DRILLING Maersk Drilling suppors global oil and gas producion by providing high-efficiency drilling services o oil companies around he world. We command an exensive and echnologically advanced flee of six harsh environmen jack-up rigs, wo ��� f premium jack-up rigs, four ��� f high efficiency jack-up rigs, a semi-submersible, hree ulra deepwaer developmen semi-submersibles and en canilevered drilling barges. And o expand our capacit worldwide, we will add wo highly advanced harsh environmen jack-up rigs and four ulra deepwaer drillships o our flee in ���� and ����. A POWERFUL FLEET We are a leader in he Nor h Sea, where we operae he world’s larges and mos advanced harsh environmen jack-up rigs a waer dephs up o ��� m. Highly auomaed, hese provide safe working condiions for our crew and increased drilling efficiency for our cusomers. We have operaed jack-up rigs for close o �� years, including ��� & ��� f jack-ups in areas such as Souheas Asia, Ausralia, he Medierranean, he Middle Eas and he Gulf of Mexico.
We are also experienced in he ulra deepwaer marke and our highly advanced deepwaer developmen semi-submersibles are capable of operaing in waer up o �,��� m deep. Our deepwaer semi-submersibles offer bo h flexibilit and efficiency o our cusomers.
Egypian Drilling Company – a join venure wih Egypian General Peroleum Corporaion – owns and operaes a flee of more han �� land rigs and � jack-up rigs in he Middle Eas. CUTTING-EDGE ENGINEERING Maersk Drilling is srongly focused on advanced engineering. Our in-house engineering depar men develops newbuildings and modifies exising rigs, ensuring ha our equipmen delivers exacly wha our cusomers need. Our experise covers many drilling areas, f rom high pressure and high emperaure drilling o echnical limi drilling – and we remain a he foref ron of echnological advances, coninually delivering indusry -leading efficiency. SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Our deeply embedded safet culure akes a zero-olerance approach o accidens. We have an array of measures in place o safeguard our people and our operaions, o proec he environmen and ensure compliance wih applicable regulaions – covering everyhing from he way we work a sea o he design of our equipmen and vessels.
To see our full range of vessels and services, go o www.maerskdrilling.com
XL Enhanced �
MSC C J��-X���MD
Year of Consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load XY canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� De norske Verias Norh Sea ��.� m x ���.� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ���.� m (��� f) ��� m (��� f) ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� including hook load ��.� m x ��.� m (��� f x ��.� f) � each �,��� kW diesel engines ��,��� psi NOV OC���� ��,��� PSI �,���,��� lb (hook load saic) NOV SSGD, ���� HP wih five AC moors NOV HPS-�� � NOV ��-P-��� ��� m� (�,��� f �) ��� m� (�,��� f �) Mud pi �,��� m�, holding ��� m�, slurr y ��� m� ��� people in one-man cabins
XL Enhanced �
MSC C J��-X���MD
Year of Consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load XY canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� De norske Verias Norh Sea ��.� m x ���.� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ���.� m (��� f) ��� m (��� f) ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� including hook load ��.� m x ��.� m (��� f x ��.� f) � each �,��� kW diesel engines ��,��� psi NOV OC���� ��,��� PSI �,���,��� lb (hook load saic) NOV SSGD, ���� HP wih five AC moors NOV HPS-�� � NOV ��-P-��� ��� m� (�,��� f �) ��� m� (�,��� f �) Mud pi �,��� m�, holding ��� m�, slurr y ��� m� ��� people in one-man cabins
XL Enhanced �
MSC C J��-X���MD
Year of Consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load XY canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� De norske Verias Norh Sea ��.� m x ���.� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ���.� m (��� f) ��� m (��� f) ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� including hook load ��.� m x ��.� m (��� f x ��.� f) TBA kW �.� kV, ��� V, ��� V & ��� V @ �� Hz ��,��� psi NOV OC���� ��,��� PSI �,���,��� lb (hook load saic) NOV SSGD, ���� HP wih five AC moors NOV HPS-�� � NOV ��-P-��� ��� m� (�,��� f �) ��� m� (�,� �� f �) Mud pi �,��� m�, holding ��� m�, slurry ��� m� ��� people in one-man cabins
Mærsk Inspirer
MSC CJ��-��� MC
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load XY canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� De norske Verias Norh Sea ��.� m x ���.� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ���.� m (��� f) ��� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� including hook load ��.� m x �� m (��� f x ��.� f) � MAN-B&W Holeby �L��/�� ��,��� psi � Kenz EHC ���/���� OS ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � Varco AHS-��Q, �,��� hp � Varco TDS-�SA � Wirh TPK ����, � Wirh TPK ��� ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl, holding �,��� bbl, slurr y �,��� bbl ��� people
Mærsk Innovator
MSC CJ��-��� MC
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load XY canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� De norske Verias Norh Sea ��.� m x ���.� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ���.� m (��� f) ��� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� including hook load ��.� m x �� m (��.� f x ��.� f) � MAN-B&W Holeby �L��/�� ��,��� psi � Kenz EHC ���/���� OS ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � Varco AHS-��Q, �,��� hp � Varco TDS-�SA � Wirh TPK ����, � Wirh TPK ��� ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl, holding �,��� bbl, slurr y �,��� bbl ��� people
Mærsk Gallant
MSC CJ��-���
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� Lloyd’s Regiser of Shipping Norh Sea ��.� m x ��.� m x ��.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ���.� m (��� f) ��� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load ��.� m x �.� m x �.� m (��.� f x �� f x �� f) � Caerpillar ���� DITA ��,��� psi hp/h � Liebherr BOS ��/����, � BOS ��/��� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � LTV Emsco C-�, tpe II, �,��� hp � Varco TDS-�S � Emsco FC-���� riple x pumps ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl, slurr y �,��� bbl ��� people
Mærsk Giant
Year of consruc ion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Draww orks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� De norske Verias Norh Sea ��.� m x �� m x �.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ��� m (��� f) ��� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load ��.� m x � m x � m (�� f x �� f x �� f) � Caerpill ar ���� DITA ��,��� psi � Naional Oilwell OS ���, � NOV-MOLDE OC���� � NOV-MOLDE OC���� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � Naional ����-UE, �,��� hp � Varco TDS-�S � Naional Oilwell ��-P-��� ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl ��� people
Maersk Guardian
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� Lloyd’s Regiser of Shipping Norh Sea ��.� m x �� m x �,� m / ��� f x ��� f x �� f ��� m (��� f) ��� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load ��.� m x � m x � m (�� f x �� f x �� f) � Caerpillar ���� DITA ��,��� psi � Naional Oilwell OC ����, � OC ����, � OS ��� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � Naional ����-UE, �,��� hp � Varco TDS-�S � Naional Oilwell ��-P-��� ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl ��� people
Maersk Endurer
BMC ���
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
����, convered ���� American Bureau of Shipping Norh Sea ��.� m x ��.� m x �.� m / ��� f x ��� f x �� f ��� m (��� f) ���.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load ��.� m x �.� m x �.� m (�� f x �� f x �� f) � Wärsilä SACM W��� ��,��� psi � Dreco �� DNS ��� f, capacit ��.� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � Emsco C-� tpe II, �,��� hp � Varco TDS-�S � Emsco FC-����, �,��� psi ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl �� people
Maersk Completer
Baker Pacific Class ���
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Gross nominal capacit of derrick Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping. Worldwide ��m x ��m x �,� m / ��� f x ��� f x �� f ��� m (��� f) (incl. spudcan) ���,� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� ��,� m x �,� m (�� f / �� f) � x �,��� KVA ��,��� psi � ea �� , � ea �� & � ea �� ��,��� psi �,���,��� lb � AC moors, �,��� hp Coninuous orque ��,��� @ �� o/min � mud pumps, �,��� psi, �,��� hp ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl / ��� m³ ��� people
Maersk Convincer
Baker Pacific Class ���
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Gross nominal capacit of derrick Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping. Worldwide ��m x ��m x �,� m / ��� f x ��� f x �� f ��� m (��� f) (incl. spudcan) ���,� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� ��,� m x �,� m (�� f / �� f) � x �,��� KVA ��,��� psi � ea �� , � ea �� & � ea �� ��,��� psi �,���,��� lb � AC moors, �,��� hp Coninuous orque ��,��� @ �� o/min � mud pumps, �,��� psi, �,��� hp ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl / ��� m³ ��� people
Maersk Resilient
MSC CJ��-X��� MC
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load XY canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capaciit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Worldwide incl. cenral Norh Sea �� m x �� m x �.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ��� m (��� f) ���.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load ��.� m x ��.� m (�� f x �� f) � o �� kW ��,��� psi � ea �� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � AC moors, �,��� hp AC coninuous orque ��,��� f .lb. � mud pumps, �,��� psi, �,��� hp ��� m³ (��,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl ��� people
Maersk Resolute
MSC CJ��-X��� MC
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load XY canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Worldwide incl. souhern Norh Sea �� m x �� m x �.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ��� m (��� f) ���.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load ��.� m x ��.� m (�� f x �� f) � o �� kW ��,��� psi � ea �� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � AC moors, �,��� hp AC coninuous orque ��,��� f .lb. � mud pumps, �,��� psi, �,��� hp ��� m³ (��,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl ��� people
Maersk Resolve
MSC CJ��-X��� MC
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load XY canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Worldwide incl. souhern Norh Sea �� m x �� m x �.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ��� m (��� f) ���.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load ��.� m x ��.� m (�� f x �� f) �.�� MW ��,��� psi � ea �� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � AC moors, �,��� hp AC coninuous orque ��,��� f .lb. � mud pumps, �,��� psi, �,��� hp ��� m³ (��,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl ��� people
Maersk Reacher
MSC CJ��-X��� MC
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Lengh of legs Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load XY canilever reach Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Worldwide incl. Norway and cenral Norh Sea �� m x �� m x �.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ���.� m (��� f) ���.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load ��.� m x ��.� m (�� f x �� f) �.�� MW ��,��� psi � ea �� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb (saic hook load) � AC moors, �,��� hp AC coninuous orque ��,��� f .lb. � mud pumps, �,��� psi, �,��� hp ��� m³ (��,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl ��� people
Heydar Aliyev
DSS ��-CAS -M, column stabilised moored semi-submersible
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes
Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Caspian Sea ��.� m x ��.� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x ��� f) �� o �,��� m (��� o �,��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load Wärsilä ��V���, � x �,��� kW ��,��� psi � ea �� m (��� f) boom, �� � ea �� m (��� f) boom, �� � ea knuckle-boom ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb � Naional Oilwell ����, �,��� hp ����-UPREL � Naional Oilwell PS�-����, �,��� hp � Wirh �,��� hp, �,��� psi ��� m³ (��,��� f³) ��� m³ (��,��� f³) �,��� bbl + holding �,��� bbl ��� people
Mærsk Developer
DPS�/M, column stabilised dynamically positioned semi-submersible
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Waer dephs up o �,��� m (��,��� f) ��� m x �� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x ��� f) �� - �,��� m (��� - ��,��� f) min. ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� Wärsila ��V��, � x �,��� kW ��,��� psi, �� ¾" BOP; six cavit BOP sack � ea �� m (��� f) boom, �� � ea �� m (��� f) boom, ��� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb �,��� hp �,��� hp � x �,��� hp, �,��� psi � x ��� m³ (� x �,��� f³) � x ��� m³ (� x �,��� f³) ��,��� bbl ��� people
Maersk Discoverer
DPS�/M, column stabilised dynamically positioned semi-submersible
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Waer dephs up o �,��� m (��,��� f) ��� m x �� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x ��� f) �� - �,��� m (��� - ��,��� f) min. ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� Wärsila ��V��, � x �,��� kW ��,��� psi, �� ¾” BOP; six cavit BOP sack � ea �� m (��� f) boom, �� � ea �� m (��� f) boom, ��� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb �,��� hp �,��� hp � x �,��� hp, �,��� psi � x ��� m³ (� x �,��� f³) � x ��� m³ (� x �,��� f³) ��,��� bbl ��� people
Mærsk Deliverer
DPS�/M, c olumn stabilised dynamically positioned semi-submersible
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Waer dephs up o �,��� m (��,��� f) ��� m x �� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x ��� f) �� - �,��� m (��� - ��,��� f) min. ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� Wärsila ��V��, � x �,��� kW ��,��� psi, �� ¾” BOP; six cavit BOP sack � ea �� m (��� f) boom, �� � ea �� m (��� f) boom, ��� ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb �,��� hp �,��� hp � x �,��� hp, �,��� psi � x ��� m³ (� x �,��� f³) � x ��� m³ (� x �,��� f³) ��,��� bbl ��� people
Deepwater Advanced �
Samsung ��K drillship
Year of Consrucion Class Work area Operaing draugh Transi draugh Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Propulsion Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Waer dephs up o �,��� m (��,��� f) �� m (�� f) �.� m (�� f) ��� m x �� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� � x �,��� kW diesel generaors � x �,��� kW azimuh hrusers ��,��� psi, �� ¾” BOP; six cavit BOP sack � x knuckle boom cranes, �� SWL a �� m (�� f), �� a ��.� m (��� f) ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb �,��� hp � x �,��� hp � x �,��� hp, �,��� psi � x ��� m� � x ��� m� Ac ive ��� m� (�,��� bbl) Reser ve ��� m� (�,��� bbl) ��� people
Deepwater Advanced �
Samsung ��K drillship
Year of Consrucion Class Work area Operaing draugh Transi draugh Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Propulsion Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Waer dephs up o �,��� m (��,��� f) �� m (�� f) �.� m (�� f) ��� m x �� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� � x �,��� kW diesel generaors � x �,��� kW azimuh hrusers ��,��� psi, �� ¾” BOP; six cavit BOP sack � x knuckle boom cranes, �� SWL a �� m (�� f), �� a ��.� m (��� f) ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb �,��� hp � x �,��� hp � x �,��� hp, �,��� psi � x ��� m� � x ��� m� Ac ive ��� m� (�,��� bbl) Reser ve ��� m� (�,��� bbl) ��� people
Deepwater Advanced �
Samsung ��K drillship
Year of Consrucion Class Work area Operaing draugh Transi draugh Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Propulsion Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Waer dephs up o �,��� m (��,��� f) �� m (�� f) �.� m (�� f) ��� m x �� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� � x �,��� kW diesel generaors � x �,��� kW azimuh hrusers ��,��� psi, �� ¾” BOP; six cavit BOP sack � x knuckle boom cranes, �� SWL a �� m (�� f), �� a ��.� m (��� f) ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb �,��� hp � x �,��� hp � x �,��� hp, �,��� psi � x ��� m� � x ��� m� Ac ive ��� m� (�,��� bbl) Reser ve ��� m� (�,��� bbl) ��� people
Deepwater Advanced �
Samsung ��K drillship
Year of Consrucion Class Work area Operaing draugh Transi draugh Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Propulsion Well conrol equipmen Cranes Cemen pump Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Top drive Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Waer dephs up o �,��� m (��,��� f) �� m (�� f) �.� m (�� f) ��� m x �� m x �� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� m (��,��� f) ��,��� � x �,��� kW diesel generaors � x �,��� kW azimuh hrusers ��,��� psi, �� ¾” BOP; six cavit BOP sack � x knuckle boom cranes, �� SWL a �� m (�� f), �� a ��.� m (��� f) ��,��� psi (on free placemen) �,���,��� lb �,��� hp � x �,��� hp � x �,��� hp, �,��� psi � x ��� m� � x ��� m� Ac ive ��� m� (�,��� bbl) Reser ve ��� m� (�,��� bbl) ��� people
Maersk Pioneer
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela �� m x ��.� m x �.� m (��� f x �� f x �� f) ��.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load � Caerpillar ���� DITA �,��� psi � Nauilus ���L-��� �,���,��� lb � Naional Oilwell ����-UE � Naional Oilwell ��-P-��� ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl �� people
Maersk Pathfinder
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela �� m x ��.� m x �.� m (��� f x �� f x �� f) ��.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load � Caerpillar ���� DITA �,��� psi � Nauilus ���L-��� �,���,��� lb � Naional Oilwell ����-UE � Naional Oilwell ��-P-��� ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl �� people
Maersk Rig ��
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
����, rebuil ���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela ��.� m x ��.� m x �.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ��.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load � Caerpillar D-���, � Caerpillar D-��� ��,��� psi � Seaking ��.� , � Nauilus �� �,���,��� lb � Naional Oilwell E-����, �,��� hp � Naional Oilwell A-����-PT �� m³ (�,��� f³) �� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl �� people
Maersk Rig ��
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela �� m x ��.� m x �.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) �� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� � Caerpillar D-����B, �,��� hp �,��� psi � Dreco �� �,���,��� lbs Naional ����-UE, �,��� hp � Naional ��-P-���, riplex, �,��� HP ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� bbl �� people
Maersk Rig ��
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela �� m x ��.� m x �.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) �� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� � Caerpillar D-����B, �,��� hp �,��� psi � Dreco �� �,���,��� lb Naional ����-UE, �,��� hp � Naional ��-P-���, riple x, �,��� HP ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� bbl �� people
Maersk Rig ��
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela �� m x �� m x �.� m (��� f x �� f x �� f) �� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� � Caerpil lar D-����B, �,��� hp �,��� psi � Dreco �� �,���,��� lb �,��� hp � ea �,��� hp �� m³ (�,��� f³) �� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� bbl³ �� people
Maersk Rig ��
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Bulk cemen capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela �� m x �� m x �.� m (��� f x �� f x �� f) �� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� � Caerpil lar D-����B, �,��� hp �,��� psi � Dreco �� �,���,��� lb �,��� hp � ea �,��� hp �� m³ (�,��� f³) �� m³ (�,��� f³) ��� bbl (�,��� f³) �� people
Maersk Rig ��
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
����, rebuil ���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela ��.� m x ��.� m x �.� m (��� f x ��� f x �� f) ��.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load � Caerpillar D-��� ��,��� psi � Seaking ��.� , � Nauilus �� �,���,��� lb � Naional Oilwell ����-UE, �,��� hp � Naional Oilwell ��-P-��� �� m³ (�,��� f³) �,��� bbl �� people
Maersk Rig ��
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela �� m x ��.� m x �.� m (��� f x �� f x �� f) ��.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load � Caerpil lar ���� DITA �,��� psi � Nauilus ���L�-���, �� ���,��� lb � Naional Oilwell E-����-UBD, �,��� hp � Naional Oilwell A-���� PT �,��� sacks �,��� bbl �� people
Maersk Rig ��
Cantilever drilling barge
Year of consrucion Class Work area Hull dimension Raed waer deph Raed drilling deph Variable load Power supply Well conrol equipmen Cranes Hoising equipmen capacit Drawworks Mud pumps Bulk mud capacit Liquid mud capacit Accommodaion
���� American Bureau of Shipping Venezuela �� m x ��.� m x �.� m (��� f x �� f x �� f) ��.� m (��� f) �,��� m (��,��� f) �,��� including hook load � Caerpil lar ���� DITA �,��� psi � Nauilus ���L�-���, �� ���,��� lb � Naional Oilwell E-����-UBD, �,��� hp � Naional Oilwell A-���� PT �,��� sacks �,��� bbl �� people
A work in he rough condiions in he Norh Sea. MÆRSK INSPIRER is one of wo idenical ulra harsh environmen jack-up drilling rigs in Maersk Drilling’s flee, claiming he ile of he World’s larges and mos advanced drilling rig.
Rig top view showing principle dimensions
Rig side view showing principle dimensions
Head offi ce: Maersk Drilling ��, Esplanaden ���� Copenhagen K Denmark
elephone: +�� ���� ���� elefax: +�� ���� ���� E-mail:
[email protected] www.maerskdrilling.com
Maersk Drilling, Esbjerg �, Kanalen P.O. Box ��� ���� Esbjerg Denmark
elephone: +�� �� �� �� �� elefax: +�� �� �� �� ��
www.maerskdrilling.com www.facebook.com/MaerskDrilling
Maersk Drilling, Venezuela Edifi cio MCVSA Muelle erminales Maracaibo Las Morochas Esado Zulia Venezuela
Maersk Drilling Services A/S, Brunei Brunei Branch Lo ���� Simpang ��, Sungai Duhon Ligh Indusrial Area Kuala Belai KA���� Negara Brunei Darussalam
elephone: +�� ��� ������� elefax: +�� ��� �������
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Maersk Drilling Ausralia Pt Ld Level �, � Preson Sree Como, WA ���� Ausralia
Maersk Drilling Holdings Singapore Pe Ld Jan Holm, Managing Direcor ��� Canonmen Road # ��-�� Souhpoin Singapore ������ Singapore elephone: +�� ���� ���� elefax: +�� ���� ����
[email protected]
Maersk Drilling UK Ld. Cit Wharf Shiprow Aberdeen AB�� �BY Unied Kingdom
elephone: +�� ���� ������ elefax: +�� ���� ������
elephone: +�� � ���� ���� elefax: +�� � ���� ���� E-mail: per
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Maersk Drilling Norge AS Chrisian Augus Torings veg � P.O. Box ��� Forus ���� Savanger Norway
elephone: +�� �� �� �� �� elefax: +�� �� �� �� ��
Maersk Drilling USA Inc. ���� Cit Wes Boulevard Suie ���� Houson exas ����� USA
Maersk Drilling Services Singapore Pe Ld, Cameroon Branch ���, Vallee des Minisres Douala Bonanjo PO Box ����� Douala Cameroon
elephone: +� ��� ��� ���� elefax: +� ��� ��� ����
[email protected] E-mail: hous
[email protected] Maersk Drilling, Baku �h Floor ISR Plaza Business Cener �� Nizami Sree Baku AZ���� Azerbaijan
elephone: +��� �� ������� elefax: +��� �� ������� E-mail:
[email protected]
February ����
Maersk Drilling HBA, LDA. ensai Business Cener, �s floor, LuandaSouh, alaona Secor, Zone CS�, Gleba GU��, Municipio Samba, Provincia Luanda. PO Box ���� Luanda, Angola