This is the second chapter of Power Plant Engineering authored by PRIME in the Philippines. The topic in this chapter is Fuels and Combustion.Full description
This is the second chapter of Power Plant Engineering authored by PRIME in the Philippines. The topic in this chapter is Fuels and Combustion.Full description
power plant engineering by pk nag for mechanical engineers
power plant engineering by pk nag for mechanical engineers
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power plant,boilers,types of boilers
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Department of Mechanical Engineering Power Plant Engineering Sample oral Questions 1.
What is nuclear waste?
2. What is breeder reactor? 3. What is nuclear fusion? 4. What is the current status of power po wer generation in India? 5. What is the current status of nuclear energy energ y in India? 6. Is nuclear energy sustainable? 7. What is a stage in a steam stea m turbine? 8. What is a radial-flow turbine? 9. In which turbine is tip leakage a problem? 10.
What are types of thrust hearings?
Why should a steam or moisture separator be installed in the steam line next to a steam turbine?
What are some conditions that may prevent a turbine from developing full power?
Why is it necessary to open op en casing drains and drains on the stea m line going to the turbine when a turbine is to be started?
What is steam rate as applied to turbo-generators? t urbo-generators?
What are the two basic types of o f steam turbines?
What is the operating principle of an impulse turbine?
What is the operating principle of a reaction react ion turbine?
What are topping turbines?
What is an extraction turbine?
20. What is a combination thrust and radial rad ial bearing? 21. What is a tapered-land thrust bearing? 22. How many governors are needed for safe turbine operation? Why?
23. How is a fly ball governor used with a hydraulic control? 24. What is meant by critical speed? 25. How is oil pressure maintained when starting or stopping a medium-sized turbine? 26. Besides lubrication, which are two functions of lubr icating oil in some turbines? 27. Do you stop cooling-water flow flow through thro ugh a steam condenser as soon as the turbine is slopped? 28. How can steam turbines be classified? 29. How can the disadvantages of the impulse turbine be overcome? 30. How can the misalignment misalignment be rectified? rect ified? 31. How do the problems of o f vibration and fatigue arise with steam turbine blades? 32. How does deposit formation on turbine t urbine blades affect turbine efficiency? 33. How does pressure monitoring ensure detection o f turbine deposits? 34. How does the safety trip valve trip at normal speed? 35. How is pressure compounding accomplished? 36. How is pressure-velocity compounding accomplished? 37. How is velocity compounding accomplished? 38. How many governors are needed for safe turbine operation? Why? 39. How many types of particle-impact da mage occur in turbine blades? 40. In which cases does moisture-impingement moisture-impingement and washing wa shing erosion occur? 41. In which part of the steam turbine tur bine does corrosion fatigue occur? 42. In which turbine is this pressure compounding used ? 43. In which turbine is velocity compounding utilized? 44. In which turbines, is this pressure-velocity compounding principle employed? 45. In which zone of steam turbines tu rbines has temperature-creep rupture been observed? 46. What are types of turbine seals?
47. What are some common troubles in surface-condenser operation? 48. What are the advantages of o f steam turbines over reciprocating steam engines? 49. What are the advantages of velocity compounding? 50. What are the advantages of welded rotors? 51. What are the basic causes o f the problem of rotor failure? 52. What are the differences between impulse and reaction turbines? 53. What are the disadvantages of velocity compounding? 54. What are the losses in steam turbines? 55. What are the main causes o f turbine vibration? 56. What are the possible po ssible causes for the turbine not running at rated speed? 57. What are the possible causes of a governor not operating? 58. What are the possible po ssible causes of excessive vibration or noise in a steam turbine? 59. What are the possible po ssible causes of the speed of the turbine rotor increasing excessively as the load is decreased? 60. What are the stresses to which a steam turbine turb ine rotor is subjected during its service life? 61. What are three types of condensers? 62. What are two types of clearance in a turbine? 63. What factors are responsible respo nsible for turbine-blade failures? 64. What is combined-cycle cogeneration? 65. What is gland-sealing steam? 66. What is the definition of a steam turbine? 67. Which of the following plants is almost inevitably used as base load plant? 68. Cost of labor is considered as which cost and depreciation is taken as which cost? 69. The ratio of average load to maximum load is known as __________ factor . 70. Which factor is the ratio of maximum demand to connected load of consumer . 71. Heat rate is __________ of efficiency.
72. What is plant use factor? 73. What are the basic fuels used for power plants? 74. What are the types of coals? 75. What is steam nozzle? 76. What are the types of o f steam nozzles? 77. What is super saturated flow in steam nozzle? nozz le? 78. Which cycle is used in stea m power plants? 79. Name HP boilers. 80.
What the design requirements of HP boilers?
81. Name the four major circuits in steam power po wer plant. 82. What consists of air and flue gas circuit? 83. What consists of feed water and steam st eam flow flow circuit in steam power? po wer? 84. What consists of cooling water circuit and coal & ash circuit in steam power plant? 85. What are the uses of air filter and t urbochargers in diesel engine power plant? 86. What is the function of cooling system in Diesel power plant? 87. What is the main purpose of high-pressure boilers? 88. State important advantages of high-pressure boilers? 89.
important high pressure boilers?
90. What is the major disadvantage of La Mont boiler? 91. State some important advantages of Benson boiler? 92. What is rating of Loeffler boiler? 93. Explain Reheat cycle? 94. What are the important advantages o f Re-heating? 95. Name different methods of reheating? 96.
bleeding in steam power plant?
97. Explain the term Regeneration? 98. State some advantages of Regeneration cycle? 99.
100. State
some advantages of fluidised bed boilers?
101. N 101. Name 102. Why
different methods used to extract steam for heating the feed water?
the two types of o f coal handling
the preparation of coal coa l is necessary?
103. Name
the different types of coal transforming equipments?
What is the use of belt conveyors?
Write about screw conveyor and bucket conveyors?
106. What 107.
What are the different types of stockers?
108. How 109.
is the difference between stocker sto cker firing firing and pulverised pu lverised fuel firing?
the ash handling system is classified?
Why ash handling system is' needed?
110. Name 111. What
different types of dust collectors?
are the appliances known as a s boiler accessories?
Which are boiler mountings?
What is meant by boiler trial?
114. Define
demand factor?
115. Define
load curve?
116. Define
load factor?
What includes fixed cost?
What includes operating cost?
What is the need of depreciation cost?
120. What 121.
are the requirements to sustain fission fission process?
What are the desirable properties of a good moderator?
122. What
are the desirable properties of a coo lant?
123. Name
few types of reactors.
What are the advantages of o f breeder reactors?
What are the demerits of breeder reactor?
What is the purpose of control rods?
127. Name 128. State
the different components of nuclear reacto r?
some advantages of Pressurized Water reactor?
What are the advantages of gas cooled reactor nuclear power plant?
What is breeding in nuclear reactor?
131. Name
the coolants commonly used for fast breeder reactors?