Complete the e-mail with the best chioce. Dear Ms Köpke, I have been 1. ________________ your name by Maëlle Corbineau in Paris, who has recenly use! your a"ency #or he recruimen o# hree C$ech en"ineers. %e are &. ________________ o open a new ' ( D uni in Polan! in hree monhs) ime, an! we are *. ________________ in your playin" a hea!hunin" role #or us in ha counry. I woul! here#ore be +. ________________ i# we coul! mee up some ime soon o !iscuss our nee!s in more !eail.Please . ________________ me know when an! where his mi"h be possible. I look #orwar! o -. ________________ #rom you shorly. ours sincerely, Di!ier /er"ou"nou0 rollber" 2n"ineerin" 1. a3 given
b3 ol!
c3 promise!
&. a3 soon
*. a3 ineres
b3 interested
+. a3 reco"ni$e!
c3 grateful
. a3 in#orm
c3 let
-. a3 hearing
b3 rea!in"
c3 abou c3 ineresin"
c3 callin"
Now it’s your turn to show what you’ve learned in this lesson by writing a short email for each of the situations: 1. You have to contact Taylor Dennis to inquire about the arrival of the C! of the com"any in #io de $aneiro. %. You are in New Yor& City' on business' and you need to inform your director' (r. )eterson' of this. *. You are setting u" a lecture about The nvironmental +ssues' and you must confirm Christo"her ,aith’s "resence' as& him to res"ond by email. -. You are analying a very im"ortant "ro"osal' but you do not remember some "rices' send an email to your assistant' Collis (artine' as&ing him to send you the "rice table as soon as "ossible.