Coca Cola wishes to conduct a post-launch assessment of Minute Maid 100%. The company wants to study awareness, usage and attitude about the product c...
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A Detailed Brand Audit of Minute Maid listing all brand elements used by Coca-Cola Beverage Company to make the Minute Maid Popular in market. The Document also Consists of Research held in …Full description
Questionnaire – Consumer Behaviour 1) Which age group do you belong to? a) 16-30 b) 31-45 c) 46-59 d) 60 or more 2) What is your educational level? a) Matriculation b) Graduate c) Post Graduate 3) What is your occupation? a) Student b) Working c) Other
This section explores your attitude and perceptions regarding minute maid consumption. 4) When you buy a bottled drink at a store, what drink do you normally choose? a) Juice b) Soft Drinks c) Bottled Water d) Energy Drink 5) When purchasing juice which one do you find readily available? Juice Name Real Tropicana Minute Maid Sil Maaza
6) Which brand will you prefer? Juice Name Real Tropicana Minute Maid Sil Maaza
7) To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements? Please indicate your answer using the following 5-point scale where: 1. = Strongly disagree 2. = Disagree 3. = Neutral
4. = Agree 5. = Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Drinking juice gives me an energy boost. I drink juice because my friends do. I drink juice for the taste. I drink juice because it is fashionable. Drinking juice relaxes me. I prefer drinking aerated drinks to drinking juice. I prefer local brands of juice to imported ones.
8) How important is each of the following to you when purchasing/ordering juice? Please indicate your answer using the following 4-point scale where 1 = Totally unimportant 2 = Unimportant 3 = Important 4 = Very important
Low price Smooth taste Purchasing/ordering a specific flavor Purchasing/ordering a local brand Purchasing/Ordering an imported brand
Totally Very Unimportant Unimportant Important important 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
This section of the questionnaire explores your habits and preferences, if any, with regard to the consumption of Juice 9) Have you drunk juice which contains no preservatives in the past 1 month? Yes No
1 2
If you answered no to question 9, please answer question 10 only. If you answered yes to question 9, please skip question 10 and continue from question 11.
10) Please rank, in order of importance, each of the following reasons for not consuming juice in the last 1 month. Allocate a rank of 1 to the most important reason for not consuming juice in the last 1 month, and a rank of 4 to the least important reason. Use each of the numbers 1 to 4 only once. Reasons for not consuming no-preservative juice I do not like the taste of these types of juices These juices are expensive I do not drink such juices for lack of availability I prefer drinking aerated drinks
The following questions only pertain to people who have consumed no-preservative juice in the last 1 month. 11) In a typical day, how many glasses of juice do you drink? 1 glass or less 2-3 glasses 3-4 glasses 5-6 glasses
1 2 3 4
12) How often do you drink no-preservative juice on each of the following occasions?
First thing after waking up in the morning? With breakfast? During your afternoon break? In the evening after dinner? When going out for a meal at a restaurant? At the gym? When you are stressed?
13) What influences your choice of juice? Reason Taste Availability Customer loyalty Brand image Price Advertisement Nutritional Value
14) Which brand will you prefer? Juice Name Real Tropicana Minute Maid Sil Maaza
15) Would you go for other brands if your favourite brand is not available? a) Yes b) No c) May be 16) In what aspects do you think your most preferred brand is more impressive than other brands? Reason Taste Availability Brand image Price Advertisement