R/3 System Release 4.70 PM400 !uality Mana"ement
Author: Armin Heneka
#nstructor $ui%e 28 March 2003 &ey to icons in the #nstructor $ui%e: Timing Next Slide (s) Instructor Demonstration Exercises Activity Summary Objectives Business Scenario ints and Ti!s "arning or #aution Internal Note
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
SAP 'ontacts..............................................................................................................4 !alldor" 4 Su#sidiaries 4
Re(isions to Pre(ious #nstructor $ui%e...................................................................) $ourse %etails& %etails& $ourse Materials and ot'er Materials& Materials& $ountr()Spe*i"i* Units& Units&
'ourse #nstructor Pro*iles.........................................................................................+ Le+el o" ,no-ledge Re.uired Re.uired $ourses Re*ommended as Preparation Preparation nline 1elp Re*ommended as Preparation Preparation 1ints on Preparing 2'is $ourse $ourse
,rainin" System..........................................................................................................7 %ata Re.uired3 Re.uired3 User I% and Pass-ords "or $ourse Parti*ipants Parti*ipants Preparation in t'e S(stem S(stem 5xample A6APs "or t'e appendix: appendix: $A22s 2e*'ni*al 1ints 1ints
$oals an% -ecti(es...............................................................................................0 0 'ourse Structure an% 1lo...................................................................................... Unit 0: L7307 L73077 Unit 7: $ourse +er+ie-7 +er+ie-77 Unit 8: 9a+igation 9a+igation7 77 Unit : 6asi*s7 6asi*s77 Unit 4: QM in t'e Logisti*s Suppl( $'ain ;*ompre'ensi+e ;*ompre'ensi+e unit< illustrates t'e pro*esses= 77 Unit &: >un*tions in %etail ;*ompre'ensi+e ;*ompre'ensi+e unit t'at *o+ers t'e details details o" QM= 7 77 Unit : 5nterprise Portals7 Portals77
'ourse Sche%ule.......................................................................................................2 $ourse S*'edule S*'edule "or t'e Standard $ourse: $ourse: ;& da(s= 78 %a( ne ;00 Minutes=78 Minutes=78
nit 0: Pre*ace...........................................................................................................3 $ontents o" Unit Unit7 7 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext7 7
nit : 'ourse -(er(ie..........................................................................................+ + $ontents o" Unit Unit7 7 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext7 7
nit 2: a(i"ation.....................................................................................................8 $ontents o" Unit Unit7 7 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext7 7 8 Mar*' 800
Page 8
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
SAP 'ontacts..............................................................................................................4 !alldor" 4 Su#sidiaries 4
Re(isions to Pre(ious #nstructor $ui%e...................................................................) $ourse %etails& %etails& $ourse Materials and ot'er Materials& Materials& $ountr()Spe*i"i* Units& Units&
'ourse #nstructor Pro*iles.........................................................................................+ Le+el o" ,no-ledge Re.uired Re.uired $ourses Re*ommended as Preparation Preparation nline 1elp Re*ommended as Preparation Preparation 1ints on Preparing 2'is $ourse $ourse
,rainin" System..........................................................................................................7 %ata Re.uired3 Re.uired3 User I% and Pass-ords "or $ourse Parti*ipants Parti*ipants Preparation in t'e S(stem S(stem 5xample A6APs "or t'e appendix: appendix: $A22s 2e*'ni*al 1ints 1ints
$oals an% -ecti(es...............................................................................................0 0 'ourse Structure an% 1lo...................................................................................... Unit 0: L7307 L73077 Unit 7: $ourse +er+ie-7 +er+ie-77 Unit 8: 9a+igation 9a+igation7 77 Unit : 6asi*s7 6asi*s77 Unit 4: QM in t'e Logisti*s Suppl( $'ain ;*ompre'ensi+e ;*ompre'ensi+e unit< illustrates t'e pro*esses= 77 Unit &: >un*tions in %etail ;*ompre'ensi+e ;*ompre'ensi+e unit t'at *o+ers t'e details details o" QM= 7 77 Unit : 5nterprise Portals7 Portals77
'ourse Sche%ule.......................................................................................................2 $ourse S*'edule S*'edule "or t'e Standard $ourse: $ourse: ;& da(s= 78 %a( ne ;00 Minutes=78 Minutes=78
nit 0: Pre*ace...........................................................................................................3 $ontents o" Unit Unit7 7 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext7 7
nit : 'ourse -(er(ie..........................................................................................+ + $ontents o" Unit Unit7 7 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext7 7
nit 2: a(i"ation.....................................................................................................8 $ontents o" Unit Unit7 7 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext7 7 8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
2opi*: 2'e R/ S(stem7 S(stem7 Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext 7 7
nit 3: 5asics............................................................................................................23 $ontents o" Unit Unit8 8 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext8 8
nit 4: !M in the o"istics Su66ly 'hain..............................................................30 30 $ontents o" Unit Unit0 0 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext0 0 2opi*: Pro*esses in QM0 QM0 Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext 0 0 2opi*: QM in Pro*urement Pro*urement 3 3 Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext 3 3 $ourse S*'edule S*'edule48 48 %a( 2-o ;0 Minutes=48 Minutes=48 2opi*: QM in Produ*tion Produ*tion44 44 Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext 44 44 2opi*: QM in Sales/Ser+i*e Sales/Ser+i*e4? 4? Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext 4? 4?
nit ): 1unctions in etail.......................................................................................)3 )3 $ontents o" Unit Unit& & Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext& & 2opi*: +er+ie- and Qualit( Qualit( Planning & & Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext & & 2opi*: Qualit( Inspe*tion Inspe*tion Putting t'e Unit in $ontext $ontext 2opi*: Qualit( $erti"i*ates $erti"i*ates3 3 Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext 3 3 2opi*: Qualit( 9oti"i*ations 9oti"i*ations33 33 2opi*: Qualit( $ontrol $ontrol7 7 Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext 7 7 2opi*: 2est 2est 5.uipment Management Management ? ? Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext ? ? 2opi*: 2est 2est 5.uipment Management Management ? ? Putting t'e 2opi* 2opi* in $ontext ? ? 2opi*: Sta#ilit( Stud( ?8 Putting t'e 2opi* in $ontext?8
nit +: nter6rise Portals......................................................................................0 $ontents o" Unit 707 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext707
A66en%i9: #m6lementin" !M / ser Roles in !M................................................03 $ontents o" Unit 70 Putting t'e Unit in $ontext70 8 Mar*' 800
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
SAP Contacts Walldorf
Armin 1ene@a
) ?87
Sa#ine 6at'elt
) 48&7
8 Mar*' 800
Page &
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Revisions to Previous Instructor Guide
Any redundant notes on t$e course materials %ere deleted&
T$e timing %as u!dated&
T$e slide se'uence %as u!dated&
Ne% ti!s trics *or t$e instructor %ere included in t$e instructor guide&
Bacground in*ormation *or t$e instructor %as included in t$e ne% version o* t$e instructor guide&
T$e instructor guide no% also contains notes on additional in*ormation in t$e SA+ library&
,nit - covers t$e Enter!rice +ortal&
T$e !revious unit - .Im!lementation o* /01 is no% !art o* t$e a!!endix&
Course Details
Standard course2
3 days o* -$ net (t$is means %it$out breas)
Day one 4 3 $ours& 5ast day 4 6 $ours& Course Materials and other Materials
#ourse manual
Country-Specific Units
8 Mar*' 800
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Course Instructor Profiles evel of !no"led#e Re$uired
T$e instructor s$ould be *amiliar %it$ /0 in release 6&78 and $ave a general no%ledge o* 'uality management !rocedures& A basic no%ledge o* ASA+9 and !roject ex!erience in t$e /0 area are also !re*erred&
Courses Reco%%ended as Preparation
&nline 'elp Reco%%ended as Preparation
/0 : I0; Online el! SA+ library *or /0 SA+ el!+ortal2 $tt!2<<$el!&sa!&com #urrent in*ormation *rom t$e +50 /uality 0anagement area in SA+ E4Net : ,se t$e alias /0 or use t$e *ollo%ing lin2 $tt!s2<
'ints on Preparin# (his Course
Ex!licit !re!arations *or creating movement data s$ould be made9 to be able to dis!lay t$e summariHed data in /0IS ade'uately (see #ATTs)& T$is means t$at t$e #ATTs must be run&
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
(rainin# Syste% Data Re$uired
IDES data status 6&78 0aster data #ATT JT?+50688?8 $as been run in t$e ID
Data in t$e Training System
;oods reci!ient
Sam!ling !rocedure
0aster ins!ection c$aracteristic
#lass c$aracteristic
Ins!ection !lan *or material at ;@
Ins!ection !lan *or material at ;@
Ins!ection !lan *or material at ;I
@outing *or material
"or center
"or center
0aster reci!e *or material
0aterial master
0aterial master
0aterial master
0aterial master
0aterial master
0aterial master
0aterial master
0aterial master
#erti*icate !ro*ile
/#68849 Kersion
#erti*icate !ro*ile
/688#49 Kersion
8 Mar*' 800
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
User ID and Pass"ords for Course Participants
@e*erence user ID2 PM)**-++, (Aut$oriHation IDES?A552 All aut$oriHations excluding develo!ment environment and user)
T$e standard *ormat *or user IDs is t$e course ID !lus t$e grou! number& T$e initial !ass%ord is INIT& ,se t$e transaction J,S@ to co!y t$ese user Ids *rom t$e re*erence user ID&
T$e single role T?+50688 exists in t$e training system& T$is role contains all o* t$e menu !at$s t$at are im!ortant *or t$is course& T$is role is assigned to t$e corres!onding re*erence user IDs& ou s$ould in*orm t$e course !artici!ants t$at t$ey can eit$er %or %it$ t$e user menu or %it$ t$e SA+ Easy Access 0enu during t$e course&
Preparation in the Syste% &nly to perfor%ed in the relevant trainin# syste% directly before the course .ot to be perfor%ed in the %aster syste%
/0a%ple A1APs for the appendi02 Settin# Up an IMG Pro3ect for the 4M I%ple%entation /0a%ple
ou s$ould set u! t$e !roject in t$e training system& #$oose /0 only9 re'uired activities only as t $e vie% (t$e overall and t$e re'uired vie% are t$en created)
5unction Module 65ollo"-Up Action for (as78
0ail *unction module (*ollo%4u! action *or tas)9 *unction modules Hc*?mail?sending and *ollo%4u! action *or tas 0ail?0 must $ave been created&
0ovement data 4 #ATT JT?+50688?8G must be run be*ore every course&
(echnical 'ints
#$ec initial screen *or / noti*ication : you s$ould use screen 88 so t$at t$e exercise *or sales order !rocessing can be !er*ormed as described in t$e !artici!ants material (S& 6&7P)& ou can mae t$e relevant settings in #ustomiHing under2 Tools AcceleratedSAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications $otification Creation $otification T#pes %efine Screen Templates %efine Initial Screens&
Note t$at as soon as t$e movement data #ATT #T?+50688?8G $as been run9 you must send t$e
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
control reci!es t$at %ere created in !lant 88& ou can do t$is by c$oosing2 'ogistics Production ( Process Process Management Control Recipe Control Recipe Monitor (transaction #O3)& Note t$at you must select t$e control reci!es to be sent be*ore sending t$em& ou can do t$is using t$e !us$button in t$e u!!er le*t4$and corner o* t$e table&
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Goals and &b3ectives
;et to no% t$e *unctions in /0
To develo! an understanding o* /0 integration in t$e logistics su!!ly c$ain and in t$e ot$er @< a!!lications
Lind out about business o!tions *or using /0
8 Mar*' 800
Page 77
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Course Structure and 5lo" Unit *2 PM)**
Introduction o* !artici!ants& OrganiHational items& Target grou!&
Unit 92 Course &vervie"
#ourse *rame%or& Introduction o* general and s!eci*ic objectives&
Unit :2 .avi#ation
Introduction to t$e @< system& +artici!ants *ind t$eir %ay around %it$ t$e $el! o* exam!les and exercises in t$e system&
Unit ;2 1asics
Overvie% o* !rocurement9 !roduction and sales !rocesses %it$ em!$asis on $o% /0 *ul*ills t$e standards and maret re'uirements *or 'uality management !rocesses& "it$ exam!les and exercises *or !artici!ants&
Unit )2 4M in the o#istics Supply Chain 6co%prehensive unit< illustrates the processes8
+resentation o* t$e entire logistics su!!ly c$ain *rom a /0 st and!oint2 /0 in +rocurement /0 in +roduction /0 in t$e +rocess Industry /0 in Sales and Distribution "it$ exam!les and exercises *or !artici!ants&
Unit =2 5unctions in Detail 6co%prehensive unit that covers the details of 4M8
Introduction o* *unctions according to t$e com!onent $ierarc$y9 as *ollo%s2 /uality !lanning /uality ins!ection /uality certi*icates /uality control Test e'ui!ment management Stability Study "it$ exam!les and exercises *or t$e !artici!ants&
Unit >2 /nterprise Portal
Overvie% o* t$e Enter!rise +ortal&
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Course Schedule Course Schedule for the Standard Course2 6= days8 Day &ne 6;** Minutes8
A!!roximate Duration
#ontent2 ,nits and To!ics
Activities2 Instructor and +artici!ant
8 mins
,nit 82 +re*ace
"elcome9 introduction
8 mins
,nit 2 #ourse Overvie%
8 mins
,nit G2 Navigation
Slides and system demo
8 mins
,nit G2 Navigation
Exercises and solutions
63 mins
,nit 2 Basics
Slides and system demo
3 mins
,nit 2 Basics
Exercises and solutions
63 mins
,nit 62 /0 in t$e 5ogistics Su!!ly #$ain
Slides and system demo
G3 mins
,nit 62 /0 in t$e 5ogistics Su!!ly #$ain
Exercises and solutions
-8 mins
,nit 62 /0 in +rocurement
Slides and system demo
8 mins
,nit 62 /0 in +rocurement
Exercises and solutions
;** %ins
Additional notes2 ,nit 6 is one o* t$e more com!re$ensive units in t$is course&
8 Mar*' 800
Page 7
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Unit *2 Preface
;* %ins
Contents of Unit
"elcome9 organiHational items (ca*eteria9 ca*es9 lunc$time (de!endent on roomQQ) in t$e ca*eteria and breas9 no mobile !$ones during t$e course9 course timing9 !aring *acilities9 introduction o* instructor)
Introduction round (slides %it$ to!ics)
/0 course curriculum
Target grou!
Puttin# the Unit in Conte0t
Introduction to course
Introduction o* !artici!ants
OrganiHational items
(ar#et Group 4uality Mana#e%ent 64M8
8 Mar*' 800
Introduction to t$e /0 curriculum and !ositioning o* t$e +50688
T$e +50688 "ualit# Management course gives an overvie% o* t$e *unctions in /09 t$eir integration in t$e logistics su!!ly c$ain and t$eir Page 74
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
integration in ot$er @< a!!lications9 s uc$ as 009 ++9 SD& In !articular9 you *ind out about t$e %ide variety o* uses *or /0&
5O783 "ualit# Inspections course deals %it$ /04s!eci*ic data9 its use and t$e use o* 'uality ins!ections (ins!ection lot creation9 results recording9 de*ects recording9 B" and usage decision)& T$is course *orms t$e basis *or t$e detailed courses on /0 *unctions in !rocurement9 !roduction and sales and distribution&
T$e 5O78 "ualit# $otifications course covers t$e use o* 'uality noti*ications *or !roblems %it$in t$e materials management !rocess c$ain9 in !roduction and in sales and distribution9 as %ell as *or internal !roblems& ou can attend t$is course inde!endently o* t$e rest o* t$e /0 courses&
PLM400: The
/uality4s!eci*ic data in !rocurement is dealt %it$ in t$e +5063 "M in Procurement course& Karious ins!ection !rocesses are carried out *or goods movements& T$e vendor release and bloc9 vendor certi*icate !rocessing and manu*acturer !rocessing are covered in t$ese !rocesses&
To ade'uately cover t$e s!eci*ic re'uirements o* di**erent !roduction ty!es9 t$e /0 integration in !roduction $as been s!lit into t%o se!arate courses2
+506G8 "M in %iscrete Manufacturing and Repetiti)e Manufacturing 9 is aimed at users9 %$o %or !redominantly %it$ ++&
T$e ne% course +506G "M in t*e Process Industr# is aimed at users9 %$o %or %it$ ++4+I and %$o deal %it$ t$e s!eci*ic /0 re'uirements *or batc$ management (batc$ valuation9 and selection9 recurring ins!ection etc&)&
PM):=2 #ourse +506G3 "M in S%/"ualit# Certificates covers t$e /0 activities in Sales and Distribution& T$is includes !lanning and creating 'uality certi*icates9 ins!ections *or deliveries9 s !eci*ications *rom variant con*iguration9 as %ell as re!airs and returns !rocessing&
+oint out t$e course descri!tions9 contained in t$e a!!endix& De%onstration for Preface
No demo in t$e system
/0ercises for Preface
No exercises in t$e system
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Unit Su%%ary
T$e !artici!ants are a%are o* t$e !ositioning o* t$is course and t$e ot$er training o!!ortunities in /0&
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Unit 92 Course &vervie"
9* %ins
Contents of Unit
#ourse goal2
To give an insig$t into2
– Lunctions o* /0 – Integration o* /0 in t$e logistics su!!ly c$ain and in ot$er @< a!!lications
#ourse objective
To give an insig$t into2
– Business !rocesses *rom a /0 stand!oint – /0 integration in @< – /0 *unctions – Basic conditions involved in im!lementing /0 Puttin# the Unit in Conte0t
@e*er to t$e im!ortance o* !rogressive 'uality management !rocedures *or a modern com!any&
@e*er to t$e integration o* /0 in t$e @< System&
Course &vervie"
Course Goal
Course &b3ectives
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Course Content
#ontents o* individual units
Course &vervie" Dia#ra%
Main 1usiness Scenario
De%onstration for Introduction
No demo in t$e system
/0ercise for Introduction
No exercises in t$e system
Unit Su%%ary
T$e !artici!ants no% no% t$e course goal and objectives9 as %ell as t$e individual to!ics t$at are dealt %it$ in t$e course&
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Unit :2 .avi#ation
(otal >* %ins Presentation :* %ins
Contents of Unit
,sing t$e @< System
Screen elements
Standard menu < role4based user menu
Tools9 utilities and services
+ersonaliHation o* t$e *rontend
Puttin# the Unit in Conte0t
+artici!ants learn to use t$e @< System
(opic2 (he R?; Syste% Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
5ogging on to t$e system
Screen elements
Standard menu < role4based user menu
Tools9 utilities and services
+ersonaliHation o* t$e *rontend
.avi#ation2 Contents
Si! i* necessary
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
.avi#ation2 Unit &b3ectives
Si! i* necessary
.avi#ation2 1usiness Scenario
Si! i* necessary
o##in# on to the R?; Syste%
S$ort descri!tion o* t$e logon screen
0ention t$e s!eci*ic user ID *or eac$ grou! (+506884)
+rovide course4s!eci*ic logon in*ormation
+artici!ants log on to t$e system and c$ange t$e INIT !ass%ord
SAP /asy Access - Standard
Ex!lain t$e transaction codes
"$ere can t$e transaction codes be *ound>
0ention t$e *avorites and ex!lain t$e maintenance o* *avorites&
Role-1ased User Menu
0ention t$e user roles delivered by SA+ (transaction +L#;)
0ention t$at customers can create t$eir o%n user roles (transaction +L#;)
In t$e SA+ standard9 you %ill *ind over G88 !rede*ined single roles *rom all a!!lication areas T$ere are 6- single roles available *or /0& All /0 single roles begin %it$ SA+?/0?&&&&&
Screen /le%ents
8 Mar*' 800
Ex!lanation o* t$e @< standard screen (command *ield9 menu bar9 standard toolbar9 o!tions9 title bar9 a!!lication toolbar9 entry *ield9 tab !ages9 radio buttons9 c$ecboxes9 !us$buttons9 status bar)
Ex!lanations using t$e !rogram (demo in t$e system)
S$o% Create session *unction and ex!lain (you can $ave - sessions o!en at one time)
,ser settings9 ex!lain $o% to create your o%n settings&
L and L6 $el! s$o% messages and t$eir long text ex!lanation o* in!ut $el! and save *unction Page 80
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Selection of 5unctions@
5ield 'elp2 59 5)
Brie* descri!tion o* t$e di**erent ty!es o* $el! available
Ex!lain t$at you can also dis!lay an additional long text *or messages in t$e status bar using t$e L *unction (!rovided t$at .>. a!!ears at t$e end o* t$e status bar)
Menus2 Syste% and 'elp
T$ese menus are al%ays available&
SAP ibrary
Brie* descri!tion o* t$e SA+ 5ibrary structure
#all u! and dis!lay t$e /0 documentation in t$e system
Ex!lain t$e di**erence bet%een call u! usi ng Application +elp and SAP 'i,rar#
0ention t$e SA+ no%ledge "are$ouse
– Delivery o* SA+ 5ibrary as basis *or t$e creation o* user4s!eci*ic documentation
– 0ention t$e o!tion *or creating a 'uality manual t$at con*orms to t$e DIN EN ISO P888** standards using t$e SA+ no%ledge "are$ouse
User-Specific PersonaliBation
De%onstration of Usin# Syste%
G8 mins (leave out i* necessary) 8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
5og on to t$e system
#$oose menu !at$ /uality 0anagement
S$o% various sessions
"ays to a transaction (transaction code9 menu9 c$oose E-tras Settings S*o. tec*nical name)
Transaction code *or t$e /0 In*ormation System
#reate sessions (- !ossible)
Ex!lain SA+;ui icon in standard menu bar
S$o% o!tions *or status bar
Ex!lain user monitor
Basic data in /0 area
Address as user de*ault
A!!lication $el! *or /0
;lossary term /uality 0anagement
S$o% release notes
Set SA+ $ome!age as *avorite
/0ercise2 Usin# Syste%
8 mins&
8 Mar*' 800
+artici!ants log on to system ,ser2 +506884 C ;rou! number 8 && 8 +ass%ord2 INIT
Karious o!tions *or calling u! an a!!lication (menu9 transaction code)
Enter user data9 *or exam!le9 address9 !lant9 vendor
Enter values *or !rede*ined !arameter IDs2 Storage location 888 Sales org& 8G8 Dist& c$annel GG Division 88 +urc$& org& 888
,se o* $el! *unctions
"oring %it$ release notes
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
.avi#ation2 Unit Su%%ary
8 Mar*' 800
+artici!ants can no% navigate in t$e system9 name t$e screen elements and mae t$eir !ersonal system settings&
Page 8
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Unit ;2 1asics (otal >* %ins Presentation ;* %ins
Contents of Unit
ED+4based 'uality management
/uality management using SA+ @<
Puttin# the Unit in Conte0t
/0 *unctions and t$eir im!ortance *or t$e com!any
+utting /0 elements into !ractice according to DIN EN ISO P888**
Integration o* /0 in t$e logistics su!!ly c$ain
1asics2 Contents
1asics2 Unit &b3ectives
Course &vervie" Dia#ra%
1asics2 Main 1usiness Scenario
8 Mar*' 800
Time and e**ort s!ent maintaining data is reduced9 since only one system is used (com!any does not re'uire o%n #A/ or 5I0s) : no inter*ace !roblems
#om!lete integration o* t$e /0 a!!lication in t$e SA+ System
Page 84
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
/DP-1ased 4uality Mana#e%ent
@e'uirements *or /0 systems9 *or exam!le9 according to DIN EN ISO P888**
@e!resentation o* t$e logistics su!!ly c$ain using t$e SA+ System
#om!lete integration o* /0 in t$e SA+ System
Re$uire%ents for 4M Syste%s
@e'uirements *or /0 systems9 *or exam!le9 according to DIN EN ISO P888**9 /S P8889 KDA9 LDA9 ;0+
@e!resentation o* business !rocesses9 based on industry sector9 %it$ t$e IB, solutions
;oal2 T/0
Additional in*ormation2 DIN2 $tt!2<<%%%&din&de< KDA2 $tt!2<<%%%&vda&de< LDA2 $tt!2<<%%%&*da&gov Contributions of 4uality Mana#e%ent
Inclusion o* /uality 0anagement in all !$ases o* t$e !roduct li*e cycle2
– +lanning !$ase (*or exam!le9 maret researc$9 design9 testing9 !roduction !lanning)
– Im!lementation !$ase (*or exam!le9 !rocurement9 !roduction9 *inal ins!ection9 storage)
– ,sage !$ase (*or exam!le9 s$i!!ing9 service9 dis!osal)
4uality Mana#e%ent Usin# SAP Syste%
;ive s$ort descri!tion o* ot$er areas9 %it$ re*erence to t$e SA+ system ;ive some in*ormation about t$e a!!lications (see !roduct broc$ures) 0ention ot$er /0 courses and courses *or ot$er a!!lications2
8 Mar*' 800
+5063 /0 in +rocurement
+506G8 /0 in Discrete 0anu*acturing and @e!etitive 0anu*acturing
+506G /0 in t$e +rocess Industry
+506G3 /0 in SD
S#0388 +rocesses in +rocurement
S#0G88 Overvie% S# +lanning Page 8&
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
S#088 Overvie% S# 0anu*acturing
S#0-88 +rocess in Sales and Distribution
+508 #ustomer Service
A#868 @evenue and #ost #ontrolling
+5088 +lant 0aintenance
5ist a!!lications t$at are integrated %it$ /02
– S#0 (*or exam!le9 material master data9 vendor evaluation9 com!laints against vendors)
– S#0 (*or exam!le9 routing9 %or center) – S#0 (*or exam!le9 master reci!e9 +I s$eet) – S#0 (*or exam!le9 customer in*ormation record9 customer com!laints) – +50 (*or exam!le9 customer com!laints9 service noti*ications) – #O ('uality4related costs) – +50 (calibration !lanning9 calibration ins!ection)
4M as a Strate#ic Mana#e%ent (ool
Mana#in# 4M Docu%ents "ith SAP
T$is taes !lace using t$e document management system and !roduct data management
Storage o* scanned documents in Arc$ive 5in (*or exam!le9 construction dra%ings9 customer re'uests)
Structuring o* $ierarc$ically ordered document arc$ives using SA+O**ice
#reation and management o* a /uality 0anual in t$e SA+ no%ledge "are$ouse
De%onstration2 Docu%ent Mana#e%ent Syste%
3 mins (leave out9 i* time is s$ort)
8 Mar*' 800
Dis!lay a 'uality assurance agreement and demo mail system
T$e instructor must create 'uality assurance agreements and tec$nical delivery terms9 so t$at t$ey can be dis!layed in t$e course
Page 8
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
4M in the SAP Syste%
Document management system2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics Central unctions %ocument Management S#stem
Engineering c$ange management2 SAP standard menu unctions Engineering C*ange Management
#lassi*ication System2 SAP standard menu Classification
#ontrolling2 SAP standard menu
'ogistics Central unctions
'ogistics 'ogistics Controlling
In*ormation system2 SAP standard menu Mention 012 "or*lo%2 SAP standard menu
'ogistics Central
Information S#stems
Tools 0usiness 1orflo.
Arc$ive5in2 SAP standard menu %ocuments Mo)e SA+O**ice2 SAP standard menu
4ffice 0usiness %ocuments
4ffice 1orplace
De%onstration2 Central 5unctions in o#istics
3 mins (leave out i* necessary)
S$o% central *unctions (classi*ication system9 variant con*iguration9 batc$ management9 document management9 engineering c$ange management9 engineering9 mass maintenance in t$e SA+ standard menu
5unctions in the 4M Co%ponent
4uality Plannin#2 Activities
SAP standard menu
'ogistics "ualit# Management
S$o% master data in 'uality !lanning
"ualit# Planning
– Ins!ection !lan – 0aterial s!eci*ication – 0aster ins!ection c$aracteristic – Ins!ection met$od – Sam!ling !rocedure – Sam!ling sc$eme – Dynamic modi*ication rule 8 Mar*' 800
Page 83
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
– /04s!eci*ic data in t$e material master 4uality Inspection2 Activities
SAP standard menu
'ogistics "ualit# Management
S$o% *unctions in 'uality ins!ection
"ualit# Inspection
– Describe di**erent %orlists – Ex!lain %$en ins!ection lots can be created ,! to release &89 t$e ins!ection lot (or ins!ection order) %as not integrated %it$ ot$er a!!lications (*rom t$e *inancial stand!oint)&
– 0ention t$e various o!tions *or results recording (*or exam!le9 *or all lots9 *or ins!ection !oints9 at goods recei!t)
– 0ention t$e various o!tions *or de*ects recording (*or exam!le9 *or an o!eration9 *or a c$aracteristic)
– Ex!lain t$e 'uality level9 mention dynamic modi*ication brie*ly – 0ention sam!le management give brie* descri!tion o* !$ysical4sam!le dra%ing and !$ysical sam!le
– De*ine /0 costs and !oint out integration %it$ #O 4uality Certificates2 Activities
Incoming certi*icates (mention t$at t$e recei!t o* a certi*icate can be ins!ected)
Outgoing certi*icates (ex!lain t$e certi*icate !ro*ile and its assignment to a certi*icate and t$e de*inition o* t$e certi*icate reci!ient mention t$e certi*icate ty!es (*or exam!le9 %ors test certi*icate and certi*icate o* analysis)
+oint out t$at you can send certi*icates over t$e Internet and can exc$ange 'uality data
4uality .otifications2 Activities
Describe t$e di**erent noti*ication ty!es (*or exam!le9 com!laints against a vendor9 customer com!laints) Brie*ly outline noti*ication !rocessing (*or exam!le9 creating a noti*ication9 de*ining !riorities9 assigning a !artner9 de*ining tass9 %oring %it$ t$e action box)
0ention t$e %orlists (*or exam!le9 *or noti*ications9 items9 tass and activities)
0ention t$e settlement o* 'uality costs
Ex!lain t$e use o* catalogs in noti*ication !rocessing
;o into t$e solution database in detail
4uality Control2 Activities
8 Mar*' 800
5ist t$e selection criteria *or t$e 'uality scores (*or exam!le9 material9 customer9 vendor)
5ist t$e tools *or 'uality control (suc$ as9 dynamic modi*ication o* t$e ins!ection Page 8
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
sco!e9 vendor evaluation)
(est /$uip%ent Mana#e%ent2 Activities
T$e test e5uipment management *unction is only available *rom release 6&8&
T$e *unction uses *unctions *rom +lant 0aintenance (+0)& 0ention t$e +00 lin&
Brie*ly outline t$e di**erences bet%een test e'ui!ment t$at is managed as e'ui!ment9 material9 +@T9 or document in t$e SA+ System&
ou s$ould not go into too muc$ detail at t$is !oint& T$e !oints illustrated $ere are only su!!osed to !rovide an overvie% o* t$e individual areas in /0& ,nit 3 .Lunctions in Detail1 covers t$e individual areas in more detail&
Stability Studie
4M in o#istics Supply Chain
Uses and 1enefits of the 4M Co%ponent
De%onstration2 Displayin# 4M 5unctions Creatin# a Material Analysis and SAP&ffice
3 mins
8 Mar*' 800
Dis!lay o* /0 *unctions in t$e SA+ standard menu SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management #arry out a material analysis SAP standard menu Information S#stems 'ogistics "ualit# Management 6e# igures Material Inspection 'ots "ualit# Scores SA+O**ice SAP standard menu
4ffice 1orplace
Page 8?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
During t$is demo9 you s$ould mention t$at t$e movement data is im!orted again be*ore eac$ training course using a #ATT& T$is means t$at is generally only !ossible to evaluate data t$at %as created in t$e current mont$& T$e analysis !ossibilities are covered in more detail in unit 3&
/0ercises2 Basics
G8 mins
1asics2 Unit Su%%ary
Transition to t$e *irst .com!re$ensive1 unit in t$e course&
8 Mar*' 800
Page 0
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Unit )2 4M in the o#istics Supply Chain
);* %ins
Contents of Unit
/0 +rocesses in t$e 5ogistics Su!!ly #$ain
/0 in +rocurement
/0 in +roduction
/0 in Sales and Distribution
/0 in t$e +rocess Industry
Puttin# the Unit in Conte0t
T$is unit deals %it$ t$e logistics su!!ly c$ain *rom t$e /0 stand!oint and s$o%s t$e use o* /0 using exam!les *rom t$e individual logistics !rocesses&
(opic2 Processes in 4M Presentation appro0 =* %ins
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
Overvie% o* t$e entire logistics c$ain *rom a /0 stand!oint
Overvie% o* t$e various !rocess stages
,se o* /0 in various business !rocesses
O!tions *or using /0 in a com!any
4M in the o#istics Supply Chain2 Contents
8 Mar*' 800
Page 7
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
4M in the o#istics Supply Chain2 &b3ectives
Course &vervie" Dia#ra%
4M in the o#istics Supply Chain2 1usiness Scenario
&vervie" of 4M in the o#istics Supply Chain2 &b3ectives
Processes in the Co%pany
@e!roduction o* com!any !rocesses in t$e SA+ System2
– +rocessing sales orders in t$e sales de!artment using Sales 7 %istri,ution (S#0)
– +roduction !lanning9 materials management and *lo% !lanning in !roduction using Production Planning (S#0) (!roduction !lanning in discrete manu*acturing and re!etitive manu*acturing) or (!roduction !lanning in t$e !rocess industry)
– +rocurement and %are$ouse management in 0aterials 0anagement (S#0)
– +rocessing deliveries in s$i!!ing using Sales 7 %istri,ution SD a!!lication
Ins!ection lots can be (do not $ave to be) created at several stages in t$e logistics su!!ly c$ain& T$ere can be several ins!ection lots *or an ins!ection lot origin& Ins!ection lot origins are *ixed in t$e system9 customers can de*ine t$eir o%n ins!ection ty!es&
4M in Co%pany Processes
/0 is active in all areas o* a com!any9 *or exam!le2
– Sales and distribution2 0anaging customer s!eci*ications *or t$e !roduct
– Production2 Ins!ection during !roduction9 ins!ection *or stoc trans*er9 calibration ins!ection
– Materials %ana#e%ent2 Kendor evaluation9 ins!ection *or goods recei!t9 com!laints against a vendor
8 Mar*' 800
Page 8
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
– Shippin#2 Ins!ection *or a delivery9 outgoing 'uality certi*icates – Service2 #ustomer com!laints
Entering t$e ins!ection ty!e in t$e material master and t$en activating it activates t$e ins!ection&
4M in Sales Distribution 6Sales &rder8
/0 can !lay an active !art at t$e time o* t$e s ales order&
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata "ualit# Info Record8 S% 0ae an entry *or t$e time o* t$e 'uality ins!ection (be*ore delivery9 ins!ection by customer a*ter delivery) and *or t$e delivery category&
#ustomer4s!eci*ic ins!ection s!eci*ications (material : tas list assignment)2
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning Inspection Planning Inspection Plan C*ange or Create you can s%itc$ to t$e %ependent c*aracteristic specs *rom t$e ins!ection overvie% screen& ere9 you can c$ange t$e customer4s!eci*ic ins!ection s!eci*ications&
S!eci*ic customer ins!ection s!eci*ications can also be co!ied *rom t$e sales order&
Batc$ determination2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics Central unctions 0atc* Management 0atc* %etermination 0atc* Searc* Strateg# or Sales and %istri,ution or s!eci*ications using t$e sales order& T$e system t$en uses t$ese s!eci*ications in a delivery to *ind a suitable batc$& T$e lin o* t$e class c$aracteristic to t$e master ins!ection c$aracteristic allo%s t$e ins!ection s!eci*ications to be co!ied into t$e ins!ection lot *or a goods issue ins!ection *or a delivery& (T$ese s!eci*ications override t$ose *rom t$e t as list or t$e material s!eci*ication)& A !rere'uisite *or t$is is t$at t$e indicator Inspection ,# ,atc* is set in t$e ins!ection setu! *or t$e material&
T$e ins!ection ty!es *or a delivery or *or t$e goods issue must be maintained in t$e ins!ection setu! *or t$e material in t$e material master& T$e Acti)e indicator must be set&
See documentation "M in Procurement "M(PT(RP(PRC!
4M in Production 6Materials Plannin#8
8 Mar*' 800
In t$e material master9 on tab !age MRP 99 in *ield GR processing time: you can enter t$e number o* %oring days t$at are re'uired a*ter recei!t o* t$e goods *or t$e ins!ection and !lacement into storage& T$e materials t$at are in ins!ection stoc are t$en taen into account in t$e current stoc
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
In materials !lanning9 you can monitor %$et$er !roduction resources
I* material is in ins!ection stoc9 it exists in t$e stoc o* t$e com!any ($as been valuated)9 but is not yet available to !roduction& To mae it available9 t$e material must be !osted out o* ins!ection stoc in /0&
4M in Production
Ins!ections during !roduction2 Ins!ection lot origin 8 (discrete manu*acturing)9 ins!ection lot origin (re!etitive manu*acturing)& T$e ins!ection lots are not stoc4relevant&
Lor an ins!ection during !roduction9 you can de*ine %$et$er a c$aracteristic (c$aracteristic4based ins!ection !rocessing) is to be ins!ected once or several times (ins!ection !rocessing based on ins!ection !oints) during !roduction&
Ins!ection o!erations are directly integrated in t$e routing9 rate routing or master reci!e and t$e 'uality ins!ection t$en taes !lace during !roduction&
Statistical !rocess control (S+#)2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Control 6e# igures or E)aluation of 4riginal %ocuments Ins!ection c$aracteristics can be monitored using control c$arts& I* t$e action limits are violated9 t$e c$aracteristic is automatically rejected and a 'uality noti*ication is created t$at is sent to t$e !erson res!onsible *or !rocessing using t$e "or*lo%&
#om!laints !rocessing (internal !roblem noti*ication)2 SA+ standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management $otifications& Noti*ication ty!e /
;@ *rom !roduction order2 "$en goods are received in t$e %are$ouse9 an ins!ection lot %it$ origin 86 (;@ *rom !roduction) can be created& T$ese ins!ection lots are stoc4relevant %$en t$ey enter t$e %are$ouse&
+artial lot assignment2 To divide a material into !artial lots in a 'uality ins!ection9 you must $ave !lanned ins!ection !oints in t$e routing and $ave de*ined !artial lot assignment& +artial lots are use*ul9 *or exam!le9 i* material %as !roduced %it$ various 'uality levels and t$e goods are t$en sent to customers %it$ di**erent 'uality re'uirements (*or exam!le i n t$e electronics industry9 %$ere Aeros!ace De*ense re'uires strictly controlled tolerances in com!arison to t$ose used *or t$e $obby maret)&
Ins!ection ty!e 8 or 86 must $ave been entered in t$e ins!ection setu! *or t$e material& ou must set t$e Acti)e indicator&
See documentation "M in Production
4M in Procure%ent
8 Mar*' 800
;oods recei!t ins!ections2 Ins!ection lot origin 8 Page 4
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
8 Mar*' 800
0odel ins!ection (ins!ection ty!e 884 very detail ed ins!ection (ins!ection ty!e 88G9 additional ins!ection be*ore regular delivery s tage)
Source ins!ections2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata "ualit# Info Record8 Procurement; ou can de*ine t$e ins!ection ty!e *or t$e source ins!ection on t$e Insp& control tab !age& T$e Source insp& ( no GR& indicator !revents t$e system *rom creating ins!ection lots *or goods recei!ts9 i* a source ins!ection lot exists *or !urc$ase order items& On t$e Release tab !age9 you can de*ine a bloc *or a certain vendor %it$ bloc duration and reason *or t$e bloc9 t$e release o* a certain vendor *or t$e delivery o* a s!eci*ic !urc$ase order 'uantity9 or a release t$at is restricted to a certain !eriod o* time&
#ontrolling t$e !rocurement !rocess2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata Material Create or C*ange; you must set t$e "M procurement acti)e indicator on t$e "ualit# Management tab !age9 i* /0 in !rocurement is !lanned at client level& ou can !rede*ine additional data *or /0 in !rocurement using t$e "M control e#9 Certificate t#pe and t$e Target "M s#stem& ou de*ine t$e control ey by c$oosing Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "M in 'ogistics "M in Procurement %efine Control 6e#s
#om!laints !rocessing2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications& Noti*ication ty!e /G (com!laint against a vendor) t$is com!laint against a vendor is taen into account *or t$e vendor evaluation&
#erti*icate and /0 system2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata Material Create or C*ange; you must set t$e "M procurement acti)e indicator on t$e "ualit# management tab !age& ou can de*ine t$e certi*icate t$at is to be issued9 using t$e Certificate t#pe *ield& T$e customer in a su!!ly relations$i! can de*ine t$e re'uirements *or t$e vendorRs /0 system9 using t$e Target "M s#stem *ield& I* t$e vendor $as a /0 system t$e identi*ication *or t$is system can be stored in t$e 'uality in*o record *or !rocurement&
Kendor evaluation2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata Material Create or C*ange; you must set t$e "M procurement acti)e indicator on t$e "ualit# management tab !age9 i* /0 in !rocurement is !lanned at client level& T$e conditions *or /0 in !rocurement can be controlled using t$e "M control e#& T$e vendor evaluation taes !lace in 00& T$e vendor evaluation is calculated on t$e basis o* several criteria& T$e /0 data entered in !rocurement9 *or exam!le9 is also taen into consideration *or t$e vendor evaluation&
Ins!ection ty!e 89 889 or 88G must $ave been entered in t$e ins!ection setu! *or t$e material in t$e material master& ou must set t$e Acti)e indicator&
See documentation "M in Procurement "M(PT(RP(PRC! Page &
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
4M in the Stora#e Process 698
Stoc trans*er bet%een !lants or bet%een storage locations2 Ins!ection lot origin 8F
Ins!ection *or ;@ *rom !roduction2 Ins!ection lot origin 86 (ins!ection lot *or goods recei!t *rom !roduction t$at is stoc4relevant9 unlie an ins!ection lot %it$ origin 8)
Ins!ection ty!e 86 or 8F must $ave been entered in t$e ins!ection setu! *or t$e material in t$e material master& ou must set t$e Acti)e indicator&
4M in the Stora#e Process 6:8
@ecurring ins!ections *or batc$es (*or exam!le9 s $el*4li*e ex!iration date c$ec *or *oodstu**s)2 Ins!ection lot origin 8P
Ins!ections *or goods movements2 Ins!ection lot origin 8F (i* re'uired you can also use ins!ection lot origin 8G9 i* dealing %it$ a goods issue *or a !roduction order)
Ins!ection ty!e 8F or 8P must $ave been entered in t$e ins!ection setu! *or t$e material in t$e material master& ou must set t$e Acti)e indicator&
4M in Shippin#
8 Mar*' 800
Ins!ection *or delivery2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata "ualit# Info Record8 S% Entries *or t$e time o* t$e goods issue ins!ection (be*ore outbound delivery t$e goods issue can only be !osted a*ter t$e ins!ection $as been com!leted success*ully9 a*ter outbound delivery t$e goods is sue !osting can be !er*ormed be*ore t$e ins!ection $as been com!leted) *or 'uality ins!ections *or t$e outbound delivery9 and *or t$e delivery category& ou can also de*ine t$at no ins!ection lot is to be generated %$en t$e outbound delivery is created9 since t$e customer %ill ins!ect t$e goods& Ins!ections at good issue2 Ins!ection lot origin 8G (goods issue ins!ection)9 8 (delivery to a customer %it$ re*& to a sales order)9 (delivery to a customer %it$out re*& to a sales order)9 G (general delivery) /uality certi*icates2 T$e condition tec$ni'ue in SD controls t$e creation o* 'uality certi*icates& ou can also control t$e ty!e o* certi*icate t$at is to accom!any t$e delivery and t$e in*ormation t$at is to be !rinted on t$is certi*icate s!eci*ic to t$e customer or material& In*ormation *rom ins!ections is !rinted on t$e certi*icate& Lrom release 6&-9 certi*icates can be sent electronically&
#ustomer com!laints2 Noti*ication ty!e /
Ins!ection ty!e 8G9 89 889 or G must $ave been entered in t$e ins!ection Page
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
setu! *or t$e material in t$e material master& ou must set t$e Acti)e indicator&
4M in Service
#om!laints !rocessing2 Noti*ication ty!e /
Ins!ections o* customer returns2 Ins!ection lot origin 8-
Ins!ection ty!e 8- must $ave been entered in t$e ins!ection setu! *or t$e material in t$e material master& ou must set t$e Acti)e indicator&
4M Processes in the o#istics Supply Chain
Planned Processes
Ins!ection instruction2 Instruction containing in*ormation about t$e content o* and !rocedure *or an ins!ection at a s!eci*ic %or center& It is created *rom t$e data in t$e ins!ection lot and t$e ins!ection !lan in t$e @< System&
/vent-Controlled Processes
#reation and !rocessing o* noti*ications&
Infor%ation Mana#e%ent
T$e data recorded in noti*ications or an ins!ection can be evaluated using t$e In*ormation System (*or exam!le9 !roblem noti*ications to t$e vendor9 ins!ection data *rom t$e 'uality ins!ection)&
De%onstration2 QM Processes
3 mins Display inspection instruction
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection 'ot Editing %ispla#
8 Mar*' 800
"ualit# Inspection
Ex!lain tem!late *or searc$ searc$ *or ins!ection lots *or material T4B/&
Describe data in t$e ins!ection lot (*or exam!le9 re*erence to !lant9 material9 ins!ection lot origin9 ins!ection ty!e)&
Ex!lain detail data (*or exam!le9 start date9 end date9 based on entries in t$e material master $o% are ins!ection lot 'uantity and sam!le siHe lined ins!ection s!eci*ications usage decision2 data is entered at ,D& Page 3
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
S%itc$ to t$e ins!ection !lan and dis!lay status& Inspection instruction !us$button t$e ins!ection instruction is !rinted eit$er %$en you exit t$e transaction or %$en t$e ins!ection lot is created9 de!ending on t$e settings (based on ins!ection ty!e)& Dis!lay t$e instruction in t$e !rint s!ool ins!ection instruction is a S A+scri!t *orm t$at $as data entered %$en t$e *orm is generated& Ex!lain t$e data on t$e *orm9 (ins!ection !lan data9 material data)&
T$is is t$e *irst time in t$is training course t$at t$e ins!ection lot data record is ex!lained using a system demo& ou s$ould not go into too muc$ detail during t$is demo& T$e aim is to give t$e course !artici!ants a 'uic overvie% o* t$e ins!ection lot data record& ou s$ould s$o% t$e details *rom t$e ins!ection lot data record (*or exam!le9 material documents9 !urc$ase order documents9 stocs9 orders) in t$e ot$er demos t$at *ollo% on *rom t$is one& T$e ins!ection lots *or material T4B/ are created *or t$is exercise using t$e #ATT& T$e transaction /A8 is used in t$e #ATT& T$is means t$at t$e ins!ection lots are manual ins!ection lots and t$ey are not stoc7-relevant&
/0ercises2 QM Processes
G3 mins
(opic2 4M in Procure%ent (otal 9=* %ins Presentation =* %ins
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
+rocurement !rocesses *rom a /0 stand!oint
Ins!ection and certi*icate !rocessing at goods recei!t
,se o* t$e 'uality in*ormation record in !rocurement
4M in Procure%ent2 &b3ectives
8 Mar*' 800
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
4M in Procure%ent
0anagement o* t$e material
Kendor evaluation in 00 based on di**erent criteria (suc$ as9 'uality)9 vendor release and vendor selection in "ualit# Info Record8 Procurement on t$e Release tab !age&
0anagement o* 'uality documents (suc$ as9 tec$nical delivery terms and 'uality assurance agreements in "ualit# Info Record8 Procurement on t$e "ualit# agreement tab !age&
#ontrol o* source ins!ections and ty!e o* source ins!ection by entering in*ormation on t$e Insp& control tab !age in "ualit# Info Record8 Procurement &
+rocessing com!laints against vendors using 'uality noti*ications9 *or exam!le9 i* t$e goods $ave !assed t$e goods recei!t ins!ection9 but de*ects are identi*ied in !roduction&
0onitoring o* t$e certi*icates at goods recei!t& I* necessary9 data can be trans*erred *rom t$e certi*icate& A certi*icate c$ec can also be !er*ormed&
Procure%ent Chain
8 Mar*' 800
"$en goods are !rocured9 t$e system c$ecs %$et$er t$e relevant vendor is released or bloced by /0 *or t$e delivery& T$e tec$nical delivery terms (can be managed in versions using engineering c$ange management) and t$e 'uality assurance agreement is t$en also c$eced&
T$e vendorRs /0 system (maintained in t$e /0 in*o record *or !rocurement or in t$e vendor master record) and t$e vendor evaluation (*rom 00) are taen into consideration *or vendor selection&
;oods can only t$en be !urc$ased *rom vendors t$at *ul*ill t$e s!eci*ications&
#erti*icate re'uirement and ins!ection ty!e (source ins!ection or ;@ ins!ection) are de*ined in t$e material master (ins!ection setu!)& Lrom release 6&-9 a ;@ ins!ection can tae !lace9 i* t$e ins!ection lot %as rejected in t$e s ource ins!ection&
ou can release goods based on manu*acturer or vendor9 (*or exam!le9 i* a vendor delivers goods *rom di**erent manu*acturers)& T$is means t$at only goods *rom a !articular manu*acturer can be used&
T$e certi*icate re'uirement is c$eced at ;@ t$is means t$at goods can only be released *or use9 i* t$e certi*icate $as been received& Automatic reminder system is lined to t$is *unction&
Ins!ection stoc2 goods are classed as stoc4relevant in t$e com!any9 but can only be used *or !roduction9 once /0 $as released and !osted t$em out o* ins!ection stoc&
De!ending on t$e results o* t$e ;@ ins!ection9 dynamic modi*ication can tae Page ?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
!lace9 a delivery bloc can be set9 a com!laint against a vendor can be created9 or a !ayment bloc can be set&
/uality costs are recorded in t$e ;@ ins!ection (activity con*irmation at results recording and
endor Re$uest for 4uotation 6R548
I* t$e indicator tec$nical delivery terms is set in t$e /0 control ey9 tec$nical delivery terms must be assigned to t$e material& T$ese tec$nical delivery terms can be !rinted *or !urc$ase orders and 'ueries&
4uality Criteria for endor Selection
Division o* main criteria and subcriteria (results *rom ;@ lots9 com!laints *rom !roduction and audits)&
Kendor evaluation in t$e system(00) SAP Menu 'ogistics Materials Management Purc*asing Master %ata
De%onstration2 endor /valuation - &ptional
+urc$asing organiHation 8889 vendor 888 SAP standard menu 'ogistics Materials Management Purc*asing Master %ata
Purchase &rder
T$e !urc$ase order includes in*ormation *rom t$e material master record and vendor master record&
/uality4related in*ormation comes *rom t$e "ualit# Info Record8 Procurement &
Source Inspection
8 Mar*' 800
De!ending on t$e settings in t$e material master9 an ins!ection lot can be created at ;@ and t$e goods can be !osted to ins!ection stoc (t$is means t$at t$e delivery date is t$e same as t$e ins!ection start& Alternatively9 a source ins!ection can be carried out (ins!ection start is t$en t$e delivery date minus t$e lead time t$at %as entered in t$e 'uality in*o record *or !rocurement)&
#onsideration o* duration o* goods recei!t ins!ection SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata "ualit# Info Record8 Procurement; t$e lead time can be !rede*ined in days on t$e Insp& control tab !age& T$is means t$at t$e lead4 time is deducted *rom t$e !lanned delivery date and de*ines t$e start date *or t$e Page 40
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Lrom 6&-9 an additional ;@ ins!ection lot can be created9 i* t$e source ins!ection %as rejected at t$e ,D&
De%onstration2 4uality Info Record
Material >*-9**5 vendor 9***
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata "ualit# Info Record8 Procurement
Processin# Inspections at Goods Receipt
0ention t$e im!ortant indicator Certified in #ustomiHing *or /0 in !rocurementQ Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "M in 'ogistics "M in Procurement %efine "M S#stems Actual "M S#stem! T$e indicator leads to an ins!ection si! as a result o* t$e certi*ication status& I* t$e indicator is set9 no ins!ection lot is created9 alt$oug$ one $as been !lanned in t$e material master& I* a certi*ied /0 system $as been entered in t$e vendor master record9 t$e ins!ection si! a!!lies to all materials delivered by t$is vendor& I* suc$ a /0 system $as been entered in t$e in*o record *or controlling "M in Procurement: t$e ins!ection si! only a!!lies to a s!eci*ic combination o* material9 vendor and !lant& A certi*ied /0 system t$at $as been entered in t$e vendor master record can be made ine**ective by t$e ins!ection control in t$e /0 In*o record *or !rocurement *or a s!eci*ic material and !lant&
4uality Certificates at Goods Receipt
8 Mar*' 800
Ex!lain t$e .it*out inspection lot case2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "M in 'ogistics "M in Procurement %efine 6e#s for Certificate Processing %efine Certificate T#pes Control .it*out certif& Lield& T$is *ield controls t$e system res!onse9 i* t$e re'uired 'uality certi*icate $as not been received %it$ goods recei!t& It t$en controls %$et$er an ins!ection lot is created at goods recei!t& Ex!licit c$ec *or certi*icate2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "M in 'ogistics "M in Procurement %efine 6e#s for Certificate Processing %efine Certificate T#pes Certificate c*ec re5uired *ield Page 47
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
I* t$is indicator is set9 t$e certi*icate content must be c$eced ex!licitly %$en t$e certi*icate $as been received9 be*ore t$e status 3 .#erti*icate stored and c$eced1 can be set& T$e certi*icate c$ec is con*irmed in t$e certi*icate transaction or at t$e usage decision& T$is security measure is used !rimarily *or t$e recei!t o* an electronic certi*icate9 to c$ec t$e accuracy o* t$e content& ,ntil t$e certi*icate $as been con*irmed9 t$e system be$aves as i* t$e certi*icate $as not been received&
/lectronic (rans%ission of Certificates
In accordance %it$ t$e agreement bet%een t$e customer and vendor9 t$e re'uirements *or electronic certi*icate and data trans*er are met& T$is means t$at2
T$e vendor does t$e certi*icate !lanning and creates certi*icates *or t$e delivery
T$e customer !er*orms t$eir o%n ;@ ins!ection !lanning and determines9 %$ic$ data *rom t$e certi*icate is to be trans*erred to t$e ;@ ins!ection lot&
'andlin# Unit Mana#e%ent 4uality Inspections Usin# 'andlin# Units
T$e indicator .Ins!ection *or ,1 is set in t$e /0 vie% o* t$e material master so t$at t$e ins!ection lot is created %it$ t$e s $i!!ing noti*ication (t$at is9 be*ore t$e ;@ !osting)& De%onstration2 QM in Procurement
8 mins
8 Mar*' 800
Display 4M inspection setup for %aterial SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata Material %ispla# Ex!lain t$e *ields on t$e "ualit# management tab !age in detail& Dis!lay and ex!lain t$e /0 control eys (settings are made in #ustomiHing)& Postin# a %iscellaneous #oods receipt SAP standard menu 'ogistics Materials Management In)entor# Management Goods Mo)ement Goods Receipt 4t*er Displayin# an inspection lot SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection 'ot Editing %ispla#
"ualit# Inspection
Usa#e decision for the inspection lot and inspection stoc7 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot =sage %ecision Record Stoc !us$button
/nterin# a certificate receipt Page 48
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Certificates In,o- Record
Postin# a #oods receipt for a purchase SAP standard menu 'ogistics Materials Management In)entor# Management Goods Mo)ement Goods Receipt or Purc*ase 4rder P4 $um,er 6no.n
Results recordin# for an inspection lot for #oods receipt SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection 1orlist Results Recording
Usa#e decision for an inspection lot SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection 'ot =sage %ecision Record
Create a co%plaint a#ainst a vendor SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management $otification Create
"ualit# Inspection
T$e exercises 4 and 4G s$ould be done immediately a*ter t$e relevant demos are *inis$ed& Ot$er%ise9 too muc$ %ill be s$o%n at once& Exercises G4 and G4G illustrate a com!lete ins!ection !rocess9 including results recording& Di**erent lists can be s$o%n during t$ese exercises2 Ins!ection lot list2 transaction /A9 selection using materials T4B/88 to T4 B/G89 c$ange layout9 add additional *ields to t$e dis!lay ('uantity to be !osted9 ins!ection stoc9 unrestricted4use stoc &&&&) Stoc on !osting date2 transaction 0B3B9 selection using t$e materials T4B/88 to T4B/G89 c$ange layout9 add additional *ields to t$e layout (*or exam!le9 reason *or movement9 text9 entry date9 name o* user &&&&&&)
/0ercises2 QM in Procurement
-8 mins
Course Schedule Day ("o 6;>* Minutes8
A!!roximate Duration
#ontent2 ,nits and To!ics
Activities2 Instructor and +artici!ant
G8 mins
@eca! o* day one
Slides9 system demo
F8 mins
,nit 62 /0 in +rocurement
Exercises and solutions
8 Mar*' 800
Page 4
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
F8 mins
,nit 62 /0 in +roduction
Slides9 system demo
F8 mins
,nit 62 /0 in +roduction
Exercises and solutions
38 mins
,nit 62 /0 in SD
Slides9 system demo
38 mins
,nit 62 /0 in SD
Exercises and solutions
;>* %ins
Additional notes: @eca! (%it$ re*erence to exercises 'uestions to !artici!ants)2 U
Ex!lanation o* @< screen (menu bar9 L
/0 *unctions2
/0 master data
0aterial master (/0 vie%9 ins!ection setu!)
Ins!ection lots
,sage decision
/uality noti*ications (!lanned and un!lanned events)
/uality certi*icates
/uality control (dynamic modi*ication !rocedure)
/0 in t$e logistics su!!ly c$ain
/0 in !rocurement U
8 Mar*' 800
Ins!ection stoc 4V ,D 4V ;oods can be used
Page 44
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
(opic2 4M in Production (otal 9>* %ins Presentation and De%o E* %ins
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
,se o* /0 in !roduction
o% to carry out an ins!ection during !roduction and its conse'uences
/uality ins!ections *or a goods movement9 once !roduction $as been com!leted
4M in Production2 &b3ectives
4M in Production?Process Industry
Integrating ins!ection !lanning
#ontrolling ins!ections during !roduction2 Ins!ection lot origin 8 (ins!ection during !roduction9 not stoc4relevant)9 ins!ection lot origin 86 (ins!ection lot *or goods recei!t in t$e %are$ouse *rom !roduction9 stoc4relevant)
Statistical !rocess control (S+#)2 #ontrol c$arts
+rocessing internal !roblem noti*ications2 Noti*ication ty!e /
Production Chain
8 Mar*' 800
"$en an order is released9 sam!le calculation and ins!ection lot creation tae !lace automatically& One ins!ection lot is created *or t$e !roduction or !rocess order&
T$e Appro)al procedure and a!!roval o* ins!ection lots is dealt %it$ in more detail in t$e *ollo%ing unit (Lunctions in Detail9 /uality + lanning)&
It may $ave been sti!ulated t$at an ins!ection lot can only be !rocessed9 i* t $e ins!ection !lan on %$ic$ t$e ins!ection is based $as been a!!roved& T$is is controlled by t$e C*ange rule indicator in t$e ins!ection !lan $eader& T$is indicator is lined to engineering c$ange management& T$e ins!ection !lan can only be c$anged using a c$ange number and ins!ection lot !rocessing is automatically a!!roved& I* t$e ins!ection !lan $as not been a!!roved9 a!!roval Page 4&
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
can be given manually (as long as t$e user $as relevant aut$oriHation)&
I* an ins!ection o* t$e material $as been !lanned using a material s!eci*ication9 (not subject to engineering c$ange management)9 a!!roval can be given manually in t$e ins!ection lot9 (as long as t$e user $as relevant aut$oriHation)&
Di**erent stages o* t$e ins!ection9 (*or exam!le9 results recording9 ,D) can be controlled using additional aut$oriHations (*or t$e material and t$e user)& T$is allo%s you9 *or exam!le9 to re'uire a digital signature to record results *or a material& @esults recording *or t$is material can only t$en be carried out by a user9 %$o $as aut$oriHation to record results %it$ a digital signature&
In an ins!ection during !roduction9 results and
ou can use control c$arts to continuously monitor %$et$er a !rocess is in control& I* s!eci*ication limits are exceeded9 a 'uality noti*ication is automatically created&
External o!erations can be included in !roduction& I* t$is occurs9 a !urc$ase order re'uisition (+re') is automatically created& T$e goods can t$en be subject to anot$er ins!ection %$en t$ey are received (;@ *rom external !rocessing)9 be*ore being used in t$e normal !roduction !rocess&
"$en results are recorded9 t$e ins!ection c$aracteristics are valuated and t$e yield and s$are o* scra! are con*irmed in t$e ++ order& I* t$ere is a 'uantity to be scra!!ed9 t$is is recorded and t$e use o* t$e yield determined& +artial lots can be *ormed based on t$e 'uality o* t$e goods !roduced (de!ending on t$e s!eci*ications at $eader level) and t$e batc$es can be classi*ied& +rere'uisite *or batc$ classi*ication is a lin bet%een master ins!ection c$aracteristics and class c$aracteristics& +ro!osals *or batc$es can be co!ied *rom t$e $eader data in t$e order&
&rder Release
I* you are %oring %it$ un!lanned sam!les9 t$en sam!le data records can be created %it$ re*erence to t$e !roduction or !rocess order& T$e sam!le is created using transaction /+@& Once t$e sam!le $as been created9 an ins!ection lot is created *or t$e sam!le& +rere'uisite *or t$is !rocess is t$at an ins!ection ty!e is assigned to ins!ection lot origin 3 in t$e material master and t$at t$is ins!ection ty!e is active&
Inspection Durin# Production
I* c$aracteristics are rejected9 de*ect codes can automatically be trans*erred to t$e 'uality noti*ication& +rere'uisites2 #ontrol indicator Automatic De*ects @ecording set *or ins!ection c$aracteristic and codes o* catalog ty!e P must be entered *or t$e ins!ection c$aracteristic& Lurt$ermore9 it is !ossible to !er*orm de*ects recording in t$e dialog %it$ t$e user& T$e !rere'uisite *or t$is is also t$at t$e indicator .Automatic De*ects @ecording1 must be set *or t$e ins!ection c$aracteristic& o%ever9 no codes o* catalog ty!e P s$ould be assigned directly *or 8 Mar*' 800
Page 4
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
t$e ins!ection c$aracteristic&
Creatin# a .otification for &rder Confir%ation
Lor order con*irmation in ++ (time ticet *or o!eration9 transaction #ON)9 screen areas can be de*ined in ++ #ustomiHing& It is !ossible to include a screen area *or t$e creation or c$anging o* a 'uality noti*ication& ou can use t$e user !arameter #O@,+@OL to determine $o% individual users can !er*orm con*irmations&
I* you %ant to s$o% an exam!le at t$is !oint9 you need to ass ign t$e con*irmation !ro*ile +5068 to t$e user +506884&
Inspection for /0ternal Processin#
O!tional demonstration in t$e system2 So t$at additional !rocessing only taes !lace9 once t$e ins!ection *or external !rocessing $as been com!leted success*ully9 t$e external o!eration must be con*irmed com!letely9 be*ore t$e next o!eration can tae !lace& 0aterials *rom external !rocessing do not $ave t$eir o%n material number and cannot t$ere*ore be managed using t$e ins!ection stoc& I* external !rocessing is !lanned9 a !urc$ase re'uisition and a !urc$ase order are created automatically& "$en t$e goods are received9 an ins!ection lot *or t$e ;@ *rom external !rocessing (ins!ection ty!e 88 *or ins!ection lot origin 8) is created and !rocessed&
De%onstration2 Production &rder Release Routin# Master Recipe
SAP standard menu 4rder Create
'ogistics Production Production Control
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning Routing Routings Standard Routings Inspection Planning %ispla#
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning Inspection Planning Master Recipe Recipe and Material 'ist %ispla#
Co%bination of Partial ots into 1atches
8 Mar*' 800
Several !artial lots can be combined to *orm batc$es9 de!ending on t$e settings in t$e $eader o* t$e routing or t$e master reci!e&
Page 43
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Inspection for Repetitive Manufacturin#
Ins!ection lots are no longer automatically created *or t$e !roduction version& T$e ins!ection lot *or t$e !roduction version is created using t$e .Ins!ection lot monitor12 "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection 1orlist Inspection 'ot Creation Inspection 'ots for Repetiti)e Manufacturing transaction MPR!
@e*er to documentation Inspections for Repetiti)e Manufacturing and Creating Inspection 'ots for Production
Goods Move%ents
;@ *rom !roduction to %are$ouse (ins!ection lot origin 86)
Ins!ection *or delivery (ins!ection lot origin 8G goods issue ins!ection9 8 delivery to a customer %it$ re*& to sales order9 delivery to a customer %it$out sales order9 G general delivery)
/arly Inspection at Goods Receipt fro% Production
T$e creation o* t$e early goods recei!t ins!ection lot is controlled in t$e material master& T$e Control ins'ot indicator t$at is assigned to ins!ection lot origin 86 no% $as an additional selection o!tion&
ou can use ins!ection !oints in t$e ins!ection !lan *or t$e early 86 lots&
De%onstration2 QM in Production
3 mins
Processin# inspection SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection 1orlist Results Recording +istogram !us$button Control C*art !us$button (only *or c$aracteristic G8 in o!eration -8)
/nter usa#e decision
Routin# and specifications for $uality inspection SAP standard menu 'ogistics Production Master %ata Routings Standard Routings %ispla# Routings
#$ec t$at t$e control c$art can be called u! be*ore$and in t$e system& It can sometimes tae a considerable amount o* time be*ore t$e control c$art is dis!layed in t$e gra!$ic %indo% o* /E3N& I* necessary9 you s$ould %arn t$e !artici!ants 8 Mar*' 800
Page 4
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
be*ore t$ey begin %it$ t$e exercise&
/0ercise2 QM in Production
68 mins
De%onstration2 QM in the Process Industry
3 mins
Results recordin# fro% PI sheet SAP standard menu 'ogistics Production(Process Management PI s*eet 1orlist Maintain Record inspection results !us$button Partial lot !us$button 0atc* !us$button
Inspection co%pletion by usa#e decision SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot =sage %ecision Record
T$e Industry Business ,nits o**er s!ecial courses9 *or exam!le9 %it$ a *ocus on t$e c$emical industry& Lrom release 6&-9 t$ere is a ne% course *or /0 in t$e !rocess industry 4 +506G&
/0ercises2 QM in the Process Industry
68 mins
De!ending on t$e interests o* t$e !artici!ants9 or i* t$ere is too litt le time9 t$e instructor can decide %$et$er or not to go t$roug$ bot$ o* t$e exercises *or t$e ins!ection during !roduction or %$et$er to just cover one o* t$e t$emes (!rocess manu*acturing or discrete manu*acturing)& I%portant2 T$e results *rom t$e ins!ection during !roduction o* t$e s$a*t (material T4B/3) are re'uired *or t$e evaluation in unit 3& I* you only cover t$e !rocess manu*acturing exercise at t$is !oint9 you must remember to in*orm t$e !artici!ants t$at t$ey must use t$e material T4TG instead o* material T4B/39 t$e !lant 88 instead o* !lant 8889 and t$e tas list ty!e G instead o* tas list ty!e N *or t$e ./uality #ontrol1 exercise in unit 3& 8 Mar*' 800
Page 4?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
(opic2 4M in Sales?Service (otal 9** %ins Presentation and De%o =* %ins
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
,se o* /0 a!!lication in sales !rocessing and Service areas
/04relevant !rocesses *or a sales order and *or a delivery
,se o* 'uality noti*ications to !rocess customer com!laints
4M in Sales and Distribution?Service2 &b3ectives
4M in Sales and Distribution?Service
0anaging material
#ontrolling goods issue ins!ections in t$e SD 'uality in*o record2
– De*ining %$en t$e goods issue can be !osted2 Only once t$e goods issue ins!ection $as been com!leted9 or during t$e goods issue ins!ection
– De*ining %$et$er t$e ins!ection is to be carried out by t$e customer (t$is means t$at no ins!ection lot is created *or t$e delivery note)
#reating 'uality certi*icates (using condition tec$ni'ue in SD to control9 %$en t$e certi*icate is to be created and $o% it is to be sent to t$e customer (electronically or by !ost)& SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4ut,o- Certificate Recipient Create see documentation Creating Certificate Recipients in *older "ualit# Certificates "M(CA!
+rocessing o* customer com!laints2 Noti*ication ty!e /
Sales Chain
8 Mar*' 800
#ustomer4s!eci*ic ins!ection s!eci*ications are stored in t$e sales order and in t$e SD 'uality in*o record& Page &0
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
A*ter !roduction9 a delivery is created in SD& De!ending on t$e control data9 t$e goods issue can be !osted immediately or once t$e ,D $as been made *or t$e ins!ection lot&
"$en t$e delivery $as been created9 an ins!ection lot %it$ ins!ection lot origin 8 (delivery to a customer %it$ sales order)9 (delivery to a customer %it$out sales order)9 or G (general delivery) is generated&
I* necessary9 batc$ determination taes !lace in SD (de!endent on t$e customer s!eci*ications)&
A certi*icate can be enclosed %it$ t$e delivery& T$e customer can s!eci*y t$e in*ormation t$at is to be !rinted on t$e certi*icate& Lor t$is !ur!ose9 a certi*icate !ro*ile is assigned based on t$e customer or material& SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4ut,o- Certificate Profile Assignment Create&
#ustomer com!laints are !rocessed using noti*ications (noti*ication ty!e /)& ou can also !rocess re!airs using 'uality noti*ications& I* re'uired9 you can ins!ect returns (ins!ection lot origin 8-9 ins!ection ty!e 8-&
See documentation "M in Sales and %istri,ution "M(PT(RP(S%: Inspection for a %eli)er#: Effect of %eli)er# Processing on Inspection 'ots: eatures of a "ualit# Inspection for a %eli)er# (Lolder "M in Sales and %istri,ution)9 #ustomer #om!laint (/uality Noti*ications *older) and Repairs Processing =sing "ualit# $otifications RMA!: unctions for Repairs Processing: Repairs Processing =sing Inspection 'ots in "M (/uality Noti*ications *older)&
Delivery Inspection
T$e SD 'uality in*o record uses in*ormation *rom t$e customer master record (SD) and t$e material master record (00)&
I* t$e customer master record $as been created *or a customer in SD9 you can de*ine numerous ins!ection s!eci*ications *or t$is customer& T$ese s!eci*ications relate to all materials t$at are delivered to t$is customer& T$e s!eci*ications include t$e *ollo%ing control !arameters2
– 4uality inspection ou use t$is !arameter to de*ine9 i* a 'uality ins!ection is to tae !lace9 (i* t$ere is to be one)2
Be*ore t$e goods issue is !osted
A*ter t$e goods issue is !osted
By t$e customer (i* you c$oose t$is o!tion9 /0 does not create an ins!ection lot *or t$e delivery
– Delivery Cate#ory ou use t$is !arameter to document t$e release status *or t$e customer (*or exam!le9 %$et$er t$e customer $as released you *or a substitute9 model or regular delivery)&
– Docu%ents T$is !arameter allo%s you to create a lin to 'uality documents using t$e document management system (*or exam!le9 'uality assurance agreement or tec$nical delivery terms& 8 Mar*' 800
Page &7
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
I* a delivery item %as created *or a material9 but t$ere is no customer in*ormation record *or t$is customer
To de*ine s!eci*ications *or a customer9 a corres!onding customer master record must exist *or t$is customer in SD& See documentation %efining %efault Customer Specifications&
An ins!ection lot can be generated *or a delivery& @esults are t$en recorded *or t$is lot and a usage decision made& T$e data t$at is recorded (%$ic$ can include in*ormation on t$e basic material and *rom t$e !roduction c$ain) can be !rinted on t$e certi*icate t$at accom!anies t$e delivery& T$e customer can receive material *rom t$e %are$ouse9 or direct *rom !roduction&
T$e statistical data is u!dated (based on customer or material)&
Lrom release &9 customer com!laints can be recorded over t$e Internet (Internet service2 /0")& T$e customer can create !roblem noti*ications directly in t$e vendorRs system&
#atalogs can be created to sim!li*y t$e !rocess o* recording !roblems&
Tec$nical !rere'uisites2 T$e vendor must $ave access to an ITS *or t$e SA+ system&
Repairs Processin# Usin# 4uality .otifications
See documentation Repairs Processing =sing "ualit# $otifications RMA!9 unctions for Repairs Processing and Repairs Processing =sing Inspection 'ots in "M& Integrated in t$e standard system *rom release 6&-&
T$e instructor can s$o% an @0A using material T4LSN at t$is !oint& Additional data2 +lant2 G889 Sales OrganiHation9 8889 Distribution #$annel2 69 Division2 889 #ustomer2 T4#SD9 +urc$ase Order No& o* #ustomer2 @A4& #reate t$e re!air order using t$e action box o* t$e 'uality noti*ication&
De%onstration2 QM in Sales/Service :* %ins 8 Mar*' 800
Page &8
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
4uality inspection for a delivery SAP standard menu 'ogistics Sales and %istri,ution S*ipping and Transportation 4ut,ound %eli)er# Create Single %ocument 1it*out 4rder Reference
Creatin# a transfer order SAP standard menu 'ogistics Sales and %istri,ution S*ipping and Transportation 4ut,ound %eli)er# C*ange Single %ocument Su,se5uent functions Create transfer order
Recordin# inspection results and UD SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 1orlist Results Recording
Custo%er co%plaint for a delivery SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management $otification Create
"ualit# Inspection
#ustomiHing2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications $otification Creation $otification T#pes %efine Screen Templates for $otification T#pe %efine Initial Screen ou can set di**erent initial screens&
Be*ore you go t$roug$ t$e demo9 you s$ould c$ec %$ic$ initial screen is set *or t$e / noti*ication in #ustomiHing& Lor t$is exercise9 you s$ould use t$e screen 889 so t$at t$e delivery number and t$e item and subitem numbers can be entered %$en you are creating t$e / noti*ication&
One batc$ o* t$e material %as delivered& T$e batc$ is located in t$e subitem *or t$e main item 8 *or t$e delivery& T$e *ollo%ing no% a!!lies to t$e creation o* a / noti*ication2 I* you enter t$e delivery number and t$e item 8 on t$e initial screen9 t$en no 'uantity is co!ied to t$e noti*ication& I* you enter t$e delivery number and t$e subitem number on t$e initial screen9 t$en t$e 'uantity *rom t$e delivery is co!ied to t$e noti*ication&
/0ercises2 QM in Sales/Service
38 mins
8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
4M in the o#istics Supply Chain2 Unit Su%%ary
Course Schedule (hird Day 6;>* %inutes net8
A!!roximate Duration
#ontent2 ,nit and To!ics
Activities2 Instructor and +artici!ants
G8 mins
@eca!itulation o* second day
Slides and system demo
,nit 32 Lunctions in Detail 78 mins
,nit 32 /uality +lanning
Slides9 system demo
68 mins
,nit 32 /uality +lanning
Exercises and solutions
P8 mins
,nit 32 /uality Ins!ection
Slides9 system demo
-8 mins
,nit 32 /uality Ins!ection
Exercises and solutions
68 mins
,nit 32 /uality certi*icates
Slides and system demo
68 mins
,nit 32 /uality certi*icates
Exercises and solutions
;>* %ins
8 Mar*' 800
Page &4
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Additional notes: Unit =2 5unctions in Detail E)* %ins
Contents of Unit
/uality +lanning
/uality Ins!ection
/uality #erti*icates
/uality Noti*ications
/uality #ontrol
Test E'ui!ment 0anagement
Stability Study
Puttin# the Unit in Conte0t
5ist o* /0 *unctions
Ex!lanation o* tass o* individual /0 *unctions and evaluation o* t$eir use in t$e com!any
+lanning and !er*orming 'uality ins!ections %it$ t$e re'uired master
(opic2 &vervie" and 4uality Plannin# (otal 99* %in Presentation and de%o F* %in
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
8 Mar*' 800
Overvie% o* /0 Lunctions&
;eneral 0aster Data
Ins!ection +lanning
Basic Data
Page &&
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
5unctions in Detail
5unctions in Detail2 Unit &b3ectives
Course &vervie" Dia#ra%
5unctions in Detail2 1usiness Scenario
5unctions in 4uality Mana#e%ent
Brie* introduction o* t$e /0 menu in t$e SA+ standard menu
4uality Plannin# 5unctions
;eneral master data (*or exam!le9 maintaining 'uality in*o records9 class c$aracteristics9 /04s!eci*ic material master data9 'uality documents)
Ins!ection !lanning (*or exam!le9 maintaining tas lists and material s!eci*ications)
Basic data (*or exam!le9 maintaining master ins!ection c$aracteristics9 ins!ection met$ods9 catalogs9 selected sets)
General Master Data2 &vervie"
8 Mar*' 800
/uality in*o record !rocurement9 'uality in*o record sales distribution (/0)2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata "ualit# Info Record8 Procurement or "ualit# Info Record8 S%
0aterial master (00)2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics Materials Management Material Master Material
#ustomer master (SD)2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics Sales and %istri,ution Master %ata 0usiness partners Customer
Batc$ classi*ication (#A)2 SAP standard menu unctions 0atc* Management
/uality documents (#A)2 SAP standard menu
'ogistics Central
'ogistics Central
Page &
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
unctions %ocument Management S#stem
0aterial s!eci*ication (/0)2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning Inspection Planning Material specification
Kendor master (00)2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics Materials Management Purc*asing Master %ata
4M-Relevant Infor%ation Records
See documentation T*e Customer Information Record in t$e *older "M in Sales 7 %istri,ution and T*e "ualit# Information Record in t$e *older "M in Procurement&
4uality Docu%ents for Supply Relationships
(echnical delivery ter%s2 Document %it$ 'uality4related content t$at is de*ined in t$e SA+ document management system and assigned to one or several materials&
4uality assurance a#ree%ent2 Document %it$ 'uality4related content t$at is de*ined in t$e SA+ document management system and a!!lies to one or more su!!ly relations$i!s& It is a s!ecial agreement bet%een vendor and customer9 *or exam!le9 to assure t$e com!liance %it$ given 'uality s!eci*ications9 or to oblige t$e vendor to document t$e 'uality o* goods&
See documentation "ualit# Assurance Agreement in t$e *older "M in Procurement&
.ote2 In t$e delivery system9 tec$nical delivery terms (document ty!e /8G) can only be assigned to a material& I* a certain c$ange is made in #ustomiHing9 tec$nical delivery terms can also be assigned to t$e vendor& See t$e *ollo%ing I0; documentation *or more in*ormation2 "ualit# Management "M in 'ogistics "M in Procurement %efine %ocument T#pes
Material Specifications
8 Mar*' 800
Material Specification2 Assigns ins!ection c$aracteristics to a material& T$e s!eci*ication *or a material can be used in t$e context o* an ins!ection s!eci*ication as an ins!ection re'uirement& I* ins!ection c$aracteristics belonging to a material s!eci*ication re*er to t$e classi*ication c$aracteristics o* a batc$9 t$e ins!ection results *or t$ese c$aracteristics are carried over into t$e batc$ valuation&
Page &3
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Material Specification "ith 1atch aluation
See documentation 'in8 Master Inspection C*aracteristic ( Class C*aracteristic: Impact of t*e 'in in 0atc*
De%onstration Creatin# a Material Specification
8 min&
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection Planning Material Specification Edit
"ualit# Planning
0aterial T4B/6889 master ins!ection c$aracteristic F48- (!lant 888)9 sam!ling !rocedure Lix 48
Inspection Plannin#
See documentation in t$e *olders Inspection Planning and Inspection Planning =sing t*e Engineering 1or,enc*&
(as7 ist (ypes
See documentation Tas 'ist in t$e *olders Inspection Planning and Inspection Planning =sing t*e Engineering 1or,enc*&
(as7 ist (ype 2 #lassi*ies tas lists according to t$eir *unctionality& In ++9 t$e *ollo%ing tas list ty!es are used2
– @outing – @e*erence o!eration set – @ate routing – Standard rate routing
Inspection Plan Structure
See documentation Inspection Planning .it* Inspection Plans in t$e *olders Inspection Planning and Inspection Planning =sing t*e Engineering 1or,enc*&
Usin# (as7 ists
8 Mar*' 800
(as7 list usa#e2 ey t$at indicates to %$ic$ area t$e tas list a!!lies (*or exam!le9 !roduction9 construction9 universal9 !lant maintenance
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
recei!t9 goods recei!t 4 model9 goods recei!t 4 !reliminary series9 goods recei!t 4 external !rocessing9 goods issue9 goods issue : model)& .ote2 Tas list usage must not be con*used %it$ t$e use o* a !roduction resource
De%onstration2 Inspection Plan
8 min&
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning Inspection Planning Inspection Plan %ispla# (0aterial T4B/889 +lant 888)
Dis!lay o* t$e tas list usage9 structure
1asic Data for Inspection Plannin#
SAP standard menu 0asic %ata8
'ogistics "ualit# Management
"ualit# Planning
Selected Set Inspection C*aracteristic Class C*aracteristic Inspection Met*od Sample Sampling Procedure Sample Sampling Sc*eme Sample %#namic Modification Rule Sample Sample %ra.ing Procedure 1or Center Production Resources/Tools
See documentation in t$e *older 0asic %ata
Sa%ple Deter%ination 61asic Data8
8 Mar*' 800
See documentation Sample %etermination in t$e *older 0asic %ata
Page &?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Sa%ple Deter%ination 6Procedure8
T$e %$ere4used list *or sam!ling !rocedures and dynamic modi*ication rules gives you an overvie% o* t$e use o* t$is basic data in t as lists9 material s!eci*ications (*or sam!ling !rocedures only)9 and t$e ins!ection setu!& #entral re!lacement o* t$is basic data is !ossible& See documentation2 1*ere(=sed 'ists and Central Replacement in t$e *older Inspection Planning&
De%onstration2 Sa%ple Deter%ination
3 mins
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 0asic %ata Sample
"ualit# Planning
– Sampling Sc*eme – Sampling Procedure – %#namic Modification Rule Catalo#s
8 Mar*' 800
+oint out t$e *ollo%4u! actions *or selected sets regarding catalog ty!e &
Catalo# types2 0ain category to com!rise code grou!s and codes according to t$e content (*or exam!le9 c$aracteristic attributes9 de*ect ty!es9 usage decisions)& T$e meaning o* t$e catalogs 8 to P and A to O is de*ined by SA+& T$e ot$er catalogs (+ to J) can be de*ined by t$e customer2 #$aracteristic attributes G Tass ,sage decisions 6 Events 3 #auses - @esults o* de*ects F Activities (/0) P De*ect ty!es A Activities (+0) B Object !arts # Overvie% o* damage D #oding E De*ect locations
Selected set2 Selection o* s!eci*ic entries (code grou!s and codes) o* a catalog& A selected set enables t$e user to c$oose only t$ose code grou!s and codes o* a catalog t$at are re'uired or allo%ed *or a s!eci*ic !ur!ose& Selected sets contain valuated codes& .ote2 T$e ey *or t$e selected set to be dis!layed or c$anged can be entered directly9 or you can enter a generic entry i* you %ant to !rocess or dis!lay several selected sets& I* you enter t$e generic entry AW you get all selected sets %$ose ey starts %it$ an A& "$en you use a generic entry *or !rocessing selected sets9 t$e system locs all t$e selected sets a**ected t$at $ave been Page 0
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
de*ined *or t$e !lant&
De%onstration2 Catalo#s and Selected Sets
3 min&
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 0asic %ata Catalog8
"ualit# Planning
Code group
Selected Set
Dis!lay code grou!s and codes o* catalog ty!es 9 9 P (De*ect ty!es)
Dis!lay selected sets (comment on t$e valuation)
(est /$uip%ent 6PR(8
SAP standard menu Resources/Tools
'ogistics Production Master %ata Production
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 0asic %ata Production Resources/Tools8
"ualit# Planning
Test e'ui!ment (+roduction @esources
– Material 2 I* general logistics *unctions are re'uired *or t$e test e'ui!ment (*or exam!le9 !rocurement9 stoc management or 'uality i ns!ection *unctions) you maintain material master records *or t$e test e'ui!ment (*or exam!le9 consumable materials *or ins!ections9 suc$ as cleaning clot$)& 0atc*2 I* individual !ieces o* test e'ui!ment or grou!s o* test e'ui!ment must be treated se!arately9 you can create batc$ master records *or t$e materials& I* test e'ui!ment is managed in batc$es9 you can trigger calibration ins!ections by deadline monitoring&
– E5uipment8 T$e e'ui!ment master record covers versatile tools and met$ods o* +0 *or t$e monitoring9 maintenance and calibration o* test e'ui!ment& U
"$en a !roduction order is released9 t$e e'ui!ment status is c$eced *or usability9 i* t$e e'ui!ment is s!eci*ied as a !roduction resource
0aintenance cycles can be set de!endent on t$e usage&
I* maintenance is due9 t$e system creates maintenance orders automatically&
#alibration results are documented in t$e calibration $istory&
– %ocument 2 T$e +@T master record can re*er to document master records& Document master records can be used as test e'ui!ment in tas l ists& ,sing t$e inter*aces o* t$e document management system or SA+ Arc$ive 5in9 t$e user can retrieve dra%ings and ot$er documents& 8 Mar*' 800
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PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
– PRT(Master 2 #ontains t$e administrative data ty!ical *or !lanning master data records9 and in*ormation about status9 location and about t$e assignment to a grou! or set o* !roduction resources
#ustomiHing setting2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! Production 0asic %ata Production Resources/Tools& T$ere are additional settings *or t$e document9 material9 and e'ui!ment master record& T$e *ollo%ing *unctions are currently not !art o* t$e standard system2
– Status monitoring *or test e'ui!ment t$at is not de*ined as e'ui!ment9 or as +@T master record& "$en an order is released9 t$e system c$ecs t$e status o* t$e test e'ui!ment or +@T master& Lor test e'ui!ment t$at is de*ined di**erently9 organiHational measures must be taen to sa*eguard t$at only t$e usable items o* e'ui!ment are used&
– #a!acity monitoring *or test e'ui!ment #onsideration o* ca!acity regarding orders
An availability c$ec *or test e'ui!ment can be !er*ormed using a re!ort t$at dis!lays t$e current use o* e'ui!ment in !roduction orders&
Data in t$e training system *or ot$er +@T2
088 cali!er gauge < cali!er
++4L0S ++ !roduction resources and tools
Master Inspection Characteristics Inspection Method Reference &peration Set
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 0asic %ata Inspection C*aracteristic
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 0asic %ata Inspection Met*od
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection Planning Reference 4peration Set
@e*erence o!eration sets can be used as co!y model *or ins!ection !lans&
8 Mar*' 800
"ualit# Planning "ualit# Planning "ualit# Planning
See documentation *or master ins!ection c$aracteristics in t$e *older 0asic %ata& See documentation *or ins!ection met$ods in t$e *older 0asic %ata& See documentation *or re*erence o!eration sets in t$e *olders Inspection Planning "M! and Routings PP!&
Page 8
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Wor7 Center
SAP standard menu
"ualit# Management 0asic %ata 1or Center
1asic Data in the Inspection Plan
Distribution of 4M Master Data
T$is slide gives a general overvie% o* t$e /0 master data t$at can currently be distributed using A5E& ou s$ould not go into detail at t$is !oint& Additional in*ormation can be *ound in t$e SA+ el!+ortal using t$e searc$ term A5E AND /0
Approval Procedure
ou can determine t$at an ins!ection lot can only be !rocessed i* t$e corres!onding ins!ection !lan $as been a!!roved& T$is is controlled by t$e indicator C*ange rule in t$e ins!ection !lan $eader& T$is indicator sets a lin to t$e c$ange management& I* t$e indicator is set9 t$e ins!ection !lan can only be c$anged %it$ a c$ange number9 and ins!ection lot !rocessing is a!!roved automatically& I* t$e ins!ection !lan $as not been a!!roved yet9 a single a!!roval *or t$e ins!ection lot can be set manually (i* t$e user $as t$e re'uired aut$oriHation)& SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning Inspection Planning Inspection Plan
I* t$e material is ins!ected using a material s!eci*ication (not subject to c$ange management)9 a single a!!roval *or t$e ins!ection lot can be set manually (i* t$e user $as t$e re'uired aut$oriHation)& Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management En)ironment Central unctions Aut*orization Management %efine Aut*orization Groups Aut*orization groups for "M materials T$is aut$oriHation grou! must be entered in t$e material master *or t$e desired material on t$e tab !age "ualit# Management in t$e *ield "M material aut*&& SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata Material "ualit# management tab !age T$e material aut$oriHation grou!s are de*ined i n #ustomiHing (see !at$ above)& I* t$e user enters a material aut$oriHation grou! in t$e material master9 t$e system c$ecs *or t$e material9 i* t$e user is allo%ed to access t$e *ollo%ing objects2
8 Mar*' 800
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
– #$ange t$e material aut$oriHation grou! in t$e /0 vie% o* t$e material master
– 0aintain material s!eci*ication – +rocess ins!ection lots – @ecord results (c$aracteristic results and de*ect data) – +rocess ins!ection com!letion and usage decision – 0aintain 'uality level – +rocess 'uality in*ormation records I* an aut$oriHation grou! is entered in t$e material master9 t$e system maes an aut$oriHation c$ec& To !ass t$e aut$oriHation c$ec9 t$e user re'uires a material aut$oriHation t$at contains t$e corres!onding aut$oriHation as *ield value&
Lor t$e individual ste!s o* an ins!ection (*or exam!le9 results recording9 usage decision) *ine adjustments can be made by using additional aut$oriHations (*or t$e material and user)& ou can determine t$at results recording *or a s!ecial material re'uires a digital signature& In t$is case9 only a user %it$ aut$oriHation *or results recording %it$ digital signature can record t$e results *or t$e material&
Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG "ualit# Management Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! En)ironment Central unctions Aut*orization Management %efine =ser Aut*orization Maintain aut*orization "ualit# Management Material Aut*orization
De%onstration2 Quality Planning
G8 min&
4ualitative %aster inspection characteristic SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Inspection C*aracteristic S$o% re*erence !ossibilities *or master ins!ection c$aracteristics
– Lor exam!le9 #OND 4V 'ualitative9 %it$ catalog and selected set ST@O0 4V 'uantitative9 %it$ test e'ui!ment9 catalog9 !$ysical sam!le4dra%ing text 0ention t$e *eatures o* a master ins!ection c$aracteristic (@e*erence c$aracteristic9 #om!lete co!y model9 Incom!lete co!y model)&
– I* t$e master ins!ection c$aracteristic is de*ined as Complete cop# model or Reference c*aracteristic9 t$e system c$ecs9 de!ending on t$e control indicators9 i* t$e c$aracteristic $as been maintained com!letely&
– O!tion Reference c*aracteristic2 I* t$e master ins!ection c$aracteristic is used in a tas list or material s!eci*ication9 a lin to t$is master ins!ection 8 Mar*' 800
Page 4
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
c$aracteristic is created& I* re'uired9 t$e user can deactivate t$is lin and adjust t$e data individually (*or exam!le9 tolerances)&
– O!tion Complete cop# model 2 I* t$e master ins!ection c$aracteristic is used in a tas list or material s!eci*ication9 t$e lin to t$is master ins!ection c$aracteristic is deactivated& T$ere*ore9 t$e user can adjust t$e data immediately (*or exam!le9 tolerances)& T$us9 t$is master ins!ection c$aracteristic can only be used as a co!y model&
– O!tion Incomplete cop# model 2 I* t$e master ins!ection c$aracteristic is used in a tas list9 t$e master ins!ection c$aracteristic is co!ied to t$e tas list& ou cannot use suc$ a master ins!ection c$aracteristic in a material s!eci*ication&
Inspection characteristic in the inspection plan SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection Planning Inspection Plan
"ualit# Planning
/0ercises for (opic Quality Planning
3 min&
(opic2 4uality Inspection (otal 9=* %in Presentation and De%o +* %in
Puttin# the Unit in Conte0t
Ins!ection lot !rocessing
@esults recording
De*ects recording
Sam!le management
External systems
4uality Inspection 5unctions
8 Mar*' 800
Page &
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Inspection ot Processin#
See documentation in t$e *olders Inspection 'ot Creation: Results Recording: %efects Recording: Inspection 'ot Completion and Sample Management
Inspection ot Creation
See documentation Inspection 'ot Creation in t$e *older Inspection 'ot Creation
Inspection ot &ri#in and Inspection (ype
De!ending on material
One ins!ection ty!e !er ins!ection lot origin can be de*ined as !re*erred ins!ection ty!e& SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata Material Tab !age "ualit# management Insp& setup
I* several tas lists are used in ins!ection lot creation *or a material9 you can de*ine di**erent tas list usages *or t$e individual ins!ection ty!es& 0oreover9 you can activate a !articular ins!ection ty!e *or eac$ material and de*ine it as !re*erred ins!ection ty!e& Lor exam!le9 ;@4ins!ection *or model9 !reliminary series9 series9 external !rocessing& Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot Creation Maintain Inspection T#pes %etail
8 Mar*' 800
Ins!ection lot origins are de*ined in #ustomiHing& T$e ins!ection ty!es are also Page
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
assigned to t$e ins!ection lot origins $ere& Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot Creation Maintain Inspection 'ot 4rigins and Assign Inspection T#pes
See documentation Inspection 'ot: Inspection 'ot 4rigin: Inspection T#pe: Inspection T#pe for Automaticall# Created 'ots: Assignment of an Inspection Specification in t$e *older Inspection 'ot Creation
De%onstration2 Inspection (ype and Inspection ot &ri#in - Dependencies = %in
Ins!ection lot origin 4 ins!ection ty!e Ins!ection ty!e2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot Creation Maintain Inspection T#pes %etail Ins!ection lot origin 4 ins!ection ty!e2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot Creation Maintain Inspection 'ot 4rigins and Assign Inspection T#pes
Se$uence of Inspection ot Processin#
See documentation Inspection 'ot Processing 9 Inspection 'ot Creation: Inspections for Goods Mo)ements: Recurring Inspections for 0atc* Materials: Inspections Triggered ,# t*e Release of 4rders: Inspections for Repetiti)e Manufacturing: Inspection of P*#sical Samples: Inspections for a %eli)er# in t$e *older Inspection 'ot Creation&
Inspection ot Creation
See documentation Inspection 'ot Creation: Assignment of an Inspection Specification: Calculation of Sample Size: Printout of Instructions Inspection Instruction: Sample(%ra.ing Instruction! in t$e *older Inspection 'ot Creation&
Inspection Specifications fro% ariant Confi#uration
8 Mar*' 800
See documentation Effects of t*e 'in in
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
ins!ection c$aracteristics must be lined to class c$aracteristics& In addition9 t$e indicators Insp& ,# configuration& and
In determining t$e ins!ection s!eci*ications9 t$e ins!ection s!eci*ications *rom t$e variant con*iguration $ave !riority over t$e s!eci*ications *rom t$e material s!eci*ication9 and t$e latter $ave !riority over t$ose *rom t$e tas list&
aluation in Confi#uration
See documentation Effects of t*e 'in in
Additional Characteristic fro% ariant Confi#uration
Lor additional in*ormation9 see2 SA+ el! +ortal9 searc$ term2 variant con*iguration AND ins!ection c$aracteristic
Inspection Specifications fro% 1atch Deter%ination
See documentation Effects of t*e 'in in
See documentation Inspection 'ot Processing in t$e *older Inspection 'ot Creation: documentation in t$e *older Results Recording: documentation in t$e *older Inspection 'ot Completion
Results Recordin# Defects Recordin#
.ote2 Do not con*use classed recording %it$ t$e class systemQ
See documentation in t$e *olders Results Recording and %efects Recording&
Results Recordin#2 Wor7list
8 Mar*' 800
Lor Enjoy SA+9 a Single(Screen(Transaction %it$ integrated navigation area and gra!$ic $as been develo!ed& ,sing t$is transaction you can record results *or various ty!es o* ins!ections9 *or exam!le9 ins!ections *or !$ysical sam!les9 ins!ections %it$ ins!ection !oints9 ins!ections *or test e'ui!ment and *unctional locations& T$e selection criteria can be de*ined user4s!eci*ically& Page
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 1orlist Results Recording
"ualit# Inspection
Process-&pti%iBed Results Recordin#
+rocess4o!timiHed results recording is !ossible *or summariHed c$aracteristics& ou can !rocess original values9 calculated c$aracteristics9 classed results recording and manual valuation by branc$ing to t$e usual results recording&
+artial lots in SD9 de!endent and inde!endent multi!le sam!les9 and entries t$at re'uire a digital signature are not suitable *or !rocess4o!timiHed results recording&
+rocess4o!timiHed results recording is a recording variant *or s!ecial recording *orms& ou can2
– +rocess c$aracteristics *or several ins!ection lots – +rocess ins!ection !oints o* an o!eration – +rocess master ins!ection c$aracteristics across all ins !ection lots SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection Result8 Results Recording or All Inspection 'ots or Inspection Points
"ualit# Inspection
See documentation Process(4ptimized Results Recording in t$e *older Results Recording&
Results Recordin# for Master Inspection Characteristic
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection Result or Master Inspection C*aracteristic See documentation Processing C*aracteristics for Se)eral Inspection 'ots and Recording Results for Inspection 'ots in Ta,ular orm in t$e *older Results Recording&
Results Recordin# on the Internet
An ITS must be available *or t$e SA+ System so t$at results recording can be !er*ormed using t$e Internet& ou can *ind general in*ormation about ITS in t$e SA+ el!+ortal2 $tt!2<<$el!&sa!&com release 6&78 searc$ term ITS ou can access t$e ITS *or t$e current training system internally by using t$e *ollo%ing ,@52 $tt!2<
8 Mar*' 800
Page ?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
=== corres!onds to t$e server2 %d*2 "alldor* !$l2 +$iladel!$ia sin2 Singa!ur old2
Mobile Results Recordin#
T$e met$od o* accessing t$e do%nload using SA+ E4Net $as c$anged2 Ne% !at$2 SA+Net Alias /0 +50 /uality 0anagement Do%nloads /uality+ad& Ot$er !at$ in SA+Net2 #enter Do%nloads
0edia #enter
Alias /0 #lic on /uality 0anagement
Recordin# Steps
+oint out t$e settings *or t$e recording con*igurationQ
– Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Results Recording %efine Recording Configuration %etail
– Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management 0asic Settings Maintain Settings at Plant 'e)el %etail Tab !age Results recording
– S#stem =ser Profile 4.n %ata Tab !age Parameters Indicate t$e !arameters set in t$e recording con*iguration in #ustomiHing (select +arameter L4el! Tec$nical In*o Entry in t$e *ield +arameter4Id)
– Lrom 6&- on9 t$e user settings can be de*ined directly on t$e results recording screen&
See documentation Processing of Inspection Results in t$e *older Results Recording&
Inspection ot Co%pletion
8 Mar*' 800
T$e *ollo%4u! actions *or t$e usage decision are assigned to t$e selected set (*or catalog ty!e )& T$ey are relevant %$en valuating t$e ,D code& ou de*ine t$e *ollo%4u! actions in #ustomiHing *or Ins!ection 5ot #om!letion& Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Page 30
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot Completion ollo.(=p Actions ollo.(=p Actions
De!ending on t$e settings *or t$e selected set *or catalog ty!e 9 t$e s ystem !er*orms automatic stoc !ostings based on t$e usage decision (*or exam!le9 *rom 'uality stoc to unrestricted4use stoc)& Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot Completion %efine In)entor# Postings
/uality score !rocedure *or eac$ ins!ection ty!e de*ined in #ustomiHing Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot Completion %efine "ualit# Score Procedures
See documentation in t$e *older Inspection 'ot Completion&
See documentation *or 'uality level in t$e *older %#namic Modification of Sample Size&
Di#ital Si#nature
T$e *ollo%ing !rere'uisites must be met in #ustomiHing *or Basis *or a user in /0 to be able to use a digital signature2
– #onnect t$e smartcard reader to t$e *rontend and set4u! t$e inter*ace& – 0aintain +SE in*ormation (+ersonal Security Environment) *or t$e user in t$e @< system&
– Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! 0asic Components S#stem Administration %igital Signature
ou $ave made t$e general settings *or a digital signature in #ustomiHing *or /uality 0anagement9 and $ave entered t$e aut$oriHation grou! *or /0 materials in t$e /0 vie% o* t$e material master *or t$e re'uired material&
– Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management En)ironment Central unctions Aut*orization Management %efine Aut*orization Groups and %igital Signature Mat& Aut*& Group: Insp& 'ot Appro)al: %igital Signature
– SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata Material "ualit# Management tab !age
8 Mar*' 800
See documentation %igital Signature in t$e *older Results Recording&
Page 37
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Sa%ple Mana#e%ent
T$e sam!le dra%ing !rocedure com!rises one or several sam!le dra%ing items in %$ic$ t$e details *or t$e !$ysical sam!le dra%ing are de*ined& In t$e sam!le dra%ing item you determine %$et$er you %ant to use only !rimary sam!les9 or additionally9 !ooled sam!les and reserve sam!les& T$e number and !$ysical4 sam!le container are also de*ined in t$e sam!le dra%ing item&
See documentation in t$e *older Sample Management&
Plannin# the Physical Sa%ples
A tas list can only contain one sam!le dra%ing !rocedure& T$is means t$at i* a tas list is used *or several materials9 using t$e material 4 tas list assignment9 t$e same sam!le dra%ing !rocedure is al%ays used *or all assigned materials& Physical-sa%ple dra"in# 2 Taing o* a !$ysical4sam!le9 according to a !rede*ined !rocedure& Sa%ple dra"in# procedure2 0aster data record t$at controls $o% !$ysical sam!les are to be dra%n and *ormed (lot container9 con*irmation !rocedures)& Sa%ple dra"in# ite% (*or sam!le dra%ing !rocedure)2 S!eci*ies $o% a !$ysical sam!le is to be dra%n (!$ysical sam!le category9 number o* !$ysical sam!les9 !$ysical sam!le siHe)&
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 0asic %ata Sample Sample %ra.ing Procedure
"ualit# Planning
See documentation Planning P*#sical Samples in t$e *older Sample Management&
Physical-Sa%ple Cate#ories
T$e term describes t$e categories primar# sample9 pooled sample9 reser)e sample&
Physical-Sa%ple Records and Physical-Sa%ple Dra"in#
T$ere may be several !$ysical sam!le dra%ings *or one ins!ection lot&
– ou can eit$er extend t$e !$ysical sam!le dra%ing *or an existing ins!ection lot or create a ne% !$ysical sam!le dra%ing *or an existing ins!ection lot (release 6&8)
– In addition9 you can create a manual ins!ection lot (ins!ection lot origin 3) *or !$ysical sam!les (release 6&3)
8 Mar*' 800
See documentation Processing Planned P*#sical Samples: Processing =nplanned P*#sical Samples: Manual Inspection 'ots for P*#sical Samples in t$e *older Sample Management& Page 38
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Inspection Process Usin# Planned Physical Sa%ples
S$o%s t$e entire !rocess %it$ re*erence to corres!onding !lanning objects&
Inspection Process Usin# Unplanned Physical Sa%ples
S$o%s t$e entire !rocess %it$ re*erence to corres!onding !lanning objects& T$e !$ysical sam!le is at t$e start o* t$is !rocess& An ins!ection lot is created *or t$is !$ysical sam!le&
/0ternal Syste%s R5C2 @emote Lunction #all9 SA+ inter*ace !rotocol& T$is sim!li*ies t$e !rogramming o* communication !rocesses bet%een systems& ,sing @L#s9 !rede*ined *unctions can be called u! and executed in an external system or %it$in t$e same system& @L#s control t$e trans*er o* !arameters9 communication control9 and error $andling&
See documentation in t$e *older Inspection %ata Interface&
.ote2 Certified Suppliers see SAP.et
De%onstration2 (opic Quality Inspection
3 min&
8 Mar*' 800
Manually creatin# an inspection lot SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection 'ot Editing Create
Displayin# an inspection lot SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection 'ot Editing %ispla#
Results recordin# for an inspection lot SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 1orlist Results Recording Material tab !age
Ma7in# the usa#e decision SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection 'ot =sage %ecision Record
"ualit# Inspection
"ualit# Inspection
"ualit# Inspection
"ualit# Inspection
Page 3
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
/0ercises for topic Quality Inspection
3 min&
De%onstration2 (opic Sample Management
3 min&
Manually creatin# an inspection lot SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection 'ot Editing Create
Displayin# an inspection lot SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Inspection 'ot Editing %ispla#
"ualit# Inspection
"ualit# Inspection
Results recordin# for physical sa%ples and usa#e decision SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection 1orlist Results Recording Tab !age P*#sical Sample
/0ercises for topic Sample Management
3 min&
De!ending on t$e interests o* t$e !artici!ants9 or i* t$ere are time !roblems9 t$e instructor can decide to cover just one o* t$e exercises related to 'uality ins!ections& e
8 Mar*' 800
Page 34
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
(opic2 4uality Certificates (otal E* %ins Presentation and De%o )* %ins
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
#erti*icate recei!t
#erti*icate issue
In*ormation system
4uality Certificate 5unctions
4uality Certificates
See t$e documentation in t$e *older "ualit# Certificates "M(CA!&
Certificate Plannin#
8 Mar*' 800
#ustomiHing *or certi*icate !ro*iles (de*ine certi*icate ty!es9 de*ine t$e data origin9 maintain *orms)2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates Certificate Profile
#ustomiHing *or !ro*ile determination2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates Certificate Profile Profile %etermination
#reate t$e certi*icate !ro*ile2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4ut,o- Certificate Profile
Assign t$e certi*icate !ro*ile to material
+rocess t$e certi*icate *orm2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4ut,o- Certificate Profile Process orm Page 3&
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
+rocess t$e certi*icate reci!ient2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4ut,o- Certificate Recipient See t$e documentation Certificate Planning in t$e *older "ualit# Certificates "M(CA!&
Certificate Processin#
#ustomiHing *or out!ut determination2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4utput %etermination
#ustomiHing *or out!ut !rocessing2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates Process 4utput
#reate a certi*icate2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4ut,o- Certificate Creation
Arc$ive dis!lay *or certi*icates2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4ut,o- Certificate Creation %ispla# Arc*i)e
See t$e documentation Certificate Creation: Arc*i)ing a Certificate .it* Arc*i)e'in: Sending a "ualit# Certificate )ia E%I .it* Access to %ata: and Transmission of a "ualit# Certificate as a P% ile =sing E%I in t$e *older "ualit# Certificates&
/0a%ple of a Certificate
Processin# 4uality Certificates at Goods Receipt
8 Mar*' 800
0ention t$e im!lications o* t$e .it*out inspection lot scenario2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "M in 'ogistics "M in Procurement %efine 6e#s for Certificate Processing %efine Certificate T#pes %etail Lield Control .it*out Certif& ou can use t$is *ield to control t$e system res!onse i* t$e re'uired 'uality certi*icate is not received at goods recei!t& T$is de!ends on %$et$er an ins!ection lot is created at goods recei!t& Ex!licit certi*icate c$ec2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "M in 'ogistics "M in Procurement %efine 6e#s for Certificate Processing %efine Certificate T#pes %etail Lield Certificate Page 3
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
c*ec re5uired I* t$is indicator is set9 t$e certi*icate contents must be s!eci*ically c$eced at certi*icate recei!t be*ore t$e system can set t$e status 3 4 #erti*icate stored and c$eced& T$e certi*icate c$ec is con*irmed in t$e certi*icate transaction or at t$e usage decision& T$is security *unction is generally used at t$e electronic recei!t o* certi*icates to c$ec t$e certi*icate contents& I* t$e certi*icate c$ec is not con*irmed9 t$e system does not consider t$e certi*icate to $ave been received&
+ost an incoming certi*icate2 SAP standard menu Management "ualit# Certificates In,o-
'ogistics "ualit#
See t$e documentation "ualit# Certificate for Goods Receipt in t$e *older "ualit# Certificates "M(CA!&
4uality Certificate for Delivery to Internet
See t$e documentation Internet Retrie)al of a Certificate for a %eli)er# and Certificates on t*e 1E0 in t$e "ualit# Certificates *older &
Lrom release &9 certi*icates *or batc$es can be called u! on t$e Internet&
Tec$nical !rere'uisite2 T$e vendor system must $ave access to an ITS9 so t$at t$e customer can retrieve certi*icates on t$e Internet&
Certificate (ransfer
T$e customer uses t$e Internet service /#68 to retrieve certi*icates *rom t$e Internet& In t$e lo%er screen area9 t$e certi*icates t$at are ready to be retrieved are dis!layed& ou can di**erentiate bet%een certi*icates t$at $ave been collected by customers and t$ose t$at are ne% on t$e basis o* t$e maring&
De%onstration2 4uality Certificates
G8 mins
Assi#n certificate profile to %aterial SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4ut,o- Certificate Profile Assignment Create ey #ombination Material
Assi#n certificate profile to a %aterial?custo%er co%bination SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Certificates 4ut,o- Certificate Profile Assignment Create ey combination Material/Customer
8 Mar*' 800
Create certificate for batch SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 4ut,o- Certificate Creation or 0atc*
"ualit# Certificates
Page 33
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Create certificate for delivery SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 4ut,o- Certificate Creation or %eli)er#
"ualit# Certificates
/0ercises2 Quality Certificates
68 mins
T$e certi*icate *or t$e delivery can only be created i* t$e exercise *or t$e outbound delivery in unit 69 to!ic ./0 in SD < Service1 %as com!leted& "$en t$e certi*icate $as been created9 out!ut !rocessing *or t$e delivery item is com!leted& I* you %ant to create anot$er9 ne% certi*icate *or t$e same delivery9 you must c$ange t$e !rocessing mode to G .@e!eat +rocessing1 on t$e initial screen o* t$e transaction /#G8 (certi*icate creation *or delivery)&
8 Mar*' 800
Page 3
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Course Schedule 5ourth Day 6;>* %inutes net8
A!!roximate Duration
#ontent2 ,nit and To!ics
Activities2 Instructor and +artici!ants
G8 mins
@eca!itulation o* t$ird day
Slides and system demo
-8 mins
,nit 32 /uality noti*ications
Slides and system demo
68 mins
,nit 32 /uality noti*ications
Exercises and solutions
88 mins
,nit 3 /uality control
Slides and system demo
-8 mins
,nit 3 /uality control
Exercises and solutions
68 mins
,nit 32 Test e'ui!ment management
Slides and system demo
68 mins
,nit 32 Test e'ui!ment management
Exercises and solutions
Additional notes:
(opic2 4uality .otifications (otal 9** %ins Presentation and De%o >* %ins
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
+roblem !rocessing
/uality noti*ication structure
Noti*ication !rocessing
4uality .otification 5unctions
Proble% Processin# in the Co%pany
8 Mar*' 800
Page 3?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
.otification Processin# in the SAP Syste%
Lrom release 6&-#9 additional noti*ication ty!es %ill be available in t$e SA+ System2
– #laim in t$e +roject System (+S) – #$ange noti*ication in Engineering #$ange 0anagement (5O4E#) – @< noti*ication in Su!!ort 5ine Leedbac (SK4LDB) – Internal service re'uest on t$e Intranet – Internal service re'uest9 'uality noti*ication9 and service noti*ication on t$e Internet
Lrom release 6&-#9 t$ere %ill be a sim!le noti*ication transaction (starting %it$ t$e internal service re'uest) in t$e standard system t$at can be accessed bot$ *rom a SA+ System and t$e Intranet&
See t$e documentation in t$e $otifications CA($4! *older *or release 6&-# and t$e "ualit# $otifications *older &
ou can also de*ine your o%n noti*ication ty!es2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications $otification Creation $otification T#pes %efine $otification T#pes
ou can de*ine screen tem!lates and number ranges *or noti*ication ty!es in #ustomiHing2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications $otification Creation $otification T#pes %efine Screen Templates; for $otification T#pe and %efine $um,er Ranges; for $otification T#pe
/le%ents of the 4uality .otification Syste%
ou s$ould mention t$e .object services1 at t$is !oint& T$e object services9 *or exam!le9 sim!li*y t$e !rocess o* lining documents %it$ t$e noti*ication&
See t$e documentation in t$e "ualit# $otifications *older &
/asy /ntry of .otifications
In t$e #ustomiHing *or 'uality noti*ications9 t$e allo%ed c$anges o* noti*ication ty!es are determined under $otification Creation $otification T#pes Allo.ed C*ange of $otification T#pe& A noti*ication must $ave t$e status .Outstanding19 so t$at t$e noti*ication ty!e can be c$anged&
Internet Service Re$uest
Tec$nical !rere'uisites2 IST *or t$e S A+ System& Internet service2 /IS@ Lor details about t$e IS@9 see2
8 Mar*' 800
Page 0
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
SAP +elpPortal: Release >&?@: searc* term ISR
SA+ Service 0aret!lace2 $tt!2<
4uality .otifications in the o# Supply Chain
See t$e documentation Customer Complaint: Complaint Against t*e
4uality .otification Structure
See t$e documentation $otification +eader: Partners in "ualit# $otification Processing: Item: Cause: Tas: Acti)it#9 and Action 0o- in t$e "ualit# $otifications *older&
Settings *or !artners (*or exam!le9 de*ine !artner !ro*ile9 de*ine standard noti*ications *or !artners)2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications $otification Creation Partners
Tas de*inition (de*ine *ollo%4u! *unctions9 action box)2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications $otification Processing Additional $otification unctions %efine Action 0o-
Action 1o0
T$e action box can be dis!layed as a tree structure or as a table& T$e setting is made in t$e user de*ault values2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications Create& %efault
– I* t$e action box is dis!layed as a table9 only t$e *ollo%4u! *unctions to be executed are dis!layed&
– I* t$e action box is dis!layed as a tree9 t$e *ollo%4u! *unctions are dis!layed dynamically2
8 Mar*' 800
Lollo%4u! *unctions to be executed are dis!layed in blue
Already executed *ollo%4u! *unctions are dis!layed in gray9 i* t$e indicator E-ecuta,le onl# once is set in #ustomiHing&
Lollo%4u! *unctions t$at cannot currently be executed are dis!layed in blac& Page 7
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
A*ter executing a *ollo%4u! *unction9 t$e dis!lay is u!dated based on t$e rules de*ined in #ustomiHing
See t$e documentation Action 0o- and Setting =ser %efault
.otification Processin# 6Se$uence8
SAP standard menu $otifications
'ogistics "ualit# Management
See t$e documentation Creating and Processing "ualit# $otifications: Selecting and E)aluating "ualit# $otifications: Repairs Processing =sing "ualit# $otifications RMA!: Processing Complaints Against t*e
General Wor7lists
4uality .otifications on the Internet
Lrom release &9 it $as been !ossible to create customer com!laints on t$e Internet using t$e Internet service /0"& Tec$nical !rere'uisites2 ITS *or t$e SA+ system
See t$e documentation "ualit# $otifications on t*e Internet in t$e "ualit# $otifications *older&
De%onstration2 Quality Notifications
G3 mins
8 Mar*' 800
.otification "or7list SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications 1orlist $otification C*ange %ata
(as7 "or7list - Activity for notification SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management $otifications 1orlist Tas C*ange %ata
Co%pletion of tas7s Tab !age Tass: !us$button Complete
Creatin# a #eneral notification 4ffice Message Create Simplified
General "or7lists 4ffice Message 1orlist $otifications I"SB!
Page 8
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
/0ercises2 Quality Notifications
68 mins
I* t$ere is enoug$ time remaining9 t$e instructor can s$o% an exam!le o* noti*ication creation using t$e Internet& ITS *or t$e training system Service /0" 5og on %it$ t$e user +5068488 or %it$ o%n user an alias s$ould be available *or t$e user Ytransaction S,89 5og on data tab !ageZ #ontact !erson number2 GP9 +ass%ord2 %elcome #reate noti*ication
8 Mar*' 800
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
(opic2 4uality Control (otal 9>* %ins Presentation and De%o 9** %ins
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
Dynamic modi*ication o* t$e ins!ection sco!e
Statistical !rocess control (S+#)
/uality scores
Kendor evaluation
/uality4related costs
4uality Control 5unctions
Dyna%ic Modification of the Inspection Scope 6at UD8
ou can de*ine dynamic modi*ication rules in t$e tas list at t$e level o* t$e tas list $eader or c$aracteristic& Entry at c$aracteristic level taes !recedence over entry at $eader level&
Dynamic modi*ication is also !ossible during de*ects recording&
Dynamic modi*ication can occur at ins!ection lot creation or %$en t$e ,D is made&
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 0asic %ata Sample %#namic Modification Rule
8 Mar*' 800
"ualit# Planning
De*ine ins!ection severity2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Sample: SPC %efine Inspection Se)erities See t$e documentation in t$e *older %#namic Modification of t*e Inspection Scope&
Page 4
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Statistical Process Control
/uality ins!ections during !roduction !rovide t$e data *or statistical !rocess control&
Control chart2 Lorm *or t$e gra!$ical dis!lay o* c$aracteristic values t$at occur during an ins!ection& T$e control c$art com!ares t$e dis!layed values %it$ t$e action limits and9 in t$is %ay9 su!!orts t$e 'uality4related control o* t$e !rocess&
T$e Run(c*art is a gra!$ical dis!lay o* single values *or a 'uantitative c$aracteristic in a time run& ou cannot valuate t$e ins!ection results using t$e run4c$art&
#ustomiHing *or statistical !rocess control (*or exam!le9 de*ine S+# criteria9 de*ine control c$art ty!e)2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Sample: SPC Statistical Process Control
See t$e documentation in t$e *older Statistical Process Control SPC!
Statistical !rocess control is covered in detail in t$e 5O7G8 and 5O7G courses&
Intervenin# in the Process
I* you determine during an ins!ection during !roduction t$at t$e action limits %ere violated9 a 'uality noti*ication can be automatically created or a %or*lo% triggered& T$is re'uires t$e *ollo%ing settings2
– T$e control indicator %efects recording must be set in t$e ins!ection c$aracteristic& A de*ect code must be assigned to t$e ins!ection c$aracteristic at rejection using t$e assigned catalogs& ou must de*ine additional s!eci*ication limits *or 'uantitative c$aracteristics2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Inspection C*aracteristic8 Control indicators "uant&data Catalog
– In catalog ty!e P (de*ect ty!es)9 a de*ect class must be assigned to t$e de*ect code de*ined in t$e ins!ection c$aracteristic& SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Planning 0asic %ata Catalog
– T$e indicators 1orflo. lin or Acti)ate "(notifictn must be set in #ustomiHing *or t$e de*ect class& Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Catalog %efine %efect Classes
8 Mar*' 800
See t$e documentation in t$e *older Statistical Process Control SPC!&
Page &
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Control Charts and SPC Criteria
De*ine S+# criteria (*or exam!le9 ne% assignment *or eac$ ins!ection !oint9 assignment *or tas list usage)2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Sample: SPC Statistical Process Control %efine SPC Criteria
De*ine t$e control c$art ty!e (*or exam!le9 t$e validity o* t$e control c$art *or a certain c$aracteristic ty!e)2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Sample: SPC Statistical Process Control %efine Control C*art T#pe
S+# criteria *or t$e control c$art to be run2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning Inspection Planning Inspection Plan Create or C*ange& In t$e ins!ection c$aracteristic overvie%9 you can c$oose t$e S+# criteria using t$e L6 $el! *or t$e SPC criterion *ield&
T$e control c$art ty!e is assigned in t$e sam!ling !rocedure& T$e sam!ling !rocedure is assigned to t$e ins!ection c$aracteristic in t$e tas list2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning Inspection Planning Inspection Plan Create or C*ange& T$e sam!ling !rocedure can be assigned in t$e c$aracteristic overvie%& SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Sample Sampling Procedure& T$e control c$art ty!e to be used can be de*ined on t$e screen *or s!ecial conditions&
See t$e documentation in t$e *older Statistical Process Control SPC!&
Western /lectric Rules
Lor details9 see t$e SA+ el!+ortal9 release 6&789 se arc$ term2 "estern Electric @ules
Displayin# Control Charts in Custo%iBin#
3 mins
8 Mar*' 800
Dis!lay various control c$arts Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Sample: SPC Statistical Process Control %efine Control C*art T#pe +us$button Simulate
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
4uality Scores for Inspection ots
De*ine t$e !rocedure *or calculating t$e 'uality score2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot Completion %efine "ualit# Score Procedure
De*ine t$e !rocedure *or calculating t$e 'uality score in t$e material master2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata Material Create or C*ange& A 'uality score can be de*ined on t$e tab !age "ualit# management in t$e Inspection setup *or t$e ins!ection ty!e&
Display Default Settin#s in the Inspection Setup for the Material Master
3 mins
SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 'ogistics Master %ata Material %ispla# Tab !age "ualit# Management Insp& setup Lield "(score procedure&
endor /valuation
S$o% main criterion "ualit# %it$ its subcriteria GR 'ots: S*opfloor Complaint and Audit &
#ustomiHing *or main and subcriterion2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! Materials Management Purc*asing
De*ine %eig$ting eys2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! Materials Management Purc*asing
De*ine criteria *or t$e $itlist o* vendors2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! Materials Management Purc*asing
8 Mar*' 800
SAP standard menu 'ogistics Materials Management Master %ata
De*ine !urc$asing organiHation *or t$e vendor evaluation2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! Materials Management Purc*asing
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
See t$e documentation in t$e *older
Subcriteria for the Main Criteria Quality" Quality"
#ustomiHing *or main and subcriterion2 Tools Accelerated Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Edit Project SAP SAP Reference IMG Implementation Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! Materials Materials Management
4uality-Related Costs
A /0 order *or calculating /0 costs can be de*ined *or an ins!ection ty!e in t$e ins!ection setu! *or t$e material master2 SAP standard menu 'ogistics 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# "ualit# Planning 'ogistics 'ogistics Master %ata Material Material %ispla# %ispla# Tab Tab !age "ualit# management Insp& Insp& setup Lield Lield "M order& T$e /0 order9 %$ic$ is de*ined in t$e ins!ection setu! (/uality 0anagement vie% o* t$e material master record)9 is used as a co!y model %$en ins!ection lots are created9 i* no individual /0 order is created *or t$e ins!ection lot &
See t$e documentation in t$e *older "ualit#(Related Costs&
Cost Processin# "ith 4M &rders
;eneral /0 order2
– Order ty!e /58 – Order is a long4term cost collector – #ost collection is on t$e basis o* a *lat rate *or all materials
Individual /0 order2
– Order ty!e /58G – Order is a s$ort4term cost collector – #ost collection is on t$e basis o* t$e assigned ins!ection lot ( order X4V ins!ection lot)
– #osts are settled once in #O – Activity con*irmation at results recording and
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
center9 or asset)&
/0 order *or noncon*ormity costs2
– Order ty!e /N8 – T$e order is assigned to a 'uality noti*ication& – Account assignment must be de*ined (cost center9 customer order) – Order is created %$en you !rocess a 'uality noti*ication&
Assignment o* a general /0 order to a !lant
– A ne% order (/58) can be created or an existing order can be assigned as signed – SAP standard menu 'ogistics 'ogistics "ualit# "ualit# Management "ualit# "ualit# Inspection Costs Costs 4rder 4rder Assignment %ispla# or %ispla# or Create
SAP standard menu 'ogistics 'ogistics "ualit# "ualit# Management "ualit# "ualit# Planning 'ogistics 'ogistics Master %ata Material Material "M "M 4rder Assign or Assign or E)aluate
/0 order2 SAP standard menu Inspection Costs Costs 4rder 4rder
'ogistics 'ogistics "ualit# "ualit# Management
De*ine a!!raisal cost recording2 Tools Accelerated Accelerated SAP Customizing Customizing Edit Project SAP SAP Reference IMG Implementation Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# "ualit# Management "ualit# "ualit# Inspection %efine %efine Appraisal Cost Recording
0aintain /0 order ty!es2 Tools Accelerated Accelerated SAP Customizing Customizing Edit Edit Project SAP SAP Reference IMG Implementation Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# "ualit# Management En)ironment En)ironment Central Central unctions Maintain "M 4rder 4rder T#pes T#pes
De*ine lot account assignment2 Tools Accelerated Accelerated SAP Customizing Customizing Edit Project SAP SAP Reference IMG Implementation Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# "ualit# Management 0asic 0asic Settings Maintain Maintain Settings at Plant 'e)el %etail %etail Tab !age Insp& !age Insp& lot creation Screen area 'ot account assignment
"ualit# "ualit#
.ote2 I* necessary9 c$ec t$e order ty!e *or single bill ing and collective settlement in t$e !lant settings in #ustomiHing&
See t$e documentation in t$e *older "ualit#(Related Costs&
4M Infor%ation Syste% 64MIS8
8 Mar*' 800
T$e /0 In*ormation System (/0IS) is !art o* t$e 5ogistics In*ormation System (5IS)& T$e data *rom t$e SA+ System can be evaluated in t$is system& ou ou can also use t$e SA+ Business In*ormation "are$ouse "are$ouse (B") to use data *rom external systems in t$e evaluation&
ou can use /0IS to create evaluations %it$ re*erence to t$e material9 vendor9 and customer&
See t$e SA+ 5ibrary2 'ogistics 5ibrary2 'ogistics 'ogistics 'ogistics ( General 'ogistics 'ogistics Information Page ?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
S#stem '4('IS! 'ogistics 'ogistics Information S#stem Component Component of t*e 'ogistics Information S#stem "ualit# "ualit# Management Information S#stem& Standard Analyses in 4MIS
#om!lete in*ormation structures are delivered in t$e standard system& Settings are made *or t$ese in*ormation structures in #ustomiHing2 Tools Accelerated Accelerated SAP Customizing Customizing Edit Edit Project SAP SAP Reference IMG Implementation Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! 'ogistics 'ogistics ( General 'ogistics 'ogistics Information S#stem 'IS! 'ogistics 'ogistics %ata 1are*ouse %ata %ata 0asis Information Structures In*ormation structures *or /0 are in a!!lication 83&
/arly Warnin# Syste%
Usin# Statistics
SAP &pen Infor%ation Warehouse
4uic7ie"er2 4uic7ie"er2 &vervie"
Database 4ueries
&r#aniBation in the 4uery
SAP 1usiness Infor%ation Warehouse 61W8
Lor general in*ormation about t$e B"9 B"9 see t$e SA+ el!+ortal SA+ Business In*ormation "are$ouse "are$ouse SA+ Business In*ormation "are$ouse "are$ouse Business Business #ontent 0anagement /uality 0anagement2
8 Mar*' 800
SA+ SA+ Net"eaver
+roduct +roduct 5i*ecycle
Page ?0
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Wor7boo7 "ith /%bedded 4uery
Wor7boo7 "ith MS /0cel Graphic
Co%parison of /valuation &ptions
De%onstration2 Quality Control
8 mins
Material analysis SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management 6e# igures Material Inspection 'ots 4)er)ie.
"ualit# Control
Chan#e the display of the %aterial analysis Settings C*aracteristic %ispla# 6e# and %escription Settings Column .idt* C*aracteristic2 #olumn %idt$ 63 Settings Page *eader 1it* drilldo.n log
Additional data processin# and #raphic +us$button Grap*ic
Results history SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management "ualit# Control E)aluations of 4riginal %ocuments Inspection Results +istor# for Inspection C*aracteristic +us$button Single )alues
During t$e demo9 you can mention t$e user settings (!us$button in t$e a!!lication toolbar) on t$e selection screen& T$is is %$ere user settings *or t$e dis!lay o* t$e analysis can be made& To get an overvie% o* all ins!ection lots *rom t$is course9 you s$ould select using t$e !lants 888 and 888 and not enter a material&
/0ercises2 Quality Control
-8 mins
.ote2 ou s$ould mention t$at t$e ins!ection results *or material T4B/3 %ill only be available *or exercise 4 i* t$e exercises on t$e to!ic ./0 in Discrete 8 Mar*' 800
Page ?7
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
0anu*acturing1 %ere covered in unit 6& I* you only managed to cover t$e exercises on t$e to!ic ./0 in +rocess 0anu*acturing1 in unit 69 you s$ould use t$e *ollo%ing data *or exercise 42 0aterial2 T4T/G +lant2 88 Tas list ty!e2 G master reci!e9 grou! counter2
8 Mar*' 800
Page ?8
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
(opic2 (est /$uip%ent Mana#e%ent (otal E* %ins Presentation and De%o )* Min
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
T$e *unctions in test e'ui!ment management are covered in detail&
(est /$uip%ent Mana#e%ent 5unctions
0aster data
#alibration ins!ection (!lanning)
#alibration ins!ection (!rocessing)
4uality Mana#e%ent - Asset ifecycle Mana#e%ent Inte#ration
See t$e documentation in t$e *olders Test E5uipment Management and Processing a Cali,ration Inspection&
Master Data for (est /$uip%ent Mana#e%ent
See t$e documentation Test E5uipment as E5uipment: Creating Test E5uipment as E5uipment: and Creation of Master %ata in t$e *older Test E5uipment Management&
Plannin# a Calibration Inspection
8 Mar*' 800
See t$e documentation Planning a Cali,ration Inspection in t$e *older Test E5uipment Management &
T$e class c$aracteristics t$at s$ould be assigned to t $e measuring !oints
De*ine valid measuring !oint categories2 Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! Plant Maintenance and Customer Ser)ice Master %ata in Plant Maintenance and Customer Ser)ice 0asic Settings Page ?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Measuring Points: Counters and Measurement %ocuments %efine Measuring Point Categories&
Processin# a Calibration Inspection
See t$e documentation Processing a Cali,ration Inspection in t$e *older Test E5uipment Management &
Results 'istory for /$uip%ent ? 5unctional ocation
5ollo"-Up Actions fro% Usa#e Decision
T$e +@T status *or t$e e'ui!ment can be c$anged *rom /0& See t$e documentation =sage %ecision for Inspection 'ot in t$e *older Processing a Cali,ration Inspection&
De%onstration2 Test !uipment Management
G3 mins
8 Mar*' 800
Display %aintenance plan for the calibration inspection SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Test E5uipment Management Cali,ration Planning Maintenance Planning Maintenance Plan %ispla#
Display the %aintenance tas7 list +us$button Maintenance plan
&b3ect list for the %aintenance plan Tab !age 4,ject list item
Schedulin# of the %aintenance plan SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Test E5uipment Management Cali,ration Planning Maintenance Planning Sc*eduling
Results recordin# for e$uip%ent and inspection co%pletion "ith the usa#e decision SAP standard menu 'ogistics "ualit# Management Test E5uipment Planning Cali,ration Inspection Inspection Results for E5uipment +ierarc*ical 1orlist or2 @esults recording %orlist (/E3N)9 tab !age E'ui!ment
Page ?4
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
/0ercises2 Test !uipment Management
68 mins
5unctions in Detail2 Su%%ary
Course Schedule 5ifth Day 6:F* %inutes net8
A!!roximate Duration
#ontent2 ,nit and To!ics
Activities2 Instructor and +artici!ants
G8 mins
@eca!itulation o* *ourt$ day
Slides and system demo
-8 mins
,nit 32 Stability Study
Slides and system demo
-8 mins
,nit 32 Stability Study
Exercises and solutions
63 mins
,nit -2 Enter!rise +ortal
Slides and system demo
F3 mins
:F* %ins
8 Mar*' 800
Page ?&
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
(opic2 Stability Study 5unctions
9:* %ins
Contents of Unit
Stability Studies2 +rocess Overvie%
#reate Stability Study
+er*orm Initial Test
+lan and Execute Stability Tests
Objects @e'uired to +er*orm a Stability Study
Stability Studies2 Ne% /uality Noti*ication Ty!es
Storage #onditions
Test Sc$eduling and Sc$eduling o* Stability Studies
Ins!ection 5ot *or Stability Study
,n!lanned Activities in a Stability Study
Status 0anagement in t$e Stability Study
Puttin# the (opic in Conte0t
8 Mar*' 800
Stability Studies2 +rocess Overvie%
#reate Stability Study
+er*orm Initial Test
+lan and Execute Stability Tests
Objects @e'uired to +er*orm a Stability Study
Stability Studies2 Ne% /uality Noti*ication Ty!es
Storage #onditions
Test Sc$eduling and Sc$eduling o* Stability Studies
Ins!ection 5ot *or Stability Study
,n!lanned Activities in a Stability Study
Status 0anagement in t$e Stability Study
Page ?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Stability Study
Stability Study2 Unit &b3ectives
Stability Study2 Course &vervie" Dia#ra%
Stability Studies2 1usiness Scenario
Stability Studies H Process &vervie"
Stability Studies H (he Process
Create Stability Study
Perfor% Initial (est
Plan Stability (ests
/0ecute Stability (ests
Co%plete Stability (est
Stability Studies2 Re$uired &b3ects 698
8 Mar*' 800
Page ?3
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Stability Studies2 Re$uired &b3ects 6:8
Stability Studies2 Re$uired &b3ects 6;8
Stability Studies2 Re$uired &b3ects 6)8
Stability Studies2 .e" 4uality .otification (ypes
Physical-Sa%ple Record for Stora#e Condition
(estin# Schedule 698
(estin# Schedule 6:8
(estin# Schedule 6;8
(estin# Schedule 6)8
Schedulin# 698
Schedulin# 6:8
Stability Studies H Inspection ot 698
8 Mar*' 800
Page ?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Stability Studies H Inspection ot 6:8
Unplanned Activities 698
Unplanned Activities 6:8
Unplanned Activities 6;8
Status Mana#e%ent in the Stability Study 698
Status Mana#e%ent in the Stability Study 6:8
Stability Studies2 Unit Su%%ary
De%onstration for Stability Study
a!!rox& 8 mins
8 Mar*' 800
Create Stability Study 'ogistics "ualit# Management Create "M@! 0aterial2 T4STABI488 Batc$2 ;rou!488 +lant2 88 Descri!tion2 STAB488
Sta,ilit# Stud# Sta,ilit# Stud#
Create Initial Sa%ple #$oose t$e *ollo%4u! *unction Create Initial Sample and save your initial sam!le Dis!lay document *lo% T%o documents exist2 T$e actual stability study (noti*ication STA0(@@) and a !$ysical sam!le in t$e number range P (initial sam!le)& Double4clic on t$e !$ysical sam!le to dis!lay t$e data record *or t$e initial sam!le& ou cannot create anot$er initial sam!le& T$is is because it %as s!eci*ied Page ??
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
in #ustomiHing t$at t$e *ollo%4u! *unction Create Initial Sample can only be executed once& ou can tell t$at you cannot execute t$is *ollo%4u! *unction again9 because it is no% dis!layed in gray %riting& Only *ollo%4 u! *unctions in blue %riting can be executed&
Chan#e Initial Sa%ple Sam!le #ontainer2 @@@@@ Test Tu,e! +rimary +acaging2 olie(@ Clear P
Confir% Initial Sa%ple Lollo%4u! *unction Confirm Initial Sample Enter a comment *or t$e con*irmation o* t$e !$ysical4sam!le dra%ing T$e con*irmation o* t$e initial sam!le is documented as a tas in t$e noti*ication& T$e creation and c$anging o* t$e initial sam!le %ere also documented as tass in t$e noti*ication& ou can only con*irm an initial sam!le once&
Perfor% Initial (est #reate t$e ins!ection lot *or t$e initial test (*ollo%4u! *unction Initial Test Inspection 'ot! Select t$e ins!ection !lan *or material T4STABI488 using t$e L6 $el!& +us$button Create Inspection 'ot In t$e *lexible s!eci*ication selection screen9 select t$e ins!ection c$aracteristics t$at you %ant to test in t$is s tability study and co!y t$ese c$aracteristics by c$oosing t$e Cop# F! !us$button& To dis!lay t$e ins!ection lot9 c$oose t$e *ollo%4u! *unction %ispla# 4,jects for Stud# and double4clic on t$e ins!ection lot&
,se t$e %orlist *or results recording (/E3N) to select your ins!ection lot using t$e *ollo%ing selection criteria2 +lant 889 Ins!ection 5ot Origin -9 and 0aterial T4STABI488 (do not set t$e indicator %efault $e-t Inspection Point )& Select t$e ins!ection lot9 !er*orm t$e initial test9 and mae a usage decision *or t$e initial test t$at results in t$e stability study being executed (D, code @@@ STA0I! T$e com!letion o* t$e initial test is documented by t$e user status #OI5 ( Initial Test Completed!&
8 Mar*' 800
Maintain Stora#e Conditions Lollo%4u! *unction Specif# Storage Conditions Enter G8 +# *or eac$ storage condition& Select and save all storage conditions& In t$e document *lo%9 you can s%itc$ to t$e !$ysical sam!le by double4 clicing on it& ou can access t$e overvie% o* !$ysical sam!les using t$e Page 700
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
P*#s& Samples !us$button& In t$is overvie%9 you can see t$e !$ysical sam!le *or t$e initial sam!le (*irst !$ysical sam!le)9 as %ell as *ive ot$er !$ysical sam!les (t$ese are t$e !$ysical sam!les *or t$e storage conditions you $ave just de*ined)& ,sing t$e P*#sical Sample !us$button9 you can dis!lay t$e individual !$ysical sam!les& In t$e S*ort Te-t *ield9 t$e in*ormation about t$e storage condition is dis!layed&
Create (estin# Schedule Lollo%4u! *unction Create Testing Sc*edule 0aintenance Strategy2 /STAB Sc$eduling +eriod2 0ON Ins!ection ty!e2 Save
In t$e document *lo%9 t$e maintenance strategy %it$ t$e descri!tion STAB488 is dis!layed& It %as created *or t$e material T4STABI488 and t$e batc$ ;rou!488&
Chan#e (estin# Schedule Lollo%4u! *unction C*ange Testing Sc*edule #on*irm t$e security !o!u!& T$e testing sc$edule contains 3 maintenance items (one *or eac$ storage condition) #$oose t$e Item tab !age and in t$e Inspection Plan screen area enter t$e ins!ection !lan to be used %it$ t$e L6 in!ut $el!& ,se t$e arro% $e-t Item to navigate to t$e ot$er maintenance items ,se t$e green arro% button to return to t$e stability study and con*irm t$e security !o!u! to save t$e c$anges to t$e testing sc$edule&
Print Stora#e ist #$oose $otification Print $otification and select t$e storage list& #$oose t$e Print Pre)ie. !us$button to see t$e storage list be*ore !rinting #$oose t$e !us$button Print/a-: to !rint t$e storage list
Store Stability Sa%ples Lollo%4u! *unction Store Sta,ilit# Samples Enter t$e sam!le location "M@@@@@@@@@9 1are*ouse for Comparati)e Samples! *or all !$ysical sam!les& Select all sam!les and save&
Co%plete Schedulin# Lollo%4u! *unction Complete Test Sc*eduling and con*irm t$e security !o!u!& T$e com!letion o* t$e sc$eduling is documented by t$e user status TS#O (Testing Sc*edule Completed )&
8 Mar*' 800
Start Stability Study Lollo%4u! *unction %efine Start %ate of Stud# #o!y t$e !ro!osed start date and save& T$e start o* t$e stability study is documented %it$ t$e user status STRT ( %efine Start %ate of Stud#)& /0ecute Stability (ests 'ogistics "ualit# Management Sta,ilit# Stud# Sta,ilit# Planning Testing Sc*edule Sc*eduling IP@!& 0aintenance +lan2 STA0(@@& Page 707
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Select t$e sc$eduled call and c$oose t$e Manual Call !us$button& #on*irm t$e !ro!osed start date and select t$e !acage @3 After 3 Mont*s! and save& Select t$e ins!ection lots using t$e %orlist *or results recording (/E3N)& Selection criteria2 +lant 889 Ins!ection 5ot Origin -9 0aterial T4 STABI4889 Batc$2 ;rou!4889 5ot #reated On2 Date at least mont$s in t$e *uture9 Indicator2 %efault $e-t Inspection 'ot 4 indicator s$ould not be set& 3 ins!ection lots %ere created (one *or eac$ storage condition) @ecord results *or all ins!ection c$aracteristics *or all ins!ection lots9 valuate t$e ins!ection c$aracteristics and save t$e data& Double4clic on t$e ins!ection lot number to access t$e transaction *or t$e usage decision and mae t$e usage decision *or all ins!ection lots2 ,D #ode @@F@ STA0I Complete T8 Complete Stud# for S&C&! &
Display Results 'istory for Stora#e Conditions and Characteristic Lollo%4u! *unction %ispla# Sta,ilit# +istor# T$ere is a tab !age *or every storage condition9 %$ere you can vie% t$e results recorded *or t$e ins!ection c$aracteristics& Co%plete Stability Study To com!lete t$e stability study9 you must si! any calls t$at are still !ending& 'ogistics "ualit# Management Sta,ilit# Planning Testing Sc*edule Sc*eduling IP@! 0aintenance +lan2 STA0(@@ Select t$e sc$eduled call and c$oose t$e Sip Call !us$button& Save&
'ogistics "ualit# Management Sta,ilit# Stud# C*ange "M@9! Lollo%4u! *unction Complete Sta,ilit# Stud# #on*irm t$e security !o!u!& T$e com!letion o* t$e stability study is documented by t$e user status #O0+ (Sta,ilit# Stud# Completed )&
8 Mar*' 800
Print Sa%ple Re%oval ist $otification Print $otification Select t$e sam!le removal list and c$oose t$e Print Pre)ie. !us$button to dis!lay t$e list be*ore you !rint it& #$oose t$e Print/a- !us$button to !rint t$e sam!le removal list&
Re%ove Stability Sa%ples fro% Stora#e Lollo%4u! *unction Remo)e Sta,ilit# Samples Select t$e storage conditions to be removed *rom storage and c$oose t$e !us$button Remo)e Sta,ilit# Samples: Sa)e/C*ange $otification& T$is o!eration is documented as a tas in t$e stability study&
Display &b3ects for the Stability Study Lollo%4u! *unction %ispla# 4,jects for Stud# T$e gra!$ic t$at a!!ears contains all objects t$at %ere !art o* t$is stability study&
Sho" Custo%iBin# Settin#s for Stability Study Page 708
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
/0ercises for Stability Study
-8 mins
8 Mar*' 800
Page 70
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Unit >2/nterprise Portals )= %ins
Contents of Unit
0otivation *or Enter!rise +ortal
Overvie% o* t$e mySA+ +50 Enter!rise +ortals solution
,ser Inter*ace2 Navigation and !ersonaliHation
Puttin# the Unit in Conte0t
Describe t$e core *unctions o* mySA+ +50 Enter!rise +ortal solution
5ist and use t$e navigation and !ersonaliHation o!tions
/nterprise Portals
/nterprise Portals2 Unit &b3ectives
Course &vervie" Dia#ra%
/nterprise Portals2 1usiness Scenario
(he Solution2 %ySAP /nterprise Portal
Inte#rated !no"led#e Mana#e%ent
User Interface
8 Mar*' 800
Page 704
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
"""iie"Studioco%2 Portal Content and More
5urther Infor%ation
/nterprise Portals2 Unit Su%%ary
De%onstration2 /nterprise Portal
G3 mins
,se2 $tt!2<
8 Mar*' 800
Page 70&
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
8 Mar*' 800
Page 70
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
I%ple%entin# 4M ? User Roles in 4M ? E= %ins 6 If have ti%e 8
Contents of Unit
Im!lementing /0
,ser @oles in /0
Additional #ourses %it$ #ourse Descri!tion
Su!!lementary In*ormation
Puttin# the Unit in Conte0t
+rere'uisites9 execution9 and tools *or a /0 im!lementation
Discussion and 'uestions
I%ple%entin# 4M
(38 0in)
I%ple%entin# 4M2 Course &b3ectives
I%ple%entin# 4M2 1usiness Scenario
/0a%ple2 4M Pro3ect for 1i7es Inc
AcceleratedSAP2 Plannin# the I%ple%entation
8 Mar*' 800
Page 703
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
AcceleratedSAP I%ple%entation Road%ap
Phase Pro3ect Preparation
4M Pro3ect Scope2 1i7es Inc
Pro3ect Scope 6&r#aniBational Units8
&r#aniBational Units in 4M 6Client8
&r#aniBational Units in 4M 6Plant8
Pro3ect Preparation Phase2 Results
1usiness 1lueprint Phase
Core Processes H Procure%ent2 1i7es Inc
1i7es Inc Pro3ect2 &verall Structure
Results for the 1usiness 1lueprint Phase
RealiBation Phase
8 Mar*' 800
Page 70
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
I%ple%entation Phase2 /nhance%ents and Syste% Ad3ust%ent
RealiBation Phase2 Activities - /0a%ple
De%onstration2 RealiBation
3 mins
Demonstrate t$e *ollo%ing %or ste!s in !arallel %it$ t$e exam!le on t$e slides2
Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Inspection Inspection 'ot Creation Maintain Inspection T#pes #$ange Ins!ection Ty!e 9 to "9
Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# Planning 0asic %ata Catalog %efine %efect Classes Acti)ate "(notifictn (selection button)
Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing Edit Project SAP Reference IMG Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing IMG! "ualit# Management "ualit# $otifications $otification Processing Tas %efinition %efine ollo.(=p Actions for Tass
S$o% t$e assignment o* t$e *ollo%4u! action *or t$e tas code& S$o% t$e catalog !ro*ile&
Lunction en$ancements can be dis!layed using transaction S0OD (en$ancement /W)& T$ese *unction en$ancements can t$en be used in a customer !roject using transaction #0OD&
Tools A0AP(1or,enc* =tilities SAP "uer#
Create "uer#
5inal Preparation Phase
Structurin# Master Data 61i7es Inc8
8 Mar*' 800
Page 70?
PLM400 Qualitätsmanagement Appendix:
Implementing QM / User Roles in
QM /
Go ive and Support
Usin# the I%ple%entation (ools
IMG2 (as7s
Custo%er-Specific Confi#uration of IMG
Accelerated Industry Solutions2 Steps
Global ASAP
And 5inally@
I%ple%entin# 4M2 Unit Su%%ary
ou are no% *amiliar %it$ t$e !$ases9 tools9 and single activities involved in t$e im!lementation o* /0&
DI. /. IS& +**92 :*** 4uality /le%ents and SAP
Roles in 4uality Mana#e%ent
Reco%%ended 5ollo"-Up Courses
8 Mar*' 800
Page 770