Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
EXPERIMENT 1 Tensil Te nsilee Te Test st
1.0 OBJECT OBJECTIVE IVE 1.1 To emphasis the use of tensile using Instron mahine to the polymer materials. materials. 2.0 INTROD INTRODUCT UCTION ION
The mehanial properties of materials are !etermine! "y performing arefully !esigne! la"oratory experiments that repliate as nearly as possi"le the ser#ie on!itions. In real life$ there are many fators in#ol#e! in the nature in %hih loa!s are applie! on a material. The follo%ing are some ommon examples of mo!es in %hih loa!s might "e applie!: tensile$ ompressi#e$ an! shear. These properties are important in materials seletions for mehanial !esign. &ther fators that often ompliate the !esign proess inlu!e temperature an! time fators. The topi of this la" is onfine! to the tensile property of polymers. 'igure 1 sho%s a tensile testing mahine Instron mahine. This test is a !estruti#e metho!$ in %hih a speimen of a stan!ar! shape an! !imensions (prepare! aor!ing to ASTM to ASTM D 638: 638: stan!ar! test metho! for tensile properties of plastis) is su"ete! to an axial loa!. Tensile testing is the measurement of the a"ility of a material to o#erome fores pulling the sample apart an! the extent it strethes "efore "rea*ing. Tension Tension test is another name of tensile test. It is material siene test %hih a speimen is su"ete! to the stress until it "rea*s. +uring a typial tensile test$ a !um""ell ! um""ell shape! speimen is grippe! at its t%o en!s an! is pulle! to elongate at a !etermine! rate to its "rea*point a highly !utile polymer may not reah its "rea*point. The tensile tester use! in this la" is manufature! "y Instron mahine. The setup of the experiment oul! "e hange! to aommo aommo!at !atee !iffer !ifferent ent types types of mehani mehanial al testi testing$ ng$ aor!i aor!ing ng to the ,-T ,-T stan!ar stan!ar! ! (e.g. (e.g. ompression test$ et).
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
'rom 'rom the the tens tensil ilee test test resu result lt$$ the the mo!u mo!ulu luss of elas elasti tii ity ty$$ elas elasti ti limi limit$ t$ elong elongat atio ion$ n$ proportional limit$ re!ution in area$ tensile strength$ yiel! point$ yiel! strength$ strain rate$ stress rate an! other tensile properties are o"taine!. ,ll of this tensile properties$ %e an measure! an! o"tain it from the loa! #ersus elongation ur#e %hih is then on#erte! into a stress #ersus strain graph %hih pro!ue! "y the tensile test mahine.
'igure 1 : -tress strain ur#e for polymer materials /eferring to typial stress0strain ur#e of polymer materials as$ the tensile properties !efine! as follo%s: •
Tensile stress the fore applie! to pro!ue !eformation in a unit area of a speimen. It expresse! in fore per unit area. stress
Tensil Tensilee strength strength maximum tensile tensile stress stress supporte! supporte! "y speimen speimen !uring !uring test an! also
!esri"es the stress to "rea* the sample. Tensile Tensile strength at "rea* tensile strength at the mo ment of rupture of the sample. -tra -train in the the hang hangee in leng length th per per unit unit of origi origina nall lengt length h (,I (,I). ).It It is expr expres esse se! ! as a
!imensionless ratio.
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Elongation the inrease in length of the speimen pro!ue! "y a tensile loa!. 4iel! point the first point on the stress0strain ur#e at %hih an inrease in strain ours
%ithout the inrease in stress. 4iel! strength the stress at %hih a material exhi"its a speifie! limiting !e#iation from
the proportionality of stress to strain. This stress %ill "e at yiel! point. Proportional limit the greatest stress at %hih a material is apa"le of sustaining the
applie! loa! %ithout any !e#iation from proportionality of stress to strain (5oo*es 7a%). o!ulus of elastiity the ratio of stress to orrespon!ing strain "elo% the proportional
limit. 8ltimate strength the maximum stress a material %ill %ithstan! %hen su"ete! to an
• •
applie! loa! in ompression$ tension or shear. 4oungs mo!ulus initial slope of the stress0strain ur#es. Toughness the area un!er the stress0strain ur#es. This area has the units of energy per unit #olume an! is the %or* expen!e! in !eforming the materials.
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
3.0 COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS 3.1 Instron mahine
'igure 2: Instron mahine 3.2 9ernier aliper
'igure 3: 9ernier aliper 3.3 -amples
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
'igure 6: PP (%ith a!!iti#e)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
'igure <: 7+PE
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
4.0 PROCEDURES .1 The polymer samples %ere inetion0mol!e! into !um""ell shapes. .2 The %i!th$ thi*ness an! gauge length of eah sample %as measure! using #ernier
aliper in mm. These !imensions shoul! "e approximately the sa me for eah sample. .3 The gap "et%een the upper a% an! lo%er a% of the Instron mahine %as a!uste! an! set at 1=m.
'igure >: ?a%s a!uste! to 1=m gap
. The ross hea! spee! of Instron mahine %as set at ;= mmmin. .; The sample 1 %as lippe! tightly in "et%een of the a%s.
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
'igure @: sample %as lippe! tightly "et%een a%s
.6 To start up the test$ the start "utton of the Inston mahine %as presse!. The upper a% %as proee!e! to mo#e up%ar!s at the rate set. &ne the failure ourre!$ the results an! stress0stain graph is automatially reor!e!.
'igure 1=: failure ourre!
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
.< To allo% upper a% return to its original position$ the return "utton of the Inston mahine %as presse!. .> 'or the next plastis samples$ steps .3 0 .< %ere repeate!. .@ 'or more !etails$ ,-T + 63> (plastis) an! ,-T + 12 (ru""er) %ere referre! .0 RESU!TS AND DISCUSSION Belo% are the graphs for all the experiment using pure Polypropylene (PP) using ; samples:
Ultimate tensile
Yield strength
Breakin g strength
Modulus of elasticity
'igure 11: The stress0strain ur#e of pure PP (sample 1) at ;= mmmin
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Ultimate tensile
Yield strengt h
Modulus of elasticity
Breaking strength point
'igure 12: The stress0strain ur#e of pure PP (sample 2) at ;= mmmin
Ultimate tensile strength
Yield strengt
Breakin stren th Modulus of elasticity
'igure 13: The stress0strain ur#e of pure PP (sample 3) at ;= mmmin
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Ultimate tensile
Yield strengt
Modulus of
Breaking strength point
'igure 1: The stress0strain ur#e of pure PP (sample ) at ;= mmmin
Ultimate tensile
Yield strengt
Breaking strength point Modulus of
'igure 1;: The stress0strain ur#e of pure PP (sample ;) at ;= mmmin
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Belo% are the graphs for all the experiment using Polystyrene (P-) using samples (sample 2 %as reete!):
Ultimate tensile
Yield strengt
Breakin g strength
Modulus of
'igure 16: The stress0strain ur#e of P- (sample 1) at ;= mmmin
Ultimate tensile strength Yield strengt
Breaking strength point
Modulus of
'igure 1<: The stress0strain ur#e of P- (sample 3) at ;= mmmin
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Ultimate tensile strength
Yield strengt
Breakin g strength
Modulus of
'igure 1>: The stress0strain ur#e of P- (sample ) at ;= mmmin
Ultimate tensile
Yield strengt h
Breakin g strength
Modulus of
'igure 1@: The stress0strain ur#e of P- (sample ;) at ;= mmmin
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Belo% are the graphs for all the experiment using 7+PE using samples:
Ultimate tensile
Breaking strength
Modulus of
'igure 2=: The stress0strain ur#e of 7+PE (sample 1) at ;= mmmin
Ultimate tensile
Breaking strength
Modulus of
'igure 21: The stress0strain ur#e of 7+PE (sample 2) at ;= mmmin
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Ultimate tensile
Breaking strength
Modulus of
'igure 22: The stress0strain ur#e of 7+PE (sample 3) at ;= mmmin
Ultimate tensile
Breaking strength
Modulus of
'igure 23: The stress0strain ur#e of 7+PE (sample ) at ;= mmmin
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Belo% are the graphs for all the experiment using PP (%ith a!!iti#e: pigment olor filler) using ; samples:
Ultimate tensile
Breaking strength Yield
Modulus of
'igure 2: The stress0strain ur#e of PP %ith a!!iti#e (sample 1) at ;= mmmin
Ultimate tensile
Breaking strength
Modulus of
'igure 2;: The stress0strain ur#e of PP %ith a!!iti#e (sample 2) at ;= mmmin
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Ultimate tensile Breaking strength Yield
Modulus of
'igure 26: The stress0strain ur#e of PP %ith a!!iti#e (sample 3) at ;= mmmin
Ultimate tensile
Breaking strength
Modulus of
'igure 2<: The stress0strain ur#e of PP %ith a!!iti#e (sample ) at ;= mmmin
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
Ultimate tensile
Breaking strength
Modulus of
'igure 2>: The stress0strain ur#e of PP %ith a!!iti#e (sample ;) at ;= mmmin
'rom 'igure 11 until 'igure 2> sho%n the stress0ur#e of all the material pure PP$ a!!iti#e PP$ P- an! 7+PE %ere teste! in the experiment using spee! of ;= mmmin fixe!. Those ur#es sho%e! that e#ery material ha! sho%n !ifferent figure ur#es %hih means it #aries on their mehanial properties too. Ta"le 1 gi#e some information a"out four samples "ase! on fe% properties mo!ulus of elastiity$ yiel! stress$ yiel! strain$ stress at "rea*$ strain at "rea* an! ultimate tensile "rea*.
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
B"se# $n t%e &'"(% $) st'ess*st'"in +,'-es #ete'/ine "ll t%ese tensile ('$(e'ties "s
/$#,l,s iel# st'ess iel# st'"in st'ess "t 'e" "n# st'"in "t 'e" "'e #ete'/ine#.
Ta"le 1 : The highest measurement of the tensile properties "ase! on stress #ersus strain graph of four polymer at ;= mmmin rate.
o!ulus -peimen
4iel! stress
4iel! strain
-tress at
-train at
8ltimate tensile strength (Pa)
Pure Polypropylene
(PP) (sample 1) Polystyrene (P-) (sample 3)
7o% +ensity Polyethylene (7+PE) (sample 1) Polypropylene %ith a!!iti#e (PP) (sample ;)
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
%$ %# 2$
Modulus of elasticity (Mpa')
Yield strength (Mpa)
he "alue of
Ultimate tensile strength (Mpa)
1$ 1# $ # PP (pure)
PP (additi"e)
'igure 2@: The hart of four tensile tests
/efer to the hart a"o#e$ there are three properties of !ata that gaine! from the tensile test are plotte! into the hart$ %hih are mo!ulus of elastiity$ yiel! strength an! ultimate tensile strength. Eah properties are teste! using four !ifferent samples %hih are 7o% +ensity Polyethylene (7+PE)$ pure Polypropylene (PP)$ Polypropylene (PP) %ith a!!iti#e an! Polystyrene (P-). o!ulus of elastiity !esri"e! tensile elastiity the ten!eny of an o"et or sample to !eform along an axis %hen opposing fore are applie! along that axis. It also !efine! as a measure of the a"ility of a material to %ithstan! hanges in length %hen un!er length%ise tension or ompression "efore the yiel! point %hih the material an return "a* to its original shape. The highest #alue "et%een the four samples is Polypropylene (PP) %ith a!!iti#e %ith 1 paA$ after that pure Polypropylene (PP) %ith 2.< paA$ Polystyrene (P-) %ith 1.> paA an! lastly 7o% +ensity Polyethylene (7+PE) %ith =.<< paA. 'rom the result %e an see that the is Polypropylene (PP) %ith a!!iti#e is the material that an %ithstan! the hanges happen to it #ery %ell ompare to others sample. 4iel! strength refers to an in!iation of maximum stress that an "e !e#elope! in a material %ithout ausing plasti !eformation. It is the stress at %hih a material exhi"its a
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
speifie! permanent !eformation an! is a pratial approximation of the elasti limit. The sample that has highest yiel! strength is Polystyrene (P-) %ith 3.; Pa an! the lo%est yiel! strength #alue o"taine! is <.6< Pa %hih is "elongs to 7o% +ensity Polyethylene (7+PE). 7ast properties that has "een #alue! is ultimate tensile strength %hih refer to the maximum stress that a material an %ithstan! %hile "eing streth or pull$ in this experiment$ "y using Instron mahine$ "efore it failing or "rea*ing. 'rom the experiment$ it has "een pro#e! that Polystyrene (P-) has the highest ultimate tensile strength "efore it "ro*e %hen it "een strethe! %ith #alue of 36.3 Pa. The material that has lo%est ultimate tensile strength is 7o% +ensity Polyethylene (7+PE) %ith >.2 Pa. .2 Me"s,'e "'e" ,n#e' t%e st'ess -e's,s st'"in +,'-e ,sin& Pl"'i/ete' $' $t%e' /et%$#s %"t is t%e /e"nin& $) t%is "'e"
hen a graph of stress0strain ur#e is plotte!$ the area un!er the graph is eCual to the toughness of the material teste!.
'igure 3=: ,rea un!er graph of stress0strain ur#e
The area un!er the graph an "e o"taine! from the formula: 8 ( E D / 2 ) 2 !* modulus of elasticity (MPa' ) 2 ε+
* strain at ,reak
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
.3 Dis+,ss $n #i))e'en+es $) st'ess*st'"in ('$(e'ties 5)i&,'e6 )$' #i))e'ent t(e $) s"/(les. 7$8 t%e'/"l %ist$' +"n "))e+t /i+'$st',+t,'e "n# /e+%"ni+"l e%"-i$' $) se/i*+'st"lline /"te'i"ls
E#ery material that has "een teste! in this experiment has their o%n properties strutural properties an! mehanial properties. +ue the #aries of the properties$ e#ery materials %ill #aries its o%n stress0strain ur#e graph as long as its properties. Polystyrene is a glassy$ "rittle polymer %ith lo% toughness an! a softening temperature of only 1==FG. Its a!#antage o#er other polymers is the ease %ith %hih it an "e proesse! "y extrusion$ inetion an! #auum forming. Polypropylene has higher strength an! stiffness than polyethylene an! "etter heat resistane (melting temperature approx. 16=FG) so it an "e use! in appliations %here ontat %ith hot %ater an! steam may "e in#ol#e!. In this experiment %e use! t%o types of polypropylene %hih is pure an! other one ha#e a!!iti#e a!!e!. , pigment olor filler a!!e! thus ma*e the other PP is in "la* olor ompare! to the yello%ish olor. The !isa!#antages of polypropylene are its loss of flexi"ility at temperatures "elo% =FG an! it is more permea"le to gases than is high !ensity polyethylene !ue to its lo%er !egree of rystallinity. The lo% !ensity polyethylene (7+PE) has "ranhe! polymer hains an! therefore the struture of this gra!e of polyethylene is largely amorphous. It has a !ensity of approximately =.@2 an! a melting temperature of 11;FG. The merits of the polymer are its lo% ost$ flexi"ility at temperatures !o%n to 12=FG$ high toughness an! hemial inertness to a %i!e range of liCui!s an! soli!s. The effet on thermal history are #ery important on polymer shoul! "e stu!ie! in !etail as the !egree of rystallinity reahe! "y polymers !epen!s on thi! history. This rystallinity !egree in turn go#erns the "eha#iour of mehanial properties suh as rigi!ity an! resistane. It all "eause %hen the thermoplasti is "een synthesiHe it must "e su"mitte! to a transformation proess to o"tain finishe! pro!ut. This proess inlu!e !ifferent #aria"le %hih influene the final harateriHations of the pro!ut. The most important of them are thermal history gi#en to the polymer !uring the soli!ifiation proess an! moleular %eight.
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
hen the thermoplasti polymer ha! "een !one synthesiHe!$ the thermoplasti must "e su"mitte! to a transformation proess to !etermine the en! result of the pro!ut. This proess inlu!e !ifferent #aria"le$ %hih influenes the result of the pro!uts$ %hih the most important of them is the thermal history gi#en to the polymer !uring the soli!ifiation proess an! moleular %eight. -ine the !egree of rystanility reahe! "y these polymers %hih is also !epen! on this history$ this rystanility in turns go#erns the mehanial "eha#ior of properties suh as tenaity$ resistane an! rigi!ity . hen semi0rystalline polymers are use! in manufaturing$ proess of finishe! pro!uts$ heat transfer %ill ta*e plaes %hen it is un!ergoes soli!ifiation. GonseCuently$ non0uniform rystallinity profiles an "e pro!ue! in material or more than one physial rystalline struture an "e !e#elope! on the %alls of the plasti pro!uts manufature!. Thus the !e#elopment of the suita"le metho! to harateriHe! an! analyHe the influenes of thermal history gi#en to a plasti pro!ut$ onsisting of semi0rystalline polymers at the time its manufature! %ill help to optimiHe proessing yles an! !esign a proper ontrol of the thermal parameters in#ol#e!.
Polymer Properties (EBT 326)
Exp. 1 : Tensile Test
,s the onlusion$ from this experiment$ the o"eti#e %hih is to emphasis the use of tensile using Instron ahine to the polymer materials is suessfully ahie#e!. e ha! impro#e! the *no%le!ge of han!ling Instron mahine an! its soft%are %hih is #ery useful espeially to sur#i#e in the material engineering fiel!. Besi!es that$ %e also ha#e learnt on ho% to rea! the stress0strain graph an! interpret all the information that gi#en graph.
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te$t $2==1$ ?ohn illey M -ons$ In.$ Ke% 4or*$ I-BK =0<103@;;10x.