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1. Stretch the Shoulders (yajian) Drill 1: Grab a hold of something stable that is about your waist height with both hands. Place your feed about shoulder width apart and bend your upper body forward. Keep both of your arms and your legs straight (Figure 1-1) Drill 2: Two people may also do the stretch by holding onto each other's arms (Figure 1-2). When stretching the shoulders, rhythmically bounce your shoulders up and down. Focus on the downward movement of the shoulders, and gradually increase the depth of the downward pressure over time.
2. Swing the Arms (lunbi) One Arm Backward Swing: Stand in a left Bow Stance and place your left hand on top of yourleftknee, and extend your right arm over your head (Figure 1-3). Keep your upper body straight while swinging your right arm in a vertical circle (Figures 1-4 and 1-5). After you have done this about 20 times, change sides, and swing the other arm. One Arm Forward Swing: Same starting posture as in the Backward Swing. Swing your arm in a vertical circle forward. After you have done this about 20 times, change sides, and swing the other arm.
<="" p="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px;"> Both Arms Backward Swing: Stand straight with your feet about one shoulder width apart. Raiseone arm up over you head and the other next to your side pointing down (Figure 1-6). Keep your arms pointing in the opposite directions and swing the arms in a vertical circle backwards (Figures 1-7 and 1-8) Both Arms Forward Swing: Same starting posture as in the Backward Swing, except swing yourarmsin avertical circle forwards.
Body Swinging 1) Stand in a wu qi position. Let your arms hang loosely at your sides. 2) By rotating at the waist, slowly turn your upper body to the left as far as it will go. Then repeat the process and turn to the right. When you do this exercise, try to look as far behind you as you can.
3) Repeat for at least nine times in each direction.