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The Philip Philippin pinee Law Scho School ol Admis Admissio sion n Test Test consis consists ts of four four subte subtests sts.. Each Each subtes subtestt contains multiple-choice items. For each item, select select your answer answer from the the options options given. given. On your your answ answer er sheet, sheet, shade shade the circle circle marke marked d with with the letter letter of your your chosen chosen answ answer. er. For For examp example, le, if your your answ answer er to an item opti option then thcircle encle comp comple lete tely ly shad sh e the th e orrec circ circle let mark ma rked ed sh own be . Make Ma ket sure sureitem your yourismark mar kon onC, the cir is dark. dar k. Avoid Avade oid incorr inc ect shadi shading ng C ofas circle cirshow cles s as ans belo they thlow eywmay not no be recog recogniz nized ed as an answ answer. er.
Make Make sure sure you you are markin marking g the answ answer er colum columns ns corre correspo spond nding ing to the item item numbe numberr you you are are on. on. Mark Mark only only one one answ answer er for for each each item. item. If you you want want to chan change ge your your answ answer er,, eras erasee the first answer answer comp completely letely.. Incomple Incomplete te erasures erasures will be be interprete interpreted d as another another answer answer thereb thereby y produ producin cing g “multip multiple le answe answers. rs.”” Items Items with with multip multiple le answ answers ers are autom automati atical cally ly considered wrong. Do not not write write anythi anything ng on this this test test book booklet let.. Use Use the blank blank pages pages of of your your answer answer shee sheett for your scratch work. Follo Follow w care carefu full lly y the the spec specif ific ic dire direct ctio ions ns for for each each subt subtes estt or sect sectio ion. n. When When you you fini finish sh a subtes subtest, t, proce proceed ed to the next next unti untill you you have have compl complete eted d the entire entire test. test.
TEST TEST TES T A. COMMUNICATIO COMMUNIC COMMUNICA COMMUNICATION ATION TION N AND LANGU LANGUAGE AGE PROFICIE PROF PROFICIENCY NCY Section Sectio Section n 1. Identifyin Ident Identi Identifyi ifying fying ng g Sentence Sente Sentence nce Errors Errors Errors
Direct Direction ions: s: Read Read each each senten sentence ce carefu carefully lly but but quick quickly, ly, paying paying attent attention ion to the unde underlin rlined ed word word or phrase phrase.. Each Each senten sentence ce conta contains ins eith either er a single single error error or or no error error at at all. all. If the the senten sentence ce conta contains ins an error, error, select select the under underlin lined ed word word or phras phrasee that that must must be chang changed ed to make make the senten sentence ce corre correct. ct. If the sentence sentence is correct, correct, select select choice choice D. In choosin choosing g answers, answers, follow follow the requireme requirements nts of standard standard written written English. English. 1.
Anyb Anybod ody y who who is ready ready with with theanswer theanswer may may raise raise their their right right hand hand.. No error error A B C D
The chair chairma man n of the board board had spend spend nearly nearly an hour listen listening ing to the member memberss of of the the press press A B C before before issuin issuing g the order. order. No error error D
Some Some youn young g peop people le want want succes successs badly badly but but they they are not not willing willing to work work for it. No error error A B C D
Some universities has has set up small colleges for for closer relationships relationships between between professors and and A B C stud studen ents ts.. No erro error r D
The The admi admini nist stra rati tion on offi office cers rs have have expr expres esse sed d they’r they’ree gratitu gratitude de to the rank and file A B for their loyalty loyalty and support. support. No error C D
It is imperativ imperativee that the matter matter be kept unknown unknown from the organize organizers. rs. No error error A B C D
Ramire Ramirez, z, accept accepting ing his defeat defeat like like a true true sport sport,, cong congrat ratula ulated ted the newly newly procl proclaim aimed ed A B C champion champion.. No error D
4 8.
The const construc ructio tion n worke workers rs were were tired tired but but the aftern afternoo oon n nap rest rest them. them. No error error A B C D
Did you you notic noticee the way way she look look when when she she caugh caughtt sigh sightt of of the the accide accident nt victim victims? s? No error error A B C D
10. 10.
Smoke Smoke billow billowed ed abov abovee the roofto rooftops ps as fireme firemen n battled battled their their way way throu through gh the noisy noisy crowd crowd.. A B C No error error D
11. 11.
Food Food at the the cant cantee een n is expe expens nsiv ive, e, so I use use to brin bring g a pack packed ed lunc lunch. h. No erro error r A B C D
12. 12.
Althou Although gh tired tired and hung hungry, ry, the gover governo norr reluct reluctant antly ly agreed agreed to a twentytwenty-min minute utess press press A B C conferen conference. ce. No error error D
13. 13.
The compu computer ter,, a leadin leading g techn technolo ologic gical al dev device ice,, it make makess human human tasks tasks easier easier to do. do. A B C No error error D
At the time of the revolu revolutio tion, n, violen violence ce durin during g the vigil and momen moments ts of prayer prayer Atime B vigil minimized minimized by the leaders leaders of differe different nt religiou religiouss sectors. sectors. No error error C D
15. 15.
That That nine ninety ty perce percent nt of the body body consis consists ts of fluids fluids,, parti particul cularl arly y blood blood and and water water.. No error error A B C D
16. 16.
Mayo Mayon n Volc Volcan ano o is an acti active ve stra strato tovo volc lcan ano o in the the Bico Bicoll Regi Region on reno renown wned ed for for its its A most most perfect perfect cone cone and and nomin nominate ated d as one of the wond wonders ers of the the world world.. No error error B C D
17. 17.
If the Filipi Filipino noss had had not not gon gonee to the street streetss to to demon demonstr strate ate their their resist resistanc ancee agains againstt A B the dictat dictator, or, we would would not not have have regain regained ed our our freedo freedom. m. No error error C D
5 18. 18.
The Sena Senate te has unti untill Novemb November er to cond conduct uct inter intervie views ws for for the confi confirma rmatio tion n of A the the President’s appointees, but the senators decided to do this after the budget session. B C No error error D
If the the phon hone rin rings and and I’m not not aroun around, d, please please answer answer it and and make sure A to get the caller’s caller’s name, name, his contact contact number number and what what his his messa message ge is. No error error B C D
20. 20.
Most Most of of the the athlet athletic ic equip equipme ments nts used used this this year year by the PE Depa Departm rtmen entt are are newly newly acquir acquired ed.. A B C No error error D
Our history history teacher teacher believes believes that twelve twelve meetings meetings are insufficie insufficient nt for us to master master A B C the history history of Japan Japan,, so he assigned assigned additiona additionall readings readings and and projects projects for suppo support. rt.
NoD error error 22. 22.
Despi Despite te the bad weath weather er last last Sund Sunday, ay, the family family fun-ru fun-run n spons sponsore ored d by the paren parents ts were were A B C so successf successful ul that they were able to raise sufficien sufficientt funds funds to buy school school materials materials for
the the Aeta Aetas. s. No erro error r D
Section Sectio Section n 2. Sentence Sente Sent Senten ence nce ce Completion Completio Completion n
Direct Direction ions: s: Choo Choose se the word word or phras phrasee that, that, when when insert inserted ed in the senten sentence, ce, best best fits fits the meanin meaning g of the the senten sentence ce as a whole whole..
24. 24.
The class condoled condoled with their teacher teacher when when her mother mother _______ __________ ______ ___ last week. week. (A) (B)
passed up passed off
(C) (D)
p paassed ssed aout way
The corne cornered red kidna kidnappe ppers rs were were force forced d to ____ ______ ____ _____ _____ __ their their white white flag flag becau because se they they feared for their their lives. lives. (A) (B) (C) (D)
25. 25.
26. 26.
____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ his his close close rela relati tion on with with the the vict victim im,, no one one was was allow allowed ed by the the poli police ce to enter enter the scene scene of the crime crime.. (A) (B) (B)
Regarding Irre Irrega gard rdle lesssly sly of
(C) (D) (D)
Regardless Irre Irrega gard rdle lesssof of
_____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ the burgl burglar ar was, was, he must must have have cased cased our our house house for days days befo before re actua actually lly entering entering our house house that night. night. (A) (B) (C) (D)
27. 27.
rise race raze raise
Whoever Whomever Whosoever Whomsoever
Mothe Motherr tells tells Sarah Sarah that that her small small cat cat named named Elsie Elsie ____ ________ ______ ____ ___ _ under under the the swing swing on the front front porch. (A) (B) (C) (D)
lays lying is lying is la laying
7 28. 28.
I _____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ the assign assigned ed task task ahead ahead of schedu schedule. le. (A) (B) (C) (D)
29. 29.
30. 30.
The Presid President ent,, who who is known known to be a chain chain-sm -smok oker, er, might might just just ____ _______ _____ ____ ____ __ stop stop smokin smoking g in his own own time time witho without ut being being pressu pressured red by anyon anyone. e. (A)
(B) (C) (D)
quite q uitely quietly
The employ employees ees are eager eagerly ly await awaiting ing for the date date of ___ ______ _____ ____ ____ ___ _ of thei theirr new new salary salary scheme. scheme. (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
31. 31.
32. 32.
affectiv tivity effectiv tivity effe effecctiv tiveness ess effe effect ctiv ivel elin ines esss
Many Many electi election on losers losers susp suspect ect that that some some winne winners rs _____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ their their way to the victor victory y line. line. (A)
(B) (C) (D)
will havecheat cheated has cheated
The invest investors ors ______ ________ ____ ____ ___ _ consid considera erable ble capita capitall when when the tsuna tsunami mi devas devastat tated ed the province. province. (A) (B) (C) (D)
33. 33.
done am do d one was done have done
lose loss lost loose
The rebels rebels believ believee that that they they are safe safe in the mounta mountains ins where where _____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ famili familiar ar with with the terrai terrain. n. (A) (B) (C) (D)
there their there are they a re re
8 34.
The propertie propertiess of Alex’s rich unmarrie unmarried d aunt were were divided divided _______ __________ ______ ___ all the nephews nephews and nieces nieces in accordan accordance ce with her last last will will and and testament testament.. (A) (B) (C) (D)
Mother Mother told us to _______ __________ ______ ___ our little little brother’s brother’s tantru tantrums ms since since he’s a special special child child and we all love love him. him. (A) (B) (C) (D)
36. 36.
38. 38.
made do made out made off made away
By Decemb December er next next year, year, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ocamp Ocampo o ____ ______ ____ _____ _____ __ for forty forty years years.. (A)
were married
(B) (C) (D) (D)
had bee mar dd h avebeen ben enmarrie maried rried ie will ill ha have beenmar enmarrie ried
The Moun Mountt Pinatu Pinatubo bo volca volcanic nic erupti eruption on is consid considere ered d the ____ ______ _____ _____ ____ __ in Philippine history. (A) (B) (C) (D)
39. 39.
p pu utt o on ff put ac across put up up with
The The snat snatch cher er surp surpri rise sed d me from from behi behind nd,, grab grabbe bed d my hand hand,, and and ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ with with my handbag. handbag. (A) (B) (C) (D)
37. 37.
to with among between
worse worst worsest most wo worse
_____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ Musli Muslim m laws laws are are based based on Islam, Islam, specia speciall shari shariah ah court courtss have have been been created created to decide decide on family family and personal personal conflicts conflicts of Muslim Muslimss in autonom autonomous ous regions. regions. (A) (B) (C) (D)
Since Although When Even though
Sectio Section n 3. Improv Impro Improving rovin ving ing g Senten Sentence tences ces s
Direct Direction ions: s: Read Read each each senten sentence ce carefu carefully lly but but quick quickly ly and and determ determine ine wheth whether er the unde underlin rlined ed port portion ion is cor correc rectt or whet whether her it need needss to be revise revised. d. If the senten sentence ce needs needs no no revisi revision on,, choo choose se optio option n D. In choo choosi sing ng answ answer ers, s, follo follow w the the requ requir irem emen ents ts of stan standa dard rd writt written en Engl Englis ish. h. Pay Pay atte attent ntio ion n to gramm grammar, ar, choic choicee of words words,, senten sentence ce constr construc ucttion, ion, and and punct punctuat uation ion.. Choo Choose se among among the optio options ns which which revision revision results results in a sentence sentence that is clear and precise. precise.
Ally’s cat was finall finally y found found shive shiverin ring g under under the the stairs stairs of the the house house covere covered d with with mud mud and ravenously hungry. (A) (B) (C) (D)
41. 41.
If the gover governme nment nt decid decides. es. To amend amend the Const Constitu itutio tion. n. One One of the chang changes es should should be the abolition abolition of the unneces unnecessary sary and expensi expensive ve party-list party-list system system.. (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
If the gover governme nment nt decid decides; es; to amend amend the Consti Constitut tution ion,, one of the chang changes es shoul should d be the abolition abolition of the unneces unnecessary sary and expensi expensive ve party-list party-list system. system. If the gover governme nment nt decid decides es to amend amend the Const Constitu itutio tion, n, one one of the chang changes es shou should ld be the abolition abolition of the unneces unnecessary sary and expensiv expensivee party-list party-list system. system. If the the gove govern rnme ment nt deci decide des, s, to amen amend d the the Cons Consti titu tuti tion on,, one one of the the chan change gess shoul should d be the abolition abolition of the unneces unnecessary sary and expensiv expensivee party-lis party-listt system. system. No change
“Death was was close close that that we were were alread already y crying crying and prayin praying g the rosary osary,” ,” one one of the ship ship disaster victims narrated. (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
43. 43.
finall finally y found found unde underr thestairs thestairs of the house house,, shive shiverin ring, g, cover covered ed with with mud and and ravenously ravenously hungry. found found finall finally y shive shiverin ring g covere covered d with with mud mud and raveno ravenous usly ly hung hungry ry unde underr the stairs stairs of the house. house. found found shive shiverin ring, g, and and covere covered d with with mud mud and raven ravenous ously ly hungry hungry unde underr the stairs stairs of the house house finall finally. y. No No change change
was was too clos closee that that we were were alre alread ady y cryi crying ng and and pray prayin ing g was was so clos closee than than we were were alre alread ady y cryi crying ng and and pray prayin ing g was was so clos closee that that we we were were alre alread ady y cryi crying ng and and pray prayin ing g No change
Driv Drivin ing g alon along g the the Imus Imus Hig Highw hway ay,, two two cows cows cro cross ssed ed in fron frontt of me. me. (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
Cros Crossi sing ng in fron frontt of of me, me, I saw saw two two cows cows,, while while driv drivin ing g alon along g the the Imus Imus High Highwa way. y. As I was was dri drivi ving ng alon along g the the Imus Imus Hig Highw hway ay,, two two cows cows cro cross ssed ed in fron frontt of me. me. Two Two cows cows cros crosse sed d in fron frontt of me whil whilee driv drivin ing g alon along g the the Imus Imus High Highwa way. y. No change
10 44.
Most compress compressors ors operate operate rather rather simply simply it cranks cranks up energy energy to cool your your refrigerato refrigerator r using using the same same amou amount nt of pow power er all all day long long but but that that is not the the case case with with ABC ABC’s Inverter Compressor. (A)
Most Most com compre presso ssors rs oper operate ate rather rather simply simply.. It cran cranks ks up up energy energy to cool cool your refrigerato refrigeratorr using using the same amount amount of power power all all day long but that that is not the the case case with with ABC ABC’s Inverter Compressor. Most Most com compre presso ssors rs oper operate ate rather rather simply simply.. It cran cranks ks up energy energy to cool cool your your refrigerato refrigeratorr using using the same amount amount of power power all all day long, long, but that that is not the the case case with with ABC ABC’s Inverter Compressor. Compressor. Most Most com compre presso ssors rs oper operate ate rather rather simply simply,, it cran cranks ks up energ energy y to cool cool your your
refrigerato refrig usin same amount amou nt of power power all all day long but that that is not the the case caerator se with wirthusing ABC ABgCthe ’s Inverter Compressor. No change
45. 45.
My moth mother er ask asked ed me why why I did did not tak takee more more pict pictur ures es of the the chil childr dren en play playin ing g in the park? park? (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
46. 46.
47. 47.
Actu Actual ally ly,, flyi flyinglem nglemur urss don’t don’t fly they they just just glid glidee from from tree tree to tree. (A) (B)
don’t fly and and glid glidee from from tree tree to tree tree don’t don’t fly fly but but glid gliding ing from from tree tree to tree tree
(C) (D)
don’t N o chfly; angethey just glide from tree to tree
Drivin Driving g too slowly slowly along along SLEX SLEX last last Satur Saturday day.. A highwa highway y patrol patrol office officerr stopp stopped ed Miss Perez. (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
48. 48.
“why “why I did did not not take take more more pictur pictures es of of the the child children ren playin playing g in the park. park.”” “why “why I did did not not take take more more pictur pictures es of of the the child children ren playin playing g in the park? park?”” why why I did did not not take take more more pict pictur ures es of the the chil childr dren en play playin ing g in the the park park.. No change
Miss Miss Pere Perezz was was stopp stopped ed by a high highway way patr patrol ol offi office cerr drivi driving ng too too slow slowly ly alon along g SLEX last Saturday. Driv Drivin ing g too too slow slowly ly alon along g SLEX SLEX last last Satu Saturd rday ay,, Miss Miss Pere Perezz was was sto stopp pped ed by a highway patrol officer. Driv Drivin ing g too too slow slowly ly alon along g SLEX SLEX last last Satur Saturda day, y, a high highwa way y patr patrol ol offic officer er stopp stopped ed Miss Perez. No change
When Whenev ever er he arri arrive vess from from work work,, Alex Alex who who lives lives alon alonee in a cond condom omin iniu ium m unit, unit, heat heatss his precooked dinner. (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
Alex Alex,, who who live livess alone alone in a cond condom omin iniu ium m unit, unit, heat heatss his pre preco cook oked ed dinn dinner er.. Alex Alex who who live livess alone alone in a cond condom omin iniu ium m unit unit heat heatss his pre preco cook oked ed dinn dinner er.. Alex Alex,, who who live livess alone alone in a cond condom omin iniu ium m unit unit heat heatss his prec precoo ooke ked d dinn dinner er.. No change
11 49. 49.
My mothe motherr is a woman woman of many many talen talents. ts. She She plays plays the harp, harp, bakes bakes the best best choco chocolat latee cakes, cakes, and you you should should see her her orchid orchidss and roses. roses. (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
50. 50.
There’s There’s her talent talent for for playin playing g the harp, harp, and for baking baking the best chocola chocolate te cakes, cakes, and then then there there are the orchid orchidss and and roses. roses. She She plays plays the harp, harp, bakes bakes the best best choco chocolat latee cakes, cakes, and grows grows orchid orchidss and roses. roses. She She is pla playi ying ng the the harp harp,, baki baking ng the the best best cho choco cola late te cake cakes, s, and and for for grow growin ing g orch orchid idss and roses. roses. No change
After After Anton Antonius ius Strad Stradiva ivariu riuss learne learned d to play play the violin violin,, he experi experime mente nted d making making a violin violin that that had the soun sound d of a human human voice voice,, and succe success ss was was achiev achieved. ed. (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
he succeed he succeeded hewas hewas suc success cessfu full No change
TEST TEST B. CRITICAL CRITICAL THINKING THINKING Section Section 1. Logical Logical Reason Reasoning ing
Directions Directions:: In this section, section, brief conversa conversations tions or short short passages passages are given given followed followed by one or two two ques questi tion ons. s. Thes Thesee ques questi tion onss ask ask for for the anal analys ysis is and and eval evalua uati tion on of the the reas reason onin ing g in the conversa conversation tion or passag passage. e. It is conceiv conceivable able that all all of the four choic choices es given given for each each question question may be correc correctt answers answers.. The task task is to sel select the the best best answer answer for for each each quest question ion.. The best best answer answer is the the one which which does not not require require assumptio assumptions ns that are irrelevant irrelevant or inconsiste inconsistent nt with the statement statements. s. 1.
About 90% of the world’s orld’s populati population on growth growth is occurring occurring in the underde underdevelo veloped ped and devel develop oping ing nation nationss of the Third Third World World.. The The popula populatio tion n growth growth rates rates in these these poor poor countries countries make it diffic difficult ult to provide provide the bare necessitie necessitiess of of housi housing, ng, fuel, fuel, food, food, and medical medical attention attention.. Ironicall Ironically, y, there is a relations relationship hip between between poverty poverty and fertility: fertility: The greater greater the proportio proportion n of a given given populati population on living living in poverty, poverty,___ ______ ______ ______ _____. __.
(A) (A) the the high higher er is the the unem unempl ploy oyme ment nt rate rate in the the coun countr try y (B) the highe higherr is the fertil fertility ity rate rate of that that countr country y (C) the great greater er is the tende tendency ncy toward towardss disside dissident nt activi activitie tiess (D) the great greater er is the the propo proportio rtion n of illega illegall and crimin criminal al incid inciden ents ts ______________________________________________________________________________ Jason: Kathy:
You You should shouldn’t n’t smoke smoke so much, much, Honey Honey.. Smok Smoking ing is not really really good for your your lungs. lungs. Darlin Darling, g, I don’t don’t agree agree with with you. you. I have have been been smokin smoking g for twenty twenty years years now now,, and and I have not developed developed emphysem emphysema. a.
Whic Which h of the foll follow owin ing g resp respon onse sess would would best best stren strengt gthe hen n and and expla explain in Jaso Jason n’s argument?
(A) If you you keep keep smokin smoking, g, you you may find find that that you yourr cigare cigarette tte consu consump mptio tion n will will keep keep increa increasin sing g in the future future.. (B) Smok Smoking ing does does not not always always devel develop op emphy emphysem sema. a. (C) Deve Develop loping ing emphy emphysem semaa is not not the only reaso reason n why why smoki smoking ng is not not good good for a person. person. (D) Many Many perso persons ns who who smoke smoke as much much as Kath Kathy y does does deve develop lop emphy emphysem sema. a. ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 3 and and 4, refer refer to the follow following ing passa passage ge.. Today’s Today’s methods methods of discip discipline line are a far cry from those those usually usually employed employed just twenty twenty (20) year yearss ago. ago. In the the past past,, the the maxi maxim m “spa “spare re the the rod, rod, and and spoi spoill the the chil child” d” has has been been take taken n lite litera rall lly y that that corp corpora orall pun punish ishmen mentt was was the norm norm of the day. day. Span Spankin king, g, kneel kneeling ing on mongo mongo seeds, seeds, or stand standing ing unde underr the heat heat of the sun were were some some measu measures res taken taken to ensur ensuree that that the child child would would grow upright. upright. This behavio behaviorist rist assum assumption ption was the the norm of the day until research research has exposed exposed the nega tive psy chologic ogical effects effect s of such kinds kind s ofprescribe corrective correcti beh avior. r. e, Current Curr enthnational natio nal andy internatio internegative national nal psychol laws ban thealsaid practices prac tices and now pres cribeve an behavio alternativ alter native, which whic is popularl pop ularly know known n as posi positi tive ve disc discip ipli line ne.. In this this styl stylee of disc discip ipli line ne,, chil childr dren en are are made made to real realiz izee the conseque consequences nces of of their wrong wrongdoin doing. g. Counselli Counselling ng and withdraw withdrawing ing of privilege privilegess have now replac replaced ed the ire of the beatin beating g stick stick..
13 3.
Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g assu assump mptio tions ns can can be safe safely ly assu assume med d as true true?? (A) (A) Chil Childr dren en born born at the time time of the writi writing ng of the artic article le are are most mostly ly undi undisc scip ipli line ned. d. (B) There There were were no forms forms of corpo corporal ral punis punishme hment nt employ employed ed from from twent twenty y years years ago until until the time time of the articl articlee’s writing. (C) (C) Thos Thosee who who were were born born twen twenty ty year yearss and and prio priorr to to that that have have expe experie rienc nced ed some some form form of corporal punishment. (D) Most Most of those those who who have have unde undergo rgone ne corpo corporal ral pun punish ishmen mentt exhibi exhibitt psych psycholo ologic gical al disorders.
Whic Which h of the the defi defini niti tion onss belo below w may may be said said to be stra strayi ying ng from from the the idea ideass comm commun unic icat ated ed in the passag passage? e?
(A) (A) Posit ositiv ivee disc discip ipli line ne is any any form form of dis disci cipl plin inee that that yie yield ldss posi positi tive ve resu result ltss on a child’s behaviour. (B) (B) Beha Behavi viou ouri rist stss bel belie ieve ve that that good good deed deedss are are to be rewa reward rded ed whil whilee bad bad deed deedss are are to be punishe punished. d. (C) Corpora Corporall punishm punishment ent is a form of disciplin disciplinee that involves involves physical physically ly hurting hurting a child to correct behaviour. behaviour. (D) (D) A maxi maxim m is a popu popula larr sayin saying g whic which h also also serv serves es as a guid guidin ing g prin princi cipl ple. e. ______________________________________________________________________________ Since Since all the the floors floors in in the buildi building ng I have have inspec inspected ted have have marbl marblee tiles, tiles, it follow followss that that the other other floors floors whic which h I have have not not seen seen will will also have have marble marble tiles. tiles. 5.
Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g have have a para parall llel el rea reaso soni ning ng to the the stat statem emen entt abov above? e?
(A) Ever Ev ery y town to I have hav visi viasite ted dsthas ha s aa chur ch urch ch facing ng a plaz plaza; a; so a comm commun unity ity with with a chur church ch faci fawn cing ng a plaz pleaza must mu be town town. . faci (B) Some Some newspa newspaper perss are not not selling selling very very well; well; there therefor fore, e, tabloi tabloids ds are are not not sellin selling g very well. (C) Since Since the car deale dealerr does does not not buy buy cars cars olde olderr than than five five years years old, old, his new purcha purchase se will will proba probably bly be no older older than than five five years years old. old. (D) (D) Sinc Sincee all all of the chil childr dren en I know know fear fear monk monkey eys, s, ther theree must must be some someth thin ing g in the monkeys that scare children. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.
If a boy boy grew grew up in Mani Manila la,, then then he is stre street et smar smart. t. This This stat statem emen entt can can be deduc deduced ed logically logically from which which of the following following statement statements? s? (A) (A) Ever Every y stre street et smar smartt boy boy grew grew up in Mani Manila la or anoth another er city city.. (B) The The boy boy in the statem statemen entt is either either stree streett smart smart or app appear earss remar remarka kably bly to be street smart. (C) (C) Ther Theree is no boy boy who who grew grew up in Mani Manila la who who is not not str stree eett smar smart. t. (D) (D) The The majo majori rity ty of boys boys who who grew grew up in Mani Manila la are are stre street et smar smart. t.
14 7.
Food Food prod produc ucti tion on in the the Thir Third d Worl World d nati nation onss is is mor moree adve advers rsel ely y affe affect cted ed by natu natura rall disasters disasters,, like floods floods and and droughts droughts,, than it is in more affluent affluent nations nations becaus becausee affluent affluent nations nations are likely to have ______ __________ _______ ______ ____. _. (A) (B) (C) (D)
mode modern rn instru instrume ments nts for accurat accuratee foreca forecasti sting ng of weathe weather r adequ adequate ate flood flood contr control, ol, irriga irrigatio tion n system systems, s, and storag storagee facili facilitie tiess enou enough gh agric agricult ultura urall scient scientist istss and and techn technolo ologis gists ts in food food resear research ch and produ producti ction on the neces necessar sary y aircra aircraft, ft, pilots pilots,, chemi chemical cals, s, and equipm equipment ent for for undert undertaki aking ng cloud cloud seedi seeding ng to induce induce rain rain
Doct Doctor orss and and nurs nurses es are, are, for for the the most most part part,, tota totally lly comm committ itted ed to savi saving ng lives lives.. A life life lost lost is, fornasia them, them almo stctice a personal pers onal failu anthis. insult insu to their skills skill and andruptin knowled kno wledge. Eutha Euthanas ia ,asalmost a practi pra ce might mig ht failure, wellre, alter alter this . lt It could coul d have hav e as corrup cor ting g influe infge. luence nce,, so that that in severe severe cases, cases, docto doctors rs and and nurse nursess might might not not try hard hard enoug enough h to save save the patie patient. nt. They They might might decid decidee that that the patient patient would would simply simply be “bett “better er off off dead” dead” and take take the steps steps neces necessar sary y to make make that that come about about.. This This attitud attitudee could could then then carry carry over over to their deali dealing ngss with patients patients less seriousl seriously y ill. This would would probably probably result result to _______ __________ ______ _________ ______..
(A) loss loss of confid confidenc encee in the medica medicall profe professi ssion on (B) nume numerou rouss cases cases filed again against st doctor doctorss and nurse nursess (C) (C) an over overal alll decl declin inee in the the qual quality ity of med medic ical al car caree (D) (D) a publ public ic outc outcry ry agai agains nstt euth euthan anas asia ia ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 9 and and 10, 10, refer refer to the follow following ing situa situatio tion. n. A conversa conversation tion between between parents parents of schoolch schoolchildre ildren: n: Sam: Sam: Have Have you you heard heard the news? news? The The Princi Principa pall told told me they they are raisin raising g school chool fees fees nex nextt year year.. Pat: They’re heartless! Sam: Well, Well, accord according ing to him, him, they’r they’ree planni planning ng to put put up a newscience newscience labora laborator tory. y. I alsoheard they’re they’re hiring hiring more teachers teachers next next year. year. Pat: But why why now? now? Don’t Don’t they they realize realize that prices prices of goo goods contin continue ue to inflat inflate? e? Do they they want want us to suffer? suffer? Sam: I don don’t ’t think think it’s that, that, altho althoug ugh h I hav havee to admit admit sud sudde den n increa increases ses can be worri worriso some. me. I was thinking thinking of writing writing a letter letter asking for increment incremental al increases. increases. Pat: Pat: I am not sure sure about about that, that, thoug though. h. You You see, see, I got got to talk talk to one one of the teach teachers ers.. His salary salary didn’t didn’t increas increasee in years! years! 9.
Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g is the the main main caus causee of tens tensio ion n in the the conv conver ersa sati tion on abov above? e? (A) (B) (C) (D)
The teachers teachers demand demand higher higher salaries salaries in exchange exchange for better better teaching teaching practices practices.. The The impen impendin ding g increa increase se in tuitio tuition n fees fees create createss anxiet anxiety y among among the paren parents. ts. Parents Parents feel that the school school is is indiffer indifferent ent to their their needs. needs. The The expert expertise ise of schoo schooll employ employees ees is being being quest question ioned ed..
15 10. Which Which of the follow following ing argum argument entss is the LEAS LEAST T relev relevant ant to the issue issue discus discussed sed in the dialogue? dialogue? (A) The The increa increase se in schoo schooll fees fees is is justi justifie fied d by the estab establis lishme hment nt of of a new new labora laborator tory. y. (B) An increa increase se in schoo schooll fees fees should should trans translat latee to better better salari salaries es for for teach teachers ers and and staff. staff. (C) Scho School ol fees fees shou should ld not incre increase ase becaus becausee paren parents ts are burde burdene ned d by inflat inflation ion.. (D) Gradual Gradual increa increases ses in school school fees can can help ease the parents’ parents’ burde burden. n. _____________ ___________________ __________________ _________________ _____________ _____________ __________________ __________________ ____________ __________ ____ Rizza: Rizza: All All the gradu graduate atess from from Schoo Schooll A go to Colle College ge Z. Gary: I’m not not sure. sure. Some Some of the the stude students nts at Colle College ge Z come come from from Scho School ol B. 11. Gary’s Gary’s response response means means that he has interpret interpreted ed Rizza’s Rizza’s statemen statementt to mean that that _______. (A) School School A is better better than School School B (B) most most of the students students from School School A attend attend College College Z (C) some some School School B graduate graduatess do not attend attend college college (D) only students students from School School A attend attend College College Z ______________________________________________________________________________ The deman demand d that that the death death penalt penalty y be prove proven n more more deter deterren rentt than than altern alternati ative vess cannot cannot be satisf satisfied ied any any more more than than the deman demand d that that six six years years in prisonbe prisonbe prove proven n to be more more deterr deterrent ent than than three. three. But the uncertain uncertainty ty which which confron confronts ts us favors favors the death death penalty penalty as long as, by imposing imposing it, we might might save future future victims victims of heino heinous us crimes crimes.. 12. 12. Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g is the the main main poin pointt of the pass passag age? e? (A) Imposing Impo sing the death death penalty penalty as punishm punishment ent has been instrumen instrumental tal in the reduction reduction of heinous crimes. (B) It is difficult difficult to to prove prove whether whether or not not the death death penalty penalty is a better better deterren deterrentt to heinous crimes crimes than other modes of penalty. penalty. (C) It has has been been satisf satisfact actori orily ly prove proven n that that impo imposit sition ion of the death death penal penalty ty is a bette better r deterrent to heinous crimes than imprisonment. imprisonment. (D) There There is no alternative alternative to capital capital punishme punishment nt as as a deterrent deterrent to heinous heinous crimes. crimes. ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 13 13 and and 14, 14, refer refer to the follow following ing speec speech. h. My dear dear gra gradu duat ates es,, I impl implor oree you you at thi thiss mome moment nt to to use use your your tal talen ents ts and and skil skills ls in improv improving ing our our mothe motherla rland. nd. I beg beg of you you:: if you you really really do love love this this coun country try,, then then you will will not not work work or do business business elsewhere elsewhere.. Don’t Don’t you you know know that there are millions millions of of starvin starving g mouths mouths to to feed feed in our our borde borders rs?? Take Take a look look at Cuba Cuba.. For For years years,, her her doors doors were were clos closed ed from from the the outs outsid idee worl world, d, and and yet, yet, she she is abl ablee to prov provid idee free free medi medica call serv servic ices es to to her her citiz citizen ens. s. If Cub Cubaa made made it, then then so can can we. I am am sure that if you use your your creati creativity vity and passion passion in our country, country, things things will surely surely get better. better. Whether Whether you you admit admit it or not, not, working working elsewhere elsewhere equals equals abandonmen abandonmentt of the land that fed you for the longest longest time.
16 13. Which Which of the follow following ing statem statement entss accurat accurately ely depic depicts ts the bias bias of the gradu graduati ation on speake speaker? r? (A) Inves Investin ting g locall locally y is the best best way to help help the poor poor of the speake speaker’s r’s coun country try.. (B) The The gradu graduate atess will have have to study study and employ employ Cuba Cuba’s ’s examp example le for their their count country ry to improve. (C) Leavi Leaving ng the count country ry is fine fine as long long as one one return returnss to rende renderr serv service ice or goods goods.. (D) Love Love for countr country y canno cannott be expres expressed sed if one one goes goes abroa abroad d to work. work. 14. Which Which of the statem statemen ents ts below below depic depicts ts a logica logicall flaw flaw in the speech speech?? (A) The The ones ones who who are gradu graduati ating ng posses possesss talent talentss and and skills skills.. (B) Cuba Those Those who who leave leaessful ve fully thelycountr cou ntry toailabl work wo rke are not notalpatrio pat riotic tic. . to her (C) Cu ba has succ success made mad eyavail av able medic medical servic ser vices es her citizens citizens.. (D) (D) Ther Theree are are seve severa rall poor poor peopl peoplee in the the coun countr try y wher wheree the the spea speake kerr and graduates belong. ______________________________________________________________________________ Most philosoph philosophers ers agree that punishmen punishment, t, in general, general, is a morally morally justified justified social social practice. practice. However However uneasy uneasy we might might feel feel about about inflictin inflicting g harm on another another person, person, it is hard to visualize visualize a _____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ manag managing ing to surviv survivee witho without ut an establ establish ished ed legal legal syste system m of punis punishm hment ent.. On the other other hand hand,, dissen dissenter terss argue argue that that it is possibl possiblee to struct structure ure socie society ty in ways ways that that would would not necess necessitate itate commitmen commitmentt to a legal legal system system of punishm punishment. ent. For examp example, le, might might it not be that undesirab undesirable le social social behavior behavior could could be adequate adequately ly kept in check check by therapeut therapeutic ic treatment treatment rather rather than by tradition traditional al kinds kinds of punishm punishment ent such as imprisonm imprisonment ent or the death death penalty? penalty? Such Such a system system would would certa certainl inly y have have the advan advantag tagee of being being more more human humane. e. 15. 15. Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g best best fit fitss in the the blan blank? k? (A) despotic despotic government government (B) multiracial population (C) developing developing country (D) complex complex society society ______________________________________________________________________________ If you you believ believee that that all peop people le are basica basically lly good good and have have poten potentia tial, l, you you can be led down a lot lot of path pathss to the the orga organi niza zati tion onal al aby abyss ss.. You You assu assume me that that a bett better er env envir iron onme ment nt,, more more empowerm empowerment, ent, and juicier juicier assig assignmen nments ts will will do do the trick. trick. These These are wonderfu wonderfull concep concepts, ts, but if the perso person n and the job are misma mismatch tched, ed, you you are desti destined ned for disapp disappoin ointme tment. nt. 16. 16. Whic Which h of the foll follow owin ing g woul would d be the the best best compl complet etio ion n of the pass passag agee abov above? e? (A) No one can be success successful ful unless unless that person person is reasona reasonably bly matched matched with what what he or she is expec expected ted to do. do. (B) A person person’s ’s total total dedica dedication tion is a sufficien sufficientt indicati indication on that there there is a match match between between that that perso person n and and the job. job. (C) Lack Lack of intere interest st is the best best indica indicatio tion n of a mismat mismatch ch betwe between en a perso person n and and his or her job. (D) Bias in promotio promotion n is a very sensit sensitive ive indicator indicator of mismat mismatches ches between between employee employeess and their jobs. jobs.
17 For For items 17 17 and and 18, 18, refer refer to the follow following ing passag passage. e. One of my my biggest biggest qualm qualmss is the futility futility of conv convincin incing g my students students to read. read. Today’s Today’s kids seem seem to convu convulse lse at the idea idea of going going throu through gh a book book until until its end. end. What’ What’ss wors worse, e, in my thirty thirty years years of of teach teaching ing English, English, it seems seems students students get more and more repulsed repulsed to the idea of reading reading as time goes on. on. I now now appre apprecia ciate te the fact fact that that my my family family didn’t didn’t own own a TV set when when I was was young young.. I had had to be imagin imaginati ative ve to pass pass time time – that’s that’s why why I read. read. Readin Reading g has has taug taught ht me to imagin imaginee and think think.. I have have always always marve marvelle lled d at how how words words in a page page can take take me to place places, s, even even world worldss I had had never never fancie fancied d in my wilde wildest st drea dreams ms.. Too bad bad many many kids kids nowa nowaday dayss are are hook hooked ed into into digita digitall devic devices es that that can can show show them them ever everyt ythi hing ng in one one clic click. k. Yup, Yup, no more more time time to read read.. 17. 17. Base Based d on the the pass passag agee abov above, e, whic which h of the the foll follow owin ing g assu assump mptio tions ns may may be consi conside dere red d as absolutel absolutely y true? (A) (B) (B) (C) (D)
Televisio Television n has not not yet yet been been invented invented at the time of the narrator’ narrator’ss childho childhood. od. All All kids kids born born rece recent ntly ly have have no natu natura rall prope propens nsity ity to read read.. Moder Modernn-day day device devicess preven preventt kids from from readin reading. g. Engli English sh has been been taugh taughtt as a staple staple schoo schooll subje subject. ct.
18. Which Which of the following following statement statementss best encapsulate encapsulatess the author’s author’s main assumption? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Reading Reading is the best way to increase increase a person’s person’s intelligen intelligence. ce. Modern-day techn technolo ologie giess contri contribu bute te to the decli decline ne in a child’ child’ss intere interest st in readin reading. g. Informati Information on literacy literacy is necessary necessary to survive survive in today’s today’s world. world. Read Reading ing habit habitss are are diffic difficult ult to estab establis lish h once once a child child reach reaches es ado adoles lescen cence. ce.
______________________________________________________________________________ 19. Judgin Judging g from from the conte content nt of the the statem statement ent and and the autho authorit ritati ativen veness ess of of the speak speaker, er, which which of the following following is the most reasonab reasonable le and trustwort trustworthy? hy? (A) City City Mayo Mayor: r: The The peso’s peso’s recov recovery ery in the past past few days shou should ld be a boom boom to indus industry try,, becau because se a stron strong g peso peso makes makes the Philip Philippin pines es an attrac attractiv tivee destin destinati ation on for international investors. (B) Policema Policeman: n: Sex Sex educatio education n is the best means means of addressi addressing ng sexual sexual ignoranc ignorancee and will greatly greatly help minimize, minimize, if not totally totally eradicate eradicate,, sex offenses, offenses, such as child molestati molestation, on, rape, rape, and incest. incest. (C) Sociolo Sociologist: gist: Religion Religion cuts across across all all segments segments of society. society. True believers believers and those those merel merely y supers superstit titiou iouss seek seek sanctu sanctuary ary in it. The The masses masses and the powerf powerful, ul, simila similarly rly fearful of external damnation, commingle in this fraternity. (D) Lawyer: Lawyer: One of the the most serious serious signs signs of the increase increase in moral moral corruptio corruption n is the bound boundles lesss exaltat exaltation ion of sex. sex. Sex Sex has even even invade invaded d the field field of educat education ion with with the help of mass mass media media..
18 20. Only Golden Golden Harvest Harvest Beer Beer has a biting biting efferves effervescent cent taste that gives gives you that all-night all-night relaxed relaxed feeling. feeling. If this advertisi advertising ng claim is true, which which of the following following propositi propositions ons CANN CANNOT OT be true? true? I. Maha Maharli rlika ka Beer Beer is a mor more popu popular lar beer beer than than Golde Golden n Harve Harvest st Beer. Beer. II. Sulta Sultana na Beer Beer give givess you that that all-nig all-night ht relax relaxed ed feelin feeling. g. III. III. Golde Golden n Har Harvest vest Cola has that that biting biting efferv effervesc escent ent taste taste of the Golde Golden n Harvest Beer. (A) I and II only (B) I and III only (C) II II, and only (D) (D) I, II , and anIII d III II I ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 21 21 and and 22, 22, refer refer to the follow following ing speec speech. h. A privilege privileged d speech speech by a lawmaker lawmaker against against the distributi distribution on of contrace contraceptive ptivess in schools: schools: Greeti Greeting ngs, s, fellow fellow citize citizens ns!! Today, Today, I stand stand before before you you to expres expresss my disap disappro proval val of the the propose proposed d distribut distribution ion of contra contracept ceptives ives in schools schools to prevent prevent teenage teenage pregnan pregnancy. cy. First First of all, schools schools are built not not just just to train our kids kids in academic academicss but also also to instil instil positive positive values values among among the youth youth.. Hence Hence,, distri distribu butin ting g contra contracep ceptiv tives es is tantam tantamou ount nt to sugges suggestin ting g to our our youn young g ones ones that promiscu promiscuity ity is permissib permissible. le. Furtherm Furthermore, ore, these these kids are sent to school school by their parents parents who who dream dream of givi giving ng them them the best best life possi possib ble. Wouldn’t Wouldn’t parents parents also be dismayed dismayed by this move? move? They They sent sent their their kids kids to schoo schooll to study study and not not to engag engagee in immora immorall acts. acts. 21. What form of argument argumentation ation did the lawmaker lawmaker use in his speech? speech? things (A) Post hoc – Two things happen happening ing one after another, another, and it is assumed assumed that these two are connecte connected. d. (B) Straw man – Refuting Refuting an argument argument by raising raising an irrelevan irrelevantt issue. issue. (C) (C) Swee Sweepi ping ng gene genera raliz lizat atio ion n – Comi Coming ng up with with a conc conclu lusi sion on base based d on a limit limited ed number of examples. hominem – Attack acking (D) Ad hominem Att ing the perso person n who who propo proposed sed the argum argument ent instead instead of the argument itself.
22. Which Which of the the follow following ing statem statement entss is most most logica logically lly soun sound? d? (A) Schools Schools are built not just for academic academicss but but also to nurture nurture values. values. (B) Distribu Distributing ting contrace contraceptive ptivess promote promote sexual sexual promiscu promiscuity. ity. (C) The The gove governm rnmen entt becom becomes es insensi insensitiv tivee to paren parents ts when contr contrace acepti ptives ves are distribut distributed. ed. (D) Parents Parents will get angry angry if contrace contraceptiv ptives es are distribut distributed ed in schools. schools.
19 Civilian: Civilian: Policeman Policeman::
All policeme policemen n are corrupt. corrupt. That is not true. I know know some civilians civilians who are corrupt, corrupt, too.
23. The policeman’s response shows his interpretation interpretation of the the civilian’s statement to mean mean that that (A) some some policeme policemen n are corrupt corrupt (B) civilians civilians are more corrupt corrupt than policemen policemen (C) policeme policemen n are more corrupt corrupt than civilians civilians (D) only policemen policemen are corrupt corrupt ______________________________________________________________________________ One One way way to determ determine ine wheth whether er or not not a socia sociall practic practicee is moral morally ly corre correct ct is to see if it is eith either er perm permit itte ted d or requ requir ired ed by the the prin princi cipl plee of equa equalit lity. y. To say say that that a soci social al prac practi tice ce is permit permitted ted is to say that that its its inst institu itutio tion n will will not not violat violatee the moral moral princ principl iple. e. To say that that it it is requ requir ired ed is to say say that that we must must inst institu itute te such such a prac practi tice ce if we are are to act act in a mora morally lly corr correc ectt way. way. Accord According ing to that that princi principle ple,, equal equalss must must be treate treated d as equal equals, s, while while unequ unequals als must must be be treated treated unequally unequally,, in proportio proportion n to their differenc differences. es. 24. The author author of this passage passage would would most likely agree agree that ______ __________ _______ ______ ______ ______ _____. __. (A) race is relevant relevant in the hiring hiring of teachers teachers in a predomin predominantly antly Chinese Chinese exclusiv exclusivee school school (B) women women cannot cannot be as good as or better better than men in politics politics or diplomacy diplomacy (C) it is in the best best interest interest of society that social institutions be nonegalitarian in order order to avoid avoid direc directt competi competitio tion n betwe between en men and wome women n (D) young young children children cannot cannot be given given the same rights rights and responsi responsibiliti bilities es as adults adults ______________________________________________________________________________
The area area of value valuess educat education ion has been been fraug fraught ht with with confu confusio sion n and diffic difficult ulty. y. Not Not long long ago, ago, some some educat educators ors insisted insisted on values values-fr -free ee educa educatio tion n and pride prided d themse themselve lvess on dealin dealing g only only with with fact facts, s, and and not not valu values es,, whic which h they they cont conten ende ded d were were the the prov provin ince ce of the the ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ___. _. The very act of of teaching teaching,, however however,, presupp presupposes oses its own own set of of values, values, including including for examp example, le, achi achiev evem emen ent, t, nurt nurtur uran ance ce,, and and the the valu valuee of educ educat atio ion n itsel itself. f. To the the exte extent nt that that the the teac teache her r interacts interacts with students, students, these these values values are being being modeled. modeled. 25. 25. Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g best best fit fitss in the the blan blank? k? (A) (B) (C) (D)
students themselves church church and home parents only parish parish priest priest
20 Section Section 2. Analytica Analy Anal ytical ticall Reasoning Reasonin Reasoni ng g
Direct Direction ions: s: In this this sectio section, n, some some sets sets of condit condition ionss or propo proposit sition ionss are given. given. Each Each set is follow followed ed by quest question ionss based based on the cond conditio itions ns or propo proposit sition ions. s. Draw Drawing ing a diagra diagram m to visua visually lly estab establis lish h linka linkages ges or relati relations onship hipss stat stated ed in the condit condition ionss may help help in answe answerin ring g some some of the question questions. s. Select Select the best answer answer to each question question from the choices choices given. given.
For For items items 26 to 29, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. I. Mr. Cruz Cruz bough boughtt a small small printi printing ng busin business ess of his friend friend who who was was migrat migrating ing to Canad Canada. a. He neede ne eded to m familia fam himsel him wi th the busin ess, , soemp he decid de cided start stafrie on ond. n a. small sma ll scale sca le and hire hir e adteam tea ofiliariz only onrize ly efour, fou r, self allfof owith f whom who m business are former for mer employ loyee eesed s oftohis frtriend He neede ne eded d at leas leastt two two to oper operat atee the the prin printi ting ng pres presss mach machin ine, e, with with the the othe otherr two two as bind binder er and collator. collator. II. The applic applican ants ts for operat operator or are Simon Simon,, Josh, Josh, and Mike. Mike. The The appli applica cants nts for binder binder and collat collator or are Eric, Eric, Charl Charlie, ie, Fred, Fred, and and Harry. Harry. III. III. Duri During ng a talk talk with with his his frien friend, d, Mr. Mr. Cruz Cruz foun found d out out that that Fred Fred and and Harry arry do not not work ork well ell toge togeth ther er,, Josh Josh disl dislik ikes es Eric Eric,, and and Simo Simon n has has a long long-s -sta tand ndin ing g feud feud with with Fred Fred.. He must must therefore therefore choose choose the right right combina combination tion of four people people to avoid avoid future future frictions frictions.. 26. If Harry Harry is chosen chosen,, which which of the follow following ing combi combinat nation ionss CANN CANNOT OT be chosen chosen to form form the team? team? (A) (A) Simon imon,, Josh Josh,, and and Char Charli liee (B) (B) Simo imon, Mike ike, and and Eric ric (C) (C) Simon imon,, Mike Mike,, and and Char Charli liee (D) Josh, Josh, Mike, Mike, and Eric Eric 27. If Fred Fred is chose chosen, n, who who among among the follow following ing groups groups of appli applica cants nts shou should ld be employ employed ed as the three other other member memberss of the team? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Josh Josh,, Mike, ike, and and Char Charli liee Mike, ike, Eric Eric,, and and Char Charli liee Harry arry,, Mike ike, and and Eric Eric Simon imon,, Josh Josh,, and and Char Charli liee
28. If Josh Josh is hired hired and and Mike Mike is not, not, which which of the follow following ing statem statement entss must must be true? true? I. II. II.
Harry arry will ill be a memb member er of the the team team.. Char Charli liee will will bea memb member er of the the team team..
(A) (B) (C) (D)
I only II only Both I and II Neith Neither er I nor nor II
21 29. 29. If Eri Ericc is chos chosen en as a bind binder er,, whic which h of the foll follow owin ing g coul could d be the the othe otherr thre threee memb member erss of the team? team? I. Simon imon,, Mike Mike,, and and Char Charli liee II. Simo imon, Mike ike, and and Fred red III. III. Simo imon, Mike ike, and and Harry rry (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
I and II only I and III III only II an and III III on only I, II, and III
______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 30 to 33, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. I. Ther Theree are are four four newl newly y born born babi babies es in the the nurs nurser ery, y, thre threee girl girlss and and one one boy, boy, all all chi child ldre ren n of differ differen entt diplom diplomati aticc perso personn nnel el work working ing in the Philip Philippin pinee embass embassies ies of of Brazil Brazil,, Italy, Italy, Sing Singap apor ore, e, and and Viet Vietna nam. m. The The crib cribss are are arra arrang nged ed alph alphab abet etic ical ally ly in a row row acco accord rdin ing g to nation nationali ality ty for easy easy identi identific ficati ation on by visiti visiting ng relati relations ons and and frien friends ds who who may view view the babies babies from behind behind the glass glass panel panel of the the nursery nursery room. room. II. II. The The babi babies es have have vari variou ouss wei weigh ghts ts of of 6 lb, lb, 6
1 2
1 2
lb, 7 lb, and 7 lb, not not neces necessar sarily ily in that that
orde order. r. The The thir third d baby baby is a boy boy and and is the the heav heavie iest st,, whil whilee only only the the Sing Singap apor orea ean n baby baby is exceed exceeded ed in weigh weightt by the Vietna Vietnames mesee baby baby.. 30. “There’s “There’s your your sister!” sister!” said the Vietna Vietnames mesee who who had lifted lifted his son son and was was point pointing ing from from behind behind the glass glass pane panell at a baby baby in the ____ ______ ____ ____ _____ ___ crib. crib. (A) (B) (C) (D)
first second third fourth
31. 31. Base Based d on the the give given n info inform rmat atio ion, n, it can can be decl declar ared ed that that the the baby baby boy boy is a(an) _____________. (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Ital talian Brazil azilia ian n Vietn ietnam ames esee Singa ingapo pore rean an
32. Of the the four four newly newly born born babie babies, s, the lighte lightest st in in weigh weightt is the ____ ______ ____ _____ _____ __.. (A) (A) Vietn ietnam ames esee (B) Singaporean (C) Ital talian (D) (D) Brazil azilia ian n
22 33. Which Which of the follow following ing statem statement entss is is true true?? (A) The The Brazil Brazilian ian and Singa Singapor porean ean babies babies togeth together er weig weigh h heavie heavierr than than the Italia Italian n and and Vietnamese babies. (B) The The Singap Singapore orean an and and Vietna Vietname mese se babies babies tog togeth ether er weig weigh h heavi heavier er than than the Brazilian Brazilian and Italian Italian babies. babies. (C) The The Singap Singapore orean an and and Italia Italian n babie babiess togeth together er weigh weigh the same same as the Brazil Brazilian ian and and Vietnamese babies. (D) The The Vietna Vietnames mesee and Italia Italian n babies babies togeth together er weigh weigh the same same as the Singap Singapore orean an and Brazilian Brazilian babies. babies. ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 34 to 36, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. Employee Employeess in a bus compan company: y: I. II. III. III. IV. V. VI.
All All mech mechan anic icss are are also also driv driver ers. s. Half Half of the driver driverss are mecha mechanic nics. s. Some Some driver driverss and ticket ticket inspec inspector torss started started out out as condu conducto ctors. rs. Drivers Drivers cannot cannot be ticket ticket inspec inspectors, tors, but mechanic mechanicss can. can. Condu Conducto ctors rs cannot cannot become become mechan mechanics ics.. Some Some condu conducto ctors rs and and ticket ticket inspe inspecto ctors rs do not not kno know w how how to drive. drive.
34. 34. Whic Which h posi positi tion on can can be acce access ssed ed by anyo anyone ne in the the comp compan any? y? (A) Driver (B) (B) Mech echanic nic (C) Conductor (D) (D) Tick Ti cket et ins inspe pect ctor or 35. 35. Whic Which h posi positio tion n is the the most most flex flexib ible le?? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Driver Mech echanic nic Conductor tor Tick Ticket et ins inspe pect ctor or
36. 36. Whic Which h posi positi tion on CANN CANNOT OT be acqu acquir ired ed at entr entry y leve level? l? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Driver Mech echanic nic Conductor tor Tick Ticket et ins inspe pect ctor or
23 For For items items 37 to 39, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. I. Mr. Yu’s newly constructed three-story commercial-residential commercial-residential building along Amorsolo St. in Makat Makatii cons consist istss of of nine nine equal equal unit units. s. He has allott allotted ed the three three units units on the groun ground d floor for his hardwareand hardwareand electrical electrical supply supply business business,, while while he and his wifeplan to occupy occupy the middlemo middlemost st unit on on the second second floor as as their residence residence.. II. II. The The coup couple le gift gifted ed thei theirr new newly ly marr marrie ied d son son with ith the the righ rightm tmos ostt uni unitt on on the the thir third d floo floor. r. They They also also exec execut uted ed a cont contra ract ct with with a grou group p of dent dentis ists ts for for a twotwo-ye year ar leas leasee on two two adjace adjacent nt units units on one one floor floor to be conv convert erted ed into into a dental dental clinic clinic.. III. III. The They prefe eferre rred to ren rent the the rem remain aining ing two two units its to fam familie iliess with ith no mor more than than two two children children each. each. To answe answerr questi question onss 37 and 38, 38, refer refer to the follo followin wing g units units in the building building:: w The The unit unit on the secon second d floor floor dire directl ctly y to the left left of the the coupl couple’s e’s unit unit x The leftmo leftmost st unit unit on the third third floor floor y The unit unit direc directly tly to the left left of the the son’s son’s unit unit z The unit directly directly below below the son’s son’s unit =
= =
37. 37. Whic Which h two two unit unitss CANN CANNOT OT be rent rented ed to fami famili lies es?? (A) (B) (C) (D)
w an a nd x w an a nd y x an a nd z x an a nd y
38. Which Which unit unit is is diag diagon onall ally y adjace adjacent nt to the couple’s couple’s unit? (A) (B) (C) (D)
w x y z
39. If the couple couple decid decides es NOT NOT to occup occupy y the middle middlemos mostt unit unit but but have have it rented rented also, also, from from how many possible possible pair(s) pair(s) of adjacent adjacent units units will will the the dentists’ dentists’ group group be able to choose? choose? (A) (B) (C) (D) (D)
Only one Two Three At mos mostt fou four r
24 For For items items 40 to 43, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. Four Four pre preme med d grad gradua uate tes, s, Stev Steve, e, Anne Anne,, Vict Victor or,, and and Elai Elaine ne,, each each obta obtain ined ed diff differ eren entt passi passing ng sco scores res, 83, 86, 90, 90, and and 95, 95, not neces ecessa sari rily ly in that that ord order, er, in the the natio tional admiss missio ion n tes test for medical schools. I. II. II. III. III. IV. IV.
Steve Steve and Victor Victor obtain obtained ed lower lower scores scores than than Anne Anne.. Vict Victor or did did not not get get 90. 90. Stev teve obtain tained90 ed90.. Elai Elaine ne did did not not get get 95. 95.
40. If Elaine Elaine obtai obtained ned the lowest lowest score score among among the four, four, then then Victor Victor must must have obtain obtained ed (A) (B) (C) (D)
95 90 86 83
41. Which Which of the the follow following ing is an accur accurate ate list list of the the scores scores tha thatt Victor Victor cou could ld have have obtai obtained ned?? (A) (B) (C) (D)
95, 86 90, 86 90, 83 86, 83
42. If Victor Victor obtai obtained ned the score score of 83, 83, then then Elaine Elaine obtai obtaine ned d _____ _______ ____ __.. (A) (B) (C) (D)
95 9 0 86 83
43. If the the scores scores that that Vict Victor or and Anne Anne obtaine obtained d were were interc intercha hang nged, ed, which which of the srcina srcinall statement statementss would would NO longer longer be true? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
State tateme ment nt I State tateme ment nt II State tateme ment nt III III State tateme ment nt IV
25 For For items items 44 to 47, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. Joe Joe Reye Reyess and Rach Rachel el Cru Cruzz will ill be wed in a week’ eek’ss time. time. Melis elissa sa Cruz Cruz,, the the brid bride’ e’ss mother mother and and the eldest eldest amon among g the Cruz Cruz siblin siblings, gs, is plan plannin ning g to invite invite her her entire entire family family as well well as that that of of the the groom groom in this exclusive exclusive occasion occasion.. Meli Meliss ssa’ a’ss par paren ents ts,, Fely ely and and Arth Arthur ur,, are are stil stilll ali alive ve and and can can make make it to the the weddi edding ng.. Aside Aside from from Melis Melissa, sa, this this couple couple has three three other other childr children: en: Micha Michael, el, Miche Michelle lle,, and and Mann Manny. y. The The youn younge gest st,, Mann Manny, y, went went on to beco become me a Cath Cathol olic ic prie priest st and and will will offi offici ciat atee the the wedd weddin ing g cele celebr brat atio ion. n. Mich Michae aell and Mich Michel elle le are are both both marr marrie ied, d, with with Mich Michae aell havin having g thre threee child childre ren, n, and Michelle lle haviin ng g two two. Mich Michae ael’ l’ss elde eldest st is alre alread ady y marr marrie ied d with ith one one chil child, d, whil whilee the other othe r two still sstill ingle. e. Michelle’ Mich elle’s s youngest young est ofMelis twolissa children, child ren, unfor unsfortun tunate ately, ly,; her died diedhusb insband a and car accide accident. nt. Michel Micare helle le is singl sti ll living livi ng with wit h her husb husban and. d. Me sa only onl y has ha one child ch ild; hu died of heart heart attack attack just a few weeks weeks after she has given given birth. birth. On the other other hand hand,, Joe is alread already y orpha orphaned ned by his moth mother. er. His fath father er is still still alive alive and and no longer longer remar remarried ried.. Joe has two siblings, siblings, Jennifer Jennifer and Jack. Jack. Jennifer Jennifer is happ happily ily married married with two chil childr dren en who who are are stil stilll in prim primar ary y scho school ol,, whil whilee Jack Jack is curre current ntly ly deta detain ined ed in the the city city jail jail for a heinous crime. 44. How How many many will will be attend attending ing the Reyes-C Reyes-Cruz ruz nuptia nuptiall includ including ing the primar primary y partic participa ipants nts (bride (bride,, groom groom,, and and priest priest)? )? (A) (B) (C) (D)
18 19 20 21
45. 45. How How are are Jenn Jennif ifer er and and Melis Melissa sa rela relate ted? d? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Cousins ins Sibli iblin ngs Sist Sister erss-in in-l -law aw Aunt unt and and niec niecee
46. 46. How How is Fel Fely y rela relate ted d to Rach Rachel el?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
She is her her aun aunt. t. She is her her cou cousi sin. n. She is her her mot mothe her. r. She She is her her gra grand ndmo moth ther er..
47. Which Which of follow following ing statem statement entss is INCORR INCORRECT ECT?? (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
All All of the Cruz Cruz siblin siblings gs have have childr children. en. The The occas occasion ion is a religi religiou ouss celebr celebrati ation on.. Rach Rachel el is is not not the the firs firstt to be marr marrie ied d amon among g the the Cruz Cruzes es.. Ther Theree are are some some fami family ly memb member erss who who coul could d not not make make it to to the the wedd weddin ing. g.
26 For For items items 48 to 50, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. A race of aliens aliens from from Planet Planet X has visited visited Earth. Earth. Earth’s linguists linguists attempted attempted to decode decode their language: I. II. III. III. IV. IV. V.
Kaka Kaka me ga shin shing g means “what is your name?” mea “where do you you live? live?”” Ham Hamee ne gu shin shing g means ns “where shang g Krak Krakov ov . They They intr introd oduc ucee them themse selv lves es by sayi saying ng Me ga shan kong . When When poin pointi ting ng at thei theirr home home plan planet et,, they they say say Hame na ra kong Memu Memu me ga shin shing g means “who “who is your father?” father?”
48. What is the the most likely likely meaning meaning of the word Hame ? (A) (B) (C) (D)
You Live Name Father
49. 49. How How do the the inha inhabi bita tant ntss of Plan Planet et X say say “I am am Sam” Sam”?? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Kaka Kaka me Sam. Sam. Sam Sam me ga shin shing. g. Me ga shan shang g Sam Sam . Memu Memu me ga shin shing g Sam. Sam.
50. 50. In the the gram gramma marr of of Pla Plane nett X, X, how how does does the the word word shing function? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
It states state ssatoname. name . tion It poi point nts a loca locati on.. It ind indic icat ates es a ques questi tion on.. It conne connects cts words words into into a sente sentence nce..
Direction Directions: s: This section section contains contains reading reading selectio selections ns that that are followed followed by a set of of items. items. Answer Answer the items items accor accordin ding g to what what is stated stated or implie implied d in the select selection ion.. Selection Selection 1 (1) Kno Knowin wing g that that Mrs. Mrs. Malla Mallard rd was was afflict afflicted ed with with a heart heart troub trouble, le, great great care care was was taken taken to break break to her as as gently gently as possible possible the news news of her her husband’ husband’ss death. death. It was her her sister, sister, Josephin Josephine, e, who who told told her, her, in broken broken senten sentences ces;; veil veiled ed hints hints that that reveal revealed ed in half half con concea cealin ling. g. Her husband’s friend friend Richar Richards ds was was there, there, too, too, near near her. her. It was was he who who had been been in the news newspap paper er office office when when intelligen intelligence ce of the railroad railroad disaster disaster was received received,, with Brently Brently Mallard’s Mallard’s name leading leading the list of “killed.” (2) (2) The There re stoo stood, d, faci facing ng the the open open wind window ow,, a comf comfor orta tabl ble, e, room roomy y armc armcha hair ir.. Into Into this this she she sank, sank, presse pressed d down down by a physic physical al exhau exhausti stion on that that haunt haunted ed her her body body and seeme seemed d to reach reach into into her her soul. (3) She could could see in the open open squar squaree befor beforee her her house house the tops tops of trees trees that that were were all aquiv aquiver er with with the the new new spri spring ng life. life. The The deli delici ciou ouss brea breath th of rain rain was was in the the air. air. In the the stre street et below below,, a pedd peddle ler r was crying crying his wares wares.. The notes notes of a distant distant song song which which someone someone was singing singing reached reached her faintly, faintly, and countless countless sparrows sparrows were twittering twittering in the eaves. eaves. (4) (4) She She sat sat wit with h her her hea head d thro thrown wn back back upon upon the the cush cushio ion n of the the chai chair, r, quit quitee motio motionl nles ess, s, exce except pt whe when n a sob sob came came up into into her her thro throat at and and shoo shook k her, her, as a child child who who has has cried cried itse itself lf to slee sleep p continue continuess to sob in its dreams. dreams. (5) She She did not not stop stop to ask if it it were were or were were not not a monst monstrou rouss joy joy that that held held her. her. A clear clear and and exalted exalted perceptio perception n enabled enabled her to dismiss dismiss the suggestio suggestion n as trivial. trivial. (6) (6) She She knew knew that that she she woul would d weep weep agai again n when when she she saw saw the the kind kind,, tend tender er hand handss fol folde ded d in deat death; h; the the face face that that had had neve neverr look looked ed save save with with love love upon upon her, her, fixe fixed d and and gray gray and and dead dead.. A kind kind inten intentio tion n or a cruel cruel intent intention ion made made the act seem seem no less less a crime crime as she she looked looked upon upon it in that that brie brief f moment of illumination. (7) What What cou could ld love, love, the unsol unsolve ved d myster mystery, y, coun countt for for in face face of this this posse possessi ssion on of self self-assertion assertion which which she suddenly suddenly recogniz recognized ed as the the stronges strongestt impulse impulse of her her being! being! (8) “Free! “Free! Body Body and soul free!” free!” she kept whispering. whispering. (9) Josep Josephin hinee was was kneelin kneeling g befor beforee the closed closed door door with her her lips to the keyho keyhole, le, implor imploring ing for admission admission.. “Louise, “Louise, open the door! door! For For heaven’s heaven’s sake, sake, open the door.” door.” (10) No, Louise Louise was drinking drinking in the very elixir elixir of life through through that open window. window. Her fancy fancy was runnin running g riot riot alon along g those those days days ahea ahead d of her. her. Sprin Spring g days, days, and and summe summerr days days,, and and all sorts sorts of of days days tha thatt woul would d be her her own. own. She She brea breath thed ed a quic quick k pray prayer er tha thatt life life migh mightt be long long.. It was was onl only y yester yesterda day y she she had had thoug thought ht with with a shud shudder der that that life might might be long. long.
28 (11) (11) She She aros arosee at len lengt gth h and and open opened ed the the door door to to her he r sister’s sister’s importun importunities. ities. There There was a feveri feverish sh triump triumph h in her eyes, eyes, and and she she carrie carried d hersel herselff unwit unwittin tingly gly like like a godd goddess ess of Victor Victory. y. She She clasped clasped her sister’s sister’s waist, waist, and together together they descend descended ed the stairs. stairs. (12) (12) Someo Someone ne was was open opening ing the front front door door with with a latchke latchkey. y. It was was Bren Brently tly Malla Mallard rd who who entere entered, d, a little little trave travel-s l-stai taine ned, d, compo composed sedly ly carryi carrying ng his grips gripsack ack and and umbre umbrella lla.. When When the doctor doctorss came, came, they they said said she had died died of heart heart disea disease se – of o f the joy that that kills. kills. An excerpt excerpt from “The Story Story of an Hour” by by Kate Chopin, Chopin, 1894.
The The statem statement ent “Louis “Louisee was was drinking drinking in the very very elixir elixir of life” is ironic ironic becaus becausee she found found life sweet knowing she (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
The doctors’ doctors’ statement statementss contrad contradicted icted the real cause cause of Mrs. Mrs. Mallard’ Mallard’ss death death which which was (A) (B) (B) (C) (D)
the appearan appearance ce of Brently Brently who was surpr surprised ised at Richards’ Richards’ sudde sudden n movement movement and unexpec unexpected ted reaction reaction the the disc discov over ery y that that Bren Brentl tly y was was alive, alive, a twis twistt that that advers adversel ely y affe affect cted ed her her heart condition the sad news news about about Brently’s Brently’s tragic tragic death death which which she found found unbearable unbearable and difficult difficult to accept accept Joseph Josephine ine’s ’s shriek shrieking ing cry which which jolted jolted Mrs. Mrs. Malla Mallard, rd, causin causing g her her to scream scream and eventually eventually collapse collapse
What What figur figuree of speech speech is applied applied in the the phrase “monstrous joy?” (A) (B) (C) (D)
gain gained ed cari caring ng,, true true frie friend ndss would ould be free free from from hear hearta tach ches es was was supp suppos osed ed to be in emot emotio iona nall pain pain would would be reliev relieved ed of her her heart heart proble problem m
Irony Allusion Metonymy Oxymoron
From From what what point point of view view is the selection selection written? written? (A) (B) (C) (D)
First Second Limited Omnisc iscient
29 5.
Which Which of the follow following ing best best states states the theme theme of the story? story? (A) (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
All All marr marria iage ges, s, even even the the kind kindes estt ones ones,, are are inher inheren ently tly oppr oppres essi sive ve.. Women’s Women’s true true calling calling is in their kitchens kitchens and laundry laundry rooms. rooms. Wome Women n are are expe expect cted ed to bear bear and and rear rear child childre ren n as dict dictat ated ed by the the soci societ ety. y. Inde Indepe pend nden ence ce can can be imag imagin ined ed only only priv privat atel ely y by wome women n beca becaus usee of dominatio domination n of men.
What What devic devicee did the autho authorr use to end the story? story? (A) (A)
Open Open-e -end nded edne ness ss
(B) Comic Comi relie (C) T ragicc irelief ronyf (D) Symbolism ______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 2 (1) The The quality quality of our our thoughts thoughts becom becomes es visible visible through through our words words,, our behav behavior, ior, or even even thro throug ugh h the the expr expres essi sion on of our our fac face. e. The The seed seed of word wordss and and acti action onss is is tho thoug ught ht.. By know knowin ing g and and unde unders rsta tand ndin ing g the the type typess of tho thoug ught htss our our mind mind can can crea create te,, we will will be be able able to cons consci ciou ousl sly y redire redirect ct tho though ughts ts tow toward ardss the the posit positive ive.. Hence Hence we will will impro improve ve the quality quality of our our mind mind,, body body,, and relations relationships hips.. (2) Necessary thoughts are those those that that deal deal with our our daily daily routin routinee like, like, “What “What will will I eat?”; eat?”; “What “What do I need need to do today? today?”; ”; “When “When do I hav havee to pay my bills? bills?”” These These are practi practical cal thoug thought htss to attend attend to our our daily daily needs. needs. (3) Wasteful Wasteful (or superfluou superfluous) s) thoughts thoughts are those those that are of no use, neither neither constructi constructive ve nor particul particularl arly y negat negative ive.. They They deal deal with with things things of of the past, past, like like “If this this had not not happene happened;” d;” “If only I have done done it this this way.” way.” (4) Negativ Negativee thoughts thoughts are are most harmfu harmful, l, especially especially to ourselve ourselves. s. Negative Negative thoughts thoughts which which are based based on materi materiali alisti sticc desire desires, s, anger, anger, jealou jealousy sy,, hatre hatred, d, extre extreme me lazine laziness, ss, and and posses possessiv sivene eness ss cause cause us great great loss loss of inner inner peac peacee and and stren strength gth.. Such Such thoug thoughts hts pois poison on our mind mind as well well as the the atmo atmosp sphe here re.. No matt matter er how how righ rightt we are, are, by thin thinki king ng nega negati tive vely ly,, we lose lose beca becaus usee nega negati tive ve thoughts thoughts take away away our self-re self-respec spect, t, and also, also, others lose lose respect respect for for us. us. (5) Positive Positive thoughts thoughts allow us to accumula accumulate te inner inner stren strength gth and enable enable us to be creative creative and construc constructive. tive. To think think positivel positively y doesn’t doesn’t meanthat we ignore ignore the reality. reality. To think positive positively ly means means to use the proble problem m and and to find find solut solution ionss for for that that probl problem. em. (6) A person person who thinks thinks positiv positively ely will be aware of the the weaknes weaknesses ses of of others, others, but will still turn turn his attent attention ion toward towardss the the good good tenden tendencie ciess of others others.. Posit Positive ive thoug thoughts hts give give us a feelin feeling g of conten contentme tment nt within within.. When When we are conten contentt within within,, then then we have have the stren strength gth to accept accept others others as they they are witho without ut want wanting ing to chang changee them them as we think think is righ right. t.
30 7.
The author author devel developed oped his topic by using using all of of the the following following methods methods EXCEPT EXCEPT (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
narra rratio tion defin finitio ition n enum enumer erat atio ion n exem exempl plif ific icat atio ion n
In which which parag paragrap raph h is the main main idea idea of the essay essay found found?? (A) Para aragrap raph 1 (B) Paragraph 2 (C) Paragrap Para graph h6 3 (D) P ara arag rap raph
In parag paragrap raph h 4, the unde underlin rlined ed statemen statementt “such thoughts thoughts poison poison our mind mind as well as the atmosph atmosphere” ere” implies implies that negative negative thoughts thoughts
(A) leadto leadto desp espair air (B) tarnish one’s character (C) (C) affe affect ct the the surr surrou ound ndin ings gs (D) (D) have have soci social al impl implic icat atio ions ns ______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 3 Some Some prima primary ry care care provid providers ers may be appre apprehe hensi nsive ve about about using using insuli insulin n in patien patients ts with with type type 2 diabet diabetes. es. Concerns about hypoglycemia hypoglycemia (diminished contents of glucose in the blood) and/or ability to inject inject insulin insulin are good good reasons reasons why many providers providers may approach approach insulin insulin therapy therapy with caution. caution. Compo Compoun undin ding g this this relucta reluctance nce is the perce percepti ption on that that insulin insulin therap therapy y is too comple complex x to manage manage in a busyprimary care practic practice; e; prescr prescribinginforma ibinginformation tion provided provided bymanufacturer bymanufacturerss has been somewha somewhatt vague vague regardin regarding g initial initial dosing dosing and titration. titration. Becaus Becausee of the kind kind of inform informati ation on provi provide ded d by the manufa manufactu cturer rers, s, provi provide ders rs may delay delay in making making the necessary necessary transition transition from oral agents agents to insulin. insulin. Indeed, Indeed, recent recent evidence evidence suggests suggests that the the hemo hemogl glob obin in A1c result result that triggers triggers glucose-lo glucose-loweri wering ng action action is ≥ 9% (Bro (Brown wn and and Nich Nichol ols, s, 2003). 2003). This is unfortu unfortunate nate because because numerou numerouss studies studies have shown shown that excelle excellent nt glycemic glycemic control control can be achiev achieved ed with with insuli insulin n therap therapy y in patien patients ts with with type type 2 diabet diabetes. es. Subjects Subjects of a cohort cohort study (Epidemi (Epidemiolog ology y of Diabetes Diabetes Interve Interventio ntions ns and Complica Complication tionss Study), Study), who had been intensive intensively ly treated treated during during the Diabetes Diabetes Control Control and Complica Complications tions Trial, at seven seven years years show showed ed significan significantt decrea decreases ses in risk for nephropa nephropathy thy and retinopat retinopathy hy compared compared with subjects from the conventional conventional treatment treatment arm. arm. Malmb Malmberg erg,, Norh Norhamm ammar, ar, Wedel, Wedel, and Ryden Ryden (1999 (1999)) demo demonst nstrat rated ed that that the unfav unfavora orable ble long-t long-term erm progn prognosi osiss for for myocar myocardia diall infar infarcti ction on (heart (heart attack attack)) cou could ld be improv improved ed by insuli insulin n treatment.
31 Recent Recent data (Ceriello (Ceriello et al., 2004) 2004) show show that postpra postprandia ndiall hyperglyc hyperglycemia emia is accompa accompanied nied by endothe endothelial lial dysfunc dysfunction tion in patients patients with type 2 diabetes. diabetes. This significan significantt body body of evidence evidence strongly strongly supports supports the rationale rationale for initiating initiating therapy therapy to achi achiev evee glyc glycem emic ic cont contro roll in pati patien ents ts with ith type type 2 diab diabet etes es much much earl earlie ierr and and much much more more aggressively. An excerpt from an online online journal journal article article “A Real -World Approach to Insulin Therapy Therapy in Primary Primary Care Practi Practice” ce” by Hirsch, Hirsch, I.B. et al., 2005.
The first paragrap paragraph h says that primary primary care providers providers view the use of insulin insulin in patients patients with type 2 diabetes diabetes with (A) (B) (C) (D) (D)
Primary Primary care provider providerss are reluctant reluctant to administe administerr insulin insulin therapy therapy because because of the manufacturers’ manufacturers’ (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
inabil inability ity to provid providee instru instructi ction onss on on initia initiall dos dosing ing and and titrat titration ion incomp incomplet letee proced procedure ure regard regarding ing initia initiall dosin dosing g and and titrat titration ion lack lack of inform informati ation on regard regarding ing initia initiall dosin dosing g and and titrati titration on fuzzy fuzzy expla explana natio tion n regard regarding ing initia initiall dos dosing ing and and titrati titration on
Which Which of the following following statemen statements ts summarizes summarizes the medical medical article? article? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
anger anxiety approv roval awar awaren enes esss
Insulin Insulin therapy therapy is very very beneficia beneficial. l. Peop People le must must be be consci consciou ouss of their their diet diet.. Endo Endothe thelia liall damag damagee is actu actuall ally y preven prevented ted by insuli insulin n therap therapy. y. Insuli Insulin n is consid considere ered d as the most most effecti effective ve treatm treatmen entt for diabete diabetes. s.
Which Which of the follow following ing concl conclusi usion onss can be made made from from the medica medicall report? report? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
It is risky risky for patien patients ts with with type type 2 diabet diabetes es to have have insuli insulin n therap therapy. y. It is common common among among type type 2 diabet diabetes es patien patients ts to have have insuli insulin n therap therapy. y. It is cost costly ly to have have insu insuli lin n ther therap apy y amon among g pati patien ents ts with with type type 2 diab diabet etes es.. It is is bette betterr for for patie patients nts with with type type 2 diabe diabetes tes to have have insuli insulin n therap therapy y earlie earlier. r.
32 Selection Selection 4 (1) Filipi Filipino noss offe offerr egg eggss to to Santa Santa Clara Clara to assure assure good good weath weather er on a partic particula ularr day day.. It is intere interesti sting ng to contra contrast st that that with the rain rain dance dance of the the Nativ Nativee Ameri America cans ns to induce induce rain. rain. Why Why is this this so? To be able able to answ answer er this, this, it is nece necessa ssary ry to unde underst rstand and how how rains rains hav havee shape shaped d our our cultu culture. re. (2) The import importan ance ce of rains rains in Philip Philippin pinee cultur culturee is atteste attested d by the rich rich vocab vocabula ulary ry relate related d to prec precip ipit itat atio ion. n. In Taga Tagalo log, g, ther theree are are term termss such such as ambon (rain (rain show shower) er),, ulan (rain), bagyo (typhoon), unos (squall), sigwa (tempest), (tempest), and siyam-siyam (incessan (incessantt rains). rains). Other Other Philipp Philippine ine langu language agess have have more more elabo elaborat ratee terms. terms. For For examp example, le, the Ivatan Ivatan of Batan Batanes es distin distingu guish ish differ different ent types of of typhoon, typhoon, e.g. salawsaw (wind (windy y day day with with rain), rain), nisu (windy (windy day without without rain), rain), adipogpog dipanchi (hea (torna (tornado do with wit h again rain), rain), ( heavy vy rain rastrong in with wigthwind stro strong ng wind wicauses ndses that thatdestruct sudd sudden enly ly chan chand ange ges s to du a sunn su nny y day day (very anin vanveyeh and then the n back ba ck aga in to rain), rain), anin stron that cau dest ruction), ion), (winds (winds strong strong enough enough to destroy destroy coconut coconut trees). trees). This elaborate elaborate typhoon typhoon terminolo terminology gy is not at all surprisin surprising g since since 13 out of the the 20 typhoon typhoonss that that hit the Philippin Philippines es annua annually lly pass through through Batanes. Batanes.
(3) Sev Severa erall Filipi Filipino no cultu cultural ral trai traits ts have have develo develope ped d as an an adapta adaptatio tion n to the presen presence ce of a ve hut) has long, long, distin distinct ct rainy ainy season season.. For For examp example, le, the struc structur turee of the bahay kubo (native (nati has been been design designed ed to weath weather er heavy heavy rains. rains. The roof roof is steep steeply ly struct structure ured d so as to allow allow rain rain to fall fall freel freely y to the ground ground.. There There are awnin awning g windo windows ws that that prote protect ct the the inner inner part part of the the house house from from gettin getting g wet. wet. The The hous housee is buil builtt on stil stilts ts to prev preven entt flood flood wate waters rs from from reac reachi hing ng the the hous housee floor floor.. On the the othe other r hand, hand, the Ivatan Ivatan house house —made made of ston stonee walls walls and and roofe roofed d with with thick thick cogon thatch thatch —is a hous housee that that can withstan withstand d typhoon typhoons. s. Unfortun Unfortunately ately,, modern modern houses have have lost theserain-adapted theserain-adapted characterist characteristics ics and this is why they have have become become vulnerab vulnerable le to destructio destruction n brought brought about about by floods floods and and typhoon typhoons. s. (4) Cult Cultura urally lly,, rains rains are are also also percei perceive ved d as being being laden laden with with certai certain n symbo symbolic lic meanin meanings gs.. A little little amoun amountt of rain durin during g a weddi wedding ng ceremo ceremony ny is consid considere ered d as a blessi blessing ng from from the heave heavens. ns. On the contra contrary, ry, heavy heavy rains rains are frown frowned ed upon upon since since they they bring bring abou aboutt flood floodss and destr destruc uctio tion. n. (5) Gettin Getting g wet wet in the rain rain is belie believed ved to cause cause certai certain n illnes illnesse ses. s. There There is a common common belie belief f that that one one catc catche hess a cold cold beca becaus usee he or she she got got dren drench ched ed in the the rain rain ( naulanan ) . An excep ceptio tion, howeve however, r, is when when one one takes takes a show shower er from from the first first rain rain durin during g the month month of May. May. (6) Anot Anothe herr popula popularr devoti devotion on among among Filipi Filipino noss is the offeri offering ng of eggs eggs to Santa Santa Clara Clara to bring bring about about good good weather. weather. One possible possible explanatio xplanation n for associati associating ng the saint saint with with good good weather weather is her name, name, Clara, Clara, which which means means “cle “clear” ar” in Spani Spanish sh.. Becau Because se of the the offering offering,, the weather weather becom becomes es clear clear even even durin during g the rainy rainy season season.. Moreo Moreove ver, r, the egg egg white, hite, in Spani Spanish sh is called called “clara de huevo ”. The The vene venera rati tion on to Sant Santaa Clar Claraa was was intr introd oduc uced ed by the the Span Spanis ish h fria friars rs,, she she bein being g one one of the the sain saints ts introduc introduced ed early to Filipinos Filipinos.. Adapted Adapted from “Ulan, “Ulan, unos, unos, atbp.” atbp.” By N. T. Castro Castro.. Retrieved from http://mb.com.ph.
To which which part part of of the the house house does does the under underlin lined ed word word “thatc “thatch” h” in parag paragrap raph h 3 refer? refer? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Roof Walls Floor Wind indows
33 15.
What What is the chara characte cteris ristic tic of a house house on stilts stilts?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
It is built built on wate water. r. It con consi sist stss of two two floo floors rs.. It has has a conc concre rete te base baseme ment nt.. It is rais raised ed from from the the grou ground nd..
What What do the the rain rain danc dancee and and the the devo devoti tion on to Sant Santaa Clar Claraa shar sharee in comm common on?? (A) (A) Both Both are are aski asking ng for for rai rain. n. (B) (B) Both Both are pre-co pre-colon lonial ial pract practice ices. s. (C) Both Both th impl are areply done do du ngf athat dry drtyrain spel spnell. l. cont (D) (D) Both Bo im y ne the theduri belie bering lief tha rai is contro roll lled ed by a high higher er bein being. g.
Which Which of the following following is conside considered red a welcome welcome occurren occurrence? ce? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Havi Having ng a down downpo pour ur duri during ng a wedd weddin ing g Gett Gettin ing g wet wet in the the firs firstt rain rain of May May Getti etting ng dren drench ched ed in a heav heavy y rain rain Gett Gettin ing g caug caught ht in a ligh lightt dri drizz zzle le
What What does the use of different different express expressions ions for for rain in the Philippin Philippinee languag languages es suggests? suggests? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
The The richn richness ess and and sophis sophistic ticati ation on of Philip Philippin pinee langu languag ages es The The differ differen ences ces among among the Philip Philippin pinee langua languages ges The The change changess in the preva prevailin iling g weath weather er condit condition ionss The The infl influe uenc ncee of forei foreign gn lang langua uage gess on ours ours
______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 5 We all kno know w that that the norma normall human human daily daily cycle cycle of activ activity ity is some some seven seven to eight eight hours hours of of sleep alternating alternating with some sixteen sixteen to seventeen seventeen hours hours of wakefuln wakefulness ess and that, broadly broadly speaking speaking,, sleep normally normally coincide coincidess with the hours hours of darkness darkness.. Our present present concern concern is with how easily easily and to what what exten extentt this this cycle cycle can be modified modified.. The The ease ease,, for for exam exampl ple, e, with with whic which h peop people le can can chan change ge from from work workin ing g in the the day day to work workin ing g at nigh nightt is a questi question on of grow growing ing import importanc ancee in indust industry ry where where autom automati ation on calls calls insis insisten tently tly for roundround-the the-cl -cloc ock k worki working ng night. night. Unfor Unfortun tunate ately, ly, it is often the case case in indus industry try that that the eighteight-ho hour ur work work shifts shifts are are chang changed ed every every week week.. This This mean meanss that that no soone soonerr has he he gotte gotten n used used to one routin routinee than than he has has to chang changee to anoth another, er, so that that much much of his his time time is spe spent nt neit neithe herr worki working ng nor nor sleep sleeping ing very efficientl efficiently. y. One One answe answerr would would seem seem to be longe longerr period periodss on each each shift, shift, a month month,, or even even three three month months. s. Resear Research ch by Bonje Bonjerr (1960) (1960) of the Nethe Netherla rland nds, s, howe howeve ver, r, has has shown shown that that peop people le on such such syste systems ms will revert revert to their normal normal habits habits of sleep and wakefuln wakefulness ess during during the weekend weekend and that this is quite quite enoug enough h to destr destroy oy any any adap adaptat tation ion to night night work work built built up durin during g the week week..
34 The The only only real real solu soluti tion on appe appear arss to to be the the hand handin ing g over over of the the nigh nightt shi shift ft to a corp corpss of of permanent night workers workers whose nocturnal wakefulness wakefulness may persist through all weekends weekends and and holida holidays ys.. An intere interesti sting ng study study of the dome domesti sticc life life and healt health h of night night shift shift worke workers rs was was carried carried out out by Brow Brown n in 1957 1957.. She foun found d a high high inci incide denc ncee of dist distur urbe bed d slee sleep, p, dige digest stiv ivee diso disord rder er,, and and domest domestic ic disrup disruptio tion n among among those those on altern alternati ating ng day and and night night shifts shifts,, but but no abno abnorma rmall occur occurren rence ce of these these symptoms symptoms among among those those on permanen permanentt night work. work. This latter latter syste system m then appears appears to be the best long-term long-term policy, policy, but meanwhile, meanwhile, somethin something g may may be done done to reli reliev evee the the stra strain inss of altern alternat atee day day and and nigh nightt work work by sele select ctin ing g thos thosee peop people le who who can adapt adapt most most quick quickly ly to the chang changes es of routin routine. e. One One way way of know knowing ing when when a perso person n has has adapted adapted is by measur measuring ing his perfo performa rmanc nce, e, but but this this can be labori laboriou ous. s. An easie easierr way way is to take take a perso person’s n’s body temperatu temp erature re at intervals inter valshave of of two hours hou rs through thro ughout perio d of wak efulness. ess. People Peo pleaengaged enga ged in normal norm al daytime dayt ime work wor k will high temperatu temp erature reout during durithe ng period the hours hou rs wakefuln of wakeful wak efulness ness and low one at nigh night. t. When When they they chang changee to night night work, work, the patter pattern n will will only only gradu graduall ally y revers reversee to match match the new new routine routine and the speed speed with which which it does does parallels parallels the adaptatio adaptation n of the bodyas a whole, whole, particula particularly rly in terms terms of perfor performan mance ce and gener general al alertne alertness. ss. Know Knowled ledge ge of how quick quickly ly a perso person n can adapt adapt to a revers reversed ed routin routinee could could be used used as a basis basis for select selection ion.. So far, far, howe however ver,, such such a form form of select selection ion does does not not seem seem to have have been been applie applied d in practi practice. ce. 19.
Body Body tempe temperat rature ure can be used used as a physi physiolo ologic gical al measur measuree of perfo performa rmanc ncee to indica indicate te (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
effi effici cien ency cy in work work modi modifi fied ed slee sleepi ping ng habi habits ts adap adapta tati tion on to work work sche schedu dule le endu endura ranc ncee for for nigh nightt ttim imee work work
The The autho authorr sug sugges gests ts that that the the soluti solution on to proble problems ms arisin arising g from from nightt nighttime ime work work sched schedule ule shou should ld be adopte adopted d by compa companie niess on a (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
long long-t -ter erm m basi basiss shor shortt-te termbas rmbasis is trialtrial-and and-er -error ror basis basis comb combin ined ed shor shortt and and long long-t -ter erm m basi basiss
The The cycle cycle of sleep sleep can be modifi modified ed extens extensive ively ly and succe successf ssfull ully y by (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
alte altern rnat atin ing g shift shiftss ever every y week week and and week weeken end d alte altern rnat atin ing g day day and and nigh nightt work work sche schedu dule less with within in the the week week assi assign gnin ing g a mont month h or mor moree of eac each h work work shif shiftt or sche schedu dule le chang changing ing the work work schedu schedules les of the day day and and night night shift shift work workers ers
35 Selection Selection 6 Trav Travel elin ing g to us from from the the burn burnin ing g hear heartt of the sun sun 93 mill millio ion n mile miless away, away, light light not not only only illuminate illuminatess our our little planet planet but but create createss on on its thin surface surface the essentials essentials of life itself. itself. No wonder wonder men from from ancien ancientt times, times, awed awed by its glor gloriou iouss light, light, worsh worshipe iped d the sun sun for cent centuri uries. es. Its wors worship hip spran sprang g from from true true intuit intuition ion since since in the light light that that comes comes fro from m this this nuclea nuclearr ball ball of fire the secret secret of of life on this this plane planett does, does, in fact, fact, dwell. dwell. All life life is the the offspr offspring ing of the the sun, sun, for the the light light pouri pouring ng from from it is a wonderf wonderful ul chemi chemist. st. Leaves Leaves are chemical chemical factories factories in which which sunlight sunlight and water water are are turned turned into into food food and and from from which which life-g life-givi iving ng oxygen oxygen is poure poured d into into the air for for man man to breath breathe. e. Light Light m moves oves to us through through the atmosphe atmosphere re in waves waves of different different lengths, lengths, each carrying carrying its own ow color. color. Th ey esger seethan only onlyred. a small sma llhtsegme seg of the this thissky great grea t range rang oftals wavel wa engths thss;– every none non e drop shorter shor than than n violet vio let,, The none noeneeyes longer lon than red . Light Lig falls fament lls nt from from like lik e theepetal pe s veleng of flower flo wers; ev ery dro pter of dew is a glory glory in miniat miniature ure and we who who live live by the blessi blessing ng of this this distan distantt star star can learn learn to rejoic rejoicee in it. it. Anyo Anyone ne can can see see how how whit whitee brea breaks ks into into colo colorr by hold holdin ing g a refr refrac acti ting ng pris prism m in a narr narrow ow beam beam of sunli sunligh ghtt in a darke darkene ned d room room and and projec projectin ting g the result result onto onto a white white scree screen. n. There There you you will will discover discover the band of colors colors that that we call the solar solar spectru spectrum. m. Similarly Similarly,, rainbows rainbows are caused caused by the refraction refraction and reflection reflection of sunlight sunlight from the raindrops raindrops of a vanishin vanishing g storm. storm. Today Today we know know more about about light light than than our our ancest ancestors ors did. did. Our Our scient scientist istss know know enoug enough h to use the secret secretss of the the sun sun as a stepp stepping ing-st -ston onee to the stars stars or or as the the end end of life on earth earth.. 22.
The sun emits life-givin life-giving g light which which travels travels through through space space in (A) (A) equal equal wave wavelen length gthss (B) (B) even evenly ly colo colore red d wave wavess (C) spurts gusts of wind (D) (D) vario va rious uslike wavel wavelen ength gths s and colors colors
The The autho authorr seems seems to consi consider der the the sun sun as a source source of (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
natur natural al calam calamitie itiess like like droug drought ht ener energy gy and and beau beauty ty that that man man can can enjo enjoy y threat threat to life life becau because se of its nucle nuclear ar powe power r nucle nuclear ar powe powerr that that is bein being g waste wasted d in space space
As a whole whole,, the purpo purpose se of the select selection ion is to to (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
describe describe man’s man’s ancient ancient worship worship of the sun prai praise se the the beau beauty ty of the the sun sun and and its impo import rtan ance ce to life life state state the possi possibil biliti ities es of of the the tremen tremendo dous us pow power er of of the the sun sun discus discusss the the effort effortss of of man man to discov discover er the secret secretss of of the sun sun
36 Selection Selection 7 I was was born born in a log log cabi cabin n on a wint winter er.. The The firs firstt thi thing ng I rem remem embe berr is is bei being ng grat gratef eful ul for for wind window ows. s. I was thr three ee year yearss old. old. My moth mother er had had set set me to play play on a matt mattre ress ss care carefu fully lly plac placed ed in the one one ray of sun sunlig light ht stre stream aming ing throu through gh the one one glass glass wind window ow of our our log log cabin. cabin. Baby Baby as I was, was, I hadachedin the agonizi agonizing ng cold cold of a pione pioneer er winter. winter. Lyingthere Lyingthere,, warme warmed d by that that blesse blessed d sunsh sunshine ine,, I was suddenly suddenly aware aware of wonde wonderr and joy and gratitude gratitude.. It was was gratitud gratitudee for glass, glass, which which could could keep out out the biti biting ng cold cold and and let let in the the warm warm sun. sun... .. My father father came came from from a family family of schoo schooll teache teachers rs in New New Englan England. d. My mothe motherr was was the daughter daughter of a hardwork hardworking ing Scotch immigrant immigrant.. Father’s Father’s family family set store store on ancestry. ancestry. Mother’s Mother’s side was more practical. practical... .. The year year befo before re my birth, birth, these these two youn young g peop people le had had starte started d West West in a prairie prairie schoo schoone nerr to stake stake a home homeste stead ad claim. claim... .. Afte Afterr moth mother er’s ’s eig eight hth h and and last last bab baby, y, she she lay lay ill for for a year year.. The The care care of the the chil childr dren en fell fell princip principall ally y on my youn young g should shoulders ers.. One One day I found found her cryi crying ng.. “Mary “Mary,” ,” she said, said, with with a tende tenderne rness ss that that was was rare rare,, “If I die, die, you you must must take take care care of all all your your brothe brothers rs and and sister sisters. s. You You will will be the only only woman woman within within eighte eighteen en miles miles.” .” I was ten years old. old. That night night and and many many other other nights nights I lay awake, awake, trembling trembling at the the possibilit possibility y of being being left the only only woma woman n within within eighte eighteen en miles. miles. But Butead t moth mother erner didcould no t die. die. I e, must must have hav e been bee n a esturdy stu rdygchild ch ild,, she for, for, was with withstrong the little little help hel p fathe fatherr and and his homes homestead partner part cnot ould spare, spar I kept kep t that home hom going goin until strong again... agai n... Every Every fall, the shoemake shoemakerr made his rounds rounds through through the country, country, reaching reaching our place place last, for bey beyon ond d us lay only only untame untamed d forest forest and wild wild beast beasts. s. His visit visit thril thrilled led us more more than than the arriva arrivall of any any king king toda today. y. We had had been been cut cut off from from the the worl world d for for month months. s. The The shoe shoema make kerr broug brought ht news news from from neigh neighbo bors rs eighte eighteen, en, forty, forty, sixty, sixty, even even a hund hundred red and fifty fifty miles miles away. away. Usual Usually ly he broug brought ht a few newsp newspape apers rs too, too, treasu treasured red afterw afterward ard for mont months hs.. He remain remained ed a royal royal guest guest,, for many many days, days, until all all the family family was shod.. shod.... By the time I was was fourteen fourteen,, three three tremendo tremendous us events events had marked marked my life: sunlight sunlight through through a windo windowp wpane ane,, the log-ro log-rolli lling ng on the river river when fathe fatherr added added tworooms tworooms to our our cabin, cabin, andthe night night I thoug thought ht mothe motherr would would die and leave leave me the only only woman woman within within eighte eighteen en miles. miles... .. But there there was a fourth fourth event event that that was was the most tremendo tremendous. us. One night night father father handed handed my mother mother a letter letter.. Our Our Great Great-Au -Aunt nt Mart Martha ha had had willed willed fathe fatherr her her house househol hold d good goodss and and person personal al belo belong ngin ings gs and and a mode modest st sum sum that that to to us was was a fort fortun une. e. Some Someon onee back back East East “aw “awai aite ted d his his instru instructi ction ons.” s.” Many Many discus discussio sions ns followe followed, d, but in the end my mothe motherr gaine gained d her way. way. Great Great-Aunt -Aunt Marth Martha’s a’s househ household old good goodss were were sold sold at aucti auction on.. Fathe Father, r, howe however ver,, insist insisted ed that that her “per “perso sonal nal belong belonging ings” s” be shipp shipped ed to us... us...
37 Afte Afterr a long long,, long long wait wait,, one one day day a trun trunk k and and two two pack packin ing g case casess cam came. e. It was was a sole solemn mn moment moment when the first box was opened. opened. Then mother mother gave gave a cry of delight. delight. Sheets Sheets and bedspre bedspreads ads edged edged with lace! lace! Real Real linen linen pillowcas pillowcases es with with crochete crocheted d edgings edgings.. Soft woolen woolen blankets blankets and bright bright handmade handmade quilts. quilts. Two heavy, heavy, lustrous lustrous tablecloth tableclothss and two dozen dozen napkins, napkins, one white white set hemmed, hemmed, and one one red-an red-and-w d-whit hite, e, borde bordered red with with a soft soft fring fringe. e. What What the the world world calls calls wealt wealth h has has come come to me in years. years. Nothi Nothing ng ever ever equal equaled ed in my eyes eyes the the priceless value value of Great-Aunt Great-Aunt Martha’s “personal belongings.” I was was in a seve sevent nth h heav heaven en of delig delight ht.. My fath father er pick picked ed up the the book bookss and and bega began n to read read,, paying paying no attention attention to our excla exclamatio mations ns over over dresse dressess and and ribbons, ribbons, the boxful boxful of laces, laces, or the little shell-c shell-cov overe ered d case case holdi holding ng a few orname ornaments nts in gold gold and silve silverr and jet. jet. Then Then I picked picked up a napkin napkin.. “What “What are these these for?” for?” I asked asked curiously curiously.. My fathe fatherr slam slammed med his book book shut. shut. I had had never never seen seen such such a look look on his face. face. “How “How old are you, you, Mary? Mary?”” he deman demanded ded sudde suddenly nly.. I told him that that I was going going on fiftee fifteen. n. “And “And you you never never saw a table table napkin napkin?” ?” His tone was bitter bitter and accusing accusing.. I didn’t understan understand— d—ho how w coul could d I? Fathe Fatherr bega began n to talk, talk, his words words growin growing g more more and more more bitter bitter.. Mothe Motherr defe defend nded ed herse herself lf hotly. hotly. Today, Today, I know know that justice justice was on on her side. side. But in that first first adoles adolescent cent self-c self-consc onscious iousness ness,, my sympathie sympathiess were were all with with father. father. Mothe Motherr had neglec neglected ted us us —she had not not taugh taughtt us to use use table table napk napkins ins!! Peop People le in histor history y used used them. them. From From that that time time on, on, we used used napki napkins ns and a tablec tableclot loth h on Sund Sundays ays.. An excer excerpt pt from from “ The Log- Cabin Lady: An Anonymous Autobiography” by Marie Mattingly Meloney
What What was the the proof proof that Mary Mary was a healthy healthy ten-year ten-year old? old? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
She She lear learne ned d to hunt hunt for for food food.. She She neve neverr got got sic sick k in spit spitee of the the hard hardsh ship ips. s. She She helpe helped d her father father cut the logs logs for for their their cab cabin. in. She She ran ran the the hous househ ehol old d when when her her mothe motherr was was sick. sick.
Who Who is tellin telling g the story? story? (A) (B) (C) (D) (D)
The father The mother The sho shoemak maker The The elde eldest st daug daught hter er
38 27.
What What experien experience ce made the greatest impact impact on Mary’s life? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Roll Rollin ing g logs logs on on the the river river wit with h her her fath father er The The fear fear of of bein being g orph orphan aned ed by her her moth mother er Inhe Inheri ritin ting g thei theirr grea greatt-aunt’s aunt’s personal belongings The The warmt warmth h of sun sunlig light ht stre stream aming ing throu through gh the glass glass wind window ow
Besides making making their shoes, why was the shoemake shoemaker’s r’s visit eagerly eagerly awaited? awaited? (A) (A) He help helped ed in clea cleari ring ng the the land land.. (B) (B) He broug brought ht supp supplie liess for for the family family.. (C) He brou enter enough tertai taine d the child chm ildren with wit h ehis tricks tri cks. (D) (D) He br ght tned news new s from fro the thren e outs ou tsid ide worl wo rld. d. .
What does the statemen statement, t, “He “He remain remained ed a royal royal guest guest”” mean? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
How How many many siblin siblings gs did Mary Mary have? have? (A) (B) (C) (D)
He was was a give giverr of gift gifts. s. He was was a loya loyall sub subje ject ct of the the king king.. He rece receiv ived ed the the best best trea treatm tmen entt from from the the peop people le.. He was was know known n to ever everyb ybod ody y in the the comm commun unity ity..
Seven Eight Nine Ten
What What triggered triggered the bitter bitter argumen argumentt between between husband husband and wife?
(A) The wife’s wife’s decis decision ion to sell great great-aunt Martha’s household household goods (B) The wife’s wife’s insistenc insistencee on using using table napkins napkins on Sundays Sundays only (C) (C) The The real realiz izat atio ion n that that the the child childre ren n did did not not have have tabl tablee mann manner erss (D) The The wife’s wife’s failu failure re to teach teach her child children ren ta ta ble manners ______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 8 During During the 1970’s, 1970’s, experts experts predictedthat predictedthat the world world populati population on of three three and one-thirdbillion one-thirdbillion woul would d doub double le in the the next next thi thirt rty y year years. s. Acco Accord rdin ing g to Dr. Dr. Paul aul Erli Erlich ch,, a scie scient ntis istt at Sta Stanf nfor ord d Unive Universi rsity, ty, popu populat lation ion explos explosion ion was was causing causing mankin mankind d “…to “…to run out out of our food resou resource rces, s, and we were destroyi destroying ng the ecologica ecologicall system system of our planet planet which which keeps keeps us alive. alive.”” In the Philip Philippin pines es,, 3,295 3,295 babies babies were were being being added added to our our popula populatio tion n every every day, day, that that is, two babi babies es were were bein being g born born ever every y oneone-ha half lf minut minute, e, repo report rted ed Dr. Juan Juan Salce alcedo do Jr., Jr., who was was then then Chairm Chairman an of the National National Scien Science ce Develop Development ment Board. Board. Our country country’s ’s yearly yearly populati population on growth growth of 3.5 3.5 perce percent nt was was con consid sidere ered d to be one one of the the highe highest st in the world world..
39 An inte intere rest stin ing g aspe aspect ct of of the the popu popula latio tion n issu issuee was was brou brough ghtt out out by Dr. Dr. Merc Merced edes es B. B. Concepci Concepcion, on, who was then then Director Director of the the Populati Population on Institute Institute of the Universit University y of the Philippin Philippines. es. She reported reported that almos almostt fifty percent percent of of the Filipinos Filipinos were below below fifteen fifteen years years of age. age. Mr. Alfredo Alfredo R. Roces, Roces, columnis columnistt of the Manila Manila Times, Times, predicted predicted that the vast majority majority of our society society would, would, in the near near futur future, e, be compr comprise ised d of teena teenager gers. s. In conne connecti ction on with with this, this, one one aspect aspect that that neede needed d close close stud study, y, acco accord rdin ing g to Dr. Dr. Conc Concep epci cion on,, was the the omin ominou ouss repe reperc rcus ussi sion on whic which h may may upse upsett our our establishe established d economi economicc structure structure because because of a very young young populati population. on. Also noted noted by her was that the rapid rapid growth growth of the popu populat lation ion here here had had broug brought ht about about a heavy heavy depen depende dency ncy rate rate among among Filipi Filipino nos. s. She She stated stated that that there there were were about about eighty eighty-ni -nine ne child child depen dependen dents ts for every every one one hundr hundred ed worke workers rs in this this cou count ntry ry.. Furt Furthe herm rmor ore, e, a reve revela latio tion n of for forme merr Supr Suprem emee Cour Courtt Chie Chieff Just Justic icee Robe Robert rto o Concepcion Concepcion revealed that only seven seven percent percent of the Filipinos Filipinos had a “living” “living” income, income, while ninety ninety-three three perce percent nt lived lived on a “hand “hand-to-to-mou mouth” th” existenc existence. e. Among Among the myriads myriads of of solutio solutions ns to to the populati population on problems problems that have cropped cropped up was one that that adv advoca ocated ted the accele accelerat ration ion of the growth growth of the econo economy my to 10.5 10.5 percen percentt eve every ry year year whic which h meant meant that our our econo economic mic productio production n should should be increase increased d three times the the growth growth of our our populati population; on; that we should should practice practice austerity austerity of consump consumption tion and austerity austerity of imports. imports. Another Another solution solution being being advocated advocated was that that the affluent affluent section section of our our society society should should cut their their standar standard d of living in half and and use use that that mon money ey to impr improv ovee and and grow grow more more food food.. Anot Anothe herr solu soluti tion on,, whic which h was was per perha haps ps bein being g cons consid ider ered ed,, was was the the expo export rtat atio ion n of huma humans ns to the the moon moon.. One One solu soluti tion on whic which h was was caus causin ing g a confusin confusing g debacle debacle of minds minds was concern concerning ing the use of the pill. 32.
Dr. Paul Paul Erlich Erlich believed believed that populati population on explosio explosion n would would (A) bring bring about about hung hunger er througho throughout ut the world world (B) control control man’s man’s dream dream to explore explore outer outer space (C) force force man to explore explore the earth’s earth’s natural natural resource resourcess (D) bring about stability and bridge the gap between the rich and the poor
Acco Accordi rding ng to the selec selectio tion, n, Dr. Merce Mercede dess B. Conc Concepc epcion ion feared feared that that the (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Filipi Filipino noss might becom becomee too depen dependen dentt on other other countr countries ies youn young g peop people le migh mightt esta establ blis ish h an econ econom omy y base based d on soci social alis ism m influe influence nce of a youn young g popul populati ation on might might upset upset our our econ econom omic ic struc structur turee youn young g popu populat lation ion might might contro controll the econo economic mic reins reins of the gover governm nmen entt
Accordin According g to popu populat lation ion expert experts, s, during during the 1970 1970’s, ’s, the earth’s earth’s popu populat lation ion for the next next thirty thirty years years would would be (A) (B) (C) (D)
1.6 billio lion 3.3 billio lion 3.5 billio lion 6.6 billio lion
40 Selection Selection 9 (1) In everyd everyday ay life, life, we tend tend to assign assign less less weigh weightt to oral oral speech speech than than to the writte written n word. word. The The spok spoken en is pres presum umed ed to be “eph “ephem emer eral al,” ,” liabl liablee to be mish mishea eard rd,, rei reinter nterpr pret eted ed,, or deni denied ed.. The The writte written n word, word, in contr contrast ast,, is thoug thought ht to be “inde “indelib lible, le,”” its meanin meaning g cast cast in stone. stone. But, But, the litera literary ry scholar scholar Rolan Roland d Barthes, Barthes, in his classi classicc essay, essay, “The Death Death of the Author,” Author,” reverses reverses this equation. equation. He argue argues: s: “[I]t “[I]t is ephem ephemera erall speech speech which which is indeli indelible ble,, not not monume monumenta ntall writing writing…. …. Speec Speech h is irreversib irreversible: le: a [spoken] [spoken] word cannot cannot be retracted… retracted…”” (2) Nowhere, perhaps, is this insight truer truer than in international gatherings of heads heads of state or foreign foreign ministers, ministers, where where diplomatic diplomatic language language is the norm. norm. Participa Participants nts studious studiously ly avoid avoid giving giving off-the-c off-the-cuff uff remar remarks ks in order order not not to be misinterpr misinterpreted eted.. Most Most speak speak from detailed detailed notes notes or simply simply read read a prepa prepared red speech speech.. At the the end of suc such h meetin meetings gs,, a carefu carefully lly crafte crafted d commu communiq niqué ué is typ typica ically lly agreed agreed upon upon and issue issued d to make make sure sure there there is no no room room for misun misunder dersta stand nding ing.. (3) (3) In In such such gath gather erin ings gs,, word wordss do do matt matter er.. Utmo Utmost st cord cordia iali lity ty is obse observ rved ed even even amon among g represent representative ativess of rival rival nations. nations. That is why why presiden presidents, ts, prime ministers, ministers, and monarch monarchss bring with them them a staff staff of season seasoned ed diplom diplomats ats and and write writers rs who prepa prepare re the groun ground d for their their princ principa ipals ls long long before before the latter latter actua actually lly meet.A meet.A stro strong ng opini opinionloose onloosely ly uttere uttered d byone head head of state state inthe presen presence ce of anothe anotherr could could be taken taken as a slight. slight. The conseque consequences nces that follow follow could could be costly, costly, and unfortun unfortunate ate because unintended. unintended. (4) It is one one thin thing g for for a nati nation on’s ’s lead leader er to spea speak k and and act act in a cali calibr brat ated ed way way in the the purs pursui uitt of a clea clearr and and cohe cohere rent nt for forei eign gn poli policy cy.. It is is qui quite te anot anothe herr to allo allow w ones onesel elf, f, espe especi cial ally ly on the the intern internati ation onal al stage, stage, to be a captiv captivee of the the conti conting ngenc encies ies of oral oral speec speech. h. “Spee “Speech ch can be a stream stream of cons consci ciou ousn snes ess, s, with with unfi unfini nish shed ed utte uttera ranc nces es,, half half-f -for orme med d thou though ghts ts,, and and a heal health thy y smat smatte teri ring ng of mess messy y slan slang. g. You You don’ don’tt have have to know know how how a sent senten ence ce will will end end bef before ore you you star startt it.” it.” (Chi (Chi Luu, Luu, “Is “Is writing writing a technolo technology gy or language language?”) ?”) It is from this that that extempora extemporaneo neous us speech speech draws draws its charm and power, power, as well as its inherent inherent risks. risks. This is partic particularl ularly y so if one one happens happens to be a head of state. state. (5) Under Under our system system of gove governme rnment, nt, the Presiden Presidentt is vested vested with the power power to determin determinee foreign foreign policy policy and to conduct conduct foreign foreign relations relations with other other states. states. He alone alone can negotiate negotiate treaties treaties on behalf behalf of the country,althoug country,although, h, under under the 1987 1987 Constitu Constitution, tion, suchtreaties suchtreaties are subject subject to to ratificat ratification ion by the the Sena Senate te.. A 1988 1988 Supr Suprem emee Cour Courtt rulin ruling g denyi denying ng medi mediaa acce access ss to minu minute tess taken taken at a treat treaty y negotiatio negotiation n (G.R. (G.R. No. 84642) 84642) made this very clear: clear: “The “The Presiden Presidentt alone alone has has the powe powerr to speak speak or listen as a represen representativ tativee of the Nation. Nation. Congres Congresss itself itself is powe powerless rless to invade invade it. The Presiden Presidentt is the sole sole organ organ of the Natio Nation n in its extern external al relati relation ons, s, and and its sole sole repres represen entat tative ive with with foreig foreign n Nations.” (6) This respon responsibili sibility ty makes makes it imperative imperative for any presiden presidentt to always always speak speak with caution. caution. Whether Whether it is to communi communicate cate a substanti substantive ve shift shift in in foreign foreign policy, policy, or it is simply simply to reiterate reiterate timehonore honored d princi principle pless in foreig foreign n relati relation onss —such such as sove soverei reign gn equali equality ty and nonin noninter terfer feren ence ce —it is important important for any administr administratio ation n to clearly clearly state if it is veering veering toward toward a radical radical rethinkin rethinking g of the country’s country’s existing existing alliances. alliances. If it is, our people people deserve deserve to know. know. (7) The Presiden Presidentt canno cannott say say one thing and then, then, immediatel immediately y after, after, his staff scramble scrambless to redesc redescrib ribee what what he actua actually lly said. said. If done too often often,, it can unde undermi rmine ne the Presid President ent’s ’s credibi credibility lity.. In an era where where speech speeches es are are instan instantly tly record recorded, ed, trans transcri cribe bed, d, and retrie retrieve ved, d, there there is hardl hardly y any any room room
41 for widely differing differing interpreta interpretations tions.. Fortunat Fortunately, ely, the rules rules of diplomacy diplomacy give parties parties enoughleeway to offer offer or demand demand clarificat clarifications ions of contro controvers versial ial statemen statements ts — precisely because words have contexts contexts and conseque consequences nces.. Parties Parties at the receiving receiving end of strong strong statement statementss often often want to know know if there there is a hidden hidden messa message ge behind behind these these uttera utterance nces. s. An excerpt from “Speech and the written written word” by Randy David, http://opinion.inquirer.net/97234/speech-and-the-written-word#ixzz4azunO3IX
Which Which of the follow following ing is highli highligh ghted ted by the write writerr in his essay essay?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (D) (D)
What What writin writing g style style did the write writerr use to develo develop p his essay essay?? (A) (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
since inceri rity ty blun bluntn tnes esss tact tactfu fuln lnes esss cunn cunnin ingn gnes esss
Accordi According ng to the author, author, communic communication ation,, whether whether written written or spoken, spoken, (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Deduc educti tive ve Indu nductiv tive Induc Inductiv tive-d e-ded educt uctive ive Dedu Deducti ctive ve-in -indu ducti ctive ve
In the first first three paragr paragrap aphs, hs, the writer writer implies implies the import importan ance ce of (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
The The impo import rtan ance ce of dipl diplom omac acy y The The impo import rtan ance ce of prepa prepare red d spee speech ches es The mandated mandated power power of the the presiden presidentt The The diff differ eren ence ce betw betwee een n oral oral spee speech ch and and writt written en word word
shou should ld be care carefu fully lly craf crafte ted d can can be misu misund nder erst stoo ood d shou should ld be rehe rehear arse sed d can can spre spread ad quic quickl kly y
What is the the attitude of the writer towards extemporaneous extemporaneous speech of dignitaries? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (D) (D)
Indi Indiff ffer eren ence ce Relu Reluct ctan ance ce Tolera leran nce Passi assivi vity ty
42 40.
Which Which of the follow following ing is an import important ant consid considera eratio tion n when when speaki speaking ng as implied implied in the passage? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Which Which of the the follow following ing words words can can be used used synon synonym ymou ously sly with with the inten intended ded meanin meaning g of the the writer writer in paragrap paragraph h 7? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Audien ience Autho thority rity Fllu ueency Contex text
Retract R estate Rectif tify Rephrase rase
The The essa essay y as a whol wholee is true true to
(A) (A) cele celebr brit itie iess (B) (B) head headss of stat states es (C) (C) chur church ch offi offici cial alss (D) (D) peop people le from from all walks walks of life life ______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 10 When When a hacker hacker claime claimed d to have have breach breached ed Mitt Mitt Romney’s personal personal email account in 2012, he didn’t did n’t do itking by by infect inf ecting ing compu computer ter with wit a data dat“Seamus.” a -leeching -leeching virus virus or by launchin launching g a brute-fo brute-force rce password pass word cracking crac attack attac k —his he did it with thehword Seam Seamus us was was the the name name of Rom Romne ney’ y’ss dog, dog, and and appa appare rent ntly ly the the answer answer to his passwo password rd reminder reminder questio question, n, “what “what is your your favorit favoritee pet.” Because Because Romney’ Romney’ss email email address address had had been made made publ public ic in a news news sto story ry seve severa rall days days earl earlie ier, r, and and the the dogg doggoo-in in-q -que uest stio ion n was was the the subj subjec ectt of an unfort unfortun unate ate media media scanda scandall for havin having g been been strapp strapped ed to the roof roof of the family family car durin during g a 1983 1983 road road trip trip,, the the alle allege ged d hack hacker er had had ever everyt ythi hing ng he need needed ed to expl exploi oitt a noto notori riou ousl sly y weak weak gate gatewa way y to password password security: security: the the password password recovery recovery question. question. Whil Whilee sett settin ing g a pass passwo word rd remi remind nder er ques questio tion n is a fine fine idea idea in theo theory ry (so (so many many pass passwo word rds, s, so little mental mental space!), space!), it has probably probably encourag encouraged ed you to make your passwor password d overly overly vulnerab vulnerable. le. The The simp simple le trut truth h is tha thatt in our our age age of soc socia iall medi mediaa over over-s -sha hari ring ng,, it is far far too too easy easy to suss suss out out anyone’s anyone’s answers answers to to the question question “where “where did you meet your your spouse spouse,” ,” or “wha “whatt is your your mother’ mother’ss maid maiden en name name.” .” If you you have have a publ public ic Face Facebo book ok,, Twitt Twitter er,, or Inst Instag agra ram m acco accoun unt, t, you you also also have have a dossier dossier of clues clues for wouldwould-be be hackers to peruse peruse at will. Many security security industry industry professi professional onalss wish the passwor password d reminder reminder questio question n would would be outright outright abolish abolished ed from account account setup, setup, but until until that day comes, comes, what what can you you do to work work with with the system system and keep keep yours yourself elf secure secure?? For For one one thing thing,, pick pick a harde harderr ques questio tion. n. A Micro Microso soft ft and and Carne Carnegie gie Mello Mellon n study study found found that that the safest safest passwor password d reminder reminder quest question ion may be “What’s “What’s your your father father’s ’s middle middle name,” name,” as it’s it’s easy to reme rememb mber er,, hard hard to gues guess, s, and and unlik unlikel ely y to be publ public ic know knowle ledg dgee on the the Inte Intern rnet et.. (Oth (Other er safe safe-i -ish sh
43 question questionss were, were, “What “What was was your your first first phone phone number? number?,” ,” “Who “Who was your your favor favorite ite teacher,” teacher,” and “Who is your favorite favorite singer?”) singer?”) Some Some experts experts recommen recommend d answering answering the question question with a non sequitur (What is your mom’s maid maiden en name name?? Plat Platyp ypus us). ). But But even even a rand random om,, oneone-wo word rd answ answer er is vuln vulner erab able le to a brut brutee-fo forc rcee hacking hacking attack attack designed designed to rapidly rapidly guess guess every every combinati combination on of letters letters and numbers numbers in sequence sequence.. No matt matter er whic which h secu securi rity ty ques questi tion on you you go with, ith, your your best best bet bet is is to to trea treatt it it lik likee another password password —a long long string string of letter letters, s, numbe numbers, rs, and specia speciall charac character terss that that could could not not be guesse guessed d or divine divined d from from a cursor cursory y glance glance at Facebo Facebook ok.. Use Use a full full phras phrasee instea instead d of a single single word word (mayb (maybee even even one one that that inspir inspires es you you to be a better better perso person n every every time time you you type type it). it). Need Need an examp example? le? If you you pick pick the the ques questi tion on,, “wha “whatt was was your your fir first st dog dog’s ’s nam namee ,” a strong answ answer er woul would d be “H3NeverC@meWhen1C@lled!”. Make Make sure sure you you use a uniqu uniquee answe answerr for every every accou account nt that that require requiress a remind reminder er quest question ion,, and log them them in a passw password ord manag manager er along alongsid sidee your your other other passw password ords. s. Of cours course, e, this this is all moot moot for for the the esti estima mate ted d 17% 17% of Amer Americ ican anss who who secu secure re thei theirr data data with with the the pass passwo word rd “123 “12345 456. 6.”” But But progress happens inbaby steps (just maybe maybe don’t use your baby’s name name as your passwordreminder answer). An excerpt from “Your Password Recovery Questions Are Insanely Easy To Hack—and Hack—and You Might Might Be to Blame” Blame” b y Brandon Specktor http://www.rd.com/advice/work-career/password-recovery-questions/
In the first first two paragr paragrap aphs, hs, the writer writer implie implied d that that (A) (A) what what we we thou though ghtt to be priv privat atee is act actua ually lly publ public ic (B) (B) what what a public public figure figure does does excite excitess hacke hackers rs (C) the answ answer er to the securi security ty quest question ion is weak weak (D) (D) the the hack hacker er is a geni genius us
The purpose purpose of the writer writer is to (A) (B) (B) (C) (D)
entert tertaain pers persua uade de anally yzze inform
Which Which of the follow following ing is most most likely likely the reaso reason n why securi security ty indus industry try profes professio sional nalss would would like to abolish abolish the password password reminder reminder question question?? (A) (A) Answ Answer erss are easi easily ly deco decode ded. d. (B) (B) Answ Answers ers are identi identical cal to others others.. (C) (C) Answ Answers ers are diffic difficult ult to const construc ruct. t. (D) Answers Answers are are most most of the time forgotten forgotten..
44 46.
The The articl articlee as a whole whole explor explores es the the (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
flaw flawss of of set setti ting ng up a pass passwo word rd ways ays to crea create te a pass passwo word rd poss posses essi sion on of an an acco accoun untt hack hackin ing g of an an acco accoun untt
The last paragrap paragraph h is an example example of a(an) a(an) (A) (A) inst instru ruct ctio ion n (B) (B) sugg sugges esti tion on (C) command (D) d emand
Which Which of the the following following statemen statements ts is most most likely likely NOT true? I. II. II. III. III. IV. IV.
Acco Accoun untt holde holders rs inten intentio tional nally ly leave leave clues clues upo upon n passw password ord set up. up. Hack ackers ers only attack famous personalities’ personalities’ account account.. Ever Everyo yone ne can can be a hack hackin ing g vict victim im.. Identi Identity ty theft theft is possi possible ble when when the accoun accountt is hacked. hacked.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
I and and II only I and III only II an and III III onl only y II an and IV onlly y
Which Which quote quote can be direct directly ly assoc associat iated ed with with the articl article? e? (A) (B) (C) (D)
“It’s more than what what meets meets the the eye.” eye.” “The “The world world is watch watching ing us.” us.” “Be “Be the first first to to know. know.”” “It’s a small world.” world.”
Based Based on the article, article, account account holders holders should should (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
answer answer remind reminder er questi questions ons discreetl discreetly y deact deactiva ivate te their their accou accounts nts every every two two week weekss aboli abolish sh remind reminder er quest question ionss skip skip remi remind nder er quest questio ions ns
TEST TEST D. QUANTITATIVE REASONING Section Section 1. Pattern Pattern Recogniti Recognitio Recognition on n
Direct Direction ions: s: In this this test, test, the stem stem consis consists ts of a serie seriess of numb numbers ers.. In each each series series,, discov discover er the logica logicall rule. rule. Selec Selectt from the five five choice choicess the the numbe numberr that shou should ld come come next next in the series series..
(A) (B) (C)
16 5 1 17
(A) (B) (C)
50 55 80
(A) (B) (C)
1,386 206 205
(A) (B) (C)
48 1 54
(A) (B) (C)
3 7 0
(A) (B)
123 106
D)) 1 ((E 28 0
(D) 70 (E) 75
33 (D) (E)
1,188 191
30 (D) (E)
36 25
5 (D) 10 (E) 15
(D) 124 (E) 103
46 7.
(A) (B) (C)
89 172 264
(A) (B) (C)
3 4 6
(A) (B) (C)
20 32 80
(A) (B) (C)
8 6 5
(A) (B) (C)
33 32 31
(A) (B) (C)
25 16 6
(A) (B) (C)
12 (D) 8 (E) 15
40 (D) 120 (E) 160
(D) 48 (E) 3
28 (D) 30 (E) 29
18 48 50 52
(D) 248 (E) 258
(A) (B) (C)
(D) 49 (E) 51
(D) 5 (E) 4
62 59 58
(D) 55 (E) 54
47 15.
126 (A) (B) (C)
140 139 138
(D) 119 (E) 118
Sectio Section n 2. Data Datta Da a Suffic Sufficien iency cy
Dire Direct ctio ions ns:: The The data data suff suffic icie ienc ncy y prob proble lem m cons consis ists ts of a ques questi tion on and and two stat statem emen ents ts,, labele labeled d (I) and (II), (II), in whichcerta whichcertain in data data aregiven. aregiven. Decid Decidee wheth whether er the data data given given in thestateme thestatements nts are suffic sufficien ientt for answeri answering ng the quest question ion.. Using Using the data data given given in the statem statement ents, s, plus plus knowled knowledge ge of mathem mathematics atics and everyday everyday facts (such (such as the the number number of of days days in July or the the meaning meaning of the the word counterclockwise), counterclockwise), determine whether: Statement (I) ALONE ALONE is sufficient, sufficient, but statement statement (II) alone is not sufficient to answer the question question asked. asked. Statement (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficient, sufficient, but statement statement (I) alone is not sufficient to answer the question question asked. asked. BOTH BOTH statement statementss (I) and and (II) TOGE TOGETHE THER R are sufficien sufficientt to answer answer the question question asked, asked, but NEITHER NEITHER statement statement ALONE ALONE is sufficien sufficientt to answer answer the question question asked. asked. EACH EACH statement statement ALON ALONE E is sufficien sufficientt to answer answer the question question asked. asked. Statement Statementss (I) (I) and and (II) TOGETHE TOGETHER R are NOT sufficien sufficientt to answer answer the the question question asked, asked, and additio additiona nall data data speci specific fic to the proble problem m are neede needed. d.
What What is the large largest st numb number er among among the three three numbe numbers rs A, B, and and C? I. II.
A + B = 3 and B – C = 5 2A + 3C = 11 and and A, B, and and C can can be nega negativ tivee or posi positi tive ve numb number ers. s.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 17.
In how many many minute minutess can Raj Raj wash wash the car? car? I. II. II.
Raj Raj and and Russ Russel elll toge togeth ther er can can wash wash the the car car in 30 minu minute tes. s. Russ Russel elll alo alone ne can can fini finish sh washi ashing ng the the car car in in 1 hour hour..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) BOTH BOTH statement statementss TOGETHER TOGETHER are sufficien sufficient, t, but NEITHER NEITHER statement statement ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
48 18.
How much does does a pharmace pharmaceutica uticall sales represen representativ tativee earn in a year? year? I. II.
A pharmace pharmaceutica uticall sales sales represen representativ tativee averages averages ₱42,000 ₱42,000 a month month including bonuses. A pharmace pharmaceutica uticall sales representati representative ve averages averages ₱40,000 ₱40,000 a month month and and ₱2,5 ₱2,500 00 in commissions per month.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 19.
Blooms Blooms & Petals Petals Flower Flower Shop put on sale bouquet bouquetss of flowers flowers on Valentine Valentine’s ’s Day. Each Each bouq bouquet uet was sold sold at ₱450 ₱450.. How How much much profit profit did did the store store make make from from selling 100 bouquet bouquets? s? I. II.
The estimated estimated cost of one one bouquet bouquet is ₱200 ₱200.. The store store charged charged an additional additional ₱50 for delivery delivery orders. orders.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 20.
Which Which of the two fast-food fast-food chains chains in the universit university y belt is more popular popular among among the students students of Universit University y M? The total populati population on of studen students ts in the universit university y is approximately approximately 45,000. I. II. II.
The The prop propor orti tion on of stu stude dent ntss that that frequ frequen ents ts Fas Fastt Food Food A is of the the total 5
student population. An aver averag agee of 6,50 6,500 0 stud studen ents ts goes goes to Fast Fast Food Food B per per day day..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
49 21.
How How much much tax will will Man Mang g Tomas’ Tomas’ mini mini grocery grocery store must must pay pay at the the end of the fiscal fiscal year year if the tax rate rate is 32%? 32%? I. II.
His taxable taxable income income amounted amounted to ₱75,000 ₱75,000.. His total sales sales amounte amounted d to ₱250,00 ₱250,000 0 and the cost of goods goods sold is 80% 80% of his sales.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 22.
How How old is Rosa Rosa today today?? I. II. II.
Rosa Rosa is 5 year yearss youn younge gerr than than her her brot brothe herr Jose Joseph ph.. In thre threee year years, s, Jose Joseph ph will ill be be twic twicee as old old as Rosa Rosa..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 23.
How How much much simple simple intere interest st is earn earned ed at the the end of one one year? year? I. II.
Lucy deposited ₱35,000 ₱35,000 in a bank bank that gives gives 0.1% 0.1% interest interest per year. year. Lucy Lucy invested invested her money money amountin amounting g to ₱35,000 ₱35,000 in a financial financial market market that offers offers 3% interest interest rate rate per annum annum..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
50 24.
Which Which of the the rectangu rectangular lar and and square square lots has has a bigger bigger area? area? I. II. II.
The The perim perimete eterr of of the the rectan rectangu gular lar lot is twice twice the perime perimeter ter of the square square lot. lot. The The widt width h of the the rect rectan angu gula larr lot lot is equal equal to the the leng length th of one one side side of the the squa square re lot. lot.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 25.
How How much much money money does does Mrs. Mrs. Gome Gomezz save save from from her sala salary ry per mon month? th? I. II. II.
Her mo monthlysa thlysala laryis ryis just just of her husband’s husband’s monthly monthly salary. 3
She spen spends ds 50% 50% of her her sal salar ary y on food food..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 26.
A publis publishe herr rece recentl ntly y releas released ed a new new scienc sciencee fictio fiction n nove novell in book booksto stores res.. How How much much is the sellin selling g price price of one one book book?? I. II.
A mar kup p of 12 isnting adde added srcina srcinal l cost ckost. . ounted The Thmarku e materi mat erials als125% and an5% d printi pri ng dcost coto stthe of one book boo amoun am ted to ₱250 ₱250..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
51 27.
Susan Susan won won ₱300 ₱300,00 ,000 0 from from the lotter lottery. y. She She plans plans to inves investt a part part of her winnin winnings gs and the rest rest she will will set aside aside as emerg emergen ency cy fund. fund. How How much much did she set set aside for emerg emergen encie cies? s? I. II.
Sixty Sixty perce percent nt of her her winn winning ingss was was invest invested ed to a finan financia ciall marke markett that that offers offers 7% annual annual interest interest rate compoun compounded ded annually annually for 5 years. years. She She used used 50% of her winnin winnings gs to start start a buy-a buy-andnd-sel selll busin business ess..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 28. 28. A gradu graduate ate was was calcul calculati ating ng the average average increa increase se in his daily daily allow allowanc ancee durin during g his college college years. years. I. II.
His His daily allow allowan ance ce durin during g his four four years years in colle college ge were were ₱150 ₱150,, ₱200 ₱200,, ₱300 ₱300 and ₱350, respectively. His His paren parents ts then then increa increased sed his allow allowan ance ce based based on his Gene General ral Weigh Weighted ted Avera Average ge every every semester. semester.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 29.
Benjie’s Benjie’s Bed and Breakfas Breakfastt located located in Baguio City is offering offering fully furnishe furnished d transien transientt rooms rooms at a discounte discounted d rate of 20% 20% off its its srcinal srcinal rent per day day during during off-peak off-peak season. season. How How much much will will a tour touris istt have have to pay for for a day day for for two room rooms? s? I. II. II.
The The rent rent for for thre threee room roomss with with one one extr extraa bed bed is ₱2,500. Durin uring g peak peak seas season on,, one one room room is rent rented ed at ₱850 ₱850 per day. day.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
52 30.
A senior senior high school school is offering offering four strand strandss in the academic academic track: track: General General Academi Academicc Strand (GAS); Humanities and Social Sciences strand (HUMSS); (HUMSS); Science, Science, Technology, Technology, Enginee Engineering ring,, and Mathemati Mathematics cs strand strand (STEM); (STEM); and Accoun Accountancy tancy,, Business Business,, and Mana Managem gemen entt strand strand (ABM) (ABM).. How How many many enroll enrolled ed in the STEM STEM strand strand out out of 5,400 5,400 enrol enrollee leess in Grad Gradee 11? 11? I. II. II.
Thir Thirty ty-t -two wo perc percen entt of the the enro enroll llee eess chos chosee GAS, GAS, 25% chos chosee ABM, ABM, and and 11% chose chose HUMSS. HUMSS. The The rati ratio o of STEM STEM enro enroll llee eess to ABM ABM enro enroll llee eess is 5 : 3.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
Section Section 3. Data Interpret Interpretatio pretation ation n
Direct Direction ions: s: In this this sectio section, n, some some sets sets of data data are given given.. Inter Interpr pret et or analyz analyzee the given given data data to answer answer the question questionss that refer to the data presente presented. d. Select Select the correct correct answer answer from the options options given.
For For item itemss 31 31 and 32, 32, refer refer to the graph graph below below.. DISTRIBU DISTRIBUTIO TION N OF SHARES SHARES OF STOCKS STOCKS OF DIFFER DIFFERENT ENT CORPOR CORPORATIO ATIONS NS 40,000 s e r 30,000 a h S f o 20,000 r e b m u N10,000
0 ABCDE Corporation 31.
The The numbe numberr of share sharess owne owned d by A exceed exceedss that that of D by how many many shares shares?? (A) (B) (C) (D)
10,000 20,000 25,000 37,500
What What percent percent of of the number number of of shares shares owne owned d by E is the number number of of shares shares owne owned d by B? (A) (B) (C) (D)
42% 30% 25% 18%
Nursing 8%
Management 55%
Political Science 4% Engineering 13%
Which Which course(s course(s)) comprise( comprise(s) s) one one fifth of the total enrol enrollmen lmentt in the universit university? y? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Denti entist stry ry Engi Engine neer erin ing g Nurs Nursin ing g and and Engi Engine neer erin ing g Nursi Nursing ng,, Engine Engineeri ering ng,, and Politi Political cal Scien Science ce
The differenc differencee between between the enrollmen enrollments ts in Managem Management ent and in Engineer Engineering ing is (A) 14,280 (B) 13,160 (C) 11,760 (D) 9,800
What What is the ratio ratio of studen students ts enrol enrolled led in Mana Managem gement ent to those those who who are enrol enrolled led in Dentistry? (A) 4 : 11 (B) 11 : 4 (C) 20 : 55 55 (D) 55 : 20
34 34,193,000
Engineering Social Science
4,462,000 5,086,000
5.16 5.88
Na Natural Science Medical Science
2,364,000 5,019,000
2.74 5.81
Law Architecture
Approxim Approximately ately,, what what part of the populatio population n of graduate graduatess came from all other other courses courses besides besides Educatio Education n and Business Business?? (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
One third ird One fourth Less Less than than one one four fourth th Morethantw rethantwo o thir third ds
How many percent percent of the the total populatio population n finished finished Medicine Medicine?? (A) 2.12% (B) 6.29% (C) 21.22% (D) 36.54%
Which Which of the following following statemen statements ts does does NOT correctly correctly describe describe the distributi distribution on of degrees? (A) (A) The The numb number er of degre degrees es in Medic Medical al Scien Science ce differ differed ed from from that that in Socia Sociall Science Science by 67,000. 67,000. (B) (B) The The larges largestt number number of of degree degreess was gran granted ted in Busin Business ess.. (C) (C) Ther Theree were were more more degr degree eess giv given en in Nurs Nursin ing g than than in Educ Educat atio ion. n. (D) (D) There There were were 386,4 386,463 63 degre degrees es grante granted d in Denti Dentistr stry. y.
56 For For items items 39 39 to 41, refer refer to the chart chart belo below. w. PERCEN PERCENT T DISTRIB DISTRIBUTIO UTION N OF OVERSE OVERSEAS AS FILIPIN FILIPINO O WORKER WORKERS S (OFWs) (OFWs) BY PLAC PLACE E OF WORK WORK:: 2012 2012
SaudiArabia (20.6%) (20.6%)
UnitedArab Emirates Emirates (14.9%)
Europe (8.7%)
North and South America America (7.6%)
Asia (79.7%)
Singapore (7.5%) Qatar (6.5%) (6.5%)
Australia Australia (2.2%) (2.2%)
Hongkong (5.5%) Kuwait Kuwait (4.2%) (4.2%) Japan (3.4%) (3.4%)
Africa Africa (1.7%) (1.7%)
Other countries (17.1%)
Source: PhilippineS tatistics Authority, 2012 Survey on OverseasFilipinos URL: https://psa.gov.ph/content/201 https://psa.gov.ph/content/2012-survey 2-survey-overseas-filipinos -overseas-filipinos
Based Based on the chart chart,, which which of the follow following ing gener generali alizat zation ionss are true? true? I. II. II. III. III. IV.
There There are more more OFWs OFWs in Asian Asian coun countrie triess than than in other other places places combin combined ed.. Ther Theree are are more more OFWs OFWs in Japa Japan n than than in Aust Austra ralia lia and and Afri Africa ca comb combin ined ed.. Abou Aboutt one one fift fifth h of the the OFWs OFWs in Asia Asia are are in Saud Saudii Ara Arabi bia. a. Abou Aboutt one one fourth fourth of the OFWs OFWs are in North North and South South Ameri America ca and and Europe Europe..
(A) (B) (C) (D)
I and and II only I and III only II and IV onlly y I, III, and IV only
Which Which place(s) place(s) of of work work comprise( comprise(s) s) approx approximate imately ly one tenth of the the total OFWs in 2012? 2012? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
Nort North h and and Sout South h Amer Americ icaa and and Aust Austra rali liaa Nort North h and and Sout South h Amer Americ icaa Euro Europe pe and and Aust Austra rali liaa Europe
What What will will happe happen n to the ranking ranking of coun countries tries according according to the percentag percentagee of OFWs OFWs if the the frequen frequency cy distributi distribution on is reported reported instead instead of percent distribution distribution?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
The The rankin ranking g canno cannott be determ determine ined d from from the frequ frequenc ency y distrib distributi ution on.. The The rank rankin ing g will will be reve revers rsed ed.. The The rank rankin ing g will will be the the same same.. Ther Theree will ill be be tied tied rank ranks. s.
57 For For items items 42 to 46, refer refer to the follow following ing situat situation ion.. In 2015 2015,, Toyo Toyota ta Motor Motor Philip Philippin pines es was was able able to sell sell a total total of of 124,4 124,426 26 units units.. This This show showss a growth growth of 17.8% 17.8% from from its 2014 2014 sales sales perfor performan mance. ce. Below Below is a table table showin showing g the top 5 model modelss that have have the largest largest numbe numberr of units sold during during the year. year. Model No. No. of Units Units Sold
Vios 1.3
Innova Di Diesel
Fortuner 4×2
8 ,646
Source: http://www.topgear.com.ph/n http://www.topgear.com.ph/news ews
How How many many units units were were sold sold in 2014 2014?? (A) 71,762 (B) 87,302 (C) 102,278 (D) 105,62 ,625
Supp Suppose ose that, that, in the follow following ing year, year, the numb number er of units units sold sold for the top 5 models models doubled doubled except except that for for Vios Vios 1.3. Which Which model(s) model(s) would would have more number number of units sold sold than than Vios Vios 1.3? (A) (B) (B) (C) (D) (D)
Which Which of the follow following ing can be conclu conclude ded d based based on the table? table? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
More More peop people le buy buy Vios Vios 1.3 1.3 than than any any othe otherr Toy Toyot otaa mode model. l. Avan Avanza za is the the most most expe expens nsiv ivee Toyo Toyota ta mode model. l. Peop People le do not not buy buy a vehi vehicl clee base based d on the the type type of fuel fuel it uses uses.. All of thes thesee
If a 5% growt growth h sale sale of Inno Innova va Diesel Diesel mod model el is forec forecast asted ed in 2018 2018,, how how many many units units of of this model model will be sold? sold? (A) (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Hiace only Inno Innova va Dies Diesel el and Hiac Hiacee only only Fortun rtuneer 4×2, Inno Innova va Dies Diesel el,, and and Hiac Hiacee only only All All fou fourr mod model elss
Exac Exactl tly y 16,8 16,800 00 More tha than 16,88 ,880 Less Less than than 16,8 16,880 80 Exac Exactl tly y 16,8 16,880 80
Which Which of the following following statemen statements ts abou aboutt the the units units sold sold in 2015 is FALSE? FALSE? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Abou Aboutt one one fourth fourth of the total total unit unitss sold sold are Vios Vios 1.3. 1.3. Seve Sevent nty y perc percen entt of the the tota totall units units sol sold d belo belong ng to the the top top 5 mode models ls.. Ther Theree were were more more Vios Vios 1.3 1.3 sold sold than than Fort Fortun uner er 4×2 and Avan Avanza za combi combine ned. d. Each Each of the top 5 models models is at least least 10% 10% of the total total units sold. sold.
58 For For item itemss 47 47 to 50, refer refer to the graph graph below below.. PERCEN PERCENTAG TAGE E OF SMARTP SMARTPHON HONE E USAGE USAGE IN 2014 2014 ACRO ACROSS SS AGE AGE GROU GROUPS PS IN THE THE U.S. U.S. 18-29
50+ 100 98 92
Text messaging
Internet use
97 90 80
Voice/video calls
93 91 94
91 87 87
Source: Pew Research Center Center American Trends Panel, 2014. URL: http://www.pewinternet.org/2 http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/04/0 015/04/01/chapter-three-a-wee 1/chapter-three-a-week-in-the-life-analysis-ofk-in-the-life-analysis-ofsmartphone-users
The Pareto Pareto chart chart shown shown below below is constru constructe cted d for the 30 – 49 age age grou group p base based d on the bar graph. graph. Which Which phone phone feature feature is misrepres misrepresente ented? d? 100 sr e n w o e n o h tp r a sm f o %
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 T ex ex tm es es sa sagi ng ng
I nt nte rn rn et et us use
V oi oi ce ce/ Vi Vid eo eo calls
(A) Text messaging (B) E-mail E-mail
(C) (D) (D)
Voice/Video ca c alls Intern Internet et use use
59 48. 48.
Which Which of the follow following ing statem statemen ents ts abo about ut the patter pattern n of smartp smartpho hone ne usage usage among among Americans is true? (A) The youn younges gestt age age group group was was high highly ly depen dependen dentt on a smartp smartpho hone ne for intern internet et use use compared compared to text messagin messaging. g. (B) The rates rates of voice/ voice/vid video eo callin calling g for the the oldes oldestt and young youngest est smart smartpho phone ne owner ownerss were nearly nearly identical. identical. (C) Using Using e-mail e-mail was was the the most most vari variabl ablee behav behavior ior among among age age group groups. s. (D) Text Text messag messaging ing was was equal equally ly popu popular lar amon among g age age group groups. s.
49. 49.
Which Which smart smartph phon onee featur featuree showe showed d the highe highest st varia variabil bility ity in usage usage among among owne owners? rs? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
50. 50.
Voic Voice/ e/Vi Vide deo o calls calls Text Text mess messag agin ing g Inte Intern rnet et use use E-mail
Whic Which h smar smartp tpho hone ne feat featur uree has has a simi simila larr rate rate of usage usage betw betwee een n two two age age grou groups ps?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
Text Text mess messag agin ing g Inte Intern rnet et use use Voic Voice/ e/Vi Vide deo o call callss E-mail
Philippine Philippine Law School School Admission Admis Admi ssion sion Test Answer Key Test A. Communicat Communication ion & Language Language Proficiency Proficiency It Ite te em m No No. o. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 1 13 3 14 14 1 15 5 16 16 1 17 7 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 32 41 24 43 242 32 31 243 31 13 44 3 Key
Ite Item tem No. No o.. Key
26 2 7 28 2 9 30 31 32 33 34 3 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 4 2 43 4 4 45 46 47 4 8 49 5 0 13 44 23 34 343 42 11 232 23 32 12 2
Test Test B. Critic Critical al Thinki Thinking ng It Ite te em m No No. o. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 1 12 2 13 13 14 14 15 15 1 16 6 17 17 18 18 1 19 9 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 23 31 33 23 23 42 42 414 23 3 214 42 Key
Ite Item tem No. No o.. Key
26 2 7 28 2 9 30 31 32 33 34 3 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 4 2 43 4 4 45 46 47 4 8 49 5 0 4 132 41 23 324 423 343 14 34 12 31
Test Test C. Verbal Verbal Reason Reasoning ing
It Ite te em m No No. o. Key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 1 13 3 14 14 1 15 5 16 16 1 17 7 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 32 44 13 11 424 14 14 421 31 34 22 4
Ite Item tem No. No o.. Key
26 2 7 28 2 9 30 31 32 33 34 3 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 4 2 43 4 4 45 46 47 4 8 49 5 0 43 43 14 13 411 32 24 241 21 14 12 1
Test D. Quantitat Quantitative ive Reasoning Reasoning It Ite te em m No No. o. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 1 12 2 13 13 14 14 15 15 1 16 6 17 17 18 18 1 19 9 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 44 31 12 52 43 32 35 333 41 3 434 45 Key
Ite Item tem No. No o..
26 2 7 28 2 9 30 31 32 33 34 3 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 4 2 43 4 4 45 46 47 4 8 49 5 0
3 21
The Philip Philippin pinee Law Scho School ol Admis Admissio sion n Test Test consis consists ts of four four subte subtests sts.. Each Each subtes subtestt contains multiple-choice items. For each item, select select your answer answer from the the options options given. given. On your your answ answer er sheet, sheet, shade shade the circle circle marke marked d with with the letter letter of your your chosen chosen answ answer. er. For For examp example, le, if your your answ answer er to an item opti option then thcircle encle comp comple lete tely ly shad sh e the th e orrec circ circle let mark ma rked ed sh own be . Make Ma ket sure sureitem your yourismark mar kon onC, the cir is dark. dar k. Avoid Avade oid incorr inc ect shadi shading ng C ofas circle cirshow cles s as ans belo they thlow eywmay not no be recog recogniz nized ed as an answ answer. er.
Make Make sure sure you you are markin marking g the answ answer er colum columns ns corre correspo spond nding ing to the item item numbe numberr you you are are on. on. Mark Mark only only one one answ answer er for for each each item. item. If you you want want to chan change ge your your answ answer er,, eras erasee the first answer answer comp completely letely.. Incomple Incomplete te erasures erasures will be be interprete interpreted d as another another answer answer thereb thereby y produ producin cing g “multip multiple le answe answers. rs.”” Items Items with with multip multiple le answ answers ers are autom automati atical cally ly considered wrong. Do not not write write anythi anything ng on this this test test book booklet let.. Use Use the blank blank pages pages of of your your answer answer shee sheett for your scratch work. Follo Follow w care carefu full lly y the the spec specif ific ic dire direct ctio ions ns for for each each subt subtes estt or sect sectio ion. n. When When you you fini finish sh a subtes subtest, t, proce proceed ed to the next next unti untill you you have have compl complete eted d the entire entire test. test.
TEST TEST TES T A. COMMUNICATIO COMMUNIC COMMUNICA COMMUNICATION ATION TION N AND LANGU LANGUAGE AGE PROFICIE PROF PROFICIENCY NCY Section Sectio Section n 1. Identifyin Ident Identi Identifyi ifying fying ng g Sentence Sente Sentence nce Errors Errors Errors
Direct Direction ions: s: Read Read each each senten sentence ce carefu carefully lly but but quick quickly, ly, paying paying attent attention ion to the unde underlin rlined ed word word or phrase phrase.. Each Each senten sentence ce conta contains ins eith either er a single single error error or or no error error at at all. all. If the the senten sentence ce conta contains ins an error, error, select select the under underlin lined ed word word or phras phrasee that that must must be chang changed ed to make make the senten sentence ce corre correct. ct. If the sentence sentence is correct, correct, select select choice choice D. In choosin choosing g answers, answers, follow follow the requireme requirements nts of standard standard written written English. English. 1.
Anyb Anybod ody y who who is ready ready with with theanswer theanswer may may raise raise their their right right hand hand.. No error error A B C D
The chair chairma man n of the board board had spend spend nearly nearly an hour listen listening ing to the member memberss of of the the press press A B C before before issuin issuing g the order. order. No error error D
Some Some youn young g peop people le want want succes successs badly badly but but they they are not not willing willing to work work for it. No error error A B C D
Some universities has has set up small colleges for for closer relationships relationships between between professors and and A B C stud studen ents ts.. No erro error r D
The The admi admini nist stra rati tion on offi office cers rs have have expr expres esse sed d they’r they’ree gratitu gratitude de to the rank and file A B for their loyalty loyalty and support. support. No error C D
It is imperativ imperativee that the matter matter be kept unknown unknown from the organize organizers. rs. No error error A B C D
Ramire Ramirez, z, accept accepting ing his defeat defeat like like a true true sport sport,, cong congrat ratula ulated ted the newly newly procl proclaim aimed ed A B C champion champion.. No error D
4 8.
The const construc ructio tion n worke workers rs were were tired tired but but the aftern afternoo oon n nap rest rest them. them. No error error A B C D
Did you you notic noticee the way way she look look when when she she caugh caughtt sigh sightt of of the the accide accident nt victim victims? s? No error error A B C D
10. 10.
Smoke Smoke billow billowed ed abov abovee the roofto rooftops ps as fireme firemen n battled battled their their way way throu through gh the noisy noisy crowd crowd.. A B C No error error D
11. 11.
Food Food at the the cant cantee een n is expe expens nsiv ive, e, so I use use to brin bring g a pack packed ed lunc lunch. h. No erro error r A B C D
12. 12.
Althou Although gh tired tired and hung hungry, ry, the gover governo norr reluct reluctant antly ly agreed agreed to a twentytwenty-min minute utess press press A B C conferen conference. ce. No error error D
13. 13.
The compu computer ter,, a leadin leading g techn technolo ologic gical al dev device ice,, it make makess human human tasks tasks easier easier to do. do. A B C No error error D
At the time of the revolu revolutio tion, n, violen violence ce durin during g the vigil and momen moments ts of prayer prayer Atime B vigil minimized minimized by the leaders leaders of differe different nt religiou religiouss sectors. sectors. No error error C D
15. 15.
That That nine ninety ty perce percent nt of the body body consis consists ts of fluids fluids,, parti particul cularl arly y blood blood and and water water.. No error error A B C D
16. 16.
Mayo Mayon n Volc Volcan ano o is an acti active ve stra strato tovo volc lcan ano o in the the Bico Bicoll Regi Region on reno renown wned ed for for its its A most most perfect perfect cone cone and and nomin nominate ated d as one of the wond wonders ers of the the world world.. No error error B C D
17. 17.
If the Filipi Filipino noss had had not not gon gonee to the street streetss to to demon demonstr strate ate their their resist resistanc ancee agains againstt A B the dictat dictator, or, we would would not not have have regain regained ed our our freedo freedom. m. No error error C D
5 18. 18.
The Sena Senate te has unti untill Novemb November er to cond conduct uct inter intervie views ws for for the confi confirma rmatio tion n of A the the President’s appointees, but the senators decided to do this after the budget session. B C No error error D
If the the phon hone rin rings and and I’m not not aroun around, d, please please answer answer it and and make sure A to get the caller’s caller’s name, name, his contact contact number number and what what his his messa message ge is. No error error B C D
20. 20.
Most Most of of the the athlet athletic ic equip equipme ments nts used used this this year year by the PE Depa Departm rtmen entt are are newly newly acquir acquired ed.. A B C No error error D
Our history history teacher teacher believes believes that twelve twelve meetings meetings are insufficie insufficient nt for us to master master A B C the history history of Japan Japan,, so he assigned assigned additiona additionall readings readings and and projects projects for suppo support. rt.
NoD error error 22. 22.
Despi Despite te the bad weath weather er last last Sund Sunday, ay, the family family fun-ru fun-run n spons sponsore ored d by the paren parents ts were were A B C so successf successful ul that they were able to raise sufficien sufficientt funds funds to buy school school materials materials for
the the Aeta Aetas. s. No erro error r D
Section Sectio Section n 2. Sentence Sente Sent Senten ence nce ce Completion Completio Completion n
Direct Direction ions: s: Choo Choose se the word word or phras phrasee that, that, when when insert inserted ed in the senten sentence, ce, best best fits fits the meanin meaning g of the the senten sentence ce as a whole whole..
24. 24.
The class condoled condoled with their teacher teacher when when her mother mother _______ __________ ______ ___ last week. week. (A) (B)
passed up passed off
(C) (D)
p paassed ssed aout way
The corne cornered red kidna kidnappe ppers rs were were force forced d to ____ ______ ____ _____ _____ __ their their white white flag flag becau because se they they feared for their their lives. lives. (A) (B) (C) (D)
25. 25.
26. 26.
____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ his his close close rela relati tion on with with the the vict victim im,, no one one was was allow allowed ed by the the poli police ce to enter enter the scene scene of the crime crime.. (A) (B) (B)
Regarding Irre Irrega gard rdle lesssly sly of
(C) (D) (D)
Regardless Irre Irrega gard rdle lesssof of
_____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ the burgl burglar ar was, was, he must must have have cased cased our our house house for days days befo before re actua actually lly entering entering our house house that night. night. (A) (B) (C) (D)
27. 27.
rise race raze raise
Whoever Whomever Whosoever Whomsoever
Mothe Motherr tells tells Sarah Sarah that that her small small cat cat named named Elsie Elsie ____ ________ ______ ____ ___ _ under under the the swing swing on the front front porch. (A) (B) (C) (D)
lays lying is lying is la laying
7 28. 28.
I _____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ the assign assigned ed task task ahead ahead of schedu schedule. le. (A) (B) (C) (D)
29. 29.
30. 30.
The Presid President ent,, who who is known known to be a chain chain-sm -smok oker, er, might might just just ____ _______ _____ ____ ____ __ stop stop smokin smoking g in his own own time time witho without ut being being pressu pressured red by anyon anyone. e. (A)
(B) (C) (D)
quite q uitely quietly
The employ employees ees are eager eagerly ly await awaiting ing for the date date of ___ ______ _____ ____ ____ ___ _ of thei theirr new new salary salary scheme. scheme. (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
31. 31.
32. 32.
affectiv tivity effectiv tivity effe effecctiv tiveness ess effe effect ctiv ivel elin ines esss
Many Many electi election on losers losers susp suspect ect that that some some winne winners rs _____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ their their way to the victor victory y line. line. (A)
(B) (C) (D)
will havecheat cheated has cheated
The invest investors ors ______ ________ ____ ____ ___ _ consid considera erable ble capita capitall when when the tsuna tsunami mi devas devastat tated ed the province. province. (A) (B) (C) (D)
33. 33.
done am do d one was done have done
lose loss lost loose
The rebels rebels believ believee that that they they are safe safe in the mounta mountains ins where where _____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ famili familiar ar with with the terrai terrain. n. (A) (B) (C) (D)
there their there are they a re re
8 34.
The propertie propertiess of Alex’s rich unmarrie unmarried d aunt were were divided divided _______ __________ ______ ___ all the nephews nephews and nieces nieces in accordan accordance ce with her last last will will and and testament testament.. (A) (B) (C) (D)
Mother Mother told us to _______ __________ ______ ___ our little little brother’s brother’s tantru tantrums ms since since he’s a special special child child and we all love love him. him. (A) (B) (C) (D)
36. 36.
38. 38.
made do made out made off made away
By Decemb December er next next year, year, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ocamp Ocampo o ____ ______ ____ _____ _____ __ for forty forty years years.. (A)
were married
(B) (C) (D) (D)
had bee mar dd h avebeen ben enmarrie maried rried ie will ill ha have beenmar enmarrie ried
The Moun Mountt Pinatu Pinatubo bo volca volcanic nic erupti eruption on is consid considere ered d the ____ ______ _____ _____ ____ __ in Philippine history. (A) (B) (C) (D)
39. 39.
p pu utt o on ff put ac across put up up with
The The snat snatch cher er surp surpri rise sed d me from from behi behind nd,, grab grabbe bed d my hand hand,, and and ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ with with my handbag. handbag. (A) (B) (C) (D)
37. 37.
to with among between
worse worst worsest most wo worse
_____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ Musli Muslim m laws laws are are based based on Islam, Islam, specia speciall shari shariah ah court courtss have have been been created created to decide decide on family family and personal personal conflicts conflicts of Muslim Muslimss in autonom autonomous ous regions. regions. (A) (B) (C) (D)
Since Although When Even though
Sectio Section n 3. Improv Impro Improving rovin ving ing g Senten Sentence tences ces s
Direct Direction ions: s: Read Read each each senten sentence ce carefu carefully lly but but quick quickly ly and and determ determine ine wheth whether er the unde underlin rlined ed port portion ion is cor correc rectt or whet whether her it need needss to be revise revised. d. If the senten sentence ce needs needs no no revisi revision on,, choo choose se optio option n D. In choo choosi sing ng answ answer ers, s, follo follow w the the requ requir irem emen ents ts of stan standa dard rd writt written en Engl Englis ish. h. Pay Pay atte attent ntio ion n to gramm grammar, ar, choic choicee of words words,, senten sentence ce constr construc ucttion, ion, and and punct punctuat uation ion.. Choo Choose se among among the optio options ns which which revision revision results results in a sentence sentence that is clear and precise. precise.
Ally’s cat was finall finally y found found shive shiverin ring g under under the the stairs stairs of the the house house covere covered d with with mud mud and ravenously hungry. (A) (B) (C) (D)
41. 41.
If the gover governme nment nt decid decides. es. To amend amend the Const Constitu itutio tion. n. One One of the chang changes es should should be the abolition abolition of the unneces unnecessary sary and expensi expensive ve party-list party-list system system.. (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
If the gover governme nment nt decid decides; es; to amend amend the Consti Constitut tution ion,, one of the chang changes es shoul should d be the abolition abolition of the unneces unnecessary sary and expensi expensive ve party-list party-list system. system. If the gover governme nment nt decid decides es to amend amend the Const Constitu itutio tion, n, one one of the chang changes es shou should ld be the abolition abolition of the unneces unnecessary sary and expensiv expensivee party-list party-list system. system. If the the gove govern rnme ment nt deci decide des, s, to amen amend d the the Cons Consti titu tuti tion on,, one one of the the chan change gess shoul should d be the abolition abolition of the unneces unnecessary sary and expensiv expensivee party-lis party-listt system. system. No change
“Death was was close close that that we were were alread already y crying crying and prayin praying g the rosary osary,” ,” one one of the ship ship disaster victims narrated. (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
43. 43.
finall finally y found found unde underr thestairs thestairs of the house house,, shive shiverin ring, g, cover covered ed with with mud and and ravenously ravenously hungry. found found finall finally y shive shiverin ring g covere covered d with with mud mud and raveno ravenous usly ly hung hungry ry unde underr the stairs stairs of the house. house. found found shive shiverin ring, g, and and covere covered d with with mud mud and raven ravenous ously ly hungry hungry unde underr the stairs stairs of the house house finall finally. y. No No change change
was was too clos closee that that we were were alre alread ady y cryi crying ng and and pray prayin ing g was was so clos closee than than we were were alre alread ady y cryi crying ng and and pray prayin ing g was was so clos closee that that we we were were alre alread ady y cryi crying ng and and pray prayin ing g No change
Driv Drivin ing g alon along g the the Imus Imus Hig Highw hway ay,, two two cows cows cro cross ssed ed in fron frontt of me. me. (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
Cros Crossi sing ng in fron frontt of of me, me, I saw saw two two cows cows,, while while driv drivin ing g alon along g the the Imus Imus High Highwa way. y. As I was was dri drivi ving ng alon along g the the Imus Imus Hig Highw hway ay,, two two cows cows cro cross ssed ed in fron frontt of me. me. Two Two cows cows cros crosse sed d in fron frontt of me whil whilee driv drivin ing g alon along g the the Imus Imus High Highwa way. y. No change
10 44.
Most compress compressors ors operate operate rather rather simply simply it cranks cranks up energy energy to cool your your refrigerato refrigerator r using using the same same amou amount nt of pow power er all all day long long but but that that is not the the case case with with ABC ABC’s Inverter Compressor. (A)
Most Most com compre presso ssors rs oper operate ate rather rather simply simply.. It cran cranks ks up up energy energy to cool cool your refrigerato refrigeratorr using using the same amount amount of power power all all day long but that that is not the the case case with with ABC ABC’s Inverter Compressor. Most Most com compre presso ssors rs oper operate ate rather rather simply simply.. It cran cranks ks up energy energy to cool cool your your refrigerato refrigeratorr using using the same amount amount of power power all all day long, long, but that that is not the the case case with with ABC ABC’s Inverter Compressor. Compressor. Most Most com compre presso ssors rs oper operate ate rather rather simply simply,, it cran cranks ks up energ energy y to cool cool your your
refrigerato refrig usin same amount amou nt of power power all all day long but that that is not the the case caerator se with wirthusing ABC ABgCthe ’s Inverter Compressor. No change
45. 45.
My moth mother er ask asked ed me why why I did did not tak takee more more pict pictur ures es of the the chil childr dren en play playin ing g in the park? park? (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
46. 46.
47. 47.
Actu Actual ally ly,, flyi flyinglem nglemur urss don’t don’t fly they they just just glid glidee from from tree tree to tree. (A) (B)
don’t fly and and glid glidee from from tree tree to tree tree don’t don’t fly fly but but glid gliding ing from from tree tree to tree tree
(C) (D)
don’t N o chfly; angethey just glide from tree to tree
Drivin Driving g too slowly slowly along along SLEX SLEX last last Satur Saturday day.. A highwa highway y patrol patrol office officerr stopp stopped ed Miss Perez. (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
48. 48.
“why “why I did did not not take take more more pictur pictures es of of the the child children ren playin playing g in the park. park.”” “why “why I did did not not take take more more pictur pictures es of of the the child children ren playin playing g in the park? park?”” why why I did did not not take take more more pict pictur ures es of the the chil childr dren en play playin ing g in the the park park.. No change
Miss Miss Pere Perezz was was stopp stopped ed by a high highway way patr patrol ol offi office cerr drivi driving ng too too slow slowly ly alon along g SLEX last Saturday. Driv Drivin ing g too too slow slowly ly alon along g SLEX SLEX last last Satu Saturd rday ay,, Miss Miss Pere Perezz was was sto stopp pped ed by a highway patrol officer. Driv Drivin ing g too too slow slowly ly alon along g SLEX SLEX last last Satur Saturda day, y, a high highwa way y patr patrol ol offic officer er stopp stopped ed Miss Perez. No change
When Whenev ever er he arri arrive vess from from work work,, Alex Alex who who lives lives alon alonee in a cond condom omin iniu ium m unit, unit, heat heatss his precooked dinner. (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
Alex Alex,, who who live livess alone alone in a cond condom omin iniu ium m unit, unit, heat heatss his pre preco cook oked ed dinn dinner er.. Alex Alex who who live livess alone alone in a cond condom omin iniu ium m unit unit heat heatss his pre preco cook oked ed dinn dinner er.. Alex Alex,, who who live livess alone alone in a cond condom omin iniu ium m unit unit heat heatss his prec precoo ooke ked d dinn dinner er.. No change
11 49. 49.
My mothe motherr is a woman woman of many many talen talents. ts. She She plays plays the harp, harp, bakes bakes the best best choco chocolat latee cakes, cakes, and you you should should see her her orchid orchidss and roses. roses. (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
50. 50.
There’s There’s her talent talent for for playin playing g the harp, harp, and for baking baking the best chocola chocolate te cakes, cakes, and then then there there are the orchid orchidss and and roses. roses. She She plays plays the harp, harp, bakes bakes the best best choco chocolat latee cakes, cakes, and grows grows orchid orchidss and roses. roses. She She is pla playi ying ng the the harp harp,, baki baking ng the the best best cho choco cola late te cake cakes, s, and and for for grow growin ing g orch orchid idss and roses. roses. No change
After After Anton Antonius ius Strad Stradiva ivariu riuss learne learned d to play play the violin violin,, he experi experime mente nted d making making a violin violin that that had the soun sound d of a human human voice voice,, and succe success ss was was achiev achieved. ed. (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
he succeed he succeeded hewas hewas suc success cessfu full No change
TEST TEST B. CRITICAL CRITICAL THINKING THINKING Section Section 1. Logical Logical Reason Reasoning ing
Directions Directions:: In this section, section, brief conversa conversations tions or short short passages passages are given given followed followed by one or two two ques questi tion ons. s. Thes Thesee ques questi tion onss ask ask for for the anal analys ysis is and and eval evalua uati tion on of the the reas reason onin ing g in the conversa conversation tion or passag passage. e. It is conceiv conceivable able that all all of the four choic choices es given given for each each question question may be correc correctt answers answers.. The task task is to sel select the the best best answer answer for for each each quest question ion.. The best best answer answer is the the one which which does not not require require assumptio assumptions ns that are irrelevant irrelevant or inconsiste inconsistent nt with the statement statements. s. 1.
About 90% of the world’s orld’s populati population on growth growth is occurring occurring in the underde underdevelo veloped ped and devel develop oping ing nation nationss of the Third Third World World.. The The popula populatio tion n growth growth rates rates in these these poor poor countries countries make it diffic difficult ult to provide provide the bare necessitie necessitiess of of housi housing, ng, fuel, fuel, food, food, and medical medical attention attention.. Ironicall Ironically, y, there is a relations relationship hip between between poverty poverty and fertility: fertility: The greater greater the proportio proportion n of a given given populati population on living living in poverty, poverty,___ ______ ______ ______ _____. __.
(A) (A) the the high higher er is the the unem unempl ploy oyme ment nt rate rate in the the coun countr try y (B) the highe higherr is the fertil fertility ity rate rate of that that countr country y (C) the great greater er is the tende tendency ncy toward towardss disside dissident nt activi activitie tiess (D) the great greater er is the the propo proportio rtion n of illega illegall and crimin criminal al incid inciden ents ts ______________________________________________________________________________ Jason: Kathy:
You You should shouldn’t n’t smoke smoke so much, much, Honey Honey.. Smok Smoking ing is not really really good for your your lungs. lungs. Darlin Darling, g, I don’t don’t agree agree with with you. you. I have have been been smokin smoking g for twenty twenty years years now now,, and and I have not developed developed emphysem emphysema. a.
Whic Which h of the foll follow owin ing g resp respon onse sess would would best best stren strengt gthe hen n and and expla explain in Jaso Jason n’s argument?
(A) If you you keep keep smokin smoking, g, you you may find find that that you yourr cigare cigarette tte consu consump mptio tion n will will keep keep increa increasin sing g in the future future.. (B) Smok Smoking ing does does not not always always devel develop op emphy emphysem sema. a. (C) Deve Develop loping ing emphy emphysem semaa is not not the only reaso reason n why why smoki smoking ng is not not good good for a person. person. (D) Many Many perso persons ns who who smoke smoke as much much as Kath Kathy y does does deve develop lop emphy emphysem sema. a. ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 3 and and 4, refer refer to the follow following ing passa passage ge.. Today’s Today’s methods methods of discip discipline line are a far cry from those those usually usually employed employed just twenty twenty (20) year yearss ago. ago. In the the past past,, the the maxi maxim m “spa “spare re the the rod, rod, and and spoi spoill the the chil child” d” has has been been take taken n lite litera rall lly y that that corp corpora orall pun punish ishmen mentt was was the norm norm of the day. day. Span Spankin king, g, kneel kneeling ing on mongo mongo seeds, seeds, or stand standing ing unde underr the heat heat of the sun were were some some measu measures res taken taken to ensur ensuree that that the child child would would grow upright. upright. This behavio behaviorist rist assum assumption ption was the the norm of the day until research research has exposed exposed the nega tive psy chologic ogical effects effect s of such kinds kind s ofprescribe corrective correcti beh avior. r. e, Current Curr enthnational natio nal andy internatio internegative national nal psychol laws ban thealsaid practices prac tices and now pres cribeve an behavio alternativ alter native, which whic is popularl pop ularly know known n as posi positi tive ve disc discip ipli line ne.. In this this styl stylee of disc discip ipli line ne,, chil childr dren en are are made made to real realiz izee the conseque consequences nces of of their wrong wrongdoin doing. g. Counselli Counselling ng and withdraw withdrawing ing of privilege privilegess have now replac replaced ed the ire of the beatin beating g stick stick..
13 3.
Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g assu assump mptio tions ns can can be safe safely ly assu assume med d as true true?? (A) (A) Chil Childr dren en born born at the time time of the writi writing ng of the artic article le are are most mostly ly undi undisc scip ipli line ned. d. (B) There There were were no forms forms of corpo corporal ral punis punishme hment nt employ employed ed from from twent twenty y years years ago until until the time time of the articl articlee’s writing. (C) (C) Thos Thosee who who were were born born twen twenty ty year yearss and and prio priorr to to that that have have expe experie rienc nced ed some some form form of corporal punishment. (D) Most Most of those those who who have have unde undergo rgone ne corpo corporal ral pun punish ishmen mentt exhibi exhibitt psych psycholo ologic gical al disorders.
Whic Which h of the the defi defini niti tion onss belo below w may may be said said to be stra strayi ying ng from from the the idea ideass comm commun unic icat ated ed in the passag passage? e?
(A) (A) Posit ositiv ivee disc discip ipli line ne is any any form form of dis disci cipl plin inee that that yie yield ldss posi positi tive ve resu result ltss on a child’s behaviour. (B) (B) Beha Behavi viou ouri rist stss bel belie ieve ve that that good good deed deedss are are to be rewa reward rded ed whil whilee bad bad deed deedss are are to be punishe punished. d. (C) Corpora Corporall punishm punishment ent is a form of disciplin disciplinee that involves involves physical physically ly hurting hurting a child to correct behaviour. behaviour. (D) (D) A maxi maxim m is a popu popula larr sayin saying g whic which h also also serv serves es as a guid guidin ing g prin princi cipl ple. e. ______________________________________________________________________________ Since Since all the the floors floors in in the buildi building ng I have have inspec inspected ted have have marbl marblee tiles, tiles, it follow followss that that the other other floors floors whic which h I have have not not seen seen will will also have have marble marble tiles. tiles. 5.
Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g have have a para parall llel el rea reaso soni ning ng to the the stat statem emen entt abov above? e?
(A) Ever Ev ery y town to I have hav visi viasite ted dsthas ha s aa chur ch urch ch facing ng a plaz plaza; a; so a comm commun unity ity with with a chur church ch faci fawn cing ng a plaz pleaza must mu be town town. . faci (B) Some Some newspa newspaper perss are not not selling selling very very well; well; there therefor fore, e, tabloi tabloids ds are are not not sellin selling g very well. (C) Since Since the car deale dealerr does does not not buy buy cars cars olde olderr than than five five years years old, old, his new purcha purchase se will will proba probably bly be no older older than than five five years years old. old. (D) (D) Sinc Sincee all all of the chil childr dren en I know know fear fear monk monkey eys, s, ther theree must must be some someth thin ing g in the monkeys that scare children. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.
If a boy boy grew grew up in Mani Manila la,, then then he is stre street et smar smart. t. This This stat statem emen entt can can be deduc deduced ed logically logically from which which of the following following statement statements? s? (A) (A) Ever Every y stre street et smar smartt boy boy grew grew up in Mani Manila la or anoth another er city city.. (B) The The boy boy in the statem statemen entt is either either stree streett smart smart or app appear earss remar remarka kably bly to be street smart. (C) (C) Ther Theree is no boy boy who who grew grew up in Mani Manila la who who is not not str stree eett smar smart. t. (D) (D) The The majo majori rity ty of boys boys who who grew grew up in Mani Manila la are are stre street et smar smart. t.
14 7.
Food Food prod produc ucti tion on in the the Thir Third d Worl World d nati nation onss is is mor moree adve advers rsel ely y affe affect cted ed by natu natura rall disasters disasters,, like floods floods and and droughts droughts,, than it is in more affluent affluent nations nations becaus becausee affluent affluent nations nations are likely to have ______ __________ _______ ______ ____. _. (A) (B) (C) (D)
mode modern rn instru instrume ments nts for accurat accuratee foreca forecasti sting ng of weathe weather r adequ adequate ate flood flood contr control, ol, irriga irrigatio tion n system systems, s, and storag storagee facili facilitie tiess enou enough gh agric agricult ultura urall scient scientist istss and and techn technolo ologis gists ts in food food resear research ch and produ producti ction on the neces necessar sary y aircra aircraft, ft, pilots pilots,, chemi chemical cals, s, and equipm equipment ent for for undert undertaki aking ng cloud cloud seedi seeding ng to induce induce rain rain
Doct Doctor orss and and nurs nurses es are, are, for for the the most most part part,, tota totally lly comm committ itted ed to savi saving ng lives lives.. A life life lost lost is, fornasia them, them almo stctice a personal pers onal failu anthis. insult insu to their skills skill and andruptin knowled kno wledge. Eutha Euthanas ia ,asalmost a practi pra ce might mig ht failure, wellre, alter alter this . lt It could coul d have hav e as corrup cor ting g influe infge. luence nce,, so that that in severe severe cases, cases, docto doctors rs and and nurse nursess might might not not try hard hard enoug enough h to save save the patie patient. nt. They They might might decid decidee that that the patient patient would would simply simply be “bett “better er off off dead” dead” and take take the steps steps neces necessar sary y to make make that that come about about.. This This attitud attitudee could could then then carry carry over over to their deali dealing ngss with patients patients less seriousl seriously y ill. This would would probably probably result result to _______ __________ ______ _________ ______..
(A) loss loss of confid confidenc encee in the medica medicall profe professi ssion on (B) nume numerou rouss cases cases filed again against st doctor doctorss and nurse nursess (C) (C) an over overal alll decl declin inee in the the qual quality ity of med medic ical al car caree (D) (D) a publ public ic outc outcry ry agai agains nstt euth euthan anas asia ia ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 9 and and 10, 10, refer refer to the follow following ing situa situatio tion. n. A conversa conversation tion between between parents parents of schoolch schoolchildre ildren: n: Sam: Sam: Have Have you you heard heard the news? news? The The Princi Principa pall told told me they they are raisin raising g school chool fees fees nex nextt year year.. Pat: They’re heartless! Sam: Well, Well, accord according ing to him, him, they’r they’ree planni planning ng to put put up a newscience newscience labora laborator tory. y. I alsoheard they’re they’re hiring hiring more teachers teachers next next year. year. Pat: But why why now? now? Don’t Don’t they they realize realize that prices prices of goo goods contin continue ue to inflat inflate? e? Do they they want want us to suffer? suffer? Sam: I don don’t ’t think think it’s that, that, altho althoug ugh h I hav havee to admit admit sud sudde den n increa increases ses can be worri worriso some. me. I was thinking thinking of writing writing a letter letter asking for increment incremental al increases. increases. Pat: Pat: I am not sure sure about about that, that, thoug though. h. You You see, see, I got got to talk talk to one one of the teach teachers ers.. His salary salary didn’t didn’t increas increasee in years! years! 9.
Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g is the the main main caus causee of tens tensio ion n in the the conv conver ersa sati tion on abov above? e? (A) (B) (C) (D)
The teachers teachers demand demand higher higher salaries salaries in exchange exchange for better better teaching teaching practices practices.. The The impen impendin ding g increa increase se in tuitio tuition n fees fees create createss anxiet anxiety y among among the paren parents. ts. Parents Parents feel that the school school is is indiffer indifferent ent to their their needs. needs. The The expert expertise ise of schoo schooll employ employees ees is being being quest question ioned ed..
15 10. Which Which of the follow following ing argum argument entss is the LEAS LEAST T relev relevant ant to the issue issue discus discussed sed in the dialogue? dialogue? (A) The The increa increase se in schoo schooll fees fees is is justi justifie fied d by the estab establis lishme hment nt of of a new new labora laborator tory. y. (B) An increa increase se in schoo schooll fees fees should should trans translat latee to better better salari salaries es for for teach teachers ers and and staff. staff. (C) Scho School ol fees fees shou should ld not incre increase ase becaus becausee paren parents ts are burde burdene ned d by inflat inflation ion.. (D) Gradual Gradual increa increases ses in school school fees can can help ease the parents’ parents’ burde burden. n. _____________ ___________________ __________________ _________________ _____________ _____________ __________________ __________________ ____________ __________ ____ Rizza: Rizza: All All the gradu graduate atess from from Schoo Schooll A go to Colle College ge Z. Gary: I’m not not sure. sure. Some Some of the the stude students nts at Colle College ge Z come come from from Scho School ol B. 11. Gary’s Gary’s response response means means that he has interpret interpreted ed Rizza’s Rizza’s statemen statementt to mean that that _______. (A) School School A is better better than School School B (B) most most of the students students from School School A attend attend College College Z (C) some some School School B graduate graduatess do not attend attend college college (D) only students students from School School A attend attend College College Z ______________________________________________________________________________ The deman demand d that that the death death penalt penalty y be prove proven n more more deter deterren rentt than than altern alternati ative vess cannot cannot be satisf satisfied ied any any more more than than the deman demand d that that six six years years in prisonbe prisonbe prove proven n to be more more deterr deterrent ent than than three. three. But the uncertain uncertainty ty which which confron confronts ts us favors favors the death death penalty penalty as long as, by imposing imposing it, we might might save future future victims victims of heino heinous us crimes crimes.. 12. 12. Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g is the the main main poin pointt of the pass passag age? e? (A) Imposing Impo sing the death death penalty penalty as punishm punishment ent has been instrumen instrumental tal in the reduction reduction of heinous crimes. (B) It is difficult difficult to to prove prove whether whether or not not the death death penalty penalty is a better better deterren deterrentt to heinous crimes crimes than other modes of penalty. penalty. (C) It has has been been satisf satisfact actori orily ly prove proven n that that impo imposit sition ion of the death death penal penalty ty is a bette better r deterrent to heinous crimes than imprisonment. imprisonment. (D) There There is no alternative alternative to capital capital punishme punishment nt as as a deterrent deterrent to heinous heinous crimes. crimes. ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 13 13 and and 14, 14, refer refer to the follow following ing speec speech. h. My dear dear gra gradu duat ates es,, I impl implor oree you you at thi thiss mome moment nt to to use use your your tal talen ents ts and and skil skills ls in improv improving ing our our mothe motherla rland. nd. I beg beg of you you:: if you you really really do love love this this coun country try,, then then you will will not not work work or do business business elsewhere elsewhere.. Don’t Don’t you you know know that there are millions millions of of starvin starving g mouths mouths to to feed feed in our our borde borders rs?? Take Take a look look at Cuba Cuba.. For For years years,, her her doors doors were were clos closed ed from from the the outs outsid idee worl world, d, and and yet, yet, she she is abl ablee to prov provid idee free free medi medica call serv servic ices es to to her her citiz citizen ens. s. If Cub Cubaa made made it, then then so can can we. I am am sure that if you use your your creati creativity vity and passion passion in our country, country, things things will surely surely get better. better. Whether Whether you you admit admit it or not, not, working working elsewhere elsewhere equals equals abandonmen abandonmentt of the land that fed you for the longest longest time.
16 13. Which Which of the follow following ing statem statement entss accurat accurately ely depic depicts ts the bias bias of the gradu graduati ation on speake speaker? r? (A) Inves Investin ting g locall locally y is the best best way to help help the poor poor of the speake speaker’s r’s coun country try.. (B) The The gradu graduate atess will have have to study study and employ employ Cuba Cuba’s ’s examp example le for their their count country ry to improve. (C) Leavi Leaving ng the count country ry is fine fine as long long as one one return returnss to rende renderr serv service ice or goods goods.. (D) Love Love for countr country y canno cannott be expres expressed sed if one one goes goes abroa abroad d to work. work. 14. Which Which of the statem statemen ents ts below below depic depicts ts a logica logicall flaw flaw in the speech speech?? (A) The The ones ones who who are gradu graduati ating ng posses possesss talent talentss and and skills skills.. (B) Cuba Those Those who who leave leaessful ve fully thelycountr cou ntry toailabl work wo rke are not notalpatrio pat riotic tic. . to her (C) Cu ba has succ success made mad eyavail av able medic medical servic ser vices es her citizens citizens.. (D) (D) Ther Theree are are seve severa rall poor poor peopl peoplee in the the coun countr try y wher wheree the the spea speake kerr and graduates belong. ______________________________________________________________________________ Most philosoph philosophers ers agree that punishmen punishment, t, in general, general, is a morally morally justified justified social social practice. practice. However However uneasy uneasy we might might feel feel about about inflictin inflicting g harm on another another person, person, it is hard to visualize visualize a _____ _______ ____ ____ ____ __ manag managing ing to surviv survivee witho without ut an establ establish ished ed legal legal syste system m of punis punishm hment ent.. On the other other hand hand,, dissen dissenter terss argue argue that that it is possibl possiblee to struct structure ure socie society ty in ways ways that that would would not necess necessitate itate commitmen commitmentt to a legal legal system system of punishm punishment. ent. For examp example, le, might might it not be that undesirab undesirable le social social behavior behavior could could be adequate adequately ly kept in check check by therapeut therapeutic ic treatment treatment rather rather than by tradition traditional al kinds kinds of punishm punishment ent such as imprisonm imprisonment ent or the death death penalty? penalty? Such Such a system system would would certa certainl inly y have have the advan advantag tagee of being being more more human humane. e. 15. 15. Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g best best fit fitss in the the blan blank? k? (A) despotic despotic government government (B) multiracial population (C) developing developing country (D) complex complex society society ______________________________________________________________________________ If you you believ believee that that all peop people le are basica basically lly good good and have have poten potentia tial, l, you you can be led down a lot lot of path pathss to the the orga organi niza zati tion onal al aby abyss ss.. You You assu assume me that that a bett better er env envir iron onme ment nt,, more more empowerm empowerment, ent, and juicier juicier assig assignmen nments ts will will do do the trick. trick. These These are wonderfu wonderfull concep concepts, ts, but if the perso person n and the job are misma mismatch tched, ed, you you are desti destined ned for disapp disappoin ointme tment. nt. 16. 16. Whic Which h of the foll follow owin ing g woul would d be the the best best compl complet etio ion n of the pass passag agee abov above? e? (A) No one can be success successful ful unless unless that person person is reasona reasonably bly matched matched with what what he or she is expec expected ted to do. do. (B) A person person’s ’s total total dedica dedication tion is a sufficien sufficientt indicati indication on that there there is a match match between between that that perso person n and and the job. job. (C) Lack Lack of intere interest st is the best best indica indicatio tion n of a mismat mismatch ch betwe between en a perso person n and and his or her job. (D) Bias in promotio promotion n is a very sensit sensitive ive indicator indicator of mismat mismatches ches between between employee employeess and their jobs. jobs.
17 For For items 17 17 and and 18, 18, refer refer to the follow following ing passag passage. e. One of my my biggest biggest qualm qualmss is the futility futility of conv convincin incing g my students students to read. read. Today’s Today’s kids seem seem to convu convulse lse at the idea idea of going going throu through gh a book book until until its end. end. What’ What’ss wors worse, e, in my thirty thirty years years of of teach teaching ing English, English, it seems seems students students get more and more repulsed repulsed to the idea of reading reading as time goes on. on. I now now appre apprecia ciate te the fact fact that that my my family family didn’t didn’t own own a TV set when when I was was young young.. I had had to be imagin imaginati ative ve to pass pass time time – that’s that’s why why I read. read. Readin Reading g has has taug taught ht me to imagin imaginee and think think.. I have have always always marve marvelle lled d at how how words words in a page page can take take me to place places, s, even even world worldss I had had never never fancie fancied d in my wilde wildest st drea dreams ms.. Too bad bad many many kids kids nowa nowaday dayss are are hook hooked ed into into digita digitall devic devices es that that can can show show them them ever everyt ythi hing ng in one one clic click. k. Yup, Yup, no more more time time to read read.. 17. 17. Base Based d on the the pass passag agee abov above, e, whic which h of the the foll follow owin ing g assu assump mptio tions ns may may be consi conside dere red d as absolutel absolutely y true? (A) (B) (B) (C) (D)
Televisio Television n has not not yet yet been been invented invented at the time of the narrator’ narrator’ss childho childhood. od. All All kids kids born born rece recent ntly ly have have no natu natura rall prope propens nsity ity to read read.. Moder Modernn-day day device devicess preven preventt kids from from readin reading. g. Engli English sh has been been taugh taughtt as a staple staple schoo schooll subje subject. ct.
18. Which Which of the following following statement statementss best encapsulate encapsulatess the author’s author’s main assumption? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Reading Reading is the best way to increase increase a person’s person’s intelligen intelligence. ce. Modern-day techn technolo ologie giess contri contribu bute te to the decli decline ne in a child’ child’ss intere interest st in readin reading. g. Informati Information on literacy literacy is necessary necessary to survive survive in today’s today’s world. world. Read Reading ing habit habitss are are diffic difficult ult to estab establis lish h once once a child child reach reaches es ado adoles lescen cence. ce.
______________________________________________________________________________ 19. Judgin Judging g from from the conte content nt of the the statem statement ent and and the autho authorit ritati ativen veness ess of of the speak speaker, er, which which of the following following is the most reasonab reasonable le and trustwort trustworthy? hy? (A) City City Mayo Mayor: r: The The peso’s peso’s recov recovery ery in the past past few days shou should ld be a boom boom to indus industry try,, becau because se a stron strong g peso peso makes makes the Philip Philippin pines es an attrac attractiv tivee destin destinati ation on for international investors. (B) Policema Policeman: n: Sex Sex educatio education n is the best means means of addressi addressing ng sexual sexual ignoranc ignorancee and will greatly greatly help minimize, minimize, if not totally totally eradicate eradicate,, sex offenses, offenses, such as child molestati molestation, on, rape, rape, and incest. incest. (C) Sociolo Sociologist: gist: Religion Religion cuts across across all all segments segments of society. society. True believers believers and those those merel merely y supers superstit titiou iouss seek seek sanctu sanctuary ary in it. The The masses masses and the powerf powerful, ul, simila similarly rly fearful of external damnation, commingle in this fraternity. (D) Lawyer: Lawyer: One of the the most serious serious signs signs of the increase increase in moral moral corruptio corruption n is the bound boundles lesss exaltat exaltation ion of sex. sex. Sex Sex has even even invade invaded d the field field of educat education ion with with the help of mass mass media media..
18 20. Only Golden Golden Harvest Harvest Beer Beer has a biting biting efferves effervescent cent taste that gives gives you that all-night all-night relaxed relaxed feeling. feeling. If this advertisi advertising ng claim is true, which which of the following following propositi propositions ons CANN CANNOT OT be true? true? I. Maha Maharli rlika ka Beer Beer is a mor more popu popular lar beer beer than than Golde Golden n Harve Harvest st Beer. Beer. II. Sulta Sultana na Beer Beer give givess you that that all-nig all-night ht relax relaxed ed feelin feeling. g. III. III. Golde Golden n Har Harvest vest Cola has that that biting biting efferv effervesc escent ent taste taste of the Golde Golden n Harvest Beer. (A) I and II only (B) I and III only (C) II II, and only (D) (D) I, II , and anIII d III II I ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 21 21 and and 22, 22, refer refer to the follow following ing speec speech. h. A privilege privileged d speech speech by a lawmaker lawmaker against against the distributi distribution on of contrace contraceptive ptivess in schools: schools: Greeti Greeting ngs, s, fellow fellow citize citizens ns!! Today, Today, I stand stand before before you you to expres expresss my disap disappro proval val of the the propose proposed d distribut distribution ion of contra contracept ceptives ives in schools schools to prevent prevent teenage teenage pregnan pregnancy. cy. First First of all, schools schools are built not not just just to train our kids kids in academic academicss but also also to instil instil positive positive values values among among the youth youth.. Hence Hence,, distri distribu butin ting g contra contracep ceptiv tives es is tantam tantamou ount nt to sugges suggestin ting g to our our youn young g ones ones that promiscu promiscuity ity is permissib permissible. le. Furtherm Furthermore, ore, these these kids are sent to school school by their parents parents who who dream dream of givi giving ng them them the best best life possi possib ble. Wouldn’t Wouldn’t parents parents also be dismayed dismayed by this move? move? They They sent sent their their kids kids to schoo schooll to study study and not not to engag engagee in immora immorall acts. acts. 21. What form of argument argumentation ation did the lawmaker lawmaker use in his speech? speech? things (A) Post hoc – Two things happen happening ing one after another, another, and it is assumed assumed that these two are connecte connected. d. (B) Straw man – Refuting Refuting an argument argument by raising raising an irrelevan irrelevantt issue. issue. (C) (C) Swee Sweepi ping ng gene genera raliz lizat atio ion n – Comi Coming ng up with with a conc conclu lusi sion on base based d on a limit limited ed number of examples. hominem – Attack acking (D) Ad hominem Att ing the perso person n who who propo proposed sed the argum argument ent instead instead of the argument itself.
22. Which Which of the the follow following ing statem statement entss is most most logica logically lly soun sound? d? (A) Schools Schools are built not just for academic academicss but but also to nurture nurture values. values. (B) Distribu Distributing ting contrace contraceptive ptivess promote promote sexual sexual promiscu promiscuity. ity. (C) The The gove governm rnmen entt becom becomes es insensi insensitiv tivee to paren parents ts when contr contrace acepti ptives ves are distribut distributed. ed. (D) Parents Parents will get angry angry if contrace contraceptiv ptives es are distribut distributed ed in schools. schools.
19 Civilian: Civilian: Policeman Policeman::
All policeme policemen n are corrupt. corrupt. That is not true. I know know some civilians civilians who are corrupt, corrupt, too.
23. The policeman’s response shows his interpretation interpretation of the the civilian’s statement to mean mean that that (A) some some policeme policemen n are corrupt corrupt (B) civilians civilians are more corrupt corrupt than policemen policemen (C) policeme policemen n are more corrupt corrupt than civilians civilians (D) only policemen policemen are corrupt corrupt ______________________________________________________________________________ One One way way to determ determine ine wheth whether er or not not a socia sociall practic practicee is moral morally ly corre correct ct is to see if it is eith either er perm permit itte ted d or requ requir ired ed by the the prin princi cipl plee of equa equalit lity. y. To say say that that a soci social al prac practi tice ce is permit permitted ted is to say that that its its inst institu itutio tion n will will not not violat violatee the moral moral princ principl iple. e. To say that that it it is requ requir ired ed is to say say that that we must must inst institu itute te such such a prac practi tice ce if we are are to act act in a mora morally lly corr correc ectt way. way. Accord According ing to that that princi principle ple,, equal equalss must must be treate treated d as equal equals, s, while while unequ unequals als must must be be treated treated unequally unequally,, in proportio proportion n to their differenc differences. es. 24. The author author of this passage passage would would most likely agree agree that ______ __________ _______ ______ ______ ______ _____. __. (A) race is relevant relevant in the hiring hiring of teachers teachers in a predomin predominantly antly Chinese Chinese exclusiv exclusivee school school (B) women women cannot cannot be as good as or better better than men in politics politics or diplomacy diplomacy (C) it is in the best best interest interest of society that social institutions be nonegalitarian in order order to avoid avoid direc directt competi competitio tion n betwe between en men and wome women n (D) young young children children cannot cannot be given given the same rights rights and responsi responsibiliti bilities es as adults adults ______________________________________________________________________________
The area area of value valuess educat education ion has been been fraug fraught ht with with confu confusio sion n and diffic difficult ulty. y. Not Not long long ago, ago, some some educat educators ors insisted insisted on values values-fr -free ee educa educatio tion n and pride prided d themse themselve lvess on dealin dealing g only only with with fact facts, s, and and not not valu values es,, whic which h they they cont conten ende ded d were were the the prov provin ince ce of the the ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ___. _. The very act of of teaching teaching,, however however,, presupp presupposes oses its own own set of of values, values, including including for examp example, le, achi achiev evem emen ent, t, nurt nurtur uran ance ce,, and and the the valu valuee of educ educat atio ion n itsel itself. f. To the the exte extent nt that that the the teac teache her r interacts interacts with students, students, these these values values are being being modeled. modeled. 25. 25. Whic Which h of the the foll follow owin ing g best best fit fitss in the the blan blank? k? (A) (B) (C) (D)
students themselves church church and home parents only parish parish priest priest
20 Section Section 2. Analytica Analy Anal ytical ticall Reasoning Reasonin Reasoni ng g
Direct Direction ions: s: In this this sectio section, n, some some sets sets of condit condition ionss or propo proposit sition ionss are given. given. Each Each set is follow followed ed by quest question ionss based based on the cond conditio itions ns or propo proposit sition ions. s. Draw Drawing ing a diagra diagram m to visua visually lly estab establis lish h linka linkages ges or relati relations onship hipss stat stated ed in the condit condition ionss may help help in answe answerin ring g some some of the question questions. s. Select Select the best answer answer to each question question from the choices choices given. given.
For For items items 26 to 29, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. I. Mr. Cruz Cruz bough boughtt a small small printi printing ng busin business ess of his friend friend who who was was migrat migrating ing to Canad Canada. a. He neede ne eded to m familia fam himsel him wi th the busin ess, , soemp he decid de cided start stafrie on ond. n a. small sma ll scale sca le and hire hir e adteam tea ofiliariz only onrize ly efour, fou r, self allfof owith f whom who m business are former for mer employ loyee eesed s oftohis frtriend He neede ne eded d at leas leastt two two to oper operat atee the the prin printi ting ng pres presss mach machin ine, e, with with the the othe otherr two two as bind binder er and collator. collator. II. The applic applican ants ts for operat operator or are Simon Simon,, Josh, Josh, and Mike. Mike. The The appli applica cants nts for binder binder and collat collator or are Eric, Eric, Charl Charlie, ie, Fred, Fred, and and Harry. Harry. III. III. Duri During ng a talk talk with with his his frien friend, d, Mr. Mr. Cruz Cruz foun found d out out that that Fred Fred and and Harry arry do not not work ork well ell toge togeth ther er,, Josh Josh disl dislik ikes es Eric Eric,, and and Simo Simon n has has a long long-s -sta tand ndin ing g feud feud with with Fred Fred.. He must must therefore therefore choose choose the right right combina combination tion of four people people to avoid avoid future future frictions frictions.. 26. If Harry Harry is chosen chosen,, which which of the follow following ing combi combinat nation ionss CANN CANNOT OT be chosen chosen to form form the team? team? (A) (A) Simon imon,, Josh Josh,, and and Char Charli liee (B) (B) Simo imon, Mike ike, and and Eric ric (C) (C) Simon imon,, Mike Mike,, and and Char Charli liee (D) Josh, Josh, Mike, Mike, and Eric Eric 27. If Fred Fred is chose chosen, n, who who among among the follow following ing groups groups of appli applica cants nts shou should ld be employ employed ed as the three other other member memberss of the team? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Josh Josh,, Mike, ike, and and Char Charli liee Mike, ike, Eric Eric,, and and Char Charli liee Harry arry,, Mike ike, and and Eric Eric Simon imon,, Josh Josh,, and and Char Charli liee
28. If Josh Josh is hired hired and and Mike Mike is not, not, which which of the follow following ing statem statement entss must must be true? true? I. II. II.
Harry arry will ill be a memb member er of the the team team.. Char Charli liee will will bea memb member er of the the team team..
(A) (B) (C) (D)
I only II only Both I and II Neith Neither er I nor nor II
21 29. 29. If Eri Ericc is chos chosen en as a bind binder er,, whic which h of the foll follow owin ing g coul could d be the the othe otherr thre threee memb member erss of the team? team? I. Simon imon,, Mike Mike,, and and Char Charli liee II. Simo imon, Mike ike, and and Fred red III. III. Simo imon, Mike ike, and and Harry rry (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
I and II only I and III III only II an and III III on only I, II, and III
______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 30 to 33, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. I. Ther Theree are are four four newl newly y born born babi babies es in the the nurs nurser ery, y, thre threee girl girlss and and one one boy, boy, all all chi child ldre ren n of differ differen entt diplom diplomati aticc perso personn nnel el work working ing in the Philip Philippin pinee embass embassies ies of of Brazil Brazil,, Italy, Italy, Sing Singap apor ore, e, and and Viet Vietna nam. m. The The crib cribss are are arra arrang nged ed alph alphab abet etic ical ally ly in a row row acco accord rdin ing g to nation nationali ality ty for easy easy identi identific ficati ation on by visiti visiting ng relati relations ons and and frien friends ds who who may view view the babies babies from behind behind the glass glass panel panel of the the nursery nursery room. room. II. II. The The babi babies es have have vari variou ouss wei weigh ghts ts of of 6 lb, lb, 6
1 2
1 2
lb, 7 lb, and 7 lb, not not neces necessar sarily ily in that that
orde order. r. The The thir third d baby baby is a boy boy and and is the the heav heavie iest st,, whil whilee only only the the Sing Singap apor orea ean n baby baby is exceed exceeded ed in weigh weightt by the Vietna Vietnames mesee baby baby.. 30. “There’s “There’s your your sister!” sister!” said the Vietna Vietnames mesee who who had lifted lifted his son son and was was point pointing ing from from behind behind the glass glass pane panell at a baby baby in the ____ ______ ____ ____ _____ ___ crib. crib. (A) (B) (C) (D)
first second third fourth
31. 31. Base Based d on the the give given n info inform rmat atio ion, n, it can can be decl declar ared ed that that the the baby baby boy boy is a(an) _____________. (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Ital talian Brazil azilia ian n Vietn ietnam ames esee Singa ingapo pore rean an
32. Of the the four four newly newly born born babie babies, s, the lighte lightest st in in weigh weightt is the ____ ______ ____ _____ _____ __.. (A) (A) Vietn ietnam ames esee (B) Singaporean (C) Ital talian (D) (D) Brazil azilia ian n
22 33. Which Which of the follow following ing statem statement entss is is true true?? (A) The The Brazil Brazilian ian and Singa Singapor porean ean babies babies togeth together er weig weigh h heavie heavierr than than the Italia Italian n and and Vietnamese babies. (B) The The Singap Singapore orean an and and Vietna Vietname mese se babies babies tog togeth ether er weig weigh h heavi heavier er than than the Brazilian Brazilian and Italian Italian babies. babies. (C) The The Singap Singapore orean an and and Italia Italian n babie babiess togeth together er weigh weigh the same same as the Brazil Brazilian ian and and Vietnamese babies. (D) The The Vietna Vietnames mesee and Italia Italian n babies babies togeth together er weigh weigh the same same as the Singap Singapore orean an and Brazilian Brazilian babies. babies. ______________________________________________________________________________ For For items items 34 to 36, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. Employee Employeess in a bus compan company: y: I. II. III. III. IV. V. VI.
All All mech mechan anic icss are are also also driv driver ers. s. Half Half of the driver driverss are mecha mechanic nics. s. Some Some driver driverss and ticket ticket inspec inspector torss started started out out as condu conducto ctors. rs. Drivers Drivers cannot cannot be ticket ticket inspec inspectors, tors, but mechanic mechanicss can. can. Condu Conducto ctors rs cannot cannot become become mechan mechanics ics.. Some Some condu conducto ctors rs and and ticket ticket inspe inspecto ctors rs do not not kno know w how how to drive. drive.
34. 34. Whic Which h posi positi tion on can can be acce access ssed ed by anyo anyone ne in the the comp compan any? y? (A) Driver (B) (B) Mech echanic nic (C) Conductor (D) (D) Tick Ti cket et ins inspe pect ctor or 35. 35. Whic Which h posi positio tion n is the the most most flex flexib ible le?? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Driver Mech echanic nic Conductor tor Tick Ticket et ins inspe pect ctor or
36. 36. Whic Which h posi positi tion on CANN CANNOT OT be acqu acquir ired ed at entr entry y leve level? l? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Driver Mech echanic nic Conductor tor Tick Ticket et ins inspe pect ctor or
23 For For items items 37 to 39, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. I. Mr. Yu’s newly constructed three-story commercial-residential commercial-residential building along Amorsolo St. in Makat Makatii cons consist istss of of nine nine equal equal unit units. s. He has allott allotted ed the three three units units on the groun ground d floor for his hardwareand hardwareand electrical electrical supply supply business business,, while while he and his wifeplan to occupy occupy the middlemo middlemost st unit on on the second second floor as as their residence residence.. II. II. The The coup couple le gift gifted ed thei theirr new newly ly marr marrie ied d son son with ith the the righ rightm tmos ostt uni unitt on on the the thir third d floo floor. r. They They also also exec execut uted ed a cont contra ract ct with with a grou group p of dent dentis ists ts for for a twotwo-ye year ar leas leasee on two two adjace adjacent nt units units on one one floor floor to be conv convert erted ed into into a dental dental clinic clinic.. III. III. The They prefe eferre rred to ren rent the the rem remain aining ing two two units its to fam familie iliess with ith no mor more than than two two children children each. each. To answe answerr questi question onss 37 and 38, 38, refer refer to the follo followin wing g units units in the building building:: w The The unit unit on the secon second d floor floor dire directl ctly y to the left left of the the coupl couple’s e’s unit unit x The leftmo leftmost st unit unit on the third third floor floor y The unit unit direc directly tly to the left left of the the son’s son’s unit unit z The unit directly directly below below the son’s son’s unit =
= =
37. 37. Whic Which h two two unit unitss CANN CANNOT OT be rent rented ed to fami famili lies es?? (A) (B) (C) (D)
w an a nd x w an a nd y x an a nd z x an a nd y
38. Which Which unit unit is is diag diagon onall ally y adjace adjacent nt to the couple’s couple’s unit? (A) (B) (C) (D)
w x y z
39. If the couple couple decid decides es NOT NOT to occup occupy y the middle middlemos mostt unit unit but but have have it rented rented also, also, from from how many possible possible pair(s) pair(s) of adjacent adjacent units units will will the the dentists’ dentists’ group group be able to choose? choose? (A) (B) (C) (D) (D)
Only one Two Three At mos mostt fou four r
24 For For items items 40 to 43, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. Four Four pre preme med d grad gradua uate tes, s, Stev Steve, e, Anne Anne,, Vict Victor or,, and and Elai Elaine ne,, each each obta obtain ined ed diff differ eren entt passi passing ng sco scores res, 83, 86, 90, 90, and and 95, 95, not neces ecessa sari rily ly in that that ord order, er, in the the natio tional admiss missio ion n tes test for medical schools. I. II. II. III. III. IV. IV.
Steve Steve and Victor Victor obtain obtained ed lower lower scores scores than than Anne Anne.. Vict Victor or did did not not get get 90. 90. Stev teve obtain tained90 ed90.. Elai Elaine ne did did not not get get 95. 95.
40. If Elaine Elaine obtai obtained ned the lowest lowest score score among among the four, four, then then Victor Victor must must have obtain obtained ed (A) (B) (C) (D)
95 90 86 83
41. Which Which of the the follow following ing is an accur accurate ate list list of the the scores scores tha thatt Victor Victor cou could ld have have obtai obtained ned?? (A) (B) (C) (D)
95, 86 90, 86 90, 83 86, 83
42. If Victor Victor obtai obtained ned the score score of 83, 83, then then Elaine Elaine obtai obtaine ned d _____ _______ ____ __.. (A) (B) (C) (D)
95 9 0 86 83
43. If the the scores scores that that Vict Victor or and Anne Anne obtaine obtained d were were interc intercha hang nged, ed, which which of the srcina srcinall statement statementss would would NO longer longer be true? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
State tateme ment nt I State tateme ment nt II State tateme ment nt III III State tateme ment nt IV
25 For For items items 44 to 47, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. Joe Joe Reye Reyess and Rach Rachel el Cru Cruzz will ill be wed in a week’ eek’ss time. time. Melis elissa sa Cruz Cruz,, the the brid bride’ e’ss mother mother and and the eldest eldest amon among g the Cruz Cruz siblin siblings, gs, is plan plannin ning g to invite invite her her entire entire family family as well well as that that of of the the groom groom in this exclusive exclusive occasion occasion.. Meli Meliss ssa’ a’ss par paren ents ts,, Fely ely and and Arth Arthur ur,, are are stil stilll ali alive ve and and can can make make it to the the weddi edding ng.. Aside Aside from from Melis Melissa, sa, this this couple couple has three three other other childr children: en: Micha Michael, el, Miche Michelle lle,, and and Mann Manny. y. The The youn younge gest st,, Mann Manny, y, went went on to beco become me a Cath Cathol olic ic prie priest st and and will will offi offici ciat atee the the wedd weddin ing g cele celebr brat atio ion. n. Mich Michae aell and Mich Michel elle le are are both both marr marrie ied, d, with with Mich Michae aell havin having g thre threee child childre ren, n, and Michelle lle haviin ng g two two. Mich Michae ael’ l’ss elde eldest st is alre alread ady y marr marrie ied d with ith one one chil child, d, whil whilee the other othe r two still sstill ingle. e. Michelle’ Mich elle’s s youngest young est ofMelis twolissa children, child ren, unfor unsfortun tunate ately, ly,; her died diedhusb insband a and car accide accident. nt. Michel Micare helle le is singl sti ll living livi ng with wit h her husb husban and. d. Me sa only onl y has ha one child ch ild; hu died of heart heart attack attack just a few weeks weeks after she has given given birth. birth. On the other other hand hand,, Joe is alread already y orpha orphaned ned by his moth mother. er. His fath father er is still still alive alive and and no longer longer remar remarried ried.. Joe has two siblings, siblings, Jennifer Jennifer and Jack. Jack. Jennifer Jennifer is happ happily ily married married with two chil childr dren en who who are are stil stilll in prim primar ary y scho school ol,, whil whilee Jack Jack is curre current ntly ly deta detain ined ed in the the city city jail jail for a heinous crime. 44. How How many many will will be attend attending ing the Reyes-C Reyes-Cruz ruz nuptia nuptiall includ including ing the primar primary y partic participa ipants nts (bride (bride,, groom groom,, and and priest priest)? )? (A) (B) (C) (D)
18 19 20 21
45. 45. How How are are Jenn Jennif ifer er and and Melis Melissa sa rela relate ted? d? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Cousins ins Sibli iblin ngs Sist Sister erss-in in-l -law aw Aunt unt and and niec niecee
46. 46. How How is Fel Fely y rela relate ted d to Rach Rachel el?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
She is her her aun aunt. t. She is her her cou cousi sin. n. She is her her mot mothe her. r. She She is her her gra grand ndmo moth ther er..
47. Which Which of follow following ing statem statement entss is INCORR INCORRECT ECT?? (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
All All of the Cruz Cruz siblin siblings gs have have childr children. en. The The occas occasion ion is a religi religiou ouss celebr celebrati ation on.. Rach Rachel el is is not not the the firs firstt to be marr marrie ied d amon among g the the Cruz Cruzes es.. Ther Theree are are some some fami family ly memb member erss who who coul could d not not make make it to to the the wedd weddin ing. g.
26 For For items items 48 to 50, refer refer to the follow following ing condit condition ions. s. A race of aliens aliens from from Planet Planet X has visited visited Earth. Earth. Earth’s linguists linguists attempted attempted to decode decode their language: I. II. III. III. IV. IV. V.
Kaka Kaka me ga shin shing g means “what is your name?” mea “where do you you live? live?”” Ham Hamee ne gu shin shing g means ns “where shang g Krak Krakov ov . They They intr introd oduc ucee them themse selv lves es by sayi saying ng Me ga shan kong . When When poin pointi ting ng at thei theirr home home plan planet et,, they they say say Hame na ra kong Memu Memu me ga shin shing g means “who “who is your father?” father?”
48. What is the the most likely likely meaning meaning of the word Hame ? (A) (B) (C) (D)
You Live Name Father
49. 49. How How do the the inha inhabi bita tant ntss of Plan Planet et X say say “I am am Sam” Sam”?? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Kaka Kaka me Sam. Sam. Sam Sam me ga shin shing. g. Me ga shan shang g Sam Sam . Memu Memu me ga shin shing g Sam. Sam.
50. 50. In the the gram gramma marr of of Pla Plane nett X, X, how how does does the the word word shing function? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
It states state ssatoname. name . tion It poi point nts a loca locati on.. It ind indic icat ates es a ques questi tion on.. It conne connects cts words words into into a sente sentence nce..
Direction Directions: s: This section section contains contains reading reading selectio selections ns that that are followed followed by a set of of items. items. Answer Answer the items items accor accordin ding g to what what is stated stated or implie implied d in the select selection ion.. Selection Selection 1 (1) Kno Knowin wing g that that Mrs. Mrs. Malla Mallard rd was was afflict afflicted ed with with a heart heart troub trouble, le, great great care care was was taken taken to break break to her as as gently gently as possible possible the news news of her her husband’ husband’ss death. death. It was her her sister, sister, Josephin Josephine, e, who who told told her, her, in broken broken senten sentences ces;; veil veiled ed hints hints that that reveal revealed ed in half half con concea cealin ling. g. Her husband’s friend friend Richar Richards ds was was there, there, too, too, near near her. her. It was was he who who had been been in the news newspap paper er office office when when intelligen intelligence ce of the railroad railroad disaster disaster was received received,, with Brently Brently Mallard’s Mallard’s name leading leading the list of “killed.” (2) (2) The There re stoo stood, d, faci facing ng the the open open wind window ow,, a comf comfor orta tabl ble, e, room roomy y armc armcha hair ir.. Into Into this this she she sank, sank, presse pressed d down down by a physic physical al exhau exhausti stion on that that haunt haunted ed her her body body and seeme seemed d to reach reach into into her her soul. (3) She could could see in the open open squar squaree befor beforee her her house house the tops tops of trees trees that that were were all aquiv aquiver er with with the the new new spri spring ng life. life. The The deli delici ciou ouss brea breath th of rain rain was was in the the air. air. In the the stre street et below below,, a pedd peddle ler r was crying crying his wares wares.. The notes notes of a distant distant song song which which someone someone was singing singing reached reached her faintly, faintly, and countless countless sparrows sparrows were twittering twittering in the eaves. eaves. (4) (4) She She sat sat wit with h her her hea head d thro thrown wn back back upon upon the the cush cushio ion n of the the chai chair, r, quit quitee motio motionl nles ess, s, exce except pt whe when n a sob sob came came up into into her her thro throat at and and shoo shook k her, her, as a child child who who has has cried cried itse itself lf to slee sleep p continue continuess to sob in its dreams. dreams. (5) She She did not not stop stop to ask if it it were were or were were not not a monst monstrou rouss joy joy that that held held her. her. A clear clear and and exalted exalted perceptio perception n enabled enabled her to dismiss dismiss the suggestio suggestion n as trivial. trivial. (6) (6) She She knew knew that that she she woul would d weep weep agai again n when when she she saw saw the the kind kind,, tend tender er hand handss fol folde ded d in deat death; h; the the face face that that had had neve neverr look looked ed save save with with love love upon upon her, her, fixe fixed d and and gray gray and and dead dead.. A kind kind inten intentio tion n or a cruel cruel intent intention ion made made the act seem seem no less less a crime crime as she she looked looked upon upon it in that that brie brief f moment of illumination. (7) What What cou could ld love, love, the unsol unsolve ved d myster mystery, y, coun countt for for in face face of this this posse possessi ssion on of self self-assertion assertion which which she suddenly suddenly recogniz recognized ed as the the stronges strongestt impulse impulse of her her being! being! (8) “Free! “Free! Body Body and soul free!” free!” she kept whispering. whispering. (9) Josep Josephin hinee was was kneelin kneeling g befor beforee the closed closed door door with her her lips to the keyho keyhole, le, implor imploring ing for admission admission.. “Louise, “Louise, open the door! door! For For heaven’s heaven’s sake, sake, open the door.” door.” (10) No, Louise Louise was drinking drinking in the very elixir elixir of life through through that open window. window. Her fancy fancy was runnin running g riot riot alon along g those those days days ahea ahead d of her. her. Sprin Spring g days, days, and and summe summerr days days,, and and all sorts sorts of of days days tha thatt woul would d be her her own. own. She She brea breath thed ed a quic quick k pray prayer er tha thatt life life migh mightt be long long.. It was was onl only y yester yesterda day y she she had had thoug thought ht with with a shud shudder der that that life might might be long. long.
28 (11) (11) She She aros arosee at len lengt gth h and and open opened ed the the door door to to her he r sister’s sister’s importun importunities. ities. There There was a feveri feverish sh triump triumph h in her eyes, eyes, and and she she carrie carried d hersel herselff unwit unwittin tingly gly like like a godd goddess ess of Victor Victory. y. She She clasped clasped her sister’s sister’s waist, waist, and together together they descend descended ed the stairs. stairs. (12) (12) Someo Someone ne was was open opening ing the front front door door with with a latchke latchkey. y. It was was Bren Brently tly Malla Mallard rd who who entere entered, d, a little little trave travel-s l-stai taine ned, d, compo composed sedly ly carryi carrying ng his grips gripsack ack and and umbre umbrella lla.. When When the doctor doctorss came, came, they they said said she had died died of heart heart disea disease se – of o f the joy that that kills. kills. An excerpt excerpt from “The Story Story of an Hour” by by Kate Chopin, Chopin, 1894.
The The statem statement ent “Louis “Louisee was was drinking drinking in the very very elixir elixir of life” is ironic ironic becaus becausee she found found life sweet knowing she (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
The doctors’ doctors’ statement statementss contrad contradicted icted the real cause cause of Mrs. Mrs. Mallard’ Mallard’ss death death which which was (A) (B) (B) (C) (D)
the appearan appearance ce of Brently Brently who was surpr surprised ised at Richards’ Richards’ sudde sudden n movement movement and unexpec unexpected ted reaction reaction the the disc discov over ery y that that Bren Brentl tly y was was alive, alive, a twis twistt that that advers adversel ely y affe affect cted ed her her heart condition the sad news news about about Brently’s Brently’s tragic tragic death death which which she found found unbearable unbearable and difficult difficult to accept accept Joseph Josephine ine’s ’s shriek shrieking ing cry which which jolted jolted Mrs. Mrs. Malla Mallard, rd, causin causing g her her to scream scream and eventually eventually collapse collapse
What What figur figuree of speech speech is applied applied in the the phrase “monstrous joy?” (A) (B) (C) (D)
gain gained ed cari caring ng,, true true frie friend ndss would ould be free free from from hear hearta tach ches es was was supp suppos osed ed to be in emot emotio iona nall pain pain would would be reliev relieved ed of her her heart heart proble problem m
Irony Allusion Metonymy Oxymoron
From From what what point point of view view is the selection selection written? written? (A) (B) (C) (D)
First Second Limited Omnisc iscient
29 5.
Which Which of the follow following ing best best states states the theme theme of the story? story? (A) (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
All All marr marria iage ges, s, even even the the kind kindes estt ones ones,, are are inher inheren ently tly oppr oppres essi sive ve.. Women’s Women’s true true calling calling is in their kitchens kitchens and laundry laundry rooms. rooms. Wome Women n are are expe expect cted ed to bear bear and and rear rear child childre ren n as dict dictat ated ed by the the soci societ ety. y. Inde Indepe pend nden ence ce can can be imag imagin ined ed only only priv privat atel ely y by wome women n beca becaus usee of dominatio domination n of men.
What What devic devicee did the autho authorr use to end the story? story? (A) (A)
Open Open-e -end nded edne ness ss
(B) Comic Comi relie (C) T ragicc irelief ronyf (D) Symbolism ______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 2 (1) The The quality quality of our our thoughts thoughts becom becomes es visible visible through through our words words,, our behav behavior, ior, or even even thro throug ugh h the the expr expres essi sion on of our our fac face. e. The The seed seed of word wordss and and acti action onss is is tho thoug ught ht.. By know knowin ing g and and unde unders rsta tand ndin ing g the the type typess of tho thoug ught htss our our mind mind can can crea create te,, we will will be be able able to cons consci ciou ousl sly y redire redirect ct tho though ughts ts tow toward ardss the the posit positive ive.. Hence Hence we will will impro improve ve the quality quality of our our mind mind,, body body,, and relations relationships hips.. (2) Necessary thoughts are those those that that deal deal with our our daily daily routin routinee like, like, “What “What will will I eat?”; eat?”; “What “What do I need need to do today? today?”; ”; “When “When do I hav havee to pay my bills? bills?”” These These are practi practical cal thoug thought htss to attend attend to our our daily daily needs. needs. (3) Wasteful Wasteful (or superfluou superfluous) s) thoughts thoughts are those those that are of no use, neither neither constructi constructive ve nor particul particularl arly y negat negative ive.. They They deal deal with with things things of of the past, past, like like “If this this had not not happene happened;” d;” “If only I have done done it this this way.” way.” (4) Negativ Negativee thoughts thoughts are are most harmfu harmful, l, especially especially to ourselve ourselves. s. Negative Negative thoughts thoughts which which are based based on materi materiali alisti sticc desire desires, s, anger, anger, jealou jealousy sy,, hatre hatred, d, extre extreme me lazine laziness, ss, and and posses possessiv sivene eness ss cause cause us great great loss loss of inner inner peac peacee and and stren strength gth.. Such Such thoug thoughts hts pois poison on our mind mind as well well as the the atmo atmosp sphe here re.. No matt matter er how how righ rightt we are, are, by thin thinki king ng nega negati tive vely ly,, we lose lose beca becaus usee nega negati tive ve thoughts thoughts take away away our self-re self-respec spect, t, and also, also, others lose lose respect respect for for us. us. (5) Positive Positive thoughts thoughts allow us to accumula accumulate te inner inner stren strength gth and enable enable us to be creative creative and construc constructive. tive. To think think positivel positively y doesn’t doesn’t meanthat we ignore ignore the reality. reality. To think positive positively ly means means to use the proble problem m and and to find find solut solution ionss for for that that probl problem. em. (6) A person person who thinks thinks positiv positively ely will be aware of the the weaknes weaknesses ses of of others, others, but will still turn turn his attent attention ion toward towardss the the good good tenden tendencie ciess of others others.. Posit Positive ive thoug thoughts hts give give us a feelin feeling g of conten contentme tment nt within within.. When When we are conten contentt within within,, then then we have have the stren strength gth to accept accept others others as they they are witho without ut want wanting ing to chang changee them them as we think think is righ right. t.
30 7.
The author author devel developed oped his topic by using using all of of the the following following methods methods EXCEPT EXCEPT (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
narra rratio tion defin finitio ition n enum enumer erat atio ion n exem exempl plif ific icat atio ion n
In which which parag paragrap raph h is the main main idea idea of the essay essay found found?? (A) Para aragrap raph 1 (B) Paragraph 2 (C) Paragrap Para graph h6 3 (D) P ara arag rap raph
In parag paragrap raph h 4, the unde underlin rlined ed statemen statementt “such thoughts thoughts poison poison our mind mind as well as the atmosph atmosphere” ere” implies implies that negative negative thoughts thoughts
(A) leadto leadto desp espair air (B) tarnish one’s character (C) (C) affe affect ct the the surr surrou ound ndin ings gs (D) (D) have have soci social al impl implic icat atio ions ns ______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 3 Some Some prima primary ry care care provid providers ers may be appre apprehe hensi nsive ve about about using using insuli insulin n in patien patients ts with with type type 2 diabet diabetes. es. Concerns about hypoglycemia hypoglycemia (diminished contents of glucose in the blood) and/or ability to inject inject insulin insulin are good good reasons reasons why many providers providers may approach approach insulin insulin therapy therapy with caution. caution. Compo Compoun undin ding g this this relucta reluctance nce is the perce percepti ption on that that insulin insulin therap therapy y is too comple complex x to manage manage in a busyprimary care practic practice; e; prescr prescribinginforma ibinginformation tion provided provided bymanufacturer bymanufacturerss has been somewha somewhatt vague vague regardin regarding g initial initial dosing dosing and titration. titration. Becaus Becausee of the kind kind of inform informati ation on provi provide ded d by the manufa manufactu cturer rers, s, provi provide ders rs may delay delay in making making the necessary necessary transition transition from oral agents agents to insulin. insulin. Indeed, Indeed, recent recent evidence evidence suggests suggests that the the hemo hemogl glob obin in A1c result result that triggers triggers glucose-lo glucose-loweri wering ng action action is ≥ 9% (Bro (Brown wn and and Nich Nichol ols, s, 2003). 2003). This is unfortu unfortunate nate because because numerou numerouss studies studies have shown shown that excelle excellent nt glycemic glycemic control control can be achiev achieved ed with with insuli insulin n therap therapy y in patien patients ts with with type type 2 diabet diabetes. es. Subjects Subjects of a cohort cohort study (Epidemi (Epidemiolog ology y of Diabetes Diabetes Interve Interventio ntions ns and Complica Complication tionss Study), Study), who had been intensive intensively ly treated treated during during the Diabetes Diabetes Control Control and Complica Complications tions Trial, at seven seven years years show showed ed significan significantt decrea decreases ses in risk for nephropa nephropathy thy and retinopat retinopathy hy compared compared with subjects from the conventional conventional treatment treatment arm. arm. Malmb Malmberg erg,, Norh Norhamm ammar, ar, Wedel, Wedel, and Ryden Ryden (1999 (1999)) demo demonst nstrat rated ed that that the unfav unfavora orable ble long-t long-term erm progn prognosi osiss for for myocar myocardia diall infar infarcti ction on (heart (heart attack attack)) cou could ld be improv improved ed by insuli insulin n treatment.
31 Recent Recent data (Ceriello (Ceriello et al., 2004) 2004) show show that postpra postprandia ndiall hyperglyc hyperglycemia emia is accompa accompanied nied by endothe endothelial lial dysfunc dysfunction tion in patients patients with type 2 diabetes. diabetes. This significan significantt body body of evidence evidence strongly strongly supports supports the rationale rationale for initiating initiating therapy therapy to achi achiev evee glyc glycem emic ic cont contro roll in pati patien ents ts with ith type type 2 diab diabet etes es much much earl earlie ierr and and much much more more aggressively. An excerpt from an online online journal journal article article “A Real -World Approach to Insulin Therapy Therapy in Primary Primary Care Practi Practice” ce” by Hirsch, Hirsch, I.B. et al., 2005.
The first paragrap paragraph h says that primary primary care providers providers view the use of insulin insulin in patients patients with type 2 diabetes diabetes with (A) (B) (C) (D) (D)
Primary Primary care provider providerss are reluctant reluctant to administe administerr insulin insulin therapy therapy because because of the manufacturers’ manufacturers’ (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
inabil inability ity to provid providee instru instructi ction onss on on initia initiall dos dosing ing and and titrat titration ion incomp incomplet letee proced procedure ure regard regarding ing initia initiall dosin dosing g and and titrat titration ion lack lack of inform informati ation on regard regarding ing initia initiall dosin dosing g and and titrati titration on fuzzy fuzzy expla explana natio tion n regard regarding ing initia initiall dos dosing ing and and titrati titration on
Which Which of the following following statemen statements ts summarizes summarizes the medical medical article? article? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
anger anxiety approv roval awar awaren enes esss
Insulin Insulin therapy therapy is very very beneficia beneficial. l. Peop People le must must be be consci consciou ouss of their their diet diet.. Endo Endothe thelia liall damag damagee is actu actuall ally y preven prevented ted by insuli insulin n therap therapy. y. Insuli Insulin n is consid considere ered d as the most most effecti effective ve treatm treatmen entt for diabete diabetes. s.
Which Which of the follow following ing concl conclusi usion onss can be made made from from the medica medicall report? report? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
It is risky risky for patien patients ts with with type type 2 diabet diabetes es to have have insuli insulin n therap therapy. y. It is common common among among type type 2 diabet diabetes es patien patients ts to have have insuli insulin n therap therapy. y. It is cost costly ly to have have insu insuli lin n ther therap apy y amon among g pati patien ents ts with with type type 2 diab diabet etes es.. It is is bette betterr for for patie patients nts with with type type 2 diabe diabetes tes to have have insuli insulin n therap therapy y earlie earlier. r.
32 Selection Selection 4 (1) Filipi Filipino noss offe offerr egg eggss to to Santa Santa Clara Clara to assure assure good good weath weather er on a partic particula ularr day day.. It is intere interesti sting ng to contra contrast st that that with the rain rain dance dance of the the Nativ Nativee Ameri America cans ns to induce induce rain. rain. Why Why is this this so? To be able able to answ answer er this, this, it is nece necessa ssary ry to unde underst rstand and how how rains rains hav havee shape shaped d our our cultu culture. re. (2) The import importan ance ce of rains rains in Philip Philippin pinee cultur culturee is atteste attested d by the rich rich vocab vocabula ulary ry relate related d to prec precip ipit itat atio ion. n. In Taga Tagalo log, g, ther theree are are term termss such such as ambon (rain (rain show shower) er),, ulan (rain), bagyo (typhoon), unos (squall), sigwa (tempest), (tempest), and siyam-siyam (incessan (incessantt rains). rains). Other Other Philipp Philippine ine langu language agess have have more more elabo elaborat ratee terms. terms. For For examp example, le, the Ivatan Ivatan of Batan Batanes es distin distingu guish ish differ different ent types of of typhoon, typhoon, e.g. salawsaw (wind (windy y day day with with rain), rain), nisu (windy (windy day without without rain), rain), adipogpog dipanchi (hea (torna (tornado do with wit h again rain), rain), ( heavy vy rain rastrong in with wigthwind stro strong ng wind wicauses ndses that thatdestruct sudd sudden enly ly chan chand ange ges s to du a sunn su nny y day day (very anin vanveyeh and then the n back ba ck aga in to rain), rain), anin stron that cau dest ruction), ion), (winds (winds strong strong enough enough to destroy destroy coconut coconut trees). trees). This elaborate elaborate typhoon typhoon terminolo terminology gy is not at all surprisin surprising g since since 13 out of the the 20 typhoon typhoonss that that hit the Philippin Philippines es annua annually lly pass through through Batanes. Batanes.
(3) Sev Severa erall Filipi Filipino no cultu cultural ral trai traits ts have have develo develope ped d as an an adapta adaptatio tion n to the presen presence ce of a ve hut) has long, long, distin distinct ct rainy ainy season season.. For For examp example, le, the struc structur turee of the bahay kubo (native (nati has been been design designed ed to weath weather er heavy heavy rains. rains. The roof roof is steep steeply ly struct structure ured d so as to allow allow rain rain to fall fall freel freely y to the ground ground.. There There are awnin awning g windo windows ws that that prote protect ct the the inner inner part part of the the house house from from gettin getting g wet. wet. The The hous housee is buil builtt on stil stilts ts to prev preven entt flood flood wate waters rs from from reac reachi hing ng the the hous housee floor floor.. On the the othe other r hand, hand, the Ivatan Ivatan house house —made made of ston stonee walls walls and and roofe roofed d with with thick thick cogon thatch thatch —is a hous housee that that can withstan withstand d typhoon typhoons. s. Unfortun Unfortunately ately,, modern modern houses have have lost theserain-adapted theserain-adapted characterist characteristics ics and this is why they have have become become vulnerab vulnerable le to destructio destruction n brought brought about about by floods floods and and typhoon typhoons. s. (4) Cult Cultura urally lly,, rains rains are are also also percei perceive ved d as being being laden laden with with certai certain n symbo symbolic lic meanin meanings gs.. A little little amoun amountt of rain durin during g a weddi wedding ng ceremo ceremony ny is consid considere ered d as a blessi blessing ng from from the heave heavens. ns. On the contra contrary, ry, heavy heavy rains rains are frown frowned ed upon upon since since they they bring bring abou aboutt flood floodss and destr destruc uctio tion. n. (5) Gettin Getting g wet wet in the rain rain is belie believed ved to cause cause certai certain n illnes illnesse ses. s. There There is a common common belie belief f that that one one catc catche hess a cold cold beca becaus usee he or she she got got dren drench ched ed in the the rain rain ( naulanan ) . An excep ceptio tion, howeve however, r, is when when one one takes takes a show shower er from from the first first rain rain durin during g the month month of May. May. (6) Anot Anothe herr popula popularr devoti devotion on among among Filipi Filipino noss is the offeri offering ng of eggs eggs to Santa Santa Clara Clara to bring bring about about good good weather. weather. One possible possible explanatio xplanation n for associati associating ng the saint saint with with good good weather weather is her name, name, Clara, Clara, which which means means “cle “clear” ar” in Spani Spanish sh.. Becau Because se of the the offering offering,, the weather weather becom becomes es clear clear even even durin during g the rainy rainy season season.. Moreo Moreove ver, r, the egg egg white, hite, in Spani Spanish sh is called called “clara de huevo ”. The The vene venera rati tion on to Sant Santaa Clar Claraa was was intr introd oduc uced ed by the the Span Spanis ish h fria friars rs,, she she bein being g one one of the the sain saints ts introduc introduced ed early to Filipinos Filipinos.. Adapted Adapted from “Ulan, “Ulan, unos, unos, atbp.” atbp.” By N. T. Castro Castro.. Retrieved from http://mb.com.ph.
To which which part part of of the the house house does does the under underlin lined ed word word “thatc “thatch” h” in parag paragrap raph h 3 refer? refer? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Roof Walls Floor Wind indows
33 15.
What What is the chara characte cteris ristic tic of a house house on stilts stilts?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
It is built built on wate water. r. It con consi sist stss of two two floo floors rs.. It has has a conc concre rete te base baseme ment nt.. It is rais raised ed from from the the grou ground nd..
What What do the the rain rain danc dancee and and the the devo devoti tion on to Sant Santaa Clar Claraa shar sharee in comm common on?? (A) (A) Both Both are are aski asking ng for for rai rain. n. (B) (B) Both Both are pre-co pre-colon lonial ial pract practice ices. s. (C) Both Both th impl are areply done do du ngf athat dry drtyrain spel spnell. l. cont (D) (D) Both Bo im y ne the theduri belie bering lief tha rai is contro roll lled ed by a high higher er bein being. g.
Which Which of the following following is conside considered red a welcome welcome occurren occurrence? ce? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Havi Having ng a down downpo pour ur duri during ng a wedd weddin ing g Gett Gettin ing g wet wet in the the firs firstt rain rain of May May Getti etting ng dren drench ched ed in a heav heavy y rain rain Gett Gettin ing g caug caught ht in a ligh lightt dri drizz zzle le
What What does the use of different different express expressions ions for for rain in the Philippin Philippinee languag languages es suggests? suggests? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
The The richn richness ess and and sophis sophistic ticati ation on of Philip Philippin pinee langu languag ages es The The differ differen ences ces among among the Philip Philippin pinee langua languages ges The The change changess in the preva prevailin iling g weath weather er condit condition ionss The The infl influe uenc ncee of forei foreign gn lang langua uage gess on ours ours
______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 5 We all kno know w that that the norma normall human human daily daily cycle cycle of activ activity ity is some some seven seven to eight eight hours hours of of sleep alternating alternating with some sixteen sixteen to seventeen seventeen hours hours of wakefuln wakefulness ess and that, broadly broadly speaking speaking,, sleep normally normally coincide coincidess with the hours hours of darkness darkness.. Our present present concern concern is with how easily easily and to what what exten extentt this this cycle cycle can be modified modified.. The The ease ease,, for for exam exampl ple, e, with with whic which h peop people le can can chan change ge from from work workin ing g in the the day day to work workin ing g at nigh nightt is a questi question on of grow growing ing import importanc ancee in indust industry ry where where autom automati ation on calls calls insis insisten tently tly for roundround-the the-cl -cloc ock k worki working ng night. night. Unfor Unfortun tunate ately, ly, it is often the case case in indus industry try that that the eighteight-ho hour ur work work shifts shifts are are chang changed ed every every week week.. This This mean meanss that that no soone soonerr has he he gotte gotten n used used to one routin routinee than than he has has to chang changee to anoth another, er, so that that much much of his his time time is spe spent nt neit neithe herr worki working ng nor nor sleep sleeping ing very efficientl efficiently. y. One One answe answerr would would seem seem to be longe longerr period periodss on each each shift, shift, a month month,, or even even three three month months. s. Resear Research ch by Bonje Bonjerr (1960) (1960) of the Nethe Netherla rland nds, s, howe howeve ver, r, has has shown shown that that peop people le on such such syste systems ms will revert revert to their normal normal habits habits of sleep and wakefuln wakefulness ess during during the weekend weekend and that this is quite quite enoug enough h to destr destroy oy any any adap adaptat tation ion to night night work work built built up durin during g the week week..
34 The The only only real real solu soluti tion on appe appear arss to to be the the hand handin ing g over over of the the nigh nightt shi shift ft to a corp corpss of of permanent night workers workers whose nocturnal wakefulness wakefulness may persist through all weekends weekends and and holida holidays ys.. An intere interesti sting ng study study of the dome domesti sticc life life and healt health h of night night shift shift worke workers rs was was carried carried out out by Brow Brown n in 1957 1957.. She foun found d a high high inci incide denc ncee of dist distur urbe bed d slee sleep, p, dige digest stiv ivee diso disord rder er,, and and domest domestic ic disrup disruptio tion n among among those those on altern alternati ating ng day and and night night shifts shifts,, but but no abno abnorma rmall occur occurren rence ce of these these symptoms symptoms among among those those on permanen permanentt night work. work. This latter latter syste system m then appears appears to be the best long-term long-term policy, policy, but meanwhile, meanwhile, somethin something g may may be done done to reli reliev evee the the stra strain inss of altern alternat atee day day and and nigh nightt work work by sele select ctin ing g thos thosee peop people le who who can adapt adapt most most quick quickly ly to the chang changes es of routin routine. e. One One way way of know knowing ing when when a perso person n has has adapted adapted is by measur measuring ing his perfo performa rmanc nce, e, but but this this can be labori laboriou ous. s. An easie easierr way way is to take take a perso person’s n’s body temperatu temp erature re at intervals inter valshave of of two hours hou rs through thro ughout perio d of wak efulness. ess. People Peo pleaengaged enga ged in normal norm al daytime dayt ime work wor k will high temperatu temp erature reout during durithe ng period the hours hou rs wakefuln of wakeful wak efulness ness and low one at nigh night. t. When When they they chang changee to night night work, work, the patter pattern n will will only only gradu graduall ally y revers reversee to match match the new new routine routine and the speed speed with which which it does does parallels parallels the adaptatio adaptation n of the bodyas a whole, whole, particula particularly rly in terms terms of perfor performan mance ce and gener general al alertne alertness. ss. Know Knowled ledge ge of how quick quickly ly a perso person n can adapt adapt to a revers reversed ed routin routinee could could be used used as a basis basis for select selection ion.. So far, far, howe however ver,, such such a form form of select selection ion does does not not seem seem to have have been been applie applied d in practi practice. ce. 19.
Body Body tempe temperat rature ure can be used used as a physi physiolo ologic gical al measur measuree of perfo performa rmanc ncee to indica indicate te (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
effi effici cien ency cy in work work modi modifi fied ed slee sleepi ping ng habi habits ts adap adapta tati tion on to work work sche schedu dule le endu endura ranc ncee for for nigh nightt ttim imee work work
The The autho authorr sug sugges gests ts that that the the soluti solution on to proble problems ms arisin arising g from from nightt nighttime ime work work sched schedule ule shou should ld be adopte adopted d by compa companie niess on a (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
long long-t -ter erm m basi basiss shor shortt-te termbas rmbasis is trialtrial-and and-er -error ror basis basis comb combin ined ed shor shortt and and long long-t -ter erm m basi basiss
The The cycle cycle of sleep sleep can be modifi modified ed extens extensive ively ly and succe successf ssfull ully y by (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
alte altern rnat atin ing g shift shiftss ever every y week week and and week weeken end d alte altern rnat atin ing g day day and and nigh nightt work work sche schedu dule less with within in the the week week assi assign gnin ing g a mont month h or mor moree of eac each h work work shif shiftt or sche schedu dule le chang changing ing the work work schedu schedules les of the day day and and night night shift shift work workers ers
35 Selection Selection 6 Trav Travel elin ing g to us from from the the burn burnin ing g hear heartt of the sun sun 93 mill millio ion n mile miless away, away, light light not not only only illuminate illuminatess our our little planet planet but but create createss on on its thin surface surface the essentials essentials of life itself. itself. No wonder wonder men from from ancien ancientt times, times, awed awed by its glor gloriou iouss light, light, worsh worshipe iped d the sun sun for cent centuri uries. es. Its wors worship hip spran sprang g from from true true intuit intuition ion since since in the light light that that comes comes fro from m this this nuclea nuclearr ball ball of fire the secret secret of of life on this this plane planett does, does, in fact, fact, dwell. dwell. All life life is the the offspr offspring ing of the the sun, sun, for the the light light pouri pouring ng from from it is a wonderf wonderful ul chemi chemist. st. Leaves Leaves are chemical chemical factories factories in which which sunlight sunlight and water water are are turned turned into into food food and and from from which which life-g life-givi iving ng oxygen oxygen is poure poured d into into the air for for man man to breath breathe. e. Light Light m moves oves to us through through the atmosphe atmosphere re in waves waves of different different lengths, lengths, each carrying carrying its own ow color. color. Th ey esger seethan only onlyred. a small sma llhtsegme seg of the this thissky great grea t range rang oftals wavel wa engths thss;– every none non e drop shorter shor than than n violet vio let,, The none noeneeyes longer lon than red . Light Lig falls fament lls nt from from like lik e theepetal pe s veleng of flower flo wers; ev ery dro pter of dew is a glory glory in miniat miniature ure and we who who live live by the blessi blessing ng of this this distan distantt star star can learn learn to rejoic rejoicee in it. it. Anyo Anyone ne can can see see how how whit whitee brea breaks ks into into colo colorr by hold holdin ing g a refr refrac acti ting ng pris prism m in a narr narrow ow beam beam of sunli sunligh ghtt in a darke darkene ned d room room and and projec projectin ting g the result result onto onto a white white scree screen. n. There There you you will will discover discover the band of colors colors that that we call the solar solar spectru spectrum. m. Similarly Similarly,, rainbows rainbows are caused caused by the refraction refraction and reflection reflection of sunlight sunlight from the raindrops raindrops of a vanishin vanishing g storm. storm. Today Today we know know more about about light light than than our our ancest ancestors ors did. did. Our Our scient scientist istss know know enoug enough h to use the secret secretss of the the sun sun as a stepp stepping ing-st -ston onee to the stars stars or or as the the end end of life on earth earth.. 22.
The sun emits life-givin life-giving g light which which travels travels through through space space in (A) (A) equal equal wave wavelen length gthss (B) (B) even evenly ly colo colore red d wave wavess (C) spurts gusts of wind (D) (D) vario va rious uslike wavel wavelen ength gths s and colors colors
The The autho authorr seems seems to consi consider der the the sun sun as a source source of (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
natur natural al calam calamitie itiess like like droug drought ht ener energy gy and and beau beauty ty that that man man can can enjo enjoy y threat threat to life life becau because se of its nucle nuclear ar powe power r nucle nuclear ar powe powerr that that is bein being g waste wasted d in space space
As a whole whole,, the purpo purpose se of the select selection ion is to to (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
describe describe man’s man’s ancient ancient worship worship of the sun prai praise se the the beau beauty ty of the the sun sun and and its impo import rtan ance ce to life life state state the possi possibil biliti ities es of of the the tremen tremendo dous us pow power er of of the the sun sun discus discusss the the effort effortss of of man man to discov discover er the secret secretss of of the sun sun
36 Selection Selection 7 I was was born born in a log log cabi cabin n on a wint winter er.. The The firs firstt thi thing ng I rem remem embe berr is is bei being ng grat gratef eful ul for for wind window ows. s. I was thr three ee year yearss old. old. My moth mother er had had set set me to play play on a matt mattre ress ss care carefu fully lly plac placed ed in the one one ray of sun sunlig light ht stre stream aming ing throu through gh the one one glass glass wind window ow of our our log log cabin. cabin. Baby Baby as I was, was, I hadachedin the agonizi agonizing ng cold cold of a pione pioneer er winter. winter. Lyingthere Lyingthere,, warme warmed d by that that blesse blessed d sunsh sunshine ine,, I was suddenly suddenly aware aware of wonde wonderr and joy and gratitude gratitude.. It was was gratitud gratitudee for glass, glass, which which could could keep out out the biti biting ng cold cold and and let let in the the warm warm sun. sun... .. My father father came came from from a family family of schoo schooll teache teachers rs in New New Englan England. d. My mothe motherr was was the daughter daughter of a hardwork hardworking ing Scotch immigrant immigrant.. Father’s Father’s family family set store store on ancestry. ancestry. Mother’s Mother’s side was more practical. practical... .. The year year befo before re my birth, birth, these these two youn young g peop people le had had starte started d West West in a prairie prairie schoo schoone nerr to stake stake a home homeste stead ad claim. claim... .. Afte Afterr moth mother er’s ’s eig eight hth h and and last last bab baby, y, she she lay lay ill for for a year year.. The The care care of the the chil childr dren en fell fell princip principall ally y on my youn young g should shoulders ers.. One One day I found found her cryi crying ng.. “Mary “Mary,” ,” she said, said, with with a tende tenderne rness ss that that was was rare rare,, “If I die, die, you you must must take take care care of all all your your brothe brothers rs and and sister sisters. s. You You will will be the only only woman woman within within eighte eighteen en miles miles.” .” I was ten years old. old. That night night and and many many other other nights nights I lay awake, awake, trembling trembling at the the possibilit possibility y of being being left the only only woma woman n within within eighte eighteen en miles. miles. But Butead t moth mother erner didcould no t die. die. I e, must must have hav e been bee n a esturdy stu rdygchild ch ild,, she for, for, was with withstrong the little little help hel p fathe fatherr and and his homes homestead partner part cnot ould spare, spar I kept kep t that home hom going goin until strong again... agai n... Every Every fall, the shoemake shoemakerr made his rounds rounds through through the country, country, reaching reaching our place place last, for bey beyon ond d us lay only only untame untamed d forest forest and wild wild beast beasts. s. His visit visit thril thrilled led us more more than than the arriva arrivall of any any king king toda today. y. We had had been been cut cut off from from the the worl world d for for month months. s. The The shoe shoema make kerr broug brought ht news news from from neigh neighbo bors rs eighte eighteen, en, forty, forty, sixty, sixty, even even a hund hundred red and fifty fifty miles miles away. away. Usual Usually ly he broug brought ht a few newsp newspape apers rs too, too, treasu treasured red afterw afterward ard for mont months hs.. He remain remained ed a royal royal guest guest,, for many many days, days, until all all the family family was shod.. shod.... By the time I was was fourteen fourteen,, three three tremendo tremendous us events events had marked marked my life: sunlight sunlight through through a windo windowp wpane ane,, the log-ro log-rolli lling ng on the river river when fathe fatherr added added tworooms tworooms to our our cabin, cabin, andthe night night I thoug thought ht mothe motherr would would die and leave leave me the only only woman woman within within eighte eighteen en miles. miles... .. But there there was a fourth fourth event event that that was was the most tremendo tremendous. us. One night night father father handed handed my mother mother a letter letter.. Our Our Great Great-Au -Aunt nt Mart Martha ha had had willed willed fathe fatherr her her house househol hold d good goodss and and person personal al belo belong ngin ings gs and and a mode modest st sum sum that that to to us was was a fort fortun une. e. Some Someon onee back back East East “aw “awai aite ted d his his instru instructi ction ons.” s.” Many Many discus discussio sions ns followe followed, d, but in the end my mothe motherr gaine gained d her way. way. Great Great-Aunt -Aunt Marth Martha’s a’s househ household old good goodss were were sold sold at aucti auction on.. Fathe Father, r, howe however ver,, insist insisted ed that that her “per “perso sonal nal belong belonging ings” s” be shipp shipped ed to us... us...
37 Afte Afterr a long long,, long long wait wait,, one one day day a trun trunk k and and two two pack packin ing g case casess cam came. e. It was was a sole solemn mn moment moment when the first box was opened. opened. Then mother mother gave gave a cry of delight. delight. Sheets Sheets and bedspre bedspreads ads edged edged with lace! lace! Real Real linen linen pillowcas pillowcases es with with crochete crocheted d edgings edgings.. Soft woolen woolen blankets blankets and bright bright handmade handmade quilts. quilts. Two heavy, heavy, lustrous lustrous tablecloth tableclothss and two dozen dozen napkins, napkins, one white white set hemmed, hemmed, and one one red-an red-and-w d-whit hite, e, borde bordered red with with a soft soft fring fringe. e. What What the the world world calls calls wealt wealth h has has come come to me in years. years. Nothi Nothing ng ever ever equal equaled ed in my eyes eyes the the priceless value value of Great-Aunt Great-Aunt Martha’s “personal belongings.” I was was in a seve sevent nth h heav heaven en of delig delight ht.. My fath father er pick picked ed up the the book bookss and and bega began n to read read,, paying paying no attention attention to our excla exclamatio mations ns over over dresse dressess and and ribbons, ribbons, the boxful boxful of laces, laces, or the little shell-c shell-cov overe ered d case case holdi holding ng a few orname ornaments nts in gold gold and silve silverr and jet. jet. Then Then I picked picked up a napkin napkin.. “What “What are these these for?” for?” I asked asked curiously curiously.. My fathe fatherr slam slammed med his book book shut. shut. I had had never never seen seen such such a look look on his face. face. “How “How old are you, you, Mary? Mary?”” he deman demanded ded sudde suddenly nly.. I told him that that I was going going on fiftee fifteen. n. “And “And you you never never saw a table table napkin napkin?” ?” His tone was bitter bitter and accusing accusing.. I didn’t understan understand— d—ho how w coul could d I? Fathe Fatherr bega began n to talk, talk, his words words growin growing g more more and more more bitter bitter.. Mothe Motherr defe defend nded ed herse herself lf hotly. hotly. Today, Today, I know know that justice justice was on on her side. side. But in that first first adoles adolescent cent self-c self-consc onscious iousness ness,, my sympathie sympathiess were were all with with father. father. Mothe Motherr had neglec neglected ted us us —she had not not taugh taughtt us to use use table table napk napkins ins!! Peop People le in histor history y used used them. them. From From that that time time on, on, we used used napki napkins ns and a tablec tableclot loth h on Sund Sundays ays.. An excer excerpt pt from from “ The Log- Cabin Lady: An Anonymous Autobiography” by Marie Mattingly Meloney
What What was the the proof proof that Mary Mary was a healthy healthy ten-year ten-year old? old? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
She She lear learne ned d to hunt hunt for for food food.. She She neve neverr got got sic sick k in spit spitee of the the hard hardsh ship ips. s. She She helpe helped d her father father cut the logs logs for for their their cab cabin. in. She She ran ran the the hous househ ehol old d when when her her mothe motherr was was sick. sick.
Who Who is tellin telling g the story? story? (A) (B) (C) (D) (D)
The father The mother The sho shoemak maker The The elde eldest st daug daught hter er
38 27.
What What experien experience ce made the greatest impact impact on Mary’s life? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Roll Rollin ing g logs logs on on the the river river wit with h her her fath father er The The fear fear of of bein being g orph orphan aned ed by her her moth mother er Inhe Inheri ritin ting g thei theirr grea greatt-aunt’s aunt’s personal belongings The The warmt warmth h of sun sunlig light ht stre stream aming ing throu through gh the glass glass wind window ow
Besides making making their shoes, why was the shoemake shoemaker’s r’s visit eagerly eagerly awaited? awaited? (A) (A) He help helped ed in clea cleari ring ng the the land land.. (B) (B) He broug brought ht supp supplie liess for for the family family.. (C) He brou enter enough tertai taine d the child chm ildren with wit h ehis tricks tri cks. (D) (D) He br ght tned news new s from fro the thren e outs ou tsid ide worl wo rld. d. .
What does the statemen statement, t, “He “He remain remained ed a royal royal guest guest”” mean? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
How How many many siblin siblings gs did Mary Mary have? have? (A) (B) (C) (D)
He was was a give giverr of gift gifts. s. He was was a loya loyall sub subje ject ct of the the king king.. He rece receiv ived ed the the best best trea treatm tmen entt from from the the peop people le.. He was was know known n to ever everyb ybod ody y in the the comm commun unity ity..
Seven Eight Nine Ten
What What triggered triggered the bitter bitter argumen argumentt between between husband husband and wife?
(A) The wife’s wife’s decis decision ion to sell great great-aunt Martha’s household household goods (B) The wife’s wife’s insistenc insistencee on using using table napkins napkins on Sundays Sundays only (C) (C) The The real realiz izat atio ion n that that the the child childre ren n did did not not have have tabl tablee mann manner erss (D) The The wife’s wife’s failu failure re to teach teach her child children ren ta ta ble manners ______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 8 During During the 1970’s, 1970’s, experts experts predictedthat predictedthat the world world populati population on of three three and one-thirdbillion one-thirdbillion woul would d doub double le in the the next next thi thirt rty y year years. s. Acco Accord rdin ing g to Dr. Dr. Paul aul Erli Erlich ch,, a scie scient ntis istt at Sta Stanf nfor ord d Unive Universi rsity, ty, popu populat lation ion explos explosion ion was was causing causing mankin mankind d “…to “…to run out out of our food resou resource rces, s, and we were destroyi destroying ng the ecologica ecologicall system system of our planet planet which which keeps keeps us alive. alive.”” In the Philip Philippin pines es,, 3,295 3,295 babies babies were were being being added added to our our popula populatio tion n every every day, day, that that is, two babi babies es were were bein being g born born ever every y oneone-ha half lf minut minute, e, repo report rted ed Dr. Juan Juan Salce alcedo do Jr., Jr., who was was then then Chairm Chairman an of the National National Scien Science ce Develop Development ment Board. Board. Our country country’s ’s yearly yearly populati population on growth growth of 3.5 3.5 perce percent nt was was con consid sidere ered d to be one one of the the highe highest st in the world world..
39 An inte intere rest stin ing g aspe aspect ct of of the the popu popula latio tion n issu issuee was was brou brough ghtt out out by Dr. Dr. Merc Merced edes es B. B. Concepci Concepcion, on, who was then then Director Director of the the Populati Population on Institute Institute of the Universit University y of the Philippin Philippines. es. She reported reported that almos almostt fifty percent percent of of the Filipinos Filipinos were below below fifteen fifteen years years of age. age. Mr. Alfredo Alfredo R. Roces, Roces, columnis columnistt of the Manila Manila Times, Times, predicted predicted that the vast majority majority of our society society would, would, in the near near futur future, e, be compr comprise ised d of teena teenager gers. s. In conne connecti ction on with with this, this, one one aspect aspect that that neede needed d close close stud study, y, acco accord rdin ing g to Dr. Dr. Conc Concep epci cion on,, was the the omin ominou ouss repe reperc rcus ussi sion on whic which h may may upse upsett our our establishe established d economi economicc structure structure because because of a very young young populati population. on. Also noted noted by her was that the rapid rapid growth growth of the popu populat lation ion here here had had broug brought ht about about a heavy heavy depen depende dency ncy rate rate among among Filipi Filipino nos. s. She She stated stated that that there there were were about about eighty eighty-ni -nine ne child child depen dependen dents ts for every every one one hundr hundred ed worke workers rs in this this cou count ntry ry.. Furt Furthe herm rmor ore, e, a reve revela latio tion n of for forme merr Supr Suprem emee Cour Courtt Chie Chieff Just Justic icee Robe Robert rto o Concepcion Concepcion revealed that only seven seven percent percent of the Filipinos Filipinos had a “living” “living” income, income, while ninety ninety-three three perce percent nt lived lived on a “hand “hand-to-to-mou mouth” th” existenc existence. e. Among Among the myriads myriads of of solutio solutions ns to to the populati population on problems problems that have cropped cropped up was one that that adv advoca ocated ted the accele accelerat ration ion of the growth growth of the econo economy my to 10.5 10.5 percen percentt eve every ry year year whic which h meant meant that our our econo economic mic productio production n should should be increase increased d three times the the growth growth of our our populati population; on; that we should should practice practice austerity austerity of consump consumption tion and austerity austerity of imports. imports. Another Another solution solution being being advocated advocated was that that the affluent affluent section section of our our society society should should cut their their standar standard d of living in half and and use use that that mon money ey to impr improv ovee and and grow grow more more food food.. Anot Anothe herr solu soluti tion on,, whic which h was was per perha haps ps bein being g cons consid ider ered ed,, was was the the expo export rtat atio ion n of huma humans ns to the the moon moon.. One One solu soluti tion on whic which h was was caus causin ing g a confusin confusing g debacle debacle of minds minds was concern concerning ing the use of the pill. 32.
Dr. Paul Paul Erlich Erlich believed believed that populati population on explosio explosion n would would (A) bring bring about about hung hunger er througho throughout ut the world world (B) control control man’s man’s dream dream to explore explore outer outer space (C) force force man to explore explore the earth’s earth’s natural natural resource resourcess (D) bring about stability and bridge the gap between the rich and the poor
Acco Accordi rding ng to the selec selectio tion, n, Dr. Merce Mercede dess B. Conc Concepc epcion ion feared feared that that the (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Filipi Filipino noss might becom becomee too depen dependen dentt on other other countr countries ies youn young g peop people le migh mightt esta establ blis ish h an econ econom omy y base based d on soci social alis ism m influe influence nce of a youn young g popul populati ation on might might upset upset our our econ econom omic ic struc structur turee youn young g popu populat lation ion might might contro controll the econo economic mic reins reins of the gover governm nmen entt
Accordin According g to popu populat lation ion expert experts, s, during during the 1970 1970’s, ’s, the earth’s earth’s popu populat lation ion for the next next thirty thirty years years would would be (A) (B) (C) (D)
1.6 billio lion 3.3 billio lion 3.5 billio lion 6.6 billio lion
40 Selection Selection 9 (1) In everyd everyday ay life, life, we tend tend to assign assign less less weigh weightt to oral oral speech speech than than to the writte written n word. word. The The spok spoken en is pres presum umed ed to be “eph “ephem emer eral al,” ,” liabl liablee to be mish mishea eard rd,, rei reinter nterpr pret eted ed,, or deni denied ed.. The The writte written n word, word, in contr contrast ast,, is thoug thought ht to be “inde “indelib lible, le,”” its meanin meaning g cast cast in stone. stone. But, But, the litera literary ry scholar scholar Rolan Roland d Barthes, Barthes, in his classi classicc essay, essay, “The Death Death of the Author,” Author,” reverses reverses this equation. equation. He argue argues: s: “[I]t “[I]t is ephem ephemera erall speech speech which which is indeli indelible ble,, not not monume monumenta ntall writing writing…. …. Speec Speech h is irreversib irreversible: le: a [spoken] [spoken] word cannot cannot be retracted… retracted…”” (2) Nowhere, perhaps, is this insight truer truer than in international gatherings of heads heads of state or foreign foreign ministers, ministers, where where diplomatic diplomatic language language is the norm. norm. Participa Participants nts studious studiously ly avoid avoid giving giving off-the-c off-the-cuff uff remar remarks ks in order order not not to be misinterpr misinterpreted eted.. Most Most speak speak from detailed detailed notes notes or simply simply read read a prepa prepared red speech speech.. At the the end of suc such h meetin meetings gs,, a carefu carefully lly crafte crafted d commu communiq niqué ué is typ typica ically lly agreed agreed upon upon and issue issued d to make make sure sure there there is no no room room for misun misunder dersta stand nding ing.. (3) (3) In In such such gath gather erin ings gs,, word wordss do do matt matter er.. Utmo Utmost st cord cordia iali lity ty is obse observ rved ed even even amon among g represent representative ativess of rival rival nations. nations. That is why why presiden presidents, ts, prime ministers, ministers, and monarch monarchss bring with them them a staff staff of season seasoned ed diplom diplomats ats and and write writers rs who prepa prepare re the groun ground d for their their princ principa ipals ls long long before before the latter latter actua actually lly meet.A meet.A stro strong ng opini opinionloose onloosely ly uttere uttered d byone head head of state state inthe presen presence ce of anothe anotherr could could be taken taken as a slight. slight. The conseque consequences nces that follow follow could could be costly, costly, and unfortun unfortunate ate because unintended. unintended. (4) It is one one thin thing g for for a nati nation on’s ’s lead leader er to spea speak k and and act act in a cali calibr brat ated ed way way in the the purs pursui uitt of a clea clearr and and cohe cohere rent nt for forei eign gn poli policy cy.. It is is qui quite te anot anothe herr to allo allow w ones onesel elf, f, espe especi cial ally ly on the the intern internati ation onal al stage, stage, to be a captiv captivee of the the conti conting ngenc encies ies of oral oral speec speech. h. “Spee “Speech ch can be a stream stream of cons consci ciou ousn snes ess, s, with with unfi unfini nish shed ed utte uttera ranc nces es,, half half-f -for orme med d thou though ghts ts,, and and a heal health thy y smat smatte teri ring ng of mess messy y slan slang. g. You You don’ don’tt have have to know know how how a sent senten ence ce will will end end bef before ore you you star startt it.” it.” (Chi (Chi Luu, Luu, “Is “Is writing writing a technolo technology gy or language language?”) ?”) It is from this that that extempora extemporaneo neous us speech speech draws draws its charm and power, power, as well as its inherent inherent risks. risks. This is partic particularl ularly y so if one one happens happens to be a head of state. state. (5) Under Under our system system of gove governme rnment, nt, the Presiden Presidentt is vested vested with the power power to determin determinee foreign foreign policy policy and to conduct conduct foreign foreign relations relations with other other states. states. He alone alone can negotiate negotiate treaties treaties on behalf behalf of the country,althoug country,although, h, under under the 1987 1987 Constitu Constitution, tion, suchtreaties suchtreaties are subject subject to to ratificat ratification ion by the the Sena Senate te.. A 1988 1988 Supr Suprem emee Cour Courtt rulin ruling g denyi denying ng medi mediaa acce access ss to minu minute tess taken taken at a treat treaty y negotiatio negotiation n (G.R. (G.R. No. 84642) 84642) made this very clear: clear: “The “The Presiden Presidentt alone alone has has the powe powerr to speak speak or listen as a represen representativ tativee of the Nation. Nation. Congres Congresss itself itself is powe powerless rless to invade invade it. The Presiden Presidentt is the sole sole organ organ of the Natio Nation n in its extern external al relati relation ons, s, and and its sole sole repres represen entat tative ive with with foreig foreign n Nations.” (6) This respon responsibili sibility ty makes makes it imperative imperative for any presiden presidentt to always always speak speak with caution. caution. Whether Whether it is to communi communicate cate a substanti substantive ve shift shift in in foreign foreign policy, policy, or it is simply simply to reiterate reiterate timehonore honored d princi principle pless in foreig foreign n relati relation onss —such such as sove soverei reign gn equali equality ty and nonin noninter terfer feren ence ce —it is important important for any administr administratio ation n to clearly clearly state if it is veering veering toward toward a radical radical rethinkin rethinking g of the country’s country’s existing existing alliances. alliances. If it is, our people people deserve deserve to know. know. (7) The Presiden Presidentt canno cannott say say one thing and then, then, immediatel immediately y after, after, his staff scramble scrambless to redesc redescrib ribee what what he actua actually lly said. said. If done too often often,, it can unde undermi rmine ne the Presid President ent’s ’s credibi credibility lity.. In an era where where speech speeches es are are instan instantly tly record recorded, ed, trans transcri cribe bed, d, and retrie retrieve ved, d, there there is hardl hardly y any any room room
41 for widely differing differing interpreta interpretations tions.. Fortunat Fortunately, ely, the rules rules of diplomacy diplomacy give parties parties enoughleeway to offer offer or demand demand clarificat clarifications ions of contro controvers versial ial statemen statements ts — precisely because words have contexts contexts and conseque consequences nces.. Parties Parties at the receiving receiving end of strong strong statement statementss often often want to know know if there there is a hidden hidden messa message ge behind behind these these uttera utterance nces. s. An excerpt from “Speech and the written written word” by Randy David, http://opinion.inquirer.net/97234/speech-and-the-written-word#ixzz4azunO3IX
Which Which of the follow following ing is highli highligh ghted ted by the write writerr in his essay essay?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (D) (D)
What What writin writing g style style did the write writerr use to develo develop p his essay essay?? (A) (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
since inceri rity ty blun bluntn tnes esss tact tactfu fuln lnes esss cunn cunnin ingn gnes esss
Accordi According ng to the author, author, communic communication ation,, whether whether written written or spoken, spoken, (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Deduc educti tive ve Indu nductiv tive Induc Inductiv tive-d e-ded educt uctive ive Dedu Deducti ctive ve-in -indu ducti ctive ve
In the first first three paragr paragrap aphs, hs, the writer writer implies implies the import importan ance ce of (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
The The impo import rtan ance ce of dipl diplom omac acy y The The impo import rtan ance ce of prepa prepare red d spee speech ches es The mandated mandated power power of the the presiden presidentt The The diff differ eren ence ce betw betwee een n oral oral spee speech ch and and writt written en word word
shou should ld be care carefu fully lly craf crafte ted d can can be misu misund nder erst stoo ood d shou should ld be rehe rehear arse sed d can can spre spread ad quic quickl kly y
What is the the attitude of the writer towards extemporaneous extemporaneous speech of dignitaries? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (D) (D)
Indi Indiff ffer eren ence ce Relu Reluct ctan ance ce Tolera leran nce Passi assivi vity ty
42 40.
Which Which of the follow following ing is an import important ant consid considera eratio tion n when when speaki speaking ng as implied implied in the passage? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Which Which of the the follow following ing words words can can be used used synon synonym ymou ously sly with with the inten intended ded meanin meaning g of the the writer writer in paragrap paragraph h 7? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Audien ience Autho thority rity Fllu ueency Contex text
Retract R estate Rectif tify Rephrase rase
The The essa essay y as a whol wholee is true true to
(A) (A) cele celebr brit itie iess (B) (B) head headss of stat states es (C) (C) chur church ch offi offici cial alss (D) (D) peop people le from from all walks walks of life life ______________________________________________________________________________ Selection Selection 10 When When a hacker hacker claime claimed d to have have breach breached ed Mitt Mitt Romney’s personal personal email account in 2012, he didn’t did n’t do itking by by infect inf ecting ing compu computer ter with wit a data dat“Seamus.” a -leeching -leeching virus virus or by launchin launching g a brute-fo brute-force rce password pass word cracking crac attack attac k —his he did it with thehword Seam Seamus us was was the the name name of Rom Romne ney’ y’ss dog, dog, and and appa appare rent ntly ly the the answer answer to his passwo password rd reminder reminder questio question, n, “what “what is your your favorit favoritee pet.” Because Because Romney’ Romney’ss email email address address had had been made made publ public ic in a news news sto story ry seve severa rall days days earl earlie ier, r, and and the the dogg doggoo-in in-q -que uest stio ion n was was the the subj subjec ectt of an unfort unfortun unate ate media media scanda scandall for havin having g been been strapp strapped ed to the roof roof of the family family car durin during g a 1983 1983 road road trip trip,, the the alle allege ged d hack hacker er had had ever everyt ythi hing ng he need needed ed to expl exploi oitt a noto notori riou ousl sly y weak weak gate gatewa way y to password password security: security: the the password password recovery recovery question. question. Whil Whilee sett settin ing g a pass passwo word rd remi remind nder er ques questio tion n is a fine fine idea idea in theo theory ry (so (so many many pass passwo word rds, s, so little mental mental space!), space!), it has probably probably encourag encouraged ed you to make your passwor password d overly overly vulnerab vulnerable. le. The The simp simple le trut truth h is tha thatt in our our age age of soc socia iall medi mediaa over over-s -sha hari ring ng,, it is far far too too easy easy to suss suss out out anyone’s anyone’s answers answers to to the question question “where “where did you meet your your spouse spouse,” ,” or “wha “whatt is your your mother’ mother’ss maid maiden en name name.” .” If you you have have a publ public ic Face Facebo book ok,, Twitt Twitter er,, or Inst Instag agra ram m acco accoun unt, t, you you also also have have a dossier dossier of clues clues for wouldwould-be be hackers to peruse peruse at will. Many security security industry industry professi professional onalss wish the passwor password d reminder reminder questio question n would would be outright outright abolish abolished ed from account account setup, setup, but until until that day comes, comes, what what can you you do to work work with with the system system and keep keep yours yourself elf secure secure?? For For one one thing thing,, pick pick a harde harderr ques questio tion. n. A Micro Microso soft ft and and Carne Carnegie gie Mello Mellon n study study found found that that the safest safest passwor password d reminder reminder quest question ion may be “What’s “What’s your your father father’s ’s middle middle name,” name,” as it’s it’s easy to reme rememb mber er,, hard hard to gues guess, s, and and unlik unlikel ely y to be publ public ic know knowle ledg dgee on the the Inte Intern rnet et.. (Oth (Other er safe safe-i -ish sh
43 question questionss were, were, “What “What was was your your first first phone phone number? number?,” ,” “Who “Who was your your favor favorite ite teacher,” teacher,” and “Who is your favorite favorite singer?”) singer?”) Some Some experts experts recommen recommend d answering answering the question question with a non sequitur (What is your mom’s maid maiden en name name?? Plat Platyp ypus us). ). But But even even a rand random om,, oneone-wo word rd answ answer er is vuln vulner erab able le to a brut brutee-fo forc rcee hacking hacking attack attack designed designed to rapidly rapidly guess guess every every combinati combination on of letters letters and numbers numbers in sequence sequence.. No matt matter er whic which h secu securi rity ty ques questi tion on you you go with, ith, your your best best bet bet is is to to trea treatt it it lik likee another password password —a long long string string of letter letters, s, numbe numbers, rs, and specia speciall charac character terss that that could could not not be guesse guessed d or divine divined d from from a cursor cursory y glance glance at Facebo Facebook ok.. Use Use a full full phras phrasee instea instead d of a single single word word (mayb (maybee even even one one that that inspir inspires es you you to be a better better perso person n every every time time you you type type it). it). Need Need an examp example? le? If you you pick pick the the ques questi tion on,, “wha “whatt was was your your fir first st dog dog’s ’s nam namee ,” a strong answ answer er woul would d be “H3NeverC@meWhen1C@lled!”. Make Make sure sure you you use a uniqu uniquee answe answerr for every every accou account nt that that require requiress a remind reminder er quest question ion,, and log them them in a passw password ord manag manager er along alongsid sidee your your other other passw password ords. s. Of cours course, e, this this is all moot moot for for the the esti estima mate ted d 17% 17% of Amer Americ ican anss who who secu secure re thei theirr data data with with the the pass passwo word rd “123 “12345 456. 6.”” But But progress happens inbaby steps (just maybe maybe don’t use your baby’s name name as your passwordreminder answer). An excerpt from “Your Password Recovery Questions Are Insanely Easy To Hack—and Hack—and You Might Might Be to Blame” Blame” b y Brandon Specktor http://www.rd.com/advice/work-career/password-recovery-questions/
In the first first two paragr paragrap aphs, hs, the writer writer implie implied d that that (A) (A) what what we we thou though ghtt to be priv privat atee is act actua ually lly publ public ic (B) (B) what what a public public figure figure does does excite excitess hacke hackers rs (C) the answ answer er to the securi security ty quest question ion is weak weak (D) (D) the the hack hacker er is a geni genius us
The purpose purpose of the writer writer is to (A) (B) (B) (C) (D)
entert tertaain pers persua uade de anally yzze inform
Which Which of the follow following ing is most most likely likely the reaso reason n why securi security ty indus industry try profes professio sional nalss would would like to abolish abolish the password password reminder reminder question question?? (A) (A) Answ Answer erss are easi easily ly deco decode ded. d. (B) (B) Answ Answers ers are identi identical cal to others others.. (C) (C) Answ Answers ers are diffic difficult ult to const construc ruct. t. (D) Answers Answers are are most most of the time forgotten forgotten..
44 46.
The The articl articlee as a whole whole explor explores es the the (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
flaw flawss of of set setti ting ng up a pass passwo word rd ways ays to crea create te a pass passwo word rd poss posses essi sion on of an an acco accoun untt hack hackin ing g of an an acco accoun untt
The last paragrap paragraph h is an example example of a(an) a(an) (A) (A) inst instru ruct ctio ion n (B) (B) sugg sugges esti tion on (C) command (D) d emand
Which Which of the the following following statemen statements ts is most most likely likely NOT true? I. II. II. III. III. IV. IV.
Acco Accoun untt holde holders rs inten intentio tional nally ly leave leave clues clues upo upon n passw password ord set up. up. Hack ackers ers only attack famous personalities’ personalities’ account account.. Ever Everyo yone ne can can be a hack hackin ing g vict victim im.. Identi Identity ty theft theft is possi possible ble when when the accoun accountt is hacked. hacked.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
I and and II only I and III only II an and III III onl only y II an and IV onlly y
Which Which quote quote can be direct directly ly assoc associat iated ed with with the articl article? e? (A) (B) (C) (D)
“It’s more than what what meets meets the the eye.” eye.” “The “The world world is watch watching ing us.” us.” “Be “Be the first first to to know. know.”” “It’s a small world.” world.”
Based Based on the article, article, account account holders holders should should (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
answer answer remind reminder er questi questions ons discreetl discreetly y deact deactiva ivate te their their accou accounts nts every every two two week weekss aboli abolish sh remind reminder er quest question ionss skip skip remi remind nder er quest questio ions ns
TEST TEST D. QUANTITATIVE REASONING Section Section 1. Pattern Pattern Recogniti Recognitio Recognition on n
Direct Direction ions: s: In this this test, test, the stem stem consis consists ts of a serie seriess of numb numbers ers.. In each each series series,, discov discover er the logica logicall rule. rule. Selec Selectt from the five five choice choicess the the numbe numberr that shou should ld come come next next in the series series..
(A) (B) (C)
16 5 1 17
(A) (B) (C)
50 55 80
(A) (B) (C)
1,386 206 205
(A) (B) (C)
48 1 54
(A) (B) (C)
3 7 0
(A) (B)
123 106
D)) 1 ((E 28 0
(D) 70 (E) 75
33 (D) (E)
1,188 191
30 (D) (E)
36 25
5 (D) 10 (E) 15
(D) 124 (E) 103
46 7.
(A) (B) (C)
89 172 264
(A) (B) (C)
3 4 6
(A) (B) (C)
20 32 80
(A) (B) (C)
8 6 5
(A) (B) (C)
33 32 31
(A) (B) (C)
25 16 6
(A) (B) (C)
12 (D) 8 (E) 15
40 (D) 120 (E) 160
(D) 48 (E) 3
28 (D) 30 (E) 29
18 48 50 52
(D) 248 (E) 258
(A) (B) (C)
(D) 49 (E) 51
(D) 5 (E) 4
62 59 58
(D) 55 (E) 54
47 15.
126 (A) (B) (C)
140 139 138
(D) 119 (E) 118
Sectio Section n 2. Data Datta Da a Suffic Sufficien iency cy
Dire Direct ctio ions ns:: The The data data suff suffic icie ienc ncy y prob proble lem m cons consis ists ts of a ques questi tion on and and two stat statem emen ents ts,, labele labeled d (I) and (II), (II), in whichcerta whichcertain in data data aregiven. aregiven. Decid Decidee wheth whether er the data data given given in thestateme thestatements nts are suffic sufficien ientt for answeri answering ng the quest question ion.. Using Using the data data given given in the statem statement ents, s, plus plus knowled knowledge ge of mathem mathematics atics and everyday everyday facts (such (such as the the number number of of days days in July or the the meaning meaning of the the word counterclockwise), counterclockwise), determine whether: Statement (I) ALONE ALONE is sufficient, sufficient, but statement statement (II) alone is not sufficient to answer the question question asked. asked. Statement (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficient, sufficient, but statement statement (I) alone is not sufficient to answer the question question asked. asked. BOTH BOTH statement statementss (I) and and (II) TOGE TOGETHE THER R are sufficien sufficientt to answer answer the question question asked, asked, but NEITHER NEITHER statement statement ALONE ALONE is sufficien sufficientt to answer answer the question question asked. asked. EACH EACH statement statement ALON ALONE E is sufficien sufficientt to answer answer the question question asked. asked. Statement Statementss (I) (I) and and (II) TOGETHE TOGETHER R are NOT sufficien sufficientt to answer answer the the question question asked, asked, and additio additiona nall data data speci specific fic to the proble problem m are neede needed. d.
What What is the large largest st numb number er among among the three three numbe numbers rs A, B, and and C? I. II.
A + B = 3 and B – C = 5 2A + 3C = 11 and and A, B, and and C can can be nega negativ tivee or posi positi tive ve numb number ers. s.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 17.
In how many many minute minutess can Raj Raj wash wash the car? car? I. II. II.
Raj Raj and and Russ Russel elll toge togeth ther er can can wash wash the the car car in 30 minu minute tes. s. Russ Russel elll alo alone ne can can fini finish sh washi ashing ng the the car car in in 1 hour hour..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) BOTH BOTH statement statementss TOGETHER TOGETHER are sufficien sufficient, t, but NEITHER NEITHER statement statement ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
48 18.
How much does does a pharmace pharmaceutica uticall sales represen representativ tativee earn in a year? year? I. II.
A pharmace pharmaceutica uticall sales sales represen representativ tativee averages averages ₱42,000 ₱42,000 a month month including bonuses. A pharmace pharmaceutica uticall sales representati representative ve averages averages ₱40,000 ₱40,000 a month month and and ₱2,5 ₱2,500 00 in commissions per month.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 19.
Blooms Blooms & Petals Petals Flower Flower Shop put on sale bouquet bouquetss of flowers flowers on Valentine Valentine’s ’s Day. Each Each bouq bouquet uet was sold sold at ₱450 ₱450.. How How much much profit profit did did the store store make make from from selling 100 bouquet bouquets? s? I. II.
The estimated estimated cost of one one bouquet bouquet is ₱200 ₱200.. The store store charged charged an additional additional ₱50 for delivery delivery orders. orders.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 20.
Which Which of the two fast-food fast-food chains chains in the universit university y belt is more popular popular among among the students students of Universit University y M? The total populati population on of studen students ts in the universit university y is approximately approximately 45,000. I. II. II.
The The prop propor orti tion on of stu stude dent ntss that that frequ frequen ents ts Fas Fastt Food Food A is of the the total 5
student population. An aver averag agee of 6,50 6,500 0 stud studen ents ts goes goes to Fast Fast Food Food B per per day day..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
49 21.
How How much much tax will will Man Mang g Tomas’ Tomas’ mini mini grocery grocery store must must pay pay at the the end of the fiscal fiscal year year if the tax rate rate is 32%? 32%? I. II.
His taxable taxable income income amounted amounted to ₱75,000 ₱75,000.. His total sales sales amounte amounted d to ₱250,00 ₱250,000 0 and the cost of goods goods sold is 80% 80% of his sales.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 22.
How How old is Rosa Rosa today today?? I. II. II.
Rosa Rosa is 5 year yearss youn younge gerr than than her her brot brothe herr Jose Joseph ph.. In thre threee year years, s, Jose Joseph ph will ill be be twic twicee as old old as Rosa Rosa..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 23.
How How much much simple simple intere interest st is earn earned ed at the the end of one one year? year? I. II.
Lucy deposited ₱35,000 ₱35,000 in a bank bank that gives gives 0.1% 0.1% interest interest per year. year. Lucy Lucy invested invested her money money amountin amounting g to ₱35,000 ₱35,000 in a financial financial market market that offers offers 3% interest interest rate rate per annum annum..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
50 24.
Which Which of the the rectangu rectangular lar and and square square lots has has a bigger bigger area? area? I. II. II.
The The perim perimete eterr of of the the rectan rectangu gular lar lot is twice twice the perime perimeter ter of the square square lot. lot. The The widt width h of the the rect rectan angu gula larr lot lot is equal equal to the the leng length th of one one side side of the the squa square re lot. lot.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 25.
How How much much money money does does Mrs. Mrs. Gome Gomezz save save from from her sala salary ry per mon month? th? I. II. II.
Her mo monthlysa thlysala laryis ryis just just of her husband’s husband’s monthly monthly salary. 3
She spen spends ds 50% 50% of her her sal salar ary y on food food..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 26.
A publis publishe herr rece recentl ntly y releas released ed a new new scienc sciencee fictio fiction n nove novell in book booksto stores res.. How How much much is the sellin selling g price price of one one book book?? I. II.
A mar kup p of 12 isnting adde added srcina srcinal l cost ckost. . ounted The Thmarku e materi mat erials als125% and an5% d printi pri ng dcost coto stthe of one book boo amoun am ted to ₱250 ₱250..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
51 27.
Susan Susan won won ₱300 ₱300,00 ,000 0 from from the lotter lottery. y. She She plans plans to inves investt a part part of her winnin winnings gs and the rest rest she will will set aside aside as emerg emergen ency cy fund. fund. How How much much did she set set aside for emerg emergen encie cies? s? I. II.
Sixty Sixty perce percent nt of her her winn winning ingss was was invest invested ed to a finan financia ciall marke markett that that offers offers 7% annual annual interest interest rate compoun compounded ded annually annually for 5 years. years. She She used used 50% of her winnin winnings gs to start start a buy-a buy-andnd-sel selll busin business ess..
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 28. 28. A gradu graduate ate was was calcul calculati ating ng the average average increa increase se in his daily daily allow allowanc ancee durin during g his college college years. years. I. II.
His His daily allow allowan ance ce durin during g his four four years years in colle college ge were were ₱150 ₱150,, ₱200 ₱200,, ₱300 ₱300 and ₱350, respectively. His His paren parents ts then then increa increased sed his allow allowan ance ce based based on his Gene General ral Weigh Weighted ted Avera Average ge every every semester. semester.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt. 29.
Benjie’s Benjie’s Bed and Breakfas Breakfastt located located in Baguio City is offering offering fully furnishe furnished d transien transientt rooms rooms at a discounte discounted d rate of 20% 20% off its its srcinal srcinal rent per day day during during off-peak off-peak season. season. How How much much will will a tour touris istt have have to pay for for a day day for for two room rooms? s? I. II. II.
The The rent rent for for thre threee room roomss with with one one extr extraa bed bed is ₱2,500. Durin uring g peak peak seas season on,, one one room room is rent rented ed at ₱850 ₱850 per day. day.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
52 30.
A senior senior high school school is offering offering four strand strandss in the academic academic track: track: General General Academi Academicc Strand (GAS); Humanities and Social Sciences strand (HUMSS); (HUMSS); Science, Science, Technology, Technology, Enginee Engineering ring,, and Mathemati Mathematics cs strand strand (STEM); (STEM); and Accoun Accountancy tancy,, Business Business,, and Mana Managem gemen entt strand strand (ABM) (ABM).. How How many many enroll enrolled ed in the STEM STEM strand strand out out of 5,400 5,400 enrol enrollee leess in Grad Gradee 11? 11? I. II. II.
Thir Thirty ty-t -two wo perc percen entt of the the enro enroll llee eess chos chosee GAS, GAS, 25% chos chosee ABM, ABM, and and 11% chose chose HUMSS. HUMSS. The The rati ratio o of STEM STEM enro enroll llee eess to ABM ABM enro enroll llee eess is 5 : 3.
(A) Statemen Statementt (I) ALON ALONE E is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (II) (II) alone alone is not not sufficien sufficient. t. (B) Statemen Statementt (II) ALONE ALONE is sufficie sufficient, nt, but statem statement ent (I) (I) alone alone is not not sufficie sufficient. nt. (C) (C) BOTH BOTH statem statemen ents ts TOGETH TOGETHER ER are suffi sufficie cient, nt, but but NEITH NEITHER ER statem statement ent ALONE ALONE is sufficient. (D) (D) EACH EACH statem statemen entt ALO ALONE NE is suff suffici icien ent. t. (E) Statem Statemen ents ts (I) and (II) (II) TOG TOGET ETHE HER R are NOT NOT suffi sufficie cient. nt.
Section Section 3. Data Interpret Interpretatio pretation ation n
Direct Direction ions: s: In this this sectio section, n, some some sets sets of data data are given given.. Inter Interpr pret et or analyz analyzee the given given data data to answer answer the question questionss that refer to the data presente presented. d. Select Select the correct correct answer answer from the options options given.
For For item itemss 31 31 and 32, 32, refer refer to the graph graph below below.. DISTRIBU DISTRIBUTIO TION N OF SHARES SHARES OF STOCKS STOCKS OF DIFFER DIFFERENT ENT CORPOR CORPORATIO ATIONS NS 40,000 s e r 30,000 a h S f o 20,000 r e b m u N10,000
0 ABCDE Corporation 31.
The The numbe numberr of share sharess owne owned d by A exceed exceedss that that of D by how many many shares shares?? (A) (B) (C) (D)
10,000 20,000 25,000 37,500
What What percent percent of of the number number of of shares shares owne owned d by E is the number number of of shares shares owne owned d by B? (A) (B) (C) (D)
42% 30% 25% 18%
Nursing 8%
Management 55%
Political Science 4% Engineering 13%
Which Which course(s course(s)) comprise( comprise(s) s) one one fifth of the total enrol enrollmen lmentt in the universit university? y? (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Denti entist stry ry Engi Engine neer erin ing g Nurs Nursin ing g and and Engi Engine neer erin ing g Nursi Nursing ng,, Engine Engineeri ering ng,, and Politi Political cal Scien Science ce
The differenc differencee between between the enrollmen enrollments ts in Managem Management ent and in Engineer Engineering ing is (A) 14,280 (B) 13,160 (C) 11,760 (D) 9,800
What What is the ratio ratio of studen students ts enrol enrolled led in Mana Managem gement ent to those those who who are enrol enrolled led in Dentistry? (A) 4 : 11 (B) 11 : 4 (C) 20 : 55 55 (D) 55 : 20
34 34,193,000
Engineering Social Science
4,462,000 5,086,000
5.16 5.88
Na Natural Science Medical Science
2,364,000 5,019,000
2.74 5.81
Law Architecture
Approxim Approximately ately,, what what part of the populatio population n of graduate graduatess came from all other other courses courses besides besides Educatio Education n and Business Business?? (A) (B) (C) (C) (D)
One third ird One fourth Less Less than than one one four fourth th Morethantw rethantwo o thir third ds
How many percent percent of the the total populatio population n finished finished Medicine Medicine?? (A) 2.12% (B) 6.29% (C) 21.22% (D) 36.54%
Which Which of the following following statemen statements ts does does NOT correctly correctly describe describe the distributi distribution on of degrees? (A) (A) The The numb number er of degre degrees es in Medic Medical al Scien Science ce differ differed ed from from that that in Socia Sociall Science Science by 67,000. 67,000. (B) (B) The The larges largestt number number of of degree degreess was gran granted ted in Busin Business ess.. (C) (C) Ther Theree were were more more degr degree eess giv given en in Nurs Nursin ing g than than in Educ Educat atio ion. n. (D) (D) There There were were 386,4 386,463 63 degre degrees es grante granted d in Denti Dentistr stry. y.
56 For For items items 39 39 to 41, refer refer to the chart chart belo below. w. PERCEN PERCENT T DISTRIB DISTRIBUTIO UTION N OF OVERSE OVERSEAS AS FILIPIN FILIPINO O WORKER WORKERS S (OFWs) (OFWs) BY PLAC PLACE E OF WORK WORK:: 2012 2012
SaudiArabia (20.6%) (20.6%)
UnitedArab Emirates Emirates (14.9%)
Europe (8.7%)
North and South America America (7.6%)
Asia (79.7%)
Singapore (7.5%) Qatar (6.5%) (6.5%)
Australia Australia (2.2%) (2.2%)
Hongkong (5.5%) Kuwait Kuwait (4.2%) (4.2%) Japan (3.4%) (3.4%)
Africa Africa (1.7%) (1.7%)
Other countries (17.1%)
Source: PhilippineS tatistics Authority, 2012 Survey on OverseasFilipinos URL: https://psa.gov.ph/content/201 https://psa.gov.ph/content/2012-survey 2-survey-overseas-filipinos -overseas-filipinos
Based Based on the chart chart,, which which of the follow following ing gener generali alizat zation ionss are true? true? I. II. II. III. III. IV.
There There are more more OFWs OFWs in Asian Asian coun countrie triess than than in other other places places combin combined ed.. Ther Theree are are more more OFWs OFWs in Japa Japan n than than in Aust Austra ralia lia and and Afri Africa ca comb combin ined ed.. Abou Aboutt one one fift fifth h of the the OFWs OFWs in Asia Asia are are in Saud Saudii Ara Arabi bia. a. Abou Aboutt one one fourth fourth of the OFWs OFWs are in North North and South South Ameri America ca and and Europe Europe..
(A) (B) (C) (D)
I and and II only I and III only II and IV onlly y I, III, and IV only
Which Which place(s) place(s) of of work work comprise( comprise(s) s) approx approximate imately ly one tenth of the the total OFWs in 2012? 2012? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
Nort North h and and Sout South h Amer Americ icaa and and Aust Austra rali liaa Nort North h and and Sout South h Amer Americ icaa Euro Europe pe and and Aust Austra rali liaa Europe
What What will will happe happen n to the ranking ranking of coun countries tries according according to the percentag percentagee of OFWs OFWs if the the frequen frequency cy distributi distribution on is reported reported instead instead of percent distribution distribution?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
The The rankin ranking g canno cannott be determ determine ined d from from the frequ frequenc ency y distrib distributi ution on.. The The rank rankin ing g will will be reve revers rsed ed.. The The rank rankin ing g will will be the the same same.. Ther Theree will ill be be tied tied rank ranks. s.
57 For For items items 42 to 46, refer refer to the follow following ing situat situation ion.. In 2015 2015,, Toyo Toyota ta Motor Motor Philip Philippin pines es was was able able to sell sell a total total of of 124,4 124,426 26 units units.. This This show showss a growth growth of 17.8% 17.8% from from its 2014 2014 sales sales perfor performan mance. ce. Below Below is a table table showin showing g the top 5 model modelss that have have the largest largest numbe numberr of units sold during during the year. year. Model No. No. of Units Units Sold
Vios 1.3
Innova Di Diesel
Fortuner 4×2
8 ,646
Source: http://www.topgear.com.ph/n http://www.topgear.com.ph/news ews
How How many many units units were were sold sold in 2014 2014?? (A) 71,762 (B) 87,302 (C) 102,278 (D) 105,62 ,625
Supp Suppose ose that, that, in the follow following ing year, year, the numb number er of units units sold sold for the top 5 models models doubled doubled except except that for for Vios Vios 1.3. Which Which model(s) model(s) would would have more number number of units sold sold than than Vios Vios 1.3? (A) (B) (B) (C) (D) (D)
Which Which of the follow following ing can be conclu conclude ded d based based on the table? table? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
More More peop people le buy buy Vios Vios 1.3 1.3 than than any any othe otherr Toy Toyot otaa mode model. l. Avan Avanza za is the the most most expe expens nsiv ivee Toyo Toyota ta mode model. l. Peop People le do not not buy buy a vehi vehicl clee base based d on the the type type of fuel fuel it uses uses.. All of thes thesee
If a 5% growt growth h sale sale of Inno Innova va Diesel Diesel mod model el is forec forecast asted ed in 2018 2018,, how how many many units units of of this model model will be sold? sold? (A) (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Hiace only Inno Innova va Dies Diesel el and Hiac Hiacee only only Fortun rtuneer 4×2, Inno Innova va Dies Diesel el,, and and Hiac Hiacee only only All All fou fourr mod model elss
Exac Exactl tly y 16,8 16,800 00 More tha than 16,88 ,880 Less Less than than 16,8 16,880 80 Exac Exactl tly y 16,8 16,880 80
Which Which of the following following statemen statements ts abou aboutt the the units units sold sold in 2015 is FALSE? FALSE? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D)
Abou Aboutt one one fourth fourth of the total total unit unitss sold sold are Vios Vios 1.3. 1.3. Seve Sevent nty y perc percen entt of the the tota totall units units sol sold d belo belong ng to the the top top 5 mode models ls.. Ther Theree were were more more Vios Vios 1.3 1.3 sold sold than than Fort Fortun uner er 4×2 and Avan Avanza za combi combine ned. d. Each Each of the top 5 models models is at least least 10% 10% of the total total units sold. sold.
58 For For item itemss 47 47 to 50, refer refer to the graph graph below below.. PERCEN PERCENTAG TAGE E OF SMARTP SMARTPHON HONE E USAGE USAGE IN 2014 2014 ACRO ACROSS SS AGE AGE GROU GROUPS PS IN THE THE U.S. U.S. 18-29
50+ 100 98 92
Text messaging
Internet use
97 90 80
Voice/video calls
93 91 94
91 87 87
Source: Pew Research Center Center American Trends Panel, 2014. URL: http://www.pewinternet.org/2 http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/04/0 015/04/01/chapter-three-a-wee 1/chapter-three-a-week-in-the-life-analysis-ofk-in-the-life-analysis-ofsmartphone-users
The Pareto Pareto chart chart shown shown below below is constru constructe cted d for the 30 – 49 age age grou group p base based d on the bar graph. graph. Which Which phone phone feature feature is misrepres misrepresente ented? d? 100 sr e n w o e n o h tp r a sm f o %
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 T ex ex tm es es sa sagi ng ng
I nt nte rn rn et et us use
V oi oi ce ce/ Vi Vid eo eo calls
(A) Text messaging (B) E-mail E-mail
(C) (D) (D)
Voice/Video ca c alls Intern Internet et use use
59 48. 48.
Which Which of the follow following ing statem statemen ents ts abo about ut the patter pattern n of smartp smartpho hone ne usage usage among among Americans is true? (A) The youn younges gestt age age group group was was high highly ly depen dependen dentt on a smartp smartpho hone ne for intern internet et use use compared compared to text messagin messaging. g. (B) The rates rates of voice/ voice/vid video eo callin calling g for the the oldes oldestt and young youngest est smart smartpho phone ne owner ownerss were nearly nearly identical. identical. (C) Using Using e-mail e-mail was was the the most most vari variabl ablee behav behavior ior among among age age group groups. s. (D) Text Text messag messaging ing was was equal equally ly popu popular lar amon among g age age group groups. s.
49. 49.
Which Which smart smartph phon onee featur featuree showe showed d the highe highest st varia variabil bility ity in usage usage among among owne owners? rs? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
50. 50.
Voic Voice/ e/Vi Vide deo o calls calls Text Text mess messag agin ing g Inte Intern rnet et use use E-mail
Whic Which h smar smartp tpho hone ne feat featur uree has has a simi simila larr rate rate of usage usage betw betwee een n two two age age grou groups ps?? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D)
Text Text mess messag agin ing g Inte Intern rnet et use use Voic Voice/ e/Vi Vide deo o call callss E-mail