1. INTR INTROD ODUC UCTIO TION N Usually ordinary solar panel is always faces only in one direction. Because of this reason the solar panel may not get sufficient sun rays to work. In this work SOLAR PA!L !L "O# "O#RO ROLL LL!R !R A$ PO%! PO%!R R OP#I OP#I&I &I'A 'A# #IO IO is done done in orde orderr to o(ercome this defect. )ere the panel will rotate according to the readings read *y the L$R. So it will utili+e the full sun light to work , power optimi+ation is also done *y using the L$R. #his work mainly designed to control the solar panel automaticallymaintains face of the solar panel towards the sun. #his is done *y controlling the mechanical mo(ement of the solar panel. Usually sun rises at east and sets at west. In ordinary system- if it faces towards east then it cannot change the direction towards sun during sunset. Because of this reasons solar panel may not get sufficient sun rays to work. #hese pro*lems are o(ercome *y using this work. In this work we also *uild a (ery good micro controller *ased solar charger.
Figure 1.1
#he coin*ased mo*ile *attery charger de(eloped in this work pro(iding a uni/ue ser(ice to the rural pu*lic where grid power is not a(aila*le for partial0full daytime and a source of re(enue for site pro(iders. #he coin*ased mo*ile *attery charger can 1
*e /uickly and easily installed outside any *usiness premises.%e ha(e studied the research paper and found that there is a pro*lem in collecting sun energy from all the sides so in our pro1ect we ha(e tried to make a rotator solar panel so that it can mo(e according to the intensity of solar energy. So *y our inno(ation work done on the pre(ious pro1ect can *e impro(ed. Sunlight has two components- the 2direct *eam2 that carries a*out 345 of the solar energy- and the 2diffuse sunlight2 that carries the remainder the diffuse portion is the *lue sky on a clear day and increases proportionately on cloudy days. As the ma1ority of the energy is in the direct *eam- ma6imi+ing collection re/uires the sun to *e (isi*le to the panels as long as possi*le .
Direct power lost (%) due to misalignment (angle i ) )
Lost = 1 – cost ( i )
Table 1.1
Differ fferent ent typ types es of sol solar ar col collec lector tor and the their ir loc locati ation on (la (latitu titude) de) 1.1 Di require different types of trackin !echanis!. "olar collectors !ay #e$ •
nonconcentrating flatpanels- usually photo(oltaic or hotwater-
"oncentrating systems- of a (ariety of types.
1.% "olar collector !ountin syste!s !ay #e fi&ed (!anually alined)
or trackin. Trackin Trackin syste!s !ay #e confiured as$ •
7i6ed collector 0 mo(ing mirror i.e. Heliostat
&o(ing collector
1.' loatin round !ount Solar trackers can *e *uilt using a 8floating9 foundation- which sits on top of the ground without the need for in(asi(e concrete foundations. Instead of placing the tracker on concrete foundations- the tracker is placed on a gra(el pan that can *e filled with a (ariety of materials- such as sand or gra(el- to secure the tracker to the ground. #hese #he se 8flo 8floatin ating9 g9 trac tracker kerss can sustain sustain the same win wind d loa load d as a trad traditi itiona onall fi6 fi6ed ed mounted moun ted tracker. #he use of floati floating ng trackers increases the num* num*er er of potential sites for commercial solar pro1ects since they can *e placed on top of capped landfills or in areas where e6ca(ated foundations are not feasi*le.
1. Trackers
Figure 1.2
!(en though a fi6ed flatpanel can *e set to collect a high proportion of a(aila*le noontime energy- significant power is also a(aila*le in the early mornings and late afternoons:;<=when the misalignment with a fi6ed panel *ecomes e6cessi(e to collect a reasona*le proportion of the a(aila*le energy. 7or e6ample- e(en when the Sun is only ;4> a*o(e the hori+on the a(aila*le energy can *e around half the noontime energy le(els ?or e(en greater depending on latitude- season- and atmospheric conditions@. #hus the primary *enefit of a tracking system is to collect solar energy for the longest period of the day- and with the most accurate alignment as the Suns position shifts with the seasons. In addition- the greater the le(el of concentration employed- the more important accurate tracking *ecomes- *ecause the proportion of energy deri(ed from direct radiation is higher- and the region where that concentrated energy is focused *ecomes smaller.
1.5 Fixed collector / moving mirror &any collectors cannot *e mo(ed- for e6ample hightemperature collectors where the energy is reco(ered as hot li/uid or gas ?e.g. steam@. Other e6amples include direct heating and lighting of *uildings and fi6ed in*uilt solar cookers- such as Scheffler reflectors. In such cases it is necessary to employ a mo(ing mirror so that- regardless of where the Sun is positioned in the sky- the Suns rays are redirected onto the collector. $ue to the complicated motion of the Sun across the sky- and the le(el of precision re/uired to correctly aim the Suns rays onto the target- a heliostat mirror generally employs a dual a6is tracking system- with at least one a6is mechani+ed. In different applications- mirrors may *e flat or conca(e.
1.6 Moving collector
Figure 1.3
#rackers can *e grouped into classes *y the num*er and orientation of the trackers a6es. "ompared to a fi6ed mount- a single a6is tracker increases annual output *y appro6imately <45- and a dual a6is tracker an additional 5.:;C=:;D= Photo(oltaic trackers can *e classified into two typesE standard photo(oltaic ?PF@ trackers and concentrated photo(oltaic ?"PF@ trackers. !ach of these tracker types can *e further categori+ed *y the num*er and orientation of their a6es- their actuation architecture and dri(e type- their intended applications- their (ertical supports and foundation
Figure 1.4
%. *IT+R,TUR+ R+-I+
%.1 Reference /aper 1 (IO"R0+N) In this paper, the design and development o a coin !ased "niversal mo!ile !atter# charger !ased on main po$er and solar po$er is disc"ssed and this is primaril# or r"ral areas $here the mo!iles are !asic needs or comm"nication and the main po$er is not availa!le all the time.
%.% Reference /aper% International 0ournal of Inno2ati2e Research in "cience3 +nineerin and Technoloy 7rom this research paper we ha(e studied and found these ad(antages E • •
• • • •
!ffecti(ely recei(e ma6imum energy from sun towards earth rotation &ore useful to sa(e energy from sun and intelligent tracking solar energy Simple and hand efficient Less e6pensi(e Reduced man power Low power consumption
%.' Reference paper ' "olar #attery charer for NI45 #atteries (Northeastern Uni2ersity6 7oston3 4,) %.'.1 Ne8 -oltae #ased alorith!
Foltage *ased detection is that it gets easily fooled *y changing current. #he main cause of these changes is due to clouds or shade on the solar panel. #hese changes create large (oltage drops accompanied *y slow (oltage decrease. #he two effects com*ined are hard to predict. )owe(er- they can *e detected *y the sudden drop in current or *attery (oltage so that end of charge detection will *e inhi*ited. %
%.'.% 4a&i!u! /o8er /oint Trackin (4//T)
&PP# is reali+ed using a Pertur* , O*ser(e algorithm ."lassical Pertur* , O*ser(e algorithms measure the output current and (oltage of the solar panel to calculate the output power. #he (aria*le controlled is the (oltage of the solar panel ?input (oltage of the $"0$" con(erter@ through the duty cycle of the $"0$" con(erter .In our design- the power deli(ered to the *attery is proportional to the amount of charging current. #herefore- *y making sure that ma6imum current is deli(ered to the *atterywe make sure that ma6imum power is deli(ered as well. #his is only true when the *attery is not connected to any load.
%. Reference paper
R!"O&&!$A#IOSE In other to remo(e the constraints on the use of solar PF for power source in Indiathe following recommendations will *e useful. ?;@ Go(ernment should su*sidi+e the cost of importation of Renewa*le !nergy #echnologies ?R!#@ most especiall y solar PF to *ring down the high cost . ?H@ Go(ernment should encourage pri(ate indi(iduals to in(est in the setting up of solar panels and other components of solar PF . ?<@ Go(ernment should ade/uately fund our uni(ersities- polytechnics and research institutes to de(elop a solar PF that will *e adapta*le to our en(ironment so as to increase the efficiency of the solar panels which is currently C45 for the imported solar panels. ?C@ Go(ernment should create more awareness on the ad(antages deri(a*le from Renewa*le !nergy #echnologies ?R!#@ like solar so as to discourage people from generators. Go(ernment can also consider *anning or placing restrictions on the importation of generators *ecause of its ad(erse effects on the en(ironment
'. /RO0+CT D+"I9N ,ND I4/*+4+NT,TION
Co!ponents used are $ '.1 "olar panel
Figure 3.1
"olar panel refers either to a photo(oltaic module- a solar thermal energy panel- or to
a set of solar photo(oltaic ?PF@ modules electrically connected and mounted on a supporting structure. A PF module is a packaged- connected assem*ly of solar cells. Solar panels can *e used as a component of a larger photo(oltaic system to generate and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications. !ach module is rated *y its $" output power under standard test conditions ?S#"@- and typically ranges from ;44 to
the area of a ;5 efficient H<4 watt module. #here are a few solar panels a(aila*le that are e6ceeding ;35 efficiency. A single solar module can produce only a limited amount of powerJ most installations contain multiple modules. A photo(oltaic system typically includes a panel or an array of solar modules- an in(erter - and sometimes a *attery and0or solar tracker and interconnection wiring.
'.% *CD display
Figure 3.2
A liquidcrystal display ?*CD@ is a flat panel display- electronic (isual displayor (ideo display that uses the light modulating properties of li/uid crystals. Li/uid crystals do not emit light directly. L"$s are a(aila*le to display ar*itrary images ?as in a generalpurpose computer display@ or fi6ed images which can *e displayed or hidden- such as preset words- digits- and Ksegment displays as in a digital clock. #hey use the same *asic technology- e6cept that ar*itrary images are made up of a large num*er of small pi6els- while other displays ha(e larger elements. L"$s are used in a wide range of applications including -tele(isions- instrument panels- aircraft cockpit displays- and signage. #hey are common in consumer de(ices such as $F$ players- gaming de(ices- clocks- watches- calculators- and telephones- and ha(e 11
replaced cathode ray tu*e ?"R#@ displays in most applications. #hey are a(aila*le in a wider range of screen si+es than "R# and plasma displays- and since they do not use phosphors- they do not suffer image *urnin. L"$s are- howe(er- suscepti*le to image persistence
'.' 4icrocontroller
Figure 3.3
#he A#3"D; is a lowpower- highperformance "&OS *it microcomputer with C *ytes of 7lash programma*le and erasa*le read only memory ?P!RO&@. #he de(ice is manufactured using AtmelMs highdensity non(olatile memory technology and is compati*le with the industrystandard &"SD; instruction set and pinout. #he onchip 7lash allows the program memory to *e reprogrammed insystem or *y a con(entional non(olatile memory programmer. By com*ining a (ersatile *it "PU with 7lash on a monolithic chip- the Atmel A#3"D; is a powerful microcomputer which pro(ides a highlyfle6i*le and costeffecti(e solution to many em*edded control applications.
'. *DR
Figure3. 4
A lihtdependent
resistor -
an *DR - photoresistor - photoconductor - or photocell - is a (aria*le resistor whose (alue decreases with increasing incident light intensity. An L$R is made of a high resistance semiconductor. If light falling on the de(ice is of high enough fre/uency photons a*sor*ed *y the semiconductor gi(e *ound electrons enough energy to 1ump into the conduction *and. #he resulting free electron ?and its hole partner@ conduct electricity- there*y lowering resistance.
'.: "ensor
Figure 3.5
A sensor is a de(ice that detects e(ents or changes in /uantities and pro(ides a corresponding output- generally as an electrical or optical signalJ for e6amplea thermocouple con(erts temperature to an output (oltage. But a mercuryinglass thermometer is also a sensorJ it con(erts the measured temperature into e6pansion and contraction of a li/uid which can *e read on a cali*rated glass tu*e.
'.; Relay
Figure 3.6
A relay is an electrically operated switch. &any relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate a switch- *ut other operating principles are also used- such as solidstate relays. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit *y a lowpower signal ?with complete electrical isolation *etween control and controlled circuits@- or where se(eral circuits must *e controlled *y one signal. #he first relays were used in long distance telegraph circuits as amplifiersE they repeated the signal coming in from one circuit and retransmitted it on another circuit. Relays were used e6tensi(ely in telephone e6changes and early computers to perform logical operations.
Figure 3.7
A printed
connects electronic
(/C7) mechanically
components using conducti(e tracks-
electrically and
features etched from copper sheets laminated onto a nonconducti(e su*strate. P"Bs can *e single sided ?one copper layer@- dou*le sided ?two copper layers@ or multi l ayer. "onductors on different layers are connected with platedthrough holes 15
called (ias. Ad(anced P"Bs may contain components capacitors- resistors or acti(e de(ices em*edded in the su*strate .
'.= 7attery 7o&
Figure 3.8
A #attery #o& stores or houses a *attery- typically a leadNacid *attery. Battery *o6es are typically constructed in two parts- a *ase and a lid. #he *ase ser(es as a containment reser(oir to pre(ent the *atteries from shifting during transportation and to collect spilled electrolyte from wet cell leadacid *atteries. #he lid allows for access to the *atteries for performing *attery maintenance ?i.e. cleaning *attery terminals@ or altering the *attery ca*le configuration- and protects *atteries from en(ironmental elements such as sunlight ?UF@-rain- salt water- dirt- oil- and gasoline. Battery *o6es are commonly used in applications where *atteries need to left in an outside en(ironment or where the *atteries could *e su*1ect to water or other elements. #he most common application for *attery *o6es is on cars- *oats and RFs. '.> -oltae Reulator
Figure 3.9
A 2oltae reulator is designed to automatically maintain a constant (oltage le(el. A (oltage regulator may *e a simple 2feedforward2 design or may include negati(e feed*ack control loops. It may use an electromechanical mechanism- or electronic components. $epending on the design- it may *e used to regulate one or more A" or $" (oltages. !lectronic (oltage regulators are found in de(ices such as computer power supplies where they sta*ili+e the $" (oltages used *y the processor and other elements. In automo*ile alternators and central power station generator plants- (oltage regulators control the output of the plant. In an electric power distri*ution system- (oltage regulators may *e installed at a su*station or along
distri*ution lines so that all customers recei(e steady (oltage independent of how much power is drawn from the line.
. ,//RO,C5 TO D+"I9N
.1 4ethodoloy follo8ed #y us to carry out the pro?ect
Figure 4.1
%e ha(e researched a*out the topic and studied se(eral research paper.
Studied (arious ad(antages and disad(antages of the pro1ect. 1&
Studied a*out components and their specifications needed in the pro1ect .
!stimated the price and found it as feasi*le.
"ollected (arious components which are re/uired for the pro1ect.
Figure 4.2
.% Constraints Photo(oltaic systems produce electricity from sunlight through semiconducting cells utilising the photoelectric effects to generate electrical energy. Photo(oltaic panels come in modular panels- which can *e fitted to the top of roofs- *ut other *uilding integrated panels are also a(aila*le. A typical PF panel can generate around ;44k%e0mH0yr. #o put this into conte6t- a typical KHmH house consumes around 3444k%h0year of energy- comprising of around
• •
A(aila*le roof space to install the system Orientation and e6posure of the roof to *e a*le to capture enough solar radiation
#he figure *elow pro(ides an indication of the areas with roof orientation and si+e considered to *e suita*le for PFMs and S)% within Red*ridge. It should *e noted that the areas specified as suita*le for PFMs are *ased on e6isting *uildings- areal mapsGIS maps and images on Google Street (iewJ areas not specified as suita*le for PFMs or S)% on the map should not *e e6cluded from consideration as PFMs will likely *e suita*le o(er ma1ority of Red*ridgeSolar PF systems are e/ually suita*le for domestic and nondomestic *uildings with greater emphasis on domestic. $omestic *uildings tend to ha(e pitched roofs and therefore orientation is a strong factor- unlike commercial and industrial *uildings- which often ha(e flat roofs. #he capacity assessment e6plores the entire regional *uilding stock. 7easi*ility of solar technologies is sitespecific- depending on the constraints of indi(idual households and *uildings such as orientation- roof structures- roof areas- surrounding o*stacles as well as indi(idual financial considerations.
:. DI"CU""ION O R+"U*T
As we ha(e studied the research paper and found that there is a pro*lem in collecting sun energy from all the sides so in our pro1ect we ha(e tried to make a rotator solar panel so that it can mo(e according to the intensity of solar energy. So *y our inno(ation work done on the pre(ious pro1ect can *e impro(ed. %e ha(e researched a*out the topic and studied se(eral research paper. Studied (arious ad(antages and disad(antages of the pro1ect. Studied a*out components and their specifications needed in the pro1ect ."ollected (arious components which are re/uired for the pro1ect. And assem*led all the components on the P"B *oard. #he programming of Atmel microcontroller will *e carried out in ma1or pro1ect.
%ith more than K45 of population li(ing in rural areas and no access to gridsupplied electricity- the high cost of grid e6tension to such areas and the widespread nature of rural communities- all these com*ine to make rural electrification *y means of solar energy attracti(e. #he de(elopment of solar energy is of interest as it reduces the high cost of oil imports- reducing en(ironmental impact of con(entional electricity supply *y means of large scale fossils fuels and the attendant climate change phenomenon. #he high cost of implementation of renewa*le energy technologies- particularly solar- is the ma1or impediment militating against their widespread use . #he high cost is not unconnected to the fact that nearly all the parts are imported o(erseas at a (ery high cost. Also most of the personnel and technologies are sourced a*road. Apart from the issue of cost- another o*stacle is the low awareness of the usefulnessefficiency or relia*ility of the technologies. #here is a lot of fear of the unknownJ a lot of industrial entrepreneurs would rather stick to the known con(entional modes of power generation rather than taking the risk of in(esting in new solar scheme. #here is also lack of ade/uate and welltrained technical e6pertise to pro(ide sustaina*le systems performance o(er their ad(ertised lifetime. Go(ernment policies in the
power sector are oftentimes in fa(our of the con(entional energy technology at the e6pense of the renewa*le energy technologies. #his is making the renewa*le energy technologies less competiti(e on cost *asis . In many cases- go(ernment further su*sidi+es already popular con(entional energy to gi(e it an added ad(antage o(er the renewa*le energy technologies like solar.
;. /R+"+NT,TION O R+"U*T ,ND T5+IR ,N,*@"I"
;.1 7asic assu!ptions #he design of coin *ased uni(ersal mo*ile *attery charger is *ased on the following assumptionsE
&a6imum solar energy is used for charging the lead acid *attery inside the mo*ile *attery charger to keep it charged fully all the time
#he charging current is upto C.DA) ($" and this takes care of the mo*iles manufactured *y okia- Sonyerricson- Black*erry- )#" and others of first and second generation mo*iles.
A single solar panel of si+e
Pro(ision to charge ma6imum ;4 different types of mo*iles is pro(ided.
Insertion of a fi6ed coin si+e for charging .
;.% -arious specifications needed for the pro?ects are$
Input a. "oin
If the si+e of the coin doesnMt match- the coin will *e re1ected.
* .Foltage
;;4HC4(A"-D44 )+
&a6.Output Foltage
&a6.Output current
Small si+e
Am*ient #emperature
[email protected]
"oin Insertion
RsH coin of Indian currency
Operating !n(ironment
et weight
45 Table 6.1
<. CONC*U"ION In this pro1ect work we ha(e studied the (arious research paper on coin *ased solar mo*ile *attery charger. %e ha(e studied and learnt a*out functioning and working of (arious types of components related to our pro1ect. %e ha(e tried to impro(e the pre(ious researches done on the pro1ect .#he o(erall aim of this pro1ect was to de(elop a small scale *attery charging system- which include power management func tions and a user interface. It re/uired research into (arious solar cell technologies and the understanding of the (arious characteristics of photo(oltaic panels to ensure an opt imum solution for the pro1ect. #he necessary policy measures should *e put in place to make solar energy the hu* of power generation
R!"O&&!$A#IOSE In other to remo(e the constraints on the use of solar PF for power source in Indiathe following recommendations will *e useful. ?;@ Go(ernment should su*sidi+e the cost of importation of Renewa*le !nergy #echnologies ?R!#@ most especiall y solar PF to *ring down the high cost . ?H@ Go(ernment should encourage pri(ate indi(iduals to in(est in the setting up of solar panels and other components of solar PF . ?<@ Go(ernment should ade/uately fund our uni(ersities- polytechnics and research institutes to de(elop a solar PF that will *e adapta*le to our en(ironment so as to increase the efficiency of the solar panels which is currently C45 for the imported solar panels. ?C@ Go(ernment should create more awareness on the ad(antages deri(a*le from Renewa*le !nergy #echnologies ?R!#@ like solar so as to discourage people from generators. Go(ernment can also consider *anning or placing restrictions on the importation of generators *ecause of its ad(erse effects on the en(ironment. #he de(elopment of solar energy systems are *een encouraged *ecause of its clean and en(ironmentfriendly nature and the reduction of the climate change phenomenon. 26
#hough solar PF is costlier than generators in the *eginning- *ut on the long run- it is o*(ious that in(esting on the solar PF is a worthwhile (enture.
=. UTUR+ ,"/+CT #his no(el method of charging mo*ile *atteries of different manufacturers using solar power has *een designed and de(eloped for rural and remote areas where the grid power is not a(aila*le all the time. #he mo*ile communication has *ecome a necessity e(en in rural areas and this de(ice is useful for charging mo*ile *atteries as these mo*ile *attery chargers can *e installed in kiosks at (arious places for the con(enience of mo*ile users. It can *e also used in hospital- train. It can *e re(enue generating source in future.
=.1 Usefulness of our pro?ect in future •
As we all know there is a shortage of electricity supply in rural areas and there is no proper means of supply so solar *attery charger can
sol(e this limitation. As cost of units in electricity *ill is increasing at an alarming rate so
solar energy is *etter alternati(e. "ommercial sources of energy like fossil fuels ha(e ha+ardous effect on en(ironment and also there consumption rate is higher than production rate in India whereas solar energy is free of cost and a(aila*le e(erywhere.
=.% uture of solar enery In the H;st century- solar power has already *ecome part of daily life. 7rom solar heated swimming pools to sun powered homes- there are many e6amples that demonstrate the useful application of the clean- safe- sustaina*le power of the sun. As concern grows a*out the effects of *urning fossil fuels- and the possi*ility of e6hausting nonrenewa*le energy sources- the future of solar energy looks *right. As of H4;<- the technology is not without its pro*lems- and so far- applications ha(e mostly *een relati(ely small scale- *ut a great deal of research is going on in this areaand there ha(e *een a num*er of (ery promising de(elopments. (arnessing )olar *nerg#
#he Sun is potentially a huge source of renewa*le- clean energy. Some estimate that sunlight could produce ;4-444 times as much power as the !arth used at the turn of the H;st century. #here are- howe(er- ma1or technological challenges to *e met in harnessing that energy effecti(ely. #here are a num*er of different technologies a(aila*le- and under de(elopment- that use sunlight to pro(ide power. Sunlight can *e used simply to heat water which is then used to pro(ide central heating for homes. Alternati(ely- it can *e used to generate electricity using photo(oltaic ?PF@ cells arranged on solar panels. A third method is to concentrate sunlight on a target to generate heat- which may *e used directly for industrial purposes- or to pro(ide electricity.
,. ,ppendices
Ne8 Differential Te!perature ,lorith! #o impro(e the ro*ustness of the charge control algorithm inchanging en(ironmentswe propose to use differential measurement of temperature. #his in(ol(es separating the*atteries into two ?or more@ groups.#he method- illustrated in principle- relies on thefact that changes in am*ient conditions affect *oth legs thesame. #hus- the difference in temperature *etween the twoegs stays close to +ero unless one leg reaches full SO".%hen that happens- *oth temperature difference and thederi(ati(e of temperature difference rise sharply. #his wayfull SO" can *e detected in one leg. Of course- this assumes that the two legs are not reaching full SO" or o(ercharging at the same time. #his can *e ensured if one leg is open circuited.