"Quantum Teleportation to Quantum Thought: Psychism is now real Science" by Ray White Something very exciting has happened for the future of the unification of scienc e and metaphysics. This new evidence I think is the greatest step forward toward s a scientific realization that there might be some possibility for the existenc e of psychism, magic and miracles. That neat little thing, which hasn't gotten n early enough fanfares in the press, is Quantum Teleportation. Quantum Teleportation is a somewhat mindboggling concept, but it's really not al l that hard to explain philosophically. The mathematics is mind-bendingly comple x and I certainly don't fully understand it myself. However I have been doing mu ch armchair physics research myself in the topic of quantum physics lately, and I would like to share some of that with you. I will go into much more detail on this issue of Quantum Teleportation, and also several other physics theories that lead up to it and also strengthen the footi ng of metaphysics, magic, and miracles. Although for now let me just tantalize y ou. Quantum Teleportation does something very unique in the annals of science. It sh ows that it is possible for one thing to effect another without any intervening mechanism involved. This has been the one gauntlet that has always been tossed by scientists towards believers in things like psychism, magic, miracles, astrology, etc. Scientists have always pointed to their scientific theories on action and reaction, cause a nd effect, particles and waves. They say things such as, 'If psychism exists - t hen show me the mechanism involved. Show me the particles or waves or signals th at cause this communication across vast distances at nearly infinite speed!' Well, the times they have now changed. Scientists at IBM and in Europe have show n that action at a distance can happen with no mechanism at all! Hard as it may be to believe. This is true science! In fact, the implication is - that this act ion may happen at infinite speed! This field of Quantum Teleportation is also spoken about under the topic heading s 'Quantum Computing' and 'Action at a distance.' There is a very good article o n the subject in a June 98 article from Scientific American found here. In up he ut
a few moments I will talk more about the quantum physics history that builds to this point, and tell you about a few of the brave individuals who bucked t system long ago and foresaw these holistic ramifications to quantum theory. B for now, more about Quantum Teleportation.
You see this all has to do with photons - AKA light beams. Photons have a proper ty called polarity. As you probably know photons can be imagined as wiggling up and down, as if they were bits of flotsam bobbing on an ocean current. That, in a nutshell, is the idea of polarity. It's the direction that the photons are bob bing in. It could be vertical, or horizontal, or at any angle really. Indeed, it 's quite easy for us to control this angle of vibration. In fact, that's what po larized sunglasses do. When light bounces off of a shiny surface, it has a tende ncy to be polarized in a certain direction. Imagine a cue ball bouncing off the side of a pool table, it usually bounces a certain way. Polarized sunglasses tak e advantage of this fact, and simply filter out the light that bounces off of sh iny objects - saving your eyesight from the ravages of a bright summer's day. Ph otons are not nearly as predictable as cue balls. However they can be controlled to a certain point.
As you probably know, nuclear reactions have a tendency of giving off lots of li ght and other energies. When light is given off by a nuclear reaction it has a t endency to be polarized in certain directions. This is a consequence of the orbi tal type mechanics inside of an atom, and it depends on what kind of reaction is going on. What's even more interesting, there are some kinds of nuclear reactio ns, should I say explosions, that give off pairs of photons traveling in a mirro r image type trajectory in completely opposite 180 degree directions. Not only a re these photons traveling in opposite directions, but they also have the opposi te polarity. Nature is fond of symmetry. There's another interesting thing about these mirror image pairs of photons that emerge from certain kinds of nuclear reactions. They are what is known as 'enta ngled'. This is the really weird part. You see, whenever certain things happen t o one of these entangled photons it also happens to the other photon involved. E ven though that photon might be very far away (perhaps light-years away) at the time. Does this sound unbelievable yet? It ought too! Heck, if you don't believe me, I urge you to check out the MSNBC article about Quantum Teleportation. How does this entanglement work? Truth is, nobody knows. In fact, quantum theory basically implies that it just happens because the very fabric of the universe mandates it! The researchers who just proved this effect and published their fin dings in the journal Nature say - "it's as if the two photons were actually one" -. This is a very important statement, because an important physicist and visio nary David Bohm has already predicted it to be that way decades ago. We will get back to him shortly. How exactly did they prove this entanglement? Well, that's reasonably straightfo rward. What they did is, they created a nuclear reaction that produced some "ent angled" pairs of photons. These photons were going in exactly opposite direction s. On one end of the room they had a sensor that detected the polarity of those photons. On the other end of the room, they zapped these photons, completely rev ersing their polarity and destroying them in the process. But - NOT before chang ing their polarity. Now, what do you suppose happened to the untouched photons o n the other end of the room? Well, their polarity was changed also, precisely an d only because the original pair of photons were 'entangled' with the photons on the other end of the room. There was no kind of signal that went from one end o f the room back and forth between these different streams of photons. They were entirely unconnected, except for the all-important fact that they were eternally connected at their moment of birth, in the tiny nuclear explosion that created them Allow me to wax poetic, when I say that these photons were connected, just a s we were all connected at the moment that everything was first forged in the di vine fires of creation, which science calls the big bang. The researchers who first demonstrated this Quantum Teleportation effect are ass ociated with IBM and they intend to use this as a new form of communication in o rder to build super powerful quantum computers. If you ask me there might also b e immediate applications for something similar to star trek style subspace radio . This idea would create faster than light communication, but it would be like the old telegraph systems, not like modern radio which can broadcast between any tw o arbitrary points. With this faster than light quantum system you must have the infrastructure already in place. You have to set up a communication line betwee n two distinct places, A and B and then set up the transmitting station half way in between A and B. You would need a nuclear source that emits a constant strea m of particles all the time 24 hours a day. You would have to situate this emitt ing source half way in between the two places that you are communicating with. T
his communication link would be your virtual telegraph wire. It has to remain ru nning all the time. this is not the signal it's self, but it's the carrier for t he signal. It's like the river upon which the waves travel. I believe you could use this method to instantly communicate between two stars. If the stars were 10 light years apart, then you would have to set up an emitter station half way in between - 5 light years away. The one drawback, you would h ave to turn on this central transmitting station, and then wait for 5 years unti l the photon stream reaches both of the destinations on either end of the line. We could probably also use this type of system to set up an instantaneous intern et link between the Earth and other planets. There's a possibility even more wild than that. Imagine, it could be possible to modulate the already existing high energy photons that are coming from stars in space. The stars have been emitting nuclear radiation for billions of years. Us ing this method, if you situated transmitters and relay stations properly you co uld set up an intra and inter galactic communication net. No wonder we can't det ect any alien radio signals coming from space. Ordinary radio waves are much too slow when compared to quantum communication. Perhaps we have not found a signal from far away alien civilizations because we have not been looking for the righ t thing. Perhaps we should be looking for fluctuations in the polarization of li ght streaming at us all the time from stellar nuclear reactions. I should note that this Quantum Teleportation principle doesn't apply just to ph otons, but other particles as well, even entire atoms. This technology might eve n be used some day for something like Star Trek style transporters, although tha t would almost have to be in the very far future. Even if the transmission probl em were solved tomorrow, the big problems of sub-atomic computer scanning and re assembling of molecules are nowhere near being solved. How could this idea of photon entanglement possibly be true? I'm sure that milli ons of scientists are scratching their heads in wonderment right now and still a sking the same question. Assuming that this finding fits your world view you might already be seeing scie ntific implications to this new phenomenon. I will try to enumerate more of them later on. But for now, examine one of the most obvious. Living bodies are the most extraordinarily sensitive detectors of electromagneti c energy that we know. Sharks and other fish can navigate solely by the electric fields given off by other living things and inanimate objects. It is believed b irds and maybe even common animals like house cats can also find their way acros s vast distances using this technique. Faint electromagnetic energy has always b een suspected as being a conveyor of psychic information, but no signals were ev er found. Now it has been shown that instantaneous point to point electromagneti c communication is possible, even with no intervening signal! This seemingly sma ll scientific advance has infinitely vast implications, especially in areas of ' paranormal' research. Perhaps there is a reason why psychic communication seems to be possible, especi ally between people who's lives are 'entangled' such as husband and wife, or ide ntical twins.
A Historical Perspective: "How in the world did scientists (of all people) ever postulate the existence of such a metaphysical type connection between separate and independent particles? " you might ask.
Well, it wasn't and isn't an easy paradigm shift for science to digest. Ain't th at the truth! But It is an idea that has existed for 50-100 years. It was quietl y ignored by most, and held in utter disbelief by others, and propounded by just a few. In fact, the possibility of Quantum Teleportation is one of the big reas ons why Einstein himself had ideological problems with quantum theory. Lets teleport back to Einstein's time and introduce a very overlooked and underr ated character in the world of physics, David Bohm. Bohm is a physicist who studied under Neils Bohr and has written many renowned b ooks on the subject of quantum mechanics. He also taught at Princeton where he h ad much discussion with Einstein. Like Einstein he wasn't very happy with some o f the implications of quantum mechanics. For instance the idea that particles ha ve no existence until they are observed by someone. Einstein originally proposed the possibility of Quantum Teleportation. However h e presented it as a paradox that was meant to disprove quantum mechanics. This s upposed paradox was called "The Einstein-Podlosky-Rosen (EPR) Paradox." However that paradox has now been proven to be a reality, and it's clearly time for some different thinking. Bohm's answer to these problems was to come up with a new theory that postulated something called a 'Quantum potential' which is a kind of weak type nuclear for ce which does not diminish with distance. Using this model he was able to explai n all of the unusual effects of quantum mechanics and Einsteinian theory. Eventu ally it occurred to him that what he was proposing was that on the sub nuclear l evel of existence, there is NO such thing as distance or space. It's all here an d now. This is one of the only ways that Bohm could explain such seeming paradox es as single electrons which can exist in several locations at the same time, or particles that can split into two negative and positive particles and still hav e the proper polarity when viewed simultaneously by two different people (IE: Qu antum Teleportation). Other quantum physicists have tried to explain such things by saying that there are multiple dimensions which only appear on a sub nuclear level, or by postulat ing such things as 'superstrings.' However, after looking over the evidence I th ink you would probably agree that the more sensible explanation is that (at leas t on a sub nuclear level) space does not exist. Everything is immediately interc onnected. It's all one big thing. In this model of reality, space and the dimensions are not much more than an ill usion of perspective created in the mind. It is created in the same way that a t hree dimensional illusion is created by a hologram. (A hologram is composed of F ourier interference patterns on a mere two dimensional piece of photographic fil m, and yet a hologram still reproduces a completely realistic three dimensional image.) When we look at the universe we only see what looks like three dimension al space, perhaps because our perspective is too limited to see the actual reali ty. In other words Bohm's theories more or less state that the universe is a big hol ogram. There is a very good book on this subject called "The Holographic Univers e" by Michael Talbot, which I highly recommend. Now that Quantum Teleportation h as been proven to be a reality Bohm's theories require another look by everyone. "The Holographic Universe" also talks about research on the human brain by Carl Pribram and others. This research indicates a holographic functioning of the bra in. It talks about how memories have been proven to be stored in a distributed n on localized manner in the brain (giving many examples of research.) He has also show that certain neurons respond to certain frequencies of stimuli, so that th
ey are capable of trapping and responding to certain wave patterns. The holograp hic theory of the brain has been much researched and well documented for decades now (and it's how I first encountered the ideas of holographic theory). The boo k gives many examples. The Holographic Universe book also mentioned Bohm's research into the nature of randomness and order and how he has proven that hidden order can exist in the un iverse (giving experimental examples). In other words he delves into the manifes t and unmanifest which he calls enfolded (or implicit) and unfolded (or explicit ) order. David Bohm's own book "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" also gives his theorie s in a more technical way and details some of the mathematics involved. Bohm also points to an idea that is derived from quantum equations that every sq uare inch of vacuum contains more energy than is know in the entire universe. Th is Theory is called "Zero Point Energy" and it has also been proven recently. He says that this is an example of the enfolded (hidden) order in the universe (wh ich some people might also call the underworld, or the dreamland). In other worl ds our manifest reality is more like the whitecaps on the surface of a vast sea. This Zero point energy may very well be the unknown force that is causing an ext ra drag on our deep space spacecraft, slowing them down unexpectedly. Pioneer 10 was meant to leave the solar system and explore interstellar space. But for som e reason it is slowing down too much, and it will not be able to escape our sola r system after all. There is a recent article about this effect on MSNBC. Bohm sees the movement of particles and their collisions and transmutions betwee n energy and different kinds of matter as a contiguous series of enfoldments and unfoldments. In other words, a series of destructions and recreations which are invisible to our perception. Sounds kind of magical doesn't it? Bohm prefers that individual aspects of the universe not be viewed as 'things' b ut rather as 'relatively independent subtotalities.' By my own analysis of Bohm' s terminology people don't die they are 'enfolded back into the implicit order o f the holomotion.' Suppose psychic energy is caused when your mind energy vibrates at a certain lev el causing a resonant vibration in the zero point energy all around us? And perh aps that resonance is transmitted by Quantum Teleportation? Or perhaps neutrinos are also involved? Recent measurements of neutrinos have revealed a mass that i s measured in imaginary numbers. Something that should be impossible. Unless may be neutrinos are also tachyons, and are capable of time travel. (If you have comments, suggestions, would like to put something on this site, or publish this article please contact Ray White
[email protected])