Rashmi 630-345-5239
[email protected] SUMMARY • 7+ years of software development experience which includes 4 years on Big Data Technologies like Hadoop Hive !ig "#oop HBase and $lume% • &xpert in working with Hive data warehouse tool'creating ta(les data distri(ution (y implementing partitioning and and (ucketing writing writing and optimi)ing optimi)ing the Hive* #ueries% • ,nvolved in collecting aggregating and moving data from servers to HD$" using us ing -pache $lume% • .ood understanding of /o"* Data(ases% • 0orked in 0indows 1/,23inux platform with different technologies such as "* !3"* 2 HT 5"" 6ava "cript 5ore 6ava etc% • &xperience in Hadoop administration activities such as installation and configuration of clusters using -pache and 5loudera • &xperience in using ,D&s like &clipse and /etBeans% • Developed 1 Diagrams for (8ect riented Design9 1se 5ases "e#uence Diagrams and 5lass Diagrams% • 0orking knowledge of data(ase such as racle :;g% • &xperience in writing !ig atin scripts% • 0orked on developing &T processes to load data from multiple data sources to HD$" using $1& and "*! "*! perform perform structural structural modificatio modifications ns using ap'
1? "e#uence diagrams 5ase diagrams &ntity &D$D?% • &xtensive programming experience in developing we( (ased applications using 5ore 6ava 6@&& 6"! and 6DB5% • 5omp 5ompre rehe hens nsiv ivee know knowle ledg dgee of "oft "oftwa ware re Deve Develo lopm pmen entt ife ife 5ycl 5yclee coup couple led d with with exce excell llen entt communication communication skills% TECHNICAL SKILLS Languags S!"i#$ing Languags %ig &a$a E!'s(s$m )#"a$ing S(s$ms R&%MS M'*+ing T''+s , T!hn'+'gis , S".i!s I&E/s M$h'*'+'gis ami+ia" 1UIs S"."s
6DA:%3:%7 @&& :%C 5 6-=- "* !,. -T,/ Bash scripting 6"/ HD$" HBase ap
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E&UCATI)N • Bachelor of Technology 5omputer "cience and &ngineering 6/T1 ,ndia R)ESSI)NAL EERIENCE Sni'" Ha*''# &.+'#" Inini$( Ha+$h Ca" Mi+au7 ,I 8u+ 204 - "sn$ ,nfinity Health 5are is the premier provider of emergency department management and wide spectrum of healthcare services% The pro8ect which , worked on was aimed at developing an analytical platform for (ig data analytics% The setup involved creating a (ase for the Hadoop cluster with !ig Hive and other such packages for analysis% analysis% The pro8ect sets sets up the ecosystem for import import of the data pre'processing pre'processing the data to clean out and extract information for the clients% Rs#'nsii+i$is: • ,nstalled and configured Hadoop ap Farn? $lume :%C%@ &clipse ap
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home and insurance% &ach regional office sends the details of monthly transactions transactions to the central system% ost of the feed is in the raw text format and the data is in fixed line format% The companys (usiness needs include the assessment of current users and new users geographically and the types of package are more lucrative to customers as per their location geographies% Rs#'nsii+i$is: • ,nvolved in defining 8o( flows managing and reviewing log files% • "upported ap "* "erver and racle? using "#oop for processing the data% data% • 0orked on ,mporting and exporting data from different data(ases like y"* racle into HD$" and Hive using "#oop% • 0orked on 0riting Hive #ueries for data analysis to meet the (usiness re#uirements%
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• • •
5reated internal and external ta(les with properly defined static and dynamic partitions for efficiency% ,mplemented Hive custom 1D$s to achieve comprehensive data analysis% 1sed the "* "erver and racle? using "#oop for processing the data% data% • ,mplemented ,mplemented daily workflow for extraction processing and analysis of data with o)ie% •
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This pro8ect was developed for one of the top client in the financial sector% ,t was developed with a flexi(le design which provides the platform to offer on'line integrated financial services to the (ank customers% 1sing this we( (ased application customers can conduct activities like on'line retail (anking secure messaging 5redit 5redit 5ard !ayments !ayments "hopping "hopping 5orporate 5orporate (anking (anking and even payment payment to third party individuals individuals and institutes% Rs#'nsii+i$is: • aintained the 1, screens using we( technologies like HT 6ava"cript 6*uery and 5""% • ,nvolved in