Do you "ae internet connection for your 1. es &. No. %o2ile$ co%puter@laptop; Does sc"ool@s of t"e illa'e "ae 1. es &. No. />@?o%puter la2s; Do you "ae access to t"e la2s; 1. es &. No. 6"at !o t"ey teac"; 1. es &. No. Do suc" La2s "ae internet connectiity; 1. es &. No. Are you 2een tau'"t "o# to use internet; 1. es &. No.
Do you t"ink it is 2eneficial
Do you listen teleision;
1. &. 1. &.
es No. es No.
/f 8&9 Skip
/f 8yes9 >"en ne(t uestion
6"at !o you like to listen in Ra!io or #atc" in your teleision;
&.1. Does ra!io "elp your !aily life or a#areness in any#ay;
1. es &. No.
&.&. 6"at i%pact !i! it "ae on you; ?an you specify any suc" eent;
1. ============== &. ============== 3. ============== &.3. Does it "elp you in t"e en"ance%ent of 1. /f yes$ your kno#le!'e or i!eas; 4o#<=================== ======================== &. No. &.,. 4as >E 2rou'"t any i%pact on you !aily 1. es. &. No. life; /f yes$ t"en "o#;
&.0. 6"at !o you searc" on internet;
1. &. 3. ,. 0. 5.
Ne#s -!ucational !ata -ntertain%ent Jo2s ?o%%unication /f any ot"er$ specify
/f no skip ne(t .
&.5. 4as any suc" infor%ation o2taine! "elpe! you 'enerate e%ploy%ent or i%proe you stan!ar! of liin';
1. es &. No.
/f yes$ can you specify; &.7. /f you are a %o2ile p"one user$ since #"en are you usin' suc" a !eice; Does it "ae an internet connection; &.. /n #"at #ay "as it i%pacte! your life #it" re'ar!s to co%%unication #it" people;
&.C. /s t"ere an ease of 2usiness !ue to use of %o2ile;
+ro%< 1. es &. No. 4o#<
1. es &. No.
/f yes$ t"en "o#; &.1. 4as use of any of t"e a2oe %entione! !eices "elpe! you in i%proe%ent of your "ealt";
1. es &. No
/f yes in #"at #ay;
3.1. Do you "ae electricity connection;
1. es &. No.
/f yes$ !o you "ae electricity for t"e #"ole !ay;
1. es &. No.
/f no$ #"at is t"e %ini%u% !uration of electricity supply in your "ouse; 3.&. Are t"eir stores in you illa'e #"ere suc" pro!ucts are aaila2le;
1. es &. No.
/f no$ #"ere is t"e closest store #"ere you 'et suc" pro!ucts; 6"at is t"e !istance to t"at store fro% you illa'e; 3.3. Are you literate; /f yes$ till #"at stan!ar! "ae you rea!; Dou you kno# -n'lis" properly as to #ork on co%puters@%o2iles etc. /f no$ t"en !oes Lan'ua'e 2eco%es a %aFor 2arrier for you to "an!le suc" pro!ucts; 3.,. Does t"e cost of suc" pro!uct 2e a pro2le% for you; /f yes$ #"at !oes your resort 2e in case of necessity; 3.0. Are you constantly up!ate! a2out t"e arious tec"nolo'ical a!ance%ents;
1. es &. No. 3. es ,. No.
1. es &. No.
1. es &. No.
/f yes$ t"rou'" #"at source; ?an you 2rief us a2out any suc" tec"nolo'y t"at you are usin'; Do you face any !ifficulties #it" re'ar!s to t"e use of suc" pro!uct; ?an you specify #"at type of pro2le% you face; 3.5. Do t"e state 'oern%ent officials isit your illa'e; /f yes$ !o t"ey proi!e you #it" any a#areness a2out t"eir policies re'ar!in' tec"nolo'ical en"ance%ent an! skill !eelop%ent;
1. es &. No.
1. es &. No. 1. es &. No.
/f yes$ can you state t"e na%e of any suc" sc"e%e or policy; 4as suc" a policy 2een i%ple%ente! co%pletely;
1. es &. No.
/f yes$ is t"e #orkin' of suc" policy 2een %onitore! properly an! in re'ular internals;