A Project Report On
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Shivam Baronia
Electrical Engineering
Electrical 3rd year 6th semester
Contents 1. In Intr trod odc cti tion on!! "ase "aserr sec secri rity ty sys syste tem m #. $omponents 3. I$ 555 %. B$ 5% 5%& '( '(' )ransistor 5. $olor $ode *esisto tor r 6. $apacitors &. "ig igh ht Depende den nt *esi sist sto or 8. +aria,le *e *esistor 9. -or rin ing g o/ o/ "as "aser er Se Sec cri rity ty Sy Syst stem em 10.. d 10 dva vant ntag ages es 11. *e *e/e /ere renc nces es
Ackno!ed"ement This project consumed huge amount of work, research and dedication. Still, implementation would not have been possible if we did not have a support of many individuals and organizations. Therefore Therefore we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all of them. First of all we are thankful to adhav !nstitute "f Technology #nd Science for their financial and logistical support and for providing necessary guidance concerning projects implementation. $e are also grateful grateful to %lectrical %lectrical %ngineering %ngineering &epartment, adhav adhav !nstitute !nstitute "f Technology #nd Science for provision of expertise, and technical support in the implementation. implement ation. $ithout their superior knowledge and experience, the 'roject would like in (uality of outcomes, and thus their support has been essential. )evertheless, we express our gratitude toward our families and colleagues for their kind )evertheless, co*operation and encouragement which help us in completion of this project.
L#ser Security System -ireless secrity systems can ,e easily controlla,le throgh a ireless remote or remote or a toch tone phone /rom any place. 2ere main components o/ the laser secrity system are in/rared motion sensors and sensors and a ,asic alarm nit. It ors ,ased on heat detection /rom a persons ,ody in case o/ any secrity /alt. Based on this alarm nit is triggered triggered.. )he system alerts the secrity monitoring person and the local la en/orcement ,ody i/ re4ired. t the same time a high pitched sond also sirens. )here are to types o/ laser ,eams are availa,le green and in/rared modles. System via an in/rared modle ill ,e not visi,le. nother ,eam lie green old ,e visi,le to the naed eye and serve as a deterrent prpose.
"aser Secrity System "ocs -oring long -ith $ircit Diagram "aser door alarm is ,ased on the interrption o/ "aser ,eam. )he laser pointer is sed as the sorce o/ light ,eam. I/ some,ody tries to ,rea the laser path then an alarm ill ,e generated in a /e seconds. 'ormally laser door alarm circit ill have to sections. irst one laser transmitter is a laser pointer readily availa,le. )his is poered ith 3 volt D$ spply and /i7ed on one side o/ the door /rame. )he receiver ill have a (hoto transistor at the /ront end. -e se "1%1 '(' Darlington photo transistor as transistor as a laser sensor. 2ere I$1 is sed as a voltage comparator ith its inverting inpt tied to a potential divider *#!*3. -e se the inverting inpt to eep at hal/ spply voltage.
$#sics o% # L#ser Security System 1.
)hese are ire!ess security systems that can easily ,e controlled throgh a ireless remote or a toch tone phone /rom any location.
)he vit )he vital al co comp mpon onen ents ts o/ th the e las laser er sy syst stem em ar are e in%r#red motion sensors and a ,asic #!#rm unit .
)he in )he in/r /rar ared ed mo moti tion on se sens nsor or or ors s ,as ased ed on &e#t detection /rom a persons ,ody in case o/ any secrity ,reach.
S,s S ,se e4 4en entl tly y the the al alar arm m ni nitt is tr trig igge gere red d o// o//..
It alerts the security monitorin" comp#ny and the local la en/orcement ,ody.
Sim Si mlt ltan aneo eos sly ly a hig high h pit pitch ched ed so son nd d als also o sir siren ens s o// o//..
)o ) o type types s o/ o/ las laser er ,e ,eams ams are av avail aila, a,le le gree green n and and in/ in/rar rared ed mod modl les. es.
)he secrity system via an in%r#red modle ill ,e nseen.
)he "reen !#ser ,eams ,eams old ,e visi,le to naed eye and serve as a deterrent to a potential intrder.
IC ''' I$ 555 timer is is a ell!non component in the electronic circles ,t hat is not non to most o/ the people is the internal circitry o/ the I$ and the /nction o/ varios pins present there in the I$. "et me tell yo a %#ct #bout &y ''' timer is c#!!ed so the timer got its name /rom the three 5 ilo!ohm resistor in series employed in the internal circit o/ the I$. I$ 555 timer is a one o/ the most idely sed I$ in electronics and is sed in varios electronic circits /or its ro,st and sta,le properties. It ors as s4are!ave /orm generator ith dty cycle varying /rom 50 to 100 :scillator and can also provide time delay in circits. )he 555 timer got its name /rom the three 5 ohm resistor connected in a voltage!divider pattern hich is shon in the /igre ,elo. simpli/ied diagram o/ the internal circit is given ,elo /or ,etter nderstanding nderstanding as the /ll internal circit consists o/ over more than 16 resistors #0 transistors # diodes a /lip!/lop and many other circit components. )he 555 timer comes as 8 pin DI( ;Dal In!line (acage< device. )here is also a 556 dal version o/ 555 timer hich consists o/ to complete 555 timers in 1% DI( and a 558 4adrple timer hich is consisting o/ /or 555 timer in one I$ and is availa,le as a 16 pin DI( in the maret.
$#sics Concepts(
$omp $o mpar arat ator or>> )he $omp $ompar arat ator or are are the ,asic ,asic elec electr tron onic ic comp compon onen entt hich hich
compares the to inpt voltages i.e. ,eteen the inverting ;!< and the non!inverting ;?< inpt and i/ the non!inverting inpt is more than the inverting inpt then the otpt o/ the comparator is high. lso the inpt resistance o/ an ideal comparator is in/inite. =
+oltage Divider> s e no that the inpt resistance o/ the comparators is in/inite
hence the inpt voltage is divided e4ally ,eteen the three resistors. )he vale ,eing +in@3 across each resistor. =
lip@lop> lip@lo p> lip@lop is a memory element o/ Digital!e Digital!electroni lectronics. cs. )he otpt ;A< o/
the /lip@/lop is high i/ the inpt at S terminal is high and * is at "o and the otpt ;A< is lo hen the inpt at S is lo and at * is high. )unction o% di%%erent Pins(-
Crond> )his pin is is sed sed to provide a ero ero voltage voltage rail to to the Integrat Integrated ed circit circit to
divide the spply potential ,eteen the three resistors shon in the diagram. #.
)rigger> s e can see that the voltage at the non!inverting end o/ the comparator
is +in@3 so i/ the trigger inpt is sed to set the otpt o/ the @ to high state ,y applying a voltage e4al to or less than + in@3 or any negative plse as the voltage at the non!inverting end o/ the comparator is + in@3.
:tpt> It is the otpt pin o/ the I$ connected to the A ;A!,ar< o/ the @ ith an an
inverter in ,eteen as sho in the /igre. %.
*eset> *es et> )his )his pin pin is sed sed to reset reset the the otpt otpt o/ the the @ regard regardless less o/ o/ the initia initiall
condition o/ the @ and also it is an active lo (in so it connected to high state to avoid any noise inter/erence nless a reset operation is re4ired. So most o/ the time it is connected to the Spply voltage as shon in the /igre. 5.
$ontrol +o +oltage> ltage> s e can can see see that that the the pin pin 5 is connected connected to the the inverting inverting inpt
having a voltage level o/ ;#@3< + in. It is sed to override the inverting voltage to change the idth o/ the otpt signal irrespective o/ the *$ timing netor. 6.
)hreshold> )hresho ld> )he pin is connect connected ed to to the the non!inve non!inverting rting inpt o/ the the /irst /irst compara comparator. tor.
)he otpt o/ the comparator ill ,e high hen the threshold voltage ill ,e more than ;#@3< +in ths resetting the otpt ;A< o/ the @ /rom high to lo. &.
Discharge> )his pin is sed to discharge the timing capacitors ;capacitors involved
in the e7ternal circit to mae the I$ ,ehave as a s4are ave generator< to grond hen the otpt o/ (in 3 is sitched to lo. 8.
Spp S pply ly>> )his )his pi pin n is s sed ed to provi provide de the the I$ ith ith th the e s spp pply ly volta voltage ge /or /or th the e
/nctioning and carrying o/ the di//erent operations to ,e /l/illed ith the 555 timer. Uses(-
)he I$ 55 timer is sed in many circits /or e7ample :ne!shot plse generator in onosta,le mode as an :scillator in sta,le ode or in Bista,le mode to prodce a /lip@/lop type action. It is also sed in many types o/ other circit /or achievement o/ vario va rios s pr prpo poses ses /o /orr ins instan tance ce ( (lse lse mpl mplit itde de od odla latin tin ;( ;( < < ( (lse lse -id -idth th odlation ;(-< etc.
BC547 NPN TRANSISTOR '(' ' ,i! ,i!po polar lar Fn Fnct ction ion tra trans nsist istor or.. tra transi nsisto stor r sta stand nds s /or tra trans ns/er /er o/ $C'*+ is an '( resistance is commonly sed to ampli/y crrent. small crrent at its ,ase controls a larger crrent at collector G emitter terminals. $C'*+ is mainly sed /or ampli/ication and sitching prposes. It has a ma7imm
crrent gain o/ 800. Its e4ivalent transistors are B$5%8 and B$5%9. )he transistor terminals re4ire a /i7ed D$ voltage to operate in the desired region o/ its characteristic crves. )his is non as the ,iasing. or ampli/ication applications the transistor is ,iased sch that it is partly on /or all inpt conditions. )he inpt signal at ,ase ,a se is am ampl pli/ i/ie ied d an and d ta tae en n at th the e em emit itte ter. r. B$ B$5% 5%& & is s sed ed in co comm mmon on em emit itte ter r con/igration /or ampli/iers. )he voltage divider is the commonly sed ,iasing mode. or sitching applications transistor is ,iased so that it remains /lly on i/ there is a signal at its ,ase. In the a,sence o/ ,ase signal it gets completely o//.
Pin Diagram: