DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project entitled
RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS Submitted to the Annamalai University, in partial fulfillment of the requ requir irem emen ents ts for for the the Degr Degree ee of Mast Master er of Busi Busine ness ss Admi Admini nist stra rati tion on in Applied Management is my original work and the project has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or simila similarr other titles. titles. It has not been submitte submitted d to any other other univer universit sity y or institution for the award of any degree or diploma.
Place: Kota
Date: 21/03/201 21/03/2010 0
Enrolmen Enrolmentt No.:
PREFACE People are a company’s most important assets. They can make or break the fortunes of a business. In today’s highly competitive business environment placing the right people in the right position is very critical for the success of any organization. The recruitment and selection decision is of prime importance as it is the vehicle for obtaining the best possible person-to-job fit that will, contribute signif significa icantl ntly y toward towardss the the Compan Company's y's effect effective ivenes ness. s. It is also also becomi becoming ng increa increasin singly gly import important ant,, as the Compan Company y evolve evolvess and change changes, s, that that new recruits show a willingness to learn, adaptability and ability to work as part of a team. The Recruitment & Selection procedure ensures that these criteria are addressed In this project I have studied Recruitment and Selection process of My Libe Libert rty y Home Homess and and atte attemp mpte ted d to prov provid idee some some ways ways so as to make make recruitment more effective and to reduce the cost of hiring an employee. I am privileged to be one of the students who got an opportunity to do my training training with My Liberty Homes. Homes. My involvement involvement in the project has been
very challenging and has provided me a platform to leverage my potential in the most constructive way. This Th is proj projec ectt ho howe weve verr is an atte attemp mptt to shar sharee as best best as po poss ssib ible le my experience in corporate world with all my colleagues and my faculty. I would be delighted to receive reader’s comments which maybe valuable lessons for my future projects.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express my sincere thanks to my project guide, Mr. Sohan Lal Sharma, Associate professor of management studies for guiding me right form the inception till the successful completion of the project. I sincerely acknowledge them for extending their valuable guidance, support for literature, critical review of project and the report and above all the moral support they had provided to me with all stages of this project. I would like to express big thanks to Miss Shweta Solanki and Miss Neha Aarya for her all time support and time to time guidance. Her experience, knowledge and support lead me to complete my project timely and successfully. My thanks are due to all those who have directly or indirectly helped me in preparing this project report. However, I accept the sole responsibility for any possib possible le error error of omissi omission on and would be extrem extremely ely gratef grateful ul to the readers of this project report if they bring such mistakes to my notice.
Place: Kota
Date Date:: 21 21/0 /03/ 3/09 09
Enro En rolm lmen entt No.: No.:
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In today’s rapidly changing business environment, organizations have to respond quickly to requirements for people. The market has been witnessing growth which is manifold for last few years. Many players have entered the economy thereby increasing the level of competition. In the competitive scenario it has become a challenge for each company to adopt practices that would help the organization stand out in the market. The competitiveness of a company of an organization is measured through the quality of products and services offered to customers that are unique from others. Thus the best services offered to the consumers are result of the genius brains working behind them. Human Resource in this regard has become an import important ant functi function on in any organi organizat zation ion.. All practi practices ces of market marketing ing and finances can be easily emulated but the capability, the skills and talent of a person cannot be emulated. Hence, it is important to have a well-defined recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to get the best fits for the vacant positions. Selecting the wrong candidate or rejecting the right candidate could turn out to be costly mistakes for the organization. Therefore a recruitment practice in an organization must be effective and efficient in attracting the best manpower.
Executive Summary
Objective of the study
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The main objectives for undertaking this project are:
To understand the internal Recruitment process in organization.
To identify areas where there can be scope for improvement.
To give suitable recommendation to streamline the hiring process.
To develop practical knowledge with theoretical aspects.
To know about the importance of recruitment and selection
To find out better process of recruitment.
To know about the role of recruiter.
RECRUITMENT “The art of choosing men is not nearly as difficult as the art of enabling those one has chosen to attain their full worth”.
Definition:Recruitment is the process of recruiting potential personnel to fill up the existing requirement of the organization. It is the process of discovering potential potential applicant applicantss for actual actual or anticipate anticipated d job vacancies. vacancies. Recruitme Recruitment nt involves encouraging individuals with the needed skills to make applications for employment with the firm.
Objective:The main objective of recruitment is to increase the number of applications for the job available in the organization, to select the best applicant who is the best fitted to the job.
Need for recruitment:It makes possible to choose the right person in the right time at the right place. It also makes it possible to acquire the number and type of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization.
Planned needs: - Such needs arise from changes in the organization
Anticipated needs: - It refers to those movements in personnel which
an organization can predict by studying trends in internal or external need.
Unexpect Unexpected ed need needs: s: - Such Such need need aris arises es du duee to illn illnes ess, s, deat death h and and
Recruitment follows HR planning and goes hand in hand with selection process by which organizations evaluate the suitability of candidates. With successful recruiting to create a sizeable pool of candidates, even the most accurate selection system is of little use.
Recruiting begins when a vacancy occurs and the recruiter receives authorization to fill it. The next step is careful examination of the job and enumeration of skills, abilities and experience needed to perform the job successfully. Other steps follow:
Creating an applicant pool using internal or external methods
Evaluate candidates via selection
Convince the candidate
And finally make an offer
Scope: To defi define ne the the proc proces esss and and flow flow of acti activi viti ties es whil whilee recr recrui uiti ting ng,,
selecting and appointing personnel on the permanent rolls of an organization. Authorization:
S.No. Authorized Signatory 1
Headead- Huma Human n reso resou urce rce
Managing director
Amendments and deviations:
Any amendments to and deviations from this policy can only be authorized by the Head-human Resources and the Managing Director. Exclusions:
Thee po Th poli licy cy do does es no nott cove coverr the the deta detail iled ed form formal alit itie iess invo involv lved ed afte afterr the the candidate joins the organization.
Personnel Selection Best Practices: Personnel selection practices (e.g., interviews, ability and personality tests) continue to capture the most attention from staffing scholars. There are several comprehensive reviews of selection practices, as well as discussions of research and practical applications. Rather than review all this research, the present review summarizes the major new developments.
Article 1: Pre-selection: 1. The selection of candidates for membership of the Scientific Committee of FRA shall be advertised through a call for expressions of interest in accordance with the present procedures. The call for expressions of interest shall shall be pub publis lished hed in the EU Offic Official ial Journa Journall (OJ), (OJ), in releva relevant nt leadin leading g academic publications as well as the Agency’s website. The closing deadline for submission of candidates’ expressions of interest shall be fixed six weeks after the above mentioned publication. 2. The Director of the Agency shall prepare and organize the work for the pre-selection of the members of the Scientific Committee. He or she shall chair a pre-selection panel, composed of the Heads of Unit of the Agency
and a person appointed for the purpose by the Council of Europe. Two members of the FRA Management Board may attend the pre-selection panel as observers. 3. The pre-selection panel shall verify the eligibility of the candidates, in accordance with the eligibility requirements. Failure to comply with one of these requirements will result in the exclusion of the concerned candidate process. from the next steps of the selection process.
4. The pre-selection panel shall then assess each eligible candidate according to the requirements for selection. It will draw up an ‘Individual Assessment Form’ for each candidate which will include a short comment, highlighting the specific values/shortcomings of the person. 5. The Director shall present the results of the pre-selection process to the FRA Execut Executive ive Board, Board, includ including ing inform informati ation on on the candid candidate atess deemed deemed ineligible.
Article 2: Selection:
1. The Executive Board shall assess all the candidates on the basis of the established selection requirements. 2. In this assessment the Executive Board shall take into account: • The work of the pre-selection panel; • Th Thee need need that that the the spec specia iali list st fiel fields ds of the the memb member erss of the the Scie Scient ntif ific ic Committee shall cover the most relevant scientific fields linked to fundamental rights, in accordance with the mission and objectives of FRA; • The need to ensure even geographical and gender balance. 3. The Executive Board shall submit to the Management Board a list of most eligible candidates. This list should include more than eleven and fewer than twenty-two names. This list will also include merit points and a conclusion concerning the suitability as a member of the Scientific Committee for each candidate. 4. The Chair of the Executive Board shall present the results of the selection process to the Management Board, including a record of the candidates not included in the lists mentioned above as well as on candidates deemed ineligible.
5. The Agency services shall provide technical and logistic support for the selection process.
Article 3: Appointment: 1. On the the basi basiss of the the list list subm submit itte ted d by the the Ex Exec ecut utiv ivee Boar Board, d, the the Agen Agency cy’s ’s Mana Manage geme ment nt Boar Board d shal shalll appo appoin intt the the memb member erss of the the Scientific Committee, after having consulted the competent committee of the European Parliament. The candidates not appointed shall be put on a reserve list. 2. Members Members will be appointed appointed for a five-year five-year term, term, which shall not be renewable. 3. The reserve list shall be valid for the duration of the term of the appointed Scientific Committee. In case of a vacancy, the Management Board shall appoint a new member from the reserve list. The filling in of a vacancy shall be for the rest of the duration of the term of the Scientific Committee.
RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Recruitment and selection are the two phases of the employment process.
t he
t wo
The recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization WHEREAS selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts. The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization, by attracting more and more employees to apply in the organization WHEREAS the basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organization.
RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS Recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the
candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time. A general recruitment process is as follows:
Identify vacancy
Prepare job description and person specification
Advertising the vacancy
Managing the response
Arrange interviews
Conducting interview and decision making
Process Cycle 1.0 Scope 1.1 Purpose of the Procedure: Recruiting and selecting the right people is paramount to the success of the IPCC IPCC and and its its abil abilit ity y to reta retain in a work workfo forc rcee of the the high highes estt qu qual alit ity. y. Th This is Recr Recrui uitm tmen entt and and Sele Select ctio ion n Proc Proced edur uree sets sets ou outt ho how w to ensu ensure re as far far as possible, that the best people are recruited on merit and that the recruitment process is free from bias and discrimination. 1.1 Job Analysis 1.2 Form 1.3 Request to Fill 1.4 Job description 1.5 Person Specification
2.0 Recruitment and Selection Framework 2.1 Overview of Process
• Assess the need for the job and ensure there is adequate funding for it. • Review the job description to ensure that it meets the present and future requirements. • Review the person specification to ensure it meets the requirements of the job description. • Design the selection process. • Draft the advertisement and select the advertising media. • Short list using the person specification only. • Interview and test short-listed candidates. • Validate references, qualifications and security clearances. • Make appointment. Managers hold the responsibility for ensuring this framework is followed. HR is available for advice and will assist in general administration of the recruitment process.
3.0 Recruitment and Selection Provisions 3.1 Review the Job and the Need for It Managers need to consider the following issues: • Is the job still necessary? What value does it add to the team and to the delivery of service? • How will the post be funded? Positions outside of existing establishment require the Director’s and Chief Executive’s approval. • Does the job description need updating? If so, the grade for the job and the person specification may need to be reevaluated. The HR Team is available to provide advice on constructing both job descriptions and person specifications and advising on grading issues. • Is this jobbing a politically restricted post or will the incumbent have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults? • What type of employment could be offered?
Full-time, part-time? Is job-sharing an option? Permanent or fixed term contract, secondment or agency? Use of fixed term contracts is most appropriate for covering a particular task/p task/proj roject ect/it /item em of work work or an interi interim m appoin appointme tment. nt. They They should should not normally be used to fill permanent posts. Agency staff may be used to cover short term peaks in work or projects or interim vacancies, i.e. whilst a permanent position is being advertised. Should total employment under any of these arrangements extend beyond 12 months, the individual may have an entitlement to permanent employment rights, including redundancy. Employment through an agency may count towards this 12 month period. Use of secondments must be in accordance with the IPCC Secondment poli po licy cy..
If it is propo propose sed d to proce proceed ed to recr recrui uitt to the post, post, it is the
responsibility of the Manager to ensure that the Authority to recruit form is completed and sent to HR as soon as possible.
3.2 Design Selection Process Manage Managers rs need need to design design the select selection ion proces processs they they will will use, use, giving giving consideration to the following points:
3.2.1 Panel Composition: All interviews for permanent posts must be conducted by a panel. The Manage Managerr is respon responsib sible le for for select selecting ing interv interview iew panel panel member memberss – being being mindful of: • The requirement that the panel consists of at least two people, and if possible, is mixed in terms of race and gender • The requirement that at least one panel member has received training on recruitment and equal opportunities, normally limited to that provided by the IPCC IPCC.. If no nott IPCC IPCC trai traine ned, d, the the matt matter er shou should ld be refe referr rred ed to Huma Human n Resources. • The requirement that each panel member be familiar with antidiscrimination legislation
• Th Thee will willin ingn gnes esss and and abil abilit ity y of po pote tent ntia iall pane panell memb member erss to atte attend nd all all interviews for the duration of the recrui recruitme tment nt proce process, ss, to mainta maintain in consis consisten tency cy and to ensure ensure fair fair treatment of all candidates. Panel members must be satisfied that their relationship with any candidate: • Will not improperly influence their decision • Will not give rise to suspicion about their motives
3.2.2 Selection Tests: Where selection tests are a valid method of assessing a candidate (i.e. effectively measures the job criteria, is relevant, reliable, fair and unbiased – also considering the predictive capacities of tests), they are an extremely useful tool and are recommended for use. Managers should seek advice from HR on the use of such tests .All psychometric tests used in selection must be developed, administered and interpreted by accredited people.
3.2.3 Interview Questions
Human Resources hold the IPCC Interview Guides that contain competency based interview questions. Managers need to ensure they contact Human Resources prior to interview to obtain copies of these guides.
3.3. Advertising Reachi Reaching ng any target target marke markett can be extrem extremely ely diffi difficul cult. t. Throug Through h niche niche websites websites like RD, you can guarantee guarantee that the people using the service service have an interest in your field. As more and more people turn to online means for their information and service needs, an active web presence is vital for any organization, large or small. Utilizing all the benefits of online advertising and adding adding the clout clout alrea already dy held held by Austra Australia lia's 's leadin leading g indust industry ry news news provider, Specialist News, ads placed with RD are a great way to generate interest in new products and services, or to improve awareness of your brand.
3.3.1 Advertising the vacancy: All vacancies at all levels must be advertised - there will be no “word of mouth” recruitment as this can lead to indirect discrimination.
No vacancy can be advertised until the request to fill procedure has been completed, and up-to-date job description, person specification and KSF outline have been sent electronically to the Recruitment Office. These will ensure that: We do not break our own operational policies;
Candidates receive the best possible information;
We are properly prepared to respond to candidates’ enquiries;
We are properly prepared to carry out the best interviews; possible and thus
Make the correct decisions;
NHS jobs are the medium for externally advertised vacancies in the first instan instance. ce. Intern Internal al vacanc vacancies ies will will be advert advertise ised d in the the Vacanc Vacancy y Bullet Bulletin in produced by the Recruitment Office. External vacancies will be advertised in the Vacancy Bulletin and NHS Jobs. The recruiting manager should indicate the preferred advertising medium on the Request to Fill Form in the event that no appointment has been made from advertising in the Vacancy bulletin and NHS jobs.. If the recruiting manager wishes to advertise in more than 1 journal, he/she will agree to fund 50% of the costs from the Directorate budget.
Thee HR depa Th depart rtme ment nt rout routin inel ely y moni monito tors rs the the cost cost and and resp respon onse se rate rate of advertisements and, as a result, will give advice on the choice of publications to ensure more cost-effective advertising. For some posts it is not necessary to pay for expensive advertising space, when Job Centre plus or internal bulletin can provide suitable candidates at no cost. Care will be taken to ensure that both the wording and placement of advertisements encourage a wide cross-section of the population to apply. All vacancies will be listed in the weekly Vacancy Bulletin produced by the Recruitment Team and circulated throughout the Trust and to specific organizations. The aim of the advertisement is to attract suitable candidates only, at the least cost. The information it should contain is taken largely from the job description and the person specification, as set out below: •
Job title
Grade and/or salary as appropriate
Brief description of the post
Essential requirements, such as shift work or travel
Any positive features such as training prospects
A contact person/telephone number for further information about the job
Encourage informal visits, where applicable
Recruiting a Candidate Pool: A. Looking Inside:
Consider possible internal candidates with an interest in the post.
Determine if the position level requires an external search.
B. External Search:
Advertising -
Brief position description
Minimum qualifications
include information needed from candidate
I. A resume ii. A letter from the candidate
iii. A concise work sample or essay (if applicable) iv. Names & phone #s of 3 references •
State length of response time
Ad placement (local, national, journals, etc.)
Emails or faxes accepted?
Focused Contacts - person-to-person person-to-person networking.
The object is to reach good candidates who are happily and productively employed elsewhere, but but who may be open for a change. The recommended position announcement for all positions must include a non-discrimination statem statement ent and be approv approved ed by divisi divisiona onall vice vice presi presiden dentt and execut executive ive director of human resources. A line ad may be placed with: A) Chronicle of Higher Education B) Area newspapers C) Selected professional journals And will be posted internally in accordance with established College policy to include our web links.. Efforts should be made to target advertising to women and minoriti minorities. es. (Maximum (Maximum Cost $700) $700) Letters Letters of application application and
vitae will be received by the search committee through the Department of Human Resources. A log of all applicants must be maintained and placed on file at the end of the search in the Human Resources office. An EEO Data Form will be mailed to each applicant to acknowledge receipt of their application as well as to collect specific data for diversity analysis. When completed, this form remains separate from the candidate’s application and is not available to the hiring manager or others involved in the search.
Ways to approach businesses1. Contact the company's community relations officer: If the officer is
supportive, it may lead to a steady source of volunteers. Some companies provide other types of agency support where their employees volunteer. 2. Recruit through posters: You often can arrange to display your posters
in stores stores,, Restau Restauran rants, ts, school schools, s, pub public lic librar libraries ies,, church churches, es, hospit hospitals als,, and large offices. Ask to speak with the decision makers. Make a brief statement about your program and ask for permission to display a poster.
3. Ask public libraries to accept free bookmarks to give away: These
could have a brief program description on one side and explain why you need volunteers on the other side. 4. Chec Check k out out comm commun unit ity y clea cleari ring ng hous houses es: In som some citi cities es ther theree are
organizations that put volunteers together with community services programs. Often newspapers run a periodic column that lists organizations’ needs for volunteers.
3.4. Applications: A file will be set up for each individual vacancy and held in the Recruitment Office containing the following: •
Application Form
Job Description, person specification, KSF outline
Terms & Conditions of Employment
Information about the Department in which the vacancy exists should be provided by the Manager (if available).
Any Any othe otherr rele releva vant nt info inform rmat atio ion, n, when when an enqu enquir iry y is rece receiv ived ed from from an applicant without internet access, an application pack will be sent within 24 hours.
3.5. Short listing: Equal Opportunity Monitoring Forms will be separated from the Application Forms prior to short listing and retained by the Recruitment Office The shortlist must be drawn up by minimum of two people, one of whom should be the recruiting manager. All panel members participating in short listing must be familiar with the job description, person specification and KSK outline. Short listing must be based only on the information given in the application, which is assessed against the criteria contained in the person specification and must be consistently applied to all candidates. A record of the
assessment must be recorded on the Shortlist Record Form or on NHS Jobs. This is especially important in the event of any subsequent allegation of discrimination. If there are large numbers of candidates meeting all the criteria for the job, it will be necessary necessary to examine examine the degree degree to which which each candidate candidate meets the essential essential criteria, criteria, and by short listing listing those candidates candidates who, in their their application, demonstrate the greatest ability to meet the criteria which can be tested at short listing stage. Any potentially suitable candidates who have disabilities with skills and abilities which broadly match the job description and person specification should also be short listed, whether internal or external candidates. In order to avoid allegations of favoritism, anyone involved in the selection process, which is connected by close friendship or is related to a candidate, must inform the appropriate HR Business Partner. Where there is a declared interest, following guidance from the HR Business Partner, a representative from HR may be included in the selection panel. In situations where there are internal candidates only, it is recommended that a third party not involved in the immediate area should be involved in the selection process and interview process. This will help to ensure, and be
seen to ensure, that fairness is maintained and that a person is selected on merit. A late application will be a genuine reason for not short listing a candidate and only in very exceptional circumstances and in consultation with the HR Business Partner will a late application be considered. It is recomm recommend ended ed that that the maximu maximum m number number of candid candidate atess per per shortl shortlist ist is six/eight.
3.6. Interview “Any person to person between two or more individuals with a specific purpose in mind is called Interview” There are basically two types of Interviews.
Structured Interviews
Unstructured Interviews
Structured Interviews: In which interviewer asks those questions which are pre- defined. “One “One type type that that has been been widely widely studie studied d and is consid considere ered d relati relativel vely y structured is situational questions.
Unstructured Interviews: In which interviewer asks those questions which are not pre- defined which ask randomly. The development of questions from incidents is part of the art or, at least, the unwritten aspects of structured interviewing. Some authors acknowledge that "literary license" is needed. Incidents are often grouped into dimensions first, and then the incidents that best represent the dimensions are turned into questions. “If necessary, questions can be repeated, or candidates can be given a card containing the question”.
3.6.1. Arrangements for interviews
Interviewing and selecting:
You may as well toss a coin’ Professor Eysenck's opinion on the validity of the interview as a selection device is well known. Nevertheless the interview seems likely to remain as the principle selection device despite its faults. To sharpen the effectiveness of the interview the panel should ask the candidate to give a presentation. This offers the chance for the candidate to show what they they have have achi achiev eved ed,, show show ho how w they they ho hope pe to fit fit in and and illu illust stra rate te thei their r communication skills. The interviewer needs to posses three different skills •
Information gathering, to elicit the facts
Interpreting and evaluating information, to consider what the facts mean.
Decision making, to act on the facts and the analysis.
Gathering the information, eliciting the facts. The right right phy physic sical al envir environm onment ent is impor importan tant. t. Inter Intervie views ws requir requiree a quiet quiet undisturbed room. If the interview is informal a circle of chairs of equal height and similar spacing may well be appropriate. If the interview is formal and held round a table. Spacing and lighting are also important. The candidate should not be asked to walk miles to their seat, nor blink into the
silhouettes of the interview panel against a window. The chairman should make the candidate welcome introduce the panel by name, and say whom they represent. Thee form Th format at of the the inte interv rvie iew w shou should ld be ou outl tlin ined ed to the the cand candid idat ate. e. Th Thee interviewer needs to listen to develop an interested and attentive interviewing style, with plenty of eye contact. Verbal reinforcement should be forthcoming from the interviewer. Silence can be used in a positive way to allow the candidate to develop their answers fully. Questions should be linked to what the candidate has said to elicit a flow of information. They should include:
A. Problem questions: These suggest a situation specific to the job where the candidate must show their capacity to, for example, priorities tasks under pressure. What was your most challenging situation in the last year and how did you deal with it?
B. Open questions: ‘Tell me about….’
C. Probing questions:
‘Why do you want to leave your present job’ or ‘What was your worst moment there?’
D. Closed questions: These interrupt the information low in order for the interviewer to redirect it to a new topic. ‘When did you…? Or how many…?’ At the end consider if you have gathered the information necessary for a decision. Ask the candidate back in if a question needs clarification. Allow the candidate, to question the panel, or offer the information on areas such as salary, study facilities, start date, accommodation or questions regarding the job description. description. Interpret Interpreting ing and evaluating evaluating the informat information ion Interviewer Interviewer,, know thy self.
Making the decision The panel should:
• Consider whether each candidate is appointable. Do they fulfill the essential criteria?
Do they match the person specification? • Each panel member should rank the candidates without conferring with other panel members. • Choose the best candidate. Never choose person of lesser ability out of fear of being overshadowed. This produces a dull un progressive unit. On the other hand Einstein might not fit well with the team. • Use Use refe refere renc nces es to back back up yo your ur choi choice ce,, to scre screen en for for fact factor orss whic which h disqualify rather than qualify. References have greater value as a negative test rather than a positive one to highlight an abrasive personality or poor sickness record.
Screening Interviews: These are usually shorter interviews used for the purpose of conducting a brief evaluation of a Candid ate. Successful candidates are asked back for a more in-depth interview.
One-on-one interviews: These interviews involve a candidate being questioned by one interviewer – also common in early stages of selection.
Telephone Interviews: Occasionally interviews are conducted over the telephone. This can be a disorienting experience mainly because neither party can see each other. Hence you need to rely on verbal cues from the interviewer as well as demonstrating a lot of enthusiasm, clarity and positive tone with your voice. Avoid being caught unawares and unprepared for a telephone interview – you are entitled to have at least a day’s notice to prepare. Find a quiet comfortable place where you can ensure there won’t be any interruptions.
Panel interviews and on-site/second interviews: After a first interview you may be asked to a second interview which is often on-site with the employer. Panels consist usually of 2-3 people, often from different parts of an organization eg. a graduate recruitment specialist, a
technical expert and a person representing the area you could work in. Ensu En sure re yo you u addr addres esss all all pane panell memb member erss equa equall lly. y. Th Thes esee inte interv rvie iews ws are are sometimes incorporated as part of an assessment centre.
Case Study Interviews: Some organizations, especially consulting firms, use case study questions to evaluate Candidate’s analytical skills. These scenarios can often be quite challenging. The Careers Centre has a range of tips and resources to help prepare for these interviews. At the Interview: Questions to Expect Most questions asked at interview can be predicted and usually focus on three issues: •
Can you do the job? Do you have the qualifications and/or skills?
Will you do the job? Do you have the enthusiasm/motivation?
Will you fit in? Could they work with you? Do you get on well with people?
Here are some interview common questions:
What interests you about this position?
Why do you think you would be successful in this position?
Competency-Based Interviews: Competency or behavior-based interviews operate from the premise that the most accurate predictor of future performance is past behavior in a similar situ situat atio ion. n. Th This is type type of inte interv rvie iew w is no now w comm common only ly used used in sele select ctio ion n processes. Questions are probing in nature and the competencies employers look for include: •
Team work/interpersonal skills
Give me some examples about when you have had to handle difficult people. •
Achievement drive
What would be the best example of you giving a project or piece of work your absolute best effort and being disappointed by the outcome? What would you do differently a second time? •
Tell us about a time when you have had to adapt quickly to substantially changed circumstances at university or at work. •
Persuasiveness and negotiation ability
Descri Describe be a time time when when you have have been been requir required ed to negoti negotiate ate in diffic difficult ult circumstances. Why was it important for you to become involved? What strategies did you use? •
Analytical thinking
Describe a project that you have worked on that has required a high level of analysis and contribution of new ideas.
3.7. Selection
3.7.1 Decision to Appoint:
After interview process the require candidate is selected for a job. Panel members decide to hire that individual who is fulfilling the requirements.
3.8. Offers 3.8.1 Offer of Employment: Employment:
Organization offers the job to the Individual.
3.9 Other Requirements: Requirements: 3.9.1 Post interview feedback & notification to applicants:
HR is responsible for providing all candidates with written notification of the outcome of their application. If feedback is requested from an unsucc unsuccessf essful ul shortshort-lis listed ted candid candidate ate,, the manage managerr should should provi provide de a valid valid reason to the candidate for rejection together with constructive feedback. Written feedback will not normally be provided. 3.9.2 Monitoring Recruitment and Selection (Reporting):
HR will monitor the recruitment processes to ensure they are not discri discrimin minato atory ry and will will provid providee statis statistic tical al data data to the Senior Senior Execut Executive ive Group on a regular basis.
Role of Recruiter
WHY YOU SHOULD USE A RECRUITER: Working with Executive Recruiters
Executive Recruiters hold the keys to the "hidden job market" - career opportunit opportunities ies that aren't posted posted anywhere anywhere else. These professionals professionals hold great influence within the hiring organization, and it's important for jobseekers to understand how to leverage this resource as part of their overall career strategy. Four Key Facts about Executive Recruiters:
1. Jobseekers do not pay fees to search firms. Instead, the companies that hire recruiters to fill a position pay for their services. This fee is calculated using the starting salary of the position, and can range from 15%-35% of that salary. Be wary of any recruiter who asks you to pay them a fee…If you are asked to pay a fee for job placements services, please let us know immediately. 2. There are two types of search firms - Retained and Contingency. While both types charge fees only to the hiring organization, it is important to note the differences. When the hiring company retains a recruiting firm, that firm
is paid regardless of the results of the search. Retained firms are typically used to fill higher-level positions at $100,000+ salaries. Contingency search firms receive payment only when their candidate is hired. Over Over the the last last few few year yearss the the "sea "searc rch" h" indu indust stry ry has has go gone ne thro throug ugh h some some significant changes. While contingency firms have generally always accept accepted ed retain retained ed work, work, many many retain retained ed firms firms now accept accept contin contingen gency cy work…You decide which type of recruiter is right for you! 3. Don't limit your search by geography. For many higher-end job assignments, recruiting firms will look nationally or even internationally. It is absolutely in your best interest to gain exposure among search firms who fill positions in your industry, function and salary range, no matter where they are. A Chicago recruiter is just as likely to have an assignment in Los Angeles as in Boston. That being said, it's much easier to network with local recruiters and they can be an invaluable resource when penetrating the local hiring market, particularly for non-executive positions. 4. Some search firms specialize, while others don't. To make your search as effective as possible, target your efforts towards recruiters those work in your respective industry and/or specialize in your job function. As you begin to network with these specialized recruiters you'll find they are very much
aware of where opportunities exist within the micro hiring "economies" of your shared areas of expertise. However, generalist firms should not be ignore ignored, d, especi especiall ally y at the higher higher execut executive ive ranks… ranks….Wh .Wheth ether er retain retained ed or contingency fee-based, search firms are handsomely rewarded for filling positions on behalf of their corporate clients. Thus, networking and building relationships with qualified, reputable recruiters is a critical component of career management strategies.
Making Contact with Your Selected Executive Recruiters:
Next, identify all of the communication channels that make sense for the firms firms and recrui recruiter terss you you've 've identi identifie fied. d. The firm firm may offer offer an online online mechanism for posting and/or sending your resume and cover letter. Review the the firm firm's 's webs websit itee for for job job op oppo port rtun unit itie iess curr curren entl tly y un unde derr rese resear arch ch,, and and establish the preferred communication medium for that firm. In all cases, respec respectt the indica indicated ted commun communica icatio tion n prefe preferen rences ces of the firm firm and/or and/or the individual recruiter. Not unlike introducing your professional "brand" to a hiring organization, make sure your cover letter and resume/CV are both positioned appropriately for the areas of expertise in which the recruiter works. Keep in
mind mind that that recr recrui uite ters rs are are no nott care career er mana manage gers rs.. Th They ey may may no nott have have the the expertise or inclination to advise you on changes to your cover letter and resume, so make sure they're tight before you send them. After providing yourr creden you credentia tials ls in whatev whatever er commun communica icatio tion n medium medium you think think makes makes sense, consider a follow up a few weeks later with another communication attempt. What you're striving for is a personal contact from the recruiter. Depending on your "hirability" (qualification level, experience etc.) you may have to be in the right place at the right time to be recognized at a personal level. How Recruiting Firms Can Make a Difference In Your Career:
When contacted by a recruiter treat them as though they are the hiring organization. Be professional, make your best impression, sell yourself and your "hirability", and understand that executive recruiters have access to a lot of talent. Remember, the recruiter doesn't work for you so don't expect personal, individualized service. Working with executive recruiters is not an event - it is a process. We have testimonials from Directory of Executive Recruiters clients that indicate when working with an Executive recruiter, the "hiring cycle" can take anywhere anywhere from two days to two years! years! In either either case though, most positions secured through executive recruiters fit into the "dream job" category.
The Significance of the Study: The study will broaden our understanding the affect of independent variables which are Recruitment sources, Interview and Recruiters on the dependent variable which is Recruitment and Selection Process. Current study will add to existing body of knowledge by signifying.
Recruitment and selection process importance
Recruitment sources affects on Recruitment and selection process
Interviews 3ffects on Recruitment and selection process
Recruiters affects on Recruitment and selection process
Theoretical Framework Recruitment Sources
Recruitment and Selection Process
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The study will be conducted to achieve the aforesaid objectives including both exploratory and descriptive in nature and involve personal interviews that will be based on the questionna questionnaire ire format. A Research Research Methodology Methodology defi define ness the the pu purp rpos osee of the the rese resear arch ch,, ho how w it proc procee eeds ds,, ho how w to meas measur uree
progress and what constitute success with respect to the objectives determined for carrying out the research study. The research process that will be adopted in the present study consists of the following stages:-
RESEARCH DESIGN: Exploratory Research A rese resear arch ch desi design gn is the the spec specif ific icat atio ion n of meth method odss and and proc proced edur ures es for for acquiring the information needed to structure or solve the problem. It is the overall operational pattern or framework of the project that stimulates what information is to be collected from which source and by what procedure. On the the basi basiss of majo majorr pu purp rpos osee of ou ourr inve invest stig igat atio ion n the the EXPL EXPLOR ORAT ATOR ORY Y RESEARCH was found to be most suitable. This kind of research has the primary objective of development of insights into the problem. It studies the main area where the problem lies and also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of action.
The data required for the study has been collected from-
QUESTIONNAIRE QUESTIONNAIRE survey among the official’s employees.
PERSONAL INTERVIEWS with the company representatives regarding Recruitment and Selection.
The secondary data has been collected from:
Internet, websites
Organizational Reports
Case Studies
Business magazines
Journals on e-learning Industry.
SAMPLING METHOD Survey was done by random sampling method.
SAMPLE SIZE Sample size can be 50 or as per project sampling requirement.
MODE OF ANALYSIS The instrument used for data collection was in the form of questionnaire. The questionnaire was used as it facilitates the tabulation and analysis of the data to be collected. The data collected was subjected to simple frequency distribution and percentage analysis.
Q.1 How much recruitments are assigned to one HR employee at any given time? Between 1-3
Between 4-6
Between 7-10
Between 11-20
More than 20
Q.2 Q.2 On aver averag age, e, ho how w many many ho hour urss do does es the the HR staf stafff spen spend d on each each recruitment? 1-5
More than 40
Q.3 Average time it takes from notification of vacancy until new hire reports to work: Jobs in general –
49 days
Pro Profess fessio ion nal job jobs –
51 days ays
Clerical jobs –
45 days
Trades jobs –
44 days
IT jobs –
48 days
CONCLUSION This study suggest that when Recruitment and Selection Process is properly established and implemented then organization will must grow because all the employ employees ees will will be accord according ing to the requir requireme ements nts Recrui Recruitme tment nt and Selection Process affects a lot on the organizational activities regarding its growth growth becaus becausee if the the people people will will be accord according ing t the requi requirem rement entss and skillful then cost will reduce and organization must grow. All the study has
prove the fact there is directly and indirectly relationship is present between these variables and these variables affect on the Recruitment and Selection Process. All the independent variables are Recruitment sources, Interviews and Recrui Recruiter terss are all very very impor importan tantt in the Recrui Recruitme tment nt and Select Selection ion Process because by the missing of any one factor there is chance the whole Recruitment and Selection Process will be affected by these factors. There are no doubt others factors also affect on the Recruitment and Selection Process but these are main and require more attention. That is why I choose these variables.
Business India Business World India Today Newspaper Course Books of MBA Human Resource Management by L M Prasad
QUESTIONNAIRE Name of the employee………………………………………………………... Designation…………………………………………………………………… Department………………………………………………………………….... Contact no…………………………………………………………………….
Q.1) Recruitment & Selection Process is Effective for the Organizational objectives? Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Strongly Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Q.2) R & S Process increase efficiency in the organization activities? Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Strongly Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Q.3) Do you think best source increase the efficiency on all organization department? Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Strongly Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Q.4) R & S Process depends on sources of Recruitment? Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Q.5) which is the best source for R & S Process? a) Internal Internal b) Consultants c) Print Print Media Media d) Electronic Media e) Others
Q.6) Better Result of R & S can be increase by Recruitment sources? Strongly Agree 1
Strongly Disagree
Disagree 4
Q.7) R & S Process depend on Interviews? Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Q.8) Interviews are the basic filter of the R & S Process? Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Q.9) Different methods of Interviews should be used? Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree 3
Q.10) Which methods should be used for Recruitment? a) Structur Structured ed b) Unstructured c) Problem questions d) Case Study questions e) others
Disagree 4
Q.11) Better Result of R & S can be increase by Interviews? a) Structur Structured ed b) Unstructured c) Problem questions d) Case Study questions e) others
Q.10) R & S Process depend on Recruiters? Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Strongly Disagree
Q.11) R & S Process end results can be because of Recruiters? Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Q12) Recruiter should be Knowledgeable and Experience? Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Strongly Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Q.13) R & S behavior depends on recruiter? Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Strongly Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Q.14) End Result of R & S process can be wrong because of Recruiters? Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Strongly Disagree 3
Disagree 4