sna?e es b. Bird es c. All of the abo%e d. >one of the abo%e
2. @hich part of the animal do you ha%e to remo%e before coo?in it a. 6n trails b. Bones c. All of the abo%e d. >one of the abo%e +. @hat does the KS ?ey&ord in sur%i%al stand for a. Sa%e resources ae. c. See? help b. Sie up the situation af. d. Search for resources . Stayin out of enemy lines is considered an act of '''''''. a. Stealth b. E%asion c. Escape d. Self-"efence *. @hich of the follo&in is a psycholoical condition that a person needs to o%ercome in order to sur%i%e aj. a. 7ear of the un?no&n a?. b. 7ear of dar?ness
al. c. All of the abo%e am. d. >one of the abo%e an. 5. @hich of the follo&in isnDt a factor that decides if you sur%i%e ao. a. )rash landin b. Enemy encounter c. Ship &rec? d. Lost patrol ap. 4. @hich of the follo&in isnDt a principle of e%asion a<. a. :se your firearms as much as possible ar. b. "rop your eone of the abo%e au. 1. A necessary instinct that man needs to o%ercome any daner or death a%. a. 7ear b. Strenth c. @ill po&er d. Sur%i%al a&. a). Ma( Reading ay. 1. 6t is a raphical representation of a portion of the earthDs surface dra&n to scale$ as seen from abo%e. a. a. Jlobe b. (ap c. >a%iation chart d. P"A ba. !. (aps &ith scales that rane from 181$$ to 18*+$ bb. a. (edium maps b. Small maps c. Lare maps d. E=tra lare maps bc. ,. A ?ind of map that portrays terrain features in a measurable &ay bd. a. 0errain (odel b. 0oporaphic c. Planimetric d. Photomosaic be. 2. A ?ind of map that consists of an assembly of aerial photoraphs bf. a. Photo b. Aerial c. Photomosaic d. /oint operations raphics b. +. @hat color is used in a military map that indicates cultural features such as population bh. a. Blac? b. Red-Bro&n c. Jreen d. Red bi. . @hat color is used in a military map to indicate man-made cultural features such as buildins bj. a. Blac? b. Red-Bro&n c. Jreen d.Red b?. *. 6n the army military rid reference system$ &hat is the eneral rule of readin coordinates bl. a. Riht and do&n b. Left and do&n c. Riht and up d. Left and up bm. 5. 6s a horiontal anle measured cloc?&ise from a north base line bn. a. Base line anle b. Aimuth c. Hih point d. Lo& Point bo. 4. 6s the method of locatin oneCs position on a map by determinin the rid aimuth to at least t&o &ell-defined locations that can be pinpointed on the map bp. a. Polar )oordinates b. Resection c. (odified resection d. #rientation b<. 1. 6s the type of compass that is defined to be the most common and simplest instrument used for measurin direction br. a. (anetic compass bs. b. @ristPoc?et )ompass bt. c. artillery (! )ompass bu. d. Lensatic )ompass b%. b*. M+, b). by. 1. Ho& many parts does the (1 rifle ha%e b. a. 1 ca. b. !
c. , cc. d. 2 !. 6t occurs &hen the firin pin stri?es the primer of the cartride. a. 7irin c. c. )oc?in b. Ejectin ch. d. Loc?in ,. Returnin the firin mechanism to coc? position. a. 7irin cl. c. )oc?in b. Ejectin cm. d. Loc?in 2. sealin the cartride in the chamber a. 7irin c<. c. )oc?in b. Ejectin cr. d. Loc?in +. Remo%in the empty cartride from the &eapon a. 7irin c%. c. )oc?in b. Ejectin c&. d. Loc?in . Placin the cartride in the recei%er a. feedin da. c. e=tractin b. Ejectin db. d. Loc?in *. :nsealin the breach of barrel a. unloc?in df. c. chamberin b. Ejectin d. d. Loc?in 5. 0hese are the functionin of the (1$ e=cept a. (aaine fed d?. c. air cooled b. Jas operated dl. d. hand-carry &eapon
dm. 4. 6n handlin a &eapon you must dn. a. thro& to the round do. b. not point to someonesomethin youDre not ready to destroy dp. c. ?eep your finer in the trier d<. d. not clean the &eapon dr. 1. the first thin to do in the disassembly of (1 ds. a. remo%e the slin dt. b. remo%e the maaine du. c. point the le%el selector to Ksafe position d%. d. et the bolt dw.